6 minute read



July 13, 2023—July 19, 2023


Rebirth of A New Nation: July is a double whammy eye-opener month, charging like a bull in a bullfight. The nodes of the moon shift from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra axis on July 12, 2023, plus the new moon will be in Cancer on July 17 at 24 degrees. All four cardinal signs are active, ushering in a new agenda. Numerically speaking, July is a 14/5 month. Number 5 indicates a change within the home, workforce, lifestyle, or media, providing a solution to a situation; a time to create in the midst of the unseen; and a time to position yourself and connect in groups to build a solid foundation with programs and resources to aid in humanity’s well-being. Every season, cycle, pattern, alignment, conjunction, brings a different energy with it for humanity to experience. A time to look at what we value the most and change the tune to a different frequency to ride this wave of change. “We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization.” Martin Luther King Jr.

The universe brings thrilling information without notice. These moments are lightning striking adventures with no rhythm nor reason. The story will be told later or revealed at an appointed time. July is your foundation month and silence is needed for the concentration needed to build and fine-tune your thoughts into a project. This cycle week, the elephant trunk is up, removing obstacles, barriers, restrictions, etc. to grant you access due to the timing being ripe. In the days leading up to July 20, wisdom is obtained through age, information, and experiences. Do a background check or a Q&A before entering any relationships.

You can fool others, or they can fool you, however it won’t last—the truth always reveals itself. You can see clearly now the rain has washed away debris, and the sun is shining to bring things into the light, even in the darkness of times of reconstruction. Self-improvement is an everyday transit for oneself and others. Use the feelings you receive to progress forward on your path. Around 3 a.m. on July 13 until 1 p.m. on July 15, some relationships are for a moment or season without a reason. There are no accidents when the divine intervenes, however our action is what changes the course.

Aside from mentally and emotionally, what is making its present known to you on a physical level that you can feel it all over you? That is one huge feeling within your aura. It’s best to pay attention to what, where, when, who, when, and why things are occurring in such a nature. The divine creator is your imaginary friend and Neptune is Pisces in giving you a run for your money and creativity. From 1:13 p.m. on July 15th until 12 a.m. July 18, allow things to flow right now until Neptune in Pisces stations direct; until then refine and adjust yourself within your environment.

Although change isn’t easy, it all depends on your mental power and will to change. July is full of surprises aiding in your transformation as decisions need to be made that are required to make a move on the chess board. Traveling, networking, business meetings, running errands, and being a helping hand is in your weekly forecast. Allow your creativity to flow effortlessly in the moments of the essence of time. A halo of opportunities surrounds you; choose the one that’s a magnet to your heart. From 12 a.m. on July 18 until 1 p.m. on July 20th, it’s time for something new, different, and adventurous.

July is a month to nourish your body, mind, soul, and projects. Surround yourself in nature. Get grounded, allowing Mother Nature’s hair to rub against your toes and caress the soles of your feet. While things may seem up in the air, certain things, people, and information take their time leading up to the main event. Until then, enjoy being in the midst of the change, and work with energy. By the end of July, wait-and-see is a better game than taking a quantum leap that you didn’t have to take. In the days leading up to July 20, listen to the wind, because it has a message for you, and acknowledge your feelings, along with what your ancestors are conveying to you.

Moving forward requires an idea, plan, blueprint, and the support and the team will follow suit. Be ambitious this week—what may seem like odds or people against you is the universe’s way of testing you. Women will be a source for advice, comfort, and to tell it like it is. When your heart and mind are not balanced, look at the story playing out as a third party to inner-stand the facts and details. Around 3 a.m. on July 13th until 1 p.m. on July 15, there is always room to make improvements using your creativity.

It’s a wake-up call week where the universe hits you like a waterfall with spontaneous insights. Take notes of dreams, conversations, signs, and symbols that come up. Think big and apply your ideas to see results within your plans. Take a trip or do something new, different, out of the ordinary and align yourself with likeminded people. From 1:13 p.m. on July 15 until 12 a.m. July 18, as this week ends, let go to allow the new in your life. Take a leap of faith. Change your perspective, and it will change your life.

The ancestors are all around you assisting you to push the agenda and a message to the public. Radio, TV appearances, social media, networking etc. are themes this week. This week you are the community philanthropist bearing gifts. You are moving in slow motion to get ready or show up in your daily aspects. Hard work pays off when you are consistent, committed, and serious. From 12 a.m. on July 18 until 1 p.m. on July 20, everything is inside; the ingredients and feedback are your results.

Here come out-of-the-blue ideas to invest in. Write them all down and choose the best one that serves the needs of humanity. This is the beginning of a new chapter in your life on a professional level. Connect with groups that are somewhat like you to give you a different perspective within your professionalism. When you get that knee-jerk reaction ask yourself what is going on within your mind, surroundings, or conversation as clues to your questions are in your face. In the days leading up to July 20 the unknown becomes what we walk towards to fulfill us on a spiritual level.

When everything seems to be falling apart, stay on your mission as the storm passes. What you give your attention to matters the most. Your time is precious and so is your agenda. You may need to do a double take to make sure what you see is really what you see. Proofread everything, even the contracts you signed and the simple things such as receipts. Leave your home to get some air, take a walk in nature, or do some form of exercise to clear your mind. Around 3 a.m. on July 13 until 1 p.m. on July 15, the truth always reveals itself, even with yourself.

Seize the moment as serendipity plays a role in your forecast. The universe is your imaginary friend who loves to play and rewards on all occasions. Just being you is a gift. As opportunities present themselves to you, stay in GRATITUDE as new partnerships and relationships are formed. A huge project is underway that requires change with a new perspective. Promote and advertise your services and be a help to others as they will be a help to you. From 1:13 p.m. on July 15 until 12 a.m. July 18, a trade for a trade, as bargains will never go out of style.

A month to think grand, and make significant moves and plans as you rise to the occasions. You have a date with destiny and destiny doesn’t wait. It has a way for you to feel, sense, taste, and smell the victory approaching you. There is one thing that destiny does which is to test you. This is where the tough get tough and big wheels keep on rolling. Control your emotions and follow your heart as the heart knows best. From 12 a.m. on July 18th until 1 p.m. on July 20th, close your eyes and take a deep breath and feel the information that comes forth to you.


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