6 minute read
July 27, 2023—August 2, 2023
Rebirth of A New Nation: The song “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins is a theme for August. This full moon in Aquarius on Tuesday Aug. 1 at 9-degrees EST is a six-month progress review from the last new moon in Aquarius on January 21, 2023. What manifested in your life? What occurred during that period of time, personally, globally, environmentally, financially, etc.? Well, what’s in store for you this full moon has more curves, twists, and turns rather than a straight ball coming at you. How have your dreams, and vision been lately, as well as your partnerships, from spouses to life partners and even to best friends? The universe has its way of announcing its presence and sending people in our life to assist humanity on our journey. “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” Henry Ford
Major milestones have been accomplished and rewards are showing up gracefully. Rewards are not always physical; some are spiritual and surprisingly unexpected. Allow word of mouth to travel and bring the news to the receptor’s ears, minds, and hearts. As August begins, change and travel are a theme; as is a major shift within your profession. From July 29th around 11:44 p.m. until July 31st 11:58 p.m., change starts within you, along with the mindset to carry out the mission.
The feeling of the new energy being ushered in is an upgrade to your existing program. Be strong enough to weather the stormy, rainy, cloudy, foggy, flood, and hurricane days, as the sun will shine its light even when you don’t feel progress is happening yet; it’s the internal phase occurring before it expresses out on the external phase. Keep making headway on your new upgrade journey. From July 31st around 11:58 p.m. until August 2 at 11:05 p.m., the sun has cleared the foggy mist to see clearly. Folks say seeing is believing.
When was the last time you really let go to express yourself internally? Speak your truth and, like the Usher song goes, these are my confessions. Confess to what is boiling inside of you. Talk it out with yourself or the person to whom you need to convey the message. When you do, you’ll feel better with clarity. Nourish yourself with love, quality food, some alone time, and the company of great people who uplift you. Beginning August 2nd until August 4th, the games are over if you are serious about your personal and business affairs. Make a move or sit on the bench.
What a magical moment August has in store for you. First, get real with yourself to make a commitment to do what makes your heart sing. What feeds your soul and mind? Get clear on your obligations and duty, and make the necessary arrangements to clear your path. Get rid of the old news and ways of operating. As folks say, there’s a new sheriff in town. Apply the effort, dedicated work, and adjustments to make your life easier. From July 27th around 8:24 p.m. until July 29th close to 12 p.m., something strange yet exciting is taking place. It’s time to catch up.
Travel within your mind, or do some cross-country traveling with folks aligned on a similar journey. Information is buzzing, tweeting through the grapevine of what you need to hear and those who need to hear about you. There is something occurring on a spiritual level, bearing messages only for you to know. Some information is private and some public; you decide how much you will tell. From July 29th around 11:44 p.m. until July 31st around 11:58 p.m., you can see the evolution of self-growth when you look in the mirror, and the people that you inspire are also in your immediate environment.
What goes around comes around. August is a month to digest your actions and behaviors, and take a back seat to view your life. Reflection is only a temporary moment to make adjustments in the present moment while learning a lesson you hadn’t learned before. As things move slowly on purpose, make kind gestures on purpose and watch the feedback you receive. Be gentle with yourself and pay attention to details, information, scenes, and the people with whom you engage. From July 31st around 11:58 p.m. until August 2 at 11:05 p.m., there is an important delivery coming through and only for your eyes to see, and your heart will recognize it when you feel it.
What in the world has your knees buckling and begging “please, not this time around?” Just know you have a date with destiny, so don’t shortchange yourself. It’s a time to listen to your body as it has a message for you to reprogram any habits that no longer serve a meaning in your life and only make you weaker by the day and older by the hour. Mentally get over yourself. You have a grand mission to accomplish that moves and shakes the earth like a high magnitude earthquake. Beginning on August 2nd until August 4th, either you make a move, or the universe will make you move. Don’t wait for things to show up—take action.
What time and day is it? You have been so productive that time and day only matter for flights, business matters and important major things to show up for. Stay in your zone; this Leo/Lion season you are getting more seasoned by the sunrise and sunset. August has a spiritual reservation for you, one you may not see coming, yet the buildup has already begun. From July 27th around 8:24 p.m. until July 29th close to 12 p.m. be bold, ambitious, and confident within your plans and as you make moves with the CEO and their boss. Stay grounded as you elevate.
This is not a time to be messed with, only inner-standing your position and the role you play with yourself and others in your immediate environment. Listen more than you speak, as you effortlessly will into being the answers to the questions you ask. Increase your water intake as the water is showing you a sign of something you need in your life. Pay attention when you drink water to what it does to your body and also to how you feel. From July 29th around 11:44 p.m. until July 31st at 11:58 p.m., when you are still enough to hear the rhythm of your heart and the flow of your blood flowing through your body you are at peace, and what you need to know will come to you.
There is something in your blind spot you didn’t see coming? No worries, now you see it approaching you unexpectedly. It’s now time to face the funk and get over it, and allow bygones to be bygones to progress forward. As you are building your team and reputation, the old ways of doing things are out the door and people will test you. How you react is the test. Remember, that was the old you and you have matured, so act like it and don’t allow someone to get the best of you and draw you into their shenanigans. From July 31st around 11:58 p.m. until August 2 at 11:05 p.m., keep moving forward and brush the dust off your shoulder.
Yes, you are amazing. Any form of group activity and partnerships will work out just fine. Be clear on everyone’s intentions, as people’s intentions change along with their ideas. Everyone plays a position in your life, also in the business perspective. Traveling is great, be it in your mind, through meditation, or traveling on a nature path. A one-on-one, heart-to-heart conversation is needed to hear the other side of the story. Besides, your profession and finances are looking bright due to you applying the necessary work to see results. Beginning August 2nd until August 4th, normally, what’s on the heart that hasn’t been addressed are the very things keeping us from moving forward.
A new journey is reaching out to you to just do it without any hesitation. It’s all up to you now as the magic is flowing in the air. Your needs are being met with resources showering upon you like a thunderstorm pouring down. The time is ripe, and the fruit is ripe to get yourself in position. By all means necessary, ask for what you need and follow through on your part while things flow like the river in your life. This is an extension of your journey of what was started about 9 years ago. From July 27th around 8:24 p.m. until July 29th close to 12 p.m., action is required, rather than sitting back to think about what you are going to do.