3 minute read
Ascot’s Father aims to reestablish Harlem’s classic style
By BRENIKA BANKS Special to the AmNews
Interchangeability and customization of fashion are boosting people’s interest in high-class style. Distinctive elegance led to the creation of Ascot’s Father, a brand striving to elevate its customers’ wardrobe and style. The owner, Terrence Cook, joined together with partners Roosevelt “BlackRose” Taylor and Ligardy Termonfils to launch the BlackRose collection last month, and the limited-edition collection of purple ascots and pocket squares debuted at Harlem Haberdashery. The trio’s purpose is to guide young folks into wearing dapper and dressy threads like those donned during the Harlem Renaissance era.
The enhancement of finer wear presents more opportunities for Harlem residents to dress dashingly. Ascot’s Father gives Black people a chance to support a business that cares about them. BlackRose strongly believed the collection’s launch was a good day for his home neighborhood of Harlem. The BlackRose limited edition collection consists of material from New England made with 16 momme silk. During the debut event, all ten pocket squares and five ascots of the collection sold out.
BlackRose was grateful to Harlem Haberdashery for hosting the launch. This boutique is a staple in the Black business community. He shared that Harlem’s classic style involved a sense of pride. In the 1920s, people took their outfits very seriously before going out. “Back then, you couldn’t go outside unless you were pressed up, period,” said BlackRose.
Stylish attire is subjective, especially with different trends heavily influencing the youth. Termonfils, a Brooklyn native, prefers young people to dress with purpose instead of following trends senselessly and without a cause. “Let’s add a reason, let’s add a method, let’s add something different,” he said. Inspired by Harlem’s fashion, the owner of Liguardy Hats fits perfectly with the ascot business because designer silk bands are used to customize hats. “My goal specifically is to not have everybody looking the same,” said Termonfils.
Termonfils focuses on interchangeability and customization to help achieve the goal of fashionable individuality. “You take a hat and then you make it your hat” is the model and mantra he wants everyone to keep in mind while supporting and purchasing. These custom looks can be made for everyone, including women who are looking for non-typical hats. “You start with this blank canvas and with your influence, your ideas, and with my hands, we’ll create something together,” said Termonfils.
BlackRose is thrilled about his partnership with Termonfils and Cooks, expressing how “amazing” things have been. With Termonfils’ specialty in hats, the three men can completely target customers who are interested in eloquent fashion. “Now we have a trifecta with the ascots, pocket squares, the hats with the trimming, for the winter, for the summer – we’re going to kill it,” said BlackRose. He promises his BlackRose collection will be different because the trio is bringing back a lost culture of elegant fashion. “Traditional style is what we’re trying to keep alive.”
Cook called Termonfils a “mastermind” when it comes to stylish hats and appreciated meeting him at a hat workshop.
Cook expects more engagement with the community because of his brand. “Ascot’s Father is not just about style; we’re teaching people about taste as well,” said Cook. “We’re teaching people about craftsmanship.” He believes the company will be a great education tool for fashion and predicts its longevity. Cook also wants people to be authentically them and hopes Ascot’s Father, the BlackRose collection and
Liguardy Hats provide various ways for the community to express their style. “And,” Cook added, “at the same time, understanding quality.”
Cook viewed BlackRose as the perfect person for their business endeavor. He describes the partnership as a “beautiful opportunity” to collaborate with a Harlem master painter. Although he was born and raised in Arkansas, Cook always admired Harlem. He met BlackRose in Harlem months prior to the launch and admired his attire — BlackRose usually wears a suit or formal clothing. “Even with him being a painter in Harlem, as a designer, I wanted to take my inspirations, take my brand and do something that inspires me with Harlem,” said Cook.

BlackRose has spent most of his life practicing his passion for painting, a completely different endeavor from ascots. He credits fashion designer Dapper Dan as one of his influences who gave him insight. BlackRose also credits his father as one of his biggest inspirations. “This has been a dope process,” he said. “It’s the first time I’ve ever been asked to be [a part of a] collaborative effort like this.” The magnitude of this partnership drew BlackRose into agreeing to this fashion venture, especially because of Cook’s international connections. “For him wanting to work with me, being from Harlem, that reinforces my mantra for Harlem – keeping it classy, keeping it classic.”
BlackRose anticipates having ascot parties where people will not be admitted without an ascot. This will be an exclusive way of encouraging people to dress their best. For more information, please visit www.ascotsfather.com and www.onlineviewingroom.com.
Wednesday, August 9, 2023 through Sunday, August 20, 2023