New York Amsterdam News Issue # 2 January 13 - 19, 2022

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Vol. 113 No. 2 | January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


©2022 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City


(Michael Appleton Mayor's office)

Tragic fire kills 17, community unites; blame, lawsuits begin By NAYABA ARINDE Amsterdam News Editor “This is a global tragedy, because the Bronx in New York City is representative of the ethnicities and cultures across the globe,” Mayor Eric Adams said standing with electeds the day after the deadly Bronx blaze that killed 17 people. On that frigid Sunday, Jan. 9, 2022, up to 200 New York City Fire Department members battled to knock down the fire and rescue residents. The fast-spreading fire, bone-chilling icy weather, and heavy

billowing-smoke combined to lead to New York’s deadliest fire in 30 decades. The fire at 333 East 181st Street—also known as Twin Parks North West—raises bigger issues. Reportedly a faulty space heater in a third-floor apartment ignited a fire, the FDNY reported, which sent choking smoke through all floors of the 19-story, 120 unit building. The NYPD initially stated, “Upon extinguishment of the fire by FDNY personnel, multiple injuries and fatalities were reported and observed. The fire marshal determined the cause of the fire and the medical ex-

At long last justice for Homer Plessy By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews

Wednesday comes another example of how slow the wheels of justice turn in America. “While this pardon had One hundred and thirty years after been a long time coming, we can all he was ejected from a train in Loui- acknowledge this is a day that should siana and 97 years after his death, have never had to happen,” the govHomer Plessy was finally pardoned ernor told the press. “The subsequent for exercising his constitutional rights Supreme Court case led to generations that led to the historic Plessy v. Fer- of inequity, has left a stain on the fabric guson decision and the legalization of of our country and on the state and on Jim Crow segregation. the city. And quite frankly those conseWith the pardoning of Plessy by quences are still felt today.” Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards last See PLESSY on page 6

aminer will determine the respective causes of death. The investigation remains ongoing.” Not since the 1990 Bronx Happy Land fire has the city seen such a massive loss of life in a single fire. The Bronx community held an organic “Bronx Strong” masterclass in instantaneous community support. From hosting fundraisers bringing in almost a million dollars, to preparing culturally sensitive meals for the largely Gambian and Muslim residents, to filling rooms of nearby Monroe College with donated

blankets and coats and other resources. While some reporting leans not-sosubtly to apportioning blame on the residents in the apartment where the fire started for not closing the door as they fled, another question being raised widely is why did the third floor, Unit 3N, self-closing door fail? Another big question is why was the heating system apparently so inadequate that tenants felt the need to use space-heaters to warm their homes? “The focus shouldn’t be on doors See BRONX on page 6

Sir Sidney Poitier 1927-2022

(Matt Sayles AP photo)

See STORY on page 28

2 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022

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INDEX Arts & Entertainment �������������Page 15 » Astro/Numerology ����������������Page 18 » Food ����������������������������������������Page 20 » Jazz �����������������������������������������Page 21 Caribbean Update �������������������Page 14 Career/Business ���������������������Page 29 Classified ����������������������������������Page 30 Editorial/Opinion ����������������Pages 12,13 Education ���������������������������������Page 24 In the Classroom ��������������������Page 22 Out & About ��������������������������Pages 8,9 Religion & Spirituality �������������Page 28 Sports ����������������������������������������Page 36 Union Matters ����������������������������Page 10 Your Health ������������������������������Page 26 MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS INFORMATION U.S. Territories & Canada weekly subscriptions: 1 year $49.99 2 Years $79.99 6 months $30.00 Foreign subscriptions: 1 year $59.99 2 Years $89.99 6 Months $40.00

International International News

KWASI WIREDU, NOTED PHILOSOPHER AND At Oxford, Wiredu wrote his thesis on GROUNDBREAKER ON DECOLONIZATION, “Knowledge, Truth, and Reason.” Returning PASSES AT 90 to Ghana, he taught philosophy at the Univer(GIN)—Distinguished philosopher, writer sity of Ghana where he remained for 23 years. and teacher Kwasi Wiredu, born in Ghana and From 1987 until he retired, he was an emerirecognized on three continents, has passed tus professor at the University of South Floriaway at the age of 90. da in Tampa. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy “Mhlonishwa” tweeted: “Kwasi Wiredu is a cites Wiredu for his decades-long study of compelling African philosopher to be studied “conceptual decolonization” in contempo- across the social sciences; philosophy and porary African sysNelson Mandela and Sidney Poitier tems of thought. He examined the issue in depth in the essay “Custom and Morality: A Comparative Analysis of Some African and Western Conceptions of Morals.” There he explored the confusions that arise from the transplantation of Western ideas within an African frame of reference. Joel Modiri, Africanist and scholar/teacher, observed that Wiredu’s writing on Akan litical science in particular. He is a good herithought and conceptual decolonization “chal- tage of ours. May his soul rest in eternal peace!” lenged us to always resist uncritical assimilation to Western ways of thinking.” REMEMBERING POITIER’S BRUSH WITH AFRICA Other scholars writing on social media of IN EARLY AMERICAN FILMS their senior colleague included novelist and (GIN)—Not long ago, movies made in HolNew York University professor Kwame An- lywood filmed in major cities in Africa disthony Appiah. “One of the greatest of African played an unapologetic ignorance of even philosophers has died,” he wrote on Twitter. minimal facts about the continent. “If you don’t know about him, you should. He Cities named Lagos, Nairobi or Johanneswas an unbelievably decent man; I know be- burg became “somewhere in Africa,” ancause he was my first departmental chair.” ti-colonial sentiments became a “colored Aziz Mahdi, professor of Persian Language struggle,” and the continent became a “setand Literature, wrote: “And now the passing ting and backdrop which eliminates the Afof Kwasi Wiredu (1931-2022), one of Africa’s rican as a human factor.” finest minds. The author of ‘Philosophy and Such was the critique by Nigerian novelan African Culture,’ a genuine philosopher, a ist Chinua Achebe describing filmmaking in ‘conceptually decolonialized’ being, is to join the 1950s. Professor and author MaryEllen the ancestors.” Higgins similarly faulted Hollywood’s Africa. Dheeraj Chand added: “Kwasi Wiredu is re- Their films are projections, she said, that required reading. I only learned about him a few flect national and international investments, years ago and it reminded me of how heart- both material and ideological. breaking ‘better late than never’ can feel.” Sidney Poitier, while a pioneer in HollyOther published works of Wiredu include: wood, played it safe in African roles he took “On Decolonizing African Religions,” “Death on, observed Noah Tsika, associate professor and the Afterlife in African Culture,” “Philos- of Media Studies at Queens College, City Uniophy and an African Culture,” and “Cultural versity of New York. Universals and Particulars.” Poitier’s films promoted a conciliatory, Wiredu was born in Kumasi, Gold Coast capitalist decolonization process, according (present-day Ghana) in 1931, and attended to Tsika. These include the films “Cry, the BeAdisadel College from 1948 to 1952 where loved Country” (1952), set in apartheid South he discovered philosophy. Following stud- Africa; “The Mark of the Hawk” (1957), set in ies at the University of Ghana, Legon, he an unnamed African country; “Something of went on to University College, Oxford, as a Value” (1957), also known as “Africa Ablaze” philosophy major. and set in colonial Kenya; and “Mandela and

de Klerk” (1997), about political negotiations to end apartheid in South Africa. Still, according to Wesley Morris, Poitier did more with less. “He achieved all he did despite knowing what he couldn’t do…He led more people farther down the road than any other artist.” What he was up against could be seen in “The Mark of the Hawk”—a British-American-Nigerian co-production. Starring Poitier and Eartha Kitt, it was largely shot in Nigeria and depicts an African revolution that is ultimately suppressed, its passions redirected by an American missionary who prescribes “patient faith” in place of violent revolt, says Tsika. An anti-colonial uprising, in his view, is “moving too fast.” The African characters must “speak African.” A workers’ revolt, evocative of actual Nigerian labor movements, carefully reflects the sort of generalized, deracinated anti-colonial sentiment when the film was made, Tsika observes. “The ‘most basic foreign policy’ of the Motion Picture Association of America was to avoid giving offence to any country which provided [Hollywood] with any revenue,” however meager. Now, finally, the paternalism of the ’50s is facing a serious challenge. Critic Sarita Walker of Amplify Africa took on “Tears of the Sun,” a Nigerian story critics called “shamelessly one-sided with cheesy wooden dialogue.” “I have to point out the problematic view of these kinds of movies,” she wrote, “portraying Africa as a ‘savage’ place in need of ‘colonization,’ ‘Christianity’ and ‘rescuing.’ Have you ever noticed the protagonists are always ‘white saviors’ who are out to save the dying African population? “I believe the writers and producers didn’t even bother to visit Africa but just Googled whatever stereotype they could find and threw it in the movie.” Poitier left a deep impression on South African film producer Anant Singh (“Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom,” “Sarafina!” “Cry, The Beloved Country”), with whom he had a long-enduring friendship. Singh shared a memory: “I called him in 1985 when I needed help in Hollywood and he said ‘come whenever you’re here,’ and invited me to his house for lunch,” Singh recalled. “He was a huge inspiration to me…growing up under apartheid, most of his films were banned in South Africa…his work lived through those films.” (GIN photo)

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The city has Adams’ back…well, some of it By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff With the Bill de Blasio era in the rearview mirror, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has quickly established himself at City Hall. But there’s a line of demarcation between what elected officials hope to get out of the next four years and what some activists expect they will get. New York City Comptroller Brad Lander said that Adams is more than capable of handling the big problems. “The challenges facing our city, and this new administration, are significant—from getting a handle on the pandemic to ensuring we are making the best possible use of new school funding to help our students heal, learn and grow,” stated Lander. “I look forward to working with Mayor Adams to make local government work better and holding it accountable to the needs and goals of New Yorkers.” There’s been some controversy surrounding Adams’ appointments to his administration. One involved his brother, Bernard, who was appointed deputy police commissioner by the mayor. Adams explained his reasoning on Sunday with belief that his brother will be the best to fight the current rise in anarchists and white supremacy. “…I have to put my life in someone’s hands, I want to put it in the hand of the person I trust deeply, because that is a very personal process of your security.” However, the controversy proved too much for Adams. On Wednesday, he demoted his brother, a retired police sergeant who recently worked as a parking

administrator, to executive director of mayoral security. He’ll be making, according to the New York Times, $210,000. For Adams’ sake, everyone else is his administration doesn’t raise a collective eyebrow. He’s appointed several women into positions of power. He named Lorraine Grillo, who served as CEO of the School Construction Authority and later under de Blasio as a “deputy mayor, the top deputy mayor.” Appointments of women such as Sheena Wright (president and CEO of United Way of New York City) to deputy mayor for strategic operations and Anne Williams-Isom (previous Harlem Children’s Zone CEO and chair of welfare studies of the Fordham School of Social Service) as deputy mayor for health and human services have earned him praise from several officials. New York State Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte said Adams bringing women of color to the forefront shows how committed he is to the city government resembling the people who live in the five boroughs. “This is a mayor who’s going to ‘get stuff done,’ including reducing gun violence, tackling high unemployment and jumpstarting our recovery by helping small businesses stay alive and thrive,” said Bichotte in a statement. “The fact that he has placed so many women, and women of color, in senior positions—from his Chief Advisor, to five deputy mayors, to police Commissioner Keechant Sewell—speaks volumes to his commitment to creating an administration that is as qualified as it is reflective of the equity he believes in for See ADAMS on page 27

Adams officially elected NYC council speaker by women-led council By ARIAMA C. LONG Report for America Corps Member / Amsterdam News Staff

ed by the city council office. The chambers were packed with members, their staffers and special guests as Adams entered, but were still relatively closed because of The New York City Council elected Coun- COVID restrictions. cilmember Adrienne E. Adams as city “I am humbled to have the support of my council speaker, Wednesday, Jan. 5. Adams colleagues as the next speaker of the city is the first Black person and Black woman council,” said Adams in a statement. “This to assume the role in its history. council has many challenges ahead as we Around Wednesday afternoon the first confront the COVID-19 pandemic and the city council meeting of 2022 began, accord- issues it punctuated. By working together, ing to pooled press information providSee SPEAKER on page 23

Dems & Repubs fail to agree on redistricting voting map By ARIAMA C. LONG Report for America Corps Member / Amsterdam News Staff

Based on 2020’s Census count, New York State lost a congressional seat, going from 27 to 26 congress members. It also kicked off the redistrictDemocrats and Republicans on New ing process. York State’s Independent Redistricting The redistricting commission is comCommission, the bipartisan team that posed of 10 appointed members, four redraws voting lines, failed to agree Democrats, four Conservatives, one on one map for the state last week on Independent, and headed by ChairMonday, Jan 3. The vote was dead- man David Imamura. The commission locked between two competing maps. See REDISTRICTING on page 25

January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 3

MetroBriefs `

BAM hosting 36th annual tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Continuing a tradition in its 36th year, the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) hosts the annual Brooklyn Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, Jan. 17 at 10:30 a.m. in the BAM Howard Gilman Opera House (Peter Jay Sharp Building, 30 Lafayette Avenue) with activists, musicians, civic leaders, and the public for a communal commemoration and reflection of the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. King. The 2022 keynote speech titled “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community” will be delivered by author and cultural historian Dr. Imani Perry. Rounding out the timely keynote address will be inspirational performances by singer Nona Hendryx with composer-trombonist Craig Harris & Tailgaters Tales and performances by Vy Higgensen’s award-winning Sing Harlem choir. The annual tribute will also include a recorded performance of King, a powerful solo piece by dancer and choreographer Kyle Marshall to the oratory of Dr. King’s final speech, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop.” RSVP at for more information and updates. Entry is on a first-come, first-seated basis, starting at 8 a.m.

The Apollo Theater and WNYC present ‘MLK – Activism and the Arts’ WNYC and The Apollo will present WNYC’s 16th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration, “MLK – Activism and the Arts,” as part of the Apollo’s Uptown Hall series. “MLK – Activism and the Arts” will this year be co-led by a roster of WNYC and WQXR hosts: Melissa Harris-Perry, host of WNYC Studios and PRX’s “The Takeaway,” WQXR host and author Terrance McKnight, Jami Floyd of WNYC’s Race and Justice Unit; Brian Lehrer, host of WNYC’s “Brian Lehrer Show,” Alison Stewart, host of WNYC’s “All of It,” and Kai Wright, host of “The United States of Anxiety.” This year’s discussion will focus on how Dr. King leveraged the influence of artists in the Civil Rights Movement and how that legacy of activism in the arts continues today. “MLK – Activism and The Arts” will be broadcast on WNYC and PRX’s “The Takeaway” on the official Dr. Martin Luther King holiday on Jan. 17.

I AM KING, Inc. hosting seminar for young men at Harlem YMCA on King Day The “I AM KING” seminar for young men is being held on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jan. 17, at 12 p.m. at the YMCA of Harlem located at 180 West 135th Street. The seminar is about bringing young men of color together to impart guidance and inspiration to them through relevant workshops pertaining to health, education, finance and other topics. The sessions are run by men of color that are succeeding in various fields and doing positive things with their gifts, talents and abilities. The mission of I AM KING, Inc. is to uplift men and boys of color by cultivating mentoring relationships between men of color and boys of color and creating empowerment programs through which the young boys will learn to recognize and develop their potential, celebrate their strengths, build their confidence, and grow their network. Go to for more information and to register.

Queens College commemorates Martin Luther King Jr. Day This year’s annual Queens College Martin Luther King Jr. Day commemoration will take place virtually on Jan. 16 at 3 p.m. The theme for this year’s event is We Are Not Satisfied: There Is a Long, Long Way To Go In the Footsteps of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and will celebrate King’s legacy evoking his May 13, 1965, appearance as the inaugural speaker in the college’s John F. Kennedy Memorial Lecture Series. King emphasized the power of peaceful resistance in his address to students. Trey McLaughlin and The Sounds of Zamar, a choir from Augusta, Georgia, will offer a short virtual performance of their adaptations of contemporary gospel, pop, and musical theater hits. In a video made for the occasion, five alumni who attended King’s speech—Noel Hankin ’68, Elliot Linzer ’80, then-Student Association President Ronald Pollack ’65, Wayne Price ’66, and Mike Wenger ’65—will share their memories of the event. The event is free and open to the public. Go to to register. —Compiled by Cyril Josh Barker

4 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


Biden no longer quiet on voter suppression By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews Rather than highlighting the substance of his speech Tuesday at Spelman College in Atlanta and highlighting how endangered voting rights are for so many Americans, the right wing reporters and news agencies are sure to headline President Biden’s comment mistakes. And the most glaring one was when he said that “last week, President Harris and I stood in the United States Capitol to observe one of those before and after moments in American history,” clearly referring to the Jan. 6 insurrection last year. Far more important than flubbing his vice president’s title—one that is probably a wish for her in the future from her coterie of followers—Biden blasted those who are recklessly determined to turn back the clock before the Civil Rights Movement brought end to Jim Crow laws that blocked Black Americans from exercising their franchise. “I’m tired of being quiet,” Biden almost shouted. “I will not yield. I will not flinch.” It was an outburst directed mainly at the GOP opposition, particularly in the Senate, but he could have meant some of it for the naysayers in his own party who have charged that he has been less than aggressive in dealing with the spread of voter suppression. Voter suppression laws have been passed in 19 states and more are scheduled, a point that Biden repeatedly stressed. And there were several references to Trump and his continuing to insist that the election was a fraud. “The goal of the former president and his allies is to disenfranchise anyone who votes against him, simple as that,” Biden said, blasting Trump and his cohort in-

termittently between coughs. With the Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson seated in the audience (the Republicans will draw negative conclusions about the non-appearance of Stacey Abrams who had a scheduling conflict but stated her support), Biden, who followed Vice President Harris to the podium, invoked famous and infamous historical politicians, including John Lewis and Strom Thurmond, and got the loudest response when he declared that “we must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.” He also emphasized the need to do away with the filibuster and how Republicans in the Senate have used it to block important legislation. “Let the majority prevail,” he said, “and if that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change Senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster for this.” Biden cited such historic figures as Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis to clarify the distinctions between those who stood for freedom and those who sought to oppress. “Will we choose democracy over autocracy, light over shadow, justice over injustice? I know where I stand. I will not yield. I will not flinch,” he declared. “I will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign, yes, and domestic! And so the question is where will the institution of the United States Senate stand?” On several occasions he made reference to the young people there and how in years to come it will be noted where today’s elected officials stood on the matters of civil rights. Next Monday, on the Dr. King holiday, marks the last chance for rule changes and thus another moment for the senators today to be judged in the future on how they cast their vote.

Online and phone scams raking in billions from unsuspecting victims By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff According to a 2021 survey by AARP, about 2 in 5 Black adults were targeted by an online scam and 1 in 5 lost money to one. The most common scams Blacks fell victim to were work-from-home scams, affinity investment scams, lottery scams and romance scams. From multiple calls labeled “Scam Likely” on cell phones to suspicious emails awarding fake gift cards to social media posts promising the latest get-richquick scheme, scams are around every corner targeting everyone. One report found that Americans lost nearly $30 billion to phone scams over the past year with 1 in 3 saying they fell victim. The average person lost around $500. As 2022 rolls in, scams of all kinds are on the rise with scammers making off with billions. In one of the latest scams, New York Attorney General Letitia James issued a consumer alert last week warning New Yorkers of cyberattacks targeting consum-

ers that use the same username and password on more than one website or app. In these cyberattacks, known as “credential stuffing,” cybercriminals attempt to log in to online accounts using login credentials stolen from other online services. Specialized software enables attackers to generate and send tens of thousands of login attempts in quick succession. One company reported that it witnessed more than 193 billion credential stuffing attacks in 2020 alone. An investigation earlier this month by James’ office identified more than 1.1 million online accounts compromised in credential stuffing cyberattacks on just 17 well-known companies. “With billions of stolen credentials floating around on the internet, credential stuffing attacks have the ability to hurt both businesses and consumers,” said James. “Fortunately, consumers can help safeguard their online accounts against credential stuffing. As we work with businesses to better safeguard consumers’ private information, I encourage See SCAMS on page 27

NewJerseyNews NJDEA targeting food deserts for public feedback By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam news Staff According to recent data from the Community Food Bank of New Jersey, 800,000 New Jersey residents face hunger every day. That includes 192,580 New Jersey children—one in 10—facing hunger. The number of individuals receiving NJ SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) benefits rose more than 15%, from 769,331 in September 2020 to 887,467 in September 2021, according to data from the NJDHS. The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) released a draft list of New Jersey’s 50 designated Food Desert Communities for public feedback. Over the next several years, up to $240 million in funding through the Food Desert Relief Act, part of the Economic Recovery Act (ERA) signed into law by Gov. Phil Murphy in January 2021, will be available to the designated communities. “We are proud to unveil a robust definition of a Food Desert Community that is both reflective of the unique context of New Jersey and supportive of the hundreds of thousands of individuals affected by hunger every day,” said NJEDA Chief Executive Officer Tim Sullivan. “Today’s action to share the draft Food Desert Community designations with the public is the latest in a series of steps Governor Murphy’s administration is taking to eliminate hunger within the Garden State.” Anyone wishing to provide feedback can visit https://www.njeda. com/program-specific-feedback to offer input before Feb 4. The NJEDA hosted listening sessions this week to solicit stakeholder input.

“We have an obligation as state leaders, and as human beings, to ensure that no New Jerseyan goes to bed hungry, regardless of their socioeconomic status,” said Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver. “By crafting one of the most comprehensive food desert designations in the country, we are leading the nation in taking necessary steps to eradicate food deserts and remove the barriers keeping our state’s residents from accessing nutritious food.” The Food Desert Relief Act directs the NJEDA to address the food security needs of communities across New Jersey by providing up to $40 million per year for six years in tax credits, loans, grants, and/or technical assistance to increase access to nutritious foods and develop new approaches to alleviate food deserts. The act strives to facilitate development, construction, and sustainable operations of new supermarkets and grocery stores within designated Food Desert Communities. It also aims to strengthen existing community assets by arming them with the necessary equipment and infrastructure to provide healthier food options. In November, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA) announced that $10 million in American Rescue Funds were being provided to community food banks throughout the state. “Food insecurity is an ongoing crisis and gathering public input to solidify the Food Desert Communities designations will help connect residents facing hunger with fresh farm products grown and produced at many of New Jersey’s 10,000 farms,” NJDA Secretary Douglas Fisher said.

MLK being celebrated in New Jersey By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff The State of New Jersey Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Commission is hosting a free virtual commemorative event “The Fierce Urgency of Now” Jan. 16 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. This year’s program will include New Jersey Secretary of State Tahesha Way, a roundtable discussion on health disparities, musical performances, and special announcements, all of which will honor the life and legacy of Dr. King. Registration is open to all. Reservations for virtual seats can be made by going to https:// The New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) is presenting virtu-

al events in honor and in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. NJPAC is celebrating the National Day of Racial Healing on Jan. 18 at 3 p.m. The event will include in-person and virtual visual art exhibitions, theater, dance and music performances, community workshops, panel discussions, and film screenings. Go to for more information. The Newark Museum of Art (49 Washington Street) is hosting a Community Day starting at 12 p.m. The event will include performances, tours, and activities that will bring to the forefront those who have worked behind the scenes to create unity and equality. Snacks and light refreshments will be served. Go to newarkmuseumart. org for more information.


Retired detective’s life a series of pivots

Affordable Housing for Rent

SENDERO VERDE PHASE I 324 NEWLY CONSTRUCTED UNITS AT 60 EAST 112TH STREET & 75 EAST 111TH STREET, EAST HARLEM, MANHATTAN Amenities: Outdoor terrace, fitness center, community room, computer room, Free secure in-unit access to broadband internet for all households, bicycle storage, package lockers, on-site laundry room* (*additional fees apply). Transit: 2, 3, 4, 6 Trains, M1/M2/M3/M4/M101/M102/M103 Buses

By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff

No fee to apply • No broker’s fee • Smoke-free building • More information: This building is being constructed through the Extremely Low & Low-Income Affordability (ELLA) program of the New York City Housing Development Corporation (HDC) and the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and the Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) Program of HPD. Who Should

Individuals or households who meet the income and household size requirements listed in the table below may apply. Qualified applicants will be required to meet additional selection criteria. Applicants who live in New York City receive a general preference for apartments.


A percentage of units is set aside for: o Mobility–disabled applicants (5%) o Vision/Hearing–disabled applicants (2%) Preference for a percentage of units goes to: o Residents of Manhattan CB 11 (50%) o Municipal employees (5%)

• •


1 bedroom

2 bedroom



3 bedroom











Monthly Rent1

Units Available




2 bedroom

3 bedroom


Unit Size

1 bedroom



Units Available

3 bedroom



Monthly Rent1

2 bedroom




Unit Size

1 bedroom







Units Available







Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

1 person

$ 15,806 - $ 25,080

Monthly Rent1

Minimum – Maximum4

2 people

$ 15,806 - $ 28,650

1 person

$ 19,715 - $ 25,080

2 people

$ 19,715 - $ 28,650

3 people

$ 19,715 - $ 32,220

2 people

$ 23,692 - $ 28,650

3 people

$ 23,692 - $ 32,220

4 people

$ 23,692 - $ 35,790

5 people

$ 23,692 - $ 38,670

3 people

$ 27,360 - $ 32,220

4 people

$ 27,360 - $ 35,790

5 people

$ 27,360 - $ 38,670

6 people


Monthly Rent1

Unit Size



Units Available 9


Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

1 person

$ 21,635 - $ 33,440

2 people

$ 21,635 - $ 38,200

Minimum – Maximum4

1 person

$ 27,052 - $ 33,440

2 people

$ 27,052 - $ 38,200

3 people

$ 27,052 - $ 42,960

2 people

$ 32,469 - $ 38,200

3 people

$ 32,469 - $ 42,960

4 people

$ 32,469 - $ 47,720

5 people

$ 32,469 - $ 51,560

3 people

$ 37,475 - $ 42,960

4 people

$ 37,475 - $ 47,720

5 people

$ 37,475 - $ 51,560

$ 27,360 - $ 41,520

6 people

$ 37,475 - $ 55,360

7 people

$ 27,360 - $ 44,400

7 people

$ 37,475 - $ 59,200

Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

1 person

$ 27,498 - $ 41,800

1 person

$ 34,972 - $ 50,160

2 people

$ 34,972 - $ 57,300

Minimum – Maximum4

2 people

$ 27,498 - $ 47,750

1 person

$ 34,355 - $ 41,800

2 people

$ 34,355 - $ 47,750

3 people

$ 34,355 - $ 53,700

2 people

$ 41,246 - $ 47,750

3 people

$ 41,246 - $ 53,700

4 people

$ 41,246 - $ 59,650

5 people

$ 41,246 - $ 64,450

3 people

$ 47,623 - $ 53,700

4 people

$ 47,623 - $ 59,650

5 people

$ 47,623 - $ 64,450

6 people




(Photo courtesy of Dr. Alfred S. Titus Jr.)

er engineering from the New York Institute of Technology. But after a few years, he hit another When speaking to retired NYPD De- fork in the road. tective and criminal justice consultant He would come home from corpoDr. Alfred S. Titus Jr., one would notice rate America only to be greeted with a pattern: the part of the story where liquor stores and dudes on the corner he realizes this isn’t the life he wants to selling drugs. live. It’s happened several times in his “So when I went to work, I was going life (as a teenager, as to these nice corpoa professional, on the rate offices and evbeat) and he was willerybody’s dressed in ing to share it all. a suit,” said Dr. Titus. “When it came to “And it gives the being at home, it was image that this life education. The future, is so grand. But then you know. That was you go home and the focus,” said Dr. you realize that, you Titus who grew up know, this doesn’t in South Jamaica, apply to everyone, Queens. “But being you know, and that from a tough neighthere are a lot of borhood, I spend people left out of this a lot of time in the particular lifestyle.” streets as well. So, you Dr. Titus believed know, I was constantthat he wasn’t conly moving back and tributing to the comforth between doing munity as much as he what’s right and what’s should. A friend sugNew Yorker wrong…at some gested one way he point, I decided that I could stay in touch Dr. Alfred S. Titus Jr. wanted to do right and with his neighborI wanted to have a bright future.” hood. He decided to become a police Titus, who just released a children’s officer. After graduating from the acadbook titled “The Police Are Part of Our emy, and getting his master’s degree in Community,” got a second chance in NYPD scholarship from Marist College, life because of a police officer, but not he worked as part of the transit bureau in the way that one might think. in Harlem and Washington Heights. A friend of his had gotten into a fist- But, after just a few years away from fight with another person and was the streets, he forgot the perception of losing when Titus noticed an un- police in the community. marked police car. “I screamed out “I kind of knew it as a child,” Dr. Titus ‘five-o, five-o!’” Titus said while laugh- said. “I kind of knew it growing up. ing. Everyone ran and reconvened at But going through the police acadehis friend’s house. While there, they my, going through college, and being went to his friend’s bedroom where disconnected from the streets for that he pulled a duffel bag from under his short amount of time, I kind of forgot bed filled with guns, including sawed- that. The police aren’t really favored in off shotguns. Titus said that his friend these communities for the most part. wanted to get back at the guy who beat So that was a rude awakening. And him up with a bullet instead of a fist. As that’s what kind of got me reinvigoratthey drove to where this person lived, ed into giving back and being that difwith Titus sitting in the backseat with ferent police officer.” Titus moved up the guns, police pulled them over. to the homicide squad, detective and “My job was to cover up the handles hostage negotiations. of the gun and hope that they don’t ask “I was always that detective who took us to get out the car,” said Dr. Titus. “So the time to find out why the person I’m the police come and they come with dealing with, whether it be a child or a this flashlight, talking to him on the young adult,” he said, “why they were driver’s side. They’re looking in with in this position.” Dr. Titus kept up in his the flashlight and everything and they attempt to help kids. He gave out cards don’t see the gun. They don’t ask us to to young people he wanted to help get get out. They let us go. And that scared on the right track. One time, however, me so much. At that point, you know, a young person who was killed had Dr. that was a life-changing moment. Titus’ card in his pocket. “So I decided to take another path at That’s where the now retired detecthat point,” continued Dr. Titus. “I kind tive decided to pivot yet again. of slowly moved away from hanging Titus felt like he had more to share out with my friends.” post-retirement, so he started A. Titus Dr. Titus’ move away from his friends Consulting, LLC, which is focused started with his graduation from Avi- on, according to his website “law enation High School in Long Island City forcement consultation, community and getting his bachelor’s in computSee BNY on page 23

January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 5



Monthly Rent1

Units Available





Minimum – Maximum4

1 person

$ 43,749 - $ 50,160

2 people

$ 43,749 - $ 57,300

3 people

$ 43,749 - $ 64,440

2 people

$ 52,458 - $ 57,300

3 people

$ 52,458 - $ 64,440

4 people

$ 52,458 - $ 71,580

5 people

$ 52,458 - $ 77,340

3 people

$ 60,618 - $ 64,440

4 people

$ 60,618 - $ 71,580

5 people

$ 60,618 - $ 77,340

$ 47,623 - $ 69,200

6 people

$ 60,618 - $ 83,040

7 people

$ 47,623 - $ 74,000

7 people

$ 60,618 - $ 88,800

Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

1 person

$ 45,052 - $ 66,880

1 person

$ 52,663 - $ 91,960

Minimum – Maximum4

2 people

$ 45,052 - $ 76,400

1 person

$ 56,298 - $ 66,880

2 people

$ 56,298 - $ 76,400

3 people

$ 56,298 - $ 85,920

2 people

$ 67,578 - $ 76,400

3 people

$ 67,578 - $ 85,920






Monthly Rent1

Units Available



2 people $ 52,663 - $ 105,050 1 person



Minimum – Maximum4

$ 65,795 - $ 91,960

2 people $ 65,795 - $ 105,050 3 people $ 65,795 - $ 118,140 2 people $ 78,995 - $ 105,050



3 people $ 78,995 - $ 118,140

4 people

$ 67,578 - $ 95,440

5 people

$ 67,578 - $ 103,120

3 people

$ 78,035 - $ 85,920

4 people $ 78,995 - $ 131,230

4 people

$ 78,035 - $ 95,440

5 people

$ 78,035 - $ 103,120

6 people

$ 78,035 - $ 110,720

6 people $ 91,200 - $ 152,240

7 people

$ 78,035 - $ 118,400

7 people $ 91,200 - $ 162,800

5 people $ 78,995 - $ 141,790 3 people $ 91,200 - $ 118,140 4 people $ 91,200 - $ 131,230 $2,524


5 people $ 91,200 - $ 141,790

Rent includes secure in-unit access to broadband internet Tenant is responsible for electricity, including cooking range. Household size includes everyone who will live with you, including parents and children. Subject to occupancy criteria. Household earnings includes salary, hourly wages, tips, Social Security, child support, and other income. Income guidelines subject to change. Minimum income listed may not apply to applicants with Section 8 or other qualifying rental subsidies. Asset limits also apply.

How Do You Apply? Apply online or through mail. To apply online, please go to To request an application by mail, send a self-addressed envelope to: Sendero Verde Phase I / Triborough Finance New Station, P.O. Box 2011, New York, NY 10035. Only send one application per development. Do not submit duplicate applications. Do not apply online and also send in a paper application. Applicants who submit more than one application may be disqualified. When is the Deadline? Applications must be postmarked or submitted online no later than February 25, 2022. Late applications will not be considered. What Happens After You Submit an Application? After the deadline, applications are selected for review through a lottery process. If yours is selected and you appear to qualify, you will be invited to an appointment of eligibility to continue the process of determining your eligibility. Appointments are usually scheduled from 2 to 10 months after the application deadline. You will be asked to bring documents that verify your household size, identity of members of your household, and your household income. Español

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Kreyòl Ayisyien


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Governor Kathy Hochul • Mayor Bill de Blasio • HPD Commissioner Louise Carroll • HDC President Eric Enderlin

6 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022

Bronx Continued from page 1

being left open by fleeing tenants,” said City Councilman Charles Barron. “The focus should be why they need heaters in the first place and was the landlord adequately providing heat.” Barron said even privately owned buildings are subject to the Department of Buildings’ and state and city laws, regulations and agency oversight. Tenants told reporters of years of inconsistent heat, and problems with selfclosing doors simply not closing on their own. On Tuesday, Jan. 11, Rosa Reyes and Felix Martinez became the lead plaintiffs in a $3 billion class-action lawsuit, claiming that the current owners and the former owners of the building—and the city—“had actual notice of defective conditions.” They are also demanding $1 billion be given to all who have been affected. Reyes filed notice of a billion dollar lawsuit as her husband lay on a respirator, unable to breathe on his own after the couple struggled through the smoke-filled hallways on Sunday. Many victims are still fighting for their lives in city hospitals—more than 60 were initially amongst the injured. According to reports, the building had self-closing doors, but on Monday Fire


Continued from page 1

Plessy, a civil rights activist and a member of an organization determined to reinstate rights after they had been abrogated at the close of Reconstruction, deliberately purchased a first-class ticket in an all-white coach on the train. Like Rosa Parks, he knew if he was detected he would be removed from the train, and that occurred and the incident went all the way to the Supreme Court that ruled 7 to 1 in favor of the segregation laws of the state. (See our Classroom pages for further elaboration.) At the ceremony in New Orleans, not too far from where Plessy was removed from the train and arrested, Plessy and Ferguson’s descendants were in attendance during the pardoning. It should be noted that Judge John Howard Ferguson is the other name attached to the landmark case. In fact, some of the descendants—Keith Plessy, whose greatgreat-grandfather was Plessy’s cousin, and Phoebe Ferguson, the great-great-granddaughter of Judge Ferguson—were at the event and have forged a partnership in a non-profit foundation that advocates civil rights education. Ms. Ferguson said the pardon “is not to erase what happened 125 years ago but to acknowledge the wrong that was done.”

THE NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS Department Commissioner Daniel Nigro said that the self-closing door mechanism in Unit 3N, where the Wague family lived, “wasn’t functioning as it should.” Mamadou Wague and his eight children survived, but alas 17 other tenants perished, including eight children. “They should stop blaming the victims,” said Brooklyn landlord Milford Tyler. “Now they are being victimized twice. First for not having the heat they felt comfortable with, and then for trying to correct the condition. The doors not working and leaving the door open as you ran for your life is not the issue. Tenants feeling that they have to use unregulated heating systems in a multi-family building is the problem.” Tyler charged: “This is a straight-up lawsuit. It is the landlords’ responsibility to make sure that there are no hazardous conditions in the building, and an unregulated heating system is a hazardous condition. It’s on the landlord, it’s on HPD—everybody dropped the ball.” Tyler, who said he has been a New York City landlord for two decades, added, “In my apartments my tenants are walking around in t-shirts and opening windows in the winter. I blast the heat. There should be a call for all landlords, if you want to protect your investment, give the people heat. “One of the ways to regulate the heating devices—give them heat so they don’t have to turn on stoves and be in danger of carbon monoxide poisoning. Tenants understand, landlords pretend not to.” “As an attorney and a tenant in a high rise building, I believe that the apartments and the hallways in the new developments have self-closing doors,” said attorney Brian Figeroux. “They are safety mechanisms, and a part of that is having self-closing doors in the apartment, the hallways, and the emergency exits. These tenants have the right to bring a lawsuit against the private owner, and the city if they were in contract with private owners.” Figeroux concluded, “We are calling on the New York City Council and the state to enforce the mandate for these essential fire safety mechanisms.” All on the table for analysis in lofty elected offices and community spaces and homes and even outside the building itself was the use of electric space heaters, the failure of the self-closing doors, and the emphasis for the need for sprinklers and fire alarms. The icy air was the cold backdrop to the deadly flames and black smoke which engulfed 333 East 181st Street just after 10:55 a.m. on Sunday morning. Veteran firefighters, police, electeds, family, community members and activists fought hard with raw emotions and the bare horror of the loss became apparent. Firefighters and first responders worked tirelessly to revive those overcome with smoke. Days later New Yorkers and even local, national and foreign press stood on the outside looking in at the shattered, smoke-blackened apartments, stairwells and hallways of a ghostly looking building with dozens upon dozens of windows

blown out. The FDNY said that they found the injured on almost every one of the 19 floors. The open door and another one on the 15th floor created a deadly chimney effect. Former fire commissioner Thomas van Essen advised New Yorkers that in the event of a fire, they should stay in their apartment as the hallway acts as a chimney. From the governor, to the mayor, to electeds across city, state, and federal, they have announced all manner of resources for the victims: from help finding new homes, to money, clothes and family resources. Empathetic and sympathetic NYC neighbors have outdone themselves with donations of food, clothing, blankets, and toiletries. The devastating fire which took 17 lives—eight of them children—has shook New York City. Many are from the same family. On Wednesday the NYPD released the names of all the deceased from the youngest, Ousmane Konteh, 2-year-old boy, to Fatoumata Drammeh, a 50-year-old woman. Gambia’s ministry of foreign affairs reported that 11 Gambians, including six children, were killed. Hajj Dukuray said that he lost five members of his family: his niece Haja Dukureh, 37; her husband Haji Dukuray, 49; and their three children, Mustapha Dukureh, 12, Mariam Dukureh, 11, and Fatoumata Dukureh, 5. “We are holding onto our faith. We are hanging in there as much as we can. We’re supporting each other,” said Hajj. The Amsterdam News reached out to the Gambia Permanent Mission to the United Nations, but heard nothing back by press time. Traveling from D.C. to New York upon hearing the gut-wrenching news, Ambassador Dawda Docka Fadera told CNN, “I think a lot of Gambians who came here, they stayed there before they moved anywhere else. This was kind of a first port of call, this building. It’s a building Gambians have a lot of attachment to.” A highly emotional vigil was held outside the building on Tuesday evening with more than 100 in attendance for the candlelit prayers and commentary support. There were electeds such as Public Advocate Jumaane Williams and Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson. Attorney General Letitia James demanded justice in the investigation of the deadly fire. She told the crowd, “I will also use the law both as a sword and as a shield to get to the bottom of this fire…There’s a lesson to be learned about the neglect of government,” James charged, “and there’s a lesson to be learned about why this continues to happen in this corner of the Bronx.” While Mayor Eric Adams initially said that the 120 unit, 19-story building seemed to have complied with city fire codes, he acknowledged that he is awaiting the completion of the investigation by fire marshals. Adams also claimed that the two current outstanding building violations had nothing to do with a lack of heating in the

building. “It appears the landlord was operating the building accordingly, but a thorough investigation will determine that,” Adams said on CNN Monday. In another cable TV interview on Monday, Adams had stated, “Fire marshals are going to do a thorough investigation into the source of fire, why it spread so rapidly throughout the building and look at doors. Did it have the automatic closing it was supposed to have based on a law that was passed in the city?” An all too common multi-dwelling complaint being reported is that residents initially ignored the smoke alarm, because of the consistent frequency of the alarm going off allegedly due to folks hanging out in the hallways and smoking. Calling it “an unspeakable tragedy,” and citing the deadly Bronx social club Happy Land fire in 1990, which killed 87 people, Adams declared, “This is a wakeup call for all of our buildings.” Officials say that the third floor may need extensive rebuilding, but some residents have already returned to some of the other floors. While the Red Cross assisted residents immediately, and HPD were in the mix, the landlord said he would pay for hotels for those who could not yet return to their building. Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson has said that any resident of the building will be relocated should they choose to be. Meanwhile, social media is awash with condolences and commentary. “And now the media and public officials are insidiously implying blame on the victims,” said Carlito Rovira on Facebook. “If the building structure were to have adequate heating there would have been no need for anyone to use a portable heater. And now it’s being disclosed that there were faulty doors that would not close, a factor that points to lack of maintenance and why the fire spread so fast.” Sidney Barry noted, “So very sad and l would like to know what do you need a space heater for after paying high rent that goes up every year?” “As soon as the media realized they were mostly African immigrants, they downplayed the seriousness of 19 lives lost,” said Isaac Kusi, founder and CEO of Krismark. Through the tears citywide, residential buildings, central heating systems, selfclosing doors, immigration, and bias, as apportioned blame made headlines, were all topics heartily discussed. Shivering in the January air in the shadow of the burnt-out building, electeds such as Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson vocalized the feelings of a distraught community. “I am heartbroken and saddened by the news of this horrific 5-alarm fire in Belmont that claimed the lives of [17] Bronxites in our community,” she said Sunday. “Our team will do everything we can in the coming days to support and uplift the residents and their families that were affected by today’s tragedy at Twin Parks. We are incredibly grateful for the outpouring of support we have received and will be sharing updates. I am also thankful for See BRONX on page 32


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January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 7

8 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


Out & About Brownsville honors local icons By ROBERT SINCKLER Special to the AmNews

ing us to become seeds on the Golden Knights and Brooklyn Kings farms. Through the greatest team sport in the world, football, they nurtured us and On Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022, the Trey Whitfield helped us to develop into positive, constructive school in Brownsville hosted a community event and responsible men. Because we were more than honoring our “Als”—Glascoe and Goldberger. It just players to them, we were more than just teamwas an attempt to thank these two giants for allow- mates to each other. These men are truly my broth-

ers from other mothers, and we are members of the Glascoe and Goldberger families. The indisputable proof of the effects of their coaching, teaching and nurturing is the fact that we are still in each other’s lives long after our playing days have ended. They have given us true wealth. And I, Robert Sinckler, had the honor of being the master of ceremony.

Als attendees with Robert Sinckler (red hat) at event (Daniel Goodine photos)


Harlem says goodbye to some legends

Harlem’s Apollo Theater marquee paid respects this week to community recently late greats: actor Sidney Poitier; musician/activist/radio host James Mtume; and Jesse Lee Daniels, founder and member of Staten Island’s Force MDs. (Bill Moore photos)


January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 9

Written by David Goodson

Brooklyn Academy of Music honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In my brief lifetime, I have vivid memories of the specter of a commemorative holiday honoring the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the pushback and fallout from states within the union, until now, when his words, specifically the “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” quote, have been used by a LOUD segment as a method to minimize issues of injustice for today and future generations of African American. Thus, now it is paramount that we get to know what the man was about. As a compromise it’s advised to augment some form of study along with the celebratory events accompanied with Martin Luther King Jr Day. In that regard, the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) will host a day-long series of events at the 36th annual Brooklyn Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., presented by BAM and The Office of the Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso. The celebration brings together artists and civic leaders to commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. King. Beginning at 10:30 a.m. the inspirational program features a keynote address by critically acclaimed author and cultural historian Dr. Imani Perry, performances by Afrofuturist funk-rock icon Nona Hendryx with composer-trombonist Craig Harris & Tailgaters Tales, Vy Higgensen’s award-winning Sing Harlem choir, and a recorded dance performance by acclaimed dancer and choreographer Kyle Marshall to the powerful oratory of Dr. King’s final speech “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop.” Getting there early is a suggestion as seating is available on a first come, first-seated basis. All guests and staff must present proof of vaccination, and a matching government-issued ID. Masks must be worn at all times. A screening of Stanley Nelson’s groundbreaking documentary Attica will take place at the BAM Rose Cinemas at 1 p.m. Survivors, observers, and expert government officials recount the 1971 uprising at the Attica Correctional Facility. That violent five-day standoff between mostly Black and Latino inmates and law enforcement gripped America then and highlights the pressing, ongoing need for prison reform 50 years later. Rounding out the day starting at 3 p.m. the Harvey Theater at BAM Strong (651 Fulton St.) will host Reggie Wilson and his Fist & Heel Performance Group in their Brooklyn hometown for a special community presentation of “POWER,” a revelatory performance of “moving into spirit.” In this kinesthetic, propulsive, rhythmic experience connecting American Black and Shaker traditions, Wilson explores the body as a radical tool for illuminating the internal and communal. Wilson imagines the mutual Black-Shaker influence as shaping experimental 19th-century American dance worship. Channeling the refusal of Anglo-Judeo-Christian limitations on the body, Fist & Heel makes that utopian energy manifest, whirling, stamping, and singing it alive. If that weren’t enough, later in the evening, at 8 p.m., Black Excellence will be

honored as Bounce, the nation’s popular entertainment television network serving African Americans, will present the 30th anniversary Bounce Trumpet Awards—a night of inspiration, history and crowd-rousing performances celebrating African American achievements and contributions. The 2022 Bounce Trumpet Awards will honor: Courtney B. Vance (Excellence in Entertainment Award) Stan Lathan (Living Legend Award) Tyrese Gibson (Luminary Award) Zaila Avant-garde (Rising Star Award) Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, the senators from Georgia, will be honored with the Xernona Clayton Award of Distinction. The award, named after the founder of the Trumpet Awards, goes to those who succeeded against immense odds, fighting for change and working to improve the lives of all. Princess Sarah Culberson, for demonstrating tremendous vision, leadership and innovation that has led to a positive impact on the community, will be granted the Impact Award. Culberson and her brother founded the nonprofit Sierra Leone Rising, which distributed aid during the 2014 Ebola outbreak and 2020’s COVID-19 crisis and continues to raise funds for community growth. The 30th anniversary Bounce Trumpet Awards will also feature a tribute to The Warriors of Justice, honoring those institutions and their leaders who have been on the front lines fighting for social, political, legal, educational and economic equality for people of color. The group includes: The NAACP, the largest and most pre-eminent civil rights organization in the nation led by Derrick Johnson, president and CEO. Rainbow PUSH Coalition, the international human and civil rights organization founded by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, one of America’s foremost civil rights, religious and political figures. National Urban League, the nation’s largest historic civil rights and urban advocacy organization run by Marc Morial, president and CEO. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the African American civil rights organization closely associated with its first president, Martin Luther King Jr., led by current President and CEO Dr. Charles Steele Jr. “After a year in which we couldn’t celebrate in person, this year’s show is monumental, honoring the past 30 years of Black excellence and achievement while inspiring future generations,” said Cheryle Harrison, head of Bounce. “Bounce is honored to continue the vision of Ms. Xernona Clayton, the civil rights leader and social justice warrior, who has paved the way and inspired all of us. This event is truly a special moment in Bounce history.” Just a few suggestions to spend the holiday; I for one think I’ll put together a playlist of songs associated with James Mtume. That will surely last well into next month. A great loss, but much more on that later. Over and out, holla next week. Til then, enjoy the nightlife.

10 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


Union Matters Hochul and Williams start the year with new union/progressive endorsements By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff

(Bill Moore photo)

(Don Pollard/Office of Governor Kathy Hochul)

line catering. She has looked to support workers seeking to unionize in New York State Gov. both new and emerging Kathy Hochul and industries like adult-use party challenger, New cannabis and historicalYork City Public Advoly excluded farmworkers.” cate Jumaane Williams, Hochul said that she began the new year was “humbled” by the with endorsements union’s endorsement. from labor unions and “The RWDSU has been progressive groups. a strong advocate for the The Retail, Wholeneeds and rights of its sale and Development members. RWDSU memStore Union (RWDSU) bers provide critical serendorsed Jumaane Wilvices to us as we continue liams for New York State to weather the pandemgovernor. RWDSU Presic, from retail, grocery ident Stuart Appelbaum and pharmacy workers, stated that Hochul’s to health aids and social proven, during her short workers at non-profits time in office, that she’s The Williams and Hochul endorsement race for governor has begun. and in nursing homes, more than capable of to food processing workkeeping her job. track record as a strong and smart leader ers that produce the food on our dinner “Upon taking office in late August, with a steady hand. She has taken on the tables—they are there,” stated Hochul. Governor Hochul acted swiftly to im- unemployment crisis many of our mem- “New York is at its best when organized plement profound safety protections bers face and created funds to help our labor has a seat at the table and when we for our members under the NY Hero members in the tourism industry, which ensure our workers are treated fairly and Act,” said Appelbaum. “She has a proven include our members who work in air- with dignity and respect.”

Not to be outdone, Williams was endorsed by Progressive Coalition of NYC Council Members who perceive Williams to be a true liberal compared to the “moderate” Hochul. Coalition member New York City Council Member Tiffany Cabán said she was honored to endorse Williams. “In his years in public service, Jumaane has been a leader on public safety, environmental justice, and education equity, authoring legislation to curb stop-and-frisk and create more police oversight, fighting for safe schools and workplaces during the COVID pandemic, investing in cure violence programs to combat gun violence, and demanding public power for New York City,” stated Cabán. Williams has publicly declared his stance in favor of policies addressing climate science, COVID vaccines and outside intervention in monitoring Rikers’ Island. Williams has also been arrested in Albany at protests for rent regulation and outside of Trump Tower in Manhattan at protests against then U.S. Supreme Court See ENDORSEMENTS on page 29

Unions & activists celebrating, GOP palpitating over new voting bill New York City’s bill allowing non-citizens to vote is in effect and opinions are expectedly based on political affiliation. Pro-immigration/undocumented activists and labor unions praised the new law (Into. 1867 ) passed by the New York City Council in December while conservative politicians have vowed to kill the bill before it leaves its mark on city politics. What will New York City Mayor Eric Adams do with the bill? Keep it. In a statement released last Saturday, the mayor said, “I believe that New Yorkers should have a say in their government, which is why I have and will continue to support this important legislation. While I initially had some concerns about one aspect of the bill, I had a productive dialogue with my colleagues in government that put those concerns at ease. I believe allowing the legislation to be enacted is by far the best choice, and look forward to bringing millions more into the democratic process.” Intro. 1867 would, according to the bill, “provide a process for individuals in New York City who are lawful permanent residents or are authorized to work in the United States to vote in municipal elections.” It would essentially allow noncitizens to vote. Adams’ comments on the bill, which went into effect Jan. 9, have ruffled a few feathers. The head of the NY GOP isn’t happy with the bill. This week, the New York State Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy

and several other GOP elected officials filed a lawsuit in Richmond County to block noncitizens from voting. According to Langworthy, this is only the beginning. “We vowed to use every legal tool in our arsenal to block this unconstitutional and un-American law, and that’s exactly what we’re doing,” stated Langworthy in an emailed statement. “The law is clear and the ethics are even New noncitizen voting bill has angered local GOPers. clearer: we shouldn’t be allowing citizens of other nations to days, to vote in local elections is a slap in vote in our elections, full stop. We are only the face of every single American citizen, two weeks into the Adams administration whether born or naturalized. This unconand he is already kowtowing to the radi- stitutional act cheapens what it means to cal City Council. This lawsuit is the only be a citizen and is an insult to every immithing that will stop them from their ulti- grant who has followed the law, taken citmate goal of eradicating all the lines be- izenship classes and swore an oath to our tween citizens and non-citizens.” nation. That is why, as promised, today we Not to be outdone, Staten Island Bor- are filing suit to challenge this law.” ough President Vito Fossella said that Bills allowing non-citizens to vote have voting is a privilege and an obligation and received pushback nationally by conthe undocumented should not have that servatives. At the same time that the law privilege. passed through the New York City Coun“The right to vote is one of our most cil, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio introduced a sacred privileges and obligations,” stated bill (the Protecting Our Democracy by Fossella in an email. “Last night, legisla- Preventing Foreign Citizens from Voting tion became law that makes a total mock- Act) that would prohibit all non-citizens ery of the concept of American citizenship. from voting and federal funds for cities Allowing 800,000 non-citizens, including that allow them to do so. In a statement, those who have been here for less than 30 he referred to New York and other states’

laws that are pro noncitizens voting as “ridiculous.” But activists and local council members praised the bill and praised the council in its fight for immigrant rights. They said they would not be deterred by conservative efforts to kill the law. While the AmNews couldn’t contact those involved, members of the Our City, Our Vote coalition, a group of activists and local politicians who collectively pushed for the bill, the New York Immigration Coalition, United Neighborhood Homes and labor activists like UNITE HERE Local 100 and One Fair Wage made their voices heard after the legislation was passed and signed by former New York City mayor Bill de Blasio. Council Member Carlos Menchaca, chair of the Committee on Immigration, celebrated the bill’s passing in late December. He said that opponents of the bill are spreading misinformation and are engaging in fear-mongering. “They are wrong. Under our legislation, only those who have work authorization and have some immigration status under federal law can vote in our local elections,” stated Menchaca. “These are individuals like Dreamers under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program who worked as essential healthcare workers during the pandemic or Haitian New Yorkers with (Photo courtesy of jorgeantonio via iStock)

By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff

See BILL on page 29


January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 11

Maya Angelou first Black woman on U.S. coin By STACY M. BROWN NNPA Senior Correspondent Famous author and noted civil rights leader Maya Angelou became the first African American woman featured on the 25-cent coin. The U.S. Mint began shipping the quarters on Jan. 10. Reportedly, the Angelou coin is the first in a series designed to celebrate the accomplishments of American women. “Each time we redesign our currency,

we have the chance to say something about our country—what we value, and how we’ve progressed as a society,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen said in a statement. “I’m very proud that these coins celebrate the contributions of some of America’s most remarkable women, including Maya Angelou.” Angelou, whose works include such classics as “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” “And Still I Rise,” and “The Heart of a Woman,” died in 2014. She received the Presidential Medal

of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, from President Barack Obama. The commemorative new coin features Angelou with her arms uplifted like a bird in flight and a rising sun behind her. “They are images inspired by her poetry and symbolic of the way she lived,” officials at the U.S. Mint said in the statement. To the right are the words “e pluribus Unum,” Latin for “out of many, one,” a phrase also on the national seal. The

flip side features a portrait of George Washington. “Excited to announce that Maya Angelou becomes the first Black woman to appear on a U.S. quarter,” California Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee wrote on Twitter. “The phenomenal women who shaped American history have gone unrecognized for too long—especially women of color,” Rep. Lee wrote. “Proud to have led this bill to honor their legacies.”

MLK family asks for no celebration until lawmakers pass voting rights legislation By STACY M. BROWN NNPA Senior Correspondent Prayer breakfasts, marches, parades, and an uptick in volunteer efforts to support the annual Day of Service have remained staples of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. But the family of the late civil rights icon has asked that observers strike a different tune in 2022. King’s family has requested no celebration unless federal lawmakers pass voting rights legislation, a task that appears out of reach as President Joe Biden and several Democrats have faced stiff Republican opposition. Democrats have also been hampered by members of their own party, notably West Virginia Sen. Joe

Manchin, whose vote is crucial in an evenly split chamber. “President Biden and Congress used their political muscle to deliver a vital infrastructure deal, and now we are calling on them to do the same to restore the very voting rights protections my father and countless other civil rights leaders bled to secure,” Martin Luther King III said in a statement. “We will not accept empty promises in pursuit of my father’s dream for a more equal and just America,” King III, the oldest son and oldest living child of King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. King III, his wife Arndrea Waters King, and their daughter Yolanda King said they plan to mobilize activists on MLK weekend—Jan. 14-16—to demand a

“The time is always right to do what’s right.”

Give back on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and every day Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s own words remind us of the importance of leadership, hope and service. And at AARP, we believe your experience, skills and passion have the power to inspire others to make a difference. We encourage everyone to continue his legacy by lending a helping hand in their community. And we can help. Join us in making a difference on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and every day. Go to to find ways you can volunteer in your community Please serve your community and others safely by following all CDC COVID-19 guidelines and federal, state and local regulations.

voting rights bill. In numerous Republican-led states like Texas, Florida, and Georgia, lawmakers have passed or are attempting to pass tight voter suppression laws that would disenfranchise many voters of color and the elderly. Earlier this month, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) promised that the U.S. Senate would vote by Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan. 17) on whether the chamber would adopt new rules to circumvent the draconian filibuster to enable the passage of voting rights and social justice bills. “We must ask ourselves: if the right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy, then how can we in good conscience allow for a situation in which the Re-

publican Party can debate and pass voter suppression laws at the State level with only a simple majority vote, but not allow the United States Senate to do the same? We must adapt,” Sen. Schumer demanded. “The Senate must evolve like it has many times before. The Senate was designed to evolve and has evolved many times in our history.” Sen. Schumer continued: “The fight for the ballot is as old as the Republic. Over the coming weeks, the Senate will once again consider how to perfect this union and confront the historic challenges facing our democracy. We hope our Republican colleagues change course and work with us. See MLK on page 25

12 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


Opinion Open letter to Governor Murphy: Veto the ‘bad’ bodycam bill Dear Gov. Murphy, We expressly insist that you veto S3939/A5864, a bill that allows police officers to view bodycam footage before coming forward with their reports. This bill undermines the entire point of the implementing body provide a material instrument of transparency! We also say that this bill, no matter the legislature’s theater of agreement, where critical community engagement was curtailed and expert criticism was derided, takes us backwards on the question of police reform when we sorely need to go forward. Most offensive to New Jersey’s African American community is that this bill was fast-tracked through the legislature on the heels of the anniversary of the Emmanuel 9 Massacre in Charleston in June. Why is that important to us? It should not be forgotten that the principal target of that massacre was the late State Sen. Clementa Pinckney, who also happened to be the pastor of that historic church. Sen. Pinckney helped marshal a united strategy in the statehouse of one of

this country’s historically most violently racist states and got Tell the legislature that the time has come to pass the folBodyCamera requirements passed through both branches lowing bills... and did so almost unanimously! -The Police Transparency Bill S2656 (D-Weinberg); A5301 Only one representative, whose name history will (Verlina Reynolds-Jackson) gladly forget, would not join in the making of that historic -The Civilian Review Board with its key authorities intact moment. Tragically, Sen. Pinckney would be dead less than S2963 (D-Rice); A4656 (McKnight) two weeks later. -Limiting The Use of Deadly Force S3825 (DThis bill is a slap in the face of what all of that meant! Turner);A4526 (D-Tucker) We salute the handful of legislators who understood that -Ending Qualifying Immunity S3730 (D-Gill);A4578(Dand voted against that, and I am proud to name them: in the Wimberly) assembly, Britnee Timberlake, in the senate, Nia Gill, Ron -Ban of Chokeholds S2617 (D-Turner); A4284 (WimberRice and Loretta Weinberg, because they embody what true ly)... leadership means...commitment to principle! Challenge the legislature, just as we all have been doing Since that initial push through the assembly, we only were and will continue to do. The time to do this is now. The best further infuriated by your office’s ‘touches’ to the bill. We do way to do this is to do this together. not want to see ‘touches’ on the legitimizing of a bad bill to apThat would be profoundly historic! That would be propease the intimidating police unions. We want to see a united foundly principled! That would be a genuinely profound effort to stand up to such intimidation and stand up for what’s step forward that would engender the trust and accountright and what’s really needed, and it is NOT THIS BILL! ability that we all need to see!... We say what should happen, instead, is that you would We can and must do so much better than the bad politiveto the bill and challenge the legislature to unite on the cal theater that is S3939/A5864. package of strong police reform bills that are VETO S3939/A5864 now!... already developed that would round out the strengths and limits of the bodycam bills that Zayid Muhammad is an organizer with N-CAP It may be a considerable stretch to evoke Helen Reddy’s “I Am you already signed. (Newark Communities for Accountable Policing). Woman,” alongside President Biden’s speech on Tuesday, Jan. 11, in Atlanta, but his declaration that he will no longer be quiet roars like Reddy’s manifesto of song. To hear him take a forceful, aggressive stance on voter suppression, the fraudulent Trump and his acolytes, and the demand to eliminate the filibuster should By RICKY CLEMONS safe, something that is especially important as the city remove some of the charges about his reluctance to deal deals with a major surge in cases due to the Omicron with these pressing issues. And these comments speak Brooklyn Nets superstar point guard Kyrie Irving variant. But allowing unvaccinated players from visvolumes to those who have called him “Sleepy Joe.” He embarked this week on one of the most quixotic and iting teams to play while keeping a crucial member is “woke” now in both senses of the word. impractical playing schedules since former 76er and of a championship caliber team at home forced to sit Many of the accusations about his being slow to act are not Net Eric Money played for the two teams during the out is not coherent governance nor does it make any accurate. It’s not that he has been exactly quiet, his words failed same game in 1978. sense from a public health perspective. to out shout the right wing media and swell of criticisms from While Money’s quagmire was caused by a lot of techThecityneedstoofferIrvingandtheNetsaworkaround his own league of supporters. nical fouls and some questionable officiating, Irving’s to this draconian and yet contradictory requirement. For Okay, you’ve heard from Biden but these are just words, just dilemma is rooted in New York City’s regulations on example, it could require professional athletes who are pleasing rhetoric full of sound and fury that will soon recede COVID-19 vaccinations in the workplace. As of Dec. 27, unvaccinated to be tested a certain number of times into the echo chamber of half-remembered phrases. 2021, workers in New York City who perform in-person before each game that is played within the five boroughs. Let us hope that his intentions have some resonance and work or interact with the public in the course of business This would not only ensure that a player is COVID-free, meaning for members of Congress, especially the two senators must show proof they have received at least one dose of a whichisespeciallyimportantwiththedrasticriseinbreakin cahoots with the recalcitrant Republicans. As we know so COVID-19 vaccine and unvaccinated people are barred through infections caused by Omicron, but also guaranwell, hell is paved with good intentions; it’s the action that puts from entering their place of work. tee that all athletes taking the hardwood, the diamond, the rubber on the road, to mix the metaphors. These regulations have forced the unvaccinated the ice, or the mound in New York City are not infectious. Yes, Mr. President, your roar continues to echo among your Irving, a seven-time NBA All-Star known for his pinThis tactic would take a high level of coordination beconstituents—and may have even reached some of those who point passing and mind-boggling drives to the hoop, tween the city and major sports leagues, but the logistics raged at the Capitol a year ago—but if it does not elicit a pas- to sit out home games at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center— of this tactic are scalable and pale in comparison to the sionate and determined response from voters and a corps of along with games across the East River in Madison degree of synchronization the NBA needed when operelected officials, it will die aborning. Square Garden. Irving, however, can play in road ating the league in their bubble. He is Biden, hear him roar, and even with a clinging cough the games in cities without a vaccination requirement. One key aspect of all great basketball teams is the coother day in Atlanta, his words had a welcomed power, and we (Except in Toronto versus the rival Raptors because hesion that comes from playing together game in and hope they have the results it brought to so many women who vaccination is a requisite for entering Canada.) game out. It’s knowing that your teammate will be in the heard Reddy’s call to arms, her roar. What is most frustrating about this situation—be- exact spot where you send that no-look pass, that they sides that Irving, along with forward Kevin Durant and will crash the boards when an opponent drives into guard James Harden, form the backbone of a team that the paint, or that they’ll find the open man for a corner could win the Nets’ first NBA championship—is that three when being double-teamed. These are just some New York’s vaccination requirements do not prevent of the moments in the game where Kyrie Irving excels, unvaccinated players from other teams from taking to but even a player of his ability can’t form that continuity the hardwood when they come to town. with his teammates playing only away games. This means that the Orlando Magic’s Jonathan Isaac There is a better way to resolve this issue with would be able to play in games in New York City de- Irving—one that works for the team, the city, the spite his open stance against taking the COVID-19 vac- public’s health. Mayor Adams, there’s only one cine. Or when the Denver Nuggets come to Brooklyn question that remains. That is, are you game? later this month, Michael Porter Jr.—who has said that he doesn’t feel comfortable taking the vaccine—would Ricky Clemons is a lecturer of sports managebe eligible to play (if his back heals). ment at Howard University. He is also author of the New York City’s vaccine requirements were im- book, “INBOUNDS: The Evolution of Black College plemented in good faith and meant to keep workers Players in Professional Football.”

He is Biden, hear him roar EDITORIAL

NYC’s vaccine requirements keep Kyrie off the court, but let unvaxxed visiting team play


The average empire survives for 250 years: Is America at death’s door?

January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 13

What are you watching and reading?

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not represent those of the New York Amsterdam News. We continue to publish a variety of viewpoints so that we may know the opinions of others that may differ from our own.



Studies show that an empire survives, on average, a mere, 250 years. Did you know that? To put that into context, the world’s oldest person recently died at 124 years old, so she lived nearly half as long as most empires do. Most Americans are unaware of this small but crucial statistic, which may suggest much about our country’s future. It is past time for Americans to confront the painful reality that our time as a world superpower may be limited, and it is time to explore how to slow down what, frankly, is an inevitability at some point—that the United States’ global domination will not persist indefinitely. This may be difficult to grasp and accept, but it has never been true for any civilization in the past, and it will never be true for any society in the future. As we consider historical empires, it is worth noting that the vast majority of Americans do not regard the United States as an empire in the classical sense despite the fact that many people throughout the world do. However, for the purposes of this column, the United States, although being modern in every meaning of the word, does indeed qualify as an empire. Since World War II, the United States has been primarily concerned with spreading democracy and freedom across the world, seeing itself as a sort of global liberator. In reality, the U.S. maintains over 800 military outposts and special operations groups spread around the globe. This is a critical consideration in determining where the United States belongs in the pantheon of former empires, since, like those before it, it has been primarily interested in extending influence and power. This is not something that I mean as a criticism, but rather as a contextual point. However, it is this overreach in the pursuit of continuous power and influence that frequently leads to empires withering, albeit slowly. In 2026, the United States of America, founded in 1776, will celebrate its 250th anniversary. We’re rapidly nearing the 250th anniversary of the fall of most previous civilizations. With ongoing internal turmoil ranging from race to financial disparity to political tribalism, and other countries gradually pulling away from the orbit of U.S. led supremacy, it appears that the tides are turning against us. I fear that this mere statistic may soon become a reality that alters the course of our lives. After all, many citizens and politicians would

celebrate our downfall, not realizing the perilous impact it would have on the freedoms they believe they do not have. I am not sure if it will be a huge international conflict, a financial catastrophe, or a civil war that causes the United States to fall apart, but I do believe that learning from the past is critical if we are to slow down the inevitable. As odd as it may seem, perhaps Chinese history and culture might teach our country something. Why has China survived for 5,000 years? What have they discovered that the rest of the world’s great empires haven’t? They have seen empires like the United States rise and fall, and they have seen other dynasties come and go. If we are to defend our nation, I believe we must learn from our adversaries. Being a part of an ancient civilization brings a number of benefits. The main thing I’ve noticed about China is that it has a distinct and complicated cultural value system that is embedded in the individuals that make up the country. The value system that defines what it is to be Chinese and what a Chinese society looks like has had an unusually long period of time to form. Their desire for knowledge and skill, as well as a cautious commitment to not overextending militarily, have proven crucial to their persistence as a country. China is clearly interested in expanding its worldwide domination, but more so in terms of economics and finance than in terms of actual resources. They look to be primarily focused militarily on their own backyard while gradually advancing through technology the capacity to have global military reach if required. This is in stark contrast to the United States, which has endeavored to expand itself over the globe to as many places as it possibly can with raw manpower. All past empires seem to have struggled because of their exclusive concentration on worldwide military superiority. However, I think we need to rethink this. I think we need an ultra advanced military that’s not spread thin with the capabilities to be worldwide whenever needed. Additionally, we should focus on financial and economic dominance through trade, global finance, and other monetary measures. There are important lessons for the United States to learn, including the fact that it is not too late to save our republic. It has been demonstrated that if we learn from history, a great nation can endure and outlive others; the critical issue is whether we will do so before it is too late. Armstrong Williams (@ARightSide) is manager / sole owner of Howard Stirk Holdings I & II Broadcast Television Stations and the 2016 Multicultural Media Broadcast Owner of the year. | www.

CHRISTINA GREER PH.D. It’s a new year and I’m sure folks have set various resolutions. You may have decided to work out more, eat more healthy foods, spend more time reaching out to loved ones, or read more. Others may have decided to drink and smoke less, remove toxic people from their lives, or spend more time working on their spiritual and emotional wellbeing. This year I am hoping to put Netflix on pause and read more fiction. I realize during these past 22 months of lockdown and quarantine, I have read very few fiction books and have spent lots of time watching new shows and rewatching shows from years past. Like millions of others, I became obsessed watching “Succession” and discussing the horrible Roy family portrayed in the HBO show. The acting is brilliant and the cinematography is breathtaking. When I wasn’t watching this drama, I watched “SouthSide,” also on HBO. This hilarious show is finally getting the recognition it deserves. It is an homage to working class African American Chicagoans, and the comedic talent has had me literally in tears laughing during each episode. The creators, Diallo Riddle and Bashir Salahuddin, also star in the show alongside Salahuddin’s siblings and an all-star talented cast. I truly hope the show gets renewed for a third season. I am trying to move away from watching television just a bit in the new year and have a few books I’d like to read. First on my list is “Monster in the Middle” by Tiphanie Yanique. I read her first

novel “Land of Love and Drowning” years ago and could not put the book down. The way Yanique weaves in characters over time and space is almost poetic. Her books are so well researched and her use of language makes you feel like you are a character in the book—I absolutely cannot wait to explore this new book. I also just ordered “From Staircase to Stage: The Story of Raekwon and the Wu-Tang Clan” by the famed Wu-Tang member Raekwon. I find the genre of hip hop biographies so fascinating. With each memoir the detailed understanding of race and class and the music industry sheds new light on the trials and triumphs of these young men who have become cultural icons. Whether you choose to read more or double down and watch more television during this pandemic, enjoy! There is a quote attributed to the author E.B. White, “We read to know we are not alone.” I hope that whatever book (or television show) you find this year brings you a level of joy and a greater understanding of yourself and the world around you. Are there any books or television shows that you want to recommend to Amsterdam News readers? If so, please tweet us at @NYAmNews and let us know your recommendations. Christina Greer, Ph.D., is an associate professor at Fordham University, the author of “Black Ethnics: Race, Immigration, and the Pursuit of the American Dream,” and the co-host of the podcast FAQ-NYC.

14 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


Caribbean Update

COVID holiday spikes bite Caricom By BERT WILKINSON Special to the AmNews Caribbean governments are complaining bitterly as they blame Christmas holiday partying and illegal assemblies for massive spikes in the number of COVID-19 cases, with a number of member nations recording frightening daily records. Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad, The Bahamas, and Barbados to a lesser extent, have all seen hikes of numbers as many struggle to survive calls to cancel the physical reopening of schools or to temporarily curb some freedoms to minimize the spread of the virus. For example, Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness Sunday gave every indication that his cabinet is feeling the pressure from society to do something about spiraling cases, noting that a lockdown of the economy is not the way to go at this time as the cabinet prepares for what he says is a fourth corona wave. Personal responsibility

and adherence to scientific protocols are the preferred methods, he said. “We are not going to shut down again. I have been very clear in parliament, very clear, absolutely gone overboard to say that we are not going back to lockdowns, so be calm. I have said what the containment strategy is. It is now in your hands. Go and take the vaccine. That is the strategy,” he told reporters. He also said that schools will remain open despite infections and challenges staff and administrators face. In bloc headquarters Guyana authorities blamed wild partying and illegal assemblies for a massive spike in cases, with records showing more than 1,016 cases in a single day over the weekend. Until late December, daily averages had been hovering around 200 with less than 10 people in intensive care compared to mid thirties weeks earlier. The main opposition People’s National Congress (PNC) at the weekend complained bitterly about government duplicity and hypocrisy, con-

tending that while it urges citizens to be responsible, government cronies are being permitted to hold super-spreader sports and entertainment events with scant regard to protocols. “What is most concerning and very worrying is that while other groups are refused permission to hold similar events, the government is willing to risk the lives of Guyanese to permit a group that supports its political agenda to host a super-spreader event amidst the COVID19 pandemic,” that party said. In just 10 days for the year so far, neighboring Suriname is now averaging about 550 cases per day while Trinidad continues with its struggle to minimize the number of daily deaths with authorities. At the weekend, the daily record reached 974 but doctors say they are monitoring a two-day decline of about 50% as they try to determine if the holiday numbers have peaked. In Nassau, The Bahamian capital, doctors reported 818 cases last Friday, easily making it a national individual

day record. Some hospitals are reporting pressure to deal with incoming cases but government spokesman Clint Watson says action is being taken. “We have opened four tents at the Princess Margaret Hospital. We are building capacity not only in infrastructure but also in manpower. We’ve asked the department of public health to lend us nurses to ease the burden felt because of those medical professionals in quarantine,” he said as authorities are expecting a batch of 50 nurses from neighboring Cuba this week. In the Eastern Caribbean, Barbados, which is preparing for snap elections on Jan. 19, has also seen unusual spikes that officials link both to the holiday season and electoral campaigning. Last Friday the official figure was 495 cases in a day. Campaigning for elections called by Prime Minister Mia Mottley late last month has intensified in recent days despite calls from medical personnel for adherence to protocols and social distancing.

Why would the U.S.’ VP, immigration czar, and daughter of immigrants hire an anti-immigration Tweeter?


IMMIGRATION KORNER It’s 2022 and just when you thought the United States’ vice president, daughter of immigrants and immigration czar Kamala Harris, might have spent the holidays thinking about how to up the ante in the new year, she does something completely politically unsound. Last week, Harris’ office announced she has hired Detroit-native Jamal Simmons as her new communications director. He is set to replace Ashley Etienne, who left the office late last year, along with Symone Sanders, who was Harris’ chief spokesperson and senior adviser. Harris is also losing Peter Velz, her director of press operations, and Vincent Evans, her deputy director of public engagement, who is headed to direct the Congressional Black Caucus, as her first year continues to be dogged by reports about dysfunction within. But now the dysfunction has made another public appearance as somehow, Harris’ office hired Simmons without doing a thorough vetting of all his communication, including his tweets. And Simmons has been a bad boy when it comes to immigrants. So much so that even Donald Trump’s dragon, Ste-

phen Miller, agreed with him at one time. Note: If Stephen Miller agrees with anything you say as a so-called left-leaning liberal analyst, then you should sign off and run for the hills. Simmons, who has contributed to political analysis on CNN, CBS News, NPR, ABC and MSNBC and worked in politics for two decades, according to his bio, seems to have a problem with undocumented immigrants that has now caused him to apologize—likely insincerely. Memo to Mr. Simmons—if you have to apologize for something you wrote, then you should not have written it in the first place. So here’s the lowdown. In one resurfaced tweet from November 2010, Simmons wrote: “Just saw 2 undocumented folks talking on MSNBC. One Law student the other a protester. Can someone explain why ICE is not picking them up?” That wasn’t enough or maybe it wasn’t loved or retweeted enough. The same day Simmons posted again: “I’ll try this again. Just saw 2 undocumented folks talking on MSNBC and have a serious legal question. Why wouldn’t ICE pick them up?” And then came the third tweet as Simmons obviously was extremely moved to anger by these poor undocumented immigrants. “We shld harden borders & ease visas/ find ways to bring undocumented into legal status/punish employers. My was

common sense one,” Simmons insisted in a third tweet. The messages drew attention from Miller who agreed with Simmons. “I agree with @JamalSimmons,” he tweeted. “If you break into our nation there must be deportation.” Fast track to 2022. Simmons for his part is now busy apologizing as he tries to do damage control to ensure he keeps this job. In a statement to CNN, Simmons wrote, “As a pundit for much of my career I have tweeted a lot and spoken out on public issues. Sometimes I have been sarcastic, unclear, or just plainly missed the mark. I sincerely apologize for offending those who care as much as I do about making America the best, multiethnic, diverse democracy it can be. I know the role I am taking on is to represent the Biden-Harris administration, and I will do so with humility, sincerity and respect.” And on Friday, he wasn’t done apologizing as he tweeted: “For the record, I’ve never advocated for, nor believed that Dreamers should be targeted by ICE agents. I’ve been for DACA + comprehensive immigration reform for years. Frankly, it’s depressing ppl can forget about every other thing I’ve said in public on this bc of bad tweets.” That is hardly an apology. Sounds more like arrogance as his own words have come back to bite him in the backside. Perhaps he should be apologizing to the

undocumented immigrants he smeared and to all immigrants for being a xenophobe like Miller and Trump. I agree with Washington State Democratic congressional candidate Stephanie Gallardo. Simmons’ tweets disqualify him from being communications director to the nation’s VP and immigration czar and from any post in the Biden administration. If he had to go through any confirmation process he would be disqualified, so why should he be kept around to take up the post? If VP Harris has any political savvy, she will revoke this appointment. There are numerous qualified persons available; no need to settle for an anti-immigrant tweeter and so-called pundit. Simmons is entitled to his opinion as a private individual and pundit but not as an employer to be paid by taxpayer dollars. Harris, as a daughter of immigrants, should not entertain anyone with even a hint of loathing or xenophobia. If Simmons had said something against the LGBTQ or Jewish community he would be instantly disqualified. Why is it okay for him to get away with this because its undocumented immigrants? It is not okay, and Kamala Harris should know that and revoke this appointment now! The writer is publisher of NewsAmericasNow.


Arts & Entertainment

January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 15

Pg. 18

Film/TV page 15 | Theater page 16 | Food page 20 | Jazz page 21

To Sidney Poitier, with Love! By LINDA ARMSTRONG Special to the AmNews

reached out to me immediately was legendary actor Count Stovall. He sent this tribute: “To Sir Sidney Poitier with love: Yesterday I had a unique experience. I watched two wonderful Sidney Poitier films that I had never seen before—‘Brother John’ (1971) and ‘The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn’ (1999). I enjoyed them immensely. Firstly, it’s been years since I was able to watch what was for me a new Sidney Poitier film; lastly, I had never seen two more beautifully performed films by Sir Sidney Poitier. And today I topped off this great experience by seeing the CBS Sunday Morning’s story about the great man. It brought me to tears. The man gave me a sense of personal power. It took me over 50 years to completely appreciate this giant of a man. His artistry so enabled me to see myself as a strong, capable man. Oh yes, we raced to the cinema to see the latest Sidney Poitier film. But I never knew that I was—for the duration of my life until reaching my 70s and after having read two autobiographies by this man—able to fully digest his impact on me as an artist, a man and a human being and yes, Mr. Poitier explained my life’s potential as a man of color. He was right. He demonstrated a code of conduct to me both as an artist, and as a man living in the duplicitous world of America. His example has given me tremendously rewarding insights. Sir Sidney Poitier lived an amazingly effective life of service. He embodied eloquence and versatility as a performer, a director and a writer. All I can say is thank you. I had the great good fortune to meet him on several occasions and to be friends and a colleague of his beautiful talented daughter Pamela Poitier.” Tony Award winning director Kenny Leon said of Poitier, “He opened the door and set the table for all of us…The father of American storytelling whom all artists (Joyce Sylvester photo)

Elizabeth in 1974. Poitier was a New York City. Prior to finding out to your creative contribution to the man of many talents: in addi- about an audition at the Ameri- enhancement of the creative arts… tion to being a brilliant actor and can Negro Theater (through the The world has seen who you are I was at home that Friday morn- writer, he was also a director and pages of the New York Amster- and how you continue to enrich ing when I heard the news that civil rights activist. Poitier partici- dam News, I might add), Poitier the world of the creative arts. Sidney Poitier had passed away pated in the March on Washing- lied about his age in 1943 and en- Congratulations.” His daughter, Thursday, Jan. 6, in his home in ton and spoke out for civil rights. listed in the Army. He served as Pamela Poitier, was there to accept the Bahamas. He was 94 years old. I fondly recall going to the open- an orderly with the 1267th Med- the award for her father, which was The Bahamian American actor ing night of “Motown: The Mu- ical Detachment at a veteran’s presented by Glynn Turman. was the youngest of seven children for Evelyn Poitier and Reginald James Poitier, tomato farmers on Cat Island. The sadness I felt was deep! This was a man whose work I had seen all my life and whose work I had loved and admired. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched, “Lilies of the Field,” the film that earned him his first Academy Award in 1964, making him the first Black man to receive the Best Actor honor. I also loved him in “In The Heat of the Night,” “A Raisin In The Sun,” “To Sir With Love,” “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner,” “The Defiant Ones,” and “A Patch of Blue.” Poitier made 56 films in Douglas Turner Ward, Woodie King Jr. and Sidney Poitier at New Federal Theatre’s 30th anniversary in 2001 this lifetime. He said in a past interview on “The Oprah sical” on Broadway in 2013 and hospital on Long Island. RealizWoodie King Jr., describing what Winfrey Show” shown on Sunday, looking up while in the lobby ing this wasn’t what he wanted, Sidney Poitier meant to him said, “My work has been representative and seeing the dashing 6 ft. 2 in. he faked a mental disorder and “He meant that I could work and of me as a man. And the values are Poitier standing before me. I was received a discharge in 1945. integrate into this place called the what I carry over from my parents.” overjoyed and quickly but re- Once discharged he returned to American theater. I started off in He was an actor who made us all spectfully approached him, intro- New York City. It is interesting to theater in Detroit, went to drama proud and opened doors for so duced myself and asked if I could note that Sidney Poitier was led to school, got a grant to the American many people. He was also some- interview him about the musi- his first theater experience at the Place Theatre in New York where one who chose his roles carefully, cal for the Amsterdam News. He American Negro Theater by read- I got to work with Sidney Poitier’s always making sure not to take on told me he needed a minute, but ing the Amsterdam News, where director for ‘A Raisin in the Sun,’ demeaning roles. to wait there and that he would be he saw an ad that the American Lloyd Richards. From there I got a Poitier was a writer, having cre- right back. I waited a few moments Negro Theater was looking for job in the Poverty program. I was ated the books “The Measure of and he returned, and in a very soft actors. It truly is a small world. with Mobilization for Youth on the a Man: A Spiritual Autobiogra- voice shared his appreciation for What is always beautiful about East Side, training young people in phy” and “Life Beyond Measure: the musical and what it meant to our treasured icons like Sidney acting and how to be noted and reLetters to my Great Granddaugh- have this musical about the Black Poitier, is that when they are hon- spected. Sidney Poitier’s influence ter.” These two books also won artists from Motown and to hear ored by others, they tend to not was a part of that program from him Grammy Awards for Spoken the music on Broadway. When only be humble, but they sing the day one, that’s what he meant to Word Albums. He won three I requested a photo with him he praises of those honoring them. me. Everything that I did in that Golden Globe Awards, one for smiled and agreed. That is one of This is what Poitier did in 2011 at program was emulating Sidney “Lilies of the Field.” He received my prized possessions, and hangs the 40th anniversary of the New Poitier. I had been exposed to his the Screen Actor Guild Life proudly on my living room wall! Federal Theatre as Woodie King work and read about how he startAchievement Award; President Poitier’s roots were in theater: Jr. honored him. He appeared in a ed,” King shared. Barack Obama awarded him the he got his start with the Ameri- video message to King and shared Poitier’s passing causes one to Medal of Freedom; and Sir Sidney can Negro Theater as a teenag- these words: “Woodie, you are reflect on the impact he had on Poitier was knighted by Queen er, struggling to make a career in destined to go down in history as their lives. One such person who

Your Stars

See LINDA on page 17

16 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022









2021: The Year in Review in Black Theater, Pt. 2

By LINDA ARMSTRONG Special to the AmNews

(Joan Marcus photo)

“Clyde’s” by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Lynn Nottage (currently playing at the Helen Hayes Theatre). In October I went to the Golden Theatre on West 45th Street and I was profoundly moved by the likes of something I had never seen on a Broadway stage— a play that demonstrated the deep levels of a Black man in “Thoughts of a Colored Man,” written by Keenan Scott II, directed by Steve Broadnax III and featuring seven phenomenal actors. Scott used monologues, slam poetry, singing and conversations to demonstrate the importance and complexity of Black men. His seven characters—Love, Lust, Depression, Passion, Anger, Happiness and Wisdom—reminded one of a father, uncle, brother, cousin. The actors were incredible and featured Dyllon Burnside, Bryan Terrell Clark, Da’Vinchi, Forrest McClendon, Esau Pritchett and making their moving Broadway debuts—Luke James and Tristan Mack Wilds. This play also proclaimed a great love and respect for Black women. Though it was set to run through March 2022, COVID issues caused it to end in late December—that was a tragedy! October-November also saw Broadway embracing Rubin Santiago-Hudson in “Lackawanna Blues.” His autobiographical story of being raised in a rooming house in Lackawanna, New York by Nanny. During his powerhouse performance he portrayed 24 characters brilliantly! October also saw “Caroline, Or Change” on Broadway at Studio 54. The Tony Kushner musical tells the story of Caroline, a maid in Louisiana in 1963, who has a hard life. She works for a

white, Jewish family and she struggles to take care of her three children as a single mom. This Broadway musical has o a splendid cast, most of which are Afri- i can Americans. Sharon D. Clarke made s her Broadway debut and she is extraordinary as Caroline. Other Black talent w includes Nasia Thomas, Nya, Harper w Miles, Kevin S. McAllister, N’Kenge, Sa- c mantha Williams, Tamika Lawrence, Al- d exander Bello and Jayden Theophile. s More October fare included “Chicken a & Biscuits,” which played at the Circle in A the Square Theatre. Playwright Douglas “ Lyons made an impressive debut with s this comedy. It focused on the Jenkins m family funeral for the patriarch. The play w featured a magnificent cast of mainly h Blacks, which included Norm Lewis, n Cleo King, Ebony Marshall Oliver, a Aigner Mizzelle, Devera Rogers, Alana o Raquel Bowers and Natasha Yvette Wil- e liams, along with Michael Urie. The 2 comedy was directed by Black direc- t tor Zhailon Levingston, also making his t Broadway debut. o November marked when the late Alice k Childress’ play “Trouble in Mind” final- m ly made it to Broadway, 60 years after ‘ it was supposed to be there. This play f tells the story of the racism faced by b Black actors on Broadway in the 1950s. s This play is still showing at the American Airlines Theatre on 42nd Street. It has a powerful cast which includes Tony Award winners LaChanze and Chuck Cooper, along with Jessica Frances Dukes, and Brandon Michael Hill. Additional cast include Danielle Campbell, Don Stephenson, Alex Mickiewicz See REVIEW on page 17

(Marc J. Franklin photo)

inclusion for Blacks on Broadway and works on criminal justice reform, education reform and immigration. David 2021 was not only a time that this Alan Grier won the Tony for actor in a country went through a reckoning due featured role in a play for “A Soldier’s to the murder of George Floyd, it was a Play,” and the play by Charles Fuller won best revival of a play. Adrienne Warren won best performance by an actress in a leading role in a musical for her portrayal of Tina Turner in “Tina: The Tina Turner Musical.” September found me at the first Broadway play staged since the pandemic shutdown, “Pass Over.” It was one of seven plays created by Black writers this season. Black playwright Antoinette Chinonye Nwandu made her Broadway debut with this scorchAdam Makké, John Cariani, and Sharon D Clarke in Roundabout ing, viscerTheatre Company’s “Caroline, Or Change” al drama. Her time that the theater community had a two main characters were Moses and reckoning as well. It was a time to ac- Kitch and they lived on a street corner knowledge the inequality that Black in a ghetto neighborhood. They were people have endured in the theater terrified of racist, abusive white cops community for always. With Floyd’s and hoped to get to the Promised Land, murder Black members of the theater where they would have hope and recommunity formed groups to demand spect. They encountered a white man equity, diversity, inclusion and acces- who is referred to as Master and Ossisibility for Blacks in theater. One group fer. Both of his characters gave them a was Black Theatre United (BTU); others run for their money. Jon Michael Hill included Black Theatre Coalition (BTC) and Namir Smallwood were riveting as and Broadway Advocacy Coalition Moses and Kitch. Gabriel Ebert was in(BAC). BTU took six months from March credible in his dual roles. The play had to August, met with theater writers, di- stunning direction by Danya Taymor. rectors, producers, owners, unions, cre2021 was a year that saw seven plays atives, casting directors and created from Black writers and it was briefa New Deal For Broadway to address ly beautiful. In addition to “Pass Over,” equity, diversity, inclusion and acces- which played a limited run, there was sibility and a feeling of belonging for “Chicken & Biscuits” by Douglas Lyons— Blacks on Broadway. The New Deal ad- making his Broadway debut (shutdressed every facet of what goes on with down early due to COVID), “Thoughts doing a Broadway show! It is an amaz- of a Colored Man” by Keenan Scott II, ing document to read and is on BTU’s making his Broadway debut (shutdown website. early due to COVID), “Lackawanna The 74th annual Tony Awards hosted Blues” written, performed and directed by Audra McDonald and Leslie Odom by Rubin Santiago-Hudson, “Trouble In Jr. honored Woodie King Jr., press agent Mind” by the late Alice Childress (curIrene Gandy and Beverly Jenkins, a 30- rently playing at the American Airlines year stage manager with Excellence in Theatre through Jan. 10, 2022), “SkeleTheatre Awards. Also a special Tony ton Crew” by Dominique Morrisseau went to the Broadway Advocacy Coali- (which recently began performances as tion, which advocates for equity and the Samuel J. Friedman Theatre), and

Ruben Santiago-Hudson in “Lackawanna Blues”









January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 17

brother, thank you for opening doors and showing us the way to Continued from page 15 elegance to all the accolades I used before. owe a great deal of gratWe pray for your itude. He will forever infamily will miss you spire.” Sidney. This wasn’t Playwright and screensupposed to happen writer Richard Wesley, but life has an expirawho wrote the comedy tion date for all of us. classic “Uptown SaturWe just wish yours day Night,” which Poitier was a little longer. You starred in with Bill Cosby, taught us so much along with “Let’s Do It and your style and elAgain,” “Fast Forward” and egance—I grew up “Mandela and DeKlerk,” watching ‘Blackboard said, “He not only gave me Jungle’ and even there my big break, but he also you were elegantwas free with advice about ly beautiful with such how to navigate show busipoise. Well, rest well ness and life itself. We held my brother and thank a conversation with each you for everything other at least once a year you’ve done for us, not every year from 1973 until just the African Amer2020, when illness began ican community, but to overtake him, but even for the world. Well then I could get a message all I can say to God is or two to him, letting him ‘Guess who’s coming know he was not far from to dinner?’” my thoughts. More than a Sir Poitier will ‘mentor,’ Sidney was a friend. His Movie, film and stage legend directed me to his Facebook page grace, elegance and dignity there be missed, but is someone friendship is remembered more Ben Vereen shared with me that on which he shared his heart: “In was Sidney Poitier for the Afri- whom we will always feel by me than our working relation- he felt devastated by the passing the beginning there was Sidney can American community and for blessed and proud to have ship.” of his friend of several decades. He Poitier. In the beginning of style, the world. I will miss you my king had in our midst.


Sidney Poitier and Linda Armstrong at the opening night of “Motown: The Musical” in 2013

(Linda Armstrong photo)


Audra McDonald (L) and Brian Stokes Mitchell perform onstage during the 74th annual Tony Awards at Winter Garden Theatre on Sept. 26, 2021 in New York City.

Continued from page 16

and Simon Jones. The play has splendid direction by Charles Randolph Wright. The end of the year saw a remounting of “Black Love” at Black Spectrum Theatre in Queens and it was fantastic! The play, written by Carl Clay, looked at the issue of Black Love in our communities— relationships between men and women, fathers and sons, brothers and sisters and brothers and brothers. This play was quite interesting and engaging. The ensemble was wonderful and included Fulton Hodges, Gil Tucker, Douglas Wade, Ria Alexander, Kenya Wilson, Aaron Watkins, Ashley Versher, Jared Davidson, Brian Anthony Simmons, Tuquan Smith, Zori Job, Mel’Lahnee Blackwell, Robin Hemmings and Jade Mason. This year also marked Black Spectrum’s 50 anniversary. Carl Clay has created a treasure in Queens! A play that was much anticipated from Pulitzer Prize winning playwright—the one and only Lynn Nottage— “Clyde’s” hit the Broadway stage at the Helen Hayes Theatre running and it is tremendous. Nottage made a profound comedy/drama on

(Photo by Jenny Anderson/Getty Images for Tony Awards Productions)

the difficult, unfair treatment that ex-cons go through when trying to get back into society. The deck is so stacked against them, they have to take abuse and cruelty from a woman named Clyde, an ex-con herself who runs a truck-stop restaurant. She berates, sexually harasses and is deliberately cruel to her kitchen staff every opportunity she gets. The stupendous cast of this production includes Uzo Aduba, Kara Young, Reza

Salazar, Edmund Donovan and the incomparable Ron Cephas Jones! It has splendid direction by Kate Whoriskey! After Thanksgiving, the 49th annual AUDELCO Awards decided to take a different approach. Since there wasn’t theater as we normally know it, due to the pandemic, it was decided to honor Black Theater Excellence through a retrospective approach. Twenty-seven theater companies were acknowledged for their

work of the past 49 years. Companies had the titles and years of six to seven productions listed to be voted on by members of AUDELCO. Held in the Dwyer Cultural Center, there were displays of original cast photos from these vast productions—it was history! The evening was hosted by Phyllis Stickney, Jrome Andre and theater legend Vinnie Burrows with music by the Phil Young Experience and performances by Tina Fabrique. AUDEL-

CO also honored our people by bestowing Legacy Awards on Mary B. Davis, J.e. Franklin and Lawrence Holder. Lifetime Achievement Awards went to Marjorie Moon—the Billie Holiday Theatre and Carl Clay—Black Spectrum Theatre. Pioneer Awards were given to Lynda Gravatt, Ebony Jo-Ann, Ron Cephas Jones and Shirley Faison. Outstanding Achievement Awards went to Jackie Alexander and Lawrence Evans—National Black Theatre Festival. Special Achievement went to Sade Lythcott—National Black Theatre and Ty Jones— Classical Theatre of Harlem. Board of Director Awards were given to Don Hayden, Charles White and Linda Stewart. Woodie King Jr. received a bust of himself! 2021 was filled with ups and downs for theater and for everyone due to COVID and now with the Delta and Omicron variants, who knows what the future holds? COVID is shutting Broadway shows down temporarily and sometimes permanently. I hope that we can get through this trying time and enjoy the entertainment at our avail. God bless theater and help us to get back to normal. Dominique Morrisseau’s “Skeleton Crew” recently began performances—see whatever you can on and off Broadway!

18 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022










January 13, 2022 — January 19, 2022 The universe works in mysterious ways to flip the script that some can’t initially fathom, and where others are not surprised at all. As a beginner, learning something Vinateria new is foreign until you recognize the intrinsic structure or their cycles or systems. Everything and every being has a unique rhythm, pattern, and cycle within. When you’re placed in unexpected situations you learn quicker by observation without having the manual script. Re-evaluate what transpired in your life around April 19, 2021, where Uranus in Taurus, was direct at 10 degrees, through Aug. 19, 2021, where Uranus was in Taurus, retrograde at 14 degrees, then Uranus in Taurus will station direct on Jan. 19, 2022, at 10 degrees. Did you start or end something in your life? What are some major highlights of your life that you can recall at those times? What odd, unusual one-sided circumstances took place?



Your six senses, plus your intuition, are your greatest guide to follow this cycle. Information and messages are being conveyed to you from all sorts and angles of communication. Your name is circulating, rolling off the tongues of others. People are always going to talk, yet look to how you respond and you’re approached. Be intentional with your health, beauty, wealth, work, and don’t let one monkey stop your show. This is the cycle to be in preparation of things unfolding, and coming to a culmination in time. Keep the fortitude.

Are you in the publication or motion picture field, a field of higher learning, journalism, other professional areas, or going to school for law? This is a week to expand your talents or engage in something you have a passion for. It’s a week to connect with the higher-ups and exploit resources to aid in your endeavors to start or add to your business. There is something you’re seeking within to restore a personal matter that’s dear to your heart. Once you address the issue, you’ll be gratefully relieved.

Push the envelope to complete those unfinished projects, to get them sailing along, and to be pubJan 22 – Feb 19 lished after Mercury retrograde ends on Feb. 4, 2022. This year is all about new alliances, and a new perspective and ways of doing things differently, thus changing your perception on life. There may be a few shake-ups occurring this week, adding fuel to you mentally and sparking you to carry out your mission. Things may be up in the air for now but by month’s end, you’ll be grateful and counting your daily blessings.

Self-discovery is the secret sauce that reintroduces things about you. Things you may not have ever explored within yourself before. You’re on a path of reinventing your mindset, thus elevating it to the point of reaching new heights to accomplish a major task. Remember your core values as you progress in your life. Know that everyone, at some point, has to venture out on their own, like your first time going to college or leaving your parents’ home. Stay grounded and keep calm.

Dec 22 – Jan 21



Pisces: Setting up a new foundation requires a new set of skills and talents, fueled by a new plan to abide by. You’re full of joy and excitement to see your plans fall into place, and see how your immediate community of like-minded individuals is working with you to build an empire. A systemic approach may work for you, so now’s the time to get yourself into the groove. Once you set the tone of your foundation everything else will seamlessly fall in place. Feb 20 – Mar 20


There’s a difference between being egotistical and being direct when you need something accomplished. As a trailblazer, you lead by example and not by bullying your way through. That approach will eventually work against you. Any form of partnership, beginning now, will need your special care and attention. It’s about keeping your eyes on the details and the ultimate prize. Self-discovery is the theme of this cycle, as some circumstances will resurface, be it legal or semi-legal, contracts, and learning how to love yourself, but in a new light, with more depth and meaning. Mar 21 – Apr 21

June 22–July 23


July 24 – Aug 23


Your expertise may be high in demand this week. Your network and net worth speak for themselves. You’re a self-efficient one who doesn’t rely on someone else to do your work. Your resources are what equip you with what you need in order to maintain in life. Your honesty is important to yourself and others as you can cancel your subscription with people whenever you’re ready. New opportunities in work areas are expanding. It’s best to review first, however, before you sign or negotiate for what you want. Aug 24 – Sep 23

Leave wiggle room this week and reserve a portion of your energy for some “me time.” Focus on nurturing yourself while taking care of business matters, preparing for the upcoming heavy flow. This cycle may feel odd and unusual, slightly off, due to a message that’s attempting to come through. Listen to the conversation that’s taking place as you’re likely to find your message or discover something you have been seeking for the longest.


Sept 24 – Oct 23

Lucky you Taurus! Are you ready to feel the energy Taurus of Uranus in Taurus, stationed direct on Jan. 19, 2022 Apr 22 – May 21 at 10 degrees? Uranus is shaking up your world along with your school of thought, advancing you towards the first-class areas of your life. Your education, home, and foundation, along with the people you’re aligning yourself with are changing. Continue to be grounded in your approach and plant new seeds to come within the 18 months. Your identity, appearance, and status in relationships and partnerships are evolving. Find the direction you want to embark upon to experience the new exciting and adventures in your life.

Dream big if you want to reach for the stars, the moon, and beyond with applied applicaOct 24 – Nov 22 tion to your ultimate success. Your wish now is the universe’s command. Release all ties that pull at you or tip the scale over. This is your time to reconstruct areas in your life as far as your health, the home, dietary laws, and revitalize your partnerships with self. Focus on what you want to manifest this month as the ripple effect will expand upon what you create. Draw or sketch out your visions and once completed review it every day as a reminder to fulfill your purpose and mission.

This is a fruitful month, what you do this month will also manifest this October. Start January off on the right feet without contradicting yourself on any decision-making or messages you need to convey to someone. People will ask if you can loan, spare, borrow, etc., but that’s solely up to you this cycle. Additionally, this cycle may find you on the go with errands, traveling, studying a subject of interest, all to sharpen your mindset. The family will need your tender loving care and, even more, family time. So be sure you schedule something with family and friends.

This year, you’re in the public eye in some way, shape or form, more than usual which began back in late September 2021. You’re planting new seeds and expanding your experience and establishment to build a task force in the community. When people are in groups, working collectively, they become a force to be reckoned with. You’re already a force that walks along with a wealth of wisdom. This cycle week for you has a uniqueness and twist to receive clarity of a detailed message underway.


May 22 – June 21


Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21










January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 19

January 2022 Virtual Dance Calendar By CHARMAINE PATRICIA WARREN Special to the AmNews

Ring in the new year with some live and some virtual dance performances. Two of the live performances open this week: Reggie Wilson’s Fist & Heel Performance Group’s “POWER” at BAM (Jan. 13-15), and Oona Doherty’s “Hard to Be Soft” at the new Irish Arts Center (Jan. 13-23). On his return to Brook-

munal…drawing inspiration from Mother Rebecca Cox Jackson, a free Black woman who became a Shaker eldress and formed her own community in Philadelphia—as well as the Shakers’ complex relationship to free and enslaved African-Americans,” according to the release. “POWER” coincides with BAM’s annual commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. For more information visit www.bam.

Barabbas Okuyama (Japan), Hao Cheng (Taiwan), the Choi x Kang Project (Korea). For more information, visit (Virtual) Jan. 15-16—Jasmine Hearn at JACK. In Hearn’s performances titled “WEDDING WEEKEND,” featured will be the solo “N I L E : Rose Rising” and the video and sound composition “What soil lines my vessel.” For more information, visit (In-person) Jan. 21-22—Ranardo-Domeico Grays’ VI-

tory, and percussionist Senfu Stoney. The movement collaborators are: EVIDENCE Artistic Director Ronald K. Brown, Anthony Morigerato, plus tap artists Naomi Funaki, Amanda Castro, and John Manzari, and filmed on The Joyce stage by tap dancer and filmmaker Kurt Csolak. For more information, visit (Virtual) Jan. 11-31—The Exponential Festival. The Exponential artists/projects will include sharings from Annie Heath, River Donaghey, Joe Hendel and more. For more information, visit www.theexpo-

derbird American Indian Dancers at Theater for the New City. For its 47th annual performance, the Company’s Pow Wow and Dance Concert will again include dances, stories and traditional music from Native Peoples of the Northeast, Southwest and Great Plains regions. For more information, visit (In-person) Jan. 14-15—The 19th installment of the Contemporary Dance Festival (formerly known as the Contemporary Dance Showcase) from Japan and East Asia. There will be performances by Kentaro Kujirai and

SIONS Contemporary Ballet at Green Space. Grays will present “Dash – Between,” a work for the Company as part of the Take Root at Green Space. For more information, visit www. (Virtual) Jan. 27-29—Angie Pittman at Roulette. In “I’ll tell you, but please be still,” Pittman will offer “…a dance performed by two people dancing together and apart…embodied research into Darkness in the style of Audre Lorde and Piracy in the manner of Nina Simone,” according to the release. For more information, visit

(Christopher Duggan photo)

ALSO THIS MONTH: (Virtual) Jan. 7-23—Ayodele Casel’s “Chasing Magic” at The Joyce. Created in collaboration with Creative Director Torya Beard, for “Chasing Magic,” Casel is joined by musical collaborators Grammy Award-winning composer and pianist Arturo O’Farrill, singer/songwriter Crystal Monee Hall, music director and composer Annastasia Vic- (Virtual) Jan. 12-28—The 12th annual Bronx Artist Now series in partnership with BAAD! and Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture. For one evening of this month of events, featured will be dance artists Alicia Raquel Morales, Kayla Hamilton, Alexander Diaz, Rourou Ye in a conversation facilitated by Fana Fraser and many more offerings. For more information, visit (In-person) Jan. 14-23—Thun-

Reggie Wilson’s Fist & Heel Performance Group in “POWER”

lyn, Wilson’s “POWER,” developed at Jacob’s Pillow and the neighboring Hancock Shaker Village, “… brings alive the mutual Black-Shaker influence by channeling the refusal of Anglo-Judeo-Christian limitations on the body into utopian energy that manifests through whirling, stamping, and singing. [And for this] propulsive, rhythmic experience connecting American Black and Shaker traditions, Wilson explores the body as a radical tool for illuminating the internal and com-

org. For the American premiere of Doherty’s “Hard to Be Soft,” described by The Guardian as “…an homage to Doherty’s hometown of Belfast [that captures]…the carapace of swagger and sass, rage and resilience built up by men and women in a place where the conflict seems intractable and horizons are limited by constrictions of class and religion,” featured is Sam Finnegan, John Scott, and the Sugar Army, a locally-cast group of teenagers. For more information, visit www.iris-

20 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


AmNews FOOD Rally the crowd with a masterful game day menu (Family Features)—Scoring big on game day requires championship-level meals and snacks that keep the crowd full and ready for action. You can take your tailgate to the house with these baked dishes that help simplify homegating so you can focus on the big screen. From a salsa-based dip and chicken wings to kick off the party to sweet brownies for celebrating victory, each of these recipes call for less than an hour in the kitchen. Clock management is key to tackling a tailgate spread, making these delicious dishes the perfect play calls on game day. To find more tailgate and homegate recipe inspiration, visit Just Wing It Skip the silverware at your next homegate and dive right in with a fan favorite that requires just your hands and a heap of napkins: wings. Whether you pick through your pieces or clean each wing to the bone, these Game Day Chicken Wings are perfect for eaters of all types. A simple flour-based coating keeps the recipe easy to make and baking in the oven means you can skip the messy fryer or firing up the grill. Cook until crispy then corral your party’s favorite dipping sauces from ranch and blue cheese to barbecue and more. Once your spread is served, it’s time to sit back and enjoy the game. Visit to find more touchdown-worthy tailgate recipes.

brand Fresh Cravings. With its low calorie count packed with high flavor, salsa supports health-conscious goals. Made with ingredients like fresh tomatoes, crisp vegetables, zesty peppers and more, the authentic taste of chilled salsa is a universal favorite among fans. With a belief that plant-based foods should contain wholesome ingredients and bold flavors worth celebrating, Fresh Cravings refrigerated salsas are available in the produce section, next to dressings and dips, in restaurant-style or chunky mild, medium and hot varieties. Chilled salsa is an affordable and vibrant-tasting alternative to jarred salsa, making it a key ingredient in this Mexican Pizza Dip from celebrity chef George Duran. It’s a simple crowd-pleaser you can make in less than an hour, leaving more time for pregame festivities. For more information and game day recipe ideas, visit

Preheat oven to 425° F. Line baking sheet with foil. Arrange butter cubes on foil.

Marbled Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownies Prep time: 25 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Yield: 24 brownies

Mexican Pizza Dip Recipe courtesy of chef George Duran Servings: 6-8

Game Day Chicken Wings Total time: 50 minutes Servings: 4 ½ cup butter, cubed ⅓ cup flour 2 teaspoons paprika 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 10 chicken wingettes, thawed dipping sauces (optional) fresh parsley (optional)

morsels, but halftime eating and postgame celebrations are perfect for sweet treats. You can sweeten up your tailgate or homegate with a shareable option like Marbled Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownies made with Domino Golden Sugar, which is made from pure cane sugar and dissolves and measures cup for cup just like white granulated sugar without compromising performance or taste. Featuring an undefeated combination of peanut butter and chocolate, this dessert is ideal for baking a day ahead so you can manage the clock on game day. Find more tailgating sweets at

Nonstick cooking spray 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 pound ground beef 1 package taco seasoning mix 8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature ½ cup sour cream 1 cup Fresh Cravings Chunky Salsa, plus additional for topping 1 cup grated mozzarella ½ cup blended Mexican cheese sliced jalapeno (optional) sliced black olives (optional) green onions (optional) tortilla chips

In medium bowl, combine flour, paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Coat both sides of wings in flour mixture then evenly Preheat oven to 350° F. space among butter cubes on baking sheet. Bake wings 30 minutes. Spray 8-by-8-inch glass pan or large souffle dish with Turn wings over and bake 15 minutes, or until crispy nonstick cooking spray; set aside. and fully cooked. In large saute pan, heat oil over medium-high heat Serve with dipping sauces and sprinkle with fresh and add ground beef, breaking up with flat wooden parsley, if desired. spatula, until fully cooked. Sprinkle taco seasoning throughout beef and combine. Score Big with a Salsa-Based Dip Place warm beef mixture in large bowl and add cream Whether your game day celebrations call for a full- cheese, sour cream, 1 cup salsa and mozzarella. Mix well blown parking lot party or homegating with your closest until combined and pour into prepared pan. Top with friends, the nibbles and noshes you serve set the stage. blended cheese and sliced jalapeno, black olives and Building your menu with crowd-pleasing classics––in- green onions, if desired. cluding one tried-and-true favorite that offers a fresh, Bake until fully warmed and cheese is melted, veggie-forward taste: chilled salsa––makes your guests 30-35 minutes. cheer for more than just the home team. Top with small spoonfuls of salsa. Serve with torHealthy game day snacks are important to almost tilla chips. half (48%) of tailgaters and 18% said they’d consider leaving a party if salsa wasn’t served, according to the Cap Off Game Day with an All-Star Combo “Game Day Eats Report” survey from refrigerated salsa Pregame festivities call for salty snacks and meaty

Chocolate Brownies: 1/2 cup (1/4 pound) butter 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped 1 cup Domino Golden Sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs 1/2 cup all-purpose flour Peanut Butter Marble: 1/4 cup natural (no added sugar) peanut butter 4 tablespoons butter, softened 1/2 cup Domino Golden Sugar 1 egg 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon baking powder powdered sugar, for topping (optional) Heat oven to 350° F. To make chocolate brownies: In medium saucepot over low heat, melt butter and chocolate. Remove pot from heat; stir in sugar and vanilla until blended. In small mixing bowl, whisk eggs until frothy then stir into chocolate mixture. Sift flour into batter and stir just until smooth. Pour batter into prepared pan, smoothing to edges. To make peanut butter marble: In mixing bowl, cream peanut butter, butter and sugar. Add egg and vanilla; beat just until blended. In separate bowl, sift or whisk flour and baking powder then stir into batter just until combined. Carefully spread peanut butter marble over chocolate batter. Use knife to swirl batters together, first horizontally then diagonally. Bake 20 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in center comes out almost clean. Cool completely on wire rack before cutting. Top with powdered sugar, if desired, before serving.








January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 21

‘BLACK WOMAN,’ ‘HARLEM HIT & RUN’ Most scientists agree that our early ancestors evolved in Africa (1-2 million years ago), and gradually spread throughout the world (the “Out-of-Africa” theory). This theory basically concludes that Black women are the mothers of earth, they gave birth to the planet. Their hearts beat a universal spirituality and Mother’s Day is just a prerequisite to the other 364 days they are honored and loved throughout the year. “Black Woman (A Conversation)” (Radway Music, 2020), is pianist, composer, arranger and author Sharp Radway’s offering to Black women. “Black women played an integral part in my life as teachers, Sunday school teachers and mentors but most of all I was born of a Black woman,” Radway stated. “Black women have shaped my life—to me this album was a no-brainer, to honor and offer her yet another platform for her voice to be heard.” Core members of the ensemble include female jazz instigators tenor saxophonist/flautist Camille Thurman, bassist Endea Owens and drummer Camille Gainer-Jones. The ensemble is rounded out with prominent master alto saxophonist James Spaulding, trumpeter Duane Eubanks, trombonist Andrae Murchison, bassist Corcoran Holt, drummer Chris Beck, vocalists Shenel Johns and Cynthia Soriano and special guest the elder maestro percussionist Candido Camero (at age 98, this was one of his last recordings prior to his transition the following year). The musicians play in various configurations on different tracks combining their talents swinging from blues to straight-ahead jazz. “Black Woman” is a rejuvenating journey with inspired conversations with Thurman, Gainer-Jones and Radway as moderator. “Everything is a spiritual process, the music is always in the spirit,” stated Radway. “I wanted to have something that would be encouraging, uplifting, and maybe insightful, and the conversation makes this possible.” The pianist imposes the 45-minute conversation into brief chats as the women share experiences on relationships, history and their portrayal in the media. He composed all 20 tracks with the exception of “Faith of Our Fathers” and “I’m Pulling Through,” a stirring duo soul ballad with Shenel Jones and Radway. There is a magical chemistry that resonates in their duo performance. The song is dedicated specifically to the Black women who played a significant role in his life. The track “Queen” is a peripheral avant garde duet with drummer GainerJones and Radway strokin’ deep melodic chords on piano and percussions. The composition with rhythms reflecting the motherland paying tribute to such an-

cient African queens as Queen Makeda and Queen Nandi of the Zulu Nation and their descendants. Mama Kathy English Holt wrote the words. The track “Who’s Next” is a love song, a spiritual shout-out, a prayer offered to younger generations and those yet to come. The configuration features drummer Gainer-Jones, Owens on bass and Radway.

ing and conducting seminars via Zoom related to his book “Musicianship 101 (What They Don’t Tell You In School).” For his current CD “Black Woman (A Conversation),” he says “I want Black women to continue to be as beautiful and powerful as they are!” The first page pulls you in like a tornado bumping into suspicious characters

(Yaw Mfoni photo)

Radway, a native of Connecticut, says his primary influences were his mentor and guru Randy Weston, as it related to the music, its spiritual context and the ancestors of Africa. For his ballad stylings he points to Art Tatum and acknowledges pianist Ellis Larkins’ style when it comes to accompanying vocalists. And of course, Thelonious Monk among others. While deeply submerged in the jazz pool, Radway has never given up his gospel roots. In church, as a child he began playing alto saxophone and drums, and as a teenager he switched to piano and keyboard. He performed concert openings for gospel artists Donnie McClurkin and Tramaine Hawkins and is the founder and director of The Sharp Radway Gospel Chorale. The jazz bug bit him early during his listening of John Coltrane’s recording “Central Park West.” He has performed with everyone from Benny Golson, Benny Powell, Diane Schuur, Nnenna Freelon, Leopoldo Fleming, Russell Gunn, and Nicolas Payton. Radway’s litany of varied works substantiates his relevance in the world of music. His melodic percussive tones will rattle your bones and those smooth caressing rhythms will warm the spirit. He is forging ahead with more great music deserving a good ear. As this COVID-19 pandemic persists, he continues lectur-

packing guns and a whole lot of drama in “Harlem Hit & Run: A Murder Mystery” by Angela Dews. Join the cyclone mystery as it unfolds on the streets of Harlem, riveted with a rollercoaster love triangle, and loads of gangsta action taking place during the 1990s. The mayhem roars on between two editions of a weekly Blackowned newspaper the Harlem Journal. The protagonist Pearl Washington recently inherited the paper following her publisher/father’s death. Washington is a film actress, who plays a kick-butt police Lt. Summer Knight (in the ongoing film series “Harlem Knight”). Right

now, her only interest is trying to find a killer before returning to California to shoot the next film sequel. The multi-faceted star studies Buddhism as part of her martial arts training. Dews offers a front row seat into Harlem’s rich history in the midst of this tangled murder mystery. She mentions Showman’s Café, a popular bar in her story which was once a hotbed of activity (where musicians such as Seleno Clarke, Houston Person and Patience Higgins performed). A spot where celebrities like Sammy Davis Jr. and the tap dancer Honi Coles hung out with Black writers from the Amsterdam News and New York Voice. With all the trouble raising the Harlem temperature to extreme levels, be assured her character Capt. Obsidian Bailey of Harlem’s 28th Precinct is on the case, but it seems Washington is taking the lead while getting scoops for her newspaper. Shady transactions are happening at the Black-owned bank on 125th Street worth looking into. Some names have been changed for various reasons but John Johnson, a former news reporter and anchor for WABC-TV News, is represented. Her characters are so descriptive, the Harlem scenes from vendors on the street to nightclubs and action in between pop out in blasting colors with distinct sounds. You can smell the unique aroma of Harlem’s summer streets. Hopefully, this book will be scripted for the big screen like Walter Mosley’s “Devil in the Blue Dress” or Chester Himes’ “Cotton Comes to Harlem.” Dews is currently working on her next installation with more twists and danger than a giant python at night. For “Harlem Hit & Run,” Dews draws on her experiences as a journalist in New York City, working in politics and government. Many of the names have been fictionalized with the exception of night spots and some of Harlem’s unsung heroes. This mystery caught the attention of Dews’ agent once she heard the character practiced Buddhism and meditated, causing her to write “Still, in the City: Finding Peace of Mind in the Midst of Urban Chaos” (Skyhorse Publishing, 2018), followed by “Hit & Run.”

Livestreaming jazz for love and justice in honor of MLK On Saturday, Jan. 15, 2022, The New York Jazz and Literature Society, Inc. will livestream the annual Harlem Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jazz Celebration from 2-5 p.m. at the Harlem Heritage Tours center located at 104 Lenox Ave (between 115th and 116th streets). All are welcome. The free concert, which features a live jazz musical presentation by the Dr. John Satchmo Mannan Renaissance 2.0 Ensemble, and poetry by Lotus, will celebrate the memory

and achievements of civil rights hero Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Performers, led by Dr. Mannan, will include Terri Davis, Misha Tysaginov, Alvin Flythe, Angeleisha Rodgers, and Jamie Affournado. This event is supported by the law firm of Lipsig, Shapey, Manus and Moverman, personal injury counsel, and The Jazz Foundation of America. Jazz lovers may tune in for free at UCJhOImcp1ed_3JXkfrQ-gOQ.

22 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022





Homer Plessy, a civil rights activist who battled Jim Crow laws

By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews

Protective, Educational, and Social Club, a group dedicated to reforming public education. And in 1892 he was a member of Comite des Citoyens that committed acts of civil disobedience to challenge the state’s Separate Car Act and the separate accommodations for Blacks and whites on

Last week, 130 years after Homer Plessy was ejected from a whites-only train and triggered the “separate but equal” Supreme Court ruling that enshrined him in history, he was finally pardoned. Down across the years the infamous Homer Plessy Plessy v. Ferguson decision of 1896 symbolized segregation and stood as law until Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. But who was Homer Plessy and what happened to him after the historic moment of injustice? What year he was born and his name and pedigree is a jumble of information. Was he born Homer Adolph Plessy or Homere Patris Plessy in 1862 or 1863? No matter the confusion, he was clearly born a free person of color in a Creole-speaking family. His father, Joseph Adolphe Plessy, was a carpenter and his mother, Rosa Deberegue, was a seamstress. Coming of age during the Reconstruction-era in Louisiana, he attended integrated schools in a society where Black men had the franchise and interracial marriage was legal. But with the end of Reconstruction, particularly the Hayes-Tilden Electoral trains. On June 7, 1892, he purCollege vote and the compro- chased a ticket for the “whites mise that brought about the only” first-class section of the removal of federal troops train and was soon arrested by from the South, many of the a private detective hired by the privileges enjoyed by Plessy group. and others no longer existIn a state criminal district ed. Meanwhile, Plessy, like court, Judge John Howard his stepfather, became a shoe- Ferguson ruled against Plessy, maker and was employed at and thereby upheld the law on Brito’s shoe-making company the ground that the state had in New Orleans. By the 1880s, the right to regulate railroads Plessy joined a number of ac- within its borders. Plessy imtivists in the fight to restore mediately appealed the detheir civil rights. In 1887, he cision, taking his case to the served as vice president of the Supreme Court, which heard 50 person Justice, the case for four years in 1896, ruling 7-to-1 in favor of Lou-


isiana. In effect, the legal basis of Jim Crow was sanctioned and would be in place until Brown v. the Board of Education in 1954. As for Plessy after his role in the historic decision, he returned to his profession as a shoemaker, but in the advent of major shoemaking com-

panies his services suffered, forcing him to find a new occupation. Among the menial jobs he took was one as a laborer in a warehouse, then as a clerk, and ultimately as insurance salesman for the People’s Insurance Company. Other than his activism and having his case go before the Supreme Court, his life was not exceptional. Before his pardoning, other efforts had been made to mark his place in history, including the creation of the Plessy & Ferguson

Foundation of New Orleans that honored him in 2009 with the placing of a historical marker at the site of his arrest in 1892. He died on March 1, 1925 in Metairie, Louisiana and is buried in New Orleans. His wife, Louise, died the same year. They had three children. We offer here the lone dissent to Justice Henry Billings Brown’s majority decision by Justice John Marshall Harlan: “I am of the opinion that the state of Louisiana is inconsistent with the personal liberty of citizens, white and Black, in that state, and hostile to both the spirit and letter of the constitution of the United States. If laws of like character should be enacted in the several states of the Union, the effect would be in the highest degree mischievous. Slavery, as an institution tolerated by law, would, it is true, have disappeared from our country; but there would remain a power in the states, by sinister legislation, to interfere with the full enjoyment of the blessings of freedom, to regulate civil rights, common to all citizens, upon the basis of race, and to place in a condition of legal inferiority a large body of American citizens, now constituting a part of the political community, called the ‘People of the United States,’ for whom, and by whom through representatives, our government is administered. Such a system is inconsistent with the guaranty given by the constitution to each state of a republican form of government, and may be stricken down by congressional action, or by the courts in the discharge of their solemn duty to maintain the supreme law of the land, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. For the reason stated, I am constrained to withhold my assent from the opinion and judgment of the majority.”

ACTIVITIES FIND OUT MORE Books on African American history have at least a footnote or two on his activism, particularly historic institutions in Louisiana. DISCUSSION More needs to be said about his early years and the years after he gained notoriety. PLACE IN CONTEXT He was born just before the Civil War erupted and lived to see the dawn of the Harlem Renaissance.

THIS WEEK IN BLACK HISTORY Jan. 12, 1971: The Congressional Black Caucus was founded in the nation’s capital. Jan. 12, 1890: Famed educator Mordecai Johnson was born in Paris, Tenn. Some dispute this birthdate with it variously being listed as Jan. 4. He died in 1976. Jan. 14, 1916: Novelist and political activist John O. Killens was born in Macon, Ga. He died in 1987.


Speaker Continued from page 3

we can improve the lives of New Yorkers in a meaningful way for generations to come.” After roll call, a recitation of the oath of office, and an invocation read by the Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral’s the Rev. Elaine Flake, fellow Queens Councilmember Selvena Brooks-Powers was the first to nominate Adams for the position of speaker. Councilmember Francisco Moya, in Elmhurst’s district, was the last person to nominate her for the role. According to the pooled press, Adams had 49 affirmative votes out of 51 voting councilmembers. Only two councilmembers were in opposition. Brownsville’s Councilmember Charles Barron abstained from voting for any candidate and was quoted saying that he hoped the speaker process “would not be led by unions and congress members and would not have members pick someone in exchange for the promise of a certain committee post,” while first-year Harlem Councilmember Kristin Richardson Jordan voted no against Adams’ nomination. “We need more than symbolic representation,” said Richardson Jordan about her vote. When Adams was confirmed as speaker of the city council, she then went on to name Councilmember Diana Ayala in East Harlem as deputy speaker and Brooks-Powers as majority leader. Lastly,

Adams named Staten Island’s Councilmember Joseph C. Borelli as minority leader for the GOP. “Our opposition is not personal, I hope you all realize that. It’s not even political. It’s more of a duty to present a different take to the public,” said Borelli. Adams represents Council District 28 in Queens, which covers the neighborhoods of Jamaica, Rochdale Village, Richmond Hill, and South Ozone Park. For most of her time as council member she passionately served as chair of the Committee on Public Safety. In her speech at the council meeting, Adams said that shootings have essentially doubled in the last two years with gun violence cropping up in Black and Brown communities in Southeast Queens, Central Brooklyn, and in the South Bronx. She said she is not opposed to police presence, and understands the nuanced issue and the need for “better policing” in which people are protected and treated with respect. “We have to make sure that New Yorkers are protected. My community wants the police in the community as many others where we see spikes in gun violence,” said Adams in her first interview since being voted in. “I’ve said publicly that I believe that funds and funding for NYPD is mismanaged.” Adams also added that she firmly disagrees with new Mayor Eric Adams’ position on solitary confinement to punish violent offenders. The speaker bears an obviously similar name to Mayor Adams, but outside of attending the same high school together, they are not related as far as they know, said the city council office.

January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 23

Adams is set to lead the city council’s first women-member majority and historically most diverse body. The council now has its first two Korean American members, its first Muslim woman member, its first two South Asian American members, the first two openly LGBTQ+ Black women members, and its youngest member in their 20s. Adams’ speaker term will end next year on Dec. 31, 2023. First year Brooklyn Councilmember Mercedes Narcisse said that she was immensely excited to be a part of such a historic day and paid homage to other female trailblazers that came before Adams. “While I know the phenomenal woman who we are elect[ing] speaker today hails from Queens, as a Brooklyn girl I wanted to take a moment to salute another queen hailing from the borough of Kings, whose shoulders we stand on,” said Narcisse. “Councilwoman Mary Pinkett, who served in this body from 1974 to 2001, making history as the first Black New York City councilwoman, certainly is smiling down on us today. Councilwoman Pinkett made quite the crack in that proverbial glass ceiling, and we shouldn’t let this historic day fade into history without honoring her legacy.” Ariama C. Long is a Report for America Corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for the Amsterdam News.Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting:

BNY Continued from page 5

education, and police-community collaboration.” He also started writing books. “The Police Are Part of Our Community” is his first children’s book after writing two books detailing his triumphs (“Forward Motion…the Keys to Progress and Success!!”) and his life as a policeman (“The Personal Side of Policing”). What does he hope that people get out of his children’s book? “I would love for the book to encourage parents and families to sit down and talk about this book, read the book with their child and then start talking about policing and start talking about what this child needs to know in order to survive,” said Dr. Titus. “I don’t think there’s ever too young an age to have this conversation in this day. Because if we don’t have the conversation with the children, if the parents and the families don’t, they’re going to get the information from the streets and social media, and a lot of that is skewed. So we don’t, we don’t want them getting bad information. That’s going to increase their anger. “We want them to get good information and good instructions from home so that they can know how to operate out there and get through these interactions safely.”

Invitation to Prequalify and to Bid Rehabilitation and Flood Mitigation of the New York Aquarium, Brooklyn, NY: Turner Construction Company, an EEO Employer, is currently soliciting bids for the Rehabilitation and Flood Mitigation of the New York Aquarium from subcontractors and vendors for the following bid packages:

Stay current!

BP #055 – Cleaning/Laborer (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required)

Learn about new rules and responsibilities for owners under NYC law.

BP #048 – Misc. Metal & Railing (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) BP #043 –Carpentry (Including Temp Shed & HMW) (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) BP #064 – Spray on Fireproofing (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) BP #046 – Paint (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) BP #054 – Pre-Construction Surveying (Report/Pictures) (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) BP #056 – Surveying (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) BP #045 – Masonry (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) Only bids responsive to the entire scope of work will be considered and, to be successful, bidders must be prequalified by Turner. Certified M/WBE and Small Business (13 CFR part 121) companies are encouraged to submit. In order to receive the bid packages, potential bidders either (1) must initiate the prequalification process by submitting a Subcontractor/Vendor Prequalification Statement to Turner, or (2) must be prequalified based on a prior submission to Turner. (Note: Prior prequalification submissions that remain current will be considered as previously submitted or may be updated at this time.) All bidders must be prequalified by the bid deadline: February 7th, 2022 and initial submission of a prequalification statement not later than February 7th, 2022 is strongly encouraged. All bidders must have an acceptable EMR, and will be subject to government regulations such as 44 CFR and Federal Executive Order 11246. Successful bidders will be required to use LCP Tracker compliance verification software. Note that while this is a New York City prevailing wage project, union affiliation is not required for BP #055, #048, #043, #064, #046, #054, #056 and #045. For BP#055 – Union 79 labor force is required. A Webcast about the above Bid Package/s will be held on January 13, 2021. Attendance is optional for all; the Webcast is designed to assist potential M/WBE subcontractors/vendors.

Under NYC’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, property owners must inspect and remediate all potential lead hazards safely.

NEED HELP? If you can’t afford to fix or remove lead paint hazards in your rental properties, there are grants and other resources available that can help.

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To obtain further information about contracting opportunities and/or the prequalification package and bid solicitation package/s, please contact Dolores Wooden, 201-954-9092. The date for the virtual public opening at the Turner Construction Company office located at 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York, is February 8th, 2022 1PM. Link: Please join this opening meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Visit TODAY for information about your responsibilities and resources to help you get ahead of lead.

24 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


Education CDC, Hochul expands list of COVID booster recipients The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention and New York State Gov. Kathy Hochul have expanded the age of those eligible for booster shots to those between 12 to 17. According to the CDC Advisory Committee (ACIP) it’s now time to expand the eligibility of booster shots between the ages of 12 to 17 after initially expanding the age to 12. They believe that this age group should receive boosters 5 months after their second vaccination. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky stated last week that the more vaccinated, the better. “It is critical that we protect our children and teens from COVID-19 infection and the complications of severe disease,” said Walensky. “…I endorsed ACIP’s vote to expand eligibility and strengthen our recommendations for booster doses. We now recommend that all adolescents aged

12-17 years should receive a booster shot 5 months after their primary series. This booster dose will provide optimized protection against COVID19 and the Omicron variant. I encourage all parents to keep their children up to date with CDC’s COVID-19 vaccine recommendations.” As goes Washington, D.C., so goes New York. New York State Gov. Kathy Hochul recommended booster shots to those 12-17 years old and also said that “severely immunocompromised” kids between the ages of 5 and 11 should get an additional dose 28 days after their second dose. According to both the CDC and the state, however, in both cases only the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is authorized for the booster shots. “As we continue to battle this winter surge, I strongly recommend that all New Yorkers ages 12 and older get boosted as soon they are eligible,” stated Hochul. “With boosters now available for all adolescents,

(Photo courtesy of: Godji10 via iStock)

By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff

Gov. Hochul, CDC expand booster age to those between 12 and 17 years old

I especially urge parents and guardians to get their children in this age group a booster dose as soon as eligible. A booster dose will provide greater protection against severe outcomes from COVID-19 and help keep our kids healthy, protected, and safe.” This week, officials in Albany released the latest numbers of COVID cases in the state. As of Jan. 10, the 7-day average of cases per 100,000 people is 487.21 in New York City, 242.13 in the Capital Region, 402.63 on Long Island, 251.29 in Western New York and 207.03 in Finger Lakes. New York State Department of Health Acting Commissioner Dr.

Mary T. Bassett said that New Yorkers shouldn’t go in blind getting booster shots. She said to speak to their personal care provider first. “Booster doses are a critical tool in our continued response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and I am grateful that they are now available for all New Yorkers 12 years of age and older,” stated Dr. Bassett. “Data show that people who are vaccinated and boosted are more protected against serious illness from COVID-19, and we continue to urge all those eligible to act now. Do what you can to stay healthy and out of the hospital by getting vaccinated and boosted and wear a mask.”


Redistricting Continued from page 3

was created in 2014 so the team could draft a redistricting map that will then be voted on by the State Legislature. However, there’s usually just one planned map for congress, state senate and assembly districts. Since the commission is relatively new, a tie has never occurred before, said Imamura. Last September, after 24 hearing sessions and public forums, the commission couldn’t agree on one map that represented people’s interests, so each side put out their own for a vote. The map needed at least seven of the ten commission members, but map “A” for Democrats and map “B” for Republicans each got five votes. The main differences on the congressional maps affect more historically Republican places in Long Island, Staten Island, mid-Hudson Valley, and upstate. For the state senate, the differences are in Long Island, mid-Hudson Valley, Syracuse, Buffalo, Rochester, said Imamura. New York City, in terms of the five boroughs, is “largely” unchanged because the Democrats and Republicans came to an agreement on the city. Though there was a huge back and forth over the incredibly diverse Sunset Park and Bensonhurst neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Part of

Sunset Park might’ve been lumped in with Lower Manhattan, but others advocated to keep the neighborhood whole. City & State said the fight over Brooklyn was “likely part of a larger fight over the Jewish votes in the district” since even these minute differences can have enormous impacts on voting blocs. District lines aren’t meant to deny any race, political party, or minority voting rights, but keep ‘communities of interests’ that share similar standards of living, economic and societal concerns within a certain area. District lines that split these communities are a part of a legacy of partisan gerrymandering, which has historically affected low-income communities and communities of color. In the commission’s virtual meeting on Jan. 3, Imamura, Republican Vice Chair Commissioner Jack Martins, and Commissioner Eugene Benger exchanged some heated words in an attempt to set the record straight on why and how the breakdown happened. Imamura said that he was proud of the efforts of the team and participating New Yorkers. But, he felt that his Republican colleagues hadn’t tried to compromise or incorporate public input. “Based on these negotiations, my Democratic colleagues and I presented our Republican colleagues with a single proposal incorporating many

of the points we have agreed on,” said Imamura in the meeting. “The Republican members rejected that plan. We asked them to share a counterproposal. They refused.” Martins immediately countered that he was surprised by Imamura’s tone, and maintained that there were slight differences in the maps that could have been finished in “good faith” but Democrats didn’t want to continue negotiations. Benger called Martins’ characterizations of negotiations “self-serving” and “factually inaccurate.” The Amsterdam News reached out to Imamura for further comments about the breakdown in communication between both sides, but he said he refers to his comments made in the Jan. 3 meeting. The next steps in the process are for both maps to go to the State Legislature for a vote. If the maps are rejected, then they go back to the commission. If the maps still aren’t accepted, the State Legislature can draw their own voting lines and approve them from there, said Imamura. Ariama C. Long is a Report for America Corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for the Amsterdam News. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting:

January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 25

MLK Continued from page 11

But if they do not, the Senate will debate and consider changes to Senate rules on or before January 17, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, to protect the foundation of our democracy: free and fair elections.” Meanwhile, King III insisted that President Biden and members of Congress use the same energy and force they mustered in 2021 to pass the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. “You delivered for bridges, now deliver for voting rights,” King III asserted. Reportedly, the King family plans to join local groups in a rally in Phoenix on Jan. 15, the date of King’s birthday. “[We wish] to restore and expand voting rights to honor Dr. King’s legacy,” the family wrote in a statement. Further, the family and others plan to march across the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge in Washington, D.C. They also plan to hold a rally and march across a bridge in Phoenix, reportedly to draw a comparison to the 1965 march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, for voting rights for African Americans. “The Senate must pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and ensure the Jim Crow filibuster doesn’t stand in the way,” the King family stated.

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26 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


Health Why an HBCU med school put CARES Act money into students’ pockets By BLAKE FARMER Nashville Public Radio/KHN

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Just before students at Meharr y Medical College went home for Thanksgiving, Dr. James Hildreth, the school’s president, emailed them a video message that he acknowledged seemed hard to believe. Or at least they had to give it a second listen. “We’ll gift each of you $10,000 in cash,” he said, looking at the camera. “You heard me right.” They were told to expect a direct deposit the next day or pick up a check in person. Hildreth, an expert in infectious diseases who helped lead Nashville’s pandemic response, explained that this gift with no strings attached was money from the CARES Act, a major COVID-19 relief law passed by Congress in 2020. He asked only that they be “good stewards” of the windfall. After deep consideration, Meharry’s administration decided to give roughly a third of its CARES Act funding—$10 million—directly to its future doctors, dentists and public health researchers. All told,

956 students received payments. Meharry’s students had already been heavily involved in the pandemic response, staffing Nashville’s mass COVID testing and vaccination sites. But the money isn’t so much surprise compensation for volunteer efforts as it is an investment in a future career—and an assist in overcoming financial hurdles Black students especially face to become medical professionals. While Black Americans make up roughly 13% of the population, the Association of American Medical Colleges finds Black doctors account for just 5% of the nation’s working physicians—a figure that has grown slowly over more than a century. And studies have found that Black patients often want to be cared for by someone whom they consider culturally competent in acknowledging their heritage, beliefs and values during treatment. Meharry graduates more Black physicians than almost any other U.S. school. And half of its M.D.s enter the high-demand but lowerpaying specialty of primary care. “We felt that there was no better way to begin distributing these

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funds than by giving to our students who will soon give so much to our world,” Hildreth said. Cheers erupted in the library as students clicked the video link. Andreas Nelson fell silent, he recalled later. He went to his banking app and stared in disbelief. “$10,000 was sitting just in my bank account. It was astonishing,” he said. “I was literally lost for words.” The Chicago native is finishing a master’s degree in health and science at Meharry with hopes of entering its dental school. The average student loan debt in the program totals more than $280,000. So, undoubtedly, 10 grand won’t make much of a dent in the debt. But the money in his pocket eases his top concern of making rent each month. Nelson said it feels as though he’s being treated like an adult, allowing him to decide what his greatest needs are in getting through school. “It’s motivating,” Nelson said. “Because that means they have trust in us to do with this money whatever the cause may be— whether it be student debt, investing or just personal enjoyment.” Across the board, students at HBCUs rely more on student loans than students at historically white institutions. Roughly 80% take out student loans, according to an analysis by UNCF, formerly known as the United Negro College Fund, and they borrow considerably more. Meharry was founded a decade after the Civil War to help those who had been enslaved. But the 145-year-old institution has always struggled financially, and so have its students. The reasons are rooted in the country’s racist past, which has left the institutions with less money potentially available for scholarships than other universities. And students’ families generally have less wealth to tap into since Black households across the country have averaged around $17,000 in net worth—about a tenth of the average for white families. Meharry’s average student debt is far higher than other area schools of medicine at Vanderbilt University and the University of Tennessee, representing both private and public institutions. Virtually all colleges and universities received allotments under the CARES Act, but HBCUs have been much more aggressive about funneling substantial amounts directly to students, who tend to have greater need. More than 20 HBCUs have erased outstanding tuition

balances. Some have canceled student fees. But Meharry, one of the few stand-alone HBCU graduate schools, is a rare case in cutting checks for students. “These young people are rising to medical school against all odds,” said Lodriguez Murray, who leads public policy and government affairs at UNCF. “Of course, they have to borrow more because people who look like them have less.” During the pandemic, major philanthropists have taken new interest in supporting the few HBCU medical schools. Michael Bloomberg committed $100 million to four institutions, including Meharr y, to help educate more Black doctors. Students at Meharry can now apply for $100,000 scholarships. The $34 million from Bloomberg Philanthropies is also going toward other kinds of financial support. The school is now offering, for no additional fee, expensive testprep services through a Bostonbased company, MedSchoolCoach. The service, which entails paying a doctor by the hour to help with studying, can cost thousands of dollars. While the price is often out of reach for students tight on cash, acing the benchmark exams toward board licensure is key to landing coveted fellowships, qualifying for lucrative specialties or just finishing on time. And Meharry’s fouryear completion rate of roughly 70% is below most schools. The most up-to-date national average is around 82%. For some, Murray said, a $10,000 windfall may make all the difference in whether they cross the finish line and become a doctor who can afford all their medical school debt. “Many of those students are borrowing a lot of money to complete their dream, and to become relatively high earners in the future,” Murray said. “The fact that these students are largely coming from lower socioeconomic backgrounds means that the funds that Meharry turned around and gave to the students are particularly impactful.” KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.



January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 27

In addition to losing money on a bogus purchase, unsuspecting consumers may be giving away personal information and debit or credit card details. Victims may receive nothing except a compromised identity or fraudulent card charges. In an interview with the AmNews, cofounder and CEO of Silicon Harlem Clayton Banks said the COVID-19 pandemic is to blame for the rise in scams and victims. He says scams have risen to nearly 500% over the last 10 years. With a large workforce still working from home, and a rise in the use of “smart” devices, scammers have even more opportunities to trap their prey. “So when you look at all of the smart devices that were starting to embrace, those devices have a lot of vulnerability, and scammers are getting very savvy, getting able to get a hold of your devices and create a whole problem and ultimately get to ransomware.” What’s the best way to protect yourself online? Banks says one of the first things to do is to change passwords on various online accounts.

“Make your password longer,” he said. “The need to be about 10 digits or more because hackers have no desire to work hard to break you. They’d rather go to an easy password they can break then have to figure out 10 different digits. Social media is very vulnerable if you don’t have a strong password.” As far as emails and websites are concerned, Banks says never click on anything you aren’t familiar with. Doing so can result in someone getting insistent access to your personal information. “Don’t click it. A lot of people are walking around with FOMO (fear of missing out) but it’s not worth it. You can ruin your entire database and your entire computer. If you don’t want to delete it, find out who you can call directly or at least look it up. All they need is to be able to have access to your IP capability to control your equipment.” Criminal justice consultant and assistant district attorney Leroy Frazer said people who do become victims of scams should inform the police; however, local law enforcement doesn’t

always have the resources to investigate phone and internet scams. Many scams originate from foreign countries making it hard to arrest and charge suspects or recover lost funds. “The mere fact that your cell phone can flash ‘scam likely’ speaks volumes because the fact of the matter is, this is a regular thing that has gone on,” Frazer said. “A lot of times it’s international and these things seem to be here to stay, so you have to be smart about it.” Frazer told the AmNews that victims can also report scams to federal agencies like the FBI and the Federal Communications Commission. However, he said consumer education is the best way to not become a victim. “You have to be smart enough to know that there’s no free lunch,” Frazer said. “Nobody’s going to give you anything free. There’s nothing to gain from it.” Victims of phone scams can file a complaint with the FCC by going to Online scam victims can file a complaint to IC3 by going to

blymember’s point, stating that Adams will be a champion of working-class New Yorkers. Continued from page 3 “We look forward to partnering with Eric Adams’ mayoral administration to our City’s future. Alongside the new DOE create good-paying union jobs and real Chancellor and Chief of Staff, they make entry into our city’s economy for Black a formidable team.” and Brown New Yorkers,” said Prohaska. Mike Prohaska, business manager of “We think Adams is off to a strong start Laborers’ Local 79, added to the Assem- as mayor of New York City, and setting

a clear agenda for growth, public safety, and justice. Adams’ administration is rightly focused on lifting up workingclass communities of color hit hardest by COVID, systemic racism, and lack of opportunity. Crafting and implementing policies that create real entry into our city’s economy and industries will empower working-class New Yorkers who have too often been left behind.”

But one place Adams hasn’t gotten too much praise comes from anti-police and prison brutality activists. With his desire to bring back solitary confinement, increase NYPD patrol units on the subway and plainclothes units that some have deemed overly aggressive, people such as local activist Josmar Trujillo think it’ll be more of the same.

Continued from page 4

all New Yorkers to remain vigilant against these types of attacks and take the appropriate steps to protect their data and their wallets.” Fresh off of the holidays, millions of Americans shopping online continue to be targets for scams. According to the FBI’s Criminal Crime Complaint Center (IC3), victims received emails advertising hot-ticket or hard to find items, fake websites and ads promoting unrealistic discounts and bargains, and online surveys designed to steal personal information. However, the most common scams were on social media, where young people particularly fall victim. Social media posts, often appearing to have been shared by a known friend, will offer vouchers, gift cards, freebies, and contests. Users were also targeted with social media hosted ads for non-existent or counterfeit items.


See ADAMS on page 32

PUBLIC NOTICE The Nominating Committee of the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corporation (UMEZ) has commenced the process of reviewing potential candidates for election by its Board of Directors. Persons who live or work in Upper Manhattan may be eligible for consideration by the Committee for nomination to CommunityBased positions on the UMEZ Board. Others may be considered for vacant At-Large seats on our Board. UMEZ is particularly interested in nominees with senior-level skills, knowledge, experience, and relationships in one or more of the following business and not-for-profit areas: (i) economic development, (ii) human resources, (iii) commercial lending, (iv) real estate finance, and (v) technology. Nominations may be made by mailing or hand-delivering a letter together with the nominee’s resume to the Committee at the address below. Alternatively, you may submit the form provided at the bottom of this Notice together with a resume. Please send the completed form and nominee’s resume to the UMEZ Nominating Committee at the address below. Submissions will also be accepted via email at, or by facsimile at (212) 4109083. Address: UMEZ Nominating Committee, 55 West 125th Street, 11th Floor, New York, New York 10027 Deadline: All nominations should be received by Friday, January 31, 2022 The UMEZ Nominating Committee will hold meetings on Tuesday, February 8, and Wednesday, February 16 commencing at 5:30 P.M. to interview nominees. The meetings will be held at: 55 West 125th Street, 11th Floor, New York, New York 10027

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For more information, call UMEZ at: (212) 4100030, Ext. 204 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Candidate Nomination Form Your Name: _____________________________________________ Candidate’s Name: ________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Address _______________________________ City:____________ State:______ Zip code: _______ In which Community Board (CB) district does the candidate reside or work? — CB #9 (West Harlem) — CB #10 (Central Harlem) — CB #11 (East Harlem)

— CB #12 (Washington Heights/Inwood) — Other Community Board — Don’t Know

State why you believe the candidate should be elected to the UMEZ Board:

Please submit via facsimile to (212) 410-9083, or via email at, together with the nominee’s resume, to the UMEZ Nominating Committee, at the above address.

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28 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


Religion & Spirituality The great actor and director Sidney Poitier is dead at 94 By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews It was almost a year ago that Arizona State University named its film school after Sidney Poitier. They enshrined him before the ages claimed him. Poitier, the pioneering actor and author, died on Friday, January 7, according to Fred Mitchell, a close family friend, and minister of foreign affairs of the Bahamas. Among a collection of firsts, most notable was his achievement as the first African American to win an Oscar as Best Actor in 1963 for his role in “Lilies of the Field.” That his death was confirmed by the Nassau Guardian and Mitchell was affirmation of the islands where he grew up, though he was born in Miami, Florida. He served as a non-resident Bahamian ambassador to Japan from 1997 to 2007 and for this exceptional honor was knighted as Sir Sidney. The western bridge that connects New Providence to Paradise Island is named in his honor. At the beginning of his illustrious acting career he had to overcome his Bahamian accent. “I had this horrible accent,” he wrote in his autobiography “This Life” (Alfred Knopf, 1980). “Well, I had to rid myself of the accent and I had to learn to read well. How do you rid yourself of an accent? I asked myself. I decided the best way was to listen to the way Americans speak, and to copy it… The best thing was to get me a radio. That very same day I went back to the want ad section of the Amsterdam News and picked out a dishwashing job. Out of the first week’s salary, I bought a thirteen dollar radio. For the next six months…I listened

to that radio morning, noon, and night. Everything I heard, I would repeat it, it didn’t matter what it was….” Perfecting his English and pronunciation brought him an assignment delivered to him by Frederick O’Neal, once he became a member of the American Negro Theater (ANT) at the Schomburg Center. It was also from reading the Amsterdam News that he saw the ad seeking actors for a little theater group. This part of his journey to the world of film followed his birth in Florida on Feb. 20, 1927, his coming of age on Cat Island in the Bahamas, completing a short but rough stint in the military, and arriving in New York City for the second time in 1944. It was during these emerging stages of his career that he encountered Harry Belafonte, and in the beginning things did not go well in their competition as actors in the American Negro Theater. One day when Harry failed to show up for a role in which Sidney was the understudy, it was a propitious opening. “Once Sidney and I got past that rough introduction, we started hanging out together,” Belafonte recalled in his memoir “My Song” with Michael Shnayerson (Knopf, 2011). “This was more than a casual new acquaintance for me. Sidney was my first friend—my first friend in life.” His training at ANT was rewarding and after a failed first round—mainly because he was tone deaf and unable to carry a tune—he succeeded in landing a role in the Greek comedy “Lysistrata,” in which, despite its short run, his performance was noteworthy. When he chose to leave the stage and take a role in “No Way Out” (1949) where he was in conflict mo-

tivated by race with a character portrayed by Richard Widmark, he was on his way to bigger and better parts, including “Cry, the Beloved Country” with his Black predecessor on screen, Canada Lee. But he really made his mark in 1955 in “Blackboard Jungle.” Three years later he starred with Tony Curtis in “The Defiant Ones,” another film where racial tension was the central theme. Both actors were nominated for Best Actor, a first for Sidney and Black Americans. In 1959, he began a succession of highly regarded films—“Porgy and Bess” (1959), “A Raisin in the Sun” (1961), and “A Patch of Blue” (1965.) Of course his Academy Award winning performance was in “Lilies of the Field” in 1963. The problems of race were highlighted in such films as “To Sir, with Love” (1967), “In the Heat of the Night” (1967), and his unforgettable words of “they call me Mr. Tibbs.” Topping off this banner year for him was “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” with the formidable duo of Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn. “Buck and the Preacher” (1971) was an opportunity for him to showcase his directorial skills, thanks to the tutoring of William Wellman. It also put him on screen with his lifelong friend Belafonte. The film came at a time when Blaxploitation films were commanding wide attention, if not praise. So when Sidney was offered another chance to direct, Belafonte cautioned him against such a move but eventually signed on to him with “Uptown Saturday Night,” which was so successful that two sequels followed—“Let’s Do It Again,” and “A Piece of the Action,” and getting Bill Cosby and Rich-

ard Pryor as characters certainly didn’t hurt him at that box office. Citing each movie in Sidney’s filmography would consume this space, to say nothing of the documentaries in which he was a key figure as informant or narrator. Beyond the realm of cinema, Sidney was often a prominent citizen for civil and human rights, and he participated in several fundraising events, one of them a harrowing venture into Mississippi thanks to being induced to do so by Belafonte. After his marriage ended with Juanita Hardy (1950-’65), and after a nearly ten-year affair with actress Diahann Carroll, he married Joanna Shimkus. He had four daughters with Juanita (Beverly, Pamela, Sherri, and Gina) and two with his second wife (Anika and Sydney). Almost as extensive as his filmography are the honors and awards—a Grammy, two Golden Globes, and a British Academy Award. There was an AFI Life Achievement Award and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1994. He was a Kennedy Center Honor in 1995 and in 2009 President Obama presented him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Earlier, in 1974, he was saluted as a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth. “We have lost an icon, a hero, a mentor, a fighter, a national treasure,” said the Bahamas Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper. “I was conflicted with great sadness and a sense of celebration when I learned of the passing of Sir Sidney Poitier.” And these sentiments are sure to be part of a groundswell of recollections and tributes.

Beloved community servant Deborah Young passes away Longtime Medgar Evers College employee Deborah Young was called home to be with the Lord on Jan. 1. She is the daughter of Dr. Marcella Maxwell. Young’s funeral is being held on Friday, Jan. 14 at 12 p.m. at Frank R. Bell Funeral Home located at 536 Sterling Place, Brooklyn. Born on October 21, 1949 to Marcella and Henry Williams in Brooklyn, New York, Deborah attended school in Brooklyn. “Deb” as she was known by close family and friends was a

graduate of Medgar Evers College and received a Bachelor of Science in Business AdministrationCumLaude,aMastersinHigherEducation AdministrationfromBaruchCollege,andcompleted the Myers Briggs Type Indicator Professional Qualifying Program. Deborah married Sam Young, on July 29, 1970, he predeceased her. Together, they had one son, Vaughn. Vaughn andhiswifeCharisse had two daughters, so “Deb” became “Nana

Thomas Allen

Deb” and loved every moment of it. Deb loved traveling and attending live concerts and cultural festivals. All who knew Deb knew that she loved to read, dance, frequent great restaurants, cook, and shop. Most of all, she loved her family, cherished her friends, career, and being a member of Brown Memorial Baptist Church. Deborah worked at Medgar Evers College for over 30 years. She received many awards and recognition for her dedicated service to the community. Her passion for helping and

(aka) Mr. Tips

transitioned on New Year’s day January 1, 2022. Respects can be paid at the following: Sunday, January 16, 2022 Benta’s Funeral Chapel, 630 St. Nicholas Ave New York, NY 10030 VIEWING: 1:30pm - 3:30pm at the Main Chapel SERVICE: 3:30pm - 4:30pm REPASS: 5:00pm - 9:00pm LONDEL’S RESTAURANT 2620 FREDERICK DOUGLAS BLVD, NY, NY 10030 INTERMENT: 1/18/2022, 10:00am CALVERTON NATIONAL CEMETERY (Military honors) Thomasine Michelle Allen-Chambers | (720) 435-7020

Deborah Young

mentoring students trickled into her personal life. Deborah’s motto in life was to always help someone achieve their goals. She was a very dedicated woman. She is survived by her mother, her son Vaughn, her daughter-in-law Charisse, granddaughters Story and Journey, Uncles Leslie Redwood and Eugene Kirton, many cousins, nieces and nephews, goddaughter Cherise Littlejohn and her very best friend Gail Salley Littlejohn. She leaves behind a host of family and friends. She was predeceased by her father Henry Williams; stepfather Edward C. Maxwell; Aunt Yvonne “Sugar” Kirton; her mother-in-law Catherine Young; and her husband, Sam Young. In lieu of flowers please feel free contributions can be made to the MEC Community Council Scholarship Fund in Deborah’s honor. Please send contributions to: Elizabeth Freeman, Treasurer, MEC Community Council, 946 Schenectady Avenue #PH, Brooklyn, New York 11203. Due to the increase in COVID cases the funeral home has asked that family and friends attend the service via the below Zoom link: 6306450742?pwd=TXowemdNTExEUU94 SlRmdUVEZ0I3Zz09


THE NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 29 State Sen. Alessandra Biaggi) which extends the legislation icies would not only curb violence, that allows people to use COVID but tackle it head on—by prioritizas an excuse for absentee voting ing a holistic approach to keeping in elections, and S.492 (sponContinued from page 10 every New Yorker safe.” sored by State Sen. Brad HoylWilliams was happy to receive an man) that allows local Boards of nominee Amy Coney Barrett. endorsement from a group of proElections to establish absentee New York City Council Member gressive politicians. drop-off locations. Julie Won said that Williams’ con“This group of leaders from across “Voting and access to the polls tinued activism in the streets the city demonstrate the power of are the building blocks of our during protests against police bru- our grassroots campaign and our democracy,” stated Parker. “My tality won her support and the sup- vision to renew and recover New bill establishing polling sites on port of other progressives. “His York in a way that’s different from college campuses lays a foundeep community ties and passion- the status quo, because for too long dation for some of our newest ate activism have always informed the way things have functioned in voters and begins the habit of his plan to keep New York safe,” Albany haven’t helped a majoriparticipation in our represenstated Won. “Jumaane has stood ty of folks in this state,” said Wiltative government.” on the frontlines and responded to liams. “I’m proud that they trust me Lurie Daniel Favors, Esq., incidents with us in my district. If to fight for them as New York’s next the executive director at the elected as governor, Jumaane’s pol- governor.” Center for Law and Social Justice at Medgar Evers College, CUNY said, in a state“These measures, which impact Black Americans, ment, that voter rights are under attack and that other voters of color, the elderly, students, and people these bills fight against a backlash from those who with disabilities the most, make it nearly impossible for want to push back the movement created in 2020 to vulnerable voters to exercise their fundamental right at elect Joe Biden to the presidency. the ballot box,” stated Favors.


Continued from page 10

Temporary Protective Status who work hard and pay taxes. The law and justice are on our side.” “This is a city of immigrants, and New Yorkers deserve a voice in their city representatives and the policies that will shape their lives,” added New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams. “I’m grateful to the elected officials and advocates who have worked on this issue for so long, and that even as some states work to strip voting rights from communities of more color, our city joins others across the nation who already have restored this right and expanded democracy.” Murad Awawdeh, executive director, New York Immigration Coalition, stated, “This legislation will usher in the largest enfranchisement of New Yorkers in more than a century and marks a bold step forward in the fight for protecting and expanding democracy.” This week, however, New York State senators passed a slew of bills to make voting easier. Some of these bills include S.4658 (sponsored by State Sen. Kevin Parker) that will designate polling places on college campuses under certain circumstances, S.758B (sponsored by

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38 January13, 11,2, 2018 2018 26 2021 -January September 8, 2021 30 • September January 2022 - -January 19,17, 2022



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Pursuant to resolution adopted by with the Town The Town of meeting on Tuesday, nization were filed the 07/28/21. Office location: on NY (SSNY) 2/22/21 NY ofSecy.Board, of State of NY NY (SSNY) 08/04/21. January Office Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) State ofon NY (SSNY) on of State of on NY (SSNY) on York County. SSNY desig12/08/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY 11/22/21. Office ignated as agent of with the LLC Office location: NY Office location: LLC formed in DE on (SSNY) 11/09/20. 12/10/20. County. Division Babylon, Commissioner of General Services, oflocation: Purchasing, 16th at 6:30pm. The meeting willtheon Hand delivered sealed bidsLLC for Project described below will beNY County. State New Secretary 12/21/20. Office location: NY 1 County. SSNY NY fice location NY County. (SSNY) onLLC 08/05/21. Office location: NY County. 07/02/21. Office location: 2 /0 5whom /1 7 . of O ffic e loagainst cof a tio n it: nated asNY agent of designattheSSNY LLC location: County. designated as agent of LLC formed in OF process upon County. SSNY designated as County. LLC formed in 11/02/2020. SSNY is desigwill receive sealed proposals for: SUPREME COURT COUNTY BRONX received by representatives of the Contracts Section, Office of the Agency be held at 1 East 104th Street County. LLC formed in NY (SSNY) on 10/27/2020. YorkCounty. ed aswhom agent of LLCagainst SSNY has been designated location: NY County. Princ. designated formed in Delaware (DE) on NY County. LLC formed in Delaware Princ. officemail ofit upon process as agent of upon LLC upon whom process against on 10/13/20. be served and shall may ofContracting LLC upon whom pro- Floor(DE) on 11/04/77. 12/01/20. as (DE) agent upon whom whom agent Delaware nated of Officer, Ground Bid Window 55 on Water Street, 4thChief Floor New York, NY 10029. Delaware (DE) on 11/10/20. Office Location: New York process against it may as agent upon whom process office LLC: 30 Hudson 08/04/21. SSNY designated (KY) Kentucky L C :be3 2to: 3 5The G rLLC, a n d 347 Cshall o nE. i t m awhom y b e process s e r v e d against . SSNY it L may served. SSNY designated as LLC agent of upon process BIDW. NO. SSNY 18G2 Fargo New York, NY 10041 until 11:00 on the date indicated below when cess against itupon may beAM SSNY office of LLC: 125 against the may Princ. process rd Princ. office of LLC: c/o ArSSNY has been desCounty. Wells Bank, NA, Plaintiff served. SSNY shall mail be against it may be served and Yards, 72nd Fl., NY, NY as agent of LLC whom designated as agent of o u rST, s e , PHB, 1 A Ato , c/o B rNY oEastgold n x10022. , NY shall be mailserved. copy ofSSNY process to cmail shall may process upon whom shall process NY, 53 bids willSSNY be publicly opened and read in55th Bid Room, address REQUEST FOR FOR ARCHITECTURAL, shall mail proSt.,same NY, NY PROPOSALS 10019. LLC served. SSNY mail served. be gent Ventures LLC, 551 5th as agent upon whom ignated to c/o Cohen & Coprocess shall mail a copy of any pro10001. SSNY designated as process against it may be LLC upon whom process 10468. SSNY designated as t h e L L C , 5 W e e h a w k e n process to the LLC, 213 Holdings, itto:may served. Purpose: any420 lawful Lexington act. I, ISAIAH MESSADOService TIMOENGINEERING BID PHASE SERVICES, CONSTRUCTION cess toSSNY Corporation as agent of against Thebe LLC, 777 mail SSNY process On: Januaryagainst 14, 2020designated Ave., NY, 10176. SSNY against it NY, may be process LLP, 767 Third Ave., agent hen, cess against theupon LLC served agent ofshall LLC upon whom proserved. shallwhose mail proitth mayDESIGN, be served. of LLC w hom Street, Unit 3B, New York, AGAINST 26th St.,NY NY, NY 10010. Ave., Ste. 925, NY SSNY mail process to E. th THY JOHNSON adADMINISTRATION ANDtoINSPECTION SERVICES FOR Co., 80 State St., Albany, NYth, 175 LLC whom process Third Ave Ste 2503, NY, NY REHABILITATION OF EAST 169 andupon 180 BRIDGES designated as agent of PurLLC process The PostLLC: Office adserved. 31st Fl., NY, NY 10017. upon is Purpose: C/O the Tyece cess against it may be Purpose: cess tois c/o Michael GoldSSNY shallSTREET mail process against it may be NY 10014. Any lawful activity. 10170. Any lawful c/o Corporation Service Co., d re s s 4 1 9 W e s t 1 2 9 th th of OVER METRO-NORTH RAILROAD SHORELINE STABILIZATION ROAD SSNY ELEVATION OF 12207.Sills against 10017. Purpose: Any lawful the it may be served. Address required to pose: Notice of Qualification BCP upon whom process against it dress to which the SSNY Any lawful activity. Smith, 143 W 140 Street, served. shall mail prosmith, Cummis & Gross KY addr. of LLC: 1387 E. erved. S S N Y s h a ll m a il P uHo-Shing;Audrey r p o s e : A n y Ho-Shing l a w f u l sactivity. State St., inAlbany, NY Lawson Ho-Shing a/k/a209 Lawson Contract Nos. HBX1670, HBX1215 and HBX180 Street, Manhattan NY 10027 activity. SSNYCircle be shall mail to 80 maintained DE: Or- H. ROAD SPECIAL Notice of Formation of process may be served. SSNY shall mailto aOPPORTUNITIES copy10030. of Michaeany Purproshall York, New NY cess to Corporation Service P.C., 101 Park Ave.,N.Y.C 28thP.I.N. Fl., 84118BXBR272 New Rd., process Ste.CAPTREE 135, Philip J. purpose. 12207-2543. DE addr. of et a/k/a Audrey al., process Defendant(s) proclaim my Free National Service Co. St. Scarlett-Ho-Shing; Wilmington de c/o Corporation ange80 FUND II lawful GP LP Appl. for TIME COFFEE ABOUT mail to theof LLC at ls cess against the pose: Any activity. Co., State St., Albany, NY NY, NY 10178. DE addr. of KY 40505. Cert. of Lexington, Notice of formation Viento , c /o N o rto nSecy. RLLC o sof eofserved F u llLLC: 251 Little Falls Dr., Notice of Formation Dulce Na m ebid asubmitted s I S Amust I A of Hbe11E78 T R I - (CSC), until am on for THURSDAY, 1, 2018 at the Town 19801. Cert 80 State St., of Purpose: Formation filed Media Notice of Formation Auth. filed with State Each accompanied by a 10:00 certified check 2%Albany, of the of FEBRUARY the princ. office of the LLC. CHAIN 17 LLC Arts. of Org. upon him/her is 36 West 47th 12207-2543. Any Form. LLC: Corporation Service filed with Secy. LLC Arts. of Org. filed bright US LLP, 1301 Ave. of Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. Consultant & Development, FORCE JOHNSON accordHall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst, New York, 11757 at amount of the proposal, or alternatively, a bid bond not less than 10% of the NY with 12207-2543. DE addr. of DE Div. of Corps, 401 REALTY LLC Cert. of ConPursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure dated NY (SSNY) on York, 11/06/19. of DE addr. ofF o LLC: Secy. of State filed Street, W03, New lawful activity. State, P.O. Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., Box 1150, York. Frank- of N o t iwith c eand o fSale rduly m a Cogency t (SSNY) i oof n NY o f tLLC with the Secy. of NY he A m rformation i cOrg. a sNY , N Y , One NNY Y Form. filedinSuite DE Secy. Art. Of filed with offiled therules proposal, payable toof the Comptroller ofCSC, the City251 of New ingamount to the and usage whichKY time they will be publicly and read the of Notice ofeThe of c/o Little Falls St., 4, Dover, LLC: Federal version Secy. May 11, 2017 I,with theDivision undersigned Referee will sell at public location: County. Office Global Inc., 850 New Burton (SSNY) on 12/08/21. Office principal busi10036. Wilmington, DEwith 19808. Cert. 40602-1150. Pur- opened fort, PikMyBrain, LLC Arts. of on 03/26/2021 NY office loca10019. Purpose: Any lawful of State, 401 Federal St., #4, SSNY on Management 09/06/21. Office Loof THE such TRIFORCE office. DE and Only Group Dr., DE 19901. Wilmington, 19808. Notice Purpose: Any ofISAIAH NY (SSNY) on pose: State auction atQualification the Bronx County Courthouse, 851 Grand ConLP formed in Cayman Islands NYCDOT DIVISION OFSecy. BRIDGES ISPurchasing SEEKING QUALIFIED BIDDERS/ Rd., NY Ste. 201, Dover, DE activity. NY County. SSNY location: of of HVS ness address of the LLC is 36 of Form. filed with DE Electrical contracting Org. filed with Secy. of State County. SSNY has tion Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: cation: NY County. SSNY JOHNSON. LLC of Org. W03, filed with Cert. of Lawful Form. filed with THIS Secy. XLII Purpose. 12/01/20, 11 and course, Room 600, Bronx,filed New York on January 27, 2020 at CONTRACTORS THEJohn ABOVE REFERENCED CONTRACT. on Princ.New of(C.I.) 19904. Cert. Form. filed designated as of agent LLC LLC Appl. for Auth. 47th02/06/19. Street, WestArts. of State, Div. converting of FOR Corps., sub-contracting work, of NY (SSNY) on 12/27/17. designated as anofagent been Any lawful activity. (1) original and tenFOR (10) copies of both technical and cost designated asNY agent ofAve., the the Secy. (SSNY) on PROCUREMENT IS SUBJECT PARTICIPATION ofOne State, Div. of GOALS Corps., John 78TH STREET CO. to TOand EAST 2:00PM, premises known Needham Avenue, Bronx, fice of LP: 650 Madison with DE Secy. ofNY State, Div. whom process against it upon Secy. of be State of as NY1312 York, NY of 10036. Purpose: G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Fedall (MBEs) activities andWOMEN purposOffice location: County. whom process against it LLC upon proposals. TheAND/OR Technical and Costwith Proposals shall in seperate MINORITY OWNED LLC. BUSINESS ENTERPRISES upon whom process 06/08/2021 NY office location G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Fed11E78 REALTY Office NY 10469. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the NY 10022. Duration of NY, of Corps., Johnand G. Townsend bedesignated served. SSNY shall 08/17/21. Office may any lawful act or essealed related thereto.and eral St., Dover, 19901. (WBEs) NOTICE OF DE SALE O TIC Eit may O FSSNY FOactivity. Rhas M ATIO N may be served shall mail N SSNY as agent OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES AS REQUIRED SECTION containers may be hand(SSNY) delivered on or mailed to the above against be served and Notice of formation of NY County. been St., Dover, BYDE 19901. NY lawful County. Princ. eral location: buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being LP3P is Perpetual. SSNY desigBldg., 401 Federal St., Dover, mail process to the LLC, 213 of location: NY10:00 County. LLC Purpose: Any activity. Associates, LLC. Arts copy of any process against a of LLC upon whom process Notice of Qualification of 525 6-129 (Local Law 1 of 2013) OF THE NEW YORK CITY ADMINISTRATIVE address. Proposals will not be accepted after am on the shall mail process to: Hilda LLC Arts. of Org. ScratchFoto designated as an of agent Purpose: Any lawful activity. of LLC:Goal c/o Friedman office in the Borough and County of Bronx, City and of NY, nated asfiled agent LP upon upon DE26th 19901. Purpose: Any of St., NY, NY 10010. E. formed in Delaware (DE)LLC on CODE (Target/COURT for M/WBE can be seen in the B of the Bid SUPREME COUNO rgprocess wagainst ith 1611 Secy. of the LLC C/O the LLC: against it ismState ay be served. SOLAR Kennedy Lewis Ac- EXECUTIVE date ofSchedule bid opening. NOBook EXCEPTIONS WILL BE GRANTED. Do C. Vives-Vasquez, filed with the Secy ofApproximate State of Purpose: whom it Park may Notice of1 of Qualification of 3 Azimut Management 770 LexBlock: 4711 Lot: 75. amount judgment whom against lawful activity. Anymail lawful S 04/19/21. SSNY designated Subject to APPRENTICESHIP 2).Co., This Contract is alsoNotice TYNumber OF BRONX, CITIBANK, States Corporation United t aserved t e process o6D, f N YNew (shall S SYork, Nmail Yit) may o na Appl. for Auth. filed with For SeSSNY shall process of the formation of Cielo cess Fund III GP LLC Auth. not remove any pages; all proposals are to be submitted intact. Avenue NY New York (SSNY) on be and TIMES SQUARE LEASEington Ave., NY, NY 10065. $705,125.24 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold served. SSNY shall mail be th PROGRAM and the NYC ComptrollersAzul LaborDisaster Law 220 prevailing wages 107 ADOPTION as agent of LLC upon whom N.A., Plaintiff, vs. ESTATE Agents, Inc. 7014 13 Av11/17/2017. Office location. cy. of State of NY (SSNY) on the LLC , 1025 Fifth Ave., Operations/Lofiled w/ SSNY 7/29/21. Off. in information Town reserves the right to filed reject Anyagainst lawful NY Office loca6/24/2020. Notice Index# of 380685-13. Formation of 10029. copy of Purpose: any process HOLD LLC asAppl. Auth. SSNY asfor subject toagainst provisions Judgment process to the Partnership at requirements described inA the Solicitation Materials. call (631) 957-3025. The11/22/21. it of may be OF E Ldesignated LSecy. A BR OW Nagent /of A NY enue, Suite County. SSNY Office location: NY A p t .to3the E FReferee S o202, u t h will , Brooklyn, N be Y , acN Y NY gistics Cert of FormLLC. filedArts w/ process anyCo. andConsultants all proposals. purpose. tion: New York County. SSNY ABOUT TIME COFFEE the LLC is C/O theofdesignatLLC: 595 filed with of State of/ KNY the princ. office the LP. whom LLC Only cash or certified funds payable Notice of formation of lawful Grits Single woman looking to build served. SSNY shall mail proAND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES E LMINORITY L Aupon Mon AOWNED E07/29/21. BRO Wprocess N , E T OWNED NY 11228. Purpose: Any law- ed agent upon whom proLLC formed in 10028. Purpose: Any of Org filed with Secy. of County. 7/1/21. SSNY desig. SSDE has designated as agent CHAIN 16 LLC Arts. of Org. Baltic Street, Brooklyn, NY (SSNY) Office and addr. of each genName against it may be served. cepted as a deposit in the amount of ten percent of the purEntertainment LLC Arts of family adoption. her cess Corporation Service (M/WBE) will be afforded full opportunityState submitof bids NY and the(SSNY) City ofbeNew AL., Defendant(s). ful activity. (DE) 10/13/20. c11217. e s sYomies m Purpose: a y by b Rice e are s eAny rv e dYogurt aAny nd activity. on Delaware Proposal may examined and to obtained at on the Town Hall it filed asto agt. ofdocuments LLC whom process whom process against upon State of NY lawful location: NYnotifies County. LLC Xexpenses eral partner available SSNY shall mail process to chase price. 80 Org with filedSecy. with ofthe Secy of NY ethnicity York hereby all bidders that it7/29/20. will affirmatively ensure that anyNY SSNY Co. (CSC), State St.,4:30 Aldesignated asand agent of (SSNY) shall mailwelcome, copy of Org. process Office location: Purchasing between hours of 9:00 a.m. be served & shall mail the may may be served. SSNY desigon 12/08/21. Office activity. formed Delaware (DE) LLC filed Arts. Of with thecontract LLCinentered at theintoaddr. oftoon its from SSNY. C.I. addr. of LP: State of NY (SSNY) on NY paid. Please call (347) 470pursuant this advertisement willDepartment be awarded to the bany, NY 12207-2543. DE Persuant to a Purpose: Judgment of LLC whom process g a inMaples s t L L of C Corporate to : U S ofCSeroNY rp County. SSNY designated as Notice ofNY formation ofSSNY 560 a p.m. daily except Sundays andupon Holidays, on and after process c/o Universal Regas agent upon whom nated location: County. 07/27/21. Princ. office LLC: the State lowest office. responsible bidder of without discrimination onto the basis ofSaturdays, race, color, princ. Any c/o Office NY orInc., my7014 attorney: (800) 5228Secty Frank D. Lombardi, Esq., Referee addr. of CSC, 251 N o t i c location: eNECK o f as F oRD r mCounty. aLLC t iof o nArts. o f Agents F osex, rc loactivity. s u reManagement a n d S a lenational d u ly origin, against itLLC: mayc/omay be served. Ave., whom process agent TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2018. documents also bebe LITTLE istered Inc., 26 Proposal process against it may sexual orientation, age upon orAgents, place of residence. agent LLC designated c/o Rudin Co., (SSNY) on 11/02/2021. Oflawful SSNY has been designated vices Limited, PO13th Box 309, 582-3678 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, Notice of formation of Ripka T a k a m i c h i B e a u t y R o o m filed on June 01, 2017 and SSNY shall mail process to #202, BK, NY 11228. Prinmay be served and shall mail of Org. filed with the Secy. of ddirected o w n l oto a the d eE. drequirements aGreenbush, t t h e T of o w n oserved f B a b yand l o nshall ’ s w email b s i proces te at Prospective bidder's is alsoCarville Ln, upon process against it fice: Inc., 345 Park Ave.,attention NY, NY NY House, County. SSNY has as anwhom agentof upon whom proGrand Ugland DE 19808. Cert. & of Form. filed Arts LLC Arts. address: of Org. Cayfiled Shapiro, Dicaro Barak, LLC LLC. Arts. Org. filed shall with Corporation Service Co., may anschedule O rder ppointing S uccipal business 300 ofparticipation process LLC c/o copy "B"AinQualification the proposal concerning M/WBE the contract. NY (SSNY) on 07/14/2021 12061. Add.inagainst maintained against the LLC served be served. SSNY 10154. SSNY designated as been designated of cess against be Notice of of NY man,the C.I., KY1-1104. Cert. of with Secy. of the State of upon DE, with Secy. ofas NYagents (SSNY) Attorney(s) for Plaintiff N Y office D e plocation t . itto omay fthe SNY tLLC, aCounty. tserved e 213 o n E. The of schedule of proposed M/WBE participation is to be St, submitted by theNY 80 State St., Albany, NY cessor Referee dated No74th St., #10A, NY, NY to 220 E 60th #3k, NY, NY in DE: Universal Registered C/O the LLC: 88 Greenwich is process mail agent LLC upon whom prothe LLC upon whom process and shall Office mail alocation: copy of any 1711 RETAIL, LLC Appl. for filed withNY Registrar of LP 06/14/2021 401 Federal St., DE apparent low bidder within sevenun(7) calendar daysInc., after the date of opening on office loca175 Mile Crossing Boulevard 10/3/17. NY 10021. DE Dover, addr.York, of E. vember 28, 2017, I,may the 10022. R/A: VB&T Certified SSNY has been designated 300 Creek View 12207-2543. Agents, Street, Apt 714, New 26th St., NY, NY 10010. cess against it be against it may be served and process against the LLC to Auth. filed with Secy. of State Partnerships C.I., 133 Elgin of bids. The M/WBE goal for project Public isSPECIAL 24 %. Accountants, 19901. Purpose: Any lawful These projects be 251 funded in York part through tion NY County. SSNY has Rochester, New 14624 C ounty. Princ. bus. addr.: LLC: Little Falls Dr., Purpose: dersigned Referee willthis sell 110 SERVICES any lawful act.CayPLLC, as anthe agent upon whom pro- Purpose: Rd, Ste. thNOTE: 209, Newark, DE shall NY 10006. Purpose: Any lawAny lawful activity. served. SSNY shall proshall mail process to: The C/O LLC Angela Polite NY (SSNY) on mail 11/23/20. of Ave., Box 123, Grand activity. been designated as an agent the W New State Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (877)430-4792 283 Decatur St., Brooklyn, DE 19808. Cert. a t Non-compliance p utoblocation: l iGoldfarb c a uwith c tNY i o& n7 day a tsubmittal t h e requirement, 57 St,&Ste NY, Wilmington, 250 the theYork stipulations of1632, Schedule against may2G be served cess 19711. Name add. of auth. ful activity. cess Fleece 76 Mott Street 231 w. 149thit St. NY, NY LLC, Office County. C.I.& KY1-9000. Purman, VIAGRA CIALIS! 60#Frnt, pills upon whom process against it Disaster Recovery and Federal Com N Y shall 112 3mail 3Formation . S eaccopy . Documeno fofof S ta te NY, Form.through filed with DEm unity Secy. Notice "B" orAttn: submittal of bids in which any of theofficer prices forinlump sumwhere or unitany items are of AMBronx County Courthouse, NY 1017. Purpose: lawful and any DE Cert of ofFunds LLP, Partner-in-charge NY 10013. Purpose: any 10003 Purpose: LLC formed in Delaware (DE)detriment pose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of ETER100 pills for of $150. for $99. significantly unbalanced to the potential of the Department may be cause may be served and shall mail Development Block Grants. A project funded by and conceived d e s ig n a te d a g e n t o f L L C of State, 401 Federal St., #4, PERSAND INTELLECTUAL Notice of Form ation 44 act. Room 600, 851 Grand Conagainst the LLC is lawful process Form filed: DE Sec. of State, Dated: November 18, 2019 #98015 of matters, 560 Lexingtary. act. 11/17/20. SSNY designatonRudin for a determination ofNY non-responsiveness and the rejection of the bid. NIS FINE CHEMICALS USA FREE shipping. Money back a copy of any process against through the NY Rising Community Reconstruction program of upon whom process against Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: CAPITAL, LLC Arts. of Org. EAST 75TH STREET, LLC course, Bronx, on JanuC/O the LLC: 620 W 42nd St Notice of Formation of SIGofof formation Corp, John G. ton Ave., 6th of Fl.,LLC NY, upon NY Div. ed as agent Notice of of Jess LLC Arts. SP ofProposers Org. filed with Formation of BRG WESTguaranteed! 1-855-579-8907 the LLC is C/O thewith LLC: 175 the Governor’s Office StormAny Recovery. m ust lawful activity. it may beSecy. served and ofshall with of State of Org. filed Secy. arySolicitation 29,process 2018 atof2:00 documents (Specifications ONLY) will Bldg., be available for Apt 21A, New York, NY Arts. 5, LLC Arts. of filed NATURE Townsend POArts. Box 10022. DE addr. LLC: Coragainst itp.m., may whom Trayah Interiors LLC Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) SIDE LLC the West 12thoffiled Street, Apt.Secy. 4B, download 9,Dover, 2019 forany the full duration of of agency comply with and all funding requirements, as of wellState as on 01/04/22. Office mail process to: Any 263 of Bowof State NYwith (SSNY) on p re m is eService sfree kSSNY nofo charge wCo., n shall a starting s 1 mail 5Lit5December 0 898, 10036. Purpose: lawful Org. filed with Secy. DE 19903. Any poration 251 110 SERVICES Notice of Qualification of 79 (SSNY) Notice of Qualification 980 be served. DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Org filed with the Secy. of oron 08/02/21. Office location: the Solicitation Time U from the City Record Website at City Record Onof State of NY (SSNY) on New York, NY 10011. PurNotice is hereby given that a any other State, County, Town local government or agency NY County. SSNY location: ery, 2nd Fl., NY, NY 10002. 1 2 /0 4 /1 7 . O ffic e lo c a tio n: U nionport R oad, nit N o. activity. of NY (SSNY) on 11/19/20. lawful purpose. tle Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE PLACE OWNER CLIFTON RAIL PROPERTY LLC Appl. process to c/o Anbau Enter+ $14.95 High Channels State of regulations. NY (SSNY) on Line ( NY County. SSNY designatNotice of York Qualification of 8 designated 11/21/19. Office loc.: NY license, number 1324834 for pose: Any lawful activity. rules and A goal of 15% for New State Certified as agent of LLC Purpose: any lawful activity. NY County. SSNY designat6A, Bronx, NY. All that cerlocation: NY County. Office 19808. Cert. of Form. LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with for Auth. filed with Secy. of prises, 11 E. 26th St., NY,filed NY 11/12/2020. Speed Internet. Free InstallaNY office locaed as agent of LLC upon (NY)State OWNER LLC SSNY of designated as County. liquorwhom license, has been apMinority Businesses and A15% SPRUCE for Newof York process against it ed Drawings areofnotState available download and MUST be purchased. as SATELLITE agent LLC upon tain plot, or of BEST TV with 2 SSNY designated asCertified agent of upon Notice of formation of 68with Secy. of for the Secy. State of NY (SSNY) State of NY (SSNY) on DEpiece addr. of parcel LLC: 251 10010. Includtion, Notice of Formation of CLIFtion: NY County. has has whom process against it this may Appl. for Auth.whom filed with Se- may agent ofpLLC whom plied be for Marilyn 18 Rest Inc. printed copy the thebuildings solicitation and drawing setom can be O purchased New York W en w ned Bat:SSNY usinesses been established for served. SSNY shall h o mSmart rformation o c HD eupon s s DVR aGuarantee! gofa RIGHT in sprot it land, with Price Year LLC upon process 1509 ESTATE LLC Arts. of w State of ofDE, John and G. Notice of on 11/06/19. Office location: Office location: NY 11/04/19. Little Falls Dr.,of Wilmington, ed, Fee Voice Remote. Some FORD HOUSE PRESERVAas agent been be served. SSNY shall mail City Department Transportation, Office of thedesignated Agency Chief Contracting cy. of State of NY (SSNY) on against it may be cess d/b/a Don Giovanni RisN O TIC E O F FO R M ATIO N project. Proposers must demonstrate their good-faith efforts to mail process to the LLC, 435 may be served. SSNY shall iTownsend m p r o v e m e n t s t h e r e o n $59.99/mo with 190 GROUP chanit may be served. against filed LLC with the Secy. of 401 Federal LAUNDRY County. LLClocation: formed in Org. NY County. formed in WAY DEOfficer/Contract 19808. Bldg., Cert. of Form. filed 1-888-609restrictions TION, L.P. Cert. ofNew LPYork, filedit 12/30/21. upon whom process against Management Unit, 55 Water Street, Ground Floor, process to c/o Corporation Office NY served. The address SSNY torante sell liquor at retail OF A to P. LEE PRODUCT St., NY, 10014. achieve these goals. m ail and process to c/o P eter erected, situate, lying and nels 3ofapply. months free preSSNY shall mailon process to Hudson (SSNY) on 12/03/2019 NY St., Dover, DE 19901. PurLLC Org. filed with Delaware (DE) 10/23/19. (DE) onNY 10/31/19. Delaware with Secy. of between State, Div. of - 3:00 New York 10041 9:00 a.m. p.m., Monday excludes 9405 Arts. Secy. ofto Friday, Stateshall of mail NY County. with may be served and Service Co., 80 State St., AlLLC formed in Purpose: shall mail process to Benin aoffice restaurant under thewith Al- Low, LLC Arts.Any of lawful Org. filed activity. 44 E. 75th St., NY, NY b e i n g i n t h e B o r o u g h o f mium movie channels! Free Corporation Service Co., 80 NY location NY County. pose: Any lawful activity. Secy. of NY425 (SSNY) on Princ. NY office ofwith LLC: 1120 SSNY designated ast a agent off the Corps., Federalis located St., Ste. holidays.401 The entrance on the(SSNY) South Side of any the Building facing thethe on 08/05/21. Office copy of process to a bany, 12207-2543. PurDelaware (DE) on 12/29/21. Sinanaj, Madison jamin The Town will not reimburse any individual or firm any costs coholic Beverage Control t h e S e c y . o f S t e o 10021. Bronx, County of Bronx,You City installation! Call next St.,the Albany, NY 12207State of Get dayDIRECTV! ONLY has been designated SSNY ndthe building without Vietnam Veterans Memorial. will not be allowed 07/13/2021 NY office location Americas, Ste. Ave. LLC upon whom process 4, Dover, DE 19901. PurNotice is358 hereby given that a Purpose: location: County. LLC: 520NY 2inwith Ave, SuitePrinc. 20B,of their pose: Any lawful activity. SSNY designated as agent of Ave., Ste. 1001, New York, Law at W 44th Street, associated the preparation proposal. NY(SSNY) has been desigNotice of Qualification of Any lawful activity. a n d S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k , 888-508-5313 TV Internet 2543. NY, Purpose: Any SSNY lawful license, 155 Channels & $35/month! government issued identification (driver's license, passport, etc.). 30 Hudson as an agent upon whom proBronx County. SSNY has 1803, NY 10036. it may be served. against pose: Any lawful activity. serial #1341600 for of LP: office New York, NY 10016. PurLLC upon whom process cess NY 10017. Purpose: Any lawnNew a t e against dYork, a s aNY afor g ebe npremises t served u p o n Phone MONTICELLO Block 3943 and Lot STRUC2867 toactivity. 1000s of Shows/Movies On itn may been designated as an agent as wom agent of HAN LLC beer designated SSNY shall mail process to A depositPRODUCTS of $50.00 is required for theYards, specification books and aNY, deposit & wine has been applied 72nd Fl., NY against pose: Any lawful activity. Notice ofit Formation consumption. may be served. ful activity. The Town of Babylon encourages m inority and en of owned w h o m p r o c e s s a g a in s t it TURED MSPg e th e r w ith a n u n d iv id e d Demand (w/SELECT All Inshall mail a copy of any and of $50.00 isFormation required for each drawing 10001. set in the Latest form of a date certified upon whom process against upon whom process against c/o Corporation Service Co. N Notice ofAppl. of filed THE by the served. undersigned toPost sell oncheck which DYNASTY Arts. to ofit for shallKU mailLLC process businesses to participate all bids.SSNY otice of gutter Form ation of A-it m ay be TheLLC 16, for interest Auth. 0.0133 percent Package.) PLUS cluded process against is of may Formation ofin SIGorLLC money order payable tointhe Notice New LP York City Department of is Eliminate cleaning formay beAserved and mail mayCorporation be served. SSNY shall 80 State St., Albany, (CSC), BIG RED UMBRELLA, LLC &address wine attothe retail inthe ath S dissolve Org. filed Secy. ofof State c/o Service Co. beer QU E DUp D Oshall M I FIVE N O Office which with Secy. of No State ofPersonal NY the Notice of with Formation THE theTransportation. Common Elements. ApNotice isRany here by given, purCash or Checks Accepted. Stream on to the LLC: 155 W 68 C/O SP 4, LLC Arts. of NATURE ever! LeafFilter, the most ada copy of process against mail process to c/o CorporaNY 12207-2543. DE addr. of Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. wine bar under the ABC Law 12/31/2119. SSNY designatThe Town reserves the right to reject any all bids. of NYor(SSNY) on 80 StateGOLF, St.,08/18/21. Albany, II, LP Cert. (SSNY) on amount 08/02/21. Office Org. SSNY shall York, mail Little a copy of OPPORTUNITY BOROUGHS LLC proximate of judgesuant todebris-blocking law, that the gutter NYC Screens Simultaneously at Street, New NY 10023. filedagent Secy. of2019 State (CSC), vanced the LLC is C/O the LLC: tion Service Co., 80 State St., LLC: CSC, 251 Falls of NY (SSNY) AState Pre-Bid of meeting (Optional) hason beened scheduled forwith December 16, at 4736 Broadway, New York, as of LP upon Office location: NY County. NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of f LAdditional P file dSchedule ith S ea cFREE y . Rd, of location: NYin the County. LLC Contracting Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. any against the LLC o m ent is AM $119,173.75 plus Department ofw Cost. Consumer AfCall DINo Purpose: Any lawful activity. ofTheresa NYprocess (SSNY) on 11/19/20. protection. at 10:00 Agency Chief Officer Bid against Room, Ground Albany, Dr., process NY 12207-2543. DE Wilmington, DE 19808. 1604 Williamsbridge Office location: NY 11/06/20. 10040 for on-premises NY Sabatino it may whom 110 SERVICES Princ. office of LLC: 307 W. LLC: c/o CSC, 251 Little Falls S t a t e o f N Y ( S S N Y ) o n formed in Delaware (DE) on of State of NY (SSNY) on s e r v e d . S S N Y s h a ll m a il Notice Formation of 175 Notice of Qualification of 400 interest and costs. Premises fairs willNY hold a Public HearRECTV 1-888-534-6918 Office location: NY County. Floor, of 55 Water Street, NYC. All bidders are requested to LeafFilter estimate today. addr.Wilmington, of Little Falls consumption; Cert. of Form.Fito filedRestaurant with Secy. Bronx, 10461. Purpose: County. SSNY designated as prospective Commissioner of General Services be served. shall mail 38th St.,LLC: NY,251location: NY 10018. DE 19808. 07/29/21. Princ. office ofInproviLLC: 1 2 /1lawful 5off /1Wednesday, 7 . activity. O0% fficFinancing e lo cJanuary a tiofor n: Office NY Notice 11/23/20. process to 660 Nereid Ave PEACH, LLCsubject Arts. of Org. CAPITAL TXSSNY COF IInumber L.P. Apwillattend. beofsold to on ing Seats are limited. this connection, limit the as of of Dr., designated agent SSNY please 15% and of Formation of 5 Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. of State, Div. of Corps., 401 Any LLC upon whom proagent Inc. process to Corporation SerSSNY as agent of # 1 , B r o n x , N e w Y o r k , NY Cert. ofdesignated Form. with 600 Third Ave., 21st Fl., NY, County. Princ.filed office ofSecy. LLC: Princ.p.m. office of filed with Secy. of NY pl. forper Auth. with Secy. attendees to maximum of of two personnel firm. filed Please submit the of sions of filed Judgment In08, County. 2020 2:00 at Se42 LLC upon whom process whoatqualify. PLUS LLC of those FRANKLIN of Form. filed with Secy. Cert. Federal St.NYC - Ste. 4, Arts. Dover, cess against itState may be Date: January 9,State 2018 vice Co., St., LLC upon process Div. whom of Corps., John NY SSNY 56State, Leonard St., Apt. 39W, Notice P : &c /Military o A5sthcFloor, e n d Aon m ear perica of attendees to the Manager later than (2)AlQualification of Lnior 10470. (SSNY) 01/04/22. of no80 NY (SSNY) on of d ename(s) x10016. # SSNY 3on 80 2 4shall 6 / designated 2 0mail 1 2Office . proNProject o State Broadway, FREE! may be two served. against Discounts. Call Org. filedofwith Secy. Any of State of State, John Townsend Purpose: lawDE 19901. served. bany, NYit12207-2543. Name against it may served. G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Fedbusiness days prior to the pre-bid meeting date. Savings IncludeValley an American activity Walk-In Tubs as agent of LLC upon whom NY 10013. SSNY desigNY, Spring PreserHVPG L L C , 6 3 5 M a d i s o n A v e ., Notice of Formation Purpose: Any lawful location: NY County. Princ. 12/30/21. Office location: NY Cash to willFredda be Accepted. tition for CASA AZUL. INC of to SSNY shallofmail process to SSNY (SSNY) onToilet08/12/21. 1-877-763-2379 Bldg.,St., 401 Federal St., Ste.DE 4, of ful NY activity. cess Herz Brown, Standard Right Height and addr. each general shall mail process to Ste. 4,ofDover, process against itsubmitted may bewriting nated as agent LLC upon vation, LLC. Authority filed-INSte. STERNBUCH FAMILY 1300,maintain, NY, SAVE NYand 10022. office of 83rd LLC: 2 Cooper Sq., LPService formed in eral County. FREE! ($500 Value) WALK BATHTUB SALE! $1,500 All questions shall be in to the designated person indicated establish, operCorporation Co., 80 Office location: NY County. DE 19901. Purpose: Dover, 450 E. St., Apt. 16A, are available from partner DeFoe Corp. invites all inDeFoe Corp. invites all inCorporation Service Co., 80 Purpose: Any it lawful served. SSNY shall process against may with whom of State of NY PROPERTIES LLC sidewalk Arts. of on which the LP Apt. 5H, (DE) 06/07/21. 19901. Deadline submission of is December 20, on 2019. L abelow. u NY ra C . NY, B r for o wNY n email , 10003. E sproq questions . , Delaware unenclosed ate andate NY designated as agent of Latest SSNYSec. lawful activity. NY, 10028. Any Any SSNY. tState e r e sSt., t Purpose: e dAlbany, a d q u a 12207llawful i f i e d activity. Get ONLY State tAny ere sSt., t e dAlbany, aSSNY n d qNY u a12207l i f mail i e d (SSNY) th140 by American Standard’s years cess todesignated the LLCPurpose: atasthe princ. be served. shall N o t i c eupon oon f F12/2/21. o whom r m a t i oOffice nprocess o f 2✔lo4Backed 6 may Org. filed with is ofof State dissolve 12/12/2117. SSNY agent Princ. ofnLP: 510 Madicafe' at DIRECTV! 369 7Secy. Ave in the Referee 2543. office Purpose: Any lawful Mr. of Hari Velkur, LLC lawful activity. experience activity. MWBE firms to Fl., submit pro$69.99/month! 155 Channels 2543. Purpose: Operations of MWBE firms to submit prooffice of the LLC. DE addr. of process to Sarika Singh at cation: New York County. SPRING STREET CONDOMINIof NY (SSNY) on 07/12/21. SSNY designated as agent LLC upon whom process Ave., 17th NY, NY son Borough of Brooklyn a Director of Engineering and Construction Programs, ACCO, activity.for against it may be served. Ultra low entry easy & exiting forOn posals the following & 1000s ofentering Shows/Movies posals to the following LLC: the princ. office of the NYS LLC. LLC registered in DE ✔ on Office location: NY process County. UM (NEW YORK) of LPfor upon whom against served. 10022. Duration of LP is NYS Per- restaurants. Management two years. term K n u cc/o k lof eitCorporation sFormation ,may KFinance, o mbe o s Contracts iService n s kBIOi && Program ® shall mail BORROWER, process SSNY Technology ✔ to Patented Quickof Drain Notice of Departm ent ofdesignated TransportaDemand (w/SELECT All 276 InDepartm NOTICE OF FORMATION: Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., A of golfTransportasimulation 3/29/21. Purpose: ent SSNY designated Princ. office of LLC: LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. against it m ay be served. New York City Department of Transportation SSNY shall mail process to petual. SSNY as 122-124 W 124TH ST LLC, M a n fr o , L L P , 5 6 5 T a x te r Barbara Gutman, 4 Bryant ✔ Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, PROTECTORS, LLC Arts. of tion Qualification of ALNotice ofrelated Formation CLIFproject: Package.) PLUS cluded of Formation of agent tion Best Value Bidofproject: Mental Health Abbott 55DE Water Street, 8th Floor, York, New York 10041 Wilmington, 19808. Cert. and -golf retailer. oftof upon whom Riverside Dr., Ste.process 2-G, NY, oNotice f S t a9th eLLC of N Y ( SNY S N10018. Y )prooINCLUDING n SSNY to the LLC at the addr. of its New agent of LP upon whom proArts. of Org. filed withCounthe Notice labor shall backed bymail American Standard Road, Ste. 590, Elm sford, Fl., NY, Park, Org. filed with Secy. of212-839-9403, State LLC ApFORD HOUSE Stream onancopies Up 635 tomassage FIVE TIMEPRESERVACOFFEE cess Telephone No. Fax No. 212-839-4241 seling, PLLC. Articles ofOffice Org. of Secy. itlawful may NY 10025. designated 1TOUR 2 /1 2against / 1 7HOLDINGS, . Any O ffic e lo cbe aactivity. tioserved n: ✔ N44 Y Hydrotherapy the Partnership, Madiprinc. Purpose: Any against it may be ABOUT cess SSNY on 08/19/2021. jets for for SSNY invigorating Request of the reN YForm. 1 0office. 5 2filed 3 , Awith t on t o rDE n e y s f o r Purpose: NY (SSNY) 12/03/19. of pl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of TION GP, LLC Arts. of Org. C o nNY t r SSNY a c t #shall D 2SSNY 6mail 3State 6 3pro4 of- CHAIN Simultaneously at, Screens C o n t r 10 a c LLC t # DArts. 2 6 3 6 3 0 th- and filed w/ Secretary of of State, 401 FederalEmail: St. Ste. shall mailoffice process to: 246 c/o son as agent of LLC upon whom County. Princ. of LLC: lawful activity. served. A ve., S te. 1300, N Y County. has loc. vocable consent agreement Plaintiff Office location: NY County. State of NY (SSNY) on process Notice ofRepairs Qualification 80 Additional Cost. Call DINo Secy. of at State ofLLC, NY CT Bridge I-84 filed Bridge 3 of LocaYESwith MAMA CREATIVE 9/9/2020. Office NY (SSNY) 4, Dover, DE 19901. Pur- cess Corporation System, 28 against itto: may be Spring St., NY, NY location: 10013. SSNY to Replacement, Corporation NY 10022. Name and addr. been asService agent may be addressed DepartBill de Blasio, Mayordesignated office of LLC: 1305 FulPrinc.Any Office NY 11/07/19. STREET REALTY LLC Appl. Notice of Qualification of 08/05/21. Limited Time Offer! Call Today! RECTV 1-888-534-6918 (SSNY) on 12/08/21. Office Eastbound & W estbound t i o n s i n L o n g I s l a n d of Org. filed with the Arts. location: New York County. pose: lawful activity. Street, Newof York, NY of Liberty served. shall mail proCo., 80 Stateprocess St., Albany, NY designated agent LLC upon each general partner are upon whom against ment of SSNY Consumer Affairs, Commissioner ton St., Rahway, Polly NJ Trottenberg, 07065. 12207-2543. County. DEas LLC formed in cess for Auth. filed with Secy. of 10005. SoulCycle LLC Appl. for NY County. Princ. County. o v e rLLC M e tmay r Name o Nbe oas rand t agent h R a of i l location: Towns of Babylon & SSNY HunSSNY on 06/10/2020. Office SSNY designated address LLC: to Foil Jacob M.SSNY. Weinreb at addr. whom process against itof be available served. the from PurATTN: Officer, 42 BroadSSNY of designated as agent of of Notice of Qual of KING Delaware (DE) on 08/21/17. of&County. NY (SSNY) on c/o State Auth. filed with Secy. ofmay State office of LLC: 30 Hudson designated as agent of Glen LLC Road -upon Tow n of Fishkill, tington the City of loc: NY SSNY has Notice Qualification ofPEN300 visit: whom process PLLC The Corporation Trust Or pose: the princ. office of the LLC. eachshall general partner are served. SSNY shall mail process SSNY mail process to: Any lawful activity. way, New York, NY 10004. DISH TV $64.99 For 190 upon whom process LLC GUIN OPPORTUNITY FUND office of LLC: 1270 Princ. 11/08/19. Office location: NY NY (SSNY) on 08/16/21. of Yards, 72nd Fl., NY, NY upon whom process against it NY been designated as agent Cove, NY EXECUTIVE SOLAR LLC available against may beYork served. Company, 1209 Orange St, activity. SSNY. DE adto T h of e location: Bthe o a rd of M a n aCounty. g e rs NY o f Purpose: The LLC,itfrom 271 New Av+ lawful $14.95 High ChannelsAny against itAuthority mayfiled befiled served. III LLC, with Ave. Americas, NY, LLC formed in Wilmington, County. Office NY 10001. SSNY designated as served. SSNY shall whom process against upon be Appl. for Auth. with Se- dr. shall mail copy of Dr., pro- may SSNY DE 19801. Cert. Speed Internet. Free Installaof LP: 251 Little Carem ax professional Trump SoHo Hotel Condominium Brooklyn, NYFalls 11213. enue, shall mail processserto Wilmington, SSNY the SSNY onof 07/27/2021. OfSSNY designated as Notice of formation of 10020. (DE) on 05/05/99. Delaware LLC formed Delaware (DE) agent of LLC upon whom proto the LLC, 213 Additional inform ation Cert. mAve ay mail the process LLC may be served. Additional inform ation m ay of cy. of State NY of (SSNY) on cess to: 315 Madison Form. filedin with DE Sec of N O TIC E O F FO R M ATIO N DE 19808. vices LLC. Arts. org. filed Purpose: Any Lawful PurNY at the princ. office of the LLC. tion, Smart HD DVR NOTICE OF FORMATION Corporation Co.,LLC 80 of fice loc: Office NYService County. agent of LLC upon whom proCelebrity LLCIncludSSNY designated as agent of State, Notice theAdvisors qualification ofAppl. Re03/25/11. SSNY designaton cess against may be 26th St., from NY,it NY 10010. be obtained from David Amshall mail process to: SSNY be obtained David Am11/22/21. location: NY #1501B, New York, NY E. 401 Federal St, Ste 4, OF BPBB Media, LLC. Arts LP filed with Secy. of State with the SSNY on 10/19/17. pose. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Fee Voice Remote. Some ed, OF Albany, NY 12207. State St., formed in DE on 04/16/2015. cessas against for O mayupon be of Auth. filed with Secy of upon whom LLC source LLC ed agent ofit LLC served. mail Any lawful a t the o AMERIGO aState t Purpose: 9 1 of 4 -DE, 6 HOLDINGS 9any 9 - 7lawful 4 4 0 Purpose: The 299 12 a t o aLLC, tSSNY 914 -shall 6 9West 9activity. -process 7 4pro4 0th Dover, County. LLC 10017. DE 19901. Purpose: rg Energy filed wSystems, iththe Secy. of O f f i c eis: designated N e w lawful YFORMATION oformed r kactivity. . Sagent S NinY of restrictions Promo ExLLC Articles of Org. 401 filedFedwith NOTICE OF Purpose: Any SSNY as served. SSNY shall mail pro- S State off Napply. NY (SSNY) against it may served. Application for of process against it may whom Corporation damato@ or cess StreettoApt 3J, NY,be NYService 10014. damato@ or any Delaware activity. lawful activity. t a t e 07/21/21. o Y (Certificate S S N Y ) oon n St.,of Dover, DE of 19901. d e s ALLTID i gwhom n a t(DE) e dprocess aon g e 10/13/20. n tagainst uLLC. p o n eral 1-888-609pires Secretary of State of NY the SPIRITS OF Notice Formation 277 upon to c/o Corporation SerN.Y. Office location: cess 10/29/19 SSNY shall mail process to Authority filed with the Secy be served. SSNY shall mail Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY bids@ Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 319 19405 bids@ SSNY designated as agentthe of Purpose: 2 /1 9 /1 7 . O ffice lo c: N Y Any lawful activity. whom process against (SSNY) on 11/5/2019. Office Arts of Org filed with Secy of 35A LLC Arts. of Org. FIFTH the LLC may be served. FEYNMAN POINT LLC, Arts. Notice of formation of Signs vice New York County. SSNY has Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Gideon Rothschild, Moses & of State of New York (SSNY) process to c/o Corporation 12207-2543. Purpose: Any Notice of Formation of W e s t 1 0 6 t h S t r e e t , L L C C ounty. SSN Y designated LLC upon whom process LLC mshall afiled y NY bmail ewith s(SSNY) eprocess rve dSSNY a to: n d filed NY County. SSNY location: Albany,ofCo. NY 12207-2543. DE State of on with ofArts State of NY lawful activity. SSNY Org. LLC. of Org of Candles designated agent been LLP, 405 Lexington Singer on 05/18/2021. NY as office loService (CSC), 80 State Bid Date: January 25, 2018 TIME COFFEE of Secy. Formation of Bar Li- ABOUT Formation of Lady K agent Bid Date: 24, 2018 Notice against it process may bethe served. upon whom process Art. ofofOrg. filed with Sec. of shall mail against to Notice th January designated as agent ofOffice LLC: CSC, 251 Little addr.Albany, 11/7/19. Office location: NY (SSNY) 08/02/21. The LLC, 369 West 126th on filed with&on 09/22/2020. Office loc: Secy. of State ofLLC NY CHAIN upon whom Ave., 1211 Fl., NY, NY of 10174. cation NY 12207-2543. St., Notice is hereby given that a Coaching LLC Arts. Org. Co. LLC LLC Art. Services LLC Art. m The sobations SSNY shall mail process to a y Generac bNY e sCounty. eprocess rvPWRcell, e d aSSNY nagainst d sahhas a llit State ofDr., NY (SSNY) on CSC, SepLegal Corp Solutions LLC, upon whom process against it Notice is hereby given that a Falls SSNY designated Wilmington, DE County. NY County. Princ. location: Street, Mgmt Suite, NY, NY SSNY has been des(SSNY) on 5/29/20. Office lomay be served. The Post OfDE addr. of LLC: c/o Corpobeen designated as an agent DE addr. of LLC: c/o license, for Of with number Secy. of1331331 State of NY lar plus battery storage sysOrg. 15, filed2017. with SSNY on c/o CorporationSte Service Co., Of Org. filed with SSNY on filed copy ofprocess process against tember Office in mail 11Broadway 615 New be served. SSNY shall may license, serial #1338366 for 8/27/21. rate agent upon whom process 19808. Form. filed Co., Little office of LLC: 277 Fifth SSNY Ave., 10027. Address required to 11/29/21. as St., agent upon whom NY County. ignated cation: address to which the fice whom upon against it 251 LittleCert. FallsofLocation: Dr., WilmingliquorService license, has 251 been apon 12/08/21. Office Office Location: NY (SSNY) NY tem. SAVE money, reduce 80 State Albany, NY to: US mail Corp. Agents, N Y DE CDE o 19808. uOffice nty. S Y d sDiv. i g . LLC York, York 10004. mail process to: Justin L. Galbeer & wine has been apton, beNew served and shall Secy. ofS N State, may with Dr., Wilmington, DE County. Falls NY, NY 10016. SSNY #35A, Cert. of Form. be maintained in DE: 108 process against the LLC mail may designated as agent upon SSNY shall ashall copy of may be served and mail The New York Amsterdam News plied for Kem Rest Inc. d/b/a location: NY County. SSNY County. SSNY designated as SSNY designated as your reliance on the grid, pre12207-2543. DE addr. of Inc. 7014 13th Ave., #202, agent of LLC upon w hom Purpose: Any lawful activity. 52 Downs Avenue, letti, plied for by the undersigned copy of process against LLC Of Corps., John G. Townsend 19808. Cert. of Form. filed as agent of LLC designated filed with Jeffrey W. Bullock, West 13th Little St., Wilmington, be served. SSNY shall mail whomof the process maywhom be designated process the LLC aany copy of power any against process against Don Giovanni Ristorante to agent as agent of LLC LLC upon upon whom pare for outages and LLC: 251 Falls Dr., agent K , LLC N Yupon 1 1 2is 2 8C/O . P rthe inisc ip al pBldg., r o c eof s sthe m aLLC yofbthe eSt., sState eSte. r v e dof Stamford, CT PurDE 19801. of Formation to sell beerat& wine init process to principal business 401 Federal 4,. 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THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK BY THE GRACE OF GOD FREE AND INDEPENDENT TO: Attorney General of the State of New York; Gilbert Seldes; Estate of Timothy Seldes To Manuel Rosario, whose whereabouts is unknown, if living, and if he died subsequent to the decedent herein, to his heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, legatees, executors, administrators, assignees and successors in interest whose names and places of residence are unknown and cannot, after diligent inquiry, be ascertained by the petitioner herein; And to the heirs at law, next of kin and distributees of Brian A. Murray, deceased, if living, and if any of them be dead, to their heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, legatees, executors, administrators, assignees and successors in interest whose names and places of residence are unknown and cannot, after diligent inquiry, be ascertained by the petitioner herein; A petition and an account having been duly filed by Elisabeth Seldes Annacone, who is domiciled at 20333 Lander Drive, Woodland Hills, California 91364; YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE, before the Surrogate's Court, New York County, at the Court House, 31 Chambers Street, New York, New York, on the 10th day of March, 2022 at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, why the account of Elisabeth Seldes Annacone, a summary of which h been served herewith, as Executor of the Estate of Marian Seldes should not be judicially settled; and



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Why the outstanding executor's commissions payable to Elisabeth Seldes Annacone in the amount of $124,562.71 should not be approved; Why a reserve in the amount of $60,000.00, to cover the anticipated additional legal services and costs of McLaughlin & Stern, LLP that will be incurred to close the account should not be approved;


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Why Martha J. Wilson should not be appointed as trustee of the Martha J. Wilson Trust under Article FIFTH; Why the claim of the Authors League of America, Inc. should not be denied; Why the claim of Katharine Andres should not be denied; Why each of the $10,000 general bequest to Manuel Rosario under Article THIRD D.5 of the Will and the $2,500 general bequest to Brian Murray under Article THIRD D.7 of the Will should not be deposited with the New York State Commissioner of Finance; Why Elisabeth Seldes Annacone, as executor, should not be released and discharged of and from any and all further liability or accountability whatsoever with respect to any and all matters embraced in her final account of proceedings as executor of the Estate of Marian Seldes; and Why the Court should not grant such other and further relief as to the Court seems just and proper.

To all Parties: No in-person appearance shall be made at the return date. If you wish to object to this matter, you may do so in writing in accordance with the annexed New York County Surrogate's Court Notice to Cited Parties.

Dated, Attested and Sealed January 7, 2022. HON. NORA S. ANDERSON Surrogate, New York County Chief Clerk, Diana Sanabria Name and Address of Attorney: MELTZER LIPPE GOLDSTEIN & BREITSTONE, LLP 190 Willis Avenue Mineola, New York 10016 Telephone: (516) 747-0300 Attn: Verley A. Brown, Esq. [NOTE: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not obliged to appear in person. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you. If you fail to appear, it will be assumed that you do not object to the relief requested.] SURROGATE'S COURT OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK 31 CHAMBERS STREET NEW YORK, NY 10007 (646) 386-5002 NOTICE TO CITED PARTIES You have been served with a citation for a matter that is scheduled to be heard at a New York County Surrogate's Court calendar. Please be advised that, at this time this court is serving the public and court users primarily through virtual or electronic appearances; in-person appearances are limited at this time. The citation that you have received contains a return date. Please do not appear in the courthouse on that date. The following choices are available to you: -- If you do not object to the relief requested, you do not need to contact the court or do anything else. -- If you do object to the relief sought on the citation, you or your lawyer must send a document to the court signed by you or your lawyer indicating that: 1. You object to the relief or you are requesting discovery; OR 2. You are requesting the opportunity to appear in person or by using Microsoft Teams or by telephone conference; OR 3. You are requesting an adjournment to consult with or retain counsel. Your written response must be received by the court three (3) business days before the return date and must include either an email address or telephone number, or both, where you or your lawyer can be reached during business hours. Your communication to the court may be sent by email to: Accounting or by mail addressed to the Accounting Department of this court at the address listed above. The attorney for the petitioner must be copied in your communication, If your written communication to the court indicates that you would like to proceed as described in choice number 1 above, your case may be referred to a court attorney-referee for a conference. The case will be adjourned to a future date, if you request the opportunity to appear in person or by electronic means or to consult or retain counsel (choices number 2 and 3).

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Candidates should be analytic, demonstrate skills in quantitative research and rigorous policy analysis, and have the ability to write about complicated research and policy issues using plain language for a wide range of audiences. Experience with large datasets and SAS, R, or similar coding package to conduct quantitative analysis as well as solid grounding in statistics and research methodologies is preferred.

A graduate degree in public administration, economics, urban planning or a related field, along with two to five years of experience is preferred; equivalent work experience may substitute. Salary range $70,000-85,000, depending upon experience. New York City residency must be established within 90 days of appointment and is required for the first two years of city service, after which employees may reside in Nassau, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Suffolk or Westchester Counties. Foreign nationals must have a valid permanent resident card (green card) or renewable work permit. Other Information: New hires must be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus by the date of hire, unless a reasonable accommodation for exemption is received and approved by the hiring agency.

If you do not contact the court by the date on the citation, the record will reflect that you do not object to the relief requested. If an attorney plans to appear on your behalf, he or she must file a Notice of Appearance. This Notice may be filed by mail addressed to the Accounting Department of this court at the address listed above or through the e filing system (NYSCEF), at

Alternative work schedules may be possible. IBO is an equal opportunity employer.

If you have questions about responding to the citation, you may contact the Accounting Department at Accounting Please note that court staff are prohibited from giving legal advice but they are available to answer any question about procedure. The Accounting Department of the New York County Surrogate's Court

The New York City Independent Budget Office (IBO), a nonpartisan city agency, is seeking a budget and policy analyst to cover the agencies environmental portfolio. The analyst will be responsible for examining the programs and funding of the cities departments of Environmental Protection, Parks and Recreation, and Sanitation, as well as broader environmental issues. The analyst will conduct nonpartisan, self-directed research for reports and publications, including policy briefs, budget reports, infographics, and testimony for City Council hearings. A commitment to impartial, rigorous analysis of public policy questions is essential.

Candidates should be comfortable interacting with public officials, agency staffs and advocacy organizations. Ability to work independently, juggle multiple assignments, and meet deadlines is critical. Knowledge of the cities capital and expense budgets or previous experience researching and analyzing municipal budgets and services a plus.

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How to Apply: Send a resume and cover letter to by Friday, February 4, 2022. One time use only. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon or offer. Coupon offer good until December 31, 2022. Valid for any new service except subscription fees. Must mention coupon at time of sale.

No phone calls please.

32 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022






Environmental Budget and Policy Analyst

Education Policy Analyst

The New York City Independent Budget Office (IBO), a nonpartisan city agency, is seeking a budget and policy analyst to cover the agencies environmental portfolio. The analyst will be responsible for examining the programs and funding of the cities departments of Environmental Protection, Parks and Recreation, and Sanitation, as well as broader environmental issues. The analyst will conduct nonpartisan, self-directed research for reports and publications, including policy briefs, budget reports, infographics, and testimony for City Council hearings. A commitment to impartial, rigorous analysis of public policy questions is essential.

The NYC Independent Budget Office (IBO), a nonpartisan city agency, is seeking an experienced and self-motivated policy analyst to join our public education team. The City Charter and state education law direct IBO to provide analysis and issue public reports on city educational policy and to enhance official and public understanding of such matters. This position offers a unique opportunity to study and impact public policy. A successful candidate for this position will evidence a commitment to critical and rigorous analysis of public policy questions, a deep understanding of public policy analysis, and an interest in urban public education policy. They will also possess knowledge and experience applying complex research designs to large data bases of individual and school level data. The successful candidate will also be able to generate new and interesting lines of inquiry for our research agenda. Qualifications Candidates should be analytic, able to demonstrate skills in quantitative research and policy analysis, and have the ability to write clearly about complicated research and data for a wide audience interested in the issues and challenges confronting our cities schools. Candidates should have experience using SAS to conduct quantitative analysis as well as solid grounding in statistics and research methodology, including experience with survey data. Prior teaching experience is a definite plus. Commitment to impartial and independent research is essential. Ability to take initiative, juggle multiple projects at once, and meet deadlines is critical. A graduate degree in Public Policy, Administration, or a related area of social science research, along with two to five years of experience, is preferred; equivalent work experience may substitute. Salary range $70,000-$85,000, depending upon experience. New York City residency must be established within 90 days of appointment and is required for the first two years of city service, after which employees may reside in Nassau, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Suffolk or Westchester Counties. Foreign nationals must have a valid permanent resident card (green card) or renewable work permit. Other Information: All new hires must be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus by the date of hire, unless a reasonable accommodation for exemption is received and approved by IBO.

Bronx Continued from page 6

our first responders and essential workers, who were on the frontlines responding immediately to the crisis, providing on-site support.” BP Gibson said, “Bronxites always put their best foot forward and show their resiliency and strength in the wake of tragedy.” On Monday a press conference Zoom meeting was Candidates should be analytic, demonstrate skills in quantihosted by FDNY-Firefighters Association President tative research and rigorous policy analysis, and have the Andrew Ansbro and FDNY-Fire Officers Association ability to write about complicated research and policy issues using plain language for a wide range of audiences. ExperiPresident Lt. James McCarthy. ence with large datasets and SAS, R, or similar coding AMNEWS CORPORATIONAt a Zoom meeting as the smoke literally cleared, the package to conduct quantitative analysis as well as solid grounding in statistics and research methodologies is preAmsterdam 2340 FREDERICK DOUGLAS BLVDNews asked if all the dead were victims of ferred. smoke inhalation. McCarthy replied that indeed all NEW YORK NY 10027 Candidates should be comfortable interacting with public ofthem were. It was not the fire, it was the smoke, the (212)932−7400 of ficials, agency staffs and advocacy organizations. Ability to FDNY reported. work independently, juggle multiple assignments, and meet deadlines is critical. Knowledge of the cities capital and exBodies were found on every floor. pense budgets or previous experience researching and anORDER CONFIRMATION“Certain buildings can be built under different stanalyzing municipal budgets and services a plus. dards,” Fire Commissioner Nigro told the media at a A graduate degree in public administration, economics, uron Monday. “It was by potentially built Salesperson: Not Applicable Printedpress atconference 01/11/22 16:49 amill− ban planning or a related field, along with two to five years of experience is preferred; equivalent work experience may outside the New York City Fire Code.” The Fordham −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− substitute. building has been cited by the Department of HousAcct #: 561 Ad #: 2668 Status: New Salary range $70,000-85,000, depending upon experience. ing Preservation and Development for over two dozen violations, including vermin infestations and non-opNew York City residency must be established within 90 FUTURE HOME REALTY ROBERT LEONARD Start: erational 01/13/2022 days of appointment and is required for the first two years of elevators. Built inStop: 1972 by the02/03/202 state Urban Decity service, after which employees may reside in Nassau, #101 Times Ord: 4 Times Run: velopment Corporation—the present Empire*** State Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Suffolk or Westchester Counhave a validCASHFORD permanent resi- CIRCLE ties. Foreign nationals must 27552 STD 1.00 X 26.00 Words: 71 Development Corporation—as an urban renewal dent card (green card) or renewable work permit. project,26.00 the building was owned by Cammeby’s InterZEPHYRHILLS FL 33544 Total STD Other Information: TheyESTATE sold the building in 2019 to CamClass: national 474 Group. REAL meb’s International Group.Cost: Under the name Bronx Park New hires must be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus Rate: BL 140.00 by the date of hire, unless a reasonable accommodation for Phase III Preservation LLC, the building is now owned exemption is received and approved by the hiring agency. Alternative work schedules may be possible. by a consortium of investors including: Belveron PartIBO is an equal opportunity employer. Contact: Ad Descrpt: A HOME WANTProperty TO B Alternative work schedules may be possible. How to Apply ners, LIHCBUYING Investment Group, and Camber Send a resume and cover letter to Phone: (941)400−2833 Given by: * Group. The group purchased the dwelling with financIBO is an equal opportunity employer. by Friday, February 4, 2022 Fax#: P.O. #: ing assistance for a $166 million deal for eight MitchHow to Apply: No phone calls please. ell-Lama Bronxamill buildings from New York State Housing Email: Created: 12/23/21 13:56 Send a resume and cover letter to by Friday, February 4, 2022. Finance Agency and Freddie Mac. Agency: Last Changed: amill 01/11/22 16:49 Affordable-housing unit investor Camber ProperNo phone calls please. −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 652 MISC. FOR SALE ty GroupNovember co-founder had been a part To display your 12, 2020 - November NEW YORK THE NEWS NEW YORK AMSTERDAM November NEWS 18, 2020 12,•Rick 29 2020Gropper - November 18, 2020 • 29of PUB THE ZONE EDTAMSTERDAM TP RUN DATES then mayor-elect Eric Adams’ housing transition team. classifieds ad contact Books 4 Sale: Dawana 360 BRONX 250 MANHT FURN AN195 ASERVICES 97 SSmith 01/13,20,27 / posi-02/03 theSeptember consortium did not-respond Amster110 110 SERVICES SERVICES 110HELP WANTED 195 250Captivating, HELP MANHT WANTED FURN 250 MANHT FURN 30, 2021While Ali NEWS Miliner THE NEW YORK AMSTERDAM THE NEWS NEW YORK AMSTERDAM September - October 6, 2021 • 31 30, 2021 Octoberto 6, an 2021 • 31 tive, encouragUNFURN APTS ROOMS −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− dam News request for a response, their spokesperson ing, timeless literature. EnROOMS ROOMS JOB OPPORTUNITY $18.50 JOB OPPORTUNITY $18.50 STERDAM NEWS (212) 932-7435 lightenment. AUTHORIZATION issued a published statement: “We are devastated by the P/H NYC $16 P/H LI Up To P/H NYC $16Proven P/H LI methodUp To 1 Bdrm/ Uptown. near Uptown. Loc near 349 APARTMENTS 349 APARTMENTS 110 110 SERVICES SERVICES 195 110HELP SERVICES WANTED 195 HELP WANTED 349 APARTMENTS 349 349 APARTMENTS APARTMENTS 349 APARTMENTS ologies. Depicts theLoc ultimate 2 Rooms avail $165/$175 $13.50 P/H UPSTATE NY If $13.50 P/H UPSTATE NY If 1 Bdrm/ Starting January 13, 2022 unimaginable loss of life caused by this profound trage& train lines. Mature adult & train lines. Mature adult bus bus counsel. wk+. Close tocare MTA.for Cable currently your you currently care for your you 2995 Independence Ave. FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR FOR RENT RENT FOR RENT and pref. pref. Call for appt. (646) Call for appt. (646) 110 SERVICES 252 BKLYN 349 APARTMENTS ready. Close to Park. ElevaFreon Wanted: We pay CA$H Freon Wanted: We pay CA$H VIAGRA & CIALIS! 60 pills City Limits: $25.88who forhave 30 relatives City Limits: $25.88 30 dy.We are cooperating fully with the fire departmentIn orthis friends or friends whoforhave relatives Prepare for LLC at 2995 Independence Under agreement rates are subject to change with 30 days notice. 626.2431 or (201) 881.2754. 626.2431 or (201) 881.2754. tor! Call: 917.325.8012 After forAve. cylinders and cans. R12 for cylinders and cans. R12 $99. 100 pills for $150. for days days or ROOMS Medicare, you MedicaidFOR or Medicare, you Medicaid Bronx NY 10463 a FURN RENT other city agencies as they investigate its cause, and we 10 power outages R500 R500 R11 R113 R114. Con- event R11 R113 Con- may FREE shipping. Money back Idealist: $30.38 for days Idealist: $30.38 for 30 days ofAM. a30 cancellation before schedule completion, I understand that the may be eligible toR114. start workbe eligible to start workbuilding with 154 projectvenient. Certified Professionvenient. Certified Professionguaranteed! 1-855-579-8907 El diario waiting to hear back El diario waiting to hear back are doing all we can to assist our residents.” for them as a personal asfor them as a personal asing ing The Delightful Gift 634 DONATIONS 634 DONATIONS based Section 8 HUD units Nr. Call Brookdale Med with a 62 Generac charged will be based upon the rate for the number of insertions used Call 312-361-0601 or visit 312-361-0601 visit als. als. $1450/ Harlem Amsterdam: $90 Hosp., for 30or days Amsterdam: $90 forStudio 30 days Certificates needNo Certificates needsistant. sistant. 4for Butcher’s Cut Top Sirloins people and(5 oz.) over in- rate rm No in pvt hse. Working furn In 2018, after a deadly December 2017 Bronx fire in 4 Filet Mignon Burgers (5.3 oz.) Full Bath/Kit Flr 2 kitchenette w/refig. (347)462-2610 (347)565(347)462-2610 (347)565ed.Large ed. cluding 21 accessible units home standby Drive Out Breast Cancer: DoDrive Out Breast Cancer: Domale Senior pre'd. Share 4 Boneless Chicken Breasts (1 lb. pkg.) Get DIRECTV! ONLY 1mo/sec & Reference. Good heat & hot Nr No all 6200 6200 a residential building which killed 12, then-Bronx City the disabled 4designated Gourmet Jumbofor Franks (3 oz.) The benefits nate a car today! The benefits nate a car clean kit/bth rm water. with 1. $69.99/month! 155 Channels 917today! 355 5415 Economist Economist generator transp.Pay Job refs checked. 4is Individual Scalloped Potatoes (3.8 oz.) re Pay opening its rental of of donating your car or boat: donating your car or boat: Couples, NO Drugs, No Never For Covered Never For Covered Continued from page 27 Council member Ritchie Torres co-sponsored, and the & 4waiting 1000s Shows/Movies On Caramelof Apple Tartlets (4 oz.) Also, small rooms avail. 118 list. The unitsComare FastIndependent Free Pickup Budget – 24hr Re24hr ReClose to tranp., Smoking! Repairs Again! Repairs Again! ComHome Home 1 jar Signature Seasoning (3.1 oz.All jar) In- _____________________________________ (w/SELECT Demand The Independent Of- The Of- Fast Free Pickup –___________________________________ W 121st st. Budget Call City Council passed, a law mandating that self-closing to those with lim- plete VISIT USHome ONLINE AT Mrs. VISIT Tax US ONLINE AT Deduction _ Tax Deduction _ sponse sponse 8available FREECare Filet Mignon BurgersFREE (5.3 oz.)IN-HOME & wifi incl $950 L/G plete Home Warranty Care Warranty E SCHEDULE YOUR cluded Package.) fice (IBO) is seeking an fice (IBO) is seeking an 917.583.4968 ited income, onPLUS SecWWW. AMSTERDAMNEWS.COM WWW. AMSTERDAMNEWS.COM Toexpectation Do! Call 24/7: 855Do! Call 24/7: Easy Easy To Turner 917-907-0285 ALL based MAHOR SYSALL MAHOR SYSCOVERS COVERS “The forinterthe Adams regime is that he855will (signature) doors be installed in all residential buildings by July 2021. 65658PTN separately $223.93 Name (print or type) Name ASSESSMENT TODAY! Stream on Up to FIVE economist economist with a keen interwith a keen $ 99 tion 8 Federal guidelines. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE 99 905-4755 905-4755 AND APPLIANCES. AND policy APPLIANCES. TEMS Simultaneously at TEMS Screens to join our est in public policy to join our est in public continue in the legacies of past mayors, criminalizing the City & State reported that “HPD issued more than Interested person may obDAY RISK FREE. $200.00 RISK FREE. $200.00 30 877-516-1160 No Additional Cost. Call DI- 30 taxDAY and economics team. IBO tax and economics team. IBO tain byburgers writGet 8 FRee filet mignon OFF OFF +an 2application FREE MONTHS! + 2government FREE MONTHS! poor andgovernment placating to the rich,” Trujillo said. “By filling his 22,000 self-closing door tickets in fiscal year 2021, which RECTV 1-888-534-6918 is a NYC is agency a NYC agency ing to: 634 634 634 DONATIONS 634 474DONATIONS REAL ESTATE 474 474DONATIONS REAL REAL ESTATE ESTATE 474DONATIONS REAL ESTATE 866-440-6501 866-440-6501 providing impartial, nonparti- providing impartial, nonparticabinet with people tied to corruption, and even gifting a cost landlords up to $150 per infraction, plus $125 per 8PTN information on the city 2995 Independence Ave. .san information on the city san top police post to his brother, Adams is signaling that he violation per day, the agency said. More than 18,000 of budget, tax revenues, and the budget, tax revenues, and the LLC Independence 7-Year2995 Extended Warranty* 140 140 MISC. 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January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 33

Liberty brings in experienced leadership, selecting Sandy Brondello as head coach (Photo courtesy of Getty Images/New York Liberty)

By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews It’s been a tough few years for the New York Liberty. Last fall the team made its first appearance in the WNBA playoffs since 2017, but it did so on only 12 regular season wins. After an explosive start to the season, the Liberty limped to the finish line following the Olympic break. January 7 began with a snowstorm, but the afternoon brought sunshine Sandy Brondello comes to NY after eight seasons at the helm of the Phoenix Mercury as Sandy Brondello was named the Liberty’s renewed. The Liberty seized solid decision considering Laimbeer took the reins. One new head coach. A former the opportunity. the last head coach hire had can hope the defense-mindWNBA player, Brondello “Ownership and man- no head coaching experience ed Brondello can bring the has coached in the league agement were completely in professional basketball Liberty its first WNBA title. since 2005, spending the aligned on the qualities and and only three years experi- The team has not been to the last eight seasons as head characteristics we were look- ence as an assistant coach. Finals since 2002. coach of the Phoenix Mer- ing for in the next leader of Brondello’s goals are to “I’m excited to work with cury, which made it to the this team and the next leader have sustainable success and the talented roster we have 2021 WNBA Finals. Despite of this franchise. Number one win a championship. Previ- in place and to put my style her stellar record, which on that list was experience… ously, the Liberty has suc- of play onto the game,” said includes the 2014 WNBA in the head coaching seat,” ceeded after losing seasons Brondello. “It starts with Championship, Brondello’s said Liberty general manag- when championship coach- building a winning culture.” Mercury contract was not er Jonathan Kolb, which is a es Anne Donovan and Bill Brondello spoke about

building trust and playing as a cohesive unit. She is excited to coach Sabrina Ionescu and Betnijah Laney as well as Sami Whitcomb and Rebecca Allen, who’ve played on the Australian national team that she’s coached. “I know we will be a better team in 2022, but it will take a lot of hard work and commitment,” Brondello said. “I want to put an environment in place where they can continue to grow individually and collectively. Being a former player, [I know] relationships are important.” Free agency is about to begin, and both Brondello and Kolb said the Liberty would be making some although not a lot of roster moves. “We have to build this the right way,” said Kolb. “It’s from day one, we’ve got a lot of work to do—on the roster, training camp, practice sessions.” Brondello said the ultimate goal is to win a championship, but she’s more about the process. “If we focus on the process, the result will come,” she said.

Becky Hammon named head coach of the Las Vegas Aces she became the first woman to be a full-time NBA assistant coach. In 2015, she was the first woman to serve as a head coach in the NBA’s Summer League, leading the Spurs to the title. A few weeks ago, Hammon was the first woman to act as an NBA head coach, following Gregg Popovich’s ejection from a game. These incredBecky Hammon will lead the Las Vegas Aces ible accomplishments have led some to question fessional sports league,” said coaches and front office perwhether this move to the WNBA Hammon, who will remain with sonnel, including Swin Cash, is a step down for Hammon, the Spurs until April. “I feel I’m Teresa Weatherspoon and despite reports that she will be ready to have my own team, Lindsey Harding. For the past the highest paid head coach in and this is the organization that couple of years, Hammon’s WNBA history. Hammon sees made it very, very obvious they name has been in the mix becoming a WNBA head coach wanted me.” whenever an NBA head coachas a win. After Hammon’s hiring by ing job comes open. She was “This is an opportunity for the Spurs, other women have honest to say perhaps the time me to sit in the big chair and received significant opportu- is not yet at hand for a woman be a head coach in a major pro- nities in the NBA as assistant to be a head coach in the NBA.

(Photo courtesy of Getty Images/Las Vegas Aces)

By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews When Becky Hammon went to Las Vegas last September to celebrate the Aces retiring her jersey—the Aces franchise was previously the San Antonio Stars—she had no idea that Aces president Nikki Fargas was scoping her out. Last week, the Las Vegas Aces named Hammon as its new head coach. “I’ve always been openminded and talks obviously progressed, and me and my family came to the conclusion that the Las Vegas Aces would be the best spot,” said Hammon, now in her eighth season as an assistant coach with the San Antonio Spurs. “You could feel they’re building something special. “I’m super excited to be back in the W; I’m super excited to be leading this group of girls,” she added. “Let’s go.” Hammon began her 16-year WNBA career with the New York Liberty, where she played for eight seasons. She spent the next eight seasons with the San Antonio Stars, and shortly after her retirement in 2014

Clearly, she could remain an assistant coach in the NBA for as long as she desires, but at age 44 Hammon is ready to lead. “[Aces owner] Mark Davis and Nikki [Fargas] met me and said, ‘That’s a head coach right now,’” said Hammon. “I couldn’t be prouder to come back to the W. It’s where I’m from.”

34 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


The Knicks continue to pursue balance and chemistry amid inconsistency By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor The Knicks reached the halfway point of their regular season schedule on Tuesday night with a 111-96 win over the San Antonio Spurs at Madison Square Garden. They were 20-21 when the 22-18 Dallas Mavericks visited the Garden last night, sitting 11th in the tightly contested Eastern Conference standings. The Mavericks were without former Knick All-Star Kristaps Porzingis, who was in COVID-19 health and safety protocols. Comparatively, the Knicks, one game under .500 before facing the Mavericks, were 18-17 after 35 games a season ago with a similar winning percentage of .514 when the league held an abridged 71game regular season. The stark difference is they were fourth in the conference at that

their 10-11 home record heading into the matchup with the Mavericks. COVID-19 and injuries have affected them as they have all 30 NBA teams. “Look, there’s going to be ups and downs throughout the course of the year,” said Knicks head coach Tom Thibodeau after Saturday’s 99-75 loss to the Boston Celtics on the road. “You’ve got to be mentally tough when you face adversity—everybody does. Probably the most important thing in life. Sometimes it goes our way, sometimes it doesn’t. Just navigate through it all.” Thibodeau has moved players in and out of the lineup trying to achieve offensive-defensive equilibrium. The result has been players, notably second-year forward Obi Toppin, still trying to solidify their roles in the rotation. Toppin went into the Mavericks game seeing his minutes reduced in recent weeks. For the season, he was 11th on the team in average minutes played per game at 16.3. Toppin’s stat line was 8 points and 3.8 rebounds per game. The Knicks will be in Atlanta on Saturday to face the Hawks, then return to the Garden for the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day game onB Knicks forward Obi Toppin’s playing time has been Monday, and will be back on theS inconsistent as head coach Tom Thibodeau endeavors court at MSG on Tuesday versus the to build productive chemistry in his lineup Minnesota Timberwolves. p h k t By VINCENT DAVIS Heading into Tuesday’s slate of ers. The game wasn Special to the AmNews games, the Bulls had gone 9-1, originally sched-b the Heat 7-3 and the Bucks 6-4 uled for Dec. 23 buta The Brooklyn Nets will play over their previous ten. The was postponed dueI their 41st game of the season to- Nets were just 4-6, having lost to COVID. T night when they host the Oklaho- four at home. With Kyrie Ir ving Tonight will be thec ma City Thunder at the Barclays rejoining the Nets on Jan. 5 in a Nets’ fourth gameT Center. They are at the halfway 129-121 win versus the Indiana in five days. Satur-g mark of the NBA’s 82-game regu- Pacers, and able to play in games day they will facef lar season schedule and have a with the exclusion of those held the New Orleans Pel-w little over one month before they in New York City, San Francisicans on Saturday ine begin the All-Star break on Feb. co and Toronto due to COVID-19 Brooklyn before be-l 18. restrictions, the team has added ginning a week-r Even as the Nets, who were one of the league’s most potent long, four-gameg 25-14 when they faced the Chica- offensive weapons. road trip on Mondayf go Bulls last night (Wednesday), He dropped 22 points with against the risings stay near the top of the East- four assists against the Pacers Cleveland Cavaliers. ern Conference, it hasn’t been a and had the exact same num“I think it’s reallyt smooth path as they tr y to figure bers in a 114-108 road defeat important for uss out the most effective lineups to the Portland Trailblazto take it day-by-f while managing COVID-19 pro- ers on Monday. “I’ve had a lot day right now,”T tocols and injuries. of debuts, but nothing comes noted Nash afterd The Nets were second in the close to this one,” said an elated Monday night’s loss,h Eastern Conference when NBA Ir ving after his first game of this one the Nets playedd games tipped off on Tuesday, season. without Jamesk two games behind the Bulls, who Scheduling has also been Harden, who wasc were 26-11 before playing against a factor in the Nets’ performancresting a hyperex-m the Detroit Pistons. But Brooklyn es. They played a noon game on tended knee. h head coach Steve Nash’s crew was Sunday against the San Antonio “I know that’s aa just a half game ahead of the 25-15 Spurs, a 121-119 overtime win, cliche, but I thinkc Nets guard Kyrie Irving scored 22 points and third place Miami Heat and one then had a quick departure to that is the smart-t grabbed eight rebounds in a 114-108 Brooklyn loss game above the fourth place Mil- Portland for a make-up game on est way to approachw to the Portland Trailblazers on Monday night. It was Irving’s second game since rejoining the team. waukee Bucks, who were 26-17. Monday against the Trailblazthis.” (Bill Moore photo)

time and went on to finish as the No. 4 seed with a record of 41-31. The landscape has changed as teams such as the Charlotte Hornets, Chicago Bulls, Toronto Raptors and Cleveland Cavaliers, who ended last season 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th respectively in the East, are much improved. The Bulls led the conference at 27-11 prior to hosting the Nets last night, the Cavaliers (23-18) were 6th, the Hornets 7th (22-19) and the Raptors 8th (20-18). All of them have the necessities and staying power to be contenders for one of the 10 post-regular season spots with the 7 through 10 seeds designated for the Play-In Tournament. So, unlike the charmed run the Knicks experienced in the second half of their schedule last season when they went 23-13, their remaining 40 games over the next three months will undoubtedly be an intense and hardfought grind. They have labored to develop productive and sustained consistency that is reflected in


With Kyrie back in the fold, the Nets look to establish stability (Bill Moore photo)


January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022 • 35

Christian Coleman set for his comeback at the Millrose Games Wit h an 18- m o nth ba n s e r ve d , Chr istia n Co le ma n, the w o rld re co rd h o l d er in the 6 0 - m e te rs (6. 3 4), who ha sn ’t ra ce d c o mp etitive ly si n ce Febr u a r y of 2020 , w i ll ma ke his return to the track Jan. 2 9 at the 114 th Mi llro s e Games at Th e Ar m o r y in Washing to n He ig hts (Ma nhattan). Th e 2 5 - yea r- old fro m Atla nta a n d Unive rsit y o f Te n n e ss e e pro du ct w i ll b e cha lle ng e d in the 6 0 - m e te rs by a ste llar fie ld that i nclu d es Tokyo O lymp ia n s T ray von Brom e ll, Ro n n i e Ba ker and Noa h Lyle s. B rom ell was v i e w e d a s a st ro ng m e dal co nte n d e r in t h e 100-m e te rs at la st su mm er ’s O ly mp i cs h e ld in Japan bu t d i d n ’t ma ke it past the s e m i f i na ls. He w o n t he Wo rld In d o o r

6 0 -m e te r f i na l s i n 2 0 1 6 . Ba ke r f i n i she d f i f t h i n t he 1 0 0 -m e te rs i n To kyo. Lyles capture d g old in the 2 0 0 -m e te rs at t he 2 0 1 9 Wo rl d Cha mp i o n shi p s a n d b ro n ze i n t he 2 0 0 at the 2020 O lympics, staged i n t he sum m e r o f 2 0 2 1 a s t he y w e re p o st p o n e d f o r one year due to the global COVID-1 9 pa n d e m i c. C l o c k i n g t h e w o r l d ’s f a s t e s t t i m e s i n t h e m e n ’s 100-meters in 2017, 2018 and 2019, Coleman was the man all eyes that f o l l o w s p r i n t i n g w e re watching in the months l e a d i n g u p t o t h e To k y o O l y m p i c s. Wi t h t h re e time (2008, 2012, 2016) Olympic 100-meter gold medal winner Usain Bolt ha n g i n g u p h i s s p i ke s f o l l o w i n g t h e 2 0 1 7 Wo r l d C h a m p i o n s h i p s, Colem a n w a s t h e f av o r i t e Banned from the Tokyo Olympics for missing drug tests, t o s t a n d a t o p t h e 1 0 0 sprinter Christain Coleman will race competitively for the m e d a l p o d i u m i n Ja p a n . first time since February 2020 at the Millrose Games

(Wikipedia photo)

By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor

Ho w e v e r, h i s a s p i ra t i o n s w e re d e f e r re d a s t h e re i g n i n g 1 0 0 - m e t e r w o r l d champion was banned f ro m c o m p e t i n g a t t h e Olympics for missing t h re e ra n d o m d r u g t e s t s ov e r a 1 2 - m o n t h p e r i o d i n 2 0 1 9 t e r m e d “ w h e re a b o u t s f a i l u re s.” C o l e man adamantly denied allegations that he used substances that w e re p ro h i b i t e d by t h e Wo r l d At h l e t i c s, t h e s p o r t s g overning body, or intent i o n a l l y e v a d e d t e s t s. ” I h av e n e v e r a n d w i l l never use performance enhancing supplements or d r u g s,” Coleman p o s t e d o n h i s Tw i t t e r a cc o u n t a f t e r re c e i v i n g a p rov i s i o n a l s u s p e n s i o n i n Ju n e o f 2 0 2 0 . “ I a m willing to take a drug test E V E RY s i n g l e d ay f o r t h e re s t o f my c a re e r f o r a l l I c a re t o p rov e my i n n o c e n c e.”

Now at Duke, Celeste Taylor continues her stellar collegiate career Duke, but last season ended after just four games due to concerns about COVID19. Over this past summer, Lawson coached the U.S. women’s 3x3 team to Olympic gold. Taylor is no stranger to USA Basketball, having won three gold medals, two coming in World Cup competitions. Lawson saw Taylor play as she tried out for those teams. While Taylor has long-term goals of being on the national team, for now it’s all about the Blue Devils. “We’re focused on the season and what we have to do here,” said Taylor. “Obviously, she wants me to develop as a complete player to go for the rest of my career, be great and do all the things that I want to do.” (Duke Athletics photo)

By LOIS ELFMAN Celeste Taylor is thriving at Duke Special to the AmNews Although she had planned on playing her collegiate basketball at University of Texas at Austin, native New Yorker— born in Queens and raised in Long Island—Celeste Taylor decided a change was in order. This year the junior guard is suiting up for Duke University, where she is a starter and the team’s leading scorer and rebounder. She’s grateful that transfers do not have to sit out a year. “The university is a great university to get a degree from and learn,” said Taylor. “It’s such a diverse population here, which really drew me in. On the bas- come into, I want to put ketball side of things, the my head down and show coaches and the environ- that I’m the hardest worker ment that we’re placed in, and be there for my teamhow they run their program mates,” she added. “Help and it being a new and up- them get better, while at the coming program that we’re same time learning from the trying to restore back to coaches.” where it needs to be. While the Duke women’s “In any situation that I team has had Final Four ap-

pearances, the team has yet to win a Division I NCAA Championship. Taylor wants to see the Blue Devils match the success and renown of Duke’s men’s team. As an upperclassman, she knows that leadership and impact are expected. She wears the number 0 because she feels

it symbolizes that no one can outwork her. The same applies in the classroom. “It’s been great getting to know some of the kids who aren’t athletes and who are focused on the dreams that they have,” said Taylor This is head coach Kara Lawson’s second year at

36 • January 13, 2022 - January 19, 2022


Sports After the firing of Judge, Brian Flores should be the next man up (Bill Moore photo)

By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor Joe Judge is out. Fired as the Giants’ head coach on Monday after two seasons of painful losing, two seasons of overseeing a staff that operated a mistake-prone, regressive offense. Two seasons of Knute Rockne rah-rah diatribes that wore thin with a rightfully unmoved and fed-up fan base. The 40-year-old Philadelphia native and former New England Patriots special teams coordinator came into the job with energy, promise and a seemingly clear vision with a decade of apprenticeship working under After only two seasons as the Giants’ head coach, compiling a record of 10-23, Bill Belichick, the most accomplished professional football Joe Judge was fired by the franchise’s coach in history, and Nick Saban, ownership on Tuesday widely considered the best college football coach of all time. the appearance of someone who was overYet Judge fell short of both winning whelmed in the final weeks of this camenough games and displaying the man- paign. After Judge went on an emotionally datory leadership skills that are impera- charged rant on Jan. 2 following a dismal tive to galvanizing elite athletes. He was 29-3 Giants loss to the Chicago Bears on the 10-23, including 4-13 this season, and gave road, his status to return became dubious.

“[Co-owner] Steve [Tisch] and I both believe it is in the best interest of our franchise to move in another direction,” said Giants team president and co-owner John Mara on Tuesday. “We met with Joe yesterday afternoon to discuss the state of the team. I met again with Joe this afternoon, and it was during that conversation I informed Joe of our decision. We appreciate Joe’s efforts on behalf of the organization. “I said before the season started that I wanted to feel good about the direction we were headed when we played our last game of the season,” expanded Mara. “Unfortunately, I cannot make that statement, which is why we have made this decision.” Judge was the third straight Giants coach to be terminated after only two seasons. He was preceded by Ben McAdoo and Pat Shurmur. On Monday, senior vice president and general manager Dave Gettleman resigned. So Mara and Tisch are now on the hunt for a GM, who will ostensibly make the next head coach hire. “It is an understatement to say John and I are disappointed by the lack of success we have had on the field,” said Tisch regarding Gettleman’s departure, who began his tenure as the Giants’ GM in late December of 2017.

“We are united in our commitment to find a general manager who will provide the direction necessary for us to achieve the on-field performance and results we all expect.” Whoever gets the position, they would be wise to interview Brian Flores and then make him an offer. Flores, 40, was born and reared in Brooklyn. He is of Hondurian descent and would be the first Black Giants head coach of the 21 who have been full-time or interim. Flores was let go by the Miami Dolphins on Monday for philosophical differences with owner Stephen Ross and general manager Chris Grier. He left with a 24-25 record in three seasons but he’s been lauded by many close observers of the NFL for turning around a moribund program. Flores, who was on the Patriots staff with Judge as a defensive assistant, went 4-2 against Belichick in his three seasons leading the Dolphins. In his first year the Dolphins were 5-11. The next season the Brooklyn Poly Prep and Boston College alumnus guided Miami to a 10-6 mark. They began this season 1-7 but won eight of their last nine games. With the Dolphins, Flores was demonstrably what Judge was supposed to be with the Giants. Now Mara and Tisch have another auspicious opportunity to get it right.

The Bills-Patriots matchup headlines the AFC’s wild-card weekend By VINCENT DAVIS Special to the AmNews

(Bill Moore photos)

ers’ Association Executive Director DeMaurice Smith’s lips to Michelin tires. Gruden was replaced by Rich Bisaccia The NFL’s first-ever 17-game regin early October. He was previously the ular season schedule is now behind Raiders special teams coordinator and us and football fans’ attention shifts was met with tragedy soon after taking to wild-card weekend. The openthe job. In November, Raiders wide reing round of the playoffs begin this ceiver Henry Ruggs III was cut by the Saturday and ends on Monday, team after allegedly exceeding 150 miles the day the nation will be celebratper hour while driving under the influing Martin Luther King Jr. Day and ence of alcohol with a blood alcohol conhonoring the legacy of the civil and tent more than twice the Nevada legal human rights leader. limit, crashing into another car and killThe American Football Confering its driver, a 23-year-old woman. ence’s (AFC) No. 1 seed, the 12-5 Bisaccia managed to keep his team cenTennessee Titans, have a bye and tered and is 7-5 as interim head coach. an additional week for one of the Game 3 of the AFC’s Wild Card schedleague’s best players, running back ule concludes Sunday night with the No. 7 Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen and Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Derrick Henry, out since Nov. 1 reseed Pittsburgh Steelers at Kansas City to Tomlin will lead their teams into the opening round of the NFL playoffs thisAM weekend covering from a fractured foot, to AFC chamNEWS take on the two-time defending 01024 prepare for his return. pion Chiefs (No. 2) at 8:15 p.m. It could AMbe NE The featured AFC game of the weekGame 1 on Saturday’s schedule features Vegas after playing most 01/06/22 of their 61 Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberg01/06/ 0 7 74470 22784 end is the No. 3 seed Buffalo Bills hosting the No. 5 seed Las Vegas Raiders versus the years of existence in Oakland—Los An- er’s last postseason with the team. He was the No. 6 New England Patriots on Satur- No. 4 seed Cincinnati Bengals on the road geles was home from 1982-’94—the drafted by the Steelers in 2004 and has won day in primetime (8:15 p.m.). The East di- (4:30 p.m.). It took a dramatic 35-32 over- Raiders led the league in headlines this two Super Bowl titles. vision rivals split two games this season. time victory by the Raiders over the Los An- season. Last summer, defensive end Carl The Bills will rely on quarterback Josh geles Chargers this past Sunday, the NFL’s Nassib became the first-ever openly gay Allen to power their offense while the Pa- final 2021-’22 regular season game, for active NFL player. Then Raiders head AM NEWS triots will have rookie QB Mac Jones under them to clinch a playoff spot. By winning, coach Jon Gruden stepped down in mid 01034 AM NE center, the first time since 2001 the fran- the Raiders knocked the Chargers out of season after e-mails surfaced of him 01/13/22 01/13/ 0 7 chise will play a postseason game without a postseason berth and enabled the Pitts- making homophobic and misogynistic re74470 22784 Tom Brady, who led the Tampa Bay Buc- burgh Steelers to gain a trip to the playoffs. marks after it was reported he had made caneers to a Super Bowl win last February. Beginning their first season in Las racist statements in comparing NFL Play-

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