New York Amsterdam News Issue March 30 - April 6, 2022. STOP THE BLOODSHED

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Vol. 113 No. 13 | March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022


©2022 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

STOP THE BLOODSHED Community demands, ‘Keep the bullets in the chamber’

(See story on page 6)

Former City Councilwoman Inez Barron speaks at rally for shot toddler (Omowale Clay photo)

An Oscars to be remembered (See story on page 15)

Vax for me, but not for thee: Adams lifts mandate for athletes and entertainers

Francia Márquez—campaigning for Colombia’s vice-presidency

(Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office)

Francia Márquez (Darwin Torres photo)

(See story on page 2)

(See story on page 10)

(Richard Harbaugh/A.M.P.A.S. photo)

Mayor Adams Must Reform Bias That Still Haunts FDNY Urban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5

2 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022

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Francia Márquez—campaigning for Colombia’s vice-presidency, and to change a nation By KAREN JUANITA CARRILLO Special to the AmNews Environmental activist Francia Márquez has been named a candidate for the vice presidency of Colombia. In an elaborately staged March 23 press conference in the capital of Bogotá, recorded on Facebook, Gustavo Petro—the presidential candidate of the Historic Pact coalition—announced that he was choosing Márquez to Francia Márquez and Gustavo Petro (Darwin Torres photo) serve with him should he win the upcoming presidential elections. and one—a team,” is how Petro Márquez to the crowd of report“It is not one and two, but one explained his partnering with ers in attendance: “A team that

International International WATER GRABS BY PROFIT-SEEKING CORPORATIONS STARVE AFRICAN LANDS OF VITAL RESOURCE, REPORT SAYS (GIN)—In anticipation of Earth Day on April 22, a blistering new study has emerged on the escalating climate crisis in Africa and the threat to water for millions of Africans. Large-scale agricultural plantations have been drying up African lands, according to the Californiabased Oakland Institute in its newly published report released on the eve of the Forum Alternatif Mondial de ‘Eau (FAME 2022) in Dakar, Senegal. The report sounds the alarm on a corporate water grab and calls for urgent action. Researchers over the years have noted with concern the growing number of international investors profiteering from large-scale agricultural projects across Africa. “Financial flows going into agriculture are growing more and more institutionalized—and more and more private,” wrote the international nonprofit “Grain” in an article titled: “Barbarians at the Barn: private equity sinks its teeth into agriculture.” “To be sure,” says Grain, “investing in agriculture has been going on since time immemorial. But since the mid 2000s, institutional investment in agriculture has really taken off. “From seven agriculture-focused funds in 2004 to more than 300 today, the interest in capturing profits from farming and agribusiness on a global scale is real—and COVID-19 is not

will be filled with men and women to be the next government of Colombia. That team will have as the vice-president of Colombia: Francia Márquez—perhaps the best overall candidate we have had in recent times in Colombia! “Hold on to your seats because we are going to take off and we will have some very intense days,” Petro assured Márquez while onstage, “undoubtedly very, very, very intense. But I am very happy in my heart that you are joining us on this journey that we are See COLOMBIA on page 27


Oakland Institute report (GIN photo)

slowing things down. “While governments justify granting access to land and water to investors to meet the needs of development and food security, a review of 15 large-scale agriculture projects across 11 African countries exposes the impact to be just the opposite,” Oakland Institute found. “Projects have often led to the loss of streams and swamps—diverted or destroyed to establish plantations. The intensive use of chemicals and pesticides has not only polluted water sources, but also led to the loss of drinking water, crops, fish, and pastures. This disproportionately impacts women, who also bear the burden of collecting water,” they said. “Investors typically want reliable access to water sources,” said Frédéric Mousseau, author of the report “Drying Out African Lands: Expansion of Large-Scale

Agriculture Threatens Access to Water in Africa” and Oakland Institute’s policy director. “While they enjoy extensive freedom to use the land along with unlimited, cheap or free access to water, their promises of development, infrastructure, and services to the communities fail to materialize,” Mousseau said. Lack of irrigation in Africa is a major factor holding back agricultural production and food security. When irrigation infrastructure is established, it benefits private firms for large-scale agriculture, often for export crops, instead of local farmers and communities. “People living in drought stricken lands are severely impacted by large-scale irrigation projects that reduce available pastures, as fences and canals cut through traditional routes of people and livestock,” the Institute found.

Also highlighted in the report is the role of the World Bank and other financial institutions which have been guiding African governments to grant investors large plots of land and favorable water access for their large-scale projects. Tens of millions of acres of land and “underutilized” water resources are being sold off despite the devastating impact of these projects on local communities. “This report sounds the alarm on the dire threat these large-scale agriculture projects pose to the water usage rights that family farmers, fishermen, and pastoralists have informally held for centuries,” said Leonard Shang-Quartey, regional coordinator of FAME 2022. “Access to water is a basic human right,” he said, “which has to be preserved and prioritized over granting resources to corporations that have a long track record of social and environmental devastation.”


What the Civil Court judicial ballot is lookin’ like in 2022 By ARIAMA C. LONG Amsterdam News Staff, Report for America Corps Member

The New York City Civil Court is the largest civil jurisdiction court in the U.S, but its elections are usually overlooked. In this year’s June primaries, many current judges have made the jump to the state’s supreme court, leaving 21 vacancies open in the courts. Based on the state’s constitution, the judiciary courts have both elected and appointed judges. It’s important to note that judicial races aren’t the same as political races for other citywide or county offices. According to the Judicial Campaign Ethics Center, candidates running can’t ask for or accept campaign contributions, can’t make fancy promises, can’t be involved in politics (except for a weird period of time during the race), and “all fundraising goes through committees” and there is no public financing program as there is for city offices. Democratic Party Chair Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn also runs the Kings County Democratic (Kings County Dems) County Committee for Brooklyn. The Kings County Dems endorsed five candidates for countywide Civil Court judges, who represent the borough or districts and are elected to office every 10 years. They handle civil small claims cases, landlord and tenant disputes, and the criminal prosecution of misdemeanors. Their endorsements include Judge Robin Garson, Judge Craig Walker, and lawyers Phillp Grant, Sherveal Mimes, and Pamela Patton Fynes. Both Garson’s and Walker’s terms are expiring and they’re running for reelection, while incredibly diverse judges such as Judges Consuelo Mallafre Melendez, Joy F. Campanelli, Dena E. Douglas, and Carolyn Walker-Diallo are getting bumped up to the state’s Supreme Court. In the Supreme Court, judges preside over large felony and civil cases in their districts for 14 years.

“The Brooklyn Democratic Party is committed to endorsing experienced and culturally competent judges who will deliver equitable, fair, and honest justice for each and every Brooklynite,” said Bichotte Hermelyn in a statement. “I’m confident that Brooklyn’s legal system will be in capable hands when these justices are elected to the bench.” In Queens, two seats are open. Countywide Judge and former Assemblymember Michele Titus and Judge Laurentina McKetney Butler are also moving to the Supreme Court. The Queens County Dems said they endorsed attorneys Thomas Oliva and Karen Lin to replace them. And in Staten Island, (Richmond County) Judge Ronald Castorina Jr. was elected to the Supreme Court, leaving one seat open. Only Manhattan and Bronx counties have retiree judges. Judge Marian Doherty retired Jan. 29, 2022, and Judge Eileen Rakower retired Nov. 30, 2021. Judge Barbara Jaffe reached the Constitutional Age Limit for New York State, meaning she hit the mandatory retirement age of 70 years old for judges and justices in the state. The Manhattan Dems Independent Judicial Screening Panel said that civil court judicial candidates—incumbent Judge Lisa Sokoloff, Allison Greenfield, L. Austin D’Souza, Andrea Krugman, Matthew Bondy, Anna Mikhaleva, Carmen Pacheco, E. Deronn Bowen, Dana Catanzaro, and Terence McCormick— are “the most highly qualified” to fill the open seats. In the Bronx, Judges Patsy D. Gouldborne, Paul L. Alpert, Marissa Soto, and Naita Semaj are going to the Supreme Court. The Bronx County Dems couldn’t be reached for its endorsements by post time. For a full list of all judge vacancies, see Vote.NYC. Ariama C. Long is a Report for America corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for The Amsterdam News. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting:

Clarke, electeds hyped as Flatbush Caribbean Market finds new home

The new Flatbush Central Caribbean Marketplace is located at 2123 Caton Ave. (Contributed photo)

By ARIAMA C. LONG Amsterdam News Staff, Report for America Corps Member

Flatbush Central Caribbean Marketplace—formerly Flatbush Caton Market—is a local Caribbean business and market hub that has been part of the fabric of the Brooklyn community for more than 20 years. It survived a temporary move and the COVID-19 crisis, and has

finally graduated to a new swanky building in Flatbush on the ground floor of Caton Flats, located at 2123 Caton Ave. The space is meant to foster a sense of community for shoppers and vendors that caters to the Caribbean and African diaspora. The rebrand was inspired by former Councilmember Dr. Una S.T. Clarke, who first sponsored the market’s creation when Black immigrant vendors were often harassed while selling their wares on the street. “I See MARKET on page 23

March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 3

MetroBriefs Metro Briefs MAYOR ERIC ADAMS CELEBRATES 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF BLACK MEN’S BRUNCH 500 Men Making A Difference celebrated the 10-year anniversary of their Black Men’s Brunch (BMB) on Saturday at the Simpson Restaurant & Bar in Brooklyn. Mayor Eric Adams, who started the event, was in attendance. The BMB is a community-building, mentoring event that patronizes small businesses citywide. Born from an idea by Adams, the gathering is a community-building initiative geared toward bringing together impactful organizations and the men of the city to work together to provide top tier mentoring, internships, programs and opportunities for young Black and Brown men in the city. Over the years, the BMB has mentored more than 200 young men, spent more than $30,000 at local establishments, and helped form meaningful bonds between men of all ages. The topics discussed range from education to finance and investment, mental health and wellness, and the future of tech. DESPITE PROGRESS, PAY GAP FOR WOMEN PERSISTS IN NYS Median earnings for full-time working women in New York were 86 cents for every dollar earned by men in 2019, an annual wage gap of $8,821, according to a new analysis by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The analysis, based on the most recent state-level data available, finds the gap in New York was smaller than the national wage gap of $10,150, with women earning 81 cents for every dollar paid to men on average. New York ranked 11th best among the states (including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia) in terms of the dollar value of the gap and 7th best in terms of share, meaning New York’s women take home more dollars relative to men than in most other states. While the national gender pay gap has improved from 60 cents in the 1960s, it has remained around 80 cents since 2015. In New York, the gap has widened since 2015, with the ratio of women’s earnings compared to men’s earnings dropping from almost 89% in 2015 to 86% in 2019. BLAVITY PRESENTS AFROTECH EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE IN BROOKLYN Blavity Inc. brought its AFROTECH Executive conference to 1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge on Friday. The lineup included powerhouse speakers such as the first Black woman CEO in the Fortune 500, Ursula Burns; Fortune 500 board director and lead director of Rocket Lab, Merline Saintil; strategist and advisor, Latraviette Smith-Wilson; and inaugural president of the Black Economic Alliance Foundation (BEAF), Samantha Tweedy. The March AFROTECH Executive honored the women and allies making an impact in corporations and as entrepreneurs. The first panel centered around a conversation about “Women in the Boardroom” and how companies have reacted and changed over the past two years. The Black women who’ve been appointed to take a seat in the boardrooms discussed how Black leadership positively affects employees and consumers as well as what it is like to be the literal face of change in the new workplace. The Brooklyn event is the second in a series that is an extension of the well-known AFROTECH Conference and the upcoming AFROTECH World Metaverse. AFROTECH Executive draws attendees from C-level executives and board directors to venture capitalists and angel investors, tech moguls, and startup founders with the shared goal of building a strong Black tech community. NYC HOMELESS POPULATION GROWS AMID MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS Homelessness in New York City has reached its highest levels since the Great Depression of the 1930s, with Black and Hispanic residents disproportionately affected. The nonprofit Coalition for Homeless reported that about 57% of heads of households in shelters are Black, 32% are Hispanic/Latinx, 7% are white, less than 1% are Asian-American or Native American, and 4% are of unknown race/ethnicity. The numbers are startling, and when adding a mental health component and recent high-profile attacks on the homeless community in the Big Apple and the nation’s capital, many advocates said the statistics are more alarming. According to the Coalition for Homeless, in January 2022, approximately 48,413 city residents were homeless, including 15,057 children who sleep each night in the central municipal shelter system. In addition, a near-record of 18,749 single adults slept in shelters each night in January 2022. —Compiled by Cyril Josh Barker

4 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022


Biden’s gaffe, Putin’s graves NewJerseyNews By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews

In this topsy-turvy, unpredictable pandemic world we live in, where a slap is the attention at a major event, we should not be surprised that a comment from President Biden about President Putin can distract from the horrific combat in Ukraine. But when Biden, at the end of his recent speech in Poland, stated that “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” he may have given the GOP another weapon in their quest to win the midterm election. That aim to make the midterm contest theirs was obviously in play as Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee did all they could to unsettle Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. And that ploy may be as stillborn as the current blasting of Biden for his remark about Putin, which he explained was merely an expression of his “moral outrage” with no intention of suggesting a regime change. Of course, the Kremlin, too, wasted little time taking umbrage at Biden’s unscripted words, and they may just fuel more discontent and further convince Putin of the wrongheaded notion of the U.S.’s renewal of a Cold War. Biden’s heartfelt feelings about the ravage of Ukraine and the merciless attack that has taken on genocidal proportions were suddenly overshadowed by his assertion about Putin’s actions and

loomed as another distraction in the turmoil that has left thousands of casualties and uncountable toll on cities of Ukraine. Meanwhile, a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll released on Monday showed that in a matchup with Biden, Trump leads Biden by 6%, 47-to-41 with 12% of voters undecided. Vice President Kamala Harris fares even worse commanding 38% of support. What this portends is based on a huge hypothetical—will Biden seek a second term? He would be 81, although age may be a lesser concern if the GOP continues to find ammo in his off-the-cuff remarks. But back to the devastating conflict in Ukraine where the Russians have apparently shifted their strategy after being dealt a severe setback from the courageous Ukrainian forces. It was reported on Sunday that the Ukrainians had taken back large segments of territory surrounding the capital, Kyiv, and gained momentum stalling the Russian advance. Even so, the rain of missiles continues to deliver horrendous damage to the lives and property of the besieged nation with no end in sight. And it becomes increasingly difficult to determine what exactly the end game is for Putin and his military. If Biden is forced to walk back his comments perhaps Putin needs to walk back his savage unprovoked destruction of Ukraine. A glimmer of hope arose on Tuesday as Moscow announced it was planning to reduce its bombardment in order to allow peace talks to occur.

Walker, legislators hold the line as state budget is finalized By ARIAMA C. LONG Amsterdam News Staff, Report for America Corps Member Hoards of advocates and electeds have been rallying to keep hard won criminal justice provisions in the final budget as the due date draws closer. So far Gov. Kathy Hochul and Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin have caught major flak for shoehorning “targeted changes” into the budgeting process. The final state budget is due this Friday, April 1, after a threeway negotiation between the Senate, governor, and Assembly concludes. Many lawmakers oppose Hochul’s plans for the budget, calling it a disingenuous and regressive move that harkens back to former Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s controlling tactics. Assemblymember Latrice Walker in Brooklyn went so far as to go on a hunger strike until Friday’s deadline. Walker said that her fellow assembly members have been very supportive in meetings. Assemblymember Latrice Walker at a rally to keep bail reform in “I do not believe that there is the state budget with no rollbacks (Contributed photo) any empirical data that supports why these changes are needed,” said Walker in that regard I have taken the stance to go on a about the state budget. “The evidence has at best hunger strike in protest.” been anecdotal and political, and I believe it is Sochie Nnaemeka, Working Families Party N.Y. important for us to put people over politics. So See BUDGET on page 23

U.S. attorney announces creation of Civil Rights Division in NJ By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger announced the creation of a Civil Rights Division whose sole focus will be the enforcement of federal civil rights laws in New Jersey. The new division, which will report directly to the U.S. attorney and the U.S. attorney’s front office, will enforce both civil and criminal civil rights laws. The division will also engage with local community members, advocacy groups, and other federal and state agencies to protect civil rights. This is the first and largest division in the district’s history to focus entirely on enforcing and protecting civil rights. “No one should ever be subject to acts of discrimination or hate because of where they are from, what they look like, whom they love, or how they worship,” said Sellinger. “Hate crimes and unlawful bias incidents are antithetical to the core principles underlying our democracy, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office will do all it can to combat these threats to constitutional and civil rights.” The U.S. Attorney’s Office’s Civil Rights Division will be led by Division Chief Michael E. Campion. It will combine the Office’s longstanding Civil Rights Unit, which conducted civil enforcement as part of the Office’s Civil Division, with seasoned federal prosecutors from the Office’s Criminal Division, who will focus on federal criminal civil rights prosecutions. By increasing the number of attorneys dedicated to civil rights enforcement and merging civil and criminal civil rights enforcement into one Civil Rights Division, the U.S. Attorney’s Office will be able to prioritize and coordinate protecting and

advancing civil rights for all in New Jersey. The Civil Rights Division will continue the Office’s past efforts—often in partnership with the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division—in bringing criminal civil rights prosecutions, as well as its efforts in bringing civil enforcement actions involving discrimination, fair housing, fair lending, the rights of institutionalized persons, police misconduct, voting rights, and the rights of veterans and servicemembers. The creation of the division comes after a Paterson police officer was indicted in January for physically assaulting a victim and then attempting to cover it up. Kevin Patino was charged with conspiracy against rights by depriving a man of his constitutional right to be free from the use of unreasonable force by law enforcement officers. Patino filed police reports, which contained numerous false statements and omissions, regarding the arrest of the victim. In November 2021, three Ewing Township Police Department officers were indicted by a grand jury on civil rights charges for their roles in assaulting a minor victim during the course of an arrest. More than a dozen police officers responded to a report of a stolen vehicle, which had crashed, and saw the driver of the vehicle running from the scene. Officers located the driver, a minor, in a detached shed on a residential property, removed the minor from the shed, and laid him face down on the snow-covered ground. While other officers handcuffed the victim, one officer used his boot to step on the back of the victim’s head, pressing his face into the snow. Another officer kicked snow three times directly into the victim’s face, and a third also kicked snow directly into the victim’s face. The victim did not resist law enforcement at any time while on the ground.

Social justice organizations outline an action agenda for reforming NJ’s criminal justice system By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff

Black adults are more than 12 times more likely to be incarcerated than white adults in New Jersey, according to The Sentencing Project. This event addressed the root causes of these disparities and outlined what intentional efforts can be made to remedy the criminal justice system in the Garden State. With racial disparities in New Jersey’s criminal justice system among

the highest in the nation, a panel of top legal and civil rights advocates, experts, organizations, and prison reform activists came together to host the second installment of the IMAGINE MORE: Racial Justice Begins with Us virtual event series: “Disrupting the Criminal Justice System.” IMAGINE MORE, led by The Fund for New Jersey, is a first-of-its-kind, six-part virtual series that aims to educate the public on the need for reparations and offer accessible strategies See JERSEY on page 23


Ursallie Smith’s Bed Stuy Gift and Flower Shop they’re Black, white, purple, or red because small business is a struggle,” said Smith. Smith is from the Turks and Caicos Islands. She moved from the islands to Richmond, Virginia. She then graduated with honors from the Art Institute of Atlanta, specializing in kitchen renovation, residential and boutique hotel decor. She began her career in merchandising as a buyer in retail for about 20 years. She then made the switch to entrepreneurial ventures after getting fed up with the boxed lifestyle. “You never get holidays off, you never get weekends off. I was just over it,” said Smith. She’s since been featured in The New York Times, the Washington Post, Living Spaces Magazine, and HGTV White Room Challenge for her designs. Smith said she spent about five years working in Turks and Caicos designing lavish resorts before New Yorker moving to New York City. She said she loves the BedStuy community By ARIAMA C. LONG and is involved in the local church. “EvAmsterdam News Staff, Report for America erybody waves. They know you,” she said. Corps Member Eventually, Smith said she wants to retire from interior design. Her main plan Rococo Design shop is a quaint bou- is to travel from the city back and forth tique that sells artisan gifts, flowers, to Turks and Caicos and hang out on the chocolates, and home decor. Shop owner beach. “Just living my life like it’s golden and interior designer Ursallie Smith has in the next two years,” said Smith. been in the design and home furnishing industry for over 25 years. She recentAriama C. Long is a Report for Amerily opened her store in her neighborhood ca corps member and writes about culon Lewis Avenue in Bedford Stuyvesant, ture and politics in New York City for The Brooklyn, last November. Amsterdam News. Your donation to match “I decided that I wanted to do some- our RFA grant helps keep her writing stothing during the pandemic because it ries like this one; please consider making a killed the interior design business, you tax-deductible gift of any amount today by can’t go in people’s houses,” said Smith. visiting: The building she rents now for her shop was empty for two years, she said, and was just a few blocks away from her home. She said that everything in her shop is unique and not available on e-commerce sites, so she does pretty well in terms of sales. The main draw to her shop is that there are no other ones like it in the immediate area, she said. Her specialty crafted chocolates and ‘forever roses,’ that last up to three years without wilting, are best sellers. Though this is her first gift shop, Smith has had several furniture and design centers. Her mission is to highlight other small business owners with her space. For Women’s History Month, she had several women entrepreneurs set up in her shop, selling their wares. “I’m helping all small businesses, whether Shop owner and interior designer Ursallie Smith at her gift and flower shop in Brooklyn (Photos by Ariama C. Long)


March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 5


By David R. Jones

Mayor Adams Must Reform Bias That Still Haunts FDNY The New York City Fire Department’s halls of power are haunted by racism. It is the city agency most closely identified with yearslong resistance to political pressure and court orders to desegregate its ranks. It is city government’s last bastion of white privilege. For 157 years, the top rungs of the FDNY have been dominated by White men who practically thumbed their noses at protesters, lawsuits, consent decrees, minority recruitment programs and discrimination lawsuit settlements funded by New York City taxpayers. This is the history that Mayor Eric Adams has an obligation to topple as he launches his search for a new FDNY commissioner. The city needs moral leadership – preferably a person of color or woman FDNY commissioner – that will course-correct the department with an unwavering commitment to do what is right. First Deputy Commissioner Laura Kavanagh, named interim commissioner, became the department’s first woman leader after Commissioner Daniel Nigro retired last month. She is reportedly a top contender for the job, along with Terryl Brown, the FDNY’s top lawyer and a Black woman. The mayor understands the magnitude of the problem. Fire department diversity is an issue in cities and counties across the United States, but the situation in the FDNY is by far the worst. He also understands the moment is ripe to chip away at the ridiculous idea minority candidates are manifestly unqualified. Adams’ election sent a message. Confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson send a message. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin presiding over the American military sends a message. And that message is, women and people of color in senior leadership roles is normal – even expected – and the good old boy’s networks are destined to fall. To his credit, the mayor has embraced the opportunity to make history. His appointment of five women as deputy mayors, a Black woman as police commissioner, a Black man as schools chancellor, and Latinx leaders to other top positions is a level of diversity that was unimaginable just a few years ago. The FDNY’s rank and file has never resembled the communities it serves. U.S. District Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis, whose rulings forced the FDNY to overhaul its recruiting practices, called the department “a stubborn bastion of white male privilege” whose recruiting roadblocks are a “shameful blight on the record of six mayors.”

Bigotry – against Blacks, Latinos, women and gay people in small and big ways – is tolerated in the firehouse workplace. It dates to Wesley Williams, who in 1919 was Manhattan’s first Black firefighter and the department’s first Black fire chief. The day he reported to Engine 55, every firefighter and supervisor in the company resigned, according to a book by journalist Ginger Adams Otis After braving bare-knuckle fistfights, segregated firehouses and other indignities, Williams eventually rose to the rank of chief. No one has accused the FDNY of unfairness in the service it delivers to New Yorkers. It has never been suggested that the FDNY refused to rescue Blacks and Latinos, allowed their homes to burn, or choked a citizen to death. Yet, Williams’ story illustrates how the FDNY’s civil rights problem stems from discrimination in public accommodation. He slept in a basement because white firefighters fought like hell to deny him membership to “their” club. Today’s roadblocks to FDNY diversity are rooted in the taboo of living in the firehouse and working in close quarters with people of color. While the overt racism faced by Williams has abated in 2022, deep-seated prejudice in the FDNY can only be eradicated by a progressive, forward-thinking commissioner. Certainly, a woman or person of color would bring to the job experiences and an arsenal of truth that has never been heretofore represented in the department’s executive suite. Other big steps would be embracing the demands of the Vulcan Society, the Black firefighter organization; living up to the provisions of the 2014 discrimination case settlement; and restoring the Cadet Corps program aimed at minority recruits, started by the late David Dinkins and cancelled by Rudolph Giuliani. Mentoring of women and people of color must be integrated into the recruitment process, despite objections from the FDNY firefighters’ union. Also, aggressively expand summer skills camps run by FDNY members that expose youngsters to firefighter careers. Finally, the solution is not simply to grow the pool of minority firefighter candidates. The question is, who gets invited to take the physical assessment after passing the test? How is the waiting list manipulated by the FDNY so that minorities who make the grade are left to languish, never to be called as slots open in the fire academy? All these critical elements of the hiring process can be reformed by a progressive FDNY commissioner.

David R. Jones, Esq., is President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York (CSS), the leading voice on behalf of low-income New Yorkers for more than 175 years. The views expressed in this column are solely those of the writer. The Urban Agenda is available on CSS’s website:

6 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022


Stop The Bloodshed

Community demands, ‘Keep the bullets in the chamber’ By NAYABA ARINDE Amsterdam News Editor When the parents of a 3-yearold girl looked down at her shoulder on Friday, March 25, 2022, they saw a bloody hole in it, all because some individual decided to release a bullet from the chamber of a gun, with his non-aiming self. Allegedly aiming at someone he saw as a Riverdale Avenue daycare let out in Brownsville, he fired his weapon. The outcry was immediate. In Coney Island, the same week, a 7-year-old girl was also shot. The tone in the streets changes when children are shot. The energy is usually, “Turn yourselves in for your own safety.” “We are continuing to pray for this baby’s complete and speedy recovery from her physical wounds, and the psychological impact from the shooting,” said former Brooklyn Council Member Inez Barron. “The community is calling for those involved to turn themselves in to the precinct.” On Friday, March 25, police reported that a gunman fired several bullets as parents and children exited the nearby Creative Minds Day Care in Brownsville, Brooklyn. The 3-year-old girl was hit in the shoulder by a stray bullet as she left the building with her dad. While the NYPD immediately released photos of the suspect in the shooting and the white BMW get-away car, they announced later that the child was in stable condition. Media reports have stated that the intended victim was a father putting his 2-year-old son in the back seat of his car. The NYPD told the Amsterdam News that the investigation is ongoing, and no arrest had been made by press time. Posting on Twitter Saturday morning NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell stated, “This violence won’t be tolerated. Someone knows them & they will be arrested.” “You know who’s out here carrying guns, you know who’s out here shooting, you know who shot this child,” said Chief of Department Kenneth Corey this weekend. Since January, an 11-month-old girl in the Bronx, and a 7-year-old girl in Coney Island were shot. Luckily they both survived the physical wounds. Just returning from his Cure Vi-

City Councilman Charles Barron addresses Brownsville rally for shot toddler (Omowale Clay photo)

olence Global training in Trinidad, Man Up. Inc. Founder and Executive Director A.T. Mitchell told the Amsterdam News that he met with community leaders straight from the airport when he heard about the shooting of the toddler in Brownsville. “I called Crisis Management System teams from all over the city, and they all showed up to the rally 24 hours later, to say that we will not accept the shooting of our children in these streets.” Mitchell, a national trainer of Cure Violence Global, said that these teams from all five boroughs are each dedicated to resolving the issue of gun violence in their respective areas specifically, but also throughout the entire city in general. “Council Member Charles Barron spoke at the rally, and as always he gave us his full support for our Crisis Management Systems.” “We want our organizations to be fully funded so we can stop the gun violence in our street,” Barron said. “As we continue to hold our communities accountable,” ‘Iron’ Mike Perry, True 2 Life’s program manager, told the Amsterdam News, “we need not to forget about the young men who are committing these acts. To be so careless, clearly their trauma is not being addressed.” With the tag ‘We Risk our Lives to save Lives!’ Perry is one of the credible messengers with Staten Island’s True 2 Life Crisis Management System. He noted, “Shootings and murders are down in most of the areas where you have CMS sites, we need more funding

to cover more ground. There are neighborhoods that are plagued by gun violence who need us.” “It was an excellent support rally on Saturday,” said Inez Barron. “Most of the participants were members of the Crisis Management Systems functioning in the metropolitan area. They came out to support the family and getting justice and reducing incidents of gun violence. All the people who came to the rally apologized to the family for not being able to make the streets safe for their baby. We said that we are committed to making these streets safe, and everybody should be outraged and actively engaged in making the streets safe—and taking these guys off of the streets. “The main emphasis is to put the guns down and increase their funding to extend their services beyond their eight hour shifts with compensation. There is a need for community centers in the areas which require them; and programs to reduce violence in state of the art buildings with programs for media, business, entrepreneurs, creative arts, and many other definitive awardwinning programs.” CM Barron says he is working to get the family relocated out of the area by request. While she focuses on nursing her daughter back to full health, Avion Bartlett told a tabloid, “Those people, when they get caught…all they do is release them. People with illegal guns [need] to be put away.” At the same time the outrage is heard from a community fed up of the reckless gunplay; there

are those equally up in arms over Mayor Eric Adams’ solution with his uniformed Neighborhood Safety Teams (NST—five officers and one sergeant) set to vamp on 30 hot precincts as a part of his Blueprint Against Violence, where he announced his anti-gun teams back in January. It had been a part of his campaign narrative, so folk knew that the 22-year veteran cop would have a patented law enforcement response to inner city issues. Speaking at a press conference, Mayor Adams said when it comes to people questioning his use of the Neighborhood Street Teams and his anti-gun crime strategies he would be tuning out what he called, “just noise and I’m ignoring silly noise. I’m going to utilize the police department to fight crime and I’m going to show that no one is abusive because that’s what I did for 35 years… “Many people don’t realize there’s a small number of people that are violent, and will continue to be violent until we stop them. It’s not a large number of people. They are part of the revolving door criminal justice system. They continue to go into our communities, particularly Black and Brown communities, last week a 3-year-old girl was shot…a 7-year-old girl was shot—Black and Brown community, 44 people was shot, over 90% were Black and Brown. So they’re talking about protecting those who carry guns, how about protecting the people who are doing right? How about protecting the 3-year-old girl?

The 7-year-old girl? The countless number of Black and Brown people that are shot in the community by the same people that continued to get arrested, come back out and get arrested again.” CM Barron told the Amsterdam News, “The mayor has deployed the renamed Street Crime Unit Neighborhood Street Teams, which is the same racist unit which killed Amadou Diallo and Sean Bell. You can change the name, but not the traditional behavior. “Meanwhile, the weekend before he introduced the NST there were 13 shootings. The weekend after, last weekend, there was 29— plus a 3-year-old was shot. More police officers does not solve the problem. We need more focus and funding for groups like AT Mitchell’s Man Up Inc., and other successful Cure Violence and Crisis Management Systems, because then they could work outside of their current catchment areas. They are proven. Crime is down in the areas in which these grassroots organizations work.” Barron said that when he first came into the City Council in 2001, before he went to the Assembly, “The City budget was $3 billion for 25,000 police officers. Now, as I am back in the City Council, the NYPD has an $11 billion police budget for 35,000 uniform officers, and 15,000 civilian workers. The mayor increased the overtime funds by $76 million, having the NYPD taking $513 million of the city’s entire $1.4 billion budget meant for all the city agencies.” Barron continued, “In 2020’21 crime went down; robberies, rapes, assault, grand larceny all went down in an era when de Blasio dismantled the Street Crime Unit. “Now crime is up this year with 35,000 cops and an $11 million budget.” Inez Barron stated, “We need a multi-billion defense Anti Poverty Program for the youth, so they can have: start-ups for businesses; workforce development creating millions of dollars for young people during the course of a year. Rather than building more precincts, the city should build more community centers like the Prince Joshua Avitto Community Center, and let the young people be hired to run them.” Mrs. Barron wasn’t done, “And they should build trade schools See COMMUNITY on page 27


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March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 7

8 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022


Go With The Flo

does not condone violence of any form. Tonight we are delighted to celebrate our 94th Academy Awards winners, who deserve this moment ANTHONY of recognition from their peers and movie lovers around the world.” In The entire world is still in shock other Oscars news, Questlove also after watching Will Smith walk won Best Documentary for his dion the stage at the 94th Academy rectorial debut of “Summer of Awards on March 27, and smack Soul,” the Hulu film about the 1969 Chris Rock in the face, after the co- Harlem Cultural Festival. median joked about seeing Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, in a posA much calmer Will Smith presentsible “G.I. Jane 2.” Jada suffers from ed an award to his “King Richard” coalopecia, which attacks hair folli- star Aunjanue Ellis at the 15th annual cles resulting in bald spots and hair Essence Black Women in Hollyloss. When Smith sat back down, he wood Awards Luncheon at the Bevyelled, “Keep my wife’s name out of erly Wilshire, a Four Seasons Hotel, your f****** mouth” at Rock. A source on March 24 in Beverly Hills. Other told People that Smith was still angry honorees included Nia Long, Quinta about Rock’s joke about Jada at the Brunson and Chante Adams. Oscars in 2016. “When Chris hosted the Oscars in 2016, Jada was boycotMarvel actor Anthony Mackie, ting because of #OscarsSoWhite. In who plays Sam Wilson, a Louisianahis opening monologue, he made born Air Force veteran who doubles fun of her, saying she can’t boycott as superhero the Falcon, recently something she wasn’t invited to,” ex- closed a deal to purchase 20 acres on plained the insider. Chris said, “Jada the Interstate 10 Service Road in his boycotting the Oscars is like me boy- hometown of New Orleans. Accordcotting Rihanna’s panties. I wasn’t ing to multiple reports, Mackie plans invited.” Meanwhile, following the to create a full-fledged movie studio, slap, Bradley Cooper, Tyler Perry called East Studios LLC, at the site as and Denzel Washington could all be well as on adjoining land he hopes seen talking to Will. The shocking in- to purchase. Mackie’s newest vencident didn’t stop Will from celebrat- ture could be a huge boost to revitaling his win for Best Actor for his role ize New Orleans East, which has been asVenus and SerenaWilliams’ father, in economic decline since the 1970s. Richard Williams, in “King Richard.” He was later spotted dancing with The American Sports Accountabilthe Oscar statuette to “Gettin’ Jiggy ity Project (ASAP) released a series of Wit It” at the Vanity Fair Oscar party. radio advertisements featuring the The former “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” voice of Al B. Sure!The ads echo ASAP’s also posted on Instagram, “You can’t calls for the NBA to hold Phoenix Suns take people from Philadelphia [his majority owner Robert Sarver achometown] and Baltimore [Jada’s countable for reports that he has foshometown] anywhere,” and told tered an abusive and toxic workplace sources Washington advised him, environment spanning nearly two de“Remember the devil calls when you cades, including numerous accounts are at your highest point.” Rock is not of racist and misogynistic language. pressing charges against Smith. The Says Al B. Sure!: “We believe the accomedian “declined to file a police counts of his victims, and that hate has report,” said the LAPD. The Academy no home in America’s sports. It’s time of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the NBA to hold Robert Sarver acissued a statement: “The Academy countable for his shameless actions.”


Oscar nominee Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith arrive on the red carpet of the 94th Oscars at the Dolby Theatre at the Ovation Hollywood in Los Angeles, on Sunday, March 27, 2022. (Matt Sayles / A.M.P.A.S. photo)




Hazel Dukes: 90 and not slowing down

Dr. Marcella Maxwell and Hazel Dukes. (Elinor Tatum photo)

By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff Activist and NAACP New York State Conference President Hazel N. Dukes turned 90 on March 17. The longtime local leader has built a legacy of fighting for civil rights spanning more than 70 years and continues to improve conditions for the Black community. A native of Montgomery, Ala., Dukes moved to New York in the mid-’50s becoming a community organizer in Nassau County. She is a member of the NAACP National Board of Directors, a member of the NAACP Executive Committee as well as an active member of various NAACP board sub-committees. Along with her dedicated work with the NAACP, Dukes is a former president of the Metro-Manhattan Links Chapter, in 2010 was appointed the National Links NGO Representative and is a former trustee of the State University of New York and Stillman College. She is a member of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc., and National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS, INC. Dukes is also a member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Northern Manhattan Alumnae Chapter. In an interview with the AmNews, Dukes says that even though she’s 90, what keeps her feeling less than her age is spending time with youth. “I feel like I’m 26,” she said enthusiastically. “I really love interacting with young people

to see what their thinking is of this world we’re living in and tell them the story of who they are and what they have inherited as a legacy. That keeps me going and I feel great.” Dukes credits her late father, who was a Pullman porter, along with civil rights leader and union organizer E.D. Nixon with getting her involved in activism. The two men were close friends and Dukes would listen as they discussed how Pullman porters were treated and issues impacting African Americans at the time. However, it was an incident she remembers vividly when she was a child involving her grandmother when a white man referred to her as “auntie” that had a lasting impact. “He said, ‘Hey auntie, how are you doing today?’ and my grandmother said, ‘Don’t you dare call me auntie. I don’t look like your auntie and I’m not your auntie, get on away from her,’” Dukes said. “I came from a family that didn’t take any disrespect. Although they knew they were ‘negroes,’ they didn’t let people disrespect them.” Her family moved to New York to Nassau County, Long Island in 1955. While history highlights rampant segregation and racism in the South at the time, Dukes faced racism in the North. She recalls seeing an apartment and being denied due to her race and having her money sent back to her. There was also discrimination in the community of Levittown at the time, which did not allow Blacks to move in. Dukes

became the first African Americans to live in Roslyn Gardens apartments in Nassau County. Soon after, other Blacks moved into the complex creating a solid population of middle class African Americans living in the area. Not only getting a front row to history, Dukes has also played a significant role in shaping history. From participating in the Civil Rights Movement, to seeing America inaugurate its first Black president and first Black women U.S. vice president to now witnessing the nomination of the first Black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court, Dukes said her role is one of the things she’s most proud of. “There are several highlights for me,” she said. “I cast Electoral College votes here in New York for Presidents Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. I’ve been the NGO representative at the United Nations. I was on the committee with Bill Lynch and Mayor David Dinkins that brought Nelson and Winnie Mandela to New York City.” Dukes’ name is synonymous with the NAACP. She was introduced to the civil rights organization during her first year of college at Alabama State University. Dukes was elected president of the NAACP New York State Conference in 1975 and served almost 50 years. She was mentored by the late politician and activist C. Delores Tucker and former NAACP President Magnolia Macmillan. See DUKES on page 32





Harlem feeds the community Nightlife

March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 9

Written by David Goodson


(Bill Moore photo)

Food,food,food.ThatwasthefocusattheCommunity Service give-away with Harlem’s Betha-

ny Baptist Church and New York Urban League Young Professionals Community Outreach.

Community honors Brenda BunsonBey and Dr. Shadidi Bea Kinsey

Barbara Goodwin accepted a proclamation from Nicole Wright, special assistant to Assemblywoman Stefani Zinerman, and Colette Pean from Sista’s Place. (Omowale Clay photos)

By NAYABA ARINDE Amsterdam News Editor

munity notables such as Colette Pean, Maxine Flowers, Monique Ngozi Nri, and Ron West. Unique fashion designer Brenda BunThere was a delicious healthy spread son-Bey and acupuncturist and healer enjoyed by the Sunday crowd, many Dr. Shadidi Bea Kinsey were both hon- decked out in one-of-a-kind Brenda ored by the community at Bed Stuy Bunson-Bey creations. Wonderful Restoration Plaza’s Skylight Gallery on live jazz was played by TC The III and Sunday, March 27, 2022. The event was the band; bass player Lonnie Plaxico, hosted by Sista’s Place and the Decem- drummer Taru Alexander, and on guitar ber 12th Movement. Saul Reuben. Family and friends lauded the two community treasures with stories of their selfless commitment to the community and their incredible talent and skill. As Dr. Shadidi was unable to attend due to a family matter, speakers such as Sekou Odinga, Inez Barron, Brenda Stokely, and Dequi Kioni-Sadiki sang her significant praises. Amongst the folk eager to share stories of the Women’s History Month honorees were com-

So, I’m on the horn with one of my favorite musicians and I ask about a certain song to which he responds, “A good friend of mine was riding with her daughter, gave me a call from her car after she heard my version and said this is the best remake I’ve ever heard. I love it!” The sentiments were echoed by the offspring as well. Before the reveal let’s put things in context; certain songs should remain untouched. Let’s expand that thought, if the artist is special enough, none of their CATALOG should be touched. April 2, 1939 - April 1, 1984, was the brief lifespan of one of those artists, Marvin Pentz Gay Jr., whose list of recordings should be approached with extreme caution if you’re looking to put a personal spin on. Back to the quote at the top, which was attributed to Janis Gaye and seconded by Nona Gaye the ex-wife and daughter of Marvin Gaye, respectively. The song itself was one of the melancholiest mixtures of angst, confusion and beauty ever committed to wax entitled “Just to keep you satisfied.” Not many have attempted this one but two that have, Nancy Wilson and Phillip Bailey, two of the most iconic voices ever, come up short. Perhaps the most definitive cover of a soul classic goes to one of the greatest most unheralded artists in soul music history, Howard Hewett. The state of Ohio in this era is known as the state that gave us Lyfe (as in Jennings), but in the early 1970s a group in his hometown of Akron, the LYFE Band, allowed for a teen-aged Hewett to cut his teeth in the realm of R&B/ soul/pop. In 1976, Hewett moved to Los Angeles seeking greener pastures and found his way into a group called Beverly Hills. In 1979 Hewett hit paydirt when he received a call from music mogul Dick Griffey of a then fledgling label SOLAR (Sound of Los Angeles Records.) The call was for Hewett to replace a member of a trio that left the group in a lurch in the middle of a promo run for their hit single “Take That to the Bank.” The then newly formed pairing of Hewett’s tenor mixed beautifully with the bright vocals of Jody Watley, the dancing skills of Jeffery Daniels, and the writing and production of Leon Sylvers III for the formation of the classic iteration of the legendary R&B group Shalamar. The group’s overall third album “Big Fun” scored a U.S. million-dollar seller with “The Second Time Around” and they were off to the races. That team remained relevant during their early ’80s run adhering to the dance music that populated dance floors and airwaves, but a string of ballads have them cemented in the pantheon of R&B music. “Somewhere There’s a Love,” “I Don’t Wanna Be the Last to Know,” “You Can Count on Me” and/or “For the Lover in You” still have memories of special people and times etched in the hearts of millions. Being the signature voice of a phenomenal-

ly successful group afforded an opportunity for Hewett to continue to be a hit machine as a solo artist. Utilizing the same methodology that allowed him a core audience, Hewett managed to feed and grow his base. One of the first orders of business Hewett had to address was to fulfill a promise. “A few years before I left the group, I made a promise to the Lord that whenever I was by myself, I will honor you on every record.” On his solo debut album came the song “Say Amen,” that became just as synonymous to any song in his repertoire. In fact, says Hewett, “I have a song called ‘Forever and Ever’ that in Africa is just as big as ‘Say Amen’ is over here. I started in gospel and I’m not afraid to say thank you for his grace.” His latest single follows in the same vein. “‘To Thee I Pray’ [LaKiva Music] is a song that I actually wrote over 30 years ago…unfortunately the lyrics still ring true today. It was meant for my last album with Elektra [Records]. I brought it to these cats, Wav3Pop, and said flip it.” With the ability to still record and perform at an elite level and having accomplished just about everything that he could in the industry, there still remains one thing that he regrets. When the run with Shalamar eventually ended, little did we think that it would be PERMANENT, permanent. To the chagrin of their millions of fans globally as well as Hewett himself he wants a reunion, but for him not necessarily musically. He states, “There’s a season and a time for everything and there’s a time for things to end. Jody, Jefferey and I for about 5 years spent almost every day together chasing our dreams, chasing success. We were blessed to create this entity and create substance for this entity called Shalamar, that made it live forever. At this point I realize that there were some words that I said to you, and I can’t take them back, but I can say from the bottom of my heart that I am truly sorry. I’m doing this for my spirit and for my duties as a man of God her spirit. I hope that she can find in heart and spirit to accept. Whatever words were said, those words lasted for 40 years. It’s time to lift that off ourselves.” While we await the outcome of the olive branch he extended to his bandmate, we only have a few days to see Howard Hewett perform in the flesh as STEPHANIE MILLS & HOWARD HEWETT on Saturday, April 2, 2022, at 8 p.m. perform at Lehman Center for the Performing Arts on the campus of Lehman College/CUNY at 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West, Bronx, N.Y. 10468. Tickets prices are $100, $85, $75, $65, $50 and can be purchased by calling the Lehman Center box office at 718-960-8833 (Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., and beginning at 4 p.m. on the day of the concert), or through online access at Over and out. Holla next week, til then, enjoy the nightlife.

10 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022


Union Matters

Amazon workers in Alabama/Staten Island fight to organize and against current work conditions By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff While fighting for their right to organize, workers at an Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama have had other issues to worry about recently. According to workers on Sunday, a compressor malfunctioned spraying “excessive” amounts of what was initially thought to be smoke, but could have been vaporized oil, into an air vent that clouded the air on the third floor of the warehouse. Isaiah Thomas, Amazon worker in Bessemer, Alabama, said the situation went from bad to worse. “At first, I thought my glasses were just smudged, but then the air got thicker, and my co-worker said he thought it was smoke and we should leave,” stated Thomas. “Everyone was very confused, and the lack of information made us feel very unsafe. We didn’t know what was happening and many of us sought safety in our cars and tried to get as far away from the building as possible. When I heard from my co-work-

ers on the third floor that they were VTOed so many hours earlier I was shocked why they would have the rest of us keep working, and why there was no notification or alarm sounded for all those hours. “I don’t know what I was breathing in for that long, and I don’t know if it’s still in the air at work today either.” VTO stands for “Volunteered Time Off.” Stuart Appelbaum, president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU, workers were kept at their workstation and) said this is yet another issue that Amazon must deal with on a fundamental scale. “Amazon must be held accountable for this,” said Appelbaum. “We hope the substance workers were inhaling for hours has no long-term harmful effects, but the simple fact that workers were in that situation demonstrates Amazon’s blatant disregard for the health and safety of their employees.” Kelly Nantel, Amazon spokesperson said the Appelbaum’s statement on the incident are false.

“Mr. Applebaum’s claims are false, said Nantel to the AmNews. “Yesterday (3/25) an air compressor malfunction resulted in smoke emitting from the equipment. Out of an abundance of caution, we evacuated the facility and called the local fire department who responded and quickly evaluated and cleared the site. We’re thankful no one was injured, and we appreciate the swift actions of the Bessemer Fire Department.” Alabama Amazon workers are currently voting, for the second time, on forming a union. It’s a fight that’s lasted for over a year. When it comes to Staten Island workers, their organizing process hasn’t taken as long, but it’s made just as much of an impact on the national level. Last week marked the 11th anniversary of the infamous Triangle Shirtwaist Factory that sparked the redesigning of work conditions, While Staten Island organizers haven’t responded to the AmNews, they have said publicly that they’re ready to shock the world.

“They will be the first union in American history for Amazon,” said Christian Smalls, president of the Amazon Labor Union, to redfish, which is Russian-affiliated state media. “It’s history what the [workers] are doing.” Workers at the Staten Island facility would become an independent union separate from other organizers. They initially suspended their work because they didn’t feel like they had the numbers, but they feel they have enough now. According to the rules set by the National Labor Relations Board to the rules, each party can challenge the votes cast based on eligibility. The numbers that will be released could count some challenged ballots. Only then the NRLB will hold a meeting to determine if ballots should continue based on how they could affect the outcome of an election. Staten Island workers have obtained support from all walks of life including CWA Local 1037 in New Jersey, the AFL-CIO and documen-

tary filmmaker Chai Dignari. One elected official, however, kept New Yorkers waiting for an opinion. When asked about his thoughts by Staten Island organizers this weekend, the mayor played it down the middle. “Oh, you know, there are restrictions that we have in interfering with unionizing,” Adams said. “And I'm not going to violate any of those. I'm a union member, I believe in unions. I'm hoping that all the workers do a real analysis on the benefits of having a union. I believe in it. And I'm hoping that we can start the process of unionizing all these shops. I think union should be in every occupation.” The City University of New York (CUNY ) recently announced a partnership with Amazon to provide tuition assistance to its hourly workers. But the workers would prefer benefits and better conditions. The second Bessemer workers vote will be counted starting this week. Staten Island’s voting began this week.

Vax for me, but not for thee: Adams lifts mandate for athletes and entertainers By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ cleaning of the de Blasio administration’s mandates continues. This week? Athletes and entertainers. The mayor lifted the ban on both groups after a long standoff with people like Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving who refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Irving said on Monday that his refusal to take the vaccine was about his “freedom.” “Freedom, I don’t think that’s a word that gets defined enough in our society, about the freedom to make choices with your life without someone telling you what the f–k to do and whether that carries over to nuances of our society that politicians control, the government controls, or things people who are in power—the powers that may be,” said Irving on Monday to reporters according to (a part of SB Nation). “I’m standing for freedom, so that’s in all facets of my life. There’s nobody that’s enslaving me.” The news came as a shock to several unions. Kate Shindle, president of Actors’ Equity Association, said she heard about the announcement from someone else and not from the mayor. “I know I’m not the only union president who was caught by surprise here. Let’s not

do it this way again,” said Shindle on Twitter. “I can easily organize a meeting between those leaders and you/your staff when major changes are in the pipeline. I’m pretty easy to find …so HMU [hit me up].” While the rules have changed, employers on Broadway have declared to carry on as usual and enforce the already implemented policies: vaccinated except for those too young to get it, certain exemptions (like religious) from vaccinations if accepted. Those still unvaccinated are required to wear masks. Mandates were agreed upon by the union and by The Broadway League, which leads the Broadway theater industry. When speaking to reporters Adams threw the blame on the Bill de Blasio administration, stating that these always existed and now they’re correcting what had been deemed ‘unfair.’ “It stated, ‘If you come to our city, we’re going to treat you different than what we would treat New Yorkers,’” said Adams to supporters. “We are correcting that and we didn’t do it automatically. We waited until we were comfortable enough, based on the medical team, that we would continue to move forward with a very strategic plan of recovering our economy and looking at some of the unfair things that we saw.” One reporter noted that the city fired more than a thousand municipal work-

ers in February and pointed out a possible double standard: Adams’ response? “We’re not talking about a handful of athletes,” Adams said. “I think this is the narrative that is unfortunate on what we are putting out there. I know struggling singers; I know struggling performers. We look at one or two athletes and we are not realizing the entire industry. We are part of a financial ecosystem that includes our nightlife, performers, artists, any entertainer. “We created an unfair disadvantage to New York-based performers,” continued Adams. “I’m correcting that unfair disadvantage and I’m doing it at the appropriate time, when our numbers are low. This is the right thing to do.” But others don’t see it that way. “It is clear that these actions are motivated now by the upcoming MLB season and the NBA Playoffs,” said Oren Barzilay, president of FDNY EMS Local 2507 in a statement to the AmNews. “We have players like Kyrie Irving making more than $33 million a year or $425,000 for each and every game -VS- the FDNY’s mostly female and minority EMT workforce, surviving on poverty wages.” Barzilay then echoed the cries of the previous mayor. “Most ironic is that members of FDNY EMS were hailed as New York’s heroes of the pandemic,” said Barzilay. “It proves, again, that fame is certainly fleeting. How

quickly our city leaders have forgotten. “It is the modern-day, Tale of Two Cities.” Not to be outdone was Police Benevolent Association President Pat Lynch. He said that the city chose big names over the little man. “We have been suing the city for months over its arbitrary and capricious vaccine mandate—this is exactly what we are talking about. If the mandate isn’t necessary for famous people, then it’s not necessary for the cops who are protecting our city in the middle of a crime crisis,” said Lynch in a statement to the AmNews. “While celebrities were in lockdown, New York City police officers were on the street throughout the pandemic, working without adequate PPE and in many cases contracting and recovering from Covid themselves. They don’t deserve to be treated like second-class citizens now.” Elected officials were on the side of firefighters and police. Staten Island Council Member Joe Borelli was also upset with Adams’ decision. “We are firing our own employees but allowing exemptions for the fancy ones,” he said on Twitter. “What is the rationale for exempting basketball players from the city’s private sector vaccine mandate but not the ushers or janitors in the arena? There must be a compelling public interest for subverting the equal application of our laws.”


March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 11

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12 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022


Opinion Stop criminalizing poverty By STATE SENATOR CORDELL CLEARE and JOHN MCFARLANE In an equitable society, one thing rings true—poverty should never be criminalized! New York’s justice system, pre-2019, did one thing very well—it kept innocent people in jail simply for the lack of having money. This led to not only grotesque

and immoral policy but trauma and death. Today, a fictitious debate rages, characterized by fear mongering, misinformation, and outright lies about bail reform. Pre-trial detention is a deadly system that traumatizes people before their day in court, separating them from community and family. We need a system that addresses the im-

Reparations redux! EDITORIAL

In 2020, when Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation creating the two-year reparations task force, California became the only state to take such an action. At the very start it was clear that such a step would not run smoothly and now we learn that after a vote of 5-4, the task force has limited the state compensation to just the descendants of free and enslaved people in the U.S. in the 19th century, thus rejecting a proposal to include all Black people regardless of lineage. The vote has ignited a fresh round of debate on who should receive reparations, if the state of California should be forced to compensate since it was not a slave state, and even if the differences are resolved is the money available or a plan to determine how compensation would proceed. It’s a testy and emotional situation, but at least California has begun a serious discussion on the matter that may have national repercussions.

Perhaps this will stimulate the federal government to take up the issue; some cities such as Providence, Rhode Island, Evanston, Illinois, and Boston have already begun commissions to study the problem. Hey, where is New York in this reparations quest that too many view as a pointless boondoggle with no resolution in the immediate future? But this inactivity should not mean defeat. For example, just the other day President Biden signed the Emmett Till Bill into law making lynching a federal crime, a measure that failed again and again, more than 200 times before success. Maybe what’s needed is for the feds and the president to embrace reparations, pick up on the impetus provided by California. Even so, as it has been in the past, reparations is a complicated factor with too many elements to be settled. There is nothing new about any of this, though we can cheer the developments on the West Coast and wish our own coast would step up to the plate.

Elinor R. Tatum: Publisher Member

Alliance for Audited Media

and Editor in Chief

Kristin Fayne-Mulroy: Managing Editor Nayaba Arinde: Editor Cyril Josh Barker: Digital Editor Damaso Reyes: Investigative Editor Siobhan "Sam" Bennett: Chief Revenue Officer and Head of Advertising

Wilbert A. Tatum (1984-2009): Chairman of the Board, CEO and Publisher Emeritus

mediate and root causes of harm and invests in services to meet community needs, not a system that puts people in cages. On an average day in 2018, 70% of New York’s jail population was in pretrial detention, meaning they were serving time in jail without even having been convicted of a crime. For many in pretrial detention, their only hope of release was to post bail. The average bail amount for a misdemeanor in New York City is $1,000. Unfortunately, this is often out of reach for low-income people, leaving access to freedom only to those that can pay for it, and guaranteeing jail time for those who couldn’t afford to buy their way home. Since the 2019 bail reform laws passed, many across the state have continued to use harmful rhetoric to instill fear in the hearts of New Yorkers by tying bail reform to the “increase in crime.” The truth is that crime overall has not increased. Since 2020, there has been a sharp increase in two specific types of crime: gun violence and ho-

micides. This trend is nationwide, across cities governed by Democrats and Republicans, and across urban, suburban, and rural geographies; it has nothing to do with bail reform. The research backs up what we know to be true, that community-based, public health-centered violence intervention programs do a better job of preventing and decreasing gun crime than policing and prosecution do. There are many reasons why there is more gun violence in our communities, but the 2019 bail reform laws are not one of them. We must understand that the sharp increase in poverty due to the ongoing pandemic, the lack of mental health resources in our community, and our failure to stop the flow of illegal guns into our state are all contributing to the increase in gun violence. This crisis is exacerbated by the ongoing disinvestment in Black and Brown neighborhoods and irresponsible political decisions. The solution to poverty is not to

increase the budget of our police force or to rollback bail reform and keep criminalizing poverty. After all, the safest communities have the most resources, not the highest jail populations. There is only one kind of reform that should be on the table and that is transformative equity-based investments in our community. Our energy should be directed towards expanding restorative justice programs and reducing recidivism rates to keep New Yorkers out of the vicious cycle of mass incarceration. We must continue our fight for parole reform by passing Fair and Timely Parole and Elder Parole, both of which would decrease the prison population and reunite incarcerated individuals with their loved ones. State Senator Cordell Cleare represents District 30, including areas such as Central, East and West Harlem, Upper Westside, and Washington Heights neighborhoods. John Mcfarlane is a civil rights union leader and activist, Vocal-Ny and Citizen Action of New York


Meeks wants sacrifices for Ukraine: what about constituents in his district? Dear Congressman Meeks, We, the constituents of the 5th Congressional District, heard with disbelief your call on us to “Make sacrifices for democracy in lending support to Ukraine.” Our district’s poverty index states that 17% of district residents live below the federal poverty level, one in seven adults over 17 are unemployed, and over half of the residents spend more than 30% of their monthly gross income on rent. The infrastructure is so badly in need of repair that a catastrophic sewer back up took months to repair. And we suffer from foreclosures at a rate double that of the national average. Southeast Queens has been the epicenter of the foreclosure crisis; with the communities of Jamaica, South Jamaica, Hollis, St.

Albans, Cambria Heights, Laurelton, the Rockaways and Broad Channel topping the hardest affected in the entire nation. This could be the single greatest loss of Black wealth in NYC history. Congressman Meeks, you haven’t called on the 1% to make sacrifices to get rid of student debt, which weighs down your constituents so we can’t afford to buy a home, and even delay starting a family. Black Women are disproportionately burdened with this cost and owe 22% more than the average student debt of white women. You haven’t called on the 1% to contribute towards reducing homelessness in Southeast Queens, the neighborhood you represent. The homelessness statistics show that there are: 3,177 individuals sheltered in Jamaica/Hollis, 1,697 individuals in Queens Village, and 625 individuals in Rockaway/

Broad Channel. You haven’t made real estate interests pledge to make sacrifices of space in their holdings to house the homeless, or reduce their profits to create lower density housing rather than massive developments which change the character of the neighborhood. Your call on us to sacrifice for a war in Ukraine shows the same condescending attitude as when you supported Sen. Hillary Clinton, after voters in your district voted 98% for then Sen. Barack Obama. You said then that you knew better and as a delegate would be backing Hillary Clinton anyway. Congressman, have you made any personal sacrifice as we suffer from skyrocketing gas prices, food shortages and a housing crisis? – The December 12th Movement


Biden’s nine-word gaffe may cause countless tragedies DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not represent those of the New York Amsterdam News. We continue to publish a variety of viewpoints so that we may know the opinions of others that may differ from our own.



This week’s events, particularly those in Brussels and Poland, have left little reason for optimism. There is not a single leader in the world today whose staff is stepping out at the United Nations, in Washington, or on the ground in Brussels to correct, walk back, or clarify what their country’s elected leader truly meant to say. It is unseemly, and it is unprecedented. President Joe Biden made remarks so inflammatory that many believe it could spark further fighting and death in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Self-described “gaffe machine” President Biden supposedly “ad-libbed” in his speech for regime change in nuclear-armed Russia: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” Secretary Blinken, a long-serving Biden aide, swiftly muddied the matter by asserting that the president did not mean what he said. Was this merely a genuine blunder, or was it a calculated escalation by the same neoconservatives who campaigned for a series of disastrous government overthrows throughout the Obama administration? It seems to be that Americans, in general—but particularly those in Washington— are deafeningly silent over Biden’s blunder. Something that is far more terrifying than the apparent absence of the president and vice president from the world’s most powerful nation at the moment. I anticipate hearing a seething address from Putin this week regarding Biden’s statement. Putin’s public statement, which will most likely be linked to some type of action on the battlefield, will almost certainly be far more meaningful and effective than the drivel from his trip to Brussels—after all, the leader of a war-torn nation was seemingly threatened by the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. If Putin is ready to take Russia down with him, then I would expect no less from him than unambiguous action on the battlefield. In addition, President Biden has declared war on “oligarchs.” But is it as simple as that? Virtually all of Zelensky’s Ukraine is presently controlled by six Ukrainian oligarchs who came to power after the 1991 Ukrainian Independence Referendum. These six oligarchs control everything from banking, to agriculture, to energy. On top of this, there are also the revelations of the Pandora Papers which show that Zelensky himself possesses a series of Offshore Companies (hastily transferred

after disclosure to wife and friends) whose purposes seem to be a mystery at this point. These issues are just a few of the many that are occurring at the moment that are a cause for concern: Taiwan’s maritime routes and islands are being investigated by China, a new ballistic missile has been launched by North Korea, and individual military units, as well as the logistics infrastructure that comes with them, are being redirected to Ukraine or repositioned within Russia. The two takeaways that posed the most threat was Biden’s remark to the 82nd, “when you get to Ukraine,” and his unambiguous call for a regime change in Russia. Even though Biden is a scattered old man, anyone who has witnessed a parent or elder relative suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease understands that in the early stages of these conditions, people rarely say things that are utterly out of character. Instead, they inadvertently and out of focus repeat what they have heard; Biden didn’t make these two “missteps” in the spur of the moment. Rather he repeated topics that he had witnessed in a prior discussion; regime change and force deployments are undoubtedly on the table, and Biden reiterated what he has heard for weeks. The United States cannot continue to drift in this direction. Iran is expected to respond this week and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action negotiations have already been placed on hold. It is extremely likely that they will not agree to a nuclear deal since they see no reason or benefit to doing so. Increased sales to Russia and China, as well as illegal sales through Iraq, are allowing Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran can blend in its crude oil and export it through Iraq with, likely, a million barrels per day. At approximately $100 per barrel, there is no need to do anything but cash in right now. Later this summer, the west is headed towards a likely severe food shortage. The poorest nations would be the first to suffer from the shortage. Few people realize how much grain and other commodities originate from Ukraine and the invasion has caused the planting season to be disrupted. At the moment, the majority of central Ukraine resembles Kansas; it is flat, with cultivated fields stretching as far as the eye can see. Those farms will be dirt in summer, and once the topsoil has dried out from the winter, it will blow away. Crops are required to avoid erosion in these lush farming regions. Armstrong Williams (@ARightSide) is manager / sole owner of Howard Stirk Holdings I & II Broadcast Television Stations and the 2016 Multicultural Media Broadcast Owner of the year. |

March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 13 N

So much to see… CHRISTINA

GREER PH.D. I have slowly begun to venture out (with my mask) after what has felt like an eternity in hibernation. One of the benefits of living in a city is the plethora of cultural events and artistic installations, large and small, throughout the city. For those of you who are in need of some inspiration, there are some exhibits not to be missed. April is arts month for me! The first show I am making time to see is the new “Jean-Michel Basquiat: King Pleasure” exhibit opening April 9 at the Starrett Lehigh on 601 West 26th Street in Manhattan. The exhibit is organized and curated by the family of JeanMichel Basquiat and features “over 200 never-beforeseen and rarely shown paintings, drawings, multimedia presentations, ephemera, and artifacts tell the story of JeanMichel from an intimate perspective, intertwining his artistic endeavors with his personal life, influences, and the times in which he lived.” The exhibit closes on April 30 so hurry and purchase tickets, which are selling out quickly. The second show I cannot wait to see is the “Faith Ringgold: American People” which is a comprehensive exhibit of her roughly six decades worth of work. This exhibit opened in February and runs until June 5, 2022 at the New Museum, 235 Bowery in Manhattan. Faith Ringgold’s artistry and quilts weave together history, activism, the Black experience, and so much more. Ringgold is one of the most influential artists of the 20th century and this exhibit and the New Museum is celebrating this icon with a long overdue ret-

rospective of her work. The last show I want to check out is the “Black Dolls” exhibit at the New York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West at Richard Gilder Way (77th Street). The exhibit runs until June 5, 2022 and “explores handmade cloth dolls made primarily by African American women between 1850 and 1940 through the lens of race, gender, and history.” Featuring over 100 cloth dolls, this exhibit displays the dolls alongside “dozens of historical photographs of white and Black children posed with their playthings and caregivers.” Black dolls have long been a vehicle to reveal difficult truths about race, gender, enslaved Africans on American soil, and the troubled foundation of America. The aim of this exhibit is to instill more substantive conversations to address these issues. There is so much important art being displayed in New York City, and major cities across the country. It is my hope that we can venture out safely to see the talent of African American artists past and present. Art feeds the soul, whether a tapestry, a painting, or a photograph, we all need art to further confirm how and where we belong. No matter your borough, find time to explore art during the month of April. We deserve it and we need it.

“There is so much important art being displayed in New York City, and major cities across the country. It is my hope that we can venture out safely to see the talent of African American artists past and present.”

Christina Greer, Ph.D., is an Associate professor at Fordham University, the author of “Black Ethnics: Race, Immigration, and the Pursuit of the American Dream,” and the co-host of the podcast FAQ-NYC.

14 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022


Caribbean Update

Royal visit sparks calls for reparations, debate over switching to republics By BERT WILKINSON Special to the AmNews At the end of November last year, tiny Barbados celebrated its last year as an independent nation from Britain, switching instead to a full-fledged republic with its own native head of state instead of Queen Elizabeth as had been the case for decades. Watched by millions around the world, including many in the United Kingdom, that glitzy move by the 166-square mile Eastern Caribbean nation has sparked a major and simmering debate among the independent former British colonies in the region, not the least being Jamaica, Antigua and The Bahamas. As Prince Williams and his wife left the Caribbean late Saturday after paying official visits to Belize, Jamaica and The Bahamas in the past week and a half, demands on London to both apologize for and to pay reparations for its part

in the brutal trans-Atlantic slave trade reached a crescendo with the most outright statements emanating from upstart Jamaica, as expected. The visit has also reignited aspirations by several regional countries to ditch the Queen and become republics. During an official function with the royals for example, Prime Minister Andrew Holness made it flippantly clear that Jamaica has every intention of spending its last year simply as a nation which gained independence from Britain back in August of 1962 as it will soon join Barbados, Guyana, Trinidad and Dominica as a republic. Swept up by such pronouncements, similar echoes flowed from Antigua, The Bahamas and Belize where the royals were perhaps subjected to the most protests and ridicule. Authorities were forced to cancel a visit to an indigenous village for security reasons as organizers signaled their disagreement with their presence.

“We are moving on,” Holness told the royals. “Jamaica is, as you would see, a country that is very proud of our history, very proud of what we have achieved. We intend to attain, in short order, our development goals and fulfill our true ambitions as an independent, developed, prosperous country,” he said. A few days before, Belizean Prime Minister John Brecino announced the establishment of a constitutional commission that will pave the way for the switch to a republic. Clearly getting the message from the three-nation visit, Prince Williams suggested that the tour had provided “an opportunity to reflect” on Britain’s links to the 15-nation Caribbean Community. Thirteen of the members are former colonies. He said the visit had brought “into sharper focus questions about the past and the future,” perhaps hinting to its role in the holocaustic slave trade, its refusal to apologize for its role and

to pay compensation to descendants of slavery. These remarks were made on a Twitter account linked to the couple. The future, he said, “is for the people to decide. I know that this tour has brought into even sharper focus questions about the past and the future. In Belize, Jamaica and The Bahamas, that future is for the people to decide upon,” he said, clearly stung by demands for reparations and for the Queen to disappear as head of state of several countries. Meanwhile, Professor Verne Shepherd, a leading reparations activist in the Caribbean, said she was not surprised by the prince’s refusal to apologize on behalf of Britain, noting that “I am sure he got instructions—‘Please don’t say ‘apology,’ don’t use that word, because you’re going to commit the British state to reparations,’” she said. Former British Prime Minister David Cameron had similarly refused to deal with the subject

while on a state visit in 2015. As a clear indication that this was the worst welcome any royal has got in the Anglo Caribbean in recent decades, The Bahamian reparations committee attacked the government for hosting the visit, suggesting that taxpayers should not have been made to fund the visit. “This visit commemorates 70 years since Queen Elizabeth’s ascension to the throne of imperialism—more years than The Bahamas has been a sovereign nation. The committee asserts that we as Bahamians must have a clear understanding of what this trip truly means. We are not beholden to the British monarchy in any way and we do not owe them a debt of gratitude for anything— not for our culture, religion, or system of governance. Instead, the monarchy has looted and pillaged our land and our people for centuries, leaving us struggling with under-development, left to pick up the pieces,” the committee said.

Biden admin quickly welcomes Ukrainians, Afghans, but deports Haitians, Africans, Central Americans siding in the U.S. as of March 15, 2022. For both countries, TPS protections are valid for 18 months. Those who are approved and granted TPS will be protected from deportation and returning to IMMIGRATION KORNER a country that is not safe as well as be allowed to continue to work, The Biden administration has pay taxes and raise their families this month announced the is- in the U.S. suance of Temporary ProtectIt’s a great gesture given the ed Status (TPS) designations for terror of war on Ukraine by Russia Ukrainians as well as Afghans and the terror, violence and uncerliving in the United States. tainty in both countries currently. That means that 75,100 UkrainiAt the same time, the Biden adans and approximately 75,000 Af- ministration has expelled or deghans living in the U.S. are now ported more than 20,000 Black eligible to apply for TPS under the people to Haiti between Jan. 1, new designations. 2021, and Feb. 26, 2022, according For Ukrainians, the TPS desig- to data collected by the Internanation applies to any Ukrainian tional Organization for Migration. that was present in the U.S. on or While Haiti may not be under before March 1, 2022, while for siege from a foreign invasion, it Afghans, the TPS designation ap- is enduring what can only be deplies to individuals already re- scribed as a war within as the


gangs are the “Taliban of Haiti,” waging killings and kidnappings through control of strategic areas of the country. “It is unconscionable that any government would send people to Haiti while it experiences such a deterioration in security and a heightened risk to everyone’s life and physical integrity,” said César Muñoz, senior Americas researcher at Human Rights Watch (HRW). “No government should return people to Haiti. And the United States, which accounts for the vast majority of returns, should end the unnecessary and illegitimate use of a public health regulation for abusive expulsions of Haitians.” HRW also points out that given the security conditions in Haiti, civil society groups and organizations assisting returnees have expressed concern that people

expelled or deported to Haiti are at risk of kidnapping and extortion by criminal gangs, who may believe returnees have money for travel or relatives abroad who can pay ransoms. Further, there is currently no system in place to track and support returnees, including those who may not have lived there for years and have no relatives there. Armed conflict and violence are also rife in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador, as well as in the Cameroon, Nepal, Lebanon, Ethiopia and Mauritania. But instead, the Biden administration has been quick to send immigrants back to countries where their lives could be snuffed out in an instant. Many more are being held like criminals in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities for months.

So, what’s the difference? It’s hard not to see discrimination written all over this or to view the issue as white vs. Black. After all, there are many Eastern Europeans living in the U.S. without legal status, but you never hear of them being rounded up and deported. Donald Trump at least told us what he felt and did as he said. Sadly, what we have now is a president and Black, Asian and Caribbean American veep and immigration czar, who said one thing when they needed the Haitian, Black and immigrant vote, but now are viciously showing us through their actions how they really feel. How shameful, how biased, and how deceitful! The writer is publisher of – The Black Immigrant Daily News.


Arts & Entertainment Film/TV pg 15 | Trends pg 19 | Jazz pg 20

March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 15

Pg. 18 Your Stars

An Oscars to be remembered

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith during the live ABC telecast of the 94th Oscars at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood in Los Angeles, on Sunday, March 27, 2022 (Richard Harbaugh / A.M.P.A.S. photo)

By MARGRIRA Special to the AmNews The Oscars came roaring back after two years of COVID-19 lockdown under the direction of uberproducer Will Packer and from the very start, he promised us a memorable show, jump-starting the excitement when he engaged three female comedians to host—Regina Hall, Amy Schumer, and Wanda Sykes—who kept the show moving using their own comedic stamp.

The big winner of the night was the little indie film “Coda” (Apple) which consisted of a mostly deaf cast and won the best picture which surprised some insiders who suggested that the quality of the film was just a few bars away from a made-for-television movie. It also won the adapted screenplay prize for its writer-director, Sian Heder, and the supporting actor award for Troy Kotsur. There is an opportunity to read the screenplay courtesy of Indie Film Hustle. But nothing moved the eve-

ning as much as the “slap” heard around the world—literally when Oscar winner Will Smith slapped comic Chris Rock after he made a joke about Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith’s, bald head. Smith later went on to accept his Oscar for Best Actor in a dramatic speech for the Best Picture nominated film, “King Richard.” Tears flowing, Smith apologized to the Academy. “Richard Williams was a fierce defender of his family,” Smith said in a tearful speech following

Ariana DeBose poses backstage with the Oscar for Actress in a Supporting Role during the live ABC telecast of the 94th Oscars at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood in Los Angeles, on Sunday, March 27, 2022. (Michael Baker / A.M.P.A.S. photo)

his win for portraying the Williams sisters’ father in “King Richard.” “In this time of my life, in this moment, I am overwhelmed by what God is calling on me to do and be in this world. “I know to do what we do, you’ve got to be able to take abuse,” he said. “You gotta be able to have people talk crazy about you. In this business, you gotta be able to have people disrespecting you, and you gotta smile, and you gotta pretend like that’s OK. … I want to apologize to the Acade-

my; I want to apologize to all my fellow nominees.” Later in the evening—via Twitter immediately following the telecast—the Academy said it “does not condone violence of any form” and made the point that the night is to celebrate the winners who “deserve this moment of recognition from their peers and movie lovers around the world.” The LAPD confirmed that Rock declined to file a police report about the slapping, offering in a statement, See OSCARS on page 17

An Oscar first: Afro Latina Ariana DeBose wins Best-Supporting for ‘West Side Story’ By MARGRIRA Special to the AmNews Sometimes, you have to ask yourself the hard questions, like are there significant changes in Hollywood around the issues of racism particularly when it centers on the Latino and Afro-Latino communities. I use as an example Ariana DeBose’s Oscar win for Best Supporting Actress playing the role of Anita in “West Side Story.” Imagine, it was 60 years ago that legend Rita Moreno became the first Latina to win an Oscar (1962), for that same role of Anita. Together, they are the first pair of women

ever to accomplish this. DeBose, who identifies as “Afro Latina,” is also an openly queer woman, and is now the first to win for her acting, and the only to be nominated. Just 31, DeBose joins a very small list of Latina women who’ve been nominated for acting awards at the Oscars, including four for Best Actress and less than a dozen for Best Supporting Actress. In her acceptance speech, DeBose was quick to point out the facts about the world. “Even in this weary world that we live in, dreams do come true,” said DeBose. “To anybody who has ever questioned your identity…I

promise you this, there is indeed a place for us.” DeBose has appeared in LinManuel Miranda’s “Hamilton” and Netflix’s ensemble “The Prom.” Here is what Ariana DeBose had to share about winning her first Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in ”West Side Story.”

was in the ensemble of “Hamilton,” mind you, as an ensemble member, I had a role that barely spoke. All I did was dance. But I chose at some point to try for more and, to be frank, it wasn’t met with, you know, thunderous applause. Some folks kind of looked at me like I was crazy, and I had to choose to believe that I was deserving of more and go and AmNews: You started your train to be better. And, honestly, career as a dancer on Broadway. just choosing, choosing myself How did you get here? and choosing to believe that I was Ariana DeBose: A lot of hard worthy and do the work, that’s work, a lot of determination, a how this happened. This is magic, lot of active choices to take my but it’s magic that did not come rejections as redirections. I was without effort. just saying, you know when I AmNews: The win is histor-

ic. You won this Oscar for playing the same role [Anita] that Rita Moreno won for as well. A full-circle moment? DeBose: I see it as a historical moment. It’s a layer on a layer on a layer, and I think this is the first time that a female role has been honored twice, but I think it’s really important to note that our Anita, as well, shares a name. They are different women, you know. Her Anita is iconic and legendary and will always be, and now mine has been shown light upon in this way, and I’m very proud of that because I set out to create 60 See OSCAR FIRST on page 21

16 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 A








Dance Theatre of Harlem returns to City Center, live

DTH Company in "Passage" (Photo by Theik Smith)

By ZITA ALLEN Special to the AmNews Spring is in the air and the Dance Theatre of Harlem, the world-renowned Black ballet company, is back in New York with live performances at New York’s City Center on April 5, 8, 9, and 10th and an exciting program of works that includes two New York premieres, live musical accompaniment and a company of 18 extraordinarily talented ballet dancers headed by Artistic Director Virginia Johnson. Following over a year of performances that both commemorated its 50th anniversary and paid tribute to its late, legendary co-founder, Arthur Mitchell, the company quickly pivoted to a digital platform amidst COVID19 shutdowns and continued to innovate in the world of dance while keeping its artists, staff, and audiences safe. Now, Dance Theatre of Harlem continues Mitchell’s monumental legacy as a participating company of the inaugural City Center Dance Festival with a bill of forward-thinking contemporary works and treasured classics that will take the esteemed organization into the next half century. Virginia Johnson and DHT’s Resident Choreographer and

head of the DTH School Robert Garland took time off from a hectic rehearsal and teaching schedules to talk to the Amsterdam News about the company’s long-anticipated return to live performances. “We’re just excited to get back to City Center,” Johnson said. “You know it’s thanks to City Center that this is happening. We’re part of their Festival so City Center is presenting us. We’re sharing the week with the Graham company,” she adds, explaining that Opening Night, Tuesday, April 5th, DTH, is followed by programs on Friday, April 8 at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, April 9, at 2 p.m. matinee, and Sunday, April 10 at 5 p.m. Dance Theatre of Harlem will kick off its homecoming season with its annual Vision Gala on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 with an evening titled “With Gratitude…,” celebrating DTH’s return and expressing the company’s immense thanks to all who supported them during this time of extraordinary change, all of the programs being presented at City Center are the same. Johnson explains, “We have several wonderful works, including the New York premiere of Robert’s ‘Higher Ground’ and Claudia Schreier’s ‘Passage,’ which is really a magnificent work. ‘Passage’

and Robert’s piece are works that I think deal with really key questions: what is this art form, what are African Americans saying in this art form, what can it say and what should it be saying? You know we are ballet dancers and we love this art form so much, we believe in it, and dedicate our lives to it but you know that it doesn’t live in the 19th century alone (when ballets like ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and ‘Swan Lake’ were created) it lives now. That is what Dance Theatre of Harlem is about, showing how ballet can live in the 21st century. It can be meaningful, it can be relevant, and it can touch you in ways that you need to be touched at this time.” Robert Garland makes the point that “DTH is dedicated to speaking to our community through dance,” as he explains his new work “Higher Ground” set to the amazing Stevie Wonder classic of the same name. “Originally, ‘Higher Ground’ was supposed to premiere in March of 2020 in Detroit, the home of Stevie Wonder and Motown. But we didn’t do that because of COVID. The ballet was choreographed in the summer of 2019 and if you remember that was a very turbulent time and I just got a feeling that the music of Stevie Wonder’s ’70s period, post-Civil Rights, reflected the feeling in the

country.” At first Garland wasn’t sure if, after a change in government, the piece would still be relevant. But, he says, “then George Floyd happened and I was amazed that for the ballet to premiere these many years later and I’m finding that its message still resonates. If Black people are the conscience of America, then Stevie Wonder is the conscience of Black America. And, Dance Theatre of Harlem is committed to speaking to our community through dance.” “That’s what Arthur Mitchell created Dance Theatre to do,” Johnson adds as she continues that legacy and points to another work being premiered on the program which takes a different approach to that same mission. “The genesis of ‘Passages’ is the story of 1619 and what that meant in terms of Africans arriving on these shores and what that meant in terms of challenges but also in terms of purpose and uplift. It’s very much about the journey. It’s important for us to reflect on our history which is so undisclosed and undiscussed. So bringing it forward is something that we can do here at Dance Theatre of Harlem. Another work on the program is 'Balamouk.' That work stems from a very contemporary source, the recent migrations from Africa across the Mediterra-

nean and people risking their lives in search of something better. It’s a very joyous uplifting work choreographed by Colombian-Belgian Anabel le Lopez Ochoa. The music is North African and this season will be performed live by the Klezmatics. This work just erupts with joy, and it’s a very wonderful work.” At Opening Night’s Vision Gala, Emmy, Golden Globe, and Tony Award-winning dancer, actor, choreographer, director, and producer Debbie Allen is set to receive the Arthur Mitchell Vision Award, which is presented annually to an artist whose legacy is founded on exceptional contributions to the arts community, the award is named for and was inaugurally received by Dance Theatre of Harlem co-founder Arthur Mitchell. Other honorees to be recognized during the Gala Dinner at the Ziegfeld Ballroom include the Reginald F. Lewis Foundation, recipient of the Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Award, and Dr. Wendy Ziecheck, Dr. Donald J. Rose, and the NYU Langone Health/Harkness Center for Dance Injuries Medical Team who will each receive the DTH Chairman’s Award. Of course, it’s important to remember that every night there will be a gala during Dance Theater of Harlem’s upcoming City Center season.











Continued from page 15

“If the involved party desires a police report at a later date, LAPD will be available to complete an investigative report.” Smith has since apologized to both Rock and the Academy in an Instagram post. Jane Campion became just the third woman to win Best Director, which is the only prize of the night to be won by “The Power of the Dog;” Kenneth Branagh won original screenplay for “Belfast,” and Jessica Chastain won best actress for “The Eyes of Tammy Faye.” In keeping the eye firmly on the issues of diversity and inclusion Chastain brought up the issue, tip-toeing around the proposed laws targeting the LGBTQ community. One of the most heartfelt wins was for Ariana DeBose, the first Oscar of the night for Supporting Actress for her role as Anita in “West Side Story” making her the first Afro Latina and openly queer woman making sure to bring this important subject up in her acceptance speech —“An openly queer woman of color, an Afro Latina who found her strength in art…There is indeed a place for us.” Despite delivering an amazing performance for her nominated Best Original Song entry “Be Alive,” Beyoncé, 40, who opened the show with a bang with her 10-year-old daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, lost the Oscar to Billie Eilish and Finneas for their original song “No Time to Die.” As predicted, Japan’s “Drive My Car” won the award for international feature, directed by Ryusuke Hamaguchi. Producer Packer stepped into a nest of controversy when they chose to award eight categories before the live telecast inside the Dolby Theatre where “Dune” won editing, score, and production design. The production team did air an edited-down version of those eight categories, with sound bites from the winners’ speeches, such as “Queen of Basketball” (best documentary short winner) director Ben Proudfoot, who

March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 17 I

It’s exciting to me to place a Black family at the center of this massive, epic journey that asks us to trust and hope in each other as we move forward.” –Lileana Blain-Cruz, Director

Will Smith poses with the Oscar for Actor in a Leading Role during the live ABC telecast of the 94th Oscars at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood in Los Angeles, on Sunday, March 27, 2022. (Richard Harbaugh / A.M.P.A.S. photo)

used his moment to call for the return of WNBA player Brittney Griner, currently jailed in Russia. This year’s Oscars, the 94th, arrived as the Academy was attempting to reverse a years-long decline in ratings with some controversial changes, including omitting the eight categories and introducing a “fan favorite” Oscar and “Cheer Moment” prize voted on by Twitter users. Despite Netflix’s “The Power of the Dog” leading with 12 nominations, in the end, it only won one Oscar—for Campion’s direction. But here’s the really interesting question to ponder, what does Apple’s win for Best Picture before Netflix mean in the streaming space and world of feature films? Netflix paved the way for the streamers to get into the Oscar conversations and they made substantial investments in the award campaigns, expecting to win.



Jay-Z, Beyoncé and Tyler Perry at the 94th Oscars at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood in Los Angeles, on Sunday, March 27, 2022 (Richard Harbaugh / A.M.P.A.S. photo)

Gabby Beans

Paige Gilbert

Priscilla Lopez

James Vincent Meredith

Julian Robertson

Roslyn Ruff



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18 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022




March 31, 2022 — April 6, 2022 March 31st sets the tone for new beginnings materializing suddenly. Between April 11th and the 21st, the universe is granting your requests. However, you must apply yourself just as if you’re filling out an application, an audition, or selecting a candidate to date, and investing in what’s in your best interest. April begins with new terms and conditions, a new set of rules to live by your own laws. By all means necessary, Vinateria assert yourself as you go a different route to be uniquely you. Redirect your energy to get what you need, not what you want. Folks’ intuition can be extremely clairvoyant when they listen to it. It’s a new day dawning, a time of rebirth as the old ways no longer support your old habits, wants, desires, things or places. “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase,” Martin Luther King Jr.

April is a culmination of things that have been building over the last 8 months. Now it’s time to release, publish, write a script, or finalize Capricorn your projects, take control and showcase your talents. It’s a week to Cancer be inspired, motivated, charitable, cautious, and ready to tackle anyDec 22 June 22 Jan 21 July 23 thing head-on while standing your ground. It’s a renewal, a rebirthing like a phoenix rising from the ashes to fly freely like a bird. Be a participant of patience and be purposeful on purpose. structing for

Career opportunities are looking bright this month. However, you’ve got to be willing to apply yourself and do the work. Favors Aquarius may come in handy, yet respect and boundaries do too. When you feel moments of irritability, take a deep sigh as you’re loaded with Jan 22 Feb 19 tasks and responsibilities to meet deadlines. Balance keeps the flow easily going, just as energy flows where your attention goes. What’s on your heart & mind?

Pisces Feb 20 Mar 20

Get up on the rising sun, get on the bus, get up grooving and moving to the beat of your drums. The first week of April is a constant motion of taking care of business. Setting the tone with a new routine in place is important this month. When you’re playing a game of chess or checkers, you got to make a move. Make your power moves this cycle while building connections. Relax with structure.

Life gets better like fine wine. Set the tone as this cycle may question your past behaviors in order to build a new foundation. Gather up the equipment needed this cycle to affirm the structure of building your castle. Your inner feelings are pulling you towards fine-tuning yourself or is it making you sick to get it out of your system? This cycle is about self-development where you’re reconthe betterment of personal growth.

Reduce your speed this week to see the wonderful aesthetics that life has to offer in nature, both outside and inside. Peace, love, harmony are the themes while taking your time to receive Leo and appreciate the true meaning of things conveyed to you. Have July 24 an eye for details and listen carefully before you speak to allow Aug 23 information to register. Be Leo organic and watch how nature reveals itself when it’s ready like a ripe banana, peach, or avocado, as your projects come to light.

Virgo Aug 24 Sept 23

Plan, organize, and fulfill your obligations while applying the missing pieces to the puzzle in order to complete the task at hand. When your daily schedule is in order, you can move and flow with ease. When you stay ready, you don’t have to worry about being ready. Double-check your plans and home environment to ensure everything is in place. Nip things in the bud this cycle and stand

your ground. Happy Earth or Solar Return you Rams. What is your conscious and subconscious planning to carry out? Stop debating and answering your own questions, and rather be about it, and go after what it is you Aries need. Your heart is the only validation; it leads you right where you Mar 21 Apr 21 need to be. The details of the information that’s hovering over you are right in your face when you are sleeping, in conversations, listening to music, painting, etc. These are some of the signs leading you to the main event. You have to be a participant and raise your hand.

This week’s cycle is where things come to you out of the blue, and your intuition speaks to you and guides you. When your mind and emotions are unbalanced, contemplate how things are going to go as you take a deep sigh. Allow what’s happening to occur as you Sept 24 Oct 23 have no power over what the universe puts in place. This is a Saturn and Neptune week where discipline, obedience, restrictions, and sound faith play their roles. You’ll find your answers when you review the structure you’ve built around it. Before making a move, question your motives.

 Libra

The tools you’ve learned from your research up until now will support any new endeavors. Information can be utilized to assist in bringing light into people’s lives, giving it more meaning and underA new journey awaits as you open your heart to a new way of life Taurus standing in their circumstances. During these monthly cycles, dig and living. This cycle will occur expeditiously, yet the approach Apr 22 into the information and ideas you once thought were great as to will be slow, and precise. Patience! There are some days we can May 21 Scorpio how they now can be useful in a service, product, lecture, etc. We are indulge in food to enjoy the quality and texture of life. Somedays, Oct 24 equipped at birth with everything we need to navigate this world. Seek and you will the indulgences don’t sit well digestively. It’s a great week for inner Nov 22 find. How far down the rabbit hole are you willing to travel this month to discover reflections; remain in a reclusive mood as you will find your anthings about yourself? swers to a solution.

When you look in the mirror and examine yourself, you’ll see that When building a foundation, all the permits, proper orders, the inner you is glistening more than usual. What you put in your team members, or those who are skilled in their profession can body will either enhance or decrease your appearance. It’s the little better assist you. This week, outsourcing leads you to opportuGemini Sagitarius nities for the services you need that can help in your creation pimple that can cause a ripple effect. This cycle is about your health, May 22 Nov 23 family, responsibilities, work, engagements, and any other commitor plans. Situations may arise which require you to follow your June 21 Dec 21 ments needed to balance your flow eloquently. Set time for a 5 or 10hunches, and remember to be adventurous, different, and of minute workout to keep you on your toes and stay surefooted. course spontaneous.



March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 19


Paul Tazewell garners Oscar nom for ‘West Side Story’ costumes

By RENEE MINUS WHITE Fashion & Beauty Editor At Sunday’s Academy Awards celebration, Emmy Award winning costume designer Paul Tazewell had a beautiful smile as his name was called as one of the costume designer nominees for his spectacular costumes for “West Side Story.” “When it comes to designing costumes,” Mr. Tazewell, an African American designer explained, “It’s all about developing a character for the story.” As for his feelings about being nominated, “It is the top of the top, and it’s the ultimate nod and approval.” Paul Tazewell is also nominated for the upcoming 2022 Critics Choice and Tony Awards Born in Akron, Ohio, Tazewell is a graduate of North Carolina School of the Arts and NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. He studied fashion design at Pratt Institute. During his school years, he loved the theater. He reminisced about his high school class trips to the Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Ontario, and how that’s when he really noticed costume design. He loves Broadway shows and musicals. His fashion career started with his fantastic costume designs for “Bring In ’Da Noise and Bring in ’Da Funk” in 1992, which also earned Tazewell a Tony Award nomination. He was honored with several nominations over the

years including an Emmy for “Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert,” NBC (2018); an Emmy for “The Wiz Live!” (2015). For “Hamilton,” Paul Tazewell won the Lucille Lortel Award, Tony Award in 2015. There were Tony Award nominations for “The Color Purple,” and “In the Heights,” 2008, and many more prestigious nominations. Directed by Stephen Spielberg, from a screenplay by Tony Kushner, “West Side Story” tells the classic tale of fierce rivalries and young love in 1957 in New York City. From 20th Century Studios, the Walt Disney Company released “West Side Story” in the U.S. on December 10, 2021. In an interview last Saturday afternoon, before Sunday night’s Oscar Award Ceremony, Paul Tazewell shared some thoughts: RMW: When did you realize that you wanted to be a costume designer? PT: I knew early on in high school that I wanted to design costumes. It put me in another category all my own. My mother and grandmother were artists. I was excited to design clothes for character development and storytelling. RMW: When did you discover the connection between clothing and character? PT: In junior high school, I remember all of my friends would go and hang out at the mall

and shop. I would simply sit on a bench and watch people. I loved watching folks interact with each other. I noticed how folks behaved, dressed. I would try to read them. I wanted a better understanding of who they were and what they were up too. A costume designer is basically a psychologist and loves clothing. RMW: What were your thoughts about designing costumes for “West Side Story?” PT: When Stephen Spielberg approached me, I thought about the original “West Side Story” film in 1961, and wondered about how I would pull the audience in? There was much research of clothes that were worn in the 1950s. I wanted the looks to reflect the culture and community, and chose a bright yellow dress that looked modern, yet lovely on the star that played Rita Moreno’s role in the film. Ariana DeBose won an Oscar Award for Best Supporting Actress in “West Side Story.” RMW: While designing costumes for “Hamilton,” what was it like to work with Lin- Manuel Miranda? PT: Working with Lin-Manuel was amazing! He’s such a wonderful man. Collaborating with him on “Hamilton” and “In The Heights” was an experience that I hold dear. RMW: What advice do you have for young, up-and-coming costume designers? PT: Go to a school that has a program. You need to love your work. Figure out how to

communicate your ideas. Authenticity of characters is important. RMW: How long does it take for you to create a costume from start to finish? PT: Depending on the garment, it could take up to 3 months. Beaded garments take longer. There are many adjustments made during production.

Costume designs by Paul Tazewell for “West Side Story” in character sketches of Tony, Maria and Bernardo (Sketches by Thomas, Taryn, N.)

20 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022









EUGENIE JONES, NEW AMSTERDAM, WESTONISM The singer/songwriter Eugenie Jones, who doesn’t perform in New York City enough, will return to debut her new two-set CD, “Players,” during a three-day stand in various sections of the city; on April 1 at Pangea (178 2nd Ave.) on Manhattan’s lower eastside; April 2, Harlem’s Cloak Room (126 Hamilton Place, 142nd Street), the cozy spot dates back to when Harlem was better than heaven and cocktail bars like this were dimly light for intimate jazz stylings. On April 3, Jones closes out at noted jazz club, The Jazz Forum (1 Dixon, Tarrytown, N.Y.). Her repertoire will primarily consist of songs from “Players.” “I’m very tenacious about doing what it takes to achieve an aspiration. In many ways this CD is a continuation of my last two recordings in that it only contains songs that truly resonate with me, namely hardswinging songs, earthy emotive ballads, and uplifting songs of inspiration. These themes consistently flow through all my recordings.” For the three-day performances she will be joined by an allstar cast: pianist Jason Yeager, bassist Lonnie Plaxico and percussionist Bobby Sanabria (latter two musicians are also on CD). This “Players” 15-track doubleCD has been an adventurous labor of love that was four years in the making (including through COVID19 delays). Jones independently produced and recorded on her own Open Mic Records label. She recorded in four cities within the United States—New York City, Dallas, Seattle and Chicago. Her 32 established musicians called on to play in the various cities included NEA Jazz Master Reggie Workman (her mentor and fan); archetypal elder trombonist Julian Priester (who’s played in the bands of Max Roach, Duke Ellington, and Herbie Hancock); drummer Bernard “Pretty” Purdie, trumpeter Marquis Hill, trombonist Jovan Johnson, pianist James Wideman and bassist Stanley Banks. These outstanding players join the singer on her magical tour as they swing standards by Irving

Berlin, Billy Strayhorn, George Gershwin, and Nina Simone, and 10 of Jones’ original compositions. Having resided in Seattle for some time, Jones was born and raised in Morgantown, West Virginia. Her singing career began later in life after the death of her mother in 2008. “At one stage of my grief, I recognized a void, a void I attributed to missing the sound of my mother singing. Seeking solace and a positive way forward, I found myself wondering if I could carry on that part of her.” That speculation led Jones to the Seattle jazz scene and ultimately to the pursuit of something she had never before imagined—a singing career. “As a lifelong learner in pursuit of being better today than I was yesterday,” she says, “I will always look to answer that internal question of ‘what’s next?’” For tickets and information, email or call 347-733-8326. On April 7 the New Amsterdam Musical Association (107 W. 130th St.) presents vocalist Keith A. Dames and the Richard Clements Quartet in a birthday tribute to Billie Holiday entitled “Happy Birthday Lady Day: Paying Homage To Billie Holiday,” at 7 p.m. The pianist Clements is a protégé of the late NEA Jazz Master Barry Harris. His quartet will include the consummate go-to bassist Curtis Lundy, guitarist Daryl Pooser and drummer John Cooksey. Although Clements has played with such notables as Charlie Persip, Clifford Jordan, Abbey Lincoln and Archie Shepp during his stay in Paris, he remains a great but under-rated pianist. Dames, a Billie Holiday aficionado, began singing at The New Amsterdam Musical Association, and progressed to The Apollo Theater, Metropolitan Room, and Club Bonafide. The show, produced by SeMad Productions, will feature special guest vocalists Steph Walker, Mel Greenwich, and Michael Morgan. All vocalists and instrumentalists are welcome to sit in. During a time in history when America was committed to segregation and inequality the NAMA was founded in Harlem in 1904. It is the oldest African American musical organization in the United States. Its formation was in re-

Eugenie Jones (Steve Korn photo)

sponse to the American Federation of Musicians Local 310 not accepting Black musicians. The association was booming from 1904 to 1970; it was the only place musicians had to socialize. After the building’s purchase (at its current location) it also became a rooming house for out-of- town Black musicians since they weren’t allowed to rent in downtown hotels. It was a headquarters where they could exchange ideas, make contacts for engagements, and enjoy social events. The Kansas City Musician’s Foundation, originally home to the Black Musicians’ Protective Union Local 627 A.F. of M., is the second oldest Black musicians’ union founded in the 1930s. Like NAMA it is still active at its original address in Kansas City known for its all-night jam sessions. A $10 suggested donation is requested at the door and $5 donation for students and seniors, cash only. RSVP, masks &

temperature checks will be required. Contact NAMA at 212281-1350, 347-746-9749 or email The pianist/composer and NEA Jazz Master Randy Weston kept us close to our ancestors with his longstanding group African Rhythms. In celebration of his birthday and musical contribution, his long-time percussionist Neil Clarke will pay tribute to him at the Iridium (1650 Broadway), on April 7, Neil Clarke Trio Plus: Westonism. For this unique memorial outing Clarke will be joined by his former band mate bassist Alex Blake, vibraphonist Bryan Carrott and Khuent Rose on steel pan. During the 90minute set, the band will play Weston’s music from another perspective but with his spirit dancing in the midst of the ancestors. “I had the pleasure of playing with Randy for many years and

the percussionist beat was most important to him, the sound of the African drum, as he noted, was the soul of the community; the melodic beats spread news, celebrated birthdays and weddings,” said Clarke. “Randy was one of the few jazz bands that always included African percussion.” Clarke went on a musical journey around the world studying many forms of drumming from Africa to Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. During his instruction in Africa with the elders Neil was acknowledged with the title of Chief Baba Neil Clarke. Clarke and his tight knit group were all inspired by Weston and with the addition of the steel pan, the music of the NEA Jazz Master is sure to swing in the heart of the African diaspora. For tickets visit the website or call 212-582-2121.



Oscar first Continued from page 15

years of legacy between our Anitas, my Anita is not dependent on it. She celebrates what was and what is and what can be, how we move forward, so it is historical. It’s overwhelming because I could see Rita tonight. It was really special to be able to see her sort of willing me to say what I wanted to say. And I think the other layers, I’m an openly queer woman of color and not for nothing. That’s frickin’ awesome, you guys. So I’m the second Latina to win an acting award. I’m Afro Latina. I’m an openly queer woman of color, and I think that just proves that there’s space. There’s space for us, and it’s a beautiful moment to be seen, and I’m really honored by that. AmNews: Have you seen Rita since your win? DeBose: No, I hadn’t. I have not spoken to her yet. I’m really hoping I can catch her at the Governor’s Ball, but we did have

a beautiful moment on the carpet. And she just said, “Are you ready? You are in for the ride of your life, and I’m rooting for you.” And I think that’s—I don’t know, that type of support, it is, I don’t know, it’s everything, it’s generationally between actresses. You know, the industry has changed so much, and, quite frankly, her existence has opened many doors, not just for me, but for many women in this industry, many Latinas, and I don’t know. It makes me really happy to be able to stand beside her because she’s not alone anymore. People don’t talk about that. When you are the first of something, it’s lonely. It’s lonely. I mean, at least that’s what I’ve learned sometimes. So it’s really, I don’t know. It’s a privilege and it’s an honor to be the person that gets to stand beside her. And guess what? We are ready and waiting for more folks, so, because there’s space. Let’s go.

Ariana DeBose taking a selfie after winning the Oscar for Actress in a Supporting Role during the live ABC telecast of the 94th Oscars at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood in Los Angeles, on Sunday, March 27, 2022 (Richard Harbaugh / A.M.P.A.S. photo)







March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 21

Patricia Yunghannes Recognizes Womens History Month Eleanor Roosevelt and a Woman Voice to Human Dignity “Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept” -attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt Women’s History Month, Dedicated to recognizing women in our beloved land. In my quest to listen and speak for the voices of women I encountered the voice of Eleanor Roosevelt. Mrs. Roosevelt said the following: “The fundamental purpose of feminism is that women should have equal rights with every other citizen “ What does Mrs. Roosevelt’s voice say to me? Certain rights: Eleanor Roosevelt employs the word, “certain”. This is reminiscent of the Ninth Amendment in our constitution’s Bill of Rights, or highest laws, where the exact expression, “certain rights” is presented verbatim. With these words, Mrs. Roosevelt is making it known that there are definitely rights existing. In addition, we can take this to mean that these definite rights are among other rights, but they are not being specifically identified. Next, Eleanor Roosevelt is emphatic and definitive, but she is also ostensibly well versed on the issue regarding provenance of rights. She reminds the audience those rights will always carry the potential of being granted. She imposes her position and tells us that at no time presently or in the future can these rights be transferred or delegated to by to the government. This reflects that Eleanor Roosevelt understood that the issue was not only holding onto these rights, but also preventing these rights from remaining in the hands of our leaders. In other words, certain rights must not only be retained by an individual, but these rights must also be protected from our leaders.

Furthermore, in reminding the audience that certain rights can be granted to the government, Mrs. Roosevelt reminds them that a government can, in effect, have derived powers founded on rights granted from individuals. This is effectively the uniqueness of our founding principles and our Ninth Amendment law of our Bill of Rights that epitomize this spirit. We are the only country in the world where the system is based on rights, in the form of power, that was initially transferred or moved in the direction of leadership as the destination. In other countries, rights are transmitted in the direction of the individuals. There, individuals receive rights from laws such as a constitution, a leader, or some other deferentially revered entity. Since the powers of kings were separated from one governing power into three separate powers, we must infer that Mrs. Roosevelt speaks of government as now comprised of our presidents, our law makers, and our courts. Not only does Article I of our constitution, or founding laws, tell us that powers to be held by our leaders are granted to our leadership thus eliminating our leaders as a source of our rights, Mrs. Roosevelt further asserts that government is not to have the reservoir of all our rights to use as just power for ruling over us. In other words, these rights are not to be surrendered to our leaders they are to be guarded. This means that no one is giving us these rights. Rather, we hold and contain these rights and the issue is whether we surrender or relinquish these rights or embrace them with careful intention of not allowing them to be lost or taken away. These words resonate necessity. For these rights are self-evidently essential to a degree whereby it is necessary that they are to be held back from leaders. The sense of necessity is revealed in the connotation of Mrs. Roosevelt’s use of the word, “must”. Mrs. Roosevelt might have employed

Author’s works include: Novels: A Brief History of Change, The Origin of Awareness Non-fiction: Race and Slavery in the Contemporary World

should or ought. Instead, she selected an emphatic helper verb that stresses not only necessity, but in many ways, there is correspondence with an impression of duty. In fact, kept further elucidates that our leaders depend on the source of their power as the rights that emanate from earh individual human life. For the audience comprehends that there are rights to be held back from the hands and interference of leadership by the individuals being governed, and these rights would continue to be kept, or retained, by each of those individual lives. Some say Mrs. Roosevelt’s words produce concern regarding her advocacy of human rights but I find that Mrs. Roosevelt’s voice is partly an echo of the laws in our Ninth Amendment imposed upon our leaders, but our leaders have categorically refused to obey, or rather uphold. I recognize in Mrs. Roosevelt’s words that some rights were expected to no longer be under the influence and control of the managers and our public affairs, and no longer under rules or laws emanating as regulations of presidents, legislative law makers, and precedents of our courts. In other words, we are expected to have some rights that are outside the ambit of each of our leaders. Mrs. Roosevelt’s words in this regard are supported by our highest laws that are contained in the Ninth Amendment, but the description “kept” is replaced by the word, “retained”. Around the world some say, “No one is above the law”. Mrs. Roosevelt’s words inform there are some areas in our lives where the laws or other acts and actions produced by our presidents, our elected officials, and our courts are below each living human life that is endowed by our Creator with natural rights that a human must retain for our presidential executive powers, our Congress, and our courts to be able to legitimately make rules and create agencies that influence any human life.

22 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022





Evelyn Anderson, who shared the spotlight with Josephine Baker By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews Last week we profiled Maude Russell and, in the process, dropped the name of Evelyn Anderson, another dancer who often shared the spotlight with Josephine Baker. This being the last week in the celebration of Women’s History Month, we review the life and legacy of the beautiful Ms. Anderson, and her graceful movements on the stage. Her obituary was published in The New York Times on Nov. 23, 1994, in a short profile by Frank Prial. He cited that she was the last surviving member of the troupe that danced with Baker in the 1920s in Paris as part of “Le Revue Negre.” Anderson, he wrote, died on Oct. 29 at Misericordia Hospital in Philadelphia. The cause of death was pneumonia, and she was 87. Accompanying the notice is a photo of the gorgeous Ms. Anderson and given to the paper from the Jean-Claude Collection. That the photo would come from Jean-Claude’s collecEvelyn Anderson in 1938 courtesy of Jean-Claude Baker Collection tion was no surprise since he had compiled a large archive on his mother and her associates. troupe. There may be a bit of dis- a wealthy white woman from ChiAnd he never missed a moment crepancy on just where Ander- cago, and sought at first to build to discuss Russell and Anderson son was working before joining the troupe around Florence Mills when talking about those glori- the Revue. She told Jean-Claude as the star or the energetic Maude ous moments in Paris when they that she and Mabel Hopkins, Bea de Forest, but Josephine became captivated audiences night after Foote, and Marguerite Ricks were the star after she was depicted night with their dances and the- all working together at a cabaret in in posters promoting “Le Revue atrical routines. Asbury Park when they were hired. Negre.” The troupe was all set to As Prial notes in his piece in Jean-Claude has a rather extensive appear in Berlin and Moscow after the Times, Anderson was 18 and account of how the troupe was as- the Paris engagement but was dishad been performing with Noble sembled and the motivations of rupted when Baker signed a conSissle and Eubie Blake, proba- Mrs. Caroline [Dudley] Reagan, tract with the Folies Bergère. bly in “Shuffle Along,” when she as she searched for the right band In an interview with Jean-Claude, was recruited to travel to Paris and lead singer and dancer for her Anderson recounted those days in a yet unnamed troupe to Paris. According to Prial, in Paris. “I Caroline Dudley [Reagan] was


was 18 years old,” she said, “and it was great to be on stage and in France.” Later in the conversation she recounted a number of incidents with the volcanic Baker, including one in which she rushed to the balcony to leap after being rejected by a man she desired. Curiously, during this period, there was another troupe called the Southern Delights, which has mentioned Anderson as being a member. It starred Honey Boy Thompson, Maud De Forest, and Miss King-Reavis. Anderson was among a few of the performers in the troupe who chose to remain in Paris and for the next 15 years she was featured at various clubs and nightspots in Paris and other parts of Europe. In fact, she was starring in the Netherlands and performing in a cabaret in The Hague when World War II broke out. When the Germans occupied the Netherlands, she, along with her partner Harry Watkins and others were deported, Jean-Claude disclosed in his biography “The Hungry Heart” with Chris Chase about the mother who adopted him. She recalled that experience with Jean-Claude, telling him what she told her partner, Watkins, after the Germans arrived. “If you see a dark cloud passing by, you’ll know it’s me running.” She and the others were returned to the States in 1943 in a prisoner exchange arrangement and a year later Anderson married Robert Robbins, an orchestral conductor, who resided in the Philadelphia area. And she was survived by two brothers.

ACTIVITIES FIND OUT MORE If there’s more beyond Jean-Claude Baker and his research, it would be astounding. DISCUSSION Obviously, much more is required about her early years, particularly where she was born and raised and who her parents were. PLACE IN CONTEXT She flowered during the Harlem Renaissance and was a special performer in Paris and Europe.

THIS WEEK IN BLACK HISTORY March 27, 1948: Vocalist Billie Holiday was the headliner for the first time at Carnegie Hall. March 27, 1934: Arthur Mitchell, the first Black American member of a major ballet company, was born in New York City. March 27, 1969/70: Grammy-award Singer Mariah Carey was born in Huntington, N.Y.

Market Continued from page 3

am delighted to see my vision fulfilled, that vendors and entrepreneurs from our community now have a permanent home which gives both pride and dignity to those who struggled for existence and recognition,” said Dr. Clarke in a statement. U.S. Rep Yvette Clarke, the former councilmember’s daughter, said she was truly proud of what her mother had founded in Brooklyn for the AfroCaribbean community. “After decades of work, progress, and growth, the revitalization of FCM is finally complete and I am tremendously proud to witness the fruits of my mother’s love and labor be realized,” said Congresswoman Clarke in a statement. Under former Mayor Bill de Blasio, the site was marked for development into “affordable housing” while it was a single story building and a parking lot back in 2013. But, Urbane, a Black-run community development venture, put their bid in to keep the space true to Dr.

Jersey Continued from page 4

for remedying racial injustice. “Despite committing most offenses at the same rate, there are 18 Black youth incarcerated for every white youth in New Jersey,” said Kiki Jamieson, president of The Fund for New Jersey. “This is the largest disparity in the nation and it’s even more alarming when you consider that New Jersey’s population is over 70% white.” IMAGINE MORE launched in February during Black History Month with the first installment focusing on solutions to address

THE NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS Clarke’s vision as it grew. son-Piett. “Recognizing it was another “It was a labor of love, man, labor of storm to weather because these folks love,” said Urbane Principal and CEO came from trauma, they came from James Johnson-Piett. Johnson-Piett poverty. And their existence and busisaid once Urbane was selected through ness has had that sorta as a backdrop, city planning’s Request for Proposals so this was just another thing.” and Uniform Land Use Review ProUrbane, along with New York City cedure processes, they took over the Economic Development Corporation, property and marketplace in 2017. Department of Housing Preservation Vendors were temporarily moved to a and Development, Housing Developlocation on Flatbush and Clarendon ment Corporation, and BRP CompaRoad for about four years while the nies, finally finished the market and main site was finished. the rest of the 14-story, mixed-use Not only was it difficult to find a building in 2021. Johnson-Piett said temporary space to hold all the ven- proudly that they had an “all Black evdors and still get good foot traffic in erything team,” or Black architects, the neighborhood, there was no way Black developers, and Black contracthey could’ve predicted the onslaught tors, designing specifically to the Black of the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. Many diaspora aesthetic. The upgraded faof the vendors are “elder-preneurs,” cilities have a commercial kitchen, bar, averaging about 60 to 65 years in age. lounge, vendor spaces, and a business They started out with 38 vendors and development incubator program. went down to 28. At least two vendors The building also has 255 units of passed away and many others got sick due to COVID, said JohnsonPiett. “It’s been a challenge but the vendors have really rose to the occasion. Continued from page 4 They’ve been through a lot and persevered through a lot,” said JohnState director, said that the budget process has been used as a tactic New Jersey’s racial wealth gap, to shove in non-financial fiscal which is the highest in the nation. items that may not gain popuThe upcoming events will continlar support of the legislature and ue to bring together an influential therefore holding other key priarray of leaders to discuss disparorities and resources for comities in housing, education and munities hostage. She said that health care. essentially civil rights and crim“Almost exactly two years after inal justice bills are being rolled Breonna Taylor’s murder and back without any public input as the 2020 racial reckoning, Amerit would have in the regular legisica has yet to confront the racism lative process. in our system of justice that led “There is actually popular, mato the protests that ensued,” said jority support for movement toRichard Roper, chair of the Board wards a more equal justice system. of Trustees at The Fund for New There’s a movement away from Jersey. “Countless promises and police just being the answer to lots reforms were pledged by politiof common social ills,” said Nnaecians and business leaders to admeka. “The governor by moving in dress these inequities, however, this direction would be answering many have yet to follow through.” to a vocal minority, often suburbanites who are moved by clickbait and sensationalist headlines that paint our communities as wartorn, and our neighbors and young people as unruly and unlawful.” On March 14, the Senate Democratic Majority released their robust one-house budget resolution that was praised for focusing on working people and families, climate change, property tax relief, the suspension of the state’s taxes on gas, mental health services and community violence prevention efforts, childcare, and education. It was pretty widely supported as a solid base for the state budget. However, on March 23, Hochul and Benjamin published an op-ed in the Daily News claiming that their “10 point plan” makes “tar-


“100% affordable housing.” The above apartments were available, since the housing lottery capped last August, to households earning between 40% and 165% of the area median income, said BRP Companies. The apartments ranged from $567 a month for a onebedroom to $978 a month for a threebedroom. Johnson-Piett said that the city received over 50,000 applicants. Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso said he was excited to see the market in a new, permanent building that celebrates Caribbean culture and will also have incubator space to support new small businesses. “I can’t wait to go and try some doubles and roti!” said Reynoso. Senator Kevin Parker said that the market has been responsible for the success of entrepreneurs in the 21st District for years. He commended the rebranding, and said it would geted changes” to New York’s laws. Namely, rolling back bail reforms and Raise the Age. Raise the Age started in 2017. The state raised the age a kid could be prosecuted to 18 years old and by 2019 they stopped automatically prosecuting 16- and 17-year-olds as adults. Nnaemeka said studies showed that Black and Brown youth were usually the ones targeted, jailed, and tried as adults. The Bail Reform bill, which eliminated cash bail for most misdemeanor and non-violent felony charges, was passed by the state legislature also in 2019 and enacted in January 2020. It requires judges to consider a person’s ability to pay in cases where bail is set. The aim of the bill was to cut down on unnecessary pretrial incarceration that disproportionately affected Black and Brown communities. In a recent Siena College Research Institute poll, most people “believe” that the bail reform law is bad and linked to an increase in crime, though there hasn’t been statistics to support that assumption. “This poll is clear and convincing evidence that New Yorkers have been utterly misled about bail reform. All available data is clear that bail reform did not cause a rise in crime,” said Marvin Mayfield, director of organizing at Center for Community Alternatives. Another measure that’s gained wide support to be in the state budget is the Clean Slate Act, sponsored by Assemblymember Catalina Cruz. The act calls for the end of job, housing, and education discrimination against people with conviction records, which Hochul

March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 23 be helpful to many small business owners who took a hit during the pandemic. “The market not only spurred economic growth but met the needs of the community. I am proud that they were able to still be up and running during this critical time,” said Parker in a statement. The building is currently in its soft opening phase as it moves in businesses and residents. Johnson-Piett said once the winter wraps, they have a huge celebration planned this spring. Ariama C. Long is a Report for America corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for The Amsterdam News. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting: https:// and Mayor Eric Adams had supported. Cruz said that it’s important to not conflate the criminal justice reforms being argued over with the bill. The bill deals with people who have already been through the justice system, she said. “The most important thing to understand is that this is an economic development bill,” said Cruz. “They’ve already paid their dues to society and I am in conversation with my colleagues and leadership in hopes that it’s in the budget and that we have a proposal that really allows folks to move forward with their lives.” Outside of criminal justice and public safety, politicians are heavily advocating for things such as childcare, affordable housing, mental health, climate change provisions, and Coverage For All, which adds a healthcare safety net for undocumented in the city and state. Cruz said she is also working to ensure essential workers and small businesses are included in the budget. “Childcare is huge,” said Nnaemeka, “if we have the opportunity to really invest in accessible, affordable, high quality child care across the state.” Nnaemeka criticized Hochul’s housing and climate resiliency plans as falling far too short of what is needed. Ariama C. Long is a Report for America corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for The Amsterdam News. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting:

24 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022


Education ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill makes school even less safe for Black students By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff In her “Intro to Black LGBTQ Studies” class at Howard University, Dr. Jennifer Williams notices a difference in students now compared to when she was a student on the campus in the ’90s. Back then, in the era of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Williams described the LGBTQ culture as “pretty silent.” While there were some “out” students, there wasn’t a queer presence on campus, nor were there LGBTQ organizations or courses. But now, students in her class, which had a waitlist this semester, are enthusiastic about the topic and eager to engage in discussions. “Our culture has made a shift,” Williams, an assistant professor of English, says, of attitudes toward and treatment of LGBTQ people. But if we needed proof that more change is needed, look no further than Florida’s widely criticized “Don’t Say Gay” bill (which goes into effect on July 1. The bill, which is officially titled “Parental Rights in Education” and was signed into law by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on March 28, bans discussions of gender and sexual orientation with younger students. Opponents believe the bill will further stigmatize LGBTQ students and their families, and lead to increased bullying. New York members of the LGBTQIA community weren’t happy about the bill either. Taking a ‘one of us affects all of us’ mentality, The Center (The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center) in New York City said that loving who you are shouldn’t be the source of abuse of righteous indignation. “This is a painful, scary moment

that sends to young Black students is that there’s something about our existence that we must defend.”

New legislation could make the school experience even harder for members of the Black LGBTQ community. (Photo courtesy of Anele Lusina/Pexels)

for many of us, but it also reminds us why we do the work that we do at The Center, including providing mental health support, youth programming, and statewide advocacy—all of which are critical to ensuring that New York can be a place that celebrates and affirms everyone in our community,” read part of the group’s statement. Williams called the bill a “series of gaslighting and political violence against minoritized populations,” Williams says, because, unlike the college students in her class, elementary school-age “kids aren’t having complicated conversations about queer theory.” Williams questions how much exposure young students would even have in school to teacher-led classroom discussions about sexual orientation or activity of any kind. “This bill is talking about protecting kids,” Williams says. “You protect kids by making them feel like they belong, that they are OK, and that their feel-

ings are valid—not by shaming them into silence.”

How Florida’s legislation harms Black LGBTQ students A school is a place where children are supposed to learn and open their minds, says Sage Dolan-Sandrino, the National Black Justice Coalition Monica Roberts Fellow and member of the Youth & Young Adults Action Council. The only thing this bill is teaching children is to “silence, vilify, and erase” queer students, which would directly lead to harm against them everywhere. “These kinds of bills set extremely dystopian and violent standards and norms that ultimately encourage and excuse cultures of violence against Black and Brown trans folks and queer folks,” Dolan-Sandrino says. Black students at school deal with the intersectionality of racism, sexism, and anti-LGBTQ ideology and behavior. So on top of the anti-trans legislation in Texas and critical race theory bans naDated: Thursday, March 24th 2022 tionwide, the Don’t Say Gay bill adds to the messaging that DEMOCRACY PREP NEW YORK SCHOOL crucial aspects of Black LGBTQ stuMEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES dents’ identities are taboo subjects. “Too often, we are Pursuant to Section 104 Public Notice of the Open Meetings Law, and pursuant to taught that our exisExecutive Order 202.1, this notice is to inform the public that the board of trustees of tences are political Democracy Prep New York School will hold a remote meeting by teleconference on: and that our existences are something March 30th, 2022 at 8:00 am., local time, + 1 646 558 8656, that is up for debate,” Meeting ID: 874 8332 5157, Password: 432554. Dolan-Sandrino says. “The message


More than half of LGBTQ youths do not find school ‘affirming’ Even before these many pieces of legislation started targeting Black students, fewer of them were finding school to be a safe or affirming space. A 2020 report by GLSEN and NBJC focused on Black LGBTQ high school students found that among the reasons they didn’t feel safe at school, sexual orientation was the top reason, with more than 50% of respondents reporting this. Race or ethnicity ranked fourth, with around 31% reporting it. In fact, 30% said they missed at least one day of school in the past month because they felt unsafe or uncomfortable. Further, around 40% of Black LGBTQ students reported being harassed or assaulted at school due to both their sexual orientation and race or ethnicity. More than half of Black LGBTQ students who were harassed or assaulted did not report these experiences to staff, mostly because they didn’t think anyone would do anything about it. “There are faculty and administrators who are not equipped with bias training or sensitivity training,” Dolan-Sandrino says. “Students don’t feel that there is any support system that they have.” Indeed, less than half of these students told family members about the bullying and victimization they faced at school. Schools not having proper support systems in place shows up in a variety of ways. Black students are already disproportionately targeted by school discipline policies, and LGBTQ intersectionality adds to that. About half of Black LGBTQ students faced disciplinary actions at school—like detention, out-of-school suspension, or expulsion—and, with increased social exclusion and victimization that comes with not identifying with any singular group, the rate was even higher for students who identify as multiracial Black. The Trevor Project’s 2021 National Survey found LGBTQ youths were split on whether school was an affirming space, with 50% saying it wasn’t. Only 21%, or less than a quarter, of Black LGBTQ students were taught positive representations of LGBTQ people, history, or events through their

school curriculum, according to the GLSEN and NBJC report. “It’s no secret that many of us spend much more time at school than we do in our own homes and with our own families,” Dolan-Sandrino says. “The effect of being criminalized by identifying freely and authentically undoubtedly will cause irreparable harm. So where do members of the community go? According to a report by the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law released this month, over 700,000 “LGBT” people (706,000) live in the New York metropolitan area. They, like LGBT people in other parts of the country, tend to live in or near big cities. New York’s metropolitan area (including Newark and Jersey City) has the highest population of LGBT adults of any metropolitan area. “More than half of LGBT adults in the U.S. live in 55 urban areas that share economic and social ties between one or more cities and adjacent communities,” stated Kerith J. Conron, research director at the Williams Institute, in the briefing. “Policy-makers in areas covered by each metropolitan statistical area should keep in mind that a large C group of LGBT people live, work, or play in their cities and towns.” But there hasn’t been strength in numbers. Bullying and worse continue to affect the community in many ways.


Nearly 50% of Black LGBTQ youth considered suicide in 2020 All of these factors have an impact. More than 10% of LGBTQ youths attempted suicide in 2020, but the number that “seriously considered” it was considerably higher, with Black youths only behind native and indigenous youths, according to the Trevor Project’s 2021 National Survey. White youths attempted suicide at a 12% rate, compared to 21% of Black youths and 18% of Latinx youths. On top of that, 65% of Black LGBTQ youths reported experiencing symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. More than half of them wanted mental health care but did not receive it. “I don’t think that Black communities are necessarily more homophobic than any other community,” Williams says, “but there are stigmas around sexuality and masculinity. The

See EDUCATION on page 25


March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 25

Break the chain: Repeat offenders to rehabilitation of the incarcerated By ARIAMA C. LONG Amsterdam News Staff, Report for America Corps Member The shift away from a purely punitive criminal justice system to one that focuses on rehabilitation and mental health, in order to reduce the chances of recidivism, is a fairly recent concept. Assemblymember Eddie Gibbs, who was incarcerated, along with reentry facilitators say that “not enough” is being done to help this underserved population as they reintegrate back into society. According to Data Collaborative for Justice (DCJ), there are “nearly 750,000 people who carry criminal conviction records” in New York City in 2019, with Black and Latinx people making up about 80% of that group in their most recent findings. Gibbs made his first unannounced visit to Coxsackie Prison in upstate New York. He said the experience of being back inside of a prison at all was entirely emotional and overwhelming, but his mission was to speak with staff and inmates about the best ways to expedite services for people as

crimination against people with conviction records. They want it to be passed and added to the state’s budget. Meanwhile organizations such as Project Renewal and Fortune Society have been doing the groundwork of addressing the individual needs of former prisoners for years with robust and structured programs and facilities. Dr. Ronald Day is the vice president of programs and research at the Fortune Society, and Director Barry Campbell helps run the Fortune Society’s Freedom House. Freedom House is a 38-bed facility located in East Harlem for men over the age of parole with no incidents. 18 who are currently or likely to Some laws in the works have al- be detained and have behavioral ready made a huge impact. health needs. The Less Is More Act deals with Both Day and Campbell are forhelping people who get locked merly incarcerated themselves. up again for technical violations Stable housing, wrap-around of their parole as opposed to ac- services for mental health, and tually committing a crime. It was education, as well as adequate passed, signed into law by Gov. legislation from lawmakers, plays Kathy Hochul, and went into a major role in rehabilitating a effect March 1, 2022. Hochul and person upon their release from other electeds have also demon- prison or jail, they said. strated huge support for the Clean But, there are little things that can Slate Act, which fights to end disSee REHABILITATION on page 32

Assemblymember Eddie Gibbs visits Coxsackie State Prison in upstate New York. (Contributed photo)

they come out. “Segregated populations for those who fight or don’t get along, they put you in this little box area and let you sit there for 23 hours a day,” said Gibbs about his tour of the facility. “So I went there to talk to them and I reminded them, not their friends, not their girlfriends, but their parents are hurting because their kids are in prison and they have to come home and do better.” Gibbs said most of the men he


Continued from page 24

demands placed upon boys, specifically, to be certain kinds of masculine, and hold on [to] and perform this Black masculinity have an effect on mental health.” One can look no further than the recent controversy surrounding comedian Chris Rock being smacked on stage by an actor Will Smith during the 94th Academy Awards this past Sunday. Social media discussion revolved around “If I was Chris Rock…” followed by a declaration of violent behavior. “If I was Will Smith…” was followed by even more declarations of violence. Young LGBTQ Black boys and men are surrounded by fake or real machismo and having to hide who they are takes a toll.

The best thing you can do is listen—and take action against injustice For many, the natural reaction is to want to help Black LGBTQ youths. But it’s important to make sure your actions are actually helping instead of inadvertently causing harm. The best things to do are listen, ask, and research the public needs in your community, Dolan-Sandrino says. “Something that is very harmful is when we make assumptions of what queer people need—or we make assumptions of what to do in situations instead of asking queer people what they need,” she says. 5 There are many local mutual aid founda-

spoke with who were violent offenders wanted to be heard or supported but didn’t feel like they were. He emphasized that changing the narrative and one’s mindset is imperative to gaining respect and a life after prison. Gibbs is currently pushing legislation that will provide former prisoners with state identification as they get released, and making sure they are educated about opportunities to clear up their record once they complete their

tions all over the country that can help with rent and medical assistance. Or sometimes someone will need a ride to the doctor’s office, or money for groceries. This, Dolan-Sandrino says, often falls upon deaf ears because that’s not how people want or feel best equipped to help. But she reiterates that it’s important to listen. Listen when the LGBTQ community speaks out against legislation like this, and stand up and fight against it. Vote against the legislation when you have a chance to. Start conversations to educate people in your family and community. “Start conversations—and have them—because these conversations change lives and save lives,” Dolan-Sandrino says. Education, Williams says, doesn’t stop at reading and arithmetic; it extends to civic and social education to be a better citizen and “fully actualized human being.” Adults, she says, should be able to model what it’s like to treat everyone with kindness and compassion. In this regard, it’s adults who have a lot to learn from younger generations. Williams recalls the positive way a friend’s daughter interacts with other kids at school who have two mommies—and how normal it is for a classmate to use gender affirming pronouns such as “they” instead of “she.” “They seem to be really mature about it,” Williams says. “I’m going to have kids like her as my students in the next few years, where they come in armed with a lot more security and feelings of safety and feelings of belonging than they would otherwise if they were shamed into silence.”

WOODYSUN WAITING LIST OPENING WOODYSUN, HDFC is a 78-unit building including 77 units designated for the elderly or mobility impaired located at 44-20 64th Street Woodside, NY. We are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the waiting list for qualified applicants. Eligibility will be based on these income guidelines. Occupancy/Income Guidelines: Family Size

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1 Bedroom

Eligible resident pays 30% of income


Apartments are available to seniors aged 62 or above or over 18 years of age and mobility impaired. * Includes gas for heat and cooking ** Income guidelines subject to change Monthly rent is based on 30% of the family’s total household income per U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development regulations. Interested parties can complete an application online at NY3141-3796 If you have a disability and need assistance with the application process or to request a paper application, call Phipps Rentals at 646-388-8227 or mail a request for an application to Woodysun Apts., P.O. Box #427, 2 East 28th St., NY, NY 10016 Paper application must be mailed to the post office box number on the application and postmarked by June 16, 2022. Duplicate applications will not be accepted. Qualifications will be based on Section-8 Federal guidelines and additional selection criteria. APPLICANTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO MEET ADDITIONAL SELECTION CRITERIA NO BROKERS FEE. NO APPLICATION FEE. RETURNED APPLICATIONS WILL BE SELECTED AT RANDOM.

26 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022


Health Mayor to expand city’s doula, midwives programs to address maternal death disparities By ARIAMA C. LONG Amsterdam News Staff, Report for America Corps Member

Last week, Mayor Eric Adams announced the citywide expansion of the doula program, a Midwifery Initiative, and maternal health care services in an effort to address maternal and infant health inequities and mortality rates rooted in generations of structural racism and disinvestment. In New York City, Black women are nine times more likely to die of a pregnancyrelated cause than white women, and their rate of infant mortality is more than three times higher. For Puerto Ricans, the mayor’s office said, the infant mortality rate is twice that of white women. “The root causes of racial disparities in maternal health are real, so it’s time we do right by every mother and every baby, no matter the color of their skin or the language they speak,” said Adams in a statement. Under the Midwifery Initiative, there will be more training and licensure opportunities. There will also be 23 new birthing hospitals and centers opened. The Citywide Doula Initiative will aim to train 50 doulas and reach 500 families by

the end of June, and provide free access to doulas for birthing families and focus on 33 neighborhoods with the greatest social needs. Families will receive at home and clinical care as well as prenatal home and postpartum visits. A doula is essentially an emotional support system and coach for the birthing parent. Cynthia Travieso is a certified doula. She believes that “cultural competency” is a key component for patient care because many women and women of color aren’t empowered to ask questions about their care, or aren’t listened to about their symptoms. “There’s something that’s specifically happening in the medical field and how they treat women of color, specifically Black women,” said Travieso, “I’m Latina, and I had pre-cancer stage one for endometrium, and for the longest time I was just told that my health, my pain that it was because I was overweight.” “Having a child should be a cause for celebration of the gift of life, not a cause for concern for the lives of the mother and her infant,” said U.S. Rep Yvette Clarke. Last year, Clarke and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer pushed for Black mater-

nal health in the Build Back Better bill under the ‘Momnibus’ Act. Clarke said she was deeply appreciative of Adams’ new doula and midwifery initiatives. Dr. Cyrus McCalla chairs the OB/ GYN wing at One Brooklyn Health at Brookdale Hospital. He said that most of the deliveries at his hospital are done by midwives while the physicians concentrate on Cesarean sections (C-sections) or are on call in case of emergencies. They deliver about 1,000 moms per year, but that number had decreased during the pandemic to about 700, he said. “There’s a tendency to ignore or not listen to Black mothers, so having an advocate like a doula or a midwife in the process will certainly help,” said McCalla. McCalla agreed that the rates of Csections citywide have increased in the last decade. He said at his hospital about two-thirds of the women de- Photo of labor and delivery room at One Brooklyn liver vaginally or naturally. Health at Brookdale Hospital (Contributed photo) Ariama C. Long is a Report for America corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for The Amsterdam News. Your donation to match

our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting:

Touro’s MedAchieve gets med-school dreams on track hospital floors. A Bronx resident who attends the High School for Health Professions and Human Services in Manhattan, Rivas is one of about 100 high school students learning these skills and others at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (TouroCOM) on 125th Street in Harlem, where (L-R) London Francis with mentor Noelle Osei-Tutu they attend labs and lectures after This semester, 18-year-old school as part of TouroCOM’s Kylee Rivas has been able to MedAchieve STEM program. hold a human heart and brain; MedAchieve is a two-year “mini maneuver an ultrasound ma- medical school” for local students chine to view kidneys, hearts interested in pursuing careers in and bladders; and practice medicine and other health scisaving a life with CPR tech- ence professions. Most particniques. She also presented a ipants attend public schools medical case to her high school nearby, come from low-income peers “Grand Rounds” style— households and are the first in mimicking what medical stu- their families to aim for college. dents do while training on the In keeping with TouroCOM’s mis-

sion to increase the number of underrepresented minorities (URM) in medicine, a majority of the students are URMs. “I love the environment. I love how friendly people are and how we get to experience things in the medical field––how ‘hands-on’ it is,” says Rivas, who has her sights set on becoming a physician. “They make me feel super comfortable and have piqued my interest in the medical field.” The students meet regularly during the academic year for two hours of lectures, labs and other activities and are mentored oneon-one by TouroCOM’s medical students, who manage the delivery of the curriculum and teach the foundations of medicine. Thirty-three NYC high schools are represented this school year, 19 of which are in Harlem. Despite the pandemic, MedAchieve has been on a roll: enrollment is growing, the curriculum is evolving, and funding is coming in from outside sources to help support its growth. Recently, the Pinkerton Foundation, which supports science education for underserved youth, agreed to help

support MedAchieve with a threeyear grant of $50,000. Additionally, Con Edison renewed its support for the second year in a row with a grant. “I am excited about our newfound partnerships and grateful for their attention,” said Dr. Nadege Dady, dean of student affairs and assistant professor. “It is clear to me that these partners value the importance of student development and creating opportunities for URMs in medicine as much as we do. With their support, the best is yet to come for MedAchieve and its participants.” Launched in 2012, the two-year program is split into two tracks. For the first year, “MedStart,” the content is focused on learning the foundations of medicine: human anatomy, physiology and genetics. For the second year, “MedExcel,” the emphasis is on how the body responds to stress, injury and disease. Like Rivas, 15-year-old London Francis, who attends Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics in East Harlem, says the MedAchieve experience has increased her interest in the field of medicine and becoming a phy-

sician. She says the program has also made her more aware of the need for more URMs in medicine. “If there were more people of color in the medical field, people of color would be more prone to come in and be diagnosed,” says Francis. “MedAchieve has made me more aware I can be one of those people that other people can look up to and can feel comfortable with.” London’s TouroCOM DO student mentor Noelle OseiTutu volunteered to be a MedAchieve mentor as soon as she began medical school. “I jumped at the chance to help because a lot of us have gone through the struggles that they may also face,” said Osei-Tutu. “It’s been a great experience. It’s given me an opportunity to inspire young minds and motivate them, and just keep pushing them towards where they want to go. The sky’s the limit. It’s hard. But with help, determination and persistence anything is possible.” For more information on TouroCOM visit



Francia Márquez campaign supporters (Darwin Torres photo)

Continued from page 2

going to start today, and which ends in the Casa de Nariño [the presidential residence].” Francia Márquez, who only last July launched a campaign to become president of Colombia, won an astounding 783,000 votes toward that goal during the March 13 election primaries. She did not win the presidential nod—that role was awarded to Gustavo Petro. But her obviously wide approval rating among the electorate led Petro to ask Márquez to join his efforts to form the next administration to lead the South American nation. “We are writing a new story for Colombia,” Márquez announced on her Twitter page. “From the vice presidency we will join our President @ petrogustavo in the task of achieving a government for life, peace, justice and social equality.” Márquez depicted as leftist threat Márquez is a nationally recognized activist and member of the Proceso de Comunidades Negras en Colombia (Black Communities Process of Colombia). Internationally she is well-known for having received the 2018 Goldman Environmental Prize because of her organizing to stop illegal gold and resource mining in southwest Colombia’s Cauca region. Her presidential campaign gained a large following among Afro Colombians, Indigenous peoples, farmers, feminists, the LGBTQI community and youth groups by promising to govern with an ear for the concerns of the traditionally marginalized. “We are breaking with centralism which is one of the challenges this country faces,” she said. “We want to govern from the territories, from the peripheries, from the regions where people live collectively. This implies decentralizing the state apparatus. This implies that if I have to go to Medellín and govern from there, we will do it. This implies that if I have to go to one of the most excluded regions, where historically the state has not been present, then

Community Continued from page 6

for mechanics, engineering, electronics, programs for building solar panels, plumbing, carpentry, and building homes. We need to address poverty and unemployment, not pay lip service with petty cash.” Our children are a bi-product of what they see, absorb around them, and what they are exposed to, said LifeCamp Inc. founder activist Erica Ford. The national, but Queensbased activist told the Amsterdam News that the Crisis Management System has a holistic approach. “Violence is a disease, and the beginning, the middle, and the end to violence is trauma. The only way to resolve

March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 27 the first two spots)—have been prominent in national elections this year. All five white presidential candidates have named a person of African descent to serve as their vice president. The other vice-presidential candidates this year are Luis Gilberto Murillo, Sandra de las Lajas Torres, Ceferino Mosquera, and Marelen Castillo. Some observers claim that the white presidential candidates are including Blacks on their presidential cards as a way of merely pandering to the electorate, but there is a growing sense of pride among Colombia’s Black community as they see their issues finally being recognized. “This is actually a really a big deal,” U.S. Naval Academy Professor of History, Sharika D. Crawford, told the Amsterdam News: “It has in part to do with the fact that emerging from 2015 there’s just been an unending wave of violence targeted towards Afro Colombians, particularly the youth and social activists. That, coupled with the fact that Afro Colombians are increasingly living in areas that are under more intense violence—particularly in the Pacific region where you see gold and other rich natural resources being mined. A lot of people have been displaced and I think they are people who are just tired. They’re tired and they’ve been able to mobilize, and they see an opportunity to perhaps change the direction of Colombia with their votes.” The latest polls suggest that Gustavo Petro has a wide lead over the other presidential candidates. The first round of Colombia’s presidential elections takes place May 29; if there is no outright winner, a second round will take place on June 19. If Petro and Márquez are elected to govern Colombia, Márquez would join Costa Rica’s Epsy Campbell Barr and the United States’ Kamala Harris as one of a growing list of Black female vice presidents in the Americas.

this is the government of the people and since this is the government of the people, it is from the regions—from the historically excluded territories—that we will make this possible.” That’s why Francia Márquez is now also receiving death threats. As soon as she was named a vice presidential candidate, race-based attacks began decrying her colloquial use of language and claims were made that she is a Venezuela-aligned leftist—in the vein of that nation’s former president, Hugo Chávez. Colombia’s former right-wing president, Alvaro Uribe, posted a fake tweet of Márquez which showed her promising to do away with capitalism. Gustavo Petro commented that Uribe’s ‘Fake News’ campaign was pure slander. Yet the far right-paramilitary group, the Águilas Negras, are using the image of Márquez as a left-leaning reformer as fodder for their claims of a need to do

away with her: “All those who intervene in our struggle and interfere with our fight for a free country will be eradicated from the map,” the paramilitaries wrote in a death threat sent to Márquez, which she posted on Twitter: “There will be no presidential campaigns in the southwest of Colombia, that kind of proselytism and money distribution will have to end.” Afro Colombian and Indigenous activists are regularly threatened and murdered in Colombia—a total of 145 community activists were killed in the nation in 2021.

these issues is to holistically and comprehensively address the disease. We have to build strong systems that include, but are not limited to, healing a troubled recovery, intervention, child placement, education, mentorship, arts and culture, community organizing and advocacy, building etc., etc.” Ford added, “We can’t take shortcuts. Cure Violence is limited, by its definition. The New York City Crisis Management System is holistic in its approach to address the disease of violence. We need to build a strong system led by the people with the tools they need, at the time they need them. These young people running around with guns…we have to understand that it’s bigger than just the act of shooting the gun.

Let us understand that it is only in the Black and Brown community where our children don’t have access to quality education. They don’t have access to recreation, arts and culture. They don’t have access to quality housing. They’re living on an uneven playing field. We have to address it holistically. Violence is a disease, and will continue to spread if we don’t help the people heal and transform communities and individuals. Our children are the bi-product.” Inez Barron concluded, “It must be recognized that our people still suffer from the vestiges of the trauma of being enslaved— without ever having received acknowledgement of that fact, or any reparations, or look to heal ourselves, and help our young adequate mental health resources. As we people, we have to address all those factors.”

Afro Colombians creating a political presence Gustavo Petro’s naming of Francia Márquez as his vice-presidential candidate is in line with an unprecedented trend in this year’s Colombian elections. Afro Colombians—the third highest population of Black people outside of Africa (with the United States and Brazil taking

28 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022


Religion & Spirituality Saying goodbye to Michelle Materre with a focus on African American cinema and the Global South. In 1992, Materre cofounded one of the first African American-owned film distribution companies, KJM3 Entertainment Group, which directly managed the marketing, positioning and distribution of more than 23 films by filmmakers of African descent including “Daughters of the Dust,” the highly acclaimed film by Julie Dash, as well as “L’Homme Sur Les Quais (The Man by the Shore)” by Raoul Peck. Her critically acclaimed film series, Creatively Speaking, featuring work by and about women and people of color, spanned over two decades. In 2015, Creatively Speaking co-presented the unprecedented film series “Tell It Like It Is: Black Independents in NYC Michelle Materre (Photo Credit: Creatively Speaking) 1968-1986,” with The New York Women in Film & Television is Film Society of Lincoln Center, which was awarddeeply saddened to announce that former ed the Film Heritage Award by the National SoNYWIFT Board Member, longtime NYWIFT ciety of Film Critics. A second series presented member, mentor, educator, and pillar of the New in March 2017 at BAMcinematek, “One Way or York film community Michelle Materre passed Another: Black Women Filmmakers 1970–1991,” away this weekend after a battle with cancer, was acknowledged by Richard Brody, of The New surrounded by family and friends. Tami Gold Yorker Magazine, as “The Best Repertory Series and I visited her at the White Plains Hospital on of 2017” as well as awarded the “Film Heritage” Wednesday March 9, 2022, and she was peace- award of 2017 by the National Society of Film ful and recognized our presence. Critics. In addition to serving on the NYWIFT Michelle’s insight and guidance impacted Board, Michelle was also most recently a board countless lives and careers, and her con- member at Women Make Movies. sistent and creative championing of Black Michelle brought her insight into Black film creators from development to distribution history and distribution to a relatively recent and beyond helped shape our industry. We NYWIFT program, our 2020 Member Screenextend our condolences to all in our commu- ing of “Illusions.” The virtual Q&A with Minity whose lives she touched. chelle can be watched here in its entirety. In addition to holding a position as assoHer intelligence, warmth, and generosity of ciate professor of Media Studies and Film at spirit will be greatly missed. The New School where she had been teachDetails of how her family and The New ing since 2001, Michelle Materre was the di- School will commemorate her passing are still rector of the Media Management Graduate forthcoming. As soon as we know the specifprogram in the School of Media Studies. Ma- ics, we will post so those NYWIFT members terre’s professional background spanned that would like to attend would be welcome. more than 30 years of experience as film In love and light, producer, writer, lecturer, arts administrator, distribution/marketing specialist, film Cynthia Lopez, executive director, New programmer, media consultant, film scholar York Women in Film & Television

Harlem hosts home-going for Professor Joseph Benjamin Bacote (Bill Moore photos)

Home-going for Professor Joseph Benjamin Bacote (December 15, 1935 - March 14, 2022). Bacote received his formative education in Charleston, S.C., graduated from Burke High School and later moved to Harlem, New York. He earned degrees from Clark Atlanta University, Columbia Teachers College, Fordham University and served as an adjunct professor at Bronx Community College, and counselor at Albert Einstein College. Bacote was an active member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Clark At-

lanta University Alumni of Greater NY, and served as president and treasurer, Community Board 11 North East Bronx Home Owners Association. Bacote leaves to cherish and celebrate his life, his wife of 56 years Andrea Laster Bacote, and a host of family and friends, colleagues, and neighbors. His Celebration of Life service was held at Salem United Methodist Church Harlem, New York. The interment was at Fair Lawn, New Jersey with Bullock Funeral Service.


March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 29

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Townsend Bldg., 401 FedDE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed Dr., DE Wilmington, DE 19808. 19901. Purpose: Any State of NY (SSNY) on auction at the Bronx County Courthouse, 851 Grand ConLP formed in Cayman Islands THE NYCDOT DIVISION OF BRIDGES IS SEEKING QUALIFIED BIDDERS/ Rd., Ste. 201, Dover, DE ness address of the LLC is 36 Form. filed with DE Secy. pose: Electrical contracting Notice of Qualification of HVS Name DAM NEWS. Publication Org.LLC filedCounty. with Secy. of Ste. State tion NY SSNY has FREDERICK activity. 2340 DOUGLAS (print or NEWS. Publication is madeis and of SURANCE HEALTH, JOHNSON. LLC of Org. filed with St., Dover, DE02/06/19. with Secy. of DE, Cert. of Lawful Form. filed with THIS Secy. XLII Purpose. 12/01/20, 11 and course, Room 600, Bronx, New York on January 27, 2020 at 4, type) CONTRACTORS THEJohn ABOVE REFERENCED CONTRACT. on Princ. of-of State BLVD (C.I.) 19904. Cert. eral ofon Form. filed LLC Appl. for Auth. filed WestArts. 47th Street, W03, New State, Div. converting of FOR Corps., sub-contracting work, made and chargedtoaccording of NY (SSNY) 12/27/17. designated as an agent been −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− charged according the terms of of One (1) original and ten (10) copies of both technical and cost Appl. for Auth. filed with Se19901. Purpose: Any lawful John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 the Secy. of NY (SSNY) on PROCUREMENT IS SUBJECT TO PARTICIPATION GOALS FOR of State, Div. of Corps., John with EAST 78TH STREET CO. to and 2:00PM, premises known as Needham Avenue, Bronx, fice of LP: 650 Madison Ave., with DE Secy. ofNY State, Div. YORK NY 10027 Secy. of ofbe State of NY1312 York, NY 10036. Purpose: G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Fedall (MBEs) activities andWOMEN purposto the terms of this card. Office location: County. upon whom process against it NEW cy. State of NY (SSNY) on this card. proposals. TheAND/OR Technical and CostNY Proposals shall in seperate MINORITY OWNED LLC. BUSINESS ENTERPRISES Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE activity. 06/08/2021 NY office location G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Fed11E78 REALTY Office 10469. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the NY, NY 10022. Duration of of Corps., Johnand G. Townsend AUTHOR 08/17/21. Office any lawful act or essealed related thereto.and eral St., Dover, 19901. (WBEs) NOTICE OF DE SALE O TIC E O FSSNY FOactivity. Rhas M ATIO N may be designated served shall mail N SSNY as agent OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES AS REQUIRED SECTION 12/17/21. Office location: NY containers may be hand(SSNY) delivered on or mailed to the above 19901. Purpose: Any lawful Notice of formation of NY County. been St., Dover, BYDE 19901. Rates and regulations sub(212)932−7400 location: NY lawful County. Princ. eral buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being is Perpetual. SSNY desigLP3P Bldg., 401 Federal St., Dover, of location: NY County. LLC Purpose: Any activity. Associates, LLC. Arts copy of any process against a of LLC upon whom process 6-129 (Local Law 1 of 2013) OF THE NEW YORK CITY ADMINISTRATIVE County. LLC formed in Floriaddress. Proposals will not be accepted after 10:00 am on the Rates and regulations subject to office of LLC: c/o Friedman Purpose: Notice of Qualification of ACLLC Arts. of Org. ScratchFoto designated as an activity. agent Any lawful activity. in the Borough and County of Bronx, City and NY, ject to change without notice. nated asfiled agent LP upon upon DE 19901. Purpose: Any of in Delaware (DE) on CODE (Target/COURT Goal for M/WBE can be seen in the B of the Bid SUPREME COUNO rg wagainst ithof Secy. of the LLC C/O the LLC: against it ismState ay beof served. da (FL) on 04/27/21. Princ. Kennedy Lewis Ac- formed CELECOM HOLDINGS, LLC date ofSchedule bid opening. NOBook EXCEPTIONS WILL BE GRANTED. Do change without notice. No agree- Notice filed with the Secy of State of . whom process itit may of1 of Qualification of 3 Azimut Management 770 LexBlock: 4711 Lot: 75. Approximate amount judgment whom process against may No agreements as to position lawful activity. 04/19/21. SSNY designated Subject to the APPRENTICESHIP Number 2).Co., This Contract is alsoNotice Notice of of TY OF BRONX, CITIBANK, United States Corporation S t a t e o f N Y ( S S N Y ) o na Qualification SSNY shall mail process to office and FL addr. of LLC is: of formation of Cielo Under this agreement rates are subject Appl. for Auth. filed with Secess Fund III GP LLC Auth. not remove any pages; all proposals are to be submitted intact. For ments as to position or regulations, York (SSNY) on New be served and shall mail TIMES SQUARE LEASEington Ave., NY, NY 10065. $705,125.24 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold served. SSNY shall mail be or regulations, other than PROGRAM and the NYC Comptrollers Labor Law 220 prevailing wages 107 ADOPTION as agent of LLC upon whom CION MAN MANAGEMENT, ORDER CONFIRMATION N.A., Plaintiff, vs. for ESTATE Agents, Inc. 7014 13 Ave., Av11/17/2017. Office location. the Ste. LLC , 1025 6245 Powerline Rd., Disaster Operations/LoAzul cy. Fifth of State of NY (SSNY) filed w/ SSNY Off. inThe subject information call 7/29/21. (631) 957-3025. Town reserves the right to filed reject 6/24/2020. NY Office locaother those copy ofon any process against HOLD LLC asAppl. Auth. SSNY designated asNagent of toagainst provisions of Judgment Index# 380685-13. process to the Partnership at requirements described inA the Solicitation Materials. thosethan printed onprinted this. on this. process it may be LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with event of a cancellation before schedul O F E L L A B R O W / K / A enue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, 205, Ft. Lauderdale, FL NY County. SSNY designatA p t . 3 E F S o u t h , N Y , N Y gistics 02/14/22. Office NY Cert of FormLLC. filedArts w/ Only anyCo. andConsultants all proposals. tion: New York County. SSNY the LLC is C/O the 595 filed with Secy.whom of State of NY NY the princ. office ofLLC: the LP. LLC cash or certified funds payable toasthe willAny ac- location: Notice of Referee formation ofbe Grits Single woman looking toofbuild SSNY shall mail proSecy. State of NY (SSNY) AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES 33073. SSNY designated E LMINORITY L Aupon Mon AOWNED E07/29/21. BRO Wprocess N , E T OWNED NY 11228. Purpose: lawed agent whom pro10028. lawful of Org filed with Secy. of served. County. LLC in upon Til forbid forbid orders 7/1/21. SSNY desig. SSDE has to designated as agent Til orders charged charged for for rate (SSNY) Baltic Street, Brooklyn, NY Officethe Office Name and addr. of each genagainst itwillmay be full served. cepted asCorporation aagent deposit in Service the amount ofactivity. ten Purpose: percent of Any theArts purEntertainment LLC of formed family by adoption. Any her rate charged will be based upon ra on 03/01/22. location: cess (M/WBE) be afforded opportunityState to submitof bids NY and the(SSNY) City ofbeNew of LLC upon whom proAL., Defendant(s). ful c e s s m a y b e s e rv e d a nd activity. Delaware (DE) on 01/26/22. on Proposal documents may examined and obtained at the Town Hall rate earned. Increases or aswillagt. of LLC ensure whom that process whom process against it upon Salesperson: Not Applicable Printed at 12/ earned. Increases or decreases in location: 11217. Purpose: Any lawful NYnotifies County. LLC eral partner are available SSNY shall mail process to chase price. Org filed with the Secy of ethnicity welcome, expenses York hereby all bidders that it7/29/20. affirmatively any NY County. LLC formed in Co.hours (CSC), 80 a.m. State St.,4:30 Alcess against it may be Princ. office of LLC: 125 W. shall mail copy of process Office location: NY Purchasing Department between the of 9:00 and decreases in space take the be served & shall mail may may be served. SSNY desigspace take the rate of a new ad- formed activity. Delaware (DE) thecontract LLCinentered at theintoaddr. oftoon its from SSNY. C.I. addr. of LP: State (SSNY) on NY, NY NY paid. call (347) pursuant this advertisement will be awarded to the (DE) on 05/14/21. bany, 12207-2543. DE mail served. SSNY shall pro-ofofNY 55th St., 10019. Persuant to a Purpose: Judgment of ac/o g a in sPlease t L L C Corporate to :Delaware U S C470o rp −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− County. SSNY designated as Notice formation of 560 p.m. daily except Sundays andNY Holidays, on and whom after process c/o Universal Regrate of a new advertisement. as agent upon nated vertisement. 07/27/21. Princ. office LLC: lowest office. responsible bidder of without discrimination onto the basis ofSaturdays, race, color, princ. Any Maples SerOffice NY orInc., attorney: (800) 5228 Princ. office of LLC: c/o CION Frank D. Lombardi, Esq., Referee cessc/o to c/o Corporation addr. of LLC: CSC, 251 N o Sert i c location: eNECK o f F SSNY oRD r mCounty. aLLC t i o nArts. o f Agents designated as agent ofmy7014 F osex, rc loactivity. s u reManagement a n d S a lenational d u ly origin, 13th Ave., whom process agent TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2018. documents may also bebe LITTLE Inc., 26 Proposal istered process against it may sexual orientation, age upon orAgents, place of residence. c/o Rudin Co., lawful SSNY has been designated vices Limited, PO Box 309, 582-3678 Investment Group, LLC, 3 vice Co., 80 State St., 370 Ad #:36th 1938 Dr., Wilmington, The New York AMSTERprocess Notice of formation of Ripka T aOrg. k aAlmfiled i c h i with BLLC e athe u t yupon R o o whom m #202, filed on June 01, 2017 and BK, NY 11228. Prinand may of Secy. of ddirected o wbe n l served oto a the d eE. drequirements aGreenbush, t tshall h e Tmail o w n Acct oLittle f B a bFalls yand l o#: n ’ s w e b s i t e a t Prospective bidder's attention is alsoCarville of Ln, served shall mail proces Inc., 345 Park Ave., NY, NY The New York AMSTERDAM as an agent upon whom proHouse, Grand CayUgland Park Ave., Fl., NY, NY bany,& 12207-2543. Cert. 19808. Cert. ofNY Form. filed _____________________________________ against may be DAM NEWS reserves the Artsserved. LLC Arts. address: of Org. filed Shapiro, Dicaro Barak, LLC LLC. Arts. of on Org.07/14/2021 filedit with anschedule ONotice rder ppointing Sof uccipal business 300 ofparticipation process LLC DE copy "B"Ain the proposal concerning M/WBE the contract. NY (SSNY) NY 12061. Add.inofagainst maintained of Formation Talyagainst the LLC served upon SSNY designated as NEWS reserves the right to censor, 10154. cess against it may be served Notice of Qualification of Notice Qualification of man, C.I., KY1-1104. Cert. of 10016. SSNY designated as of Form. filed with Laurel M. Secy. for of the State of DE, NY process to right to censor, reject, alter or with the Secy. of NY NY, (SSNY) Attorney(s) Plaintiff N Y office D e plocation t . oSSNY f SNY t ashall t e omail n E. Thedgeeia schedule of proposed participation to be St, submitted by theNY with cessor Referee dated No74th St., #10A, NY to 220 60th #3k, NY, County. in DE: EisUniversal Registered LLC Art. OfM/WBE Org. filed is C/O the LLC: 88Dover, Greenwich of LLC upon whom proJOKR -date 2409 BROADWAY, reject, alter or revise all advertise- agent andCenshall Office mail c/o alocation: copy of or any Name (print type) agent oflocaLLC 1711 RETAIL, LLC Appl. for filed Registrar of upon whom proLP 06/14/2021 Lee, Secy. of State, Corporation Service Co. withNY 401 Federal St., DE The apparent low bidder within sevenun(7) calendar daysInc., after the of opening revise all advertisements in on office 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard 10/3/17. NY vember 28, 2017, I, the 10021. 10022. R/A: VB&T Certified SSNY has been designated MORRISON & TENEBAUM Start: 12/31/2 with SSNY on 07/16/21. OfAgents, 300 Creek View Street, Apt 714, New York, against it goalmay be Appl. for Auth. filed 19901. with it may be process the 80 LLC to St., ments in accordance with its rules cess Auth. filed with Secy. of State Partnerships C.I.,cess 133 against Elgin tre Tallahassee, N. against (CSC), State Albany, of bids. The M/WBE for project Public isSPECIAL 24 %. LLC Purpose: Any lawful 2415 NOTE: These projects shall be funded inofYork part through tion NY County. SSNY has Rochester, New 14624 C ounty. Princ. bus. addr.: accordance with its rules govdersigned Referee willthis sell 110 SERVICES Purpose: any lawful act.CayAccountants, PLLC, anthe agent upon whom proLocation: County. Rd, Ste.Secy. 209,of Newark, DE(SSNY) NY 10006. Purpose: Any law-810,as State of NY served. SSNY shall mail proSSNY shall mail proC/O LLC Angela Polite governing the acceptance of adver- served. NYfice(SSNY) on Bronx 11/23/20. of Monroe St., Ste. TallaAve., Box Grand NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of 123, as activity. 87 WALKER STREET Times Ord: 2 been designated antoagent the W New State Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (877)430-4792 283 Decatur St., Brooklyn, erning the acceptance of a t Non-compliance p uSSNY l iGoldfarb c designated a uwith c tNY i o& n7 day a tsubmittal t h e requirement, 57 St,&Ste NY, 250 the the stipulations of1632, Schedule against it St. may2G be served cess as agent of 19711. Name add. of auth. ful activity. onYork 02/07/22. Office location: cess the LLC at the addr. toblocation: Fleece 231 w. 149th NY, NY hassee, FL 32303. Purpose: Office County. tising and accepts no liability for its cess C.I. KY1-9000. Purman, LLC: c/o CSC, 251 Little Falls VIAGRA & process CIALIS! 60 pills whom against itoffice. DE addr. of Disaster Recovery and Federal Funds through Comagency. m unity N Y shall 1 1 2Purpose: 3mail 3 . S eaccopy . Documeno f of S ta te upon "B" or submittal of bids inwhom which any of theofficer prices forinlump sum or unitany items are advertising and accepts no Bronx County Courthouse, NY 1017. Purpose: lawful the LLC upon process and any DE where Cert of NEW NY County. LLC formed in of its princ. Attn: Partner-in-charge Insurance 10003 formed in Delaware (DE) LLC pose: Any lawful activity. failure to insert an advertisement for LLP, Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. YORK NY 10013 STD 1.00 X 10. Notice of Formation of2019 ETER100 pills for of $150. for $99. significantly unbalanced to theserved potential offiled: theDelaware Department may be cause may be of served and shall mail Development Grants. project funded by and18, conceived dtary. e s ig n a te d a g ethe n t oLLC f L L C Notice Form ation 44 against itSSNY may be and act. Room 600, 851 Grand Con- detriment liability for its failure to insert against process Dated: November #98015 Form DEBlock Sec. of State, (DE) on A 08/06/21. LLC: Corporation Service Rudin matters, 560 Lexingdesignaton Cert. of against Form.isfiledaFREE with Secy. any cause. Credit for errors in adver- of . for11/17/20. ashall determination ofNY non-responsiveness and the rejection of the bid. NIS FINE CHEMICALS USA shipping. Money backLittle copy of any process against through the NY Rising Community Reconstruction program of upon whom process mail process to: TalyEAST 75TH STREET, LLC course, Bronx, on Januan advertisement for any the LLC: 620 W 42nd St C/O Notice of Formation of SIGSSNY designated as agent of Co., 251 Falls Dr., Div. of Corp, John G. Total STD 10.0 Ave., 6th of Fl.,LLC NY, upon NY Notice of formation of Jess LLC Arts. of Org. filed with of State of DE,the John G. ed as agent tisements allowed only for first in- ton Formation of BRG WESTguaranteed! 1-855-579-8907 LLC is C/O the LLC: 175 DE 19808. Cert. Governor’s Office offor Storm Recovery.SP Proposers m ustof Apt dgeeia Boyd, 3630 Ethe it may and shall Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. arySolicitation 29, 2018 atof2:00 documents (Specifications ONLY) will Bldg., be available 21A, New York, NY 401 cause. Credit for errors in 5, LLC Arts. NATURE LLC upon whom process Wilmington, PO Box Townsend 10022. DE addr. LLC: CorTownsend Bldg., Federal Notice of (SSNY) Qualification of be served process against itp.m., may whom sertion. Interiors LLC Trayah Secy. of State of NY SIDE LLC the Secy. West 12 offiled Street, Apt. 4B, download charge starting December 9,Dover, 2019 forany the full duration of ofserved. comply with and allArts. funding agency requirements, as wellState as AVENUE, mail process to: Any 263 4, Bowof State NYwith (SSNY) on Class: 101 p re mTremont is eService sfree kSSNY nofoAve, wCo., n shall a#288, s 1 mail 5Lit5Bronx, 0 898, against it may be of Form. filed with Secy. ofLE 10036. Purpose: lawful Org. filed with Secy. of advertisements allowed only DE 19903. Any poration 251 St., Ste. Dover, DE 19901. JOKR 475 9TH Notice of Qualification of 79 Notice of Qualification of 980 be served. DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Org filed with the Secy. of oron 08/02/21. Office location: the Solicitation Time from the City Record Website at City Record Onof State of NY (SSNY) on NY 10465. Purpose: Any lawNew York, NY 10011. PurNotice is hereby given that a any other State, County, Town local government or agency ery, 2nd Fl., NY, NY 10002. 1 2 /0 4 /1 7 . O ffic e lo c a tio n: U nionport R oad, U nit N o. SSNY shall mail process to State, Carvel State Office activity. of NY (SSNY) on 11/19/20. for first insertion. lawful purpose. Purpose: Any lawful activity. LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with tle Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE PLACE OWNER CLIFTON RAIL PROPERTY LLC Appl. to c/o Anbau Enterprocess CLASSIFIED + $14.95 High Channels State of NY (SSNY) on Line ( Rate: BL NY County. SSNY designatful purpose. 11/21/19. Office loc.: NY license, number 1324834 for pose: Any lawful activity. rules and regulations. A goal of 15% for New York State Certified Purpose: any lawful activity. c/o C T Corporation System, NY County. SSNY designatBldg., 820 N. French St., 8th 6A, Bronx, NY. All that cerlocation: NY County. Office Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) 19808. Cert. of Form. LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with for Auth. filed with Secy. of prises, 11 E. 26th St., NY,filed NY


30 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022










CLASSIFIED • Classified advertisements take Classified advertisements the• regular earned rate of their clastake the regular rate of on sification. Four earned line minimum their classification. Fourand linehoroall ads except spirituals minimum on all ads except scopes (14 lines). spirituals and horoscopes (14 lines). CLASSIFIED DISPLAY

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY • Classified Display (boarder or picture) advertisements take the • Classified Display (boarder regular earned advertisements rate of their classifior picture) cation. Display (boarder or take the regular earned ratepicture) of advertisements one column their classification. Display wide must be 14 lines deep; two columns, (boarder or picture) advertise28 linesone deep; 3 columns, 56 lines ments column wide must deep. Classified Display (boarder or be 14 lines deep; two picture) placed as close to classificolumns, 28 lines deep; 3 cations as rules and makeup permit. columns, 56 lines deep. Classified Display (boarder or CLASSIFICATIONS picture) placed as close to classifications as rules and All advertisement accepted for makeup permit. publication is classified according to the standard classifications. MisCLASSIFICATIONS classification is not permitted. All advertisement accepted BASIS OF CHARGE for publication is classified according to the standard Charges are based on point c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s . size and characters per line. Upon Misclassification is not permitreaching 15 lines the rate converts ted. to column inch. Any deviation from solid composition such as indentaBASIS OF CHARGE tion, use of white space, bold type, Charges are based on point etc., will incur a premium. size and characters per line. Upon reaching lines In Case of error,15 notify the the AmsterrateNews converts to column inch. dam 212-932-7440 Any deviation from solid composition such as indentation, use of white space, bold type, etc., will incur a premium.

Speed Internet. Free NY office 11/12/2020. ed as designated agent of as LLC upon SSNY of designated as County. liquor license, has been ap- ed Minority Businesses andloca15%10005. for New York Liberty St., NY, NY Fl., Wilmington, DE 19801. A Drawings areofnotState available download and 28 MUST be purchased. as agent LLCInstallaupon tain plot, or of SSNY agent of location: Notice of formation 68on State 02/07/22. Office ofofQualification ofSmart 807 with Secy. of for the Secy. of State of NYCertified (SSNY) State of NYNotice (SSNY) on agent DEpiece addr. of parcel LLC: 251 10010. HD DVR Includtion, Notice of Formation of CLIFtion: NY County. has Corpowhom process against it LLC may formed of LLC upon whom plied in for Marilyn 18 Rest Inc. printed copy the of the solicitation and drawing setom can be purchased at:SSNY New York DE LLC: The Purpose: W en O waddr. ned Bof usinesses has been established for this w h o m p r o c e s s a gofa RIGHT in sprot Any it lawful activity. land, with buildings and LLC upon whom process NY County. 1509 ESTATE LLC Arts. of BANK STREET PROPERTY Notice of formation of State of DE, John G. Notice of formation on served. 11/06/19.SSNY Officeshall location: Office location: NY 11/04/19. Little Falls Dr.,of Transportation, Wilmington,Office ed, Fee Voice Remote. Some FORD HOUSE PRESERVAdesignated as agent been be mail City Department of the Agency Chief Contracting against it may be cess d/b/a Don Giovanni Risration Trust Co., Corp. Trust N O TIC E O F FO R M ATIO N project. Proposers must demonstrate their itgood-faith efforts to may served. SSNY shall i m p19808. rWORLD o v e Bldg., m e nWIDE tof s Form. t hFederal eINTERNAr efiled on may be served. against Delaware (DE) on Org. filed LLC withLLC the Secy. Appl. forof Auth. filedbewith Townsend 401 WAY LAUNDRY GROUP NY LLCCorporation formed in 09/14/21. County. formed in DE Cert. 1-888-609restrictions TION, L.P. Cert. ofNew LPYork, filedit process upon whom process against Officer/Contract Management Unit, 55 Water Street, Ground Floor, toSSNY c/o Center, 1209 Orange St., County. served. Theapply. address SSNY torante liquor retail OF A to P. sell LEE PRODUCT achieve these goals. m ail(SSNY) process to c/o P eter erected, situate, lying and SSNY shall mailon process toas agent designated of Secy. ofatState of NY (SSNY) on NY TIONAL RECORDS St., Dover, DE 19901. PurLLC Arts. ofprocess Org. filed with (DE) 10/23/19. Delaware (DE) on12/03/2019 10/31/19. Delaware with Secy. of between State, Div. ofLLC. Notice of formation of FIVE New York 10041 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday excludes 9405 Secy. ofto Friday, Stateshall of19801. NY Cert. with may be served and mail Service Co., 80 State St., AlWilmington, DE mail to Benshall in a restaurant under the AlLLC Arts. of Org. filed with Low, 44 E. 75th St., NY, NY LLC upon whom process b e i n g i n t h e B o r o u g h o f Corporation Service Co., 80 on NY 02/28/22. Office location: Arts of Org filedis with Secy. NY office location County. pose: Any lawful activity. the Secy. of NY (SSNY) on Princ. office of LLC: 1120 SSNY designated as agent of Corps., 401 Federal St., Ste. holidays. The entrance located on theof South Side of the Building facing the IRON GOLF SUBURBAN (SSNY) on 08/05/21. Office copy of any process to the a of Form. filed with DE Secy. bany, NY 12207-2543. Pur-be SSNY jamin Sinanaj, 425 Madison The Town will not reimburse any individual or firm with any costs coholic Beverage Control t h e S e c y . o f S t a t e o f against it may served. 10021. Bronx, County of Bronx, City St., Albany, NY 12207State NY County. LLC formed in State NY (SSNY) on Get DIRECTV! ONLY has been designated ndthe building without Veterans Memorial. You will not be allowed 07/13/2021 NY office location of the Americas, Ste. NY(SSNY) Ave.proposal. LLC whom process 4, Vietnam Dover, DE 19901. PurLLC. Arts of Org filed with location: County. LLC: 520 2in Ave, Suite 20B,of their ofNY State, of Princ. Corps., John pose: Any lawful activity. Ave., Ste.Any 1001, New York, Law atupon 358has W 44th Street, associated with theDiv. preparation been desigNotice of Qualification of SSNY shall mail process to Purpose: lawful activity. Delaware (DE) on 09/15/21. a n d S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k , 2543. Purpose: Any lawful 07/02/21. Office location: NY 155 Channels & $35/month! government issued identification (driver's license, passport, etc.). as an agent upon whom proCounty. SSNY has Secy. of lawState NY (SSNY) on 1803, NY, NY 10036. SSNY nagainst pose: Any lawful activity. ofG. Townsend LP: Hudson office Bldg., 401 FedNew York, NY 30 10016. PurNew NY NY 10017. Purpose: Any a t e against dYork, a its amay afor gbe ebe npremises tserved. u p o n Bronx MONTICELLO STRUCc/o C T Corporation System, designated as agent County. SSNY as Block 3943 and Lot designated 2867 toactivity. 1000s ofof Shows/Movies On Office location: itn SSNY may served 01/06/2021. designated as an agent asLiberty agent of HAN LLCNYcess designated SSNY to and aNY, deposit A depositPRODUCTS of $50.00 is required for thepose: specification books eral -activity. Ste. 4, Dover, DE 72nd Fl., NY Notice Any lawful of Formation ofowned consumption. ful activity. The Town ofSt.Babylon encourages m inority and wom enSt., 28 NY, 10005. w h oshall m shall p rmail o c email sLLC s copy aprocess gupon a in sany t whom it been TURED process agent upon whom process g eofth$50.00 e r ofwisith a n ufor n each dofivMSPid e d Yards, Demand (w/SELECT All In- SSNY designatand a of NY County. required drawing set in the form of a certified check upon whom process against upon whom process against it c/o Corporation Service Co. Notice Formation THE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful Latest date on which 10001. DYNASTY KU LLC Arts. of businesses to participate in all bids. DE addr. of LLC: The CorpoN otice of Form ation of A-it upon whom prom ay be served. The Post 16, LLC Appl. for Auth. filed against it may be served. may be served and shall mail 0.0133 percent Package.) PLUS cluded process against the LLC is may Notice of Formation of SIGor RED money order interest payable LLC tointhe the New LP York City Department of is ed shall as agent beAserved and mail may filed be served. SSNY shall 80 State St., Albany, (CSC), BIG UMBRELLA, activity. may dissolve Org. with Secy. ofofCo., State th ration Trust Corp. Trust SSNY shall mail process to S Q U R E D D O M I N O served and shall Office address to which the with Secy. State ofPersonal NY LLC Notice of Formation THE copy ofofprocess against the Common Elements. ApNotice is here by given, purTransportation. No Cash or Checks Accepted. Stream on Up to FIVE the LLC: 155 W 68of a copy of any process C/O cess against may be 4, LLC Arts.toofreject NATURE mail to on c/o 08/18/21. CorporaNY St., 12207-2543. addr. Arts. to of 1441 Org. filed with Office Secy.York, 12/31/2119. SSNY designatThe Town SP reserves the right any or(SSNY) all bids. of NYprocess Center, 1209 Orange c/o DE Corporation Co., Broadway, New OPPORTUNITY II, LP Cert. (SSNY) on amount 08/02/21. SSNY shall York, mail a copy of Service BOROUGHS GOLF, LLC proximate of judgesuant to law, that the NYC Screens Simultaneously at process against mail copy of Street, New NY 10023. Org. filedagent with Secy. of2019 State ofOffice the LLC is C/O the LLC: tion LLC: Service Co., 80 State St., CSC, 251 Little Falls of of NY (SSNY) on AState Pre-Bid meeting (Optional) has been scheduled for December 16, Notice Formation FEed as of LP upon Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert. location: NY County. 80 State St., Albany, NY New YorkCounty. 10018. Purpose: f LAdditional P file d ofw Cost. ith S eCall c yc/o . Rd, o f 883 Avenue of location: NY LLC Contracting Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. any process against the LLC o m ent is AM $119,173.75 plus Department Consumer AfLLC to DINo Purpose: Any lawful activity. ofTheresa NYprocess (SSNY) on 11/19/20. Agency Chief Officer Bid Room, Ground at 10:00 in thelocation: Albany, Dr., NYof12207-2543. DE Wilmington, DE 19808. 1604 Williamsbridge Office NY 11/06/20. HER AGENCY ofState Sabatino against it LLC may Arts. whom Form. filed with DE Secy. 110 SERVICES Princ. office of LLC: 307 W. 12207-2543. DE addr. of any lawful act. S t a t e o f N Y ( S S N Y ) o n 3Fl, New York, formed in Delaware (DE) on of of NY (SSNY) on s e r v e d . S S N Y s h a ll m a il interest and costs. Premises the Purpose: Americas, fairs willNY hold a Public HearRECTV 1-888-534-6918 Office location: NY County. Floor, 55 Water Street, NYC. All bidders are requested to of State addr. of 251NY Little Falls Cert. of Form. LLC: filed with Bronx, 10461. County. SSNY designated as prospective Org.SSNY filed with Secy. Commissioner of General Services be served. shall mail of State, Div. of Corps., John 38th St.,LLC: NY, 10018. 251Secy. Little 1 Falls 07/29/21. Princ. LLC: 2 /1lawful 5 /1Dr., 7 . activity. O ffic e cJanuary a tio nPurpose: : Office location: NY 11/23/20. process to 660 Nereid Ave NYlo10001. any lawwillattend. beofsold subject toofInprovion Wednesday, ing Seats areoffice limited. this connection, please limit (SSNY) the as number of of SSNY designated agent Notice of Formation of 5 Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. of State, Div. of Corps., 401 of NY on 02/14/22. Any agent LLC upon whom proG. Townsend Bldg., 401 Fedprocess to Corporation Ser- SSNY Cert. Princ. designated as agent of # 1 , B r o n x , Wilmington, 600 Third Ave., 21st Fl., NY, County. Princ.filed office ofSecy. LLC: NY County. office of N LLC e w4, Arts. YDover, o rDE kof, 19808. fulp.m. act attendees to maximum of two personnel perupon firm. Please submit the sions of filed Judgment In2020ofat 2:00 at 42 08,Secy. LLC whom process FRANKLIN NYC Office location: NY County. Cert. of Form. with Federal St. Ste. cess against it may be Date: January 9, 2018 eral St. Ste. 4, Dover, DE vice Co., 80 State St., Alof Form. filed with LLC upon whom process thc e n d A m e r i c a NY 10016. SSNY designated 56 Leonard St., Apt. 39W, L P : c / o A s name(s) of attendees to the Project Manager no later than two (2) 10470. Notice of formation of d e x # 3 8 0 2 4 6 / 2 0 1 2 . N o Broadway, 5 Floor, on a perFREE! it12207-2543. may be ofserved. against office LLC: 33against filed with Secy. Any of State of2nd State,it John 19901. Purpose: law-G. Townsend Walk-In Tubs DE served. SSNY shall mail pro-meeting 19901. Purpose: AnyOrg. lawful State, John bany, NYPrinc. Name mayG. beTownsend served. business days prior to the pre-bid date. Savings Includelawful an American activity as agent of upon whom 10013. SSNY desigNY, NY L L C , for 6 3CASA 5 M aFormation d i s o n INC A v eof ., Notice of Kennedy-Arenivar Mental Purpose: Any Cash willFredda beLLC Accepted. tition to SSNY shall process to 10003. Ave., Apt. 4C, NY, NY (SSNY) onToilet08/12/21. Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, of ful NY activity. cess to Herzmay Brown, activity. Standard Right Height Bldg., 401 FederalSte. St., Ste. 4, NY,AZUL. and addr. ofmail each general SSNY shall mailofprocess to Notice of Formation of Elias Health Counseling PLLC Approcess against bewriting nated as agent LLC upon FAMILY 1300, NYand 10022. -INSTERNBUCH FREE! ($500 Value) WALK BATHTUB SALE! SAVE $1,500 All questions shall beitsubmitted in to the designated person indicated establish, maintain, operSSNY designated as agent of Service Co., 80 Corporation Office location: NY County. Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: 450 E. 83rd St., Apt. 16A, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: partner are available from DeFoe Corp. invites all inDeFoe Corp. invites all inCorporation Service Co., 80 Law Group pl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of served. SSNY shall mail proprocess against it may whom PROPERTIES LLC Arts. of Latest date on which the LP of is December 20, 2019. L abelow. u NY r a Deadline C . B r for o wsubmission n e , E sAny q questions . , SSNY. an unenclosed sidewalkLLP Art. Of Org. NY designated agent of ate lawful activity. NY, 10028. Anyas Any tState e r e sSt., t Purpose: eLLC dAlbany, a nupon d q u whom a 12207llawful i f i e dprocess filed SSNY on 12/08/21. State tAny ere sSt., t e dAlbany, aSSNY n d qNY u a12207l i f mail i e d SSNY th140 by American years of State of Purpose: NY (SSNY) on cess to the LLC at the princ. be served. shall N o t i c of eupon o f F o whom rm a t ilawful o nprocess o f activity. 2✔4Backed 6 may Org. filed with is ofwith dissolve 12/12/2117. against it Any maylawful be served. cafe' at Standard’s 369 7Secy. Ave inState the Referee 2543. Purpose: Notice of Qualification Mr. Hari Velkur, LLC lawful activity. experience activity. MWBE firms to submit proOffice Location: NY County. 2543. of MWBE firms toOperations submit proOffice office 01/27/2022. of the LLC. DE addr.location: of Construction process toELYSIUM Sarika Singh at against SPRING of NY designated (SSNY) on 07/12/21. SSNY as agent SSNY shall mail process to Purpose: Borough Brooklyn for a Director of Engineering and Programs, ACCO, VC (BETA) LLC STREET activity.for it may CONDOMINIbe served. ✔ Ultra low entry for easyof entering &SSNY exiting designated as agent of posals the following NYS restaurants. posals to the following NYS NY County. SSNY designatLLC: of Auth. the LLC. Office location: NY process County. UM Se(NEW YORK) BORROWER, of LP upon whom Samantha Lord Feher atthe theprinc. office Management term two years. K n u cc/o k lof eCorporation s , KFinance, o m o s Contracts iService n s kBIOi && Program Appl. for filed with ® shall mail process SSNY Technology ✔ to Patented Quick Drain Notice of Qualification ofof BET Notice of the LLC 276 upon whom process Departm ent of Transportaed asFormation agent of City LLC upon Departm ent of TransportaNOTICE OF FORMATION: Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., A golf simulation Purpose: Princ. office of LLC: LLC on Arts. ofGutman, Org.THEORY filed 4withBryant Secy. against it m ay be served. New York Department of Transportation 122-124 W 124TH ST LLC, princ. office of the LLC. The cy. of State of NY (SSNY) M a n fr o , L L P , 5 6 5 T a x te r Barbara ✔ Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, LLC Appl. for Auth. PROTECTORS, LLC Arts. Qualification of Notice ofrelated Formation CLIF- oNotice against itNY, may whom 55 process against itofmay tion project: tion Best Valueretailer. Bidof project: Mental Health Abbott Water Street, 8th Floor, New York, New York 10041 Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. and -golf Riverside Ste. 2-G, f S NY t a9th tof e Fl., o f NNY, Y ( SNY S N10018. Y ) ALoINCLUDING n of State regd. agent of Counthethe company SSNY process to be served and Arts. of Org. filed with 02/10/22. Office location: labor backed bymail American Standard Road, Ste. 590, Elm sford, Park, filed with Secy. of shall NYDr., Org. filed with Secy. of212-839-9403, Statemail LLC Apshall mail process to: InCorp PRESERVAbe served. SSNY shall Telephone No. Fax No. 212-839-4241 seling, PLLC. Articles ofOffice of Secy. upon whom and atOrg. whichFORD pro- HOUSE NY 10025. designated 1TOUR 2 /1 2 /in1 7HOLDINGS, . Any O fficlawful e lo c aactivity. tioon n: ✔ N02/15/22. Y Hydrotherapy the Partnership, 635 MadiSSNY on 08/19/2021. 44 jets for for SSNY ancopies invigorating County. LLC formed Request ofmassage the re-Inc. One ComN YForm. 1process 0 (SSNY) 5 2filed 3 , to Awith t on tthe o rDE n e y s f o r (SSNY) Office Purpose: Services, of NY 12/03/19. pl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of TION GP, LLC Arts. of Org. LLC: 132 W Email: C o nNY tra c t #against D 2SSNY 6 3State 6the 3has 4 of - C o n t r a cDelaware t # D 2 6 3(DE) 6 3 0onth- 02/08/22. filed w/ Secretary of cess company of State, 401 Federal St. Ste. as agent of SLLC upon whom County. Princ. office of LLC: 246 son A ve., te. merce 1300, N Y , – 99 Washingloc. County. vocable consent agreement th Plaintiff LLC Plaza Office location: NY State of of NYlocation: (SSNY)NYonCounty. Notice ofRepairs Qualification 80 filed Secy. of designated State ofLLC, NYas agent 31st Street, 9 Fl,County. New Bridge Replacement, Bridge at 3 of LocaYESwith MAMA CREATIVE can be served isI-84 Samantha 9/9/2020. Office NY (SSNY) 4, Dover, DE 19901. Pur-York, process against itto: may beSuite 805-A, AlSSNY Spring St.,ofNY, NY 10013. NY 10022. Nameton and addr. as agent been may beTime addressed Departformed in SSNY Delaware (DE) on Ave., Bill de Blasio, Mayordesignated office of LLC: 1305 FulPrinc. Office location: NY 11/07/19. STREET REALTY LLC Appl. Notice Qualification of NY 10001. Purpose: Any (SSNY) on 08/05/21. Office Limited Offer! Call Today! Eastbound & W estbound t i o n s i n L o n g I s l a n d Lord Feher, 33 2nd Ave., Apt. Arts. of Org. filed with the location: New York County. pose: Any lawful activity. LLC upon whom process served. shall mailNY prodesignated as agent ofAppl. LLC SSNY upon each general partner are12210-2822. Purwhom process against location: ment of SSNY Consumer Affairs, 10/13/21. designated bany, Commissioner lawful activity.Polly ton St., Rahway, NJ Trottenberg, 07065. upon County. LLC formed in of for Auth. filed with itSecy. of SoulCycle LLC for NY County. Princ. o v e r M e t r o N o r t h R a i l 4C, NY, NY 10003. Purpose: Towns of Babylon & HunSSNY on 06/10/2020. Office SSNY designated as agent of against may be served. cess to Foil Jacob M.SSNY. Weinreb at of law. whom process against itofmay be upon LLC may be served. office available from PurATTN: Officer, 42 Broadas agent of LLC whom pose: Practice SSNY of designated as agent of the Notice Qual of KING PENDelaware (DE) on 08/21/17. of&County. NY City (SSNY) onprocess State Auth. filed with Secy. State of LLC: 30 Hudson Road -upon Tow n of Fishkill, Any lawful activity. tington the of Glen loc: NY SSNY has SSNY shall mail to Or the visit: whom process PLLC shall princ. office of the LLC. served. process mail process to: Yards, Any lawfulNY activity. process against it may beYork, way, New 10004. upon whom process LLC OPPORTUNITY GUIN FUND SSNY office shall ofonmail LLC: 1270 pose: Princ. 11/08/19. Office location: NYBradley NYJ.SSNY (SSNY) 08/16/21. of 72nd NY, NY NY been designated as agent Cove, NY the Fl., LLC, Attn: against it271 may beYork served. Purpose: Any lawful activity. to T h e B o a rd o f M a n a g e rs o f The LLC, New Avserved. SSNY shall mail proKINGLET FILMS LLC. Art. of against itAuthority may befiled served. III LLC, with Ave. of location: the Americas, NY, NY County. LLC formed in NY County. 10001. SSNY designated Notice of formation of Martin Notice of copy Formation Wechsler, 445 as ParkOffice Ave., process against upon whom SSNY Brooklyn, shall mail of pro-of CARCarem ax professional serTrump SoHo Hotel Condominium enue, NY 11213. cess to c/o(DE) Corporation Ser-of Org. filed with shall mail process to Org SSNY the SSNY onArts. 07/27/2021. Of10020. SSNY designated as N Notice formation of the SSNY on (DE) on 05/05/99. Delaware LLC formed in Delaware agent of LLC upon whom pro&LLC. Sargent LLC. Arts of 12Madison GROUP LLC Additional inform ation Purm ay Art. Ste. 1401, NY, NY DE theOf LLC may be served. Additional inform ation m ay10022. cess to:BON 315 Ave O TICSt., E O F FO R M ATIO N vices of org. filed vice Co. (CSC), 80 State Purpose: Any Lawful NY at the princ. office of the LLC. 01/25/2022. Office: NEW NOTICE OF FORMATION Corporation Co., 80 NY fice loc: NYService County. LLC agent of LLC SSNY upon whom proCelebrity Advisors LLC Appl. SSNY designated as agent of on Notice the qualification of Re03/25/11. designatcess against it may be filed with Secy. of State Org. filed with SSNY on addr. of LLC: c/o Corporation be obtained from David Amshall mail process to: SSNY be obtained from David Am#1501B, New York, NY OF BPBB LLC. County. Arts Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE Media,YORK with the 10/19/17. pose. Purpose: Any lawful SSNY desigthLittle OF AMERIGO HOLDINGS State St., Albany, NY 12207. formed in SSNY DE onon 04/16/2015. cess for may bec/o of Auth. filed with the Secy of upon whom process LLC source Energy Systems, LLC ed as against agent ofitactivity. LLC upon served. SSNY shall mail pro(SSNY) on 01/11/22. Office 2/22/22. Office Location: NY Service Co., 251 Falls a t o a t 9 1 4 6 9 9 7 4 4 0 The LLC, 299 West 12 a t o a t 9 1 4 6 9 9 7 4 4 0 10017. Purpose: any lawful addr. of LLC: CSC, 251 O rg filed w ith Secy. of O f f i c eis: designated N e w lawful YFORMATION o r kactivity. . Sagent S N Y LLC Articles of Org. filed with against it may be served. whom nated as on agent of the LLC NOTICE OF Purpose: Any SSNY as State SSNY Little shall Falls mail prooff NNY (SSNY) Application for Certificate of against it may Corporation location: NY County. SSNY SSNY designated as toApt Dr.,NY, Wilmington, 19808.process damato@ or cess Street 3J, NYService 10014. damato@ orDE served. Dr., Wilmington, activity. County. S t a t e o Y ( S S N Y ) o n d e s i g n a t e d a g e n t u p o n upon whom process against it Secretary State NY whom the SPIRITS LLC.upon OF ALLTID Notice ofagent Formation ofof upon 277 upon whom process against toofc/oFormation Corporation SerN.Y. Office location: cess 10/29/19 SSNY shall mail process to with Authority filed with the Secy be served. SSNY shall mail Co., State St., NY designated as agent of the LLC Cert. ofAlbany, Form. filed The bids@ DE 19808. Cert. of1 Form. filed Purpose: Any lawful purpose. bids@ 2 / 1 9 / 1 7 . O f f i c e l o c : N Y may be served. SSNY shall Notice of 319 whom process against the (SSNY) onformation 11/5/2019. Arts of Orgmay filed with Secy of be LLC Arts. Org. FIFTH the LLC beLLC, served. FEYNMAN POINT Arts. Notice 35A ofprocess ofofOffice Signs vice New York County. SSNY has Co. 80 State St., Gideon Rothschild, Moses of State of New York (SSNY) process to c/o Corporation whom process may against it may12207-2543. be Secy. of State of & the State of (CSC), Purpose: Any with Div. of copy of process to the C ounty. SSN Y mail designated W e s tof1 0 6 t h12207-2543. S t r eSecy. e t , L of LDE CState, LLC mshall afiled y NY band ewith sshall eprocess rthe v email dSSNY a copy n d filed served of and shall mail DE, Dept. of State, Div. NY County. location: Albany, NY State of (SSNY) on withserved Secy. of State of NYprocess lawful activity. SSNY mail to: Org. LLC. Arts ofSSNY Org of Candles been designated as agent LLP, 405 Lexington Singer on 05/18/2021. NY office loService Co. (CSC), 80 State Corps., John G. Townsend Bid Date: January 25, 2018 Bid Date: LLC,process 7014 13TH AVENUE , upon whom Art. ofofOrg. filed with251 Sec. of agent shall mailOffice process against to 237 th January 24, 2018 process against LLC to US Corps., John G.a Townsend designated as agent LLC: CSC, Little addr.Albany, 11/7/19. location: NY (SSNY) on 08/02/21. The LLC, 369 West 126th on filed withto: 09/22/2020. Office loc: Secy. ofCorporation StateofOffice ofLLC NY Agents upon whom Ave., 12is Fl., NY,given NY 10174. cation St., NY 12207-2543. Notice hereby that Bldg., 401 Federalm St., th a yDover, bNY e sCounty. eprocess rv e dSUITE aSSNY nagainst d s202 hhas a llit State ofDr., NY on CSC, SepLegalE.Corp Solutions 26 Inc 7014 13th Ave, 202addr. Street, New York, 401 Ste.addr. 4, upon whom process against itSteNotice is number hereby thatfor aSt.,DE Falls SSNY Wilmington, DE been County. NY5/29/20. County. Princ. location: Street, Mgmt Suite, NY,LLC, NY NY SSNY hasdesignated been des(SSNY) on Office lomay be served. The Post Of- NY, 11228, DE ofBldg., LLC:given c/oFederal Corpodesignated as an agent of (SSNY) LLC: c/o DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawlicense, 1331331 BROOKLYN, mail copy of process against tember 15, 2017. Office in 11Broadway Ste 615 New 10010. Purpose: any NY 11228 Purpose: Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: may be served. shall license, serial #1338366 for rate agent upon whom process 19808. Cert. of Form. filed Service Co., 251 Little office of Brooklyn, LLC: 277SSNY Fifth Ave., 10027. Address required tolawful as agent upon whom NY County. SSNY ignated cation: fice address to which the upon whom process against it 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmingful activity. liquor license, has been ap- N Y C o u n t y . S S N Y d s i g . LLC to: US Corp. USA.Agents, Purpose: Any lawful York, New York 10004. act. AnyNY lawful purpose. Any lawful activity. mail process to: Justin L. Galbeer wine has been apmay be served and shall with DE DE19808. Secy. Cert. of State, Div. may Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE ton, NY, 10016. SSNY of Form. be maintained in DE: 108 #35A, process designated against the LLC mail may as agent upon SSNY mail ashall copy of be shall served and mail The New York Amsterdam News plied & for Kem Rest Inc. d/b/a purpose. #202, agent of LLC upon w hom Inc. 7014 13th Ave., Purpose: Any lawful activity.

Contact: Ad Descrpt: KE Phone: (212)620−0938 Given by: * Fax#: P.O. #: Email: Created: Agency: Last Changed: −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− PUB ZONE EDT TP RUN DATES AN A 97 S 12/31 01/07 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− AUTHORIZATION

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Notice of Formation of Jeffrey Beane Engineering PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/22/2022. Office location: New York county. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 2961 N. Downer Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53211. Purpose: Professional Engineering.


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32 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022



Rehabilitation if their behavioral health issues are not addressed while in prison. However, most of those that do get rearrested are for technical parole violations at about 30%, and not committing violent crimes at about 9%, he said. DCJ reported that a “significant proportion” of people with criminal conviction records in New York City are over 45 years old, have a single misdemeanor conviction on their record, have been convicted of drug-related crime, and/or have a conviction record that is over 10 years old. Basically, people aren’t necessarily committing new crimes. They might not have checked in with a parole officer and then got arrested for it, for example. Robert Blocker, Project Renewal’s senior director of reentry services, helps break the cycles of homelessness, poor health, unemployment, and incarceration. The program holds 90 transitional housing beds and 45 units of permanent supportive housing with services specifically for parolees with mental illness. “Most of the clients we work with are repeat offenders,” said Blocker. “One of the reasons this program was created 20 years ago was trying to slow down recidivism. What we’ve done is just wrap around all the services we can think of that the client might need reentering the community.” Blocker said that hands down, drug or substance abuse is the main reason

why people end up violating their parole in his experience. The DCJ report indicates that about 77% of criminal convictions were for misdemeanors, and that drug convictions account for almost one third of those misdemeanor and felony criminal convictions in New York City between 1980 and 2019. Blocker said that preCOVID, vocational, educational, and mental health programs were offered and many of the formerly incarcerated and homeless individuals took advantage of it. He said that Project Renewal did get hit hard when they couldn’t get groups together in-person, whether it was for cooking classes or substance abuse clinics. The program also used to visit parolees often, either at the parole office or at the facility. “We’re kind of anxious to get back to the program and the services we generally offer,” said Blocker. “I don’t think they realized how much they missed us since all the COVID restrictions.” Ariama C. Long is a Report for America corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for The Amsterdam News. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting: fcszwj8w

Dukes Continued from page 8

Dukes told the AmNews that her current term will be her last. She didn’t name anyone specifically that she would like to see take her place but said she’s mentoring potential successors. “My term is up next year and I’m working with a group of young adults in their 40s and 50s to see

who’s going to step up,” she said. Even though she’s watched and been part of the unfolding of history, Dukes says there is still work to be done. One thing she’s passionate about that continues to need change, she says, is the fight for fair education. An initiative


Economist (Repost)

Continued from page 25

be done to make the transition smoother. Day and Campbell agree with Gibbs that just having access to state IDs upon release lets the formerly incarcerated sign up for jobs, substance abuse treatment services, medical care, and housing without trouble. Campbell said that in most cases men are coming to Freedom House directly from court or Rikers Island with mild to severe behavioral health issues. “For the most part they have none of their things—their property and identification is still on Rikers Island somewhere and it’s very hard for them to navigate to find it. We have to assist them in reconnecting with Rikers Island just to get them identification,” said Campbell. Campbell said the biggest things that individuals struggle with is that they can’t go back to their original housing situation, the stigma of seeing a psychiatrist or a therapist on a regular basis, and either taking prescription medications or substance abuse. “One of the things I noticed about this particular population coming in here is that most of the time they just need somebody to listen to them, and I mean really listen to them. Hear what they’re saying, and their side of the story, and then make a treatment plan based on the way that they feel,” said Campbell. Day said that the reality about a rise in crime is that sometimes people do get rearrested, especially


was recently named in her honor in Southeast Queens, which consists of funding given to the NAACP for programs and technology resources in four schools. Another issue is voting rights. Dukes continues to work on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would improve

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absentee ballot voting and expand opportunities for people to vote other than on Election Day in New York State. A prominent figure in New York politics, Dukes said that she never wanted to run for office because she “makes politicians.” Out of all of the people who have left before her, she misses her longtime friend and former New York City Mayor David

Dinkins the most. “He called me his sister and we were very close,” Dukes said. “I didn’t make too many real decisions about fights that I chose unless I spoke to Basil Paterson and David Dinkins.” Through the years, she’s been affectionately referred to as “Mama Dukes” by all of the people she’s touched and influenced. When asked what type of legacy she

wants to leave, Dukes said she wants to leave a legacy for young people. “I want to leave a living testimony,” she said. “I often think about Mary McLeod Bethune and she left things for us as African Amricans and one was education. She wanted us to love each other. On the gravestone, it’s only the day you were born and the day you die but I want to leave living testimony.”


March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 33

Teenage volleyball standout Vaughan Anoa’i creates opportunities By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews A few months ago, high school senior Vaughan Anoa’i launched a ver y personal campaign toward diversifying club volleyball. Through her charity, Vaughan’s Block Back, she is donating $25 for ever y block she makes over the final seasons of her club career with Sunshine Volleyball Club. To make this possible, she saved her allowance and birthday and holiday monies to support her #BlockBack pledge. Club volleyball is essential for players who aspire to play in college. It is where the best players play together and against each other. Anoa’i, who has African American and Samoan ancestr y, has played volleyball since she was 12. While playing on a club team, she realized this opportunity is not available to ever yone. “When I became immersed in the college recruiting process, I realized in order to play at the collegiate level, you need to play club volleyball,” said Anoa’i, a middle blocker. “That’s when I made the conscious effort and decision to make this much more inclusive for all players, regardless of their socio-economic status or background. That’s what motivated and drove me to start this.” Now in her senior year at the Archer School for Girls, she has committed to playing her college volleyball at Georgetown University. It’s an academic institution she admires, and she prefers to attend

a smaller university. Although already an accomplished journalist, Anoa’i has the long-term goal of being a lawyer, and Georgetown has an excellent law school. “For the talent that is out there now for club volleyball, I think that’s only a small percentage of the great talent available,” Anoa’i said. “So many people have athletic capability and talent ; however, if they’re not exposed to the proper resources and access to playing on a club team and getting exposure from the travel tournaments we attend, then they typically will not have the opportunity to play in college.” Anoa’i recently announced that the $6,000 she’s raised so far will be divided among three clubs : Starlings Volleyball USA , Sunshine Volleyball Club and Long Beach Mizuno Volleyball Club. She hopes that #BlockBack will inspire others to step up and also spark the interest of young people from diverse backgrounds to take up volleyball or another sport. “This isn’t something that has to be limited to volleyball,” she said. “This can take form in a multitude of sports. I really want to emphasize the importance of allowing ever yone to look inside of themselves and enact change because we all have the power and capability to do so.”

Vaughan Anoa’i is committed to bringing greater diversity to volleyball (Kim Smith photo)

Skating themed children’s book shares inspiring message By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews A u t h o r S u e F l i e s s ’ l a t e s t c h i l d r e n ’s b o o k , ” I ’ m a F i g u r e S k a t e r ! ,” i s f i l l e d with messages about falling down, getting back up and persevering. It also spotlights putting in the work to b e g o o d a t s o m e t h i n g a n d t h e i m p o rtance of confidence. “Like many people who get star te d i n c h i l d r e n ’s b o o k s , i t c o m e s f r o m reading lots of picture books to my k i d s ,” F l i e s s s a i d . “ F o r t u n a t e l y , I h a d a l r e a d y b e e n a w r i t e r.” F l i e s s w a s n o t a s k a t e r, b u t p a r t o f h e r i n s p i r a t i o n c a m e f r o m a f r i e n d ’s daughter who recently took up the sport. She envisioned a young skater just taking up the sport and then t r a i n i n g u n t i l s h e ’s r e a d y f o r h e r f i r s t competition. In addition to watchi n g s k a t i n g v i d e o s o n Yo u Tu b e , F l i e s s met with a coach to discuss some elements. This is Fliess’ 10th book for Little Golden Books, an imprint of Random H o u s e C h i l d r e n ’s b o o k s . To t a l , s h e ’s h a d o v e r 4 0 c h i l d r e n ’s b o o k s p u b lished. Typically, the author of c h i l d r e n ’s b o o k s d o e s n ’ t p i c k t h e i l l u s t r a t o r, b u t F l i e s s d o e s g e t t o o f f e r

a few comments about the illustrations. She said she wanted the central character to be a g i r l o f c o l o r. “I always want to make sure that my books have representation across the board, whether t h a t ’s t h e m a i n c h a r a c t e r o r s u p p o r t i n g c h a r a c ters to make sure that kids of all backgrounds s e e t h e m s e l v e s i n m y b o o k s ,” s a i d F l i e s s . T h e b o o k ’s i l l u s t r a t o r, N i n a M a t a , s a i d t h e a r t director suggested to her that the main charact e r b e a g i r l o f c o l o r. “ I t f e l t r i g h t f o r t h e m a i n p r o t a g o n i s t t o b e A f r i c a n A m e r i c a n ,” s a i d M a t a . “ I t ’s a g r e a t t i m e i n p u b l i s h i n g r i g h t n o w . We ’ r e seeing so many stories from different cultures a n d t h e r e ’s a d e m a n d f o r r e p r e s e n t a t i o n a n d d i v e r s i t y . I t ’s r e a l l y e m p o w e r i n g a n d r e a s s u r i n g for me as a person of color and the mother of a c h i l d o f t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n .” M a t a s a i d i t ’s i m p o r t a n t f o r a l l c h i l d r e n t o s e e t h e y ca n b e pa ssi o nate ab ou t a r t, da n c i ng, skating, etc. She wanted to show how a young skater prepares for competition, and one illustration i s o f t h e m o t h e r b r a i d i n g t h e s k a t e r ’s h a i r. T h e emotions of competition are also depicted and the images convey a sense of joy. O n e s k a t i n g c o a c h p o s t e d a p h o t o o f h e rself and some of her students holding up the b o o k . “ T h a t m e l t e d m y h e a r t ,” s a i d M a t a . “ S h e said she never saw any book like this. There was a group of African American skaters and she wanted to get books for all of them so they c o u l d s e e t h e m s e l v e s i n t h e b o o k .”

34 • March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022


South Carolina, UConn, Stanford and Louisville set for women’s Final Four By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews It took double overtime to get it done, but the University of Connecticut women’s basketball team is headed to its 14th straight Final Four appearance. North Carolina State University challenged the Huskies to the final seconds in what many are calling one of the greatest games in women’s basketball. Sophomore Paige Bueckers gained momentum as the game progressed, finishing with 27 points, which is all the more incredible as she missed 19 regular season games due to injur y. While the Huskies are undoubtedly the most storied team in women’s college basketball, UConn has not won the NC AA Division I Women’s Basketball Championship since 2016. It didn’t even have the top seed in the Bridgeport Region. Joining UConn in Minneapolis for the Final Four is the Tournament’s overall top seed University of South Carolina. The Gamecocks won the title in 2017, and head coach Dawn

The UConn Huskies are headed to their 14th consecutive women’s Final Four (Lois Elfman photo)

Staley is hungr y for another victor y. South Carolina dominated Creighton in its Elite Eight matchup with Aliyah Boston delivering 19 points and seven rebounds. The other two teams heading to the Final Four are University of L ouisville and Stanford

University. Louisville has been a strong contender for more than a decade but has never won the NC AA title. Stanford is the defending champion. Last year, Stanford’s head coach Tara VanDer veer saw her team win the National Championship after a 29-year

gap from its previous title. The semi-finals are tomorrow with South Carolina taking on L ouisville and Stanford playing UConn. The National Championship game is on Sunday. In WNI T ac tio n , S eto n Hall Universit y defeate d Co lumb ia Universit y to move into

t he s emi-finals. Pirates guard Lauren Park-Lan e s co re d 29 p o int s an d An d ra Espin ozaHunter and Sidney Cooks each co nt r ibute d 16. S eto n Hall t akes o n Middle Ten n ess e e St ate to n ight. This brought to a clo s e Co lumbia’s amazing s eas o n , which is marke d w it h histo r ic acco mplis hment s, p erhap s n o n e mo re stun n ing t han it s co me-fro m-b ehin d v icto r y last w e ek over B o sto n Co lle g e. Following the Seton Hall game, Columbia head coach Megan Griffith thanked the university’s administration for supporting the team’s run in the WNIT, during which Columbia hosted three games. Tickets were free to students, and the gym was packed on Monday night. “I don’t think it was our best tonight, and unfortunately Seton Hall got the best of us,” said Griffith. “It’s making us hungrier for more because a lot of things we’ve done this season we’ve never done before, so we only want to get better from here. Next year, we want to be in the NC AA ,” said freshmen guard Kitty Henderson.

St. Peter’s loss sets up epic UNC-Duke matchup in the men’s Final Four By VINCENT DAVIS Special to the AmNews

“What are they going to say now?” St. Peter’s men’s basketball head coach Shaheen Holloway asked the question in response to doubters to conclude a television interview with a CBS reporter on the court of the Wells Fargo Center last Friday after his team defeated the Purdue Boilermakers 67-64 in the NCAA men’s tournament East Regional to become the only No. 15 seed to ever reach the Elite Eight. The Peacocks, representing the small college—an undergraduate enrollment of slightly less than 2,400 students—from Jersey City, New Jersey, became the sentimental favorite of countless people across the nation after upsetting Kentucky, Murray State and Purdue before meeting up with the North Carolina Tar Heels on Sunday with a chance to go to the Final Four.

But their inspiring and emotional run came to an end, as the powerful Tar Heels dominated the Peacocks in 69-49 win. It set up a matchup and another chapter in college basketball’s biggest rivalry as North Carolina will face Duke on Saturday night in the Final Four at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans. It will be the first time the two Atlantic Coast Conference programs will meet in the NCAA tournament. They have played each other 257 times, with UNC winning 142 and Duke 117. Duke reached Saturday’s set of games by defeating Cal State Fullerton, Michigan State, Texas Tech and Arkansas. UNC had victories over Marquette, Baylor and UCLA before knocking off St.

Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski is seeking his sixth NCAA men’s title in the final season of his legendary career (NCAA photo)

Peter’s. UNC and Duke split the season series this year with Duke winning 87-67 on Feb. 5 on the road and North Carolina taking the rematch 84-71 on March 5 at Duke. A loss by Duke on Saturday would be the final game for their longtime head coach Mike Krzyzewski, who’s retiring after this season. Krzyzewski, who turned 75 in February, has led Duke since 1980. The legendary coach has won five NCAA Tournament championships, the last in 2015, and has taken Duke to the Final Four 13 times.

UNC, whose most famous alum is Michael Jordan, is led by their first-year head coach Hubert Davis, a former Tar Heel player drafted by the New York Knicks with the 20th pick in the first round in 1992. The 51-year-old Davis played four seasons for the Knicks and ended his NBA career in 2004. He joined the UNC coaching staff in 2012 and succeeded legendary Carolina coach, Roy Williams, who retired after last season. In Saturday’s other game, the Villanova Wildcats, who won the championship in 2016 and 2018 under future Hall of Fame coach Jay Wright, the former Hofstra coach from 1994-2001, will go up against the Kansas Jayhawks. The Jayhawks are guided by head coach Bill Self, who was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2017. Self and the Jayhawks are seeking their first championship since winning the 2008 title.


March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 35

The NFL will likely use past precedent in the case of DeShaun Watson By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor

The 2020 NFL leader in passing yards, with 4,823, was traded Deshaun Watson is by the Texans to the arguably one of the Cleveland Browns on top five quarterbacks March 18 for a hefty in the NFL, perhaps price. The Browns sent the most consequenthe Texans three first tial position in Amerround picks—2022, ican team sports. The 2023 and 2024—in ad26-year-old didn’t dition to a 2023 third appear in any of the round pick and 2024 Texans’ 17 games this fourth round pick. The past season after ofBrowns subsequentficially requesting a ly made Watson the trade in January of highest paid player in 2021 despite being the league’s history, a fully healthy and five-year deal valued available. at $230 million fully Two months later, guaranteed. the first of what would At his introductorise to 22 civil lawry Browns press consuits were filed against ference last Friday, Watson by women alWatson adamantleging inapprorpiate ly professed his inconduct and sexual asnocence. “I never sault. He also faced 10 assaulted, I never Recently acquired Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun criminal complaints. disrespected and Watson (pictured as a Houston Texan) is facing potential After a Harris County I never harassed (Texas) grand jury de- discipline by the NFL for alleged inappropriate sexual misconduct any woman in my (Wikipedia photo/Jeffrey Beall, Deshaun Watson, CC BY 4.0) clined to indict Watson life,” said Watson. “I on allegations of sexual wasn’t raised that way. assault on March 11, last Thursday, County (Texas) also decided against My mom and my aunties didn’t raise a second grand jury in Brazoria indicting Watson. me that way over the course of my

life. That’s not in my DNA. “As far as the details of the things that they’re alleging,” he continued, “I can’t speak on that because there’s an ongoing investigation. But in the future, once everything’s resolved, I would sit down and love to talk about it.” Regardless of the outcome of the civil suits, Watson is facing discipline by the NFL. At the conclusion of the league’s annual meeting on Wednesday in Palm Beach, Florida, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell addressed the league’s stance on the issue. “Obviously these are serious charges, so we’re looking at it seriously,” Goodell said. “The personal conduct policy is something that is very important to us, and it does not need a criminal violation in order to pursue it.” An NFL investigation of the case is being conducted and at its conclusion will be referred to an arbitrator mutually chosen by the NFL and NFL Players’ Association as laid out in the league’s 2020 collective bargaining agreement. The arbitrator will then decide on the disciplinary action—if any—to be levied against Watson. They can use precedent from

the case of Ben Roethlisberger. The future Hall of Fame Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback, who retired after his team’s 42-21 opening round playoff loss to the Kansas City Chiefs this past January, was suspended for six games without pay in April of 2010 for violating the NFL’s personal conduct policy one week after prosecutors in Georgia decided not to charge him for allegedly sexually assaulting a 20-year-old woman in the bathroom of a Milledgeville, Georgia, nightclub. At the time, Roethisberger, now 40, was also ordered to undergo a behavioral evaluation. “I recognize that the allegations in Georgia were disputed and that they did not result in criminal charges being filed against you,” Goodell wrote to Roethlisberger 12 years ago. “My decision today is not based on a finding that you violated Georgia law, or on a conclusion that differs from that of the local prosecutor. “That said, you are held to a higher standard as an NFL player, and there is nothing about your conduct in Milledgeville that can remotely be described as admirable, responsible, or consistent with either the values of the league or the expectations of our fans.”

Kyrie Irving didn’t win, but other athletes did By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff

teams are doing. Alonso and pitcher Jacob deGrom oral campaign. You dance with the We’re just a few weeks away from (who are alleged to not be vacci- lady who brought you. the beginning of the Major League nated) wouldn’t be as much fun. “The old exemption put our

You wouldn’t be that off claiming that Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving emerged victorious in his battle against taking the COVID vaccine. You can declare this a case of fighting the city and winning. Or you can declare it a case of a new mayor operating differently than the old one and the season. No matter how good the Brooklyn Nets have been (even though they have one of the greatest basketball players to have ever lived in Kevin Durant) they haven’t captured the imagination as much as the mediocre, but with promise, struggling team across the bridge in the New York Knicks. New York City Mayor Eric Adams lifting the vaccine mandate for athletes and entertainers isn’t about Kyrie. It’s about the New York Yankees, the New York Mets and Broadway. Kyrie Irving came back to the court months after fighting against taking the COVID-19 vaccine; NYC Mayor The latter is a major tourist ateased COVID restrictions last week (Bill Moore photo) traction that remains a pinnacle of the city and the entertainment industry. The former two Baseball season, and watching Not to mention that New York sports teams at a self-imposed are teams with built-in fanbas- games without being able to see Mets Owner Steve Cohen contrib- competitive disadvantage and es that care about what/how the sluggers Aaron Judge and Pete uted $1.5 million to Adams’ may- was unfair to New York perform-

ers,” Adams said last week. “Now, with the city in a low-risk environment, we can keep protecting each other, as we continue to move in the right direction and deliver an equitable and inclusive economic recovery.” New York Mets President Sandy Alderson stated that the team owners are “proud to partner with the mayor and his team as part of New York City’s continued reopening and economic recovery.” While those who don’t entertain the public and lost their jobs because of refusing to vaccinate are asking why, if Eric Adams you’re one of the (few) Nets fans, it doesn’t matter. Kyrie is back on the court (and averaging over 27 points per game). Mandate? What mandate?


March 31, 2022 - April 6, 2022 • 36

Sports With Irving fully in the fold, the Nets’ battle for playoff seeding intensifies By VINCENT DAVIS Special to the AmNews

points. Center Andre Drummond had another strong game with As it relates to Kyrie 14 points and 13 reIrving, whether the Nets bounds. play games at home at the The victory put the Barclays Center in BrookNets at 40-36 and lyn or on the road, with moved them to the No. the exception of in Toron8 seed in the Eastern to versus the Raptors, is no Conference, one game longer an issue. New York ahead of the 39-37 No. City Mayor Eric Adams 9 seed Hornets when eased the city’s vaccine the NBA’s schedule restrictions last week, albegan last night. The lowing unvaccinated athNets were 2.5 games letes and entertainers to behind the No. 7 seed work inside public venues. Cleveland Cavaliers, Canada still bans travelers who wereAM 42-33. The AM NEWS NEWS 01024 that are unvaccinated from Nets have six regular AM NEWS 01/06/22 03/03/22 entering the country. season games remain01/06/22 0 7 74470 22784 Irving made his home ing, beginning tonight debut on Sunday, scoring After making his Nets home debut on Sunday versus the Charlotte Hornets, Kyrie in Brooklyn against the 16 points and with 11 asMilwaukee Bucks. Irving scored 24 points on Tuesday at the Barclays Center in a 130-123 Nets win sists in a 119-110 loss to the When the reguover the Detroit Pistons (Bill Moore photo) Charlotte Hornets. lar season ends, the “It was great to see him out there,” said Nets his second game at home on Monday, drop- 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th seeds in the East forward Kevin Durant after the game. “Good ping 28 points on 7-18 shooting in a 130- and Western Conferences start the postAM123 NEWS AM NEWS to see the fans excited for him.” Irving played Nets’ win. Durant led the team with01034 41 season in the Play-In Tournament, which AM NEWS 01/13/22 03/10/22 01/13/22 0 7 74470 22784

will match the 7th seed hosting the 8th seeded team in each conference and the 9th seed meeting the 8th seed on the road. The winner of the 7-8 pairing earns the 7th seed to open the playoffs. The loser of the 7-8 game will host the winner of the 9-10 game. The winner of that game becomes the 8th seed and starts the postseason taking on the No.1 overall seed. If the current standings hold, which is unlikely given how unpredictable the final 10 days are shaping up to be, in the East, the Nets would be on the road to play the Cavaliers and the Hornets would face the No. 10 seed Atlanta Hawks in Charlotte. The Nets are hoping that forward Ben Simmons, who was acquired in a trade last month that sent guard 01104 James Harden to the Philadelphia 76ers, can joinAMthe NE lineup 03/03/ 0 sometime over the 7 next six games. 74470 22784 The 25-year-old, three-time All-Star, who sat out the season in a dispute with the Sixers, is now experiencing back issues. Before playing the Pistons on Tuesday, Nets head coach Steve Nash said there are no new updates on Simmons and the two-time NBA All-Defensive First Team selection has not had another MRI. 01114 AM NE 03/10/ 0 7 74470 22784

By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor

the NBA in blocks at 1.8 blocks. Several other young Knicks have been significant contributors in their positive stretch of games, notably guard Immanuel Quickley and forward Obi Toppin.01124 Quickley has AMthe NE shown marked improvement running 03/17/ 0 7 offense and while rediscovering his shoot74470 22784 ing touch that was inconsistent the first half of the season. Overall the 25-year-old 2020 first round pick (No. 25) is averaging 10.6 points and 3.2 assists. Toppin, taken No. 8 in the first round by the Knicks in 2020, has not made the major strides many predicted he would a year later. Howev01134 promise. er, he is finishing strong and showing AM NE In the prior nine games he has played lead03/24/ 0 7 ing into last night,22784 Toppin was averaging 11.3 74470 points on 60% percent shooting and 38% percent on 3-point attempts in 19 minutes of playing time. He has also demonstrated impactful activity on the defensive end of the floor.

The Knicks’ make a late season surge but will fall short of the Play-In in Washington on April 8 to challenge the Despite an impressive late season surge, Wizards, and AMconclude NEWS AM NEWS 01044 the math is against the Knicks in their hopes the AM NEWS of salvaging what has been a regression from season April 10 01/20/22 03/17/22 01/20/22 last season. Heading into their game last at home against0 74470 22784 7 night at Madison Square Garden versus the the ToronEastern Conference’s No. 9 seed Charlotte to Raptors. The Hornets and their sensational 20-year-old, Knicks’ recent second-year point guard LaMelo Ball, the upward trend Knicks were 34-42, had won four games in a is a testament row for the first time this season, and were to their resil9-4 over their previous 13 games. and proAMience NEWS AM NEWS 01054 Yet after a 41-31 record last season and the fessional pride. AM NEWS 01/27/22 03/24/22 No. 4 seed in the East entering the playoffs, They have not 01/27/22 the Knicks, the No. 11 seed in the confer- hung their col-0 74470 22784 7 ence before facing the Hornets, won’t even lective heads in make the Play-In Tournament. The four Play- despondence or Knicks second-year forward Obi Toppin has shown evident In spots are reserved for the No. 7 to No. 10 put forth excusimprovement in the latter stages of this season (Bill Moore photo) seeds. The Knicks were trailing the No. 10 es for not meetseed Atlanta Hawks by 4.5 games when the ing their own NBA’s schedule began yesterday and would expectations. The 23-year-old Robinson, the 36th overhave to be the recipients of a divine miracle “We’re just playing hard,” said center will AM NEWS AMdraft, NEWS 01064all pick by the Knicks in the 2018 to catch the Hawks. Mitchell Robinson after the Knicks’ 109-104 be AM an unrestricted free-agent this summer NEWS 02/03/22 They will host the Cleveland Cavaliers at victory at home0 over the Chicago Bulls on and02/03/22 the target of several teams. 03/31/22 In 69 games 7 74470to see 22784 the Garden on Saturday, play the Magic in Monday night. “We want what we can this season before last night’s matchup with Orlando on Sunday, meet up with the Brook- make out of the rest of the season, so we just Charlotte, he was averaging 8.5 points on lyn Nets at MSG next Wednesday, will be want to make something happen.” 76.3% shooting, 8.6 rebounds and fourth in

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AM NE 03/31/

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