New York Amsterdam News Issue # 15 April 14 - 20. 2022 Issue

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Vol. 113 No. 15 | April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022


©2022 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

TERROR UNDERGROUND $11B police budget didn't stop shootings (See story on page 3)

(Ariama C. Long photo)

Brian Benjamin bails shortly after arrest on fraud charges (See story on page 4)

(Bill Moore photo)

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's historic confirmation

Recent shootings, budget spark debate over ‘Raise the Age’

(AP Photo Jacquelyn Martin)

Courtesy of: Onnes & fotograv via iStock (respectively)

(See story on page 4)

(See story on page 6)

State Repeals Pataki-Era Ban on College-in-Prison Tuition Assistance Urban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5

2 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022

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INDEX Arts & Entertainment ���������������� Page 15 » Astro/Numerology ��������������������Page 18 » Food ������������������������������������������� Page 20 » Jazz �������������������������������������������� Page 21 Caribbean Update ���������������������� Page 14 Career/Business ������������������������ Page 29 Classified ������������������������������������� Page 30 Editorial/Opinion ��������������������Pages 12,13 Education �������������������������������������Page 24 Go with the Flo ����������������������������Page 8 In the Classroom ������������������������Page 22 Nightlife ������������������������������������������Page 9 Religion & Spirituality ������������������Page 28 Sports ������������������������������������������� Page 36 Union Matters ������������������������������� Page 10

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International International LONG-AWAITED VERDICT HANDED DOWN the first African leaders to publicFOR KILLER OF AFRICA’S ‘CHE’ ly recognize the growing AIDS epi(GIN)—In what appeared to be a “cold case” after a standstill of over 30 years, a military tribunal has finally ruled in the case of Thomas Sankara, one of the youngest presidents in modern African history, whose life was brutally ended in 1987 by a one-time close friend and ally. Blaise Compaoré, who grabbed power upon Sankara’s death, was sentenced for the killing in absentia. Toppled by public protests in 2014, he fled to the Ivory Coast where it is believed he continues to hide out. Blaise Compaore and Thomas Sanaka (GIN photo) The tribunal found him guilty of an attack on state se- demic as a threat for the continent. curity, complicity in murder and Saying “he who feeds you, conconcealment of a corpse after San- trols you,” he opposed foreign kara’s body was found buried in an aid, denounced “the neocolonialunmarked grave. ist penetration of Africa through As the verdict was read, the Western trade and finance,” and heavily protected courtroom in called for a united front of Afrithe capital, Ouagadougou, erupt- can nations to repudiate their fored in applause, bringing an end eign debt. He argued that the poor to the six-month trial that came and exploited did not have an obafter years of campaigning for ligation to repay money to the rich justice by his family and support- and exploiting. ers, BBC West Africa corresponHe changed the name of his coundent Lalla Sy reported. try from its colonial one, Upper Sankara’s widow, Mariam Sankara, Volta, to Burkina Faso, meaning the who attended the trial throughout, Land of Honest People. said the verdict represented “justice In their closing statement on and truth” after a 35-year wait. April 2, the prosecution recounted A firebrand Marxist revolution- in grim detail how Sankara and his ary in a military red beret, Sankara closest followers were ambushed was known to many as the African at a meeting of the ruling National “Che Guevara.” He led the nation Revolutionary Council. His body for four years from 1983, cam- was riddled with bullets, accordpaigning against corruption while ing to ballistics experts who testiauthorizing huge increases in edu- fied during the trial. cation and health spending. Compaoré’s security chief HyHe cut his own salary and that acinthe Kafando and Gilbert Diof top civil servants and sold off a endere were also sentenced to range of luxury cars. life in prison. He promoted pan-AfricanSankara’s spirit was also behind ism, self-sufficiency, real inde- a protest movement known as “the pendence from former colonial citizens’ broom” or Le Balai Cipower France, and gender equali- toyen, which opposed efforts by ty by banning female circumcision, Compaoré to unlawfully extend forced marriage and polygamy. He his time in power. rolled out mass vaccination camOf the 14 men prosecuted, three paigns against polio and was one of were acquitted while the others


received sentences ranging from three years to life in prison.

UN CHIEF JOINS RWANDESE TO DENOUNCE ‘DELIBERATE, SYSTEMATIC’ USE OF GENOCIDE (GIN)—Speaking by video on the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres urged the world community to choose humanity over hatred, compassion over cruelty, courage over complacency, and reconciliation over rage. If anyone missed the underlying message, the U.N. chief had quietly linked the horror of the genocide of 1 million Rwandans to the “sickening violence” now taking place in the Ukraine. While we honor the memory of those who died, he said poignantly, “we must reflect on our failures as an international community.” As the secretary-general spoke, Rwandan President Paul Kagame on April 7 laid a wreath at a memorial site in the capital, Kigali, where more than 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu were killed. The ceremony marked the beginning of a week of somber events. “Imagine people being hunted down day and night for who they are,” the president said. “Also imagine if those of us who were carrying arms, if we had allowed ourselves to pursue those who were killing

our people indiscriminately. “First of all, we would be right to do so. But we didn’t. We spared them. Some of them are still living today, in their homes, villages. Others are in government and business.” The secretary-general drew attention to the principle of Responsibility to Protect; his call to action, which puts human rights at the heart of the organization. “I have placed the agenda of prevention at the center of our work.” Yet, he added, “much more could have, and should have, been done. A generation after the events, the stain of shame endures. “Rwanda today stands as a powerful testament of the human spirit’s ability to heal even the deepest wounds and emerge from the darkest depths to rebuild a stronger society,” he continued. After having suffered “unspeakable gender-based violence,” women in Rwanda now hold 60 percent of parliamentary seats. And Rwanda is the fourth largest U.N. peacekeeping contributor, which Guterres said was helping to spare others “the pain they themselves have known.” Meanwhile, Ukraine is in flames; old and new conflicts are festering in the Middle East, Africa and beyond, while the Security Council is agreeing “mostly to disagree.” While looking back with remorse, the secretary-general urged everyone to look ahead “with resolve” and commit to “be ever vigilant” and never forget. “Let us pay meaningful tribute to the Rwandans who perished by building a future of dignity, tolerance, and human rights for all,” he concluded. “We always have a choice,” he said, “and perpetrators can no longer assume impunity.”


April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 3

Terror on the subway, suspect caught Metro MetroBriefs Briefs By NAYABA ARINDE Amsterdam News Editor

BREAKING NEWS: SUSPECT CAUGHT AT PRESS TIME New York subway riders faced their worst fear with an active shooter with a smoke bomb on a packed Manhattanbound Brooklyn train. This was not a drill. At the height of the morning rush hour, terrified commuters with bullet holes stumbled off the Manhattan-bound N train at the 36th Street station in Sunset Park at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday. Twenty nine people were injured. Ten were shot. Several were hospitalized overnight. These were people going to work, school, everyday activities when they were confronted by a man who had been “mumbling” in a corner, wearing a grey hoodie and a reflective worker’s jacket, who pulled on a gas mask and tossed a smoke bomb into the crammed subway car at 25th Street. Fighting for their lives, screaming and choking passengers banged on connecting doors, and tried to get out of the smoke-filled car. Then the shooter pulled out a nine millimeter Glock, and began shooting passengers when doors opened at 36th Street in Sunset Park. He discharged the weapon 33 times. Witnesses say his gun jammed. It could have been worse. It could have been deadly. Adults were shot and injured, and five teens aged 12 to 16 years old. An All-Points-Bulletin was put out to find a quickly named “person of interest,” Frank James, 62, with Wisconsin and Philadelphia addresses. He was caught on Wednesday afternoon in the East Village in Manhattan. He now faces federal charges. James’ social media posts talked about homelessness, guns, issues of New York City, and Mayor Eric Adams. Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell stated that extra security had been assigned to the mayor. In one YouTube video attributed to James, a man says: “I’m doing all this talking because I just don’t give a f… no more. What’s the lyric of the song, ‘F… the whole world.’” Police claim they found James’ credit card in a bag with other guns, munitions, fireworks, and U-haul key on the N train. This, they say, led them to a U-haul truck which James reportedly rented and parked in Gravesend, a few miles away. The city has been hammered by critics however. The police $10 billion-plus budget has been called into question again

in terms of deployment of resources and manpower. And also, reportedly there were no working cameras at the 36th Street station. This, they point out, would have given a clear video of what happened, as opposed to citizen journalists posting and turning in cell phone videos. Controversial journalist and social media activist Shaun King posted, “HOW????? It damn near looks fishy at this point. ⁣You can’t make this up. ⁣The first NYPD officer on the scene of the mass shooting said his radio DID NOT WORK and asked passengers to call 911 instead.⁣ Cameras didn’t work.⁣ Inside or outside.⁣ Radios didn’t work.⁣ Trains weren’t stopped.⁣ A complete systems failure from the @NYPD. ⁣A clusterf..k of epic proportions from the police department with the BIGGEST BUDGET IN THE WORLD. ⁣Nearly $11 billion per year.⁣” There was wall-to-wall news coverage. TV breaking news had witnesses, politicians, activists and always-somethingto-say regular New Yorkers giving detailed versions of events. Calls of concern from all over the world came to the Amsterdam News offices. Everyday New Yorkers—turned into hero citizens—aided limping fellow riders, and they tied makeshift tourniquets to stop blood gushing out of bullet-ripped limbs. When the train pulled into the station, panicked riders rushed out of the subway car as smoke billowed out as people spilled out onto the bloodstained platforms. Shell cases littered the subway cars, blood pools and splatter, discarded shoes marked the spot where people fell, stumbled and ran from the smoke. Riders such as Kenneth Foote-Smith praised MTA staff, and particularly the conductor who told them to get on a R train which had just pulled up, a fear was though, that the shooter too had gotten on. There was a massive city, state and federal response. “We will not allow New Yorkers to be terrorized even by a single individual,” a COVID-positive quarantining Mayor Eric Adams said, as police still scoured the city for the unapprehended active shooter. With a Level 1 response, Fourth Avenue in Sunset Park looked like a veritable movie scene with every type of emergency vehicle with flashing lights, and multi-agency alphabet teams from NYPD, FDNY, EMS, ATF, and the FBI. Touting the need for his anti-gun unit, and the need for the doubled-up police presence on the city streets, blaming once again the “over-proliferation of guns on the streets,” Adams claimed that the NYPD has taken “1,800 guns of our streets; 10% of them were ghost guns.” See SUBWAY on page 27

Summing up Mayor Adams’ first 100 days in office By ARIAMA C. LONG Amsterdam News Staff, Report for America Corps Member

This Sunday, April 10, marked the 100th day of Mayor Eric Adams’ time in office. From the first whirlwind days of dealing with the shooting of police officers, gun violence, subway safety, and homelessness to recently testing positive for COVID-19, here’s a look at the job he’s done so far. “Since January, my administration has lived up to our promise to New Yorkers, addressing the issues that matter the most to our city’s residents, from fighting the epidemic of gun violence to giving our kids and youth access to better jobs and educational opportunities,” said Adams in a statement. “Our work is far from over, but we will continue to push forward an agenda that meets the needs of each and every New Yorker every single day.” Right off the bat, Adams is a visible departure from the previous administration. Not only is he a moderate, centrist Black Democrat with a hardline public safety plan, Adams seems to be making a conscious effort to be on the ground in

the city. His movements, like holding gatherings at the sites of the city’s atrocities in the last few months to show his support for the most vulnerable, could be seen as a callback to his mantra of ‘getting stuff done.’ Adams has been lauded as well as heavily criticized in the almost four months he’s been in office. Here’s just some of the highlights of incidents and policies that have sparked debate: in January, Officers Wilbert Mora, 27, and Jason Rivera, 22, were shot on duty while dealing with a domestic disturbance call. Rivera died at the scene, Mora and the shooter died later from injuries. There was a devastating fire at the Twin Parks apartment building in the Bronx. Adams also first introduced his somewhat controversial “Blueprint to End Gun Violence,” which called for the implementation of Neighborhood Safety Teams as well as violence interrupters and expanded mental health care. These safety teams, or modified anti-crime units, have been railed at for having a racist history of targeting Black and Brown communities. See ADAMS on page 23

THE BROTHERHOOD SISTER SOL OPENS NEW COMMUNITY CENTER IN HARLEM Several officials were on hand last weekend to cut the ribbon to open The Brotherhood Sister Sol’s (BroSis) new headquarters and community center in Harlem. The 20,000 square foot community center will serve as a hub for the community and the organization. The structure is the only new building in Harlem dedicated entirely for community and educational use; BroSis’ headquarters will expand its advancement efforts for Black and Latino young people and justice reform. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, State Sen. Robert Jackson, Assemblymember Al Taylor and Council Member Gale Brewer were among the elected officials who attended the ribboncutting ceremony. Designed by Urban Architectural Initiatives and managed by Gilbane Building Company, this building will serve as a space to change policies that will help local youth. TWIN PARKS FIRE MEMORIAL MURAL BEING UNVEILED IN THE BRONX Laundry Capital Co. LLC is hosting a memorial event to remember the victims of the January Twin Parks apartment fire on Saturday, April 16. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Clean Rite Center, 1348 Southern Blvd., Bronx. A memorial mural, commissioned by Laundry Capital and created by local artist group Tats Cru, will be unveiled. The mural will include a list of the names of the victims lost in the fire. Food will be provided by The Hip Hop Food Truck and $20 laundry cards, good for free loads of laundry, will also be provided to Twin Parks residents displaced by that fire. On Jan. 9, at Site 4 of Twin Parks North West, a 19-story public housing building in the Bronx, a fire killed 17 residents and displaced hundreds more in the city’s worst fire disaster in 30 years. LOCAL ANTI-VIOLENCE ADVOCATE JOINS PRESIDENT BIDEN FOR CRIME PREVENTION ANNOUNCEMENT Luis J. Hernandez, Youth Over Guns’ executive director, joined President Joe Biden and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco as they delivered remarks in the Rose Garden to announce additional steps the administration is taking to combat gun crime. Youth Over Guns, a youth-led organization that empowers Black and Brown youth to advocate for gun violence solutions, and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, New York’s only statewide gun violence prevention advocacy organization, together applauded the Biden-Harris administration for taking action to address America’s gun violence epidemic in all forms. The U.S. Department of Justice issued a final rule to rein in the proliferation of “ghost guns”—unserialized, privately made firearms that law enforcement are increasingly recovering at crime scenes in cities across the country. A ghost gun was used during a recent shooting in the Bronx where a 16-year-old girl was killed. HARLEM STUDENT ARTISTS TO BE FEATURED ON LIDL SHOPPING BAGS On April 20, four art students from Harlem School of the Arts will unveil their designs for limited-edition tote bags, developed for the new Lidl grocery store on Frederick Douglass Blvd. One hundred percent of sales from the bags will go to the Community Kitchen & Pantry of West Harlem, a division of Food Bank For New York City. The initiative will provide residents who rely on food pantries greater access to healthy foods. The featured students include Ella Alburez, 13, and Arianna Hoover, 16. —Compiled by Cyril Josh Barker

4 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022


Brian Benjamin bails shortly after arrest on fraud charges By ARIAMA C. LONG Amsterdam News Staff, Report for America Corps Member

Kathy Hochul. Hochul became governor ing every day to deliver for them.” when former governor Andrew Cuomo U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York had to resign amid sexuall harassment Damian Williams presented the facts of the case so far in a scandals. The current allegations against See BENJAMIN on page 32 Former New York State Lt. Benjamin will no Gov. Brian Benjamin resigned doubt hurt her bid for this Tuesday, April 12, shortreelection this year. ly after being arrested and in“I have acceptdicted for bribery and related ed Brian Benjamin’s offenses while he was state resignation effective senator in Harlem. immediately,” said Benjamin surrendered to Hochul in a stateFormer Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin law enforcement and was ment. “While the legal surrendered to law enforcement and was presented before a judge on process plays out, it is By CYRIL JOSH BARKER country’s recovery needs to be based presented before a judge on Tuesday Tuesday afternoon at the U.S. clear to both of us that Amsterdam News Staff on job security, stability and the afternoon. (Ariama C. Long photo) District Court for the Southhe cannot continue to worker’s physical, mental, and ecoern District in lower Manhattan. Within hours of pleading serve as lieutenant governor. New YorkNewark’s Municipal Council passed nomic well-being.” not guilty and leaving the federal court house, Benjamin ers deserve absolute confidence in their a resolution in support of the Good By signing the Good Airports tendered his resignation as lieutenant governor to Gov. government, and I will continue workJobs, Good Airports pledge, and en- pledge, airlines would commit to courages all airlines operating at acknowledging that they have the Newark Liberty International to ability and responsibility to end povcommit to providing their direct and erty-wage jobs and inequity through subcontracted service workforce with the system, ensure the billions of higher wages, quality health care, public dollars airlines receive annupaid time off, and respecting workers’ ally serve the public good, set a minBy HERB BOYD That outcome was assured even as the senators voted rights to join a union at all airports in imum wage and benefit standard Special to the AmNews along party lines since the deciding vote would have which they operate. guaranteeing all workers are paid been cast by Vice President Harris. Three Republicans, Even though most workers at living wages, and provided affordable, After being confirmed last Friday, April 8, to be the Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Newark International Airport are quality health care and paid time off first African American woman to serve on the Su- Mitt Romney of Utah, crossed the aisle, joining the protected under their collective bar- and respect workers’ right to join topreme Court, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wasted no Democrats, giving Justice Jackson a 53 to 47 tally. gaining agreement and the Healthy gether in a union. time putting that historic moment in context: “We’ve Vice President Harris didn’t get a chance to break Terminals Act, they stood in sup“We commend the Municipal made it, all of us. All of us!” she repeated. To her the a tie but, as president of the Senate, it was her report of their fellow workers amid a Council in the City of Newark for recvictory was collective, one that all Americans can cel- sponsibility to announce the outcome, which she national uprising that has seen es- ognizing the value of all its workebrate, especially those who have waited so long for did with a smile on her face and glee in her voice. sential workers across industries ers and passing this resolution,” said such an achievement. “It has taken 232 year and 115 “On this vote,” she began, “the yeas are 53 and the fed up and demanding change. Kevin Brown, 32BJ SEIU executive prior appointments for a Black woman to be selected nays are 47, and the nomination is confirmed.” They were joined by the Rev. Louise vice-president and N.J. state director. to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States.” The Senate chamber reverberated with applause. Roundtree, Councilwoman LaMon- “Airport workers play a key role in our For those Americans who had been paying close at- A tandem of Black women, on separate occasions, ica McIver, and Municipal Council post-pandemic recovery. After two tention to the confirmation process, as vicious as it had shattered the glass ceiling of denial. President Luis Quintana. years defined by calls for racial justice often was, it was a foregone conclusion that a seat on Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock was among the “In passing this resolution, the Mu- and the safety of our essential workthe bench of the highest court was reserved for her. See KETANJI on page 25 nicipal Council proudly stands with ers, it is time to create a nationwide airport workers in the city of Newark standard. Airlines have the power and nationwide,” said Quintana. “As to change the lives of thousands of the largest city in the state, we take workers nationwide and propel our By ARIAMA C. LONG makers and advocates who fought to keep bail reforms, our duty to protect the workers very airports to a recovery that puts workAmsterdam News Staff, passed in 2019, in the budget as well as investments in seriously. We strongly believe that the ing people first.” Report for America Corps Member the Housing Access Voucher Program and the passage of the Clean Slate Act. After the state budget being a week late, Gov. Kathy Clean Slate is a bill that creates an automatic process Hochul finally announced last Friday that an agreement for sealing conviction records after the requirements was struck. Here’s the key parts, and what Mayor Eric of the criminal legal system have been met, and previAdams and advocates have to say about “gaps.” ously had Hochul’s support. About 2.3 million people The total state budget is currently estimated at $220 have been shut out because of a previous conviction By CYRIL JOSH BARKER 13 dispensaries across the state. billion and the spending plan will include $2 billion for record, said lawmakers. “Criminal convictions create Amsterdam News Staff “We are getting closer to the openpandemic assistance, said the governor’s office. The state lifelong barriers to employment, housing, professioning of the market. We are approving budget prioritizes things such as gas tax suspensions, al licenses, childcare, and other necessities that New This week during a special meeting applications for new applicants and support for small businesses by authorizing the sale of Yorkers need to rebuild their lives with dignity,” said the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory have now made way for the ATCs to to-go cups, funding for child care, investment in a five- Jared Trujillo, policy counsel at the New York Civil LibCommission approved applications expand,” said the Commission’s Exyear transportation infrastructure plan, clean energy, and erties Union. “These very barriers trap New Yorkers in from seven Alternative Treatment ecutive Director Jeff Brown. “We are cracking down on gun trafficking, among other things. cycles of poverty and reincarceration.” Centers to expand into the recreation- now tasked with completing inspec“This agreement brings us closer to an enacted budget In Adams’ statement about the adopted state budget al cannabis business. tions of the ATCs and getting them and makes good on our promise of a stronger, safer, more on April 8, he said that huge components of his plans Once they pass operational inspec- permitted to open for business to the inclusive and more prosperous New York State,” said centered around helping the working class. He said that tions and are issued new licenses general public.” Hochul in a statement. the city will review the budget fully and continue to advoAcreage CCF New Jersey, Curaleaf, CoIn addition to the ATC expansions, Within the state’s adopted budget, New York City gets cate on behalf of students and affordable housing. lumbia Care, Verano, GTI New Jersey, the NJ-CRC also approved 34 condithings such as the expansion of the city’s Earned Income “While I commend the legislature and the governor Ascend New Jersey, and TerrAscend tional license applications for cultiTax Credit, property tax abatements to building owners, for making some progress on public safety, it is also evwill be able to cultivate cannabis, man- vators and manufacturers. This brings funding for more childcare centers, and a $1.1 billion in- ident that a good deal more work will be needed on this ufacture cannabis products, and con- the number of conditional licenses vestment in New York City Housing Authority. issue, as well as on mayoral accountability, housing, and duct retail sales to the general public in approved so far to 102. However, there’s a palpable disapproval from lawSee BUDGET on page 29


Newark passes resolution in support of ‘Good Jobs, Good Airports’ pledge

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson celebrates historic confirmation

Mayor, NYC advocates weigh in on state budget

NJ approves more facilities for recreational cannabis sales


Sharon Coggins: Using her son’s words to spread awareness and empathy through book

pening to men in general. They Sharon Coggins and Fabian Amin Williams, son (Courtesy don’t want to believe they can of Ernest Jackson) become sick. They see themselves as strong and as providers,” Coggins said. Meanwhile, Coggins said she noticed women are identifying with the story. The women can see their child in Coggins’ son or their husbands in Coggins’ husband. “I’ve seen grown people read the book and cry towards the ending. People can empathize with the child,” she said. Coggins’ husband was from Jamaica. Coggins said she didn’t believe he was aware of what was going on at first. He started suffering from symptoms such as bleeding and New Yorker erectile dysfunction. By M’NIYAH LYNN The progression of Coggins’ Special to the AmNews husband’s cancer, which they weren’t aware of at the time, took a toll on the Sharon Coggins’ son Fabian Amin Wil- family. There were times when Coggins liams was 4 years old when he lost his father, thought that her husband was unfaithful Fabian Williams, to rectal cancer. Although because of the increasing lack of intimacy the family endured grief and loss over losing as a side effect of his cancer. Not only that, Coggins’ husband to a disease, she and her but her son noticed some changes with his son found a way to transform the pain into father. His father began losing the energy something that can help others. “Daddy to play with him or do anything. Has Cancer” is a book Coggins and Fabian Coggins took him to the hospital, but the hosAmin Williams have written from the per- pital didn’t pick up on something being wrong. spective of Williams watching and coming “They weren’t advocating for us as much to terms with his father’s condition wors- as they should have,” Coggins said. “When ening and inevitable death. Today, the book we realized he was sick, we did our part [as has helped readers face the difficult reali- a family] to make sure that he got the treatty of losing a loved one and helped to spread ments and everything that he needed.” awareness of Fabian Amin Williams’ story to The treatments included holistic and inspire men, especially men of color, to be conventional medical routes. For inproactive in their personal health. stance, the family became vegetarian. Colon and rectum cancer is listed as the Still, Fabian Amin Williams’ father lost his third most dangerous cancer for men and for battle to cancer at 38 years old. women, according to UnityPoint Health. These Fabian Amin Williams was often told that forms of cancer are also known as colorectal he was too young to understand what was cancer or CRC. However, CRC has higher oc- happening to his father, but this wasn’t currence rates in men than in women, the the case. Coggins would talk to him about American Cancer Society’s Colorectal Cancer what he was seeing. “The book was based Facts & Figures 2020-2022 report said. on my son’s perspective and me wanting to “If there’s no Black man, there’s a break- make sure he was mentally and emotiondown in the family,” Coggins said. ally okay. Being able to communicate with Another disparity that is evident in colon and your child is one of the things we should rectum cancer is in race. The American Cancer do as parents,” Coggins said. Society found that during 2012 to 2016, “CRC inCoggins was born in Guyana but raised cidence rates in Blacks were about 20% higher in New York. She worked for the Departthan those in non-Hispanic whites (NHWs).” ment of Education as a teacher for 21 CRC mortality is highest in non-Hispanic years. She is the mother of four. Blacks as well. Socioeconomic status and Coggins said the book is useful because access to health care were some factors it helps parents educate their children contributing to this disparity. on health. Also, the book allows kids to It can be difficult for adults to come to learn empathy for other human beings. terms with the fact that they have a health By doing so, children may be better able condition or that they are sick. Coggins to process loved ones passing away. said that some of the men reading the book “It’s important for people to show emotions seem to have a harder time accepting this. towards each other and to be able to relate. “They’re not ready to hear what’s going on and We need more books out here like that. I’m face the fact that these are things that are hap- glad my son and I did that for many,” she said.


April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 5


By David R. Jones

State Repeals Pataki-Era Ban on College-in-Prison Tuition Assistance When the 1994 Federal Crime Bill was passed, it included $16 billion for prison construction and expansion of law enforcement, paving the way for a punitive shift in U.S. urban policy. It also ended Pell Grant eligibility for people in prison. A year later, led by then-Governor George Pataki, New York followed suit with its own ban on Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) grant eligibility for incarcerated persons. The move reflected a cynical exploiting of the prevailing “Tough on Crime” national trend that elevated investment in more prosecution, prisons and punishment over the more difficult work of addressing poverty, structural racism and inequality. It was also based on the false argument leveled by some lawmakers at the time that incarcerated individuals were receiving tuition assistance at the expense of “law abiding citizens” who could not afford to send their children to college. Fortunately, New York is finally putting an end to this ill-conceived ban. The state’s new budget enacted this past week restores TAP funding eligibility after a 26-year moratorium. For thousands of individuals incarcerated it means a chance to apply for and access TAP to fund post-secondary education. It means a chance to engage in programming that will expand their horizons and their futures. We should all know by now that making higher education available to people in prison pays off in reduced recidivism rates, savings on the costs of incarceration for taxpayers, safer communities and greatly enhanced employment opportunities for individuals able to participate in these programs to earn a degree. It’s one of the best investments we can make to help incarcerated persons better prepare themselves to compete for work in a fiercely competitive, post-pandemic job market that continues to prize a college education. “As someone who has visited students enrolled in these programs at Green Haven Correctional Facility and other places, I can tell you that the students are fully engaged, remarkable individuals who are giving 110 percent effort,” said Bronx Assemblymember Kenny Burgos, who advocated for TAP restoration in the budget. “This is an investment in people that transcends the prison system. It will have an impact on families, incomes, crime reduction, you name it.” According to Burgos, $5 million has been set aside in the FY 23 state budget to fund TAP grants for incarcerated students. The sad reality of the world we live in is that punishment-impacted persons are pushed to the margins of society well beyond their time served in prison. Indeed, because conviction records are

indelible, punishment often follows individuals their entire lives. The stigma associated with imprisonment affects every aspect of a person’s life, curtailing a person’s ability to obtain housing, licenses to practice trades, jobs, education and the possibility of family reunification. For these reasons, empowering and assisting people in prison to get an education is a fundamental part of equipping them with the skills they will need to be productive and successful outside prison walls. Albany’s Unfinished Business - Clean Slate Legislation Governor Hochul and the State Legislature deserve praise for restoring TAP eligibility for incarcerated persons in the state budget. But another important item was left on the table: passage of broad automatic conviction records sealing legislation known as Clean Slate NY. The governor announced her support for Clean Slate in her January “State of State” address, but negotiations broke down when she insisted on an implementation timetable that would have delayed relief for years. However, at last week’s post-budget press conference, Governor Hochul raised hopes that differences could be overcome by reiterating her support for records clearance and pledging to work with legislative leaders to get Clean Slate done before the end of the legislative session in June. For the last six years, the Community Service Society has been among the leaders of a broad coalition of business notables, labor and faith leaders, legal advocates and legislators calling for the passage of legislation directing New York’s courts and record repositories to automatically expunge criminal records – both misdemeanors and felonies – after time has passed. It’s crucial that we end the perpetual punishment of 2.3 million New Yorkers with criminal convictions which keeps so many from accessing life essentials like employment and housing. Clean Slate legislation is a matter of fairness first and foremost, but also a matter of common sense: while repairing past harms, Clean Slate is also a jobs bill, one that we should all support. Bringing down barriers to New Yorkers gaining a foothold in the economy, contributing to the tax base and helping push our recovery from pandemicrelated damage is in New York’s economic best interests. We are going to need everyone to participate in the workforce if we are to return New York to a functioning, vibrant place to work and do business, and to make it a place where people want to live and raise families. In New York we like to call ourselves a progressive state. Let’s prove it by making 2022 the year we pass this vital legislation.

David R. Jones, Esq., is President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York (CSS), the leading voice on behalf of low-income New Yorkers for more than 175 years. The views expressed in this column are solely those of the writer. The Urban Agenda is available on CSS’s website:

6 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022


Recent shootings, budget spark debate over ‘Raise the Age’ By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff Last week, 16-year-old Angellyh Yambo, while walking home from University Prep Charter School, was shot and killed with two others wounded. It was the result of a gun fight between two young people. A 17-year-old was charged with the murder and is currently in police custody. Some elected officials have tied the shootings to not only bail reform, but the recently implemented Raise the Age laws. Passed on April 10, 2017, the legislation raised the age that a kid that could be tried in court as an adult to 18 years old. Misdemeanor charges go to family court. Nonviolent felonies go to a newly established youth section of criminal court. Ever since its implementation, the law has been used as a cudgel by political conservatives to toughen their stance about liberal elected officials not being “tough on crime.” NY GOP Chairman Nick Langworthy said that the recent shooting in the Bronx is an example of catching them when they’re young. “The shooter had a history with guns and gangs going back to the age of 12, which is sadly too often the reality,” said Langworthy. “Albany Democrats have focused all of their energy on making it easier to commit crimes without any regard for the innocent lives being destroyed they are responsible for.

Courtesy of: Onnes & fotograv via iStock (respectively)

This public safety nightmare they created, and they must be held accountable in the voting booth this November.” In the delayed, but eventually passed, state budget, conservatives were able to close alleged “loopholes” in Raise the Age laws concerning gun violence despite pushback by New York State Gov. Kathy Hochul and Albany Democrats. The fight against the rollbacks earned the praise of activists’ groups and formerly elected officials. Hochul said the “loophole” would provide Family Court with jurisdiction over cases when 16- and

17-year-olds are charged with an offense but not arraigned until they are 18. Cases are dismissed due to lack of jurisdiction. According to the new budget, courts will also be required to provide referrals to programs and services to juveniles who are being released. “The Raise the Age NY Coalition is grateful for our champions in the New York State Senate and Assembly who have stood up for New York’s young people and fought for a more equitable criminal justice system during these negotiations,” stated Nichola Greenblatt of the Raise the Age Coalition. “As New York’s elected leaders look ahead,

they must focus on real solutions that address the root causes of violence and are grounded in public health. It is imperative our elected leaders continue to protect Raise the Age and resist fear-based efforts to roll back the law during the upcoming legislative session. “Now, the governor must ensure that New York fully funds Raise the Age implementation, making certain resources reach counties quickly to support communitybased organizations that directly serve our youth and communities,” continued Greenblatt. Former New York State Assembly Member and Democratic Nation-

al Committee Vice Chair Michael Blake said that he was opposed to any changes that were based on emotion and not numbers. “I’m still opposed to the changes because they weren’t rooted in data showing the connection, rather fearmongering and false narratives leading to purely political considerations going into the 2022 elections,” said Blake. “Yes, you always have very unfortunate and tragic situations like the recent shootings in the Bronx and in the city. However, empowering judicial discretion and rolling back bail creates a very slippery slope that incarcerated more Black and Brown people.” Last week, statistics revealed that shootings increased by 16.2% in March of 2022 when compared to the same time last year. Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson preferred to put the recent tragedies under the umbrella of gun violence and not Raise the Age. “As I have always said, the level of violence we are seeing in our neighborhoods is not normal and is unacceptable,” Gibson stated. “Our community has a fundamental right and expectation to be safe and should not have to fear incessant gun violence. I pray that the person or people responsible are caught and held accountable for their actions. I also want to send prayers of healing and strength to the families of the victims during this very difficult time.”

Special election set in Assembly District 58, Waterman scores Perry’s endorsement By ARIAMA C. LONG Amsterdam News Staff, Report for America Corps Member Governor Kathy Hochul called for a special election to replace long-time Assemblymember Nick Perry in the 58th Assembly District, who is officially leaving office to serve as U.S. Ambassador to Jamaica. The election will be held on Tuesday, May 24. “Ambassador Nick Perry has led an illustrious career, and with his distinguished appointment he continues his trajectory forward. We wish him all the best in his new role as U.S. Ambassador to Jamaica,” said Hochul in a statement. “New Yorkers deserve to be represented in the fullest capacity, and an election to fill the Ambassador’s seat is necessary to ensure their voices are heard.” Community activist Monique Chandler-Waterman, former aide

Community activist Monique Chandler-Waterman joins family and friends to canvass in the East Flatbush area. (Photo by Ariama C. Long)

to Mayor Eric Adams, Hercules Reid, and school administrator Otis Danne Jr. are all running to fill the vacant seat. “People don’t trust government, so there’s alot of us trying to change that but it starts with people going for the right people in office and them being able to trust the system again,” said

Chandler-Waterman. Chandler-Waterman was born and raised in East Flatbush. She was Perry’s special assistant, works in the City’s Test and Trace Corp, and runs her non profit East Flatbush Village with her husband. Waterman founded the non profit in 2008 and it’s become a major youth and education orga-

nization that focuses on combating gun violence in Brooklyn. In 2012, Waterman worked with then-Councilmember Jumaane Williams as the director of Community Outreach. She ran for City Council in District 45 in 2019, but lost to now-Councilmember Farah Louis. Perry is backing Chandler-Waterman to replace him as assemblymember, reported the Brooklyn Paper. “There’s a lot that’s thrown at one individual as an elected but I know it takes a collective voice of the community to basically say this is what’s needed. But they have to be educated and included in the process,” said Chandler-Waterman. Dennis James, who is the Block Association president for East 51st Street, said that Chandler-Waterman cares for the seniors and the young in the district.

“Gun violence, believe me when I say it starts at home. You nurture these kids the right way so they don’t have to go around and pick up with negative influences,” said James about the main issue facing the district. On a state level, Chandler-Waterman said she sees gun violence as an extension of debilitating housing issues and stability, lack of equity in education, public health, food disparities, and immigration challenges. Ariama C. Long is a Report for America corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for The Amsterdam News. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a taxdeductible gift of any amount today by visiting: https://tinyurl. com/fcszwj8w


April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 7


TEXT “blacklight” to (202) 858-1233 to donate. or SCAN the QR Code. The Local Media Foundation/New York Amsterdam News Blacklight Project will shine a light on the problems plaguing our communities and highlight solutions. Donations to the Local Media Foundation for this project are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. No goods or services are provided in exchange for contributions. Please consult a tax advisor for details. The program is administered by Local Media Foundation, tax ID #36-4427750, a Section 501(c)(3) charitable trust affiliated with the Local Media Association.

8 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022

Go With The Flo





Colgate Women’s Games held at St. John’s University


ANTHONY Former “Grey’s Anatomy” star, Jesse Williams, currently starring on Broadway in “Take Me Out” at the Hayes Theater, reportedly has had his child support payments to his ex-wife, Aryn Drake-Lee, for their two children, reduced from $40,000 per month to $6,413 per month. The actor asked the court for the reduction because he is no longer on “Grey’s Anatomy” and in court documents stated, “I am requesting the court to reduce the child support to a reasonable amount I can afford given the significant reduction of my income and the now fluctuating nature of my income.” Although Williams made over $6 million during his tenure on the ABC hit show, as well as residuals, he told the court he is only making $1,668 per week now. Meanwhile, “Take Me Out” has been extended for two additional weeks and will now run through Saturday, June 11. The 30th Anniversary Bounce Trumpet Awards have been rescheduled for April 23 at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California, and will air on Juneteenth, Sunday, June 19, at 7 p.m. ET. Produced by Magic Lemonade Production Company, the gala event will be televised on Bounce, the nation’s popular entertainment television network serving African Americans. The event was rescheduled from January because of COVID-19 concerns. The 2022 Bounce Trumpet Awards will honor: Courtney B. Vance, Stan Lathan, Zaila Avantgarde, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, and Princess Sarah Culberson. Congratulations to Misty Copeland and her husband, attorney Ola Evans, on the birth of their first child. Copeland made history as the first African American female principal dancer with the prestigious American Ballet Theater. Her publicist told Richard Johnson of the NY Daily News, “No further details are available.” Evans is “All American” actor Taye Diggs’ cousin, who reportedly introduced the couple to each other. Legendary “Ad Man” Jo Muse of Muse Communications will be inducted into the 71st American Advertising Hall of Fame. The live annual gala and award ceremony will be held on Tuesday, April 26 in New York City. Muse has been creating advertising literary magic for decades, working with some of the biggest Fortune 500 companies in the country. The Hall of Fame ceremony is “the biggest night in advertising” for the industry, bringing together more than 1,000 of the nation’s top leaders of American advertising, marketing and media companies.

Elementary A & B Young Leilani Ariyibi of St. Luke’s School, Manhattan, pulled off an impressive double victory in the Elementary A division 200-meter dash in 31.36, and 400-meter dash in 1:10.54 (Lem Peterkin photos)

There was a glorious return of the Colgate Women’s Games, the nation’s longest-running Track & Field series for girls and women. Following a pause because of the pandemic, the series has resumed events this spring, hosting its first outdoor series competition in its 47-year history. The competition kicked off April 3, 2022 at St. John’s University, DaSilva Field in Queens, New York. The mission of the Games remains the same: to continue creating pathways for girls and young women to pursue their educational goals, and achieve their personal and athletic potential.

Anisa Dixon, representing Brooklyn’s PS 251, managed to score some points with her 7th place finish in the Elementary A 100-meter dash at the Colgate Women’s Games’ first outdoor track and field meet, held at St. University’s DaSilva Stadium on April 3, 2022 (Lem Peterkin photos)

Two preliminary meets were scheduled to determine the competitors who qualify for the semi-final and final meets, taking place at Icahn Stadium on Randall’s Island in Manhattan on April 16 and April 24, respectively.

nearly 1,200 competitors plus their families, friends and coaches packed DaSilva Field and endured intermittent rain showers throughout the day to take part in the event. These young ladies are so dedicated and committed to being the best they can be and we Trophies and scholarships from Col- are so happy to support them in this gate-Palmolive Company are award- effort. There were many notable earlyed to top place finishers in each age/ season performances too!” grade division. At the end of this year’s event, nearly 5,000 scholarAll point scorers advance to the ships will have been awarded to Col- Semi-Finals and top point scorers gate Women’s Games winners. advance to the Finals which are held at Icahn Stadium on April 16 Meet director, Cheryl Toussaint, and April 24, respectively. an Olympian and Colgate Women’s Games alumna, was ecstatic about the Visit Games’ return stating, “We’re thrilled, for more information about the Games





April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 9

NAN 2022 convention Nightlife wraps up BRIC is gonna smooth

Written by David Goodson

(Blll Moore photos)

Last week Civil Rights leader the Rev. Al Sharpton and the National Action Network (NAN) held their four-day 2022 convention in New York City. NAN concluded its convention with three priorities in advancing Dr. King’s mission of a just, equitable United States. These represent the overall themes of the convention, which ran from April 6 through April 9 and brought together more than a dozen members of the Biden administration, U.S. Congressional leadership, and key figures in business, labor, religion, criminal justice, and the Black church. “After four inspiring days of discussions, meetings, and reflection, it’s again time for the National Action Network to live up to its name,” said Sharpton, the founder and pres-

r d y g d n e

e t l


ident of NAN. “We must now protect the right to vote, reform our criminal justice system so people don’t live in fear of both crime and the police, and make sure companies actually live up to their commitments to social justice. I thank the dozens of speakers, panelists, and honorees for moving this conversation forward. It’s now time to act.” With various panels and forums NAN said they will continue to prioritize the following areas: voting rights protection, criminal justice reform, and economic equity. Always exciting was their Keepers of the Dream event with honorees such as the NFL’s Brian Flores. For more information, go to www.

out those Brooklyn edges Hey yo Brooklyn, what up? You good? I mean for real, for real? It’s been a rough few days. While 15 people were injured, we need to take an optimistic outlook and consider that there were no fatalities; none of the injuries are life-threatening. Life-altering however is something we need to contend with. From a practical standpoint the escalation of violence occurring on/in the Mass Transit Association HAS to be addressed. The MTA is literally the circulatory system of this metropolis, and the millions of daily commuters need to feel safe. That being a point of contention is unquestionable. Welcome to the hotseat to the newly minted Mr. Mayor. Since we started with Brooklyn, we may as well keep it there and take a look at a few of the events set to occur. The Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Howard Gilman Opera House (30 Lafayette Ave) will present JANELLE MONÁE in Conversation about her new book “The Memory Librarian: And Other Stories from Dirty Computer,” on Monday, April 18. Pulling from the Afrofuturistic vision of her hit album “Dirty Computer,” the collaborative short fiction collection features stories by Monáe and an array of “talented female and non-binary writers” including Danny Lore and Sheree Renée Thomas who will join Monáe on stage for the evening conversation. BAM audience members will be among the first with copies of the book before it drops a day later. Janelle is a proven and accomplished artist in many facets as an American singer-songwriter, actress, producer, fashion icon, and futurist whose globally successful career spans over a decade. Her highly theatrical and stylized concept albums have garnered her eight Grammy nominations and she has developed her own label imprint, Wondaland Arts Society. Monáe has also earned great success as an actor, starring in critically acclaimed films including “Moonlight,” “Hidden Figures,” “Harriet,” “The Glorias,” and the 2020 horror film “Antebellum.” She will star in the highly anticipated sequel “Knives Out 2.” “The Memory Librarian” is her debut book. Tickets prices are $45, $55, $65; all tickets include a book. A staple of last summer and one of the most instrumental agents of returning NYC back to normalcy, the 2022 BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! season will kick off on Wednesday, June 8 with legendary saxophonist, producer, and composer Kamasi Washington as the headliner. Closing out the festival season on Sat-

urday, August 6 will be Nigerian singer/ songwriter, Yemi Alade. The award-winning Afro-pop artist who has music features with Beyonce, Rick Ross, and Mr. Eazi on her resume, has accumulated over 400 million views on YouTube—she is one of the most viewed African artists of all time. The news comes on the heels of the recent benefit concert announcements, which help to support BRIC’s free programming: Los Angeles singer/songwriter Phoebe Bridgers will hit the festival stage on June 14 and 15. Both performances were completely sold out in under 48 hours. Then there’s the Friday, August 5 date of the “Queen of Neo Soul” Erykah Badu. The rest of the festival lineup will be announced May 3. Lastly by the time this hits the stands, 2x-Grammy Award-winning bassist Marcus Miller would have kicked off his two-week residency at the iconic Blue Note New York from April 12 to April 17, and April 19 to 24, Marcus will perform two shows a night at 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. ET. “I’ve noticed over the past several years that the Blue Note New York has really stepped out by presenting all types of amazing musical artists in interesting settings. I’m very excited to be part of this,” Marcus Miller shares. “During my two-week residency, I will explore my entire musical career from funk and R&B to fusion and straight-ahead jazz. I look forward to bringing together interesting combinations of musicians to perform music from my collaborations with Miles Davis to Luther Vandross, David Sanborn, and my own solo career. Each night will be a musical journey—musicians from my past and also from my future, things I’ve done in the past and things I’m about to do! Some guests will be musicians you know and some you don’t yet know but WILL. No matter what night you come it’s going to be an incredible time!” The themes and nights are as follows: Tuesday, April 12 - Wednesday, April 13 // Marcus Miller Laid Black Thursday, April 14 - Saturday, April 16 // We Want Miles / Electric Miles Sunday, April 17 // A Night of Fusion, Funk & Soul Tuesday, April 19 - Thursday, April 21 // Ladies of Jazz & Soul Friday, April 22 - Saturday, April 23 // The Nexus Project Sunday, April 24 // Marcus Miller’s Bass Jam Over and out. Holla next week. Till then, enjoy the nightlife.

10 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022


Union Matters April showers The remarkable win by Gregory Floyd Amazon workers in Staten Island President, Teamsters Local 237 and Vice President at-Large on the to unionize was General Board of the International no small feat. Brotherhood of Teamsters Just 18 months ago, this newly formed “Amazon Labor Union” did not exist. I recall that not long ago this was unthinkable! In 2018, Amazon announced that, after a national search, Long Island City was chosen as the site for a huge, 4 million-square-foot headquarters, with plans for 25,000 jobs immediately and an additional 40,000 jobs within 15 years. Among those protesting their strong opposition—which ranged from concerns about congestion to environmental issues—there were those who feared that Amazon, with its long history of worker abuse and union bashing, could never be tamed in this union town, let alone succumb to union organizing. True to form, in March of 2020, a Staten Island Amazon warehouse worker, Christian Smalls, led a walkout in protest of deplorable, COVID-related workplace conditions. Amazon’s general counsel’s meeting notes said of Smalls: “He’s not smart, or articulate, and to the extent to which the press wants to focus on him versus us, we will be in a much stronger PR position.” WOW! They not only dismissed Smalls as insignificant, but arrogantly condescended that an unpolished, tattooed young Black man could be used to unionize. Amazon fired him, but their strategy backfired. Among other features of this phenomenal win was its true home-grown, grassroots nature. There were no high-end, highly paid professional consultants and organizers involved. There were no deep-pockets, all-in, 24/7 outside companies, community groups or even larger unions providing a constant flow of funding, advice, and “boots” on the ground. This was a worker-driven effort by current and former Amazon workers, who set up a GoFundMe page and held BBQs, and after-work parking lot chats—in several languages. Workers connected to one another in a way no one else could. This was more effective than any clever talking points created by Amazon’s team of PR pros. Many lessons have been learned from this victory. Clearly, other workers throughout the nation, working at jobs formerly thought to be impossible to unionize, now see that it can be done—and with little money by rank and file workers. Labor scholar Jane McAlverey wrote in her book “No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age” that “staffers see themselves not as ordinary people, but as key agents of change.” What have big unions with more money and members to utilize on organizing efforts learned from this David and Goliath triumph? Clearly, they need to question how their assets should be spent. Big media buys? Organizers’ iPads for instant sign-ups? Block parties? No doubt, the options will be discussed at length, studied by focus groups, polled and analyzed—probably with many opinions and conclusions. But with the economy currently at a record high, unemployment at a record low, and while we are still basking in the glory of making labor history, now is the time for all of us who believe in workplace equity and dignity to fight, collectively, and oneon-one, for union formation and membership growth. As the old adage reminds us: “April showers bring May flowers.” For union workers, long-time and brand new, the protections and benefits they enjoy make up many bouquets. Gregory Floyd is president, Teamsters Local 237 and vice president at-large on thegeneral board of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters

TWU Local 100 handling subway shooting the best way they can—carrying on

TWU Local 100 members were close to Tuesday’s shooting physically and mentally (Courtesy of: Marc A. Hermann/ MTA & Tim Minton/MTA)

By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff Workers at the station weren’t too keen on speaking to people following Tuesday’s subway shooting in Brooklyn. But they carried on with their jobs as they have since the pandemic, since failed terrorist attacks, and since 9/11. According to TWU Local 100 Safety Director Earl Phillips, carrying on is one of the best ways to approach working in the subway. Like a football coach telling his cornerback to forget the last play when he was beat by a wide receiver for a touchdown. “The next step when you realize that my members didn’t have no kind of bruises, you have to [check on] their mental state of mind,” Phillips said. “Because a member didn’t show blood or bruises, that don’t signify that they are okay. If you follow the history of our members, if it was 9/11, if it was the pandemic, our members will not run away from incidents. Somehow, it seems like it’s a part of their DNA. “I don’t care how many years they have on the job. Ten years, 20 years, 30 years, 1-year-olds, we go right into action to assist an agent when needed. And that is exactly what happened,” continued Phillips. “They went right into action and became a part of the evacuation process.” On Tuesday, April 12, a gunman wearing a gas mask and dressed in an orange, construction workers’ vest set off a smoke bomb and shot multiple people inside an R-subway train car at the 36th Street station in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Ten people were shot, five are in critical condition and six others were injured. Police have found a U-Haul truck that they believe was rented by the gunman who currently remains at large. Transit and MTA workers have the respect of U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Queens Borough President Don-

ovan Richards. Both expressed gratitude for their presence and their actions in a time where most would take flight instead of fight. “My prayers are with the victims and their loved ones, as well as the emergency personnel and law enforcement responding to this situation,” stated Gillibrand. “I am incredibly grateful to the courageous New Yorkers who came to the aid of their fellow passengers and to the MTA train operators whose quick thinking saved lives—their bravery and fortitude represents the best of our state.” Richards also said that all authorities need to work together to prevent another event of this kind. “We will never cower in the face of such callous violence…The MTA, NYPD and all relevant agencies must conduct an immediate, system-wide review of subway safety and emergency response protocols to help prevent such an assault on our city and its people from occurring ever again,” Donovan stated. Phillips, like New Yorkers on both sides of the political spectrum, believe that the increased intensity of subway crime requires more cops (uniformed and plain-clothed). But when the AmNews asked him about the number of cops already patrolling the subway system, he said that they haven’t been deployed properly. “You can take hundreds of police officers and put them in the subway,” Phillips said. “And if you walk ’em on top of each other, it [the shooting] would still happen. Because it’s how you dispatch them. “Our members, MTA workers, know the hotspots. We know the areas where people hide. They know the areas where people sleep,” Phillips continued. “It’s not about putting cops in here to address something politically. If you’re going to do something, let’s do it correctly.

Remove the politics out of it.” The AmNews also spoke with Robert Kelley, TWU Local 100’s vice president of stations department. He spoke about the usual protocol his workers undergo in events like these. Protocol that’s supposed to be practiced. “There’s supposed to be a shapeup area,” said Kelley. “We’re supposed to go there and there’s supposed to be designated areas at each station. For our members, if anything like this arises, they meet on a certain corner or location.” The problem? “Now, is this practiced? Absolutely not,” Kelley said. “Now it’s just a wake-up call. For the authority to understand—and when I say the authority, the MTA—to understand that they need to be more proactive and practice. I think that it’s necessary, right? But we’re tired from our end, the union side of the house. It’s going to take management for them to really wake up and see that these need to be taken seriously. “[If] this is not the wakeup call,” said Phillips, “I don’t know what will be.” The MTA recently touted the $1.5 million it would save capping OMNY fares (the New York equivalent of an Oyster Card). MTA board members have recently proposed an increase in fares across the city, while engaging in current experiments, continually citing its debt. With the money they do have, they’ve worked with the city to install cameras in every subway station. The ones at the 36th Avenue station couldn’t transmit to the MTA or the New York Police Department at the time of the incident. Phillips thinks there’s a reason for this. “Cameras are more designated in high-privileged areas,” said Kelley. “And when you have low-income areas and stuff like that, they don’t put the same care into low-income areas. And that’s a very big concern among us.”


April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 11 T




‘Poor’ people march for economic justice

By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff New Yorkers without means used what they had to march on Wall Street. New York Poor People’s Campaign (NYPPC) marched to Wall Street starting at the Museum of the American Indian, passed the New York Stock Exchange and ending at Trinity Church Wall Street where multiple people spoke about the plight of the voiceless and what needs to be done politically to fix things. “We live in a time where there is great suffering and crisis,” said Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, at the mass meeting. “And much of what is going on doesn’t make sense. We throw away more food than it takes to feed every man, woman and child in this country…We have brokers here on Wall Street bidding on food prices as families in this country and around the world are facing some of the highest food prices in history! “But it doesn’t have to be this way,” said Rev. Dr. Theoharis. The march was part of a national “Poor People’s Campaign” that aims to use “grassroots community and religious leaders, organizations, and movements” to fight against systemic racism, poverty, environmental issues, and overreliance on the military engaging in perpetual war with some entity or nation. Representatives from Vermont, Rhode Island and Massachusetts joined the march as part of the “Mass Poor People’s & LowWage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls.” The groups want to hit the nation’s capital on June 18. “I worry for my son. I worry that he’ll be able to find a living wage,” said Kelly Smith, a tri-

chair of the NYPPC. “I worry that he lives in a world where his Black skin is valued less than my white skin. And I could worry and worry and worry and wring my hands. Or I could stand up. I could speak up. I could fight.” Pamela Poniatowski, tri-chair of the Rhode Island Poor People’s Campaign, said that she wasn’t aware of the number of households with disabled members living below the poverty line. According to Annual Disability Statistics Compendium via the Administration for Community Living’s National Institute on Disability Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (which is funded by the federal government) people with disabilities live in poverty more than twice the rate of people without disabilities (27.8% to 11.9% respectively), which gave her yet another reason to march and voice their displeasure with the way things are. “There are still millions of people waiting for housing, just look around,” Poniatowski said. “We can see them in every state. It is heartbreaking and there are 140 million people who are just one emergency away from losing everything. The waiting list for housing anywhere is years long. What are we expected to do during those years?” “You’ve got a mess,” added Bishop William J. Barber. “These kinds of politics turn us against each other, blame the poor for their poverty even though we live in the midst of abundance. And we know that poverty is not so much a personal choice as a political consequence of policies. We have the resources to meet the needs of everybody. “The only thing we don’t have enough of is moral consciousness and the will to do what’s right. And that’s our job––to shift the moral narrative of this nation.”

The Poor People’s Campaign March calls for an end to systemic racism and the economic gap in America (Courtesy of: Stephen Pavey/Poor People’s Campaign/ Repairers of the Breach/Kairos Center)

12 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022


Opinion Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s impact: ‘Representation matters’ By CASILDA ELENA ROPER-SIMPSON, ESQ.

tirement and I thought, it’s gonna happen. But for me, nothing ing focused on the long road, I am often conscious of one happens until it happens. And then it happened! District Court of my many affirmations: “If they don’t give you a seat at the The confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson allows me Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was nominated for appointment table, bring a folding chair,” said Shirley Chisholm. I have to describe the moment simply as: ‘I loved it! A moment that to the Supreme Court, and she had to wait to be confirmed. walked into many courtrooms, ready to make an appearwill have an impact on little Brown girls who will come after As we watched the confirmation process, many were un- ance in court, and been asked whether I was either a deher, on women like myself, who have and will continue to clear and questioned why Judge Brown Jackson—with her cre- fendant’s family member, a social worker (there is nothing climb the legal ladder and make every attempt to surpass the dentials, qualifications, and experience—had to go through wrong with being either) or been ignored, until I showed proverbial glass ceiling. Simply put, ‘Representation matters!’ such a rigid process. Some said, “What’s up with those ques- my attorney identification. Would my bringing a “folding When first I heard that Judge Brown Jackson, a Black woman, tions?” I read where Senator Cory Booker stated that he heard chair” help? Yes, how, because, we all have the ability to was being considered for the Supreme Court appointment, I from people who related “their stories about having to come make changes and be a part of the change. recall saying to myself, “I would believe it only when it happens.” into a room where you’re more qualified than the people sitJudge Brown Jackson’s appointment to the Supreme Then, it happened, Justice Stephen G. Breyer announced his re- ting in judgment of you and having to endure the absurdi- Court—since its 232 year history, 17 chief justices, 103 asties….” I recall once applying for a position and sociate justices, 5 female justices, two Black males and now was asked the question, “Do you consider yourself a soon-to-be confirmed first female Black judge—is historan overachiever?” Ask yourself that question, how ic and an inspiration to future generations of Americans. would you answer that question? As we celebrate this historic moment, be reminded: Marc Morial, president & CEO It’s a strong and troubling inWanting to be an attorney was not looked at as a “Does my sassiness upset you?…Did you want to see me of the National Urban League, dictment of the forces afoot to unjob for me, but a passion. My papa, the late Ralph broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes?…You may shoot me expressed in the introduction to dermine the democratic process Roper Sr., had my siblings and I think about ca- with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill the organization’s report on the and the rule of law at the bedrock reers as teenagers. I recall my papa saying, “If you me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise…Bringing “State of Black America” an out- of the nation’s founding. do something you enjoy, it will never be a job.” the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope look that is consistent with what They list a number of steps My commitment to the justice system along with of the slave. I rise! I rise! I rise!” said Maya Angelou. many African Americans believe, that you can take to protect your many of my colleagues, has sometimes been a and we are certainly in accord. voting rights, or at least to reclaim very long and hard road, especially because, as Casilda E. Roper-Simpson, Esq. is an adjunct professor He stated that “Since the pas- your vote which is being supwomen of color, it has required dogged determi- at Molloy College and a former administrative law judge. sage of the Voting Rights Act in pressed from state to state. nation, hard work, strength and grace. With stay- She can be contacted at 1965, the United States has seen First of all, check your voter rega steady rise in disenfranchise- istration status, and then review AMNEWS READERS WRITE ment practices giving one party the voter ID laws in your state an edge over the other. But never because they are often not the before has the nation seen such same; make sure you know an insidious and coordinated where your polling station is loBy CANCEL STUDENT DEBT COALITION oligarchs of this country, and with the consideration campaign to obliterate the very cated since it may have changed that Black women are disproportionately burdened principle of ‘one person, one without you knowing it; plan The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has once again with this crushing and lasting debt, we the Black comvote’ from the political process.” ahead and learn exactly what brought to light the systematic, and historical miscar- munity demand that Joe Biden use the power of the exThese invidious develop- process of voting is in place, riages of justice foundational to this nation. And once ecutive order to cancel and eliminate All Student Debt. ments, Morial summarizes, are whether paper ballot or elecmore, it is Black and Brown people facing the brunt Through mid-March the U.S. had already spent “a plot to destroy democracy.” tronic; and then inquire as to of these injustices. The world is watching, bearing $13.6 billion in support of Ukraine. There should These are not just Morial’s how you can reclaim your vote. witness, and as subjects of this empire—what are we be no problem allocating funds we clearly have to impressions or opinions, they There is no guarantee these going to do about it? We, the working class people, help 46 million Americans with our collective $1.7 are based on data and analy- steps can stop or offset the attacks humbly aspiring for economic equality and financial trillion—and mounting—student loan debt. It is sis from his research partner, on your rights, but an informed security, most of the time not only for ourselves but fundamentally a display of bad leadership to pour The Brennan Center for Justice and vigilant populace is one safefor our families as well, must pay an egregiously high more funding towards escalating war in another that outlines “how unscrupu- guard you as a citizen can use to price. A soul crushing, life-long debt simply for pur- country, before helping the people of your own. lous state and federal lawmak- bolster the fight for your rights. suing an education. It is what we’ve been told to do Seeing how this is an issue that affects people of ers, devious political operatives, An alert and informed electorour entire lives, after all. Both implicitly and explicit- varying ages and how Biden explicitly ran on a platand violent extremists are work- ate is the best defense against ly by our schools and as a condition of life. So why is form of easing the debt, it is well within our right ing in concert to disenfranchise, those determined to destroy our something so essential to a person’s quality of life so to demand he follow through. And not by handing delude, manipulate and intimi- democracy, and the National expensive that most of us have no choice but to take us crumbs either. The fact that Biden may extend date American voters and estab- Urban League has made it clear out loans structured to keep us drowning in debt? The the repayment debt to August does not change lish one-party rule.” that we are Under Siege! answer is comically predictable. So the rich can get our demand. The masses of Black people are vericher, our labor is less valuable, and loan servicers, as hemently opposed to war, and the suffering of all well as universities get a steady revenue stream predi- people. We are also against the imperialist mechacated on preying off the backs of regular people. nism known as N.A.T.O., as it has caused wholesale The people who keep this country running. The killing and destruction all over the world under the masses. Black people who are at the very bottom guise of “democracy.” We are calling on you, the Elinor R. Tatum: Publisher rung of every social economic measurement index, students, to get plugged in. We make this country, and Editor in Chief are being asked by the likes of U.S. Rep (D) Gregory and therefore we can break it if our demand is not Member Kristin Fayne-Mulroy: Managing Editor Meeks, chairman of the House Foreign Relations Com- met, if our people continue to be neglected and Nayaba Arinde: Editor mittee, to make even more sacrifices than we already preyed on. Join the Resistance today. Demand that Cyril Josh Barker: Digital Editor have! When questioned about whether the rising gas President Biden Cancel the Debt. Damaso Reyes: Investigative Editor Alliance for prices were a worthwhile sacrifice in order to support Audited Media Siobhan "Sam" Bennett: sanctions against Russia he responded, “I’m asking For for information contact: 718-398-1766 Chief Revenue Officer and Head of Advertising the people of the United States to also make that kind Twitter: @CSDCoalition Wilbert A. Tatum (1984-2009): of sacrifice because in the long run, democracy is at IG: cancelstudentdebtcoalition Chairman of the Board, CEO and Publisher Emeritus stake.” To this statement from a puppet of the ruling Email:

Under Siege! EDITORIAL



April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 13 N

This Easter, let’s rediscover COVID is not over our purpose DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not represent those of the New York Amsterdam News. We continue to publish a variety of viewpoints so that we may know the opinions of others that may differ from our own.



The celebration of Easter provides us with the opportunity to take a step back and reassess our lives. It gives us the chance to contemplate who we are and what we aspire to be. Given that Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we should take advantage of this opportunity to reflect on ourselves and delve deeply into our minds in order to discover what brings us fulfillment and, ultimately, what our mission is in life––our purpose. In the same way that Jesus Christ led his disciples as his purpose and is now praised for it, we too should uncover what it is about ourselves that we may celebrate as well, and that may ultimately change the world. Purpose is an amorphous concept; it encompasses a multitude of variables that we must examine, balance, and ultimately interpret in order to give light to the answer of what our purpose is. When discussing purpose, it is critical not to mistake it with outcome; that is, we should not become fixated on the end result of our actions, but rather on what we can do to ensure that our actions lead to the right result. Our purpose of life may take various forms; it can be as simple—but vital—as being a good parent and raising a well-behaved and productive child who will ultimately develop into a fulfilled and productive adult. It may also be considerably broader in scope, such as being a world-class athlete, a scientist who conducts ground-breaking research, or even the leader of a countr y. This is to say that no cause is less deser ving of respect. Each individual, irrespective of who they are or what they do, plays a critical role in society. For example, the trucker may find purpose in performing good, honest work and raising a family, but the aggregate influence of that honest effort ultimately results in millions and millions of people receiving food, gas, and other necessities of life, and those people can use that truckers efforts to more easily fulfill their own purpose in life. Similarly, a mother who simply wants to raise a successful child may raise a child who ends up changing the world, and her simple goal of raising the child well may wind up altering the world for the better. When one’s purpose is fulfilled, that purpose for which they have worked so diligently comes to fruition and all their hard work

proves to be worthwhile. Pursuing fulfillment inspires us to be better, to do better, and to contribute to the world as much as we give to ourselves. A sense of purpose seems to have been lost in today’s society; many disregard their values and indulge in unethical activity out of self-interest. Self-interest is not the same as purpose. A self-centered individual will undoubtedly have an influence on the world, but it may not be for the better. When people lie, cheat, and attack others in order to advance their own immoral interests, the only thing accomplished is that such a person may reduce, cut off, or obstruct the development of another’s purpose, thereby resulting in a domino effect in which the scores of people who could have been benefited from the actions of that person end up worse off because of the bad actor. We witness instances of this in daily life; political operatives and disturbed persons work tirelessly to convince and manipulate others into adopting views and acting in ways they would not otherwise. One of the most prominent recent examples of how bad actors can persuade people to be worse off is the propaganda surrounding Texas’s improperly dubbed “Don’t Say Gay” law. This entirely made-up propagandistic term has persuaded a vast group of people to join the side of fringe, farleft individuals who want to teach 2nd graders about transgenderism and gender identity. I assumed it would go without saying that teaching children political views would immediately alter their path of life and alter their perspective on the world in ways that they would not have consented to had they been of a more mature mind, but apparently not. Easter is a time for celebration and prayer, for our own well-being, the well-being of our loved ones, and the well-being of the planet. I pray that the people of this world discover the purpose for their being and that it is not thwarted by a malevolent few. I pray that ever yone finds fulfillment in life, improves as a result, and positively impacts the world. While no one is flawless, ever y one of us has a role to play in achieving success in this life, both for ourselves and for the world. It is my hope that we will see that, and I believe that we will, as long as we see beyond those who want to undermine our life’s purpose. Armstrong Williams (@ARightSide) is manager / sole owner of Howard Stirk Holdings I & II Broadcast Television Stations and the 2016 Multicultural Media Broadcast Owner of the year. |


GREER PH.D. I constantly overhear people saying they are “over COVID!” I get it. Folks are tired of living in fear, masking up, and changing their way of life. However, even though we may be “over it,” COVID is surely not over us. Across the country and even in New York City, mask mandates are being loosened as more and more New Yorkers are doing their civic duty by getting vaccinated AND boosted. More New Yorkers realize that even though they may not be in a high-risk group, their loved ones and neighbors may have pre-existing conditions and/or may be immunocompromised and need the collective to do their part to help decrease the spread of COVID by getting vaccinated and boosted. As the variants of COVID come and go and more and more people catch COVID and move through the varying symptoms—ranging from sore throats and headaches to full-on hospital visits due to lack of breath or feeling like they cannot move a muscle—the fear of COVID seems to be drastically decreasing in so many communities. By no means am I advocating for living in fear. However, I am advocating for staying vigilant. I recently traveled and noticed hundreds of maskless people in the airport. They were either wearing their mask as a chin strap, which is completely ineffective, or they had it barely covering their mouths with their nose exposed, which is hardly effective at all. We must remember that thousands of people are still dying from COVID each day. That is, family, friends, and community members are losing a loved one due

to a virus that could be curtailed if we stay vigilant even when it is slightly uncomfortable. For those who are interested in reflecting on those lost to COVID, the Brooklyn Museum currently has an exhibit, “Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: A Crack in the Hourglass, An Ongoing COVID-19 Memorial” which runs until June 26, 2022. The exhibit is described as: “a modified robotic plotter deposits grains of hourglass sand onto a black surface to recreate the images of those lost due to COVID-19. After each portrait is completed, the surface tilts and the same sand is recycled into the next portrait, echoing the collective and ongoing nature of the pandemic.” If you would like to submit a photograph of someone you lost to COVID, you may do so at, accompanied by a personalized dedication. Ultimately, the resulting memorials will be available, via livestream and in archive form, on the project’s website, https:// Until we are officially on “the other side” of COVID and its many variants, please remember to stay safe, wash your hands, maintain six feet, wear your mask, and test yourself if you can. I want the Amsterdam News family to continue to stay healthy despite these scary times.

Christina Greer, Ph.D., is an associate professor at Fordham University, the author of “Black Ethnics: Race, Immigration, and the Pursuit of the American Dream,” and the co-host of the podcast FAQ-NYC.

14 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022


Caribbean Update

Caricom steps up fight for reparations By BERT WILKINSON Special to the AmNews

In the letter for Europe on behalf of regional governments, Mottley complains that “the countries in the Caribbean region Several important developments relat- were subjected to generations of resourceing to demands by the Caribbean Commu- extraction and dehumanization of their nity for reparations payments from Europe people in order to fund the economic for the slave trade have occurred in recent growth of European countries which colweeks with regional governments making onized those nations. We had no developformal moves to ratchet up pressure on ment compact given to us at the point of former slave trading nations. Just recently, Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley, the regional coordinator of the reparations effort, announced that she is preparing another formal letter to European capitals in a bid to get Europe involved in a structured conversation about the issue. She has not indicated that there has been a reply. Ironically, the letter was drafted for Europe a few days before London had sent Prince William and his wife on a carefully scripted royal Caribbean charm tour that backfired badly as several Caribbean leaders felt compelled to make public statements demanding reparations payments and as the independence, but there was a compentouring party had faced protests from NGO satory package for those who were slave groups, forcing the Prince to smile through a owners, and there was a further package for tour that had clearly gone awry. Jamaica also the apprenticeship system,” she said. used the opportunity to tell the Prince and She argued that Britain deliberately igLondon that, “We are moving on,” meaning nored the victims of the brutal slave trade that the island will this year dump Queen and had set about finding about Sterling 47 Elizabeth as its head of state, switch to a re- million pounds way back at the time of abopublic and appoint a Black or Brown person lition, to pay slave owners. as its highest ranking office holder. “Fast forward now, 130 years to Jamaica

becoming independent, Trinidad, Guyana, Barbados and we go down the line. None of us were given a development compact. We had to start providing for our people without the benefit of any sort of development funding. We had to deal with lack of housing, educational opportunities, and healthcare facilities, and we had to do this in spite of the fact that substantial wealth was ex-

“The countries in the Caribbean region were subjected to generations of resource-extraction and dehumanization of their people in order to fund the economic growth of European countries which colonized those nations.” tracted from our countries for centuries.” As the groundswell for reparations continues unabated, Jamaican government parliamentarian Mike Henry said at the weekend that a team of regional and London-based attorneys have joined forces to sue Britain in courts to make the U.K. comply with regional demands. The team is preparing to act because many in the 15-nation bloc seem to believe that

not enough is being done to force the hand of former slave traders. “I have given them the case, which is being done pro bono by a select team of lawyers, including U.K. lawyers, for the attorney general to take it to the Jamaica cabinet for approval. If they are going to take two years more then I must assume that they don’t want it, and I am about to take a decision to go public in order to get it done,” the Observer newspaper quoted Henry as saying. In recent weeks, several Caribbean leaders have thrown their weight behind the reparations movement with Trinidad Prime Minister Keith Rowley being among them. Most commented while the Prince was in the region. “Recently I was very pleased to hear Prince William say that he acknowledged that slavery was wrong, and that the British government, the British people, have some responsibility. In that piece of unforgettable history, I was pleased to hear a member of the royal household in the United Kingdom. But I want to say to Prince William, having said that, I believe you. But I believe you more if you do what you must now do, which is the offer of reparation to the people who were wronged. If you repent, then salvation could be yours.” The region has also asked for a summit with Europe and recently amended tactics to link up with the African Union.

White privilege at the U.S. southern border? FELICIA PERSAUD

IMMIGRATION KORNER There’s a new immigration crisis at the U.S. southern border and it’s no longer black but white. There’s another blatant difference too that few are addressing, and that is the double standard of how the U.S. is dealing with the surge of white Ukrainians to the Mexican border versus the treatment meted out to Black and Brown immigrants. Let me be clear—I am saddened and empathetic that thousands have been forced to flee their homes because of a mad man and his decision to invade their country for no real reason. They are fleeing war—I know! But many African immigrants seeking asylum at the border are

also fleeing civil war in their countries. Yet they are denied the same access being rolled out to Ukrainians at the border. Thousands of Haitians are fleeing because of gang war in their country but are turned back by Mexican police and horse-riding U.S. agents with lassos. Thousands of Brown immigrants from Central America are fleeing for their lives from gangs, but are told “stay at home” and “don’t come, the border is not open,” by U.S. officials, including its immigration czar and veep, Kamala Harris. Much like Black and Brown immigrants set up tent cities and camped out in Mexico waiting for an opportunity to apply for asylum, thousands of Ukrainians are arriving in Tijuana and camping out there. Tent cities have now sprung up while most are now living in

shelters, churches and anywhere they can find, just like Brown and Black immigrants have done in recent years. Enrique Lucero, director of Tijuana’s immigration services, told Reuters that about 2,829 Ukrainians were waiting. Between 100 to 200 Ukrainians arrive in Tijuana alone daily, according to official statistics. The difference is while Black and Brown immigrants have been turned back and told the border is closed per Title-42, U.S. border officials have been allowing hundreds of Ukrainians into the U.S. per day, through the San Ysidro crossing. How come? They were instructed in early March by the Biden administration to consider exempting people with Ukrainian passports from Title-42 or the pandemic-era restrictions currently blocking other migrants

from seeking asylum. Last week alone, nearly 3,000 Ukrainians were processed by U.S. border officials, CBD news quoted DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as saying. The typical right wingers who are always critical of the “border crisis” and Black and Brown immigrant caravans at the Southern border, are now very quiet. No Fox News channel running 24-7 coverage of the “caravan” of immigrants heading for the U.S. and camping out at the border. No Donald Trump comments about how the border crisis is destroying America; how they are “pouring over the border” or are a “cesspool of humanity.” Why? The new immigrants at the border are not Black or Brown, but white. Remember Trump’s alleged racist comment on wanting more immigrants from places like

Norway, and less from immigrants from “s-hole countries?” Well, it has now become a reality at the southern border, and many are secretly happy. The blatant discrimination is obvious. I have nothing but deep empathy for Ukrainians fleeing war, but there cannot be a double standard. How can you waive the rules for some while keeping them firmly in place to shut out others with more melanin? That is what the states suing to keep Title-42 in place wish to uphold. This is a clear-cut example of racism and white privilege. As my granny used to say when summing up racism: ‘You Black, stay back, you white, you alright.’ This sadly holds true in 2022 at the U.S. border. The writer is publisher of – The Black Immigrant Daily News.


Arts & Entertainment Film/TV pg 15, 16 | Travel pg 19 | Food pg 20 | Jazz pg 21

April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 15

Pg. 18 Your Stars

Simone Ashley in ‘Bridgerton’ Season 2—an actress to keep an eye on By MARGRIA Special to the AmNews There is no getting around how impacting “Bridgerton” Season 2 has been on the Black and Brown communities around the world. In America, where things are white and barely Black the arrival of two Indian characters, in key roles, in the second season, has set the social media world aflame, and rightly so. And although the series is based on the book series written by Julia Quinn of which there are eight novels, one for each of the Bridgerton siblings, it was the visionary Shonda Rhimes (“Grey’s Anatomy,” “Scandal,” “How to Get Away With Murder”) and her team that brought these characters to the small screen, making sure to cast gifted, multiracial actors. It’s a joy to watch. This attention to detail we can call the Rhimes touch because there are very few showrunners that have a better hit record than Rhimes, who has ruled television for most of the past two decades. Now, to the facts. “Bridgerton” Season 2 is more than just a success story, it’s taken hold of the imagination of millions and has zoomed to the No. 1 spot in 76 countries, with a viewership of 82 million+ homes, and is moving, like a bullet, to becoming the second-most watched series by total watch time on the platform. This is just another example of Rhimes’ ability to create another cultural phenomenon while keeping her fingers firmly on the cultural zeitgeist and making sure that multiculturalism is never lost. Although it’s not yet clear if the Netflix series will follow the same format as the books (or run eight seasons), Season 1 was mostly adapted from the first book in the series, “The Duke & I,” and the second, “The Viscount Who Loved Me.” The love story in Season 2 focuses on Anthony Bridgerton (Jonathan Bailey) and Kate Sharma (Simone Ashley, Kate Sheffield in the book), who are both equally passionate and unmovingly stubborn in the show. The sexual chemistry is clear for all to see, except the feuding lovers. The second season finds Lord

Bridgerton now determined to marry out of obligation, not love since he’s never recovered from witnessing the sudden death of his father (from a bee sting) at the

I would like to speak more about my character [Kate Sharma] and there has been such a wonderfully warm response to having the Indian representation on this

Charithra Chandran is cast as Edwina Sharma, who comes to England where her mom and half-sister are in search of love and marriage (Liam Daniel/Netflix photo)

age of 38. The young Lord is taken for a spin when Edwina (Charithra Chandran)—the diamond of the season—will only marry the man approved by her older, deeply loved half-sister Kate. When Anthony begins to court Edwina, Kate’s defenses spring alive believing him to be a “rake, with a capital R” as a gossip columnist, Lady Whistledown, describes him in her popular scandal sheet. But it’s the undeniable chemistry between Anthony and Kate that makes this season so special. Ashley has been a working actress for years, cutting her teeth in many well-known British dramas including “Doctors,” “Casualty,” “Broadchurch,” and “Guilt.” Then her career took a great jolt forwards when she landed a role in the Netflix smash hit, “Sex Education,” playing the hip, cool girl Olivia Hanan, a girl terrified to show her boyfriend her face during her sexual climax. We caught up with Simone Ashley (Kate Sharma) to chat about her role in “Bridgerton” who is on record stating that representation “matters” (and, it does), and to discuss her character. Amsterdam News: Congratulations on the success. They only gave me eight minutes which means three questions. Is there a question that you wished reporters had asked you, that they did not? She’s a complicated character. Simon Ashley: Thank you. Well,

the spotlight. Kate, she’s the silent, kind of assigned type, in the background. She’s very observant. AmNews: That’s an interesting way to describe her but accurate from what I viewed. SA: She’s a people watcher, she loves to observe and I think she’s very reserved, and I think she’s not very open to being vulnerable with people. She likes to keep to herself. AmNews: As I said, at the top of this conversation, she’s a very complicated character. SA: I think that her journey is that she wants to run away from her problems. Her loss of her father, especially after she’s married off her sister. Then we slowly see her loosen up and become more colorful, with what she

Simone Ashley in Season 2 of “Bridgerton” (Liam Daniel/Netflix photo)

show. This character is inspired by author Julia Quinn, and she is such a nuanced, complex character and one that I enjoyed playing. AmNews: You are an extremely gifted thespian and your body language is pure perfection. How did you work with the director? SA: Thank you. I didn’t want to portray the character as a villain, someone who betrays her sister. This is about family, her love for her family. I wanted to portray a woman that’s authentic to her heart, and protecting Edwina, and her family. That’s the value that I wanted other women to see. I wanted to show that strength. AmNews: Love is her motivation. It comes through very strongly. SA: Kate is someone who wants to blend into the background. When we first meet her, her hair is in a bun, the make-up is minimal. She wears very dark colors. She isn’t very effervescent because she wants to put her sister first and in

wears, and how she’s letting her hair fall. And she’s opening up to the idea of falling in love. AmNews: Well said, and we do watch Kate fall in love—and the struggle of letting go is so wonderfully, delicious. SA: I think, for me, it was important to tell that part of the story. She was in a rock and a hard place but she genuinely was falling in love with this person, Anthony, who is kind of her soulmate. And that journey of loving herself and setting herself free from those duties and responsibilities. AmNews: Sounds like a fun challenge, am I correct? SA: It was a fun challenge to play a character like that. Someone so subtle, with minimum speech in certain areas, and I enjoyed playing Kate, through her eyes, and her observations of this world that she’s in. AmNews: Again, it goes back to my comment about your beautiful body language.

SA: Thank you. I am drawn to people like that anyway—mysterious—still waters run deep and that applies to Kate. AmNews: Understatement, what I also loved, speaking about subtleties, is how Kate connected with the animals which included her dog, the horse, and a bee. A horse is a wild beast, you must pay attention. SA: I resonated with Kate on this because she’s not like her sister, Edwina, a super academic, who practiced all the dances, Kate has an intuitive heart. She may not be as articulate as Edwina but she is very intuitive with animals which I applied with the bee sting scene, in episode 3, and when I was speaking with the director we discussed how she’s the only one that can calm Anthony down like she’s able to tame a wild horse. There is something about her in that ability to calm him because there is something animalistic about Anthony and Kate can handle that, she’s the only woman to put her foot on the ground [so, to speak] and hold the reins. AmNews: Anthony is like that fairytale character, the one with the lion who is ailing because there is a splinter in his paw. He’s growling because he’s in pain. SA: Yes. I love that analogy. Exactly. She’s very brave for both of them. AmNews: Let’s talk about the look—the no beauty look created by makeup artist Pat McGrath. SA: All hail to [makeup artist] Pat McGrath, she’s one of the loveliest people that I’ve ever met. Her beauty products are just incredible and we used her products on the show. I was more than happy, I was incredibly honored to wear the products. And when I walked on the set, I felt so beautiful, and confident, like a princess, and that my skin was being shown off in the best way possible and that’s something rare. AmNews: You said a mouthful. To get our colors correct, on-screen—it’s close to being a miracle. SA: It’s beautiful how it brings dark skin to life with the lighting, and the makeup—everything. AmNews: You did not look like a zombie. SA: Exactly, no gray tones on this set. AmNews: Not with Ms. Pat McGrath.

16 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 A








Michelle Yeoh rules a metaverse in ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’

By MARGRIRA Special to the AmNews “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” directed by the Daniels a.k.a. filmmakers Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert (“Swiss Army Man”), is an exciting movie that makes the argument that there is every conceivable variation of our lives that exist in an alternate universe. We walk through these worlds with a heroine (Michelle Yeoh) who, when we first meet her, is the most unlikely soul to lead change of any kind. This is the kind of movie that makes you think and the filmmakers are slavishly meticulous with every shot that fits perfectly inside the world as created and executed by the Daniels. I think the Daniels wanted “Everything Everywhere All at Once” to jolt the viewer, and to meet that goal they delivered an unparalleled sensory-overload experience, I mean, if you blink you might miss an important visual clue. The film moves fast, and to make the experience even more exciting, it’s a multilingual film with the key characters speaking in Chinglish (Chinese/English). Yeoh plays immigrant matriarch Evelyn Wang, who switches between using English, Cantonese, and Mandarin, some-

Michelle Yeoh in “Everything Everywhere All at Once” (Courtesy photo)

times in mid-sentence. She operates a laundromat with her husband Raymond (Ke Huy Quan) and we meet them at a tender time, being audited by the IRS. The pressure mounts; as if the tax issue isn’t enough to drive a mind crazy, she’s burdened with social problems. For example, she can’t seem to please her father. Nothing she does will ever be good enough for Gong Gong (James Hong). You can imagine the foundation of her life because that’s the way Evelyn treats her frustrated adult daughter, Joy (Stephanie Hsu). Life is getting harder for her. Raymond has drawn up divorce papers, but something odd stops him from serving them. He’s overcome by an unusual sensation on the way to the tax office, and here’s where it starts to get “odd”—ready? Another version of Raymond, from a parallel universe, suddenly occupies his body. Using a quick mental scan of this version of Evelyn, he tells her how to access her alternate lives, how to unlock all kinds of crazy, off-the-wall things. Any sane person, which Evelyn is, would not know what to think but she follows Raymond’s directions, which gives her the ability to “verse-jump” which she tries, in the middle of the Wang family’s meeting with Deirdre ( Jamie Lee Curtis), a grumpy IRS agent. And the Daniels make sure we feel her

maiden verse-jump inside the janitor’s closet, where split screens and odd visual effects express how it feels for Evelyn to be carrying on conversations in two places at once. Raymond explains the rules that an alternate Evelyn has discovered, a physicist in another dimension, and this Evelyn learns that she is not cool and is living the “worst” version of herself. This means that all of the other possible Evelyns made more successful life choices. For example, one version is a huge Hong Kong action star, others are a maid, an opera singer, a teppanyaki-style chef, and more. It’s a visual smorgasbord and the Daniels present as many of these possible realities as possible in short, funny, tiny sketches. It’s absurd and fun—for example, there is a universe in which everyone has hot dogs for fingers and a world where people are mind-controlled by raccoons. There is a shift into a spooky, apocalyptic mode where a demented alternate version of Deirdre comes after Evelyn with a vengeance, but she’s not the true bad guy here. The real threat is Evelyn’s daughter, Joy, who she’s burdened with a lifetime of crushing disappointments, to the point that little Joy finally snaps. In losing her cool, she reinvented herself as an entity known as Jobu Tupaki, who moves from universe

to universe murdering Evelyns, making sure to leave a trail of chaos in her wake. The Daniels are solid storytellers and as such, they make sense of chaos, and we happily embrace and amplify the sensation. Visually the editor keeps pace, and the score by Son Lux makes you lean in. “Everything Everywhere All at Once” acknowledges that life and living “life” can be overwhelming, and we all know that family dynamics are tricky, and let’s be frank—this world isn’t fair. But believe it or not, the Daniels created a hopeful movie and it’s funny. For example, how can you not laugh when a giant everything bagel comes bursting through a parallel dimension to gobble up all that Evelyn holds dear? It’s interesting to note that despite the 12 worlds only 10 principal characters, in this film, live in them. This is smart storytelling and by keeping the cast bite-sizable, we can distinguish between the various realities—including one where Evelyn and Joy are rocks. Confident in their brand, the Daniels have made a film that mirrors their offthe-wall sense of humor. “Everything Everywhere All at Once” delivers a wallop in what could be described as an emotionally draining 139 minutes. Is the film ambitious? You bet it is!



April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 17 I






Actor, activist Danny Glover receives humanitarian award By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews Even without the slap crap that has given the Oscars affair this year renewed attention, there was little chance that Danny Glover’s award would be noticed. Like several other notable moments, the “CODA” award for best picture and Ariana DeBose Best Supporting Actress (a first for a Latinx and gay in the category), and Questlove’s “Summer of Soul” pulling down the Best Documentary honor, Glover’s tribute was lost in the clamor and drama surrounding Will Smith’s smack-attack on Chris Rock. Glover, as one of several recipients of Governors Awards, was honored along with Samuel Jackson, Elaine May and Liv Ullman, and given the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award for all that he has done in film and elsewhere to bring credit to society in general and specifically to the motion picture industry. As expected the award ceremony was not planned for the broadcast and later amid the brouhaha did get a quick mention. In the world of film, Glover has been a standout since his role as Mr. in “The Color Purple,” though movie buffs, particularly those deeply committed to Black films, recall his work in such underthe-radar productions as Charles Burnett’s “To Sleep with Anger,” “Escape from Alcatraz,” and “Places in the Heart” with Sally Field. But

it was the action film series“Lethal Weapon,” that brought him onto the theater marquee and into the living rooms of America. His activism over the years has earned him comparisons to one of his heros, Paul Robeson, and if there is a seminal moment in his political evolution it can be traced back to his student days at San Francisco State Danny Glover receives the Jean Hersholt University where he Humanitarian Award was a member of the ( photo: Black Students Union site/glover%202022/?fid=86841) that established Black Studies, spearheading the move- merger of artistic endeavors with ment. The five-month strike there social and political activism. to form a Black Studies Depart“It was totally through the fact ment was one of the longest in that theater became a tool in which the nation. to communicate in the Black Arts On many occasions he has re- Movement,” he told Rapold of his flected on these early years, involvement in the arts. “There had most recently in an interview been movements of Black artists with Nicolas Rapold of The New before then, certainly, with generYork Times. “I witnessed my par- ations before then in the 20th cenents come of age and become in- tury, the ascension of Black artists volved in the postal union,” he during that period of time, in which said. “I can remember watch- Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte, ing the Montgomery bus boycott Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis, and so when I was nine years old.” There many more, became a part of the were also the extended visits to cultural landscape in our country.” his grandparents’ home in rural At various points of his producGeorgia and hearing more sto- tive life art and politics intersectries about the struggle against Jim ed, a veritable confluence of films Crow and the fight for liberation. and activism. In 1999, for examThese moments forged a forma- ple, he made a huge financial dotive base that helped shape his nation to fund TransAfrica Forum,

(Left to right): Eliane Cavalleiro, Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award recipient Harry Belafonte, Danny Glover and Sidney Poitier ( photo:

an organization devoted to global justice, which he would later chair, and at the same time he was completing work on “Beloved” (1998) and preparing for “Boesman and Lena” (2000). A decade later he committed considerable time to foreign affairs in Haiti, particularly in association with Dr. Ron Daniels and the Institute of the Black World 21st Century, even going to South Africa to escort the beleaguered former Prime Minister Jean-Bertrand Aristide back to his homeland. This was during the period when he was putting the wraps on “LUV” and “Highland Park.” Films gave Glover the opportunity to suture the often make-believe with reality, to acquire the funds needed to support his po-

litical commitments and also to inspire a sense of independence and to one day produce his own films. To this end for several years through his production company Louverture Films he has been busy raising the money and forging a team to tell the story of the Haitian revolution and its heroic leader, but for any number of reasons it’s still a work in progress. Even so, knowing of Glover’s indomitable will and drive, that dream remains a possibility, and wouldn’t it be wonderful to see Glover in the lead role or as the often overlooked revolutionary Mackandal, the chief who led the initial uprisings? Yes, that role would embody the vision and determination Glover has invested in all walks of his eventful life.

Jazz label Blue Note launches Blue Note Africa imprint By JORDANNAH ELIZABETH Special to the AmNews It has been announced that the iconic jazz record label, Blue Note, founded in 1939, has constructed a new imprint under the label’s umbrella. Blue Note Africa has emerged as an outlet and platform for jazz musicians hailing from the African diaspora. The first release on Blue Note Africa will come this spring from the South African composer and pianist, Nduduzo Makhathini, whose new collection of music is titled, “In the Spirit of Ntu.” Makhathini was most recently heard on Rwandan and Ugandan recording artist Somi’s celebrated 2022 album “Zenzile: The Reimagination of Miriam Makeba.” Somi is the first African woman in history to be nominated for a Grammy in any jazz category.

“African music has been a major creative tributary for nearly every album in Blue Note’s extensive catalog,” says Blue Note President Don Was. “So it’s a great honor for us to partner with Sipho and his talented Universal Music Africa team in this new endeavor. Together, we will shine a global light on the incredible music emanating from Africa today.” This new imprint is a momentous season in music history, launching an important support system and pipeline for artists emerging from all over the African continent in the jazz arena. Blue Note writes, “If you trace the roots of American jazz back to its source, the path leads to Africa, and the exchange of musical ideas between the two continents is a thread that runs throughout the entire progression of jazz music

and ‘The African Beat’ (1962), the latter of which featured traditional African drummers including Solomon Ilori who would release his own Blue Note album ‘African High Life’ in 1963.” In 2018, Makhathini was signed to Universal Music Group, finding support due to his incredible music and stature as a leader in the South African jazz community. His second UMG album was released in collaboration with Blue Note Records “Modes of ComSouth African composer and pianist Nduduzo Makhathini munication: Letters from the (Hugh Mdlalose photo) Underworlds.” The album was throughout the 20th century to Ghana. It was an experience that received very positively and was this day. In 1947, the legendary would have a profound effect on named one of the “Best Albums American jazz drummer and Blue Blakey both religiously and mu- of 2020” by The New York Times, Note legend Art Blakey visited sically and led to a series of Blue and Downbeat named MakhathiAfrica for the first time, a trip that Note albums that were deeply ni “25 for the Future,” making the was meant to be a few months but influenced by African percus- album critically acclaimed by critended up lasting a couple of years sion including ‘Orgy in Rhythm’ ics and also by jazz music lovers as Blakey traveled to Nigeria and (1957), ‘Holiday for Skins’ (1958), across the world.

18 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022




April 14, 2022 — April 20, 2022 Blessings, rewards, compensation are coming in increments, from the Divine and the unseen work that you do. What skills do you have that have been proven to be a service to others? Faith is required to walk this journey with a plan in mind and receive the outcome you envisioned. When a dream or thought is given the process is not included. The process is the journey, along with the experiences of getting uncomfortable and setting short or long-term goals to reach your destination. How much time are you willing to invest in your gifts, skills, and talents? Research is required along with consistency. When you start, you don’t know what’s up the road, and your faith, goals, andVinateria the ability to show up for yourself are key. “Sometimes we’re tested not to show our weakness, but to discover our strengths.”

When choosing the words to express what you’re thinking and often feeling Matters of the home, heart, and partnerships appear to be swirlat times you may find there’s no definition to describe the notion. It is what it is! ing all around you at once. You may be contemplating in your mind how you can address these issues. It’s simple! The “how” is Capricorn This cycle is to acknowledge your innermost feelings and visions, and concepts Cancer that come to you without a doubt in your mind. Trust the process and know the about you, and once you think or talk it out, then apply yourself. Dec 22 June 22 Jan 21 July 23 Divine is walking alongside you and is showering you with downloads instanYou can resolve any solution by turning inward first, instead of taneously. This is a week to be inspired and motivated to continue working on outward to figure it out. Set aside time to withdraw while releasself-development to enhance your progress of elevation. Believing in the supernatural is part ing the old for the purpose to carry you on your next journey. of our spirituality in life which is part of folks’ inner knowing and guidance.

Aquarius Jan 22 Feb 19

All forms of relationship and partnership matters are taking a This year begins with applying new concepts, terms, and conditions on turn for a greater cause to serve humanity, which is an expansion your present agenda. This is the cycle in which you can feel the fruits of of your next stage on your path. At times some changes are slow Leo your labor, preparing to soar away from the nest. You’re ready to fly on and lagging; it’s all for your betterment. There’s still missing inJuly 24 your own operating in a new direction. There’s a window of opportunity formation, so pay close attention to the details for confirmation, Aug 23 awaiting you, and you’re the perfect candidate, speaker, or guest to share since everything’s not always said, nor shared. Short travels, opyour expertise and knowledge. Categorize and organize your business and portunities, investments, branding, marketing, and other entities personal inventory to assist in finding things sooner rather than later. of yours are hovering in your space this cycle.

You’re in a cycle this week where you need moments of solitude to clear Information that was received during the first week is taking your aura and space. Allow the information to come to you rather than asking form this week, in the physical form. You can feel, sense, hear around. This is not a week for your friends or associates to just pop in on you. and find your intuition is greatly heightened. Things that you’ve Virgo Pisces Rather, it’s a time for reflecting, traveling near the water or vacationing near been on the verge of ending, are now on their way to compleAug 24 Feb 20 Sept 23 the beach, sand, to watch the sunrise and sunset. Details of your next meettion. Once the cycle ends, that’s the cue to move forward on your Mar 20 ing, partnerships, and itinerary are provided by the universe giving you clues progress. This cycle week you have the gift of gab by encouraging, for your upcoming schedule to be filled in. Be open to receiving when they do, and there’s no and inspiring family, friends, associates, and other people from all walks of life. need for questioning higher sources. Just ask for it and know it will be delivered. Lead the way.

This cycle week is a tug here and a pull there. People are giving you The unanticipated may show up like water running, which is a advice wanting you to assist in their agenda. Follow your heart, and form of the law of attraction. People, things, items, and conversalisten to the direction it’s pointing you in. What do you want to do? Where tions enter our lives for a season, reason, lesson, and a blessing. Aries Libra Mar 21 Sept 24 do you want to be? When are you going to decide for your own regardHow you treat the circumstances will be your lesson, or a blessApr 21 Oct 23 ing matters of the heart? In life, taking a risk on your passions will open ing teaching you in disguise. It’s your week to retreat and discovdoors to an exciting new adventure when you’re ready to embark. Take er a stage of your journey where you travel from the depths within the lead and follow the schedule of your plans. for the answers you seek.

Taurus Apr 22 May 21

Self-reflection is a great tool to see the changes in how far you’ve come Mental and emotional balance is required due to the demands and from where you began. What’s the next project on your mind? Thinkof obligations, priorities, and other tasks at hand. Structure is Scorpio ing about traveling long distances or working from work with those who needed to carry out your mission as well as following up on perOct 24 are long-distance? This is an awesome week to suddenly take a retreat sonal and business-related matters. This cycle may give you the Nov 22 and then get back to the business of tackling your tasks with ease. The feeling that things are against you. But it’s a test of your endurmain ingredient for you this week is looking out for number 1. ance, due diligence, and perseverance through any obstruction.

Impatience gets you nowhere. Practicing the art of patience and gratiThis is a week to review any paperwork, also legal documents tude helps you understand the process. Count your blessings daily. Show before signing on the dotted line. Partnerships and relationships your appreciation, not just on days when you want to show up, but also may be in question as to revise an agenda that was agreed upon Gemini Sagitarius in light of missing details, or just newly acquired information. on days where you’re being guided to do so. Attend to any family or busiMay 22 Nov 23 June 21 ness matters, and visit nature for peace of mind. Visiting and respecting It’s your time to visualize the outcome of your dreams, and what Dec 21 nature gives insight into yourself and grounding. Nature is also a reflecneeds to be done. Work on gathering all the resources needed to tion of humanity, playing out in different ways. Any health scare or close calls that may develop and make them a reality. Follow your dreams. You’re a scholar and inarise are to get you in alignment with your body in the process of your journey. formation comes to you.



April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 19

Resort & Travel Add some Black history stops to your summer journeys 1793. Walk in the footsteps of enslaved people, abolitionists, slaveholders and founding fathers. Learn more at: https://

Carolyn Michael-Banks, owner of A Tour of Possibilities, offers African American history tours of Memphis (Courtesy photo)

By SHERYL NANCE-NASH Special to the AmNews As you start thinking about where to go this summer, consider adding Black history to the itinerary. Take a journey with a guided tour that teaches and entertains. While self-guided tours allow you to go at your own pace, you can’t beat having a passionate tour guide who knows the history backwards and forwards, like they lived it. That insight is priceless and ups the experience twofold. Here are a few tours to keep top-of-mind. Memphis Caravan Tour, Memphis, Tennessee A Tour of Possibilities offers this guided 2.5-hour of African American history that you enjoy from the comfort of your own car. You hear the guide’s commentary through your car speakers by accessing the link provided upon arrival. The exploration includes sites such as the Slave Haven, (you descend the stairs into the dark, damp cellar and peer through the trapdoors and hidden passages where the fugitives were harbored, you get a glimpse of those turbulent times), the National Civil Rights Museum/Lorraine Motel, (where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated), Beale Street, nicknamed the Home of the Blues, and neighborhoods like Soulsville, South Memphis, Uptown, as well as the Stax Museum of American Soul Music, the I Am a Man Plaza and plenty more. Learn more at:

Charleston’s African American History and Heritage, Charleston, South Carolina West Africa’s contribution to the heritage and history of the Lowcountry is indisputable. Bulldog Tours explores the influence and experience of African Americans in Charleston from slavery, Jim Crow, to the Civil Rights struggle. Highlights of the two-hour walking tour include significant sites such as the Aiken Rhett House, Mother Emanuel AME Church, and the Philip Simmons Prayer Garden. Simmons was one of the most celebrated ironworkers in Charleston of the 20th century. He made more than 500 decorative pieces of ornamental wrought iron gates, fences, balconies, and window grills that dot that Charleston landscape. Get information here: The Black Journey: African American History Walking Tour, Philadelphia, PA This 90-minute tour begins in front of the Independence Visitor Center and continues across the city at some of the nation’s most important and historical sites such as The President’s House, Congress Hall, Old City Hall, First U.S. Supreme Court Building, American Philosophical Society Museum, Independence Square, Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary War Soldier and Bicentennial Moon Tree, the former location of the Philadelphia Prison Site and the oldest continuous piece of land owned by people of African descent. You’ll go to Congo Square, visit the unmarked graves of free and enslaved victims of the yellow fever epidemic and see where the Fugitive Slave Act was passed in

grass baskets and more. Then you’ll board a passenger van and make your way around the island to the Sandy Island firehouse, old gravesites, church, community center, library, and more. The 9,000+ acre island is The James Brown Family Historical Tour, one of the largest undeveloped freshwater Augusta, Georgia islands on the East Coast. The tour operator Get on the good foot. The Godfather is an island resident and descendant of the of Soul has a special place in Black his- original founders. Learn more here: https:// tory. Nobody sang and danced quite like him. Cherish the memories with a private, guided tour of his favorite haunts on a Freedom Seekers Heritage Tour, Niagara nearly two-hour tour. You’ll visit his child- County, New York hood home, spots where he hung out, resThe Niagara River and Gorge was an imtaurants, his elementary school and more. portant crossing point into Canada for Tours can be set via the James Brown Family those using the Underground Railroad. For Foundation, www.jbtour.jamesbrownfami- the freedom seekers who passed through the Niagara Frontier, the physical act of crossing the Niagara River represented the final act of Birding the Harriet Tubman Byway, courage and determination at the end of a long Bucktown, Maryland journey. Motherland Connextions’ tour takes Start your four-hour adventure at the you to key towns and sites. Over three hours Brodess Farm Site in Bucktown. The guided you’ll visit the Niagara Falls Underground Raildrive and hike is for bird lovers. Harri- road Heritage Center with its exhibits, scenic et Tubman Tours and Delmarva Birding built environment, nearby murals of Harriet Weekends sponsor this adventure that goes Tubman and Freedom Seekers and more. In along the Harriet Tubman Underground Lewiston, there’s the Freedom Crossing MonRailroad in Dorchester County, Mary- ument on the bank of the Niagara River. The land. You’ll learn about Tubman as you statute honors the courage of freedom seekers make your way through the farms and who sought a new life in Canada, and those Chesapeake Bay marshes and Blackwa- who protected and helped them on their ter National Wildlife Refuge encounter- journey across the Niagara River. Murphy ing some of the best birding and bald Orchards in Burt is a farm that secretly eagle watching. For more information, housed enslaved people on the run in its go to: barn. Another place of refuge is the many ing-the-harriet-tubman-byway canals. You’ll see the Erie Canal in Lockport. Get information at: https://www.motherThe Real Black Wall Street Tour, Tulsa, Oklahoma Despite the gravity of the Tulsa Race MasDuke Street Black History Walking Tour, sacre, until the 100th anniversary of the Alexandria, Virginia Tulsa Race Massacre this year, little was This 90-minute guided walking tour along known about it. This tour will give you an the Duke Street corridor in Old Town Alexeducation that might be painful but in- andria includes sites connected to the early sightful. Explore the historic Tulsa district Alexandria slave trade, such the former of Greenwood. You’ll hear the details about site of Franklin & Armfield, and the former the people and buildings that were affect- Bruin Slave Jail that held the Edmonson sised by the massacre, the places that were ters as well as sites that connect to early Afbombed, including churches and schools. rican American’s spirituality like the Shiloh Warning, you might need a hanky. You’ll go Baptist Church and the Alexandria Nationthrough some of the neighborhoods that al Cemetery. You might want to check their were leveled. You can get more informa- other tours too. Freedom’s Fight in Alexandria tion at: Walking Tour highlights pre-Civil War history realblackwallstreettour and the stories of runaway slaves, early abolitionists and more. The Still’s Underground Gullah Tour, Sandy Island, South Caro- Railroad Walking Tour takes you along the lina downtown King Street corridor and you hear Just south of Murrells Inlet is Sandy Island, about the Underground Railroad in Alexanwhere many of the 120 residents are Gullah dria. The Black History in Alexandria Bus Geechee descendants, the culture that orig- tour is a two-hour guided tour that will inated from West African slaves who worked take you to the Freedom House Museum, on the rice plantations in the 1700s. Start the Alfred Street Baptist Church, the site of the two-hour at the Sandy Island Boat Ramp and 1939 Library Sit-In, Contraband & Freedtake a brief boat ride to Pyatt’s General Store man Cemetery and more. For more inwith its African heritage gifts, Gullah Sweet- formation on Manumission Tours, go to:

20 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022


AmNews FOOD Easter dip goodness

Easter is about coming together with loved ones, enjoying beautiful spring weather and eating your family’s favorite foods. The kids will be playing, adults will be chatting and all will be patiently waiting for the table to be set. If you’re visiting and making memories with family and friends you haven’t seen in a while, there are few things better than diving into a marvelous Easter spread. While eyeing the table, you notice all the colors popping off the dishes. Fruits and veggies make the feast come to life, but a warm Easter dip paired with rolls for dipping is a perfect way to start the festivities. These Easter Bunny Rolls with Spinach Dip are as eye-catching as they are delicious. Not only will the kids love its shape, but the layers of taste will wow your Easter crowd. To make this recipe, start by combining a 16-ounce package of frozen spinach, cream cheese and garlic in a skillet. Once heated, add mayonnaise, salt, onion powder, chili powder and Italian seasoning. Add in Parmesan and mozzarella cheeses then stir until combined. Next, roll out crescent rolls. Stretch the dough then cut into 24 rolls. Form the bunny shape and scoop your spinach dip mixture into the center of the bunny and its ears. Sprinkle the spinach dip with mozzarella cheese before baking at 375°F for 18 minutes. This dish is made for a crowd, served warm and full of cheesy goodness. You can watch as your family dips into the spinach and oneby-one, before you know it, the rolls will have disappeared and the dip will be devoured. Find more Easter recipes at

Easter Bunny Rolls with Spinach Dip 16 ounces frozen spinach, thawed 8 ounces cream cheese 2 cloves garlic, minced ½ cup mayonnaise ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon onion powder ¼ teaspoon chili powder ¼ teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning 1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese 1½ cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided 2 crescent roll tubes (8 ounces each) Heat oven to 375°F. In skillet, over medium heat, cook spinach, cream cheese and garlic 3-4 minutes until cream cheese is melted. Stir in mayonnaise, salt, onion powder, chili powder, pepper and Italian seasoning. Stir in Parmesan cheese and 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese. Cook until cheese is melted. Keep skillet on burner over low heat. Remove dough from tubes. Leaving dough intact, roll and stretch into 18-inch ropes. Cut each rope into 12 pieces for 24 total. On baking sheet with parchment paper, form bunny head by placing one piece of dough in middle then surrounding it with six more pieces. Use 13 pieces to form round body. Use remaining pieces to form ears on top of head. Scoop hot spinach dip into center. Spoon small portions on each ear. Sprinkle ears and belly with remaining mozzarella cheese. Bake 18 minutes, or until crescent dough is golden brown and thoroughly cooked.

A celebratory Passover dessert

When celebrating with family, there is nearly nothing better than passing a light and sweet dessert around the table. These Simple Macaroons are crisp, dipped in decadent chocolate and a completely scrumptious option for celebrating Passover. Simple to make and easy to eat, this sweet dessert is a crowd favorite. With a fresh kick of lemon zest and crunch of shredded coconut, they are a bite-sized, deli-

cious way to end your meal. They take little to no time to make, only baking 10-12 minutes for a tray full of tasty dessert bites ready to devour. With sweet honey and vanilla, the flavors come together to create something sweet but not overpowering. It’s a small, crumbly bite that’s perfect for sharing during Passover. Find more sweet treat recipes for any holiday at

Simple Macaroons Recipe adapted from

Yield: 15 macaroons 1 large egg 2¼ tablespoons honey ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract grated lemon zest ¼ teaspoon salt 1¼ cups shredded coconut 5 ounces dark chocolate, melted

Using 1½-inch ice cream scoop, make 15 balls, transferring each to parchment-lined baking sheet, spacing about 2 inches apart. Bake macaroons 10-12 minutes, rotating halfway through, until coconut starts to brown on edges. Transfer sheet to wire rack and let cool.

Preheat oven to 375°F. In bowl, whisk egg. Add honey, vanilla, lemon zest and salt; whisk. Stir in coconut until completely coated with egg mixture.

Before ser v ing , d r izzle with melted ch ocolate or d ip b ottom sid es of macaroons in melted ch ocolate to cover bases. Refr igerate 15 minu tes to set.









April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 21

DONALD SMITH, CONSUMMATE PIANIST, DIES AT 78 Donald Smith, the underrated musical genius, who was adept in playing everything from straightahead jazz with Dizzy Gillespie and Jackie McLean to avant-garde out sounds with Archie Shepp, died on April 9, at a nursing home in Riverdale, New York. He was 78. His death was confirmed by his daughter Yaisa Smith; a cause was not given. During Smith’s five-decade career, he rarely recorded as a leader, his most memorable album “Luv,” with bassist Cecil McBee and drummer Jack DeJohnette for the Whynot label, is one of the few under his name. While not an industrious leader, he was a much sought after pianist until his health began to deteriorate and suddenly, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Early in his career upon arriving in New York from his hometown of Richmond, Virginia, he landed a weekly gig in Harlem at Showman’s Café with saxophonist Bill Saxton and drummer Greg Bandy. The three became lifelong friends. Saxton and Smith played in each other’s bands and together in other bands sometimes with Bandy. Smith developed a cult following at Showman’s Café while there he exhibited his incredible singing ability and played his second instrument, the flute. “Donald had a great voice, no one could sing like him,” said Saxton. “As much as we did together, I wish we had done more.” Smith went on to play with Art Blakey, who later commented on his great musicianship as a pianist. He was a first call pianist for such musicians as Pharoah Sanders, Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Benny Carter, Andrew Cyrille, Carter, the Thad Jones - Mel Lewis Big

Band and vocalists Leon Thomas, Gloria Lynne, Tuliva-Donna Cumberbatch, Fontella Bass and Mansur Scott. He can also be heard on recordings by Lester Bowie (“The Great Pretender,” 1981), Oliver Lake (“Prophet,” 1980) and Craig Harris (“Black Bone,” 1983). Smith stated during an interview with this writer, “I never categorize the music, I just love playing it all and as long as the cats call me, I will play.” Smith was one of the few musicians who played primarily straight-ahead jazz but was constantly called upon to play in the avantgarde arena. Like Nat King Cole, Smith was a great singer and outstanding pianist that shadowed his mesmerizing voice. In Cole’s case his singing overshadowed his great piano playing. Smith’s voice was so intoxicating that waiters and waitresses in various clubs often stopped working to hear him sing. A close friend of Smith’s noted, “When I entertained ladies at home, I would never play Donald’s song ‘Starlight & You’ because once I played it they would want to hear it over and over again, his voice was that beautiful.” He added, “God’s choir just got better.” Donald Smith was born on Sept. 4, 1943, in Richmond, Virginia. He was the youngest of three boys. His father Lonnie Liston Smith Sr. was a member of the famous gospel group the Harmonizing Four. As a youngster Donald recalled gospel groups like the Swan Silvertones and the Soul Stirrer with a young Sam Cooke, and many other musicians always visiting. His older brother is the funk/jazz keyboardist and composer Lonnie Liston Smith, and brother Ray sang doowop and R&B music. Smith was a piano prodigy under the tutelage of Ondine Moore. After graduating from Armstrong High School, he departed Richmond to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where

he was enrolled in the music program along with Dee Dee Bridgewater, who was the female vocalist. While attending the college, he and George Duke tied for piano honors at a college jam session. Early on he played organ and flute with the Tony Zamora Territorial Band. A versatile and adventurous performer, Smith worked with a wide variety of performers as a pianist, singer and/or flutist. Smith joined his brother’s Cosmic Echoes group as a vocalist and flautist intermittently from 1975 through the late 1990s. During his time with the group, he and Lonnie recorded some now notable jazz standards. In the late 1990s and into 2000, he played weekly at St. Nick’s Pub leading a trio (for 4-5 years) when it was at its peak. “I had the pleasure of working with Donald at St. Nick’s Pub, he was a great person, pianist, vocalist and a great person, I loved and respected him,” said producer/promoter Berta Alloway. During 2000, Smith was a fixture in Harlem (his adopted home), where he played small clubs as a leader and as a welcomed addition to other band leaders. He recorded two albums with the trombonist and composer Dick Griffin: on “Homage to Sun Ra” (2014), he played piano; on “Now Is the Time,” he played flute and sang, and the album has been rereleased on Griffin’s independent label, Ruby Records. “He had a natural love for the music and was an excellent musician and friend,” said Griffin. Smith is survived by his daughter Yaisa Smith, son Tecumseh Smith; and his brothers Ray and Lonnie Liston Smith. A service will be held in Harlem at Benta’s Funeral Home at a date to be announced. *Last week’s photo of Melvis Santa was incorrectly credited, the photographer was Adrien H. Tillman.

Donald Smith (Ron Scott photo)

22 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022





Civil rights activist and photographer, Doris A. Derby By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews

endured. These travels and experiences fueled her determination to bring about change and As it so often happens with the she took that vision and energy passing of notable African Amer- into the classicans, we get the news days and room and into sometimes weeks after they adult literacy depart. Such is the case with Doris programs sponA. Derby, an activist photographer sored by SNCC who was seemingly everywhere at Tougaloo Colduring the Civil Rights Move- lege in Missisment. She joined the ancestors on sippi. In this March 28 in Atlanta and was 82. capacity she Her vital statistics, and she was worked in close born Nov. 11, 1939, in the Bronx, association with are but a small indicator of her John O’Neal and commitment to freedom and jus- Gilbert Moses as tice, and her membership in the a co-founder of Student Nonviolent Coordinating the Free SouthCommittee (SNCC) and her role ern Theater. It as a founder of the Free South- was around this ern Theater. She was raised in same period of the Williamsbridge section of the time that she Bronx and even as an elemen- began to activetary school student expressed ly photograph her concern about the inequali- the movement ty and the lack of representation activities, with a of Black culture in the classroom. special interest The study of dance was an early on documenting dream, and she was reasonably suc- the role her comcessful winning a scholarship at the rades played in Katherine Dunham African dance the fight against classes at the Harlem YMCA. But a racism and dislifelong endeavor with civil rights crimination. took command as a teenager after From 1963 to she joined the Youth Chapter of the 1972 she was a field secretary NAACP and her church. Besides her for SNCC in Mississippi, workinvolvement in rallies and dem- ing hand in hand with Bob Moses onstrations, Doris was a student at and COFO (Council of Federated Hunter College where she first ma- Organizations), and the Missisjored in cultural anthropology. sippi Freedom Democratic Party During her senior year in col- (MFDP), where she often accomlege, she began traveling abroad, panied the indomitable Fannie visiting such countries as Nigeria, Lou Hamer. Doris was an indisFrance and Italy. Back at home pensable worker in practicalher intrepid wanderlust took her ly every organization to advance to Native American areas, par- freedom during her days in Misticularly to the Navajo Indian sissippi, including a child develReservation where she saw first- opment group, the Head Start hand the oppressive conditions Program, and the massive Freethe people there dom Summer initiative under the direction of Bob Moses.


Throughout all these activities her camera was busy capturing decisive moments in the struggle, and she was soon a

Doris A. Derby in 2014

member of Southern Media, Inc. and began traveling across the state gathering the photos and moments that would be part of various documentaries. Some of these pictures were part of her lectures and exhibits as she taught and trained students to become active in the movement. In her book “Poetagraphy: Artistic Reflections of a Mississippi Lifeline in Words and Images: 1963-1972” that she published independently in 2019, a good sample of her artistic and political work

is showcased. Two of her photographs were published in “Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Accounts of Women in SNCC,” and she also contributed an essay that recounted some of the trials and tribulations that challenged her during that period. Her photographs and exhibits are too numerous to list here, and the same can be said of her academic career that intensified after she left Mississippi in 1972 and focused on completing her M.A. and Ph.D. in social anthropology at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Doris joined the University System of Georgia State University in 1990 as an adjunct associate professor of anthropology and the founding director of the Office of African American Student Services and Programs. Consistent with her preoccupation with the visual arts and photography, she was the co-founder of the Performing and Visual Arts Council at Georgia State University in 2008. After more than 22 years at the college, she retired, though continued to lecture and work as a consultant. During her stint at Georgia State University, she lived in Atlanta with her husband actor Bob Banks, both active members of countless institutions and community groups. On Oct. 6, 2011, Doris received the 26th Governor’s Award in the Humanities in Atlanta for documenting and preserving images and stories enabling current and future generations to learn about the Civil Rights Movement and social change in the Deep South.

ACTIVITIES FIND OUT MORE The best place to discover the tireless work and commitment is to visit her papers housed at Emory University in Georgia.

DISCUSSION When and how she began her passionate embrace of the camera cries out for background and development. PLACE IN CONTEXT Doris came of age during the Civil Rights Movement era and played a significant role in its successes.

THIS WEEK IN BLACK HISTORY April 11, 1939: Jane Bolin became the first Black woman to become a U.S. judge, presiding over New York City’s Domestic Relations Court. April 11, 1933: Tony Brown, journalist, was born in Charleston, W. Va. April 12, 1940: Jazz great Herbie Hancock was born in Chicago.


Adams Continued from page 3

In February, Adams homed in on rampant subway crimes, and the spike in crime overall, after the tragic death of Michelle Go, 40, who was pushed in front a train by a mentally disturbed homeless man. He released his Subway Safety Plan that put more cops in the subways and expanded outreach and mental health services to homeless individuals. In March, cops caught onto a lone gunman targeting homeless people in New York City and Washington, D.C. The spree resulted in five shootings, two deaths, and an urgent manhunt in both cities. Adams also decided to lift mask mandates for most schools, for pro athletes and performers, and the private-sector vaccine mandate. Many people saw it as just a carve-out for Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving to return to playing and avoid getting vaccinated. In April, Adams rallied with the family of 12-year-old Kade Lewin, who was fatally shot in a parked car with family members in East Flatbush, Brooklyn. He also began a two-week blitz of sweeping home©2022 New York Lottery

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less encampments off the streets and subways, while offering safe haven and stabilization beds in shelters. Advocates were not happy at all about the sweeps, calling them an inefficient and callous way to deal with the unhoused. Adams has had some contention with the media and colleagues in government. “I am disappointed in Mayor Adams’ agenda which is making New York into even more of a police state,” said Councilmember Kristin Richardson Jordan in Harlem. “At every turn he has criminalized every prospect of living and forced budget cuts to the agencies our city needs, while the city has a surplus of funds. You can’t arrest your way through a homeless crisis, you cannot fix transportation with more police, and you can not handle a rodent infestation by removing trash bins and limiting garbage pick up.” Jordan said that the mayor spoke out against Florida’s Don’t Say Gay bill, but insisted on the hiring of people with homophobic beliefs. She called Adams “reckless and untrustworthy.” At an Manhattan Institute event last week, political commentator for Spectrum News NY1 Erroll Louis and Deputy Editor of THE

CITY Alyssa Katz spoke to Adams’ performance as mayor in a panel. Katz called Adams a bit “armored” and consistently trying to control the narrative of stories. On April 4, Politico released a leaked Zoom call where Adams demanded that all city agency communications be run through a bottleneck at city hall before being made public. “It’s a mistake,” said Louis. He said it’s understandable to want to message discipline as a politician but ultimately the media and city hall are supposed to have a conversation. Louis said that the best of this administration will be expressed if it “sticks to strategies that address underlying conditions” that predate both it and the COVID-19 pandemic. He said short-term tactics that address “symptoms rather than causes” are likely to lead to unpopularity for Adams. Louis also questioned if there were practical limits to Adams’ governing style of empathy and emotional intelligence, and if the crisis on Rikers Island was receiving enough attention. Still Adams inspires support and a degree of loyalty from plenty of officials. “Since Mayor Adams took office, my team and I have been deeply

April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 23 engaged with his administration to help build a stronger, fairer Queens for all 2.4 million people who call The World’s Borough home,” said Queens Borough President Donovan Richards Jr. Richards said he looks forward to working with Adams on longstanding health care inequities facing Rockaway families, supporting Queens small businesses, investing heavily in sustainability efforts, and combating a rise in hate crimes. Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson said that Adams recognizes the challenges the city is facing and is putting forth a bold plan to address inequity, poverty, and public safety, among other issues. “It is never easy to create a plan that everyone can support but I appreciate Mayor Adams’ commitment to serving all five boroughs and recognizing that the Bronx needs investments in the Hunts Point Produce Market, our public schools, and in creating access and opportunities for our youth,” said Gibson. “Our administration looks forward to working with the Adams administration to address systemic inequality, unstable housing, protect tenants and homeowners,

invest in education and our small businesses and identify creative approaches to address public safety for all New Yorkers. Press secretary Fabien Levy announced this past weekend that Adams had “a raspy voice,” took a PCR test, and was confirmed positive for COVID. While isolating Adams will be working remotely, which is probably an annoying and unfortunate way to end his first 100 days in office. “At this time, the mayor has no other symptoms, but he is already isolating and will be canceling all public events for the remainder of the week,” said Levy. “He is also going to immediately begin taking the anti-viral medications offered for free to New York City residents and encourages all New Yorkers eligible for these medications to take them as well.” Ariama C. Long is a Report for America corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for The Amsterdam News. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting: https://tinyurl. com/fcszwj8w

24 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022


Education Change of plans: Will the mayor switch up school policy post-COVID diagnosis? By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff Is New York City Mayor Eric Adams changing any COVID policies while quarantining for his diagnosis? As of right now? No. This past weekend, Adams tested positive for COVID19, the global infection whose decreasing number of cases have changed policies and opened much of the city back up for business. The number of cases has now increased. “At this time, the mayor has no other symptoms, but he is already isolating and will be canceling all public events for the remainder of the week,” read a statement from the city. He is also going to immediately begin taking the antiviral medications offered for free to New York City residents and he encourages all New Yorkers eligible for these medications to take them as well. “While he is isolating, he will continue to serve New Yorkers by working remotely.” When the AmNews contacted Adams’ office for a direct comment, we were sent a link to a YouTube video of a recent news conference. In early March, the mayor made wearing masks for 2- to 4-year-old children in daycare centers and schools optional. This came two weeks after making the same declaration for public school children around the five boroughs. According to Scientific American, the

BA.2 variant of the COVID-19 infection was originally detected in South Africa Last November. Right now, the Northeastern part of the United States has been hit hard with new COVID-19 cases and is mostly responsible for the increase in numbers. A recent study from the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that the BA.2 variant of the COVID-19 infection has increased in states such as New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine. As of April 4, 55% of all new COVID cases in the country are of the BA.2 variant. In New York City, on a 7-day average, cases increased by 4% (1,887 diagnoses) and on a 28-day average of 3.52% (1,366 diagnoses). Other cities aren’t resting on their laurels. This week, Philadelphia’s government changed course and will reinstate the indoor mask mandate. Philadelphia City Health Commissioner Dr. Cheryl Bettigole said that the city needed to be preemptive in their approach to ridding the

Eric Adams won’t change course of action despite COVID diagnosis. (Photo courtesy of Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office)

city of COVID-19. “If we fail to act now, knowing that every previous wave of infections has been followed by a wave of hospitalizations, and then a wave of deaths, it will be too late for many of our residents,” said Bettigole to reporters this week. “This is our chance to get ahead of the pandemic, to put our masks on until we have more information about the severity of this new variant.” With this latest development, however, will the mayor remain gung-ho on his education policies? One parent says “Yes.” “Unfortunately, I don’t think much is going to change,” said Kaliris Y. Salas-

Ramirez, Ph.D., a lecturer at The Sophie Davis Program of Biomedical Education at the CUNY School of Medicine and member of the Alliance for Quality Education. “They may on-ramp masking for K-12 but it will be because of the BA.2 variant surge, and Vasan may bring back mandates…and they will ask families to take their at-home tests before coming back from break (but it will not be required to come back to school). “My sense is that Adams will be like Trump on this…he gets treatment with antivirals and will recover fine…and he will probably feel like he is the king of the world.”

Columbia University program gives low-income and first-generation students a fair chance By M’NIYAH LYNN Special to the AmNews Columbia University’s Freedom and Citizenship is catered toward New York City’s rising high school seniors, which are students that are entering their senior year. Even though any student can apply that meets this requirement, there is a strong preference for students that come from low-income households and those that will be the first in their families to attend college. Through the program, students are set up with opportunities to learn and grow, free of cost. More than just a summer program, Freedom and Citizenship is broken up into three main components: the summer program in July, and the college mentoring and community projects that occur throughout the academic year. Beginning this summer, participating students will be given $1,000 stipends. Sage Bing is a Freedom and Citizenship student from 2021. She is a senior at Democracy Prep Charter High School who dreams of

going to an HBCU. From her experience in the program, she enjoyed meeting new people and learning about things not covered in her daily curriculum. “With opportunities like this, you have to take advantage because, in the future, you don’t have them,” she said. During the summer program, students are exposed to political philosophy. The writing Bing did helped to get her out of her comfort zone. “One thing I learned was that I’m not always right. In the program, the readings and new perspectives showed me life isn’t so black and white,” she said. The community projects serve to prepare students to be informed citizens. For example, Bing is currently working in a group on a project regarding mental health. Within this project, the group is trying to make a call to action by making efforts to contact an elected official, create a website and advocate for school social workers to be paid more than teachers because of having to deal with mental health “on a different level,” she said. The program began in 2009 through a part-

nership with Columbia’s Center for American Studies and the Roger Lehecka Double Discovery Center. Since its inception, the program has quickly grown over the last few years. The program initially had only 15 students that were taught by Roosevelt Montás, director of Columbia’s Center for the Core Curriculum, according to Freedom and Citizenship’s website. Now, the program has more than doubled the number of students. “We now have up to 45 students each year and actually, we’re starting a nationwide network of programs on our model,” Executive Director of Freedom and Citizenship Jessica Lee said. “There will be about 20 schools this summer leading programs like ours across the country.” Lee said she spreads awareness about the program by reaching out to counselors and teachers at high schools. These schools are primarily concentrated in upper Manhattan because that is the area that Columbia University and its neighbors are in. “Most of all, the students we talk to are in-

terested in asking big questions and challenging themselves. They get more excited by that than when I say ‘you’ll get a letter of recommendation for college’ or ‘it’ll look good on your resume,’” Lee said. Bing has personally spoken to people at her school about joining the program. She hopes to inspire those behind her, like her brother. “There were a lot of girls, so of course, that’s a good thing, but I feel like males, especially males of color, don’t push themselves enough to make themselves vulnerable,” she said. Bing wants to be a therapist. She was influenced by how her mentors have made a huge effort to establish connections and warm up to students. Columbia professors teach the students in the summer, Micaela Cacho-Negrete, Freedom and Citizenship’s publicist, said. Although the application deadline has passed, students can still apply. Anyone that wants to apply now may be accepted on a rolling basis, but for a limited number of spots. “We’re looking for a certain kind of nerd,” Lee said.


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Tenant is responsible for electricity and electric stove for cooking. Household size includes everyone who will live with you, including parents and children. Subject to occupancy criteria. 3 Household earnings includes salary, hourly wages, tips, Social Security, child support, and other income. Income guidelines subject to change. 4 Minimum income listed may not apply to applicants with Section 8 or other qualifying rental subsidies. Asset limits also apply. 1 2

How Do You Apply? Apply online or through mail. To apply online, please go to To request an application by mail, send a self-addressed envelope to: 50 Nevins Street Apartments C/O Spring Leasing and Management, LLC, 77 Cuttermill Road, Great Neck, NY 11021. Only send one application per development. Do not submit duplicate applications. Do not apply online and also send in a paper application. Applicants who submit more than one application may be disqualified. When is the Deadline? Applications must be postmarked or submitted online no later than MAY 20, 2022. Late applications will not be considered. What Happens After You Submit an Application? After the deadline, applications are selected for review through a lottery process. If yours is selected and you appear to qualify, you will be invited to an interview to continue the process of determining your eligibility. Interviews are usually scheduled from 2 to 10 months after the application deadline. You will be asked to bring documents that verify your household size, identity of members of your household, and your household income. Español

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solicitud impresa, envíe un sobre con la dirección a: 50 Nevins Street Apartments C/O Spring Leasing and Management, LLC, 77 Cuttermill Road, Great Neck, NY 11021. En el reverso del sobre, escriba en inglés la palabra “SPANISH.” Las solicitudes se deben enviar en línea o con sello postal antes de 20 de Mayo 2022.


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Affordable Housing for Rent

Continued from page 4

celebrants, and rightfully so since he won a runoff election, giving the Democrats control of the Senate. “Yes, I’m a senator,” he told a reporter a day before Justice Jackson was confirmed. “I’m a pastor. But beyond all of that, I’m the father of a young Black girl. “For my 5-year-old daughter and for so many young women in our country…seeing Judge Jackson ascend to the Supreme Court reflects the promise of progress on which our democracy rests,” he added. Justice Jackson knew full well the circumstances of her ascendance, citing a number of notables and not so well known individuals during her remarks after the confirmation. After extending her gratitude to her family, she recounted her experience as a clerk for the man she will replace later this summer. “My clerkship with Justice Breyer, in particular, was an extraordinary gift and one for which I’ve only become more grateful with each passing year. Justice Breyer’s commitment to an independent, impartial judiciary is unflagging. And, for him, the rule of law is not merely a duty, it is his passion. I am daunted by the prospect of having to follow in his footsteps. And I would count myself lucky, indeed, to be able to do so with even the smallest amount of his wisdom, grace, and joy.” There were then words about her role and responsibility on the court. “They also tell me that I’m a role model, which I take both as an opportunity and as a huge responsibility. I am feeling

t n

THE NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 25 up to the task, primarily because I know that I am not alone. I am standing on the shoulders of my own role models, generations of Ameri50 Nevins Street Apartments cans who never had anything close to this kind 50 NEWLY CONSTRUCTED UNITS AT 50 Nevins Street, of opportunity but who got up every day and Brooklyn, New York 11217 BOERUM HILL went to work believing in the promise of AmeriAmenities: 24-hour attended lobby, on-site building superintendent, exercise ca, showing others through their determination room, multi-purpose room, community room, computer lab, bike parking,* and, yes, their perseverance that good—good on-site laundry room*, tenant storage rooms, and on-site social services for low income or formerly things can be done in this great country, from homeless households with special needs. (*additional fees apply). my grandparents on both sides who had only a Transit: Trains: C, F, G, N, Q; Buses: B103, B37, B62 and B65 grade-school education but instilled in my par- No application fee • No broker’s fee • Smoke-free building • More information: ents the importance of learning, to my parents This building is being constructed through the Supportive Housing Loan Program of the New who went to racially segregated schools grow- York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development. Supportive housing is permanent, ing up and were the first in their families to have affordable housing with on-site support services to serve the needs of the most vulnerable New the chance to go to college. Yorkers, including the formerly homeless and disabled. Sixty percent of units in supportive housing “I am also ever buoyed by the leadership of are set aside for low income or formerly homeless individuals or families with special needs, who are generations past who helped to light the way: referred by city agencies. The remaining 40% of units in the building are made available to the public Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Justice Thurgood through lottery. The units listed in this notice are only those made available to the general public. Marshall, and my personal heroine, Judge Who Should Apply? Constance Baker Motley,” with whom she Individuals or households who meet the income • A percentage of units is set aside for applicants with disabilities: and household size requirements listed in the shares a birthdate. table below may apply. Qualified applicants will ° Mobility (5%) She closed with the poetic words of Dr. Maya ° Vision/Hearing (2%). be required to meet additional selection criteria. Angelou, reciting that while “bringing the gifts… Applicants who live in New York City receive a • Preference for a percentage of units goes to: my ancestors gave. I am the dream and the hope general preference for apartments. ° Residents of Community Board 2 (50%) the slave. So as I take on this new role, I strongly ° Municipal employees (5%) believe that this is a moment in which all AmerAVAILABLE UNITS AND INCOME REQUIREMENTS icans can take pride. We have come a long way Monthly Units Household Annual Household Income3 toward perfecting our union. In my family, it Unit Size Minimum – Maximum Rent1 Available Size2 took just one generation to go from segregation 1 person $35,418 - $50,160 to the Supreme Court of the United States.” Studio $947 41 2 people $35,418 - $57,300 The sense of good cheer in her voice was often 2 people $53,178 - $57,300 accompanied by a sense of reckoning, anticipat3 people $53,178 - $64,440 ing the struggle ahead, a harbinger of which she 2 Bedroom $1,421 7 had heard during the confirmation. She prom4 people $53,178 - $71,580 ised to do her part “to carry our shared project 5 people $53,178 - $77,340 of democracy and equal justice under law for3 people $61,509 - $64,440 ward, into the future.” 4 people $61,509 - $71,580


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Governor Kathy Hochul • Mayor Eric Adams • HPD Commissioner Adolfo Carrión Jr. HCR Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas

26 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022


Health Brooklyn native propels postpartum revolution By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews

In April 2019, Angelina Spicer was honored at Brooklyn Borough Hall by then-Borough President Eric Adams (Lois Elfman photo)

Angelina Spicer is gearing up for another Postpartum Revolution tour (Photo courtesy of Angelina Spicer)

Brooklyn-born actress and comedienne Angelina Spicer said growing up in Brooklyn taught her to hustle, be creative and push forward with new ideas. Since overcoming severe postpartum depression following the birth of daughter Ava, now 7, she has turned her darkest days into humor and used that humor to spark a movement she’s calling The Postpartum Revolution: Advocacy and Education Through Comedy. Her postpartum struggle became so extreme that her therapist suggested she admit herself to a psychiatric hospital, which she did. As she began her recovery, she turned to her comedy to heal and share her story. Spicer subsequently took the stand-up comedy set she’d crafted and combined it for a documentary film with women and experts speaking about postpartum depression. In April 2019, Mayor Eric Adams, then Brooklyn borough president, presented her with a proclamation commending her work in speaking about postpartum depression and inspiring other women to be open and seek much-needed treatment. Last summer, Spicer, the daughter of hip hop innovator Jimmy Spicer, took her pink tour bus on the road for an eight-city advocacy and comedy tour. Playing movie theaters and performance spaces, she screened the documentary and had a question and answer session. She also met with lawmakers in the various cities to discuss legislation. “The purpose of the tour is to (a) advocate for change, (b) connect moms to care by highlighting local businesses, ob/ gyn practices, doulas and midwives, so that moms can have more options for care, and (c) to also start the conversation around what postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety are and to know the warning signs and get people talking and laughing about it,” said Spicer, who will be hitting the road again this summer.

“The goal is to make this a mainstream conversation, so we’ve chosen mainstream venues,” she continued. “We talk about how moms can get care and then we discuss solutions of how we can implement change to get moms more access to care.” The documentary is about 80% complete, and Spicer is seeking backers to help with completion and distribution. On this year’s Postpartum Revolution Road Trip, Spicer plans to hit seven cities, starting with Peoria, Illinois on June 5. She will shoot additional footage, incorporating comedy, behind the scenes and her meetings with lawmakers. Additional events are attached to the tour and it has different partners in each city. Last year in Delaware, the tour partnered with Jewish Family Services of Delaware to do a mental health day where she met with local leaders and mothers in the community, who were interviewed for the documentary. The first partner to confirm for the upcoming tour is the Illinois Chapter of Postpartum Support International. Spicer, a graduate of Howard University, hopes to get the documentary shown on Netflix, Showtime, Hulu or HBO. “We want mainstream conversation and solutions,” she said. “Part of the reason why moms, such as myself, feel blindsided by postpartum depression and anxiety is because we don’t know what it looks like. We don’t know we’re going through it when we’re actually going through it so we can get the resources that we need.” Spicer now lives in Los Angeles with Ava and husband Joseph, a deputy federal public defender, but Brooklyn is her foundation. She said this city gave her a global perspective and the tenacity to succeed. “I know how to hustle and make it happen for yourself,” she said. She hopes to bring the tour to NYC this summer. “It’s an opportunity for us to come together and start new initiatives that are going to help families,” she said. Information is available at


Subway Continued from page 3

In a joint statement Sunset Park electeds Council Member Alexa Avilés and Assemblymember Marcela Mitaynes said, “What our community needs right now is reassurance that we will not be abandoned in the aftermath of this morning’s incident—that our pain will not be used as a scapegoat for policies that won’t keep us safer. We know that more police presence on trains or in neighborhoods would not have prevented this. According to reports, police were on the scene and turned to commuters for help calling 911. We need investments in social services—housing, healthcare, and education—to cultivate true public safety, and just as urgently, we must stop the manufacturing and flow of guns in our country.” “This is the new normal in New York,” one rider said. Asked about the notion that he would introduce metal detectors to subways, Adams said he was in favor of looking into all available technology in the fight against crime. While Hochul and general law enforcement refused to call it ter-

rorism, and act as if it was a lone wolf assault, the following day some nervous riders took to the subway in order to engage their usual and essential routine. Many others erred on the side of caution and did not. Two men were stabbed at Harlem’s 135th Street a few hours later, and several shootings took place later the same day. On Tuesday, Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso said, “This morning, Sunset Park commuters were assaulted by a senseless act of violence. As always in a time of crisis, Brooklynites experienced the swift reaction of our city’s first responders, including the MTA, NYPD, and FDNY. I am deeply heartened to see the Sunset Park community coming together during this time of tragedy—Brooklyn stands with you.” Locked down by COVID, a prettymuch symptom-free Adams said he would remain in Gracie Mansion until his quarantine was up. “I wish to thank all of the first responders who responded to the scene or at the local hospitals, helping with today’s incident. You are what makes New York the greatest city in the world, and I thank you for supporting your fellow New Yorkers.”

Thanking “first responders, transit workers, and the heroic fellow commuters who immediately sprung into action to help get wounded passengers to safety,” Council Member Avilés and Assemblymember Mitaynes stated, “Their actions likely saved lives. We’re also thankful for our school principals’ quick response to keep our students safe and families informed. “We are still coming out of the collective trauma of this pandemic, and today’s events only add to our community’s pain. We have lost over 60,000 New Yorkers as a result of COVID-19. New Yorkers are experiencing record unemployment, extreme food insecurity, loss of jobs and housing, and inadequate services.” Looking for solutions to the surge of city criminal and mental health induced anti-community violence, the Sunset Park officials added, “We are asking our partners in city, state and federal government for a multi-faceted, effective, and evidence-based public safety response, including abundant mental health resources for the victims in the near-term, in addition to dramatic investments in violence prevention and interruption programs, full employment, and guaranteed housing moving forward—before

April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 27 more people get hurt.” Brooklyn New York State candidate Hercules Reid noted that New Yorkers experiencing anxiety and reality-based fear is a marked response. “I also want to acknowledge that for many of us, an attack of this kind is a real fear. Seeing this fear become a reality can trigger emotional distress in the form of anxiety, panic, anger, or even insomnia. I implore us all—especially those of us who felt anxious after hearing the news—to take time out tonight to reach out to loved ones, engage in anxiety-reducing exercises, or simply talk to someone. We are a strong, tough, but also united city, so if you are experiencing any fear or emotional distress, be assured that you have the support of me, our community, and our city, so if you are experiencing any fear or emotional distress, be assured that you have the support of me, our community, and our city at large to support you.” Students from every grade and level use the New York City transit system, including 1.1 million school students and 300,000 CUNY students “The shooting on our subway system…is the kind of horrify-

ing incident that taps our deepest fears as New Yorkers,” said CUNY Chancellor Matos Rodríguez. “The transit system is an integral part of day-to-day life in New York City, including for CUNY’s 300,000 students, faculty and staff. Our reliance on it speaks to our very ability to travel freely and safely and to meet the many obligations of our work, school and lives. It is very natural then to feel vulnerable and exposed, even for those of us who were fortunate enough to have avoided the trauma of direct exposure. I understand the emotions, and the difficulty that they add to the many challenges we are already facing as we struggle to restore normalcy amid a persistent pandemic.”Matos added, “Incidents like this bring about shared emotions but they also affect each of us in our own ways. If you are struggling to overcome anxiety and fears that were sparked by today’s event, I urge students to contact your campus counseling center or make use of the other services outlined here. Faculty and staff can turn to our employee assistance program for support. “Let this incident remind us to be especially kind, and to look out for each other.”

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28 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022


Religion & Spirituality U.S. government found guilty of assassinating Dr. King By AUTODIDACT 17 Special to the AmNews Last Monday marked the 54th anniversary of the assassination of Civil Rights icon, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, Tenn. Every step towards freedom for the Black man in this country has been measured with his blood. Although James Earl Ray was convicted in 1969 for the crime, little mention is made that three decades later a Memphis jury deemed the United States government “guilty of conspiring to assassinate Dr. King Jr.” On Dec. 8, 1999, 12 jurists unanimously rendered a guilty verdict after a four-week civil trial of listening to more than 70 witnesses’ testimonies. The King family, who filed the civil suit, was awarded $100, which they donated to charity. During the trial, “The govern(Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division) ment’s carefully interwoven plot to kill Dr. King” was revealed. Loyd Jowers said the kill shot was Jowers also allegedly received the from someone named Raoul. fired from behind his Jim’s Grill, murder weapon prior to the murder “There is abundant evidence of which was close to the Lorraine a major high-level conspirMotel, whose balcony King was acy in the assassination of standing on when shot down on my husband, Martin Luther April 4, 1968. King Jr.,” commented Mrs. It was determined that “local, Coretta Scott-King after exstate and federal U.S government pressing gratitude to the jury. agencies, and the Mafia, were all “And the civil court’s unaniinvolved.” mous verdict has validated Earl Ray reportedly was rentour belief. I wholehearteding a room above Jowers’ restauly applaud the verdict of the rant then and was scapegoated in jury and I feel that justice has the plot. been well served in their deIn a press-conference transcript, liberations.” Jowers named Memphis Police Adding: “This verdict is Department Officer Lt. Earl Clark not only a great victory for as Dr. King’s assassin. my family, but also a great According to the U.S. Justice victory for America. It is a Department, Jowers insisted that great victory for truth itself.” “a Memphis produce dealer, who While the government, at was involved with the Mafia, gave various levels, has long been [Jowers] $100,000 to hire an assuspected of being “deeply sassin and assured him that the involved in the assassinapolice would not be at the scene tion of my husband” she of the shooting.” noted, she’s thankful that

(The National Archives and Records Administration). Colorized by Jordan J. Lloyd. U.S. Information Agency. Press and Publications Service.

the “full truth of the assassination has been revealed and adjudicated in a court of law.” She concluded, “Therefore, is a great victory for justice and truth. Not only for the peace of mind of our family but to also bring closure and healing to the nation.” Dr. King’s son, Dexter Scott King, called his father’s assassination “the most incredible cover-up of the century.” King’s other children, Martin Luther King III and Bernice King, also expressed thanks at the result and noted “the seriousness with which U.S. intelligence agencies planned the murder of” their father.

They grew to become aware “of the threat” their father’s movement “represented to the powers that be during the spring of 1968.” “No surprises here, that’s this country’s history,” contends social analyst, La Meh Mua. “The U.S. government has also been closely linked to the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X as well.” Observers state how ironic is it that 54 years after Memphis, the very same government which now honors Dr. King with a national holiday, is also responsible for his assassination?

Budget Continued from page 4

other city priorities in the ongoing legislative session, which is only half over,” said Adams. In another statement on April 9, Adams added that the state budget keys in on funding for public safety measures, from his ‘Blueprint for Public Safety,’ including improvements to the discovery process, gun and mental health laws, and “judges’ ability to keep repeat offenders off the streets.” Others were much harsher in their criticisms of the state budget. In response to proposed changes to the bail law, Brooklyn Defender Servic-

THE NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS es, Center for Community Alternatives, lature to pass the bill when they return New York Communities for Change, to session. VOCAL-NY, The Legal Aid Society, En“It is frustrating and deeply disapvision Freedom Fund, The Bronx De- pointing to see that despite momentous fenders released a joint statement: support and enthusiasm, Clean Slate “We are saddened and deeply disap- was not included in the final budget,” pointed by the reactionary and ill-in- said Sen. Zellnor Myrie in a statement. formed changes elected leaders are Myrie said that the Senate is poised to currently trying to push through the get back to work to pass the Clean Slate budget. The facts are clear: bail reform has Act and that there is “no reason” New not caused the increase in gun violence in Yorkers who have fulfilled their justiceNew York. And yet, our elected leaders are system obligations should continue to considering capitulating to fear and poli- suffer perpetual economic punishment. tics by rolling back provisions of a successAssemblymember Catalina Cruz said ful policy instead of addressing the very that the state budget version of Clean real problems that our communities are Slate included protracted timelines that facing, including a mental health crisis, would have rendered the bill “useless gun violence, and poverty.” to those who need it most.” The budget Staunch Clean Slate Act supporters version has a 3-year waiting period for and sponsors are still urging the legis- misdemeanors and a 7-year period for

felonies, which would “dramatically” add to the waiting period to get a person’s record cleaned. In the legislative version, the waiting period begins when a person is released from custody. “The Assembly is ready to move forward as soon as possible to pass OUR VERSION of the Clean Slate Act and give millions of New Yorkers a real second chance. Clean Slate can’t wait,” said Cruz in a statement. Kate Wagner-Goldstein, director of NY Reentry Initiatives for the Legal Action Center, stated that Clean Slate is essentially a jobs bill, housing bill, and an economic and racial equity bill. She pointed to Hochul’s “failure” to include it as a representation of “a squandered opportunity.” Kim Smith, VOCAL-NY’s political director, added in a statement that

April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 29 the state budget is a “disregard” for investments to meet the basic needs of New Yorkers and that Hochul refused to listen to her state leadership, the caucus, and experts. “On the contrary, we saw giveaways for billionaires and real estate, while our demands for housing, violence intervention and services were unmet,” said Smith. “New Yorkers require more.” Ariama C. Long is a Report for America corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for The Amsterdam News. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting:

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Academy II Charter School DE addr. of LLC: Cogency Street, W03, New York, NY lawful activity. State, Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., P.O. Box 1150, Frankadvertising space is sold by N o t i c e o f F o r m a t i o n o f with the Secy. of NY (SSNY) t h e A m e r i c a s , N Y , N Yof State, Div. of which advertising space is sold version with Secy. Cert. of251 Form. filed with Secy. offiled the proposal, payable toof the Comptroller ofCSC, the City of New York. ingamount toBoard the rules and usage whichKY time they will be publicly and read Division of known AMNEWS CORPORATION _____________________________________ Notice of The formation One c/o Little Falls St., in Suite 4, Dover, LLC: Federal with Secy. May 11, 2017 I, the thepremises undersigned Referee willRECTOR sell at public NY of County. Office Said as 200 PLACE, UNIT 17A,location: of Trustees will be held Global Inc., 850 New Burton 10036. principal busifort, DE 19808. Cert. 40602-1150. Pur- opened thetheNEW PikMyBrain, LLC Arts. of on 03/26/2021 NY office loca10019. Purpose: Any lawful Corps., John G. Townsend of State, Div. of Corps., John by NEWYORK YORKAMSTERAMSTERDAM Wilmington, of THE such TRIFORCE AN A 97 S 01/07,14 office. DE and Only Management Group Dr., DE 19901. Wilmington, 19808. Notice Purpose: Any State ofISAIAH NY on auction the NEW Bronx County Courthouse, 851 Grand ConLP formed in Cayman Islands YORK, NY remotely on(SSNY) Tuesday, Aprilpose: NYCDOT DIVISION OFSecy. BRIDGES ISPurchasing SEEKING BIDDERS/ Rd., NY Ste. 201, Dover, DE type) ofatQualification of HVS ness address of the LLC is 36 Form. filed with DE Electrical contracting DAM NEWS. Publication Org. filed with Secy. of State tion County. SSNY has activity. 2340 FREDERICK DOUGLAS Name (print or Bldg., 401 Federal St.,BLVD Dover, G.QUALIFIED Townsend Bldg., 401 FedNEWS. Publication is madeis and of JOHNSON. LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Cert. Lawful of Form. filed with Secy. Purpose. 12/01/20, converting 11 course, Room 600, Bronx, New York on January 27, 2020 at CONTRACTORS FOR THE ABOVE REFERENCED CONTRACT. THIS on 02/06/19. Princ. of(C.I.) Approximate amount of lien $58,909.07 plus interest & costs. 19th, 2022 at 7:30 am. The 19904. Cert. of Form. filed XLII LLC Appl. for Auth. filed West 47th Street, W03, New of State, Div. of Corps., John and sub-contracting work, made and chargedtoaccording of NYdesignated (SSNY) on as12/27/17. an agent the Secy. of NY DE been 19901. Purpose: Any lawSte.ten4,FOR Dover, DEof both −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− charged according the terms of EAST (1)eral original and (10) copies technical andwill cost (SSNY) on PROCUREMENT IS meeting SUBJECT PARTICIPATION ofOne State, Div.St., of GOALS Corps., John 78TH STREET CO. to TO 2:00PM, premises known as Needham Avenue, Bronx, Premises be1312 sold subject toprocess provisions of Div. filed Judgment fice of LP: 650 Madison Ave., minutes of the will be with DE Secy. of State, NEW YORK NY 10027 with Secy. of State of NY York, NY 10036. Purpose: and G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Fedall activities and purposto the terms of this card. Office location: NY County. upon whom against it 19901. Purpose: Any lawful ful activity. this card. proposals. TheAND/OR Technical Cost Proposals be Terms in seperate MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (MBEs) WOMEN 06/08/2021 NYoroffice location G. Townsend Bldg., 401and Fedand ofplot Sale. posted on our website at es 11E78 REALTY LLC. Office NY 10469.shall All08/17/21. that certain piece or of and land, with the NY, NYE 10022. Duration of of Corps., John G. Townsend AUTHOR Office any lawful act related thereto. eral St., Dover, DE 19901. NOTICE OF SALE N O TIC O FSSNY FOactivity. Rhas M ATIO N activity. may beparcel served shall mail SSNY designated as agent OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES AS REQUIRED BY SECTION sealed containers may be hand(SSNY) delivered on or mailed to Number the above Notice of formation of NY County. been Index 157981/2020., Dover, and DE 19901. eral Rates and regulations sub(212)932−7400 location: NY lawful County. Princ. (WBEs) buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being is Perpetual. SSNY desigLP3P Bldg., 401 Federal St., Dover, of Notice of Qualification of location: NY County. LLC Purpose: Any activity. Associates, LLC. Arts copy of any process against a of LLC upon whom process 6-129 (Local Law 1 of 2013) OF THE NEW YORK CITY ADMINISTRATIVE address. Proposals will not be accepted after 10:00 am on the Rates and regulations subject to office munity/board-meeting-docuLLC Arts. of Org. ScratchFoto designated as an agent upon ELAINE SHAY, ESQ., Referee Purpose: Any lawful activity. of LLC: c/o Friedman in the Borough and County of Bronx, City and State of NY, ject to change without notice. nated as agent of LP upon DE 19901. Purpose: Any CALIBRANT in Delaware (DE) Do on . CODE (Target/COURT Goal for M/WBE can be seen in the B of the Bid SUPREME COUNO rgprocess filed wagainst ith Secy. of SOUTH PORTLLC C/Obethe LLC: of against it ism ay served. Kennedy Lewis Ac- formed date ofSchedule bid opening. NOBook EXCEPTIONS WILL BE GRANTED. change without notice. No agree- Notice filed with the Secy of State Goldman, of the Belkin Burden LLP ments/ whom it may of1 of Qualification of 3 Azimut Management 770 LexBlock: 4711 Lot: 75. Approximate amount judgment whom may No agreements as to position lawful activity. LAND, for Auth. 04/19/21. SSNY designated Subject to APPRENTICESHIP 2).Co., This Contract is alsoNotice TYNumber OF BRONX, CITIBANK, United States t aserved t e process of N Y against (shall S S Nmail Yit)LLC o na Appl. SSNY shall mail Corporation process to S of the formation of Cielo Under this agreement rates are cess Fund III GP LLC Auth. not remove any pages; all proposals are to be submitted intact.for For ments as to position or regulations, York (SSNY) on New Attorney(s) Plaintiff be and TIMES SQUARE LEASEington Ave., NY, NY 10065. $705,125.24 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold served. SSNY shall mail be or regulations, other than filed with Secy. ofsubject State of NY PROGRAM and the NYC Comptrollers Labor Law 220 prevailing wages 107 ADOPTION as agent of LLC upon whom ORDER CONFIRMATION N.A., Plaintiff, vs. for ESTATE Agents, Inc. 7014 13NY Av11/17/2017. Office location. the LLC , 1025 Fifth Ave., Disaster Operations/LoAzul filed w/ SSNY 7/29/21. Off. in 60 East 42nd Street, 16th Floor, New York, 10165 information call (631) 957-3025. The Town reserves the right to reject 6/24/2020. NY Office locaother than those printed on this. copy of any process against HOLD LLC Appl. Auth. 101 LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL NOTICES SSNY asNagent subject toagainst provisions filedbe Judgment Index# 380685-13. process to the Partnership requirements described inA the Solicitation Materials. those printed on this. (SSNY) onat 02/28/22. Office it of may event of before schedul OF E Ldesignated LSecy. A as BR OW /of A NY enue, Suite County. SSNY designatA p t .to3the E FReferee S o202, u t ha , Brooklyn, N be Ycancellation , acN Y NY gistics Cert of FormLLC. filedArts w/ process anyCo. andConsultants all proposals. tion: New York County. SSNY the LLC is C/O the 595 filed with of State of/ KNY the princ. office ofLLC: the LP. whom LLC Only cash or certified funds payable will Notice of formation of lawful Grits Single woman looking to build location: NY County. LLC SSNY shall mail proAND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES E LMINORITY L Aupon Mon AOWNED E07/29/21. BRO Wprocess N , E T OWNED NY 11228. Purpose: Any law- ed agent upon whom pro10028. Any of Org filed with Secy. of served. Til forbid forbid orders 7/1/21. SSNY desig. SSDE Notice of Qualification of Purpose: Notice of Qualification of 807 has designated as agent Til orders charged charged for for rate (SSNY) Baltic Street, Brooklyn, NY Office Name and addr. of each genagainst it may be served. cepted as a deposit in the amount of ten percent of the purEntertainment LLC Arts of formed in Delaware (DE) on family by adoption. Any her rate charged will be based upon the ra Corporation Service (M/WBE) will be afforded full opportunityState submitof bids NY and the(SSNY) City ofbeNew AL., Defendant(s). ful activity. c11217. e s s partner m Purpose: a y b e are s12/23/21. eAny rvavailable e dlawful a nPrinc. d activity. on cess Proposal may examined and to obtained at the Town HallNot rate earned. Increases or in location: DEFINED STREET asto agt. ofdocuments LLC whom process whom process against it RETURN upon Printed at 12/ earned. Increases or decreases NYnotifies County. LLC eral SSNY shall mail process to office of LLC: chase price.APOLLO OrgApplicable filed withBANK the Secy of PROPERTY ethnicity welcome, expenses York hereby all bidders that it7/29/20. will affirmatively ensure that anyNY Salesperson: Co. (CSC), 80 Stateand St.,4:30 Alshall mail copy of process Office location: Purchasing Department between the hours of 9:00 a.m. MANAGEMENT GP, LLC ApLLC Appl. for Auth. filed with decreases in space take the be served & shall mail may may be served. SSNY desigspace take the rate of a new ad- formed Delaware (DE) 125 55th St., NY, NY thecontract LLCinentered at theintoaddr. oftoon its from SSNY. C.I. addr.W. of470LP: State of NY (SSNY) on NY activity. paid. call pursuant this advertisement will be awarded to the bany, 12207-2543. DE Persuant to a Purpose: Judgment of ac/o g a(SSNY) inMaples sPlease t L L C Corporate to 10019. : (347) U S CSSNY o rp designated as −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− County. SSNY designated as Notice 560of NY pl. for on Auth. with Secy. of of formation Secy. ofofState p.m. daily except Sundays andNY Holidays, andfiled after process c/o Universal Regrate of a new advertisement. as agent upon whom nated vertisement. 07/27/21. Princ. office LLC: lowest office. responsible bidder of without discrimination onto the basis ofSaturdays, race, color, princ. Any SerOffice NY County. orInc., my7014 attorney: (800) 5228 Frank D. Lombardi, Esq., addr. of LLC: c/omay CSC, 251 N o t ion c location: eNECK o f F on oRD rm aLLC t i o nArts. oOffice f Agents F osex, rc loactivity. s u reManagement a n d S a lenational d u ly origin, 13th Ave., whom process agent State of NYReferee (SSNY) 02/28/22. location: LITTLE TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2018. documents also bebe Inc., 26 Proposal istered process against it may sexual orientation, age upon orAgents, place of residence. agent of LLC whom proc/o Rudin Co., lawful SSNY has been designated vices Limited, PO Box 309, 582-3678 Ad #: upon 1938 Dr., Wilmington, The New York AMSTERNotice ofinformation of Ripka T aOrg. ka mfiled i c h i BNY e athe uCounty. t ySecy. R o o of m #202, filed on June 01, 2017 NY 11228. Prin03/30/22. NY LLC formedBK, and may of ddirected o wbe n l served oto a the d eE. drequirements aGreenbush, t tshall h e Tmail o w n Acct oLittle f B a bFalls yand l o#: nshall ’ s w370 email b sOffice i proces t e a tlocation: Prospective bidder's is alsoCarville of Ln, served cess against it may be Inc., 345 Park Ave.,attention NY, and NY The NEWS New York AMSTERDAM as an agentofwith upon whom proHouse, Grand CayUgland _____________________________________ DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed DAM reserves the Arts LLC Arts. of Org. filed Shapiro, Dicaro & Barak, LLC LLC. Arts. Org. filed with an O rder A ppointing S ucCounty. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 09/15/21. cipal business address: 300 of process against LLC copy schedule "B" in the proposal concerning M/WBE participation in the contract. NY (SSNY) on 07/14/2021 served. SSNY against the LLC served designated as NEWS reserves the right to censor, 10154. cess against may be Notice SSNY of Qualification of NY 12061. Add. maintained with man, C.I., KY1-1104. Cert. of shall mail proSecy. of the State of upon DE, right to censor, reject, alter or with the Secy. of cess NY NY, (SSNY) for Plaintiff N Y D e plocation t . itoSSNY f SNY ta tserved e o n as Delaware (DE) on 01/26/22. designated agent of The of schedule of proposed M/WBE participation to be St, submitted by theNY Attorney(s) cessor Referee dated NoE. 74th #10A, NY to 220 60th #3k, NY, County. NY in DE: EisUniversal Registered to c/o is C/O the LLC: Greenwich LLC upon whom proreject, alter or revise all advertise- agent andoffice shall mailLLC alocation: copy of or any (print type) 1711 RETAIL, LLC Appl. for filed St., with Registrar ofCorporation SerLPprocess 401 Federal St.,88designated Dover, DEas Name apparent low bidder within sevenun(7) calendar daysInc., after the date of opening revise all advertisements in on 06/14/2021 NY office loca175 Mile Crossing Boulevard SSNY agent of upon whom 10/3/17. Office NY vember 28, 2017, I, the 10021. 10022. R/A: VB&T Certified SSNY has been designated MORRISON & TENEBAUM Start: 12/31/2 vice Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Agents, 300 Creek View Street, Apt 714, New York, against it goalmay be process against the LLC to be ments in accordance with its rules cess Auth. filed with Secy. of this State Partnerships C.I., SSNY 133 Elgin of bids. The M/WBE for project is 24 %. 19901. Purpose: Any lawful LLC upon whom process against it may served. SPECIAL NOTE: These projects shall be funded in part through tion NY County. has Rochester, New York 14624 C ounty. Princ. bus. addr.: accordance with its rules govdersigned Referee will prosell Rd, SERVICES any lawful act.CayPublic anthe agent upon whomPolite pro- Purpose: Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE Ste.Accountants, 209, Newark,PLLC, DE NY 10006. Purpose: Any law- as SSNY shall C/O LLC Angela governing the acceptance of adver- served. NY (SSNY) on mail 11/23/20. of Ave., 110 Box 123, Grand activity. against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 87 WALKER STREET Times Ord: 2 been designated as an agent the New York State Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (877)430-4792 283 Decatur St., Brooklyn, erning the acceptance of a t p u b l i c a u c t i o n a t t h e 57 St,&Ste NY, ful activity. 250 W Name addr. of PurLLC: c/o CSC, 251 Non-compliance with NY the& 7 day submittal requirement, the stipulations of1632, Schedule against may2G beNY, served cess 19711. add. of auth. tolocation: Goldfarb Fleece 231 w. 149thit St. NY Service Office County. tising and accepts no liability for its cess C.I.& process KY1-9000. man, SSNY Com shall mail process Co., VIAGRA CIALIS! 60 pills whom against it Dr., Wilmington, Disaster Recovery and Federal Funds through m unity N Y shall 1to 1 2Purpose: 3mail 3 . Sc/o eaccopy .Corporation o f of S ta te upon "B" orAttn: submittal of bids in which any of theofficer prices forinlump sumwhere or unitany items are advertising and accepts no Bronx County Courthouse, Little Falls NY 1017. Purpose: lawful and any DE Cert of NEW Partner-in-charge 10003 Documenformed in Delaware (DE) LLC pose: Any lawful activity. failure to insert an advertisement for LLP, YORK NY 10013 STD 1.00 X 10. Notice of Formation of ETERthe LLC, 92019 W. 57th St., 100 pills for $150. for $99. significantly unbalanced to the potential offiled: the Department mayGrants. be cause may be NY served and mail Development A project funded by and conceived dtary. e s43rd ig n a te d a80 g ethe nState t oLLC f LSt., L is C Albany, Notice of Form ation of 44 DEshall 19808. Cert. of Form. filed act. Room 600, 851 Grand Con- detriment liability for its failure to insert against process Dated: November 18, #98015 Form DEBlock Sec. of State, Rudin matters, 560designatLexingSSNY on any cause. Credit for errors in adver- of . Fl., NY,program NYof10019. DE addr. 12207-2543. DE EAST addr. ofany STREET, for11/17/20. a determination ofNY non-responsiveness and the rejection of the bid. NIS FINE CHEMICALS USA FREE shipping. Money backof STD a copy of process against through the NY Rising Community Reconstruction of upon whom process against with Secy. State of DE, 75TH LLC course, Bronx, on Januan advertisement for any the LLC: 620 W 42nd St C/O Notice of Formation SIGDiv. of Corp, John G. Total 10.0 Ave., 6th of Fl.,LLC NY, upon NY Notice of formation of Jess LLC Arts. of LLC: ed as agent tisements allowed only for first in- ton c/o Corporation SerLLC:York, 251 shall Little Arts. Falls Org. filed with Formation of BRG WESTguaranteed! 1-855-579-8907 the LLC is C/O the LLC: 175 John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 the Governor’s Office offor StormNATURE Recovery.SPProposers m ust it may be served and ofDr., Org. filed with Secy. arySolicitation 29,process 2018 atof2:00 documents (Specifications ONLY) will Bldg., be available 21A, New NY cause. Credit for errors in LLC Arts. of Apt POArts. Box Townsend 10022. DE addr. LLC: Coragainst itp.m., may whom sertion. vice5, Co., Little Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. Interiors LLC Trayah Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) SIDE LLC the Federal St., Dover, DELE West 12 offiled Street, Apt.Secy. 4B, download 9,Dover, 2019 forany the full duration of of agency comply with and all funding requirements, as251 wellState as Falls mail process to: Any 263 of Bowof State NYwith (SSNY) onSte. 4,101 Class: p re m is eService sfree kSSNY nofo charge wCo., n shall a starting s 1 mail 5Lit5December 0 898, 10036. Purpose: lawful Org. filed with Secy. of advertisements allowed only DE 19903. Any poration 251 Notice of Qualification of 79 Notice of Qualification 980 be served. Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed awith1 Secy. of.ofO DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Org filed with the Secy. of oron 08/02/21. Office location: the Solicitation Time from the City Record Website at City Record On19901. Purpose: Any lawful of State NY (SSNY) on New York, NY 10011. PurNotice is hereby given that any other State, County, Town local government or agency ery, 2nd Fl., NY, NY 10002. 2 /0 4 /1 7 ffic e lo c a tio n : U nionport R oad, U nit N o. activity. of NY (SSNY) on 11/19/20. for first insertion. purpose. tle Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE lawful PLACE OWNER CLIFTON RAIL PROPERTY LLC Appl. to c/o Anbau Enterprocess of Form. filed with Secy. of State, John Townsend CLASSIFIED + $14.95 Channels State of regulations. NY (SSNY) Line ( Rate: NY County. SSNY activity. 11/21/19. Office loc.: High NY BL license, number 1324834 forG. NY pose: Any lawful activity. rules and A goalon of 15% for New York State Certified lawful activity. 6A, Bronx, cerlocation: NYdesignatCounty. Office 19808. Cert. of All Form. LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with ofPurpose: forState, Auth. any filedBldg., with 401 Secy. of St., County. State of DE, Dept. Federal Ste. 4, SSNY designatprises, 11 E.NY. 26th St.,that NY,filed NY


30 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022










CLASSIFIED • Classified advertisements take Classified advertisements the• regular earned rate of their clastake the regular rate of on sification. Four earned line minimum their classification. Fourand linehoroall ads except spirituals minimum on all ads except scopes (14 lines). spirituals and horoscopes (14 lines). CLASSIFIED DISPLAY

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY • Classified Display (boarder or picture) advertisements take the • Classified Display (boarder regular earned advertisements rate of their classifior picture) cation. Display (boarder or take the regular earned ratepicture) of advertisements one column their classification. Display wide must be 14 lines deep; two columns, (boarder or picture) advertise28 linesone deep; 3 columns, 56 lines ments column wide must deep. Classified Display (boarder or be 14 lines deep; two picture) placed as close to classificolumns, 28 lines deep; 3 cations as rules and makeup permit. columns, 56 lines deep. Classified Display (boarder or CLASSIFICATIONS picture) placed as close to classifications as rules and All advertisement accepted for makeup permit. publication is classified according to the standard classifications. MisCLASSIFICATIONS classification is not permitted. All advertisement accepted BASIS OF CHARGE for publication is classified according to the standard Charges are based on point c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s . size and characters per line. Upon Misclassification is not permitreaching 15 lines the rate converts ted. to column inch. Any deviation from solid composition such as indentaBASIS OF CHARGE tion, use of white space, bold type, Charges are based on point etc., will incur a premium. size and characters per line. Upon reaching lines In Case of error,15 notify the the AmsterrateNews converts to column inch. dam 212-932-7440 Any deviation from solid composition such as indentation, use of white space, bold type, etc., will incur a premium.

Speed Free NY officeandloca11/12/2020. as designated agent of as LLC upon SSNY of designated as County. liquor license, has been ap- ed Minority Businesses for New York A15% ed Drawings areofnotState available download and MUST be purchased. as Internet. agent LLCInstallaupon tain plot, or of SSNY agent of Notice of formation of 19901. 68with Secy. of for the Div.State ofCertified John DE Purpose: Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) State of NYDover, (SSNY) on agent DEpiece addr. of parcel LLC: 251 10010. Notice of Smart HD DVR Includtion, Notice of Formation of CLIFtion: NY County. has has whom process against itCorps., may 1509 ofpLLC upon whom proplied for Marilyn 18 Rest Inc. printed copy the of thebuildings solicitation and drawing setom can be O purchased New York W en w ned Bat:SSNY usinesses been established for this w h o m r o c e s s a gofa RIGHT in sof t it Qualification land, with and LLC upon whom process ESTATE LLC Arts. of State of DE, John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal Any lawful activity. Notice of formation on served. 11/06/19.SSNY Officeshall location: Office location: NY 11/04/19. Little Falls Dr.,of Transportation, Wilmington,Office CION MAN MANAGEMENT, ed, Fee Voice Remote. Some FORD HOUSE PRESERVAdesignated as agent been be mail City Department of the Agency Chief Contracting against it may be cess d/b/a Don Giovanni RisN O TIC E O F FO R M ATIO N project. Proposers must demonstrate their efforts toin may be LAUNDRY served. SSNY shall i m p19808. r o v e Bldg., m e n tof s Form. t hFederal e r efiled on itgood-faith may be served. against Org. filed with the Secy. of St., #4, Dover, DE 19901. Townsend 401 WAY GROUP NY County. LLC formed County. LLC formed in DE Cert. LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with 1-888-609restrictions TION, L.P. Cert. ofNew LPYork, filedit process upon whom process against Officer/Contract Management Unit, 55 Water Street, Ground Floor, to c/o Corporation served. Theapply. address SSNY torante liquor at Qualification retail m OF A to P. sell LEE PRODUCT achieve these goals. ail process toSecy. c/o P eter erected, situate, lying and SSNY shall mailon process to activity. (SSNY) on NY Purpose: Any Notice of 538 St., Dover, DE 19901. PurLLC ofprocess Org. filed with (DE) 10/23/19. Delaware (DE) on12/03/2019 10/31/19. Delaware with Secy. of between State, Div. of - 3:00 State of NY (SSNY) New York 10041 9:00 a.m. p.m., Monday excludes 9405ofArts. Secy. ofto Friday, Stateshall of mail NY Service may be served and Co., 80 State St.,lawful Almail to ofBenshall in aoffice restaurant under thewith Al- Low, LLC Arts.location of Org. filed 44 E.of75th St., NY, NY b eholidays. i n gAny i401 nThe t hentrance e B o risolocated u g hSte. o fthewith Corporation Service Co., 80 NY NY County. CARLTON AVE, LLC Appl. pose: lawful activity. on 03/01/22. the Secy. NY (SSNY) on Office location: Princ. office of LLC: 1120 SSNY designated as agent of Corps., Federal St., on South Side of the Building facing the (SSNY) on 08/05/21. Office copy of any process to the a bany, NY 12207-2543. Pur- SSNY jamin Sinanaj, 425 Madison The Town will not reimburse any individual or firm with any costs coholic Beverage Control t h e S e c y . o f S t a t e o f 10021. Bronx, County of Bronx, City St., Albany, NY 12207State Get DIRECTV! ONLY for Auth. filed with Secy. of has been designated ndthe building without Veterans Memorial. You will not be allowed NY County. LLC formed in 07/13/2021 NY office location of the Americas, Ste. NY(SSNY) Ave.proposal. LLC whom process 4, Vietnam Dover, DE 19901. Purlocation: County. LLC: 520NY 2inwith Ave, SuitePrinc. 20B,of their Notice of Qualification of ACpose: Any lawful activity. Ave., Ste. 1001, New York, Law atupon 358has W 44th Street, associated the preparation been desigNotice of Qualification of Purpose: Any lawful activity. a n d S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k , 2543. Purpose: Any lawful State of NY (SSNY) on 155 Channels & $35/month! government issued identification (driver's license, passport, etc.). as an agent upon whom proDelaware (DE) on 05/14/21. Bronx County. SSNY has NY, CELECOM NY 10036.HOLDINGS, SSNY nagainst pose: Any lawful activity. of LP: Hudson office New York, NY 30 10016. Pur- 1803, New NY NY 10017. Purpose: Any lawaLLC t e against dYork, a its amay n02/17/22. afor gbe ebe npremises tserved. uOffice p o n location: MONTICELLO STRUCBlock 3943 and Lot 2867 toactivity. NY 1000s of Shows/Movies On cess it may served Princ. office of LLC: c/o CION been designated as an agent as agent of LLC designated SSNY shall mail process to and aNY, deposit A depositPRODUCTS of $50.00 is required for theYards, specification books Appl. forenAuth. filed with Se72nd Fl., NY pose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of HAN consumption. ful activity. The Town of Babylon encourages m inority and wom owned w h o m p r o c e s s a g a in s t it TURED MSPin(w/SELECT g eofth$50.00 e r ofwisith a n uforn each dofiv id e d set in the form of a certified check Demand All InInvestment Group, LLC, 3 shall mail County. a Service copy ofLLC any required drawing upon whom process against upon whomcy. process against it and c/o Corporation Co. formed Notice Formation THE ofLLC State of NYof(SSNY) Latest date on in which 10001. KU Arts. businesses to participate all bids.DYNASTY otice of Package.) Form ation of A-it36th Fl., NY, NY m ayon be against served. TheLLC Post 16, Appl. for interest Auth. filed Delaware (DE) 12/29/21. 0.0133 percent Park Ave., PLUS cluded process the is onN of may Formation of SIGorLLC money order payable tointhe Notice New LP York City Department of is may beAserved and shall mail may filed be served. SSNY shall 80 State St., Albany, (CSC), BIG RED UMBRELLA, LLC 02/14/22. Office location: NYaddress dissolve Org. with Secy. ofof State th S Q U R E D D O M I N O Office to which the with Secy. of No State ofPersonal NY the Notice of Formation THE SSNY designated as agent of the Common Elements. Ap10016. SSNY Notice is here by given, purTransportation. Cash or Checks Accepted. Stream on Up to FIVE the LLC: 155 W 68of a copy of any process against designated as C/O 4, LLC Arts.toofreject NATURE mail to on c/o 08/18/21. CorporaNY 12207-2543. DE addr. Arts. of Org. filed with Office Secy. 12/31/2119. County. LLC LLC formed in shall SSNY designatThe Town SP reserves the right any or(SSNY) all bids. of NYprocess II, LP (SSNY) on amount 08/02/21. SSNY mail a upon copy of OPPORTUNITY BOROUGHS GOLF, LLC Little whom process agent LLC proximate of judgesuant to law, that theofCert. NYC Screens Simultaneously at upon whom proStreet, New York, NY 10023. Org. filedagent Secy. of2019 State Office Delaware (DE) on 01/26/22. the LLC is C/O the LLC: tion LLC: Service Co., 80 State St., CSC, 251 Falls of NY (SSNY) AState Pre-Bid of meeting (Optional) hason beened scheduled forwith December 16, as of LP upon location: NY County. against it LLC may be o f Lserved. P file d ofw ith S eCall c yagainst . Rd, of location: NYin the County. LLC Contracting Arts. of Org. filedoffice with of Secy. any against the cess it may be m ent is AM $119,173.75 plus Department Consumer AfAdditional Cost. DINo Any lawful activity. ofTheresa NYprocess (SSNY) on 11/19/20. LLC: Purpose: 125 process W. Agency Chief Officer Bid against Room, Ground at 10:00 Albany, Dr., NYPrinc. 12207-2543. DE Wilmington, DE 19808. 1604 Williamsbridge Office location: NY 11/06/20. Sabatino it may Princ. whom 110 SERVICES office of LLC: 307 W. SSNY shall mail process to S t a t e o f N Y ( S S N Y ) o n shall mail proformed in Delaware (DE) on of State of NY (SSNY) on s e r v e d . S S N Y s h a ll m a il served. SSNY interest and costs. Premises fairs willNY hold a Public HearRECTV 1-888-534-6918 Office location: NY County. Floor, 55 Water Street, NYC. All bidders are requested to 55th St., NY, NY Cert. 10019. addr. of LLC: 251NY Little Falls of Form. c/o filedCorporation with Secy. Service Bronx, 10461. Purpose: County. SSNY designated as prospective Commissioner of General Services be served. SSNY shall mail 38th St., NY, 10018. Co., 07/29/21. Princ. office of LLC: 1 2 /1 5 /1 7 . O ffic e lo c a tio n : Office location: NY 11/23/20. process to 660 Nereid Ave cess to the LLC at the addr. willattend. beofsold subject to Inprovion Wednesday, ing lawful Seats are limited. this limit the as number of of Dr., Wilmington, SSNY please designated agent SSNY designated of ofDiv. Notice Formation ofSt., 5 Any DEagent 19808. of State, of Corps., 401 activity.of itsJanuary agent LLC upon whom pro-connection, process to Corporation SerSSNY designated as ofas agent NYat princ. 600 Third Ave., 21st Fl., NY, County. Princ. office ofSecy. LLC: NY Princ.p.m. office ofoffice. DE addr. of #Federal 1 , B r oSt. n NYC x-, 80 N LLC eState w4, Arts. YDover, o r kof, Albany, attendees to maximum of two personnel perupon firm. Please submit the sions of filed Judgment In2020 2:00 at 42 08, County. LLC upon whom process LLC whom process FRANKLIN Cert. of Form. filed with Ste. cess against it may be Date: January 9, 2018 Notice of Qualification of Cement Blocks, LLC App. for vice Co., 80 State St., AlLLC upon against whom process 12207-2543. DE LBroadway, addr. Service NY SSNY 56 State, Leonard St., Apt. 39W, P : c / oofA5sthcFloor, e nLLC: d Aon m eaCorporation r perica attendees to Manager itno may later than (2) 10470. d ename(s) x10016. # SSNY 3 of 80 24 6 / designated 2 0mail 1 2the .RETURN NProject o bany, it may be Org. served. FREE! be two served. against filed with Secy. 251 of State of John Townsend 19901. Purpose: Any lawDE served. shall proAPOLLO DEFINED filed with Secretary NYAuthority 12207-2543. Name LLC: Little L Falls against mayG. be served. 251 business days prior to the pre-bid meeting date. Savings Include an American activity Walk-In Tubs as agent of upon whom NY it10013. SSNY desigNY, L C , for 6Dr., 3CASA 5 M aFormation dAZUL. iCo., s o n INC A v eof . ,Little Falls Dr., Notice of Purpose: Any lawful Cash willFredda beLLC Accepted. SSNY shall mail4,process to(SSNY) tition to SSNY shall mail to SSNY of onToilet08/12/21. Bldg., Federal St., Ste. ful NY activity. MANAGEMENT, L.P. Appl. of State ofprocess NY (SSNY) on 401 cess to Herz Brown, Standard Right Height and addr. of each general Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. shall mail process to Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. process against may Secy. bewriting nated agent of LLC upon STERNBUCH FAMILY 1300,maintain, NY, SAVE NYand 10022. -INSte. c/o Corporation Service Co.location: FREE! ($500 Value) WALKwith BATHTUB SALE! $1,500 All questions shall beitsubmitted in to the designated person indicated establish, operCo., 80 inCorporation Corporation Office for Auth. filed with of 1/27/2022. LLC formed DE as Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: 450 E. SSNY 83rd St., Apt. 16A, of NY Form.County. filed DE Secy. partner are Service available from DeFoe Corp. all inDeFoe Corp. invites all inService 80 of Form. filed served. shall process against it may whom PROPERTIES LLC Arts. of with Secy. of Latest date on which the LP of is December 20,invites 2019. (CSC), 80 Co., State St., SSNY Albany,designated L abelow. u NY rState a Deadline C . B oPurpose: wsubmission n email ,(SSNY) E sproq questions . , on ate an unenclosed sidewalk St., Albany, NY 12207State ofr for NY on 1/26/2022. Office location: as agent of Any lawful activity. NY, 10028. Any of State, John G. Townsend Any SSNY. t e r e s t Purpose: ed and q u a llawful i f i e d State State, Carvel State Office tbe ere sSt., t e dAlbany, aSSNY n 12207-2543. d qNY u a12207l i f mail i e DE d addr. th140 by American Standard’s years cess to the LLCOffice at the princ. shall N o t i c of eupon o f F o whom r m a t i o nprocess o f 2✔4Backed 6 may Org. filed with is ofof State dissolve 12/12/2117. NY cafe' at 4, 369 7Secy. Ave in Referee 2543. Purpose: Any lawful 03/30/22. location: New County. SSNY2543. de-served. Mr. HariNY Velkur, LLC lawful activity. Bldg., 401 Federal St.,NY Ste. experience activity. MWBE firms York to submit proBldg., 820the N. French St., 8th Purpose: of MWBE firms toOperations submit prooffice of the LLC. of Construction process toLLC: Sarika Singh at Little SPRING CONDOMINIof (SSNY) on 07/12/21. c/o CSC, 251 Falls STREET SSNY designated as agent Borough Brooklyn for a Director of Engineering and Programs, ACCO,of LLC upon County. LPDE addr. formed in sig. Asfollowing agent activity.for against it may be DE served. Dover, 19901. Purpose: ✔ Ultra low entry for easyof entering &Fl., exitingWilmington, DE 19801. posals the NYS restaurants. posals to the following NYS LLC: c/o Corporation Service Dr., Wilmington, 19808. the princ. office of the LLC.DE SSNY Office location: NY County. UM (NEW YORK) BORROWER, of LP upon whom process Finance, Contracts & Program Management term of two years. K n u c k l e s , K o m o s i n s k i & ® Delaware (DE) on 01/26/22. whom process against it may shall mail Any process lawful activity. ✔ to Patented Quick Drain TechnologyPurpose: Any lawful activity. Notice251 of Formation of BIODepartm ent ofFORMATION: TransportaDepartm ent of TransportaNOTICE OF Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. Co., Little Falls Dr., A golf simulation Purpose: Princ. office of LLC: 276 LLC Arts. ofGutman, Org. filed 4withBryant Secy. against it m ay be served. New York City Department of Transportation 122-124 W 124TH ST LLC, Duration of LP is Perpetual. be served. SSNY shall mail M a n fr o , L L P , 5 6 5 T a x te r Barbara ✔ Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, PROTECTORS, LLC Arts. of tion Qualification of ALNotice ofrelated Formation CLIFproject: tion Best Value Bidof project: of State of DE, John Mental Health CounAbbott 55 Water Street, 8th Floor, New York, New York 10041 Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. and retailer. Riverside Ste. 2-G, oNotice f S tG. a9th tof e Fl., o f NNY, Y ( SNY S N10018. oINCLUDING n SSNY process to Arts. of Org. filed the SSNY designated agent of process to 40with West 57 thFORD St., -golf labor shall backed bymail American Standard Road, Ste. 590, Elm sford, Notice ofY ) ApQualification ofDr., Notice ofNY, Formation of FEOrg. filed with Secy. ofas State LLC HOUSE PRESERVATelephone No. 212-839-9403, Fax No. 212-839-4241 Townsend Bldg., 401 Park, Federal seling, PLLC. Articles ofOffice Org. of Secy. NY 10025. designated 1TOUR 2 /1 2 / 1 7HOLDINGS, . Any O fficlawful e lo c aactivity. tio n : ✔ N44 Y Hydrotherapy the Partnership, 635 MadiSSNY on 08/19/2021. jets for for SSNY ancopies invigorating upon process Ste. 2020, NY, NY 10019. Request ofmassage the reN YForm. 1LP 0 (SSNY) 5 2filed 3 , Awith t on t owhom rDE n e y s f o r FORT LAUDERDALE PROPHER AGENCY LLC Arts. of Purpose: of NY 12/03/19. pl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of TION GP, LLC Arts. of Org. Email: C o nNY t r Cert. a c t #ofD 2 6 3State 6 3on 4 offile: - CDE St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. o n t r a c t # D 2 6 3 6 3 0 filed w/ Secretary of of State, 401 Federal St. Ste. as agent of LLC upon whom County. Princ. office of LLC: 246 son A ve., S te. 1300, N Y , Secy. of State loc. County. SSNY has against it may be served. Form. th vocable consent agreement Plaintifflocation: NY County. Bridge Replacement, I-84 filed HOLDINGS, LLC Appl. Org. filed with Office State of NYERTY (SSNY) on process Notice ofRepairs Qualification 80 Secy. of at State oflawful NY activity. Purpose: Any Bridge 3 of LocaYESwith MAMA CREATIVE LLC, 9/9/2020. Office NY (SSNY) 4, Dover, DE 19901. Pur- to against it may be Spring St., NY, NY 10013. SSNY SSNY shall mail process SOS, DE Div. of CorporaNY 10022. Name and addr. designated as agent been may be addressed to: Departfor Auth. filed with Secy. of of NY (SSNY) on 02/14/22. Bill de Blasio, Mayor office of9 LLC: 1305 FulPrinc.the location: NY 11/07/19.ofOffice Qualification of served. (SSNY) Limited Time Offer! Call Today! Eastbound & WBox estbound tSTREET iDE o n sofi on nREALTY L08/05/21. o nfiled g ILLC swith l aOffice nAppl. dthe- Notice Arts. Org. location: New York County. pose: Any lawful activity. SSNY shall maillocation: proLP, W. 57th St., 43rd tions, PO 898, Dover, designated as agent ofAppl. LLC of each general partner are upon whom process against ment of on Consumer Affairs, State of upon NY (SSNY) Office NY County. Polly Trottenberg, Commissioner ton St., Rahway, NJ 07065. County. LLC formed in for Auth. filed with Secy. of SoulCycle LLC for location: NY County. Princ. o v e r M e t r o N o r t h R a i l Towns of Babylon & HunSSNY on 06/10/2020. Office SSNY designated as agent of Fl., NY, NY 10019. Name and any lawful cess to Foil Jacob M.SSNY. Weinreb at of LLC: 33 2nd whom process against itofmay be location: LLC19903. may Purpose: be served. available from PurNotice ofHudson Formation of 03/04/22. Office NY Princ. office ATTN: Officer, 42 BroadSSNYaddr. designated as agent of the Notice of Qual of KING PENDelaware (DE) on 08/21/17. of&County. NY City (SSNY) on Auth. State filed with Secy. State office of LLC: 30 Road -upon Tow n of Fishkill, tington the of Glen loc: NY SSNY has of each general partner business. Or pose: visit: whom process PLLC shall the princ. office of theApt. LLC. served. process SSNY mail process to: Yards, Any York, lawfulNY activity. CONCIERGE DROP, LLCSSNY County. LLC formed in FloriAve., 4C, NY, NY 10003. way, New 10004. upon whom LLC are GUIN OPPORTUNITY FUND office shall ofonmail LLC: 1270 Princ. 11/08/19. Office location: NY NY (SSNY) 08/16/21. of 72nd Fl., NY,agent NY NY been designated as Cove, NY available fromprocess SSNY. DE against it271 may beYork served. Purpose: Any lawful activity. to T h e B o a rd o f M a n a g e rs o f Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. The LLC, New Avda (FL) on 04/07/21. Princ. SSNY designated as agent of against itAuthority served. III LLC, filed with Ave. on of location: the Americas, NY, NY County. LLC formed in Office NY County. SSNY designated addr. ofmay LP: be c/o Corporation upon whom SSNY Brooklyn, shall mail copy of pro- 10001. of process State ofagainst NYas(SSNY) Carem ax professional seroffice of LLC: 655 Park Ave., LLC upon whom process Trump SoHo Hotel Condominium enue, NY 11213. shall mail process toFalls SSNY the SSNY on 07/27/2021. Of10020. SSNY designated as Notice of formation of (DE) on 05/05/99. Delaware LLC formed in Delaware (DE) agent of LLC upon whom proAdditional inform ation m ay Service Co., 251 Little the LLC 03/04/22. may served. Additional informbe ation m ay cess to:Notice 315 Madison Ave Office location: N O TIC E O F FOagainst R M ATIO #2D, NY, 10065. SSNY it Nmay be served. vicesloc: LLC.NY Arts. of org. filed Any Lawful PurNY atNY the princ.SSNY office whom of the NY LLC. of Formation of COSNOTICE OFfrom FORMATION Corporation Service Co., 80 Purpose: fice County. agent of LLC upon proCelebrity LLCofshall Appl. SSNY designated as agent of on Notice theAdvisors qualification Re- mail process to 03/25/11. designatagainst may be Dr., SSNY Wilmington, DELLC 19808. be obtained David AmshallCounty. mailit process to: SSNY be obtained from David Am#1501B, York, NYOf cess Princ. office of LLC: designated as agent of LLC OF BPBB Media,SSNY LLC. Arts with the on 10/19/17. pose. Purpose: Any lawful MICNew CATHOLDINGS LLC Art. Org. th OF AMERIGO State St., Albany, NY 12207. formed in DE onfiled 04/16/2015. cessas foragainst against mayupon be of Auth. filed with the Secy of upon whom process LLC source Energy Systems, LLC ed agent ofitactivity. LLC served. SSNY shall mail proCert. of LP with Secy. of a t o a t 9 1 4 6 9 9 7 4 4 0 The LLC, 299 West 12 a t o a t 9 1 4 6 9 9 7 4 4 0 305 E. 40th St., NY, NY 10017. Purpose: any lawful upon whom process it Samantha Lord Feher at the O rg filed w ith Secy. of O f f i c eis: designated N e w lawful YFORMATION o r kactivity. . Sagent S N Y LLC Articles filed of with SSNY 3/21/22. Org. filed on with NOTICE OF Purpose: Any SSNY as served. State SSNYmay shallbe mail pro- SSNY off NNY (SSNY) it may served. against Application for of against it may cess Corporation ofd DE, of damato@ orCounty. StreettoApt 3J, NY,be NYService 10014. 10016. SSNY designated asprocess damato@ or whom served. princ. activity. Office S t a t eshall o Y (Certificate S S N Yoffice ) oon n of the LLC. The d e s ALLTID iState gwhom nate a g eDept. n tagainst uLLC. p oState, n Notice Location: NY Secretary of State of NY the SPIRITS OF of Formation of 277 upon process to c/o Corporation SerN.Y. Office location: cess 10/29/19 SSNY shall mail process to Authority filed with the Secy be served. SSNY shall mail Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY Div. of Corps., John bids@ agent of LLC upon whom pro- of Formation Purpose: Any lawful purpose. mail process bids@ 1 2 /LLC 1 9 / 1 at 7 . O f f i cregd. e l o cagent : N Y of the company Notice of 319to the whom process against the SSNY designated as agent of (SSNY) onformation 11/5/2019. Arts of Org filedBldg., with Secy of FIFTH LLC Arts.ofofOffice Org. the LLC may be served. FEYNMAN POINT LLC, Notice 35A of Signs vice New York County. SSNY has Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Gideon Rothschild, Moses & of State of New York (SSNY) process to c/o Corporation 12207-2543. Purpose: Any Townsend 401Arts. Federal cess against it may be the office the LLC.SSN Y upon whom and at which prodesignated W est 10 6 t h12207-2543. S t rprinc. eet, L LDE C ofC ounty. LLC upon whom LLC mshall afiled y#4, bmail ewith s(SSNY) eprocess rthe v eDE dSSNY a to: n d filed NY County. SSNY location: Albany, NY State of NY on withthe Secy. of State of served NYprocess lawful activity. St., Dover, 19901. SSNY Org. LLC. of Org of Candles been designated as agent LLP, 405 SSNY Lexington Singer on NY office lo- the company Service Co. (CSC), State Cert. of80 Form. filedagent with05/18/2021. Secy. cess against served. shall mail proBid Date: January 25, Bid against itArts may be2018 andDate: upon whom process Art. ofofOrg. filed with Sec. of shall mailOffice process against to (SSNY) th January 24, 2018 Purpose: lawful activity. designated as agent ofOffice LLC: CSC, 251 Little addr. 11/7/19. location: NY on 08/02/21. The LLC, 369Any West 126th on filed withshall 09/22/2020. Office loc: Secy. of State ofLLC NY upon whom process against Ave., 12is Fl., NY, NY 10174. cation NY County. SSNY has St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. of State, Clifton Bldg., 2661 can be is Samantha cess to c/o Benjamin RudnitNotice hereby given that a mail process to: 170 E m a y b e s e rv e d a n d s hserved a llit State of NY (SSNY) on SepLegal Corp Solutions LLC, upon whom process against it Notice is hereby given that a Falls SSNY designated Dr., Wilmington, DE County. NY County. Princ. location: Street, Mgmt NY, desNY (SSNY) 2on SSNYSuite, has been may copy be served. The Post Of-33 2nd Ave., Apt. DE addr.number ofsky LLC: c/oprinc. Corpobeen designated as an agent DE of LLC: c/o CSC, nd 5/29/20. Office loExecutive Center TalLord Feher, at 1331331 the office of addr. the 15, license, for St, New York, NY 10009 mail ofprocess process against tember 2017. Office in Circle, 11Broadway Sterequired 615 New may be served. SSNY shall license, serial #1338366 for rate agent upon whom process 19808. Cert. of Form. filed Service Co., 251 Little of Purpose: LLC: 277Any Fifth Ave., 10027. Address to office as agent upon whom NY County. SSNY ignated cation: fice address to which the upon whom against it 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilminglahassee, FL 32301. Pur4C, NY, NY 10003. Purpose: LLC. Purpose: Any lawful acliquor license, has been ap- N Y C o u n t y . S S N Y d s i g . LLC to: US Corp. Agents, lawful purpose. York, York 10004. mail process to: Justin L. Galbeer wine has been apmay beNew served and shall with DE DE19808. Secy. Cert. of State, Div. may Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE ton, NY, NY 10016. SSNY of Form. be maintained in DE: 108 #35A, process designated against the LLC mail may as agent upon SSNY mail ashall copy of be shall served and mail tivity. Any Any lawful activity. The New York Amsterdam News plied & for Kem Rest Inc. d/b/a Inc. 7014 13th Ave., #202, agent of LLCpose: upon wlawful hom activity. Purpose: Any lawful activity.

Contact: Ad Descrpt: KE Phone: (212)620−0938 Given by: * Fax#: P.O. #: Email: Created: Agency: Last Changed: −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− PUB ZONE EDT TP RUN DATES AN A 97 S 12/31 01/07 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− AUTHORIZATION

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Notice of Qualification of ELYSIUM VC (BETA) LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 02/10/22. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 02/08/22. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, Attn: Bradley J. Wechsler, 445 Park Ave., Ste. 1401, NY, NY 10022. DE addr. of LLC: c/o Corporation Service Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with The Secy. of State of the State of DE, Dept. of State, Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity.

Notice of formation of Kennedy-Arenivar Mental Health Counseling PLLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 01/27/2022. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC: 132 W 31st Street, 9th Fl, New York, NY 10001. Purpose: Any lawful activity.

Notice of Qualification of ENSURANCE HEALTH, LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/17/21. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Florida (FL) on 04/27/21. Princ. office and FL addr. of LLC is: 6245 Powerline Rd., Ste. 205, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33073. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. Cert. of Form. filed with Laurel M. Lee, Secy. of State, The Centre of Tallahassee, 2415 N. Monroe St., Ste. 810, Tallahassee, FL 32303. Purpose: Insurance agency. Notice of Qualification of ARCA LABS, LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/30/22. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 03/16/22. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 4551 Glencoe Ave., Ste. 350, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292. DE addr. of LLC: c/o Corporation Service Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with DE Secy. of State, Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St. - Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of JR 2022 A LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/16/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 941 Park Ave., Apt. 8A, NY, NY 10028. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 122072543. Purpose: Investment holding company. Notice of Formation of JR 2022 B LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/16/22. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 167 E. 61st St., Apt. 22AB, NY, NY 10065. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 122072543. Purpose: Investment holding company.

KOESSLER CAMPAIGNS LLC . Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 12/09/2021. Office: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 7014 13TH AVENUE, SUITE 202 BROOKLYN, NY, 11228, USA. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of Jeffrey Beane Engineering PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/22/2022. Office location: New York county. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 2961 N. Downer Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53211. Purpose: Professional Engineering. SHORT TERM CAPITAL LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 07/14/2006. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 255 Glen Cove Road, 2nd FL, Carle Place, NY 11514. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Notice of Formation of SASH ARCHITECTS, PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 1/19/22. Office location: New York county. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 16 Sandburg Drive, Morganville, NJ 07751. Purpose: Architecture services. Notice of Formation of Orderly Elements LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 11/13/21. Office Location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: David G. Kanter, 172nd St, Apt 8, New York, NY 10012. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of Talydgeeia LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/16/21. Office Location: Bronx County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: Talydgeeia Boyd, 3630 E Tremont Ave, #288, Bronx, NY 10465. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. MLM HEALTH HOLDING LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 11/15/2021. Office: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 7014 13TH AVENUE, SUITE 202 BROOKLYN, NY, 11228, USA. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

101 LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Formation of CARBON 12 GROUP LLC Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 2/22/22. Office Location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: US Corporation Agents Inc 7014 13th Ave, Ste 202 Brooklyn, NY 11228 Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Notice of formation of MK BOOKKEEPING & TAX SERVICES, LLC . Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 8/19/2021. Office: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 2612 West St, Brooklyn, NY 11223. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 31



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conference. “This is a simple story of corruption,” said Williams. Benjamin was the New York state senator for District 30, which covers Harlem, East Harlem, and the Upper West Side in Manhattan, in 2017. He served as ranking member of the Senate Committee on Civil Service and Pensions, the chair of the Budget and Revenue committee, and as senior assistant majority leader while in office. In 2019, he began to plan his campaign for city comptroller and reTHE NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS election for state senate. Williams alleged that Benjamin struck a corrupt bargain with a real estate developer, anonymously referred to as CC1, directing a $50,000 state grant to a non profit organization controlled by CC1 in exchange for tens of thousands of dollars in campaign money. That money illegally went towards Benjamin’s run for re-election campaign as senator and his failed bid for city comptroller, said Williams. To clarify, said FBI Assistant Director Michael J. Driscoll in the New York Field Office, accepting numerous small donations on its own is not illegal but Benjamin used his official authority as senator to allocate state funds as part of a bribe. Benjamin then allegedly “repeatedly lied to cover up the bribery scheme, including by falsifying campaign forms and deceiving city regulators” and “repeatedly lied on the vetting forms that he filled out before he was appointed lieutenant governor,” said Williams. THE CITY article, which broke the news about Benjamin’s suspicious campaign contributions in January 2021, was not the basis for opening the investigation but is cited in the indictment, said Williams. THE CITY reported that Benjamin’s comptroller campaign listed money orders from Harlem philanthropist Gerald Migdol, Midgol’s 2-year-old grandson, and others who did not actually give money in an effort “to extract public dollars from New York City’s campaign finance matching funds program.” THE CITY also reported that Benjamin (APacknowledged Photo Eric Gay) he hadn’t told Hochul or her office that he had been subent from ASAP . to Griner’s hue being darker poenaed months prior media to his due appointment as lieutenant ional women’s basket- than blue. governor. e their all Campaign year. “We cannot ignore theExecutive fact that if New bodies York City Finance Board (CFB) done withAmy theLoprest WNBA later Brittney wasn’t athat Black Director said inGriner a statement thewoman, CFB, end to head would plastered across the for news which is anoverseas agency to that itgives outbe public funding to run that pay money, is being held as a political prisonoffice in more the city, auditedshe “potentially fraudulent contribuey, for them to contin-comptroller er in Russia,” said U.S. Congresswomtions” to Benjamin’s campaign before issuing an Cori Bush on Twitter. any public funds payments back in February 2020. e overlook WNBA New York Advocate and gu“Those that contributions were not Public matched with public play overseas to they makefactor bernatorial Wilfunds, nor did into thecandidate campaignJumaane qualifying liams took to Twitter as well and for public funds payments,” said Loprest. “We have been Dave Zirin,closely a writer with with the referred to Griner as aof“political prisworking Southern District New York roffice connecting to oner” and hopped on the bandwagin this sports matter.” onorder stating, maythe notmatching know & it’s Loprest added that in to “You protect efunds have no idea thatand 50%taxpayer not headline news because…There’s program dollars, there are rigorous a verseas the post-election off- BLACK WOMAN to actually audits,during including audits forhappens all campaigns. aid.“The “They2021 havepost-election no idea be a audits @WNBA being heldAsasour a poarestar underway. treats process them like part- litical prisoner.” audit proceeds, we will continue to monitor dewhich compelsinthem to Griner is also a Black, queer woman. velopments this case,” said Loprest. ndWilliams schedule.said Theyhe have has come fireelse for its anticouldRussia not speak aboutunder anyone who ollmay thator takes an have indi- been LGBTQ policies attacks of memmayonnot involved inand theits bribe from the ly.” bers.orThat, combined with Majority the type of State Senate Harlem office in regard to Senate and-new concept. In a disinformation that of swayed the 2016 Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins’ knowledge the instance. SPN, Diana Taurasi left U.S. Presidential election to Donald d the WNBAC. completely Trump, for throws another into Ariama Long is a Report America corpswrench member all full-time UMMC problem. and writes for about culturethe and politics in New York City for Russia due to its finanBut donation with all attempts to make noise The Amsterdam News. Your to match our RFA m the American league. surrounding the detaining of conGriner, grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please to a communist coun- according sportswriters/comsider making a tax-deductible giftto ofsome any amount today by ike capitalists, which is mentators, it may be a good thing that visiting:

ly still accepting students born 2017 for this school year. To apply to Harlem Gems North call 6465395898 and to apply to Harlem Gems south 2123693577.







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April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 33

With their season over, the Knicks look ahead to inevitable changes By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor The Knicks’ season ended on Sunday at Madison Square Garden versus the Toronto Raptors much sooner than what they had expected. They began the dissatisfying journey in October with an optimistic vision of not only making the playoffs, but going further than the opening round, in which they were eliminated 4-1 to the Atlanta Hawks late last spring. But after a 41-31 record a season ago and the No. 4 seed in the Eastern Conference, the Knicks’ 105-94 victor y over the Raptors gave them a record of 37-45, last place in the Atlantic Division and No. 11 in the East. It was a resounding regression and signal the Knicks’ front office led by team president L eon Rose has a challenging charge in front of them to assess why the team took a significant step backwards, address the evident weaknesses and execute the inevitable changes. In an inter view with MS G Network’s Mike Breen that aired on Sunday prior to the game, Rose, who was hired as the Knicks’ president in March

of 2020 by the franchise’s to a five-year owner James Dolan, ofdeal when fered his view of the past he took over seven months. running the “I feel as though it’s Knicks’ basbeen a disappointketball opering season from the ations, was standpoint of wins and pragmatic in losses,’’ said Rose, who evaluating rarely speaks in public. Thibodeau’s “We’ll take a good hard work. look at it after the season “...I mean in evaluating ever ybody. he’s one The first year things of the best clicked. This year, from coaches in the beginning, things the NBA ,” didn’t click. We faced maintained adversity. We had some Rose. “So obtough stretches.’’ viously, none The Knicks’ season was of us are lost over a stretch from happy with Jan. 24 when the Knicks the results were 23-25 through this year. But March 4 when they fell he’s a guy to 25-38. Their 2-13 who prepares mark over this period our team put them in a deep defbetter than icit and precluded them anybody. I from being a credible feel that he’s contender for the Play- Knicks rookie center Jericho Sims showed improvement done a good In Tournament, which and encouraging promise over the final month of the job under the began on Tuesday. circumstancseason (Bill Moore photo) Naturally, Knicks head es.’’ coach Tom Thibodeau was the chorus for him to be let go Earlier in the one-on-one sit target of many fans’ ire and by Rose and Dolam during down with longtime Knicks was deemed most account- the frequent losing. Howev- Basketball Hall of Fame playable for the team’s shortcom- er, Rose, who signed last sea- by-play announcer Breen, ings. There was a reactionar y son’s NBA Coach of the Year Rose said for ward Julius

Randle, who had a tr ying season which included impassioned conflicts with the Knicks’ fer vent fan base, said Randle’s frustrations were understandable but misplaced. “ This year, things didn’t go right,” the former influential agent of L eBron James, Carmelo Anthony and Joel Embiid among others explained. “ Things happened on the court, we saw some emotion coming out, saw some things happening. I think it affected [ Julius’] play at times. He felt remorseful for some of those things as he expressed to the fans in his letter he sent.” Randle led the Knicks in points (20.1), rebounds (9.9) and assists (5.1) for the second straight season but did not approach the high level of play he displayed last season which earned him All- NBA Second Team honors. One of the positive takeaways from this season was the play of rookies Quentin Grimes and Jericho Sims. With the potential departure of starting center Mitchell Robinson in free-agenc y, Sims’ continued improvement will be critically important to the Knicks elevating to a playoff contender.

Local community organizations join forces to fight gun violence By VINCENT DAVIS Special to the AmNews Any common sense effort to stop gun violence is greatly needed. With an increasing number of shootings and deaths by ghost guns and other forms of firearms, this countr y is dealing with a crisis that is impacting big cities as well as small towns across this nation. The National Association of Each One Teach One, led by Bob McCullough, and the Harlem Congregation for Community Improvement, headed by Dr. Malcolm Punter, collaborated to hold a four-day high school basketball tournament that concluded last weekend to bring greater attention to curbing gun violence in communities throughout New York City. Held at the Edward A . Reynolds Campus on West

102nd and Amsterdam Avenue, the Each One Teach One Winter Invitational saw eight local schools participate in the event : A . Phillip Randolph, Edward R. Reynolds, Frederick Douglass Academy, Harlem Village Academy, Global Commerce, Manhattan Center, St. Raymond, Urban Assembly Global and Wadleigh. Manhattan Center, led by tournament MVP Angel Severino’s 30 points, 6 rebounds and 3 steals, took the championship, narrowly defeating St. Raymond (Bronx) 63-62. Severino’s late basket put Manhattan Center ahead. St. Raymond had a chance to pull out a victor y but missed a potential game-winning shot. Jaron Bloomfield earned the Sportsmanship award, dropping 18 points and pulling down 10 rebounds.

(Bill Moore photo)

34 • April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022


Rhyne Howard top pick in the 2022 WNBA Draft By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews O n Mo n d ay n i g h t , R hy n e Ho w a rd o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Ke n t u c k y j o i n e d s u c h i l l u s t r i o u s n a m e s a s S u e Bi rd , B re a n n a St e w a r t , Sabrin a Io n e s c u a n d A’ ja Wi l s o n as the number one pick in t h e W N B A D ra f t . T h e At l a n t a D re a m s p e c i f i c a l l y w a n t e d t h e 6 - f o o t- 2 g u a rd , a t h re e t i m e A P A l l -A m e r i c a Fi r s t Te a m, a n d m a d e a t ra d e i n o rd e r t o s e c u re t h e t o p p i c k . “ To g o first, I d o n ’t e ven have w ords fo r i t r ig ht n ow . I’m still kind of shaking,” said Howa rd mome nts a f te r h e r na m e was an n ou n ce d . “ It i s su p er exciting, a n d I’m p rou d o f w hat I’ve d o n e, p rou d o f mys el f, and t ha n k f u l f o r e ve r yone that ’s b e e n o n th i s j ou rne y w ith m e a n d that ’s h el p e d me to g e t h e re.”

Howa rd sa i d he r c o mp e t i t i ve nature w i l l he l p he r t ra n si t i o n to t he p ro l e ve l . She’s hea d e d to a tea m t hat i s i n re bui l d i ng m o d e un d e r t he d i re c t i o n o f n e w hea d c oa ch Ta n i sha W r ig ht. “ I p e rs o n a l ly t hi n k I’ m ve r y ve rsat i l e, s o w hate ve r p o si t i o n I’ m p lay i ng, I l i ke to match f o r t ho s e p o si t i o n s, a n d i f t he y n e e d m e to w o rk o n s o m e t hi ng sp e c i f i c, w hate ve r t he ca s e may b e, I’ m w i l l i ng to d o i t,” sa i d Howa rd . Something f re quently mentioned during the D ra f t was the situation w i t h P h o e n i x Me rcur y player Brittney

Top Draft pick Rhyne Howard heads to the Atlanta Dream (Kentucky Athletics photo)

G r i n e r, w h o i s c u r re n tl y d e t a i n e d i n Ru s s i a on drug charges after cartridges allegedly containing hashish oil w e re s a i d t o b e f o u n d in her luggage at an airport security check i n Mo s c o w . G r i n e r h a s p l ay e d i n Ru s s i a f o r s e v e ra l ye a r s d u r i ng t h e W N B A o f f-s e a s o n . Ev e n as the situation continues to unfold, she will re c e i v e h e r f u l l W N B A salary this season and t h e re w i l l b e a l e a g u e wide p h i l a n t h ro p ic initiative modeled a f t e r G r i n e r ’s o r g a n i z a t i o n , B G ’s He a r t a n d S o l e S h o e D r i v e, w h i c h brings shoes to the h o m e l e s s. WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert spoke w i t h t h e m e d i a s h o r t-

ly before the start of the Draft. “What a time to be j o i n i n g t h e W ,” s a i d E n g e l b e r t . “ T h e r e ’s s o m u c h m o m e n t u m f o r w o m e n ’s s p o r t s r i g h t n o w .” In d e e d, t he W NBA re cent ly did a histor ic $75 million capit al rais e an d has ad de d s o me high pro file n ew sp o n s o rs. There are als o n ew e co n o mic o pp o r tun it ies fo r t he players. Eng elb er t n o te d t hat dur ing t his past o ff-s eas o n approximately 30 p layers to o k par t in paid league an d team market ing d eals. As t hes e o pp o rtun it ies co nt inue to grow t he ho p e is p layers w o n ’ t have to play overs eas un less t hat is t heir w is h. “We are creat ing an e co n o mic mo d el fo r t he league where w e’ re aiming fo r p layers to pr io r it ize t he W NBA ,” said Eng elb er t. The s eas o n t ips o ff May 6.

New York Liberty choose Nyara Sabally in the first round By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews

watching T V. Liberty season begins May 7 with a home game vs. A l t h ou g h Nya ra the Connecticut Sun. Sabally and Sab r i na While Emily EngsIones cu w e re tea mtler will not be wearmates at the Un i ve ring a New York uniform sit y of Ore g o n f o r this WNBA season, she t w o years, un f o r tu will bring New York nately the y n e ve r swagger to the Indiana g o t to play to g e th e r Fever, the second of a s Sabally dea lt w i th that team’s four picks in ju r ie s he r f i rst in the first round. The t w o years o f co l6-foot-1 forward grew le g e. Now, Saba lly up on Roosevelt Island, w i l l j oin Ione s cu o n graduated from St. th e Ne w York L i b Francis Prep and is the e r t y a fte r b e ing th e first New Yorker draftL i b er t y’s first- rou n d ed in the first round p ick i n the 2 0 2 2 since Tina Charles and W N BA D raft. Epiphanny Prince in “Sab is such an 2010. Engstler was visiamazing point guard, bly emotional after her such an amazing selection. person. I saw her in “I think it all hit me practice every day, I at once,” said Engstler, saw her working every who played her first day on the court. So, three years of college I’m just very excitat Syracuse and her ed to finally share senior year at L ouisLorela Cubaj (l) is headed to NYC and NYer Emily Engstler (r) the court with her Nyara Sabally joins fellow Oregon alum Sabrina Ionescu on ville, where she made is headed to Indiana (Georgia Tech Athletics photo) and not just in prac- the New York Liberty (Oregon Athletics photo) it to the Final Four tice,” said Sabally, the and developed new asyounger sister of Satou Sabally grew up in Germany. “I’m just In the second round, the Lib- round New York picked inter- pects of her game. “ This has of the Dallas Wings. excited to also learn from them erty acquired Lorela Cubaj, a national player Sika Koné from been one of the most amaz“It’s a bunch of…young women because they’re such amazing 6-foot-4 forward from Geor- Mali. The 19-year-old post ing experiences of my life. I’m that I’m super, super excited to players, players that have been gia Tech, thanks to a trade with player currently lives in Spain super grateful, and I feel ver y play with,” said Sabally, who in the league for a few years.” the Seattle Storm. In the third and taught herself English by blessed.”


April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 35

Swin Cash is elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews There is virtually nothing Swin Cash hasn’t accomplished on the basketball court. She is a two-time NCAA Champion, MOP of the Final Four, threetime WNBA Champion and two-time Olympic gold medalist. It was recently announced that Cash is being inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2022. “To see the outpouring of love, support and congratulations lets you know that throughout your career you did something right besides put the ball in the basket,” said Cash, who has been vice president of Basketball Operations/ Team Development for the New Orleans Pelicans since 2019. “You think of coming into the [WNBA] as a rookie, the middle part of your career and the latter part of your career, and you start having all these wonderful memories.” She has also been a warrior

for social justice. During her time as a player with the New York Liberty (2014–16) she was at the forefront of the players’ stand on issues of racism. This included wearing #BlackLivesMatter t-shirts for which the team and players were originally fined by the league. Cash was a leader in using social media to propel dialogue and also foster her personal brand. She is proud that the hits she took led to greater opportunities for today’s players. “It’s at a whole other level that I saw in my head and I dreamed, envisioned and felt we should have,” said Cash. “To see the progression of the game, the innovations, the ways things are moving forward, that’s what makes me my proudest when I look at today’s game.” After her retirement, Cash became the Liberty’s director of franchise development and played a huge role in the team launching its annual Unity Day. She is happy to see the WNBA’s current commitment to social justice, gender equality and

Swin Cash continues to strive for excellence (New Orleans Pelicans photo)

women’s voices. Bringing women’s voices to different spaces within the NBA is among her goals. Today, Cash’s life includes her role with the Pelicans as well as being a wife and mother of two. She appeared in the highly successful ad campaign for Secret deodorant in which she was depicted on the court and in the boardroom. “We were working for almost a year with Secret, building behind the scenes different thought tanks for how we create opportunities for equality and how Secret can be a brand that can partner and show they care about these topics,” Cash said. “I wanted it to thoroughly represent who I am as a Black woman, as an executive but also as a baller. … That commercial was really powerful.” The enshrinement festivities will be held Sept. 9-10 at the Hall in Springfield, Mass. The other female inductees this year are coach Marianne Stanley and former player Lindsay Whalen.

The Mets have a positive beginning despite battling injuries By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor

In his first game this season, Mets starting pitcher Tijuan Walker left after two innings versus the Philadelphia Phillies on Monday with right shoulder bursitis (Wikipedia photo (Tijuan Walker 51345146065))

The Mets’ 2-0 shutout road win over the Philadelphia Phillies on Tuesday added to their solid beginning to the 2022 season as it increased their record to 4-2. The National League East rivals played the final game of the threegame series yesterday afternoon with Max Scherzer on the mound starting for the Mets and Aaron Nola getting the ball for the Phillies. With Mets ace Jacob de Grom shut down for a minimum of four weeks before the season began with a stress reaction in right throwing shoulder, their rotation took another blow when Tijuan Walker was placed on the 10-day injured list due to right shoulder bursitis after leaving the game versus the Phillies on Monday after throwing just 30 pitches in two innings of work. The Mets would go on to lose 5-4 after taking a 4-0 lead into the eighth inning. The 29-year-old Walker went 7-11 with a 4.47 ERA in 29 starts and 159 innings pitched last season for the Mets. He was named an All-Star for the first time after a strong first half. Anoth-

er Mets pitcher sustaining an injury in Monday’s game was reliever Trevor May, who is listed as day-to-day with a triceps strain. Tuesday’s win was an impressive outing by the Mets’ pitchers, notably starter Tylor Megill. The tall (6-foot7), 26-year-old right hander who was inserted into the rotation due to the absence of de Grom, had his second straight scoreless performance. He went five innings allowing just three hits last Thursday in the Mets’ 5-1 season opening victory against the Washington Nationals and didn’t give up a run in 5.1 innings facing the Phillies. One RBI each from center fielder Brandon Nimmo and shortstop Francisco Lindor was all the offense the Mets needed. “Obviously, all of my stuff is working really well right now,” said Megill. “Just got to keep throwing pitch by pitch, filling up the strike zone and just keep getting ahead of hitters.” The Mets play their home opener tomorrow at Citi Field (1:10 p.m.) against the Arizona Diamondbacks to start a seven-game homestand. Chris Bassitt, who is 1-0, will get the start.


April 14, 2022 - April 20, 2022 • 36

Sports Brown helps the Nets secure the No. 7 seed and a meeting with the Celtics By VINCENT DAVIS Special to the AmNews

Pacers on Sunday. “We all love how Bruce has been playing lately,” said Durant after Friday’s game. In a COVID-19 vaccination The Nets had to have big efforts from Irving, commercial featuring Bruce Durant and Brown to hold off a talented Cavs Brown, the versatile Brookteam to avoid playing another game to earn a lyn Nets guard says “my game spot in the postseason. is not pretty,” a description of The Nets shot 71% in the first quarter and took his hard nosed play. “I dive for a 40-20 lead at the end of the period. By halfloose balls. I played the 5-man time they were up 57-43. Yet the Cavs, who face [center] last year when the the winner of last night’s Atlanta Hawks-Charteam needed me to. lotte Hornets Play-In game at home tomorrow, “I’ll literally do anything were down just 99-93 with 4:17 remaining in that the team needs me to do the game. The charge was led by their dynamout there on the floor.” And ic point guard Darius Garland, who tied Irving Brown has, providing grittifor a game-high 34 points. ness on defense and clutch Now the Nets will take on the No. 2 seed baskets. Leading into the Boston Celtics. The best-of-seven series Nets’ 115-108 Tuesday night could be determined by the availability of Play-In Tournament victory Nets forward Ben Simmons (back) and Celtover the Cleveland Cavaliers, ics center Robert Williams. Both defensive Brown’s contributions were specialists are out with injuries. needed for the Nets to lock Nets guard Bruce Brown has made key contributions to the team all season while the availability of “I know that team very well and they know in the No. 7 seed. us very well and it’ll be a back and forth,” said forward Ben Simmons for their upcoming series versus the Boston Celtics is uncertain (Bill Moore photos) The 25-year-old guard Irving, who played for the Celtics from 2017who played his college ball at the Universi- ving’s team-high 34 points and Kevin Du- victory to keep the Nets in contention for the 19, “and once you throw that ball in the air, ty of Miami had 18 points, 9 rebounds and rant’s 25. On Friday, he scored 18 points with 7-seed they would secure. Brown followed you’re going to really see some spectacular 3 steals in 40 minutes to augment Kyrie Ir- 10 rebounds in 40 minutes in a 118-107 home up with 21 points and 7 rebounds against the basketball.”

April’s NBA Play-In Tournament has a feeling of March Madness By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor The celebration at the Target Center in Minneapolis on Tuesday night after the No. 7 seed Minnesota Timberwolves defeated the No. 8 seed Los Angeles Clippers 109-104 to secure a spot in the playoffs was reminiscent of an NCAA Final Final four triumph. Former Clipper Patrick Beverley, now the emotional leader of the Timberwolves, catalyzed the pomp and AM NEWS circumstance. 04/07/22 “Man, I wanted this one so bad,” said the spirited point guard. “This is just the icing on the cake, the cherry on top…I told you we were going to the playoffs…y’all looked at me like I was crazy when I first Two of the NBA’s best point guards went head-to-head last night (Wednesday) when LaMelo Ball’s said that. I f---ing told y’all.” The Wolves, despite a frustrat- Charlotte Hornets faced Trae Young’s Atlanta Hawks in an Eastern Conference Play-In Tournament game (Bill Moore photos) ing night from their best player, AM NEWS All-Star Karl Anthony Towns, who fouled out after playing only 24 min- fitting that the game had the feel of March of Georgia if he hadn’t decided04/14/22 to enter the utes and scoring 11 points, overcame a Madness. The Wolves’ leading scorer on draft after his freshman year. fourth quarter deficit to move on to face the night, 21-year-old guard Anothony EdIt was a wise choice as Edwards became the No. 2 seed Memphis Grizzlies. It was wards, would be a junior at the University the No. 1 overall pick in the 2020 draft and

was sensational in scoring a team-high 30 points. Twenty-six-year-old D’Angelo Russell, the No. 2 overall selection in 2015, added 29 impactful points for the young and rising squad. Tomorrow, the Clippers, who were paced by Paul George’s 34 points, will host the winner of last night’s game between the Western Conference’s No. 9 seed New Orleans Pelicans and the No. 10 seed San Antonio Spurs. Whichever team emerges victorious will be the West’s No. 8 seed and face the conference’s No. 1 seed Phoenix Suns in the opening round. Two of the NBA’s best point guards battled last night when Trae Young and the 01154 took on East’s No. 9 seed Atlanta Hawks AM NE LaMelo Ball and the No. 10 seed Charlotte 04/07/ 0 7 Hornets. 74470 Whoever came out of that game on 22784 top will travel to Cleveland to play the Cavaliers tomorrow with the winner of that game advancing to meet the No. 1 seed Miami Heat in the first round.

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