New York Amsterdam News October 7-13, 2021

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Vol. 112 No. 40 | October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021


©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City


(Ariama C. Long photo)

Barrons back Alleyne as replacement in State Assembly By ARIAMA C. LONG Report for America Corps Member, Amsterdam News Staff

40 and 60, announced this past weekend that she is retiring from the assembly and has named community organizer Keron Alleyne, 31, as her The end of an era in East New York successor. has finally come. The “unbought, unThe Barrons, Inez and her husband bossed, and undefeated” Council- Assemblymember Charles Barron, member Inez Barron, who has also are fixtures in the community and represented State Assembly Districts well-known for their tendency to

run for city council and assembly in tandem…and win, much to the chagrin of political competitors. “I’m pleased and honored to be here,” said I. Barron. “We have a candidate who understands what it is that we have been building and making happen here over the last 20 years.” The power couple joined Alleyne,

his family, and his early campaign crew in front of the Prince Joshua Avitto Community Center on Saturday, Oct. 2 to show their support for the young politico. Alleyne ran for state senate in Senatorial District 19 in last year’s elections, but lost to Incumbent Senator See BARRONS on page 6

NYC unveils social justice busts

By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff

New York City’s Union Square Park is the temporary home for three grand busts of three images of the 2020 social justice movement. The bronze busts represent: 2020 police brutality victim George Floyd, police brutality victim Breonna Taylor, and the late Congressman John Lewis. However, just a few days after its unveiling, a caught-on-video vandal threw paint on the Floyd bust.

ting the shot. Hospital and nursing home workers in the state, such as employees at Northwell Health, had One of the first impacts of the until Sept. 27 to comply or face unemCOVID-19 vaccine mandates was evi- ployment. Employees in non-hospital dent this week when New York State’s based clinics and Community Care largest healthcare provider, Northwell Plus facilities in the city need proof of Health, terminated 1,400 employees vaccination by Oct. 7. for refusing to get vaccinated. “Northwell regrets losing any emThe fallout is the result of one of ployee under such circumstances, several vaccine mandates causing but as healthcare professionals and See MANDATES on page 6 people to lose their jobs for not get-

(Bill Moore photo)

Vaccine mandates bring out ‘firing squad’

See STORY on pages 3, 27

2 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021

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International Africa International News

RWANDA HANDS DOWN 25 YEAR SENTENCE TO FILM HERO FROM MOVIE ‘HOTEL RWANDA’ ( G IN ) — “ Ho te l Rwa n da” h ero Paul Rus e sabag i na ha s b e en s ente n c e d to 2 5 yea rs i n p r is on on te r ro r cha rg e s d e sp i te p l ea s from human r ights watchdogs and other c r i t i c s o f Rwa n da’s re p re ssive g ov-

cu sto dy, ha s ass er te d that h is ar rest was in resp ons e to h is c r itic ism of l ongtime Rwa ndan P resident Pau l Kagame over al l e g e d hu ma n r ights abu s es. Kaga me’s government has repeatedly denied ta rg eting diss enting voic es w ith ar rests and extraju dic ia l kil l ings.

Rwandan President Paul Kagame

fa l s e cha rg es. We are hap py t hat th e charad e o f t he t r ial is en ding,” Ru s esabagina’s family said in a statement. A memb er o f his le gal team, Kate Gibs on, added that “the only thing that has b e en surp r ising in watch ing th is ho r ro r s how un fo ld over (GIN photo)

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INDEX Arts & Entertainment �������������Page 15 » Astro/Numerology ����������������Page 18 » Food ����������������������������������������Page 20 » Jazz �����������������������������������������Page 19 Caribbean Update �������������������Page 14 Career/Business ���������������������Page 28 Classified ����������������������������������Page 29 Editorial/Opinion ����������������Pages 12,13 Education ���������������������������������Page 23 In the Classroom ��������������������Page 22 Out & About ��������������������������Pages 8,9 Religion & Spirituality �������������Page 26 Sports ����������������������������������������Page 36 Union Matters ����������������������������Page 10 Your Health ������������������������������Page 24 Mail subscriptions U.S. Territories Weekly subscription: 1 year $49.99 6 months $34.99 Foreign Subscription: 1 year $45.00

e r n m e nt to l e ss e n t he judg ement o r ca n c e l i t. Rus e sabag i na wa s c re d i te d w ith she l te r i ng m o re t ha n a t h ou sa nd e t hn i c Tut si s d ur i ng Rwa nda’s 1 9 9 4 g e n o c i d e a n d wa s a re c ipi e nt o f t he U. S. Pre si d e nt ia l Me da l o f F re e d o m. He b oyc o tte d th e a nn oun c e m e nt o f t he ve rd i c t a fter ca l l i ng t he t r ia l a “sha m.” A c our t f oun d t he 6 7 -year-ol d Rus e sabag i na gui l t y o f ba cking a reb e l g roup b ehi n d d ea d ly atta cks i n 2 0 1 8 a n d 2 0 1 9 . Hi s f a mily has ca l l e d t he t r ia l a sha m, say ing h e wa s t a ke n to Rwa n da, f ro m ex il e, by f o rc e. The U. S. re si d e nt a n d B elgian c i t i ze n wa s c o nv i c te d o n eight cha rg e s i n cl ud i ng m e mb e rsh ip in a te r ro r i st g roup, murd e r and ab d uc t i o n . He wa s cha rg e d al ong w i t h 2 0 o t he r p e o p l e. Th e U.S., w he re Rus e sabag i na i s a resident, sa i d i t wa s c o n c e r n e d by t h e c on viction. Rus e sabag i na, w ho re ma ins in

Ab ou t a yea r ag o, Ru s esabagi na disapp ea re d du r ing a visit to Du bai in th e Unite d A rab Emirates, a nd app ea re d days later in Rwanda in handcu ffs, a c cu s e d of su pp or ting th e a r me d w ing of h is opp osition p ol itical platfor m, th e Rwanda n Movement for D emo c ratic Cha ng e. Th e a r me d grou p claime d s ome resp onsib il it y for atta cks in 2018 and 2019 in s ou th ern Rwanda in w h ich nine Rwanda ns die d. Ru s e sabagina testifie d at tr ial that h e h el p e d to for m th e ar me d grou p to h el p refu g e es bu t said h e ne ver su pp or te d viol enc e— and s ou ght to distance himself from its deadly attacks. Th rou gh ou t th e tr ia l , Ru s esa bagina ma intaine d that h e is not gu il t y of th e charg es aga inst h im bu t sa id h e didn’t exp e c t to g et ju stic e. “ We knew from th e day h e was kidnapp e d that th e verdic t w ou l d b e ‘gu il t y’ on s ome or a l l of th e

th e last year has b e en t he brazenness a nd op en n ess w it h which t he Rwanda n aut ho r it ies have b e en w il l ing to systemat ically v io late al l of th e fair t r ial r ight s to which Pau l wa s ent it le d .” A mnest y Internat io nal cr it icize d th e pro c e e d ings, n o t ing t hat Rusesabagina was in it ially d en ie d t he r ight to cho o s e his ow n lawyer. It adde d that Kagame’s co mment s that “ Ru s esabagina had ‘d o n e s ometh ing ter r ibly wro ng, co mmitte d a cr ime,’ may have prejudic e d th e defen dant ’s r ight to b e presu me d in n o cent unt il p roven gu il t y.” U.S. State D epar t ment sp o kesman Ne d Pr ice said “t he rep o r te d lack of fair t r ial guarante es calls into q u estio n t he fairn ess o f t he verdic t,” an d he urg e d Rwan da’s g overnment to ex amin e “s ho r tc omings” in t he cas e, in clud ing Ru s esabagina’s rep o r te d lack o f confidential, unimp e de d access to h is law yers an d cas e do cument s.


October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 3


Advocates focus on mental health for incarcerated on Rikers


George Floyd memorial in Union Square defaced Not even a few days after its unveiling, a statue of a bust of 2020 police brutality victim George Floyd in Union Square in Manhattan was defaced. Reports indicate the NYPD has video of a man throwing paint on the statue around 10 a.m. Sunday. Police have not made any arrests and have not released video of the vandalism. The statue previously stood in Brooklyn on Flatbush Avenue over the summer where it was vandalized five days after it was unveiled. Floyd’s Union Square statue was unveiled last Thursday along with those of Breonna Taylor, who was killed by police, and late Congressman John Lewis. The pieces were created by Confront Art by Chris Carnabuci.

African Burial Ground commemorates 30th anniversary of rediscovery (Ariama C. Long photo)

By ARIAMA C. LONG Report for America Corps Member, Amsterdam News Staff Following Mayor Bill de Blasio’s visit to Rikers Island last week, criminal justice advocates are putting forth their plans to put an end to the crisis happening at the jail complex. The Legal Aid Society (LAS) with supporters of survivors of Rikers rallied yesterday, Oct. 4 at Foley Square in Manhattan, to promote the ‘Treatment Not Jail Act,’ which focuses on reforming the mental health services and qualifying process for those held on Rikers. Advocates at LAS believe that the legislation will ensure that “problemsolving court models” reduce disparities along race, income, gender/ gender identity, and ethnic lines in the city’s health and criminal legal systems, which is urgent in a city impacted so severely by COVID-19. Peggy Herrera has worked for a major city agency that caters to troubled youth for the past six years. Herrera’s 23-year-old son, who she said would prefer to go by the name “Justin,” was medically diagnosed with anxiety and attention-deficit disorder when he was 6 years old. Justin also traumatically lost his father at age 7. “Of course, he was not a kid that would just sit, you know he had a lot of energy,” said Herrera. Herrera said that her son was arrested at 11 years old by school safety agents because of a bag with brass knuckles in it, and that was the beginning of him being “criminalized” in the system. Herrera said that even though she works with incarcerated youth and advocated for her son, her son on proba-

tion was still arrested throughout his adolescence. “They wind up remanding him, and when they did, I could not find him for three days. He was shocked because he never spent time in a jail besides bookings and those are horrible for him,” said Herrera. When she found him, she said he had been in the bullpens for three days with no bed, no bath, no phone call, and sleeping on the floor. After that experience, he spent three weeks on Rikers before he was put in an inadequate drug program with inattentive staff, said Herrera. Herrera said she’s volunteered on Rikers counseling women and young adults for years so she knows from her job what proper one-on-one treatment and care should be. Right now, the court system has designed the mental health programs of those struggling with drug addictions or mental health illnesses into separate programs under Law Article 216 of the judicial diversion law. “When I visited Rikers Island I saw the humanitarian crisis that was taking place in our backyard. We must shift the paradigm in how we treat the root causes that drive our neighbors to commit crimes. Poor education, low paying jobs & mental health are all contributing factors,” said Senator Jessica Ramos about the bill via twitter. The Treatment Not Jail Act (TNJ), sponsored by Ramos and Assembly member Andrew Hevesi, firstly expands eligibility treatment no matter an individual’s charges and fights to ensure there’s an emphasis on treatment and support for incarcerated with disabilities, addictions, mental illnesses, and other health- related challenges. The See RIKERS on page 25

In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the African Burial Ground’s rediscovery, the African Burial Ground National Monument is hosting in-person activities at the outdoor memorial and virtual presentations on its website and social media. Starting earlier this week, the six-day commemoration included libation ceremonies, ranger presentations, dancing, singing, drumming and memorial talks. The theme for the event is “Honoring History, Ancestors, Spirituality, Art.” The commemoration ends Saturday, Oct. 9 with a daylong presentation including a libation ceremony with Baba Cyril Innis Jr., a tribute to the late Dr. Maya Angelou, and a performance by the Uptown Dance Academy. Single carnations were available throughout the week to lay on mounds as offerings and index cards were provided to write messages for the 30th anniversary Memory Box. In Oct. 1991, the General Services Administration rediscovered intact burials in Lower Manhattan while excavating for the construction of a new federal office building. Teams removed the remains of 419 people from the site. Studies suggest an estimated 15,000 African American people are buried there.

East New York Restoration opens senior fitness hub The East New York Restoration Local Development Corp. in Brooklyn hosted a ribbon-cutting event on Wednesday at the renovated playground space at NYCHA’s Pink Houses located at Stanley Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. The senior fitness hub will allow community elders to access three seasons of fitness for free. Collaborating with the Louis H. Pink Houses Residents Association, the East New York Restoration Local Development Corp. received support for the project from Borough President Eric L. Adams, NYC Councilwoman Inez Barron, NYS Assemblyman Charles Barron, Maimonides Medical Center/Community Care of Brooklyn, and Open Architecture/NY. The mission of East New York Restoration Local Development Corp. is to promote sustainable economic growth for all community businesses, foster prosperity for all community residents, and lead a renaissance in East New York.

NUL and Experian launch partnership to support financial inclusion and credit education The National Urban League (NUL) and Experian North America announced the launch of a new partnership to further the mission of financial inclusion and empowerment. NUL President and CEO Marc H. Morial and Experian North America Chief Executive Officer Craig Boundy shared the news during the opening day of National Urban League’s first all-virtual conference. Through the partnership, Experian is providing NUL Young Professionals and those enrolled in one of 12 Urban League Entrepreneurship Centers with free access to their Experian consumer credit report and FICO Score, along with the ability to potentially increase their credit scores instantly with Experian Boost. Experian will also be offering small business tools, services, and educational content. The partnership is part of Experian’s United for Financial Health initiative, which aims to empower and protect vulnerable consumers to improve their financial health through education and action. —Compiled by Cyril Josh Barker

4 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021

A setback of Biden’s budget proposal will severely impact HBCUs By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews As expected, President Biden’s Build Back Better plan is stalled and forcing him to adjust his $3.5 trillion budget package. The anticipated shortfall will mean the promises made to historically Black colleges and universities are sure to be severely impacted. Already terribly underfunded, the HBCUs will be shortchanged if the negotiations now underway cut Biden’s request to a compromise of $2 trillion. Lodriguez Murray, a senior vice president for the United Negro College Fund, expressed what many HBCU leaders feel about the setback. “We were terribly supportive because no president has ever… in the history of this nation, put these institutions so central to transformative change and investment,” she told the press. “For Congress to not follow through on [Biden’s] plan is earth shattering for the institutions.” Murray’s concern was backed by a letter on Friday to Congress by the presidents of the UNCF’s 37-member institutions to pass the bill with additional provisions for the HBCUs. “Although HBCUs generate a significant return on investment,” the letter claimed, “they are historically underfunded, face discrimination with investments, and have higher budgets based almost exclusively on tuition from underserved students.” These concerns will be voiced on Wednesday at a hearing by a House subcommittee on higher education— “Homecoming: the Historical Roots and Continued Contributions of HBCUs.” In Biden’s original proposal $45 billion was earmarked for HBCUs and other minority serving institutions in order to improve and expand their research programs, as well as to facilitate a pipeline for students that has been historically plugged. Such institutions as Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Arkansas benefited from federal relief money funneled through the pandemic funds. “We used the funds that we received to serve the students that we have, and now we’re asking for additional funds to make sure that when we are on the other side of this global pandemic our institutions will be bigger and better and more resilient,” said Roderick L. Smothers, president of the college. Now, with Biden’s proposal caught in a Congressional impasse, and his budget request facing a serious reduction, those at the bottom of money, like the HBCUs, are sure to feel the changes most desperately.



Legislation aims to combat hunger in NJ By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff Gov. Phil Murphy signed a legislation package into law aimed at combating food insecurity. The six bills will commit to addressing hunger by expanding access to the New Jersey Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and its benefits, bolstering school meal programs, and establishing the Office of the Food Insecurity Advocate. The governor also signed a bill which directs the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development to include information on SNAP in any materials pertaining to unemployment compensation benefits. Another bill establishes a state supplement for “breakfast after the bell” meals. “It is unacceptable that so many of our most vulnerable people are going without enough food,” said Murphy. “With today’s bill signings, we are continuing our ongoing commitment to end food insecurity in New Jersey by strengthening food assistance and providing support to communities across the state.” According to hunger organi-

zation Feeding America, one in 12 people face hunger including one in 10 children in the Garden State. Nearly 40% of the state’s households receiving SNAP benefits have children. “These measures will go a long way toward reducing hunger in the Garden State, especially for the tens of thousands of children who face hunger every day,’’ said Adele LaTourette, director of Hunger Free New Jersey. “We look forward to working with the Murphy administration to implement these changes.’’ The federal Build Back Better Act at the federal level includes nearly $35 billion for child nutrition programs. This investment will help ensure all children have access to the nutrition they need all year long. In August, the Biden administration announced a more than 25% increase in SNAP monthly benefits. The new maximum benefit for a family of four rose to $835 a month. On Oct. 1, the average SNAP benefit increased by $36.24 per person, per month, or $1.19 per day. “SNAP benefits have always been our first line of defense

in fighting hunger,” said State Sen. Shirley Turner. “Making it easier for senior citizens and people who are out of work to apply for programs like SNAP helps to reduce food insecurity, lift our residents out of poverty, and enable them to spend more on groceries that will keep them healthy.” Over the summer, the New Jersey Department of Human Services delivered extra food assistance to school children who would have received free or reduced-price school meals when schools were closed due to COVID-19. Electronic benefit cards were sent to 236,000 children whose families are not enrolled in SNAP. “Access to food is a fundamental human need and no one in our state should go hungry or have to skip a meal,” said Human Services Acting Commissioner Sarah Adelman. “We are committed to improving access to SNAP, our country’s first line of defense against hunger, so New Jerseyans have the food assistance they need. With these new laws, together we will move closer to accomplishing our shared goal of ensuring no one in New Jersey goes hungry.”

Middlesex County park named after Black historical figure, opens to the community By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff Middlesex County and Perth Amboy residents celebrated the official opening of Thomas Mundy Peterson Park, America’s first Black voter, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Peterson was a resident of Perth Amboy and the first African American to vote in 1870 in the United States after the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Amendment granted African American men the right to vote nationwide. Prior to the enactment of the 15th Amendment, more than 700,000 African Americans cast votes in the U.S. in various states, ac-

cording to a report by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights “Thomas Mundy Peterson Park is an example of how, when everyone involved works together, we can create something wonderful for our residents to enjoy,” said Board of County Commissioners Director Ronald G. Rios. “I know that I, and the entire Board of County Commissioners, look forward to seeing this park being used and enjoyed by the people of Middlesex County.” The new park includes a synthetic-turf, multi-use field that can host soccer or football, a synthetic turf field that is adjustable for softball and baseball, a waterfront walkway with views of the Arthur Kill, inter-

pretive signs exploring the history of the site, and river and park benches. In addition, it will also offer a parking lot and comfort stations for visitors. “The Thomas Mundy Peterson Park is the result of hard work on the part of the Middlesex County Board of County Commissioners and the City of Perth Amboy who work tirelessly to enhance the quality of life for our residents,” said Perth Amboy Mayor Helmin J. Caba. “This effort was many years in the making and represents more than just a park—it’s a community gathering space that honors a Perth Amboy citizen who played an important role in the history of our country.”


October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 5

Seeing eye-to-eye with Dr. Daniel Laroche By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff Glaucoma specialist and author Dr. Daniel Laroche is on a mission to eliminate barriers to health care that exist for Black and Brown people. After seeing so many people of color die during the COVID-19 pandemic and over 25 years in medicine, Laroche is spreading his message about the benefits of making health a No. 1 priority. Laroche is the director of Glaucoma Services and president of Advanced Eyecare of New York. He primarily deals with eye health to prevent blindness caused by glaucoma, a condition hitting Black people the most. “Eyesight or human vision is one of the most important senses,” he said. “As much as 80% of what we feel comes through our sense of sight. By protecting the eyes, people will reduce the chance of blindness and vision loss while also staying on top of any developing eye diseases, such as glaucoma and cataracts.” Born in Jamaica, Queens and growing up in Long Island, Laroche said he was inspired to become a doctor because of a Haitian father, who was also an anesthesiologist, and a Canadian mother, who was a nurse. Laroche re-

ceived his bachelor’s degree from New workforce that’s more diverse.” York University and medical doctorate In most cases of glaucoma, there with honors in reis no pain, and Dr. Daniel Laroche search from Weil the loss of vision Cornell University occurs slowly. Medical College. Many people do He underwent not even reala medical inize it’s happenternship at Moning until they have tefiore Hospital lost a substantial and completed amount of periphhis ophthalmoleral vision. Laogy residency at roche says there the historicalis a way to prevent ly Black Howard the devastating efUniversity Hosfects of glaucoma: pital. ThroughDon’t skip your out his career he’s eyecare visits. seen the need for “It’s very immore Black medportant that Afical professionals rican Americans and the dispariover the age of 40 ties that exist. to get their eyes “We need more checked for glauBlack doctors coma,” he said. in more Black “This is a leading communities,” cause of preventLaroche said. able blindness. “Unfortunately, We have new earthe major medical institutions were lier surgical treatments, and we can built on a white background. That’s cure glaucoma in some cases.” what contributes directly to health While Laroche works in eye care, care. We need to pay attention to that he’s also advocating for more Black by investing in building healthcare fa- people to get the COVID-19 vaccilities, training, and moving toward a cine. He said much of the hesitancy


New Yorker

is being caused by misinformation. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed racial health disparities that existed for decades. Black, Hispanic and Native American people are about four times more likely to be hospitalized and nearly three times more likely to die of COVID-19 than white people. African Americans have nearly the lowest rates of vaccination among any ethnic group. “There is an urgency to spread the message that COVID vaccines are saving lives,” he said. “It is critical that people of color get the correct information that these vaccines are making the difference between life and death. However, in the medical community we are seeing the heartbreaking results of the decisions as emergency rooms across the nation are filled to capacity and the death counts rise and all of this could be prevented.” Along with being a doctor, Laroche is also the author of a young adult book, “How to Become a Successful Black Man,” which educates and empowers young Black boys and men about their history, heritage and legacy. Laroche connects history to the present-day life experiences and challenges of the Black man to instill self-confidence and personal growth to succeed.

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• • • • •

Mayor Public Advocate Comptroller Borough President City Council

6 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021

Barron Continued from page 1

Roxanne Persaud in the June primary. He thanked his wife, Amerie, and the Barrons for supporting his “radical vision” for East New York. “It’s running for office, against the machine, the Brooklyn Democratic Party. That machine,” said Alleyne. “That’s radical vision.” A former teacher and principal, I. Barron modeled her political ferocity after Brooklyn native Shirley Chisholm. She said that the district needs a bold candidate with a kind of “audacity” to vote on issues that matter and stand “flatfooted” on that vote in the face of criticism. She believes that Alleyne, over the years she’s known him, can be that person for the community. Alleyne has also interned and worked for C. Barron in the past. “Anytime you call this man and you know what? You don’t even have to call him all the time. Sometimes he goes out on his own to collect food to feed people, and that’s how I met him,” said C. Barron. “We didn’t make Keron Alleyne. He made himself, and then joined us and enhanced who he is.” Born and raised in Brooklyn, Alleyne was taught the importance of service from both his parents and


THE NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS grandparents, he said. Alleyne’s grandfather in particular was a huge supporter of community gardens, a cause Alleyne has continued even through the hardships of food insecurity during last year’s devastating pandemic. “They say East New York is an inner city food desert, so let’s imagine growing food in a community that is abundant with fresh food,” said Alleyne. Alleyne said it was difficult to reach people throughout 2020 who were in need of fresh foods, but eventually organized a small advocacy group of community gardeners, farms, and people to deliver produce to those in need. The advocacy group is now partnered with the NYC Parks Dept. Greenthumb community gardens program to raise awareness and support for East New York growers. Towards the end of the conference, the group surprised I. Barron with a bouquet of flowers to thank her for her service. She said that she was “excited” to be a part of the next chapter for Alleyne. Ariama C. Long is a Report for America corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for The Amsterdam News. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting:

Continued from page 1

members of the largest healthcare provider in the state, we understand our unique responsibility to protect the health of our patients and each other,” Northwell Health spokesperson Jason Molinet said in a statement. “We owe it to our staff, our patients and the communities we serve to be 100% vaccinated against COVID-19.” Many municipal workers are demanding the city establish a permanent telework policy, as well as establish exemptions and accommodations policies. Last month, District Council 37, the city’s largest public employee union, filed an Improper Practice Petition with the Office of Collective Bargaining. The petition argued that Mayor Bill de Blasio’s mandate put workers’ health at risk by prematurely bringing them back to the office. Currently city workers must either be vaccinated or submit to weekly COVID testing. Spokesperson for City Workers for Justice, Jeremiah Cedeno, said that many municipal workers have resigned. He says those that have stayed want a permanent telework option and hazard

pay, among other things. “We want transparency and we want to be able to be involved in the discussions that are being made around our plan,” Cedeno said. “People are less enthused and their morale is down and they don’t want to work for the city.” Cedeno added that while no municipal workers in his organization have been terminated, he predicts that if a vaccine mandate goes through, there would be a number of workers who would leave. “What we’re seeing is, even before these mandates kicked in, a lot of city workers were already resigning, or are job hunting or in the process of resigning,” Cedeno said. De Blasio has previously stated that the city has made efforts to make sure that health and safety protocols were followed to accommodate bringing city workers back to the office and that being in-person was the best option. “I really respect our public employees,” de Blasio said. “Although I hasten to add that 80% of them never had the luxury of working from home and have been at the frontline the whole way through, but I respect all See MANDATES on page 27


October 9 -17




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October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 7

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8 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021


Out & About One Africa Music Fest shuts down Coney Island

By OLAYEMI ODESANYA Special to the AmNews Last Friday on Oct. 1, Afro-beats enthusiasts from all over the tri-state area came to the Interswitch One Africa Music FEST Concert at Brooklyn’s Coney Island Amphitheater. The fifth annual concert was hosted by Netflix Actress Osas Ighodaro. Music fans came from all over the nation, and in fact Nigeria, to enjoy the great performances by some of the top Afrobeat artists. Along with Tiwa Savage, Olamide, Busiswa, Wurld, Flavour, Rema, Oxlade, Kwaw Kese, Bella Shmurda, Tome, DJ Buka, DJ Big Skipp, DJ Young Kofi, and many more performed at the concert.

(Olayemi Odesanya photos)

Kranium brought that reggae and dancehall flavor. “My friends and I truly enjoyed ourselves at the concert,” said concert-goer Folake. “Especially, since the concert was held on Nigeria Independence Day. I definitely felt like we were at a celebration from the performers and the crowd. Also known as Afro-pop and Afro-fusion, Afro-beats has been one of biggest musical genres to originate from West Africa since the 1960s, really from Felafels Kuti. Presently, from well-known songs like “Essence” from Wizkid and Tems and “Fall” by Davido, Afrobeats is becoming worldwide phenomenon. “African talents and art are making headlines on a global level, and everyone is noticing the paradigm

shift,” said Paulo Okoye, CEO of One Africa FEST. “There is no better time than now to continuously export Africa’s substantial blend of quality Afrocentric music to the world while leveraging on the fast-growing African Entertainment industry.” Overall, concert-goers were pleased by the performers and the vibe of the crowd. The crowd was made up of people all over the African and Caribbean Diaspora. If you weren’t able to make it to the concert, or just want to continue to celebrate Nigeria’s 61st Independence. There will be a Nigerian Independence Day Carnival held on East 47th Street between 1st and 2nd Ave., Manhattan, N.Y. on Oct. 9th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.


October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 9

Cleare support for Cordell Nightlife Black Excellence TV celebrates hip hop Written by David Goodson

Community and elected leaders united at a rally in support of Cordell Cleare for State Senate, District 30 Harlem. (Bill Moore photos)

(Dave Goodson photo)

Remy Ma

BET celebrated hip hop with a reintroduction of two specials Tuesday, Oct. 5: the 2021 BET Hip Hop Awards and “Rap City ’21.” The longest-running rap show on BET, “Rap City,” returned for a one-hour special edition with legendary host Darian “Big Tigger” Morgan on BET and BET Her. Emanating from The Cobb Energy Centre in Atlanta, the 2021 BET Hip Hop Awards co-hosted by actors, hosts of the “85 South Show” podcast, and stars of Wild N’ Out—comedy supergroup 85 South (Karlous Miller, DC Young Fly, and Chico Bean)—premiered immediately after on the same outlets with the addition of VH1. Executive produced and hosted by Big Tigger, “Rap City ’21” featured exclusive interviews with the likes of Jermaine Dupri, Tobe Nwigwe, Fat Joe, Jeezy and DJ Drama. The special revealed never before seen booth appearances, “Rap City” memories. The highly anticipated return of the iconic music show will continue to pay homage to BET’s commitment to hip hop and celebrate the stars of the culture’s past, present and future. Making its debut in 1989, “Rap City” was the preeminent hip hop series dedicated to rap music videos, important cultural commentary, and interviews with the stars of the moment along with original freestyles from artists including Jay-Z, A Tribe Called Quest, LL Cool J, Kanye West, Eve, Ludacris, The Diplomats, Jadakiss, Trina, Common, Big Boi, Killer Mike, and many more! This year’s BET Hip Hop Awards featured show stopping performances by Young Thug & Gunna, Baby Keem, Tobe Nwigwe featuring Fat & Nell, and Isaiah Rashad featuring Doechii & Kal. Powerful female representation came in the form of Trina, See NITE on page 28

10 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021


Union Matters SEIU 32BJ endorses Eric Adams and others for general election AMNEWS STAFF REPORTS

Eric Adams

(Bill Moore photo)

On Wednesday, SEIU 32BJ announced their endorsements of Eric Adams for Mayor, Jumaane Williams for Public Advocate and Brad Lander for Comptroller, in addition to candidates for six boroughwide offices, and 44 City Council seats. Members endorsed Vanessa Gibson for Bronx Borough President, Antonio Reynoso for Brooklyn Borough President, Eric González for Brooklyn District Attorney, Mark Levine for Manhattan Borough President, Alvin Bragg for Manhattan District Attorney and Donovan Richards for Queens Borough President. “As our city continues to fight against COVID-19 and works hard to come back from the effects of the virus on our communities and our economy, our members want candidates who will fight for them and for all working New Yorkers, and push for a worker-led recovery. Our members are confident that the candidates they have endorsed will do that, and more,” said SEIU 32BJ President Kyle Bragg. “With so many members of our city government coming in fresh and taking on new roles, our members relish the opportunity to support a new cadre of leaders to take our city to where it needs to go next.” The union previously endorsed Adams and several other candidates included here for the June New York primaries. The union’s executive board determined endorsements for the November elections in September. SEIU 32BJ represents about 85,000 members in the city who work as residential porters, doormen and women, window washers, office cleaners, security officers, airport wheelchair attendants, school janitors and in other building service jobs.

School safety agents get vaccinations By ARIAMA C. LONG Report for America Corps Member, Amsterdam News Staff

As of Tuesday, Oct. 5, about 85% of school safety agents have now been vaccinated under the city’s COVID-19 vaccination deadline for all employees. But, more vaccinations doesn’t necessarily solve the staff shortage that many feared would leave schools without proper security for the return of in-person learning. There are 4,513 school safety agents currently employed with 3,818 of them vaccinated, said Teamsters Union Local 237 President Gregory Floyd. Many holdouts have either gotten the shot or chosen to fight for their jobs while on leave, said Floyd.

“No one’s lost their jobs, but they’ve been placed on leave without pay. They have an opportunity to apply for exemptions that are being heard this week with the paperwork or go get vaccinated,” said Floyd. On Monday, 117 school safety agents opted to get vaccinated rather than take leave, said Floyd. “Through attrition they lost 1,000 people that were not hired, and retirement, so when the school year began there was a shortage before the mandate,” said Floyd. The shortage was “created by” the city council and public officials’ decision to stop the hiring of school safety agents last year, and transferring the responsibility of school safety agents to the Department of Education instead of the

NYPD didn’t help, said Floyd. This year there are about 745 fewer school safety agents employed compared to 2020, said Floyd. He said the shortage certainly “didn’t help” any supposed rise in violence in city schools since the reopening. A recent “slashing” outside Truman High School in the Bronx is among the growing “acts of violence” that have parents and advocates rattled, reported News12. Mona Davids, president of the NYC Parents Union, told News12 that the ongoing violence in schools is a crisis and that she fears the violence will get worse without more school safety agents. “The safety of our students is our first priority, and we are working closely with the NYPD to ensure that

every school has coverage by school safety agents. We will continue to closely monitor the situation to ensure that every student has a safe place to learn,” said a DOE spokesman. Every school has school safety agent coverage based on the need at that school, and the DOE is working with the NYPD to determine what those needs are, continued the DOE spokesman.

Ariama C. Long is a Report for America corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for The Amsterdam News. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting:


October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 11

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12 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021


Opinion Successful Black American business leaders unfairly targeted By DR. BENJAMIN F. CHAVIS JR.

once said in defense of Black business leaders, “There is a na- turning” back to society after prison incarceration. tional systematic campaign to unfairly subjugate and to preInvestigative journalism has its rightful and respected space in (NNPA NEWSWIRE)—There is an old African proverb that vent the financial success of Black American businesses.” ourdemocracy.Butitshouldalwaysbebalancedandnon-racially captures one of the challenges that too many financially successIt appears that business leaders from communities of color in prejudicial. The Times piece on Jack Brown was full of unsubstanful Black business leaders face today in America. That proverb the United States are being held to a different standard of business tiated innuendo and one-sided reporting. is, “Your earned riches may engender envy and jealous criticism practice, ethics, and regulation. Such is the case, I believe, with reThose of us in America’s Black press are fully aware of the but be not dismayed by the foolishness of the envious.” specttoJackBrownIIIwhowasrecentlytargetedforbusinessprac- double standards and the racial stereotyping that cast unfair Across the nation as business owners are attempting to re- tice criticisms by The New York Times because of what they state dispersions on Black entrepreneurs who dare to strive to own cover from the COVID-19 global pandemic, African American are personal financial profits that Mr. Brown has earned as result legitimate multi-million dollar businesses. business leaders who are defying the odds with their financial of his businesses providing shelters to New York City’s homeless. After the Times feature on Brown was published, Rudy Gisuccess are often targeted by “mainstream media” and others The Times emphasized, “Since 2017, as homelessness has uliani who is well known for his unprincipled attacks on Afwho summarily and unfairly castigate Black business leaders’ risen to record levels, the city has awarded more than $352 rican American leaders joined in the chorus against Brown. I economic achievements. Is this syndrome racially motivated? million to a nonprofit run by Mr. Brown to operate shelters. conclude with the following tweet that I posted: “It is questionThe simple answer is “Yes.” The money is meant to help homeless people regain their able to see Rudy Giuliani and The NY Times aligned. But today Former Congressman and past leader of the Congressional footing in life, but it has benefited Mr. Brown, too.” the Times published an innuendo-filled story targeting sucBlack Caucus, The Hon. Parren Mitchell (D-MD), 1922-2007, Is the Times implying that there is something wrong or un- cessful Black-owned business leader, Jack Brown, who Rudy ethical about earning a financial profit from Giuliani then calls Brown a ‘poverty pimp.’” one’s work and business? Brown’s CORE ServicSadly, Former President Trump, Giuliani, some in the NY es’ companies, nonprofits and for-profits, have Times, and many others take the position that there are limits worked effectively in New York for over a decade. and ceilings both politically and economically across the Both nonprofits and for-profits have to be run as nation that are categorically prescribed by race. We do not We gladly welcome news that debt relief is on the way successful businesses in order to be sustainable. agree. We will not submit. for public servants and their student loans. The Educa- Jack Brown has been a national leader in multiple tion Department has announced major reforms to the Black-ownedbusinessesnotonlyinNYC,butalsoin Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. is president and CEO of the Naprogram that will bring thousands of borrowers closer other cities he has been effective in providing much tional Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) and can to wiping out their debts. needed services to the homeless and to people “re- be reached at The borrowers, without any action on their part, will automatically be eligible for relief. Now if we can get a similar kind of relief in effect for students at HBCUs who are greatly underserved and who may be even more so if President Biden’s budget plan is reduced. Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda is gradually being bifurBy BEN JEALOUS ing to think creatively and work collaboratively to cated into one plan for jobs and another for the social net. What reimagine public safety. this means is that the plan is at the mercy of moderate DemNegotiations on a federal police reform bill have colIn Ithaca, New York, Mayor Svante Myrick worked ocrats such as Senators Manchin of West Virginia and Sinema lapsed because Congressional Republicans are willing with Tompkins County Administrator Jason Molino on of Arizona. to stand in the way of life-saving changes to policing. It a plan designed to deliver accountability, transparenIt’s confounding that two senators can wreck such havoc, viris time for state and local governments to take the lead cy, and excellence in public safety. They came up with a tually holding the Democratic progressives hostage and forcing in reimagining public safety. And it is time for all of us to plan that would replace the current police department them to reduce the budget request, even though as it stands it support local leaders who are willing to show leadership with a new department of public safety. is not sufficient. and take risks to make it happen. The new department would be civilian-led, and There should be some congressional news on the debt ceiling Change is not going to come from Congress, at least it would employ both armed officers and unarmed by the time you read this, and that’s another pressing concern for now. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the community solution workers trained to respond to that has ramifications across the social, political, and economGeorge Floyd Justice in Policing Act earlier this year. It situations that do not require an armed response. ic spectrum. would have been a good first step. Like other good leg- The proposal won unanimous approval from the We are in total agreement with Biden’s recent comments to islation, though, the bill was stopped by Republican ob- Ithaca City Council, which created a task force to raise the debt limit and how the Republicans seem content to struction in the Senate. develop a plan for implementing it. extend the tax-and-spending recklessness of the previous adDemocratic Sen. Cory Booker has spent months neIthaca’s plan is meeting resistance from some state Reministration. gotiating with Republican Sen. Tim Scott on a reform publican leaders. They’re trying to convince the public Too often Americans are slow to connect the dots, particubill. As recently as August, Scott said they were getting that you can’t have accountability and safety. That’s a larly on economic matters, though there is very little they can close to an agreement. But talks fell apart in September, false tradeoff. Making policing more just and accountdo about it except pressuring their representatives. The other and Scott dishonestly blamed Democrats for the fail- able will make communities safer for everyone. day there were thousands of demonstrations supporting Roe v. ure to reach agreement, accusing them of wanting to I believe there is a critical mass of elected officials Wade, we need such outpourings on economic affairs and the “defund the police.” who are ready and willing to begin the process of dangers we incur from Republican obstinacy. Scott’s claim is shameful. New York Magazine re- transforming policing in this country from the bottom cently noted that just last year Scott himself proposed up. Last year, 100 young progressive candidates ran that police departments lose some federal funding if for office as part of a slate committed to ending police they do not ban deadly practices like chokeholds or killings of unarmed civilians. There are mayors and no-knock warrants. But now he is telling the media city council members around the country looking at that requiring police departments to meet such fed- Ithaca’s plan and making their own. eral standards in order to receive federal money is the Reimagining public safety has become a movement. same as “defunding the police.” Congress can’t stop us. You can’t make this stuff up. Well, if you’re Sen. Scott, I guess you can. Even two major police groups rejected Ben Jealous serves as president of People For the AmeriScott’s claims, saying in a statement that “at no point did can Way. Jealous has decades of experience as a leader, coany legislative draft propose ‘defunding the police.’” alition builder, campaigner for social justice and seasoned I don’t know what political calculations led to Sen. nonprofit executive. In 2008, he was chosen as the youngScott’s change of heart or his dishonest spin. And I don’t est-ever president and CEO of the NAACP. He is a gradureally care. What I do care about is saving lives by making ate of Columbia University and Oxford, where he was a policing safer and more accountable. Rhodes Scholar, and he has taught at Princeton and the Fortunately, there are local leaders who are will- University of Pennsylvania.

Obstinate Repulicans EDITORIAL

Local governments can lead in public safety movement


Another loss and cost to the American people DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not represent those of the New York Amsterdam News. We continue to publish a variety of viewpoints so that we may know the opinions of others that may differ from our own.



The mainstream media wanted you to think that right-wing people would riot during their recent September Washington, D.C. protest. They were wrong. They wanted you to believe that the streets would be lined with a sea of red hats. They were wrong. They were eager to showcase video footage of a white man attacking a Black man in a red hat. Yet, at the cost of millions of taxpayer dollars, insurmountable animosity towards a political party, and the deep distrust in the system, there were no significant protestors; their numbers were dismal. The only people who showed up were the mainstream media and the thousands of police officers who could be responding to house calls and aiding the elderly and the helpless in their time of need. The real protestors are the media; they are upset, unkempt, and dissatisfied with the weak display of violence on Capitol grounds. But, instead of taking to the streets, they bring to the televisions in the sanctity of our homes to air their unfound and often fabricated grievances at the American way of life. With their immense reach, the mainstream media has turned a large portion of the public into mindless zombies who speak from the mouths of talking heads instead of the head on their shoulders. In addition, they have made people angry by disproportionately airing shocking events and then using those events to argue that they indicate a broader problem. During the warm Saturday, Sept. 18 nonevent, I spoke with a large number of officers, pet a magnificent police horse at the suggestion of one of our courageous officers, and witnessed the human side of law enforcement. But, unfortunately, the mainstream media does not want you to witness these events because they contradict their larger narrative that police officers are people. They are faceless uniforms and badges to the mainstream media, and their sole care is for themselves. Don’t be fooled by the mainstream media. You are exceedingly smarter than they believe you to be, and trust me when I say this, they think you are fools and gullible. Countless times per year, protests are regularly scheduled in Washington, D.C. These protests are committed to various causes, including abortion rights, LGBTQ rights, migrant rights, Black Lives Matter, and a variety of other prevalent concerns. Unfortunately, the police presence is limited when these protests take place. At worst, a street or two will be closed, and at most, a few police officers will be there to ensure no violence. How-

ever, the events of September 18th highlight a situation that should cause profound concern for our national security interests and our freedom to demonstrate peacefully. It just took a presumably right-wing group to organize a protest for Homeland Security to fully lock down the Capitol, the Supreme Court, and many other susceptible sites. After all was said and done, miles and miles of barricades were erected, thousands of law enforcement officers were mobilized to guard the area, and a barrage of propaganda from left-wing media organizations was broadcast on our televisions, all to the tune of millions of tax dollars and thousands of wasted employment hours that could have been spent on tasks far more productive. Instead, the barricades went up overnight just to come down the next day, wasting all of that effort for nothing. In fact, after speaking with a few workers by the barricades, I was informed that a mass solicitation was sent out by the government just two hours prior to the barricades being erected and that the government hired whoever responded first. Why didn’t this happen on January 6th? It looked relatively simple to get everything set up this time. Not only did Homeland Security confess that they had reliable information about the events on January 6th, but they also knew it would have occurred on a day when almost every single high-profile politician would be in a single location––the certification of election results in the Capitol Building. I’m sure you recall what Homeland Security and D.C. Metropolitan Police Department did on that day: nothing. When circumstances like these arise, it is virtually impossible not to suspect that powerful interests on both sides––Republican and Democrat––intended it to happen; it created hatred and contempt towards each political party, which sadly pays dividends in politics. Almost every major news organization has admitted that police enforcement and media personnel outnumbered the protesters on September 18th. Some would call the government’s response to send thousands of officers to the Capitol area excessive, but it was the perfect storm for the media. Whatever the outcome, the headline was ideal for attacking the protestors themselves and conservatives as a whole: if the protest was large, the media could portray them as the violent enablers of January 6th who cheered on and continue to support people who killed a police officer, and if the protests were small––as they were––they could call Trump’s supporters “dying” and “pathetic,” as they did. Armstrong Williams (@ARightSide) is the owner and manager of Howard Stirk Holdings I & II Broadcast Television Stations and the 2016 Multicultural Media Broadcast Owner of the Year. He is the author of “Reawakening Virtues.”

October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 13

Bail funds are needed and necessary cease requesting bail and remand on all cases at arraignment. DAs CHRISTINA are top law enGREER PH.D. forcement officers with powerful inI am still thinking about fluence on the criminal the gross abuses taking legal system and their deplace on Rikers Island and cisions to keep prosecutin jails across the country. ing and requesting bail There are so many inno- directly fuel the incarceracent individuals who are tion crisis. Lastly, New York’s waiting for their day in court who are languishing judges must use their disin our jail system solely cretionary power to grant because they cannot release requests and stop afford bail. Which begs the sending people to Rikers. question, what is the pur- When the dangers of jailpose of bail? If two people ing have never been more commit the same offense clear, the practice of trapand one has means to pay ping people in jail with bail and another does not, unaffordable bail in rewhy is one person allowed sponse to manufactured to continue to live freely violent crime narratives and possibly be a produc- from law enforcement tive member of society, and media has never while the other must live been more reprehensible. What Envision Freedom in dangerous conditions while awaiting their day makes evident is this fact, “jails have always been— in court? I have been following the and will continue to be— work of the Envision Free- sites of violence, trauma, dom Fund (EFF) (formerly and death. Yet, the number the Brooklyn Communi- of people jailed continty Bail Fund) for years and ues to skyrocket. Every they argue that “The only 30 minutes in New York way to end the abuse and City, someone is jailed, violence of incarceration often because they cannot during this humanitari- afford their bail.” We must continue to an crisis is to free people now.” Under the lead- pressure our elected offiership of Carl Hamad- cials to develop legislation Lipscombe, executive that supports all members director of Envision Free- of our community. We dom Fund, the EFF out- must let DAs know we are lines three clear demands: watching their sentencing First, the New York Leg- guidelines and those disislature must oppose any proportionately targeted changes to bail reform that by these antiquated pracwill result in an increase of tices. And it is my hope the number of people el- that this issue of bail beigible for money bail or comes a key focus of prepretrial detention—and sumed mayor Eric Adams. If you are interested in uphold this commitment when the legislative ses- donating to and/or learnsion resumes in January. ing more about the EnviIn the meantime, EFF ex- sion Freedom Fund, go to pects them to speak out in support of decarceration Christina Greer, Ph.D., is and against fearmongering attempts to justify in- an associate professor at creased jailing that costs Fordham University, the New Yorkers who are im- author of “Black Ethnics: migrants, Black, Latinx, Race, Immigration, and the Pursuit of the Ameriand LGBTQIA their lives. Second, New York’s elect- can Dream,” the co-host of ed district attorneys must the podcast FAQ-NYC.

14 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021


Caribbean Update

Bahamas to repatriate hundreds of Haitian refugees By BERT WILKINSON Special to the AmNews The Bahamas’ newly elected government is moving to repatriate more than 1,000 Haitian boat people who have made the dangerous crossing to the archipelago in recent weeks and authorities say they fear that more will come in the near future despite the fact that they are not welcomed. In the past week, the administration of Prime Minister Phillip Davis airlifted more than 500 Haitians from the southeastern Inagua Island to CapHaïtien in Haiti and additional flights are being arranged to cater for the remainder, officials said. Bahamian officials had expressed fears about the country being overwhelmed by boat people in the aftermath of the recent earthquake in Haiti and the early July assassination of President Jovenel Moïse. Recent arrivals of large groups of Haitians have confirmed fears that economic and political stability at home would convert into the arrival of a flotilla of Haitian refugees seeking to settle in The Bahamas. An additional 1,000 will be sent back from Tuesday of this week, Labor and

Immigration Minister Keith Bell told reporters at the weekend. He and Security Minister Wayne Munroe also issued a joint statement vowing that the cabinet will take action to stem the flow of migrants to The Bahamas. “The number one priority of the government is to defend the territorial sovereignty of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas while ensuring that the Bahamian people are protected. To this end, no resources will be spared as all involved agencies work towards addressing this situation. In the face of unprecedented levels of Haitian migrant activity that has inundated countries throughout the region, the government has taken decisive action to scale up operations. These measures have resulted in the interception of migrant vessels in the southern waters of The Bahamas, preventing passage into the central Bahamas near New Providence, where they were typically intercepted in past years. The routes to New Providence and other islands have effectively been cordoned off,” the statement said. More than a quarter of The Bahamas’ population of about 300,000 is made up of Haitian immigrants who

landed there in recent decades. Successive governments have struggled with this issue while trying to deal with the country’s complex immigration laws which do not grant automatic citizenship to the offspring of migrants born in the country. Officials argue that this influx puts strain on health, education and other services. In some cases, the immigrants are too poor to construct proper homes and end up building unsightly shanty towns in the tourist paradise. Several Caribbean Community and associate nations have had to grapple with the arrival of large groups of Haitians including The Turks and Caicos, Jamaica, Guyana and Suriname among others. In June, Guyana abolished visa free travel for Haitians, contending that the country was being used as a human trafficking and smuggling destination for Haitians heading to neighboring South American countries like Brazil and French Guiana where they remain temporarily before making the dangerous land and sea trek north to Mexico and the U.S. And earlier this year, Suriname suspended charter flights from Haiti for reasons similar to that of neighbor-

ing Guyana. The actions by Guyana and Suriname triggered criticism in the community as Haiti is a full member of the 15-nation bloc where nationals travel visa free and can remain, in most cases in any member state, for up to six months with documentation hassles. Reiterating its instant deportation policy, The Bahamian government said it is getting help from the U.S. coast guard via ships and helicopters as it warned Haitians not to make the journey. “We want to express in the strongest possible terms to the citizens of Haiti that the journey by boat to The Bahamas is a dangerous one, and we have deployed our assets and resources to prevent entry into our territorial waters. When intercepted, you will be quickly processed and returned home. We are resolute in defending and protecting our borders. We do not yet know how long this spike in illegal migrants will continue; however, the government will continue to work tirelessly on behalf of the Bahamian people, empowering our men and women on the front lines and ensuring that the migrants are treated humanely and repatriated swiftly.”

Will it be Obama 2.0 for immigrants? FELICIA PERSAUD

IMMIGRATION KORNER Like Barack Obama, Joe Biden was elected at a time when voters, mainly immigrant and Black swing voters, handed back control of both the House and the Senate to the Democratic Party. And like Obama, Biden is about to waste that power trying to play––not to his base––but to repeat his boss’s vanilla politics. That is especially true when it comes to immigrants and immigration reform. Let’s face it––Obama spent a lot of his time playing it safe to appease the right. So much so that he ended up costing Democrats control of the Congress in his first two years. This was largely because he failed to address the main issue he had promised––immigration reform. Just like Obama spent his first two years earning the nickname “Deporter-in-Chief,” because of his large scale deportation of immigrants, Biden seems to be taking a page clear out of

his boss’s playbook and could soon be slapped with that title too. Over 5,000 Haitians have already been deported back to Haiti after the horrifying scenes of many being chased and lassoed by white U.S. border patrol agents on horsebacks that the administration had sent there. All in the name of trying to apply for asylum. Thousands more are being sent back daily to a country that is unstable, and where many live below the extreme poverty line of U.S. $1.23 per day. Many of those being deported have not lived in Haiti for over a decade and are being let loose with USD 120 or 12,000 gourdes. Between September 19 and 29th, the United States, operating seven to eight flights per day, expelled 5,405 Haitian. There were also 1,238 children among those migrants returned to Haiti. The International Office of Migration says over 1,000 deportees a day could be returned to Haiti in the coming weeks. So much for Biden’s promises to “undo the moral and national shame of the previous administration.” His administration’s approach to immigration has been equally aggressive as it continues the Donald Trump poli-

cies. While Trump reportedly called Haiti a ‘s-hole’ nation, the Biden administration is treating Haitians like they are “s..holes.” To make matters worse, Biden’s Department of Justice last week appealed and won an order to continue expelling migrant families caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border under a COVID-19 pandemic order - Title 42. The controversial title was issued in March 2020 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under Donald Trump and this administration is happily going along enforcing it. Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, like its immigration czar and immigrant roots vice president, Kamala Harris, and its immigrant-born DHS secretary, was also happy to reiterate what has become the administration’s message: ‘The border is closed. This is not the time to come.’ Sounds familiar? Like a Trump line? Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Cuban-born Alejandro Mayorkas, was even more aggressive: “If you come to the United States illegally, you will be returned. Your journey will not succeed, and you will be endangering your life

and your family’s lives.” How about if the U.S. had said that to Mayorkas’ parents when they fled Cuba and applied for refugee status here? Where would he be today? Biden is also failing to strongly push the Democratic-controlled Congress, to prioritize the lives of migrants and immigration reform for many who have been living here. So far, they have been unable to get their caucus in the Senate to stick together as the Senate parliamentarian, Elizabeth MacDonough, rejected their plan to tie legalization to their infrastructure bill. One thing is certain––it is that the administration and the Democratically-controlled Congress will have no excuses when it comes to congressional elections next year. Many will pay the price for Biden’s ‘Obama 2.0’ strategy if they don’t change course now and deliver substantive changes––by legislation or by executive order for immigrants! Time is running out for Biden and Democrats. What they do before the end of 2021 will determine if they will be able to hold on to power or become a lame duck, much like Obama’s presidency. The writer is publisher of NewsAmericasNow


Arts & Entertainment

October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 15

Pg. 18

Theater page 15 | Jazz page 19 | Food page 20

Your Stars

‘Pass Over’ playwright has powerful message By LINDA ARMSTRONG Special to the AmNews

write this piece after so many murders of Black men by police. Explaining why Black Lives don’t seem to matter to racist cops, Nwandu remarked,

it is not a reason for sadness, according to Nwandu, it’s more important that the audience focuses on what happens afterwards. “What I want people to

Regarding a play like “Pass Over” making it to Broadway at this time, Nwandu said, “I think that the meaning will be made in time, I think now is a little too soon to understand everything that it means. I know that as a Black woman I think that Black women specifically hold a lot of the morality and a sort of moral power. Even in the election when you break it down by race and gender— who’s voting to save this country. Black women are always on the front lines of every sort of healing, reckoning or change to make this country more of what it’s supposed to be.” About making her Broadway debut, Nwandu humbly shared, “It’s a heavy responsibility. But I feel so proud to have been chosen for this moment.” Nwandu was a fascinating young woman to interview, listening to her respond to questions it was obvious that she has a very deep thought process and a great love for her people. Not to mention she is a very well-educated and brilliant, down-to-earth person. This young lady has quite an impressive background. She is a MacDowell Fellow; an Ars Nova Play Group alum, a Dramatists Guild Fellow, and a Eugene O’Neill Playwrights Conference Literary Fellow. She is winner of a Lilly Award, Lucille Lortel Award, Whiting Award, Samuel French Next Step Award, Paula Vogel Playwrighting Award, Lorraine Hansberry Playwriting Award and Negro Ensemble Company’s Douglas Turner Ward Prize. Her work has been supported by Sundance Theater Lab, Space on Ryder Farm, Ignition Fest, Cherry Lance Mentor Project, Fire This Time, and The Movement Theater Company. This accomplished woman has a AB in English from Harvard, MSc from The University of Edinburgh and MFA from NYU “Cops are just the modern- see is not that Moses is down, Tisch. And, she is also one of day equivalent of slave catch- but that Moses gets back up. the producers of “Pass Over.” To ers. The reason for cops is Whether you think it’s actual up-and-coming Black writers, to protect and serve proper- resurrection—he gets back up. Nwandu gives this advice, “Tell ty [owners]. The property was The death is something he asks the Truth.” “Pass Over” will slaves. Passed it down, passed for and what his friend gives only play at the August Wilson it down. We haven’t fixed the him. He wanted an end to his Theatre through Oct. 10, 2021. problem of slavery in America, reality and Kitch gave that to so the problem won’t be fixed.” him and he was able to come Visit www.passoverbroadway. The character Moses dies, but back from that.” com for tickets and more info. (Beowulf Sheehan photo)

part of my purpose. The problems that I think about are complex, but it’s my purpose to If you haven’t seen “Pass tell them very simply,” she said. Over” on Broadway, you must Throughout the play, make plans to go. This stirringly moving play tells the Antoinette Chinonye Nwandu story of Black men, Moses and Kitch, and their immobilizing fear of police brutality, a fear which for many people unfortunately has been a reality. Their existence is minimal, but they manage to love and support each other. They manage to give each other that sense of worth that society does not bestow upon them. I recently had the pleasure to interview “Pass Over” playwright Antoinette Chinonye Nwandu, who is making her Broadway debut with the stunning production. Reflecting on what she is saying in this play, she said, “We’ve told ourselves the story of a Black man’s death too many times, we’ve seen it, so I want to tell the story of the Black man reborn.” Her main characters Moses and Kitch live on a ghetto street corner, afraid to move, their everyday existence consists of tedium and redundancy with hopelessness on the side. It makes one wonder what is their onus to survive. Nwandu shared, “I think a lot of times it’s love, if a person feels loved they know their life is worth tending.” It’s interesting to watch these two characters as they engage in conversation, and suddenly freeze and look terrified when they think the police are coming. When asked what she wants the audience to experience at those moments, Nwanda responded, “I want us to experience in our bodies exactly what they are experiencing. Something as simple as a joyful moment can turn into terror very quickly.” Regarding the white character who enters their domain, the playwright shared, “He rep- Nwandu has the “n” word flying resents the two sides of suprem- frequently between the two acy—in order for supremacy to Black men. “I was just being exist it needs muscle, which faithful to the way my students is Ossifer, but it also needs spoke. I taught public speaking agency, ability, the person that and it was the way my students gives the green light, that allows spoke. I liked their voices and it.” It is amazing how Nwandu they stuck with me. Their lancan break everything down so guage is very musical.” beautifully. “I feel like that’s Nwandu was inspired to

16 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021









UniverSoul Circus is back!

By LINDA ARMSTRONG Special to the AmNews

What circus do you know that is owned by us, features us and an international group of talent, deals with the issues of the day, and is the perfect family show? Yes, UniverSoul Circus is back! It is time to go out and have fun as a family. It is time to be amazed and astonished at the talent of these aerialists, high wire acrobats, daredevil motorcyclists, teeterboard acrobats, skilled horseback riders, and more. When my youngest daughter and I arrived at Roy Wilkins Park at 177th Street and Baisley Boulevard in Queens and I saw the Big Top in the distance, I felt like I was coming home to the sense of family and community that only the UniverSoul Circus brings. This decades-long circus has always been a source of entertainment, amazement and Black pride. The message is to always encourage our youngsters that they are smart, beautiful, and special and should believe in themselves. There’s always

been a message of loving your family and God. Yes, this circus has always been glad to cross that line and I love it! This year’s show has two ringmasters, Donald “N.O.” Long and Cheyenne-Rose Dailey, who are joined by a UniverSoul Circus original, the one, the only Sidekick Zeke! The circus was so happy to be back and performing in New York. N.O talked about the pandemic and those who were lost to it, with a feeling that those that were under the Big Top were grateful and blessed to still be here. Another portion of the show had a focus of “We Can’t Breathe” and a moving group of praise dancers performed as the names of those murdered by police were shown. As I said, this circus is never afraid to stand up for our people and take on the poignant issues of the time. Some of the staples to this circus that I love the most are the “Soul Train Line,” where four men and women are taken out of the audience and compete in a dance competition; there’s also the call and response—You wait to hear N.O.

High Wire Act at UniverSoul Circus

say, “When I say Big Top, You Say Circus” and we all had so much fun duplicating the way he says it. Then of course there’s the audience competition to see which of the three sides of the center ring is the loudest. My daughter’s favorite is when we all join in on “If you’re happy and you know it…” We get to

clap, stomp and SCREAM! This circus always leaves me excited and voiceless. There’s just nothing like UniverSoul Circus and the feeling of inclusion that has always been a part of its makeup. You have the Caribbean dancers from Trinidad and Tobago, the stilt walkers and the limbo

dancers who will limbo under a stick set on fire. You have performers from Colombia and teeterboard acrobats from Mongolia. There are camel acts from Russia and performers from Gabon, Guinea, Mexico, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil, Santiago, Chile, Bakersfield, Calif., Cuba and South Africa. It had our hearts racing as the daredevil motorcyclists came zooming and flying high into the tent, twisting and flipping in mid-air over our heads. There was such a graceful delivery by the teeterboard performers from Mongolia. You could tell watching them that they were part of a well-trained machine. Their attributes are precision, delicacy and beauty. This is a show you don’t want to miss! The circus will only play at Roy Wilkins through Oct. 11, but please be aware that COVID protocols are in place. Anyone 12 or older must provide proof of at least the first vaccine and masks must be worn by everyone at all times except when eating and drinking. For tickets visit

Charmaine Warren to be honored at Bessies Angel Reception Bessies will also introduce #ArtistSupportStories, a social media video campaign where anyone in the community can lift up an inCharmaine Warren

dividual, group, or organization from the dance community who supported them in some way during the pandemic. The Bessies pre-ceremony Angel Party will honor performer, dance historian, curator, producer,

and educator Charmaine Warren for her unwavering commitment to dance and community. “From Charmaine’s extraordinary career (Tony Turner photo)

The NY Dance and Performance Awards—The Bessies— New York City’s premier dance awards honoring outstanding creative work in the field, are thrilled to announce the presenters for the 37th annual Bessie Awards ceremony. The virtual ceremony will take place Monday, Oct. 11, at 7:30 p.m. For a complete list of nominees, visit This year’s presenters include notable members of the dance and performance community including Arthur Avilés, Monica Bill Barnes, Tina Croll, Tess Dworman, Nia Love, AnnieB Parson, Charles Rice Gonzales, and Bijayini Satpathy. As previously announced, the ceremony will include special presentations to two pillars of the dance community—George Faison, the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Honoree, and DanceAfrica, recipient of the 2021 Bessie Award for Outstanding Service to the Field of Dance. The program will feature videos of all the nominated artists and works. The evening will also include tributes to essential dance workers and all those who work behind the scenes and are central to making live and online performance happen in New York. The

ing Dance on the Lawn, to her teaching and mentoring—Charmaine’s vision and advocacy in dance are exemplary and revolutionary,” said Bessies Executive Director Heather Robles. The celebration will continue at the free virtual Bessies after-party. Tickets for the 2021 virtual Bessie Awards ceremony can be reserved online at www. For more information about this year’s pre-ceremony Angel Party and to purchase tickets, visit

committee composed of artists, presenters, producers, and writers. All those working in the dance field are invited to join the Bessies Membership and participate in annual discussions on the direction of the awards and nominate members to serve on the selection committee. For more information about The Bessies, visit

The Bessies Steering Committee, responsible for setting policy and providing oversight for the Bessie Awards throughout the year, is comprised of Cora Cahan, Judy Hussie-Taylor, Jeanne Linnes, Stanford Makishi, Nicky Paraiso, Carla Peterson, Craig Peterson, Gus Solomons Jr., Paz ABOUT THE BESSIES Tanjuaquio (Chair), Laurie UpThe NY Dance and Perfor- richard, and Charmaine Warren. mance Awards have saluted outstanding and groundbreaking The 2020–2021 Bessies Seleccreative work in the dance field tion Committee: Ronald Kevin Alin New York City for 37 years. exander, Charles Vincent Burwell, Known as “The Bessies” in honor Maria Baranova-Suzuki, Michele of revered dance teacher Bessie Byrd-McPhee, Yoshiko Chuma, Schönberg, the awards were es- Sangeeta Ghosh Yesley, Celia Ipas a brilliant dancer and perform- tablished in 1984 by David R. iotis, Benjamin Akio Kimitch, er, to supporting The Bessies in White at Dance Theater Work- Koosil-ja, Anabella Lenzu, Adesthe early days through her en- shop. They recognize outstand- ola Osakalumi, Pam Pietro, Tiffathusiastic presence on the Com- ing work in choreography, ny Rea-Fisher, Elka Samuel Smith, mittee, to founding Black Dance performance, music composi- George Emílio Sanchez, Elgie Stories, to her masterful produc- tion, and visual design. Nomi- Gaynell Sherrod, Andrea Snyder, ing of DanceAfrica, to co-found- nees are chosen by a selection Ivan Talijancic, and Philip Treviño.









October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 17

John Legend’s film co. joins ‘Ain’t Too Proud’ production team Good things come to those that wait. That’s the only thing I can think of when I am reading the news that twelve-time Grammy Award-winning superstar John Legend and his partners Mike Jackson and Ty Stiklorious in Get Lifted Film Co., have joined the producing team of the smash Broadway musical sensation “Ain’t Too Proud—The Life and Times of the Temptations.” Is this COVID-19’s way of saying “I’m sorry for the mess that I made”? This move comes on the heels of Legend’s televised performance with the cast of “Ain’t Too Proud” on last Sunday night’s CBS special, “Broadway’s Back!” The production is currently in rehearsals preparing to return to the Imperial Theatre (249 West 45th Street) with a gala performance on Saturday, Oct. 16. Legend is all about it and he, and Jackson, return to Broadway having previously won a Tony Award as producers of August Wilson’s “Jitney” which received the 2017 award for Best Revival of a Play.

“Ain’t Too Proud” with John Legend

In a statement, John Legend said, “Performing with this incredible cast is a memory I’ll always cherish. The Temptations music is core to my own musical upbringing and is an integral part of America’s cultural heartbeat. This is a musical I love and a story I want to

help share. In this pivotal time, it’s so important that we support and maintain Broadway, an essential part of the soul of New York and the entire nation. I’m honored to be a part of the ‘Ain’t Too Proud’ team and the return of Broadway.” Mike Jackson stated, “We

ly joined the ‘Ain’t Too Proud’ family. Today we make it official. We have enormous admiration and respect for John, Mike, and Ty and are thrilled they have joined our team! They have a deep love and appreciation for The Temptations, their extraordinary body of music, and their cultural significance which will be a wonderful thing for ‘Ain’t Too Proud’ as we re-open on Broadway Oct. 16 and then, in December, begin our first national tour across the country.” Tickets are on sale now via,, by calling 800 447 7400, or at the Imperial Theatre box office. For more information, visit: aspx?siteinfotype=helpfaq www.ainttooproudmusical. com

(Photo courtesy of Getty Images for the Tony Awards)

By LAPACAZO SANDOVAL Special to the AmNews

are thrilled to be partnering with this fantastic team to help reopen Broadway. We love the live theatrical experience, and it has been a long time coming.” Producers Ira Pittelman and Tom Hulce said, “At the ‘Broadway’s Back!’ special, John unofficial-





American Airlines Theatre

227 West 42nd Street


18 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021










The Phoenix must rise from the ashes bringing forth a new profound faith within Dec 22 – Jan 21 your uniqueness. Uplift yourself while opening your heart and let go of the old ways of doing things. Your relationships are changing as your true self is showing up more to guide you. Of course, our dreams and visions hold the answers to the unknown that is played out in different ways, bringing insight to our daily lives, and even creativity to manifest a product and bring our gifts forward to share with the world. The rebirth of a Capricorn is in the making.



The way you received information through conversation gives ideas to a projJan 22 – Feb 19 ect you may be creating. Exploit ways to expand your gifts, talent, and services which put you in a different bracket opening the doors of opportunities. You have the green light to start this month fresh, spontaneously and courageously, to step out into the world to meet and connect with other like-minded souls with a trailblazer spirit. Now that you are into the rhythm, the Pisces pace is a bit different when you are workFeb 20 – Mar 20 ing and cruising to your agenda rather than someone else. Take time to cruise this cycle as the answers you seek are in the details through conversations, images, and other forms of messaging. Kick-off your shoes and relax with a good book, a great movie, or make it your business to get into some form of self–improvement. Romance and finance are the theme; this cycle begins a routine as your schedule Mar 21 – Apr 21 may clash by you overcommitting yourself. Organization is the key be it in a way of cleaning your home for a more peaceful environment after returning from a long day of work. Rise a bit earlier as family, work, and other obligations could pull you in a tug of war direction. Remember, balance is the key, as well as please, have boundaries. Assist yourself first before helping others. Take a nature walk or go by a body of water for reflection and peace of mind away from your daily grind.


The word “I” is in the word independent to keep in mind as you set new rules and comJune 22–July 23 mitments to yourself. It’s to explore, journey on new and exciting excursions that can transform your perspective on life, also how you feel about yourself. What do you love to do? What brings joy to your heart? Sometimes, we have to step out of the zone of comfortability to take advantage of the exciting opportunities that life has to offer during this global reset.


This cycle week feels of attunement to meet your inner self and bring forth information by visuals, dreams, and messages from the spiritual realm, or a loved one revealing something to you for future reference. Letting go is the metamorphosis to restructuring yourself and peeling away the old into the new version of you. This week get into some form of publishing, writing, achievement, or simply rewarding and putting yourself into a much better space.


July 24 – Aug 23


What do you value the most? Education is invaluable. That’s why nuggets are found in a book that some don’t have the time or patience to read or invest time to do so. You, on the other hand, find that information is useful to apply in various ways to demonstrate and bring forth more meaning. You’re traveling in a week where things started or discussed may be at a standstill or simmering for review. Just do your part and follow up. Aug 24 – Sep 23


You’re in the spotlight this month, and everywhere you go, you will bump into someone, so the shades you may be wearing really won’t help. This is a fertile cycle month to bear fruit regarding career-related matters while networking and attending events in person or online to spread the word of a new project or keep your name circulating. Own this month since it’s your season to brightly shine and bring something of value to the table. Sept 24 – Oct 23

Some form of compensation may appear out of left field this week, and your work Oct 24 – Nov 22 may be receiving more attention than ever. A special someone may want to romance you, or maybe you are seeking the same. Besides, someone will show their appreciation by a compliment or by a kind gesture. During this cycle week, some form of separation with someone or something may start to take place, or finally trimming the fat, financially to reduce costs and removing things taking up valuable space.



Can you say, “I heard it through the grapevine?” People are willing to help you advance into a position or by sudden meetings with those whose intentions are to connect you to the right people. It’s a cycle where you know someone who knows someone, and/or they heard of your work. Also, in addition, you’re referring people for goods and services. Try not to over-exhaust yourself this week, so make it a point to schedule time out to recenter yourself to restore your energy. Apr 22 – May 21

A thump, knock, then a bang from the Gemini inside is asking you to recognize the inner May 22 – June 21 growth and changes that are occurring to elevate yourself even higher. Growth can be a slow process just like planting the seed of a flower or fruit in the ground. It’s the unseen states of germination before you see any sprout coming to the surface of the soil. Continue to build strength and resistance through any adversities.


Emotionally, you can be a wreck, or your feelings regarding others are strongly felt from a distance. Some people aren’t wrapped too tight, so guard yourself at all costs. This month, and especially this week, emphasize your will and determination to accomplish any task you set out to do. You may cross paths with someone with who you share a story or encourage them to don’t give up. Your words are inspiring this month. With the gift of gab to back you up, use this cycle to influence others on their journey as well as your own. Nov 23 – Dec 21









October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 19


Dr. Lonnie Smith whose deliberate cross genres of gospel melodies, R&B, blues, and jazz added a distinct voice to the Hammond B-3 organ, died Sept. 28, at his home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He was 79. His death was confirmed by his longtime partner and manager Holly Case, who was by his side, the cause was pulmonary fibrosis. Early in the 1970s Smith added the “Dr.” title to his name. He noted to the Amsterdam News, “I am not a medical doctor, but I can sure operate when it comes to this music and I know how to make an audience feel good.” Smith was named a 2017 NEA Jazz Masters Fellows, the nation’s highest honor in jazz. The Jazz Journalists Association voted him Organist/Keyboardist of the Year for nine years. In 2012, Dr. Smith started his own record label Pilgrimage Inc. and in 2015 he made a historic decision to resign with Blue Note Records after 45 years. The label released “Evolution” in 2016. His 75th birthday celebration at New York City’s jazz club Jazz Standard was a live recording of his second Blue

(Ron Scott photos)

Note album “All in My Mind” with his longtime contributors guitarist Jonathan Kreisberg and drummer Jonathan Blake. This year Blue Note released “Breathe” the last album before his death which featured the surprise presence of pioneer punkrocker Iggy Pop, who appeared on the two vocal tracks “Why Can’t We

Live Together” and Donovan’s “Sunshine Superman.” Lonnie Smith was born July 3, 1942, in Lackawanna, New York, a suburb of Buffalo. He was raised by his mother, Beulah Mae Early, and his stepfather, Charles Smith. He originally sang in the church choir and during the doo-wop days of the 1950s he was singing with the

Teen Kings which became the Supremes (that included Jerry Bledsoe, who later became a top radio personality in NYC). The group recorded a song “Snap, Crackle and Pop.” The group earned quite a reputation and became the opening act for then teen idol Fabian. During an earlier interview with the Amsterdam News Dr. Smith recalled, “I really liked singing but I had to wait to go on stage after the band and then sit down again, so I figured playing an instrument was the way to go.” He had hopes of playing the saxophone but ended up with “a beat-up coronet.” Although he didn’t know how to play piano, he took the gig anyway. He recalls, “the only thing that got me through was my singing. I would pick at the piano and no one really noticed my inadequate playing skills.” After being introduced to his new instrument, he concluded the organ was his destined choice, it was the only instrument he actually knew and sang to every Sunday in church. While playing piano at one club he also played in downtown Buffalo at the Little Paris during his breaks. He eventually quit the piano gig when the owner refused to give him anymore breaks because he never returned on time. Young Smith’s many See JAZZ on page 21


Book and Lyrics by TONY KUSHNER Music by JEANINE TESORI Choreographed by ANN YEE Directed by MICHAEL LONGHURST

13 WEEKS ONLY • BEGINS OCT 8 Major support for Caroline, or Change generously provided by Ravenel Curry and Jane Moss Underwriting support provided by Roundabout’s Musical Production Fund partners, Andrew Martin Weber and Elizabeth Armstrong. Caroline, or Change benefits from Roundabout’s Musical Production Fund with lead gifts from The Howard Gilman Foundation, the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, Michael Kors and Lance Le Pere, Diane and Tom Tuft, and Cynthia C. Wainwright and Stephen Berger.

Studio 54 254 West 54th Street 212.719.1300

20 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021


Resort & Travel Talking SCHOP! Raleigh Realness (Kysha Harris photos)

By KYSHA HARRIS AmNews Food Editor, @SCHOPnyc Y’all! I miss you. Sending you much blessings, joy, and of course good food vibes. It has been a minute since I put my fingers to keyboard to connect with you about this life in food. What I can tell you is…IT… HAS…BEEN…A LOT! I continue to get up to a decent pace with my work as food editor at The Spruce Eats. There are lots of spreadsheets, SEO and growth assessment, editing and developing new content. Please check out my first video for our series “It’s Elementary” on YouTube. I delve into what makes chili chili. It was

great fun to shoot and reminded me why I love to do what I do. Speaking of loving what I do, I am reminded of an outstanding food and fun-filled weekend with my colleagues in Raleigh, North Carolina. While two of my colleagues Lauryn and Kristin flew, I drove down with my fur sons on Labor Day weekend to stay with our colleague Victoria. We attacked the weekend with aplomb! Victoria primed us with a spreadsheet (yes, a spreadsheet) of all the places we would go. However, first there would be epic tuna melts and sparkling rosé followed by toasted Mekelburg’s chocolate babka (as smuggled by Kristin from Brooklyn) à la mode. Our first night dinner was at Brewery Bha-

vana in downtown Raleigh. Monastic looking space with marble, wood and white. Outstanding craft brew and an Asian-inspired menu that can’t stop, won’t stop. We filled the table first with incredible tra-

ditional cocktails with an Asian twist and copious dim sum appetizers of crab Rangoon, cucumber salad, soup dumpling, shu mai, sweet pork buns and scallion pancakes with oxtail, marrow, coconut jam. INHALED IT! All was tremendously ridiculous. We almost balked at entrées from all we had already eaten but thank goodness we didn’t. By EILEEN BARRET have serviced East Harlem by hosting ferson Houses Management office at Mapo tofu with ground pork, crab AmNewsFOOD Staff Writer, “get active” outdoor garden and street- 300 East 115th street to take part in nasi goreng (fried rice) enrobed @AromasBakery based events. Vitafusion Fruit Tree this planting event. Proof of COVID in egg and Chinese water spinproject has planted more than 200,000 vaccination or a negative COVID test ach in oyster sauce. Wow! Packed Have you ever taken a bite of a piece trees around the globe! taken within the prior 72 hours and with flavor in every corner of the of fruit freshly plucked from a tree? If Join me, as I join them this Friday, masks are required. The event is hap- bowl…and there are no corners not, a freshly picked piece of fruit is Oct. 8 at 10:30 a.m. outside of the Jef- pening rain or shine! which is how good it was. vibrant and juicy. Imagine While we did the best we could (Image courtesy of Vitafusion Fruit Tree Project) the most delicious piece of to finish, we took the leftovers candy you ever tasted—it is home. I made a little snickittybetter than that. snack for us later in the weekend. As city dwellers we have Clearly, I have much more to few opportunities to pick share with you about this needed our own fruit. While we weekend away. Stay tuned! have an abundance of comHappy eating and thanks for reading. munity gardens throughout East Harlem, only some Kysha Harris is a food writer and of them have actual fruit editor, culinary producer, consulbearing trees. Thanks to a tant and owner of SCHOP!, a percollaboration between Visonalized food service in NYC for tafusion Fruit Tree Project over 18 years. She is the new Food and Concrete Safaris, East Editor at www.TheSpruceEats. Harlem will have 35 new com. Follow her on Twitter and apple, plum, and pear trees Instagram, @SCHOPnyc, on Faceas well as blueberry and book, /SCHOPnyc. blackberry bushes. Through community enQuestions, comments, requests, gagement Concrete Safaris feedback, invitations! Email us has reinforced the concept at AmNewsFOOD@SCHOPnyc. of healthy living for our com. Follow us on Instagram, youth and community memTwitter and Facebook @NYAmbers. For over a decade they NewsFOOD.

East Harlem bears fruit



Jazz Continued from page 19






October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 21


Dr. Lonnie Smith

(Ron Scott photo)

days of hanging out and practicing at Art Kubera’s music store paid off when the owner offered him a Hammond B-3 organ at no charge. His career didn’t take off until the early ’60’s when he met manager and agent Jimmy Sibling who booked him in studio sessions with Motown stars Dionne Warwick, Gladys Knight, Charlie and Inez Fox and the Impressions. He later played a gig at Small’s in Harlem where he met George Benson who had joined McDuff and Lou Donaldson. Benson’s manager Jimmy Boyd set-up a recording session for Dr. Smith with guitarist Grant Green. Unfortunately, Smith never showed up for the date stating during an interview with this writer, “I had only been playing for a year and still practicing and didn’t feel I was ready to play with a great musician like Grant Green.” A few years later Smith and Benson sat-in with Green at Harlem’s Palm Café. Later when Benson started his own band, he asked Smith to join him. During his stint with Benson, they recorded five albums on Columbia Records (John Hammond signed both). During their Columbia sessions Lou Donaldson asked both musicians to join him on his “Alligator Boogaloo” Blue Note session. The recording became one of Donaldson’s greatest hits which also played a major part in Smith leaving Columbia after only one year to accept a contract with Blue Note Records in 1967 as a sideman with alto saxophonist Donaldson. After four years, he became a leader recording four albums for the label including his debut classic “Think!” (1968) and ending with “Drives” (1970). “Dr. Lonnie was a genius, a very consistent organist for many years,” said alto saxophonist and composer Donaldson. “He played on my first album ‘Alligator Boogaloo,’ we played together for 10 years. He was a good friend.” The accomplished composer and Hammond B-3 master, who inspired five generations never took formal music lessons and couldn’t read music. During our interview some years ago Smith noted, “When I was young playing was all that mattered, reading music was secondary and I just never took the time to study. I’ve been blessed with a great ear and I’ve always been able to convey my musical thoughts to any band.” Smith never stopped performing live, but he did take a studio hiatus until 1993 when he returned to the studio with a tribute to John Coltrane “Afro Blue” released on the MusicMasters label. The

Written, Performed and Directed by


Music Performed by Scenic Design Costume Design Lighting Design Sound Design Original Music





same trio with guitarist John Abercrombie and drummer Marvin Smith went on to record two Jimi Hendrix tribute albums, “Foxy Lady” (1994) and “Purple Haze” (1995). Smith’s music was noticed in the hip hop community when A Tribe Called Quest sampled his music leading to a trend among rappers. Smith has been featured on over 100 albums, with 30 as a leader and eight with Donaldson. “When Lou [Donaldson] and I were going in the


studio we never thought young people would be playing our music.” “Music is something from my heart, I’m enjoying God’s gift.” In addition to Case, Smith is survived by four daughters, Lani Chambers, Chandra Thomas, Charisse Partridge and Vonnie Smith, and several grandchildren. A memorial will be held in New York City time and date to be announced.

22 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021





Maud Cuney-Hare, an early Black musicologist and musician

By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews

Maud and another mixed-race student, Florida Des Verney soon encountered the complaints of other students when their ancestry was revealed. A protest was mounted to have them exclud-

Any mention of forerunners of African American women musicologists is incomplete if Maud Cuney-Hare is not Maud Cuney-Hare listed. Before Eileen Southern and D. Antoinette Handy made their mark in the category, there was Maud Cuney Hare. Born Feb. 16, 1874, in Galveston, Texas, she was the daughter of Adelina Dowdy and Norris Wright Cuney, a mixed-race couple, though her father was of majority-white ancestry. Her father was one of eight mixed-race children of Adeline Stuart, who was an enslaved housekeeper for Gen. Philip Minor Cuney. After the war, Gen. Cuney, one of the largest slaveholders in Texas, freed her and his children by her. Even before the Civil ed from the dormitory. Maud War ended, Gen. Cuney had sent and her father defied the adhis mixed-race sons, Joseph and ministration, which was under Norris, to Pittsburgh to be educat- pressure from its white southern ed. Later, Norris worked on steam- financial donors. W.E.B Du Bois boats on the Mississippi River and was among the students and subsequently became a leader community members who chalof the Texas Republican Party. In lenged the conservatory and its Galveston, where Maud was born, attempt to exclude Maud and he was appointed collector of cus- Florida. While Florida capitulattoms at the port. ed and moved on, Maud stood Along with his duties at the port, her ground, explaining that “I reNorris founded a business of ste- fused to leave the dormitory, and vedore workers that employed because of this, was subjected to hundreds of employees that grew many petty indignities. I insisted into a union. He was also a vora- upon proper treatment.” cious reader, including ShakeAlmost expectantly, Maud speare, and a violinist and singer of became a member of the highly some reputation. Maud’s mother vocal and politically conscious was also a gifted pianist and singer. neighborhood where she lived It was in a household infused with in Boston. Her friendship with music and literature where Maud Du Bois that began with his supcame of age. Inevitably, after com- port for her defiance at the Conpleting high school in Galveston, servatory grew deeper and soon she was accepted as a student at she was immersed in the activithe New England Conservatory ties that occurred at Josephine St. of Music. Her piano teacher was Pierre Ruffin’s home. In fact, for a Edwin Klahre and she studied short period of time she was entheory under Martin Roeder. Her gaged to Du Bois who described tutorial in literature was at Har- her as “a tall, imperious brunette, vard’s Lowell Institute. with gold-bronze skin, brilliant eyes and coils of black hair.”


Maud returned to Texas after graduation from the Conservatory and began private lessons with pianist Emil Ludwig. A portion of her time and working hours was given to the students at the Texas Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Institute for Colored Youth in the 1890s. There were also her performances at the Austin Opera House where she once more asserted her social and political activism against the segregated seating that relegated African Americans to the balconies. On one occasion when her demand was refused, she and Ludwig cancelled a concert date and performed at the Texas Institute for Colored Youths where there was no segregation. She also taught at the Settlement House program of the Institutional Church in Chicago and in Prairie View, Texas in 1903 and 1904. Among the singers she collaborated with was the Canadian baritone William Howard Richardson in 1913. They would tour together for 20 years, including being the first musicians of color to perform at Boston Public Library’s concert-lecture series. Meanwhile, Maud launched her Allied Artists Center that encompassed a full retinue of artistic endeavors. Though essentially a center for African American aspirants in the arts, it was open to all. When she was not administering the center, Maud was busy as a performer and composer. She wrote and directed the play “Antar of Araby” (1929) based on the Islamic poet Antar bin Shaddad with an overture composed by Clarence Cameron White and incidental music by Montague Ring. As a musicologist, her interests were wide, touching on the music and folklore traditions of Mexico, Cuba,

Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. From her travels she collected a vast amount of artifacts and musical knowledge that would later be used in her books, lectures, and teaching. There was even a column she edited in the NAACP’s The Crisis magazine, again uniting her with Du Bois, and her articles were published in the Christian Science Monitor, the Musical Quarterly and other journals. Perhaps her best-known work was “Negro Musicians and Their Music” in 1936 where she compiled a veritable compendium of African American musical history. However, because of her dislike for ragtime and jazz she failed to include the music of significant jazz notables such as Scott Joplin, Duke Ellington, and Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong. Even so, noted pianist and arts leader Josephine Harreld Love praised it for its meticulous scholarship and deemed it a “priceless legacy of accomplished documentation.” Unfortunately, she never saw the completed and edited version since she was crippled by cancer and died before it was published. She was first married to J. Frank McKinney, a doctor of mixed raced but they divorced in 1902 and she was disappointed in a custody battle for their daughter, Vera. Eight years later she would gain access to her daughter before she died later that year. Her next marriage was to William Parker Hare and it was from him that she began affixing Hare to her last name. The house they settled in on Sheridan Street is marked by a plaque installed by the Bostonian Society. Her connection to Du Bois was also notable for her involvement in the historic Niagara Movement, one of the first women in the organization. She also wrote a biography of her father. Maud died in February 1936 in Boston and a memorial service was held for her and she is buried in an unmarked grave next to her father and mother in Lakeview Cemetery, Galveston, Texas.

ACTIVITIES FIND OUT MORE The Boston Historical Society is replete with information about her phenomenal contributions. DISCUSSION More can and should be said about her aversion to several forms of African American music. PLACE IN CONTEXT From the later 19th to the early days of the 20th century Maud was actively involved in social and political movements.

THIS WEEK IN BLACK HISTORY Oct. 3, 1954: Rev. Al Sharpton born in Brownsville, N.Y. Oct. 3, 1904: BethuneCookman College launched in Daytona Beach, Fla. Oct. 4, 1940: Noted literary agent, Marie Brown, born in Philadelphia.


October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 23


COVID safety, deaths cloud school year for parents By AHNAYAH HUGHES Howard University News Service WASHINGTON—As schools continue to adapt to classroom life amid the coronavirus pandemic, parents are divided. Some parents want their children in the classroom, which has proven best for learning for most students. Others want their children safer at home with virtual learning, despite the difficulties it poses. In Memphis, Jacquelyn Yarbrough wanted her 12-year-old daughter, Tealy, back in the classroom. So, she enrolled her in Anne’s Catholic School, a private school in Memphis, after years of public school education. “Because the school is fairly small, I don’t have that constant state of worrying about her safety or if the kids around her are wearing masks,” Yarbrough said. “In public schools everywhere, there’s just been so much back and forth about children being masked up or vaccinated, or about it being a parent’s right to choose, but it’s about doing what’s best for the kids.” Parents must weave through an array of differing rules and circumstances as they consider the right path for their children. Some school systems, for example, require masks. Some don’t. Some systems, like New York City and Los Angeles, require all faculty and staff to be vaccinated. Others do not. Finally, there are no FDA approved vaccines yet for children under 12. Prior to schools’ reopening, the National Parent-Teacher Association, which is comprised of millions of parents, guardians, educators and caregivers, recognized the difficulties the upcoming year would present for parents. “National PTA understands that the reopening of our nation’s preK-12 schools during the coronavirus pandemic is vital to ensure the continuity of education, however it should not outweigh the safety and the mental and physical health of our students, educators, school employees and families,” the organization said in a statement. “National PTA believes that states and school districts must plan and align logistics, educational strategies and public health approaches into one coherent response. We recognize that there will not be a one-size fits all process for the reopening of schools.” Parents are justifiably concerned. Since the school year began, student deaths due to COVID-19 complications have been reported in South Carolina, Kansas, Mississippi, Kentucky and Tennessee. In Minnesota, 10 school staff members and one student have lost their lives after contracting the virus within the classroom.

Los Angeles parent Malissa Barnwell-Scott, here with her husband, Marcus Scott, and their two children, said she is concerned about the “political craziness” surrounding this school year. “I feel like people have turned it into something it’s not,” she said. “It’s public health and should be treated that way.” (Courtesy photo)

Parents and teachers in Chicago Public across the nation temporarily closed due Schools are expressing their worries over to outbreaks among students and staff. the handling of COVID-19 cases after School districts in Washington and

Memphis parent Jacquelyn Yarbrough was so concerned about uneven COVID-19 rules in the public school system that she enrolled her daughter, Tealy, 12, in a private school. Since school began there, a Memphis public school system elementary teacher, a student and a staff member have died from COVID-19.

the parents of two children at Jensen Elementary are believed to have died of complications related to the virus. Additionally, schools of all grade levels

Ohio, among others, have shifted to remote learning until at least mid-October. Others continue to close for short intervals for deep cleaning and disin-

fection, but the possibility of going fully remote for some schools seems possible. According to a survey conducted by the Center for Reinventing Public Education, at the end of July, 41 of the nation’s largest school districts intended to offer a remote learning option. Now that school has been underway for over a month in many cities, more than 90 school districts plan to make online learning a viable option. Karen Cobbs, a mother in Freehold, N.J., said sending her son Kaden, 12, to school was a difficult decision, given that she has underlying health conditions. “He really missed the social interaction, and I didn’t want to keep him from that,” Cobbs, 52, said. “I just wanted him to get through the first three weeks without anything happening, but unfortunately that didn’t happen.” Kaden caught COVID outside of the classroom, and although he had been cleared to return to school, Cobbs decided to quarantine him for a few extra days to be safe. “I would be really frustrated if my kid got COVID because a parent sent their child to school knowing they had been exposed,” Cobbs said. “But the scary thing is that not everyone is as conscientious.” Parents and school boards across the nation went head-to-head over safety protocols within the classroom before the school year even began. In Philadelphia, parents sued the Central Bucks School Board after its decision not to require masks in the classroom. Meanwhile, in Ohio, parents gathered outside Lake Local School District schools in protest of a new mask mandate. “I’m glad that it hasn’t come to anything like that in my own district,” Cobbs said. “But people just don’t understand that their actions may have a greater impact on others. People don’t want to think of doing good for someone else.” Cobbs continued, “You don’t know who other people’s children are going home to when they leave school.” Many parents have said that the communication with their children’s school is vital in easing their worries. Malissa Barnwell-Scott, a mother of two students in the Los Angeles school system, said her children’s schools have been keeping parents in the loop on normal school activities, but not much regarding COVID and safety practices. “I believe that all they say is happening, is actually happening,” Barnwell-Scott said. “I don’t feel in the dark, but I don’t feel like I know enough. I’d like to be a bit more informed. “Watching all the political craziness surrounding this, I feel like people have turned it into something it’s not. It’s public health and should be treated that way. It affects our kids.”

24 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021


Health Despite nationwide outreach efforts, vaccinations lag in Black communities Howard University News Service Valerie Shannon, 48, says being able to earn the equivalent of a high school diploma means everything to her. She will do whatever it takes to get it, she said. So, she’s enrolled in a program at the Goodwill Excel Center, a public charter school in northwest Washington to earn a GED. A city-mandated requirement for completing the program is that she be vaccinated against coronavirus, but when a vaccination team from the D.C. Department of Health came to the school and offered her one, she balked. “I know I need to get it,” she said. “I’m going to, well I have to, if I want to keep going here, but honestly, I’m just scared.” Derek Daniels, 38, a youth success coach at the center did get it, but only, he said, because District of Columbia Mayor Muriel E. Bowser has ordered that he and other city employees get the shot by early November, if they want to keep their job. “There was always so much information,” Daniels said. “One week they’d say do this, and the next week they’d take it back. It was never made clear to me. If I had the choice, I wouldn’t have gotten it, but I love my work, so here we are.” Nationwide, D.C., states and municipalities have invested millions in incentives and partnered with health systems and community organizations to get more people vaccinated In Alabama, getting a vaccine was immediately awarded with a chance to drive a car at the famous Talladega Superspeedway. In Arkansas, state officials were handing out $20 lottery tickets. In California, officials held a lottery for 10 vaccine recipients to win $1.5 million each. In Hawaii, vaccine recipients could win one of 50 roundtrip tickets courtesy of American Airlines. In Illinois adult vaccine recipients could be entered into a $7 million cash prize pool along with three $1 million cash prizes and in Oregon, 36 people could walk away with $10,000, one for every county. In the nation’s capital, children ages 12 to 17 could receive $51 gift cards, air pods, iPads or a $25,000 college scholarship or iPads if they were vaccinated from Aug. 7 to Sept. 30. But despite those efforts and vaccination mandates by President Biden, governors, mayors and major corporations, the pace of vaccines has slowed to a near crawl in Black com-

Andrea Coleman, 32, brought her 12-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter into the Ronald McDonald Mobile Clinic in Washington to get their first doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

munities, outreach workers said. In Richmond, for example, outreach workers said they are lucky if they inoculate 10 to 15 people on a good day, even as statistics show African Americans there with dramatically lower vaccination rates. When they began in earnest in March, they averaged thousands per day, they said. At a food bank in Washington where workers were offering free vaccinations on a recent Saturday, clinicians were getting so few requests for shots, they had to keep taking the medication back to the freezer to keep it from spoiling. At another location not far away, it was a similar situation, said Bonnie Harris, a vaccine outreach worker with the Department of Family Medicine at Howard University College of Medicine. Only three people had consented to a vaccination over an hour. Harris, who goes out three or more times a week, said they are lucky if they vaccinate five people. Just over 59% of Washington residents are fully vaccinated, health officials said. Only 33% of African Americans are fully vaccinated, they noted. African Americans are less than half the city’s population, but they account for 76 % of lives lost since the pandemic began. In Baltimore, vaccination rates are critically low, especially in Black and

Latino communities, said Ryan Moran, assistant vice president of care transformation for MedStar Health, a conglomerate of hospitals, clinics and doctor’s offices that serve over half a million people annually in Maryland and the Washington, D.C. region. “Numbers right now are discouraging, but we view every single shot in the arm as progress,” Moran said. “When they’re ready, we’ll be there.” In Fulton County, Georgia, which has the highest number of COVID-19 deaths in the state, Karen Rene’, program director and second vice president of the NAACP Atlanta branch, is coordinating a large outreach effort The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention awarded the branch a $2 million grant to coordinate vaccination campaigns in Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, New Orleans, Dallas and Norfolk, Rene’ said. Rene’, who is also a city councilwoman in East Point, Georgia, said the organization is creating public service announcement videos to be played in the cities. It is also working with social media influencers to reach young African Americans and coordinating with organizations in each city to tie vaccination efforts to local events. For example, in Chicago, they worked with an outdoor concert to have vacci-

Dr. Janine Rethy, center, the division chief of community pediatrics at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, runs a pediatric mobile medical clinic that gives shots to eligible children on Tuesdays. So far, Rethy said they haven’t vaccinated many residents.

nations as a component of the event. In Atlanta, she said, they are sponsoring their own vaccination concert. Educating residents and building trust, she said, are key to seeing a change, particularly in parts of Atlanta with vaccination rates below 3%. “We have to meet them where they are,” she said, “even when it means literally holding their hands, walking them across the street to get the vaccine and doing it all over again when they come back.” Temple of Praise Baptist Church in southeast Washington has become home for Victoria Park, 59, a nurse’s assistant, and Benita Bryan, 52, a licensed practical nurse, owners of 5 Medicine, for the last five months Their company other faith-based communities and the D.C. Health Department are partners in the “Faith in the Vaccine” program to provide COVID-19 testing, vaccinations and education. “We’ve had three today, one first shotter and two second shotters,” Park, said. “It’s three more than a lot of days. For everyone we get or bit of progress we make, we get knocked back 10 steps. “Fighting misinformation has honestly been most of our work.” “Better educating people from the beginning would have helped so much especially in these communities where there’s so much mistrust. It’s easier to believe what you heard or saw on social media. MedStar Georgetown University Hospital in Washington offers vaccines to family members of their pediatric patients. Dr. Janine Rethy, the division chief of Community Pediatrics, runs a pediatric mobile medical clinic that gives shots to eligible children on Tuesdays. Rethy said they haven’t vaccinated many residents. “We strive to create a space where they can get any question at all answered,” she said. “Our approach considers how to reach them in a way that’s comfortable and engenders trust.” Andrea Coleman, 32, brought her 12-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter into the Ronald McDonald Mobile Clinic at Kelly Miller Middle School to catch up on their required vaccines for school. All three left having received their first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. “I was hesitant at first when they offered it,” Coleman said. “But they answered all of my questions and made me feel comfortable.”


October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 25

Rikers Continued from page 3

bill focuses on procedural justice to change the narrative in the court system that “terrifies” so many and advocates for health care professionals to do a thorough evaluation in order to determine if a person will qualify for treatment under this bill. LAS’ MICA Project Attorney Jeffrey Berman explained that generally drug courts in New York State do not accept or feel comfortable accepting clients who live with serious mental illness or struggle with serious disabilities despite these applicants otherwise qualifying. “You’re totally at the mercy of prosecutors throughout the state,” said Berman. “What happens then is that the drug courts then push these clients away to be considered for a mental health court. However, mental health courts require full consent of the prosecutor who controls our client’s fate. And too many people are being rejected for treatment and sent to state prison,” added Berman. Berman said judges and prosecutors without medical backgrounds are then “gatekeepers” in this arduous process under the judicial diversion courts. He said his clients are forced to admit to charges and are expected to “open up” to strang-

ers about their deeply abusive pasts or traumas in order to even be considered for treatment in mental health court. That whole time they can spend up to a year in jail in the meantime, said Berman. In addition to demanding the passage of the bill, LAS, Brooklyn Defender Services, and Milbank LLP recently filed a class-action lawsuit against the Department of Correction (DOC) over its “failure” to pro-

vide people with access to medical care while locked up. “New York City’s jails are in a fullblown humanitarian crisis, resulting in indescribable suffering and at least twelve deaths in 2021, including at least five people who died from suicide,” said Veronica Vela, supervising attorney with LAS Prisoners’ Rights Project in a statement. “DOC can no longer deprive our clients of their right to medical care, and

if the department is unable to guarantee that right, then the court must immediately consider releasing people.” In his briefing on Sept. 27, post-visit to the jail, de Blasio said that it was his mission to reduce the incarcerated population, speed up the intake process, improve the situation for corrections officers and incarcerated alike. He also said that he would ensure that crucial health care teams are getting the support they need. “The final point, what we have to do––we can’t do it today, we can’t do it tomorrow, but what we have to do as quickly as possible in this city is get off Rikers Island once and for all. That plan is in place. It is moving rapidly. That is the bigger solution. This is not a place that should continue for the long haul,” said de Blasio during the tense briefing. “We need to move to community-based jails.” Ariama C. Long is a Report for America Corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for the AmsterdamNews.Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting:





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26 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021


Religion & Spirituality Harlem hosts immigrant services support day Uptown organizations came together to provide resources and information to Harlem families, including immigrant services, back-to-school supplies, PPE, food pantry items, insurance information, and clothing. The event was co-sponsored by the office of Comptroller Scott Stringer, ICNA Relief, Zeina L.INC., the Council of African Imams, the Senegalese Association of America, Manhattan Community Board 10 Harlem, and NYC African Communities Together.

(Bill Moore photos)


Social justice busts GEORGE FLOYD

October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 27

Mandate Continued from page 6



(Bill Moore photos)

of our public employees and the contribution they make. I saw with my own eyes repeatedly, the reality of remote—at times, it did inhibit communication, it inhibited efficiency, effectiveness, collaboration.” One group that remains in the balance over vaccine mandates is school staff. The city could see a large number of its workforce in schools exit if they don’t comply with a mandatory vaccine mandate that went into effect last Friday. On Monday, DC 37 and the city’s Department of Education announced an agreement for nearly 20,000 DOE employees. DC 37 members who have not provided proof of at least one dose of the vaccine will have the option to resign or take a leave of absence. Employees had until Tuesday to apply for medical or religious exemptions. “This fight has always been about the right of individuals to make their own medical decisions without fear of retribution in the workplace,” said DC 37 Executive Director Henry Garrido. “Very few of our members remain unvaccinated, but for those who do, we do not believe their jobs should be on the line. This deal strikes the balance between public safety and fairness.” As of Sunday, Oct. 3, 93% of DC 37’s almost 20,000 DOE workers had provided proof of at least one dose of the COVID19 vaccine. Reports indicate that the DOE needs 3,700 substitute teachers to fill the void of full-time teachers who will be off the job because of the vaccine mandate. In total, 5,500 teachers have refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine. On Monday, several teachers filed for a temporary restraining order to stop the DOE vaccine

mandate in the case Kane vs. De Blasio. The restraining order focuses on the exemption process carried out by city schools. Those seeking a religious exemption must provide a letter from an “established religion” to certify one’s personally held religious beliefs are sincere. The restraining order points out “The Establishment Clause” in the First Amendment which states the government cannot establish a religion nor can they determine what religions are or are not “established religions.” “It’s incredibly sad that neither Mayor de Blasio nor the largest school system in America has any clue what the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is,” said lead plaintiff Michael Kane. The teacher’s attorney, Sujata Gibson, said the religious exemptions’ requirement violates teachers’ constitutional rights not to get the vaccine. “These exemption policies are as blatantly unconstitutional as they are repulsive,” said Gibson. “This issue is long-settled and it shocks the conscience that this type of unconstitutional discrimination would be resurrected by the NYC DOE.” De Blasio previously stated that a “very small” number of requests for medical or religious exemption by teachers have been made and hundreds have been approved so far. “If they don’t get vaccinated, they consciously make the choice not to get vaccinated, they will be suspended without pay, but there is a process,” he said. “It’s all been delineated by the arbitrator of how to address that. If someone wants to come back, there’s a way to do that. If they don’t, then there are consequences.”

28 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021

Nite Continued from page 9

Remy Ma, and Rapsody who presented some of the night’s top honors as well as performances by Latto and Bia featuring Lil Jon. Rapper, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and actor Nelly received the 2021 “I Am Hip Hop” Award from legendary producer Jermaine Dupri before taking the stage to perform a medley of his greatest hits. Global entertainment icon, 2021 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, founder and CEO of Rock The Bells, LL Cool J presented the first-ever “Rock the Bells Cultural Influence Award” to Grammy-Award winning rapper, producer, entrepreneur and four-time BET Hip Hop Awards nominee Tyler, the Creator. Tyler, also winner of the Hip Hop Album of the year, and Best Live PerAuthorwhy former, will soon get to showcase his plaudits are merited Deborah with a head-

THE NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS line set at one of the premier festivals CARDI B FEAT. MEGAN THEE STALin the fall, the Day N Vegas Festival, LION - “WAP” which just announced the releasing of a limited amount of tickets on sale HIP HOP ARTIST OF THE YEAR this Friday, Oct. 8. The event is set LIL BABY to take place Friday, Nov. 12 through Sunday, Nov. 14, 2021, at Las Vegas BEST HIP HOP VIDEO Festival Grounds in Las Vegas, featurCARDI B FEAT. MEGAN THEE STALing additional headline performances LION - “WAP” by Travis Scott and with his only performance of 2021, Kendrick Lamar. BEST NEW HIP HOP ARTIST These culturally influential artists will YUNG BLEU come together for this three-day event alongside a roster featuring SZA, Doja BEST COLLABORATION Cat, Saweetie, Snoh Aalegra as well as CARDI B FEAT. MEGAN THEE STALup-and-comers and mainstays Lil Uzi LION - “WAP” Vert, Lil Baby, YG, Don Toliver, Baby Keem plus many more. BEST DUO OR GROUP Excusing the digression, the complete LIL BABY & LIL DURK listing of winners for the 2021 Hip Hop Awards are as follows: BEST LIVE PERFORMER TYLER, THE CREATOR HIP HOP ALBUM OF THE YEAR “CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST” LYRICIST OF THE YEAR Executive Security & Are you raising a troubled teen? TYLER, THELimo CREATOR J. COLE Executive Exotic Limo Service Know someone who is? Fleet:

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Over and out. Holla next week. Til, then, enjoy the nightlife.

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38 January 11,2,2018 17, 8, 2018 26 2021--January September 2021 • September



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Pursuant to resolution adopted by with the Town Board, The Town of meeting January nization were filed with the 07/28/21. location: on NY (SSNY) on 2/22/21 NYwith ofSecy. of of State of NY (SSNY) on Tuesday, 08/04/21. Office Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) State of NYOffice (SSNY) on of State ofAuthority NY (SSNY) on TY OF NEW YORK Secy. of LLC State NYin (SSNY) State of plication of York County. SSNY desigignated as agent of filed the LLC Office location: NY Office location: NY (SSNY) formed DE on NY 11/09/20. 12/10/20. County. Babylon, Commissioner of General Services, Division of Purchasing, 16th atNo. 6:30pm. The meeting willtheon Hand delivered sealed bids for Project described below will be State New Secretary 12/21/20. County. SSNY fice location NY County. on 08/05/21. Office location: NY County. LLC 07/02/21. Office location: Index 153624/2019 Borough: Manhattan Block: 1729 Lot: 09/14/21. Office location: 05/25/21. location: NY 1 of NY on the 2 /0Secretary 5whom /1 7 . of O ffic eState loagainst cofaoftio n it: nated as Office agent of designatthe LLC process upon County. SSNY designated as County. LLC formed in 11/02/2020. SSNY is desigwill receive sealed proposals for: SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF BRONX received by representatives of the Contracts Section, Office of the Agency be held at 1 East 104th Street County. LLC (SSNY) on 10/27/2020. YorkCounty. aswhom agent of formed LLCagainst upon SSNY has been designated NY SSNY County.designatPrinc. ed formed in Delaware (DE) on NY County. LLCNEW formed in location: 160 NYCTL 2018-A TRUST AND THE BANK OF YORK NY County. County. LLC formed in NY (SSNY) on 09/02/2021. Office Princ. office of upon process be served and shall mail may ofContracting LLC upon whom pro(DE) on 11/04/77. 12/01/20. as agent uponHudson whom whom agent Delaware nated Chief Officer, Ground FloorBid Window 55 on Water Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10029. Delaware (DE) on 11/10/20. Office Location: New York process against it may as agent upon whom process office of LLC: 30 08/04/21. SSNY designated (KY) Kentucky AS COLLATERAL AGENT AND agent ofthe LLC upon NEW CounMELLON, ed L C : 3 2to: 3 5The GYORK rLLC, a n d 347 C o nE. iDelaware t m a y b e s e r v e d05/13/21. . S S N Y Llocation: process BIDW. NO. Yards, 18G2asFargo New York, NY 10041 until 11:00 on the date indicated below when cess against itupon may beAM SSNY office of CUSTODIAN, LLC: 125 against LLC may Princ. process rd Princ. office of LLC: c/o ArSSNY has been desCounty. Wells Bank, NA, Plaintiff served. SSNY shall mail be against it may be served and 72nd Fl., NY, NY as agent of LLC whom designated as agent of v. BM HOLDING CORP.; THE CITY OF NEW process against it may SSNY designated as agent of LLC formed in Connecticut Plaintiffs, whom ty. o u rST, s e , PHB, 1 A ANY, , B rNY o n x10022. , NY shall mail copy of process to c53 bids willSSNY be publicly opened and read in55th Bid Room, address REQUEST FOR FOR ARCHITECTURAL, shall mail proSt.,same NY, NY PROPOSALS 10019. 10001. served. SSNY shall mail served. be gent Ventures LLC, 551 5th as agent upon whom ignated to c/o Cohen & Coprocess shall mail a copy of any proSSNY designated as process against it may be LLC upon whom process YORK; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION be served. SSNY shall mail LLC upon whom process on Date originally filed 10468. SSNY designated as t h e L L C , 5 W e e h a w k e n Purpose: any lawful act. I, ISAIAH MESSADOService TIMOENGINEERING BID PHASE SERVICES, cess toSSNY Corporation designated as agent of agent to: CONSTRUCTION The whom LLC, pro777 hen, SSNY process On: January 14, 2020 Ave., LLP, NY, 10176. SSNY it has may be process 767 Third Ave., agent cess against theupon LLC served of LLC upon served. shall mail proitth mayDESIGN, be served. against FINANCE; NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF FI-INSPECTION toSte Carlos Suarez, against it NY may be SSNY AND process 12/01/2017. of against LLC w been hom Street, Unit 3B, Newserved. York, AGAINST th THY JOHNSON whose adADMINISTRATION AND SERVICES Co., 80 State St., Albany, NYth, CITY LLC whom process Third Ave 2503, NY, NY REHABILITATION OF EAST 169 175 andupon 180 BRIDGES designated of PurLLC The Post adserved. Fl.,shall NY,as NYagent 10017. upon is C/O the LLC: Tyece against it FOR may be 31st cess tois c/o Michael GoldSSNY shallSTREET mail process to cess A. R., AN INFANT, BY HER NATURAL MOTHER W. 10th St., NY, NY SSNY mail process to: as agent upon NANCE; 181 designated process against itOffice may be NY 10014. d re s s 4 1 9 W e s t 1 2 9 th th of BCP OVER METRO-NORTH RAILROAD SHORELINE STABILIZATION ROAD SSNY ELEVATION OF 12207.Sills against 10017. Purpose: Any lawful the it may be served. Address required to pose: Notice of Qualification upon whom process against it dress to which the SSNY Any lawful activity. Smith, 143 W 140 Street, served. shall mail prosmith, Cummis & Gross KY addr. of LLC: 1387 E. 10014. whom AND LEGAL GUARDIAN, JACQUELINE RIVERA; DANIEL Purpose: Any lawful 610 Fifth Ave., Ste. 612, NY, process against it may erved. S S N Y s h a ll m a il P uHo-Shing;Audrey r p o s e : A n y Ho-Shing l a w f u l sSPECIAL Lawson Ho-Shing a/k/a209 Lawson Contract Nos. HBX1670, HBX1215 and HBX180 Street, Manhattan NY 10027 activity. SSNYCircle be shall mail to cess maintained in DE: Or- H. ROAD may10020. be served. SSNYtoshall mailto aOPPORTUNITIES copy10030. of Michaeany proshallserved. New York, NY Purto Corporation Service P.C., 101 Park Ave.,N.Y.C 28thP.I.N. Fl., 84118BXBR272 New Rd., process Ste.CAPTREE 135, MALDONADO; activity. be NY Address be process The Post Office Philip J. purpose. a/k/a Audrey al., process Defendant(s) proclaim my Free National Service Co. St. Scarlett-Ho-Shing; Wilmington de et c/o Corporation ange80 FUND IItolawful GP LP Appl. for mail to the850 LLC at ls cess against the pose: Any activity. Co., State St., Albany, NY NY, NY 10178. DE addr. of KY 40505. Cert. of Lexington, Notice of formation of Viento NEW YORK CITY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD; maintained in DE: New which SSNY address , c /o N o rto nSecy. RLLC othe s eofserved F u llNa m ebid asubmitted s I S Amust I A of Hbe11E78 T R I - (CSC), until am on for THURSDAY, 1, 2018 at the Town 19801. Cert 80 State St., of Purpose: Formation filed Media Notice of Formation Auth. filed with State Each accompanied by a 10:00 certified check 2%Albany, of the of FEBRUARY the princ. office of the LLC. upon him/her is 36 West 47th 12207-2543. Any Form. LLC: Corporation Service filed with Secy. Org. filed bright NEW shall mail YORK CITY or PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU and Burton LLC Rd., Arts. Ste. of 201, Dover, a copy of any proUS LLP, 1301 Ave. of Notice of Formation of 888 FORCE JOHNSON accordHall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst, New York, 11757 at amount of the proposal, alternatively, a bid bond not less than 10% of the NY with 12207-2543. DE addr. of DE Div. of Corps, 401 REALTY LLC Cert. of ConPursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure dated NY (SSNY) on 11/06/19. of DE addr. of LLC: Cogency Street, W03, New York, lawful activity. State, Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., P.O. Box 1150, FrankN o t 19904. ithe c eand o fSale Fo m aOrg. t (SSNY) i o nfiled o f tNotice "JOHN cess #1" through "JOHN DOE #100," the names ofFalls the opened DE Arts of LLC served with Secy. ofrduly NY h e Aagainst m rformation i cthe a sNY , N Y , One NNY Y LEASE, LLCinSuite Org. offiled therules proposal, payable toof the Comptroller ofCSC, the City251 of New York. ingamount to DOE the and usage whichKY time they will be publicly and read the of ofeThe of c/o Little St., 4,ofDover, LLC: Federal version Secy. May 11, 2017 I,Arts. theDivision undersigned Referee will sell at public location: County. Office Global Inc., 850 New Burton principal busi10036.him/her Wilmington, DEwith 19808. Cert. 40602-1150. Purfort, 100 defendants being fictitious, the true names of said dewith the Secy. of State, 401 is: 8 Stonelast upon PikMyBrain, LLC Arts. of on 03/26/2021 NY office loca10019. Purpose: Any lawful filed with Secy. of State of NY of THE such TRIFORCE office. DE and Only Management Group Dr., DE 19901. Wilmington, 19808. Notice Purpose: Any ofISAIAH NY (SSNY) on State auction the Bronx County Courthouse, 851 Grand ConLP formed in Cayman Islands NYCDOT DIVISION OFSecy. BRIDGES ISPurchasing SEEKING QUALIFIED BIDDERS/ Rd., NY Ste. 201, Dover, DE activity. ofaton Qualification ofOffice HVS ness address ofMoosup, the LLC isCT 36 pose: of Form. filed with DE Electrical contracting fendants house being unknown to plaintiffs, it being intended to desFederal St., #4, Dover, DE Drive Org. filed with Secy. of State County. SSNY has tion 09/10/21. (SSNY) JOHNSON. LLC of Org. W03, filed with Cert. of Lawful Form. filed with THIS Secy. XLII Purpose. 12/01/20, converting 11 course, Room 600, Bronx,filed New York on January 27, 2020 at CONTRACTORS THEJohn ABOVE REFERENCED CONTRACT. on 02/06/19. Princ. of(C.I.) 19904. Cert. ofon Form. filed Appl. for Auth. 47th Street, New WestArts. of State, of FOR Corps., sub-contracting work, and ignate feeDiv. owners, tenants or TO occupants of the premis19901. Purpose: any lawful 06354. The principal busiof NY (SSNY) 12/27/17. designated as an agent been location: NY County. (1) original and ten (10) copies ofLLC both technical andSSNY cost the Secy. NY (SSNY) on PROCUREMENT IS SUBJECT PARTICIPATION GOALS FOR ofOne State, Div. ofliened Corps., John 78TH STREET CO. tohaving EAST 2:00PM, premises known as Needham Avenue, Bronx, fice ofaddress LP: 650 Ave., with DE Secy. ofNY State, Div. Secy. of be State of LLC NY1312 York, NY of 10036. Purpose: G. Townsend Bldg., Fedall activities and purposand es and/or persons or401 parties or claiming an interest inCostwith activities. ness ofMadison the LLC is 8 Office location: County. whom process against it 06/08/2021 upon as agent of designated proposals. TheAND/OR Technical and Proposals shall in seperate MINORITY OWNED LLC. BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (MBEs) WOMEN NY office location G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Fed11E78 REALTY Office NY 10469. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the NY 10022. Duration of NY, of Corps., Johnand G. Townsend on 08/17/21. Officeit may any lawful act or es related thereto. eral Dover, DE 19901. NOTICE SALE or OWNED Stonehouse lienSt., upon theOF liened premises, ifsealed the aforesaid Drive O TIC E O FSSNY FOactivity. Rhas MMoosup, ATIO N be designated served shall mail N SSNY as agent whom process against upon BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (WBEs) AS REQUIRED BY SECTION containers and may bedehand(SSNY) delivered or mailed to the above Notice of formation of NY County. been St., Dover,individual DE 19901. eral NY living, County. Princ. location: Any buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being LP3P is Perpetual. SSNY desigBldg., 401 Federal St., Dover, Notice of Qualification of CHI- of location: NY10:00 County. LLC Purpose: lawful activity. are and if any all of said individual defen06354. Connecticut adfendants CT Associates, LLC. Arts copy of any process against a of LLC upon whom process 6-129 (Local Law 1 of 2013) OF THE or NEW YORK CITY ADMINISTRATIVE may be served. SSNY shall address. Proposals will not be accepted after am on the LLC Arts. of Org. ScratchFoto designated as an of agent Purpose: Any lawful activity. of(Target/ LLC: c/o Friedman office in the Borough and County of Bronx, and NY, nated asfiled agent LP upon upon DE City 19901. Purpose: Any of NA UNIVERSAL ASSET in Delaware (DE) Do on CODE Goal for M/WBE can seen in the B of the Bid SUPREME COURT COUNdants be their heirs at3be law, next ofSchedule kin,opening. distributees, ex- formed dress of LLC: 8ithStonehouse O rgprocess wagainst Secy. of LLC C/O the LLC: against it ismState ay beof served. process to mail Azimut Kennedy Lewis Acdate of bid NOBook EXCEPTIONS WILL BE GRANTED. filed with the Secy ofBrian State J. of the whom itit may Notice of1dead, Qualification of Management 770 LexBlock: 4711 Lot: 75. Approximate amount judgment whom lawful activity. MANAGEMENT LLC. 04/19/21. SSNY designated Subject to APPRENTICESHIP of 2).Co., This Contract is alsoNotice TYNumber OF BRONX, CITIBANK, administrators, trustees, committees, devisees, legaMoosup, ecutors, Drive States Corporation United t aserved t e process of N Y against (shall SCT S Nmail Y06354 ) may o na SSNY shall mail(USA), process to S Beller, Esq., c/o(SSNY) Tarter Krinof the formation of Cielo cess Fund III GP LLC Auth. not remove any pages; all proposals are to be submitted intact. For New York on be and TIMES SQUARE LEASEington Ave., NY, NY 10065. $705,125.24 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold served. SSNY shall mail be th PROGRAM andassignees, the NYC Comptrollers LaborDisaster Law 220 prevailing wages in 107 ADOPTION Authority filed with Secy. of 11/17/2017. as agent of LLC upon whom tees, and the lienors, creditors and successors Place of business in state of N.A., Plaintiff, vs. ESTATE Agents, Inc. 7014 13 AvOffice location. the LLC , 1025 Fifth Ave., sky & Drogin LLP, 1350 Operations/LoAzul filed w/ SSNY 7/29/21. Off. in information call (631) 957-3025. The subject Town reserves the right to filed reject NY Office loca6/24/2020. copy of any process against HOLD LLC asAppl. Auth. SSNY asfor toagainst provisions Judgment Index# 380685-13. process to the Partnership at requirements described inA the Solicitation Materials. State ofF NY (SSNY) it of may be interest origin, of generally persons orLLC. claiming Connecticut. CertifiOF E Ldesignated LSecy. Athem, BR Oand W Nagent /of A all enue, Suite County. SSNY A p t .to3the E S o202, uth , Brooklyn, N be Y , acNon Y NY Broadway, NY 10018. gistics NY Co. Cert of Form filedArts w/ process any andConsultants all having proposals. tion: New York County. SSNY the LLC is C/O theofdesignatLLC: 595 filed with of State of/ KNY the princ. office the LP. upon whom process LLC Only cash orNY, certified funds payable Referee will Notice of formation of Grits Single woman looking to build 08/23/21. Office location: NY served. SSNY shall mail proMINORITY OWNED AND WOMEN OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES by, through, or against the said defendants named as a of LLC filed with Secreunder, cate E L L A M A E B R O W N , E T NY 11228. Purpose: Any law- ed agent upon whom pro10028. Purpose: Any lawful Any lawfulas activity. of Org7/1/21. filed with Secy. of Purpose: SSNY desig. SSDE has designated agent Baltic Street, Brooklyn, NY (SSNY) on 07/29/21. Office and addr. of each genName against it may be served. cepted as a deposit in the amount of ten percent of the purEntertainment LLC Arts of adoption. her County. Corporation Service (M/WBE) will be afforded to submit bids and the City ofbeNew class, of any right, titlefulloropportunity interest inagt. or lien upon the premises tary ofm State AL., Defendant(s). activity. LLC formed in c11217. e s sfamily a y by b eof s eConnecticut rvavailable e dlawful aAny nd activity. of NY (SSNY) on cess State Proposal documents may examined and to obtained at the Town Hall it ful as of LLC whom process whom process against upon Purpose: Any location: NYnotifies County. LLC eral partner SSNY shall mail process to chase price. 80 Org filed (DE) with the Secy of located ethnicity welcome, York hereby all bidders that it7/29/20. will affirmatively ensure that any on 02/14/18. Co. (CSC), State St.,4:30 Al- Delaware described in the complaint herein, Defendants. TO THE at: 165areCapitol Avshall mail copy of expenses process Office location: NY the AEZ INVESTORS MANAGEPurchasing Department between hours of 9:00 a.m. and be served & shall mail may may be served. SSNY desigactivity. formed inentered Delaware (DE) on the LLC at the addr. of its from SSNY. C.I. addr. of LP: State of NY (SSNY) on NY paid. Please call (347) 470contract into pursuant to this advertisement will be awarded to the SSNY designated as agent of bany, NY 12207-2543. DE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOUdaily ARE HEREBY SUMABOVE CT Persuant to a Purpose: Judgment of g a in sHartford, t L L C Corporate to : 06115 U S CSero rp County. SSNY designated as of formation of 560 aenue, MENT GROUP, LLC. Arts. p.m. except Sundays andas Holidays, on and afterof Notice process c/o Universal Regagent upon whom nated 07/27/21. Princ. office LLC: lowest office. responsible bidder of without discrimination onto the basis ofSaturdays, race, color, princ. Any c/o Office location: NY orInc., my7014 attorney: (800) 5228Maples Frank D. LLC: Lombardi, Esq., Referee LLC addr. of c/omay CSC, 251 N o t i cupon eNECK o f Fwhom oRD r mCounty. aLLC tprocess i o nArts. o f Agents MONED answer the complaint in the forecloF osex, rc loactivity. s utoreManagement and S a lenational d u ly origin, Ave., upon whom process agent Org. filed with the SSNY TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2018. documents alsoon bebe LITTLE istered Inc., 26 Proposal process against it may sexual orientation, age above-entitled orAgents, place of residence. c/o Rudin Co., lawful SSNY has been designated vices Limited, PO13th Box 309, 582-3678 against it may be served. Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, of formation of EMERNotice of formation of Ripka T a k a m i c h i B e a u t y R o o m sure action, and to serve a copy of your answer on Plaintiffs filed on June 01, 2017 and #202, BK, NY 11228. Prinmay be served and shall mail of Org. filed with the Secy. of New ddirected o w n l oto a the d eE. drequirements aGreenbush, t t h e T of o w n o04/22/21. f B a b yand l oOffice: nshall ’ s w email b s i proces t eYork at Prospective bidder's is alsoCarville Ln, served Inc., 345 Park Ave.,attention NY, NY as an Arts. agent upon whom proHouse, Grand Ugland SSNY shallofmail to: cipal 19808. Cert. ofBarak, Form. filed SON ROSE LLCaddress: Arts. of CayOrg. Arts LLC Arts. of Org. filed Shapiro, Dicaro & LLC LLC. Org.process filed with within thirty (30) after the service this sumattorney anschedule O rder ppointing S days ucbusiness 300 ofparticipation process against LLC DE copy "B"AinQualification the proposal concerning M/WBE the contract. (SSNY) on 07/14/2021 SSNY designated as NY County. NY 12061. Add.inof maintained against the LLC served 10154. SSNY designated as cess against may be Notice of of service man,the C.I., KY1-1104. Cert. of 1120 Avenue the AmericSecy. of State of upon DE, NY filed with the Secy. ofNY, State of with Secy. of NY (SSNY) Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff N Y office D e plocation t . itoof f S t aCounty. tserved e o n E. mons, exclusive of dated the day of orEisUniversal within thirty (30) The of schedule of proposed M/WBE participation to be St, submitted by days theNY with cessor Referee No74th St., #10A, NY to 220 60th #3k, NY, NY agent of the LLC upon in DE: Registered C/O the LLC: 88 Greenwich is agent LLC upon whom proand NY, shallNY mail alocation: copyAddress of any 1711 RETAIL, LLC Appl. for filed with Registrar of LP 06/14/2021 as, 10036. 401 Federal St., Dover, DE NY (SSNY) on 08/31/2021. apparent low bidder within sevenun(7) calendar days after the date of opening on NY office loca175 Mile Crossing Boulevard 10/3/17. Office NY after completion of service where service is made in any other vember 28, 2017, I, the 10021. 10022. Inc., R/A: 300 VB&T Certified has been the designated process against it York, may SSNY Creek View whom Agents, Street, Apt 714, New cess against it may be process against LLC to Auth. filed with Secy. of State Partnerships C.I., 133 Elgin toounty. beagent maintained inaddr.: DE: Purpose: of bids. than The M/WBE goal for project Public isSPECIAL 24 %. the 19901. Purpose: Any lawful location: NY CounNY office NOTE: These projects be funded in York part through tion NY County. SSNY has Rochester, New 14624 C Princ. bus. manner byshall personal service within State. The United dersigned Referee willthis sell 110 SERVICES any lawful act. PLLC, as an upon whom proSSNY shall mail be Rd, Ste.Accountants, 209, Newark, DE shall NY served. 10006. Purpose: Any lawserved. SSNY mail proC/O the LLC Angela Polite NY (SSNY) on 11/23/20. of Ave., Box 123, Grand Cay16192 Coastal Hwy., Lewes, th ty. SSNY has been been designated as designatan agent theaW New State Governor’s Office of StormtoRecovery (877)430-4792 283 Decatur St., Brooklyn, America, as defendant in this action, States a t Non-compliance p utobof l iGoldfarb c a uwith c tNY i oif& n7designated a tsubmittal t h e requirement, 57 St,&Ste NY, activity. 250 the day theYork stipulations of1632, Schedule against it St. may2G be served cess copy of process the 19711. Name add. of auth. ful activity. cess Fleece 231 19958. w. 149th NY, NY upon Office location: County. C.I.&agent KY1-9000. Purman, DE Org. filed VIAGRA CIALIS! 60whom pills aswhom an upon process against it Disaster Recovery and Federal Funds36through Com mStreet, unity N Y shall 1 1 2Purpose: 3mail 3 .Arts S eacof . Documeno f of S ta te ed may orof appear within (60) of where service hereof. "B" answer orAttn: submittal bids in which any ofsixty theofficer prices fordays sum or unitany items are Bronx County Courthouse, NY 1017. Purpose: lawful and copy any Dominick inlump DE Cert of LLC, LLP, Partner-in-charge 10003 LLC formed in Delaware (DE) pose: Any lawful activity. with the Secy. of State, 401 Notice of Formation of ETER$99. 100 pills for $150. for significantly unbalanced to theto potential detriment of the Department may be cause process against it may be may be served and shall mail Development Block Grants. A project funded by and conceived In case of your failure appear or answer, judgment will be d e s ig n a te d a g e n t o f L L C Notice of Form ation of 44 act. Room 600, 851 Grand Conagainst the LLC is process NY 10013. PurDated:York, November 18, 2019 #98015 Form filed: DE Sec. of State, New of Rudin matters, 560 Lexingtary. 11/17/20. SSNY designaton Federal St, Ste 4, W Dover, DE for a determination ofNY non-responsiveness and the rejection ofdemanded the bid. NIS FINE CHEMICALS USA FREE shipping. Money back served and shall mail a copy a copy of any process against against you by default for the relief in the taken through the NY Rising Community Reconstruction program of upon whom process against EAST 75TH STREET, LLC course, Bronx, on JanuC/O the LLC: 620 42nd St Notice of Formation of SIGpose: Any lawful purpose. ofof formation Corp, John G. ton Ave., 6th of Fl.,LLC NY, upon NY Div. ed as agent Notice of place Jess Purpose: any Arts. SP ofProposers Org. filed with Formation of BRG WESTguaranteed! 1-855-579-8907 any process against the of the LLC is C/O the LLC: 175 Plaintiffs designate New York County the complaint. the Governor’s Office of StormLLC Recovery. m ust it19901. may be served and lawful shall of Org. filed with Secy. arySolicitation 29,process 2018 atof2:00 documents (Specifications ONLY) will Bldg., be as available for 21A, New York, NY Arts. 5, LLC Arts. of Apt NATURE Townsend PO Box 10022. DE addr. LLC: Coragainst itp.m., may whom Trayah Interiors LLC Arts. activities. Secy. of of State of NY (SSNY) SIDE LLC LLC served upon is the C/O LLC: West 12thoffiled Street, Apt.Secy. 4B, of trial. based County inforwhich the download charge 9,Dover, 2019 the full duration of of agency comply with any and allsubject funding requirements, as of wellState asof 10036. mail process to: Any 263 of Bowof State NYwith (SSNY) on p re m is eVenue sfree kSSNY nofois wCo., n a starting s 1upon 5Lit5December 0 the Purpose: lawful Org. filed with Secy. DE 19903. Any 898, Notice Qualification poration Service 251 st $59.99 Notice of Qualification of 79 Notice of Qualification 980 be served. shall mail DISH TV For 190 Org filed with the Secy. of oron 08/02/21. Office location: theproperty, Solicitation Timelien from the City Record Website at City Record Onof State of NY (SSNY) on 38 East 1 Street, Apt 3B, New York, NY 10011. PurNotice is hereby given that a a tax upon which is being foreclosed, is situreal any other State, County, Town local government or agency ery, 2nd Fl., NY, NY 10002. 1 2 /0 4 /1 7 . O ffic e lo c a tio n: U nionport R oad, U nit N o. of NY (SSNY) on 11/19/20. purpose. AMTECK OF KENTUCKY, tle Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE lawful PLACE OWNER activity. CLIFTON RAIL PROPERTY LLC Appl. Notice ofnumber Formation of CLIFprocess to c/o Anbau Enter+NY $14.95 High Channels State of regulations. NY (SSNY) on Line ( NY County. SSNY designat11/21/19. Office loc.: NY York, 10003. PurNew license, 1324834 for pose: Any lawful activity. ated. Dated: September 17, 2021 rules and A goal of 15% for New York State Certified Purpose: any lawful activity. NY County. SSNY designat6A, Bronx, NY. All that cerlocation: NY County. Office LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with 19808. Cert. of Form. filed LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with for Auth. filed with Secy. of FORD HOUSE PRESERVAprises, 11 E. 26th St., NY, NY Speed Internet. Free InstallaNY office loca11/12/2020. ed as agent of LLC upon SSNY designated as County. pose: lawful activity. liquor license, has been ap- ed TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: The foregoing sumMinority Businesses and Newof York A15% for Drawings areofnotState available download and MUST be purchased. asAny agent of LLC upon tain plot, piece or of SSNY designated asCertified agent of Notice of LLC formation of Org. 68Secy. State of (SSNY) with Secy. of for the Secy. of StateState of NY NY (SSNY) State of NY Arts. (SSNY) on agent TION GP, of DE addr. of parcel LLC: 251 10010. Includtion, Notice of Formation of Order CLIFtion: NY County. has has whom process against it this may 1509 ofpLLC plied for Marilyn 18 Rest Inc. is served youand by publication, pursuant the mons printed copy of theupon solicitation drawing setom can be purchased New York W en O w ned to Bat:SSNY usinesses been established for h o mSmart rformation o c HD eupon s s DVR awhom gofa RIGHT in sprot it land, with the buildings and LLC upon whom process ESTATE LLC Arts. of w 07/02/21. Office location: on State of DE, John G. Notice of on 11/06/19. Officeshall location: Office location: 11/04/19. filed with Secy. of State ofRisNY Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, ed, Fee Voice Remote. Some FORD HOUSE PRESERVAdesignated as agent been be served. SSNY mail Notice of Qualification of City Department oft sTransportation, Office ofathe Agency Chief Contracting against it may be cess d/b/a Don Giovanni N O TIC E O F FO R M ATIO N of Honorable James E. d'Auguste, Justice of the Supreme project. Proposers must demonstrate their good-faith efforts to may be served. SSNY shall iTownsend m p r o v e m e n t h e r e o n it may be served. against filedonLLC with the Secy. of NY County. LLC formed in Bldg., 401 Federal LAUNDRY GROUP County. LLCCorporation formed in Org. NY County. formed in WAY (SSNY) 08/05/21. DEOfficer/Contract 19808. Cert. of Form. filed 1-888-609restrictions TION, L.P. Cert. ofNew LPYork, filed upon whom process against Management Unit, 55 Water Street, Ground Floor, to(KY) c/o HOUR COMMERCE FIRST served. Theapply. address SSNY torante liquor atOffice retail OF A to P. sell LEE PRODUCT Court, dated September 7, 2021, and filed with supporting pa-it process achieve these goals. m ail Arts. process to c/o P eter erected, situate, lying and SSNY shall mail process to NY (SSNY) on 12/03/2019 Kentucky on 11/04/77. St., Dover, DE 19901. PurLLC of Org. filed with Delaware (DE) on 10/23/19. (DE) on 10/31/19. Delaware with Secy. of State, Div. of location: NY County. Princ. New York 10041 between 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, excludes 9405 Secy. of State of NY with may be served and shall mail Service Co., 80 State St., Al(REMEDY) LLC Appl. for shall 44 mail process to Benin aoffice restaurant under thewith Al- Low, LLC Arts.location of Org. filed the York Clerks Office on September 9, SSNY pers E.of75th St., NY, NY b eholidays. i nin gAny i401 nThe tNew hFederal e B o risolocated uCounty g hSte. o fthe Corporation Service Co., 80 NY County. designated as agent of NY pose: lawful activity. the Secy. (SSNY) on Princ. office ofwithLLC: 1120 SSNY ast a agent Corps., St., on South Side of any the Building facing of Hudson (SSNY) 08/05/21. Office copy ofon process tothethe the a bany, NY 12207-2543. Pur- SSNY Auth. withNY Secy. of ONLY State Sinanaj, 425 Madison jamin The Town will not reimburse any individual or Albany, firmwhom any costs coholic Control toffice h e S designated e cBeverage yLLC: . o f 30 S t e ooff 10021. 2021.This is entrance anof action toCity foreclose a tax lien covering Bronx, County Bronx,You St., NY 12207State of Get filed DIRECTV! has been designated LLC upon process ndthe building without Vietnam Veterans Memorial. will not be allowed NY office location the Americas, Ste. NY(SSNY) Ave. LLC upon whom process 4, Dover, DE 19901. PurYards, 72nd Fl., NY, NY 07/13/2021 location: County. LLC: 520NY 2inwith Ave, SuitePrinc. 20B,of their pose: Any lawful activity. NY (SSNY) on 09/28/21. of Ave., Ste. 1001, New York, Law at 358 W 44th Street, associated the preparation proposal. property known as 62 West 132nd Street, New York, New has been desigNotice of Qualification of Purpose: Any lawful activity. a n d S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k , 2543. NY, Purpose: Anyserved. lawful as 155 Channels & $35/month! government issued identification (driver's license, passport, etc.). 30 Hudson an agent upon whom proit NY may10036. be against Bronx County. SSNY has 1803, SSNY it may be served. against pose: Any lawful activity. 10001. SSNY designated as of LP: office New York, NY 10016. Purlocation: NY Any County. NY 10017. Purpose: lawand identified Block 1729, Lot 160 (the Tax Parcel). SSNY York nNew a t e against dYork, a s aNY afor g ebe npremises t served u p o n Office MONTICELLO STRUCBlock 3943 and Lotas 2867 toactivity.shall as 1000s of Shows/Movies On itn may mail process to cess been designated as an agent agent of HAN LLC designated SSNY mail process to agent ofshall LLC upon whom proA deposit of $50.00isisthe required for the specification books and aNY, deposit Yards, 72nd Fl., NY Notice pose: Any lawful activity. of Formation LLC formed in Delaware (DE) consumption. ful activity. The ofatBabylon encourages m KY inority andofwom en of owned The relief sought sale of the Tax Town Parcel public auction w h o m p r o c e s s a g a in s t it TURED PRODUCTS MSPg e th e r w ith a n u n d iv id e d Demand (w/SELECT All Inshall mail a copy of any and the addr. LLC: 1387 E. of $50.00 isFormation required for each drawing 10001. set in the Latest form of a date certified check upon whom process against upon whom KU process c/o Co. cess against mayPost be N Notice ofAppl. oflien. THE onappear, which LLC against Arts. ofit process 01/25/21. SSNY designaton businesses tofailure participate all bids.DYNASTY otice of Package.) Form ation of A-it in satisfaction offor the tax In case your to ay Corporation be served.itService The 16, Auth. filed 0.0133 percent interest PLUS cluded against the LLCprois may New Circle Rd., Ste. 135, m Notice of may Formation ofin SIGorLLC money order payable tointhe New of York City Department of is beAserved and mail may filed be served. SSNY shall 80 State St., Albany, (CSC), address served. SSNY shall mail BIG RED UMBRELLA, LLC the Org. Secy. ofof State ed of LLC th judgment may be taken inLP the sum of dissolve $14,113.23, S Q as U Ron E DUp D given, Oshall Iupon N O Office to which the with Secy. of No State ofagainst NY you Notice of with Formation THE theTransportation. Common Elements. ApNotice isagent here by purCash or Personal Checks Accepted. Stream toMagainst FIVE the LLC: 155 W 68 C/O KY 40505. Cert. of Lexington, SP 4, LLC Arts. of NATURE a copy of any process mail process to c/o CorporaNY 12207-2543. DE addr. of cess to Corporation Service Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. 12/31/2119. SSNY designatThe Town reserves theattorneys right to reject any all bids. GOLF, of NYor(SSNY) on 08/18/21. process against may whom with interest, costs, disbursements and together II, LP (SSNY) on 08/02/21. Office SSNY shall York, mail Little a copy of OPPORTUNITY BOROUGHS LLC proximate amount of judgesuant to law, that theitCert. NYC Screens Simultaneously at New NY 10023. Form. filed Co., withNY Secy. of Street, Org. filedagent with Secy. of2019 State Office the LLC is C/O the LLC: tion Service 80 State St., LLC: CSC, 251 Falls Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY of State of NY (SSNY) on A Pre-Bid meeting (Optional) has been scheduled for December 16, ed as of LP upon location: County. be served. SSNY shall mail fees of is thisAM action, and directing the public sale ofRoom, the 11/19/20. Tax Par- State, o f LAdditional P file d ofw Cost. ith S eCall c y . Rd, of location: NY County. LLC Contracting Arts. of Org. filed withFrankSecy. any against the LLC m ent $119,173.75 plus Department Consumer AfDINo P.O. 1150, Purpose: Any lawful activity. ofTheresa NY (SSNY) on at 10:00 in thelocation: Agency Chief Officer Bid against Ground Albany, Dr., process NY Box 12207-2543. DE Wilmington, DE 19808. 1604 Williamsbridge 12207-2543. Purpose: Any S Office NY 11/06/20. Sabatino process it may Princ. whom 110 SERVICES office of LLC: 307 W. process to the LLC, 37 E. cel. PHILLIPS LYTLE LLP /s/ Anthony J. Iacchetta Attorneys t a t e o f N Y ( S S N Y ) o n formed in Delaware (DE) on of State of NY (SSNY) on s e r v e d . S S N Y s h a ll m a il interest and costs. Premises fairs willNY hold a Public HearRECTV 1-888-534-6918 40602-1150. Pur- lawful fort, Office location: NY County. Floor, 55 Water Street, NYC. All prospective bidders are requested to addr. KY of LLC: Little Falls Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. Bronx, activity. 10461. Purpose: County. SSNY designated as Commissioner of General Services be served. SSNY shall mail 38th St., NY,251location: NY 10018. 18th 7th Plaintiffs NYCTL 2018-A Trust and The Bank ofas New York for 07/29/21. Princ. LLC: 1 2 /1lawful 5 St., /1Wednesday, 7 . activity. O fficFl., e loNY, cJanuary a tioNY n: Office NY Notice 11/23/20. process to 660 Nereid Ave willattend. beofsold subject toofInprovion ing Seats areoffice limited. this connection, please limit the number of of pose: Electrical contracting designated agent SSNY of Formation of 5 Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. of State, Div. of Corps., 401 Any LLC upon whom proagent process to Corporation SerSSNY designated as agent of # 1 , B r o n x , N e w Y o r k , NY DEataddr. ofp.m. LLC: 10003. Mellon, asfiled and Custodian 28 East Main 600 Third Ave., 21st Fl., NY, County. Princ.filed office ofSecy. LLC: Princ. office of attendees toCollateral maximum ofAgent two personnel perupon firm. Please submit the sions of Judgment In08, County. 2020 2:00 at251 42 and sub-contracting work, LLC whom process NYC LLC of Little FRANKLIN Notice Formation CLIFof Form. with Cert. FederalofSt. - Ste. 4,ofArts. Dover, cess against it Rochester, may be Date: January 9,State 2018 vice Co., St., LLC whom process Wilmington, 1400, York 14614 Street, NY SSNY 56 State, Leonard St., Apt. 39W, Org. P : c Falls / o A5sthDr., cFloor, end Aon m ear perica attendees to Manager no80 later than (2)Al10470. d ename(s) x10016. # Suite 3 of 80 2 4shall 6 / designated 2 0mail 1 2the . proNProject o New Broadway, allupon activities purposand FREE! may be two served. against filed with Secy. of State FORD HOUSE PRESERVAof John G.and Townsend Purpose: Any law- LDE DE 19901. served. SSNY bany, NYit12207-2543. Name against it may be served. 19808-1674. Cert. of business days prior to the pre-bid meeting date. Savings Includelawful an American activity Walk-In Tubs Telephone No. (585) 758-2110 as agent of LLC upon whom NY 10013. SSNY desigNY, L L C , 6 3 5 M a d i s o n A v e ., Notice of Formation Purpose: Any Cash to willFredda be Accepted. tition for CASA AZUL. INC of to es related thereto. SSNY shallofmail process to SSNY (SSNY) onof TION, L.P. LP filed Form. Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. to 4, of ful NY activity. cess Herzmay Brown, StandardCert. Right Height Toilet08/12/21. and addr. each general shall mailofprocess filed with Dept. of process against bewriting nated as agent LLC upon Office STERNBUCH FAMILY 1300, NY, NYand 10022. FREE! Value) WALK BATHTUB SALE! SAVE $1,500 All questions shall beitsubmitted in to the designated person indicated establish, maintain, operCorporation Service Co., 80 Corporation location: NY County. with Secy. of($500 State of NY-INSte. DE 19901. Purpose: Dover, 450 E. 83rd St., Apt. 16A, Notice of Formation of 5 122-124 W 124TH ST LLC, are available from partner DeFoe Corp. invites all inDeFoe Corp. invites all inService Co., 80 State: Div. of Corps., John G. served. SSNY shall process against it may SSNY whom PROPERTIES LLC sidewalk Arts. of on which the LP submission of questions is December 20, 2019. L abelow. u NY r a Deadline C . NYC B r for o wLLC n email , E sproqof . , SSNY. unenclosed ate andate St., NY Notice ofa12207ASTOas agent of Latest (SSNY)designated on 08/05/21. Office lawful activity. NY, 10028. Any Arts. FRANKLIN Any tState e r e sof t Purpose: e Org. dAlbany, a n filed d q uwith a 12207llawful i f ithe e d State tAny ere sSt., tofe Formation dAlbany, aSSNY n d qNY u l i f mail ied N Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal th140 by American years of cess to the LLCPurpose: at theArts. princ. be served. shall o t i c eupon o fNY F o whom rCounty. m a t i o nprocess o Princ. f 2✔4Backed 6 may Org. filed with of dissolve is 12/12/2117. cafe' at Standard’s 369 7Secy. Ave inState the Referee 2543. on Purpose: Any Office lawful RIA WEST F&B LLC Arts. of LLC Mr. Hari Velkur, location: lawful activity. Org. filed with Secy. of State SSNY 08/19/2021. experience activity. MWBE firms to submit pro- 2543. Purpose: Operations of St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. MWBE firms to submit prooffice of the LLC. DE addr. of process to Sarika Singh at SPRING STREET CONDOMINIof NY (SSNY) on 07/12/21. SSNY designated as agent Borough of Brooklyn for a Director of Engineering and Construction Programs, ACCO, activity. Org. filed Secy. of State against may 30 be Hudson served. office ofit LP: of NYc/o (SSNY) on 08/12/21. loc. NYfor County. SSNY NYS has restaurants. ✔ Ultra low entry for easy entering & exiting posals the following Purpose: Any lawful posals to with the following LLC: Service theNY princ. office of 08/16/21. the NYS LLC. SSNY Office location: NY activity. County. UM (NEW YORK) BORROWER, of LPDrain upon whom process Management two years. term K n u c klocation: lof eCorporation sFormation , KFinance, om o s Contracts iCounty. n s kBIOi && Program ® (SSNY) on shall mail process to Yards, 72nd Fl., NY, ✔NY Technology Patented Quickof Notice of Office NY been designated as agent of Departm ent ofFORMATION: TransportaDepartm ent NOTICE OF Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., A of golfTransportasimulation Purpose: Princ. office of LLC: 276 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. against it m ay be served. New York City Department of Transportation 122-124 W 124TH ST LLC, M a n fr o , L L P , 5 6 5 T a x te r Office location: NY County. Gutman, ✔ Lifetime Warrantyis on hereby the bath AND installation, 10001. Latest date 4on Bryant which PROTECTORS, LLC Arts. of upon designated as agent of whom process against SSNY Notice Qualification of Notice ofrelated Formation CLIF- Barbara Notice given that tion project: tion Best Valueretailer. Bidofproject: Mental Health CounAbbott 55DE Water Street, 8th Floor, New York, New York 10041 Wilmington, 19808. Cert. and -golf Riverside Dr., Ste. 2-G, NY, othe f S t LP a9th tof e Fl., omay f NNY, Y dissolve ( SNY S N10018. Y ) ALoINCLUDING n SSNY process toa of Org. filed the FORD labor shall backed bymail American Standard Road, Ste. 590, Elm sford, SSNY designated as agent of Park, is Org. filed with Secy. of212-839-9403, State Arts. LLC upon whom process the may be with served. TOUR HOLDINGS, LLC ApHOUSE PRESERVAlicense, serial # 1339346 for Telephone No. FaxLLC No. 212-839-4241 seling, PLLC. Articles of Org. of Form. filed with DE Secy. NY 10025. SSNY designated 1 2 /1 2 / 1 7 . O ffic e lo c a tio n : N Y the Partnership, 635 MadiSSNY on 08/19/2021. Office ✔ 44 Hydrotherapy jets for for ancopies invigorating Request ofmassage the reN YNY 1 0 (SSNY) 5it2 3may , A t on t obe rn e y s f o r upon whom process LLC Purpose: Any lawful activity. 12/31/2119. SSNY designat12/03/19. of served. SSNY shall mail process to: against pl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of TION GP, LLC Arts. of Org. beer, liquor haswhom been C o nNY tra c t # D 2SSNY 6 3State 6 3has 4 of- C o n t r a c t # D 2 6 3 6 3 0 th- County. Princ. office of LLC: 246 son filed w/ Secretary of of State, 401 FederalEmail: St. Ste. as agent of&SLLC upon Awine ve., te. 1300, NY, County. vocable consent agreement Plaintiff against itSecy. mayof be ed LP upon Office location: NY County. SSNY shall process to loc. The LLC,Replacement, 2719/9/2020. New York Av- filed Stateas ofagent NY of(SSNY) on process Notice ofRepairs Qualification of 80 State ofLLC, NY Spring applied for by the underBridge I-84 Bridge at 3served. LocaYESwith MAMA CREATIVE Office NY (SSNY) 4, Dover, DEmail 19901. Puragainst itto: may be St., NY 10013.itSSNY 10022. Name and addr. been as 11213. agent may be addressed Departshall mail process to- Notice SSNY whom process against may Bill de Blasio, Mayordesignated office of LLC: FulPrinc.Any Barbara Gutman, 41305 Bryant enue, Brooklyn, NY Office location: NY 11/07/19. STREET REALTY LLC Appl. ofNY, Qualification of NY (SSNY) on 08/05/21. Office Limited Time Offer! Call Today! wine & to sell beer, signed Eastbound & W estbound t i o n s i n L o n g I s l a n d of Org. filed with the Arts. location: New York County. pose: lawful activity. served. shall mail prodesignated agent formed ofAppl. LLC upon each general partner are whomAny process against ment of SSNY Consumer Affairs, Cape Advisors, 375 Trottenberg, Commissioner be SSNY shall mail ton St., NJ 10018. 07065. upon 9thRahway, Fl., NY, Polly NY Purpose: Park, County. LLC in of for Auth. filed withInc., Secy. of SoulCycle LLC for NY County. liquor at retail in a restaurant o v e rLLC M e tmay r o NLawful oas r t agent h RPura of i l location: Towns of Babylon & Princ. HunSSNY on 06/10/2020. Office SSNY designated cess to Jacob M. Weinreb at whom process against it may be be served. the available from SSNY. PurATTN: Foil Officer, 42 BroadGreenwich St., Fl., NY, process Corporation Ser- Or visit: SSNY of designated asactivity. agent of pose. Purpose: Any Notice Quallawful of KING PENDelaware (DE) on 08/21/17. of&County. NY Third (SSNY) on Auth. State filedtowith Secy. of State office of LLC: 30 Hudson the York, ABC NY Law 197 under Road -upon Tow n of Fishkill, tington the City of Glen loc:10003. NY SSNY has whom process PLLC shall the princ. office of theat LLC. served. SSNY mail process mail process to: Yards, Any lawful activity. way, New 10004. NY Purpose: Any lawvice Co., 80shall State St., Al- pose: upon whom process LLC OPPORTUNITY GUIN FUND SSNY office of LLC: 1270 Princ. 11/08/19. Office location: NY NY (SSNY) on 08/16/21. of 72nd Fl., NY, NY Ave., NYC 10003 for on2nd NY been designated as agent Cove, NY against may beYork served. to T h of eNY Bthe o a12207-2543. rd of M a n aCounty. g Name e rs NY o f Purpose: Any lawful activity. LLC,it271 New Av- ful activity. bany, against may befiled served. III LLC,axitAuthority with The Ave. Americas, NY, LLC formed in Office County. location: NY SSNY designated as premises consumption; Fine process against upon whom shall mail copy of pro- 10001. SSNY Brooklyn, Carem professional Trump SoHo Hotel Condominium NY 11213. and addr. of each general shall mail processserto enue, SSNY the SSNY onArts. 07/27/2021. OfSSNY designated as N Notice formation of 10020. (DE) on 05/05/99. Delaware formed in Delaware (DE) of LLC upon whom proFood and Spirits Inc. Additional inform ation PurmAve ay agent the LLC may be served. Additional inform ation m ay LLC cess to: 315 Madison O TIC E of O F FO R M ATIO N vices LLC. of org. filed Purpose: Any Lawful NY at the princ. office of the LLC. partner are available from Notice the NY qualification of LLC Reof formation of 333 Notice of Formation of CLIFNOTICE OF FORMATION Corporation Service Co., 80 Notice fice loc: County. agent of LLC upon whom proCelebrity LLCofAppl. SSNY designated as agent of Notice theAdvisors qualification Re03/25/11. SSNY designaton cess against it may be be obtained from York, David Amshall from mail process to: Purpose: Any lawful activity. SSNY obtained David Am#1501B, New NY be OF BPBB Media, LLC. Arts th with the SSNY on 10/19/17. pose. SSNY. Purpose: source Energy Systems, LLC East 30 FORD HOUSE OF HOLDINGS Albany, NY 12207. State St., formed in DE on 04/16/2015. cessas against for O maylawful be of Auth. filed with Secy of upon whom LLC source LLC agent ofit Any LLC upon Notice offiled Formation of HAN a t o AMERIGO a t Purpose: 9Street 1 4 - 6Holding 9any 9 - 7lawful 4LLC 4 0 served. The 299 West 12 a t o aLLC, tSSNY 914 -shall 6 9DEVELOP9mail -process 7 4pro4 0th ed 10017. rg Energy wSystems, iththe Secy. of O f f i c eis: designated N efor w lawful YCertificate o r kactivity. . Sagent S Nof Y LLC activity. Application ER, Arts. ofofOrg. LLC Arts. ofbe Org. filed LLC Articles Org.filed filed with NOTICE OF FORMATION Purpose: Any SSNY as served.process SSNY against shall mail pro- S State off NNY (SSNY) against it may served. Application for of it may toApt Corporation Service KU LLC DYNASTY damato@ or cess Street 3J, NY, NY 10014. damato@ or whom activity. tate o Y (Certificate S S NArts. Y ) oon n d e s ALLTID i gwhom n afiled t e dprocess agen tagainst uSecy p o n Notice with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) Secy. of State of Authority with Secretary of State of NY the SPIRITS LLC. OF of Formation of 277 upon to c/o Corporation SerN.Y. Office location: cess 10/29/19 SSNY shall mail process to Authority filed with the Secy be served. SSNY shall mail Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY Org. filed with Secy. of State bids@ Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 319 1 2 / 1 9 / 1 7 . O f f i c e l o c : N Y bids@ whom process against the Notice of (CSC), Formation of CONof State of may New (SSNY) on 08/31/2021 NY office loca(SSNY) on 08/05/21. Office (SSNY) 11/5/2019. Arts of Org filed York with Secy of FIFTH 35A LLC Arts. Org. 12207-2543. the LLC be served. FEYNMAN POINT LLC, Arts. Notice ofonformation ofofOffice Signs vice New York County. SSNY has Co. 80 State St., Gideon Rothschild, Moses & process of State of New York (SSNY) to c/o Corporation Purpose: Any NY (SSNY) on 08/18/21. W est 10 6 t h12207-2543. S treet, L LDE C C ounty. SSN Y designated LLC mshall afiled y NY bmail ewith s(SSNY) eprocess rthe voffice e dSSNY a to: n d filed NOLLY INVESTING, LLC. on 05/18/2021. NY lotion: NY Secy. County. SSNY has location: NY County. Princ. Service NY County. location: Albany, NY State of on with ofArts State of NY lawful activity. SSNY Org. LLC. ofSSNY Org of Candles designated agent been LLP, 405 Lexington Singer on 05/18/2021. NY office loCo. (CSC), 80 State Office location: NYas County. Bid Date: January 25, 2018 Bid Date: upon whom process Art. ofof filed with Sec. of agent shall mail process against to (SSNY) th January 24, 2018 Arts. Org. filed with Secy. NYOffice County. SSNY has been designated as ofOffice agent of LLC: cation designated as agent ofOrg. LLC: CSC, 251 Little addr.Albany, 11/7/19. location: NY on 08/02/21. The LLC, 369 Office West 126th on filed with 09/22/2020. loc: Secy. of State ofLLC NY office upon Ave., 12 Fl., NY,30 NYHudson 10174. cation NY 12207-2543. St., office ofe dLLC: W. Princ. Notice is hereby given that a m a y whom bNY e sCounty. eprocess rv aSSNY nagainst d307 s hhas a llit State of NY (SSNY) on SepLegaldesignated Corp Solutions LLC, of State of NY (SSNY) on been as an agent upon whom process it Notice Yards, 72nd Fl., NY, NY is hereby given that a Falls SSNY designated Dr., Wilmington, DE County. NY5/29/20. County.against Princ. Street, Mgmt Suite, NY, NY location: SSNY has been des(SSNY) on Office lomay be served. The Post OfDE addr. of LLC: c/o Corpobeen designated as an agent DE addr. of LLC: c/o CSC, 38th St., NY, NY 10018. license, number 1331331 for tember 15, 2017. Office in mail copy of process against 11Broadway Sterequired 615 New 08/23/21. 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Contact: Phone:this (212)620−0938 Under agreement rates are Fax#: of a cancellation before event Email: rate charged will be based upo Agency: −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− PUB ZONE EDT AMNEWS TP RUN CORPORAT DATES ______________________________ AN A 97 S 01/07,14 FREDERICK DOUG Name (print2340 or type) −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− NEW YORK NY 10 (212)932−740 . Under this agreement rates ar ORDER CONFIRMAT event of a cancellation befor rate charged will be based up Salesperson: Not Applicable Print −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− Acct #: 370 Ad #: _____________________________ Name (print or type) MORRISON & TENEBAUM Start 87 WALKER STREET Times NEW YORK NY 10013 STD 1 . Total Class Rate:

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Under this agreement rates are subject to ch event of a cancellation before schedule comp rate charged will be based upon the rate for


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Notice of Qualification of SOLUTIONS HEALING (REMEDY) LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/28/21. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 01/25/21. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 37 E. 18th St., 7th Fl., NY, NY 10003. DE addr. of LLC: 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808-1674. Cert. of Form. filed with Dept. of State: Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity.


Notice of Qualification of HVS XLII LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/17/21. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 04/19/21. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: c/o CSC, 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State of DE, 401 Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity.

Notice of Formation of Rachel L Goldman PhD Psychologist PLLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/16/21. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of PLLC: 675 3rd Ave., Ste. 1037, NY, NY 10017. SSNY designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the PLLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Practice of Psychology and any lawful activity relating thereto.

Notice of formation: Sam City Collaborative, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the Secy of State. of the State of NY (SSNY) on 09/15/2021. Office location: NY County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail a copy of any process to Sam City Collaborative, LLC, c/o Genesis Companies, 745 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500, New York, NY 10151. Purpose: to engage in any lawful activity.

110 SERVICES Freon Wanted: We pay CA$H for cylinders and cans. R12 R500 R11 R113 R114. Convenient. Certified Professionals. Call 312-361-0601 or visit VIAGRA & CIALIS! 60 pills for $99. 100 pills for $150. FREE shipping. Money back guaranteed! 1-855-579-8907 Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off and 0% Financing for those who qualify. PLUS Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-877-763-2379 DISH TV $64.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Fee Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 07/21/21. 1-888-6099405

Notice of Qualification of 1770 2ND AVE NYC LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/07/21. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 08/12/21. Princ. office of LLC: 777 S. Figueroa St., 41st Fl., Los Angeles, CA 90017. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State of DE, John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity.

Notice of formation of Pain Free Strength LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/24/20 NY office location: NY County. SSNY has been designated as an agent upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon is C/O the LLC: 4558 Broadway, New York, NY 10040. Purpose: Any lawful activity.

Notice is hereby given that a license, serial #1338847 for beer, wine & liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine & liquor at retail in a Restaurant under the ABC Law at 200 gth Ave., NYC 10011 for onpremises consumption; Ruam Mitr Corporation.

Notice of Formation of Rachel L Goldman PhD Psychologist PLLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/16/21. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of PLLC: 675 3rd Ave., Ste. 1037, NY, NY 10017. SSNY designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the PLLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Practice of Psychology and any lawful activity relating thereto.

NOTICE OF QUALIFICATIONS of LLC. Auth. Ivonne Welch Insurance Agency, LLC filed Secretary of State (SSNY) on 08/10/21. Office Location: NY County. LLC org. in California. SSNY desig. as agent of LLC upon whom proc. against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of proc. to: 25240 Hancock Avenue Suite 305, Murrieta, CA 92562. Purpose: any lawful activity.




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Notice of Formation of V. cardui Consulting, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/13/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: CT Corporation System, 28 Liberty St., NY, NY 10005. Purpose: any lawful activities.


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Notice of Qualification of SoulCycle LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/16/21. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 03/25/11. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: c/o CSC, 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Jeffrey W. Bullock, Secy. of State of the State of DE, Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St. - Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity.

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Notice of the formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: NYCR SUB-CDE 17, LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on August 10, 2021. NY office location: New York County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom the process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to: NYCR SUB-CDE 17, LLC, c/o NYCR-CDE, LLC, 99 Hudson Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10013. Purpose / character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.

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Notice of Qualification of HVS XLII LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/17/21. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 04/19/21. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: c/o CSC, 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State of DE, 401 Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity.







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Mott 7 LLC, Arts of Org filed with SSNY on 09/27/21. Off Loc: New York County, SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 52 Mulberry St, New York, NY 10013. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act.

Notice of Qualification of HOLONIX, LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/28/21. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 05/27/15. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 37 E. 18th St., 7th Fl., NY, NY 10003. DE addr. of LLC: 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808-1674. Cert. of Form. filed with Dept. of State: Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity.



NOTICE OF QUALIFICATIONS of LLC. Auth. Ivonne Welch Insurance Agency, LLC filed Secretary of State (SSNY) on 08/10/21. Office Location: NY County. LLC org. in California. SSNY desig. as agent of LLC upon whom proc. against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of proc. to: 25240 Hancock Avenue Suite 305, Murrieta, CA 92562. Purpose: any lawful activity.

Notice of Formation of THE FUSION FILMS LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/19/21. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 365 3rd Ave., #4B, NY, NY 100169073. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to So Young Yang at the princ. office of the LLC. Purpose: Any lawful activity

Notice is hereby given that a license, serial #Pending for beer & wine and spirit has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer & wine and spirits at retail in a restaurant under Harlem Nytes Hospitality LLC located at 344 East 59th Street NY NY 10022 for on-premises consumption; DBA: Narcisse at 344 East 59th New York NY 10022



Notice of formation: Harlem Sam City, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the Secy of State. of the State of NY (SSNY) on 09/15/2021. Office location: NY County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail a copy of any process to Harlem Sam City, LLC, c/o Genesis Companies, 745 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500, New York, NY 10151. Purpose: to engage in any lawful activity.

101 LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Qualification of STRUCMONTICELLO TURED PRODUCTS MSP16, LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/02/21. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 07/29/21. Princ. office of LLC: 600 Third Ave., 21st Fl., NY, NY 10016. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the princ. office of the LLC. DE addr. of LLC: c/o Corporation Service Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with DE Secy. of State, 401 Federal St. Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity.


Notice of Qualification of GAR Equipment, L.L.C. Authority filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/12/21. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in New Jersey (NJ) on 03/31/11. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 27 Ramsey Rd., Lebanon, NJ 08833, also the address to be maintained in NJ. Arts of Org. filed with the State Treasurer of the State of NJ, 125 W State St., Trenton, NJ 08625. Purpose: any lawful activities.

101 LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Qualification of OCTAGON CLO OPPORTUNITY FUND IV (US) L.P. Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/21/21. Office location: NY County. LP formed in Delaware (DE) on 09/15/21. Princ. office of LP: 250 Park Ave., 15th Fl., NY, NY 10177. Duration of LP is Perpetual. SSNY designated as agent of LP upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. Name and addr. of each general partner are available from SSNY. DE addr. of LP: CSC, 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of LP filed with Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity.





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October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 33

The ascending New York Liberty look toward the 2022 season The WNBA Playoffs continue as the remaining teams battle to reach the final and win the title. For the New York Liberty, it is already the off-season. After a 12–20 season and the Liberty’s first playoff berth since 2017, the players and the coaching staff are pleased with their progress but nowhere near satisfied. In the team’s exit interviews with the press, players spoke about continuing to grow individually and collectively. “We know what we’re capable of, so demanding that of ourselves from the very beginning I think will go a long way,” said Sami Whitcomb. “Everyone going away and working on the things we know will help us next year.” While no doubt all the players will be working on aspects of their games, it remains to be seen who will be with the Liberty come training camp next spring. “I think with any team you’re

(Bill Moore photo)

By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews

Liberty forward Michaela Onyenwere was a unanimous choice as the WNBA Rookie of the Year

trying to keep a core group together,” said Whitcomb. “It’s hard to get that chemistry and experience as a group if you’re not keeping some kind of group together. So obviously that’s vital.” Liberty head coach Walt Hopkins said the starting point for next season will be the high level at which the team finished this season. The message management gave players in their post-season interviews was positive and looking toward the future. Players were told to use their time overseas to be intentional in refining skills and strengthening weaknesses. Hopkins said he will stay in touch with the players. “It’s really a young group, not just in age, but also in experience in a lot of ways,” said Hop-

kins. “Coaching staff, Jonathan [Kolb, general manager], we’re all still learning. The idea is that we get to start training camp with the ferocity, focus, intensity and leadership that it really took us this season to figure out how all those pieces fit together. There’s not a shortcut for that. “I think we’ve got the vast majority of pieces in place right now,” he added. “The potential of this group is tremendous. It’s not just the individual growth but it’s also the collective growth of how they play with one another within this system. … They come in with that knowledge now.” Rookie forward Michaela Onyenwere swept the WNBA’s Rookie of the Month honors and was named Associate Press Rookie of the Year. Guard/forward DiDi Richards was named to the AP All-Rookie Team. “It’s been a whirlwind,” said Onyenwere, who will play in Spain during the off-season. “I’ve been really adaptable throughout this process and it’s definitely helped me for the long run.”

Monroe cross country is back in action By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews

Aaliyah Moore has shown considerable skills this cross country season (Stockton photos)

After cancelling cross country and track and field during the 2020–21 school year due to the pandemic, the studentathletes of Monroe College are on campus, training hard and getting into the competitive groove. Although Monroe is a four-year college, the athletic programs are two years and compete against twoyear institutions. The freshmen from the 2019–20 year have moved onto four-year institutions, so coach Shirvon Greene is starting with a new group of athletes. “Throughout the pandemic, we were still continuing the recruiting process,” said Greene, head coach for women’s and men’s cross country and associate head coach for track and field. “For me, I knew it was going to be a hard task because they would be away from the school for a year as well as the restrictions from their countries. It was a bit challenging to build this current team.” As in past, the rosters are quite international. There are five women competing in cross country. Two are locals—one from White Plains and one from New Rochelle—and the other

Tshwanelo Maruping is progressing toward track season

three young women come from Kenya, South Africa and Guyana. Training started in mid-August. “The good part of it was they were training when they were back home,” said Greene. “With COVID restrictions, they did as much as they could. When they got here, it was difficult for the first couple of weeks, but we’re using the competition season to get into real shape.” Both the women’s and men’s squads have run personal bests, and Greene was pleased with their efforts at the recent Highlander XC Challenge at New Jersey Institute of Technology. All the athletes will compete in track and field. Greene not only spent last year recruiting, but also honing his coaching skills. He studied the performances of his past athletes. “Trying to find a way to incorporate the past and the current programs,” said Greene. To stay in shape, Greene runs with the team, but he has put his competitive days behind him. “The purpose now is to get them to the next level,” said Greene. “Cross country is the foundation, is the base for what they want to accomplish for indoor and outdoor track.”

34 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021


The Jets have a day of firsts in defeating the Tennessee Titans By VINCENT DAVIS Special to the AmNews

(Bill Moore photo)

The New York Jets are in a positive and refreshed state of mind on their trip to London, England to play the Atlanta Falcons this Sunday after winning their first game of the NFL regular season last Sunday, defeating the Tennessee Titans 27-24 in overtime at MetLife Stadium. It was a day for the Jets. It was their rookie quarterback Zach Wilson’s first NFL win. It was also Robert Saleh’s first victory as a head coach. It was not only the team’s first successful outcome this season, it was the first time the 1-3 Jets led in any quarter of any of their games. Although there were moments of excellent play by the Jets versus the 2-2 Titans, specifically in the second half, the first half, for the most part, was shaping up to be much like

Jets wide receiver Corey Davis had four catches for 111 yards and a touchdown on Sunday versus the Tennessee Titans, his former team

their previous three games. A Wilson interception at 12:26 of the second quarter with the Jets down 6-0 was a sign the young quarterback was not correcting his mistakes. The Jets went into the half down 9-0 but it should have been worse. The Titans offense failed to take advantage of opportunities to put touchdowns on the board instead of field goals. The Jets’ defense was the cause of much of their problems. Led by defensive tackle Quinnen Williams, who had two sacks, and the one and a half by defensive end Bryce Huff, the Jets totaled seven on the day on Titans QB Ryan Tannehill. As usual, Tennessee’s offense was powered by running back Derrick Henry, last season’s NFL rushing leader, who had 157 yards on 33 carries against an aggressive Jets front seven. A rushing touchdown at the 4:49 mark of the second quarter by Jets rookie running back Michael Carter from

the 2-yard line gave the Jets their first score of the game and the score was 9-7 Titans at the half. The second half and overtime was the Jets’ best stretch of play this season. They outscored the Titans 20-15, capping it off with a 22-yard field goal in the OT period by Matt Ammendola and a 49-yard miss by Titans kicker Randy Bullock that ended the game. Wilson showed future franchise quarterback potential going 21-34 for 297 yards. In the post game press conference Saleh asked Wilson, “You having fun yet?” The BYU product smiled and replied “I am.” He added, “It’s an interesting fun, though. It was a roller-coaster game.” Jets wide receiver Corey Davis also had fun, catching four passes for 111 yards and a touchdown against his former team. Davis spent four years with the Titans before signing a threeyear, $37.5 deal with the Jets last March. “Feels great,” said Davis. “I was quiet this week. I didn’t want to make it any bigger than what it is because, honestly, it was the next game. It’s one that we needed regardless if I was there previously or not. It definitely feels good to beat your old team, and it’s on to the next now.”

The Giants game plan for the Cowboys after a big win versus the Saints of the four Giants games this season that was decided by the final play. Down by 11 points with 12:09 remaining in the fourth quarter after the Saints’ multi-purpose backup quarterback Taysom Hill capped off an 11-play, 63yard drive with an 8-yard touchdown run, the Giants tied the score at 21-21 with just 31 seconds left in regulation on a 48-yard field goal by Graham Gano. They then won the coin toss to start overtime and never allowed the Saints offense to touch the ball again. The Giants advanced 75 yards in 9 plays, with running back Saquon Barkley willing his way into Giants quarterback Daniel Jones passed for a the end zone from career-high 402 yards in last Sunday’s 27-21 win the Saints’ 6-yard over the New Orleans Saints on the road line to clinch the win. Their first victory since defeat- into this Sunday’s meeting with the ing the Dallas Cowboys last January Cowboys on the road. in the season finale was as much of “We haven’t won a game all year, a relief as it was reassurance going so for us to come out here and win (Bill Moore photo)

By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor 
 The circumstances for a Giants win versus the New Orleans Saints last Sunday were markedly unfavorable. They had lost their first three games to start this season, were averaging just 18.6 points per game while giving up 24, missing wide receivers Sterling Sheppard and Darius Slayton due to hamstring injuries, and entering a highly exuberant atmosphere at the Caesars SuperDome, where the Saints were playing their first home game since being displaced by Hurricane Ida, which ravaged New Orleans at the end of August. Yet the Giants were a desperate team. After falling to 0-3, countless fans and media speculated that offensive coordinator Jason Garrett was on a path to termination if not at the conclusion of the season than perhaps sooner. Some, in full reactionary mode, advocated for the immediate dismissal of Garrett, head coach Joe Judge and general manager Dave Gettleman following a crushing 17-14 loss at home to the previously winless Atlanta Falcons on a game-ending field goal in Week 3. Their desired housecleaning was deferred when the Giants pulled out an unlikely 27-21 overtime victory against the Saints. It was the third

a game in a tough environment against a great defense and a great team is great,” said Barkley after his TD dropped the Saints to 2-2. “We have to keep believing in eachS other and get ready for next week. Personally, it helps with your confidence to make plays out there espe-i cially late in the game…It definitelyW builds my confidence up.” n After being sidelined 14 gamesa last season with a torn ACL, Bark-A ley experienced his most produc-g tive game since his return in WeekC 1 of this season. He had 13 carriess for 53 yards and a touchdown, andc caught five passes for 74 yards, in-d cluding a 54-yard TD reception. L Quarterback Daniel Jones alsoa elevated to new heights, throwingi for a career-high 402 yards. Veter-d an receivers John Ross and KennyW Golladay, and rookie first rounda pick Kadarius Toney mitigated thet absences of Sheppard and Slay-r ton. Golladay led the team with six catches for 116 yards. Toneyp snagged six passes for 78. And Rosst three for 77 yards, the most impact-b ful a 52-yard touchdown receptionc from Jones at 8:51 in the secondt quarter. s “If you look at it, all of the receiv-S ers had a part and did their job,”e said Golladay. “I felt like everyonew in the receivers room did a great1 job of helping Daniel Jones out. HeT put it on us.” f



October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021 • 35

The Knicks come back to the Garden to open preseason The Knicks opened their 2 0 2 1 pre s eas o n s ch e d u l e at Madis o n S qu a re Gard en on Tu e s day n ig ht, d ef eat ing th e In d ia na Pa c ers by 125-1 0 4 . Before then, the last time the Knicks played a game at MS G, Trae Young made the building his personal playground, scoring 36 points and adding nine assists in leading the Atlanta Hawks to a 103-89 win in Game 5 of the opening round of the NBA playoffs. The Knicks were eliminated 4-1 that June 2 night. It was a painful ending to an other wise surprisingly successful season.

They far exceede d e x p e c t a t i o n s by finishing 41-31 and e a r n i n g t h e No. 4 s e e d i n t h e E a s te r n C o n f e re n c e. B u t their struggles in t h e f ra n c h i s e’s f i r s t p o s t s e a s o n a p p e a rance since 2013 left them disappointed and looking to come b a ck m o re e q u i p p e d . The Knicks added s h o o t i n g g u a rd Ev a n Fo u r n i e r a n d p o i n t g u a rd Ke m b a Wa l k e r t o b o l s t e r t h e b a c kc o u r t a n d p rov i d e quality depth at b o t h p o s i t i o n s. T h e B ro n x n a t i v e Wa l k e r was excited to play his first game as a

(Bill Moore photo)

By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor

Knicks guard/forward RJ Barrett dropped 17 points in the team’s preseason debut versus the Indiana Pacers at home on Tuesday

K n i c k i n f ro n t o f t h e h o m e c ro w d . “ It was sp e c ia l to b e h onest,” h e said to the MS G Network in an inter view on th e Garden c ou r t after th e game. “ Ju st to s e e that New York a c ross my ch est. B eing from here, it ’s like a dream c ome tr u e.” The 3 1 - y e a ro l d v e t e ra n c a n be a positive influence on younger players such as t h i rd - y e a r g u a rd / f o r w a rd R J B a r re t t , who made notab l e i m p rov e m e n t s last year after the ups and downs of

h i s ro o k i e s e a s o n . B a rre t t p l ay e d 2 5 m i n u t e s a g a i n s t t h e Pa c e r s, s c o ring 17 points on 7-14 shooting. Knicks head c o a c h To m T h i b o d e a u s e e s f ro m B a r re t t a c o n t i n u a t i o n o f h i s u n re l e n ting work ethic. “His commitment is special,” said Thibodeau following Tuesday’s game. “He’s a great kid. Hard worker. Disciplined. He’ll keep getting better. He’s only 21. But he’s putting a lot of work into the game.” The Knicks next face the Washington Wizards this Saturday on the road, and are at home next Wednesday and Friday to play the Detroit Pistons and Wizards respectively.

Underdogs showing their grit in WNBA Semi-Finals (WNBA photos)

Candace Parker of the Chicago Sky is bringing pride to her hometown

By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews No team in WN BA h i sto r y ca m e into th e p layo ff s m o re dom i na nt tha n th e Conne cticu t Su n . No t o n ly did the tea m have a h isto r ic 14- ga m e w i n n ing st reak in th e s e co n d ha l f of the s ea s o n , bu t a s th e playoffs e nte re d th e s e m i-f i nal rou n d th e Su n re ceive d mu lti p le p o sts ea s on awards. Th e s e i n clu d e d WNBA Coa ch o f th e Year for Cu r t Mi lle r, Kia WNBA Most Improved Player for Br i o n na Jo n e s and Kia WNBA Most Valuable Player Jonquel Jones.

In s e m i -f i na l o n e, t he Sun f a c e d o f f w i t h t he Chi cag o Sky a n d t he Sky bur n e d t he Sun 1 0 1 – 9 5 . Co n n e c t i cut batt l e d ba ck i n ga m e t w o, p re va i l i ng 7 9 – 6 8 . W he n t he ac t i o n m ove d to Chi cag o f o r ga m e t hre e, t he Sky to o k f ul l a d va nt ag e, w i nn i ng 8 6 – 8 3 . The ga m e’s h ig h s c o re rs w e re Ka hl e ah Co p p e r w i t h 2 6 p o i nt s an d A l l i e Quig l e y w i t h 2 1 p o i nt s, but t he i mpa c t o f Candace Parker, who grew u p i n t he Chi cag o suburb o f Nap e r v i l l e, ca n n o t b e u n d e re st i mate d . A f te r 1 3 s ea s o n s w i t h t he L o s A ng e l e s Spa rks, Pa rke r

Brittney Griner of the Phoenix Mercury has shown dominant play

signed w ith the Sky so she c ou l d sp end th e su mmer playing in front of fa mily. The other semi-final f e a t u re s t h e L a s Ve g a s Aces and the Phoenix Me rc u r y . W h i l e t h e A c e s ha d a mu c h b e tt e r re g u l a r s e a s o n — f i n i s h i ng 2 4 – 8 a s c o m p a re d t o t h e Me rc u r y ’s 1 9 – 1 3 — n o t t o m e n t i o n t h e A c e s g o t t o re s t a s t h e Me rc u r y h a d t o d e f e a t t h e Ne w Yo r k L i b e r t y a n d t h e n t h e S e a ttle Storm in the first two ro u n d s o f t h e p l ay o f f s, i t c a n n o t b e u n d e re s t i m a te d t hat t h e Me rc u r y i s t h e only team in the semi-fina l s t hat ha s w o n a W N BA

Championship (2007, 2009 and 2014). The Aces won game one 96–90, but t h e Me rc u r y d o m i n a ted game two 117–91 and p re v a i l e d i n g a m e t h re e 8 7 – 6 0 . B r i t t n e y G r i n e r, w h o i s h av i n g p e r h a p s the best season of her W N B A c a re e r, c o n t r i b u t e d 1 8 p o i n t s, 1 1 re b o u n d s, f o u r a s s i s t s a n d t h re e b l o c k e d s h o t s. “ We k n e w t h a t t h i s w a s a big game—game three is always a big game in a series like that, espec i a l l y w h e n y o u s p l i t— s o we wanted to come home a n d w i n ,” s a i d G r i n e r after game thre e. “ Ev-

e r y b o d y k n o w s w h a t ’s o n t h e l i n e . … We k n o w w h a t i t t a k e s .” Game four was last night. Ot her p o st-s eas o n WNBA ho n o rs in clud e t he Kim Per ro t Sp o r t s manship Award to Nn eka O g wumike of the L os Angeles Sparks, Sixt h Wo man o f the Year to Kels e y Plum of t he Las Ve gas Aces an d WNBA Basketball E xe cut ive o f t he Year to Aces g en eral manag er o f basketball o p erat io n s Dan Padover. If either s emi-fi nal g o es to a fifth game, it w ill b e playe d to mo r row e ven ing. The Finals st ar t on Sun day.

36 • October 7, 2021 - October 13, 2021


Sports Yanks not making it much of a rivalry with the Red Sox As if playing 19 games during the regular season wasn’t enough for one of America’s biggest sports rivalries, the baseball Gods blessed Major League Baseball with one more on Tuesday night, this one for an American League wildcard spot. It was Game 163 of the season for both teams, who ended the regular season on Sunday with 92 wins and 70 losses each. Ten of the Red Sox’s 92 wins were against the Yankees. Winning the majority of the 19 games gave the Red Sox home field advantage for a single-elimination, loser goes home matchup. The Red Sox, who were dominated by the Yankees two weekends ago at Fenway Park and swept in their three game series, avenged those defeats with a 6-2 win in the most important game they have played this season in front of a sellout crowd of 38,324. The Red Sox rocked Yankee ace starter Gerrit Cole, who didn’t live up to his record breaking nine-year, $324 million dollar contract signed in December 2019, the highest ever for a pitcher.

both hitting homers. Stanton also hit two bombs off of Boston’s Green Monster, shots that would have been home runs in most other ballparks. “The ending is really cruel, but there’s nothing better than competing for something meaningful,” said Boone, trying to turn a negative into a positive. Boone knows the thrill of victory, having hit a series ending, walk-off home run against Boston in Game 7 of the 2003 ALCS. The Red Sox will now play the AL East division winning Tampa Bay Rays beginning tonight, in the best-of-five American League Division Series.The Rays had the AL’s going 100-62. As good as their regular season record is, it was baseball’s third best, behind the National League West champion San Francisco Giants’ 107-55 and the defending World Series champion Los Angeles Dodgers’ 106-56. Yankees ace Gerrit Cole gave up three runs in less than three full innings in a 6-2 loss to the Boston Red Sox in their wildcard game on Tuesday As for the Yankees, owner Hal Steinbrenner must determine if the system He was removed from the game by Yan“This is the worst feeling in the world,” utilized by general manager Brian kees manager Aaron Boone in the third said a sullen Cole after the game. Cashman needs to be abandoned. Reinning after giving up a two-run home The Yankees relievers couldn’t stop lying heavily on analytics, the Yanrun to Boston shortstop Xander Bo- the bleeding, giving up three more runs kees, with the second highest payroll gaerts in the first, and a home run and by the eighth inning. First baseman An- in baseball at over $200 million (the two walks in the third to put the Yan- thony Rizzo and outfielder Giancarlo Dodgers are No. 1), have not won a kees in an early 3-0 hole. Stanton provided the Yankees’ scores, World Series title since 2009. (Wikipedia photo)

By VINCENT DAVIS Special to the AmNews

Another losing season, another needed overhaul for the Mets By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor

The Mets didn’t end up 11.5 games The Mets, who haven’t behind the Namade the playoffs since tional League 2016, fired Luis Rojas on East division Monday. Officially, franchampion Atchise owner Steve Cohen lanta Braves prideclined the team option marily because on the 40-year-old’s conof Rojas. He was tract for 2022. In two seaa symptom, not sons managing the Mets, the source. The the COVID-19 pandemfailed campaign ic shortened the 2020 began by ousting campaign in which the highly regardteam went 26-34, and ed hitting coach this past season, when Chili Davis and they lost eight of their assistant hitting The Mets fired Luis Rojas after two seasons managing the team to a final 12 games to post a coach Tom Slater combined record of 103-116 mark of 77-85, Rojas was in early May. Al16 games under .500. derson essentialHe has been a member of the Mets orFor his part, Rojas was non-con- ly designated them scapegoats for an ganization since coaching their Domin- troversial in exiting. “I want to share offense that went on to be putrid the ican Summer League squad in 2006. such heartfelt gratitude to so many in ensuing five months, affirming Davis “The entire Mets organization is grate- the Mets organization for not only the wasn’t the issue. ful for the dedication and devotion that last two seasons as manager, but for The Mets finished the season 27th out Luis has exhibited over the last two sea- the last 16 years in a variety of roles,” of 30 teams in Major League Baseball in sons as manager,” said Mets President said the son of former major leaguer runs scored with just 636. The pitching Sandy Alderson in a statement. “He has Felipe Alou in a team released state- staff, with ace Jacob de Grom making AM NEWS shown a great commitment to the Mets ment. “We live in a results-oriented only 15 starts resulting from10/07/21 several inover many years in multiple capacities. business, and am deeply disappoint- jured body parts including his right foreThese decisions are never easy, but we ed for our staff and fans that we didn’t arm, lat muscle and shoulder, did an feel a change is needed at this time.” reach our goals this season.” admirable job posting a collective ERA ( photo)

of 3.90, ninth overall. But they couldn’t carry an offense that was an albatross. Even before the season began there was a sign Alderson had made poor decisions in structuring the Mets’ leadership. In January, general manager Jared Porter was terminated after being accused of sending unsolicited sexually explicit texts to a female reporter in 2016 while employed by the Chicago Cubs. Affirmation came on Aug. 31, when acting general manager Zack Scott was arrested for drunk driving hours after having attended a fundraiser at the Cohen’s house in Connecticut. The necessary changes in the organization shouldn’t exclude Alderson. There’s a reason why the small market Tampa Bay Rays, with far less resources than the Mets, have been vastly more successful over the past decade. The fundamental answer is the minds and baseball philosophies of those in the executive offices.

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