20 • December 16, 2021 - December 22, 2021
December 16, 2021 — December 22, 2021 After planting a seed and watering it, the next step is to let Mother Nature nurture it. You’ll see your seeds blossoming as a result, becoming more fruitful. This is the cycle to nurture Vinateria yourself, your home, your business, your spouse or mate. This also includes the children, the land, plants, and other life forms around you. Love is a verb. It shows action that comes in many forms like a simple touch, words of love/encouragement, the expression of love, a hug, even a penny for your thoughts. This also includes thoughtful conversations, pouring love into yourself that has a ripple effect that pours love onto others, the environment, and thus becomes a joyous contagion of love. How are you showing up for yourself to give self-love? How you treat yourself is how you treat others. Venus, in Capricorn retrograde, begins Dec. 19 until Jan. 29, 2022. It will be a testing of how strong your faith is in all aspects of your life. The replay of how you showed up is the result of the reciprocity effect. Reflect from Nov. 17 to Dec. 19, 2021, on what has transpired in your life to date.
This month is significant to develop a oneon-one dialogue with yourself but on a deeper level, including a 2020 retrospective on your overall relationships. What you invest in your time during this cycle will be beneficial and rewarding in the long run. So consistency is the key in the process of your due diligence. A feeling of newness is upon you be it in business, the home, health, beauty, and partnerships, etc. Venus is in retrograde, beginning on Dec. 19, 2021, through Jan. 29, 2022, which requires you to take precautions in your affairs. Also, read the paperwork and listen closely to what’s being conveyed to you. Stand your ground Cappy.
Dec 22 – Jan 21
Set the tone in all aspects of your relationships as your life is getting to the issues to do something about it. Enough is enough, and the narrative of the storyline is up for change. Sink or swim, and may the best decision win. Immerse yourself to write a new book by incorporating chapters with a new perspective on life. Once you set the tone, and your mind is made up, there is no going back. The only way is to follow up on your objectives within your own agenda.
June 22–July 23
The pursuit of happiness is only the outcome when you apply yourself as you put in the work. No matter what occurs, you keep your faith and dreams strong. And at the forefront make it your business to stay inspired and encouraged with a never letting up attitude. One thing for sure is you’ll always rise like the lioness in the jungle protecting her cubs. You may have had quite a few no’s, before yes’s, to build your muscles. The wisdom gained plus the outcome moves you in a different light where only you know the path. Use your discernment to confirm the source of information you’re receiving. Making a name for yourself is one thing, yet the work you do in your community is essential. Each one teaches one, is a phrase you know all too well. July 24 – Aug 23
This is an active week of things going on as you plan with the feeling of being in alignment with the Jan 22 – Feb 19 universe smiling down on you. Continue to work and follow up on any projects with upcoming deadlines whether you set them or not. Get it done so as to manifest the new beginning in 2022. You’ll realize you have unique and innovative ideas, and to run with them. In short, apply yourself until the results are in. Stay focused! When it comes to change you have to believe it can happen before making necessary adjustFeb 20 – Mar 20 ments. Once you do you’re unstoppable to accomplish your vision, your goals, or your mission, and let no one stand in your way. Choose the path you want to take and knowing before you run, you have to crawl, walk, skip, hop, and then run it to the highest level. There’s no going back, the only way is the escalator which is up. Weed out any distractions and also learn from the experience once you participate in any of them. Keep it moving. You have no time to waste.
Let bygones be bygones and move on with your Aries life before you miss your train or stop. When you Mar 21 – Apr 21 feel the need to make your move, don’t beat around the bush—go for it. You’ve learned a valuable lesson thus far to better yourself and to shape your world as you envision it. There’s no need to question yourself as you already know how something is going to go due to the fact you’ve been there. Let it go, and let it flow to elevate yourself. Get into the water, be it baths, increasing your water intake, or simply visiting a body of water to renew yourself.
It’s time you begin to get real with yourself! Your actions should be in total alignment with your Apr 22 – May 21 soul’s mission. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. This isn’t the time to play follow the leader, much less play into their world due to the fact you’re already a leader. Ask yourself does it line up with your agenda. You have opportunities at your disposal so pick and choose from the best ones, and that life experience gives you the most optimal resources to extend yourself.
What’s done in the dark will come to light as the North Node shifts gears from the Gemini/SagittarMay 22 – June 21 ius axes to the Taurus/Scorpio axes. Relationships, partnerships, legal or semi-legal matters can be brought to light, or a fulfillment of some sort coming to an end. It’s a time to recuperate to get back in a different light as you move forward with your plans. You’re the only person who can stop your own show. So if you don’t show up, that’s on you. Now’s the time to reach your highest potential to achieve what goals you have in mind.
Gather up your facts, research, and take notes to merge everything together into another project. You love information because it helps you understand yourself by sharing it with others to aid in their journey. Take a mini break from work, regain your focus and prepare yourself for the duration of long hours of putting in work. You’re building your foundation to pass on generational wealth, knowledge, and recipes to your children to carry on as the evolution change. Aug 24 – Sep 23
It’s a make-it-or-break-it movement, with a sense of destiny on your side to change the course of your life. You sense the direction to go with all you have to walk by faith and know that the divine creator is on your side guiding you. Any major projects, advancements, and decisions forthcoming will need a final decision soon. It’s up to you now to make your dreams, and missions fulfilled. When one door closes another one opens. Sept 24 – Oct 23
This may be a slow-moving week to sort out all the details, and the facts to make the necessary plans needed for a job well done, or simply handling business.You’re on a mission to finalize past obligations that need to be resolved. Also, you may bump into former colleagues or friends that you haven’t seen in a while. A message of importance can come through by way of a conversation, or a mental image while on your daily route. Organizations within your home, business, and office space are up in the air this week so tidy up things and get everything in formation.
Oct 24 – Nov 22
Word of mouth, or door to door, is one of the main ways of how information is transferred. Although technology has advanced in a way to communicate, not everything can be communicated online as some information needs to remain at ground level. As the nodes shift gears from Sagittarius/Gemini axes to the Scorpio/ Taurus axes, the old ways of how information is communicated just may resurface on the many levels you’re already aware of. Any health-related concerns that need to be addressed before going into the New Year are for your benefit to better health and a better way of living. Nov 23 – Dec 21