New York Amsterdam News December 30 -January 7, 2022 - YEAR IN REVIEW

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Vol. 112 No. 52 | December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 WWW.AMSTERDAMNEWS.COM

Vol. 112 No. 2 | January 14, 2021 - January 20, 2021



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Vol. 112 No. 3 | January 21, 2021 - January 27, 2021



©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City


The ‘Vanilla ISIS’ attack on Trump impeached again! HERB BOYD challenging this second time around the Capitol surprised many By Special to the AmNews since unlike the first round that took three months, a Senate trial may not people, but not Black folk One week after Trump fomented occur until after the inauguration.

The moments of pall expected to hover over the National Mall during the inauguration of Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the 46th president of the United States were essentially dispelled by his uplifting speech and glorious musical presentations. With thousands of National Guard troops stationed around the Capitol, a pandemic that has taken more than 400,000 American lives, and economic distress everywhere apparent, it was not the best circumstances for celebration; even so, there were heartfelt occasions Wednesday, Jan. 20

an insurrection on Capitol Hill, the Even if he is not convicted he will be By HAWK NEWSOME for counsel after I made an avoid- House Representatives voted to im- infamously remembered as the first Special to the AmNews able mistake and he would look peach him. As expected the vote was president to be impeached twice. The exchanges in the House chamme squarely in the face and say, “I along partisan lines with 232 DemoMy father had a saying that was could’ve told you that.” crats voting to approve the resolution ber during the debate before the somewhat sarcastic and he used On Jan. 6, white supremacists vi- and 197 Republicans not favoring im- vote were passionate with both sides it when I had to learn a lesson olently attacked America’s Capitol. peachment, although 10 of them did. expressing why or why not Trump See VANILLA ISIS on page 6 See IMPEACHMENT on page 4 the hard way. I would go to him Convicting him may be even more

for Biden and Kamala Harris, the nation’s first woman of color to serve as vice president. Twice during his inaugural address President Joe Biden mentioned his Vice President Kamala Harris––the first female, first Black and first South Asian to hold the office. “Here we stand, looking out on the great mall where Dr. King spoke of his dream,” Biden said. “Here we stand where, 108 years ago at another inaugural, thousands of protesters tried to block brave women marching for the right to vote. And today, we mark the swearing of the first woman in American history elected to national office,

Vol. 112 No. 5 | February 4, 2021 - February 10, 2021


©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

Vol. 112 No. 6 | February 11, 2021 - February 17, 2021

Vice President Kamala Harris. Don’t tell me things can’t change!” Harris, 56, the 49th vice president of the U.S., was sworn in by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina on the Supreme Court. It was a significant moment in American history, and Harris was as poised and focused as ever. President Biden’s 22-minute inaugural address resonated with unity and truth, and there was no way to miss his emphasis on truth given the four years of lying by the previous administration. No, Trump was nowhere to be seen having left the city in advance of the ceremonies on Capitol Hill where

(Women on 20s photo)

likeness of slave abolitionist Harri- celerating plans to make the change. similar plans in 2016, after much et Tubman to the $20 bill, replac“The Treasury Department is public support; however, he ran ing that of slave-maker and former taking steps to resume efforts to out of time. The unveiling would U.S. president, Andrew Jackson. put Harriet Tubman on the front of have been set for 2020. Succeeding president, Donald White House press secretary Jen the new $20 notes,” Psaki said. Psaki announced Monday, Jan. 25 Jack Lew, treasury secretary Trump, opposed the plan, and See TUBMAN on page 6 that the Treasury Department is ac- under Obama, initially announced

Black History Month theme highlights the Black family

Heed Dr. King’s Words: Let Everyone in the Community Vote

The theme also takes a look at the representation and identity of Black families, which have been subject to vilification and stereotyping, from slavery to present time. ASALH officials stated, “The Black family knows no single location, since family reunions and genetic-ancestry searches testify to the spread of family members across states, nations and continents. Not only are individual Black families diasporic, but Africa and the diaspora itself have been long portrayed See BHM on page 6

COVID calamity? By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff New York City is in a good news/ bad news scenario when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic. The good news: the spread of the virus is seeing a decline, the bad news: there aren’t enough vaccines to meet the demand. During a press briefing Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the sevenday rolling average of NYC residents testing positive for COVID-19 is 8.4% and the hospitalization rate is 5.14 per 100,000. However, the top issue is making sure the city has enough vaccine doses to get things back to a



Harriet Tubman set to grace the $20 bill

By AUTODIDACT 17 Special to the AmNews he had egged on mob violence. And where was Clarence Thomas? President Joe Biden is picking Along with his repeated call for up the baton from former Presunity, Biden wasn’t five minutes into ident Barack Obama and is rehis speech before striking a chord that implementing plans to add the certainly resonated for Black Americans. “Millions of jobs have been lost, hundreds of thousands of businesses closed, a cry for racial justice some 400 years in the making moves us. The dream of justice for all will be deferred no longer.” He would return to this theme By CYRIL JOSH BARKER toward the close of his speech, under- Amsterdam News Staff scoring his concern about truth and The Association for the Study of justice. “Folks,” he said, “this is a time See BIDEN on page 6 African American Life and History (ASALH) has announced that the theme for Black History Month 2021 is “The Black Family: Representation, Identity and Diversity” focusing on the historical impact and study of African American kinship. The theme highlights history, litUrban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5 erature, the visual arts and film studies, sociology, anthropology, and social policy of the Black family.

By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews

Video of Eugene Goodman facing the U.S. Capitol Building and being Senate chamber doors on the left. an angry, white mob of President followed by insurrectionists who He eventually led them to an area Donald Trump followers went viral were looking to attack elected of- where other Capitol officers could He’s been a U.S. Capitol Police and became the dominant topic of ficials and vandalize their offices. de-escalate the situation. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), officer for a decade. He served in social media. Footage taken from Goodman simultaneously led Iraq. He also might’ve saved the the HuffPost website shows Good- the group to the right side up the chair of the Democratic Caucus, See GOODMAN on page 6 lives of dozens of elected officials. man running up the stairs inside stairs away from the unsecured

©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

(Bill Moore - Harriet Tubman, Mama Joy Chatel and house both Karen Juanita Carrillo)

(Photo by Ruth Fremson from the New York Times/Redux)

(Photo by Ron Haviv / VII / Redux)

Kamala Harris becomes the nation’s first female vice president. She is also the first Caribbean-South Asian to reach such high office. Millions of women donned Chucks and pearls in her honor.

Eugene Goodman defends the Capitol By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff






Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman confronts pro-Trump supporters Jan. 6, 2021, as they break into the U.S. Capitol to protest the certification of Joe Biden as the next United States president.

Vol. 112 No. 4 | January 28, 2021 - February 3, 2021


form of normalcy. De Blasio participated in a panel of the U.S. Conference of Mayors with White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci. Vaccine supply in the city ran out last week and thousands of appointments were canceled. The openings of several large scale 24-hour vaccine sites, including Yankee Stadium and Citi Field, have been postponed indefinitely. “Now, we are waiting, in the course of this week, for more detailed information,” de Blasio said. “This is what’s on everybody’s mind––when will the new administration be able

Harriet Tubman, Mama Joy Chatel and Brooklyn's now landmarked 227 Abolitionist Place.

See STORY on page 6

De Blasio’s Flawed Housing Legacy: Lessons Learned Urban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5

See COVID on page 6

In-person learning expanded, indoor dining reopens as COVID cases go down By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff

reopening of indoor people become vacci- testing positive citydining and putting nated, officials hope wide for COVID-19 middle school stu- the trend continues was 8.09% with 3,587 dents back in the to get the city back to confirmed cases. The A decline in COVID- classroom. As more normal. hospitalization rate is 19 cases in the city is large-scale vaccine This week’s seven- 5.18 per 100,000. See COVID on page 6 making way for the sites open and more day average of people

©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

Brooklyn Underground Railroad house saved By CYRIL JOSH BARKER ing of Duffield Street beAmsterdam News Staff tween Willoughby and Fulton Streets. Chatel and After 17 years of strug- groups including Friends gle and fighting, 227 Ab- of Abolitionist Place, olitionist Place (formerly Equality for Flatbush and Duffield Street) in Down- FUREE (Families United town Brooklyn, a histor- for Racial and Economic ic site in the abolition of Equity) raised awareness slavery, has been saved as about the home’s history it became a city landmark. and fought for permanent Just in time for Black recognition. Chatel passed History Month, the New away in 2014. Today, sitting among a York City Landmarks Preservation Commission concrete jungle of newly buildings (LPC) recently designat- constructed ed the building an indi- and expensive high-rises, vidual landmark. The row 227 Abolitionist Place rehouse belonged to Harriet mains in its original, unRoss Tubman and Thomas touched form with hopes Truesdell, who were active that it will now be conin abolitionist work before verted into a space for the world to learn about New the Civil War. The couple resided in York City’s involvement in the home from 1851 until ending American slavery. Speaking last week at 1863. It is believed to have been a stop on the Un- City Hall, Chatel’s daughderground Railroad for ter, Shawné Lee, said in an Blacks escaping slavery emotional speech about in the South in search of her mother that she will freedom in the North––in continue to fight on her places like upstate New behalf to preserve 227 AbYok and Canada. Brook- olitionist Place. “Mommy, thank you lyn at the time was known as a haven for freed Blacks for helping me do the job and the abolitionist move- that you started,” Lee said. ment. The property re- “For giving us all that fire mained in the Truesdell that we all saw in you. For keeping the name of family until 1921. In 2004, late commu- Tommy and Harriet Truesnity organizer and activ- dell alive. For keeping the ist Joy “Mama Joy’’ Chatel name of Duffield Street owned 227 Abolitionist alive. For people knowing Place. Chatel lived in the the name 227 Abolitionbuilding and ran a hair ist Place. I will make it my salon. Then-Mayor Mi- duty for the world to know chael Bloomberg zoned your name, Mama Joy.” Activist and historian the area for a park and underground parking Raul Rothblatt has been garage through eminent part of the fight to make domain. After a failed 227 Abolitionist Place a attempt to discredit the landmark for the last 17 home as a key part of the years. He said that landabolitionist movement, mark designation is proof large underground tun- that people truly care nels beneath the home about the historical connections New York City proved otherwise. In 2007, advocates and had in abolishing slavery. “This is not just a buildcommunity leaders created Abolitionist Place, ing we are saving, it’s an official street renam- See INHERITANCE on page 6

Vol. 112 No. 7 | February 18, 2021 - February 24, 2021



©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

Vol. 112 No. 8 | February 25, 2021 - March 3, 2021


©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City







©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City




Lisette Salado, Reggie Wood, Attorney Ben Crump, Ilyasah Shabazz, Quibilah Shabazz, Gamilah Shabazz and Attorney Ray Hamlin.

(Seitu Oronde photo)

Daughters of Malcolm X cite new evidence in request COVID-19 vaccines and treatments: Closing the racial gap to reopen investigation of their father’s assassination By SHERYL HUGGINS SALOMON Special to the AmNews

Vaccinations follow a familiar of New Yorkers—had been vaccinat- adequacy and technological failures By HERB BOYD and the FBI conspired in the assas- investigation of the murder be re- that Malcolm’s security team was arracial pattern sination of Malcolm X (El-Hajj Malik opened. They were joined by noted rested before he was killed on Feb. ed. White people, who make up 32% of to cultural hesitancy to longstanding Special to the AmNews As of early February, NBC New York the city’s population, had received 46% health care privileges and disparities,” El-Shabazz), three daughters—Ilyas- civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump. 21, 1965 at the Audubon Ballroom As Black and Latinx communities in News reported that just 12% of Black of the vaccines. An analysis of national said Public Advocate Jumaane WilCiting a deathbed letter by a former ah, Qubilah and Gamilah Shabazz— The officer, Raymond Wood, wrote in Washington Heights. Three men, See MALCOLM X on page 6 New York continue to be hardest hit by city residents had received at least one data by CNN in January uncovered sim- liams in a public statement reacting to police officer who alleges the NYPD of the slain leader have requested the that his responsibility was to ensure COVID-19, experts warn they are being vaccine dose, even though they are ilar trends. the data. “We know too that the governleft behind with regard to vaccinations 24% of the city’s population. Only 16% “We know there are many contrib- ment—city, state and federal—each had See COVID on page 6 and treatments. of Latinx residents—who make up 29% uting factors, from infrastructure in-

Nation throws support behind Amazon workers’ organizing efforts

By STEPHON JOHNSON of an Amazon facility in East New York partment Store Union. demic, the continued exploitation Amsterdam News Staff to call attention to the fight for workAccording to Vinson Verdee, of the of workers is constant and unless ers’ rights and to show support for the December 12th Movement (a Black we take up the fight and secure our Organizers in Brooklyn took the thousands of Amazon workers at the human rights organization known for rights, it’s always gonna be a strugenergy of the South and brought it fulfillment center Bessemer, Ala. (and their annual Malcolm X “Shut It Down” gle,” Verdee said. Bessemer workers have complained up north. members of Southern Workers Assem- marches in Harlem in late May), the end when police say a man went on a By CYRIL JOSH BARKER and close to 28,500 people have died On Saturday, members of the De- bly) who are organizing in the hopes of fight in Bessemer is their fight too. about abrupt changes in schedules on killing spree leaving two people dead. Amsterdam News Staff since the start of the pandemic in 2020. cember 12th Movement rallied outside joining the Retail, Wholesale and De“It shows that even during this panSee AMAZON on page 6 The NYPD said that on Feb. 13 police As vaccines continue being adminAn example of just how bad crime arrested 21-year-old Rigoberto Lopez, More than 670,000 cases of COVID- istered, numbers released by the city is in the subway played out last weekSee SUBWAY on page 6 19 have been reported in New York City See VACCINE on page 6

Terror underground: Subway Black neighborhoods being system sees spike in crime left behind in vaccine effort



A Mayor’s Transformation, From Police Reformer to Apologist for PBA Urban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5


See STORY on page 7


(Jamel Simon photo)



Subway attack on Canal Street


Big Brooklyn Send-off for DMX

(Nayaba Arinde photo)

Jamila Baptiste, station agent, was attacked by a man wielding a ba


Vol. 112 No. 45 | November 11, 2021 - November 17, 2021



©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City


Vol. 112 No. 46 | November 18, 2021 - November 24, 2021


A fresh glimmer will be given to the ongoing, seemingly unsolvable assassination of Malcolm X (El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz) on Thursday, Nov. 18, when Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. moves to vacate the convictions of Norman 3X Butler, now Muhammad Aziz and Thomas 15X Johnson (Khalil Islam). Both Aziz and Islam, who died in 2009, denied they had anything to do with shooting the esteemed leader that fateful afternoon at the Audubon Ballroom on Feb. 21, 1965. Talmadge Hayer or Thomas Hagan, and now Mujahid Abdul Halim, who confessed to the murder, testified that neither of them was at the scene of the crime. In a sworn statement in 1977, Halim said that “Thomas 15 Johnson and Norman 3X Butler had nothing to do with this crime whatsoever.” Halim was given a life sentence back in 1966 and was paroled in 2010. He identified the other men who were part of the assassination but they were never arrested. At the court date on Thursday, D.A.

Mayor admits shaky vaccine rollout, insufficient doses By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff

it the “Kanye shrug.” there were immediate problems in over (which the AmNews couldn’t conThis week, New York City Mayor Bill their distribution. firm). Another, who wished to remain de Blasio’s team began distributing One parent told the AmNews that she anonymous, said she got to her school If one were to give a grade to the shots of the COVID-19 vaccine offer- waited until close to 10 a.m. for her child at 8 a.m. and was turned away because school vaccine rollout, it would be un- ing Pfizer shots to children between to receive the first dose of the vaccine there were no more shots available. satisfactory. Good in some places, not the ages of 5 and 11. According to the despite being in line for several hours. According to the Center for Disease Conso good in others. Department of Education, each school Another complained about workers trol and Prevention, as of Nov. 9, 360,000 To those of a certain age, you might give received 50 doses of the vaccine. But leaving minutes before their shift was See ROLLOUT on page 8

Historic first with Crystal Hudson’s City Council win

Annual Veterans Appreciation Day Parade held in Brownsville and Bed-Stuy

Data: More than 101,000 NYC students experienced homelessness in 2020-’21

Community feeding community for Thanksgiving

Vol. 112 No. 9 | March 4, 2021 - March 10, 2021


Vol. 112 No. 10 | March 11, 2021 - March 17, 2021


©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

(LBJ Library photo by Jay Godwin. Public Domain)

Results from a survey released by The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics CNBC + Acorns found that 57% of reports that the unemployment rate Black women are depending on the rose to 8.5% for Black women aged 20 The COVID-19 pandemic is having anticipated next round of direct stim- and older in January compared to the an adverse impact on the Black com- ulus payments the federal government national unemployment rate falling munity especially on Black women, wants to roll out. Close to 40% of Black to 6.4% nationally. who are feeling the brunt medically, women have had to borrow money Many Black women working frontline See BLACK WOMEN on page 6 economically and mentally. from family members or friends.

Women accuse Cuomo of sexual harassment By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff

Last month, executive assistant and health policy advisor to Cuomo, Charlotte Bennett, reportedly accused Cuomo Gov. Andrew Cuomo is embroiled in a of asking her questions about her sex life. major scandal as three women allege he The governor allegedly asked Bennett sexually harassed them. Many are now about her sexual activity with older men. calling for Cuomo to resign as an indeJust this week, Lindsey Boylan, a former pendent investigation gets underway. aide to Cuomo, said he forcibly kissed her.

(Bill Moore photo) See CUOMO on page 11

See VERNON on page 22

(L) Malikah Shabazz pictured here with twin sister Malaak Shabazz (Lem Peterkin photo)

See STORY on page 28

Urban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5

NYPD Chief of Department Rodney Harrison to retire By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff

23. During his early years as ed to chief of department, the an officer while working un- third African American to hold dercover, he was shot by a the position. Harrison oversaw The NYPD announced last drug dealer and received the CompStat, directed and coorThursday that Chief of De- Departmental Combat Cross. dinated recovery efforts after partment Rodney Harrison is Harrison worked his way up last year’s protests, and coorretiring at the end of the year. the ranks to chief of patrol in dinated with community leadA native of Jamaica, 2018 before being promoted ers to improve relationships Queens, Harrison started in to chief of detectives in 2019: while the ongoing COVID-19 the NYPD in 1991 as a cadet becoming the first African outbreak continued to impact before being sworn in as a American to hold the title. residents of this city. See NYPD on page 23 police officer in 1992 at age In March, he was promot-

Vol. 112 No. 11 | March 18, 2021 - March 24, 2021


Holiday Time NYC!

work to staff the Adams administra- are committed to working together tion in January. toward its bright future,” said Adams “This unprecedented collection of in a statement released while he was great minds and hard-working New on vacation in Ghana. Mayor-elect Eric Adams’ transi- Yorkers will prepare my administra“Each committee has been tasked tion team announced on Friday, tion for success because they rep- with a specific set of goals and reDec. 3, a major chunk of its chosen resent the many backgrounds and sponsibilities to ensure we are ready See COMMITTEE on page 27 committees and members that will views of our great city, and they

©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

Vol. 112 No. 12 | March 25, 2021 - March 31, 2021



Public Housing and Jobs Top List of City’s Infrastructure Needs

(Bill Moore photo)

See STORY on page 8

Urban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5

Vol. 112 No. 13 | April 1, 2021 - April 7, 2021


(Contributed photo)

©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

(Courtesy of the Arbeeny Family)

Beyoncé breaks Grammys record

The virus of voter suppression By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews

Gov. Kim Reynolds signed into law As if to give the historic “Bloody people out of town on Election Day, a Republican-backed bill that makes Sunday” a fresh, no less terrible des- thereby ending legislature that parait harder to vote early, eradicat- ignation, Georgia’s state Senate nar- doxically was put in place by RepubliVoter suppression, a remnant of ing what had been a key element in rowly passed a Republican-backed cans in 2005. Other changes included the repulsive Trump administra- Democratic campaigns. The chang- bill that would end no-excuse absen- a requirement of an ID for those seektion, is a specter, a veritable polit- es were quickly approved in the tee voting, a bill that would limit ab- ing to vote via absentee. These developments in Iowa and ical virus, spreading from one state House and Senate, despite opposi- sentee voting to people 65 and older, See VOTER on page 6 after another. On Monday in Iowa, tion from Democratic legislators. those with a physical disability and


Suit Seeks to Dismantle “Caste System” in City’s Education System Urban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5

(Bill Moore photo)

Rev. Calvin O. Butts, III, pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church, was among several NYC clergy members publicly vaccinated last month as a part of the Choose Healthy Life initiative which aims to increase testing, vaccine awareness and preventative health education.

See NYPD on page 6

Exonerated Muhammad Aziz plans to sue the city and state

Banks, Incoming NYC Schools Chancellor By ARIAMA C. LONG Amsterdam News Staff, Report for America Corps Member

On a frigid Wednesday morning last week, dozens gathered behind P.S. 161 in Brooklyn to welcome the city’s next Schools Chancellor David C. Banks. Banks stood at the front of the podium with Mayor-elect Eric Adams, recently returned from his Ghana trip, as well as several other supporters and community members. He and Adams appeared much more like with family and students of Banks, preachers surrounded by an adoring chimed in with enthusiastic applause congregation than leaders heading a despite the bitter cold. See BANKS on page 16 press conference. The crowd, filled

New COVID-19 variant pulls New Yorkers back inside By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff The Omicron variant of the coronavirus has pulled New Yorkers from restaurants and bars and back into their homes. More than a week ago, on a Saturday night on Austin Street in Forest Hills, Queens, one could find a line of people waiting outside of a CityMD which was right next to a mobile testing spot (which also had a line). Directly across

the street, restaurants like Mojo and Martha’s Country Bakery (and OBA right behind them) were packed with customers on the inside––and on the outside––sitting in enclosed spaces to protect themselves from the public. In recent days you could find more people at CityMD; but the lines for CityMD are closed now too. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website states that the Omicron variant of the See OMICRON on page 6

ing doing the rounds, Adams is on topic with his picks who are Black, of Asian descent, and white: Sheena Wright, Anne Williams-Isom, Meera Joshi, Maria Torres-Springer, and Lorraine Grillo. Each of the women re-introduced themselves as they praised each other’s appointment. Former CEO of the United Way’s Sheena Wright, will be deputy mayor for strategic initiatives; Anne See DEPUTY on page 6

HAPPY HOLIDAYS to our readers

Umoja is the first principle of Kwanzaa and means unity in Swahili, the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute notes in announcing their virtual “Umoja: A Year-End Celebration Of Our People’s Unity.” “Unity is at the core of who we are as a community and reminds us of the importance of

See STORY on page 6

Passing ‘Clean Slate’ Records Clearance Legislation Should Be Albany’s First Order of Business See AZIZ on page 6

Urban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5

Vol. 112 No. 15 | April 15, 2021 - April 21, 2021


©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City


Brooklyn-born Lt. Caron Nazario during his graduation

(Till Infinity Photography)

cop charged with manslaughter, Va. pepper-spray state officer fired

By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff

York to take in patients suspected of having COVID-19, a new executive order will let more people into With the one-year anniversary of nursing homes, albeit temporarily. the governor’s advisory directing New York State Gov. Andrew nursing homes in the state of New Cuomo issued an executive order

that allows family members and approach to the nursing home issue loved ones to visit family in nurs- was unsatisfactory. “When I first began to fight back By NAYABA ARINDE ing homes. On the day of Cuomo’s executive against this administration’s fa- Amsterdam News Editor order New York State Assemblyman tally flawed policies, it sometimes and STEPHON JOHNSON See CUOMO on page 6 Amsterdam News Staff Ron Kim said that the governor’s

Police reforms locked in place, but nobody’s happy

More New Yorkers eligible for vaccine, but cases up

By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff

of law enforcement and the Black ter of white cop Amber Guyger who shot Sunday, April 11, 2021. The same week community, witnessing the daily trau- Botham Jean in his own apartment on came the video of the pepper spraying of a uniformed lieutenant, Caron Nazmatizing, anger-engaging, triggering, Sept. 6, 2018. race-war baiting videos of brutal abuse Mere miles from the George Floyd ario, by an on-duty cop. “Brooklyn, it’s time to stand up! Action and misconduct. murder trial, on Wednesday, April White male and female police officers The current Derek Chauvin murder 14, 2021, Brooklyn Center Police De- is needed!” demanded Rev. Conrad Benkilling unarmed Black people is a trigger- trial due to his 2020 murder of George partment officer Kim Porter was nette Tillard, senior minister at Flating front page daily narrative. Floyd, and Kim Porter’s shooting of charged with manslaughter for shoot- bush-Tompkins Congregational Church. The world is watching the dire state Daunte Wright, simply raises the spec- ing Daunte Wright, 20, on-camera on See LT. on page 6



However, a dangerous rise in cases in Last week, the City Council and New By CYRIL JOSH BARKER 22 states, including New York, could York City Mayor Bill de Blasio passed Amsterdam News Staff slow things down. a series of bills as part of the New The New York City Council and the York City Police Reform and ReinvenIn New York City, there have been By AUTODIDACT 17 By CYRIL JOSH BARKER In the city, candidates vying to be the More New Yorkers become eligied to a drug overdose. mayor pushed for police reform and tion Collaborative Plan that includes ble for the COVID-19 vaccine as the 840,000 cases of COVID-19 and over Special to the AmNews next mayor or city council members are “We are deeply saddened to announce Amsterdam News Staff got it. But many aren’t satisfied with prohibiting qualified immunity as a city becomes closer to herd immunity 31,000 people have died from the using the issue to attract Black voters. today that our loved one, DMX, birth After being comatose for a week, hip name Earl Simmons, passed away at 50 With the Derek Chauvin police trial When choosing a candidate, the names the results. See POLICE on page 6 with many saying the end is in sight. See COVID on page 33 By STEPHON JOHNSON hop legend DMX was taken off life-sup- years old at White Plains Hospital with going on, another shooting of an un- of police killing victims Eric Garner, Sean learning from home after choosing remote-learning for the entire school year. Amsterdam News Staff Amsterdam News Endorsement Interviews: Candidates who have filed petitions with the New York City Board of Elections to participate in the June 22, 2021 Primary port Friday, April 9, and subsequently his family by his side after being placed armed Black man in Minnesota and video Bell, Ramarley Graham and Amadou Fifty-five thousand students bepassed away. He was hospitalized April on life-support for the past few days,” his of a Black Army lieutenant being brutal- Diallo are on the minds of Black voters Election and who wish to obtain the endorsement of the New York Amsterdam News, please email by April 9 to secure your interview. The kids are back, and the mayor’s tween grades 9-12 are expected to 2 after suffering “a catastrophic cardiac family’s statement read. ized by police in Virginia, policing is a looking for someone to solve the problem. •Interviews will be held April 15, 16, and 22 via Zoom. •Time confirmations will be sent out by COB April 12 or earlier with your Zoom link. come back to class. taking a victory lap. arrest” at home, which medics attributSee DMX on page 29 front-and-center issue in Black America. See POLICING on page 6 The majority of students staying home New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio patted himself on the back this week for remote-learning didn’t stop the mayor when, for the first time since November, from expressing a sense of satisfaction the city’s public high schools reopened for with how the city handled school in the in-person learning. On Monday, 488 high age of the coronavirus. He praised the importance of students schools partially reopened with the maUrban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5 Urban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5 See HIGH SCHOOL on page 6 jority of high school students, 70%, still

High schools reopen, mayor pats self on back

NYC Forges Ahead on Ranked-Choice Voting, With Little Direction

See YUSUF on page 29


(Nayaba Arinde photo)

Mayor-elect Adams picks five experienced and talented women to be his deputy mayors

By NAYABA ARINDE and friends. It was an interesting move. Amsterdam News Editor Adams taped two pieces of A4 paper “Anyone that knows me knows I’m a to either side of the mic on the podium. mama’s boy, and I was raised by women,” nominated to be the next commisWalking to the podium at Jay Street They read “Emotional Intelligence,” in Adams said prefacing his comments sioner of the Suffolk County Police Borough Hall, current Brooklyn Borough big black letters. about wanting people in his administraDepartment, said NBC New York. President/Mayor-elect Eric Adams told This, Adams grinned, is what the press tion who can read the the temperature Sewell has had national attention and the over-a-dozen assembled media out- conference would be about as he had five of the city on all levels; including being a warm reception from locals so far. lets that he had to do a little housekeep- strong, experienced female public ser- emotionally in-tune with the residents of Erica Ford co-founded the violence ing. What gives? pondered the room full vants graciously introduce five career- the five boroughs and what it is they need interrupter organization LIFE Camp of print, radio, digital and online journal- minded, impressive female soon-to-be from the city. Inc. Ford said that the appointment ists, and new appointee family members deputy mayors. With diversity and inclusion brandof Sewell is a good sign and that the city needs a “shifting” to focus on the

Scandals continue to find Cuomo, nursing home debacle won’t end Community responds to continued violent law enforcement; Taser

Elected officials and citizens in a tug-of-war over Cuomo

NYC marks one year since first COVID death, looks toward future

©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

Meera Joshi, Sheena Wright, Anne Williams-Isom, Maria Torres-Springer, and Lorraine Grillo Eric Adams announces Keechant Sewell as NYPD police commissioner

NYC takes more steps toward easing coronavirus restrictions

Gov faces multiple challenges





More people in the city are headed back to the office as more New Yorkers get vaccinated. This as COVID restrictions loosen, the threat of variants continues and cases rise. As of March 23, there have been over 800,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in New York City. Over 30,500 people have died from the virus. Over 3.4 million people in the city (Bill Moore photo) have been vaccinated and, this week, eligibility was expanded to New Yorkers 50 (Mike Groll photo) years and over. More vaccines By STEPHON JOHNSON In a recently released Siena Col- General Letitia James that concluded back against at least a half-dozen sexual are expected to arrive in the See CUOMO on page 6 city in the first week of April. Amsterdam News Staff lege Research Institute poll, 50-43% that his administration underDuring a press briefing this Additional reporting by of New Yorkers believe he shouldn’t counted the number of COVweek, Mayor Bill de Blasio NAYABA ARINDE resign immediately. ID-related deaths in nursing said he wants 5 million Amsterdam News Editor These results run counter to the homes. This coming after critipeople fully vaccinated in media narrative about Cuomo’s house cism of Cuomo for making nursBy STEPHON JOHNSON “It was Cuomo’s policies that forced State Fair, he announced that all New for making nursing homes take back If you talk to elected officials, the gover- of cards falling. the city by June. He also aning homes take back in residents Amsterdam News Staff Yorkers 60 years of age and older are residents who were infected with the COVID-19 patients into nursing nounced that all city workers Cuomo has fought back against an in- with COVID. eligible to receive the vaccine and, coronavirus. Last month, it was al- homes that were ill-equipped to stop nor is in trouble. If you talk to the people, who work in offices will go vestigation by New York State Attorney Most recently, he has fought New York State Gov. Andrew starting March 17, “public facing es- leged that state officials covered up the spread of the virus,” said Jess Wis- the job he’s doing outweighs the trouble. back to work May 3. Cuomo spent Monday and Tuesday sential workers from governmental the number of COVID-19 deaths or neski and Rosemary Rivera, co-exSee COVID on page 6 ecutive directors of Citizen Action of of this week touting mass vaccina- and nonprofit entities” would be el- lied to the public about them. tion sites at the Jacob Javits Center igible as well. An investigation by New York New York, in a statement. “Then, inin Manhattan and the New York State But the news is being overshad- State Attorney General Letitia stead of accepting responsibility, he Fair in Syracuse. owed, by several controversies. James said that the Cuomo admin- undercounted the actual number of At Jacob Javits, he made sure to dis- Messes of his own doing. istration undercounted deaths. deaths by up to 50% because he knew from COVID-19. Since then, more lane McCray and New Yorkers from cuss his “strong” support from the First came the nursing homes. The actions met the ire of activist his policies contributed to the deaths By CYRIL JOSH BARKER than 30,000 people have died from across the city honored the more African American community. At the Last spring, Cuomo faced criticism groups and politicians. See CUOMO on page 6 Amsterdam News Staff the virus and there have been over than 30,000 city residents who’ve died Sunday, March 14 marks one 385,000 confirmed cases in the city. during the pandemic during a virtual See GRAMMYS on page 16 year since New York City’ first death See COVID on page 26 Mayor Bill de Blasio, First Lady Chir-

Vol. 112 No. 51 | December 23, 2021 - December 29, 2021

First Black woman named NYPD commissioner


©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City


©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

By ARIAMA C. LONG first Black woman to hold the role in Sewell is a Queens native, and the Amsterdam News Staff, Report for the history of the NYPD. third Black person to run the NYPD, America Corps Member “I am mindful of the historic nature reported the Associated Press. Former of this announcement,” said Sewell commissioners Benjamin Ward and all companies whose employees are Mayor-elect Eric Adams announced at the press conference. “I bring a Lee Brown served in the 1980s and missioner’s order.” De Blasio said that Health Commis- in the office with others. However, the his choice for New York City’s next different perspective. Committed to 1990s before her, said the AP. Meansioner Dr. Dave Choksi, Dr. Mitch Katz mandate could expand to businesses police commissioner Wednesday making sure the department looks while, Rodney Harrison, the NYPD’s at NYC Health + Hospitals, and Health working remotely or those who have morning. Adams named Nassau like the city it serves and making the first Black chief of detectives, is reSenior Advisor Dr. Jay Varma have been gone the hybrid route. The deadline to County Police Chief of Detectives decision, just as Mayor-elect Adams portedly headed out to Long Island in touch and in constant dialogue with present proof of at least one dose of the Keechant Sewell, 49, as the incoming did, to elevate women and people of in an interesting switch. Harrison “leaders around the country” to further vaccine is Dec. 27 when the law takes police commissioner. She will be the color to leadership positions.” recently retired as chief and will be over. It would be just a few days before explain his stance. De Blasio’s vaccine mandate would the mayor leaves office and MayorSee VACCINE on page 6 Content, Character, Curriculum=David affect 184,000 businesses and apply to

By ARIAMA C. LONG Amsterdam News Staff, Report for America Corps Member


(Lem Peterkin photo)

New Leadership Key to Ending Bias in the FDNY Urban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5



political landscape, from their councilmember to the mayor. After years of racial injustice, unequal treatment and inequities of city resources many are hoping the Black political alignment In 2022, millions of New Yorkers are look- could bring change. ing at a streamline of Black leadership in their See LEADERSHIP on page 35

“We’ve talked about an exception for remote work because it’s not the same concept, obviously, as people being in a workplace. And if it’s a sole proprietor or someone with a single––you know, they themselves are the only employee, that’s obviously different as well. But for the––basically, everything else, where people go to work in a workspace, that’s what it applies to. And it’s a health com-



Mayor’s rushed vaccine announcement catches all off guard: Mandates entire workforce vaxxed by Dec. 27

By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff tional Institute of Allergy and Infec- covering cases in Europe a week includes both children and adults.” tious Diseases, told reporters that before the variant was discovered in For those vaccinated? “…The best On Monday, Dec. 6, New York City the person is fully vaccinated and South Africa. way to strengthen your protection is Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a new Global concern over the spread of has mild symptoms that are “…imDuring a media briefing earlier to get a booster shot, as soon as you vaccine mandate for the private sector, the Omicron variant of the corona- proving at this point.” testing just how committed people are this week, U.S. President Joe Biden are eligible,” stated the president. virus has made its way to American On Monday, the president told the to the cause. This variant of the coronavirus was reassured the public that the Omi“Yeah, this is across the board,” de shores with the first case confirmed first sequenced in South Africa, and cron variant wasn’t anything to worry public, “We’re throwing everything in California as the San Francisco subsequently the U.S. banned all about for now. we have at this virus, tracking it from Blasio said of the mandate on Tuesday. and state health departments con- travel from South Africa (and neighIn a statement last week, the pres- every angle…I’m sparing no effort, firmed the first case on Wednesday. boring countries) and has maintained ident said, “…For those not yet fully removing all roadblocks to keep the Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the Na- the bans despite scientists later dis- vaccinated: get vaccinated today. This See OMICRON on page 6 By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff

Adams announces transition committee members

Recipe for effective Black leadership in 2022

Vol. 112 No. 50 | December 16, 2021 - December 22, 2021



Vernon E. Jordan, civil rights activist, passes at 85

By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff


©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff

(Pexels photo by Laura James)

COVID Stats troubling


First Lady Chirlane McCray receives COVID-19 booster shot at North Central Bronx Hospital on Tuesday, October 5, 2021

(Nayaba Arinde photo)

Impact of Omicron variant of COVID unknown, but health officials keep eye on it




Malikah Shabazz — daughter of Malcolm X passes

Predatory Medical Debt Collection Practices by Hospitals Must End Be sure to check for a list of NYC Thanksgiving turkey and meal giveaways.

Vol. 112 No. 49 | December 9, 2021 - December 15, 2021

(Ariama C. Long photo)

Avenue and Fulton Street. On a sunny Wednesday in September, there was a long line of people, some Brooklynites, some just hungry New Yorkers. All waiting for hours, looking deThe Plaza square is sandwiched between a pressingly out of place in the Bedstuy Restorarenovated milk bottling plant, an Applebees, tion Plaza square. and the Billie Holiday Theatre in the BedfordMany were elderly men and women, some Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. Layered with soft or strong accents, a reminder that deck-like stairs lead up from the street to the they have called another country home. June See FOOD on page 6 tables and stages that look out at famed Marcy


©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City


As COVID recedes, NYC’s Black, Brown and immigrant residents struggle to access healthy food By ARIAMA C. LONG Report for America Corps Member / Amsterdam News Staff

Policy, Personnel, Practice

See STUDENTS on page 6



©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City


During the COVID-19 pandemic when schools closed, nearly 28,000 students were learning remotely in shelters with 65,000 living “doubled-up” with friends or family, staying temporarily with others in overcrowded housing. An additional 3,860 students were unsheltered last year, living in cars, parks, or abandoned buildings. Last year marked the sixth consecutive year that there were more than 100,000 students identified as homeless in city schools. Areas of the city that saw the highest


(AP Photo)

Data released by the nonprofit organization Advocates for Children of New York (AFC) reveals that more than 101,000 New York City students experienced homelessness in the 2020-’21 school year. Of those children, almost half (47.9%) were Black. Officials from AFC say the new numbers are a 42% increase since the start of the decade and have remained persistent in recent years.

Vol. 112 No. 48 | December 2, 2021 - December 8, 2021

(Contributed photo from Banks)

By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff

©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

(Bill Moore photo)

See VETERANS on page 6

Urban Agenda by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community Service Society of New York - See page 5

See MALCOLM on page 6

(Bill Moore photo)

(Danny Goodine photo)

(Katrina Hajagos photo) See HISTORIC on page 6

Adams Must Address Justice, Fairness and Inclusivity





Exonerations for two in Malcolm X murder case By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews

On Monday, 11-year-old Willa received her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. She made sure to get there bright and early to get vaxxed, and she was right. Dozens of kids at her school were turned away when administrators ran out of doses shortly after 8 a.m. (Elinor Tatum photo)

Vol. 112 No. 47 | November 25, 2021 - December 1, 2021

(Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office)




©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City


Hip hop icon DMX passes, is celebrated

Policing and the Black vote

City’s Future Promise Lies in Increased School Funding


By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Sta




answers to quell the violence for the who was shot in Brooklyn when she pared to this time last year; howevupcoming summer season. was shot in the stomach on her birth- er, gun arrests were up over 66% in The NYPD reports last week that day. Two men were shot in Brooklyn at March compared to last March. New York City saw a high number of in total 50 people were shot in 46 Red Hook Houses. A 23-year-old man Speaking during a televised interviolent incidents last weekend with shootings. One of the victims was an in that shooting was taken to the hos- view, Mayor Bill de Blasio continued 16 shootings and 17 victims during 18-year-old young man in the Bronx pital where he was pronounced dead. to equate the city’s increase in violence Saturday and Sunday. Officials and who was shot in front of his building. Just four months into 2021, reports with the court system being closed See GUN on page 6 community leaders are searching for Another was a 30-year-old woman indicate that crime is down 11% com-

Omicron variant of COVID-19 halts NYC’s recovery

By CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff


Vol. 112 No. 17 | April 29, 2021 - May 5, 2021

©2021 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City


TheOm cronvar anto theCOVID-19v rus hasbeen abe ed“m der”Itseas ytransm ss b e desp te soc a d stanc ng contract tracng test ng etc Its a new var ant The pub c needstotakeas m arapproachto ght ng t But (aga n) an unknown outcome Om cron made ts mark n New York C ty severa weeks ago when streets ed w th bar es restaurant patrons and partygoers empt ed out as pos t ve cases ncreased L nes or COVID test ng at pub c and pr vate ac t es took the p ace o nes at restaurants C t zens are tak ng precaut ons Pr vate bus nesses now have vacc ne mandates and c ty agenc es are r ght beh nd them The Metropo tan Trans t Author ty has ooked to contr bute n ts own way by openng test ng s tes n some o the r stat ons Accord ng to the MTA the agency s go ng back to ts pre-pandem c serv ce—and prov d ng 90% o t or c ose to 60% o the r dersh p An ema rom the MTA a so sa d that ts see ng 97%comp ancew th tsvax-or-testmandate MTA Spokesperson Dave Stecke sa d that COVIDboostershot ocat onsareava ab eto anyone n the c ty “The MTAs pr or ty s to keep New York mov ng and we are do ng th s by open ng as See COVID 19 on page 4

Archbishop Tutu, a cleric of social and political consciousness passes By HERB BOYD Spec a to the AmNews

(G N photo)

ent ess ght aga nst Aparthe d s now echoed by thousands as they mourn h s pass ng The c er c Nobe Peace Pr ze re“Desmond Tutu has been a part o my c p ent w th an unwaver ng demand or e or 20 years now—as a mentor and a ust ce and un mpeachab e ntegr ty ro e mode as a member o our nonpro - o ned the ancestors on Dec 26 n Cape ts board as the pr est who marr ed me Town South A r ca He was 90 and my husband as the man who a ways “We have ost a person who carr ed the cha enges me to g ve the very best that I burden o eadersh p w th compass on have to g ve ” sa d mmaker Dawn G - w th d gn ty w th hum ty and w th such ord Eng e n 2014 at the prem ere o her good humor” sa d South A r can Pres m “Ch dren o the L ght” that opened dent Cyr Ramaphosa the 9th annua Har em F m Fest va “It That sent ment was s m ar y exhas been an ncred b e honor to be ab e pressed by ormer Pres dent Barack to capture h s sp r t essence and cut- Obama who tweeted that Tutu “was a t ng-edge work n the wor d n our new mentor a r end and a mora compass m and…I hope that m ons o peop e or me and so many others A un versa around the wor d w now be ab e to get sp r t Archb shop Tutu was grounded to know th s great man as a resu t ” n the strugg e or berat on and usHer m narrated by Tutus daughter t ce n h s own country but a so conNaom that chron c es the archb shops cerned w th n ust ce everywhere ” pass onate reso ve or peace and a reSee DESMOND on page 4

Archb shop Desmond Tutu and Congressman John Lew s

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INDEX INDEX INDEX Arts & Entertainment .............Page 15 INDEX


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(Bill Moore photo)

»Arts Astro/Numerology & Entertainment................Page .............Page 18 15 Arts & Entertainment .............Page20 15 » Food ........................................Page Astro/Numerology ................Page 18 »Arts Astro/Numerology ................Page 18 Jazz .........................................Page 21 Food ........................................Page & Entertainment .............Page20 15 »Caribbean ........................................Page Update ...................Page 14 Jazz .........................................Page 21 » Food Astro/Numerology ................Page 20 18 »Career/Business .........................................Page 21 29 Caribbean Update.....................Page ...................Page20 14 » Jazz Food........................................Page Caribbean Update.....................Page ...................Page30 14 Classified ..................................Page Career/Business 29 » Jazz .........................................Page 21 Career/Business 29 Editorial/Opinion ................Pages 12,13 Classified 30 Caribbean..................................Page Update.....................Page ...................Page 14 Classified ..................................Page 30 Education ...................................Page Editorial/Opinion ................Pages 12,13 Career/Business .....................Page 298 Editorial/Opinion ................Pages In the Classroom ....................Page12,13 228 Education ...................................Page Classified ..................................Page 30 Education ...................................Page Out & About ...............................Page In the Classroom ....................Page12,13 2289 Editorial/Opinion ................Pages In the Classroom ....................Page 2289 Religion & ...................................Page Spirituality .............Page 26 Out & About ...............................Page Education Out & About ...............................Page Sports ........................................Page Religion & Spirituality .............Page 36 26 In the Classroom ....................Page 229 Religion & Spirituality .............Page 36 26 Union Matters ............................Page 109 Sports ........................................Page Out & About ...............................Page Sports ........................................Page Your Health ..............................Page 24 Union Matters ............................Page 10 Religion & Spirituality .............Page 36 26 Union Matters ............................Page 36 10 Your Health ..............................Page 24 Sports ........................................Page Your Health ..............................Page 24 Union Matters ............................Page 10 Mail subscriptions U.S. Territories Yoursubscriptions Health ..............................Page 24 Weekly subscription: Mail U.S. Territories Mail subscriptions U.S. Territories 1 year $49.99 Weekly subscription: Weekly subscription: 6 1months $34.99 year $49.99 Mail subscriptions U.S. Territories year $49.99 Foreign Subscription: 6 1months $34.991 year Weekly subscription: 6 1months $34.991 year $45.00 Foreign Subscription: year $49.99 Foreign Subscription: $45.00 6 months $34.991 year $45.00 Foreign Subscription: 1 year $45.00

International International

BROOKLYN BILLIONAIRE, BUYER office. “[Steinhardt’s] pursuit “This agreement establishes looted during the colonial era are BROOKLYN BUYER office. pursuit that “This agreement looted during the colonial are Benin, Senegal,era Ivory OF LOOTEDBILLIONAIRE, ANTIQUITIES WORTH of ‘new’“[Steinhardt’s] additions to showcase Steinhardt will establishes be subject Ethiopia, BROOKLYN BILLIONAIRE, BUYER pursuit “This agreement looted Holland during the colonial era are Ethiopia, Benin, Senegal, Ivory OF LOOTEDWALKS ANTIQUITIES of ‘new’ additions to showcase that will establishes be lifetime subject Coast, and Nigeria. MILLIONS, FREE INWORTH GOV’T DEAL office. and sell“[Steinhardt’s] knew no geographic or to anSteinhardt unprecedented Benin, Senegal, Ivory OF LOOTED ANTIQUITIES ‘new’ additions to willantiquities, be lifetime subject” Ethiopia, On New Year’s Day, Detective Rod BROOKLYN BILLIONAIRE, BUYER office. “[Steinhardt’s] pursuit agreement establishes looted Holland during the colonial era are Coast, and Nigeria. MILLIONS, WALKS FREE INWORTH GOV’T DEALa of and sell knew no geographic or that to“This anSteinhardt (GIN)—A golden bowl, moral boundaries, asshowcase reflected ban onunprecedented acquiring and Nigeria. 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Witnesses (GIN)—A golden bowl, moral as reflected ban on acquiring antiquities, MOGADISHU a marble statue remains and a small ofDorsey antiquities traffickers, crime Steinhardt’s lawyer praised (GIN)—A Fair isINflowerchest for human wereasayin bosses, money launderers, and he the decision that ended with” A achest marble statue and a vessel, small antiquities traffickers, crime lawyer praised had histhe hands upreputedly and was of backing Aing BOOK FAIR Book BLOSSOMS ceremonial libations in the money sprawling underworld heSteinhardt’s concluded. 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Brooklyn whose sion linked tothe disagreements facts was valued at $80 million. over the ongoing parliamentaUnder a billionaire deal struck by sion linked to disagreements facts was valued at $80 million. tinues; the United States surpases 20 pandemic and political collection of the ancient artiover the ongoing Under a District deal struck by ry elections in theparliamentacountry.tenManhattan Attorney over the ongoing parliamentaUnder a deal struck by million cases. New York becomes the sion linked to disagreements facts was valued at $80 million. ry elections in the country. Manhattan District Attorney The event had been suspendCyrus R. Vance Jr., a multiry elections in the country. Manhattan Attorney fourth state to surpass 1 million cases. over the ongoing parliamentaUnder a District deal by The event had been suspendCyrus R. Vance Jr.,struck a multied last year due to COVID-19. year, multinational inveshad been suspendCyrus R. 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Dominion ty protests, in place. the COVID-19 which many believed tothe be This year’s wasalready limittigation ofAs in will the founder of theevent fair, Mohamed oneer Steinhardt Diini, organizers are not beMichael prosecuted. founder of theaccording fair, Mohamed oneer Steinhardt comes available, which violence was allegeded in size but to the possession of ishedge fund pi- popula- Voting Systems sues former New York peaceful, in Diini, organizers are already not beMichael prosecuted. working to accommodate Steinhardt onevulnerable of will the Diini, organizers are already not beMichael prosecuted. tions, such as the by law Mayor founder ofenforcement. the fair, Mohamed oneer Steinhardt will working to accommodate Steinhardt one elderly of theand health City mayor Rudy Giuliani, accusing him ly instigated more people next year. world’s most is prolific buyers working to accommodate Steinhardt is one of the care workers, receive the vaccine first. of defamation during the 2020 presiBill de Blasio releases the first NYPD DisDiini, organizers are already not be prosecuted. more people next year. world’s most prolific buyers Book fairs are a popular of ancient art and a dedicated more year. world’s most buyers Washington Post publishes an dential election. Joe Biden is certified cipline Matrix, apeople major police discipline working tonext accommodate Steinhardt isprolific one of the Book fairs are acontinent. popular ofThe ancient artthe and a dedicated event across the supporter of Metropolitan Book fairs are acontinent. popular of ancient art and aof dedicated audio recording President Donald as the next U.S. president. Black Dem- reform. The Second Circuit Court of Apmore people next year. world’s most prolific buyers event across the supporter the Metropolitan Every summer, for example, Museum ofof Art, which named across the supporter of the Metropolitan urging Secretary of ocrat and pastor Raphael Warnock wins peals hearsevent arguments afor case brought BookHargeisa fairs inare acontinent. popular ofTrump ancient art and aGeorgia dedicated Every summer, example, Museum Art, which named the International one of itsof Greek art galleries Every summer, for example, Museum ofof Art, named State Raffensperger to change the a runoff election to become the junior by New York City police unions to stop event across the supporter thewhich Metropolitan the Hargeisa International one of Brad its Greek art H. galleries Book Fair is held incontinent. Somalilthe Judy and Michael Steinthe Hargeisa International one of its Greek art galleries state’s 2020 presidential election reU.S. senator from Georgia. He is the first the city from releasing officer misconEvery summer, for example, Museum of Art, which named Book Fair is held in Somalilthe Judy and Michael H. Steinand, bringing writers, poets, hardt Gallery. Book Fair is held inthe Somalilthe Judy and Michael H. Steinsults inits his favor. Amid anger over false African American to represent the state duct and discipline records to public the Hargeisa International one ofGallery. Greek art galleries and, bringing writers, poets, hardt artists and thinkers from When the government and, bringing writers, poets, hardt Gallery. claims over the results of the 2021 elecin the Senate. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternifollowing the repeal of the police secreBook Fair is held in Somalilthe Judy and Michael H. Steinartists the andworld thinkers from Whenat least theninegovernment around to share and seized items from artists and thinkers from When the tion, thousands of supporters of Pres- ty, Inc. celebrates its 110th anniversary. cy law 50-a, by the New York Legisand, bringing writers, poets, hardt Gallery. around the world toState share and seized at least ninegovernment items from discuss their literary works his private collection, includaround the world toRestaurant share and seized atDonald least nine items from ident Trump storm York City Winter artists and thinkers from When the government discuss their literary works his collection, includwith a wider audience. ing aprivate terra-cotta flask from the the U.S. Gov. Andrew Cuomo signs an executive lature. New discuss their literary works his private collection, includorder requiring New York State municWeek takes place. Baseball legend Hank around the world to share seized at least nine items from with wider ing a terra-cotta flask from the Thea goal ofaudience. the event, sayand orfourth century B.C. and Protoa goal wider audience. ing terra-cotta flask from the ipalities to put forward police reform Aaron dieswith at age 86. Biden sworn discuss their literary his aprivate collection, includThe the event,issay orfourth century B.C. and Protoganizers, isofJoe to promote aworks culCorinthian figures from the Theof goal the event, say orfourth century B.C. and Protoplans. Families of loved ones killed by in as the 46th of the United with apresident wider audience. ing a terra-cotta flask from the ganizers, isofto promote a culCorinthian figures from ture reading and writing in seventh century B.C. Forbes ganizers, is to promote a culCorinthian figures from the the NYPD, advocates, and legal experts States. Kamala Harris becomes the first The goal of the event, say orfourth century B.C. and Prototure of reading and writing in seventh century B.C. Forbes the region by producing and magazine carried a piece on ture of reading and writing into seventh century B.C. Forbes testify at a city council oversight hearing woman and first African American ganizers, ishigh to promote a culCorinthian figures the the region by producing and magazine carried a from piece on publishing quality Somali the scandal titled “Ancient Histhe region by producing and magazine carried a piece on of the Committee on Public Safety when become vice president of the United ture of reading and writing in seventh century B.C. Forbes publishingand high quality Somali the scandal “Ancient Hisliterature translating intertory for Sale.titled ” publishing high quality Somali the scandal titled “Ancient Histhe order is signed. Dr. Lester W. Young States. Donald Trump boycotts the inthe region by producing and magazine carried a piece on literature and translating intertory for Sale. ” According to the search war- tomb raiders he relied upon to no charges against Steinhardt national classical literature: ficliterature and translating intertory forthe Sale.titled ”pieces is relied elected thetofirst New York auguration. Topoetry minimize the spread publishing high quality Somali the scandal “Ancient national classical literature: ficAccording to the search wartomb raiders he upon no Black charges against Steinhardt tion, and drama into theof rants, were Hispur- expand hisJr. collection.” for items bought from “traffickclassical literature: ficAccording tothe thelast search warhe relied to ers no charges against Steinhardt State Boardupon ofwere Regents chancellor. FolCOVID-19, restaurants must adhere literature and translating intertory forthe Sale.”pieces tion, poetry and drama into theto rants, were pur- tomb expand his collection.” for items bought from “traffickSomali language. chased within 12 years Jointraiders investigations and tomb raiders” as long national tion, and drama into the rants, the pieces were pur- expand his collection.” for bought from “trafficklowing the Capitol Donald social rules, capacity limits national classical literature: ficAccording tothe the search wartomb he relied upon to no items charges against Steinhardt Somali language. chased within 12 years Jointraiders investigations were ers and tomb raiders” asthem longdistancing Thepoetry event is considered the for a total cost of last $1.1 million conducted with authorities in insurrection, as Steinhardt returned Somali language. chased within 12 years Joint Bulgaria, investigations were and raiders” asnative long Trump becomes the ers firstitems U.S.tomb president and outdoor Jersey tion, poetry and drama into the rants, the pieces were pur- expand his collection.” for bought from “traffickThedining. event isNew considered for athere total cost of last $1.1 million conducted with Egypt, authorities in as Steinhardt returned them main cultural event in First Soand is a the possible charge Libya, Greece, “expeditiously” to their The event is considered the for a total cost of $1.1 million conducted with authorities in as Steinhardt returned them to be impeached for a second time by Lady Tammy Murphy unveils the NurSomali language. chased within the last 12 years Joint investigations were ers and tomb raiders” as long main cultural event in Soand there is a possible charge Libya,Israel, Bulgaria, Greece, “expeditiously” to their native maliland and one of the largest of possession of stolen proper- Iraq, Italy,Egypt, Jordan, Leba- countries. main cultural event in Soand is aofpossible charge Libya, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, to native Congress. Jazz tubist and baritone81, saxoture NJ Maternal and Infant Plan. The event isone considered the forpossession athere totalthe cost of $1.1 propermillion conducted with authorities in “expeditiously” as Steinhardt returned them maliland and ofHealth largest of stolen Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebacountries. public celebrations ofthe books in ty, noted Columbia Univernon, Syria, and Turkey. Steinhardt, is atheir major conmaliland and one of the largest of possession of stolen properIraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebacountries. phonist Howard Johnson dies at age 79. The strategy aims to reduce the state’s main cultural event in and there is a possible charge Libya, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, “expeditiously” to their native publicAfrica. celebrations of books in ty, noted theofColumbia Univerand Turkey. Steinhardt, 81, York is a major con- East Organized by Sothe sity Journal Law Arts.VII non, TheSyria, investigation began in tributor to New Universi(Photo byand Ronthe Haviv Redux) celebrations ofthe books in ty, noted theofpieces Columbia Univerand Steinhardt, 81, is a major conThe family ofLebaBlack, 14-year-old Keyon high ratespublic of maternal and mormaliland andOrganized one ofinfant largest ofThe possession of stolen properIraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, countries. East Africa. by the sity Journal Law and the Arts. non, TheSyria, investigation began in tributor New York UniversiRedsea Online Culture Founseized were looted 2017 over a Turkey. 2,000-year-old ty and totonumerous charitable East Organized by the sity Journal ofsmuggled LawCongress and the Arts. TheSyria, investigation began in New UniversiCapitol while certifies the Harrold Jr. calls for atributor of Quantality and eliminate the racial publicAfrica. celebrations ofdisparities books in ty, noted the Columbia Univernon, and Steinhardt, 81, isaa major conRedsea Online Culture FounThe seized pieces were looted 2017 over a Turkey. 2,000-year-old tyboycott and toto numerous charitable dation, the event aims to stimuand illegally out of 11 Bull’s Head stolen from Lebagroups. There isYork Steinhardt Redsea Online FounThe seized pieces were over a Lebanese 2,000-year-old and toto numerous charitable election. Five people die and2017 atThe least tum Hospitality after the boy responsible for these deaths. Jacqueline East Africa. Organized sity Journal ofsmuggled Law and the Arts. investigation began inLLCty tributor New Universidation, the event aims to by stimuand illegally of 11 Bull’s Head stolen from Lebagroups. There aisSteinhardt late the revival ofCulture all forms ofthe art countries, trafficked by out 12looted crimnon during the Civil conservatory atisYork the Brooklyn the event aims toincludstimuand illegally smuggled ofand 11 Bull’s stolen from Lebais the a Steinhardt 56 police officers and five civilians are falsely accused and groups. attacked by at white appointed chief ofRedsea Online FounThe seized pieces were 2017during over adetermined 2,000-year-old ty and toThere numerous charitable late the revival ofCulture alloperating forms of art countries, trafficked by out 12looted crimnon the Lebanese Civil conservatory Brooklyn and human expression, inal smuggling networks, War. ItHead was that Botanic Garden and aJackson Stein- isdation, the revival of allLeague. forms of The art countries, trafficked by out 12 crimthe Lebanese Civil conservatory atisthe the Brooklyn injured. Congressional members are 22-year-old for stealing of thelate New York Urban dation, the event aims to stimuand illegally smuggled ofand 11 non Bull’sduring stolen from Miya Lebagroups. There a Steinhardt and human expression, includinal smuggling networks, War. ItHead was determined that Botanic Garden and aficer Steining painting, poetry reciting, lacked verifiable provenance Steinhardt had purchased thePonsetto hardt Gallery at Metropoland human includinal smuggling networks, and War. It was determined that Garden andMetropolaworld Steinforced totrafficked evacuate. The rioters cause her cell phone at the Botanic ArloMuseum Hotel in of SoHo. marks one yearexpression, since death late the revival of allthe forms of artof countries, bythe 12 crimnon during the Lebanese Civil conservatory atArt. the Brooklyn ing painting, poetry reciting, lacked verifiable provenance Steinhardt had purchased the hardt Gallery the story-telling, drama composiprior to appearing on intermultimillion-dollar statue then itan painting, poetry reciting, lacked verifiable provenance had purchased the Gallery at Art. the Metropoloversmuggling million in to the Ponsetto isit arrested in California and greating Kobe Bryant, who died in a heand human expression, includinal networks, and Steinhardt War. It was determined that Botanic Garden andillicit aNBA Steinstory-telling, drama composiprior to$30 appearing on thedamage intermultimillion-dollar statue itan Museum of tion and writing. national art market. subsequently loaned tothen the hardt The fight against trafstory-telling, prior to appearing the interstatue itan Museum of Capitol building. Nearly 700multimillion-dollar people charged. Harrold is the son of jazz licopter with his drama daughter Gianna ing painting, poetry reciting, lacked verifiable provenance Steinhardt hadMuseum purchased the hardt Gallery at Art. the Metropoltion writing. national art market. subsequently loaned it of tothen The fight against illicit trafTheand Somali MovingcomposiLibrary Prosecutors saidon Steinhardt Metropolitan Art. ficking offamed cultural property has crash tion and writing. national art market. subsequently loaned it to the The fight against illicit trafare charged. The event is classified as trumpet player Keyon Harrold. Martin in California. Actress Cicely Tyson dies story-telling, drama composiprior to appearing on the intermultimillion-dollar statue then itan Museum of Art. The Somali Moving Library Prosecutors said Steinhardt Metropolitan Museum of Art. ficking of cultural property has had owned and traded more Following an order from New been on top of the radar screen Tour is the Book Fair’s flagship Theand Moving Library Prosecutors said Steinhardt Art. of cultural property has Luther King Day tion writing. national art market. subsequently loaned it of toNew the ficking The fight against illicit trafTour isSomali the Book had owned and traded more Following an Museum order been on top of the radar screen event. ItFair’s takesflagship place a than 1,000 antiquities since Metropolitan York prosecutors, thefrom Met surof UNESCO, aJr.U.N. cultural or- outreach Joeowned Biden and Kamala Harris Cicely Tour the Book Fair’s had traded more anbull’s order from New onoftop of the radar screen is UNESCO, celebrated with Theisbefore Somali Library Prosecutors said Steinhardt Metropolitan Museum of Art. been ficking cultural property has outreach event. Itopening takesflagship place than 1,000 antiquities since York prosecutors, the Met surof a U.N. cultural or-Tyson week theMoving of thea 1987, and hisand art collection was Following rendered the head, which ganization which condemned event. takes place than 1,000 antiquities since prosecutors, the Met sur- of ainU.N. cultural ortheUNESCO, theme “The Tour isbefore the Book Fair’s had owned traded more Following an order from New been on topwhich of the screen week the Itopening thea 1987, and hisand art$200 collection was York rendered the head, which ganization condemned festival in Hargeisa andflagship isofheld valued at about million. is believed to bull’s be a stolen item. an upsurge theradar looting of outreach the Itopening thea 1987, his antiquities art$200 collection was rendered the bull’s head, which which Urgency Creoutreach event. than 1,000 since York prosecutors, the Met sur- ganization of UNESCO, ainU.N. cultural orfestivalbefore inregions Hargeisa and place isofheld valued at about million. is believed to be a stolen item. an upsurgeof thecondemned looting of week across all oftakes Somaliland. “Forand decades, Michael SteinVance continued: “Even archeological sites and the festival in Hargeisa and is held valued at about $200 million. is believed to be a stolen item. an upsurge in the looting of ating the Beloved week before the opening of the 1987, and his art collection was rendered the bull’s head, which ganization which condemned across all regions of Somaliland. “For decades, Stein- though Vance Steinhardt’s continued:decades“Even dismantling archeologicalof sites and the Other countries with uphardt displayedMichael a rapacious ancient monuall regions of Somaliland. “For decades, Michael Steincontinued: “Even and the Community!” New festival in Hargeisa and held valued at about $200 million. is Vance believed to be a stolen item. an upsurge in sites the looting of across Other countries with uphardt displayed a rapacious though Steinhardt’s decadesdismantling of ancient monucoming book events areisSouth appetite for plundered arti- long indifference to the rights archeological ments as far back as 1930. Other countries with uphardt displayed a rapacious Steinhardt’s decadesofAttorancient monuYork State allbook regions ofKenya, Somaliland. “Forwithout decades, Michael SteinVance continued: “Even archeological sites and the coming events are South appetite for plundered artilong indifference the rights dismantling ments far back as picked 1930. Africa, Nigeria, and facts concern for the though of peoples to theirtoown sacred Theiras initiatives up across coming book events are South appetite for plundered artilong indifference to the rights ments as far back as 1930. ney General LetiOther countries with uphardt displayed a rapacious though Steinhardt’s decadesdismantling of ancient monuAfrica, Nigeria, Kenya, and facts without concern for the of peoples to their own sacred Their initiatives picked up legality of his actions, the legit- treasures is appalling, the in- steam this year at an interna- Sierra Leone. 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African Book legality ofthe his actions, legittreasures appalling, the insteam this year nearly aton anthe internain Berlin, among and sold, or pieces the grievous cul- terests indictment trial favor restrade cultural goods estimatGhana holds a others. special place tural damage he hethe wrought olution that ensures that aasubed to in be worth $10illicit bil- Festival Berlin, among and orglobe,” the grievous cultrial favor resin cultural goods estimatmaking false nearly arFestival will be held 19-21 imacy of the pieces hewrought bought terests that of and justice prior to trade tional conference on the holds a others. special place turalsold, damage heDistrict olution ensures that aasubed toeach be worth $10illicit bil- in onGhana the continent asAug. Unesco’s across the At- indictment stantial portion of the damage lion year. 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Aprilthe 23, 2023. say in athe press release from Athis be world undone, onceofand all.will ” sought return of objects 2023. say in aVance press release from his undone, once and for all.will ” sought return of objects Matter and an-which World23, Book Capital to be held torney was quoted to be to world cultural heritage Africanthe countries have April ti-policethe brutaliSee YEAR IN REVIEW on page 5 23, 2023. say in a press release from his be undone, once and forphoto) all.” sought return of objects April (Adam Schultz (GIN (GIN (GIN photo) photo) (GIN photo) photo)




International International International Year in Review 2021 International News International News

2 • December 30, 5, 2022 23, 2021 - January December 29, 2021


December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 3

Adams appoints colorful cabinet as promised By ARIAMA C. LONG Amsterdam News Staff, Report for America Corps Member

(Ariama C. Long photo)

Mayor-elect Eric Adams unveiled even more appointments for his incoming administration, holding true to his promise to elevate more women and people of color to leadership roles. So far the names of more than 22 staff members have been announced with hopes of having the bulk hired by midJanuary, said Adams. Adams said that an assured recovery from COVID rests in addressing the inequalities that plagued the city well before COVID-19 struck and adequate “representation” in government is a key part of that. “When I sit down and speak with those we are bringing on board. That’s what I’m looking for, diversity and skillset,” said Adams at the conference. “There’s a lot of talent of different groups and genders that really have been on the bench for a long time, and we’re taking them off and getting them in the game.” On Tuesday, Dec. 28, Adams kept the appointments going at a conference inside Brooklyn Borough Hall. He said there’s about 1,300 pending resumes of people excited to be a part of the administration. “All those who come on board will go through our orientation. We’re not just hiring people to be in city hall, they have to buy into our vision, our concept, and our way of doing business,” said Adams. The Mayor-elect kicked off with the announcement of the Public Schools Chancellor David Banks, who leads the Eagle Academy Foundation that got its start in Brooklyn. And last week, he named a slew of women-led departments, most notably the new NYPD Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell and deputy mayors Lorraine Grillo, Maria TorresSpringer, Anne Williams-Isom, Meera Joshi, and Sheena Wright. At the conference, Adams reiterated that a numberofcityagencies,includingNYCHA,will be under review and streamlined for efficiency when he gets in office. He said that new Chief TechnologyOfficerMatthewFraser,whotraded inhisuniformasNYPDDeputyCommissioner of Information Technology, as well as other innovativetechthinkerswillhelpaccomplishthat goal.“Ibelievethatwhenyoupartnertechnology with the eye of our team that’s in place, we’ll be able to pinpoint those agencies that we believe are problems,” said Adams. Adams’ campaign was heavily endorsed by Latino community members in this June’s ranked-choice primary and the general election in November. It stands to reason he’d honor that support by assuring more people get positions in his administration. Lisa Flores, who is the deputy comptroller for Contracts and Procurement, will head the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services. She credits her years of public service to her immigrant parents. “It’s a great honor to be a part of a team com-

mitted to restoring confidence in government. It’s a goal that is a part of my DNA,” said Flores at the press conference. “My parents, both of whom were born and raised in Puerto Rico, taught me the importance of honor, duty, and service to others.” One of Adams’ most vocal campaign supporters, Councilmember Ydanis Rodriguez, was appointed the city’s first ever Latino Transportation Commissioner. Rodriguez chaired the city council’s Transportation Committee.

“I will work with the rest of my colleagues in the administration, the City Council, advocates, and the private and academic sectors, to carry on our vision of turning New York City into the most pedestrian and cyclist-friendly city in the nation,” said Rodriguez in a statement. Adams brought in Louis Molina, a Bronx native who was the chief of the Las Vegas Department of Public Safety, to be the first Latino to hold the office of Corrections Commissioner. It’s hoped that Molina will reform the “horror” conditions of Rikers Island as the city grapples with the 16th death of an incarcerated person at the jail this year. NYC Taxi and Limousine Commissioner (TLC) Aloysee Heredia Jarmoszuk will be staying on. She is the first-ever DominicanAmerican to oversee the agency. Jarmoszuk was nominated by Mayor Bill de Blasio to be the new TLC chair back in January 2020. The TLC has had a hard time surviving taxi medallion debt and keeping drivers afloat pre-COVID and during the crisis. Adams has kept many members of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration. Some in the same departements, others in different positions. Sherif Soliman, a Staten Island native and trailblazing Muslim in city government, was the commissioner of the New York City Department of Finance and will now be the Office of Policy and Planning director. Similarly, Jacques Jiha in the Office of Management and Budget will be budget director, and Gary Jenkins, human services executive, will stay on as the human resource administrator of his old department. Meanwhile, Acting Citywide Administrative Services Commissioner Dawn Pinnock is staying on as commissioner. Adams also moved to hire José Bayona, a former deputy press secretary of de Blasio’s, to serve as the first-ever executive director of the newly created City Hall Office of Ethnic and Community Media, said the Daily News. Considering the recent onslaught of the

COVID-19 Omicron variant, Adams decided that current Health Commissioner Dave Chokshi will continue in his role until March 2022 before handing over the reins to new commissioner for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Ashwin Vasan. “Make no mistake: we will fight this virus with everything we have,” posted Vasan. “We will also deliver on the mayor-elect’s public health priorities by fixing our broken mental health system and ensuring equitable access to clean air, clean water, healthy food, and affordable health care.” Vasan is the president & CEO of Fountain House, and is a physician and epidemiolo-

gist in the public health and mental health fields. Vasan said that he is “deeply honored and humbled” to join Adams’ administration and looks forward to partnering with Chokshi on battling the immediate surge of COVID-19 cases in the meantime.

Ariama C. Long is a Report for America corps member and writes about culture and politics in New York City for The Amsterdam News. Your donation to match our RFA grant helps keep her writing stories like this one; please consider making a tax-deductible gift of any amount today by visiting:

MetroBriefs Metro Briefs THE INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN ARTS FESTIVAL AND THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF KAWAIDA ORGANIZATION HOST THEIR 55TH ANNIVERSARY The International African Arts Festival and the National Association of Kawaida Organization will be hosting their 55th anniversary celebration of Kwanzaa live on December 31st starting at 8:30 p.m. ET. The founder of the national holiday, Dr. Maulana Karenga, will be speaking at the celebration. Along with being the creator of Kwanzaa, Dr. Karenga holds many titles and is well-respected in the pan-Africanist community. Kwanzaa was founded in 1966 in efforts to fight towards equality during the Civil Rights Movement. Kwanzaa is celebrated between December 26th and January 1st. Each day represents one of the seven principles that is prominent in the African American community. Tickets are being sold for $15 on their website. Check out for more information. COUNCIL MEMBER ROBERT E. CORNEGY RELEASES RESOURCE GUIDE Earlier this week, Council Member Robert E. Cornegy released a free resource guide for services available to residents in Bedford-Stuyvesant and northern Crown Heights. The 105-page resource guide has different sections in the publication that can be useful to the community including; Arts and Cultural Organizations, Business, Cure Violence, Ecumenical, Grandparents and Seniors, LGBTQ+ and Mental Health. “It is the product of my desire to help you accomplish your goals, whether that be running a successful business, being a caring grandparent or finding support for mental health challenges,”said Council Member Robert E. Cornegy. “This resource guide is the result of faith in our community.” After representing the Bedford Stuyvesant and northern Crown Heights district and serving the City Council for eight years, Thursday Dec. 30th marks Cornegy’s last day. He served on the MWBE Task Force, as chair of the Committee on Housing and Buildings, as a legislative policy analyst for the NYC Council, and at the Democratic Conference. For more information, check out uploads/sites/37/2021/12/Cornegy-D36-Resource-Guide-Combined-r.pdf NY ATTORNEY GENERAL LETITIA JAMES CANCELS OVER $200K IN ILLEGAL HOUSING DEBT FOR SUNY BUFFALO STATE STUDENTS Earlier this week, New York Attorney General Letitia James canceled over $200k in illegal housing debt and recouped another $65k in restitution for Buffalo State students who were deceived by Monarch 716, an off-campus private student housing provider. Owned by 100 Forest Ave LLC and managed by XFD Real Estate Partner, Monarch 716 is a private off-campus student housing provider who primary targeted SUNY Buffalo State College students to rent their units to. The Office of the Attorney General opened an investigation and found the company was illegally charging rent and fees to students who never resided in a housing unit. Monarch 716 would coax interested students into signing leases, then demand payments of thousands of dollars from students who didn’t qualify for the company requirements and denied students access to their housing. “Preying on students with illegal housing schemes is unacceptable and will not be tolerated,” said Attorney General James. “Monarch 716 engaged in serious predatory behavior that violated tenants’ rights and made students, who were just starting out their lives, feel threatened. Today’s agreement will help students impacted by Monarch 716 get their lives back in order without having thousands of dollars of debt looming over their heads. My office is committed to standing up to predatory landlords and protecting students.” On December 29, the attorney general came to an agreement with Monarch 716 so that they will cancel over $200k debt, and $65k will be recovered in restitution for hundreds more and imposes $50k in civil penalty. For more information, check out aod_-_executed.pdf Compiled by Olayemi Odesanya

4 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022


Biden signs defense bill of $770 billion By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews Earlier this month the Senate and the House voted overwhelmingly for the National Defense Authorization Act, and on Monday President Biden added his signature and authorized $770 billion in defense spending in 2022. But there were several issues that the president did not wholeheartedly endorse, including Sections 1032, the “extension of prohibition on use of funds for transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to certain countries.” He also took issue with 1033, the “extension of prohibition on use of funds for transfer or release of individuals

COVID-19 Continued from page 1

many testing and vaccination sites as we can,” said Steckel. “These centers have a large footprint and safety is always a priority, so setting up a site on a sidewalk or in the street is just not possible. The majority of the sites are set up in areas that do not require a fare payment—in large mezzanines in subway stations or in available, empty retail locations and we encourage all New Yorkers to take advantage of this easy, new access to COVID testing, vaccinations, and booster shots.” Demetrius Crichlow, senior vice president for Subways, MTA New York City Transit, also said that the public shouldn’t worry about train service now. “Subway service is running on a normal schedule with some exceptions,” said Crichlow. “The winter surge of the Omicron variant is affecting businesses across New York

Desmond Continued from page 1

Ever since his emergence on the international stage Tutu was a beacon of serenity who possessed an impish sense of steadfastness, one who refused to cower before the forces of evil and oppression. Those characteristics began on Oct. 7, 1931, in Klerksdorp, a township just west of Johannesburg. He began as a teacher before entering the priesthood at St. Peter’s Theological College in Rosettenville in 1958. In 1961, he was ordained and six years later became chaplain at the University of Fort Hare, where a number of noted freedom fighters attended. After brief tenures in Lesotho and

detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the United States.” He spelled out his concerns, noting that they would make it difficult to comply with court judgments that have directed the release of a detainee on a writ of habeas corpus and “constrain the flexibility of the executive branch with respect to its engagement in delicate negotiations with foreign countries.” On both restrictions, he urged Congress to eliminate them as soon as possible. Included in the bill are measures to overhaul the military justice system, particularly on matters of sexual assault and harassment. “The president believes that this legislation takes groundbreaking steps to improve the response

and…prevention of sexual assault in the military,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters traveling with the president to Kansas City, Missouri, earlier this month. A 2.7% increase for service members and Defense Department civilian employees will be included in the final version of the bill. Funds are also allocated to examine the war in Afghanistan and military aid to Ukraine. Several key provisions did not make it into the final bill, including an amendment to repeal the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq, sanctions against countries participating in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and additional sanctions against Russia.

City, and that includes the MTA. Customers can check real-time arrival information at or MYmta to see how frequently trains are running at their stations.” As for the entire Empire State, according to the state department of health numbers on breakthrough data, “Beginning the week of December 13, 2021, after the emergence of the Omicron variant, vaccine effectiveness against cases began to decline again. In the most recent week, vaccine effectiveness was 75%. This means fully vaccinated New Yorkers had about a 75% lower chance of becoming a COVID-19 case, compared to unvaccinated New Yorkers. The New York State Department of Health will continue to closely monitor trends in vaccine effectiveness as the epidemic evolves.” New York State is meant to display the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. One could deduce that it’s a combination of the vaccine while continuing to socially distance, wash hands and follow the pre-vaccine

protocols. It’s good news for the state; everywhere else in America, however? The situation is different. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) projects a dire situation for the country, and the world. Due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, the institute projects that over the next three months, there will be 3 billion infections globally. IHME’s study also states that some of the trends in transmission in the U.S. can be directed to fewer state mandates. It states that, as of Dec. 13, in their Trends and Impact Survey, 38% of participants self-reporting said that they always wore a mask when leaving their house. Mask use is over 50% in Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Hawaii, Illinois, and Vermont. “As of December 13, 24 states have reached 70% or more of the population who have received at least one vaccine dose and seven states have

Britain, he returned to South Africa in 1975 where he subsequently became bishop of Lesotho and chair of the South African Council of Churches. More prestigious stops occurred when he became the first Black Anglican bishop of Johannesburg and then a year later in 1986, the first Black archbishop of Cape Town. In this capacity he relished the ordination of women priest and promoted gay priests. His activism gained public notice when he was arrested in 1980 for taking part in a protest and had his passport confiscated. When he recovered the document he resumed his travels, including a meeting with the U.N. secretary general and other prominent church leaders. It was on such occasions as this that he began the call for international

sanctions against South African as well as talks to end the conflict. His many accomplishments are now resounding around the globe and we are glad that many Harlemites had a chance to see how forthright and resolute he was, at least in a cinematic way, from “Children of the Light.” “Arch” Tutu, as he referred to himself, was wedded to peace and unity, a wish for togetherness that he insisted was the only answer to the world’s problems. In her concluding reflections on her mentor seven years ago, Ms. Engle mused, “How has he been able to achieve so much in one lifetime? The words that come to mind are tenacity, courage, faith, patience and community. He stays on the path of nonviolence, and he just keeps on walking his own talk.”

See COVID-19 on page 25



New Jersey advocates celebrate the community


On Thursday, Dec. 30, the People’s Organization for Progress will host its annual Kwanzaa Celebration at 7 p.m. It will observe the fifth principle of Kwanzaa, which is Nia or Purpose. Just as was done last year, it will be held in virtual space and will honor the late Aminifu Williams who was at the very first Kwanzaa in 1966. Recently retired Newark City Council President Mildred Crump will be honored with a Lifetime Leadership Award. Crump, a long time P.O.P. member, was the first Black woman elected to Newark City Council in 1994 and was the first female council president. This year’s Kwanzaa will also remember Jerome Reid. December 30th marks the eighth anniversary of the police killing of Jerome Reid in Bridgeton, N.J. Reid’s case will be spotlighted at the January 1st Rally and March for Carl Dorsey. For more information call either 973-801-0001 or 973-951-3369.

a “ s S t a B p a c A b m r p c


Answers for Carl Dorsey! On Saturday, Jan. 1, the People’s Organization for Progress will host a rally and march to demand answers in the investigation of the police killing of Carl Dorsey. This young man was shot and killed by an undercover Newark police officer on the evening of Jan. 1, 2021, just after the city of Newark had gone through all of the year 2020 without having fired a shot. Dorsey’s shooting was captured on videotape. He was unarmed when he was subject to that fateful encounter. The investigation is considered by serious social justice activists as a test of the relatively new Independent Prosecutor’s Bill. Passed into law in 2018, the bill puts any police killing or death of a civilian in police custody in the hands of the attorney general to reassure community trust and accountability when the previous practice of such investigations done at the county level elicited long-standing distrust. The rally will take place at The Lincoln Monument, 12 Springfield Ave., Newark at 12 noon.

Mayor Baraka signs vaccine proof executive order Mayor Ras J. Baraka signed an executive order on Monday, Dec. 27, requiring proof of vaccination against COVID-19 for customers 5 years of age and older to enter certain establishments and facilities. The order will commence by requiring anyone attending public New Year’s Eve events and parties to show proof of vaccination. By Jan. 10, persons entering a facility or business must show proof of at least one COVID-19 vaccination dose; and be fully vaccinated three weeks later. “Newark’s latest three-day test positivity rate has spiked to 27.16%. Guided by this data, the city of Newark is taking firm and aggressive action to prevent its spread and protect our residents and workers. Newark will continue to meet the challenge of COVID-19 with determination,” Baraka said. —Compiled by Olayemi Odesanya

t r F M p c D p t s T a D $ s t P c d T S C a p n i T p v o h c p T d i a i


Year in Review

Continued from page 2

at age 96 two days after her memoir, “Just as I Am,” is published. A snowstorm dumps 18 to 24 inches of snow. Some parts of the city see snowfall up to an inch an hour. The brutal arrest and pepper-spraying of a 9-year-old Black girl by the Rochester Police Department caught on police bodycam video causes outrage. COVID-19 cases exceed 100 million worldwide. As the COVID-19 vaccine continues being distributed, the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reveals that Blacks make up 11% of people who have received the vaccine compared to 48% of whites.

February Mary Wilson


theater company the New Federal Theatre marks 50 years. New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal announces criminal charges against three suspended correctional police officers for their alleged roles in an incident where inmates were assaulted and seriously injured at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women in Clifton. Pastor and televangelist Frederick K. C. Price dies at age 86. New Jersey becomes the 13th state to legalize marijuana as Gov. Phil Murphy signs the “New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act” into law. The bill legalizes and regulates cannabis use and possession for adults 21 years and older and decriminalizes marijuana and hashish possession. Public Advocate Jumaane Williams calls for the passage of his bill to create a three-digit hotline used for mental health emergencies, as an alternative to 911. The Supreme Court rejects a last-ditch attempt by Donald Trump to shield his financial records. A letter surfaces revealing that Ray Wood, an undercover police officer, confessed on his deathbed that the NYPD and the FBI conspired to assassinate civil rights activist/icon Malcolm X in February Malcolm X

(Bill Moore photo)

Black History Month begins with the theme “The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and Diversity.” Founding member of The Supremes, Mary Wilson, dies at age 76 from hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease at her home in Nevada. During the service of a warrant, a suspect kills two FBI agents and injures three others before barricading himself inside his home in Sunrise, Fla. The U.S. Senate votes 50–49 to pass a budget resolution that would allow Democrats to pass President Biden’s $1.9 trillion relief package without support from Republicans. The 50-50 tie-breaker vote is broken by Vice President Kamala Harris. Harlem community organizer Cornelius Ricks dies at age 65 from prostate cancer. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers win Super Bowl LV, defeating the Kansas City Chiefs 31–9. Mayor Bill de Blasio announces that more than 1 million people in the city have been vaccinated for COVID-19. Jazz keyboardist Chick Corea dies at age 79. Donald Trump is acquitted in his second impeachment trial. The city opens mass vaccination sites across the five boroughs. A major winter and ice storm hits parts of the nation. The storm causes major damage in Texas where power is lost for 3.5 million people. The storm kills 136 people. Indoor dining resumes in the city after ceasing for two months. Restaurants must adhere to COVID-19 safety protocols including a 25% capacity limit. Black

Meisha Porter

(Ed Reed Mayoral Photography Office)

superintendent for the Bronx Meisha Ross Porter replaces him, becoming the first Black woman to serve at the city’s public schools chancellor. Golf champion Tiger Woods is seriously injured in a car crash in California and undergoes surgery.The single shot Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine receives emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Playwright, actor, director, and theatrical producer Douglas Turner Ward dies at age 90. Middle school students in city school return to in-person learning. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accused of sexual harassment by former aide Charlotte Bennett after alleging that he harassed her in 2020. Bennett is the second woman to accuse the governor. City officials announce that the Bedford Union Armory in Crown Heights, Brooklyn will be named after late former Congressman Major Robert Owens.


December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 5

The March Madness NCAA basketball tournament resumes after being canceled in 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic. New York City marks one year since the city’s first COVID19 death. There are more than 30 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States. Newly appointed New York City Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter assumes office as the city’s first Black woman to hold the position. Supporters for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal rally Mumia Abu-Jamal

(Pam Africa photo)

in several locations around the country demanding that the Philadelphia district attorney approve his release amid his failing health conditions including testing positive with COVID19. The family of 2020 police killing victim Maurice Gordon Jr. files a lawsuit in United States District Court in the District of New Jersey. At the 63rd annual Grammy Awards, Beyoncé receives four awards becoming the most-awarded woman in Beyoncé

Vernon Jordan

(Public Domain photo)

1965 in Harlem. The United States becomes the first country to surpass 500,000 deaths from the virus. Flags in the U.S. are flown at half-mast for five days to remember those lost. The global death toll surpasses 2.5 million. Mark Anthony Morales, known as rapper “Prince Markie Dee” of rap group The Fat Boys, dies at age 52. New York City School Chancellor Richard Carranza announces he’s stepping Richard Carranza

(LBJ Library photo Jay Goodwin_ Public Domain photojpeg)

(Cliff Lipson_CBS ©2021 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved)

Civil rights activist and former National Urban League president Vernon Jordan dies at age 85. The trial for the police officer who killed George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, begins in Minneapolis with jury selection. The City of Minneapolis agrees to pay $27 million to settle a wrongful death lawsuit brought by Floyd’s family. Reggae artist Bunny Wailer dies at age 73.

Grammy history with 28 awards. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and spike in cases, the ceremony had no audience. The U.S. Senate and Congress pass the American Rescue Plan Act, President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package. A third round of Economic Impact Payments begins reaching Americans as part of the act. Most people receive $1,400 for themselves and $1,400 for each of their qualifying dependents claimed on their tax return for individuals making $75,000 annually. Public Advocate Jumaane Williams and Mayor Bill de Blasio announce a pilot program to prevent gun violence in New York City under the Advance Peace model. Actor Yaphet Kotto dies at age 81. Eight people are killed and one is injured in three shootings at spas

Bunny Wailer

(Ed Reed Mayoral Photography Office)

down after three years on the job. Carranza says he lost more than 10 family members and friends to COVID-19 and needs time to grieve. Executive

(Public domain photo by Peter Verwimp_ https_commons.wikimedia.org_wiki_File_ BunnyWail

See YEAR IN REVIEW on page 6

6 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022

Year in Review Continued from page 5

in the Metro Atlanta area. Activists mark one year since the police killing of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky. CUNY names Dr. Patricia Ramsey as the sixth president of Medgar Evers College. New Jersey activist and chairman of the People’s Organization for Progress Lawrence Hamm commemorates 50 years of activism. Ten people are shot dead at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. It is the third deadliest mass shooting in the state’s history. The 21-yearold suspect, Ahmad Al Issa, is arrested after being shot in the leg by police. New Jersey amends its alcohol and cannabis laws to allow police to notify parents or guardians after a first-time offense by a minor a month after the state legalizes cannabis. Both houses of the New York State Legislature pass a bill to legalize recreational cannabis in New York, which is signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo the following day.



blood clots. More than 100 million people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S. Daunte Wright, a biracial 20-yearold man, is fatally shot by police officer Kimberly Potter during a traffic stop and attempted arrest for an outstanding arrest warrant in Brooklyn Center, Minn. Police say that Potter meant to use her Taser, but accidentally grabbed her gun instead. Potter is arrested and charged with seconddegree manslaughter. She is later released on bond. The global death toll from COVID-19 surpasses 3 million. The number of vaccinations administered worldwide exceeds 1 billion. Long Island Congressman Tom Suozzi introduces legislation that would award a Congressional Gold Medal to the 369th Infantry Regiment, known as the “Harlem Hellfighters.” New York Attorney General Letitia James has released the transcripts of the grand jury proceedings in her office’s investigation into the March 2020 death of police killing of Daniel Prude in

(Family photo)

(Def Jam)

is hospitalized due to a cocaine-induced heart attack. He never regains consciousness and dies of multiple organ failure a week later at age. Funeral services are held at the Barclays Center and the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn. Florida Congressman and judge Alcee Hastings dies at age 84. New York State follows the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s lead and eases up restrictions for COVID-19 protocol for graduations and classrooms. The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine is paused over causing rare

(Darnella Frazier Facebook)


Rochester. A grand jury previously declined to charge the officers involved in the killing. Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is found guilty on all charges for killing George Floyd. Chauvin is found guilty of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and seconddegree manslaughter. Dr. Raymond Codrington is named the new chief executive officer of Weeksville Heritage Center in Brooklyn. Legislation declaring Feb. 14 as Frederick Douglass Day is signed into law in New Jersey. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and the U.S. Justice Department begin a civil probe of the Louisville, Kentucky police department and the officers there who fatally shot Breonna Taylor along with several more similar cases awaiting his attention. The CDC announces that people who are fully vaccinated no longer need to wear a mask outdoors, except in certain crowded settings and venues. At the 93rd Academy Awards, Daniel Kaluuya wins the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in “Judas and the Black Messiah.” The Disney movie “Soul,” featuring the voice of

FDA authorizes the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. for adolescents aged 12 to 15. Moderna announces that their COVID-19 vaccine is 100% effective in teens ages 12 to 17. The city’s Department of Education announces there will be no more snow days and students will be expected to participate in remote learning in the event of a weather emergency. The decision is a result of COVID-19 stay home orders when public school students switched to remote learning after schools closed in 2020 to prevent the Bill McCreary

Andrew Brown

Derek Chauvin

April At the 27th Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards, late actor Chadwick Boseman receives a record four nominations, winning Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role for “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” Viola Davis wins Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role for the same film. Daniel Kaluuya wins Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role for “Judas in the Black Messiah.” Former NFL cornerback Phillip Adams fatally shoots six people at a house in Rock Hill, S.C. Adams later commits suicide. Rapper DMX (Earl Simmons)

Jamie Foxx, wins Best Animated Feature Film and Best Original Score. Violence flares up in the city when 50 people are shot in 46 shootings over a week. Anti-violence advocates call for a ceasefire. Members of TWU Local 100, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, the New York City Central Labor Council, DC37 and other unions sign a letter calling for Mayor de Blasio to increase the number of cops patrolling the transit system and expand mental health services. Andrew Brown Jr., a 42-yearold Black man, is killed by a gunshot to the back of the head by the Sheriff Department in Elizabeth City, N.C.

The shooting occurred while deputies were serving drug-related search and arrest warrants at the Brown residence. After being abducted after leaving her home in South Carolina, Black, 15-year-old Sanaa Amenhotep is found dead nearly a month after her disappearance in a wooded area with 15 gunshot wounds. Sanaa is the daughter of New Jersey social justice activist Sharif Amenhotep. Seven officers are placed on leave as a result of the shooting and the FBI launches a civil rights probe into Brown’s death. The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases exceeds 150 million worldwide.

spread of the virus. Trailblazing television journalist Bill McCreary dies at age 87. McCreary was one of New York City’s first Black TV reporters. After being closed since March 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, officials announce that Broadway shows will be allowed to reopen in September. A volcano erupts near Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, forcing thousands to flee to neighboring Rwanda. Former longtime Bronx Assemblymember and Deputy Bronx Borough President Aurelia Greene dies at age 86. Gov. Andrew Cuomo Aurelia Greene

Sanaa Amenhotep

(Photo Courtesy of the Office of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.)

signs legislation restoring voting rights to over 35,000 formerly incarcerated individuals convicted of a (Family photo) felony. The newly signed law changes the election law requiring automatic restoration of voting rights upon a New Yorker’s release from prison. Black comedian Paul Mooney dies West 166th Street and Broadway from a heart attack at age 79. Black, in Washington Heights is co-named 19-year-old Buffalo State College stuafter Black Nationalist Carlos Cooks. dent and Bronx native Saniyya Dennis Amid global racial and social protests, Saniyya Dennis the International Olympic Committee states that athletes participating in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics will not be allowed to wear Black Lives Matter apparel, or any apparel with political messages, while taking part in official Olympic activities. R&B singer Lloyd Price dies at age 88. Pfizer/Bi(Family photo) oNTech seeks full approval from the FDA for their COVID-19 vaccine. The See YEAR IN REVIEW on page 8



December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 7

h o r e s d t n e s r e

Together with small businesses, we’re helping bring hope to the streets.

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Small businesses are the heartbeat of every community. They make our neighborhoods vibrant places to live, work, and raise families. Here are just a few ways Wells Fargo is giving hope a hand: • Providing nonprofits with roughly $420 million through our Open for Business Fund to help small businesses • Helping nearly 282,000 small businesses keep 1.7 million people at work through Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding* • Pitching in to help beautify local business districts in cities nationwide • Working together with more than 3 million small businesses to help them get back to thriving Join us in bringing hope to the streets by shopping local. Learn more at * PPP data from Program inception in 2020 through 06/09/2021. © 2021 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. IHA-7112904

8 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022



Year in Review

(Bill Moore photos)

Continued from page 6

goes missing near Niagara Falls after leaving her college campus. Police say she died by suicide based on text messages they claim to have; however, her family believes she is alive and organize their own search for her. The CDC announces that people who are fully vaccinated from COVID-19 are no longer required to wear a mask in most situations. Everyone is still required to wear masks regardless of vaccination status at doctor’s offices, on buses, trains and all forms of public transportation. Protests erupt across the country to commemorate one year since the 2020 police murder of George Floyd. In New York City, several demonstrators are arrested after blocking the Holland Tunnel. The CDC announces that 50% of the American adult population is fully vaccinated. A study released by the University of Florida reveals that programs for high achievers may not be adequately serving Black and lowincome students. Rapper Drake is awarded the Billboard Artist of the Decade award.

Eric Adams

the city uses ranked-choice voting. Eric Adams wins the Democratic primary defeating 12 candidates. Curtis Sliwa wins the Republican primary. In Buffalo, community activist and selfavowed socialist India Walton defeats incumbent mayor Byron Brown to win the Democratic primary. Bill Cosby is Bill Cosby

Justin Wallace


((https_commons.wikimedia.org_wiki_ File_Drake July 2016.jpg), „Drake July 2016“, https_creativecommons.org_licenses_by_2.5_legalco)

June Three Juneteenth flags are raised in Brooklyn, the Bronx and Harlem in commemoration of the holiday highlighting the end of slavery in America. As more people become vaccinated, health officials announce that COVID-19 infections in New York State have been on the decline for nearly 60 days. Moderna seeks full approval from the FDA for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Mayor Bill de Blasio announces that 8.5 million people have received at least their first dose of the vaccine; however, vaccine rates are low among Black and Latino populations. The U.S. surpasses 300 million COVID-19 vaccine doses administered. Actor Clarence Williams III dies at age 81. Williams is best known for his role in the television series “The Mod Squad” and the films “Purple Rain,” “52 Pick-Up” and “Tales from the Hood.” Ongoing violence in the city takes the life of 10-year-old Justin Wallace in Far Rockaway, Queens. The fifth grader was shot along with his uncle, who survived inside his home by a man who

(Family photo)

was feuding with Wallace’s uncle over a parking space. Facebook's Oversight Board announces that its ban on former President Donald Trump’s personal account will last until January 2023. The Department of Justice says that more than 500 people have been arrested since the 2021 United States Capitol attack. It is also seeking information on 250 other suspects. The nationwide death toll from the COVID-19 virus exceeds 600,000. The city launches an initiative to expand low-cost and free child care for thousands of families after the passage of state legislation that raises the qualifying income threshold for subsidized child care and extends full-time child care support to families who work part-time. A portion of a 12-story condominium building collapses in Surfside, Florida, leaving 98 people dead. Over the course of three days, at least 10 people are killed and another 50 are injured in nine mass shootings in six states. The New York State Senate passes the Adult Survivors Act creating a one-year look back window for survivors of sex crimes who were 18 years of age or older at the time such crimes were committed. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy announces plans

to close the state’s only women’s prison, Edna Mahan Correctional Facility. Murphy says violent attacks on female inmates for several years led to the decision. R&B singer Mary J. Blige is inducted into the Apollo Theater’s Walk of Fame. Crime survivors, victims’ rights advocates and state legislators call on the State Senate to pass the Elder Parole Act and the Fair and Timely Act. N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy signs legislation creating the COVID19 Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. The New York State Assembly passes a bill establishing the New York State Community Commission on Reparations Remedies. President Joe Biden signs a bill making Juneteenth (June 19) a federal holiday. Federal government employees get to take the day off every year for the holiday. Several celebrations take place across the city for Juneteenth including a city sponsored event at St. Nicholas Park in Harlem attended by several elected officials. The National Urban League and local officials kick off construction on the civil rights organization’s $242 million, 414,000-square-foot Urban League Empowerment Center. The building on 125th Street in Harlem is set to open in 2025. The Dance Theatre of Harlem receives a $10 million gift from philanthropists MacKenzie Scott and Dan Jewett. Two statues of George Floyd in Newark and Brooklyn are vandalized. His killer, former police officer Derek Chauvin, is senteced to 22 and a half years in prison for second-degree murder. The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court suspends former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani from practicing law over his false claims about the 2020 election. Voters head to the polls for the city’s mayoral primary election. The election is the first time

(Pool photo)

released from prison after serving two years of a three to 10 year prison term for sexual assault after his conviction is overturned by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Cosby had been reliant on an unwritten promise that a district attorney made to not prosecute him. The number of COVID-19 vaccinations administered worldwide exceeds 3 billion.

July Track and field sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson tests positive for cannabis use following her 100m final at the U.S. Trials, invalidating her win and making her ineligible to compete in the 100m at the 2020 Olympics. Clinton Hill Plaza in Brooklyn is renamed Sha’Carri Richardson

(Team USA Flickr photo) See YEAR IN REVIEW on page 22











Historic NYC Racial Justice Commission approves final ballot proposals to dismantle structural racism in city’s charter

(Bill Moore photos)

Central Park Lake North Harlem

Ebony Hotel on Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd.

GRANDMA OPAL LEE HONORED BY THE BROOKLYN NETS Opal Lee, a retired teacher and activist known as the grandmother of Juneteenth, was honored by the Brooklyn Nets and the NBA with the game ball. She has also been honored by President Joe Biden. Born in Marshall, Texas in 1926, she successfully pushed to make Juneteenth a national holiday. (Bill Moore photo)

Proposal 2: Establish a Racial Equity Office, Plan, and Commission This proposal establishes a framework for planning and evaluating City government efforts to advance equity. It would create an Office of Racial Equity, require a citywide Racial Equity Plan every two years, and create a Commission on Racial Equity to represent communities’ needs and publicly review the citywide Racial Equity Plan. Proposal 3: Measure the True Cost of Living This proposal will require the City government to develop and report, beginning in 2024, an annual “true cost of living” measurement of what it costs to live in New York City without consideration of public, private, or informal assistance. The proposed measurement is intended to focus on dignity rather than poverty, by considering the cost of meeting essential needs. “We worked across the five boroughs to lift up the voices of New Yorkers and transform their stories of inequity to proposals intended to bring human justice to our communities. I’m proud of this Commission and am confident New Yorkers across this city will spread the word about the vote in November,” said Commissioner K. Bain, founder and executive director, Community Capacity Development.


(Bill Moore photos)

On Monday, Dec. 27, the NYC Racial Justice Commission unanimously approved its final report outlining three landmark ballot proposals intended to advance racial equity and dismantle structural racism in the City’s Charter. New York City residents will vote on these proposals in the November 2022 general election. This final report also outlines specific legal changes to the New York City Charter that would take effect if the ballot measures are approved by voters and it includes a ”Roadmap for Racial Justice,” which offers recommendations to local, state, and federal governments the Commission believes could further advance racial equity. The final approved ballot proposals are: Proposal 1: Add a Statement of Values to Guide Government Adding a preamble would allow New Yorkers to adopt a vision and statement of values, and it acknowledges past and continuing harms experienced by marginalized groups and individuals.

December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 9

10 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022


Union Matters Union leader wants Dems to fight harder for path to citizenship By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff

parole without a path to citizenship that would have affected 6.5 million. Before that, she rejected the Democrats’ plans to help provide citizenship to immigrants The Senate parliamentarian is the equivalent of a referee ruling for and against policies due to a variety of issues. (Photo courtesy of JanaShea via iStock) According to political pungrant communities have relentlessly dits, the Republicans could take over fought for permanent protections; their the House in the 2022 midterms. livelihoods and those of their loved There’s also a chance that they’d ones depend on it.” take over the Senate as well. While Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth there won’t be a vote on the Build MacDonough specifically ruled against Back Better bill in 2020, that won’t the part of the Democrats’ bill that stop activists, and unions, from letwould grant temporary immigration ting their voice be heard.

Unions, activists want Dems to fight back on immigrants’ behalf

Immigration advocates received a lump of coal for Christmas when the Senate parliamentarian ruled against including the House-approved immigration provisions in the Senate’s version of the $2 trillion “Build Back Better” bill. It’s the third time it’s been rejected. “It’s now abundantly clear that we are dealing with a biased, unelected Senate staff attorney who is hostile to our communities and whose opinion should be ignored,” said Make The Road, an immigrant organizing group. “Democrats have the power to fulfill their promise of citizenship to millions of TPS and DACA holders, and essential workers who are the backbone of the country’s economy, regardless of this non-binding advisory opinion. For years, immi-

32BJ SEIU President Kyle Bragg is on the side of immigrants calling on Democrats to overrule the parliamentarian and throw it back into the Build Back Better bill. “The parliamentarian’s rejection of immigration relief in the Build Back Better bill is completely unacceptable,” said Bragg. “Senate Democrats must overrule the non-binding opinion of this unelected official and reinstate a pathway to citizenship in the bill. Immigrants without permanent status have paid a disproportionately high price in this pandemic, and as we enter yet another phase of the global crisis, their full inclusion is vital to heal our economy and millions of communities and families. “Since Senate Republicans remain committed to their bigoted anti-immigrant agenda, it is now the duty of all Democrats to unify behind their moral conscience and the will of the majority of American voters, and create a pathway to citizenship in Build Back Better,” continued Bragg. “Let’s seize this moment to make our nation whole.”

Regents board and state education department announce cancellations of declare proclamations By STEPHON JOHNSON Amsterdam News Staff Officials at the Alliance for Quality Education are looking towards working with the Board of Regents to push for a few more things. “We commend the Board and the commissioner for their proposals to address fluctuations of enrollment, fully funding expense-based aids and adjusting the formulas to increase funding for instructional material,” read AQE’s statement. “In addition, we are in full support of the proposals to fund the Dignity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives such as funding creating culturally responsive and sustaining resources, creating multiple pathways to graduation, and increasing the department’s capacity.” AQE officials hope the board adds an increase in funding for the expansion of universal Pre-K outside of New York City. In other Regents news, the board announced the cancellation of all January regents exams for the second year in a row. Board of Regents Chancellor Lester W. Young Jr. stated that the overwhelming effect of the pandemic would be too much for students, teachers and parents to bear. “Educators, school staff, communities, and families have taken painstaking efforts to ensure a safe and healthy school year,” said Young. “Given the

unpredictable nature ability to be promoted to of the pandemic, the higher grade or graduate recent acceleration high school. in COVID-19 infec“We appreciate that tions, and continuing the New York State Edupheaval the virus ucation Department has caused in schools is prioritizing student across the state, this safety amid the recent decision is the right spike in COVID-19 one. New York’s stucases,” said Bryant, in dents will continan emailed statement. ue to have access to “Yet, the cancellation high-quality courseof Regents exams rework while allowing moves one critical districts to prioritize way of knowing if our the health and safety students are college of our school comand career ready or munities.” if they have made up NYS Board of Regents cancels exams, asks Albany for an increase in funding. As a result of the lost academic ground cancellations, the Regents Board has an emailed statement from the New in the past two years. rejiggered the requirements for diplo- York State United Teachers. “We thank “Given the ongoing nature of panmas. By the end of the 2021-’22 school Commissioner Rosa, Chancellor Young demic, NYSED should act now to reiyear, those who qualify for diplomas and the Board of Regents for recogniz- magine how to administer these critical sans regents exams have to “be enrolled ing that our educators are still assess- examinations,” continued Bryant. “An in a course that would ordinarily culmi- ing their students, preparing them to overreliance on the use of exemptions nate with a January 2022 Regents Exam- receive their diplomas and setting them is harmful and graduates too many stuination and earn credit for such course up for success after graduation with- dents into uncertainty.” of study, Complete a make-up program out this round of state exams.” A recent study by the NYSED in to earn course credit; or Be prepared to The Education Trust–New York (Ed- March found that high-need districts take a required Regents Examination to Trust NY), however, is approaching the disproportionally used regents exam graduate at the end of the first semester.” regents actions with a bit of trepida- exemptions to graduate students. “Given the unevenness of this school tion. Dia Bryant, executive director for High-need districts in large cities, year with the pandemic still ongoing Ed-Trust NY, said that cancelling the urban and suburban areas collaborand the acute social-emotional needs regents exams was necessary, but that atively make up 52% of all areas that of our students, canceling the January there needs to be a measuring stick of used exemptions to graduate students Regents exams is the right choice,” read some sort to find out if students have the (large cities were 32% overall).


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12 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022


Opinion Privilege for some and not for all. That’s America. By JAMES B. EWERS JR. Ed.D.

People in power have been corrupted by their the money to purchase an AR-15 rifle. Prior to arrivmisuse of it. We are suffering and help does not seem ing in Kenosha, Kyle Rittenhouse was working as a lifeThere is trouble all over the land. Wrongdoing is at to be on the way. Our moral compass has gone awry. guard. His mother, Wendy Rittenhouse, said she had every turn. It begs the question, how did the world’s greatest no idea where he was at the time. We cannot escape it. Evil and cynicism have taken country become a shadow of its former self? We are I wonder if she ever thought about contacting the centerstage. shellshocked. police about the whereabouts of her son. That—in my Bad people and bad things are coming at us nonOur once strong and vibrant institutions have opinion—is questionable parenting. stop. Our sensibilities have left us. We are in a spin become broken and fractured. So young Rittenhouse empowers himself as a keeper cycle of injustice and ill repute Our criminal justice system in some cases has of the peace. He is in riotous conditions and is walking Transgressions are littering our once proud land. become unhinged. Those responsible for adjudicat- down the street with a loaded assault rifle. Our democracy is in trouble. ing justice have become blatantly partial and unfair. This is almost unbelievable that a teen could patrol Recently, a case in Kenosha Wisconsin the streets of that city as if he were the police, just withhas drawn national attention for its not out a uniform. guilty verdict. Video shows him waving at the police and getting Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two water from them. The police thanked him and his group We rise to salute the New York City Racial Justice Commission people and injured another in August of for their service. According to reports, an officer said, formed by Mayor de Blasio, that after two years of diligent work last year. All of the people involved in this “We really appreciate you guys, we really do.” Really! has submitted its final report on the measures—and ballot pro- tragic incident were white. So, on Aug. 25, 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse shot and posals—needed to speed us faster toward a society free of sysWas race a factor in this case? I believe killed Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. He intemic racism and inequality. it was. jured Gaige Grosskreutz. This is the first such commission in the nation, but it still must First off, Kyle Rittenhouse was not a resHe was found innocent of the 5 felony charges get the votes in November to put it on the books and begin the ar- ident of Kenosha, Wisconsin—so why was against him. He is a free man. duous compliance to make it real and substantial. We would add he there? During the trial, he was sobbing and saying that he social policy, particularly from the law enforcement agenHere’s why: Jacob Blake, an African feared for his life. Sound familiar? The judge in the cies, and governance as issues that cannot be ignored. American male, 29 years of age was shot case, Bruce Schroeder, had poor courtroom demeanJust to get to this step after 400 years, as one of the and killed by police officer, Rusten Skes- or in my opinion. commissioners noted, is a wonderful breakthrough key, on Aug. 23, 2020. I know for sure that a Black man could not have paand the steps ahead are no less daunting. Jacob Blake was shot four times in the raded around any city streets toting an assault rifle and Getting to the root causes of structural racism re- back and three times in the side. Officer Sk- be celebrated by the police. quires visionary leadership and sustained commit- eskey said that he feared for his life. Jacob Kyle Rittenhouse had white privilege on his side. ment—and then there is the awareness and the vote of Blake had a knife. Skeskey was acquitted of So, my white brothers and sisters who look side-eyed citizens. And it’s good that we have an incoming mayor all charges. when Black people start talking about white privilege, endowed with a sense of decency and a democratic outlook as Unrest ensued and Black Lives Matter look no further than Kyle Rittenhouse. He is white well as a diverse City Council that we hope is enthused by these became a part of the protest. privilege. recent developments by the commission. Kyle Rittenhouse was 17 years old and Tucker Carlson from Fox News has created a docBut as we have come to learn in America, just because it drove to Kenosha from his residence in An- umentary about Kyle Rittenhouse. Of course, Ritsounds good doesn’t mean the majority will cooperate and tioch, Illinois. tenhouse will be seen as some type of hero by some see the benefits. According to court reports, Rittenhouse segments of America. Each of the proposed ballot questions is critical, but the third gave Dominick Black, one of his friends, We know better. resonates with wide authority, one that requires the city to create a “true cost of living” measure and track “the actual cost in New York City of meeting essential needs, including housing, food, childcare, transportation, and other necessary costs.” As most New Yorkers sadly know, the cost of living here is more than 80% higher than the national average. Now the commission through its commissioners and city By NOREEN CRAYTON as thorough as we would have liked due to the inagencies must launch a campaign to bring these ballot proposconsistency in information provided to us so that als before the residents of this great city, and we are confident, My dad, Rev. Dr. Spurgeon E. Crayton, was we can help him. given the proposed improvements, they will do the right thing. known as a pastor and minister for more than Black Americans are two to three times more Mayor de Blasio has made it abundantly clear that “disman50 years in the New York African American Bap- likely to develop Alzheimer’s, and Hispanic tling systemic racism in the City Charter that could strengthen tist community. He provided a young Rev. Al Americans are one to two times more likely to Opinion Opinion Stuck in the middle of a deadl racial equity work happening in New York City, inspire other MTSharpton of his earliest opportunities to develop the disease. e A, take a hikone cities to follow suit, and build a fairer, more equitable city for speak, giving him a step stool to stand on as he However, the Equity in Neuroscience and AlB’MORE UNREST generations to come.” preached when he was just a little boy. He led zheimer’s Clinical Trials (ENACT) Act is biLet’s heed what may be among his final words in office. the Eastern Baptist Association as its modera- partisan legislation that would increase the tor and then was head of its Advisory Commit- participation of underrepresented populations cation must end crook ty of edu crook versuseduteesava which was instrumental in ordaining young in Alzheimer’s clinical trialsSmart by expanding ge inequali The ministers. He was an instructor for the Nation- cation and outreach to these populations. al Baptist Congress for Christian Education. He Please join me and the Alzheimer’s Associawas an author, and a playwright. His thesis sits in tion in asking Representative Adriano Espaillat the library of Union Theological to support ENACT. inion OpSeminary. Lynch confirm Loretta No more excuses, when In spite of his many accomplishments, To learn more this disease and how ALL EYES ON about SHARPTON he was diagnosed with dementia, and then sub- anyone can join the fight to end Alzheimer’s, sequently Alzheimer’s Disease, his care was not please visit AND STILL WE MARCH

Root out systemic racism


Politicians must help those suffering from Alzheimers in our communities


12 • March 26 - April

1, 2015





By ELINOR TATUM Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

©2015 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

Vol. 106 No. 18 | April 30 - May 6, 2015



(Karl Crutchfield photo)

About a minute and half into her online announcement of her presidential bid last Sunday, Hillary Clinton said, “Everyday Americans need a champion. I want to be that champion so you can do more than just get by, so you can get ahead and stay ahead. Because when families are strong, America is strong.” Interestingly, April 12, 154 years ago, the Civil War began, and Clinton has begun her campaign to turn things around, although with an arsenal of words, at least for the moment. The announcement, which See HILLARY on page

From New York to DC, folk set off on #March2Justice Welcome, Attorney

By SAMANTHA M. COLTON Special to the Am News

By NAYABA ARINDE Amsterdam News Editor

And CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff And SALIM ADOFO Special to the AmNews


National Black United front (Salim Adofo photo)

The killing of another Black male by police left Baltimore burning Monday, April 27, 2015. It is calmer now, with curfews, multiple arrests and a simmering anger replacing the unbridled outrage that followed the funeral of Freddie Gray. The irony is not lost on social observers that the volatile response to a death in police custody occurred just two days before the 13th anniversary of the 1992 civil unrest ignited by the vicious videotaped police beating of

General Loretta Lynch

Monday kicked off Justice By HERB BOYD investigation of Gray’s death League NYC’s first March2Justice. Participants to the AmNews and send two top officials to started their Special walk on Staten Island and will Baltimore to help calm the continue for nine days until Attorney they arrive in Washington, Gener- city and stop the rioting. D.C. Along theU.S. way, they plan on engaging al Loretta Lynch had hardly “As our investigative proin rallies and mobilizations before they meet with finished being sworn in cess continues, I stronglegislators to demand con- as the first African- ly urge every member of the gressional intervention Monday on of woman to hold the Baltimore community to police brutality. According the national crisis American to the organization, they are “inspired and position when the outrage adhere to the principles of moved by young people others across the country andand violence in Baltimore nonviolence,” Lynch said in a that continue to keep NEWS this movement AMSTERDAM alive after Freddie Gray’s death in statement Monday evening. YORK in the NEW name of justice. We THE now custody became an “In the days ahead, I intend want to see action from police the powers that be, and it's time we take the movement immediate flashpoint. to work with leaders throught them.” The march will cover In effect, she has to hit the out Baltimore to ensure that five states, with movements planned in cities ground running with a sit- we can protect the securisuch as Trenton, Philadelphia, Baltimore and D.C., uation that is becoming all ty and civil rights of all resiwhere the final rally will take place on Capitol Hill. The group thentoo customary in Ameri- dents. And I will bring the full plans Vol. 106 No. 9 | statement February 26 -resources March 4, 2015 Lynch’s first of the Department See MARCH on ca. page upon6 taking office was her of Justice to bear in protectpromise that the Justice De- ing those under threat, invespartment will continue the See LYNCH on page 6

several past months, a lot of attention has been focused on killer cops. Every other day, we seem to witness a case of police brutality that ends in murder. Although it is not a new phenomenon, it is one that is reaching epidemic proportions—a epitroubling deeply demic. But as we shout “Black Lives Matter!” in protest, we have lost of the other battle Rodney King insight Los Angeles. violence in our against people Several thousand communities. have come out into the streets This situation there is no Althoughthe of Baltimore protesting has never trusted the this is not an either/or dilem- ulation many did and and it shows how comparison, killing of 25-year-old Freddieand some may problem that re- police, a great become. An you restart the battle ma, but a say that Gray over the past fewifdays. wanted to cooperate with them have crime, quires a both/and solution. Black-on-Black their neighbor- once existed is no stop Police arrested to Gray April 12, fighting wars on to strengthen lose focus on the To be sure, has gone by, ly eroded. Young we incithen or without resistance hard enough, hoods. But as time their tactics that two fronts is shift in street used to kn police dent, and he died fromand injuharder when a shift has occurred—a the be us. So where does but it gets even areinkilling ries suffered while custody. that is now so apparent cop, and we need one of the so-called trust The police us? His family said that leave his voice that the police cannot do their them. fixture in th it leaves us enemies as an ally. box was crushed,Unfortunately, 80 percent effectively because there is itive Police-community relations jobs two wars from ty and they were even not the middle—in of his spine wasin severed and cooperation, no ups and downs. community, not be fought simulta- have had their that must his neck was snapped. Gray segment of the pop- the victims. andaswiftly. In effect, Whereas a neously eventually slipped into

OverYorkthe ©2015 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New City

By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews

Community bids Dr. Ben farewell


12 • April 23 - April 29, 2015



Vol. 106 No. 16 | April 16 - April 22, 2015 in their fare, up these 10 cent hike ride, which isn’t way in. Luckily, the to $1.35 a you’re on a riders are not on in welcomed when the disrapid transit system by the MTA have fixed income—and When a fare hike rarely expect Japan, where they Sunday, the abled, who can went into effect “oshiyas,” or pushers, an ounce of common courteparmoans from straphangers,been whose are responsible sy from weary workers. have pasthat ticularly those who for making sure It’s been estimated to pay $2.50 way struggling even billion is sengers are all the than the more than $30 the per ride, were louder car. the upgrade a into to to coming are needed brakes of an A train These problems system. Passengers were lucky during subway halt—that is, if you compounded any of that money at your weath- expecting Albany to have one arriving periods of inclement trickle down from the authorities to station on schedule. a longer wait than er. Again, MTA all realize “I realize it and we train. to address have of any weekend have promised is not where to speed up arrival it comes to transportathat service … such issues and and not necto restore When we need it to be Andrew the time needed our cusin the state, Gov. far a malfunc- tion essarily meeting appears to be ,” said schedules after y, the rem- Cuomo tomers’ expectations in those in tion. Unfortunatel president of as fast more interested to LaCarmen Bianco, edies are not coming sym- cars and on their way Transit. This his we New York City and hikes, evidenced by as the fare ent of the who Guardia, is an understatem AirTrain expansion pathize with customers while conthe increase proposed to spruce up the highest order, and want to know if the soul, it and plan services fession is good for in fares will improve to the workTappan Zee Bridge. , system. brings little relief in the century-old be the most So my dear straphangers of the ing poor, who will bear it, dig a little To be at the mercy and increase as grin the by even after impacted depleted 4, 5 and 6 lines often inadedeeper into your they are by the to have the exextra quarter it’s rush hour is pockets for that quate service. next fare a sardine. The distressing—and the of hope more daily and the perience or two most common Ask any of the regular the ble delays. According to is doubly challenging hike is as slow and distant as on MTA, the second trains are ordeal , by the reports from the 6 million commuters complaint—the for the elderly—who system and latest a the next train. January there was so jammed with passengers city’s subway of com- through way, are only experiencing of more than to wedge your you will hear a litany common an average a month. Even that you have delays plaints—the most intermina- 43,000 the being one regardless tacked unfairness, code. racial or region, because of my ZIP By AUTODIDACT I lived of a school’s by dividing allo17 who serve us honorI grew up in the Bronx. Special en-the AmNews income mix, are tall on to those from school, student to cates on both sides in uniform. I understand AN on a block away cations by district are all falling ably By ASSEMBLYM are all passionate ideology, but we passed the corner rollment and assessing student and re- that we lives where I Two and pay. of ceremonies at to days MICHAEL BLAKE short on cooperation is about how about improve the on one side need and local ability Harlem’s this give them bodega Aid was fullyAbyssinian Baptist membering that slice of pizza on an- Sadly, Foundation Church of our children and con- bought my last week allowed as2007-2008 down, I knew that to success. But this the children. only in the it’s other. Deep sociates, fascinating, paths comrades, family and have what funded Recesis unproductive if The dialogue is year. The Great our schools didn’t friends funding to versation of acclaimed Kemetaof inade- fiscal full funding ranging from school an “either or” consideration we needed, because knocked that tenure, sion physician where Dr. Yosef A.A. ben-Joand” the inequithan a “both teacher performance, funding. tracks, and channanpoint versus char- rather dispar- off the that each side quate to the the opportunity to pay evaluation, public In 1993, that financial parochi- we acknowledgepoints on how ties re-emerged their final respects before he $4.9 billion ter and private versus came to greater light of approximately has legitimate reality s ity was interred al. All of these considerationto to transform our educational when the Campaign for Fiscal owed to publicat Ferncliff Cemestill tery timely Friday and CFE money afternoon. areas. the better and deare necessary and Equity was established victo- schools in our neediest social, system for “It’s close honor to to be here and improve the academic, setting termine a path forward. hits an to the landmark inequalitycelebrate invok- later led this great life that district of New York, This as my Assembly mental and physicalthe tone We are sometimes ry in C.F.E. v. State has been But amongst us for 97 successful- home, and images of sav$76 million for young people. where the coalition divi- ing terms is owed a staggering years,” than any become incredibly colleague e remarked rather than pursuing ly argued that the city’s school education has CFE money—mor sides of agery Dr. LeonardYork current compromise. The Advocates on all was woefully in in New Jeffries, beginning has been el- sive. we are constructive Thursday evening’s that finance system denied its stu- Assembly district debate in Albany wake, the discourse say that not the first time and what that funding the need to the are not, This is right City. Imagine capacity crowd word savage underfunded evated because of war.” Actually, we our kids? Smallererupting in aptheir constitutional I have heard the state budget “at could do for plause, chants education. dents that terminology and drumming. pass a New York teachers, basic education. used to describe sizes, more advo- so let’s leave Chil- of a sound have to the classroom “Webooks, be aware that Dr. buildby March 31. Education decision addressed In “Savage Inequalities: supplies, That Ben has made his transition Schools,” for New York school dren in America’s my chronic shortfalls its logic car- ing repairs, etc. and he’s intolerathis expecting us to conJonathon Kozol described schools, but You compare tinue his greatgut P.S. 79, in City of poor the equal legacy that he elementary school, to upstate’s mix ble reality with shared with challenges ried us.” and high-tax, of the 178 “failing” that way. Given the 19 - March 25, 2015 James urban districts and blow of 10 One of Jochannan’s schools 12 • March Elinor R. Tatum: Publisher daughthat my great principal,to em- low-wealth small town prefer struggling) (I ter’s exhorted, It’s and Editor in Chief endure “I alone. challenge you Carter, had to districts. in mytodistrict go home Member and hearts, rural and continue the curing that are and inhumane. power our minds The remedy for Managing Editor BEN instead of nali- beyond unjustSee Kristin Fayne-Mulroy: putting on page 34 arecontinued we of unconstitutio it saddens me that a The conditions as scholarly, finding Nayaba Arinde: Editor teachers, adminrobust funding under being described Sales, Advertising as “savage.” ty was called our students, WWW.AMSTERDAMNEWS.COM Penda Howell: Vice President, on page 32 Alliance for we were described equitable formula See EDUCATION framing was more Audited Media Wilbert A. Tatum (1984-2009): Aid, which atIn large part, that CEO and Publisher Emeritus Chairman of the Board, future, but Foundation not because of my



coma and died April 19. At a press conference this week, Deputy Police Comfree hi missioner Jerry Rodriguez time cuts and rever- vowed to rumored to have controlled receive Hamilton SOLOMON SAINT ByGray said, “When Mr. was He, too, was back in La- word, a large percent of the illic- sals. on the stre put in that van, he could talk fayette Gardens in less than a back turbulent it activities in that particular decade. turn of the cent and he was upset.During … When the In 2000, while early 1990s, when neighborhood. 1980s he was taken out ofand that In 1987, 50 Cent was immorsimultaneously, Almost mayhem and drugs Julio “Wemo” still in jail, his b murder, van, he could not talk and North Homicide talized when down murdered insid plagued the inner cities, Brooklyn he could not breathe.” a roving Acevedo gunned him gangsters Squad developed located in food restaurant of self-made scores See BALTIMORE on page 34 force to quell in a dusky hallway task 40-man indict certain federal a of was Acevedo vied for control murder epidem- Albany projects. neighborhoods. In Brook- Brooklyn’s detectives, Louis subsequently arrested, con- “World” Hardy Of all the lyn, Fort Greene and Lafay- ic. shipped to an up- fayette Garden was most famous victed and responsible for ette Gardens were atop the Scarcella state prison. solving murders. hit. list that harbored some of for In 1991, a Brooklyn man particular In 1983, Hamilton was jailed was street was Ha the most infamous characof violent named Nathaniel Cash h While Killer Ben and for an assortment ters. Hamilton’s name incarcerated, such as manslaugh- murdered. lacke 50 Cent found infamy in Fort crimes, up in the investigation. a paroled weapon possession and came he su Although pathe have Greene, Lafayette Gardens ter, didn’t During his time in Scarcella Hard was dubbed “Bush Gardens” robbery. and wherewithal for wound, Elmira prison, Hamilton, tience because of the way Der- an He believed that he shooting. self-taught jailhouse lawyer, justice. Coincidenta rick “Bush” Hamilton, along a the law. He arrestother convicted killers was above lost a br with his brother J.R., were helped ed Hamilton post haste. After also Hamilton was a cop who com WWW.AMSTER a lengthy trial,convicted and as he depress once again DAMNE WS.COM of con- his brother’s sentenced to decades unravel and c finement. In 2011, H Hamilton wasn’t worried. Elinor R. Tatum: Publisher cou and Editor in Chief This wasn’t his first rodeo. In prowess, faulty Member fact, he and fellow Brooklynite cella’s work s Kristin Fayne-Mulroy: Managing Editor Acevedo ended up in the police relea same prison. After exchang- mature Nayaba Arinde: Editor 2013, A ing penitentiary pleasant- In Alliance for Penda Howell: Vice President, Sales, Advertising a c ©2015 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City Media Audited ries, Hamilton told Acevedo through Wilbert A. Tatum (1984-2009): Emeritus street wh Vol. 106 No. Chairman of the Board, CEO and Publisher that he knew of some legal lyn 4 | January crashes 22 - January discrepancies in his case and and 28, 2015


©2015 The Amsterdam

Sharpton the newsmaker


Vol. 106 No. 11 | March 12 - March 18, 2015

By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews

©2015 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City

The Obama family joins hands as it begins the march with the foot soldiers across the Edmund Pettus Bridge. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

Douglas Palmer—Flickr) (Photo courtesy of

It may be a great disservice to mention the Rev. Al Sharpton and Rudy Giuliani in the same article, but they are two public figures with a long affair with the media—one longing for it to go away and the other courting it for coverage. This week they are both back in the news—again. Rumors are afloat that Sharpton’s “PoliticsNation” on MSNBC may be put on a weekend schedule. Other hosts on the network are also, as they say in the business world, scheduled for reassignment, including

agree with many took happens to outgoing In 1984, the Senate of the policies of the to do That had as much to confirm President attorney general and the onthe presi- a year the rub. Reagan’s nominee, going president. imamazing with undermining simply Several days after authority as Ronald It’s attorney be able panel, Edwin Meese, for past a dent’s executive Yes, the Senate may pressing a Senate that bills can get delay was else, and we would chew gum at the general, but that hit that anything Loretta Lynch appeared busi- to walk and believe that the committee then on Meese’s messy but we all suffer succeed Re- be naive to are not at based to be a shoo-in to some same time, implacable wall called to their practices. And if U.S. atThe same shenanigans when the gum is stuck Eric Holder Jr. as confirmation. ness publican repugnance. have their way, are politically leave it Repub- play in Lynch’s and they is right Republicans tarred with the shoes (Bill Moore photo) torney general. But story here is that Sen. Chuck Schumer meandon’t Lynch will be that immobilized. apparently noted to the mischievous, he alleged licans the imto funds on point when same brush, given Two things are clearly and spirited Republicans At “can walk and mind gathering with drug race for the Senate dealings she had mutable—Lynch’s rain on her parade. from predators fined but chew gum at the same time,” it! overand money launderers. By MILTON get temand So only lords politics. ALLIMADI accused of fathering several that the FBI had been activecrimes, hope, her least, we hogwash. sex trafficking becomes a difficult excuses. Confirm children with teenage secre- ly monitoring him, as MalAll of this is be used but this COLIN BENJAMIN No more porarily. this money can’t is that she when considering to Lynch’s problem for abor- process toLynch! the AmNews taries. The popular narrative colm’s files, available on the Loretta Just when she seemed who Special put forth by Presthe victims to pay woman by action Black any particstrong is a was that Malcolm was killed FBI’s website, confirm. Therebe a lock for the post, Republicans contend ident Barack Obama. prominent tions. Was the NYPD involved or by Muhammad loyalists after fore, it isn’t beyond reason use of the money ularly with such Hatch that such did they merely know about he was expelled from the NOI. that the FBI, under the maRepublicans as Orrin Arizo- would compromise the Hyde of the impending murder of But many people, especial- niacal J. Edgar Hoover, could which, except of Utah, Jeff Flake of South Amendment, Malcolm X and allow it to ly in the Black community, have played a role in the asforbids use of tax na, Lindsey Graham Collins of for rape, 13, 2015 March happen 50 years ago? Were never believed that version of sassination by either fomentabortions. Carolina and Susan for to confirm dollars to do with some reporters, including events as being the complete ing, participating or at least Maine promising What has this got or the famed scribe Jimmy Breslin, story. While there had been turning a blind eye and alher, there is a snag. Lynch’s confirmation Mitch McConnell Hon. problem? This the tipped off that something was a clear rift between Malcolm lowing it to happen. So what’s of rice in China? Majority Leader Senate Ma- price about to go down? and Muhammad, it was also Could it be that the NYPD is very similar to The problem is United States Senate McCo- boondoggle The official story has been a period when the FBI was also came to know from the jority Leader Mitch D.C. 20510 impasse over Homeland the to Washington, that Malcolm X was killed conducting its Counter Intel- FBI, or from its own investifunding that includnnell and his reluctance of a hu- Security Feb. 21, 1965, at the Audu- ligence Program, initially tar- gations, that Malcolm would call a vote because immigration attachHon. Harry Reid that in- ed an to see bon Ballroom in Harlem be- geting suspected communists be killed by opponents on pleased were man-trafficking bill We Leader Minority that would ment. cause of a Reid feud between him but later expanding it to dis- that fateful February date? Harry capitulate on cludes a provision United States Senate Mitch McConnell for victims the Republicans the and his former allies in the rupt groups such as the Black Could it be that the NYPD 20510 establish a fund measure and allow service Washington, D.C. to publichad those con- that Nation of Islam. Malcolm Panthers and other Black na- and the FBI worked together commitment of Homeland Sefrom fines paid by for the skills, crimes. Department management United States attorney York, a falling out with NOI leader tionalist organizations. to allow Malcolm to be killed and strong victed of trafficking funding to go forward to serve Dear Mr. Leaders: District of New the Demo- curity her well-suited and his former spiritual guide Indeed, records revealed by not warning him or by not immigration make express Eastern These funds, as has developed a I write this letter to used while tossing be Lynch Ms. could See MALCOLM on page 6 Elijah after Malcolm’s death show this position. who he’d cainMuhammad, crats proposed, limbo. a support for the nomination long record of achievements, therein lies into Our nation requires to become for abortions, and advoenjoys a reputation of Loretta Lynch of the and she pable and effective the attorney general for fairly and evenhandedly cate such as Loretta Lynch enforceUnited States Department enforcing the law. She demto head its chief law attorney reaextraordinary charof Justice. As the agency. For these of New onstrates judgment and ment I urge the Senate to general for the state by David R. Jones, President and CEO of the Community that acter, sound prin- sons,Urban Agenda Elinor R. Tatum: Publisher York, I am confident Lynch to serve commitment to the

Joy Reid, Ronan Farrow, Ed Schultz, Chris Hayes and Lawrence O’Donnell. It sounds as if MSNBC is cleaning house and dissatisfied with its leftist orientation. And if we can believe Erica Snipes, Eric Garner’s daughter, Sharpton “is only in it for the money,” as she said to a right-wing mischief maker recording her comments on a concealed camera. She later recanted, indicating that Sharpton and the National Action Network had paid for her father’s funeral. Later, in a statement to NAN, she clarified her position on the matter. “It is unfortunate that the New York



Was Jimmy Breslin tipped off about Malcolm X’s assassination 50 years ago?

(Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)

essional leadership Letter to the congr

Mayor Din kins delive MAIL TO: keynote at rs MLK lunche on NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS 2340 Frederick Douglass Boulevard New York, New York 10027 Many rivers and bridges to cross OR E-MAIL TO: INFO@AMSTERDAMNEWS.COM We Need Stronger Rent Laws, Not Developer Giveaways Front pages of the New York Amsterdam News following Bloody Sunday in 1965

By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews

As President Barack Obama prepared to lead marchers across the

but also marches, too, like the one over the weekend in Madison, Wis. after the police shooting death of an unarmed Black teenager by a white officer. The president said he rejected the

Such actions of police misconduct may not be sanctioned or as blatant as in the past, but they are no less deadly and we need look no further than the homeless man shot and killed by a

By DEMETR IA Special to the IRWIN AmNews

President greets 103rights legend Amelia Boy with Rep. Terri Sewell (P of www.whit

Obama’s aud acity

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Why can’t we be friends, Joe? ARMSTRONG


The unpredictability of COVID-19 shocked the entire world. In the United States, we were a country already divided due to politics and decades of cultural conflicts. COVID’s carnage might and could have sparked a moment of national unity in the battle against this unknown foe. Unfortunately, it has had the opposite effect, and it has now joined the pantheon of politically polarizing subjects. Political leaders from both parties share responsibility for our current predicament. We may disagree on who or which side is to blame for more or less of it, but we should all agree that our political leaders have failed us miserably. For the sake of this column, I want to concentrate on President Joe Biden. I’m concerned that the president is slipping into a rhythm of pitting one group of Americans against another, something he vowed not to do as a candidate. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, it’s the president’s relentless juxtaposition of the unvaccinated against the vaccinated. While I appreciate that the president’s first responsibility is to keep Americans safe, I feel that this may be accomplished without further dividing our society. You may urge and advise Americans to be vaccinated while simultaneously respecting the rights of those who choose not to. I’m not pushing anybody to be irresponsible or dangerous, but we do live in a society where we should respect the rights of individuals who disagree with us on this issue, which includes their freedom to refuse vaccinations. Regardless of one’s political convictions, declaring war on and condemning “otherly” Americans is disturbing and un-American. It also provides a new subject for Americans to be divided over at a time when we should all be working together to defeat COVID and move on as a unified nation—something that seems foreign these days. Rhetoric from Democrats, especially President Biden, has been cause for concern, not just for our country, but for the Democratic Party’s future. The Biden administration recently posted what appeared to be a death wish for those who are unvaccinated, a prediction that they appear to hope will come true: “For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm,” they wrote. Such vile rhetoric does not unify Americans, nor does it persuade the unvaccinated to become vaccinated; rather, it further divides Americans. It remains to be seen if such a remark is true or not, but it is heinous to make such a bold and repulsive forecast and treat it as fact when it has not yet occurred. Fortunately, not everything is terrible, and while Biden has undoubtedly caused considerable division and failed to unite Americans in many respects, it would be dishonest not to acknowledge his legitimate attempts to unite our country and contrib-

ute to its success. Recently, Biden has taken a stand against government shutdowns to prevent the spread of COVID-19—something which evidently has not had a great long-term effect on the spread—which has afflicted many in immeasurable ways. For the first time, Biden appears to be looking at the facts rather than playing party politics, and he is finally allowing individuals to enjoy their individual liberty rather than having them controlled by the government. In any case, despite the good news from Biden on shutdowns, the president’s stance on COVID vaccine mandates, overall, has political ramifications that I don’t believe will favor Democrats in the fall 2022 midterm elections. Many Americans dislike the prospect of being threatened because of their beliefs. For one, shaming and intimidating them and treating them as second-class citizens won’t just fail to bring understanding, but it will only increase suspicion and conflict in a society already torn by it. People generally distrust authority in general, and now, when the government is telling you that you can’t have the beliefs you desire, it’s only logical that such rhetoric will not only sow more distrust, but also generate more adversaries for them. Americans have always enjoyed having the freedom to choose whatever options they desire, and being given the choice of taking the vaccine without any form of compulsory force is something that is ingrained in us as Americans. However, when government bureaucrats try and force something down Americans’ throats without giving them a choice, you’ll see reluctance, which is exactly what Democrats are seeing now. Their tactic isn’t working, and the more vaccination requirements are pushed, the more Americans are saying enough is enough. Millions of people in the United States have been vaccinated, and many of them are now declaring themselves done. They won’t take a booster shot, or any more shots for that matter, since they don’t believe it will work. Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for their dysfunctional messaging to voters. The issue at the helm is that we now confront a unique challenge unlike any other, because despite how bad things were in the past, there was always hope and a way out, yet looking at our current trajectory, it appears as if we’re trapped in an indestructible cage. Regardless of where Americans stand on the subject, we need leadership that can heal our divisions, unite us, and forge a plan to defeat COVID. I’ll be the first to say that this method isn’t simple, but it’s our political leaders’ and president’s responsibility to sort out hard issues; after all, that’s why we elected them. President Biden, on the other hand, has chosen a different path, and his party will pay the price in 2022. Armstrong Williams (@ARightSide) is manager / sole owner of Howard Stirk Holdings I & II Broadcast Television Stations and the 2016 Multicultural Media Broadcast Owner of the year. | www.

December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 13

What a year… CHRISTINA

GREER PH.D. We made it! That seems to be the phrase I have heard from friends, family, students, and strangers alike. This year was simultaneously incredibly long and unusually fast. We began the year in a state of shock and disbelief that we made it through a global pandemic for 10 months in 2020. Many people entered 2021 with trepidation and extreme anxiety. So many people across the world have had a year of loss, fear, and illness, and so many have had a year of resilience, additions, and new changes for the good. We began the year with an insurrection on our democracy on January 6th. So many of us are still processing that frightening and bold attempt at a white nationalist violent takeover of our government. Those effects have served as an undercurrent of our entire year. We saw electoral victories in Georgia with the election of two Democratic U.S. senators, the certification of Joe Biden as the 46th president, and we are ending the year with Stacey Abrams declaring her intention to run a second time for governor of Georgia in 2022. We saw COVID-19 rates ebb and flow. However, we also saw millions of Americans get vaccinated and boostered in hopes of slowing down and ultimately curtailing the spread of this mutating virus that has touched almost every person physically, mentally, emotionally, or financially. So many communities were resilient in the face of so much loss. Unfortunately, far too many people refuse to think of the greater good. They refuse to take precautions that will help themselves or their neighbors and because of this, the lowering levels of rates of infection are now creeping back up. Doctors and nurses are back to reporting high levels of sick

and dying COVID patients, largely unvaccinated. This year did have bright moments. As people got vaccinated they were able to reunite with loved ones, travel just a bit, and begin to notice the minor things they took for granted in years past. I developed a deeper love of birding and have even gotten a few friends hooked on “looking up” and observing the beautiful birds all around us. My ear now hears bird calls and ignores the sounds of city sirens. I know many people have begun to read more and even write more. Many friends kept a journal this year (I wish I had) and have

“We began the year in a state of shock and disbelief that we made it through a global pandemic for 10 months in 2020. Many people entered 2021 with trepidation and extreme anxiety. So many people across the world have had a year of loss, fear, and illness, and so many have had a year of resilience, additions, and new changes for the good.”

chronicled their feelings about the state of the world, their country, their family, their job, and so much more. We even survived several elections on local and state levels across the country. I do hope 2022 brings a sense of calm and community to us all. In the midst of a pandemic, we still have so much to be thankful for. We may just need to look up or take a deeper listen. Happy New Year.

Christina Greer, Ph.D., is an associate professor at Fordham University, the author of “Black Ethnics: Race, Immigration, and the Pursuit of the American Dream,” and the co-host of the podcast FAQ-NYC.

14 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022


Caribbean Update

Tough year for Caribbean By BERT WILKINSON Special to the AmNews This was a tough year for Caribbean Community residents and governments, as an already economically challenged region was forced to cope with a number of major issues, including the brutal assassination of a head of state, the persistent COVID-19 crisis, a volcanic eruption in St. Vincent, Barbados’ transition to a republic, and changes of governments in several member or associate nations, among others. Just as governments were beginning to feel that the availability of an array of COVID vaccines was helping to bring pandemic deaths and infection rates down, their attention had to be switched to Haiti in early July when heavily armed gunmen stormed the private residence of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, killing him in a hail of bullets, injuring his wife and ransacking the home for secret documents. The assassination sent political shockwaves across the region as it exposed security vulnerabilities in this tourismwelcoming part of the globe. Moïse, 53, was the first leader assassinated since Maurice Bishop of Grenada in late 1983 by local soldiers, sparking an American

invasion of the island to “restore order and governance.” Most of Moïse’s killers have turned out to be hired Colombian hitmen, many of whom are in custody. The New York Times and investigators have reported that Moïse was planning to move against several local narco dealers and had kept a list with names of suspected offenders. His murder came just a few weeks before a deadly earthquake hit the island, and the same week that Tropical Storm Grace caused devastating floods. As Haiti struggled to settle down in a tumultuous year for Caricom, few can forget the marauding effects of a second full year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year, tourism-dependent governments were forced to cope with shuttered airports, parked planes and ported cruise ships as countries around the globe locked down and as tourists stayed away. Now they are dealing with both the Delta and Omicron variants which have spiked infection rates in Trinidad, in particular. The island is the first in the bloc to report Omicron infections and is coping with an average of nearly 30 COVID deaths daily, even as officials appeal to locals to get vaccinated. A frustrated Prime Minister Keith Rowley wants everyone in the republic

with Tobago to take the jab. Civil servants who refuse will be sent home with no pay. “We have come to the point where the government will have to take certain actions,” said Prime Minister Rowley. “I have had extensive discussions with the attorney general and his support team in his ministry and his advisers outside and we will now move to a situation of insisting that people in Trinidad and Tobago acknowledge the government’s policy that vaccination is our best way of dealing with the carrier of death and destruction.” Meanwhile, neighbors such as Guyana, Suriname and Barbados have seen fatalities reduced markedly as well as daily infection rates. The same is true for the Eastern Caribbean sub grouping. While the battle against the pandemic continues, usually well-organized Barbados seamlessly transitioned to a republic in late November, installing former Governor General Sandra Mason as its first Black or Brown head of state instead of a white, great grandmother known globally as Queen Elizabeth. Jamaica has since emphatically indicated that it will join Barbados, Guyana, Trinidad and Dominica in time for 60th independence celebrations next August. In April, the region jumped to the assis-

tance of bloc member nation St. Vincent when the Soufriere volcano erupted for the first time since 1979, sending hot lava and other releases down hillsides and to communities. Plumes of ash headed eastward to Barbados shutting down air travel and life on the island for a few days. The regional response to St. Vincent encouraged many to heap praise on the integration movement, a point which was not lost on newly minted Caricom Secretary General Carla Barnett. “In the past year we have experienced, time and again, the benefit of the community working together to assist each other in responding to natural disasters. We also worked together to procure and share vaccines, to present a common front at climate change negotiations and to advocate strongly for our interests in discussions with foreign governments,” she said. The year 2021 will also go down as the one when Africa and the Community held their first formal summit, promising to make it an annual affair to spur trade, investment, tourism, cultural exchanges and to establish direct air travel, cutting out Europe and North America from travel itineraries. Africa had also helped the region to source large shipments of vaccines.

Joe Biden gets a big ‘F’ on immigration FELICIA PERSAUD

IMMIGRATION KORNER A giant F. That’s what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris deserve and are getting from me on their immigration policy, almost one year into their administration. After all the hype and BS on the campaign trail last year, what we have gotten is more of Donald Trump’s immigration policies and speak. Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, policy counsel for the American Immigration Council, summed up Joe Biden’s first year as president and his actions on immigration as “disappointing.” Aaron is being nice. I say it is: Disastrous, Disillusioning and Disgraceful. I agree with Ronnate Asirwatham, government relations director of the Network Lobby For Catholic Social Justice, who recently said that many Americans and Catholics especially, “are ashamed that President Biden has locked the door at our southern border to our immigrant siblings.” The advocates are correct. If 2020 signaled hope for immigrants after a

rapid-fire push by Donald Trump and his team to shove through anti-immigration changes by executive might, the Biden administration has shown its unwillingness to use their power to help immigrants. Feels like more of the same or more of the return of El Deporter-in-Chief. What seemed like winds of change almost immediately after he was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2021, has turned into a tsunami of deportations, racism towards Haitian migrants, the continuation of Title 42, and the return of the Migrant Protection Protocols or the famous Remain in Mexico policy. Worst has been the Trump-like messages coming from the administration. “The border is closed. We are expelling families. We are expelling single adults,” said U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on a national Sunday news show in March. This was followed by a similar message from Kamala Harris during her first official trip as vice president to Guatemala and Mexico. “Do not come. Do not come,” Harris said June 7 in a message in Central America. “The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our borders. If you come to our border, you

will be turned back.” Then on Sept. 19, 2021, the world was stunned as images of white border patrol agents on horseback appeared to be lassoing Black Haitian migrants in Del Rio while trying to grab them by their clothing. This occurred after the administration urged the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol to send out horse patrols to stop migrants from coming over the border and into Del Rio. This came a day after the Department of Homeland Security announced a sixstep “strategy to address the increase of migrants in [the Texas border city of] Del Rio” that included a “surge” of agents to “improve control of the area” and new expulsion flights to Haiti. What followed after the backlash and after the cameras went away, was the deportation of more than 8,000 back to a country many had long left and no longer know and one dealing with poverty, gang violence, the assassination of a president, an earthquake and lawlessness. “The U.S. government showed a total disregard for the right to seek asylum when it sent agents on horseback with reins flailing to control and deter this largely Black migrant population,” said Alison Parker, U.S. managing director at Human Rights Watch. “This violent

treatment of Haitians at the border is just the latest example of racially discriminatory, abusive, and illegal U.S. border policies that are returning people to harm and humanitarian disaster.” Then came December and hopes that Build Back Better would bring a holiday gift of immigration reform to help millions living in the U.S. without working papers for years but paying taxes. Again, no such luck as that was killed by a rulefocused parliamentarian and two socalled Democrats, who might as well be part of the Trump cult. So here we are—at the end of 2021, almost a year since Joe Biden took office, and immigration reform is no longer a ray of hope but a growing blaze of despair. Dare we hope that 2022 is the year that Joe Biden takes that “F” and turns it into an “A” by using the executive power that is most certainly in his hands to deliver change immigrants can be proud of? However you celebrate come Dec. 31st, let’s all say a prayer for immigrants and commonsense immigration reform. It’s long overdue. Happy New Year! The writer is publisher of NewsAmericasNow.


December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 15

Arts & Entertainment Film/TV pages 15-16 | Travel page 19 | Jazz page 21

Pg. 18 Your Stars

‘The Matrix Resurrections’—a re-imagined classic, now playing on HBO Max By LAPACAZO SANDOVAL Special to the AmNews

where they present the issue of déjà vu not as a bug a.k.a. a “glitch in the matrix” but as a Do you remember where focal feature of the brand. This you were when you took the subject is so much of the cultur“blue pill” offered by the Wa- al landscape that in one scene, chowskis and opted into the employees of a San Francisco world of “The Matrix”? I do. video game company are gath-

the past movies. But this new installment is slick and takes comfort in the familiar characters, challenges, heroines, heroes, and villains. It also fleshes out the emotional core of a world which was lacking in empathy and felt a wee bit hollow.

choose to keep going through life like nothing is new. Does this sound like you, and me? Time is moving like a bullet out of a smoking gun because (brace yourself) it’s been more than two decades since “The Matrix” offered the “red” or

has him popping the blue pills like candy and to shake things up, enter Bugs (Jessica Henwick) a plucky, cyber-anarchist who rescues Morpheus, another bad-ass woman strong enough to fight the system. Anderson eventually reunites

Warner Bros. recently hosted the world premiere of the highly anticipated return of “The Matrix Resurrections” in San Francisco. Pictured here are Priyanka Chopra with Jada Pinkett Smith; and Carrie-Anne Moss with Keanu Reeves.

This world expanded to three original films where, at the end of the trilogy, Trinity died, and Neo sacrificed himself, freeing the humans from their virtual shackles, which means the bar was raised—very high—and anyone brave enough to continue the story had their work cut out for them. “The Matrix Resurrections” (the fourth installment) is a self-aware movie and it’s clever, fully aware that the audience is equally intelligent. This is an upgrade of the lucrative franchise

ered around a corporate conference table, trying to figure out just how to build upon the Matrix saga. It’s an interesting scene and I won’t spoil it for you, but it does make you stop and ponder whether we are all trapped inside a matrix. And “The Matrix Resurrections” roars forth with a mantra that says—“Well, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” “The Matrix Resurrections” gets an A+ for gravity-defying action which plays like a compilation of the greatest hits from

“The Matrix Resurrections” brings back Neo (Keanu Reeves), Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), and a few key characters, such as Morpheus and Agent Smith (requiring new actors to step in). The story here focuses on the “simulation hypothesis” brought to the masses by Elon Musk, that video game technology is developing so rapidly that we are already living inside one. Those woke folks— “sheeple”—have that potentially liberating information, but

the “blue” pill. These people wanted to wake up, but in this 2021 world, we do not; they stay blind by choice. And our disruptor, Neo, has stepped into the flesh suit of a man named Thomas Anderson who is the head designer for WB-owned game company Deus Machina. Anderson isn’t a believer, even when Morpheus (now Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) kicks open a door and attempts to wake him up—again. Meanwhile, his shrink a.k.a. the Analyst (Neil Patrick Harris)

with Trinity, who is now living life as Tiffany (Carrie-Anne Moss) who is married with kids. The bad guy gets an upgrade with Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) appearing only in a flashback. The new nemesis is Mr. Smith (Jonathan Groff) and once Anderson begins to ask those hard questions, it’s Smith he must fight, again. “The Matrix Resurrections” (, now playing on HBO Max, is the perfect mix of action and nostalgia.

16 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 A








‘West Side Story’—a remake of the 1957 musical By LAPACAZO SANDOVAL Special to the AmNews Steven Spielberg’s “West Side Story” is set in the Upper West Side circa 1957, and before we start gushing about this story, let’s be clear—it’s about racial intolerance and it ends in death. Happy Holidays. Now to Spielberg’s version of the “good ole’ days” he’s

clearing the “slums” to make space for what will become the construction of Lincoln Center. This is the setting of a turf battle between the film’s Puerto Rican and white teenagers (the Jets and the Sharks), all of them poor and tragically all in the same pitiful situation. The Jets kick off the aggression by painting over the mural of a Puerto Rican flag,

Riff, the leader of the Jets (Mike Faist) is a determined kid dealing with swirling changes around his world, while Bernardo (David Alvarez), the leader of the Sharks is dealing with immigrant problems that impact his day to day life, and that of his family. America is a racist place then and now. And for the Puerto Rican community that racial antagonism was some-

a woman who knows what she doesn’t want. When Maria and Tony sing “Tonight,” one of the most moving songs from “West Side Story,” the song gets a visual update and it works. This love is hope and we understand that feeling. Musically “West Side Story” has some of the greatest (and singable) collection of songs in any American musical, composed by the great Leon-

a white man’s life. Most folks think that “West Side Story” leans into Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” which was also about intolerance. The new version solves none of these problems but (again) Kushner has enriched the script and I don’t want to spoil those important touches. Now to the big question, should you invest your money and time into going into the

Ariana DeBose, center, and the cast of “West Side Story” (Photo courtesy of Niko Tavernise/Twentieth Century Fox)

crafted a Broadway-meetsHollywood classic and added screenwriter Tony Kushner to update the story about love with a bi-racial couple. And because it’s Spielberg, one of the most celebrated filmmakers in the history of cinema, he’s made it his own. And yet, the gifted man stayed reverently true to what generations have grown to love about “West Side Story” despite the undertones of racial intolerance that run through the story and are at the core. But this is a musical and the songs toss you back and find ways to melt your heart. This is a far cry from Robert Wise’s 1961 screen version. Spielberg’s story takes us into the darker side of the city, set amongst the rubble with the camera swooping over what looks like a war zone (the start of gentrification folks) which naturally follows a wrecking-ball that’s

an important symbol for this community since it was illegal to use and display the Puerto Rican flag. It was outlawed and the only flags permitted to be flown in Puerto Rico were the Spanish flag (1492 to 1898) and the American flag (1898 to 1952). So now you have the context as to why the group of Puerto Ricans took this act so hard. The music used to express their frustration and to muster their courage to “fight” is a classic—“Jet Song” (“When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way…”). The song still gets the same emotional flow and choreographer, Justin Peck, builds on the rhythm of Jerome Robbins’ original dances. The film looks beautiful which isn’t a surprise since it’s the work of cinematographer Janusz Kaminski. It’s a visual treat as we glide through the city streets with the kids and their ’50s mentality.

thing that the community faced daily. But the music of“West Side Story” is what has crafted this into a timeless classic, and with the updated script by Kushner, we get to understand more of the key character’s backstory. At the high-school dance where Tony (white) first lays eyes on Maria (Rachel Zegler), the girl who will smash away any residual of gang loyalty he might still have, we all feel that bolt of “love” or rather the call that fate has made, and that you must answer. We all know how this ends so when listening to the song “Maria,” we get all those “feel good” chills and we too, like Tony, are transported, far-far away. In the Oscar-winning 1961 film version (adapted from the 1957 Broadway musical) Maria was portrayed as an innocent virgin but this Maria (Rachel Zegler) has fire and a heart of

ard Bernstein with lyrics by the late Stephen Sondheim; a classic that pulls at the heartstrings, gently and with love. Now to the logic or rather the illogical choices made by the key characters, things that didn’t make sense then, still don’t make sense today. I offer the fight that sets the entire story moving. I’ve never co-signed that Tony would murder anyone. He’s a lover, not a fighter. And let’s not forget that Maria only stays furious with him murdering her Puerto Rican brother for about six minutes and a few seconds (white folks don’t know anything about how our heart beats). Is this an unconscious racist element or another sign of entitlement that is inherited with being white in America? Let’s step into the subtext a bit more. It’s like saying that Bernardo, being a Latino man, his life isn’t worth as much as

theaters to see “West Side Story”? The answer is why not? You will be delighted with the music and keep the spirit going with songs like “One Hand, One Heart,” and “Gee, Officer Krupke,” which is now set inside a police station. Now to one of the best characters ever written: Anita (Ariana DeBose) who is a straight-up force of nature, which was originally played by another, force of nature, the living legend Rita Moreno, who played Anita in the original film, here she plays Valentina, widow of the soda-shop owner Doc. Now 89-yearsyoung, Moreno steals every scene she’s in, and her version of “Somewhere” is worth the price of the movie ticket. “West Side Story” is a lot of fun with a new determination to help us look deeper into racism and all the other ugly attachments that go along with intolerance.





December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 17 M




1920s Harlem comes to life at Metropolitan Playhouse Obie Award winner Metropolitan Playhouse is reviving plays by influential Harlem Renaissance writer Eulalie Spence in an evening directed by Timothy Johnson. “She’s Got Harlem on Her Mind” will play a limited run Feb. 3-27, 2022, in person at the Playhouse, located at 220 E. 4th Street. Previews begin Thursday, Feb. 3, and Opening Night will be Saturday, Feb. 5, 2022. “She’s Got Harlem on Her Mind” is an evening of three awardwinning one-act plays, framed by à capella musical settings, to celebrate life in Harlem in the ’20s through the eyes of pioneering writer, Eulalie Spence (18941981). The plays include “The Starter,” in which hopeful and hard-working T.J. and Georgia may or may not negotiate their engagement; “Hot Stuff,” a night when jaded numbers runner Fanny King makes a series of bad bets and owes nearly more than she has to lose; and “The Hunch,” a sweet tale of a starry-eyed fiancée getting some

unwelcome but much-needed clarity from a devoted admirer. Each play earned prizes from leading magazines of Black culture in 1927: “The Starter” and “The Hunch” from the National Urban League’s journal Opportunity, and “Hot Stuff ” from W.E.B. DuBois’ The Crisis. Metropolitan’s production brings

Hailu-Ghermay, SJ Hannah (“Lion King” National Tour, “On Strivers Row”), Bonita Jackson, Eliott Charles Johnson, Rahmell Peebles, Marlaina Powell (“Lion King” on Broadway, “On Strivers Row”), and Mark Shock (David Cromer’s “Our Town”). The set is by Jacob Brown, costumes by Sabrinna Fabi, lighting by Heather M. Crocker (“Radium Girls”), and sound by Bill Toles (“Walk Hard,” “Shadow of Heroes,” “Radium Girls”). Distinguished by the authentic dialect and idiom of her characters, the majority of Spence’s work concerns the everyday life of contemporary Black people. She celebrates their humanity, neither romanticizing nor politithese award-winning plays to the stage cizing their stories, nor viewing them directed by Timothy Johnson, direc- in perspective of white mainstream tor of 2017’s hit revival of “On StriversB:8.75" culture. A childhood immigrant to Row.” The production features an en- New York from the Caribbean island semble of eight actors playing the var-T:8.75" of Nevis who earned her BA from ious roles: Déja Denise Green, LéohS:8.5" NYU and her MA from Teachers Col-

“Distinguished by the authentic dialect and idiom of her characters, the majority of Spence’s work concerns the everyday life of contemporary Black people. She celebrates their humanity, neither romanticizing nor politicizing their stories, nor viewing them in perspective of white mainstream culture.”

lege, Spence was a New York public school teacher for most of her adult life. During her long tenure at Brooklyn’s Eastern District High School, she included among her students Public Theater founder Joseph Papp, who called her “the most influential force in his life.” Through the ’20s and ’30s, she was also a well-respected playwright, actor, director, closely involved with the Krigwa Players, The Dunbar Garden Players, and Columbia University’s Laboratory Players. Of her 14 known plays, six earned prizes from Black literary magazines The Crisis and Opportunity and from the Krigwa Players. Her greatest mainstream commercial success was nonetheless a series of near-misses: her only fulllength play, “The Whipping,” adapted from a novel by Roy Flannagan, was slated for a commercial premiere in 1933 starring Queenie Smith, but was canceled before opening. Spence optioned the script to Paramount Pictures for a film that ultimately became the barely recognizable Ida Lupino comedy, “Ready for Love.” “The Whipping” was her last play, though she remained an active director and drama teacher for her remaining years. For more information,, or call 800-838-3006.


Written by



Scenic Design MICHAEL CARNAHAN Costume Design EMILIO SOSA Lighting Design RUI RITA Original Music & Sound Design ROB KAPLOWITZ Projection Design NICHOLAS HUSSONG Original Music & Lyrics JIMMY KEYS aka “J. KEYS” Choreography ADESOLA OSAKALUMI Hair & Wig Design COOKIE JORDAN



VISIT: CALL: (212) 947-8844 IN PERSON: Samuel J. Friedman Theatre Box Office, 261 W. 47th St.


Photo by Kareem Black.


18 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022










December 30, 2021 — January 5, 2022 2022, numerically speaking, is a 6 universal year of getting back to the old-fashioned way of life. Reestablish the foundation of the family and the things you value. The fashion Vinateria industry will see a peak in that department. Finding your tribe, group, organization, and community; also learning your roots and tracing your family history is the theme. How loyal are you to yourself with the commitments you agree to, to improve in areas of your life? Romance can be a theme, but self-love is first, so romance yourself by nurturing yourself. This rule also applies in your home, appearance, work, dietary laws, etc., to attract a healthy relationship. The counseling professions, such as healers, therapists, and lightworkers, will see an increase in their business. New programs in the school system and more community gatherings, be it social, by phone or virtual are in the flow for this year.


This year 2022 don’t break the bank as you are cosmically, and numerically speaking, globetrotting in an 8 universal year. It’s your year to trim the fat in your spending habits, and postponements, or delays, checks and promotions are forthcoming. It’s also about rewarding yourself for the work you’ve done, including the time you invested in yourself. Let go of any attachments, be it emotional, material, or personal. You have a date with destiny this year that can occur at any moment. When you get the epiphany, you’ll understand to follow through. Get serious about the ideas you’ve been marinating on lately. It’s time you pursue with intentions to reach your final goals.


Numerically speaking, your universal year is a 1. Your main objective is putting yourself first and taking the lead in your affairs. It’s a year to form new associations and developments with twists and turns, heading into a new direction with a unique approach to life. As you enter the month of January, support is on the way to keep the focus, harness your energy, and nurture your projects as well as yourself. Peace and harmony, without distractions, are the keys to your consistency, and being in tune with your work to accomplish your goals. Value yourself.

This is your year to travel inward more, in order to understand your soul journey, and mission in life in this universally 7 year of 2022. You’ll find yourself somewhat in a trance, in the form of daydreaming; dreams being of such a nature that you should keep a small notebook handy to record the details. The saying “let go and let God” will be a theme as you cannot help everyone, especially those who don’t want to be helped or want change in their life. Find solitude with yourself and surround yourself with positive affirmations. It’s your year to research a topic of your special interest.

Numerically speaking, 2022 is a universal 9 year to put the kibosh on people, places, things, and finalize what path you wish to walk. What kind of life do you want to live? Review the last 8 years of your life and see what difference you can make this year to fulfill a goal, or do what makes you happy spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally. 2022 is the year to take a risk on you, and not what others think you should do. This year requires you to not take any wooden nickels, yet learn from previous relationships, situations, and finally weed out the superficiality in your life.

This universal 11/ 2 year, requires you to show your delicate and nurturing side attending to family and related obligations. Balance is the key to setting the tone in all relationships of your life, which indicates how you show up in your affairs. This is your year to counsel, to write, study, and develop long-term relationships with people. Yes, your senses will be heightened, and you may want to keep a distance due to your empathic connections. People will hold on to your every word this year due to your compassionate nature. People will also pay more attention to the way you utilize spoken words. Patience is a virtue.

Happy Joyous solar return Cappy: 2022, numerically speaking, is a 5 universal year for your sign, not your personal year. More freedom, flexibility, travel, branding, marketing, educating, and expanding your world, will see new levels. It’s a year to discover your natural, latent, or hidden talents, which may require your trademark or patent, as others will likely want to copy your ideas/style. It’s best to work in silence until your work is ready to make its debut. Allow yourself to fly away after emerging into a butterfly, fresh from the cocoon. Out with the old, creating new alliances, a new life with new keys to a new house, building projects, and much more. Your talent is limitless. Dec 22 – Jan 21

Jan 22 – Feb 19


Feb 20 – Mar 20


2022 is a universal 6 year for your sign numerically. It’s a year to reexamine your dietary laws, domestic responsibilities, and professional affairs due to you being in high demand. Leave time for your peace, rejuvenation, and be more centered. What commitments are the primary focus you want to establish this year? Your beauty is enhanced which will increase your libido and help you feel more voluptuous like a ripe piece of fruit. Thoughts or pursuits of becoming a teacher, therapist, a doctor, advocate, chef, songwriter, etc., are more pronounced. Remember, know your boundaries, and do what’s in your best interest this year. This also goes for any teamwork. Mar 21 – Apr 21


Get ready for a universal 3 adventurous productive 2022 year. A year filled with working with foreigners, Apr 22 – May 21 cross country, community networking, ambassador, and your personal growth. It’s a year to expand your creativity, and be optimistic while attracting new clients, new friends, and associates, and gigs just through a simple conversation. After all, all relationships start with some form of communication. So, what’ll be your dialogue in 2022? Maintain the most upbeat and positive attitude this year knowing that whatever you believe in, you can achieve. Lastly, this is a fertile and flirty cycle in all avenues of your life to pitch or broaden your horizon.


Cosmically speaking, 2022 is a year of slow developMay 22 – June 21 ments, and with patience not to rush, or be rushed. Similar to a planet going retrograde, be mindful of the details, and how things developed in the initiation process to gather facts. Go back to the drawing board for review. You may want to add or tweak, here or there, to your existing plans. As Barry White stated in his song, “Practice what you preach.” Cooperation is the key, along with being kinder and gentler with yourself and others.


June 22–July 23


July 24 – Aug 23


Aug 24 – Sep 23


It’s time to bring your creative entrees and desserts to the frontline in this 3 universal majestic year. Examine closely those in your immediate circle of friends and associates, as these are the people who may influence you or vice versa. They’re the people you’re building and growing with while elevating each other to your fullest potentials. Remove yourself from any gossip where at times, by no fault of your own, you may walk into hearsay. Walk away and keep minding your business. Sept 24 – Oct 23


Get ready to rebrand yourself in old-fashioned ways in this universal 6 year for your zodiac sign. Your body is sending you signals in all departments of beauty, health, one-on-one relationships, work, home, and more. Learn to set boundaries in order to have more peace and balance in your life. You’re the nucleus of your family and friends, who will have need of your wise advice. People will seek your comfort. Also, be wise in the food you select for your comfort. This cycle brings renewal of relationships in your personal and business affairs. Also, begin writing down some commitments for yourself this year. Oct 24 – Nov 22


2022 is a year to execute and engineer your affairs into a new way of life by freeing yourself from unwanted patterns and things you’ve held on to for too long. Instead, clean house to make room for the new that’ll be knocking on your door. Opportunities appear like books, stacked on the shelf. When was the last time you read a new book or took a risk yourself for an occasion to further your growth? Don’t carry unnecessary issues or be deadweight. Rather, be a humanitarian, giving brotherly and sisterly love. Empower and encourage yourself to follow your passion to the fullest. Nov 23 – Dec 21



December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 19

Resort & Travel

Make girlfriend getaways a New Year’s resolution By SHERYL NANCE-NASH Special to the AmNews

South Africa Karen “Lofty” Loftus, Women’s Adventure Travels Adventuress in Chief and founder, is hosting a sojourn to South Africa, Dec. 1-9, 2022. The “Seduction of South Africa” tour has a great mix of things. Start out in Johannesburg, a hip city, rich in history. Check into The Fairlawns hotel with a lovely intro dinner and a few local women of influence. You’ll also walk in Mandela’s footsteps, see the city of Soweto and dip into Maboneng, the Brooklyn of Jo’Burg. There will be local women, history, fashion, food, and new friendships made throughout your visit. Next up, a stay in one of the top safari lodges. Experience wildlife like never before. There will also be downtime so you can soak in that safari silence. Wind down the trip with a time in Cape Town. Anticipate hikes to Table Mountain and winery tours, tastings, and lunch at iconic vineyards. You will have waterfront and beachfront meals in the area. It’s the best that South Africa has to offer. Find out more at Ashland, Oregon If you all are thinking of girl power, consider the Lithia Springs Resort’s “She Flies with Her Own Wings,” an empowerment and wellness retreat led by holistic health and transformational lifestyle coach Andréa Matteson. Reclaim personal power to further ignite your life. Work with Matteson to practice self-compassion, celebrate wins and achieve mindset empowerment. The retreat includes a two-night stay for one at Lithia Springs Resort, along with a welcome gift, including a self-reflection journal and chocolate truffles. The first day, Matteson hosts a two-hour “Discover Session,” followed by a two-hour “Mindset Empowerment Session” on day two. Guests will also receive complimentary gourmet breakfasts, afternoon tea and access to resort amenities, including the fitness cottage, outdoor ja-

(Photo by David Kuko from Pexels)

There’s nothing like spending time with your girls. Forget about GNO (girls’ night out), in 2022 vow to go beyond an evening with your BFFs and plan for a big adventure. You deserve unfettered time to chat, chat, chat and do whatever you all love best. A girls’ getaway is the stuff that will give you memories to get you through those days when you’re whispering, “why, why, whyyyy?” when you’re trying to navigate your child’s math homework or science project or otherwise just a tad stretched. As the world continues to navigate safe traveling, make your next assignment deciding where to go with the gals.

chitecture, vivid nightlife, cultural festivals, and lush landscapes. There’s plenty to explore. Las Bóvedas, originally designed as a jail, is now a row of local shops selling artisanal goods from the Colombian Caribbean region. Check out the various arts, from paintings to rugs and masks, or scoop up a hammock to bring home and hang on your porch. Take a walking tour with Foodies Cartagena, a company made up of food lovers dedicated to the design and operation of gastronomic experiences in Cartagena. In addition to tours, they also offer classes on making traditional Colombian Caribbean cuisine. Speaking of food, Carmen is in an elegant, intimate colonial house downtown. It serves up contemporary cuisine showcasing crab, lobster, red snapper and pork belly ‘chicharron.’ For over-the-top cocktails, hit Alquímico, named for their attention to ingredients in crafting cocktails that are greater than the sum of their parts. Located in a three-story building that evokes oldtown Cartagena, each level has its own bar, respectively “The Mansion” on the first floor, “The Balcony” on the third floor, and “The Terrace” up on the roof. Named on the World’s 50 Best Bars list. As for where to stay, Casa San Agustin is a boutique hotel with art and architecture that recalls the city’s rich history as a 17th century Spanish stronghold. There are original frescoes in the library and centuries-old wood-beamed ceilings in guest rooms. The hotel’s Aurum Spa offers traditional Hammam treatments.

cuzzi and cruiser bikes for exploring the also a wine bistro. The Shopping in Style nearby trails. package includes a discounted room rate, along with 15% off your total purTaos, New Mexico chase at Bloomingdale’s, a complimenTaos is in the southernmost range of tary personal shopper, a signature gift, the Rockies. This is ideal for those that free parking and late check-out. love the outdoors. Hike, mountain bike, white water raft along the Rio Grande France and go hot air ballooning. When you’re Lauren Bates, founder of women’s ready to relax there are wineries like travel company Wild Terrains, aims Vivac and Blue Mesa or Taos Mesa Brew- to put a fresh take on a girls’ trip to ing. Do visit the recently reopened Ojo France. The 10-day trip includes Paris, Caliente. Refresh and recharge in the Provence, and Côte d’Azur, connecting natural hot springs with their Mud Pool, travelers with the incredible women Large Pool, Arsenic Pool and Kiva Pool, shaping France today. The focus is on each with their own healing properties showing travelers the real France—so and unique ambiance. Another wellness the itinerary highlights not only French destination is Native Roots Healing, a women, but women from places such shop that offers traditional herbal med- as Cameroon, Benin, Reunion Island, icines, healing sessions and wellness Iran, and India who have made France classes at their ancestral and folk med- their permanent home. Wild Terrains icine collective. Taos has been home to partners with local women hoteliers, the Red Willow people for more than chefs, artists, designers, and historians 1,000 years and has a rich indigenous to design their itineraries. Some highculture melded with the people who lights include a conversation about call it home. When hunger calls, eat up African immigration to France and at the Farmhouse Café and La Cueva, the connections between African texwhich spotlights the flavors of New Mex- tiles and French fashion with Jacqueican cuisine from Horacio and Juana, line Ngo, founder of Little Africa Paris, the husband-and-wife team originally French jam cooking class with Nadège from Mexico. Gaultier and Laura Goninet—the entrepreneurs behind Paris’ famed ConMiami fiture Parisienne, day of sailing along No arm twisting is needed to entice the French Riviera, private visits to you to consider Miami. You’ve got a fab local artist studios, private dinners with beach, nightlife, outrageous food, mu- top chefs, and stays at women-owned seums and more. The Hilton Aventura properties such as Le Ballu in Paris and Miami is in one of the city’s most upscale Château Fonscolombe in Provence. neighborhoods. If you and your gals are Trip dates are available in April, June, shoppers, Aventura Mall is home to 300+ September, and October. Find out luxury boutiques, stores, and art galler- more at ies. You can find fun right at the hotel too, whether private yoga classes, dining Cartagena, Colombia at Gala, with its South American and inLocated on the Caribbean Sea, in the ternational cuisine, chilling in the Lobby northwestern part of the continent, Bar or the Starbucks coffee shop that is Cartagena’s charm is its colonial ar-

St. George’s, Grenada Refresh yourselves on the Spice Isle. Laluna is intimate, 16 luxurious cottages and villas. The Caribbean Sea sets the stage for beachfront yoga or Pilates. Grand Anse Beach awaits you. There’s a reason it’s world renowned. Kayak, paddle board, go for a sunset sail or snorkel. Treat yourself to the spa or one of the personal healing sessions that use Reiki with Craniosacral therapy. Wednesday night is outdoor movie night and don’t miss the artwork featured in the Enchanted Forest. Venture off property for a sweet treat, the “Bean to Bar Chocolate Tour: A Chocoholic Dream” at the Belmont Estate where you learn how chocolate is made, from the bean to bar. For more good eats, the Calabash Hotel is home to Rhodes Restaurant, beloved for its handmade pasta, slow cooked pork ribs and other dishes.

20 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022



Better-for-you family favorites for a healthier routine (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Taking time to nurture your health and Tuna Pasta Casserole well-being starts with building healthiRecipe courtesy of the American Heart Aser habits. As the seasons change, chal- sociation’s Healthy for Good initiative lenge yourself to make small yet consistent Servings: 4 choices that help you and your family through transitions at school, the office or 4 ounces dried whole-wheat rotini pasta wherever your days take you. (about 1 1/2 cups) To help you establish (or re-estabnonstick cooking spray lish) healthy habits during mealtime and 16 ounces frozen mixed vegetables, thawed beyond, consider these tips: 1 pouch (11 ounces) low-sodium chunk light tuna Eat meals together 1 can (10 ¾ ounces) low-fat, low-sodium “Making time for meals together as a family condensed cream of chicken soup provides a chance to connect and decom½ cup chopped roasted red bell peppers press,” said Bridget Wojciak, director of nu½ cup fat-free half-and-half trition at Kroger Health, a national sponsor 1 teaspoon all-purpose, salt-free seasoning of the American Heart Association’s Healthy blend for Good initiative. “In fact, regular meals at ¾ cup crushed low-sodium, whole-grain home can help reduce stress, boost self-es- crackers teem and improve feelings of connection.” ¼ cup shredded or grated Parmesan cheese Bring everyone together with a betterfor-you seasonal favorite like Turkey and Prepare pasta according to package direcBean Tostadas. tions, omitting salt. Using colander, drain well. Transfer to large bowl. Make time for yourself Chronic stress can have a negative Preheat oven to 350oF. Lightly spray 2-quart impact on mental and physical health, glass baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. but turning lost moments—like a meal by Stir mixed vegetables, tuna, soup, roasted yourself spent mindlessly scrolling through peppers, half-and-half and seasoning blend social media—into mindful moments can into pasta until combined. Transfer to baking help. Try practicing gratitude at the table dish. Top with crackers and Parmesan cheese. by thinking of three things you’re grateful for or putting your fork down between Bake, uncovered, 25-30 minutes, or until each bite to savor the flavor and consider the casserole is warmed through and topping the nourishment you’re receiving. is golden brown. Enjoy the cooler temperatures Cooler temperatures can make it more enjoyable to take advantage of outdoor exercise, which is a good way to soak in vitamin D to improve your mood and boost immunity. Going for a brisk walk after mealtime (solo or with your pet), jogging and even raking leaves are examples of activities that count toward the American Heart Association’s recommended 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. Visit to download more heart-healthy recipes and find more tips for a healthier you in mind, body and heart.

1 large ear of corn, husks and silk discarded, 33 g carbohydrates; 8 g dietary fiber; 7 g sugars; kernels removed 19 g protein. 1-2 medium fresh jalapenos, seeds and ribs discarded, finely chopped Ginger Pumpkin Soup 2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion Recipe courtesy of the American Heart As2 tablespoons fresh lime juice sociation’s Healthy for Good initiative Servings: 4 Tostadas: nonstick cooking spray 1½ teaspoons canola or corn oil 5 corn tortillas (6 inches each) 1 medium onion, finely minced 8 ounces ground skinless turkey breast ¾ tablespoon minced peeled ginger root or 2 teaspoons chili powder ½ teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cumin 2 medium garlic cloves, minced, or 1 tea1 teaspoon ground coriander spoon bottled minced garlic 1 can (15 1/2 ounces) no-salt-added black ½ teaspoon dried thyme, crumbled beans, rinsed and drained ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 tablespoons water ¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper ⅛ teaspoon salt To make salsa: In a small bowl, stir toma1 tablespoon all-purpose flour toes, avocado, corn, jalapenos, onions and 1¾ cups fat-free, low-sodium vegetable lime juice. Set aside. broth 1 cup water Preheat oven to 400oF. 2 cans (15 ounces each) solid-pack pumpkin To make tostadas: Line baking sheet with 1 cup fat-free milk aluminum foil. Lightly spray foil with nonstick ¼ cup fat-free sour cream (optional) cooking spray. Place tortillas on baking sheet. 2 tablespoons chopped chives (optional) Lightly spray tortillas with nonstick cooking spray. Using fork, pierce tortillas several times In large heavy pot, heat oil over mediumto prevent them from filling with air. high heat, swirling to coat bottom. Cook onion 6-8 minutes, or until soft, stirring occasionally. Bake tortillas 5-6 minutes on each side, or until golden brown. Stir in ginger root, garlic, thyme, cinnamon, pepper and salt. Cook 1 minute, stirIn medium nonstick saucepan over me- ring constantly. Stir in flour. Pour in broth dium-high heat, cook turkey, chili powder, and water. Using spatula, scrape bottom Nutritional information per serving: 400 cumin and coriander for 5-6 minutes, or of pot to dislodge any browned bits. Stir calories; 7 g total fat; 2.5 g saturated fat; 0 g until turkey is no longer pink, stirring occa- in pumpkin. Bring mixture to boil. Reduce trans fat; 2 g polyunsaturated fat; 2 g mono- sionally to turn and break up turkey. heat to low and simmer 10 minutes. unsaturated fat; 30 mg cholesterol; 537 mg sodium; 52 g carbohydrates; 8 g dietary Add beans and water. Cook 5 minutes, or Stir in milk. Remove from heat. Ladle soup fiber; 7 g sugars; 32 g protein. until beans are heated through. Using potato into bowls. masher, coarsely mash beans. Remove from Turkey and Bean Tostadas heat. Garnish with sour cream and chives, if deRecipe courtesy of the American Heart Assired. sociation’s Healthy for Good initiative To assemble tostadas, spread turkey mixServings: 5 ture over each tortilla. Top with salsa. Nutritional information per serving: 138 calories; 2.5 g total fat; 0 g saturated fat; 0 Salsa: Nutritional information per serving: 260 cal- g trans fat; 0.5 g polyunsaturated fat; 1 g 2 cups chopped tomatoes (about 2 medium ories; 7.5 g total fat; 1 g saturated fat; 0 g trans monounsaturated fat; 1 mg cholesterol; 199 tomatoes) fat; 1 g polyunsaturated fat; 4.5 g monounsat- mg sodium; 27 g carbohydrates; 10 g dietary 1 medium avocado, halved, pitted and diced urated fat; 18 mg cholesterol; 60 mg sodium; fiber; 14 g sugars; 6 g protein.





December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 21 M




News Year’s Eve live celebrations are back

This year has been filled with challenges and revealing revelations, many have lost jobs and opportunities. Some of us have lost family members, and endearing friends. Society lost a host of iconic musicians, and most recently the South African warrior Archbishop Desmond Tutu. While this dreadful COVID-19 pandemic with its new variant “Omicron” continues to keep our lives grasped in its uncertainty and frustration, we are committed to move forward. Regardless of circumstances we assess the situation and make adjustments. We stand tall with the whispered wisdom of our ancestors, offering compassion, understand;ing and prayers to fellow human beings. ;We continue to pay tribute to all the healthcare workers who enter the battlefield on a daily basis. Everyone cherishes those loud sounds, the bangs, clangs, -shouts, claps and yells that took place on a daily basis at 7 p.m., at the height of the pandemic. The sounds were reminiscent of a furious jam session with Sun Ra, Burnt Sugar and Cecil Taylor. Music represents the smoothing rrhythms that radiate souls and keeps folks moving with a hip flow with mel-odies of confidence and hope, don’t stop dancing, don’t stop moving to the groove. It’s time to celebrate a New Year 2022 with all the gusto and jubilation possible!!! Last year’s celebration was all virtual; this year people will return to Times eSquare for the countdown of the Big Ball but there will be restrictions on large crowds and CDC regulations will be in -place. Also once again some jazz clubs will be open for celebrations;

Gary Bartz at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center, Santa Cruz, California, July 7, 2017

Barry Harris makes his transition

(Bill Moore photo)

Keystone Korner in Baltimore features legendary saxophonist Gary Bartz/ Cyrus Chestnut & Affirmation performing Dec. 30Jan. 1, 2022. Gary Bartz/ Cyrus Chestnut & Affirmation: Swing into The New Year! We could not be more deeply grateful about the swinging and soulful music that Gary Bartz, Cyrus Chestnut, saxophonist Tim Green, bassist Obasi Akoto, and drummer/vocalist and Baltimore native Eric Kennedy are sharing with us as they lift our spirits with every note this at Keystone Korner Baltimore on Dec. 30-Jan. 1. All shows are in person and virtual. For resSista’s Place (456 Nostrand Avenue), ervations and virtual tickthe noted swinging oasis in the heart of ets call 410-946-6726 or -Brooklyn’s BedStuy section, will be cel- keystonekornerbalitmore. nebrating New Year’s Eve with Reggie com. .Woods Quintet featuring trumpeter Jon Mark McGowan, pianist AnthoRegardless of where you ,ny Wonsey, bassist Lonnie Plaxico and go for New Years Eve, it’s all -drummer Winard Harper. This is an un- about the celebration with .deniable all-star cast and despite the family, friends or maybe etemperature for the evening Sista’s Place solo just taking stock for the -will be hot with flaming rhythms. Two 365 days to come. Most of all 0sets at 9 and 10:30 p.m. Celebrate live in have a most joyous Happy person for reservations call 718-398-1766 New Year, health and hapor visit the website piness. As for jazz this is the music—the Black music— p Dizzy’s Jazz Club (60th Street & Broad- that keeps hearts in a dance way) will ring in the New Year with bass- trance and souls swinging, -ist and composer Carlos Henriquez and no matter what the chalhis nonet featuring tenor saxophon- lenges. ist Melissa Aldana, vocalist/flutist and I am eternally grateful for -Spanish Harlem Orchestra member your continued support of 5Jeremy Bosch, trumpeter Terrell Staf- this column and most of all ;ford, pianist Robert Rodriguez, trum- for this publication. All the -peter Michael Rodriguezm, trombonist best to you in the New Year… Marshall Gilkes, drummer Obed CalHAPPY 2022!!!!

(Brianmcmillen (,


vaire and congas and vocals Anthony Almonte. Henriquez, a member of the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra, covers the traditions of both jazz and Afro Cuban music. He is a virtuoso, who masterfully adds his experience and sounds of the boogie-down Bronx to his Latin jazz in-fusion. When he isn’t performing with JALCO, he leads his own small groups. Celebrate more deliberate good vibes for 2022 with great food and the best in jazz. The 7:30 p.m. show is $285 per person which includes cover, food, gratuity and a welcome champagne toast. The 11 p.m. show is $400 per person and includes pre-concert reception, cover, food, gratuity and champagne toast at midnight. Visit the website

Bebop jazz master Barry Harris has made his transition at 91. He traveled the world performing, teaching, and keeping the music of Charlie Parker, Bud Powell, Frank Foster, John Coltrane and others alive. Jazzmobile honored the music of bebop at Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem.

22 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022

Year in Review



Biz Markie

Continued from page 8

Haitian President Jovenel Moïse

(Solwazi Afi Olusola photo)

(United States Department of State_ Public Domain photo)

after late educator and advocate Jitu K. Weusi. Jovenel Moïse, the president of Haiti, is assassinated at his residence. A group of 28 foreign mercenaries are alleged to be responsible for the killing. Haiti’s First Lady, Martine Moïse, is also shot multiple times in the attack. Claude Joseph is named interim prime minister. Eric Adams is officially declared the winner of the Democratic primary for mayor of New York City. The highly contagious Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus begins spreading widely. The spread of the variant delays plans for full reopenings and other recovery efforts. The CDC reverses its mask mandate in parts of the country after seeing high COVID-19 infection rates. The number of deaths from COVID-19 surpasses 4 million globally. Violence is on the rise in New York City and nationally. During the Fourth of July weekend, there were about 233 people killed and 618 shooting victims injured in over 500 shootings across the nation. Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state leaders declare gun violence a public health emergency in New York State. Journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones refuses a position at the University of North Carolina (UNC) and accepts a tenured position at Howard University as the inaugural Knight Chair in Race and Journalism. Walter E. Hussman, which UNC’s journalism school is named after, raised concerns about the school hiring Hannah-Jones to serve as head of the school leading to Hannah-Jones’ decision. Zaila Avant-garde, 14, of Harvey, La. becomes the first African American to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee. The word that wins Avant-garde the competition is “murraya.” Blue Origin, founded by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, successfully conducts its first human test flight, with a reusable New Shepard rocket delivering four crew members into space. The U.S. Postal Service unveils its new Forever Stamp honoring the African American originated art form of tap dance. West 132nd Street between Frederick Douglass and Adam Clayton Powell

Boulevards is co-named in honor of civic leader Evelyn Thomas. Rapper, DJ and producer Biz Markie (Marcel Theo Hall) dies at age 57 from a stroke. NYCHA launches the Team for Enhanced Management Planning and Outreach program dedicated to outreach, inspection, and remediation in NYCHA apartments where there is known or presumed lead-based paint. Ahead of the upcoming school year, the CDC releases new mask guidelines for schools that allow vaccinated students to opt out of wearing masks. Masks are still required for students who aren’t vaccinated. The New York State Supreme Court hears arguments for why Mayor Bill de Blasio and other top city officials should be made to testify in the judicial inquiry into Eric Garner’s police killing. Mayor Bill de Blasio announces that all city health workers are required to get vaccinated or must get a weekly COVID test. Civil rights activist and Harlem native Bob Moses dies at age 86. The 2020 Summer Olympics are held in Tokyo, Japan. The games had been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the games, athletes, officials, the press, and other staff are required to practice social distancing, hygiene, the wearing of face masks and capacity limits for spectators. Despite safety efforts, there are over 785 COVID-19 cases at the games. America takes home the most medals at 113, including 39 gold medals. Black Olympians Simon Biles (gymnastics) and Naomi Osaka (tennis) cite issues with mental health during the games. The International Swimming Federation bans the use of Soul Caps used by Black swimmers with natural hair. The ban is viewed as racist and discriminatory.

August Attorney General Letitia James

(Office of New York State Attorney General Vimeo)

The U.S. reaches President Joe Biden’s goal of getting at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot into 70% of American adults. The CDC reports that 50% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated. Longtime AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka dies at age 72. State Attorney General Letitia James releases the results of a five-month investigation concluding that Gov. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed 11 women while in office. Cuomo denies the allegations as politicians, including President Biden, call for him to resign. Several district attorneys in the state initiate criminal investigations. Cuomo eventually resigns at

on the Tiburon Peninsula. The earthquake causes over 2,200 deaths and over $1 billion in damage. Heavy rain and storms soon hit the island hindering recovery efforts. Public Advocate Jumaane Williams introduces legislation aimed at supporting maternal health and wellness and particularly targeted at reducing Black maternal mortality and pervasive maternal health disparities. The city begins enforcing the required proof of vaccination mandate at restaurants, bars, gyms and entertainment venues. Forbes magazine announces that R&B singer Rihanna’s net worth has topped $1 billion. Founder of R&B and funk band Kool & the Gov. Andrew Cuomo Gang, Dennis Thomas, dies at age 70. The R. Kelly sex trafficking federal trial begins in Brooklyn. A City Council report finds Black women city employees make 2% less than white men. Data released from the 2020 Census reveals the nation’s white population declined for the first time in history. New York City’s population grew to 8.8 million. A 13-year-old boy is killed at Orchard Beach in the Bronx when he is struck by lightning. Eight people (Office of Gov. Andrew Cuomo YouTube) are wounded during a mass shooting in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn when two susGov. Kathy Hochul and pects open fire into a crowd of 100 to Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin 150 people at the Eleanor Roosevelt Houses. On his final day in office, Gov. Andrew Cuomo issues clemency for 10 people. Several restaurant owners in the city ask a judge to block the city’s vaccine requirement citing that it would hurt their businesses. Hurricane Henri makes landfall in New York City as a Category 1 storm. The hurricane brings the city’s wettest hour on (Darren McGee Office of the Governor) record with nearly two inches of rainthe end of the month and Lieutenant fall in Central Park. On the night of the Governor Kathy Hochul is sworn in storm, “WE LOVE NYC: The Homeas governor of the state of New York, coming Concert” in Central Park is the first woman to hold the office. She postponed due to lightning. The Rev. later announces plans to run for gov- Jesse Jackson and his wife Jacquline ernor after she finishes Cuomo’s term. are hospitalized with COVID-19. JackThe number of confirmed COVID-19 son is fully vaccinated while his wife is cases surpasses 200 million world- not due to a health condition. The two wide. Mayor Bill de Blasio encourag- make a full recovery. President Biden es New Yorkers to wear masks indoors authorizes 5,000 U.S. troops to be deamid rising COVID-19 cases. A mag- ployed in Afghanistan, as the Talinitude 7.2 earthquake strikes Haiti ban seize all regional capitals except Kabul. The U.S. Senate votes 69-30 to pass the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. City officials announced that all public school teachers and staff will be required to be vaccinated just weeks ahead of the new school year. Newly sworn-in Gov. Kathy Hochul announces she’s choosing Harlem State Sen. Brian Benjamin to serve as her lieutenant governor. Democrats in the U.S. Congress pass legislation strengthening the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Federal judges in multiple states stop the distribution of $4 billion to disadvantaged farmers (including Black farmers) claiming that it’s discriminatory against white farmers. Several civil rights organizations participate in the “March On for Voting Rights” in Washington, (Photo courtesy of The Haitian Times)

See YEAR IN REVIEW on page 24


December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 23

Let’s Talk Fentanyl


Fentanyl is not only in opioids, it’s in cocaine and pills too. ALTHEA, Bronx

What is Fentanyl?

Why is it Dangerous?

Fentanyl is a powerful opioid that can be found in heroin, cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, ketamine, and pressed pills.

Fentanyl increases the risk of overdose especially among people who do not regularly use opioids.

Prevent overdose: • Avoid using alone and take turns • Start with a small dose and go slowly • Have naloxone on hand • Avoid mixing drugs • Test your drugs using fentanyl test strips.


24 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022

Year in Review Continued from page 22

D.C. urging the passage of the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. The FDA gives approval to the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Hurricane Ida makes landfall in Louisiana as a Category 4 storm with 150 mph winds. The storm’s strength is compared to Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005. A power surge halts half of the city’s subway system for several hours. Passengers on stuck trains walk on tracks to get out. The United States launches an airstrike killing the Islamic State member who is believed to have planned the Kabul airport bombings. Reggae artist Lee “Scratch” Perry dies at age 85. The Lee Scratch Perry

September The remnants of torrential rain from Hurricane Ida hit the New York-metro area causing mass flooding. The storm prompts the National Weather Service to issue its first-ever flash flood emergency for the city. Flooding causes the subway system to shut down. In total, 18 people are killed across the city, including several people living in basement apartments which got flooded. The storm causes $50 million in damage to New York. A state of emergency is declared in New York City and officials announce new guidelines for future storms. A 9-yearold boy was killed and 11 other people were injured in a fire in a residential building in Ozone Park, Queens. A Texas law banning most abortions in the state takes effect. The law prohibits abortions once a heartbeat can be detected in a fetus, usually around six weeks and before most women know they’re pregnant. Gregg Leakes, the husband of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” star NeNe Leakes, dies after battling cancer at age 66. The school year begins for the city’s 1.1 million

public school students for in-person learning. COVID-19 measures include health and temperature screenings, universal mask wearing, social distancing, enhanced cleaning, the availability of more personal protection equipment (PPEs), ongoing surveillance and diagnostic testing, and new closure and quarantine policies. The West Indian American Day parade is held virtually amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Officials in Syracuse, N.Y. unveil a plan to construct the Harriet Tubman Memorial Freedom Bridge. Comedian and actor Anthony “A.J.” Johnson dies at age 55. Three Denver police officers and two paramedics are indicted on manslaughter and other charges in the 2019 death of Elijah McClain, a 23-year-old Black man who was put into a chokehold and injected with a powerful sedative that killed him. Harlem Assemblywoman Inez Dickens tests positive for COVID-19, despite being fully vaccinated. Inspiration4, launched by SpaceX, becomes the first all-civilian spaceflight, carrying a four-person crew on a three-day orbit of the Earth. Celebrities and fans commemorate 25 years since the 1996 murder of rapper Tupac Shakur. The murder reamins unsolved. Actor Michael K. Williams, best known for his role on the Michael K. Williams

(BET photo)

United States withdraws its remaining 2,500 troops from Afghanistan, ending its 20-year involvement in the War in Afghanistan. A grand jury declines to indict Texas police officer Jose Santos in the shooting death of Black, 22-year-old Joshua Feast, who was shot as he ran away after being confronted by officers.


television drama series “The Wire,” is found dead in his Brooklyn apartment. Officials confirm Williams died from an accidental drug overdose. A 24-year-old man is found dead in his cell at Rikers Island. The man’s death is the ninth at the jail as advocates and elected officials voice their outrage over conditions and continue their call to close the facility. Former Harlem State Senator Brain Benjamin is sworn in as New York’s lieutenant governor. America commemorates 20 years since the Sept. 11th attacks. President Joe Biden announces a new federal vaccine mandate requiring all employers with more than 100 workers to be vaccinated or tested for COVID-19 weekly, affecting about 80 million Americans. The MTV Video Music Awards are held in Brooklyn at the Barclays Center. Lil Nas X wins the Video of the Year Award for his song “Montero (Call Me By Your Name).” As COVID-19 vaccine mandates begin to take hold, requests grow for religious exemptions. Pregnant, 31-year-old Shanice Young is fatally shot by her ex-boyfriend, 40-year-old Justin Sori-

vestigated further. Singer Kelly Price is reported missing by her family after being released from the hospital for COVID-19. Price’s attorney later clarifies that she was recovering at an undisclosed location. A federal jury finds R&B singer R. Kelly guilty on nine

Shanice Young

R. Kelly (Family photo)

ano, in Harlem after her baby shower. Gov. Kathy Hochul signs the “Less is More” law eliminating New York’s practice of incarcerating people for technical parole violations. Actor, filmmaker and playwright Melvin Van Peebles, known as the “Godfather of (Chicago Police Department) Black cinema” dies at age 89. The African American Day Parade is held vir- counts including racketeering, sexual tually for the second year in a row due exploitation of a child, kidnapping, bribery, and sex trafficking. He’s set for sentencing in May 2022 and faces another trial on child pornography charges in Aug. 2022. The Metropolitan Opera opens after being closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic with Terence Blanchard’s “Fire Shut Up in My Bones.” It is the first opera by a Black composer in the Met’s nearly Melvin Van Peebles 140-year history. “Hotel Rwanda” hero Paul Rusesabagina is sentenced to 25 years in prison on terror charges. Jazz organist Dr. Lonnie Smith dies at age 79. Reps. Jim Cooper and Terri Sewell, U.S. Congresswoman and Congressional Black Caucus Chair to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Joyce Beatty introduce legislation to The disappearance and death of establish Rosa Parks Day as a federwhite 22-year-old Gabby Petito of al holiday. Sidra Bell becomes the first Long Island receives hours of na- Black female choreographer commistional news coverage and attention. sioned by The New York City Ballet. Advocates voice their outrage over the lack of coverage for the number of Black girls missing, including 50 in New York state. At the 74th Tony Awards, Audra McDonald and Leslie The Supreme Court denies an emerOdom Jr. serve as hosts. Winners in- gency appeal from a group of teachclude Adrienne Warren who wins Best ers to block New York City’s COVID-19 Performance by a Leading Actress in vaccine mandate for public school a Musical for her role as Tina Turner teachers and other staff. The vacin the musical “Tina” and David Alan cine mandate takes effect as Mayor Grier in the Best Performance by a de Blasio announces that 95% of Featured Actor in a Play category for teachers and school staff have rehis role in “A Soldier’s Play” as Ser- ceived at least one dose of the vacgeant Vernon C. Waters. New Feder- cine. Nine NYPD firefighters are al Theatre founding director Woodie suspended without pay in connecKing Jr. and theater press agent Irene tion with racist messages and memes Gandy are honored with the Excel- they shared on their phones, includlence in Theater awards. Former ing ones that mocked the police killpolitical prisoner-of-war and the ing of George Floyd. Bubba Wallace youngest and final MOVE 9 member becomes the second Black driver to to be paroled, Charles “Chucky” Sims- win at NASCAR’s top Cup Series level Africa, dies at age 61. Officials unveil at Talladega Superspeedway. Northa statue at Newark City Hall honor- well Health, New York state’s larging former Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson, est health care provider, announces the city’s first Black mayor. A New York that 1,400 employees have been terState judge lifts a temporary restrain- minated for refusing to be vaccinating order allowing the city to require ed against COVID-19. The U.S. Senate all public school teachers to get the confirms Damian Williams as U.S. COVID-19 vaccine. The body of Jelani attorney for the Southern District of Day, a 25-year-old Black graduate New York, making him the first Afristudent from Illinois State University can American to lead the office. U.S. who had been missing since Aug. 25, federal judge Robert L. Pitman blocks is found in the Illinois River. Police say the Texas Heartbeat Act from becomhis cause of death is unknown, how- ing law. The FBI raids the offices of the ever, Day’s family wants the case inSee YEAR IN REVIEW on page 26 (Stax Records)

(Photo by Laurence Cane-Honeysett)





r -Continued from page 4 sreached 70% or more of the population ewho are fully vaccinated,” the study read. “73% of people in the US have received at least one vaccine dose, and 61% are fully vaccinated.” The IHME projects that 2.8 million people will be infected with the Omicron variant at the end of January 2022. The institute also said that the “high severity of Omicron scenario” will rise to 414,000 daily cases by Feb. 6, 2022. IHME ran its study through Dec. 21 with data used from up to Dec. 13. IHME’s insights offer that on top of the predicted increase in infections in the lnext two to three months, some infec,tions won’t be detected because a larger tfraction of cases will be asymptomatsic (90%). Fewer people won’t take the yCOVID test, so their infections won’t be -recorded. But it’s also less likely to result din hospitalization and death. h The major fear of the Omicron variant nis whether vaccinations or boosters are aenough of a biological shield to the coroynavirus. But certain people and entities ”aren’t worried about that. d Last week, Delta Air Lines Inc.’s CEO Ed -Bastain wrote a letter to the CDC asking sfor them to shorten the agency’s recomimended quarantine time from 10 to 5 ddays, citing the impact on his company’s rworkforce. o “With the rapid spread of the Omicron -variant, the 10-day isolation for those twho are fully vaccinated may significant-ly impact our workforce and operations,” read the letter, which was also signed off by Delta’s medical advisor Dr. Carlos del Rio and its senior vice president and chief health officer Dr. Henry Ting. “Similar to healthcare, police, fire, and transporta-tion workforces, the Omicron surge may -exacerbate shortages and create signifi9cant disruptions. Further, all airline perlsonnel are required to mask at airports -and on airplanes.” r According to the CDC’s new COVID fguidelines, people who are not vaccinat-ed or more than six months past their first -vaccine dose or aren’t boosted can quareantine for five days instead of ten. If they -can’t quarantine for that long then they swork while wearing a “well-fitting” mask -at all times around other people. The -CDC stated that these rules, and others, ewill help victims of the coronavirus. o “The Omicron variant is spreading lquickly and has the potential to impact -all facets of our society,” said CDC Direc-tor Dr. Rochelle Walensky in a statement. s“CDC’s updated recommendations for -isolation and quarantine balance what -we know about the spread of the virus eand the protection provided by vaccina.tion and booster doses. These updates fensure people can safely continue their -daily lives. Prevention is our best option: .get vaccinated, get boosted, wear a mask sin public indoor settings in areas of sub-stantial and high community transmisesion, and take a test before you gather.” The CDC also noted that in areas that

THE NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS are using options to reduce quarantine times, asymptomatic people can use a negative COVID test result collected on day five—after exposure—to leave quarantine on day seven with self-monitoring. The day of exposure to the virus is considered, by the CDC, to be day zero. While it might not have influenced the CDC’s current ordinances, the optics made it look like it did. But no matter the responsibility, National Nurses Union President Zenei Triunfo-Cortez, RN, wrote her own letter to the CDC for siding with corporate at the blue collar’s expense. “No longer requiring fully vaccinated and boosted health care workers to quarantine after a high-risk exposure ignores basic tenets of infection control and the precautionary principle,” wrote Triunfo-Cortez. “A more effective response to the rapidly spreading Omicron variant would be for the CDC to improve existing post-exposure guidance to fully recognize that this virus is airborne, and to strike the false equivalency between face masks and respirators.” Both Delta and the CDC’s headquarters are based in Atlanta, but Delta isn’t the only airline company to go the letter route. In a letter first obtained by David Slotnick of The Points Guy, JetBlue’s CEO Robin Hayes also wrote to the CDC asking for a decrease in quarantine/isolation time for those infected with COVID. “Today, the vast majority of JetBlue’s Crewmembers are vaccinated and like so many others are being relied upon by the American public for providing the essential service of travel,” wrote Hayes. According to the New York Times, this week, the CDC lowered its estimation of the prevalence of the Omicron variant in the U.S. As the infections grow so does the desire for tests of all kinds. Home tests, which the AmNews recently reported on, are the new wave, but prices continue to increase online (one person the AmNews spoke to ordered a test on Dec. 20, but it won’t arrive until Jan. 10; many tests on the site costs $40 and above) and shortages at pharmacies have become commonplace. During New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s last media briefing he brought out New York State Gov. Kathy Hochul and New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams to speak. One issue they tackled was the COVID rates, particularly within the department of education (including reopening schools Jan. 3). De Blasio touted his policies and the success of each despite public scrutiny. “…Our schools have been extra early safe—bluntly, the safest places to be in New York City, very low levels of COVID,” said de Blasio. “Why? Because it started with making sure every single adult in our schools, everyone was vaccinated. Right now, 96%-plus of Department of Education employees, vaccinated. That has been one of the big difference-makers, the gold standard of health and safety measures we put in place. Schools have been safe and schools are where kids need to be. “The science is clear, schools need to be

December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 25

open,” continued de Blasio. Hochul piggybacked on de Blasio’s take and stretched it out to the whole state. “…As you mentioned, schools are safe as a result of our joint mandates,” said Hocul. “And I have a statewide mask mandate for children in school to make sure they’re safe. Our teachers are vaccinated. So we all have to do our part to continue to make sure that parents feel comfortable when they send their children back to school on January 3rd. So, from our standpoint, what the State of NewYork can do to help best is to make sure that there are sufficient testing kits available to be used by the school district.” When contacted by the AmNews the city’s Department of Education directed us release which recommended that students and staff members get tested by Jan. 3 at any testing site or pick up an at-home rapid test that you find online at covidtest or text “COVID TEST 855-48” to 311 to find a site closest to you. The city also plans on expanding the number of people available for surveillance testing in schools after complaints of a lack of testers in schools, leaving staffers, students, and parents in the dark about positive tests for children. The plan also vows to quickly identify and respond to positive cases so schools can stay open. “Every student and adult in a classroom with a positive case will immediately receive an at-home rapid test kit and will need to take two tests in five days,” read part of the release. “Students who are asymptomatic do not need to quarantine and can continue attending school.”

Throughout his campaign and postelection, Adams has faced questions about continuing or cancelling some of de Blasio’s policies wholesale. With this one, however, Adams seems to be on the side of the mayor. He also agreed with Hochul that home tests should be available to anyone who needs them. “This way we could identify those who are impacted by COVID and distribute, as the governor mentioned, millions of tests to staff and parents to test at-home,” said Adams on Tuesday. “This is a new way of thinking. Let’s get those test kits at home, so parents can start taking precautionary steps and testing their family members.” Home tests, now, cost money and some union workers have asked around, anonymously, if they’d be reimbursed for purchasing at home tests. The AmNews asked officials at BlueCross BlueShield this question and a spokesperson said, “Throughout the pandemic, BCBS companies have worked to ensure access to COVID19 testing for all Americans and covered COVID-19 diagnostic testing with zero cost-sharing for members in alignment with the CARES Act. We remain steadfast in our commitment to the health of Americans as the pandemic endures. Continued access to both vaccines and testing is a key piece of that. The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association will work with the administration to ensure commonsense implementation across all stakeholders, with consumer affordability as our first priority.”

INVITATION TO PREQUALIFY AND TO BID Rehabilitation and Flood Mitigation of the New York Aquarium, Brooklyn, NY: Turner Construction Company, an EEO Employer, is currently soliciting bids for the Rehabilitation and Flood Mitigation of the New York Aquarium from subcontractors and vendors for the following bid packages: BP #051 – Temporary Building (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) BP #040 – Mechanical w/ Controls (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) BP #039 – Electrical (Temporary + Permanent + Fire Alarm) (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) BP #041 – Plumbing (Including temp & LSS Relocation) (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) BP #044 – Demolition (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) BP #042 – Concrete Work (Including Anchors) (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) Only bids responsive to the entire scope of work will be considered and, to be successful, bidders must be prequalified by Turner. Certified M/WBE and Small Business (13 CFR part 121) companies are encouraged to submit. In order to receive the bid packages, potential bidders either (1) must initiate the prequalification process by submitting a Subcontractor/Vendor Prequalification Statement to Turner, or (2) must be prequalified based on a prior submission to Turner. (Note: Prior prequalification submissions that remain current will be considered as previously submitted or may be updated at this time.) All bidders must be prequalified by the bid deadline: January 10th, 2022 and initial submission of a prequalification statement not later than January 10th, 2022 is strongly encouraged. All bidders must have an acceptable EMR, and will be subject to government regulations such as 44 CFR and Federal Executive Order 11246. Successful bidders will be required to use LCP Tracker compliance verification software. Note that while this is a New York City prevailing wage project, union affiliation is not required for BP #051, #040, #039, #041, #044 or #042. A Webcast about the above Bid Package/s will be held on December 16, 2021. Attendance is optional for all; the Webcast is designed to assist potential M/WBE subcontractors/vendors. Link: Please join this meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. %22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2281be9e3a-0656-4e94-9245-fa214eb20ab2%22%7d To obtain further information about contracting opportunities and/or the prequalification package and bid solicitation package/s, please contact Dolores Wooden, 201-954-9092. The date for the virtual public opening at the Turner Construction Company office located at 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York, is January 11th, 2022 1PM Link: Please join this opening meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. %2c%22Oid%22%3a%2281be9e3a-0656-4e94-9245-fa214eb20ab2%22%7d

26 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022



Year in Review

begins for the city’s general election. Students at Howard University proContinued from page 24 test against housing conditions at the school. City Council Members New York Sergeants Benevolent Asso- vote unanimously to remove a statue ciation and the Long Island home of of Thomas Jefferson from Council its leader, Ed Mullins, in connection chambers at City Hall due to Jefferson with an ongoing investigation. Mayor being a saveholder. The statue will be de Blasio misused city resources by placed in a museum. Brooklyn Nets taking his police security detail with guard Kyrie Irving becomes ineligible him on trips around the U.S. during to play or practice with the team, due his ill-fated presidential run, at a cost to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. of around $320,000, and by letting his adult son use the detail as a free taxi AG Letitia James service, according to a report. The Fisk Jubilee Singers from Fisk University celebrate 150 years since their first tour. New York City officials announce it will phase out its program for gifted and talented students that critics say favors whites and Asian American students, while enrolling disproportionately few Black and (Office of the NYS Attorney General photo) Latino children. New Jersey U.S. Sen. Cory Booker sends a letter to Attor- The Police Benevolent Association ney General Merrick Garland urging files a lawsuit in state supreme court the Department of Justice to decrimi- on Staten Island to halt the COVIDnalize cannabis by removing the drug 19 vaccine mandate for NYPD offrom the federal controlled substanc- ficers. Film producer Alec Baldwin es list. Harlem native and former U.S. fatally shoots Halyna Hutchins and Secretary of State Colin Powell dies at wounds Joel Souza during the filmage 84 from complications of COVID- ing of “Rust,” when a prop firearm is discharged by accident. State AttorColin Powell ney General Letitia James announces she’s running for New York State governor. Rapper Fetty Wap is arrested on federal drug charges at Citi Field at the Rolling Loud hip-hop music festival. New York native and Black Atlanta news anchor Jovita Moore dies at age 54 from brain cancer. The COVID19 vaccine mandate for city workers takes effect. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorizes emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID19 vaccine for children 5 through 11 years of age. (Public domain photo)

19. Democratic mayoral candidate Eric Adams and Republican mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa have their first debate. Amsterdam News photographer Risasi Z. Dais dies at age 72. The NFL and lawyers for thousands of retired NFL players reach an agreement to end race-based adjustments in dementia testing in the $1 billion settlement of concussion claims. Jury selection begins in the Ahmaud Arbery killing case. R&B singer Tommy DeBarge of the family singing group DeBarge dies at age 64. Civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson celebrates his 80th birthday with the Rev. Al Sharpton at the National Action Network. Early voting

(Bill Moore photo)

The Rev. Al Sharpton and the National Action Network celebrate the organization’s 30th anniversary at Carnegie Hall. Vice President Kamala Harris serves as the keynote speaker. The number of recorded deaths from COVID-19 surpasses 5 million worldwide. About 9,000 municipal workers in the city are put on unpaid leave for refusing to comply with a COVID-19 vaccine mandate that goes into effect. The Atlanta Braves win the 2021 World Series, defeating the Houston Astros. The Rev. Jesse Jackson is hospitalized after a fall at Howard University in Washington, D.C. while meeting with the school’s president Wayne A.I. (JT Trollinger)

Herbert Daughtry, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton


Rev. Al Sharpton and VP Kamala Harris

(Michael Appleton Mayoral photography office)

Frederick and students about housing conditions on the campus. Mayor Bill de Blasio files paperwork to set up a run for New York State governor. The number of recorded deaths from COVID-19 surpasses 5 million. Singer-songwriter and musician Ronnie Wilson, founder of R&B and funk group the Gap Band, dies at age 73 after suffering a stroke. In the New York City general election, Democrat Eric Adams beats Republican Curtis Sliwa taking 66% of the vote. Adams is elected the city’s second Black mayor. Alvin Bragg is elected the first Black Manhattan district attorney. Vanessa Gibson is elected the Alvin Bragg

(Courtesy photo)

first Black and first woman to serve as Bronx borough president. In a special election, Cordell Cleare is elected to replace Brian Benjamin, who was appointed lieutenant governor, as state senator representing Harlem’s 30th District. In Buffalo, N.Y. Byron Brown declares victory as a write-in candidate over democratic socialist India Walton. In Pittsburgh, Ed Gainy is elected the city’s first Black mayor. After a close race, incumbent Democrat New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy defeats Republican Jack Ciattarelli. In a close race in Virginia, Republican Glenn Youngkin defeats Democrat Terry McAuliffe. The 50th TCS New York City Marathon is held after being canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Only 33,000 entrants are allowed instead of the usual 55,000 due to coronavirus pandemic precautions. Albert Korir of Kenya wins Mayor-elect Eric Adams

(Ariama C. Long photo)

the men’s race and Peres Jepchirchir, also of Kenya, wins the women’s race. The U.S. House of Representatives votes 228-206 to pass the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package. President Joe Biden signs the act into law. A crowd crush at the Astroworld Festival in Houston, Texas, kills 10 people and injures more than 300 while rapper Travis Scott is on stage. Flutist and visual artist Lloyd McNeill dies at age 86. The murder trial of three white men charged in the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, Greg and Travis McMichael and William “Roddie” Bryan, begins in Georgia. Bryan’s attorney Kevin Gough says he doesn’t want “any more Black pastors” in the courtroom after the Rev. Al Sharpton sat with Arbery’s family. Funeral services are held for the late Colin Powell at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Pfizer Inc. announces that its experimental antiviral pill for COVID-19 cut rates of hospitalization and death by nearly 90% in high-risk adults. A report released by Advocates for Children of New York indicates that over 101,000 students in the city were homeless during the 202021 school year. The city’s Veterans Day parade returns after being canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Democratic lawmakers push new legislation that would benefit surviving spouses and all living descendants of Black WWII veterans whose families were denied benefits with housing and educational benefits through the GI Bill. After missing for nearly a month, Black 14-year-old Jashyah Moore of New Jersey is found in Harlem. The teen is staying in a shelter after running away. Her mother, Jaime, is later arrested and charged with child endangerment. Public Advocate Jumaane Williams announces he’s running for New York State governor. Mayor Bill de Blasio announces that Times Square will be open for New Year’s Eve. Revelers will have to show proof of vaccination to be admitted. Norman 3X Butler (Muhammad Aziz) and Thomas 15X Johnson (Thomas 15X Johnson) are exonerated by Manahttan District Attorney Cyrus Vance for the 1965 assassination of Malcolm X. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt commutes the death See YEAR IN REVIEW on page 28


December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 27

Affordable Housing for Rent

SENDERO VERDE PHASE I 324 NEWLY CONSTRUCTED UNITS AT 60 EAST 112TH STREET & 75 EAST 111TH STREET, EAST HARLEM, MANHATTAN Amenities: Outdoor terrace, fitness center, community room, computer room, Free secure in-unit access to broadband internet for all households, bicycle storage, package lockers, on-site laundry room* (*additional fees apply). Transit: 2, 3, 4, 6 Trains, M1/M2/M3/M4/M101/M102/M103 Buses

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No fee to apply • No broker’s fee • Smoke-free building • More information: This building is being constructed through the Extremely Low & Low-Income Affordability (ELLA) program of the New York City Housing Development Corporation (HDC) and the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and the Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) Program of HPD. Who Should

Individuals or households who meet the income and household size requirements listed in the table below may apply. Qualified applicants will be required to meet additional selection criteria. Applicants who live in New York City receive a general preference for apartments.


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D $49.99 One Year D $79.99 Two Years D $34.99 Six Months

Units Available




1 bedroom

City _______ State_____ Zip ____

2 bedroom

Daytime phone _______________ E-mail ___________________

3 bedroom





3 bedroom


BP #044 – Demolition (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required) Only bids responsive to the entire scope of work will be considered and, to be successful, bidders must be prequalified by Turner. Certified M/WBE and Small Business (13 CFR part 121) companies are encouraged to submit. In order to receive the bid packages, potential bidders either (1) must initiate the prequalification process by submitting a Subcontractor/Vendor Prequalification Statement to Turner, or (2) must be prequalified based on a prior submission to Turner. (Note: Prior prequalification submissions that remain current will be considered as previously submitted or may be updated at this time.) All bidders must be prequalified by the bid deadline: January 10th, 2022 and initial submission of a prequalification statement not later than January 10th, 2022 is strongly encouraged. All bidders must have an acceptable EMR, and will be subject to government regulations such as 44 CFR and Federal Executive Order 11246. Successful bidders will be required to use LCP Tracker compliance verification software. Note that while this is a New York City prevailing wage project, union affiliation is not required for BP #051, #040, #039, #041, #044 or #042. A Webcast about the above Bid Package/s will be held on December 16, 2021. Attendance is optional for all; the Webcast is designed to assist potential M/WBE subcontractors/vendors. Link: Please join this meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. %22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2281be9e3a-0656-4e94-9245-fa214eb20ab2%22%7d To obtain further information about contracting opportunities and/or the prequalification package and bid solicitation package/s, please contact Dolores Wooden, 201-954-9092. The date for the virtual public opening at the Turner Construction Company office located at 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York, is January 11th, 2022 1PM Link: Please join this opening meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. %2c%22Oid%22%3a%2281be9e3a-0656-4e94-9245-fa214eb20ab2%22%7d

3 4



3 bedroom




BP #040 – Mechanical w/ Controls (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required)




Units Available

2 bedroom

BP #041 – Plumbing (Including temp & LSS Relocation) (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required)



Monthly Rent1

1 bedroom

BP #039 – Electrical (Temporary + Permanent + Fire Alarm) (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required)


Unit Size


BP #051 – Temporary Building (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required)


Units Available

2 bedroom

Rehabilitation and Flood Mitigation of the New York Aquarium, Brooklyn, NY: Turner Construction Company, an EEO Employer, is currently soliciting bids for the Rehabilitation and Flood Mitigation of the New York Aquarium from subcontractors and vendors for the following bid packages:


Monthly Rent1

1 bedroom

* Delivery by US Postal Service only


Unit Size

Credit Card No.

Fax: (212) 932-7497 Or call (212) 932-7453



_ Check or Money Order enclosed

Expiration Date ___ CID ____








Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

1 person

$ 15,806 - $ 25,080

Minimum – Maximum4

2 people

$ 15,806 - $ 28,650

1 person

$ 19,715 - $ 25,080

2 people

$ 19,715 - $ 28,650

3 people

$ 19,715 - $ 32,220

2 people

$ 23,692 - $ 28,650

3 people

$ 23,692 - $ 32,220

4 people

$ 23,692 - $ 35,790

5 people

$ 23,692 - $ 38,670

3 people

$ 27,360 - $ 32,220

4 people

$ 27,360 - $ 35,790

5 people

$ 27,360 - $ 38,670

6 people


Monthly Rent1

Monthly Rent1

Units Available





Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

1 person

$ 21,635 - $ 33,440

2 people

$ 21,635 - $ 38,200

Minimum – Maximum4

1 person

$ 27,052 - $ 33,440

2 people

$ 27,052 - $ 38,200

3 people

$ 27,052 - $ 42,960

2 people

$ 32,469 - $ 38,200

3 people

$ 32,469 - $ 42,960

4 people

$ 32,469 - $ 47,720

5 people

$ 32,469 - $ 51,560

3 people

$ 37,475 - $ 42,960

4 people

$ 37,475 - $ 47,720

5 people

$ 37,475 - $ 51,560

$ 27,360 - $ 41,520

6 people

$ 37,475 - $ 55,360

7 people

$ 27,360 - $ 44,400

7 people

$ 37,475 - $ 59,200

Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

1 person

$ 27,498 - $ 41,800

1 person

$ 34,972 - $ 50,160

2 people

$ 34,972 - $ 57,300

Minimum – Maximum4

2 people

$ 27,498 - $ 47,750

1 person

$ 34,355 - $ 41,800

2 people

$ 34,355 - $ 47,750

3 people

$ 34,355 - $ 53,700

2 people

$ 41,246 - $ 47,750

3 people

$ 41,246 - $ 53,700

4 people

$ 41,246 - $ 59,650

5 people

$ 41,246 - $ 64,450

3 people

$ 47,623 - $ 53,700

4 people

$ 47,623 - $ 59,650

5 people

$ 47,623 - $ 64,450

6 people




Unit Size


Address __________________

BP #042 – Concrete Work (Including Anchors) (Bid, Payment & Performance Bond Required)


Name ___________________

Mail to: NewYork Anlsterdam News 2340 Frederick Douglass Blvd. NewYork, NY 10027

A percentage of units is set aside for: o Mobility–disabled applicants (5%) o Vision/Hearing–disabled applicants (2%) Preference for a percentage of units goes to: o Residents of Manhattan CB 11 (50%) o Municipal employees (5%)



Monthly Rent1

Units Available





Minimum – Maximum4

1 person

$ 43,749 - $ 50,160

2 people

$ 43,749 - $ 57,300

3 people

$ 43,749 - $ 64,440

2 people

$ 52,458 - $ 57,300

3 people

$ 52,458 - $ 64,440

4 people

$ 52,458 - $ 71,580

5 people

$ 52,458 - $ 77,340

3 people

$ 60,618 - $ 64,440

4 people

$ 60,618 - $ 71,580

5 people

$ 60,618 - $ 77,340

$ 47,623 - $ 69,200

6 people

$ 60,618 - $ 83,040

7 people

$ 47,623 - $ 74,000

7 people

$ 60,618 - $ 88,800

Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

Household Size2

Annual Household Income3

1 person

$ 45,052 - $ 66,880

1 person

$ 52,663 - $ 91,960



Minimum – Maximum4


Your community newspaper features: • The latest news affecting your community • Fashion, Arts & Entertainment • Editorials and Op-eds by local and national leaders • Community Calendar of Events • Latest Union News



Monthly Rent1

Units Available



Minimum – Maximum4

2 people

$ 45,052 - $ 76,400

1 person

$ 56,298 - $ 66,880

2 people $ 52,663 - $ 105,050

2 people

$ 56,298 - $ 76,400

3 people

$ 56,298 - $ 85,920

2 people

$ 67,578 - $ 76,400

3 people

$ 67,578 - $ 85,920

4 people

$ 67,578 - $ 95,440

5 people

$ 67,578 - $ 103,120

3 people

$ 78,035 - $ 85,920

4 people

$ 78,035 - $ 95,440

5 people

$ 78,035 - $ 103,120

6 people

$ 78,035 - $ 110,720

6 people $ 91,200 - $ 152,240

7 people

$ 78,035 - $ 118,400

7 people $ 91,200 - $ 162,800

1 person $1,836


$ 65,795 - $ 91,960

2 people $ 65,795 - $ 105,050 3 people $ 65,795 - $ 118,140 2 people $ 78,995 - $ 105,050



3 people $ 78,995 - $ 118,140 4 people $ 78,995 - $ 131,230 5 people $ 78,995 - $ 141,790 3 people $ 91,200 - $ 118,140 4 people $ 91,200 - $ 131,230



5 people $ 91,200 - $ 141,790

Rent includes secure in-unit access to broadband internet Tenant is responsible for electricity, including cooking range. Household size includes everyone who will live with you, including parents and children. Subject to occupancy criteria. Household earnings includes salary, hourly wages, tips, Social Security, child support, and other income. Income guidelines subject to change. Minimum income listed may not apply to applicants with Section 8 or other qualifying rental subsidies. Asset limits also apply.

How Do You Apply? Apply online or through mail. To apply online, please go to To request an application by mail, send a self-addressed envelope to: Sendero Verde Phase I / Triborough Finance New Station, P.O. Box 2011, New York, NY 10035. Only send one application per development. Do not submit duplicate applications. Do not apply online and also send in a paper application. Applicants who submit more than one application may be disqualified. When is the Deadline? Applications must be postmarked or submitted online no later than February 25, 2022. Late applications will not be considered. What Happens After You Submit an Application? After the deadline, applications are selected for review through a lottery process. If yours is selected and you appear to qualify, you will be invited to an appointment of eligibility to continue the process of determining your eligibility. Appointments are usually scheduled from 2 to 10 months after the application deadline. You will be asked to bring documents that verify your household size, identity of members of your household, and your household income. Español

Presente una solicitud en línea en Para recibir una traducción de español de este anuncio y la solicitud impresa, envíe un sobre con la dirección a: Sendero Verde Phase I / Triborough Finance New Station, P.O. Box 2011, New York, NY 10035. En el reverso del sobre, escriba en inglés la palabra “SPANISH.” Las solicitudes se deben enviar en línea o con sello postal antes de 25 de febrero 2022


访问 在线申请。如要获取本广告及书面申请表的简体中文版,请将您的回邮信封寄送至:Sendero Verde Phase I / Triborough Finance New Station, P.O. Box 2011, New York, NY 10035. 信封背面请用英语注明“CHINESE”。必须在以下日 期之前在线提交申请或邮寄书面申请 2022 年 2 月 25 日


Чтобы подать заявление через интернет, зайдите на сайт: Для получения данного объявления и заявления на русском языке отправьте конверт с обратным адресом по адресу Sendero Verde Phase I / Triborough Finance New Station, P.O. Box 2011, New York, NY 10035. На задней стороне конверта напишите слово “RUSSIAN” на английском языке. Заявки должны быть поданы онлайн или отправлены по почте (согласно дате на почтовом штемпеле) не позднее 25 февраль 2022.

한국어 에서 온라인으로 신청하십시오. 이 광고문과 신청서에 대한 한국어 번역본을 받아보시려면 반송용 봉투를 Sendero Verde Phase I / Triborough Finance New Station, P.O. Box 2011, New York, NY 10035 으로 보내주십시오. 봉투 뒷면에 “KOREAN” 이라고 영어로 적어주십시오. 2022 년 2 월 25 일온라인 신청서를 제출하거나 소인이 찍힌 신청서를 보내야 합니다.

Kreyòl Ayisyien


Aplike sou entènèt sou sitwèb Pou resevwa yon tradiksyon anons sa a nan lang Kreyòl Ayisyen ak aplikasyon an sou papye, voye anvlòp ki gen adrès pou retounen li nan: Sendero Verde Phase I / Triborough Finance New Station, P.O. Box 2011, New York, NY 10035. Nan dèyè anvlòp la, ekri mo “HATIAN CREOLE” an Anglè. Ou dwe remèt aplikasyon yo sou entènèt oswa ou dwe tenbre yo anvan dat fevriye 25, 2022. ‫ ﺗﻘدم ﺑطﻠب ﻋن طرﯾﻖ اﻹﻧﺗرﻧت ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻣوﻗﻊ اﻹﻟﻛﺗروﻧﻲ‬ ‫ أرﺳل‬،‫ﻟﻠﺣﺻول ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗرﺟﻣﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻟﻌرﺑﯾﺔ ﻟﮭذا اﻹﻋﻼن وﻟﻧﻣوذج اﻟطﻠب اﻟورﻗﻲ‬ ‫ﻣظروف ﯾﺣﻣل اﺳﻣك وﻋﻧواﻧك إﻟﻰ‬: Sendero Verde Phase I / Triborough Finance New Station, P.O. Box 2011, New York, NY 10035. ‫ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺟﮭﺔ اﻟﺧﻠﻔﯾﺔ‬ ‫ اﻛﺗب ﺑﺎﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﺟﻠﯾزﯾﺔ ﻛﻠﻣﺔ‬،‫" ﻟﻠﻣظروف‬ARABIC". ‫ ﯾﺟب إرﺳﺎل ﻧﻣﺎذج اﻟطﻠﺑﺎت ﻋن طرﯾﻖ اﻹﻧﺗرﻧت أو ﺧﺗﻣﮭﺎ ﺑﺧﺗم اﻟﺑرﯾد ﻗﺑل‬2022 ،‫ﻓﺑراﯾر‬25.

Governor Kathy Hochul • Mayor Bill de Blasio • HPD Commissioner Louise Carroll • HDC President Eric Enderlin

28 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022



Year in Review

cine resistance. Travel restrictions are put in place in several countries Continued from page 26 to contain the spread. The Omicron variant is found in the U.S. including sentence of Julius Jones, who sat on cases in New York City. Louis Vuitton death row for 20 years. Jones was artistic director Virgil Abloh dies at convicted in the 1999 murder of an age 41 after battling cancer. The CaOklahoma City businessman. Ev- ribbean nation of Barbados becomes idence presented points to his in- a republic on its 55th anniversary of nocence. Kyle Rittenhouse is found independence while remaining a not guilty for fatally shooting Joseph member of the Commonwealth of Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and Nations. Four are killed and seven injuring Gaige Grosskreutz during a are injured during a mass shooting at protest in 2020 in Kenosha Wiscon- Oxford High School in Oxford, Michsin. White Kansas City police offi- igan. Civil rights activist the Rev. C. cer Eric DeValkenaere is convicted Herbert Oliver dies at age 96. in the 2019 fatal shooting of Black, 26-year-old Cameron Lamb. Rapper Young Dolph is fatally shot by two men in Memphis, Tenn. Vice President Kamala Harris serves as acting New York City Schools Chancelpresident from 10:10 to 11:35 am lor Dr. Meisha Porter announces she EDT, while President Joe Biden un- is stepping down at the end of the dergoes colonoscopy under anesthe- year. She takes a position as CEO of sia making her the first Black female the Bronx Community Foundation. U.S. president for 85 minutes. The Porter was the first African American U.S. House of Representatives votes woman to serve as schools chancel220–213 to pass the Build Back Better lor. The United States becomes the Act, a $1.75 trillion social and cli- first country to surpass 50 million mate spending package. Malcolm X’ COVID-19 cases. A vaccine manyoungest daughter, Malikah Shabazz, date puts the jobs of nearly 1,100 is found dead in her Brooklyn home correctional officers who are unvacat age 56. Police say she died of “nat- cinated in jeopardy. Democrat and ural causes.” The three white men voting rights activist Stacey Abrams accused of killing Black, unarmed announces she’s running for goverAhmaud Arbery in Glynn County, nor of Georgia. Mayor Bill de Blasio Ga. in 2020, Travis McMichael, Greg- Stacey Abrams and Rev. Al Sharpton ory McMichael and William “Roddie” Bryan, are found guilty of his murder. When Arbery was killed, the suspects were not arrested until 74 days after the murder and after a video of the murder was released. The Soul Train Music Awards take place at the Apollo Theater. R&B singer Maxwell is honored with the Legend Award and singer Ashanti is honored with the Lady of Soul Award. The Hampton University marching band performs at the 95th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. NYPD Chief of Department Rodney Harrison announces that he is retiring. Harrison had been with the police department (Bill Moore photo) for nearly 30 years, starting when he was a cadet. Professional golfer Lee extends his order requiring COVIDElder dies at age 87. He was the first 19 vaccines to include teachers and African American to play in the Mas- staff at private and religious schools. ters Tournament in 1975. Newark Major League Baseball begins a lockMayor Ras Baraka and Jackson, Miss. out of its players. It is their first lockMayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba an- out since 1990. Mayor Bill de Blasio nounce that the Third National Black announces that all private employers Political Convention will be held in in the city will have to require their Newark in 2022. Former Florida Con- workers to get vaccinated against gresswoman Carrie Meek dies at age 95. The city authorizes supervised in- Greg Tate jection sites for heroin use and other narcotics in an effort to prevent overdoses, the first in the nation. The centers are criticized over their location including one in East Harlem near a daycare center. The World Health Organization reports the first case of the COVID-19 Omicron variant in South Africa. The variant has an unusually large number of mutations and there are concerns over immune system evasion, and vac-


United Way Sheena Wright will be deputy mayor for strategic initiatives; Anne Williams-Isom, former deputy commissioner of the Administration for Children’s Services, will become the deputy mayor for health and human services; the loss in the commissioner’s office of the Department of Housing and Preservation Development will be the gain for the office of deputy mayor for economic and workforce development with Maria Torres-Springer; former Taxi and Limousine commissioner Meera (Scholastic Inc.) Joshi will take the office COVID-19. Writer, musician, and of deputy mayor for operations; and producer Greg Tate dies at age 64. two-decade City Hall veteran LorSenior advisor and chief spokesper- raine Grillo—Mayor Bill de Blasio’s son for Vice President Kamala Harris head of pandemic recovery troubleSymone Sanders announces she’s re- shooter—will become Adams’ first signing from her position at the end deputy mayor. “I am so proud of the of the year. Mayor-elect Eric Adams history these new deputy mayors names educator David C. Banks as are making,” Adams says. “I hope the city’s next schools chancellor. it sends a message that the most Banks is the founder of The Eagle qualified people should not sit on Academy for Young Men. New York the bench when the game is on the Attorney General Letitia James an- line just because of their gender, nounces she’s suspending her cam- their ethnicity, or any piece of paign for governor and plans to run their identity.” On Dec. 23, former for re-election as attorney general. Brooklyn Center, Minneapolis James cites several ongoing inves- police officer Kim Potter is convicttigations her office is conducting as ed of first-degree and second-dethe reason for suspending her guber- gree manslaughter in the April 11, natorial campaign. The City Coun- fatal shooting death of 20-year-old cil passes a bill giving U.S. citizens Daunte Wright in Brooklyn Center, the right to vote in municipal elec- Minn. After four days of delibertions. Due to the ongoing spread of ations the jury finds Potter guilty, the Omicron COVID-19 variant and despite her on-the-stand tears, a possible winter surge in cases, Gov. and despite her defense team’s poKathy Hochul implements an indoor sition that Wright caused his own mask mandate for public places in death by not complying in the trafNew York State unless businesses or fic stop, which occurred 10 miles venues implement a vaccine require- from where one-time-cop Derek ment. A 15th inmate dies at Rikers Chauvin was on trial in the death of Island. A tornado outbreak occurs in George Floyd. On Monday, Dec. 27, several states in the South and Mid- anti-apartheid fighter-turned interwest, causing major damage and kill- nationally renowned human rights ing at least 50 people. On Monday, activist Archbishop Desmond Tutu Dec. 20, Mayor-elect Eric Adams in- passes away in Cape Town, South troduces five career-minded, impres- Africa. Tutu dies aged 90. The affasive women as his soon-to-be deputy ble, lovable peacemaker/Anglican mayors. With diversity and inclusion cleric won the Nobel Peace Prize branding doing the rounds, Adams in 1984. The man affectionately is on topic with his picks who are of known as The Arch had been ill for Black, Asian descent, and white in: sometime. After Nelson Mandela Sheena Wright, Anne Williams-Isom, was released after 27 years imprisMeera Joshi, Maria Torres-Springer, oned on Robben Island and became and Lorraine Grillo. Former CEO of South Africa’s president, he named Tutu chair of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In 2009, Tutu was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by thenU.S. President Barack Obama. This week Obama says, “Archbishop Tutu was grounded in the struggle for liberation and justice in his own country, but also concerned with injustice everywhere.” “He was larger than life, and for so many in South Africa and around the world his life has been a blessing,” notes the Nelson Mandela Foundation. David Banks


December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 29

Business Directory Announcing

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3 5 4 C .7 BY 2 93 . 2 1





William J. Atkins P: 212-932-7429

December 26, 2019 JanuaryDATES 1, 2020 • 29 PUB #: ZONE TP - RUN Acct 364 EDT January 7, 2021 - January 13, 2021 • 27 AN A 97 S 01/07,14,21, 2340 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ANGELA POLITE 2G 231 W. 149TH STREET Under this rates ar NEW YORK NY agreement 10003 event of a cancellation befor rate charged will be based up Salesperson: Not Applicable −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− Contact: Acct #: 370 _____________________________ Phone: (917)442−3053 Name (print or type) Fax#: MORRISON & TENEBAUM Email: 87 WALKER STREET Agency: NEW YORK NY 10013 .101 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 100 PUBLICNOTICES NOTICE 100 LEGALNOTICES NOTICE 101 101 LEGAL NOTICE 101 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 101 101 LEGALNOTICES NOTICE LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES 101 101 LEGAL LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL LEGAL NOTICES 100 PUBLIC NOTICES 100PUBLIC PUBLIC NOTICE 101 100 PUBLIC NOTICE 101 LEGAL NOTICE 101 LEGAL NOTICE PUB 101 LEGAL LEGAL NOTICE ZONENOTICE EDT TP RUN DATES Notice of LLC Qualification Barreitude, filed Arts. of of Notice of Formation of SCINotice of Qualification of Notice of Qual of BLITSTEIN C a p i t aof l PQualification r e p a r a t o r y Hof a rBCI l e YORK m Notice NEW CITY NOTICE OF Sect'y FORMATION Notice Formation of Arts. HFP Notice of Formation formation of ATM Notice of Qualification of Notice of Formation of CLIF- AN Notice ofofA Qualification of S Notice of of 3235 97 12/10,17,24,3 LUXURY NEST LLC. HVPG Spring Valley Preserwith the of State Org. TE FUND I, LLC Authority 13 ENCE CALIBRANT ASSOCIATES C h a r te FOR r S LLC c hFITNESS, o oDEPARTMENT ls B Ofor A LLC RAuth. D OOF F TRANSPORTATION NOTICE TO FORD BIDDERS HOLDOFNY YUNAVERSE LLC Arts. of Org.the filed with vation, HERE 4LLC. U10/9/19. LLC Arts. of Org. HOUSELLC, DEVELOPBRANDS, Appl. AMTECK OF KENTUCKY, 1605 BROADWAY LLC Appl. GRAND CONCOURSE LLC of Org. filed with SSNY Authority filed of on Office: NY Appl.Appl. filed LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. for Auth. filed filed with with Se- ER, withArts. theof SSNY on −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− DIVISION BRIDGES TRUSTEES will a Public INGS, LLC. Articles of OrgaSecy. NYSecy. filed with theofSecy. of State of Org. filed filed with Secy. ofhold State of NYOF LLC for Auth. filed with Arts. of Org. filed with ofor n SALE 1Auth. 2of /0 5State /1 7 . of O ffic e(SSNY) : N e of w with Sec. State ofSecy. NY SSNY has been desCounty. INVITATION on FOR of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/12/2020. OfficeNOTICE loc: NY OF of State of NY (SSNY) cy. BIDS

38 January 11,30, 2018 26 2,2018 2021 8, 2021 30 • September December 2021--January -September January17, 5, 2022



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Pursuant to resolution adopted by with the Town The Town of meeting on Tuesday, nization were filed with the 07/28/21. location: on NY (SSNY) on 2/22/21 NYLLC ofSecy.Board, of State of NY (SSNY) 08/04/21. January Office Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) State of NYOffice (SSNY) on (SSNY) of State of12/2/21. NY (SSNY) on York County. SSNY desigon loignated as agent ofOffice the Office location: NY Office location: LLC formed in DE on NY 11/09/20. 12/10/20. County. Division Babylon, Commissioner of General Services, of Purchasing, 16th at 6:30pm. The meeting willtheon Hand delivered sealed bidsLLC for Project described below will beNY (SSNY) State New Secretary 12/21/20. location: NY cation: County. SSNY fice location NY County. on 08/05/21. Office location: NY County. 07/02/21. Office location: 1 2 /0 5whom /1 New 7 . of O ffic e loagainst cofa tio n it: nated as Office agent of designatthe LLC York County. process upon County. SSNY designated as County. LLC formed in 11/02/2020. SSNY is desigwill receive sealed proposals for: SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF BRONX received by representatives of the Contracts Section, Office of the Agency be held at 1 East 104th Street County. LLC in LLC (SSNY) on 10/27/2020. YorkCounty. aswhom agent of formed LLCagainst upon SSNY has been designated formed in Delaware (DE) on NY County. LLC formed in location: NY County. Princ. ed NY Princ. office of upon process registered in DE mail on be served and shall may ofContracting LLC upon whom pro- Floor(DE) on 11/04/77. 12/01/20. as agent uponHudson whom whom agent Delaware nated of Officer, Ground Bid Window 55 on Water Street, 4thChief Floor New York, NY 10029. Delaware (DE) on 11/10/20. Office Location: New York process against it may as agent upon whom process office LLC: 30 08/04/21. SSNY designated (KY) Kentucky Lprocess L C : 3 2to: 3 5The G rLLC, adesignated n d 347 C o nE. i t m a y b e s e r v e d . S S N Y 3/29/21. SSNY BIDW. NO. Yards, 18G2 Fargo New York, NY 10041 until 11:00 on the date indicated below when cess against itupon may beAM SSNY office of LLC: 125 against theNA, LLC may Princ. process rd Princ. office of LLC: c/o ArSSNY has been desCounty. Wells Bank, Plaintiff served. SSNY shall mail be against it may be served and 72nd Fl., NY, NY as agent of LLC whom designated as agent of c53 o u rST, sof e ,LLC 1 A upon ANY, , B whom rNY o n x10022. , proNY shall mail copy of process to agent PHB, bids willSSNY be publicly opened and read in55th Bid Room, address REQUEST FOR FOR ARCHITECTURAL, shall mail proSt.,same NY, NY PROPOSALS 10019. 10001. served. SSNY shall mail served. be gent Ventures LLC, 551 5th as agent upon whom ignated to c/o Cohen & Coprocess shall mail a copy of any proSSNY designated as process against it may be LLC upon whom process 10468. SSNY designated as t h e L L C , 5 W e e h a w k e n cess against may be served Purpose: anyitlawful act. I, ISAIAH MESSADOService TIMOENGINEERING BID PHASE SERVICES, cess toSSNY Corporation as agent of agent to: CONSTRUCTION The whom LLC, pro777 hen, SSNY process On: Januaryagainst 14, 2020designated Ave., LLP, NY, 10176. against it may be process 767 Third Ave., and cess against the LLC served of LLC upon served. shallwhose mail proitth mayDESIGN, be served. agent of mail LLC upon w hom Street, UnitNY 3B, New SSNY York, AGAINST shall process to: c/o th THY JOHNSON adADMINISTRATION ANDtoINSPECTION SERVICES Co., 80 State St., Albany, NYth, 175 LLC whom process Third Ave Ste 2503, NY, NY REHABILITATION OF EAST 169 andupon 180 BRIDGES designated of PurLLC CT The Post Office adserved. Fl., NY,as NYagent 10017. upon is C/O the LLC: Tyece cess against it FOR may be 31st cess tois c/o Michael GoldSSNY shallSTREET mail process process against it may be NY 10014. Corporation System, 28 d re s s 4 1 9 W e s t 1 2 9 th th OVER METRO-NORTH RAILROAD SHORELINE STABILIZATION ROAD SSNY ELEVATION OF 12207.Sills against 10017. Purpose: Any lawful the it may be served. Address required to pose: Notice of Qualification of BCP upon whom process against it dress to which the SSNY Any lawful activity. Smith, 143 W 140 Street, served. shall mail prosmith, Cummis & Gross KY addr. of LLC: 1387 E. sSPECIAL e r v e dStreet, . SS NNew Y s hYork, a ll mNY a il P uHo-Shing;Audrey r p o s e : A n y Ho-Shing l a w f u l Liberty Lawson Ho-Shing a/k/a209 Lawson Contract Nos. HBX1670, HBX1215 and HBX180 Street, Manhattan NY 10027 activity. SSNYCircle be shall mail to cess maintained in DE: Or- H. ROAD may be served. SSNY shall 10005. mail aOPPORTUNITIES copy10030. of Michaeany proshall York, New NY Purto Corporation Service P.C., 101 Park Ave.,N.Y.C 28thP.I.N. Fl., 84118BXBR272 New Rd., process Ste.CAPTREE 135, process Philip J. purpose. DE address of LLC: a/k/a Audrey al., process Defendant(s) proclaim my Free National Service Co. St. Scarlett-Ho-Shing; Wilmington de et c/o Corporation ange80 FUND IItolawful GP LP Appl. for mail to theof LLC at c/o cess against the LLC served pose: Any activity. Co., State St., Albany, NY NY, NY 10178. DE addr. of KY 40505. Cert. of Lexington, Notice of formation Viento ls , c /o N o rto n R o s e F u llThe Corporation Trust Na m ebid asubmitted s I S Amust I A of Hbe11E78 T R I - (CSC), until am on for THURSDAY, 1, 2018 at the Town 19801. Cert 80 State St., of Purpose: Formation filed Media Notice of Formation Auth. filed withisSecy. of State Each accompanied by a 10:00 certified check 2%Albany, of the of FEBRUARY the princ. of Org. the LLC. upon him/her 36 West 47th 12207-2543. Any Form. LLC: Corporation Service filed with Secy. LLCoffice Arts. of filed Company, bright US LLP, 1301 Ave. of 1209 Orange St, FORCE JOHNSON accordHall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, Lindenhurst, New York, 11757 at amount of the proposal, or alternatively, a bid bond not less than 10% of the NY with 12207-2543. DE addr. of DE Div. of Corps, 401 REALTY LLC Cert. of ConPursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated NY (SSNY) on York, 11/06/19. of DE addr. ofF o LLC: Cogency Street, W03, New NY lawful activity. State, Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., P.O. Box 1150, FrankN o t i c e o f r m a t i o n o f with the Secy. of NY (SSNY) tNotice he Am rformation iDE c a s19801. , N of Y ,Cert. NY Wilmington, offiled therules proposal, payable toof the Comptroller ofCSC, the City251 of New York. ingamount to the and usage whichKY time they will be publicly and read of ofeThe One c/o Little Falls St., inSuite 4, Dover, LLC: Federal version Secy. May 11, 2017 I, the theDivision undersigned Referee will sell at public location: NY County. Office Global Inc., 850 New Burton principal busi10036. Wilmington, DEwith 19808. Cert. 40602-1150. Pur- opened fort, PikMyBrain, LLC Arts. of on 03/26/2021 NY office loca10019. Purpose: Any lawful of Form. filed with DE Sec of of THE such TRIFORCE office. DE and Only Management Group Dr., DE 19901. Wilmington, 19808. Notice Purpose: Any ofISAIAH NY (SSNY) on pose: State auction the Bronx County Courthouse, 851 Grand ConLP formed in Cayman Islands NYCDOT DIVISION OFSecy. BRIDGES ISPurchasing SEEKING QUALIFIED BIDDERS/ Rd., NY Ste. 201, Dover, DE State, ofatQualification of HVS ness address of theSt, LLC is 36 of Form. filed with DE Electrical contracting Org. filed with Secy. of State County. SSNY has tion activity. 40102/06/19. Federal Ste 4, JOHNSON. LLC of Org. W03, filed with Cert. of Lawful Form. filed with THIS Secy. XLII Purpose. 12/01/20, 11 and course, Room 600, Bronx,filed New York on January 27, 2020 at CONTRACTORS THEJohn ABOVE REFERENCED CONTRACT. on Princ. of(C.I.) 19904. Cert. ofon Form. filed LLC Appl. for Auth. 47th Street, New WestArts. of State, Div. converting of FOR Corps., sub-contracting work, of NY (SSNY) 12/27/17. designated as an agent been DE 19901. Purpose: Dover, (1) original and tenFOR (10) copies of both technical and cost the Secy. of NY (SSNY) on PROCUREMENT IS SUBJECT TO ofOne PARTICIPATION GOALS State, Div. of Corps., John 78TH STREET CO. to EAST 2:00PM, premises known as 1312 Needham Avenue, Bronx, fice of LP: 650 Madison Ave., with DE Secy. ofNY State, Div. with Secy. of State of NY York, NY 10036. Purpose: G. MINORITY Townsend Bldg., 401 Fedall activities and purposand Office location: County. whom process against it upon lawful activity. proposals. TheAND/OR Technical CostNY Proposals be in seperate OWNED LLC. BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (MBEs) WOMEN 06/08/2021 NYoroffice location G. Townsend Bldg., 401and Fed11E78 REALTY Office 10469.shall All08/17/21. that certain plot piece or of and land, with the any NYE 10022. Duration of NY, of Corps., John G. Townsend Office any lawful act es related thereto. eral St., Dover, 19901. NOTICE OF DE SALE N O TIC O FSSNY FOactivity. Rhas M ATIO N may beparcel served shall mail SSNY designated as agent OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES AS REQUIRED BY SECTION sealed containers may be hand(SSNY) delivered on or mailed to the above Notice of formation of NY County. been St., Dover, and DE 19901. eral NY lawful County. Princ. (WBEs) location: buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being LP3P is Perpetual. SSNY desigBldg., 401 Federal St., Dover, of location: NY10:00 County. LLC Purpose: Any activity. Associates, LLC. Arts copy of any process against a of LLC upon whom process 6-129 (Local Law 1 of 2013) OF THE NEW YORK CITY ADMINISTRATIVE Notice of formation of Julie address. Proposals will not be accepted after am on the LLC Arts. of Org. ScratchFoto designated as an of agent Purpose: Any lawful activity. of LLC:Goal c/o Friedman office in the Borough and County of Bronx, and NY,LLC: nated asfiled agent LP upon upon DE City 19901. Purpose: Any of in Delaware (DE) Do on CODE (Target/COURT for M/WBE can be seen in the B of the Bid SUPREME COUNO rgprocess wagainst ithof Secy. of LLC C/O the against it ismState ay beof served. Wandz, LLC Arts Org. Kennedy Lewis Ac- formed date ofSchedule bid opening. NOBook EXCEPTIONS WILL BE GRANTED. filed with the Secy ofApproximate State of the whom itit filed may Notice of1 of Qualification of 3 Azimut Management 770 LexBlock: 4711 Lot: 75. amount judgment whom lawful activity. 04/19/21. SSNY designated Subject to APPRENTICESHIP 2).Co., This Contract is alsoNotice TYNumber OF BRONX, CITIBANK, States United S t aserved tthe e process oSecy f N Yofagainst (shall S S Nmail Yof ) may o na SSNY shall mail Corporation process to with of the formation of Cielo State NY cess Fund III GP LLC Auth. not remove any pages; all proposals are to be submitted intact. For New York (SSNY) on be and TIMES SQUARE LEASEington Ave., NY, NY 10065. $705,125.24 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold served. SSNY shall mail be th PROGRAM and the NYC ComptrollersAzul LaborDisaster Law 220 prevailing wages 107 ADOPTION as agent of LLC upon whom N.A., Plaintiff, vs. ESTATE Agents, Inc. 7014 13 Av11/17/2017. Office location. the LLC , 1025 Fifth Ave., Operations/Loon 11/01/2021 NY of(SSNY) filed w/ SSNY 7/29/21. Off. in information Town reserves the right to filed reject NY Office loca6/24/2020. copy of any process against HOLD LLC asAppl. Auth. SSNY asfor subject toagainst provisions Judgment Index# 380685-13. process to the Partnership at requirements described inA the Solicitation Materials. call (631) 957-3025. Theprocess it of may be OF E Ldesignated LSecy. A BR OW Nagent /of A NY enue, Suite NY County. SSNY A p t .to3the E FReferee S o202, u t h will , Brooklyn, N be Y , acN Y fice gistics location: NY County. Cert of FormLLC. filedArts w/ Only anyCo. andConsultants all proposals. tion: New York County. SSNY the LLC is C/O theofdesignatLLC: 595 filed with of State of/ KNY the princ. office the LP. whom LLC cash or certified funds payable Notice of formation of lawful Grits Single woman looking to build SSNY shall mail proAND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES E LMINORITY L Aupon Mon AOWNED E07/29/21. BRO Wprocess N , E T OWNED NY 11228. Purpose: Any law- SSNY ed agent upon whom pro10028. Purpose: Any of Org filed with Secy. of served. has been designated 7/1/21. SSNY desig. SSDE has designated as agent Baltic Street, Brooklyn, NY (SSNY) Office and addr. of each genName against it may be served. cepted as a deposit in the amount of ten percent of the purEntertainment LLC Arts of adoption. her Corporation Service (M/WBE) will be afforded full opportunityState submitof bids NY and the(SSNY) City ofbeNew AL., Defendant(s). activity. c11217. e san sfamily m Purpose: a y by bupon e are s eAny rvavailable e dlawful aAny nd activity. on cess Proposal may examined and to obtained at the Town Hall it ful agent whom proas asto agt. ofdocuments LLC whom process whom process against upon location: NYnotifies County. LLC eral partner SSNY shall mail process to chase price. 80 ethnicity expenses York hereby all bidders that it7/29/20. will affirmatively ensure that anyNY Co. (CSC), Stateand St.,4:30 Al- Org filed with the Secy of cess shall mailwelcome, copy ofbe process Office location: Purchasing between hours of 9:00 a.m. against itC.I. may served be served & shall mail the may may beNY served. SSNY desigactivity. formed Delaware (DE) thecontract LLCinentered at theintoaddr. oftoon its from SSNY. addr. of LP: State of NY (SSNY) on NY paid. Please call (347) 470pursuant this advertisement willDepartment be awarded to the bany, 12207-2543. DE Persuant to a Purpose: Judgment of ac/o g a inMaples s t L mail L C Corporate tocopy : U SofCSero rp County. SSNY designated as Notice of formation of 560 and p.m. daily except Sundays andas Holidays, on and whom after any process c/o Universal Regagent upon nated 07/27/21. Princ. office LLC: lowest office. responsible bidder of without discrimination onto the basis ofSaturdays, race, color, princ. Any Office NY orInc., my7014 attorney: (800) 5228shall Frank D. LLC: Lombardi, Esq., addr. of c/omay CSC, 251 N o t i c location: eNECK o f F oRD r mCounty. aLLC t i o nArts. o f process F osex, rc loactivity. s u reManagement a n d S a lenational d u ly origin, Agents Ave., whom process agent TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2018. documents also Referee bebe LITTLE against the LLC istered Inc., 26 Proposal process against it may sexual orientation, age upon orAgents, place of residence. c/o Rudin Co., lawful SSNY has been designated vices Limited, PO13th Box 309, 582-3678 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, Notice of formation of Ripka T a k a m i c h i B e a u t y R o o m filed on June 01, 2017 and #202, BK, NY 11228. Prinmay be served and shall mail of Org. filed with the Secy. of ddirected o w n l oto a the d eE. drequirements aGreenbush, t t h e T of o w n oserved f B a b yand l o nshall ’ s w email b s i proces te at upon is C/O the LLC: Prospective bidder's is alsoCarville Ln, Inc., 345 Park Ave.,attention NY, NY as an Arts. agentofupon whom pro- served House, Grand CayUgland 19808. Cert. & ofBarak, Form. filed NY Arts LLC Arts. address: of Org. filed Shapiro, Dicaro LLC LLC. Org.07/14/2021 filed with anschedule O rder ppointing S uccipal business 300 ofparticipation process LLC DE copy "B"AinQualification the proposal concerning M/WBE the contract. (SSNY) on Julie Wandzalik, 275 Green12061. Add.inagainst maintained against the LLC served 10154. SSNY designated as cess against be Notice of of NY man,the C.I., KY1-1104. Cert. of Secy. of the State of upon DE, NY with Secy. of NYYork, (SSNY) Attorney(s) for Plaintiff N Y office D e plocation t . itomay f SNY t aCounty. tserved e o n wich, The of schedule of proposed M/WBE participation is to be St, submitted by theNY with cessor Referee dated NoE. 74th St., #10A, NY, NY to 220 E 60th #3k, NY, Apt 3M, New NY in DE: Universal Registered C/O the LLC: 88 Greenwich is agent LLC upon whom proand shall Office mail alocation: copy of any 1711 RETAIL, LLC Appl. for filed withNY Registrar of LP 06/14/2021 401 Federal St., Dover, DE apparent low bidder within sevenun(7) calendar days after the date of opening on office loca175 Mile Crossing Boulevard 10/3/17. NY vember 28, 2017, I, the 10021. 10022. Inc., R/A: 300 VB&T Certified has been the designated 10007. Purpose: Any lawful Creek View Street, Apt 714, New York, SSNY Agents, cess against it may be process against LLC to Auth. filed with Secy. of State Partnerships C.I., 133 Elgin of bids. The M/WBE goal for project Public isSPECIAL 24 %. Accountants, 19901. Purpose: Any lawful as These projects be funded in York part through tion NY County. SSNY has Rochester, New 14624 C ounty. Princ. bus. addr.: dersigned Referee willthis sell 110 SERVICES Purpose: any lawful act.CayPLLC, anthe agent upon whom pro- act. Rd, Ste. thNOTE: 209, Newark, DE shall NY 10006. Purpose: Any lawserved. SSNY shall proC/O LLC Angela Polite NY (SSNY) on mail 11/23/20. of Ave., Box 123, Grand activity. designated as an agent the W New State Governor’s Office Storm Recovery (877)430-4792 283 Decatur St., Brooklyn, a t Non-compliance p utoblocation: l iGoldfarb c a uwith c tNY i o& n7 day a tsubmittal t h e requirement, 57 St,&Ste NY, Notice 250 the theYork stipulations of1632, Schedule against may2G be served cess 19711. Name add. of auth. Notice of it Formation of been ofofQualification of 525 ful activity. cess Fleece 231 w. 149th St. NY, NY Office County. C.I.& process KY1-9000. Purman, VIAGRA CIALIS!against pills upon whom it Disaster Recovery and Federal Funds through Com m unity N Y shall 1 1 2Purpose: 3mail 3TIME . S eaccopy . Documeno f of S ta te Notice "B" orAttn: submittal of bids in which any of theofficer prices forinlump sumwhere or unitany items are Bronx County Courthouse, NY 1017. Purpose: lawful and any DE Cert of EXECUTIVE COFFEE SOLAR LLC ABOUT of Formation of60 Dulce LLP, Partner-in-charge 10003 LLC formed in Delaware (DE)detriment pose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of ETER$99. 100 pills for of $150. for significantly unbalanced to the potential of the Department may be cause may be served and shall mail Development Block Grants. A project funded by and conceived d e s ig n a te d a g e n t o f L L C Notice of Form ation 44 act. Room 600, 851 Grand Conagainst the of LLC is Consultant process Dated:forNovember 18,with 2019 #98015 Form filed: DE Sec. of State, Appl. CHAIN 16 LLC Arts. Org. Auth. filed Se& Development, of matters, 560 Lexingtary. 11/17/20. SSNY designatonRudin for a determination ofNY non-responsiveness and the rejection of the bid. NIS FINE CHEMICALS USA FREE shipping. Money back a copy of any process against through the NY Rising Community Reconstruction program of upon whom process against EAST 75TH STREET, LLC course, Bronx, on JanuC/O the LLC: 620 W 42nd St Notice of Formation of SIGofof formation Corp, John G. cy. of State of NY (SSNY) on filed with Secy. of State of NY LLC Art. Of Org. filed with ton Ave., 6th of Fl.,LLC NY, upon NY Div. ed as agent Notice of of Jess LLC Arts. SP ofProposers Org. filed with Formation of BRG WESTguaranteed! 1-855-579-8907 the LLC is09/06/21. C/O thewith LLC: 175 the Governor’s Office Storm11/22/21. Recovery. m ust it may be andOffice shall Arts. ofonOrg. filed Secy. arySolicitation 29,process 2018 atof2:00 documents (Specifications ONLY) will Bldg., be available for Apt 21A, New York, NY SSNY 5, location: LLC Arts. of (SSNY) NATURE Townsend POArts. Box on served 12/08/21. Office NY Office Lo10022. DE addr. LLC: Corth against itp.m., may whom Trayah Interiors LLC Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) SIDE LLC with the Secy. West 12NY Street, Apt. 4B, download 9,Dover, 2019 forany the full duration of of agency comply with and all funding requirements, as of wellState asin location: mail process to: Any 263 SSNY Bowof State offiled NY (SSNY) on p re m is eService sfree kSSNY nofo charge wCo., n shall a starting s 1 mail 5Lit5December 0 898, Purpose: lawful Org. filed with Secy. DE 19903. Any NY County. County. LLC formed cation: County. SSNY poration 251 Notice of Qualification of 79 10036. Notice of Qualification of 980 be served. DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Org filed with the Secy. of oron 08/02/21. Office location: the Solicitation Time U from the City Record Website at City Record Onof State of NY (SSNY) on New York, NY 10011. PurNotice is hereby given that a any other State, County, Town local government or agency ery, 2nd Fl., NY, NY 10002. 1 2 /0 4 /1 7 . O ffic e lo c a tio n: U nionport R oad, nit N o. activity. of NY (SSNY) on 10/13/20. 11/19/20. purpose. as agent of Appl. LLC designated (DE) on Delaware as agent of High the tle Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE lawful PLACE OWNER designated CLIFTON RAIL PROPERTY LLC process to c/o Anbau Enter+SSNY $14.95 Channels State of regulations. NY (SSNY) on Line ( NY County. SSNY designat11/21/19. Office loc.: NY license, number 1324834 for pose: Any lawful activity. rules and A goal of 15% for New York State Certified Purpose: any lawful activity. NY County. designat6A, Bronx, NY. All that cerlocation: NY County. Office whomfiled process against it LLC SSNY designated as agent of upon upon whom process 19808. Cert. of Form. LLCas Appl. for Auth. filed with for Auth. with Secy. of prises, 11 E. 26th St., NY,filed NY 11/12/2020. Speed Internet. Free InstallaNY office locaed agent of LLC upon designated as County. liquorbelicense, has been ap- against Minority Businesses and A15% LLC for New York State Drawings areofnotState available download and MUST be purchased. as agent of LLC upon tain plot, or of SSNY designated asCertified agent of Notice ofserved. formation of shall 68SSNY upon whom process itSSNY mayHD be served and with Secy. of for the Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) State of NY 18 (SSNY) on ed DEpiece addr. of parcel LLC: 251 10010. Smart Includtion, Notice of Formation of CLIFtion: NY County. has has whom process against it this may may agent ofpLLC pliedprocess for Marilyn Rest Inc. printed copy the thebuildings solicitation and drawing setom can be O purchased New York W en w ned Bat:SSNY usinesses been established for w h o mmail rformation oprocess c eupon s s DVR awhom gofa RIGHT in sprot it land, with LLC upon whom process 1509 ESTATE LLC Arts.213 of shall to the LLC, mail against it may beshall served. to: Hilda State of ofDE, John and G. Notice of on 11/06/19. Office location: Office location: NY 11/04/19. Little Falls Dr.,of Wilmington, ed, Fee Voice Remote. Some FORD HOUSE PRESERVAas agent been be served. SSNY mail City Department Transportation, Office of thedesignated Agency Chief Contracting against it may be cess d/b/a Don Giovanni RisN O TIC E O F FO R M ATIO N project. Proposers must demonstrate their good-faith efforts to may be served. SSNY shall iTownsend m p r o v e m e n t s t h e r e o n it may be served. against Org. filed with of 26th St.,LLC NY,the NYSecy. 10010. shall process to Vives-Vasquez, 1611 Park 401 Federal WAY LAUNDRY GROUP County. LLCCorporation formed in E. NY County. formed in C. DEOfficer/Contract 19808. Bldg., Cert. of Form. filed 1-888-609restrictions TION, L.P. Cert. ofNew LPYork, filedit SSNY upon whom process against Management Unit, 55 Water Street, Ground Floor, process to mail c/o served. Theapply. address SSNY torante sell liquor at retail OF A to P. LEE PRODUCT achieve these goals. m ail process to c/o P eter erected, situate, lying and SSNY shall mail to Purpose: (SSNY) on NY Any lawful activity. Corporation Service Avenue 6D, New York, NY St., Dover, DE 19901. PurLLC ofprocess Org. filed with Delaware (DE) onprocess 10/23/19. (DE) on12/03/2019 10/31/19. Delaware with Secy. of between State, Div. of - 3:00 New York 10041 9:00 a.m. p.m., Monday excludes 9405 Arts. Secy. ofto Friday, Stateshall of mail NY c/o with may be served and Service Co., 80 State St.,Co., Alshall mail to lawful Benin aoffice restaurant under thewith Al- 10029. LLC Arts.location of Org. filed Low, 44 E. 75th St., NY, NY b e i n g i n t h e B o r o u g h o f Corporation Service Co., 80 NY NY County. State St., Albany, NY 80 Purpose: Any pose: Any lawful activity. Secy. of NY425 (SSNY) on Princ. NY office ofwithLLC: 1120 SSNY designated ast a agent off the Corps., Federalis located St., Ste. holidays.401 The entrance on the(SSNY) South Side of any the Building facing thethe on 08/05/21. Office copy of process to a bany, 12207-2543. PurSinanaj, Madison jamin The Town will not reimburse any individual or firm any costs coholic Beverage Control t h e S e c y . o f S t e o 10021. Bronx, County of Bronx,You City St.,the Albany, NY 12207State of Get DIRECTV! ONLY has been designated SSNY 12207-2543. DE addr. of ndthe building without purpose. Vietnam Veterans Memorial. will not be allowed in Ahern Painting Contractors, 07/13/2021 NY office location Americas, Ste. Ave. LLC upon whom process 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purlocation: LLC: 520NY 2withCounty. Ave, SuitePrinc. 20B,of their pose: Any lawful activity. Ave., Ste. 1001, New York, Law at 358 W 44th Street, associated the preparation proposal. NY(SSNY) has been desigNotice of Qualification of Purpose: Any lawful activity. a n d S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k , 2543. 251 Purpose: Any lawful 155 Channels & $35/month! government issued identification (driver's license, passport, etc.). 30 Hudson LLC: as an agent upon whom pro- Bronx Little10036. FallsSSNY Dr., Inc is seeking DBE SubconCounty. SSNY has 1803, NY, NY it may be served. against pose: Any lawful activity. of LP: office New York, NY 10016. PurNY 10017. Purpose: Any lawnNew a t e against dYork, aproposals s aNY afor g ebe npremises t u pthe o n Notice MONTICELLO Block 3943 and Lot STRUC2867 toactivity. 1000s ofof Shows/Movies On DE agent 19808.ofCert. cess itn may Formation of forserved been designated as an agent as LLC tractor designated SSNY shall mail process to A depositPRODUCTS of $50.00 is required for theYards, specification books and aNY, deposit 72nd Fl., NY Wilmington, pose: Any lawful activity. Notice of filed Formation ofowned HAN consumption. ful activity. The Town of Babylon encourages m inority and wom en w h o m p r o c e s s a g a in s t it TURED MSPg e th e r w ith a n u n d iv id e d Demand (w/SELECT All Inof Form. with DE Secy. shall mail a copy of any and TIME COFFEE ABOUT C-35311,Service PAINTING of $50.00 isFormation required for each drawing 10001. set in the Latest form of a date certified upon whom process against upon whom KU process c/o Co. N Notice ofAppl. of filed THE oncheck which LLC against Arts. ofit Project: businesses to participate all bids.DYNASTY otice of Package.) Form ation A-it m ay Corporation beSTRUCTURAL served.the TheLLC Post 16, for interest Auth. 0.0133 percent PLUS cluded State, Federal St.,shall #4, process against is CHAIN of may Formation ofin SIGorLLC money order payable tointhe Notice New LP York City Department of is of LLC Arts. ofof Org. AND REmay beA15 served and mail may be 401 served. SSNY 80 StatetoSt., Albany, (CSC), address BIG RED UMBRELLA, LLC dissolve Org. filed Secy. ofof State th S Q with U Ron E DUp DState Oshall I FIVE N O Office which the with Secy. of No State ofPersonal NY the Notice of with Formation THE PAIRS theTransportation. Common Elements. ApNotice isSecy. here by given, purCash or Checks Accepted. Stream toMagainst DE 19901. Purpose: Dover, the LLC: 155 W 68 C/O SP 4, LLC Arts. of NATURE filed of of NY OF BRIDGES AND a copy of any process mail process to c/o CorporaNY 12207-2543. DE addr. of Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. 12/31/2119. SSNY designatThe Town reserves the right to reject any or(SSNY) all activity. bids. GOLF, of NY on 08/18/21. OPPORTUNITY II, LP Cert. (SSNY) on amount 08/02/21. Office Org. SSNY shall York, mail a copy of (SSNY) BOROUGHS LLC proximate of judgesuant toonlaw, that theOffice NYC Screens Simultaneously at lawful Street, New NY 10023. filedagent Secy. of2019 State Any 12/08/21. STRUCTUREELEVATED the LLC is C/O the LLC: tion Service Co., 80 State St., LLC: CSC, 251 Little Falls of of NY (SSNY) on AState Pre-Bidof meeting (Optional) hasof beened scheduled forwith December 16, as of LP upon Notice formation Office location: NY County. o f LAdditional P file d of w Cost. ith S eCall cSSNY y . Rd, of location: NYin the County. LLC Contracting Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. any against the LLC m ent is AM $119,173.75 plus Department Consumer AfDINo Purpose: Any lawful activity. ofTheresa NYprocess (SSNY) on 11/19/20. NY County. at 10:00 Agency Chief Officer Bid against Room, Ground Albany, Dr., process NY 12207-2543. DE Wilmington, DE 19808. SAND FURNISHING AND IN- location: 1604 Williamsbridge Office location: NY 11/06/20. Sabatino it may Princ. whom Opus LLC Arts. of Empyrean 110 SERVICES office of LLC: 307 W. S t a t e o f N Y ( S S N Y ) o n formed in Delaware (DE) on of State of NY (SSNY) on s e r v e d . S S N Y s h a ll m a il interest and costs. Premises fairs willNY hold aagent Public RECTV 1-888-534-6918 Office location: NY County. Floor, 55 Water Street, NYC. All bidders are requested to as of HearLLC Notice of Qualification of STALLING addr. of LLC: 251NY Little Falls Cert. of Form. filed with NEGSecy. designated A SECOND Bronx, 10461. Purpose: County. SSNY designated as prospective Notice of Qualification ofServices 500 Commissioner of General be served. SSNY shall mail Org. filed with the Secy. of 38th St., NY, 10018. 07/29/21. Princ. LLC: 1 2 /1lawful 5whom /1Wednesday, 7 . activity. O ffic e lo cJanuary a tio nit: Office location: NY ATIVE 11/23/20. process to 660 Nereid Ave willattend. be sold subject toofInprovion ing Seats areoffice limited. this connection, limitSOLAR the as number of of BRADLEY designated agent SSNY please upon process against Notice of Formation of 5 SCOTT REDr., Wilmington, DE 19808. of State, Div. of Corps., 401 RETURN RAIL, DYRE Any of LLC upon whom proagent EXECUTIVE LLC process to Corporation SerState of NY (SSNY) on SSNY designated as agent of # 1 , B r o n x , N e w Y o r k , NY 600 Third Ave., 21st Fl., NY, County. Princ. office ofSecy. LLC: Princ. office of attendees to maximum of two personnel perupon firm. Please submit the sions of filed Judgment In08, County. 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at 42 LLC whom process be served. SSNY shall NYC LLC Arts. of may FRANKLIN LLC Appl. for AVE of Form. filed with Cert. Federal - Ste. 4, WHITE Dover, LINESt.(IRT) AND cess against it designated may be Date: January 9,State 2018 Appl. for Auth. filed Sevice Co., St., Al- SOURCES 4/27/21 office NY LLC upon whom process NY SSNY 56 State, Leonard St., Apt. 39W, PLAINS LBroadway, P : process c / o A5sthctoFloor, e the n d ALLC, m ear213 ica attendees to Manager no80 later than with two (2) 10470. d ename(s) x10016. # NY 3 of 80 2 4shall 6 location / 2 0mail 1 2the . proNProject o cy. on perFREE! may served. against Org. filedROAD with Secy. of State filedit John with Secy. of State of Townsend Purpose: Any lawDE 19901. LINE (IRT) IN mail served. SSNY of State of NY be (SSNY) on Auth. bany, NYit12207-2543. Name SSNY has been desCounty. against may served. business days prior to the pre-bid meeting date. Savings Includelawful an American activity Walk-In Tubs as agent of LLC upon whom NY 10013. SSNY desigNY, L L C , 6 3 5 M a d i s o n A v e ., Notice of Formation Purpose: Any Cash to willFredda be Accepted. tition for St., CASA INC of to SSNY shall process to of 26th NY,AZUL. NY 10010. (SSNY) onToiletOF 08/12/21. of NY 401 (SSNY) onprocess 10/04/21. Bldg., Federal St., Ste. to 4, THE ful NY activity. BOROUGH THE E. cess Herz Brown, Standard Right Height 11/22/21. Office location: NY and addr. ofmail each general ignated asagainst agent upon whom SSNY shall mail process may bewriting nated as agent of upon BRONX. STERNBUCH FAMILY Ste. 1300, NY, NYactivity. 10022. FREE! ($500 Value) WALK-INPurpose: BATHTUB SALE! SAVE $1,500 All questions shall beitsubmitted in to the designated person indicated establish, maintain, and operCorporation Service Co., 80 Any lawful Office location: NY County. location: NYLLC County. Office DE 19901. Purpose: Dover, Please contact 450 E. 83rd St., Apt. 16A, LLC formed in County. are available from partner DeFoe Corp. invites all inagainst it may be process DeFoe Corp. invites all inCorporation Service Co., 80 served. SSNY shall process againstJersey it may Anna whom PROPERTIES LLC sidewalk Arts. of on which the LP of is December 20, 2019. L abelow. u NY r a Deadline C . B r for o wsubmission n email , E sproq questions . , Delaware unenclosed ate andate Albany, NY as agent of Latest formed in lawful activity. atdesignated 718-639-5880 for deNY, 10028. Any 10/13/20. Any SSNY. tState e r e sSt., t Purpose: e d(DE) a n donq u a 12207llawful i f i e d LLC served shall mail copy State tAny ere sSt., t e dAlbany, aSSNY n dNew qNY u a12207l i f mail i e d SSNY th140 by American Standard’s years cess toand the LLCPurpose: at thea princ. be served. shall N o t i c eupon o f F o whom r m a t i o nprocess o f 2✔4Backed 6 Notice Org. filed with Formation ofof may dissolve is 12/12/2117. cafe' at of 369 7Secy. Ave inState the Referee 2543. designated Purpose: Any lawful Mr. Hari Velkur, LLC tails. onPurpose: 09/15/17. SSNY desof lawful activity. SSNY as agent of (NJ) experience activity. MWBE firms to submit proof anyof process against the 2543. Operations of MWBE firms to submit prooffice the LLC. DE addr. of process to Sarika Singh at SPRING STREET CONDOMINIof NY (SSNY) on 07/12/21. SSNY designated as agent Borough Brooklyn for a Director of Engineering and Construction Programs, ACCO, activity. against it may be served. as agent of LLC upon TIME COFFEE ABOUT ✔ Ultra low entry for easyof entering & exiting upon whom process LLC posals for the following NYS ignated the LLC restaurants. posals to the following LLC: the princ. office of theit NYS LLC. Notice Office location: NY process County. UM (NEW YORK) of LPDrain upon whom Contracts Management two years. term K n userved cc/o k lof eCorporation sFormation , upon KFinance, o m is o sC/O iService n s kBIOi && Program ® of Formation of Bar ✔Lishall mail BORROWER, process to SSNY whom process against may CHAIN 17 LLC Arts. of Org. Technology Patented Quickof Notice of against itW may be ST served. Departm ent ofFORMATION: TransportaLLC: Barbara Ellison-Miller Departm ent of TransportaNOTICE OF Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., A golf simulation Purpose: Princ. office of LLC: LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. against it m ay be served. New York City Department of Transportation 122-124 124TH LLC, M a n fr o , L L P , 5 6 5 T a x te r th & Gutman, Co. LLC 4LLC Art. Barbara Bryant ✔ Lifetime Warranty the bath of ANDState installation, served. SSNYBid shall mail bations filed withonSecy. of 276 NY PROTECTORS, LLC Arts. of SSNY Qualification of Notice ofrelated Formation ofproject: CLIFshall mail process to be tion project: 175 East 112 Street, Apt 2B, tion Best Value Mental Health Abbott 55DE Water Street, 8th Floor, New York, New York 10041 Wilmington, 19808. Cert. and -golf Riverside Ste.process 2-G, NY, oNotice f SOrg. t a9th tof efiled o f NNY, Y ( SNY S N10018. Y ) ALoINCLUDING n (SSNY) SSNY mail to Arts. of Org. filed withCounthe labor shall backed by American Standard Road, Ste. 590, Elm sford, with SSNY on Fl., Park, process to Davidretailer. Landau, c/o Of onDr., 12/08/21. Office Org. filed with Secy. of212-839-9403, State TOUR HOLDINGS, LLC ApFORD HOUSE PRESERVACorporation Service Co., New York, NY 10029. Pur- c/o Telephone No. Fax No. 212-839-4241 seling, PLLC. Articles of Org. of Form. filed with DE Secy. NY 10025. SSNY designated 1 2 /1 2 / 1 7 . O ffic e lo c a tio n : N Y the Partnership, 635 MadiSSNY on 08/19/2021. Office ✔ 44 Hydrotherapy jetsNY for ancopies invigorating Request for ofmassage the reN Y 1 0 5 2 3 , A t t o r n e y s f o r 11/29/21. Office Location: NY Purpose: Any lawful activity. DLA, 55 Lane Rd., Ste. 310, location: County. SSNY NY (SSNY) on 12/03/19. of pl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of TION GP, LLC Arts. of Org. State St., Albany, NY 80 Email: C o nNY tra c t # D 2SSNY 6 3State 6 3has 4 of- C o n t r a c t # D 2 6 3 6 3 0 th- County. Princ. office of LLC: 246 son pose: Any401 lawful activity. filed w/ Secretary of of State, Federal St. Ste. as agent of LLC upon whom A ve., S te. 1300, N Y County. loc. vocable consent agreement Plaintiff SSNY NJ 07004. NJ addr. as agent of LLC, Office location: NY County. State of NY designated (SSNY) as on designated Notice ofRepairs Qualification 80 filed Secy. of at State of NY County. DE as addr. of Fairfield, Bridge Replacement, I-84 Bridge 3 of LocaYESwith MAMA CREATIVE LLC, 9/9/2020. Office NY (SSNY) 4, Dover, DE 19901. Pur- 12207-2543. process against itto: may be Spring St.,of NY, NY location: 10013.whom SSNY NY 10022. Name and addr. been designated agent may be addressed Departof the LLC upon agent of LLC: c/o DLA, 55 Lane Bill de Blasio, Mayor whom process against it office of LLC: 1305 FulPrinc.Any Office NY 11/07/19. STREET REALTY LLC Appl. Notice Qualification of upon (SSNY) on 08/05/21. Office Limited Time Offer! Call Today! LLC: 251 Little Falls Dr., Eastbound & W estbound t i o n s i n L o n g I s l a n d of Org. filed with the Arts. location: New York County. pose: lawful activity. served. shall mailshall prodesignated as agent formed LLC upon of each general partner are upon whom process against Rd., ment of SSNY Consumer Affairs, itofAppl. may be Ste. 310, Fairfield, NJ Polly Trottenberg, Commissioner be served. SSNY ton St., NJ of 07065. County. against LLC in may for Auth. filed with Secy. of process SoulCycle LLC for NY County. Cert. Notice of Rahway, Qualification 300 Wilmington, o v e rLLC M e tmay rDE o N19808. oas r t agent h R a of i l location: Towns of Babylon & Princ. HunSSNY on 06/10/2020. Office SSNY designated cess to Jacob M. Weinreb at whom process against it may be be served. the available from SSNY. PurATTN: Foil Officer, 42 Broadand shall mail process served Cert. of Form. filed 07004. process to the LLC, 213 mail SSNY of designated as agent of of Notice Qual SOLAR of KING PENDelaware (DE) on 08/21/17. of NY (SSNY) on State Auth. filed with Secy. of State office of LLC: 30 Hudson Form. filed with DE Secy. LLC EXECUTIVE Road -upon Tow n of Fishkill, tington the City of Glen loc: NY &County. SSNY has served. SSNY shall visit: whom process PLLC shall th the princ. office of the LLC. mail process SSNY mail process to: with pose: Any lawful activity. way, New York, 10004. 430(SSNY) E 65of St, Apt 6P, Or E. Treasurer, Dept. of to: 26th St., NY,NY NY 10010. upon process LLC for GUIN OPPORTUNITY FUND office LLC: 1270 Princ. 11/08/19. OfficeFl., location: NY NY on 08/16/21. of Yards, 72nd NY, NY State, Federal St., #4, Appl. Auth.whom filed with Se- of NY beenState designated as agent Cove, NY against it271 may beYork served. Purpose: Any Any lawful lawful activity. activity. to T hYork, e location: Bthe o aNY. rd o fPurpose: M a n aCounty. g e rs o f Purpose: The LLC,401 New Av- Treasury, New Any State offormed NJagainst State against itAuthority may be served. III LLC, filed with Ave. of Americas, NY, NY LLC in County. Office NY 10001. SSNY designated as Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: cy. of State of NY (SSNY) on whom process upon shall mail copy of proSSNY Carem ax professional Trump SoHo Hotel Condominium enue, Brooklyn, NY 11213. House, purpose. Boxon 002, Trenshall mail processserto Any SSNY the SSNY onArts. 07/27/2021. OfSSNY designated as N Notice formation of 10020. (DE) 05/05/99. Delaware LLC formed in Delaware (DE) ofP.O. LLC upon whom proOffice location: NY 11/22/21. Additional inform ation PurmAve ay agent the LLC may be served. Additional inform ation m ay lawful cesslawful to: activity. 315 Madison O TIC E of O F FO R M ATIO N vices LLC. of org. filed Purpose: Any Lawful NY at the princ.SSNY office whom ofdesignatthe LLC. ton, NJ designated 08625. Purpose: Any NOTICE OF FORMATION Corporation Co.,LLC 80 fice loc: LLC NYService County. agent of LLC upon pro- Notice Celebrity Advisors LLC SSNY as agent of on Notice the qualification ofAppl. Re03/25/11. cess against it process may be of formation of Viento County. formed in pose. be obtained from David Amshall mail to: SSNY be obtained from David Am#1501B, New York, NY lawful OF BPBB Media, LLC. Arts with the SSNY on 10/19/17. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Albany, NY 12207. OF State St., formed in (DE) DE onon04/16/2015. cessas of for O against may be Films Auth. filed with Secy of upon whom LLC source Energy LLC ed agent ofit LLC upon Arts. ofthe Org. filed formation of Good Delaware a t o AMERIGO a t Purpose: 9 1 4 - 6 HOLDINGS 9any 9 - 7lawful 4 4 0 served. The LLC, 299 12 a t o aactivity. tSSNY 914 -shall 6 9West 9mail -process 7 4pro4 0th Notice 10017. of rgLLC filed wSystems, ith Secy. of O f f i c eis: designated N e w lawful YFORMATION o r k10/13/20. . Sagent S N Y LLC Articles of Org. filed with NOTICE OF Purpose: Any activity. SSNY as served. SSNY against shallLLC mail pro- with State of (SSNY) against it may served. Application for of process it Arts. may whom Corporation Secy. NY Williamsburg designated SSNY damato@ or cess StreettoApt 3J, NY,be NYService 10014. damato@ or Day activity. S t a tthe e o f NNY Y of(Certificate S S N(SSNY) Y ) oon n d e s ALLTID i gwhom n a t e dprocess a gas e nagent tagainst uLLC. p oofn Notice Secretary of State of NY the SPIRITS OF of Formation of 277 upon to c/o Corporation SerN.Y. Office location: cess 10/29/19 SSNY shall mail process to Authority filed with the Secy be served. SSNY shall mail Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY Notice of Formation of on 03/26/2021 NY office locaof Org. filed with the Secy. of Notice of formation of FellowLLC upon whom process bids@ Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 319 1 2 / 1 9 / 1 7 . O f f i c e l o c : N Y bids@ whom process against the (SSNY) 11/5/2019. Arts of Org filed with Secy of ABOUT LLC Arts. Org. ship FIFTH the LLC may be served. FEYNMAN POINT LLC, Arts. Notice 35A ofonformation ofofOffice Signs vice New York County. SSNY has Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Gideon Rothschild, Moses & State of State of New York (SSNY) process to c/o Corporation 12207-2543. Purpose: Any TIME COFFEE tion NY County. SSNY has of NY (SSNY) on Enterprises LLC. Arts. of against it may served. W est 10 6 t h12207-2543. S t r e e t , L LDE C C ounty. SSN Y designated LLC mof afiled y NY bmail ewith s(SSNY) eprocess rthe v e dSSNY a to: n d CHAIN NY location: Albany, NY State on filed with10Secy. ofArts. State of NY Org. lawful activity. SSNY Org. LLC. Arts ofSSNY Org of Candles designated agent been LLP, Singer on 05/18/2021. NY office loService Co. (CSC), 80 State LLCCounty. of Org. designated as as an agent NYfiled office location filed with 405 Secy.Lexington of State 03/17/21 shall process to SSNY Bid Date: January 25, 2018 Bid Date: agent upon whom process Art. ofofOrg. with251 Sec. of been shall mail process against to filed th January 24, 2018 designated as agent LLC: CSC, Little addr. 11/7/19. Office location: NY (SSNY) 08/02/21. The LLC, 369 Office West 126th on filedwith 09/22/2020. loc: withon Secy. ofState StateofOffice ofLLC NY of upon whom process against Ave., 12 Fl., NY, NY 10174. cation Albany, NY 12207-2543. St., Secy. of of NY upon NY County. SSNY has been NY (SSNY) on 4/12/2021. c/o Corporation Service Co., Notice is hereby given that a m a y whom bNY e sCounty. eprocess rv e d aSSNY nagainst d s hhas a itllit State of NY (SSNY) on SepLegal Corp Solutions upon whom process against it Off. Notice is hereby given that a Falls SSNY designated Dr., Wilmington, DE County. NY5/29/20. County.Office Princ. location: Street, Mgmt Suite, NY,LLC, NY (SSNY) SSNY has been des(SSNY) on lomay be served. The Post OfDE addr. of LLC: c/o Corpobeen designated as an agent DE addr. of LLC: c/o CSC, 12/08/21. Office be served and shall mail may designated as agent upon loc.: NY County. SSNY 80 State St., Albany, NY license, number 1331331 for tember 15, 2017. Office in mail copy of process against 11Broadway Sterequired 615 New be served. shall designated may license, serial #1338366 for whom rate agent upon whom process 19808. Cert. Form. filed aupon 251 Little office of LLC: 277SSNY FifthSSNY Ave., 10027. Address to location: as agent upon whom NY County. SSNY ignated cation: address to which the fice process against it 251 Little FallsofDr., WilmingCounty. copywhom of any against process itd may asCo., agent DE 10004. addr. of 12207-2543. liquorService license, has beenupon apto: US process Corp. Agents, N Y DE CDE o 19808. uSecy. n t y . against SofS N Y sDiv. i g . LLC York, New York mail process to: Justin Galbeer wine has may been apton, be served and shall State, may with Dr., Wilmington, DE Falls NY, NY 10016. SSNY #35A, ofmail Form. be maintained in DE: 108 designated process against the LLC mail may designated agent upon SSNY shall mail copy of may be served andathe shall mail asas agent ofL. LLC LLC is13th C/O LLC: served and Cert. shall a the whom process be be LLC: 251 Little Falls Dr., The New York Amsterdam News plied & for Kem Rest Inc. d/b/a Inc. 7014 Ave., #202, agent of LLC upon w hom Purpose: Any lawful activity. 52 Downs Avenue, letti, plied for by the undersigned copy of process against LLC Of Corps., John G. Townsend 19808. Cert. of Form. filed as agent of LLC designated filed with Jeffrey W. Bullock, West 13th DE St., 19808. Wilmington, be served. SSNY shallCert. mail upon whomwhom process process the LLC aany copy ofStates any against process against Wilmington, process may againstbe it served. United against SSNY shall mail proDon Giovanni Ristorante to copy B K , LLC N Yupon 1 1 2is 2 8C/O .Corporation P rthe inis pBldg., r o c eofof s sany m aprocess yofbthe eSt., sState eSte. r v e dof thc ip a l Stamford, CT PurDE 19801. Cert of Formation to sell beer wine in the to principal business 401 Federal 4,. Agents, with Secy. State of DE, upon whom process against it cess Secy. State willbe be closed Monday, January 15, 2018 in to: Daniel L.address: Kesten, and shall06902. mail copy of process served served LLC the served upon C/O served. SSNY shall Form. filed with DE Secy. may Inc. 7014 13 Avof LLC served to: 2730 Frederick Dousell liquor at&of retail inataretail restaubusiness address: 562 W. S SN Y sDE hofa ll19901. m upon a il cPurpose: oisp yC/O o f enue, th Any lawful activity. The glass pose: filed with DE Div. 27D, of Corps, aCorp. bakery under the ABC Law W. 57 Street, New 601 Dover, Dept., Townsend Bldg., may be served. SSNY Div. Corps., John G. DE, ESQ. C/O Pryor Cashman process against LLC to shall 2010 Alton Rd, #3305, Miami 450LLC: the CT Corporation Sysprocess to the LLC, 213 of Suite 202, Brooklyn, 401 Federal St., #4, mail LLC: 169 Bowery, Apt 3B, Blvd, 6-J New York, NY the rant under the Alcoholic BevToState, advertise your 1 4 8 t h S t . , # 2 6 , N Y , NY process to: 163 W. 74th St., observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day LLC is to be managed by one at 115 Control Delancey St., NYC 401 St., Suite 4, E. York, NY 10019. Purpose: purposes, specificalAll legal Dover, process to the at 10039. DE 19901. Purpose: mail Townsend Bldg.,Purpose: 401 Federal LLP, 7and Times Square, NY, Grand Ave, Apt 1C, LLC Bronx, Beach, 33139. Purpose: tem, 28 FL Liberty Street, New 26th St., NY, NY 10010. 11228. Purpose: Any lawDover, DE 19901. Purpose: NY 10002. Any NY Purpose: Any erage Law atlawful 214 NY, publicFederal legal notices, 10031. Purpose: lawful N Nactivity. Yrelated. 0 2 3 . 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December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 31



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32 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022


Taking care of our own: Community organizations step up to fight COVID By HEATHER M. BUTTS, JD, MPH, MA and ROSHNI S. CHAGAN Special to the AmNews As New York struggles with yet another COVID wave, local organizations are stepping up to assist communities in their time of need. The latest statistics confirm the ongoing challenge that COVID-19 presents. In late December, New York City had a 7-day average of over 14,000 new COVID cases per day according to the Mayor’s Office. This is up nearly 10 times from Nov. 18, 2021, when there were 1,240 new cases per day. The Omicron variant, which seems to be more transmissible, is making up the majority of new cases. This is the third in a three-part series examining the challenges around coronavirus vaccine rollout within the Black community in the New York region. The first two articles focused on the overall issue of vaccine hesitancy and access and the people bringing information to those in need during the time of COVID. This article will highlight the organizations making a difference. The Brooklyn-based Alex House Project is one organization doing this important work. Founder and Executive Director Samora Coles told the AmNews, “It is no secret that Black and Brown communities continue to be disproportionately affected by hardship and death from COVID-19.” Coles notes the social determinants and societal factors at play in

Claudette Hill, a registered nurse and administrative director of Community Health at Staten Island University Hospital, Northwell Health, organizes listening tours to combat vaccine hesitancy. (Heather Butts photo)

this disparity. “First, poverty, overcrowding, the large concentration of minorities in blue collar jobs that cannot be done remotely, long commutes, and pre-existing health conditions all mean that Black and Brown New Yorkers get sick and die from the virus in higher numbers than the rest of the population.” Coles also highlighted the pre-pandemic conditions, discrimination, segregation, and overall neglect from the healthcare profession as additional factors. “All of these conditions combined lead to the mistrust that low-income, minority communities have with government and the medical industry, and thus adversely impacts both the willingness and the ability of Black and Brown New Yorkers to receive COVID19 vaccines.” The Alex House Project has taken a multifaceted approach to help their community grapple 349 APARTMENTS 368 BKLYN with COVID. Their initiaFOR RENT UNFURN APTS tives have included proBrooklyn/Bronx/Queens 1 Bdrm Apt. New paint. Hardviding vaccine education Apartment's for Rent 1, 2 & 3 wood floors. 2nd Floor Bedroom's 4/rent Excellent $1250/monthly. Work Prfd! throughout New York condition. Please call Mr. Call Broker 347.391.0793 City, daily community Allen 347-720-9597 outreach in public parks in Red Hook, Sunset Park, 634 DONATIONS 634 DONATIONS and Bedford-Stuyvesant, and “Real Talk” conversations hosted via Zoom. These conversations included three doctors, who are all women of color, explaining how the vaccine works, why it is safe, and the importance of getting the vaccine. Additional outreach efforts include recruiting and training residents 634 DONATIONS 652 MISC. FOR SALE from the very neighborhoods the Alex House Drive Out Breast Cancer: Do- Books 4 Sale: Dawana nate a car today! The benefits Smith / posiProject serves as “health of donating your car or boat: tive, Captivating, encouragnavigators.” They have Fast Free Pickup – 24hr Re- ing, timeless literature. Ensponse Tax Deduction _ lightenment. Proven methodcoordinated with nearby Easy To Do! Call 24/7: 855- ologies. Depicts the ultimate 905-4755 counsel. city vaccination trucks to ensure easy access, inform people about To display your New York City’s vaccine classifieds ad contact incentive program and, Ali Miliner when necessary, walk the (212) 932-7435 person over to the est truck.


Samora Coles, executive director of the Alex House Project, supports daily community outreach in public parks in Red Hook, Sunset Park, and Bedford-Stuyvesant. (The Alex House Project photo)

zations are doing. Staten Island University Hospital, Northwell Health, Children of Promise, NYC, and The Staten Island Not for Profit Association’s Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) are three examples of how local organizations are working to keep their community informed, healthy and safe. Claudette Hill, a registered nurse and administrative director of Community Health at Staten Island University Hospital, Northwell Health, was instrumental in several vaccine programs throughout Staten Island. During the summer of 2021, the organization had several listening tours and heard concerns from the community about the vaccine and COVID-19. Sharon Content, founder and president of Children of Promise, NYC, who spoke to the AmNews about food insecurity during COVID, knows that keeping vulnerable New Yorkers fed is an important part of keeping them healthy. The organization focused on serving grab-and-go hot meals and dispersing them to families. “We recognized the needs of our families and pivoted.” Other programming included education around vaccines, mental health services and psychotherapy, and a learning lab for individuals in need of technical support. COAD decided that there was a need for a public messaging campaign on Staten Island. According to Program Manager Frank Blancero, “We were trying to find a way to be more accessible to more people. Three specific things we have done: updating our website; changing the way we approached our email communications, doing more targeted emails and being intentional about how we reach out by email; and the social media approach and making sure we were reaching communities that had not been reached, putting out professional content for members of the community.” The Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health has taken a multiple partnership approach to ensure that they reach the largest number of New Yorkers possible. The pandemic forced the Arthur Ashe Institute to look beyond the usual suspects to get accurate information to those who needed it most. “When salons and barbershops were shut down, we did ZOOM sessions with barbers and stylists. Also ZOOM session on vaccines, vaccine hesitancy, and myths. Getting the correct information. There’s a lot of mistrust. A lot has been done to communities of color. COVID has had a devastating impact on mental health,” CEO Marilyn Fraser said in an interview. Black Americans remain under-vaccinated and the work that these organizations are doing is crucial to stem the rising tide of new COVID cases. In the fight to finish off COVID, community-based organizations are crucially filling the gaps that decades of institutional and medical racism have created.

One person that has served in this role of helping people with vaccine mistrust, and being helped herself, is Kaleshia Sostre who is a junior program manager at the Alex House Project. Eight years ago she was a participant in the program and over time went from living in a shelter after having just had another child to helping other mothers in need.With the assistance of Coles, she made school a priority, and during the pandemic, received her GED. When asked about whether she had been wary of getting the vaccine, Sostre spoke of some of the false information that she had heard which was influencing her decision making process. “I was hesitant to get the vaccine because of rumors of having a chip when you get the shot, or you can not get pregnant once you get the vaccine. Or what will happen to you in the future? That is why I was hesitant.” Sostre points to her educational outreach work at Alex House Project and her own lived experiences with helping her overcome her hesitancy. “A lot of people around me got COVID. I saw people dying from COVID. I had to think about my children and not the rumors.” Her outreach work at the Alex House Project had a profound impact on her own vaccine hesitancy. “At one point in the Summer of 2021, I had a team doing outreach. The people started to ask if I had been vaccinated. I am telling other people to get vaccinated, why am I not vaccinated,” Sostre stated. She credits this outreach and education for others with helping her decide to get vaccinated herself. National Council for Negro Women Staten Island member Barbara Maxwell also credits helping others to help oneself. An active member of NCNW, she reached out to the organization to get vaccine appointments for herself and others. Maxwell spoke to the AmNews about individuals’ hesitation to get the vaccine, pointing to individuals falsely believing that once they have had COVID they can not contract it again as a reason to not get vaccinated. “Education saves lives. It is selfish not to get the vaccine. Why put others at risk?” Getting the word out about vaccines and Funding for this story was provided providing additional resources to those hit by a Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative & Nahardest by COVID is at the heart of what tional Association of Black Journalists a number of community-based organi- Black Press Grant.


December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 33

Sprinter Leah Anderson strives for an outstanding indoor season years as well as all she’s learned and making this season memorable. “Going all out from the beginning,” she said. “I’m not going to wait until the end of the season to try and PR [personal record]. I’m going to attempt to run my best 400 as soon as possible.” Anderson said she will be very smart with how she runs and what competitions she attends. In terms of practice, she’s doing a lot of conditioning for the 400 meters, which is her strongest event. Not only is she spending time on the track, she’s also (St. John’s Athletics photo)

By LOIS ELFMAN Sprinter Leah Anderson of St. John’s University Special to the AmNews Exams are done and the track and field team at St. John’s University doesn’t compete again until mid-January, but sprinter Leah Anderson is training intently. The illustration major began her collegiate career strong and has shown sustained excellence for the Red Storm, but the pandemic interrupted her competitive opportunities with no outdoor season in 2020 and an abbreviated indoor season in 2021. With an extra year of eligibility granted by the NCAA, Anderson has her sights firmly set on having excellent Breeze Athletic Complex on of the indoor season opener. indoor and outdoor seasons. Staten Island. “I had to remember how to hit She began strong earlier this “Even though I knew the the turns. Getting back into it is month with wins in the 60- people and I’m familiar with really exciting.” and 500-meter races at the Bill the track, it still felt a little Anderson is taking all her Ward Invitational at the Ocean nerve-racking,” said Anderson experiences over the last four

spending more time in the gym. “Where I would have quit before, I keep going,” Anderson said. “I’m a lot stronger than I’ve ever been. I can see it.” Surrounded by freshmen, Anderson definitely has a leadership role on the team. “Yes, we want to win,” she said. “[I tell them] as long as you’re taking the losses and learning from them…and are able to focus and not have that one loss destroy your whole mindset for the rest of the meet because you might have two or three events.” For indoor season, Anderson wants to make it to the NCAA Division I Indoor Track and Field Championship in the 400 meters, which means being among the top 16 women in the country. For the outdoor season, she wants to improve her time and make it to the NCAA Championships in Oregon. “Being better than I was previously and making it all the way,” she said. “I want more to my name.”

Local Division I women’s hoops getting its game on The Jaspers’ 6–5 record includes wins over St. Francis, West Point and conference rival Canisius. The standout is junior guard Dee Dee Davis from the Bronx, who is averaging 16.6 points per game. Brooklyn St. Francis College The wins are not coming quite as much in Brooklyn. St. John’s players (L to R Emma Nolan, Leilani Correa and Kadaja Bailey St. Francis has scored wins over Rider and Michigan State. It’s been a pretty stellar Queens NEC action is on, and the Ter- season thus far for Columbia, St. John’s University riers are working to hit their which is 9–3. The Lions head It’s been a bit of a rough stride. into Ivy League play with wins start for St. John’s Universi over such big-name teams as ty, which went 5–5 in nonLong Island University Clemson, Georgetown and conference play and 0–1 to Things are a bit rough for Delaware. The leading scorer start Big East action. The the other Brooklyn team, LIU, is sophomore guard Abbey Red Storm continues conferwhich is still searching for its Hsu, averaging 18.2 points ence play tomorrow against first win of the season. per game, and the leading re- Georgetown. Junior guard bounder is junior guard/for- Leilani Correa is averagManhattan ward Kaitlyn Davis with 7.9 ing 20.8 points and 5.3 reColumbia University rebounds per game. bounds per game.

(Lois Elfman photo)

By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews Before the Omicron variant changed the playbook to include intensified precautions, things were mostly back to normal for Division I women’s basketball. Teams were on campus, fans were in the stands and everyone was playing with a sense of excitement. While additional health protocols will come into play as the winter unfolds, hopefully everyone stays healthy and plays well. Here is how NYC’s Division I women’s teams have played so far. Bronx Fordham University Fordham, currently 8–3, has been playing well heading into Atlantic 10 conference play, which begins on New Year’s Day. The Rams scored wins over high profile non-conference opponents, including Stony Brook, Houston and Princeton. The team’s leading scorer, Anna DeWolfe, is averaging 20.2 points per game. Manhattan College Things are popping in the Bronx for Manhattan, which already began MAAC action.

Staten Island Wagner College Staten Island is clearly rocking for Wagner, which began NEC play yesterday. The Seahawks have scored wins over NJIT, Colgate, Manhattan and St. John’s. The leading scorer is senior forward Emilija Krista Grava, who is averaging 12.7 points and 5.6 rebounds per game.

34 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022


Bobbito Garcia and Omar Acosta create groundbreaking sneaker

and design to create the debut Bobbito KBLOA 3D Virtual 1 PR Love edition sneaker x Omar Acosta ARO1 virtual sneaker as an NFT available on Opensa. “We also aligned the release with the December 22nd 126th anniversary of the Puerto Rican flag,” he elaborated, “so that we may celebrate all its beauty…Edgardo and I collaborated in 2020 to produce a remake of the anthem, ‘Que Bonita Bandera.’ He’s a brilliant activist for our people.” NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, despite being a vastly burgeoning and lucrative industry, are still ambiguous and abstract to the masses. They are, in essence, digital products ranging from paintings to music to baseball cards. Contextualizing their depth, this past June, an NFT artwork from the “Cryptopunk” series by artists Matt Hall and John Watkinson dubbed “Covid Alien” sold at Sotheby’s auction house for $11.8 million. It’s likely the digital sneaker exchange will propagate with the expected growth of NFTs. “The sneaker game is already humongous!” asserted Garcia. “I don’t anticipate anything being different in the virtual space. As far as being a significant part of the NFT market, it’s too early to determine how any niche or specified interest groups will play out, which makes this all very exciting. Omar and I are chartering new territories for our artistic expressions.” Acosta expanded on Garcia’s outlook. “It may actually become a larger limited to what can be created practi- coming Web3 Metaverse, it’s only limforce in the global market,” he consid- cally—the technology, materials, etc. ited to the imagination of the designerB ered. “With physical products, you’re With NFT, and by extension, the up- and the individualism of the user.” A (YouTube photo)

By JAIME C. HARRIS AmNews Sports Editor New York City native Bobbito Garcia’s impact on popular culture worldwide is immeasurable. He is one of the most influential figures in the history of hip hop, first emerging in the 1980s as a member of the break dancing/ rap outfit Rock Steady Crew, then as a popular DJ, career-launching radio host and podcaster. Equally, the Wesleyan University alum is a playground basketball historian and documentarian who has traveled the globe hooping in urban parks. Moreover, the scholar is a pioneer of the global sneakerhead phenomenon. Garcia continues to be a trailblazer with his latest venture, a collaboration with critically acclaimed designer/director Omar Acosta. The duo has created 3D virtual sneakers as NFTs. Four editions feature digital art, photos and designs by Garcia and Acosta, and a special fifth edition includes art from the “La Borinqueña” comic book by Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez, with a portion of the profits provided to Afro-Boriqua grassroots initiatives based in Puerto Rico via the non-profit La Borinqueña grants programs. “Omar and I created two documentary films together, ‘Stretch and Bobbito: Radio That Changes Lives’ and ‘Rock Rubber 45s,’” said Garcia. “We know how to balance our talents in rhythm, and we’re both Puerto Rican, so we used our shared heritage, passion for kicks, and knowledge of 3D animation


Starr Andrews heads to the U.S. Championships fit and focused By LOIS ELFMAN Special to the AmNews New mask mandates in California mean that figure skaters are wearing masks even on the ice. Starr Andrews, who is preparing for the 2022 U.S. Figure Skating Championships, is giving it a positive spin. “It’s helping with my stamina,” said Andrews, who will be making her fifth appearance in the senior women’s division. The U.S. Championships, which are taking place in Nashville, Tennessee, begin on Jan. 3. Training has been going well, and Andrews feels she’s in top shape, having focused on her fitness this year. She has incorporated Pilates into her off-ice regimen. “I’m really excited,” said Andrews, 20, of the upcoming national championships. “It’s going to

(U.S. Figure Skating photo)

Starr Andrews aims to start 2022 with strong performances

be nice that there’s going to be a crowd this year [at the 2021 U.S. Championships the skaters performed to cardboard cutouts and pre-recorded applause due to the pandemic]. I feel prepared. I’ve been running good programs. My jumps are going well.” This year has had its challenges. In November, Andrews withdrew from the Internationaux de France Grand Prix event due to a health issue. At times, her heart rate jumps, and that happened shortly before she started her short program. She attempted to skate, but could not complete it. Now, she’s feeling good and ready to vie for a spot on the U.S. team for the upcoming Olympic Winter Games. “To do well at this Nationals is a big goal for me,” said Andrews. “I’ve been working so hard in

l my practices. I feel harder thans I’ve ever practiced before. … I’mp really excited to go to Nashvillei and show what I’ve been work-b ing on. I’m hoping I can put outq really good programs and showo my growth as a skater.” r Also a gifted singer and musi-f cian, Andrews will skate to her ownl rendition of “At Last” for her short3 program. For the free skate, she’st chosen two songs of Beyoncé’s,d “Bigger” and “I Was Here.” Botho programs were choreographed byw her long-time coach Derrick Del-a more and show her maturation. I “I feel calmer going into com-h petitions,” said Andrews. “Beforet I was really antsy and ner vous. It didn’t feel as confident. This yearp I feel completely different than IG did last year.” h Earlier this year Andrews re-e ceived a boost when she wasp named the inaugural recipient ofi a training grant from the MabelM Fairbanks Skatingly Yours Fund,u which was established to support BIPOC skaters. “That was a bless-a ing for me,” said Andrews. “I feelt so fortunate to have been grant-c ed that.” q


December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022 • 35

Wilson and the Jets give their fans a glimmer of hope for the future The New York Jets have been one of the most interesting stories to follow in the NFL. There was a lot of hype surrounding the 2021 No. 2 overall NFL Draft pick, quarterback Zach Wilson, who they hope can develop into a cornerstone of the team for years to come. However, some mid-season injuries, including a sprained PCL in his right knee, hindered what many thought Wilson would be able to bring to the table. Sunday afternoon, he showed that there is still major upside for a franchise that is having another losing season. The Jets have not had a winning season since 2015. Under the direction of tight ends coach Ron Middleton, a former longtime Jacksonville Jaguars assistant filling in for head coach Robert Saleh, who was in the NFL’s health and safety protocols due to testing positive for COVID, the Jets (4-11) were able to pick up their fourth win of the season, their third at home, taking down the Jaguars 26-21

at MetLife Stadium. Granted, the 2-13 Jags have the worst record in the league, but it was important for the Jets to break a three-game losing streak. Wilson had two touchdowns, one rushing and one passing. The highlight reel play was a 52-yard scamper in the first quarter in which he eluded numerous defenders. “It was the longest touchdown run probably in my whole life, too,” Wilson said, smiling. His run and the Jets’ win emphasize the importance of ball security and minimizing mistakes. The team has a distinct bad habit of sabotaging their own chances of winning weekly with both. They did not turn the ball over against the Jaguars, and Wilson was sacked only once. Staying in front of the chains and limiting turnovers is a recipe for success week in and week out. “It was just the culmination of the week, everybody being professional, everybody going about their job with all the adversity,” said Middleton. The 56-year-old native of Atmore, Alabama, who played tightend at Auburn was awarded

(Bill Moore photo)

By BARRY HOLMES Special to the AmNews

Jets tight ends coach Ron Middleton led the team to a 26-21 victory over the Jacksonville Jaguars last Sunday, filling in for head coach Robert Saleh, who was in the NFL’s health and safety protocols

the game ball by the team in the locker room after the victory. Another key for the Jets is their rushing attack, which has steadily improved. New York recorded 273 yards on the ground against Jacksonville,

which helped keep opposing quarterback Trevor Lawrence, the No. 1 selection in last April’s draft, off the field. Both Michael Carter and Tevin Coleman have provided a muchneeded punch in the Jets’ run

game. Carter tallied 118 yards rushing versus the Jaguars and looks to continue that momentum when the Jets face the 11-4 defending Super Bowl champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers on the road this Sunday.

Another losing season, another arduous rebuild for the Giants

(Bill Moore photo)

By JAIME C. HARRIS Jake Fromm—who started the neck injury, passed for just 108 AmNews Sports Editor game—and Mike Glennon, oc- yards. “We couldn’t get any cupying the position in place thing going offensively today,” If anyone was under the il- of Daniel Jones, who is out for said Giants head coach Joe lusion that the 4-11 Giants’ the rest of the season with a Judge, stating the obvious, after seemingly perpetual rebuilding process will be a simple or quick fix, their offense’s horrendous performance in last Sunday’s 34-10 loss to the 8-7 Philadelphia Eagles on the road was a stark reality check. It wouldn’t have mattered where the game was played, the Giants do not have a preference for poor showings home at MetLife Stadium or away. They generated just 192 total yards. The combination of Giants left tackle Andrew Thomas is a key component to the team’s rebuilding plans quarterbacks

the defeat. “We obviously have to have some kind of production in that phase to complement the defense and the special teams when they’re making plays for us. Ultimately it wasn’t good enough. We have to go back to work this week and there are a lot of things that we have to improve on. I’m looking to see these guys finish strong and go out competing. We had a good week of work with the guys and I count on seeing the same thing this week going into Chicago.” The Giants will take on the 5-10 Bears this Sunday. The loss to the Eagles was a microcosm of the unit’s season-long struggles and a flashing sign that fixing their myriad issues is high on the priority list of the franchise’s primary decision makers. If reports by multiple media sources are accurate that team owners John Mara and Steve Tisch plan to bring back Judge and Jones— who is in his third season in the NFL after being drafted by the Giants with the No. 6 pick in the first round in 2019—for another season, then who they name as the new GM will be critical. It is not making a bold prediction to assert that Dave

Gettleman is in his final days as the team’s general manager after being hired in December 2017 to replace the terminated Jerry Reese. He has fallen short of being the man largely charged with lifting a franchise that has not made the playoffs since their January 2017 wildcard game loss to the Green By Packers, their only postseason appearance after their Super Bowl XLVI (46) victory in 2012. While Jones remains a question mark as a QB possessing the qualities to ably guide a Super Bowl quality offense, the men whose responsibility is to protect him are the Giants’ most problematic concern. The consistently inadequate play of the offensive line and Jones’ inability to mitigate their deficiencies is the main reason why Gettleman’s tenure has been unsuccessful. With a competent development plan, the Giants have a potential Pro Bowl player in 22-year-old left tackle Andrew Thomas, who Gettleman took No. 4 overall in the 2020 draft. The rest of the line has been either suspect or terrible. The fix will begin immediately for the next GM up.

36 • December 30, 2021 - January 5, 2022


Sports The Knicks face consequential decisions in the weeks ahead (Bill Moore photo)

By JAIME C. HARRIS the Knicks brain trust will have cember of 2020, AmNews Sports Editor to assess their short- and longremoving the reign term goals and plans, and make ing Finals MVP off of Ideally, the Knicks would end this an assessment on how they protheir free-agent wish season having progressed on their 41-31 ceed for the remainder of this list. “I think it’s critrecord, No. 4 Eastern Conference seed, season. ical,” said Thibodeau and first round playoff loss to the AtlanA determination will have to be of the Knicks eventa Hawks last June. They still may go fur- made as to whether their roster as tually securing a ther into this postseason with a lower currently constructed has enough franchise player. seeding and lesser winning percentage, balance and talent to be a viable “Sometimes you which would be a perceptible measure postseason threat and if pursuhave to do it through of improvement and growth. ing a trade for an impact player trades, sometimes Yet first things first. Just making the or players ahead of the Feb. 10 it’s free-agency. But playoffs this season is a challenging pur- league trade deadline is Rose’s I think you have to suit for the Knicks, who were 16-18 prior and his inner circle’s design. be very aggressive to playing the 5-27 Detroit Pistons, the Conversely, they could ride it out in seeking out those team with the NBA’s worst record, last from the perspective the existing opportunities. They night (Wednesday) on the road. Not group will attain a necessary level just don’t happen making the postseason would be a step of collective good health as injuby accident. You back and disappointment. The Knicks ries and COVID have altered the have to make them were 10th in the tightly bunched East, best laid plans of virtually every happen.” which would have made them the last team, and young players such as It will become of the conference’s four Play-In Tourna- Mitchell Robinson (23), Immanclear between now ment entrants if the season ended after uel Quickley (22), Obi Toppin and the next five Knicks second-year guard Immanuel Quickley, one of the NBA’s their 96-88 win over the Minnesota Tim- (23) and RJ Barrett (21) will exor so weeks which best rookies last season, has proven to be a valuable asset to the berwolves on Tuesday night, the open- perience sufficient development. franchise’s goal of building a sustainable playoff contender path the Knicks will ing game of a four-game road trip. The aforementioned quartet of take. That road conBut the Knicks still have over four players are all part of the Knicks’ 01414 tinues 01494 tomorrow AM NEWS AM NEWS AM NEWS AM NE months and 47 games to go—barring core rotation. alluded to early last season after Gi- against the Oklahoma City Thunder 10/07/21 12/02/21 10/07/21 12/02/ 0 the Knicks will 7need a annis 7 cancellations—before their April 10 Ultimately, Antetokounmpo signed a $228 and0Sunday versus the Toronto Raptors. 74470 22784 74470 22784 regular season finale. So in the coming transformational star to a be champi- million aptly named super-max exten- They return to Madison Square Garden weeks team president Leon Rose and onship contender, as Tom Thibodeau sion with the Milwaukee Bucks in De- next Tuesday to play the Indiana Pacers.

Forced to shuffle their lineup, the Nets stay atop of the East Amidst all of the uncertainty surrounding COVID and its effect on the NBA, the Brooklyn Nets just keep on winning. Monday night, they improved to 23-9 with a 124-108 victory over the Los Angeles Clippers on the road. Led by James Harden’s 39 points, it was the Nets’ sixth win in seven games and kept them ahead of the Chicago Bulls by 1.5 games for the top spot in the Eastern Conference when the league’s schedule tipped off last night. “I wasn’t expecting it,” said Nets coach Steve Nash of his point-guard’s performance. “Against the Lakers [36 points in a 122-115 Christmas

AM NEWS 10/14/21

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(Bill Moore photo)

By BARRY HOLMES Special to the AmNews

AM NEWS Day win] and tonight, he was

AM NEWSjust clinical. If he plays like 12/09/21 10/14/21

that, we’ll be very difficult to beat.” Questions loomed as to how the Nets would deal with their recent COVID outbreak, which had 10 players in health and safety protoAM NEWS AM NEWS 01434 cols last week, among them AM NEWS 10/21/21 12/16/21 10/21/21 leading scorer Kevin Durant. 0 7 74470 22784 One which left the Nets and many other teams shorthanded, forcing teams to call up G-League players and/or sign veteran free-agents who weren’t actively playing for a team. But Nets head coach AM NEWS AM NEWS 01444 Steve Nash has found a way AM NEWS 10/28/21 12/23/21 10/28/21 to get the most out of what0 7 74470 22784 ever lineup he has put on the floor. Returning on Christmas from health and safety protocols, Harden has performed as well as any player in the league. Scoring AM for NEWS himself AM NEWS Nets Center Nic Claxton has given the 23-901454 Nets solid AM NEWSand creating for his team11/04/21 12/30/21 contributions in 13 games played, averaging eight points 11/04/21 mates. When he is aggressive 0 7 22784 and five rebounds going into74470 tonight’s home game versus offensively, it takes pressure the Philadelphia 76ers off the role players such as 74470 22784

center Nic Claxton and 01504 guard Patty AMin NE Mills, who have been noteworthy 12/09/ 7 the0absence Durant and Kyrie Irving. 74470of22784 Both Durant and Irving have cleared protocols. Nash said it could take up to another two weeks for Irving, who has yet to play in a game this season, to be ready to make his debut. Durant and Irving will once again 01514 provide the Nets—with Harden— AM NE the bulk of the Nets’ scoring. Start12/16/ 0 7 74470 22784 ing small forward Joe Harris will also be an important scoring asset when he comes back before the end regular season after having right ankle surgery in late November. The Nets’ next three games will be at the Barclays Center starting tonight 01524 against the Philadelphia 76ers, AM then NE Saturday versus the Los 12/23/ 0 7 Angeles Clip74470 22784 pers and Monday hosting the Memphis Grizzlies.

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AM NE 12/30/

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