May 12, 2022 - May 18, 2022 • 29
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for r’s feel an inside al rship and al and spiritu alive cable schola the politic here, with impecwoven together sion. History is ous, and bold gs has gs is lumin and expres shed! Fresh a Jennin thought n template. Jennin I was astoni literature, Regin deep rivers of al Africa hopeful times. poetry and Africa America’s that origin still ss and of rooted in troubling but dynamics uing to unfold Consciousne for our ight griot a DarkL truly and contin author of scious Bynum, d Bruce The African Uncon ation Dr. Edwar inform latent and uum of invisible the contin ipresent….,air ious, defiant notion that audac is “omn the é from ious, which uniqu posits um field, comprise the consc hysical comm Jennings Regina the quant metap vibrations through a direct gs passes on vibration.” Those she considers you, Dr. Jennin with y content tors. Thank packed ator, K-12 revolutionar African ances STEM/Educ our purposeful, , M.D., realized StrongFields se I never Michelle r” script becau h her manu Me Fulla Lucifeization, throug Called read organ y me as I e Samm st Sisters in my author now an astounded earlie tion of “Uncl Jennings elphia and One of the y my recita Regina how deepl ago affected her. runaway from Philad a read. years r of Seize ger was ne should so many Party, autho turous teena that everyo Panther this adven Black the y Rage nder of and A Lonel Seale, co-fou the Time inside Bobby G. who living she Studies, e where American mic at a colleg n/African Studies y-five acade n, Africa sor of Africa , started Black n at least twent American vision is a profes writte s of an Jennings Huey Newton’s She has Regina Madhubuti. member. ng Musings: Poem Seale and faculty s of Haki female ght Morni of Bobby the Poetic .com. e, Midni only Black lm X and gmail was the books includ and Malco dr.reginaj@ and her and Roses be reached at articles Rage can Race, She
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12 • March 26 - April
1, 2015
e MTA, take a hik
dile Stuck in the middle of a deadly
News | $1.00 New York
By ELINOR TATUM Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
Vol. 106 No. 18 | April 30 - May 6, 2015
past several OverYorkthe ©2015 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New City months, a lot of attention has been focused on killer cops. Every other day, we seem to witness a case of police brutality that ends in murder. Although it is not a new phenomenon, it is one that is reaching epidemic proportions—a deeply troubling epidemic. But as we shout “Black Lives Matter!” in protest, we have lost of the other battle By NAYABA ARINDE Rodney King insight Los Angeles. violence in our againstpeople Several thousand Amsterdam News Editor s. communitie have come out into the streets there is no Althoughthe And CYRIL JOSH BARKER of Baltimore protesting , and some may comparison Amsterdam News Staff killing of 25-year-old Freddie you restart the battle say that Gray over the past fewifdays. ack crime, Black-on-Bl stop And SALIM ADOFO Police arrested to Gray April 12, lose focus on the we incithen or without resistance Special to the AmNews their tactics that police dent, and he died fromand injuus. So where does areinkilling The killing of anoth- ries suffered while custody. us? er Black male by police left His family said that leave his voice Baltimore burning Monday, box was crushed,Unfortunate 80 percent ly, it leaves us two wars the middle—in April 27, 2015. It is calmer of his spine wasinsevered and be fought simultathat must now, with curfews, multi- his neck was snapped. Gray andaswiftly. In effect, neously ple arrests and a simmering eventually slipped into
Spreading awareness, helping and serving others in need has been my perAn examination of race, medical sonal mission, ust end Community bids Dr. y of education m lit ua eq in Be n ge far knowledge and history based on the va especially when ew ell Fro The sa m New it k concerns our author’s life as a physician in West Yor to DC, folkwill set focus children. My books off onon Africa and Harlem, New York. #March2Justic Attorney e social issues facing children.Welcome, General Loretta Lynch “A masterly Available at Amazon, Barnes presentation!” Available at and Nobles and Dorrance -Prof. Ahati N. N. Toure Publishing Company By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNew s
About a minute and half into her online announ cement of her presiden tial bid last Sunday, Hillary Clinton said, “Everyday America ns need a champion. I want to be that champion so you can do more than just get by, so you can get ahead and stay ahead. Because when families are strong, America is strong.” Interestingly, April 12, 154 years ago, the Civil War began, and Clinton has begun her campaign to turn things around, althoug h with an arsenal of words, at least for the moment. The announcement, which
regardless tacked unfairness, , racial or ZIP code. ’s regionBy - because of my AUTOD . I lived of a school by dividin g allo- IDACT 17 who serve us honor I grew up in the Bronx Specialt to income mix, are tall on to those en-the AmNews m. I understand from school, cates on both sides s by district studen falling ably in unifor passionate on a block away AN the corner cation and assessing student gy, but we are all By ASSEMBLYM are all ideolo we passed I that nt rewhere and E lives Two and rollme pay. of ceremonies at to days MICHAEL BLAK short on cooperation is about how about improve the a on one side local ability and bodeg need Harlem’ them this s Abyssinian Baptist angive pizza on Aid was fully membering that of our children and bought my slice of Sadly, Foundation Church last conthis that But n. s. knew I 2007-2008 week allowed down, to succes the childre only in the sociates, comrades, family asfascinating, paths e if it’s other. Deep have what funded The dialogue is Great Recesion is unproductiv and our schools didn’t fiscal year. The friends l funding to versat of acclaim g ed Kemetaor” consideration full fundin because of inaderanging from schoo , tenure, an “either a “both and” where we needed, sion knocked thatphysicia n Dr.- Yosef A.A. ben-Jothe inequi teacher performance and funding. rather than tracks, quate charthe off channan side versus the opportunity to pay e that each ial dispar to the point evaluation, public i- we acknowledg In 1993, that financ re-emerged their paroch ties how on final versus light respects points ate before he to greater ter and private y $4.9 billion approximatelwas erations has legitim our educational ity reality came interred ign for Fiscal of rm al. All of these consid owed to publicat Ferncliff Cemetimely to to transfo the better and de- when the Campa shed and CFE money still tery Friday afternoon. st areas. for are necessary and Equity was establi schools in our needie ic, social, system “It’s close honor to to be here and improve the academ setting termine a path forward. hits an to the landmark victo- This inequalitycelebra al invok- later led thist great life that New York, distric blyte mental and physic the tone We are sometimes in C.F.E. v. State of as my Assem ry home, has savBut of been . s sfulamongs t us for 97 n succes and image for young people ring $76 million divi- ing terms ng where the coalitio is owed a staggeyears,” remarke become incredibly rather than pursui . ly argued that the city’s school —more than any d colleague education has sides of agery lly in CFE money Dr. Leonard current compromise Jeffries, beginning The Advocates on all t in New York e system was woefu distric has been el- sive. we are constructive Thursdafundin time that financ g ’s wake, the its stu- Assembly debate in Albany discourse say that that y evening e what unded and denied This is not the first the need to the capacity crowd ly, we are not, l right City. Imagin our word savage underf evated because of kids? Smallererupting in apt “at war.” Actual their constitutiona I have heard the for plause, budge do dents ology state could tion. York termin chants educa ion. and drumming. leave that pass a New more teachers, used to describe sound basic educat om sizes, tion advo- so let’s “We have to lities: Chil- of a sed the classro be aware that Dr. by March 31. Educa es, books, buildIn “Savage Inequa That decision addres York school suppliBen has made his transitio Schools,” n dren in America’s bed my chronic shortfalls for New , etc. he’s car- ing repairs and this expectin a- g us to condescri intoler re Jonathon Kozol schools, but its logic You compa tinue hisequal greatgut l, P.S. 79, in City of poor legacy that he the with elementary schoo to upstate’s mix ried reality ble shared nges with us.”g” challe high-tax, the 178 “failin that way. Given the - March 25, 2015 of 10 ofOne urban districts and her 19 blow Publis James : March • of and pal, 12 Jochann Tatum ls R. Elinor ling) schoo an’s daughealth small town that my great princi (I prefer strugg ter’s exhorted, “IIt’s e to em- low-w and Editor in Chief t alone. challenge you Carter, had to endur hearts, rural districts. in mytodistric go home Member and and ane. curing that are continue the and inhum power our minds The remedy for Managing Editor BEN instead of nali- beyond unjustSeewe Kristin Fayne-Mulroy: putting d on page 34 arecontinue it saddens me that ions g of unconstitutio findin condit The rly, Editor a as schola Nayaba Arinde: robust funding under being described ts, teachers, admin , Sales, Advertising as “savage.” ty was called our studen ATION on page 32 WWW.AMSTERDAMNEWS.COM Penda Howell: Vice President Alliance for we were described equitable formula 9): See EDUC atframing was more Audited Media Wilbert A. Tatum (1984-200 ation Aid, which In large part, that CEO and Publisher Emeritus Chairman of the Board, future, but Found not because of my
See HILLARY on page
(Karl Crutchfield photo)
National Black United front (Salim Adofo photo)
Sharpton the newsmaker By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews
©2015 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City
It may be a great disservice to mention the Rev. Al Sharpton and Rudy Giuliani in the same article, but they are two public figures with a long affair with the media—one longing for it to go away and the other courting it for coverage. This week they are both back in the news—again. Rumors are afloat that Sharpton’s “PoliticsNation” on MSNBC may be put on a weekend schedule. Other hosts on the network are also, as they say in the business world, scheduled for reassignment, including
The Obama family joins hands as it begins the march with the foot soldiers across the Edmund Pettus Bridge. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
) Douglas Palmer—Flickr (Photo courtesy of
agree with many took happens to ng In 1984, the Senate ent of the policies of the outgoi to do onThat had as much to confirm Presid ey general and the the presi- a year the rub. ’s nominee, attorn with undermining imity as Ronald Reaganfor attorney going president. simply amazing Several days after author ive It’s be able dent’s execut Meese, panel, Yes, the Senate may can get past a we would Edwin was bills pressing a Senate and that delay the else, at ng that gum red general, but hit that anythi walk and chew Loretta Lynch appea d believe that the committee then messy busi- to but we all suffer succee Re- be naive to based on Meese’s to be a shoo-in to igans are not at if some same time, is stuck to their implacable wall called U.S. atThe same shenan ness practices. And way, when the gum are politically Eric Holder Jr. as s confirmation. publican repugnance. licans have their leave it Repub- play in Lynch’ and they shoes er is right Repub (Bill Moore photo) torney general. But story here is that be tarred with the Sen. Chuck Schum , meanthat Lynch will immobilized. apparently don’t noted to the mischievous he alleged licans the imwhen to funds on point same brush, given Two things are clearly and spirited Republicans At “can walk and mind gathering with drug race . for the Senate dealings she had mutable—Lynch’s rain on her parade from predators fined but chew gum at the same time,” it! money launderers. By MILTON temand So get overand s. , only lords lt politic ALLIMADI accused of fathering several crimes hope, a difficu sh. her least, we sex trafficking but this becomes of this is hogwa excuses. Confirm children with teenage secreAll used more be COLIN BENJAMIN No ering can’t ly. she consid porari this money process when d to ! s problem is that toLynch the AmNews taries. The popular narrative Loretta s to pay for aborJust when she seeme forth by Pres- Lynch’ n who Special partic- by the victim d any action put is a strong Black woma was that Malcolm was killed be a lock for the post, nent tions. Republicans conten Obama. Barack ident promi Was the NYPD involved or by Muhammad loyalists after use of the money ularly with such Hatch that such did they merely know about he was expelled from the NOI. Republicans as Orrin Arizo- would compromise the Hyde of except Flake , the impending murder of But many people, especialJeff which of Utah, ment, m of South Amend forbids use of tax Malcolm X and allow it to ly in the Black community, na, Lindsey Graha rape, Collins of for March 13, 2015 happen 50 years ago? Were never believed that version of Carolina and Susan for abortions. to confirm dollars to do with some reporters, including events as being the complete Maine promising What has this got the famed scribe Jimmy Breslin, story. While there had been nell her, there is a snag. s confirmation or Hon. Mitch McCon problem? Lynch’ This tipped off that something was a clear rift between Malcolm So what’s the of rice in China? Majority Leader Senate Ma- price about to go down? and Muhammad, it was also is very similar to The problem is United States Senate McCo- boondoggle The official story has been a period when the FBI was 20510 se over Homeland jority Leader Mitch Washington, D.C. nce to the impas that Malcolm X was killed conducting its Counter Intelnnell and his relucta a hu- Security funding that includ of e Feb. 21, 1965, at the Audu- ligence Program, initially tarration attach call a vote becaus in- ed an immig Hon. Harry Reid that see bill to d ing bon Ballroom in Harlem begeting suspected communists man-traffick We were please Minority Leader that would ment. cause of a Reid feud between him but later expanding it to disHarry licans capitulate on cludes a provision United States Senate Mitch McConnell for victims the Repub re and allow the and his former allies in the rupt groups such as the Black 20510 establish a fund measu service Washington, D.C. to publichad those con- that SeitmentMalcolm Nation of Islam. Panthers and other Black nacomm from fines paid by for the tment of Homeland y Depar skills, attorne . ement States crimes d ing manag United a falling out with NOI leader tionalist organizations. and strong victed of traffick funding to go forwar to serve Dear Mr. Leaders: District of New York, itedguide the Demo- curity her well-su and his former spiritual Indeed, records revealed make express Eastern These funds, as tossing immigration has developed a I write this letter to be used while Elijah Muhammad, after Malcolm’s death show this position. who he’d caation Ms. Lynch crats proposed, could limbo. achievements, in support for the nomin therein lies into nation requires a e long record of Our becom to tion for abortions, and Lynch reputa ve advoenjoys a of Loretta pable and effecti l of the and she Lynch and evenhandedly the attorney genera such as Loretta tment for fairly elaw. She dem- cate enforc the United States Depar law ng chief enforci to head its attorney these reaextraordinary charof Justice. As the ment agency. For of New onstrates
OBAMA’S TIM E - January
Joy Reid, Ronan Farrow, Ed Schultz, Chris Hayes and Lawrence O’Donnell. It sounds as if MSNBC is cleaning house and dissatisfied with its leftist orientation. And if we can believe Erica Snipes, Eric Garner’s daughter, Sharpton “is only in it for the money,” as she said to a right-wing mischief maker recording her comments on a concealed camera. She later recanted, indicating that Sharpton and the National Action Network had paid for her father’s funeral. Later, in a statement to NAN, she clarified her position on the matter. “It is unfortunate that the New York
28, 2015
©2015 The
See SHARPTON on page 6
Was Jimmy Breslin tipped off about Malcolm X’s assassination 50 years ago?
ship gressional leader Letter to the con
that the FBI had been actively monitoring him, as Malcolm’s files, available on the FBI’s website, confirm. Therefore, it isn’t beyond reason that the FBI, under the maniacal J. Edgar Hoover, could have played a role in the assassination by either fomenting, participating or at least turning a blind eye and allowing it to happen. Could it be that the NYPD also came to know from the FBI, or from its own investigations, that Malcolm would be killed by opponents on that fateful February date? Could it be that the NYPD and the FBI worked together to allow Malcolm to be killed by not warning him or by not
(Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)
Mayor Din ki MAIL TO: keynote at ns delivers MLK lunch eon NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS 2340 Frederick Douglass Boulevard New York, New York 10027 Many rivers and bridges to cross OR E-MAIL TO: INFO@AMSTERDAMNEWS.COM We Need Stronger Rent Laws, Not Developer Giveaways By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews
As President Barack Obama pre-
but also marches, too, like the one over the weekend in Madison, Wis. after the police shooting death of an unarmed Black teenager by a white officer.
Such actions of police misconduct may not be sanctioned or as blatant as in the past, but they are no less deadly and we need look no further than the
Amsterdam News | $1.00 New
HAVE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR? Front pages of the New York Amsterdam News following Bloody Sunday in 1965
ulation has never trusted the police, a great many did and wanted to cooperate with them to strengthen their neighborhoods. But as time has gone by, a shift has occurred—a shift in trust that is now so apparent that the police cannot do their jobs effectively because there is no cooperation, not even from the victims.
Vol. 106 No. 11 | March 12 - March 18, 2015
this is not an either/or dilemma, but a problem that requires a both/and solution. To be sure, fighting wars on two fronts is hard enough, but it gets even harder when we need one of the so-called enemies as an ally. Police-community relations have had their ups and downs. Whereas a segment of the pop-
coma and died April 19. At a press conference this week, Deputy Police Comfree him. True to his i missioner Jerry Rodriguez time cuts and rever- vowed to rumored to have controlled receive Hamilton had Acevedo a SOLOMON SAINTwas ByGray said, “When Mr. He, too, was back in La- word, a large percent of the illic- sals. on the street before the n put in that van, he could talk fayette Gardens in less than a back turbulent it activities in that particular decade. turn of the century. and he was upset.During … When the od. neighborho while Hamilton was b when 2000, In 1990s, early 1980sofand he was taken out that In 1987, 50 Cent was immorsimultaneously, J.R. was Almost mayhem and drugs Julio “Wemo” still in jail, his brother murder, van, he could not talk and seaNorth Homicide talized when down murdered inside of his plagued the inner cities, Brooklyn he could not breathe.” a roving Acevedo gunned him restaurant. According to gangsters Squad developed of self-made scores See BALTIMORE on page 34 a dusky hallway located in food in quell to force task was a federal indictment, Damion vied for control of certain 40-man epidem- Albany projects. Acevedo Lamurder another Brooklyn’s Hardy, Brookly arrested, con- “World” neighborhoods. In resident, was Of all the detectives, Louis subsequent ic. Garden Lafayfayette and upan Greene to Fort lyn, shipped was most famous victed and responsible for ordering that ette Gardens were atop the Scarcella state prison. solving murders. Word on the a Brooklyn man particular hit. list that harbored some of for 1991, In jailed was In 1983, Hamilton was street was Hamilton, while the most infamous characof violent named Nathaniel Cash had convinced While Killer Ben and for an assortment ters. Hamilton’s name incarcerated, such as manslaugh- murdered. lackey to kill Hardy. 50 Cent found infamy in Fort crimes, up in the investigation. a paroled a head weapon possession and came have the pa- Although he sustained Greene, Lafayette Gardens ter, During his time in Scarcella didn’t survived the wherewithal for wound, Hardy was dubbed “Bush Gardens” robbery. and tience Hamilton, Elmira prison, because of the way Der- an He believed that he shooting. Scarcella self-taught jailhouse lawyer, justice. Coincidentally, law. He arrestrick “Bush” Hamilton, along a convicted killers was above the Michael, other helped brother, a were lost J.R., also with his brother ed Hamilton post haste. After cop who committed suicide a lengthy trial, Hamilton was a WWW.AMS y witnessed TERDAonce again convicted and as he depressingl MNEW tainted career decades of con- his brother’s to OM sentencedS.C unravel and capsize. finement. In 2011, Hamilton’s legal Hamilton wasn’t worried. Elinor R. Tatum: Publisher with Scarcoupled prowess, In rodeo. and Editor in Chief This wasn’t his first faulty and shoddy Member fact, he and fellow Brooklynite cella’s work secured his preKristin Fayne-Mulroy: Managing Editor Acevedo ended up in the police release from prison. same prison. After exchang- mature Nayaba Arinde: Editor plows Acevedo 2013, ing penitentiary pleasant- In Alliance for Penda Howell: Vice President, Sales, Advertising a crowded Brook©2015 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City Media Audited ries, Hamilton told Acevedo through Wilbert A. Tatum (1984-2009): Emeritus street while driving drunk Vol. 106 No. Chairman of the Board, CEO and Publisher that he knew of some legal lyn 4 | January crashes into a taxi, caus22 discrepancies in his case and and
anger replacing the unbridled outrage that followed the funeral of Freddie Gray. The irony is not lost on social observers that the volatile response to a death in police custody occurred just two days before the 13th anniversary of the 1992 civil unrest ignited by the vicious videotaped police beating of
By SAMANTHA M. COLTON Special to the Am News
Monday kicked off Justice By HERB BOYD investigation of Gray’s death League NYC’s firstto the AmNews March2Justice. Particip and send two top officials to ants started their Special walk on Staten Island and will Baltimore to help calm the continue for nine days until Attorney they arrive in Washing Gener- city and stop the rioting. ton, D.C. Along theU.S. way, Lynch had hardly they plan on engaging al Loretta “As our investigative proin rallies and mobiliz ations being sworn in cess continues, I strongbefore they meet with finished legislators to demand congressional intervention Monday as the first African- ly urge every member of the on of woman to hold the Baltimore community to police brutality. Accordi the national crisis American ng to the organiza tion, when the outrage adhere to the principles of they are “inspired and position moved by young people others across the country andand violence in Baltimore nonviolence,” Lynch said in a that continue to keep NEWS this RDAM moveme nt alive in the name after Freddie Gray’s death in statement Monday evening. THE NEW YORK AMSTE want of justice. We now custody became an “In the days ahead, I intend to see action from the police powers that be, and it's time we take the moveme immediate flashpoint. to work with leaders throughnt t them.” The march will cover In effect, she has to hit the out Baltimore to ensure that five states, with movements planned in cities ground running with a sit- we can protect the securisuch as Trenton, Philadel phia, Baltimore and D.C., uation- that is becoming all ty and civil rights of all resiwhere the final rally will take place on Capitol Hill. The group thentoo customary in Ameri- dents. And I will bring the full plans Vol. 106 No. February 26 -resources March 4, 2015 Lynch’s first9 | statement of the Department See MARCH on ca. page upon6 taking office was her of Justice to bear in protectpromise that the Justice De- ing those under threat, invespartment will continue the See LYNCH on page 6
the the one goo help the The wer wer ly, t not the me T Bla tur it, the ful op in This situation is madness, ex ol and it shows how deep the rifts ki that trust Any have become. ar once existed is now completely eroded. Youngsters on the qu street used to know the beat w cop, and the beat cop knew b posa were them. The police m itive fixture in the communia ty and they were a part of the c community, not apart from
by the MTA When a fare hike Sunday, the went into effect angers, parmoans from straph have been ticularly those who to pay $2.50 struggling even than the per ride, were louder coming to a train A an of brakes were lucky halt—that is, if you g at your to have one arrivin le. station on schedu all realize “I realize it and we is not where that service … and not necwe need it to be our cusessarily meeting s,” said tomers’ expectation ent of presid Carmen Bianco, Transit. This New York City ent of the is an understatem while conhighest order, and the soul, it fession is good for to the workbrings little relief be the most ing poor, who will increase as the by ted impac often inadethey are by the quate service. r daily the Ask any of the regula the ble delays. According to MTA, uters on reports from the 6 million comm system and latest h January there was y subwa city’s of com- throug of more than e you will hear a litany averag an common Even delays a month. plaints—the most intermina- 43,000 one being the
©2015 The Amsterdam
by Frederick Newsome, MD, MSc
Vol. 106 No. 16 | April 16 - April 22, 2015 in their fare, up these 10 cent hike ride, which isn’t way in. Luckily, the to $1.35 a you’re on a riders are not on in welcomed when d the disrapid transit system income—an fixed have t rarely expec Japan, where they abled, who can rs, pushe or courte “oshiyas,” of common sible an ounce workers. whose are respon pas- sy from weary ted that for making sure It’s been estima way billion is sengers are all the more than $30 de the into the car. needed to upgra are ms gers These proble system. Passen during subway d money that ounde of comp ting any ent weath- expec Albany periods of inclem trickle down from authorities to wait than the longer a er. Again, MTA have train. to address l of any weekend have promised to speed up arriva comes to transportait such issues and d to restore When the state, Gov. Andrew the time neede in a malfunc- tion be far o appears to schedules after ly, the rem- Cuom sted in those in intere tion. Unfortunate more g as fast to Laedies are not comin and on their way and we sym- cars ia, evidenced by his as the fare hikes, ers who Guard sion sed AirTrain expan pathize with custom the increase propo up the want to know if plan to spruce ve services and . Bridge Zee n in fares will impro Tappa , system. dear straphangers my in the century-old So the of little To be at the mercy after grin and bear it, dig a ed even into your deplet 4, 5 and 6 lines the ex- deeper extra quarter hour is to have pockets for that and it’s rush next fare a sardine. The the of ce hope more distressing— and perien common nging or two t as the second most l is doubly challe is as slow and distan trains are ordea o, by the hike complaint—the the elderly—wh a the next train. passengers for so jammed with are only experiencing wedge your way, that you have to
12 • April 23 - April 29, 2015
See MALCOLM on page 6
President greets 103rights lege year-old nd Amelia Boynton Rob civil with Rep. inson Terr of www.whit i Sewell (Photo cour tesy
Obama’s au dacity
By DEMETR IA Special to the IRWIN By HERB BOY AmNews when stan ding Special to the D tunate to have up. I have been forAmNews and gun viole The Black nce, which Agency Exe and encourag received the support ly stressed gan izat ion cuti at his previous was heaviIf the usual rece ntly held ves or- people thro ement of many goo rhetorical flair Union addr State of the ann ual Dr. d sional lyric ess. and occaMar tin Luth its 38th life in pub ughout and beyond al reso Of course, my Luncheon. lic service. er Kin g Jr. from Presiden nance were missing Black Aptly hosted Not one of man aged t little Barack Oba Pat Batt le, us to by NBC4’s that directly Americans heard of the Unio the even t without the get to where we are related to n address Tues ma’s State though at the Hilt New York help them, many abound with of those who day, it did on in Mid tow a number came itably will affecof his proposals inev n was well before us. atte nde d. of prop audacious osals for the The t them, if the “We say that als ever see Republica Dinkins, New Hon orab le Dav id proposon and mul the light of somebody’s everybody stands on York’s first l over before ns to chew may not day. His word only Black shoulders, have they soundly reject them s mayor, was and so far we gen and by that . can invest in had that poetic arch he erally the keynote spe ake r. , In this addr a speech, but King, Harriet mean people like Dr. ess, leap the ther num ed While refle e were no quo from the page Tubman, Mal bers or reference cting on the Sojourner tes was time —a page he colm X, s to past King, D Truth, legac said to n p
of hope