P. Tite J. Bowie
Clearly-structured units Double linguistic input in each unit Focus on authentic real-world language Clearly structured grammar presentations Extensive recycling and review of language Exploitation of different learning styles and mixed-ability features Culture, CLIL and Literature lessons in every unit Graded and practical study-skills guide Grammar reinforcement with extensive explanations and practice in the Workbook
Step-by-step teaching notes, tips and background notes on cultural issues Wide offer of photocopiable testing materials Editable tests in the Multi-ROM Test Maker FLIP BOOK An interactive, IWB-compatible version of the Coursebook containing all recordings, links, reference materials and extras Course components Student’s Book Workbook with Audio CD Teacher’s Resource Pack Class Audio CDs Multi-ROM Test Maker Teacher’s FLIP BOOK Flash on English Online Resources Common European Framework
A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
For the Teacher
Flash on English
FLASH on English is a motivating, easy-to-use, four-level course which takes teenage learners from Elementary through to Upper Intermediate level. The comprehensive syllabus provides thorough grammar, vocabulary and skills work, builds students’ language awareness and encourages fluency and self-confidence. The combination of printed, digital and online material enhances the learning experience and helps teachers respond to students’ needs.
Flash on English Teacher’s Pack Pre-Intermediate Editorial coordination: Simona Franzoni Editorial department: Pauline Carr, Maria Letizia Maggini, Linda Pergolini Art Director: Marco Mercatali Page design: Airone Comunicazione: Sergio Elisei Production Manager: Francesco Capitano Page layout: Airone Comunicazione: Diletta Brutti Cover Cover design: Paola Lorenzetti Photo: Shutterstock © 2013 ELI S.r.l P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati Italy Tel. +39 071 750701 Fax. +39 071 977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com Luke Prodromou is the author of the Teaching techniques for mixed-ability classes pages. The Publisher would like to thank Martha Huber for her precious contribution to this project. No unauthorised photocopying All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ELI. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.
Printed by Tecnostampa ISBN 978-88-536-1552-7
Teacher’s Pack Pre-Intermediate – Contents Student’s Book Pre-Intermediate – Contents
p. 4
p. 8
Teacher’s Guide Unit 1
p. 17
Unit 2
p. 26
Unit 3
p. 36
Unit 4
p. 45
Unit 5
p. 55
Unit 6
p. 63
Unit 7
p. 72
Unit 8
p. 80
Unit 9
p. 90
Unit 10
p. 99
Flash on Reading
p. 108
Teaching Techniques for Mixed-Ability Classes
p. 110
Workbook Answer Key and Transcripts
p. 119
Tests & Resources Unit Tests (A and B) and Skills Tests
p. 132
p. 187
p. 207
Tests and Resources Answer Key and Transcripts
p. 227
Introduction FLASH on English FLASH on English is an English course for Secondary Schools, specifically aimed at students in the 14 to 18 age range. It takes students from Elementary (A1) to Upper Intermediate (B2) level. The fundamental language objective is for them to learn English in a non-jargon form, as it is spoken today on a daily basis. Added to this, the aims are to help them acquire a greater sense of the historical, geographical, scientific and environmental background of the anglophone world, to offer an intensive exploration of the rich literary expression in Anglo-American culture and to provide a stimulating introduction to cross-curricular topics in the Culture, CLIL and Literature sections. FLASH on English offers an extremely coherent learning pathway subdivided into units. Each unit begins with two waves of content presentation on four pages. First, a descriptive or informative text introduces the new structures and the new vocabulary along with relative practice exercises. This is followed by a dialogue between the characters of a story which expands on the structure and lexis, develops the communicative functions and provides further opportunity for practice. There follows a vocabulary workshop or a listening workshop page in the Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate levels, and a Use of English practice page in the Upper Intermediate level. A grammar focus page presents new structures and offers practical activities. The last two pages of each unit are skills pages that focus on reading, listening, speaking and writing through excerpts taken from novels, comedies, poems, history chapters, discussions about the environment, and so on.
Components For the student Student’s Book Workbook with Audio CD For the teacher Teacher’s Pack (Teacher’s Guide with Tests & Resources, 2 Class CDs, Multi-ROM Test Maker) Teacher’s FLIP BOOK Each Teacher’s Pack includes: • Teacher’s guide with: – the course description and methodology – teaching notes for each unit with answer keys and transcripts – culture notes and extra activities – activities/suggestions for classes with mixed abilities – workbook answer keys and transcripts • Tests & Resources with units tests, skills test, extension and revision tests • 2 Class CDs with all of the audio recordings and pronunciation exercises • Multi-ROM Test Maker: the audio recording of the skills test and all the tests in Word format, in case the teacher needs to modify them to meet their class necessities • FLIP BOOK: contains the digital, interactive version of the Student’s Book, all of the audio material and the PDFs of the Workbook Supplementary material available on www.elionline.com
Introduction Course Description Presentations The target language (vocabulary and grammar structures) is presented through two different types of presentation texts: • A descriptive or informative text (article, blog, email, questionnaire…) on topics of interest to students in this age range • A dialogue (with photos) that describes a typical situation faced by native speakers of English The second part of the presentation section focuses attention on the grammar and lexical aspects that emerge in either the written text or, in a spontaneous form, in the dialogue.
Presentation 1 Warm up The objective of the warm up phase is to introduce the topic of the presentation text. This can occur both by teaching the new lexis in the text and by encouraging the students to contribute in a personal way to the topic, putting into practice the knowledge they have already acquired. Students will explore the lexical area of the new vocabulary words they encounter in the texts and will also draw on previous lexical knowledge. All of this takes place through exercises matching words to pictures or through questions on the topic to encourage students’ personal responses and to check their passive knowledge of the language. This brief introduction should last no more than 5 minutes. The reading of the text allows students to check and expand on their knowledge expressed in the warm-up phase. Text In order to familiarise students with the various registers of the English language, a variety of texts are proposed, from descriptive to informative, taken from different sources such as magazine and newspaper articles, emails, messages and posts, advertisements, brochures, blogs, websites, questionnaires, interviews and quizzes. Each type of text has a dual function. On the one hand, it prepares the student to understand the various written forms (journalistic, advertising, bureaucratic, scientific…) and the different registers (formal, informal, objective, personal) in English; on the other hand, it serves as a vehicle for presenting the grammar and lexis for that unit. Comprehension First stage: this usually involves skimming the text for gist or scanning it for specific information, which could be tied into the warm up, relative to either lexis or general topic. The goal is to encourage the students to read a text quickly in order to grasp the overall sense or to pick out specific information. Second stage: this checks comprehension of the details of the text. Students complete a variety of exercises such as True or False, matching or answering Wh- questions (requiring answers that provide information).
Presentation 2 Dialogue The second presentation text introduces the story of four teenagers who are attending a summer course at the fictional London Arts Centre (LAC) in London. These are usually dialogues (rarely other texts) and photographs. Of the four characters, three (Antonio, Michael and Robyn) are doing a course on Film Studies and one (Anna) who arrives later, is doing a drama course. The story begins, evolves and concludes in the first three volumes of FLASH on English. Anna lives in London with her parents who own a Bed & Breakfast. Her dream is to take a course in acting and dance at the London Arts Centre. Robyn comes from Scotland and has rented a room in a house in London so she can attend the LAC course.
Introduction Antonio comes from Liverpool. He has moved to London to attend the LAC course and has rented a room in the same house where Robyn lives. Michael is from Manchester but lives with his aunt and uncle in London. He has a great sense of humour and is always ready to joke and make fun of people. Mr and Mrs Harrison are Anna’s parents and the owners of the B&B. The father is strict and is constantly reprimanding Anna because she goes out often, comes home late and doesn’t do enough work at the hotel. Anna has to really struggle to win permission to attend LAC. The mother instead, is a little more understanding of her daughter. The centre for the arts offers a natural context in which to introduce topics in the cultural and literary fields that are often picked up again in the skills pages. Listen and read The story is first approached through a Listen-and-read exercise in which the students are asked to either answer a global comprehension question (by skimming) or to provide specific information (by scanning), based on the dialogue or the pictures. The students listen to the dialogue as they follow the text in the book. In a mixed-ability class, those students who feel more confident can close the book and simply listen (see the Teaching Techniques for mixed-ability classes sections in the Teacher’s Books). Comprehension Following the Listen-and-read exercise, there is a detailed comprehension exercise similar to that in the first presentation text.
Features common to both presentations Flash Forward This section offers fast-finishers the opportunity to react to the text in a personal way. This usually involves a written activity, for example, answering questions, writing a brief description, expressing a personal opinion. This can be assigned to those students who have already completed the other exercises to keep them occupied while the rest of the class finishes the previous task or it can be given to the whole class. Grammar This section highlights the grammar elements of the presentation text. The examples are taken from the text and the grammar item is emphasised in bold. If necessary, a brief explanation may follow. Then, the students are asked to look for more examples of this particular grammar feature in the text. The morphology, structure and uses of the grammar point are further developed on the Flash on Grammar page and in the Workbook. Grammar exercise The follow-up exercise checks the student’s grasp of the form and meaning of the grammar point presented. The exercise usually consists of 6 or 7 sentences. Vocabulary Words taken from the presentation text or dialogue are the basis for presenting new vocabulary in lexical groups. These groups could be based on a lexical area connected to the unit theme (for instance, travel, transport, food, etc.), to parts of speech (adjectives, nouns, verbs, adverbs, etc.), on a semantic relationship (synonyms, antonyms) or on collocations, i.e. typical combinations of two or more words (e.g. verb + noun: to take a taxi, to catch a cold). The students are asked to do exercises that deal with a particular lexical area, for example, matching words and pictures, words and definitions, or classifying words into groups or diagrams, tables or mind maps. In order to activate the lexis that has been learned, an exercise is provided in which students personalise the lexical area; for example, in the area of Transport students might be asked to talk about which means of transport they use to come to school. Functions This section offers the student a chance to use the grammar and the lexis that has been highlighted in the lesson to express a range of communicative functions.
Introduction Functions are performed in written and oral activities; there is often a ‘write, then say’ sequence which gives the student a solid base on which to build the difficult art of oral expression in a foreign language. In the oral activities the student expresses opinions, solves problems, interacts with a partner in order to establish effective verbal communication. Linguistic segments to be used and examples of how to use them are a useful and necessary guide. Say it! In each Presentation the student is provided with an opportunity to use the language just learned (vocabulary, grammar, functions) in oral expression. Since the development of production skills requires a big effort, a variety of helpful means are provided to the student; the oral activity may be based on oral models just presented (e.g. in Unit 2 the students describe Robyn’s room after having read the description of Michael’s room in the dialogue) or it may follow a written exercise (e.g. in Unit 1 the students write about objects they’ve got before they talk about them with a partner). Write it! In each Presentation the student is guided through the writing of short texts based on the structures, functions and vocabulary learned in the presentation text. A fuller development of written composition, both guided and free-form, is carried out on the last double-page spread in the unit, in a wider context of cultural and extra-curricular discussions. Flashpoint This section highlights some of the problems encountered and most common errors made by people learning English.
Vocabulary Workshop/Listen’n’speak/Use of English The Vocabulary Workshop page offers numerous exercises on the lexical area already explored in the first part of the unit. It also includes a Study Skills section with practical tips on learning/studying techniques to help students improve their performance in class and at home; a Pronunciation section and/or a Spoken English section. The Listen’n’speak page stimulates further development of listening and speaking skills, of the techniques associated with them (skimming, scanning, listening for gist, etc.) and of communication strategies. In order to see a parallel development of the two skills, the contents of the listening activity (oral comprehension) prepares for and facilitates the speaking activity (oral production). In addition, the audio text contains examples of words and phrases that will be the object of the pronunciation activity that follows. The Use of English page of the Upper Intermediate level focuses on usage and helps learners familiarise with the third paper of the Cambridge English: First (FCE) examination. Pronunciation The goal of this activity is to help students to not only pronounce English in a way that is fluid and natural-sounding, but also to understand spoken English from native as well as world speakers of English. English sounds are practised, both singly and in the context of a sentence or general discourse, with particular emphasis on intonation and stress. The examples are taken from the language material presented in the unit. Spoken English This section is aimed at helping students to express themselves in English more fluidly and naturally, but especially to teach them active listening. This means they will learn to develop their ability to listen and to interact in a conversation with the appropriate reactions and/or responses (listenership). Practice with spoken English is had through short dialogue exchanges. By the end of the third volume, the students will have had practice using the following types of communicative utterances, phraseology and grammatical forms. • Using phrases or typical expressions rather than complete sentences • Frequently using conjunctions and, but, or and because • Using ellipsis: (Do you) like ice cream? Fancy a walk? • Using phrases or questions to keep a conversation going: What about you? And you? By the way… • Using words to pause or gain time: you know, I know, I see, you see, so, well, kind of, sort of, a bit, really, actually… • Using two consecutive questions: Do you like London? Is it your favourite city? • Using fillers: er…, um…
Introduction • Reacting with a comment using which as a linker: A: London’s huge… B: which makes it really interesting! • Confirming by rephrasing what the other person has said • Repeating of part of what others in the conversation have said • Reacting to show interest: Really? Amazing! • Interrupting the person who is speaking • Taking short conversation turns between two people (adjacent couple mechanism) • Using idiomatic expressions, locutions and ‘fixed collocations’ • Using informal lexis
Flash on Grammar This section summarises the grammar learned in the unit, offering explanations and additional practice exercises. These include specific ones to address each single grammar item, followed by other exercises which cover all of the grammar points in the unit. The exercise format is either separate sentences or a short text.
Flash on Skills (Culture/CLIL/Literature) The last two pages in each unit present material that is tied to Culture, CLIL and Literature. The topics were chosen in relation to the theme for each unit. The texts recycle the grammar and the vocabulary from the unit. They also present a limited number of new words, just for passive knowledge. In fact, the new words are not included in the oral exercises or in the listening comprehension questions. On these pages, emphasis is placed on developing the four skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing). A study skills section is included with practical tips on learning/studying techniques to help students improve their performance in class and at home. The Culture pages deal primarily with the United Kingdom in the lower levels, whereas in the higher levels sociocultural topics pertaining to world are covered. The CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) pages propose work on other subjects, both school- and workrelated, presented in English. The students learn to absorb and deal with information from the real world, discussing it in English, at a level that matches the unit they are currently studying. The Literature pages present a few literary texts (prose, poetry or theatre) as vehicles to allow students to practise and expand on the language learned in the unit and also to acquire cultural notions through the English language.
Flashback Every two units there is a double page of exercises to review the language objectives. The exercises cover the material from the previous two units, subdivided into three sections, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Functions, for a total score of 100 points. The teacher can use this revision to check what has been assimilated by the students, to identify any gaps or weak points, to recover and consolidate before moving on to the next two units.
Course Methodology The FLASH on English course adopts an eclectic teaching methodology which combines well-known, tried and true traditional techniques with a balanced use of the most recent developments in language learning that are based on new discoveries in the field of foreign language acquisition. The course is solidly based on grammar and lexis but complements this with an emphasis on receptive skills in the four areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course is designed around the conviction that students in this phase of their language study need a great deal of help in learning to speak and write (language production) and need constant training to hone their listening and reading skills (language comprehension). In the methodological approach adopted in the FLASH on English course the texts used in the presentation pages are essential for contextualising the language and for fostering student interest in the topic. Moreover, the course is built on the fundamental principle that language serves as the bridge to content and therefore, it encourages students to learn new things about the world around them through the medium of the language; this is
Introduction especially true in the last lesson of each unit, in the Culture, CLIL and Literature pages. A cohesive development of language and content not only makes it easy to assimilate and retain what is being learned, but allows for an easy sequence of exercises, lessons and units characterised by a seamless continuity.
Approach to grammar The approach to grammar is inductive and follows either of two paths: go from the example to the rule and practice or go from the structures to the rule and practice. In each unit the grammar in question appears in the presentation text before it is formally introduced. The students can observe the grammar in context so as to have an idea of the forms, the meaning and the use of grammatical elements and structures. Then, they look at the grammar box which provides examples taken from the text and highlights the morphology. At this point the students are asked to go back to the text to find other examples and to underline them. This search activates their awareness of the grammar seen in context. When the students have found more examples, the teacher asks questions to focus attention on the form, meaning and use of the structure, for example: What tense is this? What period of time does it refer to, past, present or future? Why is the speaker or writer using this form? Is he or she telling a story/talking about everyday activities? This encourages students to extrapolate the rule by themselves and thus, remember it more easily. It also prepares them to be more focused when they do the grammar exercise that follows. The exercises are a controlled manipulation of the forms, presented in such a way as to also illustrate the meaning. The students then have the opportunity to use the grammar in short exchanges in the Functions section. The Flash on Grammar page instead, uses a deductive approach; that is, students first observe the forms, the meaning and the use of the grammar to then move on to practise it in sentences and in texts. The grammar is presented through a deductive approach and delved into more deeply in the Workbook. Each Workbook unit starts with two pages that serve as a grammar reference to be used at home or when a comprehensive view of the grammar point is needed during the classroom lesson. The pages contain a thorough analysis of the grammatical elements in question, with verb tables, morphology, structure and explanations on usage, all with examples taken from the Student’s Book. The two explanatory pages are followed by two pages of exercises in the most common formats (gap fill, multiple choice, sentence formation with word prompts, matching sentence halves or matching answers and questions).
Approach to lexis In both the Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels much emphasis is placed on learning the lexis because it is the most important aspect of the language, essential for communication. In fact, a certain level of communication is possible even without knowing the grammar, but with no knowledge of the words, communication is impossible. Teaching lexis is the objective that pervades each unit, particularly in the Elementary level where building a strong lexical base is fundamental. To do this, the FLASH on English approach to teaching lexis is to gradually build up the student’s knowledge of how things are called, whether they are objects or ideas, feelings, and so on. Words are organised into semantic-lexical groups to facilitate the memorisation and recall process. The groups are presented through diagrams, images, tables and mind maps. For example, the students are asked to match words and pictures, to complete a lexical group or to choose the most appropriate word for a given situation. Sometimes the combination of words is tied to usage (e.g. collocation) and sometimes attention is focused on the grammatical form of the word or on derivatives (e.g. from verb to noun, from an adjective to its opposite). Just as with grammar, studying lexis also starts with the form and meaning and then looks at how the words are used in context. The lesson often begins with a warm-up exercise that introduces the lexical theme, for example matching words to pictures. Then, examples of the vocabulary being highlighted are used in the presentation texts on the first and third pages of the unit, allowing students to deduce the meaning from the context. A specific exercise follows which reproposes the words from the text and adds others to build a lexical group (of anywhere from 8 to 20 elements). At this point the students are able to tackle a personalised exercise using the lexis they have learned or do another type of exercise in which the vocabulary is used in context and in a meaningful way. The study of the lexis is expanded on the Vocabulary Workshop page and reinforced in the Workbook where the students will find a glossary containing the lexical groups from the unit, placed after the grammar reference, along with a series of lexis-building exercises in the most common formats.
Introduction As the course progresses, teachers will notice that the language from one unit is recycled in the units that follow so as to reinforce the learning process. This helps the students’ long term memory and offers the opportunity to explore other contexts in which the same lexis is used. In the higher levels FLASH on English continues to expand the student’s lexical knowledge by concentrating on fixed phrases and idiomatic expressions (see Spoken English and Language development sections).
Functions In each unit there are sections which highlight specific communicative functions. The students are thus given the chance to communicate in English, using a wide range of functions. Examples of these functions are to be found in the mini-dialogue format; the students then use them as models to guide their own production at the functional communication level.
Approach to listening The four skills can be classified into oral comprehension (listening), written comprehension (reading), oral production (speaking) and written production (writing). In order to develop the listening skill, the course offers ample and varied opportunities for listening practice. New words are listened to for memory and for correct pronunciation. The dialogues of the story are heard and read, but according to the students’ listening ability, they may be only listened to without the script. It is recommended, however, that the comprehension exercise be done with the book open to the dialogue, so students can refer to it. In the Intermediate level of the course, on the Listen’n’speak pages, the two skills are coordinated in that the speaking activity can be used as an introduction to the listening activity and vice versa, it can follow and expand on the content. All of the sub-skills are also developed to promote effective listening (pre-listening, listening for gist, listening for specific details, deep listening to grasp all of the meanings and levels of communication). In other words, the listening activity begins with an exercise to familiarise the students with the topic before they hear about it, then the actual listening begins to catch the overall sense first, and then, the details. Finally, students are encouraged to then express their personal reactions to or their opinions on what they have heard.
Approach to speaking The skills that require production from the students (speaking and writing) require more effort compared to those that call for comprehension (reading and listening). One of the fundamental guiding principles of FLASH on English is to provide students a detailed guide and all of the necessary support material for the speaking activities. Therefore, speaking activities are closely linked to other activities (lexis- and grammar-related, listening), but above all, students are encouraged to think about the topic and jot down a few notes, before they begin to talk about it. This preparatory step will be especially useful when they must begin to speak. This approach can be summarised in the formula, think, write and speak. A variety of oral activities are undertaken: brief monologues or speeches made to the class, work in pairs in which students talk to a partner and they share opinions, express agreement or disagreement, ask for and give information, offer suggestions to solve a problem and so forth. The speaking activities sometimes involve written (words, questions) or visual prompts (pictures) or a questionnaire to be answered.
Spoken English/Language Development This section offers two types of language, one consists of words or expressions that are commonly used in daily spoken English and the other consists of useful interactive strategies. The information on the language and structure of discourse helps the student to improve his/her capacity to not only speak English more naturally, but also to listen more carefully.
Approach to reading For an effective development of reading skills, activities must be broken down into three different moments – before reading, while reading, after reading. Before reading: during the preparatory step (pre-reading or warm-up) the students are asked to draw on previous knowledge of the topic or recall some language requirements. In some cases it may be necessary to provide new information, but wherever possible, it is recommended that teachers try to use what the students already know. It is good practice in teaching to build new knowledge on the basis of prior knowledge; this will give students
Introduction confidence, bolsters their self-esteem and makes it easier to approach the reading text. While reading: the students are asked to read the text a first time to check their answers to the warm-up questions or to grasp the gist. This first step of the while reading phase should not be presented as something difficult, because it is simply the first contact with the text. The second step of while reading instead, requires a more detailed reading and an exercise on more thorough comprehension. After reading: in the after reading phase, the students do the Flash Forward activity in which they can react to the text. This final phase requires as much personal input as possible, so as to help students commit to memory both the language and the content. While it is not necessary to insist that the students understand every word of the new text, the material is presented in such a way that by the end of the three reading phases the class should have understood almost everything.
Approach to writing Writing is a useful preparatory activity for speaking and also serves to consolidate the language that has been learned, but it is also a skill in and of itself. In every unit of FLASH on English there are brief writing exercises to do, leading up to the speaking activities or following them as a conclusion. The main work on this skill is done in the Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate levels in the Skills sections where the students will find a variety of texts that serve as models for composition. In the Intermediate and Upper Intermediate levels students are taught to write a narrative, a summary, a book or film review; how to use linkers; how to put together two sentences; how to subdivide a text into paragraphs; how to write about problems and give advice or solutions; how to describe people and interpersonal relationships; talk about one’s favourite sport; how to organise a speech, a website, a biography or a magazine article.
Approach to pronunciation In FLASH on English three main areas of English pronunciation are explored: • Individual sounds (vowels, consonants) • Stress (on the word, in the sentence) • Pronunciation within a discourse (e.g. importance of weak forms) The object is not to learn to speak like a native speaker of English, which is practically impossible (and probably not necessary), but to help students speak in the most natural and comprehensible way possible. There is nothing wrong with the listener being aware that the speaker is Italian, French or of any other nationality. The students who use the FLASH on English course are at a point in their development when they can imitate a good accent and achieve a good pronunciation. This is much more difficult later, after the age of adolescence when the way people articulate and language models used become fixed. At this stage, instead, student can be made aware of the importance of proper pronunciation and the basis is laid down for optimal pronunciation in the future. The course contextualises the pronunciation exercises and because they are based on the listening texts which the students have heard, the phonological elements are taken from the material already presented.
Recycling The FLASH on English course recycles grammar and vocabulary in various ways: • In graded material: the new texts are based on pre-existing knowledge of both grammar and lexis; new structures are avoided if they are not in that unit’s grammar point; old and well-known language forms are incorporated throughout the book to create a sense of continuity and uninterrupted flow; • In the Skills pages: the final double-page spread in each unit recycles as much language as possible from the unit; • In the Flashback activities: after every two units the students can check what they have retained from the grammar, lexis and functions learned up to that point by doing check and review exercises; • In the Workbook.
Mixed-ability classes Nearly all classes can be defined this way because students come from different linguistic experiences, they are motivated differently, have different interests, learn at different speeds and have different types of intelligence (kinesthetic, linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, naturalistic, spatial-artistic, interpersonal). Therefore, it is useful to understand the problems facing a teacher and helpful to know how they can be solved by
Introduction adopting appropriate strategies and techniques. For effective teaching that can reach all students, even the weakest ones, it is recommended that you: • Make frequent use of visual materials that will attract students of all levels and of all types of intelligence; • Be prepared for all situations, for example, have an extra exercise ready to give to those who finish sooner, such as the Flash Forward exercises proposed in FLASH on English; • Not assign a whole activity to all of the students, but assign different parts so as to graduate the activity according to ability; • Assign open-ended exercises, for example, write a letter, finish the story, describe a picture, so each student can do the task according to his/her level seeing as there is no one right answer to this type of exercise; • Personalise the exercises to adapt them to the students’ interests; • Do role-play and drama activities, lexis or grammar contests; • Divide the class into groups or pairs with strong and weak students to work together or make groups of the same level and then assign tasks of varying difficulty. Specific suggestions for the FLASH on English course are to be found on page 110 of this guide.
Tests & Resources The Tests & Resources volume of FLASH on English course contains the following materials: • 10 Unit Tests (one for each unit, in versions A and B) • 5 Skills Tests (one for every two units) • 10 double-sided Revision sheets • 16 double-sided Extension sheets Unit Tests (A and B) The series of tests, in versions A and B, provide a written test of the grammatical and lexical elements presented in each unit of the Student’s Book, as well as the language functions and the lexis presented in the relative Vocabulary Builder sections of the Workbook. In the A and B versions of the tests, the grammar structures, the lexis and the functions being tested are equivalent, but there may be some slight differences in vocabulary, single items or information asked. In both versions, the exercises are of a controlled structure such that the students are required to manipulate single linguistic components or compose short sentences. Skills Tests Each Skills Tests section checks students’ abilities, using the topics and language material presented in the previous two units. The Reading and Listening sheets consist in two activities each, for a total of 30 points for each sheet. The texts use authentic language used in real contexts and the comprehension activities usually require short but precise answers. Students’ writing skills are enhanced in the activities offered on the Writing sheets (20 points each) that cover the topics and structures presented in the units. The Speaking sheets present three different activities, a semi-structured dialogue that gives students an opportunity to practise their oral production in a controlled situation, and two questions to which students must give a longer and more complex answer, using the lexis and structures from the relative units. Revision and Extension worksheets Each Revision worksheet offers recovery and consolidation exercises for the grammar and lexis from each unit. In order to achieve greater consolidation, the activities are organised in a controlled structure and offer a high degree of support to the student. These worksheets are especially useful for students that need extra reinforcement or that need to catch up. The Extension sheets are for students who have already assimilated the contents of the unit and who are now ready for consolidation and enhancement of the competences acquired. The activities presented on these pages are primarily summative in nature and they present a series of authentic texts of different kinds (article, email, brochure, blog, quiz, etc.) and dialogues. Students will need a greater degree of autonomy and the ability to orient themselves in less guided contexts that offer greater linguistic variety.
Is Everybody Happy? Topic: the places where we live, countries and cities.
Grammar: comparatives; superlative of adjectives; as + adjective + as and less. Vocabulary: shops; places in the town and in the country; prepositions of place.
Functions: making comparisons; talking about location.
Reading: read and understand an article about the happiness of a people; understand a conversation about a European country; read and understand articles about three small countries.
Listening: listen to two teenagers talking about their countries.
Speaking: compare life in the city with life in the country; ask and answer questions about where things are in your town; ask questions to guess which country your partner is talking about. Writing: a text about a small country. Pronunciation: compound nouns. Study Skills: reading for specific information.
Presentation text 1.02 1.02 p. 8 2 Have the students look at the photos and read the text quickly to grasp the general gist and answer the questions. The comment Lars makes, saying the capital is Copenhagen, gives a clear clue. The comment Fritz makes refers to the European Football Cup that his country won in 1992; it took place in Sweden and was won by Denmark. Transcript [Track 1.02] see Student’s Book p. 8 Answer It is Denmark.
3 p. 8 Have the class read the text and comment on the more difficult words like workaholic, powerful (point out the suffixes -holic and -ful ) and safe (point out the noun safety and compare to secure/security). Tell the students to use the text scanning technique in order to find the specific information needed to complete this exercise. Answers
What is happiness? pp. 8-9 1 p. 8 Initiate a class discussion about the meaning of happiness and what makes people happy; listen to and accept everyone’s ideas. Ask the students to complete the sentence on a piece of paper; tell them not to write their name on it, as their answers may be very personal. Collect the papers and read them to the class. Give the students an opportunity to comment on each one. As a fun activity, have students look up and read quotations on happiness from the Internet. For example, have them visit the site: www.quotegarden. com/happiness.html.
1 five and a half million 2 tall 3 beautiful 4 dangerous 5 social assistance 6 won
4 p. 8 Now have the students read for details so they can answer the comprehension questions. Have the students work in pairs to write both the questions and the answers. Answers 2 Who are Hapland’s neighbours? The Norwegians and the Swedes. 3 Where do people laugh a lot? In southern Europe, in countries like Italy and Greece. 4 How many weeks’ holiday do they have in Hapland?
1 5 6
They have six-week holiday every year. Why were the Haplanders happy in 1992? Because they won the European Football Cup. What do most Haplanders look like? They are tall and blond.
FLASH FORWARD Assign the activity to any students who quickly finish exercises 3 and 4. Possible answers Haplanders are not rich. The weather in Hapland is cold. People are healthy and strong because they are not stressed. The streets in their capital city are not dangerous, they are safe.
Vocabulary: Places in the town and in the country 5 p. 9 Have the class look at the pictures of a town and of the country, then do the activity with the whole class. Explain that in this context, in the country refers to the countryside where there are fields and farms, away from cities. Tell the students they will hear the answers and the correct pronunciation of the words in exercise 6.
Play the recording so the students can check their answers. Play it again for repetition. Point out some differences between British and American English: – car park/parking lot; – roundabout/traffic circle; – petrol station/gas station. Transcript and answers [Track 1.03] In the town 11 bank 12 swimming pool 13 bus stop 14 shopping center 15 post office 16 station 17 restaurant 18 car park 19 roundabout 10 petrol station
11 hospital 12 church In the country 1 mountain 2 wood 3 river 4 field 5 hill 6 bridge 7 farm 8 lake 9 hedge
7 p. 9 Now have the students personalise the topic, by doing a brief oral exercise in pairs. Call on a few students to come up and describe what they and/or their partner pass on their way to school.
Comparatives Have the class read and translate the examples, then go to p. 13 and go through all of the rules for using comparatives. Point out the spelling rules and the use of than. Explain that it is the pronunciation that determines whether an adjective has one syllable or two, for example nice, large and wise have one syllable, whereas careful and pleasant have two. Explain that some two-syllable words can have two comparative forms, for example: clever – cleverer or more clever and simple – simpler or more simple. Assign the task.
Answers What is happiness? Are large, rich countries like the USA happier than the rest of the world? Are countries with nice weather and good food, like Italy and Spain, happier? It seems the answer is ‘no’. Research says that little Hapland, with its five-and-a-half million people, is the happiest country in the world. Why? The weather in Hapland is cold and rainy. Their neighbours, the Norwegians, are richer than they are and their other neighbours, the Swedes, are just as tall and blond and more sporty, but it seems they’re not as happy. Tahiti or Bali might be more
1 beautiful than Hapland but the people of Hapland are happier than people in those exotic places. So what makes the Haplanders happy? We asked some students at the University of Hapland for their opinions… ‘In 1992, we won the European cup! We beat bigger, stronger teams than us; that victory made us very happy. And, you know, they say that blond people have more fun than the rest of the world; we have more beautiful blondes than anywhere else. Just joking!’ ‘Hapland is safe. Our capital city, Copenhagen, is less dangerous than New York or London and there isn’t much crime here. We have more freedom, we work less – we have six weeks holiday every year – and we are not workaholics! We enjoy life.’ ‘I think small countries like ours are happier than big countries like the USA. America is rich and strong, but that doesn’t make people happy there. In our country, the differences between the rich and the poor are smaller’. ‘People in southern Europe, you know, Italy and Greece, look happier – maybe they laugh more than we do, but they’re not as content as us. We’re not as stressed as they are either – we don’t worry about things like losing a job because here we have good social assistance – the state takes care of us.’
8 p. 9 First do the task orally with the class, then assign the written exercise for homework. If the students do not agree with any of the statements, tell them they will have a chance to express their opinions in the next exercise. Answers 1 English is easier than mathematics. 2 Life in the country is healthier than life in the city. 3 The south of Spain is more beautiful than the north. 4 Poor people are happier than rich people. 5 Girls are cleverer/more clever than boys. 6 Big cities are more dangerous than small towns.
9 p. 9 Invite the students to discuss the statements in exercise 8 and in those they do not agree with, have them propose a different comparison.
Possible answers 2 3 4 5 6
Life in the country isn’t healthier than life in the city – it’s less healthy because farmers use chemicals in their fields. The south of Spain isn’t more beautiful than the north – the north has got beautiful mountains. Poor people aren’t happier than rich people – they are more worried and miserable. Girls aren’t cleverer/more clever than boys – they are just as clever. Big cities aren’t more dangerous than small towns – small towns are just as dangerous.
10 p. 9 Do the exercise orally in class, then have the students copy it out as a written homework assignment. Point out that they are to use a different form of comparison, but that the meaning stays the same. Answers 2 3 4 5 6
People in poor countries are not as healthy as people in rich countries. England is not as beautiful as Scotland. Cats are not as clever as dogs. Buses are not as expensive as trains. I am not as fast as you when I do my homework.
Say it! 11 p. 9 Encourage the students to take part in a class discussion in which they share their opinions about city life vs country life. Make sure everyone understands the meaning of the adjectives in the box. Have the students do the oral task in pairs.
It’s the coolest city in Europe! pp. 10-11 Presentation dialogue 1.04 p. 10 1 Have the students look at the photo and elicit responses to some questions, like: – Who are the three friends? (Anna, Robyn and Michael.) – Where are they? (In a café.) – What are they having? (Coffee, juice and cakes.) – What are they wearing? (Anoraks, a leather jacket, scarves and jeans and they’ve got umbrellas).
Have someone read and translate the title It’s the coolest city in Europe! and ask: What do you think they are talking about? Then say: Listen and read to find out. Play the recording while the students follow in their books. Tell the students to skim the text quickly, as they listen, so they can answer the question. Transcript [Track 1.04] see Student’s Book p. 10 Answer She feels a bit nervous because she’s waiting for the results of her interview at the LAC.
2 p. 10 Have three students read the parts for Robyn, Anna and Michael in the dialogue. Comment on words and expressions that might be more difficult, like gap year, loads of, bike lanes. Assign the task individually or in pairs. Correct it orally and call on a student to come to the board and write out the completed table.
Answers (…) Yeah, I want to visit my friend there. They Anna say it’s the coolest city in Europe. Robyn Well the music scene is wicked. It’s the best place in Europe for electronic music and there are loads of cafés, clubs, bars... (…) Robyn And the shopping is fantastic! It’s got the trendiest shops and boutiques but it is less expensive than London or Paris. (…) Michael Yeah, it’s the most environmentally friendly place in Europe – there are bike lanes everywhere! – so that means it’s one of the safest, least polluted cities. (…) Michael Yeah that’s true. It’s definitely colder than London. In winter it’s freezing. It’s one of the coldest places in Europe.
3 p. 11 First do the task orally with the class, then assign the written exercise for homework. Answers
Answers music: it’s wicked, best place in Europe for electronic music culture: more exciting than in London shopping: fantastic, trendiest shops and boutiques, less expensive than London or Paris ecology: they recycle everything, lots of bike lanes, one of the safest, least polluted cities weather: colder than London, freezing in winter, one of the coldest cities in Europe
FLASH FORWARD Assign the task to students who have already finished exercise 2, or assign it to the whole class for homework.
Superlative of adjectives Have the class read and translate the examples, then go to p. 13 and go through all of the rules for using superlatives. Point out the spelling rules and the use of in and of. Now assign the task.
1 friendliest 2 most expensive 3 most modern 4 coldest 5 most dangerous 6 coolest
4 p. 11 Have the students do the written task in class or assign it for homework. Make sure that they use the same superlatives. If appropriate, ask for the students’ opinions and initiate a discussion.
Vocabulary: Prepositions of place 1.05 p. 11 5 Have the students write the correct preposition under each picture. Translate, if necessary. Play the recording to check their answers. Play it again for repetition. Transcript and answers [Track 1.05] 1 in front of 2 in 3 under 4 between
1 5 opposite 6 next to 7 behind 8 on
6 p. 11 Ask the class to look at the picture on p. 9 and choose the correct preposition for each sentence. Correct their responses orally. Answers 1 opposite 2 behind 3 opposite 4 next to 5 behind 6 behind
Talking about location Have different students read and translate the sentences. Move on to exercises 7 and 8 to practise this function.
Say it! 7 p. 11 Monitor the students as they work in pairs, making sure they are giving correct information.
8 p. 11 Have the class study the map carefully and ask them to read out the names of the places they will talk about. If necessary, call on a pair of students to come up and demonstrate the task for the class. Now assign the exercise and monitor the students as they work in pairs, making sure they are giving correct information. Possible answers Where’s Big Ben? It’s opposite London Eye. Where’s Westminster Abbey? It’s behind Big Ben. Where’s the London Eye? It’s between Big Ben and Tate Modern. Where’s Tate Modern? It’s next to the Globe Theatre. Where’s St Paul’s Cathedral? It’s opposite Tate Modern, in the City of London. Where’s the Globe Theatre? It’s next to Tate
Modern, opposite St Paul’s. Where’s the Tower of London? It’s next to Tower Bridge. Where’s Tower Bridge? It’s on the river Thames, next to the Tower of London.
Vocabulary Workshop p. 12 Shops 1.06 1
p. 12 Assign the task individually or in pairs. Play the recording to check their answers. Play it again for repetition. Transcript and answers [Track 1.06] You can buy books in a bookshop. You can buy jewels in a jeweller’s. You can buy medicines in a chemist’s. You can buy paint in a DIY store. You can buy a computer in a household appliances store. You can buy a skirt in a clothes shop. You can buy bread in a baker’s. You can buy steaks in a butcher’s.
Places in the town and in the country 2 p. 12 Have the students identify which elements belong to the town and which to the country, referring to exercise 5 on p. 9. Discuss which elements could belong to both categories. If necessary, remind them again of the meaning of in the country. Possible answers in the town: station, car park, swimming pool, bank, post office, hospital, shopping centre, restaurant, petrol station, roundabout in the country: mountain, field, wood, farm, lake, hill both: bridge, church, hedge, bus stop, river
3 p. 12 Have the students work individually or in pairs to find more words to add to each category.
1 Possible answers in the town: museum, theatre, cinema, shops, tennis court, football pitch, street, square in the country: path, barn, cowshed, stable, vineyard, orchard both: garden, park, road
Prepositions of place 4 p. 12
bathroom armchair hairbrush
•• •• ••
8 p. 12 Ask the students to read the rule and choose the correct alternative. Answer on the first word
Assign the written task to be done in class. Ask a few students to read their answers and have the class decide if they are correct. It could be interesting and fun to ask one or two students to come to the board and draw a plan of the class, according to the other students’ answers, to see if the descriptions are correct (or not!).
Pronunciation: Compound nouns 1.07 p. 12 5 Read the explanations and check that everyone understands the meaning of the words listed. Play the recording to help students choose the correct stress pattern. Play it again for repetition. Transcript [Track 1.07] see Student’s Book p. 12 Answers The stress is on the first syllable. bus stop • post office • car park • bookshop •
• • • •
6 p. 12
1.08 p. 12
Play the recording to check the students’ answers. Play it again for repetition. Transcript and answers [Track 1.08]
• • •
earring • cell phone • laptop •
Comparatives and superlatives Have the class read and translate the table, the usage rules and the examples for comparatives and superlatives.
Workbook p. 4
1 p. 13 Answers 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12
short – shorter – shortest strong – stronger – strongest poor – poorer – poorest beautiful – more beautiful – most beautiful interesting – more interesting – most interesting difficult – more difficult – most difficult intelligent – more intelligent – most intelligent large – larger – largest brave – braver – bravest pretty –prettier –prettiest ugly – uglier – ugliest
2 p. 13
Make sure everyone understands the words, repeat them with the class, then have the students mark the syllable where the main stress falls.
Flash on Grammar p. 13
Answers 1 faster 2 cheaper 3 colder 4 more difficult 5 more interesting 6 funnier
3 p. 13 Answers 1 richer 2 more handsome
3 than 4 more 5 than
4 p. 13 Answers 2 3 4 5 6
Which is the shortest day of the year? Who is the most handsome man in the world? Which is the highest mountain in the world? Who is the richest man in the world? Which is the saddest experience of your life?
5 p. 13 Possible answers 2 3 4 5 6
I think the 21st of December is the shortest day of the year. I think Robert Pattinson is the most handsome man in the world. I think Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. I think Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. Personal answers.
as + adjective + as and less Have the students read the rules, the structures and the examples.
Europe in the classroom, have different students find and identify the three states. Answers From left to right: Monaco (neighbouring countries are France and Italy), Vatican City (neighbouring country is Italy), San Marino (neighbouring country is Italy).
Reading 2 p. 14 Have the students skim the texts and match the flags to the states. Check the responses with the whole class. Answers yellow and white flag: Vatican City blue and white flag: San Marino red and white flag: Monaco
3 p. 15 Now have them read for details and comment on the difficult words like sovereign state, Lateran Treaty, kingdom, police force, dates from and glamorous. Assign the task individually or in pairs. Answers
Workbook p. 5
6 p. 13 Answers Personal answers
Flash on Skills / CLIL: History and geography The smallest states pp. 14-15 Before you read 1 p. 14 Introduce the lesson by explaining that this is a history and geography topic that deals with the smallest states in Europe – their importance and their history.
1 Vatican City 2 San Marino 3 San Marino 4 Monaco 5 Vatican City 6 Vatican City 7 Monaco 8 San Marino
Study Skills - Reading for specific information Go through the three tips with the class and tell the students they are to apply these techniques in exercise 4.
4 p. 15 Assign the task individually or in pairs.
Have the class do the reading preparation exercise to check their knowledge. If you have a wall map of
1 Answers a b c d e
the population of Monaco the Lateran Treaty the area of the Vatican City San Marino’s constitution height of Monte Titano in San Marino
Listening 1.09 5
p. 15
Now that they have read the description of three small European states, the students will listen to an interview with an English boy who emigrated to Canada and with an American girl who lives in the Bahamas. Both of these countries are part of the Commonwealth of Nations. Play the recording a first time and have the students write in the names of the speakers. Transcript [Track 1.09] Richard We moved here two years ago, when I was 14. Interviewer What’s it like here, Richard? Richard Well, it’s freezing cold in the winters but the summer is, of course, warmer and sunnier – it can get boiling hot! The weather is not as bad on the coast, it’s better there. Interviewer You live in the capital, don’t you? Richard Yes, that’s right. Toronto’s the most expensive city in the country, more expensive than Vancouver or Montreal. Interviewer What do you like about this country? Richard The people – Canadians are very warm, friendly people. And there’s a lot to do. Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal are the best for culture and night life. They have hundreds of good restaurants, cinemas and theatres. Interviewer They say Canada is one of the world’s happiest countries. Do you agree? Richard Yes, I do. It is one of the richest and safest countries in the world. There’s less crime than in the USA and it’s cheaper: food is cheaper, restaurants are cheaper, petrol is cheaper. Interviewer What about the Health Service and schools here? How do they compare with Britain? Richard State schools are free here and they work very well so there aren’t as
many private schools as in the UK. I love my school – we’ve got great facilities! Interviewer What’s it like here for a teenager, Debbie? Debbie Where I live it’s very safe and quiet. It’s an island called Exuma. It’s incredibly small – we’ve only got one road! – but everyone knows everyone. Interviewer People say that the Bahamas is one of the happiest countries in the world. Do you agree? Debbie Well, yes… people are really friendly here – everyone leaves their door open and neighbours help each other. People say ‘Hello!’ to everyone they meet and they hug and kiss a lot. You know, we’re not rich, but we’re happy. We get millions of tourists here every year because we’ve got hundreds of beautiful beaches and the climate is good all year round. It’s never cold here and it doesn’t often rain. Interviewer Are there any things you don’t like about living here? Debbie No, nothing really. There are sometimes some problems in the Bahamas but not here in Exuma where I live. I love my country. It’s the best country in the world! Answers A Debbie B Richard
p. 15
Play the recording again so the students can complete the chart. Correct the task by copying the chart on the board and calling up one or more students to fill it in. Answers 1 The Bahamas 2 The Bahamas and Canada 3 The Bahamas 4 Canada 5 Canada 6 The Bahamas 7 Canada 8 The Bahamas and Canada
Writing 7 p. 15 The writing activity complements the other activities by recycling the content and lexis from the reading and listening activities. Have the students choose one of the countries pictured and tell them to make notes on the points in the suggested outline and then write a composition based on the model of the other texts. Assign both the research and the writing task to be done as homework. Possible answers Andorra is a small country in south-west Europe on the Pyrenees mountains. Neighbouring countries are Spain and France. Its population is about 84,000. The official language is Catalan (the language of Barcelona), but many people speak Spanish, French and Portuguese. It is a Principality with two princes (the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell in Catalonia) and a prime minister. It is famous for its tourist industry (10 million visitors per year) and for being a tax haven. Liechtenstein is a small country in Western Europe, in the Upper Rhine valley of the Alps. Neighbouring countries are Switzerland and Austria. Its population is about 35,000. The official language is German.
1 It is a constitutional monarchy and its capital is Vaduz. It is famous for its winter sports, its art collections and for being a tax haven. Wales is a mountainous country in the United Kingdom. It borders with England on the east and with the Irish Sea on the west. It has a population of about 3 million. The languages are English and Welsh. Wales is famous for its sports, especially rubgy, and for its music and poetry, which are celebrated each year in the festival called Eisteddfod. Some famous Welsh writers are the poet Dylan Thomas, the philosopher Bertrand Russell and the children’s writer Roal Dahl. Luxembourg is a small country in Western Europe, which borders with Belgium, France and Germany. Its population is about 500,000. The official languages are Luxembourgish, French and German. It is a Grand Duchy and has a constitutional monarch. It is famous for its radio and television stations.
Speaking 8 p. 15 Assign the preparatory task individually. Now have the students work in pairs to ask and answer each other’s questions.
That’s Entertainment!
Topic: the world of showbiz. Grammar: Wh- words as subject or object; can, could and may for permission and requests; formulas for making suggestions.
Vocabulary: types of film; places of entertainment. Functions: asking for and giving opinions; making suggestions.
Reading: read and understand information about box office hits; understand a conversation about choosing a show; read and understand a scene from a famous comedy.
Listening: read and listen to a scene from a comedy and identify the characters’ emotions. Speaking: express opinions about a film; discuss suggestions for an evening out; express personal opinions about the comedy and create a dialogue.
Writing: describe a film and express a personal opinion; write a dialogue to imitate a scene of the play.
Pronunciation: linking. Study Skills: word building, nouns; listening for gist (1).
Film Facts: the best and the worst pp. 16-17 1 p. 16
Have the students read and translate the title of the unit and of the lesson. Explain the meaning of entertainment (shows, films, television, or other performances or activities that entertain people, or, in a general sense, the world of showbiz). Ask the students to look at the illustrations and have them match the sentences to the posters.
Background information Twilight: New Moon (2009) and Twilight (2008) are film adaptations of Stephenie Meyer’s novels about the world of vampires.
Presentation text 1.10 p. 16 2 Have the students read the text quickly to grasp the general gist while they listen to the recording and check their answers to exercise 1. Transcript [Track 1.10] see Student’s Book p. 16
3 p. 16 Have the class read the text for details this time and comment on the more difficult words like moving, screenplay, premiere, Golden Raspberry Awards, dreadful. Tell the students to use the scanning technique to find the specific information necessary to complete the exercise. Answers 1 F He won 11 Oscars for the third film in his Lord of the Rings trilogy. 2 F She was Tatum O’Neil, 10 years old. 3 F The most popular type of film is a comedy. 4 T 5 F It is the American Cameron Diaz. 6 T
Answers 1C
The Return of the King (2003), the last of the film trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, is an adaptation of the literary trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien published in 1954-55. Mamma Mia (1999) is a musical based on songs by Abba, adapted for cinema in 2008. King Kong was a gorilla-like monster that terrorised New York City. The film first came out in 1933 and was famous for its special effects. Other King Kong films were released in 1962, 1967, 1976 and 1986. The last remake in 2005 lasted an amazing three hours and eight minutes!
Assign the activity to any students who quickly finish exercises 2 and 3 or do it with the whole class.
2 Possible answers
Nouns: director, nomination, winner, actress, award, role, performance, audience, producer, film industry, comedy, genre, action, screenplay, ticket, screening, box office, critic, actor, musical, star, series, special effect, version, scene Verbs (they are generic verbs, not specific to the film industry): win, earn, make, show, sell, think, give, contain
Wh- words as subject or object
Vocabulary: Types of films 1.11 p. 17 4 Check that the students understand the words in the box and play the recording to teach the correct pronunciation. Now ask them if they have heard of the films listed, if they have seen any of them and if they can identify the type of film they are. Point out that sometimes film titles are kept the same and other times they are translated. As an additional activity, have the students identify the film titles that remain unchanged in their language and the ones that have been translated. Transcript [Track 1.11] see Student’s Book p. 17 Answers 12 science-fiction film 13 horror film 14 romance 15 animation 16 western 17 thriller 18 war film 19 comedy 10 musical
Have the class read and translate the examples, then go to p. 21 and go through the additional examples and rules for making these types of questions. Explain that: – when the interrogative pronoun is the subject of the question, we use the following format: wh- word + verb in the affirmative or negative form; – when the interrogative pronoun is the object of the question, we use the normal question format: wh- word + auxiliary + subject + base form of verb. Have the class do the task.
Answers Who was the youngest actor ever to win an Oscar? Who was the oldest actor to win an Oscar? Which film earned the most money in its first day in cinemas? Which film has the most computer-generated special effects in it?
6 p. 17 Assign the task individually or in pairs. Correct it by having some students read the questions. In those with a wh- word that is the object, ask them to identify the subject. Answers 2O
Background information
For information on these films, you can consult The Internet Movie Database on this site www.imdb.com.
Asking for and giving opinions
5 p. 17 Have the class make a list of other movies they know of and if possible, give the title both in English and in their language. If the students don’t know the title of the films in their language, or vice versa, have them research the titles on the Internet.
Have the students read and translate the questions. Move on to exercises 7-10 to practise these functions.
7 p. 17 Ask the students to identify the function of the interrogative words in the Functions box. Point out that only interrogative pronouns (who, what, which, whose + noun, how many/how much) can be either the object or the subject of a question, but interrogative adverbs (when, where, why, how) can only be the object of a question. Answers The subject questions are: Who was the worst actor in it? What was the best part of the story?
p. 17
Play the recording while the students follow along in their book. Ask them which answers they have underlined.
Presentation dialogue 1.13 p. 18 1 Have the students look at the photo and elicit responses to some questions, like: – Where are the four friends? (Outside the ticket office of a cinema.) Have someone read and translate the title Why don’t we go to a gig? and ask: What do you think they are talking about? Then say: Listen and read to find out. Play the recording while the students follow in their books. Tell the students to skim the text quickly, as they listen, so they can answer the question.
Transcript [Track 1.12] see Student’s Book p. 17
Transcript [Track 1.13] see Student’s Book p. 18
1 2
It was a great love story. It was very moving. I didn’t like it. Err… Tom Hanks, I suppose.
Say it! 9 p. 17 Check for comprehension and pronunciation of the questions in the Functions box and of the minidialogues in exercise 8, which are the basis for the task to be done in pairs.
Write it! 10 p. 17 Provide some expressions to describe the content of a film, such as: – The following actors were in it … – It was set in (place) in (time) – It is/was the story of … – It tells/told us about events in … etc. Have the students write an outline, following the prompt questions. Then have them write their composition, either in class or as a homework assignment.
Why don’t we go to a gig? pp. 18-19
d go to someone’s home
2 p. 18 Have four students read the parts for Robyn, Anna, Michael and Antonio in the dialogue. Comment on words and expressions that might be more difficult, like gig, afford, come over, stay in, chill out. Assign the task individually or in pairs. Answers 1 theatre, Agatha Christie 2 cinema, Leonardo DiCaprio 3 musical, Phantom of the Opera 4 his place, DVDs
3 p. 18 Have the students work individually or in pairs. Correct the task orally; accept various alternatives. Possible answers 2 3 4 5 6
What is the new Leonardo DiCaprio film? Why can’t Michael afford to go to a gig? / Why doesn’t Michael want to go to a gig? Why does he suggest staying in? / Why does he want his friends to come over to his place? Who does Anna want to bring? / What does Anna want to do? What does Robyn want to do? / What does Robyn want to watch?
FLASH FORWARD Assign the task to students who have already finished exercises 2 and 3, or assign it to the whole class for homework.
Allow them to consult a monolingual dictionary as this will help to expand their lexis. Correct their responses orally. Possible answers Concert hall – You can listen to music here. Museum – You can see objects of cultural or scientific interest here. Club – You can meet your friends here. Bowling alley – You can play bowling here. Art gallery – You can see paintings and other works of art here. Cinema – You can watch a film here. Café – You can have a snack, a hot drink or an ice cream here. Theatre – You can watch a play or a musical here.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
✔ permission F ‘May I leave the table, please?’
can, could and may Have the class read and translate the examples, then go to p. 21 and go through all of the rules and the additional examples. Now assign the task.
4 p. 19 Do the task orally with the class, then have the students copy it for homework. Possible answers 1 can 2 could 3 may 4 could
Vocabulary: Places of entertainment 1.14 p. 19 5 Have the students match the words to the pictures. Translate, if necessary. Play the recording to check their answers. Transcript and answers [Track 1.14] 1 concert hall 2 museum 3 club 4 bowling alley 5 art gallery 6 cinema 7 café 8 theatre
6 p. 19
Making suggestions Have different students read and translate the sentences. Move on to exercises 7 and 8 to practise this function.
7 p. 19 Do the task orally with the class, then have the students copy it for homework. Answers 2 Let’s 3 How/What 4 don’t 5 about 6 about 7 Why 8 let’s
FLASHPOINT Have two students read and translate the examples. Point out the difference between go out to (preposition) + place and stay in to (infinitive of purpose) + verb.
Have the students write a description of what you can do in each place listened in exercise 5.
Say it! 8 p. 19 Have the students work in pairs and monitor the activity to make sure that they each take at least one turn making a suggestion.
Vocabulary Workshop p. 20 Entertainment 1 p. 20 Assign the task individually or in pairs. Answers 1 to direct 2 to act 3 to perform
Study Skills - Word building, nouns Explain that it is very important to learn how to build words in order to enrich one’s personal vocabulary and acquire a greater capacity for expression in English. The students have already seen how to make antonyms (in the previous level, unit 7) and now they will learn how to make nouns from verbs. Read and translate the examples. This technique will now be used in exercises 2 and 3.
2 p. 20 If necessary, explain that abstract nouns are used to indicate ideas (notions) or qualities, whereas concrete nouns indicate objects, people or animals. Answers actor P driver P hostess P cooking A meditation A entrance A achievement A
3 p. 20 Have the students go back to the first presentation text to find the nouns derived from these verbs. Ask them which suffix is used in each case (-ation, -er, -ment) and what changes are made to the verb root (the e is dropped in nominate and produce and the n is doubled in winner).
Answers nominate ➝ nominations (first paragraph) win ➝ winner (second paragraph) amaze ➝ amazement (third paragraph) produce ➝ producers (fourth paragraph)
Types of films 4 p. 20 Make sure the students remember the meaning of the film genres listed in the box. Point out that in compound nouns the first word (war film, horror film, action film), or first two words (science fiction film) take on the role of adjective. Ask a few students to identify the root verbs for the names of some types of films. Answers action film ➝ to act animation ➝ to animate thriller ➝ to thrill
5 p. 20 Have the students work individually or in pairs to match words they know to film genres. Possible answers action film: action, adventure, car chase, stunts, exciting, thrilling animation: cartoon, drawings, voice over war film: fight, battle, gun, killing, emotional, bloody, violent western: cowboys, Indians, prairies, shooting, saloon, horses, cattle, violent, thrilling musical: songs, dancing, romantic, comic, tragic horror film: supernatural, frightening, strange, shocking thriller: spies, criminals, mystery, exciting, thrilling romance: love, happy ending, romantic, sad, heartbreaking science fiction film: future, space travel, spaceship, alien, thrilling, adventurous
Places of entertainment 6 p. 20 Help the students to identify the objects pictured and describe them in English (A trainers, B concert ticket, C ball for a party decoration, D masks, E box of napkins). Now have them do the matching task.
2 Answers 1D
Flash on Grammar p. 21 Wh- words as subjects or objects
Pronunciation: Linking 1.15 p. 20 7 Check for comprehension of the sentences then play the recording. Play it again for repetition. Transcript [Track 1.15] see Student’s Book p. 20
Read the explanation and the examples. Make sure everyone understands. Review the two structures: – wh- word as subject + affirmative or negative verb – wh- word as object + auxiliary + subject + base form of verb Workbook p. 12
1 p. 21
p. 20
Check for comprehension of the sentences. Have the students underline the words that are linked when they are pronounced. Play the recording to check their answers. Transcript [Track 1.16] see Student’s Book p. 20
Answers 1 2 3 4 5 6
Whose car is making that noise? Who does this jacket fit? What is your brother doing? Which colour do you want? Who is that pretty girl with red hair? When do you finish school on Fridays?
2 p. 21 Answers 1 Oh my God, I don’t believe it! 2 What do you fancy doing? 3 Hi, Anna, how are you? 4 Oh, I don’t know.
Spoken English 9 p. 20
Answers 1a
Permission and requests: can, could, may Have the students read the rules and translate the examples.
Have the students rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined expressions with lists of words.
Point out that these modal verbs are also used for requests. Write a few examples on the board: – Can I have a coffee, please? – Could you help me with my homework? – May I have a big party for my birthday?
Correct the task orally; accept all suggestions as long as they make sense.
Also point out that can and could are often used interchangeably, without a big difference in meaning.
Read the explanation and the examples in the box. Make sure everyone understands.
Possible answers 1 2 3 4 5
Shall we go to a cinema or something? (the theatre, a gig, a show) We could listen to music and things. (watch DVDs, play computer games) He likes books about travel and stuff. (guide books, atlases, maps) Mandy really likes music, rock, rap and that. (heavy metal, punk, pop) We could buy Dad a DVD or something for his birthday. (a book, a CD, a game)
Workbook p. 13
3 p. 21 Possible answers 1 may 2 can 3 could 4 Could/Can 5 May 6 Could/Can
4 p. 21 Answers Personal answers
Suggestions Have the students read the explanations carefully and translate the examples.
p. 21 Answers
1 don’t 2 Shall 3 about 4 Let’s 5 about 6 Why
(1895), The Importance of Being Earnest (1895), The Ballad of Reading Gaol (1897). The Importance of Being Earnest: the photos are taken from the 2002 film starring Colin Firth (Jack), Rupert Everett (Algerman), Frances O’Connor (Gwendolen), Reese Whitherspoon (Cecily) and Judi Dench in the role of Lady Bracknell. The famous line pronounced by Lady Bracknell ‘A handbag?’ comes from the 1952 film version in which Jack explains that he was abandoned at birth, in a handbag. Actress Dame Edith Evans pronounced the line with such a marked intonation of surprise and horror that the line became a classic in the annals of British cinema.
2 p. 22 Have the students skim the outline of the plot and do the matching exercise. Answers 1B
Flash on Skills / Literature The Importance of Being Earnest pp. 22-23 Before you read 1 p. 22 Ask the students if they have read this work by Oscar Wilde, if they’ve seen the film that came out in 2002 and if they know anything about the author. Discuss the meaning of the word earnest. Have the class consult a monolingual dictionary. Possible answer Definition of ‘earnest’ from the Cambridge Advance Learner’s Dictionary online: serious or determined, especially too serious and unable to find your own actions funny. The play on words refers to the fact that the main character, Jack, takes on the name of Ernest to hide his real identity, and tries to be earnest (serious) in conforming to the social values of Victorian times, which in turn are the object of the writer’s satire. Background information Oscar Wilde (Dublin, 1854 – Paris. 1900), Irish writer, poet and playwright. His main works include: The Happy Prince and Other Stories (1888), The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891), Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892), A Woman of No Importance (1893), An Ideal Husband
Reading 1.17 3
p. 22
Have the class read the scene adapted from Act 1 of the comedy and comment on the difficult words and expressions like I’m afraid I do, income, land, unfashionable. Assign the task. Explain that Lady Bracknell ask her future son-in-law questions regarding smoking, his age, his general culture, his income and his abode. Point out that a town house, in Victorian England meant ‘a house in the city’, not the current meaning of ‘terraced house’ (BrE) or ‘row house’ (AmE). Answers 1 2 3 4 5
Do you smoke? How old are you? A man should know everything or nothing. Which do you know? What is your income? In land or in the bank? And you have a house in town, I hope? What number in Belgrave Square?
4 p. 23 Assign the task individually or in pairs. Answers ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
money property smoking interests
5 p. 23
Transcript [Track 1.18]
Have the students read the text again and do the exercise to identify Lady Bracknell’s opinions and attitude. Answers 1a
6 p. 23 Have the students read the text again and identify the author’s opinions. You could initiate a class discussion about the opinions that emerge from this analysis. Find out who agrees with the author and who has a different opinion. Encourage everyone to participate. Possible answers The author describes smoking as ‘an occupation of some kind’. This is an ironical definition of occupation, and implies that gentlemen don’t do any serious work. The concept of work was alien to the aristocracy and the landed gentry of the past. The blunt assertion of Lady Bracknell that a man should know everything or nothing implies that education, knowledge and culture are just a way to show off or to entertain, they have no intrinsic value. In Victorian society only the aristocracy and the rich had a house in the country and a house in town (i.e. London). Lady Bracknell’s insistence about which side of Belgrave Square Jack’s house is situated, underlines the prejudices and the snobbery of Victorian society.
Study Skills - Listening for gist (1) Go through the suggestions with the class and tell the students they are to apply these techniques in the listening exercise.
Listening 1.18 p. 23 7 The listening activity presents another scene adapted from Act 1 of the comedy; it comes shortly before the one presented in the reading activity. Before you play the recording, make sure that everyone understands the expressions doesn’t suit me, more than usually plain, get christened, no time to be lost. Have the students read the questions, then play the recording once while they take notes.
Jack You really love me, Gwendolen? Gwen Passionately! … My own Ernest! Jack But you don’t really mean to say that you can’t love me if my name isn’t Ernest? Gwen But your name is Ernest. Jack Yes, I know it is. But supposing it was something else? … Personally darling, to speak quite candidly, I don’t much care about the name of Ernest. I don’t think the name suits me at all. Gwen It suits you perfectly. It’s a divine name. It has a music of its own. It produces vibrations. Jack Well really Gwendolen, I must say that I think there are a lot of other much nicer names. I think Jack, for instance, is a charming name. Gwen Jack? No, there is very little music in the name Jack, if any at all indeed… It produces absolutely no vibrations. I know several Jacks and they are all, without exception, more than usually plain. … The only real safe name is Ernest. Jack Gwendolen, I must get christened at once – I mean we must get married at once. There is no time to be lost! Possible answers 1 2 3 4
There are two speakers. They are lovers. Passionate love. Yes, the lady is puzzled by her lover’s request of changing his name, he expresses great urgency in proposing to her.
p. 23
Have different students read the incomplete lines, then play the recording again for the task. To correct it, have the class read the completed dialogues. Answers a) Jack Personally darling, to speak quite candidly, I don’t much care about the name of Ernest. I don’t think the name suits me at all. Gwen It suits you perfectly. It’s a divine name. It has a music of its own. It produces vibrations. b) Jack Well, really Gwendolen, I must say that I think there are a lot of other much nicer names. I think Jack, for instance, is a charming name.
2 Gwen Jack? No, there is very little music in the name Jack, if any at all indeed… It produces absolutely no vibrations. I know several Jacks and they are all, without exception, more than usually plain.
9 p. 23 Have the students read the questions, then play the recording again while they take notes. Call on different students to answer the comprehension questions. Answers 1 Gwendolen thinks his name is Ernest. 2 Because it has a music of its own and it produces vibrations. 3 She says they are plain, which means not attractive. 4 He wants to get married immediately. 5 ✔ When a baby is given a name in church.
Speaking 10 p. 23 The speaking exercise complements the listening and reading activities by giving the students an opportunity to discuss Jack’s role in society at that time. Have the students work in pairs and if you have time, have pairs compare their opinions with other pairs, in small groups.
11 p. 23 Repeat the five questions Lady Bracknell asked Jack and read through the task assignment. Now have the students work in pairs to role-play the situation, then ask the interviewer to tell the class whether the interviewee is an acceptable candidate or not.
Writing 12 p. 23 Tell the class to use the dialogues they have seen in this section as a model for the writing activity. Assign the task in pairs and have different ones read their dialogue to the class.
Possible answer A Do you smoke? B No, not really, I hate smoking. A How old are you? B I’m thirty-five. A A man should know everything or nothing. Which do you know? B I know everything. I’m a member of the Royal Society of Arts. A I see. What is your income? In land or in the bank? B I have a vast estate in Hertfordshire and some large investments in the bank. A And you have a house in town, I hope? B No, I’m sorry to disappoint you, I’ve given up my house in town. I live in the manor house on my estate.
Flashback 1-2 pp. 24-25 GRAMMAR 1 p. 24 1 friendliest 2 biggest 3 the tallest
4 most 5 the coldest 6 coolest
2 p. 24 1 richer than 2 taller than 3 happier 4 more beautiful 5 as happy
16 content as 17 as/so stressed 18 is easier 19 healthier 10 are cleverer than
3 p. 24 1 worse 2 farther
3 best 4 worst
4 p. 24 1 most 2 farther 3 best 4 worst
5 most beautiful 6 more difficult 7 less stressed
5 p. 24 1 Which, do 2 What’s 3 Who does
4 Who’s 5 Who do 6 Whose, are
6 p. 24
10 p. 25
1 Can 2 Can 3 can 4 can 5 can 1I
1 cinema 2 bowling alley 3 concert hall 4 art gallery
16 can’t 17 May 18 May 19 may 10 can
VOCABULARY 8 p. 25 1 church 2 bank 3 restaurant 4 roundabout 5 hospital 6 farm
5 museum 6 café 7 club
FUNCTIONS 11 p. 25
7 p. 25 1b
1 what 2 best 3 How 4 cool 5 why
16 brilliant 17 better 18 hottest 19 like 10 think
12 p. 25 17 wood 18 bridge 19 hedge 10 field 11 lake
1 Shall 2 Let’s 3 How 4 Why 5 fancy
6 want 7 could 8 Let’s 9 doing
9 p. 25 1 musical 2 horror film 3 animation 4 thriller 5 romance
6 7 8 9
action film comedy war film science fiction film