5 minute read
Reported speech (2): other reporting verbs
from Grammar Plus B2
• There are a number of other verbs that can be used to report sentences, whose aim is to clarify the purpose of the statement (claim, argue, state, observe, point out, mention, explain, demand, etc) or to give us more information on the mood or tone of the speaker (whisper, shout, yell, cry, mutter, etc). Observe the example: direct speech: ‘Sorry I’m late. I got stuck in the traffic.’ said Tom. indirect speech: Tom apologised and explained that he had been late because of the traffic. • The following verbs are used to shorten and sum up the direct statements:
advise sb to do sth beg sb to do sth forbid sb to do sth invite sb to remind sb to do / that warn sb to / that
agree to do sth / that offer to do sth promise to do sth / that refuse to do sth threaten to do sth
confess to / that complain about / that deny / that admit (to) / that recommend suggest + -ing form suggest that
apologise (to sb) for accuse sb of blame sb for congratulate sb on
discourage sb from
insist on
Verbs + person + to You should read this book, Anne ➝ She advised Anne to read that/the book. Please, Mum, take me there ➝ He begged his mother to take him there. You mustn’t see that girl again! ➝ She forbade him to see that girl again Why don’t you come over for dinner? ➝ He invited his friend over for dinner. Remember to buy the eggs. ➝ He reminded me to buy the eggs. Don’t touch the blades. ➝ She warned us not to touch the blades. Verbs + to / that Ok, I’ll lend you my car, Bill. ➝ Rob agreed to lend Bill her car. Shall I carry that for you, Gran? ➝ She offered to carry it for her grandmother. I will call you soon ➝ I promised to call her soon. I won’t help you again! ➝ He refused to help me again. I’ll tell Mum if you hit me. ➝ She threatened to tell Mum if he hit her. Verbs + -ing form / that Ok, I cheated during the test. ➝ He confessed to cheating during the test. Things are so expensive. ➝ She complained that things were too expensive. No! I didn’t steal your money! ➝ He denied stealing (having stolen) my money. Well, I’m a bit lazy. ➝ She admitted being a bit lazy / (that) she was a bit lazy. Visit this museum! ➝ He recommended visiting that museum. Let’s go for a walk, shall we? ➝ She suggested going for a walk. You should read this book, Anne. ➝ He suggested Anne (should) read that book.
Verbs + object + preposition (+ -ing) Sorry I hurt you, Charles. ➝ She apologised to Charles for hurting him. You are lying to me. ➝ She accused me of lying to her. It’s your fault: you made me do it. ➝ She blamed me for making her do it. Congratulations: you passed the test. ➝ He congratulated me on passing the test.
I wouldn’t talk to him if I were you. ➝ She discouraged me from talking to him.
I want to see the manager now. ➝ He insisted on seeing the manager.
Underline the best alternative. 1 Karen argued / mentioned she’d come but I don’t remember when. 2 The old lady cried / observed the pain was terrible. 3 I explained them / to them why I hadn’t paid for the drinks. 4 Grandma whispered / shouted ‘Good night’ before switching off the lights. 5 The angry customer yelled / muttered he’d been waiting for 20 minutes but I could hear him anyway. 6 The teacher claimed / pointed out that I was late again.
Match the direct statements on the left to the functions / purposes on the right. 1 What a beautiful view you have, Nancy! a reminding 2 I’m fed up with the rain. b denying 3 I’ll lay the table, shall I? c congratulating 4 Don’t forget to send the pics, Mum. d suggesting 5 Why don’t we watch a film? e offering to help 6 But I didn’t break your window, Sir. f complaining
Now turn the sentences of Exercise 2 into indirect speech, using the suitable reporting verbs. 1 Sarah ____________________________________. 2 Charlene _________________________________. 3 Caleb ____________________________________. 4 Britney _________________________________. 5 Chris ____________________________________. 6 The boy __________________________________.
First Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first using the word in brackets. You must use between 2 and 5 words. 1 Ann said she was sorry after she’d broken the vase. (breaking) Ann _______________________vase. 2 They advised me to take the next train. (I) They ______________________ the next train. 3 The teacher said: ‘You cheated during the exam, Neal.’ (of) The teacher ______________ the exam. 4 Randy said she wouldn’t help me again. (refused) Randy _____________________________ again. 5 He forbade us to use our calculators. (we) He said _________________ our calculators. 6 Mrs Denver said we’d missed the train because of me. (for) Mrs Denver ___________________the train. 7 They said they wouldn’t be late this time. (promised) They ___________________________ that time. 8 Let’s book the flight tomorrow.’, said Harry. (following) Harry suggested ___________________day.
Listen to the 6 reported sentences and put a tick (3) next to the direct sentence they refer to.
1 2 3 4 5 6 A A A A A A
I shouldn’t have bought it in the first place. I’m sorry for what happened at the party. You’d better put them in the hand luggage. You must see the Confucian Temple. Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow at Danny’s. I’ll never do that again.
You made me buy it but I didn’t want to. What happened at the party is your fault. You shouldn’t put them in the hand luggage. I’ll take you to the Confucian Temple. Remember to meet Danny at his place. I didn’t do that!
32 Listen to the dialogue between Ann and Emma and put the following statements in the correct order. Write 1- 6 next to each statement summing up the conversation.
___ Emma reminds Ann that they were supposed to help Jackie with the pizza and barbecue. ___ Ann suggests having a coffee while waiting for Sue to pick them up. ___ Ann apologises to Emma for being late. ___ Emma blames Ann for causing them to miss the train. ___ Ann explains that there’s no problem because a friend will drive them to Jackie’s place. ___ Emma complains that Ann is always finding excuses for being late.