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GESE Grade 5 – Basic exam information
GESE (Graded Examinations in Spoken English) Grade 5 (CEFR B1.1) examination is a conversation in two parts between you and the examiner. For more detailed information, please download the Trinity Exam Information booklet from www.trinitycollege.com/GESEexaminformation.
Exam format
Time: 10 minutes
Exam procedure:
• Greet the examiner. • Have a conversation (up to 5 minutes) with the examiner on a prepared topic - Give the examiner your topic form and tell him her what you are going to talk about; - The examiner chooses the discussion points on your topic form for you to talk about; - The examiner asks questions and makes comments about your topic this continues until at least four points on your topic form have been covered; - You must ask the examiner at least one related question during the Topic phase. • Have a conversation (up to 5 minutes) with the examiner on two subject areas selected by the examiner. You must ask the examiner at least one related question during the Conversation phase. • Say goodbye.
For the exam, you must know and be able to use the language items for Grade 5 and for the previous grades. For Grade 5, you must understand and use the functions, grammar and vocabulary (relating to the subject areas) below.
Festivals Means of transport Special occasions Entertainment Music Recent personal experiences Expressions related to past and future time, e.g. two days ago, in three weeks
Talking about the future – informing and predicting Expressing preferences Talking about events in the indefinite and recent past Giving reasons Stating the duration of events Quantifying
Present perfect tense including use of for, since, ever, never, just Connecting clauses using because Will referring to the future for informing and predicting Adjectives and adverbials of quantity e.g. a lot (of), not very much, many Expressions of preference, e.g. I prefer,
I’d rather
The correct pronunciation of vocabulary specific to the topic and sub ect areas The combination of weak forms and contractions, e.g. I’ve been to... Avoidance of speech patterns of recitation