Clean Water For
Maria and her friends love all
kinds of different drinks, but when they learn a girl their age doesn’t even have clean water to drink they set out to help. Read about all the great ways these kids help make a difference and how you can too! All profits from book sales go to support clean water projects. Learn more at
Ariah Fine Illustrated by Don Robb
Clean Water For
Ariah Fine Illustrated by Don Robb
For Breton and Adyra May your hearts flow with compassion.
Clean Water for Elirose Copyright Š2010 by Ariah Fine Published by Ariah Fine Creative Commons: Attribution Non-Commercial This license allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge Ariah Fine as creator and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms. Illustrator: Don Robb Cover and Interior Design: Keane Fine First Printing 2010 Printed in the United States of America ISBN 13: 978-1-4414-2277-4 ISBN 10: 1-4414-2277-3 CreateSpace 13 12 11
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Clean Water For
Ariah Fine Illustrated by Don Robb
What do you like to drink? Pop? Water? Milk? Juice? Do you like it if your drink is dirty and yucky? Me neither. My name is Maria. I like to drink strawberry milkshakes when my parents take me out to a restaurant. I get to order from a big menu. My strawberry milkshake is sweet and tasty.
This is my friend, Joey. He gets soda pop all the time. He has some in his cupboard, so he can have it whenever he wants. Joey likes how sweet tasting the soda pop is.
Tasha is my friend too. She doesn’t drink soda pop because her parents say it’s bad for her teeth. She drinks juice instead. Tasha loves fruit and fruity drinks.
Derrick is Tasha’s older brother. He doesn’t like juice or pop, he likes to drink water. Derrick’s water is clean and tasty.
This is Elirose; she lives in a small village. She never gets to drink pop or juice. She has to walk a long way every day to get water for her family. And the water isn’t even clean, it’s yucky and dirty. I didn’t know that there were kids just like you and me who don’t even have clean water to drink!
Joey, Tasha and I wanted to help Elirose. We asked Tasha’s dad how we could help. He said that if Elirose’s village had a well they could have clean water to drink right near their homes. A well is a deep hole in the ground that fills with water. We decided we should do something to help Elirose build a well. But how could we help?
I asked my parents what I could do. Now, instead of drinking milkshakes when I go out to a restaurant, I get water and my parents take the milkshake money and put it in a jar and save it up for Elirose’s well.
Joey asked the people in his community to donate money to help Elirose build a well.
Tasha and her brother Derrick used their allowance to set up a lemonade stand in their neighborhood. They took all the money they made selling lemonade and gave it to Elirose’s village to build a well.
When we all work together to share, we make the world a better place for all of us kids. With all the money Tasha, Derrick, Joey and I saved up, Elirose’s village was able to build a well! Now, Elirose and all the other kids in her village have clean water to drink, just like you and me!
Discussion Questions For your family or classroom
• Have you ever had to eat or drink something that didn’t taste good? Have you ever gotten sick from eating or drinking something? What was it and how did it make you feel?
• Can you imagine if you couldn’t play or go to school because your family needed your help to get water to drink or grow food? How would that make you feel?
• What are the ways you could help these kids?
Sponsors Backers who give $50 or more to our Kickstarter campaign will have their name etched here! Visit to learn more.
Activities / Ideas Math: Host your own fundraiser where your children give up something (special drinks or snacks) and you donate the cost difference to a water-related charity. Or have the kids do extra chores to earn donation money.
Math: Have students run a lemonade stand or a car wash. Collect pennies or soda cans.
Writing: W rite letters or schedule speaking opportunities for students to talk about what they’ve learned and to encourage adults they know to donate.
Writing: C hoose a Student of The Week to feature: how can they/ did they make a difference in the life of another child? Have their parents help them write/illustrate what they did/will do and share it with the class.
Writing: Write about how you would feel if you didn’t have fresh water to drink.
Science: D esign/write about a machine that would change dirty water into fresh water.
Clean Water Organizations Charity:Water -
Living Water International -
Blood:Water Mission -
Haiti Water Project -
Clean Water For
Maria and her friends love all
kinds of different drinks, but when they learn a girl their age doesn’t even have clean water to drink they set out to help. Read about all the great ways these kids help make a difference and how you can too! All profits from book sales go to support clean water projects. Learn more at
Ariah Fine Illustrated by Don Robb