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Distraction -Communication Typing Music - works by: Maria Ines Aguirre - MIA

Maria Ines Aguirre - MIA spent 2018 in her studio, with a brand new Steinway Model D piano as her canvas. She called it ‘Chromasoul’. It explores the relationship between music and Nature, most obviously through Beethoven, Schubert, Debussy and through music inspired by faith, including Messaien and Domenico Zipoli, an 18th century Jesuit who taught music to the Guarani people in Paraguay, close to the area where MIA was born.
MIA identifies with Paul Klee’s thought that his hand was ‘guided by a remote will’ and with Kandinsky’s insight that ‘colour is a power which directly influences the soul’. MIA doesn’t play the piano, but Chromasoul amplifies the energy of music with myriad colours and forms. Kandinsky seemed to anticipate this when he said ‘Lend your ears to music, open your eyes to painting and… stop thinking! Just ask yourself whether the work has enabled you to ‘walk about’ into a hitherto unknown world. If the answer is yes, what more do you want?’