arc+E creative remediation

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our talented team: architectural design+permaculture marketting+permaculture consulting+finance

Elisandra Garcia Carlo Mendo Luis Talavera

care for the people + care for the earth + fair share

our mission our experience our credentials Together we strive to provide impeccable assistance, analysis, and design driven by the principles of permaculture and urban social awareness. We push for the construction of projects that solve environmental issues for the betterment of community and city engagement.

our mission “Permaculture is a creative design process that is based on ethics and design principles. It guides us to mimic patterns in nature and can be applied to all aspects of human habitation, from agriculture to ecological building, from appropiate technology to education and even economics. By adopting the ethics and applying these principles in our daily life we can make the transition from being dependent consumers to becoming responsible producers. This journey builds skills and resilience at home in our local communities that will help us prepare for our uncertain future with less available energy.�

observe + interact

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the asarco project

the viability of implementing water harvesting practices in two arroyos of approximately 10 acres in size while improving the site to be used as an urban nature park. The site is located in El Paso Texas, in the Chihuahuan Desert region. Average yearly precipitation is 8.8 inches of water a year, mostly occurring during the summer months.The site consists of two arroyos located adjacent to the University of Texas at El Paso, which r u n s parallel to Interstate 10 and about half a mile from Executive Center Blvd.

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arroyo a

the asarco project

Arroyo A has a lot of potential for trails and open spaces. The main scope of work entails getting rid of dead vegetation, clearing up trails, defining them, and incorporating 14 swales and 4 berms to slow down incoming rainwater. The use of basins, swales, and berms is essential to rainwater harvesting components, which will be used to minimize flooding. By directing flood water using basins, swales, and rock mulch, runoff is significantly slowed down while providing water for vegetation. The property would utilize a variety of drought tolerant shrubs and plants such as:

Mexican Bush Sage Mexican Bird of Paradise Mesquite Palo Verde Deer Grass Giant Willow Acacia Chilean Mesquite Vitex Native Flowers Various Cacti

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Certain areas throughout the property will be cleared to creat basins where tall trees can grow and provide shaded area for the general population to enjoy. In addition, there is an area close to I-10 that currently has a substantial amount of grass and tall trees that could be easily retrofitted into a small park.

arroyo b

the asarco project

Arroyo B can be irrigated by natural rainwater using both passive and active components. This can be done by strategically placing three 30,000 gallon cisterns throughout the property to irrigate various designated green spaces. The water can be collected through drains and naturally occurring ponds located at the lowest points of the property. The water can then be pumped via a windmill into a cistern located at the top of the property approximately 40 feet high. Two high capacity windmills can be used with an average pumping capacity of approximately 1.63 million gallons of water a year. The water will then be filtered through a slow sand filtration system, and with the use of gravity, fed into the irrigation system. Four additional 5,000 gallon cisterns and a drip irrigation system will provide irrigation for designated green areas and supplement irrigation throughout the arroyo during droughts. Arroyo B can also be the location for a pedestrian bridge to enhance the aesthetics of the property, but also to provide connectivity allowing for the use of certain trails in the event of high levels of storm water.

Use available resources and maximize their impact: Assess and determine the natural assets and work to maximize the value of the land by incorporating these natural assests. This mindset creates a culture of respect towards nature, but also significantly decreases costs by using available resources. Produce no waste: Utilize everything; from natural rainfall, dead plants and trees, used water, and available energy. Integrate rather than segregate. Create synergistic relationships between plants, structures, resources, and people. Work with nature, not against it: Respect nature and yield to it. Take advantage of current efficiencies and patterns designed by nature. Provide a project that is self-sustainable in all aspects: Develop a project that is self-sustainable from an ecological perspective. Create a sense of ownership. Create programs where there is full engagement of users.

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arroyo b

the asarco project

our mission our experience our credentials

Arroyo B will have a composting facility that will run on solar power and will provide nutrient rich soil to the site. The implementation of all these components will be done with sustainability and permaculture principles in mind. The project would call for a 6:1 catchment-to-canopy are ratio using drought tolerant plants. Low water use plant demand (inches), EL PASO

0.82 1.06 1.82 2.46 2.95 3.34 2.76 2.68 2.31 1.77 1.07 0.75 23.78

Catchment-to-canopy area ratio of 6:1











Months exceeding plant water demand at 6:1











1.2 1

1.8 1

26.4 8

arroyo b

the asarco project

our mission our experience our credentials

The south arroyo has areas that vary from dessert, to semi dessert, to bosque and wetlands. This diversity of different ecosystems provides a striking visual component to this property. Dead matter will be used for mulch and the principal ingredients for composting; which will help with the initial phase of improving the soil conditions for new vegetation while improving water retention for existing vegetation. Swales and berms will be used to help slow down rainwater, thus helping with water erosion and geographically expanding the current vegetation. Additional vegetation can placed on the site. This includes:

Mesquite Arizona Ash Palo Verde Texas Ebony Mimosa Sisso Tree Deer Grass Green Fountain Grass Giant Lily Turf Yuapon Holly Stokes Catalpa Various Cacti Lantanas Native Flowers.

arroyo b

the asarco project

Arroyo B will offer biking, walking trails, green space for sports activities or congregating, and a natural amphitheater. This outdoor venue will be in its natural surroundings, and will be built with environmentally sustainable features. From art events, to concerts, to plays, this outdoor green space will also serve as a cultural focal point of the a r r o y o .

our mission our experience our credentials The concert area will have livecasting capabilities, and will be connected to a replica stage in Juarez, Mexico. This feature will provide an interexchange of culture and entertainment between the two communities.

the asarco project financial proposal In 1999, Congress authorized construction of the Tucson Detention Basin Environmental R e s t o r a t i o n Project to 1) continue flood control, 2) harvest and store storm water that would have p r e v i o u s l y seeped or evaporated from the unlined basin, and 3) to re-establish natural habitat. Construction of KERP began in 2000 and was completed in 2001 at a total project cost of approximately $11 million.

The Augustus-Hawkins nature park is a former brownfield site in South Los Angeles; located in the heart of an industrialized neighborhood, the park provides much needed space for play, mental health, social and physical development. The 8.5 acre park was funded through California park bond at a cost of $4.5 million. The park was created as an “urban nature park.� Workshops with local residents, who are predominantly Latino and African Americans, revealed that residents wanted a nature park – not another playing field or recreation facility. The park was once a Los Angeles Department of Water and Power pipe-storage yard and remediation was required. The park is now focused on a constructed wetland, and is densely landscaped with native v e g e t a t i o n .

ecological Parks and greenspaces provide many ecosystem benefits, such as regulating ambient temperatures, filtering air, reducing noise; sequestering carbon and attenuating storm water. Peak air temperatures in tree groves are 9 º F cooler than over open terrain. Air temperatures over irrigated agricultural fields are 6º F cooler than over bare grounds. Suburban areas with mature trees are 4º F to 6º F cooler than new suburbs without trees. Temperatures over grass sports fields are 2º F to 4º F cooler than over bordering areas.

social According to studies, individuals who had access to natural settings were happier with their home, job and life in general. Research has shown that active interactions with nature have been related to improved psychological and physiological health, including increased self-esteem and reduced stress levels. Passive interactions have included those that are visual and more observational in character. The mere presence of plants has been found to improve life satisfaction economically, socially, culturally and physically.


economic Properties located near parks and greenways have been found to have higher re-sale value and homeowners value these spaces as important attributes when making decisions about residential location and housing choice. A study of the effect of greenbelts on property values in three different areas of Boulder, Colorado showed that there was a $4.20 decrease in the price of residential property for every foot one moved away from the greenbelt. This suggested that if other variables were held constant, the average value of properties adjacent to the greenbelt was 32% higher than those located 3,200 walking feet away. (Correll, Lillydahl and Stingell, 1978).

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greenspaces + universities A study done in 2008 by researchers of Texas State University and Texas A &M found that students that use green space more frequently perceived their quality of life higher than those who did not. This 2008study made reference to previous studies that provided evidence of the importance of green space as a means to improve student inscription and retention. According to a 1994 study, university priorities should include creating an attractive campus. “Attractively landscaped formal open spaces of habitats left in their natural form, as wood or gorges, help establish a strong sense of community and curb escalating campus densities. “A research study done in 1987, found that appearance of the campus was the most significant factor for students in deciding which university to attend, and one on 1984 found that vegetation coverage was one of the three important predictors for visual preference of a familiar campus area for undergraduates and graduate students. Another research study found that students felt more positive in stressed situations when viewing plants or other views of nature. Positive student perceptions of experiences within the university have been found to be important for universities interested in retaining and attracting high ability students (Groen and White, 2003).

facts to consider... According to individuals previously involved with the re-habitation of a similar project, survival rate for new plants ranges from 50% to 60% By providing water throughout the site there is an increase in the chances of invasive vegetation such as tumbleweeds and other weeds to sprout. The site is located in a 100 year designated flood area and a catastrophic flood would limit or eliminate designated use. Arroyos might be subject to section 404 of the EPA Clean Water Act and it could limit the use of the property. Costs estimates are based on various assumptions and a more comprehensive analysis would be needed to assess costs. Soil conditions including, but not limited to, contamination were assumed to be in compliance with the appropriate authorities

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“ + + + +



Permaculture works with natural systems, rather than in competition with them. It uses methods that have minimal negative impact on the Earth’s natural environment. In everyday life, this may involve buying local produce, eating in season, and cycling rather than driving. Its about choices we make, and how we manage the land. Its about opposing the destruction of wild habitats, and the poisoning of soil, water and atmosphere, and its about designing and creating healthy systems that meet our needs without damaging the p l a n e t .


Inspiration for the design of the “Permie House” surfaced shortly after realizing the rise of permaculturists in El Paso, Texas. The influence has grown exponentially and this movement can be seen through multiple city events. There are thousands of people growing their own gardens, biking to work, carpooling, composting, planting, and harvesting resources, all of these, as they aim to have a more sustainable lifestyle. The El Paso Permaculture Group has begun to infect people with their energy. This house can then be a model for a new way of thinking about affordable housing in the dry regions of South West Texas.

the permie house +

WINDOW heatgaincontrol




RECYCLED weatheredmetal



CROPS landscaping

the permie house The high thermal mass of adobe averages out the high and low temperatures of the day, moderating the living space temperature. Material made from sand, clay, water, and some kind of fibrous or organic material, which the builders shape into bricks (using frames) and dry in the sun.

Structural steel produced in the United States contains 93.3% recycled steel scrap. At the end of a building’s life, 98% of all structural steel is recycled back into new steel products with no loss of its physical properties. As such, structural steel isn’t just recycled but “multi-cycled,” as it can be recycled over and over and over again. The layer protecting the surface develops and regenerates continuously when subjected to the influence of the weather. In other words, the steel is allowed to rust in order to form the 'protective' coating


recycled steel






the permie house energy





The local material and the architectural composition associated with low-tech solutions make this house a model of sustainability and e n e r g y e f fi c i e n c y . To take full advantage of the solar energy, small solar panels will be installed to convert the energy from the sun into e l e c t r i c i t y.

A deposit collects rain water from the roof and it is re-used for watering the vegetable garden, the kitchen and the bathroom. In this manner, the client is less dependent on external water supplies. Other than the reuse of water, a treatment system will be i m p l a n t e d through the use of a grey water filter made up of gravel, plants and coal. This water may be used to water the vegetable garden.

Composting is a biological process where microorganisms transform organic matter, such as m a n u r e , leaves, paper and food left overs, in a substance similar to soil known as compost. Other than reusing a part of domestic garbage, compost improves the soils structure and acts as a fertilizer

The composting toilet is a system used in bathrooms where, instead of using flush water or s e w a g e systems, urine and feces are stored and treated through composting turning them into nutrient products for soil. There is no use of water, therefore there is no water waste and water contamination is avoided. It is similar to a composting system, as oxygen is also needed for the process to take p l a c e .

An energy efficient, traditional stove that uses less wood to cook than normal wood stoves. It is basically a closed box of mud and sand with a chimney. The wood is place inside the box and the food is heated from the hot smoke. This system reduces wood consumption by 60% and improves the air quality in the k i t c h e n .






Thinking tools, that when used together, allow us to creatively re-design our environment and our behavior in a world of less energy and resources.

our credentials Elisandra holds a Bachelor Degree of Science in Architecture from Texas Tech University. She is currently attending nationally ranked Washington Universiy in St. Louis Graduate School at the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts pursuing a Master’s in Architecture and a Master’s in Urban Design. Elisandra has been consecutively selected for exhibitions of her work as well as school and local publications. She is a Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant. While completing her graduate studies she launched her own practice as arc+E creative, with her associate Carlo Mendo, the firm’s permaculture consultant and publicist. Her practice focuses in the creative process in architecture to develop projects of a wide range that solve urban and social issues that make up the El Paso urban and suburban fabric. arc+E creative extends its door into international border town of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, Elisandra’s hometown. Elisandra is currently working as a Design Associate for LauLab, an international architecture/landscape/urbanism firm run by Catalina Freixas and Pablo Moyano. Elisandra’s projects mainly center around remediation design, community enhancement, non-profit work, and international urban affairs.

elisandra garcia

Carlo is the founder of the El Paso Permaculture Group. Starting in the Summer of 2011, Carlo and several members worked on creating their first garden in downtown alley behind Loft Light Studio. Since then, they have taken a permaculture design course and shared their knowledge with several schools. Carlo has years of experience in show production, facility management, talent management, event coordination, publishing, and market research as well as graphic design, music writing, and business administration. In addition, he has worked in business consulting, as well as event planning of the most exclusiv events in El Paso, Texas. Carlo has worked on numerous permaculture projects that are slowly making a positive impact. He is a permaculture consultant, designer, and teacher. He holds a diploma in permaculture design. He has specialized in permaculture education, design, implementation, system establishment, administration and community development.

carlo mendo

Mr. Luis Talavera is the managing member for Talavera Consulting, a firm that provides feasibility studies for multifamily and commercial development projects, loan packaging, and financing options. He has more than a decade of experience in the banking industry and more than 15 years in the financial services arena. Prior to Talavera Consulting, he worked as Assistant Vce-President of commercial lending for a regional bank, and worked as a Level II Analyst for a major national bank. He has experience with loans ranging from $15,000 to $28,000,000. He has contributed articles to El Paso Times, and has repeatedly been asked to speak at the Small Business Development Center on Small Business Loans. He started the El Paso Marathon Foundation, an organization that has had an economic impact of $700,000 and has awarded over $150,000 to local c h a r i t i e s .

luis talavera

our mission our experience our credentials

architecture permaculture urban design marketting landscape consulting development

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