AIESEC AdMU Executive Board 1516 Application Package

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Executive 2015 Board APPLICATION PACKAGE










Hello Applicant,

Congratulations on checking out the application. I am all too familiar with the struggle of having to open it. I had joined AIESEC AdMU August of last year, and to say that I had no idea what I would be getting into would be an understatement. A few months after my first ALDS, I accomplished what would be my first and last Team Leader application, and unprecedentedly ended up running for the Executive Board. I would have to learn the myriad of things I had not the faintest idea of (DAAL? AFT?) and would eventually get allocated into a different department I knew even less about. It being only two weeks after the convocations, it feels absolutely surreal to now be addressing you as your Local Committee President-Elect for Term 2015-2016. It is my hope that you will find your term not necessarily as crazy, but just as fulfilling. From the onset of my LCVP application, AIESEC has thrown me headfirst into a rollercoaster ride of sleepless nights, sweaty commutes, and potent emotions. As we ascend into the next drop that is 1516, I look back at that succession of ups and downs with no regrets.

That being said, this application is not going to be easy. When you are to head an organization with this big of an ambition, it isn’t meant to be. It is intended to test your determination, dedication, and knowledge, and above all prepare you for the greater challenges you will face as a member of the Executive Board. You may find yourself at a crossroad right now, and that is fine. The decision you are about to make will be a pivotal step in your AIESEC journey and inevitably, the rest of your life; and so it is only right that you think long and hard about pursuing it. Should you choose to, there may be times when you might feel inadequate. Remember that it is ultimately up to you to prove yourself wrong.

Through the course of this application and as a part of the Executive Board, you will learn so much not only about AIESEC but about yourself. In that process, ground yourself in a solid Clarity of Why, and it will pull you through. As with all challenges, I can guarantee that you will walk out of this a stronger person. Win or lose, you will never regret the strength you gain.

As an LCVP, you will find yourself flung out of your comfort zone, pushed to the hilt of your commitment, and doing things beyond your own self-interest. But you will also play a huge part in shaping this organization’s members, operations, achievement, and identity. You will be the generation that closes 2015 and will decide AIESEC’s future ambitions. And if you give it the best you’ve got, it will be the ride of your life. It all begins here.

This early on, take it upon yourself to start and end strong. Ensure that whatever happens, you do nothing short of fucking excellent. Good luck!

Elise V. Apilado

Local Committee President-Elect AIESEC AdMU, Philippines Term 2015-2016

Application Timeline DECEMBER


DEADLINE: Letter of Intent 23:59 GMT+8 Send to CC: *submission of letter of intent is required for application eligibility

12 28

Announcement of Applicants

Local Committee Meeting 16:30-18:00, AdMU

DEADLINE: LCEB Application 23:59 GMT+8 Send to CC: *late or incomplete applications will not be accepted



According to the AIESEC in the Philippines National Compendium


LCEB Convocations 1


16:30- 21:00, AdMU



LCEB Convocations 2 16:30- 21:00, AdMU


Assessment Center


LCVP Selection Interviews


EB1516 Announcement

4.1 Must be EXPA user certified upon application 4.2 Must be Executive Board or Team Leader upon application

16:30- 18:00, AdMU

AMENDMENT 2013: Team Members may qualify for application ONLY upon submission of endorsement letters from both the: a)  Current functional Local Committee Vice President for position applying for b)  Current functional Member Committee Vice President for position applying for

To be scheduled by LCP-e

16:30-18:00, AdMU

4.3 Must not be on academic probation in the university he/ she is attending 4.4 Must not hold any position in another organization 4.5 Must be a bona fide student of the local committee or must be enrolled within 2/3 of the period of the AIESEC fiscal year

General Job Description Team


Leads and inspires the Local Committee and respective department and supports overall Local Committee culture •  Facilitates departmental and Team Leader meetings and decision-making discussions •  Develops and coaches individual team experiences and functional learning of the department •  Develops and coaches Team Leaders and Team Members personally and professionally. •



•  Aligns the departmental plans to the plans of the Local Committee and Member Committee •  Manages departmental decision-making, planning, and implementation •  Facilitates departmental long-term planning and investment •  Assesses the internal and external environment to guide departmental and functional decisions

Performance MANAGEMENT

•  Steers the department towards growth, performance, and results •  Troubleshoots departmental issues and concerns •  Monitors functional performance and tracks the Key Result Areas & Measures of Success of the department •  Prepares and publishes regular functional and departmental performance reports


•  Manages and tracks operational delivery •  Drives and inspires product or operational innovation •  Crafts long-term product or operational plans for sustainability •  Drives synergy within the department and other departments

Stakeholder MANAGEMENT

•  Represents the function and the Local Committee in national meetings, seminars, and conferences •  Provides customer relationship management to the stakeholders of the function and Local Committee •  Ensures a healthy Local Committee brand and a stable relationship with all stakeholders •  Maintains and strengthens strategic Local Committee partnerships



Strong and healthy working relationship within the team and the department •  Department aligned in terms of team purpose, branding, and culture •  Regular team meetings and departmental seminars •  Departmental retention rate and succession pipeline •



•  Departmental plans •  Alignment of plans to the Local Committee and Member Committee •  Regular planning, replanning, and evaluation seminars •  Percentage planned goal achievement based on departmental plans

Performance MANAGEMENT

•  Absolute performance growth based on previous term •  Relative performance growth based on previous term •  Percentage of goal achievement relative to set departmental goals •  Regular and comprehensive departmental status reports


•  Operational efficiency •  NPS score given by program driven by the department •  Synergies implemented •  Financial sustainability of the department

Stakeholder MANAGEMENT

•  Attendance in local and national conferences (ALDS, NPC, NPM, NatCon, ELDC, national functional meetings •  Representation in international conferences (APXLDS, SEA) •  Presence and representation in internal and external events •  Presence of international Local Committee partners, corporate, and non-corporate partners



High sense of accountability, responsibility and initiative, results-oriented, people-oriented, effective communicator, facilitator, and manager, strong threshold for work and stress, team worker, resource investigator, monitor-evaluator, implementer, complete finisher, willingness to commit

High Global Competency Model competencies, in-depth understanding of AIESEC Way, extensive AIESEC Business Knowledge (business model, organizational design, AIESEC 2015, ELD programme delivery), general management skills (organizational, strategic, performance, risk, crisis, team, project), excellent communication skills, personal effectiveness, coaching and mentoring skills, extensive knowledge of Local Committee history

AVAILABLE POSITIONS LCAVP Information Management LCVP Marketing LCVP Business Development LCVP Outgoing Global Community Development Programme

LCVP Incoming Global Community Development Programme (TN) LCVP Incoming Global Community Development Programme (Proj)

LCVP Servicing & Reception

LCVP Outgoing Global Internship Programme LCVP Incoming Global Internship Programme

LCVP Team Experiences LCVP Finance, Legal, and Administration

LCVP Expansion




Functional Responsibilities

LCAVP Information Management

Works hand in hand with the Local Committee President to create and drive functional systems that facilitate in optimal LC operations and internal communication.

LCVP Marketing

Shapes, communicates, and drives the AIESEC AdMU brand through promotional materials, non-traditional initiatives, and brand engagements.

Process assessment -  Reviews , assesses, and creates systems and trackers to facilitate in more efficient LC processes Knowledge management -  Collates and organizes pertinent departmental information for wikis and knowledge banks -  Spearheads internal communication Systems alignment -  Drives and implements systems across all levels of the LC

Brand management -  CONCEPTUALIZATION: Rethinks and repackages the AIESEC brand and positioning to facilitate stronger and more aligned brand recall and resonation -  EXECUTION: Creates tactical and thematic materials to communicate the AIESEC brand Market research -  Ensures the penetration and resonation of creative materials through brand insight, customer assessment, and PubMat review Marketing strategy -  Formulates strategies for market engagement -  Designs strategic timeline for all marketing initiatives



Functional Responsibilities

LCVP Business Development

Supports financial sustainability of AIESEC AdMU and its projects and events through the establishment of partnerships via corporate sales

•  •

LCVP Outgoing GCDP

Delivers functional strategies to provide high quantity and quality outgoing social internship experiences

•  •

Corporate Sales -  Establishes sponsorships and brand partners for operations support Customer Relationship Management -  Ensures good rapport with external stakeholders to build potential for long-term partnerships Partnership Initiatives -  Executes strategies to showcase partners while building AIESEC brand equity

Exchange Engagement, Recruitment and Selection -  Executes initiatives to communicate and attract people towards the AIESEC exchange experience -  Co-creates market segments through external market expansion -  Oversees overall exchange recruitment and selection processes OGX Process Management -  Tracks the raising, matching, and realizing of outbound Exchange Participants Partnership Management -  Establishes and preserve LC-LC co-delivery partnerships -  Analyzes and manipulate global supply and demand




Functional Responsibilities

LCVP Incoming GCDP (TN)

Co-delivers incoming exchange with non-corporate markets to provide socially and personally relevant internship experiences.

•  •

LCVP Incoming GCDP (Projects)

Creates and delivers needs-based, impactful, and financially sustainable Projects Based on Exchange for relevant community partners

Non-Corporate Sales -  Establishes social internship client base with NonGovernment Organizations and Corporate Social Responsibility sectors ICX Process Management -  Track the raising, matching, and realizing of inbound Exchange Participants Partnership Management -  Establish and preserve LC-LC co-delivery partnerships -  Analyze and manipulate global supply and demand Customer Relationship Management -  Ensures good rapport with external stakeholders to build potential for long-term partnerships Non- Corporate Sales -  Establishes social internship client base with Learning and Community Partners Project Innovation -  Rethink and ensure social relevance of PBoXES for partner communities and Exchange Participants Project Management -  Oversee and track execution of all PBoXes ICX Process Management -  Track the raising, matching, and realizing of inbound Exchange Participants Partnership Management -  Establish and preserve LC-LC co-delivery partnerships -  Analyze and manipulate global supply and demand



Functional Responsibilities


LCVP Outgoing GIP

Delivers functional strategies to provide high quantity and quality outgoing professional internship experiences

•  •

LCVP Incoming GIP

Co-delivers incoming exchange with corporate markets to create professionally and personally relevant internships

Exchange Engagement, Recruitment and Selection -  Executes initiatives to communicate and attract people towards the AIESEC exchange experience -  Co-creates market segments through external market expansion -  Oversees overall exchange recruitment and selection processes OGX Process Management -  Tracks the raising, matching, and realizing of outbound Exchange Participants Partnership Management -  Establishes and preserve LC-LC co-delivery partnerships -  Analyzes and manipulate global supply and demand Corporate Sales -  Establishes professional internship client base with corporations and start-up companies ICX Process Management -  Track the raising, matching, and realizing of inbound Exchange Participants Partnership Management -  Establish and preserve LC-LC co-delivery partnerships -  Analyze and manipulate global supply and demand Customer Relationship Management -  Ensures good rapport with external stakeholders to build potential for long-term partnerships



Functional Responsibilities


LCVP Expansion

Facilitates the overall growth and development, drives OGX support, and undertakes the establishment of AIESEC AdMU SU’s and IG’s, •

LCVP Servicing and Reception

•  •  Ensures quality of all incoming exchanges through the provision of logistic and integration services and the promotion of a peopleoriented servicing culture. •

Institutional Sales -  Markets the AIESEC experience to universities and colleges -  Oversees customer relationship management to all partners Market Expansion -  Conducts exchange recruitment and selection processes within partner entities -  Executes initiatives to communicate and attract SU/ IG market towards the AIESEC exchange experience Local Committee Development -  Conducts LC visits to deliver functional training and member coaching -  Oversees and tracks overall growth of expansion initiatives and extension LCs Reception -  Addresses logistical needs of incoming Exchange Participants upon realization Integration -  Creation and implementation of cultural and LC integration calendar for GCDP and GIP EP’s -  Promotion of inclusive, proactive, and meaningful LC servicing culture Quality Assurance -  Ensures strong synergy across all ICX departments -  Collects feedback and review of overall ICX experience




Functional Responsibilities

•  •

LCVP Team Experiences

Ensures the provision of a value-adding team experience to each member of the Local Committee and promotes member engagement and performance through TXP sub-product creation and implementation and TM process delivery. •

LCVP Finance, Legal, and Administration

Presides over the overall financial and legal management of the Local Committee to ensure operational and financial sustainability.

TXP Sub-Product Development -  Oversees TXP sub-product creation, execution, and evaluation TM Process Delivery -  Ensures TM Process delivery, efficiency, and effectiveness throughout the entire Local Committee -  Monitors member efficiency, member development, and member involvement TM Initiatives -  Spearheads activities for talent motivation -  Co-creates Engagement with AIESEC Initiatives with Marketing department Financial Management -  Creates and tracks LC financial model -  Conducts budget and cash flow forecasts -  Oversees creation of financial statements -  Creates and implements investment plan and financial initiatives Administration -  Oversees compilation of legal and administrative documents -  Oversees signing of legal documents and assesses potential risks -  Monitors and ensures alignment of LC performance for financial sustainability -  Manages in-university stakeholders (OSA, COA)










NOTE: Files must be saved in .pdf format and compressed in a .zip/ .rar folder named “AdMULCEB1516_(LastName)”


1 PAGE -




6-10 PAGES







Letter of Intent Addressed to the LCP-Elect, the letter must clearly state intent to apply for the position of AIESEC AdMU Local Committee Vice President, Term 2015-2016.

Curriculum Vitae In Ateneo Placement Office format, state relevant AIESEC experience and academic, extracurricular, and professional accomplishments.

Biography Must include: general information, personality test results, motivation for application, alignment to personal/ professional goals, values.

Top 3 Choices Enumerate your Top 3 most preferred positions within the Executive Board. Explain how your motivations, skills, and past AIESEC XP relate to these.

Framework Analysis NOTE: Take screenshots of your PERSONALITY TEST RESULTS and present them as part of your app package.

Using any framework/s of your choice, conduct a comprehensive INTERNAL and EXTERNAL analysis of the function you are applying for in relation to AIESEC AdMU and its relevant markets and stakeholders.

General Questions 1.

Complete the table with accurate and relevant information regarding your past/ current AIESEC experience. If there are areas wherein you have had not any experience, place “no experience” in the relevant cells. AREA

Financial & Legal Management Team Management Training & Coaching Information Management



2. Give two personal strengths and two personal weaknesses. Cite a concrete AIESEC experience where each of these were demonstrated. 3.  What is the relevance and impact of AIESEC AdMU to: a)  Its members b)  Its exchange participants c)  Its partners d)  The AdMU community? 4. In your opinion, what is the biggest problem that AIESEC AdMU faces? Why? What are the implications of this problem?

Performance Management Exchange Management Project Management Stakeholder & Partnership Management Brand Management Sales

5. What is your ultimate vision for AIESEC AdMU? How does this connect to AIESEC 2015? How will your functional role contribute to this?

NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role.

Specific Questions


Explain the Information Management (IM) function. What does IM do, what are its main focus/es, and why is it necessary in LC operations? How do you envision IM during your potential term (2015), and in the future (2020)? Support your answer by describing good case practices done in other :C’s and other organizations.




Map out the processes you see of the incoming-focused departments (iGCDP,-TN, iGCDP Proj, iGIP, S&R) in terms of the new customer flow. Identify the role of the following systems in these operations and how you will use these to drive better processes: GIS, Podio, Google Drive, Dropbox, Zapier, Mailchimp/ Mandrill, Excel VBA/ Java, and any other tool you wish to introduce. Separate the departments, and do not consolidate them. Use the TN Manager flow only as a guide.


Map out the processes you see of the outgoing-focused departments (oGCDP, oGIP, EXP) in terms of the new customer flow. Identify the role of the following systems in these operations and how you will use these to drive better processes: GIS, Podio, Google Drive, Dropbox, Zapier, Mailchimp/ Mandrill, Excel VBA/ Java, and any other tool you wish to introduce. Separate the departments, an do not consolidate them. Use the EP Manager flow only as a guide.


Based on your internal and external analysis, formulate an action plan via a concrete timeline of your key activities for the next term (June 2015-August 2016). Take note of the departmental structure you have in mind, and the changes and updates that will be made particularly in GIS and Podio. How will this action plan, as well as your proposed structure for the next term, contribute to the success of the LC in AIESEC 2015?


At its current state, many members of the Local Committee remain unaware of how to use existing Information Management platforms. How will you ensure that these systems (GIS and Podio) are utilized and driven down to the member level? Enumerate five (5) concrete action steps.

NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role.

Specific Questions



It has always been a challenge to pinpoint Marketing’s role in the LC’s different initiatives. With this, it is important to have a clear grasp on the process of marketing a specific program to ensure effective synergy across Marketing and the different departments involved. Create a product-customer flow for two of the LC’s biggest events: RecWeek and oGX Recruitment. Note that sign ups are done through online systems and that the flow must be complete until after the student signs up for the program.



The Marketing department is in charge of communicating both self-initiated events and events of other departments in the LC. Cite the projects you will be having next term, as well as new initiatives you have planned. For each, identify the: a)  Marketing team responsible b)  Synergy points c)  Measure of success Create a personal brand audit of AIESEC AdMU. Cite both good case practices in the LC that you want to keep and bad case practices that must be avoided for the next term. Include recommendations for the bad cases.



RecWeek is a crucial touch point that sets the tone of how an organization’s brand is perceived through the rest of the year. With this in mind: a)  What is your vision for the AIESEC AdMU brand? b)  Who is your target customer? c)  Conceptualize a RecWeek campaign that effectively communicates your vision to your target market. d)  How do you plan to showcase this through both traditional and nontraditional channels? Cite specific ways for each channel. In order to more effectively establish market greater reach and penetration, our marketing materials and initiatives must be grounded in pertinent customer insights. How can serviceable and systematic Market Research be undertaken by the department? Devise a calendared implementation plan and include concrete strategies to ensure follow-through.

NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role. 1.

Specific Questions



For the previous years, the sales process of the Business Development department has been the same -- market research, cold calls, emails, meetings, etc. Innovate a new strategy that you think will increase our sales activity and better secure partnerships. Provide relevant action steps for each strategy. Our PBoXes are one of our operations that need the most financial assistance and yet remain one of the most difficult to sell to our external stakeholders. Conceptualize a sales strategy that will better ensure the financial sustainability of our PBoXes. Identify the external stakeholders you will contact and provide the specific action steps for necessary processes. Afterward, create a short sample company pitch and projects portfolio. Point to any innovations you have made and justify how these will facilitate in better sales turnover.




Starting next term, part of BD's task is to spearhead fundraising initiatives for the LC. Give at least 3 sample fundraising initiatives you plan to organize that will provide both financial assistance and brand engagement. To help see the credibility and the value of your fundraisers, answer the 5 basic questions: WHAT, WHEN, HOW, WHY, and SO WHAT for each. Be as specific and as concrete as possible. Take into consideration our various stakeholders, target market, and the alignment of the initiative to the AIESEC AdMU brand. How would you explain to your members and to the rest of the LC the value of BD such that the impact of their work is more concretely felt by them? State examples pertaining to BD’s relevance in AIESEC AdMU’s programs, stakeholders, and overall brand. A review of AIESEC AdMU history will evidence that in its earlier years, the Local Committee was one of the most financially endowed organizations in The Ateneo. Through the course of more recent years however, the LC’s sponsorships and reserves have steadily deteriorated. Consult with five (5) alumni of relevant terms and unearth at least five (5) best-case practices for Business Development. Afterward, address the following: a)  What role does departmental culture play in boosting sales? b)  Describe BD’s current departmental culture c)  Describe the departmental culture you would like to foster Term 1516. Provide five (5) concrete action steps to illustrate how you will establish this.


NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role.

Cite the immediate departments, oGCDP has to synergize with and give concrete details on the following: a)  Rationale for having this department as a synergy point, b)  Chosen department’s responsibility/ accountability to the oGCDP department, c)  Expected results/ output from chosen department, d)  Measure of Success (MoS) of having to synergize with the department. Details given on the departments should reflect your plans for the whole term. **Note: The synergies should include the following aspects of the department: ( a. Project management, b. Accounts Management c. Customer Relations, d. Sales, e. Partnerships, f. Exchange Campaign, g. Overall Brand and Marketing*****) 2.  From the historical data of the past terms, analyze the difference/ decline/ growth of term realizations. To explicate this you may include the following data: (1) NPS, (2) Retention Rates, (3) RAMARE, (4) Departmental Events/ Efforts done as support, and (5) Market research data. Take note of the highlights, good case practices, bad case practices and compare it to your overall goal for your term. Using this information, how do you now foresee your term? As GEN 2015 comes to a close in your term, how are you going to ensure that your action plans will be maximized? What are your concrete strategies for the term in terms of department success in terms of numerical goals (exchange pipeline/ realization goals) and growth (in terms of impact)?

Specific Questions OUTGOING GCDP




Do a backwards planning and map out your monthly realization goal for your term (Sign ups, orientation, AC/RBI, in progress (paid), Matched, realized, return/ debriefing). For the conversion rate to be used, you may use the current retention rate to give rationale to your numbers. However, if in your goals you want the retention rate to be increased, please signify and support your rates with concrete reasoning and data. Given your exchange pipeline, identify specific plans of actions per month for you to reach your monthly realization goal. What challenges/ bottlenecks do you foresee? How are you going to mitigate these challenges? Given that GIS and Opportunity Portal are the new staple systems for accounts management, what strategies can you fully implement to be able to maximize the system to your advantage? (Maximization can include some facets of departmental responsibilities such as account management, country partnerships, customer relations, internships) Sign-ups and raises are notably high this term due in large part to capitalization of the 5month summer. With this opportunity being inevitably temporary, how will you ensure the sustainability of program performance for 2015-2016?

NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role.

Specific Questions



The usual sales operation of iGCDP-TN includes a partnership with an NGO that is willing to take in EP’s from AIESEC AdMU. However, this kind of process only yields 2-3 EPs per TN, which is not very efficient. As a result, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of corporate companies is being tapped, in hopes of getting a larger number of EPs. At the same time, this initiative is geared towards the financial sustainability of the department (e.g. reduce the out-of-pocket expense of the members). a)  If you agree to the potential of the CSR strategy, create a comprehensive sales strategy on how you will sell AIESEC and iGCDP. Take note that you have to create a budget expense that the corporate partners will be paying for. b)  If you don’t agree, suggest a new strategy and create a comprehensive plan on its preparation and execution. Include possible bottlenecks and their possible solutions. Knowing the supply and demand of different LCs around the world aids in maximizing the use of country partnerships. Since there are 2 iGCDP peaks, research on countries that EP supply and what issues are they interested in.




The iGCDP process requires committed and efficient members. a)  Create a pitch that will allow the members to see the benefits of iGCDPTN b)  Considering the Ateneo academic calendar shift, one of the peaks of iGCDP may be compromised. What do you plan to do about it? Be as concrete and comprehensive as possible. c)  Design a plan/strategy to engage your members into seeing the value of EP servicing The Thoughtbox Series is meant to happen annually. Suggest and justify topics, which showcase the vision of iGCDP to the local setting. Create a marketing plan that will encourage better engagement among Ateneans. Create a timeline for your term. Highlight important tasks and events.


NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role.

Who is the "customer" of iGCDP-Projects? Is it the Exchange Participants or the communities? If you were to choose, whose concern would you value more- the EP or the community?

Like most Sector-Based Cluster organizations, iGCDP-Projects deals a lot with the marginalized- urban poor, abuse victims, orphans, etc. Do you think we are merely "using" these areas and communities as a means to reach our end goal to keep the EPs happy? Is there anyone truly suffering less because we are doing what we do? Please give a step by step process and performance indicator on how you can ensure that the communities will truly benefit from our projects. Afterward, explicate on how each current PBoX is relevant to a)  Philippine society b)  The Ateneo Community c)  Government d)  Partner Organizations


Make a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis on the department. Provide supporting data and expound on each. Answer in essay form. You are highly encouraged to be as detailed as possible.

Specific Questions




iGCDP-Projects needs to synergies with many different departments to fulfill its goals. The department literally becomes the face of AIESEC AdMU to the EPs. If any department falls short on what they are supposed to deliver, we take the brunt of the complaints. a)  Cite the different departments iGCDP-Projects needs to work closely with. b)  Reason why they are important to our work. c)  What is the responsibility of the department to iGCDP-Projects. d)  How can you hold them accountable for any errors. e)  Indicate your measures of success of the synergy with each department. ***MINIMUM of THREE (3) Departments iGCDP Projects is considered to be a primary cost center within the LC, which ideally should not be the case. Choose one PBoX and create a best-case AND worst-case scenario financial model. Both should ensure the project’s short-term and long-term financial sustainability. Contrast this against how iGDCP Projects is being run and funded this term, Lastly, provide three (3) possible financial initiatives for the PBoX that will both a) ensure better financial sustainability and b) communicate the AIESEC brand.

NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role. Analyze historical data. Create an analysis of oGIP based on the demographics of the EPs, type of sub-product(s), conversion rates, area/ country, and NPS. From this analysis, identify the trends of the market and list how these trends will affect your future plans. Determine concrete action steps, key stakeholders, and people you will be synergizing with.


Based on your historical data of the demographics of the EPs, how will this affect your recruitment plan? What markets do you intend to capitalize on for each month of the year and what is your justification for this? By what kinds of avenues do you intend to do your recruitment?

Specific Questions






Matching has been a consistently weak point in oGIP. Knowing this and the new customer flow and system (GIS), how will you remedy this? List (3) possible strategies for matching; including: a)  The people involved/Key stakeholders b)  Foreseen bottlenecks and possible solutions c)  Timeline for implementation The pre-departure, the realization, documentation, de-briefing/re-integration stages of the customer flow have never been a focus area for oGIP. Explain the importance of each stage for both the Exchange Participant (EP) and the department (oGIP). Present (3) initiatives to be implemented, including: a)  Goals and benefits for each initiative b)  Foreseen bottlenecks and possible solutions c)  Timeline for implementation Conceptualize a campaign and implementation plan for oGIP’s Global Career Fair. Enumerate three (3) markets will you target and explicate on the role that an optimized oGIP Partnerships will play in this. How will you package professional internships in order to penetrate these markets?

NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role.

Specific Questions



Distinguish the World to Business and Global Talent Innovation programs in terms of their respective TN and EP markets. Afterwards, use the TOWS Matrix to create a comprehensive assessment of W2B and GTI, taking into consideration: a)  Program Strengths b)  Program Weaknesses c)  Program Opportunities d)  Program Threats Sales was a strong point within iGIP this term. How do you intend to foster the continuity of this sales culture and integrate new members into sales? Create a learning plan for newly allocated members that will cultivate functional knowledge, promote relevant soft and hard skills, and build motivation.


Provide three (3) distinct strategies for the following key Supply Management processes: Screening, Shortlisting, Country Partnership Establishment, and Visa Processing. Justify the feasibility of each strategy given and describe its relevance in facilitating more efficient matching.


Review the current departmental process plan. Enumerate areas where: a)  Synergies can be solidified b)  Operations can be expedited/ improved c)  Bottlenecks can be mitigated Then, create a visual representation reflecting your proposed revisions. Explain how each of these process innovations should be implemented.


iGIP presents high potential to contribute as a cash cow to the LC. Why? Enumerate 5 ways. Defend by situating iGIP in a best-case financial model.

NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role.

Specific Questions



Create a Growth Model for our two expansion units, San Beda College and Far Eastern University.


Make a hitlist of universities we can strategically expand to. Explicate on the relevance of expanding to that university and its contribution to AIESEC AdMU, and prove the feasibility.


In your ideal structure for your Expansion department, create a learning plan for each of the roles you have in order for your members to be a valuable coach to the expansion units.


Give three (3) initiatives on how we can integrate the expansion units to our Local Committee.


Using any framework of your choice, create a comprehensive assessment of our existing expansion units and propose strategies to capitalize on entity strengths and mitigate entity weaknesses.

NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role.

Specific Questions



Create a process plan for Service & Reception that you think will be stable enough for use in the following terms. Include synergy points, expected output, and key performance indicators. Also, create a housing plan that includes partners, estimated fees, and maintenance requirements, and an LC integration plan that includes all events and initiatives you wish to implement for the EPs. Finally, incorporate all these in a Gantt chart or process plan.


Using the Customer Gauge and EP evaluation forms and testimonials, identify the three (3) main detractor issues for both iGCDP and iGIP. Discuss the root causes of each of these issues and provide a concrete action plan to mitigate or resolve each of them.


Based on the XPP and Standards and Satisfaction, what should we provide or do for the EPs to be able to say that we are giving them a quality experience? Be as specific as possible. How will you ensure that we are able to provide all those to each of our EPs?


Service & Reception cannot function without the support of the whole LC. As LCVP S&R, how will you ensure that the LC constantly sees the importance and relevance of S&R and actively participates in S&R initiatives in order to provide quality experiences to EPs? How will you make your members see the value in what they're doing and be motivated to perform and develop themselves?


Conduct a SERVQUAL assessment specific to the state of ICX Servicing & Reception. Interview at least 15 (15) current or past Exchange Participants as basis for your analysis. Take into consideration feedback on: a)  Airport Pick-ups b)  Welcome Dinners c)  Housing d)  LC Integration e)  Cultural Integration Substantiate your findings with direct quotes and pictures. Be sure to include the names of your interviewees as reference.

NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role. 1.

Currently, the TXP department is operating on an accounts-based structure. What are its pros and cons? What opportunities were maximized, and what opportunities were missed due to the structure? Give a comprehensive assessment of the accounts-based structure using any framework of your choice. Finally, give your overall evaluation. Do you think the accounts-based structure should be kept/ improved on or would a function-based structure be better?


Given the academic calendar shift for the next school year, how can you ensure that we will have enough talent capacity for our operations during the five-month break? What initiatives do you have in mind? How will you ensure its feasibility and success? Include a timeline for your key activities, resources that you would need, and measures of success. Be as comprehensive and specific with your plan as possible.


Given that the LC currently has a huge percentage of graduating members, the organization will be left with relatively new members. As such, there should be a focus on an LC-wide learning and development. Create a general learning plan for the members of our LC. a)  Identify learning areas you think are essential b)  Justify their importance c)  Enumerate topics that can be included under the learning areas d)  Mode of Delivery (i.e. talk, simulation, field work, anything creative, etc.) e)  Support Needed f)  Projected Schedule of Implementation


As the department driving both the TMP and TLP, it is important to improve the experiences being delivered. Propose AT LEAST TWO innovative initiatives to increase the quantity and/or quality of TXPs in the LC. (2 each for TMP & TLP). Elaborate on the feasibility of each initiative and identify the support needed. Lastly, outline the action steps necessary in implementing these initiatives.


As a function of its focus on systems orientation, input given by many new members is that TXP seems ambiguous and not visible a department. How can you renew people’s interest and appreciation for TXP? Cite five (5) concrete ways.

Specific Questions


NOTE: Answer only the Specific Questions for your first choice role.



What are the department's synergy points and corresponding success indicators with all departments in terms of FLA's three functions? Present in table format. (Note: success indicators of the synergy, not the department.)


What is the current structure of the FLA department and how does it facilitate synergy? Identify the structure's strengths and weaknesses. With these in mind, what is your recommended structure for Term 1516 and how does it improve on the current structure? Provide at least two (2) concrete examples/scenarios showing how this structure is an improvement. Hint: You can opt to do a comparison analysis, or show a sample process plan.


Since Expansion will be a focus function for Term 1516, the LC will potentially be hosting multiple expansion units. As VP FLA you would be responsible for supervising their finance and legal affairs. Therefore, you must have perfect knowledge of the AIESEC Financial Model in order to facilitate a financially sustainable growth for our expansion units. In that regard: a)  Explain the AIESEC Financial Model (with the Expansion Department included) b)  Identify synergy points and corresponding success indicators between the Expansion and FLA Departments c)  List concrete strategies/policies to ensure the financial sustainability of the Expansion Department d)  Draft a brief financial roadmap for San Beda College and FEU, including but not limited to: - Profit-sharing plan with AdMU per growth stage (state your reasons) - Projected timeline of growth path -  Projected Cash Flow (February 2015 - Apr 2016)


How can FLA contribute to driving AIESEC AdMU's growth in Term 1516 and beyond, assuming you begin with the current financial position of the LC? Cite three (3) concrete strategies and their corresponding implementation plans.


A huge part of financial sustainability is determined by Exchange Department goal completion. In what ways can FLA more effectively act as an administrator to these departments in this respect?

LC Case Analysis Making reference to the Status Report given in the LCP-Elect application (numbers as of November 15), conduct a Case Analysis in the following format:

1.  SUMMARY - Write a short summary/synopsis of the current LC standing based on the data provided. Briefly discuss your chosen action step of your function to help bridge the gap in LC performance.

2.  IDENTIFIED PROBLEMS - Analyze the situation of the LC based on the data provided and identify the problems that your function is contributing to. Explain each of these by linking the symptoms and root causes of the problems. Differentiate short term from long term problems.

3.  KEY PROBLEM - Out of all the problems you have diagnosed your function to be contributing to, choose one (1) that you can identify to be the main problem. The resolution of this should start the resolution of the other problems you have previously identified.

LC Case Analysis 4.  ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS and DECISION CRITERIA Provide at least two (2) solutions to the problem. Identify the criteria by which you have deemed these solutions to be feasible and evaluate the pros and cons of each solution against this criteria.

5.  RECOMMENDED SOLUTION - Among your alternative solutions, choose one (1) and explain why it is the best for this problem. Be thorough in the explanation/illustration of your solution. Although you are assigned to a specific function, take into consideration your synergy points.

6.  IMPLEMENTATION and RESULTS - Craft a concrete implementation plan for the solution you have chosen. Identify the foreseen results along with the risks or other problems that may possibly arise from the implementation of this solution.

Support your case analysis with external sources of data/ information. (e.g. textbooks, online research, wikis, DAAL, AFT, past applications, YER, etc.).

General Plan of Action Present a succinct summary of your Game Plan for Term 1516. Include the following: •  •  •  •

Ambition Goals Focus Areas Departmental Structure

•  •  •  •

Basic Job Descriptions Synergy Points (Internal + External) General Timeline Key Activities

Application Video Introduce yourself to the Local Committee and present your GPOA to the plenary in a five (5) minute video. Conclude your video by answering the question: “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” Upload the video on YouTube/ Vimeo and include the link at the end of your app package.




It is highly recommended that you consult with the current Executive Board. Ashley Maglaqui LCVP FLA 0917 506 1560

Michelle Fong LCVP TXP 0917 811 7099

Denise Tan LCVP oGCDP 0917 899 9925

Michaelvin Chiong LCVP iGCDP-Projects 0917 584 1012

Hannah Chua LCVP iGCDP-TN 0917 300 9507

Chinny Daez LCVP oGIP 0917 865 9193

Theresa Savillo LCVP S&R 0927 877 8812

Cha Maglalang LCVP MKT 0917 301 6656

Finina Mu単oz LCVP BD 0917 538 1467

James Tieng LCVP IM 0917 513 8449

Ariza Francisco LCP 0917 512 0102

Elise Apilado LCVP iGIP 0920 973 3790

For inquires regarding 2015-2016 organizational roles and the application package and process, contact Elise Apilado.


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