1. Do not remove bandage before 2 hours Avoid Removing Bandage for at least 2 hours for tattoo and skin’s safety. You should remove it only after 4-5 hours. Always ask tattoo artist if you want re-bandage.
2. Wash Tattoo with normal Water and anti-bacterial soap after removing bandage Always use normal water and mild soap on the tattoo. Wash it gently and do not Scrub.
3. Pat dry your tattoo after wash with dry Paper Towel After washing it, gently clean it with paper towel and let it dry in air for 15- 20 min
4 Use only Recommend products by tattoo artist/studio Do not use A & D ointments or petroleum jelly on tattoo because it will block pores of your skin thus doesn’t allow skin healing. Avoid using lotions or creams with fragrance because their chemical contents will irritate your skin and affect your tattoo.
5 Don’t use high chemical soap or Products Never use chemical products or soaps. Always try to use mild soap and chemical free products while washing tattoo.
6 Protect tattoo from dirt and direct sunlight More exposure to direct sunlight will fade the colours of tattoo that will degrade the design and life of tattoo, also cover it from dirt for its long life.
7. Avoid Swimming:Till the tattoo gets healed stay away from swimming as soaking in water will affect healing process. 8 Avoid spa and gym:Sweat may harm your tattoo so avoid spa or some other physical exercise.
9. Do not remove scabs During healing process, you will see scabs on skin, do not scratch/pick them allow them to come off naturally.
10. Consult your Tattoo artist Do not follow your friends, if you find any kind of problem you should immediately consult tattoo artist. Who can understand your problem better and provide best solutions.