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Supercharge your MarTech: How to innovate and excite your customers as an SME business
SME businesses continue to face ever changing new marketing technology. How do we stay ahead or keep up with the latest trends and our enterprise competitors? We look at the latest must-know strategies across AI and automation, content marketing, digital marketing and dynamic examples we can use to supercharge our marketing efforts.
What AI and automation should every SME have as a bare minimum in today’s modern marketing world? How can we stay affluent with the everyday AI and data business needs to ensure your brand doesn’t get left behind?
Crucial mistakes to avoid when implementing new MarTech with your team. Whether that’s building new single channel campaigns, or sophisticated, cross-channel journeys at scale.
Meet some of Britain’s most prolific high-profile entrepreneurs who have been through these challenges and can deliver their top tips across content, brand and digital marketing.
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