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New president will continue to add value for members
Je Kirkley comes to the presidency of the Australian Tile Council with many years of industry experience and a view to expand retail membership
Most of Jeff’s experience has been in the development, production and application of tile adhesives and associated products. As ATC president, he will help to implement and roll out the new online sales consultants training course which is currently being developed for members. He told Tile Today:
“Now that the ATC has become a national body, we have more ability to influence changes within our industry and continue to promote tiles as a high performance and an aesthetically pleasing flooring and wall option.
“The ATC remains very focused on continuing to support retailers, TAFEs and tiling apprentices with up to date technical and market information and we hope that this is incentive enough for even more people to join our ranks and become the ‘go to’ in our industry.”
In addition to creating new member resources, Jeff sees a large part of his role involves promoting the council and the tile industry. He said:
“Our industry is facing many challenges over the next few years, with trade shortages and a slowdown of the first home buyers along with plenty of regulation changes for tiles, tile applicators and waterproofers.
“The ATC continues to keep up and advise on all trends and regulations, while continuing to support registered training organisations (RTOs) such as TAFE colleges that offer tiling and waterproofing courses.
“In doing so, the ATC through our technical expert Fred Gray has been instrumental in rewriting the Australian Standards AS 3958:2023 ‘Ceramic tiles, Part 1: Guide to the installation of ceramic tiles’ which was sadly out of
Promoting tile knowledge
The Australian Tile Council has responded to requests for an online training course primarily for the needs of retailers and specifers. It has developed a course called “Understanding Tiles and Tiling” to provide knowledge and give businesses confdence that people selling or specifying tiles have an understanding of what they are selling.
Peter Carter and Bryan Vadas have both devoted a signifcant amount of time and efort to create the course, according to ATC president Jef Kirkley. Key points include:
• It will be available to all current ATC members free of charge
• Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
• The course will be in two stages – Stage one focusing on fundamentals and Stage two is an advanced course
• The courses are designed in easy-to-follow modules with a completion certifcate at the end of each course
• The courses can be completed in sections to allow participants to tailor the completion of the course to their needs
Jeff Kirkley is the new national president of the Australian Tile Council date. We thank Fred for his enormous efforts in leading this initiative, and the industry is better off because of it.
“We also continue to offer valuable technical information via our website to all of our members, in particular our ‘Tiles and Tiling Guide’. This has become the industry ‘bible’ and is being viewed and downloaded extensively.”
Jeff ‘s position as ATC president is another way he can contribute to the industry after starting his working career as a maintenance fitter at Rheem Australia in the late 70s. He followed this role with a move across to the adhesives business beginning with Polycell products. Jeff initially worked as maintenance manager and later as production site manager, for a company that manufactured a wide range building and DIY products. You could say he started in adhesives and has barely left it. As Jeff explains:
“The past 39 years has seen me hold various state and national sales and manufacturing positions with ASA, Laticrete, Bostik, RLA and now with Sika as Victorian state sales manager.
“I believe my strengths have always been focused on providing great customer service, technical knowledge and emphasise teamwork. I have always enjoyed a more personal working approach with customers and my peers.
“As I have always been passionate about the tiling industry, the ATC allows me to contribute more back into the industry that has been my employ for so long.”
Member benefits:
- Industry support from the Australian Tile Council (ATC)

- Technical and Industry related information and support
- Free access to the Tile and Tiling Guide
- Free access to the Tile Reference Manual
For further information visit
- Member Benefits programme with exclusive offers
- Tiling literature, brochures and notices
- Professional recognition as a member of the only recognised national body industry