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HYDRATHANE is a one-part, water-based, polyurethane waterproofing membrane which is fexible, tough and fast curing (capable of drying in 6-12 hours @ 23°C @ 50% relative humidity). The cured membrane will remain tough, elastic and can bridge and seal hairline cracks.
Flexible Sealer
FLEXIBLE SEALER is a one-pack, waterproofng membrane applied prior to tiling bathrooms & balconies or left exposed on roofs & balconies. A premixed, one-pack, water-based, brush/rollerapplied, acrylic membrane, which when cured becomes a tough, elastic, heavy duty, UV resistant, waterproof membrane. The cured membrane will remain elastic and can bridge and seal hairline cracks and can resist mild chemical attack.
Liquid Flash 1
LIQUID FLASH 1 is a premixed, one-pack, water-based, microfbre-reinforced acrylic, fexible, waterproofng membrane that is easily applied with a brush to form a resilient waterproof/fashing membrane between different building surfaces. LIQUID FLASH 1 will remain pliable and elastic and will bridge cracks and smooth irregular surfaces. Can be overpainted with water-based acrylic paints to colour match surroundings. The cured membrane is resistant to UV and mild chemical attack.
Liquid Flash 2
LIQUID FLASH 2 is a two-pack, fast-drying, microfbre-reinforced, cement/acrylic fexible waterproofng and anti-fracture/crack bridging membrane. rgIt is easily applied to form a resilient waterproof membrane over different building surfaces. Liquid Flash 2 will remain pliable and elastic and will bridge cracks and smooth irregular surfaces.
1Kompönent Fibre Reinforced Waterproof Membrane
1KOMPÖNENT is one component, a fexible fbre-reinforced waterproof membrane. A specially formulated cementitious base incorporating graded aggregates and polymers produces a highly fexible waterproof membrane capable of withstanding signifcant fexural strain. It is suitable for 5 bar positive and 1.5 negative bar pressure.
2 Part Cementitious Waterproofng Membrane
2 PART is a cementitious, two-part waterproofng membrane 2 PART is based on high alumina, fast-setting cement. It is mixed with a high solids water resistant pure acrylic. 2 PART combines the quick drying and excellent adhesion characteristics of traditional 2-part membranes with the superb toughness, elongation, and fexibility of modern acrylic membranes.
Uniprime Porous Primer
Uniprime is a cost effective porous primer for use prior to installing RLA tile adhesives and waterproofng membranes. It increases adhesion while reducing dehydration over all porous substrates.
Universal Primer
Universal Primer is a rapid drying solvent free low VOC water based acrylic primer. For use over porous and non porous substrates such as ceramic tiles, painted surfaces (waterbased only) and sealed or burnished concrete foors.
MAX MS Sealant & Adhesive
RLA MAX MS is a high quality, multi-use neutral sealant, adhesive and joint fller. This product is based on Flexible MS Polymer technology. It has excellent adhesion properties and can be applied on damp surfaces.
Moisture Seal Epoxy Waterproofng System
RLA Moisture Seal is a high-performance 2-part water-based epoxy waterproofng system designed as a water and vapour-proof coating under waterproofng systems, coatings, tiles, resilient and timber fooring. It is intended for foor and wall applications requiring durability, water and chemical resistance.