Aiesec in tanzania 17 18applications

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Hey there! Do you watch movies? Do you know some of these movies: In God must be crazy, Home alone, Sarafina, Neria, Hotel Rwanda, Anaconda, Transformers, X-Men, Matrix, Bourne, Transporter, Harry Potter and so so so much more? They are the best movies of all time ah! I know as I mention the names you recall those moments when at some point you didn't even understand what the actor is talking about, but you just enjoyed the action and watched the movie to the end, right! You will watch again, again and again. Have you ever asked yourself what makes a great movie great? Is it the actor, the story, the soundtrack, or the timing? Yes, All of these elements are important in making a great film, but let's highlight the one thing that I personally think can make or break your movie: Director. As Peter Brook said, “… The work of a director in a film can be summed up in two very simple words. Why and How”. This means thatbeing an LCP is like being a director in making a story that will be told after. Making a movie that will last and forever be remembered. And the actors and actresses of this movie are in your LC. This is such a challenging yet very rewarding experience. You have the power to dream, plan and achieve anything in your entity. This might be the most important experience you would ever have in AIESEC, what comes ahead has potential to totally transform your life as an individual, will unlock your potential and show you those hidden abilities you never knew existed It is my hope you will join the crew and direct the greatest story ever told, the greatest movie ever filmed. Amani Shayo


MCP AIESEC in Tanzania 16.17

Word from the MCP

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• This application package has the following parts 1. 2. 3. 4.

Profile (max 2 pages) Questionnaire (max 10 pages) Endorsement letter (one from your MC Coach, Current EB member and a team member you once led) Application Video (Max 3min) – Record a video Introducing yourself, tell us why should you be the LCP and answering the question “ What is the desired state of your LC by Feb 2018, and what will be your role to make it happen?” 5. Blank Paper challenge (1 page A4- using any method, Provide your year Plan for your LC in all function areas) 6. Executive summary (1page A4- Include your vision, focus areas, Goals in number and summary of your whole application) • Understand that if any document listed above is missing, your application is considered invalid • All applications must be submitted by the deadline: Nov 4 2016, 2300hrs GMT+3

• All applications will be reviewed both from LC and MC level. Same applies for interviews • Send a ZIP file of your application package to the current LCP, the MCVP FLA ( MCP ( • Your file should be named *LCP_LCNAME_ApplicantName*

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4 Nov

15th Oct

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6 – 9th Nov



10 – 15th Nov

15th Nov

Word from the MCP

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Generally The main role of the president is to drive strategic plans and development of local chapter and ensure the relevance of the organisation in a long term. He/she takes full responsibilities in creating and implementing local strategies, focus and priorities and leads the executive board team. The president links the Local chapter with all stakeholders .

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Main roles. LC Management. Strategic direction and sustainability development of LC organisational structure – vision and development shaping to ensure LC lives the AIESEC values EB Team management. Ensure weekly meeting, Quarterly physical meetingindividual calls and consultation whenever needed External management. Represent the LC in the national and international network . Manage of the relations with the AIESEC Alumni- and BOA, working with stakeholders in Projects, Products or campaign.


Internal communication. Manage internal communication between LC functions, LC-MC and LC to the global plenary of AIESEC.

Word from the MCP

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Express Express yourself yourself.


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Your Story. ? ?

Our life is a blank book and we are the authors…We should write and shape our stories as much as our mind can imagine it. Everyone has a story to tell that can inspire the world Now, in one paragraph, tell us your story?

Test yourself. {Paste the link to your results here} Take an online personal test 1. 16 Personality test 2. Attach your Enneagram Test results


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Word from the MCP

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You & AIESEC. 1. So let’s start, Why do you think AIESEC is relevant to you and the members of your LC? 2. But wait! Seriously, why are you applying for LCP role? 3. If that’s the reason, what is the connection of this role and what you want to do in future? 4. Okay, so far what are your highlight of your AIESEC experience?


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You as the LCP. 1. What are the 3 most important things to you as an LCP and why? 2. Describe your leadership style with actual examples and indicate how well it served you so far? 3. So as an LCP how do you think you can make the entire entity grow? 4. What is you vision for the term 17.18 as the LCP?

Word from the MCP

Global Direction.

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National Direction.

1. Speaking of AIESEC, what do you understand by AIESEC 2020?

1. List 3 good case practices from other LC in Tanzania that will help your LC grow?

2. Aha! So, Can you link AIESEC 2020, AIESEC way and AIESEC experience?

2. Analyse 5 national initiatives and how explain how you will implement them in your LC ?


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Local Direction. 1. Analyse your LC extensively in the last 2 years. And from the analysis show the ideal state at the end of your term? 2. What are your local key strategies to-ensure a)Member education b)Delivery of LC goals c)Financial sustainability d) External relevance

THE BLACK LIST Make sure you have all this ď Š. 3 Endorsement letters Application Video link (Max 3min) Blank Paper ( 1page) Executive Summary (1page) Personality test links


Word from the MCP

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