Sustainability strategy 2030 (EN)

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Sustainability strategy


Our sustainability strategy contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals included in the United Nations 2030 Agenda At ELIX Polymers we have identified the priority SDGs towards which we can contribute the most.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) establish the global sustainable development goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for the whole world. Businesses have also been called to action.

Key SDGs for ELIX Polymers

Ensure healthy lives and

Ensure availability and

Promote inclusive and

Ensure sustainable

Take urgent action

promote well-being for

sustainable management

sustainable economic

consumption and

to combat climate

all at all ages: minimize

of water and sanitation

growth, employment

production patterns: help

change and its impacts:

the negative effects

for all: innovative

and decent work for all

improve the quality and

create resilience and

of our products on the

water distribution,

Safe production and

efficiency of production

adaptability for the

health of people.

management and

management of chemical

processes in all

sector and its supply

efficiency solutions.

products and application



of labour standards.

Relevant SDGs for ELIX Polymers and the sector

Support the participation,

Ensure access to

Build resilient

Conserve and sustainably

Improve operational

contribution and success

affordable, reliable,


use the oceans, seas

management and expand

of women throughout the

sustainable and modern

promote sustainable

and marine resources.

support for projects


energy for production,

industrialization and

Establish partnerships

to halt environmental

promote the storage of

foster innovation and

throughout the value

degradation and protect

renewable energy and

resilience. Establish

chain to reduce marine

the most vulnerable

the development of

frameworks that promote

pollution of all kinds.


infrastructure of this type.

industrial symbiosis.

ELIX Polymers Sustainability Strategy 2030

Our Sustainability Strategy is designed to achieve the four main aims of the sustainable vision of ELIX Polymers based on four strategic pillars and their operational objectives.

Our sustainable vision

To improve the overall sustainability of our company and reduce our potential impacts, in 2020 we defined the ELIX Polymers long-term Sustainability Strategy.

Reduce our ecological footprint to a minimum

Adopt ethical values

Lead the transition to a circular economy

Continue developing our human capital

Strategic pillars





economy system for

to adapting to and

business model and a

loss of biodiversity


mitigating climate

positive contribution to


the social well-being of

Promote a circular

Firmly committed

Key SDGs



Ensure an ethical

people throughout our



Key SDGs



value chain


Key SDGs


Key SDGs


Operational objectives

Contribute to mitigate the



Promote circularity as

Reduce our greenhouse

Contribute to generating

Reinforce responsible

part of a new plastics

gas emissions by 15%

a positive social impact to

innovation as a means of

economy, promoting the

(compared to 2017) to

reduce social inequalities

offering more sustainable

recovery of plastic waste

reinforce and expand our

throughout our value

solutions that reduce

as a raw material and

climate change mitigation

chain and retain talent.

the consumption of raw

integrating renewable



materials and substances Satisfy social demands

of very high concern.

Analyse the risks of

for transparency, ethics

Improve energy efficiency

climate change for

and good governance as

Compensate the loss of

and reduce water

our company and our

a means of improving our




reputation and that of the chemical sector. Promote an inclusive business model.

Our strategy affects our entire value chain, from the extraction of raw materials to the final consumer and focuses particularly on our local environment.

ELIX Polymers 2020-2025 Sustainability Action Plan

Circular plastics In the circular economy, waste is a resource and collaboration is a means. Through strategies for the recovery of ABS or other by-products, increased

To fully implement our strategy, we have established seven programmes that make up the first ELIX Polymers 20202025 Sustainability Action Plan, the objective of which is to fulfil our strategic pillars and their operational objectives.

recirculation and the establishment of partnerships throughout our value chain, at ELIX Polymers we want to become a key player in the circular plastics industry, capable of creating closed cycles and new business models.

ASPIRATIONAL OBJECTIVE Ensure that 25% of the products used in our

These seven programmes, though independent of each other, are closely related and must be addressed from a collaborative perspective. For each programme we have set one or more aspirational objectives, as well as specific objectives and corresponding lines of action.

solutions offer a sustainable advantage by 2025. NOTE: What do we mean by sustainable advantage? The inclusion of higher mechanical/chemical recycling and/ or renewable content in our products, or a reduction in the intensity of the material and therefore an improvement of our environmental footprint.

Responsible innovation

Climate care

Sustainable supply chain

At ELIX Polymers we will continue to design a portfolio

At ELIX Polymers we have taken a step forward in our

The social and environmental impact of ELIX Polymers

of more sustainable products in accordance with the high

commitment to tackling climate change, harnessing

takes place throughout our supply chain. That is why we

standards of the industry. We will increase the amount of

the potential of already implemented energy efficiency

will develop a responsible purchasing policy that takes

recycled material in our products and their recyclability,

and waste management programmes and adopting

into account human rights violations and environmental

and we will also reduce substances of concern.

renewable energy technologies and circular economy

and social impacts throughout the supply chain.

and carbon offsetting strategies to reduce our GHG


emissions from 2017 to 2025 by at least 15%. We will also


assess our main climate change risks to avoid economic Ensure that 100% of our products are recyclable

losses and major disruptions.

and free of substances of high concern.

Assess 80% of our suppliers on their environmental and social performance in 2025.

ASPIRATIONAL OBJECTIVES Invest in R&D and technology, by implementing projects that improve circularity and sustainable

Reduce our environmental footprint by 15%


(CO2 and fresh water). Eliminate pellet losses in our operations. Reduce our vulnerability to climate change.

NOTE: This objective refers to suppliers that involve recurrent costs of over €250K.

Employee development

Governance and ethics

Support for the local community

Forecasts suggest that there will be a shortage of

There is an increasing demand worldwide for greater

Businesses with a positive impact have a better

qualified young people, a growing demand for positive

transparency and ethics in business. The chemical sector,

reputation and are more attractive to work for.

impact companies and gender equality. At ELIX Polymers

in general, has a poor reputation. At ELIX Polymers we

The positive impact of companies is expected to go

we continue to strive to offer good working and living

will develop an organizational framework based on

beyond their own interests and to benefit neighbouring

conditions to our employees. To achieve this, we will

quality, a code of ethics, and we will engage with our

communities and ultimately the entire value chain. At

reinforce our training, education and awareness as a

employees and the local community.

ELIX Polymers we will work to reduce income inequality,

means of attracting talented young people and women.

ensure good health and restore local ecosystems to


become an inclusive business that contributes to society as a whole.

Develop and disseminate our Code of Ethics. Create a safe workplace in an environment of


well-being. Become recognized for our positive contribution to Obtain a good score in our employee satisfaction index. Eliminate the wage gap between men and women for the same position. Increase the presence of women in operational and management areas.

local communities and ecosystems.

Implementation of the ELIX Polymers 2020-2025 Sustainability Action Plan

Our Action Plan will be gradually deployed over the next 4 years through three operational areas of action.

Each of the multidisciplinary teams will be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of their programmes and will have as support of two cross-cutting programmes (strategic enablers) related to the communication of the entire sustainability strategy and the digitalization of processes and operations.




Circular plastics

Climate care

Employee development

Responsible innovation

Sustainable supply chain

Governance and ethics Support for the local community


Communication on sustainability

Strategic enablers


Ensure the good reputation of ELIX Polymers through communication

This involves two programmes - communication on sustainability and inclusion of digitalization tools - that contribute in a cross-cutting manner to achieving the operational objectives and strategic pillars and that are integrated through capillarity within the whole company.

Establish and communicate clear commitments to environmental protection and carbon neutrality.

Explain to shareholders, customers and all stakeholders the positive impact and actions taken at ELIX Polymers.

Attract sustainable financing.


Use digitalization as a support programme

Use digital technology to achieve transparency and traceability.

Promote the circular economy using digital technologies.

Improve efficiency in operations and logistics.

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