Tasha the Border Collie

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Tasha the Border Collie

Our Beloved Tasha aka

“thieving hound”

“We picked Tasha up from a farm breeder in Lanark County 15 years ago. After losing my mom and dad within 18 months of each other, Tasha helped me get back into the joys of life again. I grew up with border collies and I think mom and dad sent her specially to us… she is as stubborn, independent and prone to shannigans as her owners – Jacqui and Mike. My wonderful adopted mom, Halina, has visited Tasha almost on a daily basis to play with her, exercise her and for lots of TLC. Halina is Tasha’s favourite person in the world – she has her wrapped around her little paw… she has pulled many stunts on Halina – including stealing her lunch on many occasions and banging on the treat cupboard with her paw (neither thing she’d dare do with us!) to demand rewards. Mike and Tasha spend endless hours in the Gatineau walking and enjoying nature. We gave up walking Tasha in the neighbourhood – she has to be driven to her walks – if anything spooks Tasha she simply lies down and refuses to move… Mike has often had to pick her up and carry her and had people ask ‘What’s wrong with your poor dog’ – well actually nothing. During thunder storms Mike wears a fur hat during the night In her younger days her job was Frisbee catching – and boy was she good! Maya, Mike’s cousin’s little girl, knew Tasha from before she could walk and became and expert Frisbee thrower – Tasha loves her cuddles. Tasha is now 15 and is suffering from age related physical changes – but her grey cells are right up there – she still can be a ‘stunty dog’ (one of her many nicknames). We love her to pieces. She is Mike’s shadow on the weekends waiting for her walks (she follows him everywhere and loves to lick off his shaving cream) and we both have whole conversations with her on a daily basis, cuddle and whisper silly nothings to her. We LOVE our Tasha and she loves us (and, of course, Halina and Maya).” - Jacqui ~ Fall 2008 ~

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