Balboa Park, San Diego Proposal

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Proposal For

Balboa Park 2015

Parking and Circulation Planning

Prepared by:

Prepared for: With


101 West Broadway, Suite 1970 San Diego, CA 92101 October 5, 2012

Balboa Park Celebration, Inc.

October 5, 2012 Balboa Park Celebration, Inc. c/o Hiroko Kusano at:

Subject: Proposal for Balboa Park 2015 Parking and Circulation Planning Dear Ms. Kusano, The importance of a well -developed and efficient Parking and Circulation Plan for the celebrations in Balboa Park cannot be overstated. The success of the year-long Celebration and supporting transportation system is primarily a function of convenience, reliability, cost, and visitor experience. Recognizing these issues, Fehr & Peers is pleased to submit this proposal to assist Balboa Park Celebration, Inc. (BPCI) with parking and transportation planning efforts associated with the 100th anniversary of the 1915 PanamaCalifornia Exposition at Balboa Park. We are excited at the opportunity to work on such an important and high-profile project that will be near and dear to the heart of many San Diegans. This proposal presents our unique qualifications, scope and budget tailored to the meet the RFP requirements and our approach to ensure efficient mobility and a memorable experience for visitors traveling to and through the Park in 2015. Success of this plan will not rely on one or two key features, but rather a layered strategy of travel options and wayfinding programs to geographically and temporally distribute demand around the Park. For some perspective, Disneyland serves approximately 16 million visitors per year compared to the 20 million estimated for the 2015 Celebration, which is approximately double that of current visitor levels. Thus, the plan will need to address the needs of a significant increase in traffic without requiring the extensive permanent infrastructure present in Anaheim today. We have assembled a team of experts with extensive experience developing circulation and parking plans for variable-demand events and large-capacity venues throughout the western US. Of equal importance is our broad knowledge of local transportation and parking issues in and around the Park. The Fehr & Peers team is led by Jon Nepstad, Principal-in-Charge, who was involved in transportation planning for the 2002 Winter Olympics, and is currently helping manage resort traffic in the Salt Lake City area.

Jon will be assisted by Steve Cook, Project Manager for this effort, who brings a wealth of experience with parking and transportation studies in San Diego including the recently approved Convention Center Expansion Environmental Impact Report (EIR), as well as the previous Downtown Community Plan Update and Downtown Parking Plan. Fehr & Peers has teamed with two firms: KTU+A, whose staff will provide support on community outreach and multi-modal planning and design tasks; and ACE Parking, serving as a trusted advisor regarding parking operations and facility feasibility assessments. Our proposed work plan seeks to develop a multi-modal circulation plan with flexibility to address demand, and provide redundancy in cases where selected mobility elements may be temporarily unavailable due to changes in venue operations and schedule. Our team of experts will help develop the system framework that will involve: access to parking facilities, traffic operations enhancements, linkages to existing transit routes and intermodal centers, and attractive pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Several maps of the greater Park area are included in this proposal to illustrate our knowledge of the local issues and initial improvement option concepts (e.g., temporarily closing public streets to accommodate variable demand during the year and provide additional venue space). Lastly, we have developed numerous Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs for a variety of uses and have an extensive library of information on the cost of trip reduction and sustainable transportation strategies for similar projects. We look forward to discussing our qualifications with the Balboa Park selection committee in more detail. Please contact me at 619-758-3002 or if you have any questions on this proposal or if you need any additional information. Sincerely,

Sohrab Rashid, P.E. Principal and San Diego Office Leader

Table of Contents Consultant Experience Project Understanding and Approach Proposed Work Plan Project Staffing Timeline Estimate Budget

Appendices RĂŠsumĂŠs Additional Firm Experience

1 4 9 13 14 15

Consultant experience

The planned 2015 Celebration will be a unique event with special requirements to address the challenging topographical and circulation features of Balboa Park and the surrounding area. Fortunately, the Fehr & Peers team members have extensive experience with a variety of successful medium- and large-scale events that involve a series of common elements of multi-modal travel and parking. This experience includes local projects in and around the Park, as well as at notable venues throughout California, the western US, and internationally. Three of our marquee projects are illustrated on the following pages, while other examples of our local and special event planning experience are presented below.

Relevant Local Projects Downtown Community Plan Transportation and Circulation Assessment, San Diego, CA Downtown San Diego Comprehensive Parking, San Diego, CA Smart Corner Traffic Assessment, San Diego, CA University Avenue Mobility Plan EIR, San Diego, CA Downtown San Diego Complete Community | Complete Mobility Strategy Cedar Street Off-Ramp Closure Traffic Assessment, San Diego, CA Balboa Park Trails Signage and Mapping (KTU+A) UCSD Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (KTU+A)

Special Event Planning Projects Other recent special event plans that Fehr & Peers has helped develop or review are: California Museum of Science & Industry/Exposition Park Conceptual Design Study Disneyland Resort Circulation Master Plan City Creek Center Opening Management Plan San Francisco 49ers Stadium Traffic and Parking Plans Peer Review Anaheim Angels Stadium Parking/Traffic Reconfiguration Denver Sports Complex Parking and Traffic Study (Mile High Stadium And McNichols Arena) Parking and Circulation Management Plan for Los Angeles Staples Center Rose Bowl Traffic and Parking Management Los Angeles Dodger Stadium Parking and Traffic Circulation Plan


2002 Winter Olympic Games Transportation Planning & Operations Support Fehr & Peers was under contract to UDOT for over two years helping prepare for the XIX Winter Olympic Games in 2002. Tasks included development of a macro travel model with key event locations, lodging centers, and events. The model helped UDOT and local jurisdictions develop transportation operations plans for the key corridors. The tasks provided actual support for traffic operations. Fehr & Peers staff was basically merged with UDOT staff to provide support both “in the field” and at the transportation operations center. As part of planning for the Olympics, Fehr & Peers was a key member of the team selected to develop the Ogden Intermodal Station Systems Master Plan And Associated Environmental Clearance Document. Fehr & Peers’ evaluation included site identification, transit demand analysis, bus and commuter rail connections, airport connections, non-motorized access and connections, and special events operations in preparation for the Olympics. Development of the master plan required extensive public involvement and coordination with numerous public and private entities.

Golden Gate Circulation Assessment Working for the San Francisco Partnership for Parks, Fehr & Peers developed a circulation assessment and strategy related to the proposed parking structure at the DeYoung Museum in Golden Gate Park. In addition, Fehr & Peers assessed traffic impacts associated with expanded event traffic within the park. Much of the analysis involved assembling historic visitation figures for the uses within the Park and developing projections of visitation given change in uses and a several possible scenarios of overlapping events. The product of this work was public relations booklet issued by the Partnership for Parks.


San Diego Convention Center Circulation and Parking Analysis Fehr & Peers, with responsibilities for all transportation analyses, is a key part of the consultant team preparing the EIR for the third phase expansion of the San Diego Convention Center in downtown San Diego. The study has included analysis of a range of event types from local to national conventions, development and timeframe scenarios, and multi-modal requirements. In addition to the expansion of the Convention Center itself, the project includes a 500-room hotel, a new pedestrian bridge and a 5-acre deck park. As a high profile project located along the Downtown waterfront, the proposed project has garnished significant public interest and concerns about transportation impacts. Estimating project trip generation has been particularly challenging, given the diversity of event types (from small to extremely large), local and non-local patrons, and associated travel demand attributes. With limited provision of parking, the analyses have focused on multi-modal opportunities and development of a range of parking management strategies. Identification of event management strategies for large events, including traffic detours, changeable message signing, etc., is also a key focus of the operational analyses. In conjunction with the Design Team, Fehr & Peers staff has also assisted in the identification of on-site access and circulation requirements, and has been instrumental in refining adjacent roadway geometrics, truck access requirements, and opportunities for enhanced pedestrian facilities.

Yosemite National Park Transit Study Fehr & Peers prepared a feasibility study to determine the viability of implementing one or more transit routes between the City of Fresno and Yosemite, Sequoia, and Kings Canyon National Parks. The three national parks had over five million combined visitors in 2008, with more than a million automobiles accessing the parks annually. The feasibility assessment was based on a number of factors including local support, ridership potential, service standards, economic benefit, and financial sustainability. An operating plan was developed that identified the route and service alternatives, concept schedules, operating standards, productivity targets, fare recommendations, fleet requirements, infrastructure requirement, and administrative responsibilities.


PROJECT UNDERSTANDING & APPROACH The 100-year celebration of San Diego’s most treasured resource

provides a great opportunity for the region to further cement itself as one of the most desirable places in the country in which to live, as well as provide a must-see vacation destination for national and international visitors. With a plethora of recreational, art, and “edutainment� attractions to choose from, a trip through Balboa Park in 2015 should provide unique and lasting memories for both visitors and residents alike. In anticipation of the variable number of visitors that will participate in the hundreds of planned events and activities during the year-long celebration, the Fehr & Peers team will provide a comprehensive framework for both Park circulation and parking that will guide, inform and organize visitors accessing the Park during the Celebration. A key step in formulating this framework will be to engage the local community, both through the required outreach process and throughout the implementation of the plan once the Celebration and associated events are underway. Throughout this process, the visitor experience will be the focus. We recognize that this is an effort based in technical expertise and efficiency, but the project will ultimately be judged on the on the overall experience provided from start to finish, including the journey to and from the Park. It is paramount that the Park be easily accessible for all to provide a welcoming and memorable environment. To that end, we will partner with the 2015 Committee and other stakeholders through the event preparation, to provide creative, flexible and reliable solutions. The Fehr & Peers team is committed to delivering a plan that will provide a balanced flow of people into and out of the park, as well as providing clear and concise guidance as to the location of Park amenities. Per our practice for the last 25 years, we will work with BPCI to develop a cost-effective, multi-modal plan that addresses the mobility needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, shuttles/trams, buses and private automobiles. While accommodating the desire of a substantial number of 2015 Celebration patrons to travel to the Balboa Park area via their car will be necessary, we will strive to minimize the number of vehicles near and within the Park by providing attractive and convenient options for off-site parking and direct access to the various site venues. Our experience in developing a plan to accommodate the transportation and parking demands of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, as well as our work on the nearby San Diego Convention Center, will dovetail perfectly with the 2015 Celebration project. Although the Olympics studies addressed demands over a focused 17-day period, our efforts included development of a plan that incorporated a combination of temporary and permanent improvements, flexible parking and traffic management strategies, and security concerns. As part of the recently completed Convention Center analysis, Fehr & Peers prepared a range of


PROJECT UNDERSTANDING & APPROACH travel demand estimates based on event attendance and historical information. Fehr & Peers also helped to develop both an Event Transportation Management Plan and Parking Management Plan for large events hosed by the Convention Center. These plans contained a series of strategies and improvements designed to reduce, organize and better manage the transportation and parking demands projected during large events. These projects are just two examples that will help guide our team with development of effective and tested mobility strategies. It is our intention to utilize much of the data that has already been gathered, analyzed and presented in previous Park studies, as well as those in the surrounding neighborhoods including downtown San Diego. In addition, we are familiar with the extensive analysis and outreach that has been conducted in support of the Plaza de Panama Renovation Plan that addresses the long-term needs of the Park. We intend to build on these previous efforts and focus outreach for this effort on already-educated stakeholders that have invested heavily in this process over the last several years. Fundamentally, we believe that a set of contingencies and a custom toolbox will inform our approach as preparations unfold. The Plaza de Panama Plan noted above includes several large-scale circulation and parking improvements designed to reduce the presence of vehicles in key Park areas; however, some of these may not be in place by 2015. Based on our experience with medium- and large-scale event planning studies, we envision several sets of potential strategies that will be required to manage demand, coordinate with partner agencies, and address the overall needs of the 2015 Celebration activities. Please note that these strategies are initial and preliminary concepts that illustrate our understanding of the specific issues at Balboa Park and environs and do not represent a preconceived program or final list of plan options. As part of the developing strategies to address travel and parking demand, we will propose a variety of creative solutions, some of which may ultimately be deemed infeasible due to cost or operational constraints. It will be very important, however, to assess a wide range of possibilities to ensure that all options are considered. Items for discussion and vetting will include, but not be limited to the items listed below.

Pre-Event Strategies and Coordination (no specific location) 1. Parking capacity mapping within and adjacent to park 2. Peak and off-peak traffic flow modeling 3. Smartphone app and website for parking locations and traffic routing 4. Negotiations with parking operators (e.g., Navy, Airport lots at Laurel/Kettner, San Diego City College) 5. MTS transit scheduling 6. Shuttle/tram route and stop planning and analysis including off-site locations 7. Coordination with City departments, Caltrans, San Diego Police and Fire, and MTS 8. Media, both traditional and social, strategy for parking and traffic information


PROJECT UNDERSTANDING & APPROACH Event Management Issues 1. Cabrillo Bridge and Lower Park Boulevard lane and road closures 2. Control at major traffic / pedestrian conflict points 3. Permanent wayfinding signage for event parking and traffic flow 4. Changeable message signs for parking availability 5. Alternative traffic routing and contingency actions 6. Vendor access and delivery 7. Traffic monitoring at gateway locations 8. ADA / VIP / Press / Pay / Valet Priority Parking

Potential Temporary Improvements 1. Operations yard reuse for parking 2. Shelters and signage at shuttle/tram stops 3. Arizona Landfill re-use for parking or truck/shuttle staging 4. Staging areas for buses, shuttles/trams 5. Vehicle connection between Inspiration Point North and South Lots

Potential and Planned Permanent Improvements 1. Quince / Juniper minor parking addition 2. Balboa Drive angled parking conversion 3. Quince / Juniper Shuttle shade trellis 4. Inspiration Parking Lot driveway access modifications 5. Park Boulevard pedestrian crossing improvements 6. Bike lane and route improvements 7. Bike parking (racks and lockers) 8. Bike share program 9. Lower Inspiration Point parking lot improvements

The graphics on the next two pages illustrate our understanding of existing issues and constraints at the Park, as well as some of the potential strategies that could be considered for evaluation and implementation. The proposed scope of work in the next section presents the process by which we will identify and develop the parking and circulation plan framework for the 2015 Celebration.



LEGEND Need to Minimize Parking Intrusion

Limited Options for Primary Park Access Directing Patrons Existing SR-163 To Off-site Parking Locations Topography Issues Could Limit Bicycle And Pedestrian Access

Need to limit event parking at Zoo

Pedestrian Access Issues

P Need to Minimize Parking Intrusion

Connection between east and west sides of Park

Limited connectivity between three park sections



SD_P12-0185_Balboa Park Traffic 2015\Proposal

Limited existing on-site parking options (some to be converted to vendor space)

Vehicle queing issues entering Inspiration Point



P 201




201 52

52 201



Key Shuttle Tram Routes

201 52

Changeable Message Signs (showing available spaces or lot locations) Pedestrian Enhancements



52 201







New, additional, or modified parking






Temporary/Permanent Vehicle Lane Closures (Shuttles/Trams/Bicycles/Pedestrians Allowed)

Bicycle Enhancements (Paths and/or Parking)

Private Auto Improvement




201 52


201 52 201 52





201 201 52

P SD_P12-0185_Balboa Park Traffic 2015\Proposal



201 52

201 52

Traffic Monitoring Station

Proposed Work Plan Task 1

Prepare a Travel Demand Estimate This task will include the preparation of a Mode of Access Report which will estimate the number of patrons accessing the Park on a daily basis during the Centennial Calibration. Estimates will be developed for three different Park activity scenarios (low, moderate and high) assuming different levels of activity projected to occur within the park over the year-long celebration. Based on the anticipated number of patrons accessing the Park, travel demand estimates will be developed for the various modes of travel including private automobile, transit, taxi, private coach, walking and biking. These estimates will be based on a variety of sources including: Information provided by the BPCI Existing observations Data complied throughout the Park Previous parking and transportation studies conducted within the Park Discussions with representatives from the various cultural institutions within the Park and experience and knowledge from similar projects completed by the project team


This is a critical step in the process and will significantly impact the subsequent phases of the project. Therefore, input from the BPCI and other Celebration stake-holders regarding the planned activities, scheduled events and anticipated attendances within the Park will be critical. A technical memorandum outlining the methodology and assumption used to develop both the anticipated number of patrons accessing the Park under the three Park activity scenarios (low, moderate and high) as well as the projected travel demand estimates for the various modes of travel (auto, transit, coach, pedestrian and bicycle).


Proposed Work Plan Task 2

Develop a Parking Management Plan The project team will develop a Parking Management Plan for the Centennial Celebration which will include the following components: Potential locations for off-site or satellite parking facilities – Working with the BPCI, the City of San Diego, Civic San Diego, the San Diego Community College District and private parking operators the project team will identify several locations in which off-site or satellite parking facilities could potentially be located. The following information will be gathered and provided for each parking facility identified:several locations in which off-site or satellite parking facilities could potentially be located. The following information will be gathered and provided for each parking facility identified: The facility location and distance from the Park The current owner/manager of the facility The number of parking spaces contained within the facility The average availability of spaces within the facility during weekdays, weekends and evenings The potential to expand the number of spaces thru different layout or management practices Nearby transit amenities Proximity to regional access points (freeway ramps, major arterials, etc.) Other potential issues with the site (cost, availability, conflicting existing uses, etc.)

Development of a Perimeter Parking Plan – The project team will engage the communities and neighborhoods adjacent to the Park to develop a series of strategies to keep Park patrons from occupying on-street parking spaces that typically serve residential neighborhoods and local businesses adjacent to the park. As part of this effort, the project team will also assess the roadways along the perimeter of the Park to identify opportunities in which additional on-street parking can be provided for park patrons via the conversion of parallel to diagonal parking. Off-site truck (freight), coach and shuttle staging areas – The project team will help to identify one or multiple off-site marshaling yard(s) in which trucks carrying event related freight, coaches associated with out of town charters and event shuttles can stage in prior to accessing the park and during downtimes. Staging vehicles can be called into the Park, via two-way radio communications, when their designated location for drop-off or pick-up becomes available. Providing a designated marshaling yard for event vehicles to stage in will help to reduce the time in which large vehicles operate within the Park, reduce vehicle queuing at designated pick-up and drop-off points and provide better transit and shuttle operations within the Park.


Proposed Work Plan A “Tool Box” of different parking management strategies – The “Tool Box” will provide detailed explanations and examples of several different parking management strategies that can be applied within and around the Park on a temporary or permanent basis. The parking management strategies and will also be flexible enough to be utilized during a single special event, on days in which a high parking demand is anticipated or for the entire length of the Celebration.


Parking Management Plan Templates – The project team will provide three separate templates to develop event specific parking management plans under each of the Park activity scenarios (low, medium and high). These templates will serve as a guide for the implementation of the different parking management strategies (outlined in the “Tool Box”) under each of the three Park activity scenarios (low, moderate and high). A technical report outlining the potential location of off-site parking and staging facilities, recommendations for a perimeter parking plan, various parking management strategies recommended to be utilized during the Celebration, and templates for parking management plans to be implemented under each of the three Park activity scenarios.

Task 3

Develop a Multi-Modal Circulation and Access Plan The project team will develop a comprehensive Multi-Modal Circulation and Access Plan divided into the following two components: Access Management Plan – The project team will identify and qualitatively evaluate the transportation facilities (auto, transit, bicycle and pedestrian) that currently access the Park. Working with the BPCI, Park representatives, and stakeholders from the surrounding communities, the project team will develop a set of recommendations outlining the areas in which additional access, for each specific mode of transportation, will be necessary during the Celebration. The project team will also identify facilities in which vehicular access to the Park should be prohibited during parts of or the entire length of the Celebration. Based on the Park access recommendations outlined above the project team will develop a Park Access Management Plan which will provide the following elements: A series of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies designed to help reduce the number of automobile trips accessing the Park during the Celebration Strategies to provide patrons with real time information as to where available off-site parking is located Identification of access routes (pedestrian, bicycle, shuttle, tram, jitney) between the off-site parking facilities and various locations within the Park Strategic locations for vehicular, coach and shuttle pick-up and drop off points Modifications to existing transit services accessing the Park Access and circulation issues associated with vendor set-up/tear-down and deliveries Identification of potential road closures during special events Strategies to divert existing through traffic along Park Boulevard to other parallel facilities such as SR-163


Proposed Work Plan

Based on the multi-modal access recommendations the project team will coordinate with MTS, SANDAG, the City of San Diego and the San Diego Police and Fire Departments to evaluate the feasibility, cost and operational impacts associated with any of the recommended measures outlined above. Internal Multi-Modal Park Connectivity Plan – Based on the Access Management Plan described above, as well as the locations of existing park amenities and Celebration related event and vendor space the project team will develop an Internal Multi-Modal Circulation Plan that will identify the following:


A qualitative evaluation of the existing internal transportation facilities within the Park Identification of additional non-vehicular transportation facilities needed to provide connectivity between the event, recreational, institutional and vendor spaces within the Park Recommendations for internal street closures during special events for additional vendor/ event space Recommendations for a wayfinding signage program to identify were new vendor and event spaces are located Locations for VIP and accessible parking Potential internal shuttle/tram times, schedules, routes and stop locations Engineering specifications for the design of the proposed new features (walkways, bikeways, wayfinding signage, etc.)


The project team will develop technical reports for both the Park Access Management Plan as well as the Internal Multi-Modal Park Connectivity Plan.

The Fehr & Peers team has budgeted for up to three meetings with BPCI and various responsible agency representatives to discuss project status, solicit feedback on proposed circulation and parking management strategies, and refine the draft plans. One public meeting is planned to obtain input on plan development and ensure that initial community concerns are addressed. Attendance at additional meetings will be conducted as an additional service at the request of BPCI.


Project Staffing

BPCI Project Manager Steven Cook

Principal-in-Charge Jon Nepstad

Multi-modal Planning Input and Public Outreach

Operations/Event Planning

Parking Lot Operations/ Facility Evaluation

Mike Singleton (KTU+A) Sharon Singleton (KTU+A)

Bob Grandy (Transit/Shuttle Planning) Sohrab Rashid (Campus/Transit Planning) Matthew Ridgway (Multi-modal Planning) Fred Choa (Operations/ITS) Anjum Bawa (Parking/Event Planning)

Steve Burton (ACE)

Project-Level Meeting


Duration of Task

Balboa Park 2015 Parking and Circulation Planning

Week 1 2012

Dec. 3-7

Task One Prepare Travel Demand Estimate

Task Two

Develop Parking Management Plan

Identification of Off-Site Parking Perimeter Parking Plan Parking Management Strategies “Toolbox� Parking Management Plan Templates

Task Three

Develop a Multi-Modal Circulation and Access Plan

Park Access Management Plan Internal Multi-Modal Park Plan

Week 2

Dec. 10-14

Week 3

Dec. 17-21

Week 4

Dec. 24-28

Week 5 2013

Dec. 31-Jan. 4

Deliverable Community Meeting

Week 6

Jan. 7-11

Week 7

Jan. 14-18

Week 8

Jan. 21-25

Week 9

Jan. 28-Feb. 1

Week 10

Feb. 4-8

Week 11

Feb. 11-15

Week 12

Feb. 18-22

Week 13

Feb. 22-Mar. 1

Labor & Cost Proposal:

Balboa Park 2015 Parking and Circulation Planning


Mike Singleton

Sharon Singleton

Steve Burton

$155 12

$250 4

$115 8

$110 2

$165 4

$165 0

$275 0

2 2 2 2 2

8 8 4 8 4

8 4 0 8 8

12 12 8 0 12

4 4 2 2 2

0 4 0 0 0

0 4 0 0 0







4 4

8 8

12 12

8 8

4 4

8 16

Sub Total






Project Labor Total






1. Prepare Travel Demand Estimate 2. Develop Parking Management Plan Identification of Off-Site Parking Perimeter Parking Plan Identification of Marshaling Yard Location Parking Management Strategies "Tool Box" Parking Management Plan Templates

Sub Total 3. Develop a Multi-Modal Circulation and Access Plan Park Access Management Plan Internal Multi-Modal Park Plan

Total Cost


$200 6


Total Labor

Technical Experts


Stephen Cook Project Manager


Jon Nepstad Principle in Charge

Fehr & Peers



2 0 2 0 0

36 38 18 20 28

$6,010 $5,780 $2,710 $3,860 $4,620





4 4

2 0

50 56

$8,930 $9,700











Direct Costs $2,500 Total Project Cost $49,970 Cost Per Person Cost By Firm Fehr & Peers KTU+A Ace


$38,560 $7,260 $1,650








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