Application form Vice-President for AIESEC in Rostov-on-Don 14|15
Dear candidate! We are proud that you brave enough to take such serious step. Being Vice-President in LC Rostov-onDon is huge responsibility and a great chance to make impact to the people and to make your own dreams happen, to develop yourself and to be happy every day! WOLF PACK 14|15 Always ready to support you: VIKTORIA PODKORYTOVA NATALIA ISCHENKO ALISA SIZIKOVA EKATERINA MATVEEVA ELIZAVETA BELYAEVA
don't limit your challenges. challenge your limits
1| APPLICATION Application package should contain: - Questionnaire - Endorsement letter (min. 2) – these people have to be not below your position - Support letter from your parents or friend (can be in Russian) - Photo - Test - You may use your own design for application - You may not delete or alter any questions - Please, name application: Surname_VP_GIPo (F.e. Abdualmagd_VP_GIPo) - Application should be sent to (LCP elect) and (LCP current)
Elections Procedure
2| INTERVIEW will be on the 19&20th of October Be prepare for interview with your strategy for the term 3|Speech will be on the 21th of September - Speech (7 min) - Questions and answers (5 min). Each member of the LC and alumni can ask the questions - Vote of trust from full-members Announcement will be on the 21th of September
Elections Procedure
First name, surname Date&Place of birth Mobile
Place for photo
Skype Date of joining AIESEC Your current position Exchange results: RE MA RA Languages
General Questions
Past positions held (inside or outside AIESEC
The most important conferences/meetings
Key activities
Your role
Key learning points which you can use in your VP term
Why important
General Questions
. 1. Why have you decided to apply for EB of AIESEC in Rostov-on-Don? What do you personally want to gain from this experience? 2. What is your biggest achievement and biggest failure in AIESEC or outside it? What have you learned from that?
3. What are the main challenges do you think you may face during your term? How do you plan to overcome them? 4. Please list your top 3 strengths and top 3 weaknesses with brief explanation. 5. Describe yourself in 5 years. How your VP position will help you to achieve your future goals? 6. What will help you to achieve goals inspire of all challenges and demotivation? 7. Describe yourself in 1 year. What changes will be in you after VP term?
Personal why
1. What is AIESEC in Rostov-on-Don for you? 2. What is LC culture? How do you see LC culture in term 15|16 3. What is the role of EB 15/16 in your opinion? 4. What is LCP role? 5. What do you think are the three main priorities of LC Rostov-on-Don for the next term? What initiatives would you propose for each one and what results would you like to see in each of those areas at the end of your term? 6. Each executive position requires a large commitment. Will you be available in summer 2015 to fulfill these responsibilities? If not how will you fulfill your duties? 7. What you as VP has to do in order to achieve those priorities? 8. What will be your legacy in January 2016? What will be you remembered for?
LC Rostov-on-Don& your team
VP oGCDP 1| List the three main strenghts and weakness of GCDPo area in the LC today. How are you going to overcome the weakness and how are you going to use the strengths during your term? 2| What would be the oGCDP goals for next term that you think relevant for AIESEC RnD? 3| List the main opportunities and threats among your local student market. How are you going to capitalize on opportunities and overcome threats? 4| Name your 3 main synergy and explain why you choose them 5| You have 100 applications by Monday and should raise 25 EPs out of this applications by Friday. How are you going to ensure it? 6| What is GIS? How do you plan to use it?
7| Why is NPS important for GCDPo? How are you going to ensure that EPs will fill it? 8| How do you plan to work with partnerships? Why you need to work with them? 9| What is the role of GCDPo TL and what are the three main things you will stress on during your work with them? 10| How you plan to work with universities? 11| How to grow in oGCDP in term 14|15
VP iGCDP 1| Who are the customers of the iGCDP functional area, what are program values for them? 2| What are the main strengths and bottlenecks in iGCDP according to customer feedback, what are the solutions do you see? 3| What would be the GCDPi goals for next term that you think relevant for AIESEC RnD? 4| What is your year plan by projects, what are the main ones, what is the issue they' are aiming to solve? 5| How do you see the structure of the department for next term? Describe the profile of GCDPi Team Leader for next year. Describe the structure of the team GCDPi for goal achievement? 6| Describe department culture. How do you see GCDPi culture next year? How will you ensure it is shared by department? 7| How will you build LC2LC partnerships next term, what they will be based on?
8| What will be your main initiatives to develop Host&Buddy system? 9| Which main synergies do you see as LCVP iGCDP in EB next term? Why? 10| What is LTP? Why are they necessary/not necessary? What will be your initiatives to build LTP? 11| . Explain how processes in iGCDP will change after GIS implementation? 12| How iGCDP can support oGCDP?
VP oGIP 1| What is value of GIPo for members, interns and society? 2| What is your goal for the term and how are you going to achieve it(strategy)? 3| Which sup-product are you going to be focus on in your term? Why? 4| Analyze GIPo in your LC (3 main challenges and 3 successes) 5| How will you overcome the bottlenecks and capitalize on successes? 6| Describe department culture. How do you see GIPo culture next year? How will you ensure it is shared by department? 7| Which profile of the students do you need to raise for each sub-product? Which promotion channels will you use? Name 3 main synergies for VP oGIP How this position will develop you?
VP iGIP 1| Name the stakeholders of GIPi and the program value for them 3| Name main bottlenecks of the area and your solutions for it 4| What is your goal for the term and how are you going to achieve it(strategy)? 5| How do you see GIPi culture next year? How will you ensure it is shared by department? 6| What is the customer loyalty? How could it be built for GIP stakeholders? 7| How should the education for fresh members look like? 8| Which main synergies do you see as LCVP GIPi in EB next term? Why? 9| How to make members and leaders bring result in GIPi, not just VPs? 10| Why you choosed iGIP? 11| What is reception system? How do you plan to use it?
VP Marketing 1. Why do you think the name of the position is VP Marketing (not VP Communication/ VP Promo or anything else)? What is the role of VP Mrkt in LC? 2. What were the results in Marketing in past 3 years? What were the bottlenecks and key growth points in your opinion? 3. What are three main focuses in Marketing for next term? How are you going to work on them?! 4. How do you see the structure of Marketing department in next term? 5. How are you going to develop Marketing culture in LC? 6. Please, name three members of EB team, with whom you are going to work in synergy. What are your initiatives to ensure their goals achievement? 7. Evaluate the work with info-partners during previous term, what do you want to implement during your term? 8. Evaluate the work with VK/Facebook/Twitter during previous term, what do you want to implement during your term? 9. Which challenges you might face during GIS implementation? How will you overcome them? 10. What is the role of VP Marketing in customer experience
VP TD 1.What is the main bottleneck now in talent management in our LC? What is the main achievement now in talent management in our LC? 2. What education do you plan to give to LC members during the year? 3. What initiatives do you have to provide full AIESEC experience to every person? (TMP, TLP, Eps) 4. What is role of VP TD in LC next year? 5. How do you see your work with LST, mentors, alumnies, integrators? 6. Explain connection TMP&TLP programs with GIS – which changes will we face? 7. What is the role of TXP manager? How do you see your role in working with him/her? 8. Describe profile VP TD and how is it connected with your profile? 9. Analyze L&D during past two terms (13-14/14-15) in a scheme start/stop/continue
VP TXP manager 1. What is the role of TXP manager in the LC?! 2. Please, evaluate recruitment process in the LC during the previous term. What were the main successes and bottlenecks? 3. Why do you think there is a gap in the pipeline of team leaders? How are you going to change the situation? 4. How will you work with VP TD? 5. Imagine the summer realization in July with 70 incoming interns and 10 people in GCDPi, including VP. What are your initiatives to sustain high-quality realization and people balance? 6. Analyze recruitment processes (promo, selection, servicing) in start/stop/continue scheme 7. What is a value of TMP/TLP programs for students? Why is it different from others organizations? 8. What is a value of recruitment for Local Committee?
VP BD 1. What is the role of BD in LC? Why is it considered to be a support department? 2. Propose 1 new product for your term. Why is it relevant for all the stakeholders? 3. List your 3 main synergies in EB team. What is the area of each synergy? How will you ensure it? 4. What are the main bottlenecks in BD department now? How are you going to overcome them? What are the key growth points? How will you capitalize on them?! 5. Do we need to sell CSR products? Why/why not? 6. How do evaluate current Sales Education for LC? How will you improve it? 7. What culture do you want to see in your department? How will you ensure it? 8. What innovations do you want to bring in the department? 9. What will be your raising plan? Can you list products and amount of money raised. How much will be raised by LC VP BD/TLs/TMs?
VP F&O 1. Describe all roles of Finance department and explain each of them. 2. What are the main bottleneck and success in Finance Department? 3. What is the basis of finance sustainability in LC Rostov-on-Don ? 4. What does audit commission on MC level do? How do you see your work with them? 5. As you know, you are support corner. Which support do you want to provide in your term and why? Please not more than 4. 6. How do you see your synergy with LCP? 7. What education do you want to provide in your functional area? 8. Which legality problems do we have in our LC? 9. Which government institutions we should be accounted to? List: name of institute – name of report – the frequency of report 10. Describe the model of finance relations between MC-LC level 11. What will be your main initiatives to make H&B program sustainable
VP Government Relations 1. What is GR? Why we need this department in our LC? 2. What are stakeholders for GR? 3. Which relationships with universities and governmental structures we have now? 3. What are 3 main initiatives which VP GR will do during whole year? 4. Name 3 main synergies for VP GR? 5. What does audit commission on MC level do? 6. How do you see VP GR work? What are the main goals? 7. How GR can help X programs to achieve goals? 8. What is education which VP GR needs for work?
Ddl 17.10 VSELENNAYA IS WAITING. Good luck!