A Life Lesson on Choice With My Car
In life, we are presented with choices all the time – from the moment we wake up until before we go to sleep. We choose what time to wake up, we choose what clothes to wear to work, we choose what to have for lunch, we choose what TV show to watch, and we even choose what time to go to bed. Everything in our lives is a decision, and one choice can set a chain of events that can end up in a round of success, a huge catastrophe, or a traumatic experience! When it comes to my car, I have also been faced with a steady stream of choices even before I owned one. With fondness, nostalgia, and the thought of “no way is that ever happening to me again,” I could still remember how I felt when my parents showed up at my graduation without any sort of present, and then the next day, being driven to a car dealership. They wanted me to choose my first car! Overwhelmed could not even start to describe what I felt! Just like any other person, I had been dreaming of the day when I would get my first car. I just didn’t expect it to happen that day! The next day, I was driving an orange sedan. I don’t know if I got weird looks from the car salesman or from my mom and dad when I told them I would like the vehicle I had chosen. One look at the car and you may have asked me, “What on earth were you thinking buying that?” I was put in the spot because it wasn’t until a few weeks later that I
realized how ugly that car was. I didn’t want to bother my parents anymore, and I was so sure the shop was so relieved that they disposed of that car in that appalling color that they surely would make up some no return or exchange policy just to stop me from giving it back to them. Ten years and a couple of cars later, I have become sort of paranoid whenever I have to make decisions about my vehicle. Whether it is when the next oil change should happen or how dark the tint should be, there are just no bounds to the amount of care I invest when deciding on my car. One of these decisions is picking a body shop to repair my car in case it gets into a collision. I definitely only settle for a collision repair center that I am sure provides top-notch service. It’s a good thing that San Rafael, where I live, has Classic Auto Craft, so choosing the best car restoration service became easy. Believe me, getting the best in this field would require you to do research, and you would be given a great deal of information on Classic Auto Craft's website. If you're the type of customer who needs to see it to believe it, then why not drop by at their facility in Lincoln Avenue? You will see the gold standard in collision repair services with top-notch equipment, a spacious facility, and I-CAR Gold certified repair experts who can handle any car model and are updated with the latest methods in repairing vehicles. While you might be met with higher costs, you can be assured of top-of-the-line repair services worth your money. It’s great thing I found Classic Auto Craft, so I will always be guaranteed the best results, and won’t fear of making the wrong decisions when it comes to my car, ever. Article Source: http://classicautocraft.tumblr.com/post/32923609975/a-life-lesson-on-choice-withmy-car