Make Sure You Don't Get Kicked Out of Facebook A lot of people are now interested when you say you want to sell your iPad. It may be because of the economy or increased practicality among people these days, but it’s quite attractive for people these days to know that the price you would be offering for your iPad is cheaper than if they go buy a brand new one. A lot of people like using the iPad for browsing and checking their social network accounts, such as Facebook. The reason for this might be because the Facebook app is easy to use. Now that the iOS 6 with Facebook integration is going to be launched soon, a lot of people are getting excited over it. This is certainly one factor that could sway some people to sell old iPad to switch to the newest version. However, there are instances when Facebook suddenly bans a user because of an inauthentic account. This happened recently to a young girl named Selena Gomez. Her misfortune of having the same name as the popular Disney tween princess cost her a Facebook account. She was kicked out of Facebook because she was apparently misrepresenting herself and making a fake Facebook account using her namesake’s identity. While these incidences are rare, they do happen. But then, Facebook admits that they have millions of hoax accounts. The company says that around 8.7% of its users are actually inauthentic or fake. Here are some steps you can take to avoid getting kicked out of Facebook and not let Selena’s situation happen to you. Avoid providing false information about yourself when creating your account. You might have some issues regarding this because of the instances that have been reported about hackers gaining access to personal information. However, doing this will just backfire in the future as you might have forgotten the information that you provided. So, when the time comes when you are asked to authenticate your account, you can’t do so, which will get you kicked out. Do not use Facebook to harass other people. Doing this can clearly give Facebook a reason to disable your account and ban you from using it forever. Sending repeated messages, posting offensive comments and material on a person’s wall can merit you a ban. You may be reported to the site’s
administrators by people who were offended by your comments or things you posted on your own or other people’s walls. Posting inappropriate content. This is clearly a violation of the terms and conditions that you agreed upon when you created your account. This includes pornographic materials, sexually explicit language directed at another person as well as pictures that depict violence and bloodshed. Just like the situation above, the chances of getting reported to FB authorities who will ban you is high. Abiding by the rules and regulations set by Facebook is easy as it just commands respect for other people and not necessary the need for you to sell your iPad. Article Source: