MAY 2020 ______ Literature and Visual Arts
THE SURVIVORS By Adulrahman Abdeljaber 5th Grade
Othman was a young gentleman who lived by the Mediterranean Sea in Gaza, Palestine. Going to the sea daily created a strong bond between him and the sea. He would go to the sea to calm down, when he was mad, sad, and even happy. Through the sea waves he was able to find peace and clear his mind. When he grew up he decided to become a ship engineer. His dream was to travel all around the world to discover more about the sea. However, the continuous war in Palestine prevented him from achieving his dream. So, around the age of thirty, Othman applied for a visa to the United States. Luckily, he was able to receive a work permit for three years with a company at the shore of the Caribbean Sea. One Monday morning, Othman walked to the ship, his heart full of joy and excitement! It was the first day of his new job. Othman stepped on the ship, enjoying the peaceful combination between the blue sky and soft ocean waves with his glowing, blue eyes. While his sharp ears were listening to the sea breath, Captain Chris tapped his shoulder and introduced himself, “Hi! I’m captain Chris; I guess you are the new employee on our ship.” “Yes! My name is Othman. Nice meeting you,” Othman replied. “How long have you done work like this?” Captain Chris asked. Othman responded,” For almost eight years, but I moved to the country from Palestine one month ago.” The Captain curiously wondered about Othman’s background. He thought maybe it was a mistake to take Othman as the new employee, but he was really short on workers and Othman’s skills were in high demand.
The Captain kept an eye on Othman. Othman started his work with courage, determination, and honesty. He was always the first one to arrive to work and would not leave the job until his work was completed. The Captain, amazed by Othman’s work, didn’t expect that drive from a foreign man. Two days later, a beautiful sunny morning turned to sorrow and fear. Around 8:00 P.M, a thunderstorm stroked a dark night. The waves were high, and the wind was heavy and loud. The crew’s terrified shouts for help filled the ocean hemisphere. The captain gathered the crew on the emergency level of the ship. Their ship was carried away by the waves. The members began to lose hope of surviving the storm, as the food on the ship was running out. Everybody, except for Othman, finished their food. Othman lived around war and hardship growing up; he never had easy access to food. So, he maintained a habit of eating less food and two meals instead of three, even during his trips at sea. Othman counted how much food and water he had. Then, he started distributing everything amongst the other employees. Everyone thanked Othman for his generosity. Later, Othman performed his prayer and asked God for help. The Captain and the rest of the crew did too. They all prayed of surviving the stormy night. The Captain continued driving the ship. Othman went and read his holy book, the Quran. The Captain was astonished by the love Othman had of helping others. He worked tirelessly and cooperatively to provide everyone with water, food, and even emotional support during the difficult night. Captain Chris called Othman and asked him what he was reading? Othman replied, “My holy book, the Quran.” “What language is it?” Captain questioned him. Othman explained that it was in Arabic. The conversation kept on going. The captain asked the young gentleman about his religion.
“I am a Muslim. My religion is Islam.” Othman proudly spoke. Captain Chris was always on his ship. He had only heard about Islam on the news. He had explained the horrifying stories he saw about Muslims. For instance, the news made the Captain think that Muslims are full of hate towards others, and that they are behind many terrorist attacks. He had never personally met a Muslim. So, after meeting Othman he realized no matter what religion someone follows, what language they speak, or the original country they come from, they would survive this stormy night through the caring, loving, kindness, and dignity that united them all. In this moment, Captain Chris saw the world differently. “Goodness really is found within every human’s heart, despite our differences”. The Captain realized. The next morning the storm was over. The crew was full of gratitude and happiness. The sunshine rose on top of the ship, while soft waves touched the bottom of it. Othman’s blue eyes shined through his peaceful mind. Also, Captain Chris was ready to continue driving his ship with a united team. He called the ship and his crew The Survivors!
The End
PHOTOGRAPHY By Mira Durham 6th Grade
PHOTOGRAPHY By Mira Durham 6th Grade
PHOTOGRAPHY By Mira Durham 6th Grade
PHOTOGRAPHY By Mira Durham 6th Grade
DRAWING By Eleanor Keith 5th Grade
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