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Eliza Smithwick

TABLE OF CONTENTS Isabelle Ewing: Stretch Marks Laura Moriarty: Skin Victoria Auckland: Face Daisy Batchen: Nose Siena Hoggianto: Weight Sarah Ann Showell: Thighs Bennett Blue: Boobs Katie Butler: Hair Eliza Smithwick: Arms Questions and Results: Survey Findings


focuses on women’s “flaws.” The accompanying film and this booklet are meant to make a statement. They expose women’s insecurities by giving women the chance to talk about them without being ashamed. We, as women, all have insecurities and are under the constant scrutiny and pressure of our peers and media. These insecurities do not define us and do not make us “less” of an individual. Flaw-less aims to address and discuss problems that women face on a day to day basis. It gives women a voice to air their insecurities, making them more human, unique, and complex. Enjoy delving into the full and unedited lives of Isabelle, Laura, Katie, Victoria, Bennett, Daisy, Siena, Sarah Ann and myself.

Eliza Smithwick Special thanks: Isabelle Ewing: Illustrations and Photography Caty Coplin: Photography All interviewees - you ladies are incredible! Everyone who took my survey - thank you for being so honest


isabelle kemp ewing Isabelle is 25 and lives in Brooklyn, New York where she is now freelancing as an Illustrator while working as a part time Real Estate agent.


What is your favorite magazine? A: Can’t just pick one! - Dazed and Confused, WWD, Vice.

to have.” And now that I run around and skateboard and not concentrate on it as much, it has gone away.

Q: What is your favorite TV Show?

Q: How would you try to make your stretch marks better?

A: The Leftovers.

A: My stretch marks are still there, I don’t try to hide them anymore, just because I have these scars, doesn’t mean they are part of my personality. If you don’t like those things or you judge me because how short I am or my stretch marks, then go f*** yourself.

Q: Do you watch reality TV? If so—which shows? A: The Bachelor, the Kardashians… When I need to feel better about myself. Q: Who is your favorite fashion designer?

Q: When did you start to notice that you had developed stretch marks?

A: Edun, Vivienne Westwood, Stella McCartney.

A: 8th Grade I remember I was 15 years old. We got a snack bar at my high school, endless amounts of cookies will do it.

Q: What is your least favorite thing about your body?

Q: What is it that you do not like about your nose exactly?

A: My stretch marks and my nose. I’ve always tried to be a confident person, because I’ve always had a lot of people telling me different things. Growing up in Baltimore was hard, its not the most sensitive of places. One way that I’ve gotten over the times when I’ve really felt insecure, and not even leaving the house because of certain things, is by really being grateful for my body and I look at those parts that I don’t like and I think its okay that I have a little bit of a belly because, who gives a shit? My sisters always say that we have the “Ewing belly,” so I think to myself, “alright it is always something that I’m going

A: Too long… I like it now, makes me more unique! Q: If you could have any Q: If you could have any celebrity’s nose who would it be? A: Meghan Fox. She has a great little nose that fits her face perfectly. Q: Do you think that the media has changed the way that you look at your body? A: Absolutely!



Q: Have you ever tried to hide your stretch marks because you don’t like the way that they look? A: Not really .. if I was wearing a bathing suit I would just put my legs together. I’m a chameleon when it comes to my style, it evolves with the culture or wherever I am. There are certain things that I haven’t worn or won’t wear anymore. I’ve changed as every girl does and I still change 50 times before going out and making a last decision on what to wear and then be like f*** why did I wear this, and then being insecure all night and not feeling comfortable with what I picked. As I’ve gotten older, usually the first thing I try on is the right decision. And if it isn’t, then I really hope someone tells me.

Q: Would you ever get plastic surgery on your nose or stretch marks?

Love who you are! No matter what size, whatever you don’t like about your body there is probably someone out there who probably thinks that is your most beautiful quality!

A: Probably my stretch marks if they got worse or were on my boobs. Q: If you could send a positive message to young girls about body image, what would it be? A: Love who you are! No matter what size, whatever you don’t like about your body there is probably someone out there who probably thinks that is your most beautiful quality! - Either way, instead of fighting what you don’t like about yourself it is a whole lot easier to embrace what makes you different and beautiful!

Photography: Eliza Smithwick 9

laura kathryn moriarty Laura is 24, living in New York City where she works for Fashion brand, Alice and Olivia while also freelancing as a Make Up artist.


Q: What magazines do you read?

Q: What is it exactly about your skin that you do not like?

A: Womens Wear Daily, Nylon, Elle, Paper Mag, Garage Mag, Vogue.

A: My skin is rarely ever clear. I am usually breaking out and feel the need to cover it up with make up daily, which becomes a huge hassle.

Q: What type of TV do you watch? A: I am so guilty of watching Reality TV cough cough, all the Real Housewives cough. HGTV, Food Network, and a plethora of HBO & Showtime series. Binge watching TV is one of my greatest talents.

Q: What would you change about your skin if you could? A: I would want my skin to be clear, smooth, and blemish-free/ oil free so that I wouldn’t feel the need to cover it up with make up every time I needed to leave the house.

Q: Do you watch reality TV? If so—which shows?

Q: Have you bought products to try to fix your skin?

A: The Real Housewives of OC, Beverly Hills, New York, New Jersey, etc. Bachelor/Bachelorette/ Bachelor in Paradise.

A: Yes! I have tried everything and have spent endless amounts on dermatologist appointments & pricey procedures like skin peels and microdermabrasions.

Q: Who is your favorite fashion designer? A: DKNY, Phillip Lim, Open Ceremony, Rag & Bone, Alexander Wang.

Q: What make up do you use to try to cover up blemishes?

Q: What is your least favorite thing about your body?

A: Since I am a make up artist, I like to use top products that really cover up my blemishes. Typically, I cover up my acne with a MAC concealer and a full coverage foundation using a beauty blender.

A: I have always hated my skin. Q: How long have you felt this way about your skin? A: Since the 6th grade, when I started getting acne.


My m essa ge to yo u i s- d o n’t co m pa re yo ursel f to o thers beca use We a re a l l go i ng thro ug h the sa m e thi ng .


Q: If you could have any celebrities skin, who would it be?

take them so far in life. It is so important to concentrate and take time on improving your inner-self and love yourself and others who they are, not how they appear to be.

A: Emma Watson has the most gorgeous, glowing, and evenskin tone. I really envy her subtle freckles.

Q: Is there anything else about your body that you don’t particularly like?

Q: So you work in the fashion and make up industry, do you ever feel insecure working on models with perfect skin?

A: As much as I would love to say no, I’m not the biggest fan of my teeth. I should have worn my retainers.

A: Every so often I come across a model with “to die for skin”, the type of skin that I feel guilty putting make up on because it needs none! This makes me feel more jealous than insecure if anything. Doing make up on models in the fashion industry has actually helped me deal with my skin-securities because I get to see the models for who they really are, without makeup and all the added “glamour”. I see them as real human beings, with blemishes, pimples, scars, imperfections that are not shown in photo-shopped fashion ads.

Q: If you could send a positive message about body image, what would it be? A: Today, we are faced with unrealistic expectations and tremendous amounts of pressure to meet “perfection” as seen from Instagram, photo-shopped ads, filtered selfies, and the media. Once we learn this perfection does not exist and is just an extremely altered reality that our generation is failing to meet, we can accept that we are all battling similar insecurities together. My message to you is this, don’t compare, love yourself and others, because we are all going through the same thing.

Q: Do you think working in the fashion industry has changed your perspective on yourself?

A: Even with all the added pressure the fashion industry provides, it has helped me to become more accepting of myself and who I am as a person. I have realized that “perfect” does not exist, and even when others fit the industries standards from the outside, if their insides do not match that outer beauty will only

I have realized that ‘perfect’ does not exist

Photography: Caty Coplin 13

victoria auckland Victoria lives in London, is 27 years old and works for a renewable energy company.


We have a complete misunderstanding of what we should all look like or aspire to look like.

Q: What is your least favorite thing about yourself? A: My least favorite thing about myself sounds a bit ridiculous, but it is my face. I’m not saying it’s an ugly face or anything like that, but basically it’s just ridiculously round and it has been a bit of a weird insecurity for me since I was diagnosed with a medical condition a few years ago. When I got sick, the only way to make it better was to give me some drugs and the drugs that I’ve had to go on every year or so make my face blow up even more and make it very very round. I come from a family of like round faced people anyway so then seeing your face look absolutely insanely big and morph out of everything that you would recognize has given me this really irrational deep routed insecurity about it. I can’t look at pictures of myself or videos of myself without focusing on that and not being particularly happy about it.

Q: When do you feel the most confident? A: I know I just said when I’m with my friends, but I feel really confident when I’m with my friends because they make me laugh and I’m always having such a good time with them and its not something that I think about all the time, I know its irrational so its not really a constant thing. Q: Have you ever tried to change it? A: I’ve tired to change it a million times, whenever I go on the medicine I go on these drastic diets. I’ve tried all that stupid contouring make up stuff and I look like a total freak. The only thing that changes my face shape I guess is when I diet, but then I get really skinny and I look a bit gross, I like having boobs and bum so that’s never really going to change that much. Q: Do you exercise regularly?

Q: When do you feel the most insecure? A: I feel the most insecure when I’m ill and actually taking the drugs because that’s when its really inflamed I guess. Basically when people take pictures of me. I’m quite happy being in photos, I just don’t want to see them. And when I’m with my friends because they are all gorgeous.

A: I’m not a sports fanatic, but I exercise a lot, I probably walk about 2 or so hours a day and I do sports maybe 2 days a week. I exercise for myself because I like feeling fit and strong, but obviously I like the visual side effects of exercise.


Q: Are you proud of your body at the moment?

of the street or buses. I think we have a complete misunderstanding of what we should all look like or aspire to look like.

A: It could be better, but I like my body at the moment, I think its nice, its not bad, but there is always room for improvement.

Q: I know you’ve traveled a lot, do you think cultures are obsessed with beauty as much as here in London?

Q: Are there any other features you don’t like?

A: Yes I do. If you look throughout history—for example, Chinese women who had to bind their feet, that was something that had to do with beauty and how women were perceived. If you look at the way that women were projected in Egyptian paintings. The way that they were painted were focused on a woman’s most beautiful features. Everything we do today is focused on what are you wearing, what do you look like, how small is your waist how big are your lips, how big are your eyes, how big are your boobs, how much do you weigh, if over 100 pounds - then your fat. I think its obsessive everywhere.

A: No not really, I guess ask any girl if they’d change anything…I guess I’d be a bit smaller or thinner, but I mean that’s just normal and if I really cared about it I would actually lose some weight. Q: Do you think our culture is obsessed with how women look? A: I think our culture is obsessed with the way that people look. Q: What do you think causes this? A: I think it’s caused by the way we visually represent each other, which is obviously magazines, TV, social media, adverts on the side

Everything we do today is focused on what are you wearing, what do you look like, how small is your waist how big are your lips, how big are your eyes, how big are your boobs, how much do you weigh, if over 100 pounds - then you’re fat.


Q: What are your thoughts on plastic surgery A: I don’t have problem with anyone having plastic surgery, as long as your getting it for you, and not to please anyone else… then great. I mean there isn’t plastic surgery that isn’t going to change what I don’t like about myself so no, but I’d never say never really. Q: If you could switch features with a celebrity, who would it be? A: Ha! Anybody with a slimmer face, give me a slimmer face and I’m all good. Q: What message would you send to younger girls about body image if you could? A: As long as your healthy and happy, that should be the only thing that matters and if anybody tells you otherwise than fuck them.


daisy alexandra batchen Daisy is 26 and lives in West London. Formerly an advertising executive, she recently took a career U-turn and is now studying to become a lawyer.


Q: What is your least favorite thing about yourself?

Q: Have you ever tried to change anything about the way you look?

A: My least favorite thing about myself is probably my nose because I feel that it looks strange when I smile and it dominants my face and when I see it in photos I always think it looks quite weird. Also I have a weird thing about my shoulders because I feel like they are a bit broad, so I feel uncomfortable wearing strappy tops or cut off tops or backless dresses because I feel I have a quite broad figure that is not very feminine.

A: I’d say its quite hard without drastic measures like surgery or something, but I do certain things like wearing makeup or using contouring tricks. Q: Would you ever get plastic surgery? A: I haven’t ruled out surgery, I don’t know I don’t think it effects me enough to take that step. Q: Have you ever dieted?

Q: When do you feel most insecure?

A: I dieted once seriously after I left University because I went back to live back with my parents, I had been going to the gym a lot at Uni and I stopped doing my exercise, I was just sitting at home all day trying to find jobs, doing applications, eating loads of biscuits and I put on loads of weight in a really short space of time. I absolutely hated myself, I felt like a complete failure. So I put myself on quite a strict diet because I just felt horrible in lots of ways. But yeah I do exercise regularly maybe to relieve stress, but also to feel good about myself.

A: I feel most insecure about myself when I’m generally not feeling good about myself. If something bad has happened and I’m not feeling very confident maybe with my job or maybe social life. I think generally it just comes from within so it really effects the way I see myself when I look in the mirror. Q: When you feel most confident? A: Probably the opposite to when I’m feeling the least confident. When I’m feeling good about myself and I’m feeling positive about things in my life that makes me have a more positive selfimage.

Q: Do you exercise for yourself or other people? A: Mostly myself, but if I was going to be completely honest, then also for other people to an extent, I think most people do.


You should always start with loving yourself first.


Q: What sort of inspiration do you use for how you want to look or appear?

Q: Who do you feel pressure from? A: I think generally its images you see in the media or beauty brands. Constantly seeing pictures of models or celebrities with these amazing, impeccable figures that are just completely unattainable for the average person. And you feel like this is the standard of beauty that you should be aiming for. We are so bombarded with pictures in the media and on our phones, and on the Internet, I think that’s probably the main source of it.

A: I’m not sure. I guess magazines are quite useful. This sounds really lame, but when you see a really empowering music video, and you have those images in your mind, that’s something I sometimes think about. Like when I have a really big thing coming up, I usually have a Taylor Swift song in my head and I’m like “I can do it!”

Women are made to feel like they are meant to look a certain way otherwise they’re not attractive and worthless.

Q: What message to younger girls?

A: I would say that beauty comes from within so don’t worry so much about how you look, worry more about what kind of person you are and how you treat other people. You should always start with loving yourself first.

Q: Do you think our culture is obsessed with women’s appearance? A: Yes I definitely think our culture is obsessed, definitely feel the pressures on a daily basis. I think its constant and its everywhere and women, mainly, are made to feel like they are meant to look a certain way otherwise they’re not attractive and they’re worthless.



siena hoggianto Siena is 24 and originally from Indonesia. She has been living in London for the past 4 years studying Fashion Business.


Q: What is your least favorite thing about yourself physically?

Q: What are your thoughts on plastic surgery?

A: My legs because they are a bit chubby and I’m not that tall.

A: I think its okay if it doesn’t alter too much. I do have surgery. I did a double eye-lift surgery when I was 17. For everyone in Asia it is quite normal for us to have surgery. I’m not going to do my nose or other things, that is too big of a surgery. But the eye-lift is only 15 minutes to a half hour.

Q: What don’t you like about this feature? A: Its hard for me to lose weight around this area because you have to do squats and this and that and I think it is more of a genetic thing.

Q: Can you describe this procedure please?

Q: Have you ever tried to change it?

On top of the lids they just cut it open and take the fat out and then sew it back on. Then you let it heal for a month or two and it looks normal after that.

A: Yeah I exercise a lot. I hired a personal trainer and trained quite hard for a bit. Q: How long have you felt insecure about your weight?

Q: Do a lot of people you know also have this type of surgery?

A: Initially I felt OK, until my mom and my family started telling me “oh you should lose weight” and then my friends. All the people around me telling me to lose weight. So yeah I have to lose weight.

A: Yes, it’s quite common because when we do make up we need eye shadow on top and now I don’t have to use a tape or anything like that. Because in Asia a lot of us have single eyelids. Q: Would you get more plastic surgery?

Q: Do you feel pressure from the media?

A: Maybe in the future when I’m not as busy as I am now. I might get another eyelid lift just to lift it up again. It’s nicer to keep up with it. I have quite a lot of fat under my lid.

A: Um well yeah, if you are skinnier its easier to fit into any kind of clothes and it looks prettier. Its always nicer to be skinnier. Q: What would you say is your goal weight?

Q: Have you ever dieted?

A: My goal weight is 42 kg. I used to be 42 kgs and then I gained quite a lot and so I’m trying to get back in shape.

A: Yes, I don’t eat dinner. Not ever, I just started 3 months ago. I eat dinner like once a week. I eat a heavy lunch and I do eat breakfast, but then I skip dinner. 24

Initially I felt OK, until my mom and my family telling me “oh you should lose weight”


Q: Do you exercise?

Q: Do you think our culture is getting better or worse?

A: Yes I do exercise, when I was back home I had a trainer and worked out everyday.

A: Absolutely I think it’s getting worse because of the media. It just turns a bit abnormal with plastic surgery, you know some Asians girls get their jaws, or botox or they cut apart their face just to get a v shaped face. Its very unrealistic, it doesn’t look human. You see a lot of it on instagram.

Q: Do you exercise for yourself? A: Yes I want to be healthy and then I just need to slim down because it looks nicer. Q: Do you think you will ever be happy with your weight or the way that you look?

If you are skinnier its easier to fit into any kind of clothes and it looks prettier. Its always nicer to be skinnier.

A: I don’t know. Maybe I wont, I will just be satisfied, thinking “oh you look nice,” and then after that I will probably find other things that I don’t like about myself. Q: Do you think this is a constant thing?

Q: Do you have a celebrity that you wish you could look like?

A: Yes of course, no one is ever satisfied.

A: No I’m not obsessed with a particular person, we are all different, just try to make the best of yourself

Q: Do you feel pressure from your friends to look a certain way?

Q: Is there anything you don’t like about yourself other than your weight?

A: Most of my friends don’t eat dinner either, we just try to cut down on dinner because we realized that it is the one that makes us gain weight. Q: Do you think that since you have lived in London you have felt more insecure than when you were home in Indonesia?

A: My height, I’m quite short. 152 cm. And my arms. I wish I had slimmer arms, but I can work that out. Q: If you could send out a message to younger girls?

A: I think so, here there is stuff like Pret de Manger that is healthy,but other than that there is always cheese and stuff. It’s hard to chose here if you are craving something.

A: Don’t try to focus on what you’re not happy about. Photography: Eliza Smithwick 26

sarah ann showell Sarah Ann is originally from Ocean City, Maryland but is currently living in the Bahamas managing a resort.


Q: What is your least favorite thing about yourself?

manipulation on how my thighs look in photographs. I think it really works.

A: My least favorite thing about myself is my legs, they’re thick.. They’re big, I would love to have little twigs as legs.

Q: Would you ever consider plastic surgery? A: Probably not, it kind of scares me. I figured I can just keep dieting and exercising.

Q: When do you feel most confident?

Q: Do you know people who have gotten plastic surgery?

A: I really like wearing loose pants so that my legs aren’t showing. I feel the most confident when I’m in shape.

A: Yeah, tons of my friends have gotten plastic surgery.

Q: When do you feel the most insecure?

Q: How do you feel about it?

A: Definitely when I’m sitting down next to one of my skinny friends and I can see the direct comparison of how wide my thigh is compared to how wide her thigh is and they are pressed against the seat.

A: I would say the majority of my girlfriends who have plastic surgery I thought that they looked better prior to it, just because it’s their distinct features that they are altering about themselves and the more and more women get plastic surgery the more they have this sort of mainstream look, where there are not these beautiful distinct features about them anymore, they all kind of have that same nose, or that same puff lip look, I don’t know…everyone’s faces are starting to look alike. Q: Are you proud of your body looks at the moment?

Q: Did you play sports growing up? A: Yes I played a ton of sports growing up and I continued playing Lacrosse into college and I still wake board and surf. Sports are definitely a huge influence into why my legs are the size that they are.

A: Yes, I feel fit at the moment.

Q: Have you ever tried to change this feature? Do you diet?

Q: When you are going out on a date or to an interview, what sources do you use for inspiration?

A: Yes I definitely diet, also instead of standing in photos like this (thighs close together) I try to do this (spread thighs more outward to create a bigger gap between legs). It kind of works sometimes. I try to do a little

A: I’m a huge Instagram scroller. I follow a million fashion or model accounts. I’m really isolated from everything because of where I 28

You h a ve t o s t e p o u t s id e o f it a n d s a y t h at ’s ri d i cu l ou s . Th i s i s P h o t o s h o p ma d n es s , t h is i s ex t re m e d i e t i n g , t h is is p l a s t ic s u rg er y. Th e s e m ea s u re s are u n rea l is t ic f o r s o meo n e t r y i n g t o h a v e a n o r ma l h a p p y l if e. 29

live so don’t get magazines or have TV so I have to rely on my social media to stay up to date on fashion.

in a seasonal place allows you to relax and gain your Christmas lbs, but living in the Bahamas you don’t have that freedom to not be constantly working on yourself because you have to be in a bathing suit every single day, at a moments notice.

Q: Do you think our culture is obsessed with how women look? A: Totally, 100%. There is just ridiculous goals out there for how a woman should look and it’s completely detached from what a realistic expectation is. I’m not saying this trying to be someone looking in that doesn’t subscribe to this as well, I’m in it too, I see these women that I try to attain to be. But every once and a while you have to step outside of it and say ‘that’s ridiculous,’ ‘this is Photoshop madness,’ ‘this is extreme dieting,’ ‘this is plastic surgery.’ These measures are unrealistic for someone trying to have a normal happy life.

Q: If you could look like a celebrity or have a celebrities thighs who would it be? A: See I don’t really obsess over individual celebrities I’d say, its more like If I’m walking down the street and I see a girl in front of me and she’s got twig legs, that’s what I’m like fixated on. Or if I’m shopping a website and I’m looking for a pair of jeans and I mean regardless of who’s face is wearing them, its just about the legs, its just about how killer those pants look on those skinny legs. And if I could just morph that onto my body, it doesn’t have anything to do with who they are attached to.

Q: Who do you think pressures you to feel a certain way the most?

Q: Are there any other features that you do not like about yourself?

A: I would have to say guys. I’m a single young girl. Guys are the reason why I want to have a good figure... That is so shallow, but yeah totally, I want to attract a hottie.

A: HA! How long have you got? My neck, I would really like a nicer cut jaw line. My eyebrows are super aggressive. My shoulders are pretty broad, basically my whole body is very strong and athletic and it would be cool to be skinny and waif-like. The list is constant.

Q: Do you think that living in the Bahamas and being in a bathing suit year around effects the way that you see yourself? A: It definitely helps me maintain a figure that I’m happy with. Living


Q: What message would you send to out to younger girls? A: God, I feel like they have it so much worse because they have never lived a day of their lives without this constant imagery, but I would have to give them the same advice that I try to give myself and that is that these images that we have of models and actresses and of what you should try to mold ourselves to look like, they are 100% unrealistic and unattainable and you shouldn’t compare yourself on a daily basis to that because its just going to lend itself to a miserable life. An obsessive life.


elizabeth bennett blue Bennett is 25 years old and living and working in New York City for the shoe brand, Steve Madden.


What are some of your favorite magazines?

and researching and back in May is when I approached my family and told them how I felt. They were really supportive and understood how I felt.

A: Shape & Cosmo Q: What is your least favorite thing about your body?

Q: When do you feel most insecure?

A: My least favorite thing about me is my boobs. They are too small for my body. I’ve felt insecure for a long time and the past year I’ve been researching and seriously thinking about getting my boobs done. And now I am getting the operation on October 1st and I’m really excited about it. It’s a positive thing.

A: I hate when I’m in an intimate situation with a boy and they take my bra off. I’m just super self conscious and I try to keep my bra on for as long as I can because I’m really so embarrassed when I’m completely naked. I’m not at all confident when I have my bra off. Q: If you could have any celebrities boobs who would they be?

Q: What is it that you not like about them? A: I just think that they are too small for my body and I’ve never been proud of them in swimsuits and even lingerie. So I’m going to fix it...

A: If I could have anyones boobs they would probably be similar to Blake Lively’s. But my sister got her boobs done also so I showed the doctor a photo of how hers turned out. They look so natural and the size that I think she’s supposed to have. She went from an A to a C. And I’m going to do an A/B to a C.

Q: What do you want to fix about them? A: I don’t necessary need to go huge at all. I think that it will fit my body and fill it out. I am looking for a small implant to help shape by breasts. I am a small 32B cup, and want to get a full 34B. I used to have big boobs, I used to be a D, and then I lost a lot of weight and now they are really small.

Q: Are you nervous for the surgery? A: No I’m excited and I just know that once it’s done I’ll be really happy and excited about it. I’ll feel much more confident and I think that they will fit my body.

Q: When did you decide to get the procedure?

Q: Are you doing it for yourself or for someone else?

A: I’ve always thought about it and then this past year is when I seriously started to think about it

A: Ha! It is totally for me. I’m single.



Q: Do you think that the media has changed the way you look at your own body? A: There are times that I see an outfit and think to myself, ‘I could not wear that unless I had boobs.’ Q: Do you think that there is a social taboo associated with plastic surgery? A: I think people are quick to judge plastic surgery, but at the end of the day people need to do what will make them happy and not let other’s opinions bother them. Q: What advice would you give to younger girls? A: Never compare yourself to others, because everyone has their own insecurities no matter their body type. If you are constantly comparing yourself, you will never be happy in your own skin. It is important to find out what it is that will help you love your body, whether it is eating healthy, staying active, or maybe getting a nip and tuck. For me, living a healthy lifestyle and staying in shape helps me love and be comfortable in my own skin.

I think people are quick to judge plastic surgery, but at the end of the day people need to do what will make them happy and not let other’s opinions bother them.

Photography: Isabelle Ewing


katie eleanor kim butler Katie is 27 years old, living in London and works as a Digital Senior Account Manager.


Q: What is your least favorite thing about yourself?

old really gracefully and leave everything as it is, but then I might get to like 40 and realize that my face is sagging terribly and then I would potentially look into doing something. But I’d like to think that I wouldn’t have any plastic surgery.

A: Probably how thin my hair is. I think it was because when I was younger it was really thick and then when I got to like 13 or 14 it got so thin. And now every time I wash it or brush it, it just feels like there is none of it there. Its like candy floss hair, it looks thick and then it disintegrates into your hand.

Q: Do you have a personal view on other people who have plastic surgery? A: I think if its going to make you happier and you’ve got a really deep issue with a part of your body and its going to help you psychologically then I think you should go ahead and get it done, but if its for a purely vanity issue and its just because you want slightly bigger boobs or slightly bigger lips, then I don’t think its necessary the best thing to do. Buy like limp plumping lip-gloss or something instead.

Q: Have you ever tried to change your hair? A: Well actually I bought some hair thickening shampoo and conditioner that I’m trying out and I’ve tried all sorts of hair sprays and serum’s, but none of it really works because its just trying to make your hair look thicker, but its not actually making it thicker. It’s like an artificial fix. It lasts for like an hour and then it goes back to normal again.

Q: Have you ever dieted? A: Yes I have tried lots of diets. I tried the 5-2 diet and then I try and do really healthy eating weeks where I wont eat any chocolate or any sugar, but they literately last for about a week. I don’t think I’ve ever dieted for more than a week. And now I just go to the gym and eat what I want and that seems to work okay.

Q: Do you ever straighten your hair? A: No, I did when I was younger and it was thicker and I did a bit of practice hair modeling at our local hair salon, but as it got thinner I just stopped touching it because I was scared even more of it would fall out.

Q: Do you exercise regularly?

Q: On a separate note,do you think you would ever get plastic surgery?

A: Yes I try to go to the gym about three times a week, but in the winter when I’m not going on holiday, that goes down to about one or sometimes zero.

A: I don’t think so. I’ve got this idea that I’m going to grow



Q: Who do you want to look good for?

Q: Do you think our culture is obsessed with the way that women look?

A: I think its mainly for myself, I think if I feel good about myself then I project a happier sense of myself to other people. Obviously its nice to look good in front of your friends and your boyfriend, but if I’m not happy with how I look, I know that I don’t come across very well. Whereas if I’m really happy and confident with how I look, then I come across much more relaxed and easy going. I guess its really for myself...

A: Definitely yes. All the women’s magazines that you read are all about how to improve your body or how to diet or what exercises to do or what celebrities you should look like, or if a celebrity has put on like half a stone, they’re the cover of a magazine. I think we are completely obsessed with appearance. Q: If you could have any celebrities hair, who would it be? That’s so difficult, probably someone who has really thick curly hair. Someone like Beyoncé who can do anything with her hair. I don’t know, someone who just looks amazing. I want my hair; I just want it to be like 15 times as thick.

If I ’ m n ot h a ppy w i t h how I l ook , I k n ow t h at I d on ’t com e a cros s very w e l l . W h e rea s i f I ’m rea l l y h a ppy a n d c onf i d e n t w i t h h ow I look , t h e n I com e a cros s muc h m ore re l a xe d a n d ea s y g oi n g .

Q: What message would you send to younger girls? A: I would say, be happy in yourself and don’t try to impress anyone else. If you feel like you look good or you look the best that you can, don’t worry what anyone else says, just feel confident about yourself. And its not all about looks, its about personality and being fun and easy going and carefree, so don’t wear loads of make up to try to look really grown up, just enjoy being young and fun instead of really uptight and into how you look all the time.

Q: Are there any other features that you don’t particularly like about yourself? A: I’ve got really knobbly knees and they bend the wrong way so that’s unfortunate. So I never wear skirts, I always wear jeans. In the summer I try to desperately fake tan my legs to make them not look weird, but that’s a family inherited issues. We all have these massive horrible knees.

All Illustrations: Isabelle Ewing


eliza whitman smithwick Eliza, 25, is originally from Maryland. She is getting her Masters studying Fashion Media Production at The London College of Fashion.


Q: What is your least favorite thing about yourself?

Q: Would you ever consider plastic surgery?

A: My arms. I wish my arms were a little smaller and more toned. I have stopped wearing certain things in order to hide them like sleeveless shirts and dresses. I wish that they were just smaller all over and when I wave or something I feel like they flab.

I like to think that I wouldn’t, but sometimes I feel like it’s hard to keep up. Everyone around me is always looking better and better due to certain things like plastic surgery or make up concepts, that sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but I doubt I would get plastic surgery on something like my arms. To be honest it kind of scares me.

Q: Do you exercise?

A: What are your thoughts on other people getting plastic surgery?

A: I try to, I joined a gym thinking that would make me go, but I really haven’t had the time to go recently and get thrown off by how crowded it can be sometimes. I find it really hard to work out in a city, I used to do Yoga a lot when I lived in Florida because I could walk there, but now I get discouraged when I have to walk or take the tube to exercise.

A few of my friends have gotten plastic surgery on different things like their noses or boobs and since they’re my friends I’m obviously going to support them, especially if it is something that has been an insecurity for them for a long time. But when I read about celebrities getting all these procedures done, I think its getting to be a bit too much if I’m honest.

Q: Who do you exercise for? A: I’d like to say I exercise solely for myself, but that would be a blatant lie. As funny as it sounds, I think that I exercise to look good for other girls. I want to look good for my boyfriend of course, but also want to try to stay up to date with how good all my girlfriends always look.

Q: When do you feel the most insecure? A: Probably after a super unhealthy meal or a really lazy day. I do a lot of work on computers and so I’m sitting pretty much all day everyday, which also makes me feel bad sometimes. I’d love to just be able to walk around and explore more. I miss nature while living in cities. I just can tell that I’m not in shape and not doing my body any good by sitting so much.

Q: Have you ever tried to change this flaw? A: I always am on Pinterest looking up different “arm workouts,” but nothing too serious I guess.


Put the electronics down and go discover all there is to offer outside of the internet.


Try to keep your unique features a part of you. You were created the way you are for a reason. Now go and own it!

and bad aspects of the media, you just have to find a happy medium on your consumption of it, otherwise it will take over your life. Q: If you could give a message to younger girls what would it be?

Q: When do you feel the most confident?

A: Young girls now a days are always sitting on their IPhones or IPads. My advice to the younger generation is put the electronics down and go discover all there is to offer outside of the Internet. Even though times are changing, the important things are still the same. Your personality, sense of humor, and goals are ultimately the parts of you that matter the most and will get you to where you want to be in life. The other stuff is just a filler. It may seem exhausting trying to keep up with the latest fashion and beauty trends, but once you find your own style, things will fall into place. Try to keep in mind that everyone is different and that is what makes the world a beautiful place. If we keep going at this rate with surgery and beauty trends, one day we are all going to look the same. With that being said, try to keep your unique features a part of you. You were created the way you are for a reason. Now go and own it!

A: Oddly enough, when I have a killer new outfit. I’m not very hip when it comes to different make up tricks, so I also feel good when I’m home and my friends do my make up for me. I also feel most confident when I’m simply just in my comfort zone. I’ve been moving around the past 3 years and always feel best about myself when I’m in my home city or my college town because I know I can really be myself there. When I’m home in the States I also feel more confident because everyone else sounds like me…ha! Q: Do you think that media is effecting the way that women want to look? A: Absolutely. The media is EVERYWHERE and the scary thing is that it’s getting worse. I’ve noticed that people don’t even really know how to have a faceto-face conversation with people anymore. Its all about how you appear through social media, how good you’ve edited that instagram picture to make people think that you are living some sort of glamorous life, when you probably aren’t. There are certainly good

Photography: Caty Coplin


questions & answers In mid October 2015, I created and shared a survey to my female friends and family consisting of 20 questions concerning body image, media representations, and personal questions specific to each respondent. 120 women completed the survey and remain anonymous Here are some of the results.


Age of respondents 45%: 18-25 years old 36.9%: 25-35 years old 4.5%: 35-45 years old 9.9% 45-60 years old 3.6%: Over 60 years old

What industry do you work in? Learning and Development Social Work Marketing/Training Interior Decorating Banking Business Consulting Management Consulting Hospitality Education Housewife/Mother Real Estate Legal Arts University Healthcare Advertising Travel Fashion Research Food Music Sports Journalism City Government INB Student

Nonprofit Retail Finance Health and Fitness International Development Media IT Civil Engineering PR Design Festival Programming and Producing Media/Video Production Consulting Personal Development Professional Services Film Stay at home mom Renewable Energy Pharmaceutical sales Unemployed Education of young women Restaurant Medicine Fashion Medicine


If you could look like any c e l e br i t y , w h o w o u l d i t be ?


KimKardashian.JenniferLawrence.Rihanna.KateHudson.TaylorSwift. MargotRobbie.SarahJessicaParker.KateMoss.DemiLovato.DemiMoore. Kely.NayaRivera.CarmenElectra.JenniferLopez.DaisyLowe.Beyonce. BlakeLively.JuliaRoberts.GigiHadid.Gisele.ScarletJohanson.ChrissyTeigen. AlessandraAmbrosio.KendallJenner.CherylCole.MeghanFox.KristenStewart. NataliePortman.JenniferAniston.MegRyan.KarlieKloss.CameronDiaz. JenniferLawrence.KaylaItsines.EmmaWatson.NatashaOakley.KirstenDunst. RosieHuntingtonWhitley.GwenethPaltrow.DianeKeaton.MysisterinLaw. JessicaEnnisHill.KimKardashian.Rihanna.KateHudson.TaylorSwift.Margot Robbie.SarahJessicaParker.KateMoss.DemiLovato.DemiMoore.KellyRipa. AudryeyHepburnGraceKelly.EmilyRatajowski.CaraDelivigne.RachelBilson. EvaMendez.TarajeHenson.BlakeLively.EmiliaClarke.MegRyan.Beyonce. MeganFox.Taylor Swift. Blake Lively.Jennifer Aniston.AdrianaGrande.GigiHadid. Gisele. Emily Ratajowski. Cara Delivigne. Kendall Jenner. Scarlet Johanson. ChrissyTiegen.Beyonce.KarlieKloss.CameronDiaz.JenniferLawrence.Kayla Itsines.EmmaWatson.NatashaOakley.KirstenDunst.RosieHuntingtonWhitley. GwenethPaltrow.Diane Keaton.My sister inLaw.Jessica Ennis Hill.Kim Kardashian. Rihanna.KateHudson.Taylor Swift.Margot Robbie.Sarah Jessica Parker.Kate Moss.Demi Lovato.Demi Moore.Kely. Naya Rivera.Carmen Electra.Jennifer Lopez.DaisyLowe.Beyonce.Blake Lively.Julia Roberts.Jennifer Lawrence.Kate Hudson.Kim Kardashian.Natalie Portman.Mila Kunis.Sarah Jessica Parker.Diane Keaton. Gisele. Jessica Alba.. Kristin Stewart.Rachel Bilson. Kate Moss..Kendall Jenner. EmmaWatson.NatashaOakley.KirstenDunst.RosieHuntingtonWhitley. GwenethPaltrow.DianeKeaton.MysisterinLaw.JessicaEnnisHill.KimKardashian. Rihanna.KateHudson.TaylorSwift.MargotRobbie.SarahJessicaParker. KateMoss.DemiLovato.DemiMoore.KellyRipa.AudryeyHepburnGraceKelly. EmilyRatajowski.CaraDelivigne.RachelBilson.EvaMendez.TarajeHenson. BlakeLively.EmiliaClarke.MegRyan.Beyonce.MeganFox.Taylor Swift. Blake Lively. Jennifer Aniston.AdrianaGrande.GigiHadid. KimKardashian.JenniferLawrence. Rihanna.KateHudson.TaylorSwift.MargotRobbie.SarahJessicaParker.KateMoss. 47

59.5% of respondents wear make up everyday

56.8% of respondents “sometimes� consider themselves self conscious 74.8% of respondents have been on a diet before 41.4% of respondents said that they might get plastic surgery in the future 73% of respondents have more than one feature that they do not like about themselves


Who or what influences how you think you should look? Family Friends Magazines TV/Movies Fashion 0






38.7% Family 71.2% Friends 45.9% Magazines 52.3% TV/Movies 68.5% Fashion

How important is your appearance to you? 60 45 30 15 0 1



Not important at all: 1 2 3 4 Extremely Important: 5


4 0.9% 2.7% 27% 55.9% 13.5%


How do you feel about your body at the moment? 32 24 16 8 0 1



Ashamed: Proud:


1 2 3 4 5


6.3% 10.7% 35.1% 31.5% 6.3%

Who do you most frequently compare yourself to? Celebrities Models Family Friends Other 0



45.5% Celebrities 30.9% Models 10% Family 77.3% Friends 15.5% Other




Why do you exercise?

To feel healthy To lose weight To get toned To feel good about the way I look To look good for someone else Other 0

71% 46% 59% 72% 30% 7%



To feel healthy To lose weight To get toned To feel good about the way I look To look good for someone else Other




What does the term, “ bo d y i m a g e ” mean to you?


A “personal” view of your own body that is influences by culture, media, peer comparison, etc. Which almost always ends in a distorted view of yourself

Body image shifts depending on your stage of life and where you live which even further shows that it is heavily influenced by the world in which you live and interact.

I think body image refers to the way one views their own and others physical appearance, from neck down. I think that body image is seen as a whole, rather than individual body parts, making it difficult for anyone to have a positive body image, as very seldom does anyone like every part of their physical appearance.

Body image is a perception of how your body looks/feels in respect to the image of the “perfect body”


How others think you should look, not how you define a happy, healthy, and comfortable body and mindset

I think body image refers to the way one views their own and others physical appearance, from neck down. I think that body image is seen as a whole, rather than individual body parts, making it difficult for anyone to have a positive body image, as very seldom does anyone like every part of their physical appearance.

A way to say how people should be when it should mean just the way people are

The idea we have the body that we have In the media, it means how other people judge your body, the image they have of your body. To m e b o d y i m a g e m e a n s h o w i f e e l w i t h t h e body that i have and the way i look, it is my personal way at looking at me. Body images changes. I have been anorexic for 2 years, body image then and now are two different things. I’m glad to have a healthy body image now that I’m 26 and I’m not so stressed about it.

I think its a 3 sided story; you perceive yourself, how think others see you, and others really see


how you how you

B o d y i m a g e i s h o w y o u v i e w y o u r b o d y . Yo u r social circle, identity, sexual orientation, the media, class, race, athletic participation, education, religion lifestyle etc. can influence how you view your body. I’m a queer woman, and I’ve noticed that influences me the most in terms of my body image; my straight lady friends have very different standards, feeling and expectations towards their body image. Accidents and injuries also very much influence an athletes body image.

What you think you see when you look into a mirror

My opinion of how happy I am with my body. The way a person views their own b o d y . To m e i t i s n o l o n g e r t h e w a y you see yourself, its the way you see yourself in comparison to 1) celebrities, m o d e l s , T V; e t c . 2 ) t h e w a y m e n s e e you/criticize you

How we express who we are through our physical appearance. Very different things to different people. Its usually used as a weapon against women by magazines. How you view yourself.

Being healthy in body and mind.


What is you r l e a st fa v o r i te t h i n g a bo u t yo u r bo d y ?


stomach.thighs.fatlegs.weight.mybreasts.butt.belly.eyes.backfat.buttsize. teeth.neck.shortlegs.bum.breasts.hips.smile.broadshoulders.jawline.cellulite. myhair.abdominalmuscles.stretchmarks.knees.nose.flabbystomach.smile. stomach.thighs.armfat.chubbylegs.myweight.teeth.stomach.abs.fatarms. legs.fadedbeauty.bacne.bodyhair.acne.toes.eyebrows.myskin.wrinkles. brokennose.middlesection.celluliteonmyarms.midsection.celluliteonmythighs. bum.hair.complexion.weight.acne.myscars.myeyes.myears.nottoned. myfaceistooround.lackofcheekbones.myeyelids.weight.noneedtoloseweight. cellulite.nottonedlegs.myfeet.facetoonarrow.beadyeyes.myankles.myarms. mytoes.stomach.cellulite.smile.hair.boobs.bum.wrinkles.scars.stretchmarks. knees.nose.flabbystomach.smile.stomach.thighs.armfat.chubbylegs.myweight. teeth.stomach.abs.fatarms.legs.fadedbeauty.bacne.bodyhair.acne.toes. eyebrows.myskin.wrinkles.brokennose.middlesection.celluliteonmyarms. stomach.thighs.fatlegs.weight.mybreasts.butt.belly.eyes.backfat.buttsize.teeth. neck.shortlegs.bum.breasts.hips.smile.broadshoulders.jawline.cellulite.myhair. abdominalmuscles.myfeet.facetoonarrow.beedyeyes.myankles.myarms. mytoes.stomach.cellulite.smile.hair.boobs.bum.wrinkles.scars..stretchmarks. knees.nose.flabbystomach.smile.weight.hands.eyes.hair.ankles.skin.wrinkles. fingernails.bellybutton.butt.cellulite.innerthighs.calfs.backfat.shoulders.arms. teeth.smile.cheekbones.elbows.eyebrows.stomach.underarmfat.thighgap. ose.flabbystomach.smile.stomach.thighs.armfat.chubbylegs.myweight.teeth. stomach.abs.fatarms.legs.fadedbeauty.bacne.bodyhair.acne.toes.eyebrows. myskin.wrinkles.brokennose.middlesection.bodyhair.acne.toes.eyebrows. myskin.wrinkles.brokennose.middlesection.celluliteonmyarms..stomach. thighs.ms.midsection.celluliteonmythighs.bum.hair.complexion.weight.acne. myscars.myeyes.myears.nottoned.myfaceistooround.lackofcheekbones. myeyelids.weight.noneedtoloseweight.cellulite.nottonedlegs.myfeet. facetoonarrow.beadyeyes.myankles.myarms.mytoes.stomach.cellulite.smile. hair.boobs.bum.wrinkles.scars.stretchmarks.knees.nose.flabbystomach.smile. stomach.thighs.armfat.chubbylegs.myweight.teeth.stomach.abs.fatarms.legs. 57


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