Effect of Red Coral On Each Zodiac sign ï‚–
Red Coral Gemstone
Red Coral is ruled by Mars planet and it is also known as Moonga in Hindi. It provides the different effects on each zodiac sign. Coral makes the wearer life easy and happy. It is available in various colors such as red, white and vermillion.
Aries Zodiac Sign
The people who are belonging to the Aries sign that are highly recommend to wear red coral stone. It provides good health, success, courage and position to the Aries wearer.
Taurus Zodiac Sign
ď‚™ The mars planet is not beneficial for Taurus zodiac sign. If the person want to wear then must consult an astrologer. ď‚™ It provides the negative effects to the wearer.
Gemini Zodiac Sign
If Mars is well placed in your horoscope then it is advisable to wear red coral stone. It is also not beneficial for the Gemini wearer and provide negative effects.
Cancer Zodiac Sign
ď‚™ Mars planet is highly beneficial for the Cancer wearer. ď‚™ It improves business career and will brings more effective results and astrological benefits
Leo Zodiac Sign
Wearing a red coral is extremely beneficial for Leo zodiac wearer. Sun ruled the Leo sign and share cordial relation with mars planet. It provide powerful friend circle and good nature.
Virgo Zodiac Sign
People of Virgo zodiac sign should avoid wearing of red coral because it provide the harmful effects. It is not beneficial for Virgo Wearer.
Libra Zodiac Sign
Red Coral stone is not a good choice for the Libra wearer. Avoid to wear moonga stone because it create negative effects to the wearer.
Scorpio Zodiac Sign
It provide the active and healthy life of the wearer. It gives more astrological benefits to the Scorpio wearer.
Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter and it share the friendly relation with mars planet. You will face the positive effects after wearing the Red coral.
Capricorn Zodiac sign
During the major periods of mars you can wear the red coral. Capricorn wearer will be blessed with happiness and gain of wealth
Aquarius Zodiac Sign
Triangular shape of red coral is good for the aquarius sign. It bring the chances of the success in various fields and promotion.
Pisces Zodiac Sign
The lord of Pisces is Jupiter planet and it share the cordial relation with the mars planet. Wearing a red coral by Pisces wearer will bring success and prosperity.
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