The Blue Sapphire is one of the most notable precious gemstone items that you can find in the jewelry store. This precious gemstone has been the subject of much fascination over the years. Here is a look at some of the most interesting facts about Blue Sapphire.
Blue Sapphire Gemstone Facts
Sapphires have long been treasured as a precious gemstone. The ancient Romans wore polished sapphires and use these sapphires as jewelry.
• The word sapphire has been derived from ‘sappheiros’, a Greek word that was originally used for describing Lapis Lazuli which is another blue gemstone.
• Sapphire is by far second strongest gemstone found in nature after diamond. If you are looking to use a natural item for scratch on a sapphire, a diamond is the only material that you can opt for. • Sapphires are often regarded as a bright blue gemstone. However, they are available in a wide range of colors such as yellow, orange, green and pink.
• At one point of time, sapphires could only be worn by high priests, the clergy and the royalty. Things changed after late 17th century, when sapphires could be worn by the common people. Prior to that anyone other than high priests, the clergy and the royalty wearing the stone would get punished if caught.
• Padparadscha sapphires are the rarest type of sapphires in the world, and they are known for their distinct pinkish orange color. The term Padparadscha signifies lotus flower in the Sanskrit language. • Sapphires are believed to have strong healing powers, and they can be used for curing eye diseases as well as for preserving celibacy.
• Sapphires have been used traditionally to symbolize faithfulness and nobility. • Sapphire stones are believed to enhance the skills of clairvoyance, telepathy and Psychokinetic abilities.
• Some spiritualists believe that a sapphire can be used as an antidepressant.
Sapphire stones are believed to bring inner peace and assist in divine enlightenment.
• Sapphires are a part of the corundum family of minerals. • Sapphires are currently mined at many parts of the world, such as Malawi, Australia, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and United States. 9GemUK 9216 11 3377
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