رحلات جلفر ترم اول

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Gulliver's Travells

Rafat Meallawey 2018 1

Chapter 1

1 1. Before I begin my story, I would like to tell you a little about my early life. I was born on a large farm in the middle of England, the third of five sons, and my father called me Lemuel Gulliver. After I finished school, I studied in Cambridge for three years and then became an apprentice to a surgeon in London. The surgeon, Mr Bates, was a very good one, and I worked with him for four years. However, I always wanted to travel, so in my free time I learned how to sail so that one day I could leave England and explore the world. ‫ وكان ترتيبي‬,‫ أنا ولدت في مزرعة كبيرة في منتصف لندن‬.‫ أود أن أخبركم قليل عن حياتي في مقتبل العمر‬,‫ قبل أن أبدأ في سرد قصتي‬ ‫ درس ت‬,‫ بعد أن أنهيت تعليمي بالمدارس‬.‫ وأطلق عليي أبي اسم ليمويل جليفر‬,‫الثالث بين خمسة أبناء‬ ,‫ت في جامعة كامبريدج لمدة ثلثة أعوام‬ ‫ بارعا جدا وعمل ت‬,‫ وتيدعى السيد بيتس‬,‫ كان هذا الجراح‬.‫ثم عملت كمبتدئ تحت التمرين لدى جراحا في لندن‬ ,‫ت معه لمدة أربعة أعوام‬ ‫ ولذلك تعلمت البحار خلل أوقات الفراغ لكي أتمكن في يوم من اليام من مغادرة إنجلترا واستكشاف‬,‫ولكنني كنت دائما أرغب في السفر‬ .‫العالم‬ Mr Bates knew all about my desire to travel, so when I had finished my studies, Mr Bates helped me -2 to get work as a surgeon on a ship called The Swallow. For three and a half years, I worked for Captain .Abraham Pannel on his ship as it travelled round the eastern seas ‫ ساعدني في الحصول على عمل كجراح على سفينة‬,‫ عندما أنهيت دراستي‬,‫ كان السيد بيتس يعلم كل شيئ عن رغبتي في السفر ولذلك‬ .‫ وعملت لمدة ثلثة أعوام ونصف لدى القبطان أبراهام بانيل على سفينته أثناء رحلتها حول البحار الشرقية‬,‫تسمى سوالو‬ 3-Once back in England, I met a kind woman called Mary Burton and we soon got married. I decided to stay in London with my new wife for a few years, but although Mr Bates did all he could do to help me, work was not easy to find. A year later, Mr Bates sadly died and I knew that my life would only become more difficult; we had only just enough money to live on. "There's little work for a surgeon in London, but my friends tell me I should be able to find work on a ship," I said to Mary one day. She thought long and hard before saying, "I don't want you to go, but if that's the only way we can earn enough to live well, then so be it." ‫ قرر ت‬.‫ت بامرأة كريمة تتدعى ماري بيرتون وتزوجنا بعد وقت قصير‬ ‫ عند عودتي إلى إنجلترا التقي ت‬ ‫ت أن أبقى في لندن مع زوجتي الجديدة‬ ‫ بعد عام واحد مات السيد‬.‫ فإن الحصول على عمل لم يكن بالمر الهيين‬,‫ بالرغم أن السيد بيتس بذل أقصى جهده لمساعدتي‬.‫لبضع سنوات‬ ‫ قل ت‬.‫ فقد كان لدينا من المال ما يكفي فقط ليسيد رمقنا‬,‫ت أعرف أن حياتي ستصبح أكثر صعوبة‬ ‫بيتس للسف وكن ت‬ ‫ "إن‬,‫ت لماري في أحد اليام‬ ‫" فكرت‬.‫ ولكن أصدقائي يقولون أنه ينبغي عليي أن أتمكن من إيجاد وظيفة على إحدى السفن‬,‫فرصة العمل في لندن بالنسبة لجراح ضعيفة‬ ‫ ولكن إذا كان هذا هو السبيل الوحيد التي يمكننا من خلله أن نكسب ما يكفينا للعيش‬,‫ "أنا ل أريدك أن ترحل‬,‫ماري طويل وملييا ثم قالت‬ ".‫بشكل جيد فليكن‬


My friends were right, because I quickly found another job as a ship's surgeon, and for six years I -4 travelled around the world. I earned good money, and as a surgeon is not always needed on a ship, I also had plenty of time to myself. I did not waste this time but used it well: I read books and taught .myself to speak several languages ‫ت حول العالم خلل ستة أعوام وكسب ت‬ ‫ سافر ت‬.‫ت بسرعة وظيفة أخرى كجراح على سفينة‬ ‫ لنني وجد ت‬,‫ كان أصدقائي على صواب‬ ‫ت مبلغا‬ ‫ لم أضيع هذا الوقت ولكني‬.‫ فقد أتيح لي أيضا الكثير من الوقت لنفسي‬,‫ ولن الجراح ل يكون مطلوبا بشكل دائم على سفينة‬.‫جيدا من المال‬ ‫ت الكتب وعلم ت‬ ‫ فقرأ ت‬,‫استخدمته بشكل جيد‬ My life changed after I got a new job on a ship-5 .‫ت نفسي التحدث بلغات عديدة‬ called The Antelope. We left England in May and we had been at sea for about two months when The Antelope was hit by a violent storm. The ship was soon blown far away from our chosen route and we did not know where we were. The sea was so violent that we lost some of our crew even before the ship was suddenly blown onto a rock. There was a terrible crash and I could see that the ship was in .great danger "We're going to sink!" shouted the captain. "Get into the lifeboats!" ‫ كنا قد قضينا في البحر‬.‫ غادرت السفينة إنجلترا في شهر مايو‬.‫ تغيرت حياتي بعد أن حصلت على وظيفة جديدة على سفينة تتدعى أنتيلوب‬ ‫ ولم نكن نعرف‬,‫ وبعدها مباشرة قذفت الرياح السفينة بعيدا عن طريقنا المحدد‬.‫نحو شهرين عندما ضربت عاصفة عنيفة السفينة أنتيلوب‬ ‫ كان البحر عنيفا للغاية لدرجة أننا فقدنا بعضا من طاقم سفينتنا حتى قبل أن تتسبب الرياح في ارتطام السفينة فجأة‬.‫أين مكاننا بالتحديد‬ ‫ حدث اصطدام رهيب وأدرك ت‬.‫بإحدى الصخور‬ ‫ اركبوا‬,‫ "إننا نوشك على الغرق‬,‫ صاح القبطان قائل‬.‫ت أن السفينة كانت في خطر داهم‬ ".‫قوارب النجاة‬ 6-Quickly climbing into a lifeboat with five other sailors, I was able to escape, but not everyone was lucky: we watched in horror as The Antelope sank behind us. But although we rowed for some distance, the sea did not become calmer. A huge wave hit us and we were all thrown into the water. All my friends died ‫ت بسرعة إلى أحد قوارب النجاة مع خمسة بيحارة آخرين وتمكن ت‬ ‫ صعد ت‬ ‫ فقد شاهدنا ونحن‬,‫ ولكن لم يكن الجميع محظوظين‬.‫ت من النجاة‬ ‫ ضربتنا عاصفة عاتية وقذفت بنا جميعا في‬.‫ لم يهدأ البحر‬,‫ ولكن بالرغم أننا ظللنا نجدد ف لمسافة ما‬.‫مرعوبون السفينة أنتيلوب تغرق خلفنا‬ .‫المياه‬ 7-The sea was rough and it was very hard to swim in my heavy clothes, but at least the water was not too cold. I looked around me and realised that I was alone. I did not know what had happened to the other sailors. Perhaps they were all dead. The wind and the waves decided the direction I went in, and I soon felt I had lost all the strength in my arms. Just when I thought I could not swim any more, my feet touched something hard. I had reached land. When I finally walked up the beach, I was cold, wet and exhausted. I looked around me, but there were no houses or people that I could see, so I found some soft grass, lay down and fell into a long sleep. ‫ نظر ت‬.‫ ولكن على القل لم تكن المياه شديدة البرودة‬,‫ كان البحر هائجا وكان من الصعب جدا أن أسبح مرتديا ملبسي الثقيلة‬ ‫ت حولي‬ ‫ت أنني كن ت‬ ‫وأدرك ت‬ ‫ كانت الرياح والمواج هي التي تحدد التجاه‬.‫ ربما هلكوا جميعا‬.‫ لم أعرف ما الذي حدث للبحارة الخرين‬.‫ت بمفردي‬ ‫ في نفس اللحظة تماما التي اعتقد ت‬.‫ت كل القوة التي في ذراعيي‬ ‫ت سريعا أنني فقد ت‬ ‫ وشعر ت‬,‫الذي أسبح فيه‬ ‫ت فيها أنني لم أعد قادرا على‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ كنت أشعر‬,‫ عندما صعدت أخيرا إلى الشاطئ سيرا على القدام‬.‫ لقد وصلت لليابسة‬,‫ لمست قدماي شيئا صلبا‬,‫السباحة لمسافة أخرى‬ ‫ فاستلقيت عليه‬,‫ وجدت بعضا من العشب الناعم‬.‫ لم أشاهد أي منازل أو أشخاص‬,‫ عندما نظرت حولي‬.‫ وكنت مبتل ومنهكا‬,‫بالبرودة‬ When I woke up, it was early morning and the sun was just beginning to rise. I -8 .‫واستغرقت في نوم طويل‬ tried to stand up, but I found that this was impossible. I realised that my arms, my legs and even my hair were all somehow fastened to the ground. Thin ropes were tied around my body and neck, and I .found I could only look up at the clear sky above me ‫ ولكني وجدت أن ذلك‬,‫ حاولت أن أنهض واقفا‬.‫ كان الوقت مبكرا في الصباح وكانت الشمس قد بدأت لتوها في الشروق‬,‫ عندما استيقظت‬ ‫ كانت هناك أحبال رفيعة مربوطة‬.‫ وأدركت أن ذراععيي وساعقيي بل وحتى شعري كانوا جميعا مربوطين بطريقة ما في الرض‬.‫مستحيل‬ ‫ لن القزام قد ربطوه في الرض‬.‫ ووجدت أن باستطاعتي أن أنظر لعلى فقط إلى السماء الصافية من فوقي‬,‫حول جسدي ورقبتي‬ 9-I heard some noises and then felt something climb onto my left leg. It moved up my body until it was close to my head. Only then could I see what it was. It was a human, but this human was only about fifteen centimetres tall. He was carrying a bow and arrow. I then realised there were about forty other men of the same size all around me. They all looked the same, each one carrying a tiny bow and arrow. "Who are you and what are you doing to me?" I cried. On hearing my voice, the little men looked


worried and jumped away from me, so I tried to stand up again. Some of the ropes broke and now I could move my left arm. ‫ سمع ت‬ ‫ تحرك هذا الشيئ على جسدي حتى أصبح‬.‫ ثم شعرت بشيئ ما يتسلق ويصعد على ساقي اليسرى‬,‫ت بعض الصوات الصاخبة‬ ‫ ولكن كان طول هذا الدمي خمسة عشر سنتيمترا فقط‬,‫ لقد كان شخص آدمي‬.‫ وعندها فقط أدركت كينونة هذا الشيئ‬,‫قريبا من رأسي‬ .‫ ثم أدركت حينئذ أنه كان هناك حوالي أربعون رجل آخرين لهم نفس الحجم يقفون حولي من كل اتجاه‬.‫ كان يحمل قوسا وسهما‬.‫تقريبا‬ ‫ صرخ ت‬.‫ وكان كل منهم يحمل قوسا صغيرا جدا وسهما‬,‫كانوا جميعا يشبهون بعضهم البعض تماما‬ "‫ "من أنتم وماذا تفعلون بي؟‬,‫ت فيهم قائل‬ ‫ قتططعت بعض‬.‫ لذلك حاولت أن أنهض واقفا مرة أخرى‬,‫ بدا القلق على الرجال صغار الحجم وقفزوا مبتعدين عني‬,‫عندما سمعوا صوتي‬ .‫الحبال واستطعت الن أن أحرك ذراعي اليسر‬ 10-The little men shouted something in a strange language and I felt hundreds of arrows hit me. Most of the arrows hit my thick clothes and I felt nothing, but some of them stuck in my left hand. The arrows were tiny, but there were so many of them that it hurt. "Will you please stop that?" I shouted, but when they continued to shoot the arrows, I lay quietly on the ground and decided not to move or say anything. If I waited until night time, I thought I could use my left hand to untie the other ropes and escape when it was dark. ‫ معظم تلك السهام ضربت ملبسي السميكة وبالتالي لم‬.‫ وشعرت بمئات السهام تضربني‬,‫ صاح الرجال الصغار قائلين شيئا بلغة غريبة‬ ‫ ولكن كان عددهم كبير جدا لدرجة أنهم سببوا لي‬,‫ كانت السهام متناهية الصغر‬.‫ ولكن بعض السهام تغرزت في يدي اليسرى‬,‫أشعر بشيئ‬ ‫ت هادئا على الرض وقرر ت‬ ‫ استلقي ت‬,‫ "هل توقفتم عن فعل ذلك من فضلكم؟" ولكن عندما استمروا في اطلق السهام‬,‫ت قائل‬ ‫صح ت‬ ‫ت أل‬ ‫ ف ط‬.‫ألما‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ فكرت أنني إذا انتظرت حتى وقت الليل سأستطيع استخدام يدي اليسرى لفك الحبال الخرى ثم أهرب عندما يحلل‬.‫أتحرك أو أقول أي شيئ‬ .‫الظلم‬ 11-Perhaps because they could see that I was not trying to escape, the little men became quiet. Later, they grew more confident and after about an hour, I could hear wood being cut next to me. I guessed that they were building something. Then the ropes around my head were cut free and I could finally lift my head. I saw a man standing on a wooden platform that had been built to the side of my head. The man was wearing important-looking clothes, and a servant stood on each side of him. He looked at me and started to give a talk, but I could not understand anything he said. I guessed from his expressions and intonation that he spoke with a mixture of threats and promises. ‫ سمعت‬,‫ وبعد ساعة تقريبا‬,‫ ازداد اطمئنان هؤلء الرجال‬,‫ بعد ذلك‬.‫ ربما لنهم لحظوا أنني لم أكن أحاول الهروب‬,‫ هدأ الرجال الصغار‬ ‫ واستطع ت‬,‫ تم قطع الحبال التي حول رأسي‬,‫ وبعد ذلك‬.‫ت أنهم كانوا يبنون شيئا‬ ‫ وخمن ت‬,‫أصوات تقطيع أخشاب بجواري‬ ‫ت أخيرا أن أرفع‬ ‫ كان الرجل يرتدي ملبس توحي بأنه شخ ص‬.‫ رأيت رجل يقف على منصة خشبية تم بنائها بجانب رأسي‬.‫رأسي‬ ‫ وكان يقف أحد‬,‫ص مرموق‬ ‫ خمن ت‬.‫ ولكني لم أفهم أي شيئ مما قاله‬,‫ نظر الرجل لي وبدأ يقول كلما‬.‫الخدم على كل جانبيه‬ ‫ت من تعبيرات وجهه ومن تغيير طبقات صوته‬ When the man finished talking, I tried to talk to him in English. -12 .‫أن حديثه كان مزيجا من التهديدات والتعهدات‬ "Sir, My name's Lemuel Gulliver and my ship's been lost in a storm. That's why I'm here. You don't need ".to tie me up, I won't hurt anyone. Perhaps you could give me some food and a drink I could see from his expression that he did not understand me either. So I pointed to my mouth to show him that I was hungry and thirsty. ‫ اسمي ليمويل جليفر وسفينتي تفقدت بسبب عاصفة ولهذا‬,‫ "يا سيدي‬,‫ حاولت أن أتكلم معه بالنجليزية قائل‬,‫ عندما أنهى الرجل حديثه‬ ‫" لحظت من‬.‫ أرجو لو تكرمتم إعطائي بعض الطعام والشراب‬.‫ ل داعي لتقييدي بالحبال فأنا لن أؤذي أي شخص‬.‫السبب أنا موجود هنا‬ ‫ت إلى فمي لبيين له أنني كن ت‬ ‫ لذلك أشر ت‬,‫تعبير وجهه أنه لم يفهمني أيضا‬ .‫ت جائعا وظمآنا‬ 13-The man said something to his servants. I watched as some of the little men went off, returning shortly with many baskets of food and little containers of water. They put ladders against my shoulder and carried the baskets and containers up to my mouth. They could not believe how much I drank and ate, but they seemed pleased. I think the little people realised that they could trust me and, with food in my stomach, I felt I could trust them, too. "Thank you," I said when I had finished eating. The little men smiled at me and nodded their heads. Another man arrived and it was clear that this was an important person. The other men bowed to him and from his clothes I understood that this was the King of their country, which I later found was called Lilliput. He, too, spoke to me from the wooden platform and I waited patiently until he finished speaking.


‫‪ ‬قال الرجل شيئا لعخدمه‪ ,‬وشاهد ت‬ ‫ت بعضا من الرجال الصغار ينصرفون ثم يعودون بعد وقت قصير ومعهم الكثير من السلل التي بها‬ ‫أطعمة وكذلك الواني التي بها المياه‪ .‬قاموا بوضع سللم على كتفي‪ ,‬ورفعوا السلل والواني إلى فمي‪ .‬لم يصدقوا الكمية التي شربتها‬ ‫وأكلتها‪ ,‬ولكنهم بدوا سعداء‪ .‬أعتقد أن الناس الصغار أدركوا أنهم من الممكن أن يثقوا بي‪ ,‬وعندما أصبح هناك طعاما في معدتي‪ ,‬شعرت‬ ‫أنني يمكن أن أثق بهم أيضا‪.‬‬ ‫قيدم ت‬ ‫ت لهم الشكر بعد أن فرغت من تناول الطعام‪ .‬ابتسم لي الرجال الصغار وقاموا بتحيتي برؤوسهم‪ .‬وصل رجل آخر وكان من الواضح‬ ‫ت من ملبسه أنه كان عملك دولتهم والتي علم ت‬ ‫أنه شخصية مرموقة‪ .‬انحنى الرجال الخرون له‪ ,‬وأدرك ت‬ ‫ت فيما بعد أن اسمها ليليبوت‪ .‬تحدث‬ ‫الملك إليي أيضا من فوق المنصة الخشبية‪ ,‬وانتظر ت‬ ‫ت بصبر حتى أنهى حديثه‪.‬‬ ‫‪14-"I'm pleased to meet you, sir, but please, can you set me free?" I asked him. I now knew we could‬‬ ‫‪not speak the same language, but we managed to communicated with each other using signs with our‬‬ ‫‪hands. So I understood that he refused my request to be free, and that he said that I did not need to‬‬ ‫‪worry. He pointed and said something about moving me somewhere.‬‬ ‫ت للملك‪" ,‬أنا مسرور بلقائك يا سيدي‪ ,‬ولكن أرجوك‪ ,‬هل تسمح بأن تحررني من العسسر؟" كن ت‬ ‫‪ ‬قل ت‬ ‫ت أعلم الن أننا ل نستطيع أن نتحدث بنفس‬ ‫اللغة‪ ,‬ولكننا نجحنا في التواصل معا باستخدام الشارات بأيدينا‪ ,‬وبذلك فهم ت‬ ‫ت أنه رفض طلبي في أن أكون مطلق السراح‪ ,‬وأنه قال أنه ل‬ ‫داعي بالنسبة لي أن أقلق‪ .‬ثم أشار بيده وقال شيئا بخصوص نقلي إلى مكان ما‪.‬‬ ‫‪15-Hundreds of tiny people were now standing around me. Slowly they picked me up and put me on a‬‬ ‫‪strange machine that had many wheels. Later I found out that the people of this land were great‬‬ ‫‪engineers and had designed this machine to carry heavy trees. It was pulled by a team of tiny black and‬‬ ‫‪white horses, each horse about eleven centimetres tall. I realised that they wanted to take me to the‬‬ ‫‪capital city. Before we left, some of the men poured some medicine on the cuts where the arrows had‬‬ ‫‪hit my hand. The cuts immediately felt much better.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬كان يقف حولي الن مئات من الشخاص الصغار جدا‪ .‬قاموا بحملي ببطء ووضعوني على آلة غريبة كان لها عجلت كثيرة‪ .‬اكتشفت فيما‬ ‫بعد أن سكان هذه الجزيرة كانوا مهندسين عظماء وقاموا بتصميم هذه اللة لحمل الشجار الثقيلة‪ .‬كان يجر اللة مجموعة من الخيل‬ ‫الصغيرة جدا لونها أسود وأبيض‪ ,‬ويبلغ طول كل حصان منهم حوالي أحد عشر سنتيمترا‪ .‬أدركت أنهم كانوا يريدون نقلي إلى عاصمة‬ ‫دولتهم‪ .‬قبل أن نغادر‪ ,‬قام بعض الرجال بعسسكب بعض الدواء على الجروح في الماكن التي ضربتني فيها السهام في يدي‪ ,‬وعلى الفور‬ ‫تحسنت حالة الجروح كثيرا‪.‬‬ ‫‪16-The city was perhaps a kilometre away, but it took all that night for the machine to carry me there.‬‬ ‫‪Because they had put some medicine in my food that made me sleepy, I slept for most of the journey,‬‬ ‫‪only waking up briefly when one of the soldiers decided to put a pole up my nose to see what would‬‬ ‫‪happen. He quickly ran away when I woke up and sneezed.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬كانت المدينة تبعد حوالي كيلو مترا واحدا تقريبا‪ ,‬ولكن استغرق نقلي إلى هناك على هذه اللة طوال تلك الليلة‪ .‬ولنهم وضعوا بعض‬ ‫الدواء في طعامي الذي جعلني أشعر بالنعاس‪ ,‬فقد طنم ت‬ ‫ت معظم وقت الرحلة واستيقظت فقط لبرهة عندما قرر أحد الجنود أن تيدخل عصا‬ ‫طويلة في أنفي ليرى ما الذي سيحدث‪ .‬هذا الجندي جرى هاربا عندما استيقظت وعطست‪The next morning, I awoke to-17 .‬‬ ‫‪find that the machine had carried me to an area close to the city gates. The horses stopped outside a‬‬ ‫‪building which I later found out was an ancient temple, the largest building in the land. No one used‬‬ ‫‪the empty building now, so the King decided that I should stay there. The building had a small garden‬‬ ‫‪around it which you could enter through two gates, each one a little more than a metre high. The King‬‬ ‫‪did not want me to escape, so he asked some of his men to fasten my legs to the gates using metal‬‬ ‫‪.chains‬‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪ ‬في الصباح التالي‪ ,‬استيقظت لكتشف أن اللة قد حملتني إلى منطقة قريبة من بوابات المدينة‪ .‬توقفت الخيل خارج أحد المباني الذي‬ ‫اكتشفت فيما بعد أنه كان معبدا قديما‪ ,‬وكان أكبر مبنى على الجزيرة‪ .‬لم يكن أحد يستخدم ذلك المبنى الفارغ الن‪ ,‬لذلك قرر الملك أن أبقى‬ ‫هناك‪ .‬كان المبنى له حديقة صغيرة تحيط به والتي يمكنك أن تدخل إليها من خلل بوابتين يبلغ ارتفاع كل منهما أكثر قليل من متر واحد‪ .‬لم‬ ‫يكن الملك يريد أن أهرب‪ ,‬لذلك طلب من بعض رجاله أن يربطوا ساعقيي في البوابات باستخدام سلسل معدنية‪.‬‬ ‫‪18-Opposite my new home there was a tower which was approximately two metres high. The King‬‬ ‫‪went to the top of this tower with his men so they could watch me, like you watch an animal in a zoo,‬‬ ‫‪although I could not see them. During the next few days, hundreds of people from the city came out of‬‬ ‫‪the gates to see me lying on the strange machine next to my new home. At first, they used ladders to‬‬ ‫‪try to climb up on my body, but the King said this was not allowed.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬أمام مسكني الجديد كان يوجد برجا يبلغ ارتفاعه مترين تقريبا‪ .‬صعد الملك مع رجاله إلى قمة هذا البرج لكي ييستطيعوا أن يتفيرجوا عليي‬ ‫مثلما يتفيرج النسان على أحد الحيوانات في حديقة للحيوان‪ ,‬وفي نفس الوقت لم يكن باستطاعتي رؤيتهم‪ .‬خلل اليام القليلة التالية‪ ,‬جاء‬ ‫مئات الشخاص من المدينة خارجين من البوابات لرؤيتي مستلقيا على اللة الغريبة بجوار مسكني الجديد‪ .‬في البداية استخدموا سللم‬


When the soldiers realised I could not escape -19 .‫ ولكن الملك قال أن ذلك غير مسموح به‬,‫لمحاولة التسلق على جسدي‬ with my legs chained to the gates, they cut the ropes that fastened me to the machine. Now I could stand up, although the chains on my legs stopped me from going very far. However, I could walk a little way around the empty building, and at night I could lie down to sleep on the hard floor of my new .home ‫ الن‬.‫ قطعوا الحبال التي كانت تربطني في اللة‬,‫ عندما لحظ الجنود أنني ل أستطيع الهروب وساقيي مربوطتين بالسلسل في البوابات‬ ‫ كنت أستطيع أن أسير لمسافة‬,‫ ومع ذلك‬,‫كان بإمكاني الوقوف بالرغم أن السلسل التي كانت في سيقاني تمنعني من الذهاب لمسافة بعيدة‬ .‫ وفي الليل أستطيع أن أستلقي للنوم على الرض الصلبة في مسكني الجديد‬,‫صغيرة حول المبنى الفارغ‬ 20-The next morning, I got up and looked at the land around the city. It was a pretty scene which reminded me of a painting in a children's book. There were lots of little fields and woods, the fields the size of small gardens and the trees only a little more than two metres tall. I watched as some men arrived with little vehicles which they pushed towards me on wooden wheels. Each vehicle carried food and drink, and the men left the vehicles at the point to which I could walk before the chains stopped me. I emptied twenty of these vehicles for my breakfast. I did not know what the food was, but it tasted nice. ‫ت ونظر ت‬ ‫ استيقظ ت‬,‫ في الصباح التالي‬ ‫ كان‬.‫ كان منظرا جميل وذيكرني بأحد الرسومات في كتاب للطفال‬.‫ت إلى الرض التي حول المدينة‬ .‫ وكان يبلغ طول الشجار أكثر قليل من مترين‬,‫ كانت الحقول في حجم حدائق صغيرة‬.‫هناك الكثير من الحقول والغابات صغيرة الحجم‬ .‫ كانت كل عربة تحمل طعاما وشرابا‬.‫شاهدت بعض الرجال عندما وصلوا ومعهم عربات صغيرة قاموا بدفعها نحوي على عجلت خشبية‬ ‫ أفرغ ت‬.‫قام الرجال بترك العربات عند النقطة التي أستطيع أن أسير إليها قبل أن توقفني السلسل‬ ‫ت عشرين عربة من هذه العربات كإفطار‬ As I was eating, I realised the King was watching me -21 .‫ ولكن كان مذاقه شهيا‬,‫ لم أكن أعرف ما هو ذلك الطعام‬.‫لي‬ with his servants and some of his family. He was about 28 years old, and tall compared to the other people, with strong arms and a handsome face. His clothes were the same as a king would wear in a European country, although he held up a sword to protect himself. It was perhaps seven centimetres long. He spoke to me again in a very high voice. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty," I replied, "but I cannot understand what you're saying to me." I tried to answer in all the languages I knew: French, Spanish, .Chinese and Arabic, but he understood nothing ‫ كان يبلغ من العمر حوالي ثمانية وعشرون‬.‫ لحظت أن الملك كان يتفرج عليي ومعه عخدمه وبعض أفراد أسرته‬,‫ بينما كنت أتناول الطعام‬ ‫ كانت ملبسه تشبه تماما تلك التي يرتديها الملوك في‬.‫ وكانت له ذراعان قويتان ووجه وسيم‬,‫ وكان طويل بالمقارنة بباقي الناس هناك‬,‫عاما‬ ‫ تحيدث إليي الملك مرة أخرى‬.‫ كان طول السيف يبلغ سبع سنتيمترات تقريبا‬.‫ على الرغم أنه كان يحمل سيفا لكي يحمي نفسه‬,‫دول أوروبا‬ ‫" حاولت أن أرد عليه بكل اللغات التي‬.‫ ولكني ل أستطيع أن أفهم ما تقوله لي‬,‫ "أنا آسف يا فخامة الملك‬,‫ فأجبته قائل‬,‫بصوت مرتفع جدا‬ .‫ ولكنه لم يفهم أي شيئ‬,‫ الفرنسية والسبانية والصينية والعربية‬:‫أعرفها‬ 22-After the King left, people from the city began to arrive to look at me again. Some of the braver people tried to climb on my body, but the guards stopped them. One morning, I was sitting down by the door of my new house watching the little people who had come to see me. Six of them approached me with bows and arrows. They started shooting arrows at me and one arrow nearly hit my eye. ‫ وحاول بعض ممن ييتسمون بشجاعة أكبر أن يتسلقوا‬.‫ بدأ يصل بعض الناس من المدينة ليلقوا نظرة عليي مرة أخرى‬,‫ بعد أن غادر الملك‬ ‫ كن ت‬,‫ في صباح ذات يوم‬.‫ ولكن الحراس منعوهم من ذلك‬,‫على جسدي‬ ‫ت جالسا بجوار باب مسكني الجديد أتفيرج على الناس الصغار الذين‬ "-23 .‫ وكاد أحد السهام أن يصيب عيني‬,‫ اقترب ستة منهم وهم يحملون القواس والسهام وبدأوا يطلقون السهام نحوي‬.‫جاءوا لرؤيتي‬ That's not funny!" I shouted at them. "Stop it at once!" Seeing that I was angry, the guards quickly arrested the six people who had done this. They tied their hands together and pushed them towards .me, perhaps thinking that I could punish them. They all looked very worried ‫" وعندما رأى الحراس أنني كن ت‬.‫ توقفوا عن ذلك فورا‬,‫ "هذا ليس شيئا مضحكا‬,‫ت فيهم قائل‬ ‫ صرخ ت‬ ‫ قاموا بسرعة بالقبض على‬,‫ت غاضبا‬ ‫ بدا عليهم جميعا القلق‬.‫ ربما معتقدين أنه بإمكاني معاقبتهم‬,‫ وقاموا بتوثيق أيديهم معا ودفعوهم ناحيتي‬,‫الستة أشخاص الذين فعلوا ذلك‬ .‫الشديد‬ 24-"So, why are you shooting at me?" I asked as I picked them up one at a time. "You five can wait here, in my pocket," I said, holding the sixth man in my hand. I looked at him with interest. Laughing, I said to him, "You're so small and so very weak." I picked up a knife and moved it towards the little man's hands. "You think I'm going to eat you, don't you?" I said. The little man and even the guards looked horrified.


‫" قل ت‬.‫ في جيبي‬,‫ "لماذا تضربونني بالسهام؟" "أنتم الخمسة تستطيعون النتظار هنا‬,‫ت الرجال الصغار وأنا ألتقطهم واحدا تلو الخر‬ ‫ سأل ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫" التقط ت‬.‫ "أنت صغير جدا وضعيف للغاية‬,‫ت له ضاحكا‬ ‫ ثم قل ت‬,‫ت إليه بتمعن‬ ‫ نظر ت‬.‫ذلك وأنا ممسك بالرجل السادس في يدي‬ ‫ت سكينا وحيركته‬ ‫ أليس كذلك؟" بدا الذعر على الرجل الصغير بل حتى على الحراس أنفسهم‬,‫ "أنت تعتقد أنني سوف ألتهمك‬,‫باتجاه يدي الرجل الصغير قائل‬ 1-Where was Gulliver born? ‫أين ولد جليفر ؟‬ *He was born on a large farm in the middle of England. ‫قد ولد في مزرعة كبيرة في منتصف لندن‬ 2-What did Gulliver do shortly after finishing his studies in Cambridge? ‫ماذا فعل جليفر بعد ماانتهت دراسته في في كامبيردج ؟‬ *He became an apprentice to a surgeon in London. 3-What did Gulliver do in his free time to satisfy his desire ‫ ليشبع رغبته‬for travelling? ‫ماذا فعل جليفر في وقت فلاغة ليشبع رغبته في السفر ؟‬ *He learned how to sail to leave England and explore the world. 4-How long did Gulliver work with Mr Bates? ‫كم المدة التي عمل فيها جليفر مع السيد باتس ؟‬ *He worked with him for four years. ‫عمل معه لمدة أربع سنوات‬ 5-What did Mr Bates do to help Gulliver? Why? ‫ماذا فعل السيد باتس ليساعد جليفر ؟ ولماذا ؟‬ * He helped him to get work as a surgeon on a ship called The Swallow. ‫ساعدة في أن يحصل علي عمل جراح علي سفينة تسمي سوالو‬ 6-What did Gulliver do ‫ ما وظيفته‬on The Swallow ship? How long did he work there? ‫ماذا فعل جليفر علي سفينة سوالو وكم المدة التي عمل هناك فيها ؟‬ *He worked as a surgeon. for three and a half years. ‫عمل كجراح ولمدة أربع سنوات‬ 7-Who was Abraham Pannel? ‫من كان أبراهام بانيل‬ *He was the captain of The Swallow ship. ‫كان قبطان السفينة‬ 8-Who was Mary Burton? What kind of woman was she? ‫اذا عن شخصيته ؟‬/‫من هي ماري بورتن ؟ و‬ *She was Gulliver's wife. She was a kind woman. ‫كانت زوجة جليفر وكانت سيدة لطيفة‬ 9-What was Gulliver certain of ‫ متأكد منه‬after Mr Bates had died? Why? ‫من ماذا كان جلييفر متأكد من بعد وفاة السيد باتس ؟ ولماذا ؟‬ * that his life would become more difficult. Because he had little money ‫أن حياته ستكون صعبة لن معه قليل من المال‬ 10-What did Gulliver's wife encourage him to do? Why? ‫ماذا شجعت زوجة جليفر أن يفعل ولماذا ؟‬ * to take a job on a ship. To earn enough for living ‫أن يشغل وظيفة علي السفينة كي يربح مالل للمعيشة‬ 11-What did Gulliver do in his free time during the six years when he travelled around the world? ‫ماذا فعل جليفر في وقت فراغة اثناء الست سنوات التي سافر فيها حول العالم ؟‬ *He read books and taught himself to speak several languages. ‫أخذ يقرأ الكتب ويعلم نفسة أن يتحدث لغات متعددة‬ 12-How did Gulliver's life change after he got a new job on The Antelope ship? ‫كي ف تغيرت حياة جليفر بعد ما حصل علي وظيفة جديدة علي سفينة النتيلوب ؟‬ He was shipwrecked and landed on lilliput island  ‫قد تحطمت سفينته وهبط علي جزيرة القزام‬ 13 How was Gulliver shipwrecked ‫ تحطمت سفينته‬during his voyage on The Antelope? ‫كي ف تحطمت سفينة جليفر ؟‬ *It was hit by a violent storm ‫قد صدمتها عاصفة عنيفة‬ 14=How was Gulliver when he first reached Lilliput? What did he do then? ‫كي ف كان حال جليفر عندما وصل جزيرة القزام ؟ وماذا فعل حينذاك ؟‬


*He was cold, wet and exhausted . He slept down on some soft grass ‫كان مبتلل ومجهد وقد نام علي بعض من الحشائش الناعمة‬ 15=Why was it impossible for Gulliver to stand up when he woke up on Lilliput? ‫لماذا استحال علي جليفر أن يق ف عندما استيقظ علي جزيرة القزام ؟‬ * Because the people of Lillipot tied him to the ground 16-What did the thing that climbed onto Gulliver's body turn out to be? What height was that creature? ‫ما هو الشيء الذي تسلفق علي جسد جليفر ؟ وكم كان طولة ؟‬ * A human. He was only about fifteen centimetres tall. ‫ سنتي متر‬15 ‫رجل كان طوله فقط‬ 17-What did the little men do on hearing Gulliver's voice for the first time? ‫ماذا فعل القزام عندما سمعوا صوت جليفر لول مرة ؟‬ *They moved away from him. ‫تحركوا بعيدال عنه‬ 18-What did the little men do when the ropes broke and Gulliver moved his left arm? ‫ماذا فعل القزام عندما تقطعت الحبال وحرك جليفر زراعة اليسري ؟‬ *They shot hundreds of arrows at Gulliver. ‫أطلقوا مئات الرماع علي جليفر‬ 19-What arms did the little men use against Gulliver? Why did they use these arms against him? ‫ما السلحة التي استخدما القزام ضد جليفر ؟ ولما استخدموا هذا السلحة ؟‬ *They used bows and arrows. because the ropes broke and Gulliver could move his left arm. ‫قد استخدموا القواس والسهام ن الحبال التيكانت تربط جليفر تمزقت واستطاع جليفر أن يحرك زراعة اليسر‬ 20-Why did Gulliver feel nothing at first when the little men shot arrows at him? ‫لماذا لم يشعر جليفر بشيء عندما أطلق علية القزام الرماح أول مرة ؟‬ *Because he was wearing thick clothes. ‫لنه كان يرتدي ملبس ثقيلة‬ 21-Why did Gulliver decide not to move and to after being hit with the arrows? ‫لماذا قرر جليفر أل يتحرك بعدما أطلق عليه القزام الرماح ؟‬ * To make them stop shooting him with arrows ‫حتي يجعلهم يتوقفوا عن رمي السهام‬  22-Why did the little men become quiet and stopped shooting arrows at Gulliver? ‫لماذا هدأ القزام وتوقفوا عند رماية جليفر بالرماح ؟‬ *Because Gulliver stopped trying to escape ‫لن جليفر توقف عن محاولة الهرب‬ 23-Why did the little men cut wood next to Gulliver? ‫لماذا كان القزام يقطعون الخشب بجوار جليفر ؟‬ *Because they were building a wooden platform to stand on and talk to him. ‫لنهم كانوا يبنوا رصيف من الخشب كي يقفوا عليه ويكلموا جليفر‬ 24-What did Gulliver guess from the expressions and intonation of the important-looking man? ‫ماذا خمن‬ ‫جليفر من تعبيرات وطريقة كلم الرجل ذو المظهر الهام ؟‬ *That the man spoke with a mixture of threats and promises. ‫أن ذلك الرجل يتحدث بمزيج من التهديدات والتعهدات‬ 25-Why couldn't Gulliver and the important-looking man understand each other? ‫لماذا لم يستطع جليفر والرجل ذو المظهر الهام أن يتفاهموا معا ا ؟‬ *Because each one of them spoke in a different language. ‫لن كلل منهم يتحدث بلغة مختلفة‬ 26-How did the important man understand that Gulliver was hungry and thirsty? ‫كي ف فهم الرجل ذو الشان أن جليفر كان جائعا ا وظمئانا ا ؟‬ .Gulliver pointed to his mouth to show him that he was hungry and thirsty ‫أشار جليفر الي فمه ليبين لهم أنه جائع‬ 27-How were the little people (Lilliputians) generous ‫ كرماء‬ones? ‫وضح كي ف كان القزام كرماء ؟‬


*They brought baskets of food and water for Gulliver to eat and drink. ‫احضروا سلت الطعام والمياه ليطعموا جليفر ويسقوه‬ 28-How could the little people feed Gulliver while he was tied to the ground? ‫كي ف أطعم الرجال جليفر وهو مربوط علي الرض ؟‬ *They used ladders to his mouth ‫استخدموا السللم ليصلوا لفمه‬ 29-What surprised the little people when Gulliver drank and ate? ‫ماذا أدهش القزام عندما شرب جليفر وأكل ؟‬ *How much he drank and ate! ‫تعجبوا من قدر ما أكل وشرب‬ 30-What made ‫ ما الذي جعل‬Gulliver feel that the little people trusted him? Why could he trust them, too? ‫لماذا شعر جليفر أن القزام بدأوا يثقون به وهو بدأ يثق بهم ؟‬ *Because they offered him food and drink. when he was satiated. ‫ عندما شعر بالشبع‬. ‫لنهم قدموا الطعام والشراب‬ 31-How did Gulliver understand that the other important man was the King of Lilliput? (How could he recognize ‫ تعر ف على‬their King?) ‫كي ف تعر ف جليفر علي الملك‬ *The other men bowed to him ‫كان ينحني له باقي الناس‬ 32-How could Gulliver and the King of Lilliput communicate with each other at first? ‫كي ف استطاع جليفر وملك القزام يتفاهموا معا ا ؟‬ * Using signs with their hands. ‫مستخدمين الشارات بأيدهم‬ 33-What was the request ‫ الطلب‬Gulliver made which the King of Lilliput refused? ‫ما الشيء الذي طلبه جليفر ورفضه ملك القزام ؟‬ .To set him free * ‫أن يطلقوا سراحه‬ 34-Why did hundreds of tiny people pick Gulliver up and put him on a strange machine that had many wheels? ‫لماذا تجمع مئات القزام ووضعوا جليفر علي أله غريبة لها عجل كثير ؟‬ *To take him to the capital city of their country. ‫أن يأخذوه الي عاصمة البلد‬ 35-Why had the machine that carried Gulliver to the capital city of Lilliput originally ‫ في الساس‬been designed? ‫لما كانت قد صممت اللة التي أخذت جليفر الي العاصمة ؟‬ * to carry heavy trees. ‫مصصمة لحمل الشجار الثقيلة‬ 36-How did the machine that carried Gulliver to the capital city of Lilliput move? ‫كي ف تحركت اللة التي نقل ت جليفر لي العاصمة ؟‬ * by a team of horses ‫بمجموعة من الخيول‬ 37-How did the little people of Lilliput cure the cuts on Gulliver's hand? Or: Show that there were clever doctors among the tiny people of Lilliput. ‫كي ف عالج القزام الجروح في أيدي جليفر ؟‬ * They poured some medicine on the cuts and gulliver soon felt better ‫صبوا بعض الدوية علي الجروح وفي الحال شعر جليفر بتحسن‬ 38-Why did Gulliver sleep on the machine for most of the journey to the capital city of Lilliput? ‫لماذا نام جليفر معظم رحلته الي عاصمة القزام ؟‬ Or: What did the people of Lilliput do to Gulliver to keep him quiet while taking him to the capital city of Lilliput? *They put some medicine in Gulliver's food that made him sleepy. ‫وضعوا أدوية في طعام جليفر جعلتع ينام‬ 29-Why did Gulliver wake up although they had put some medicine in his food that made him sleepy? ‫لماذا استيقظ جليفر بالرفم ان القزام وضعول له منوم في طعامه ؟‬ *Because one of the soldiers put a pole up his nose ‫لن أحد الجنود وضع عصا في أنف جليفر‬ 40-What happened when one of the soldiers decided to put a pole up Gulliver's nose while he was asleep? ‫ماذا حدث عندما حاول أحد الجنود أن يضع عصا في ان ف جليفر ؟‬


*Gulliver woke up and sneezed ‫استيقظ جليفر وأخذ يعطس‬ 41-Where did the King of Lilliput decide that Gulliver should stay? ‫أين قرر ملك القزام في أن يقيم جليفر ؟‬ * in the largest building in Lilliput. ‫في اعلي بيت في المدينة‬ 42-What did the King of Lilliput ask his men to do to prevent Gulliver from escaping from his new home? ‫ماذا طلب ملك القزام من رجالة كي يمنعوا جليفر من الهرب ؟‬ * to fasten Gulliver's legs by metal chains. ‫أن يربطوا أرجل جليفر بالسلسل المعدنية‬ 43-Why did the King of Lilliput go to the tower opposite Gulliver's new home? ‫لماذا تسلق ملك القزام الي البرج المقابل لبيت جليفر الجديد ؟‬ *To watch Gulliver without being seen by him. ‫أن يراقبوا جليفر من دون أن يراهم‬ 44-Why did hundreds of people from the capital city of Lilliput come out of ‫ خرجوا من‬the gates? *To see Gulliver lying on the strange machine next to his new home. 45-What did the King of Lilliput say it was not allowed for the people to do? ‫ماذا منع ملك القزام شعبه من ؟‬ *Not to use ladders to climb up on Gulliver's body. ‫أل يستخدموا السللم في ان يتسلقوا جسم جليفر‬ 46-What did the soldiers do when they realised Gulliver could not escape with his legs chained to the gates? ‫ماذا فعل الجنود عندما عرفوا أن جليفر ل يستطيع الهرب ورجليه مربوطة بسلسل في البوابات ؟‬ *They cut the ropes that fastened Gulliver to the machine. ‫قطعوا الحبال التي تربط جليفر باللة‬ 47-Describe the pretty scene that Gulliver saw when he looked at the land around the capital city of Lilliput. ‫ص ف المنظر الذي رأه جليفر عندما نظر الي الرض المحيطة بعاصمة القزام ؟‬ * There were lots of fields , woods and small gardens ‫كان هناك كثير من الحقول والغابات والحدائق الصغيرة‬ 48-How did the little people bring Gulliver's breakfast to him? How much did he have for his breakfast? ‫كي ف أحضر القزام فطار جليفر ؟ وكم الكمية التي تناولها ؟‬ *They used vehicles to carry food and drink. He used twenty of them ] ‫ قد استخدم عشرون منهم‬. ‫استخدموا العربات ليحملوا الطعام والشراب‬ 49-To what extent ‫ لي مدى‬did Gulliver like the breakfast he was offered? ‫الي مدي أعجب جليفر بفطار الذي قدموه له ؟‬ *He liked his breakfast so much because it tasted nice ‫قد أعجب بالفطار كثيرال لن مزاقه جميل‬ 50-How old was the King of Lilliput? What did he look like? ‫كم كان عمر ملك القزام ؟ وكي ف تصفه ؟‬ *He was about 28 years old with strong arms and a handsome face. ‫ عاما ل ذو أزرع قوية ووجه وسيم‬28 ‫كان عمره‬ 51-What languages did Gulliver know? Were they useful to him when he was on Lilliput? Why / Why not? ‫ما اللغات التي يعرفها جليفر ؟ وهل استفاد منها في جزيرة القزام ؟‬ *Gulliver knew French, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic. They were not useful there because the people of Lilliput didn't speak them ‫كان يعرف جليفر الفرنسية والسبانية والصينية والعربية وكل هذه اللغات لم تكن ذالتفائدة لن القزام ل يعرفونها‬ 52-What did the braver people of Lilliput try to do? Who stopped them? ‫ماذا فعل الشجعان من جزيرة القزام ومن منعهم من ذلك ؟‬ *to climb on Gulliver's body, but the guards stopped them. ‫بدأوا يتسلقوا جسم جليفر ولكن الحراس منعوهم‬


53-Why did the guards arrest six men? What did they do to punish them? ‫لماذا قبض الحراس علي الست رجال ؟ ماذا فعلوا ليعاقبوهم ؟‬ . Because they shot arrows at Gulliver. They tied their hands and pushed them towards Gulliver * ‫ربطوا أيدهم ودفعوهم تجاه جليفر‬. ‫ لنهم أطلقوا عليه السهام‬ 54-What did Gulliver do to the six men who shot arrows at him? ‫ماذا فعل جليفر مع الست رجال الذي رموه بالسهام ؟‬ *He picked them up , put five of them in his pocket and moved the knife towards the sixth one ‫قد أمسكهم ووضع خمسة منهم في جيبة وحرك السكين تجاه السادس منهم‬ 55-Why did the little man as well as the guards look horrified when Gulliver moved the knife ? ‫لماذا شعر الرجل الصغير والحراس بالرعب عندما حرك جليفر السكين ؟‬ *They thought Gulliver was going to eat him. ‫أعتقدوا أن جليفر سوف ياكلهم‬ Quotations with Model Answers

1-"There's little work for a surgeon in London." (A)Who said this? To whom?

Gulliver, to his wife, Mary. (B)What did the speaker decide to do as a result of not finding work in London?  He decided to find work on a ship. (C)What was the addressed person's reply to these words?  She said that Gulliver could go so that he could earn enough to live well.

2-"I don't want you to go."

(A)Who said this? To whom?  Mary Burton, to Gulliver. (B)Where would the addressed person go? Why would that person go there.  He would go on board a ship. To work there. (C)Did the speaker change his / her mind? ‫ رأيها‬Why / Why not?  Yes, she changed her mind because she wanted Gulliver to earn enough to live well.

3-"We're going to sink! Get into the lifeboats!"

(A)Who said these words? To whom?  The captain of The Antelope ship, to his crew. (B)Why were these people going to sink?  Because the ship was hit by a violent storm. (C)Who climbed into a lifeboat then? What happened to them?  Gulliver and five other sailors. Gulliver swam to an island. Perhaps the five sailors were all dead.

4-"Who are you and what are you doing to me?"

(A)Who said this? To whom?  Gulliver, to the little men of Lilliput. (B)What was strange about the addressed person(s)?  They were tiny people, only about fifteen centimetres tall. (C)What did the addressed person(s) do on hearing the speaker's voice?  The little men moved away from him.

5-"Will you please stop that?”

(A)Who said this? To whom?  Gulliver, to the little men of Lilliput. (B)Why was the speaker angry then?  Because the little men shot so many arrows at him that it hurt.


(C)Why did the addressed persons do so? ‫فعلوا ذلك‬  Because Gulliver broke some of the ropes and could move his left arm.

6-"Sir, my name's Lemuel Gulliver and my ship's been lost in a storm."

(A)Who was Gulliver addressing? ‫يخاطب‬  The man in important-looking clothes. (B)Where was the addressed person standing then? Why?  He was standing on a wooden platform. Because he was a tiny man, only about fifteen centimetres tall. (C)Did the addressed person understand the speaker's words? Why / Why not?  No. Because those people didn't speak English. They spoke a strange language.

7-"You don't need to tie me up, I won't hurt anyone."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?  Gulliver, to the important man. (B)Why was the speaker tied up?  Because the little people were afraid of him as he was, to them, a giant. (C)Why didn't the addressed person have the authority ‫سلطة‬ ‫ ال س‬to untie that person?  Because he wasn't the king.

8-"I'm pleased to meet you, sir, but please, can you set me free?"

(A)Who said these words? To whom?  Gulliver, to the King of Lilliput. (B)What had happened to the speaker that made him ask to be set free?  He was tied up by thin ropes around his body and neck. (C)How could the speaker and the addressed person communicate as a result of not speaking the same language?  They communicated using signs with their hands.


"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but I cannot understand what you're saying to me." (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Gulliver, to the King of Lilliput. (B)Why couldn't the speaker understand what the other person was saying?  Because the King spoke in a strange language. (C)What languages did the speaker use in vain? ‫بل جدوى‬  Gulliver used French, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic.


"That's not funny! Stop it at once!" (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Gulliver, to the six little men. (B)What was the speaker complaining of? ‫يشكو من‬  The six little men shot arrows at Gulliver and one arrow nearly hit his eye. (C)Why did the addressed persons stop doing that thing soon?  Because the guards arrested them.


"So, why are you shooting at me?" (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Gulliver, to the six little men. (B)What did the addressed persons shoot at the speaker?  They shot arrows at him. (C)How did the addressed persons pay the penalty ‫ نالوا جزاءهم‬for what they did?


The guards arrested them, tied their hands together and pushed them towards Gulliver to punish them.


"You five can wait here, in my pocket." (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Gulliver, to five of the six little men. (B)How could five persons be put in the speaker's pocket?  They were tiny people, each one was only about 15 centimetres tall. (C)What mistake did these five persons do that made the speaker put them in his pocket?  They shot arrows at Gulliver.


"You're so small and so very weak." (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Gulliver, to one of the six little men. (B)How small was that person?  He was only about 15 centimetres tall. (C)What was the speaker going to do to that person?  He was going to cut the strings that had tied the man's hands together and then set him free.


"You think I'm going to eat you, don't you?" (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Gulliver, to one of the six little men. (B)Why did the addressed person think that the speaker would eat him?  He thought that Gulliver would punish him for shooting arrows at him. (C)What did the speaker really intend ‫ ينوي‬to do?  He intended to cut the strings that had tied the man's hands together and then set him free. Exercises Find the mistakes and correct the sentences 1 - Gulliver worked as a dentist on the ship. 2 - Gulliver was married with a woman called Mary. 3 - All the crew drowned as well as Gulliver. 4 - When he got up , Gulliver found himself tied to the tree. 5 - The thing that climbed Gulliver's body was 15 meters tall. 6 - Gulliver communicated with the king in English. 7 - One of the advisors put a pole in Gulliver's nose. 8 - Gulliver put 6 people in his pocket.] 9 - Gulliver picked up a scythes and moved it towards the man. 10 - The people built a pavement to help the man to talk to Gulliver . 11 - Six people tried to shoot Gulliver with guns. 12 - The machine was pulled by donkeys. 13 - Gulliver's mother gave him this name. 14 - After University , Gulliver became apprentice to a dentist.

Chapter 2 13

Chapter 2 2. I held the little man who shot arrows at me and felt his five friends moving in my pocket. I took the knife and moved it towards the man in my hand. He looked very frightened. But his fright turned to surprise when I used the knife to cut the strings that had tied his hands together. "Off you go," I said to him as I put him down on the ground. "Your King wants to keep me tied up, but I don't mind if you're free." Then I took his friends from my pocket and put them down next to the first man. "You can all go, too," I told them, and I laughed when they all quickly ran away, shouting loudly. ‫ أخذ س‬.‫ت بأصدقائه في جيبي‬ ‫ت بالرجل الصغير الذي أطلق السهام علدي وشعر س‬ ‫ أمسك س‬ ‫ كان‬.‫ت السكين وحركتها باتجاه الرجل الذي في يدي‬ ‫ وقل س‬.‫ت السكين في قطع الخيوط التي كانت توثق يديه ببعضها‬ ‫الذعر يبدو عليه ولكن ذعر الرجل تحول إلى دهشة عندما استخدم س‬ ‫ت له‬ ,‫" وبعد ذلك‬.‫ ملكك يريد أن يجعلني أظل مقيدا ولكنني ل أمانع في اطلق سراحك‬.‫ "انصر ف مبتعدا عن هنا‬,‫وأنا أضعه على الرض‬ ‫" ثم ضحك س‬.‫ "يمكنكم جميعا أن تذهبوا أيضا‬,‫ت لهم‬ ‫أخذت أصدقاءه من جيبي ووضعتهم بأسفل بجوار الرجل الول وقل س‬ ‫ت عندما لذوا‬ .‫جميعا بالفرار مسرعين وهم يصيحون بصوت عالل‬ 3. I later found out that the guards had told the King about my kindness to the people who had tried to hurt me, and I think this helped my situation. The King decided to make me a bed. He asked workmen to fit together 600 of their beds to make one which I could sleep on, and my nights became more comfortable. ‫ اكتشف س‬ ‫ فقرر الملك أن‬.‫ وأعتقد أن ذلك ددعم موقفي‬,‫ت فيما بعد أن الحراس أخبروا الملك عن رأفتي بالشخاص الذين حاولوا إيذائي‬ ‫ وأصبحت الليالي أكثر‬,‫ أمر العمال أن يقوموا بتثبيت ستمائة من أسدرتهم معا لكي يصنعوا سريرا أستطيع أن أنام عليه‬.‫يصنع لي سريرا‬ .‫راحة بالنسبة لي‬ 4. During the next few weeks, people came from all over the land to see me. The King became worried because some of the villages were now so empty that there were not enough people to work in the fields. So he made a new law saying that no one could see me without a licence, which people had to pay for. ‫ وأصبح الملك قلقا لن بعض القرى أصبحت خاوية لدرجة أنه‬.‫ جاء الناس من كل أنحاء الجزيرة لرؤيتي‬,‫ خلل السابيع القليلة التالية‬ ‫سدن الملك قانونا جديدا يقول أنه ل يستطيع أحد رؤيتي بدون الحصول على‬ ‫لم يعد هناك عدد كا ل‬ ‫ لذلك س‬.‫ ف من الشخاص للعمل في الحقول‬ .‫رخصة بذلك وكان يتم الحصول على هذه الرخصة بمقابل مادي‬ 5. I later discovered that the King had other worries about me. He had many meetings with his advisers to ask them what would happen if I escaped. The advisers were also worried because I needed so much food and drink and they were not sure if they could afford to keep me. As a result, it was decided that all the people living near the city should supply sixty cows, forty sheep, bread and fruit every morning to help feed me. The King said that another six hundred people would be paid to look after me and that they could live in tents close to my home. Another three hundred people would be employed to make my clothes, and six of the King's best advisers would become my teachers, helping me to learn their language.


‫‪ ‬اكتشف س‬ ‫ت فيما بعد أن الملك كانت لديه مخاو ف أخرى تتعلق بي‪ .‬فقد عقد اجتماعات كثيرة مع مستشاريه ليسألهم عما سيحدث في حالة‬ ‫هروبي‪ .‬كان المستشارون قلقين أيضا لنني كنت أحتاج إلى كمية كبيرة من الطعام والشراب ولم يكونوا متأكدين إذا كانت لديهم القدرة‬ ‫المادية على إبقائي هناك‪ .‬ونتيجة لذلك‪ ,‬تقرر أنه يجب على جميع الشخاص الذين يسكنون بجوار المدينة أن يوفروا عدد ستين بقرة‬ ‫وأربعين خروفا وخبزا وفاكهة كل صباح للمساهمة في إطعامي‪ .‬وقال الملك أنه سيتم دفع أجور لعدد ستمائة شخص آخرين ليتولوا‬ ‫رعايتي‪ ,‬وأنهم سيعيشون في خيام قريبة من مسكني‪ .‬كما سيتم تعيين ثلثمائة شخص آخرين لصناعة ملبسي‪ ,‬وهناك ستة من أفضل‬ ‫مستشاري الملك سيصبحون معلمين لي ليساعدونني على تعلم لغتهم‪.‬‬ ‫‪6. I have always been good with languages, and within about three weeks, I had already begun to‬‬ ‫‪speak their language quite well. The King often visited me and was pleased to talk to me and to help‬‬ ‫‪me learn more. When I realised that the King could understand me, I was very pleased to talk to him‬‬ ‫‪and tell him my thoughts.‬‬ ‫‪"Your Highness, you know that I won't hurt your people, so please, can you set me free?" I asked him‬‬ ‫‪one day outside my home.‬‬ ‫‪"I can see that you're not a violent man, but this will take time and you need to be patient. First of all,‬‬ ‫‪you must allow two of my soldiers to search your clothes for any weapons that could be a danger to‬‬ ‫"‪us.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬لقد كنت دائما جيدا فيما يختص باللغات وفي غضون ما يقرب من ثلثة أسابيع بدأ س‬ ‫ت بالفعل في التحدث بلغتهم بشكل جيد تماما‪ .‬كان‬ ‫الملك يزورني كثيرا وكان سعيدا بالتحدث معي ومساعدتي على التعلم أكثر‪ .‬عندما أدركت أن الملك يستطيع أن يفهمني‪ ,‬كنت سعيدا جدا‬ ‫بالتحدث إليه والتعبير له عن أفكاري‪ .‬سألته في أحد اليام خارج مسكني قائل‪" ,‬يا صاحب السمو‪ ,‬أنت تعر ف أنني لن أؤذي شعبك‪ ,‬لذلك‬ ‫أرجوك هل تسمح بإطلق سراحي؟" فأجاب قائل‪" ,‬أنا أرى أنك لست رجل عنيفا‪ ,‬ولكن هذا المر سو ف يستغرق بعض الوقت وعليك أن‬ ‫تكون صبورا‪ .‬أول‪ ,‬يجب أن تسمح لثنين من جنودي بأن يقوموا بتفتيش ملبسك للبحث عن أي أسلحة التي قد تمدثل خطرا علينا‪".‬‬ ‫‪7. "I'm happy to be searched," I told him. "Good," continued the King. "Whatever we find in your‬‬ ‫‪pockets, we'll keep, but I promise we'll return your things to you when you leave our country, or we'll‬‬ ‫‪pay for whatever we do not return." "Very well," I said.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬قل س‬ ‫ت له‪" ,‬يسعدني أن تقوموا بتفتيشي‪ ".‬فاستمر في كلمه قائل‪" ,‬حسنا‪ .‬مهما كانت الشياء التي في جيوبك سو ف نحتفظ بها‪ ,‬ولكني‬ ‫أعدك أننا سو ف نرد هذه الشياء لك عندما تغادر بلدنا‪ ,‬أو سنقوم بدفع ثمن أي شيئ لن نرده إليك‪ ".‬فقلت له‪" ,‬حسنا جدا‪".‬‬ ‫‪8. The King then called over two of his soldiers and asked them to search me. I picked them up and‬‬ ‫‪put them first in my coat pockets and then in my other pockets. The soldiers noted down everything‬‬ ‫‪they saw: a handkerchief, a letter to my wife, a comb, a watch, a wallet, two guns and my sword. These‬‬ ‫‪were ordinary things that any traveller could carry, but to these little men they seemed amazing.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬استدعى الملك اثنين من جنوده وطلب منهم أن يقوموا بتفتيشي‪ .‬سرفع س‬ ‫ت الجنديين ووضعتهما أول في جيوب معطفي وبعد ذلك في‬ ‫جيوبي الخرى‪ .‬قام الجنديان بتدوين كل شيئ يرونه‪ :‬منديل وخطاب إلى زوجتي ومشط للشعر وساعة ومحفظة ومسدسين والسي ف‪.‬‬ ‫هذه الشياء عادية ومن الممكن أن يحملها أي مسافر‪ ,‬ولكن بالنسبة لهؤلء الرجال الصغار كانت تبدو أشياءا مذهلة‪.‬‬ ‫‪9. They showed the list to the King. He seemed pleased, although he did not realise that the soldiers‬‬ ‫‪had not found a pair of glasses and some other things that I had kept in a secret pocket. When the King‬‬ ‫‪read that I had a sword and some guns, he asked me to show them to him. However, as soon as I picked‬‬ ‫‪up my sword, the King's men were shocked by its size and cried out in surprise.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬قام الجنديان بعرض القائمة على الملك الذي بدا سعيدا بالرغم أنه لم يلحظ أنهما لم يعثرا على نظارة وبعض الشياء الخرى التي‬ ‫كنت أحتفظ بها في أحد الجيوب السرية‪ .‬عندما قرأ الملك أنه كان معي سيفا وبعض المسدسات طلب مني أن أريه إياها‪ .‬ورغم ذلك‪,‬‬ ‫بمجرد أن التقط س‬ ‫صدم رجال الملك من حجمه وصرخوا في دهشة‪.‬‬ ‫ت سيفي‪ ,‬س‬ ‫"‪10. "Your sword looks extremely dangerous," said the King bravely. "Please put it down on the ground.‬‬ ‫‪This I did, before I showed him my two guns.‬‬ ‫‪"What are these strange things?" he asked. "I'll show you, but please, don't be worried," I said. "They'll‬‬ ‫"‪make a very loud noise.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬قال الملك بشجاعة "إن سيفك يبدو خطيرا للغاية‪ ,‬من فضلك ضعه على الرض‪ ".‬وفعلت ذلك قبل أن أظهر له المسدسين‪ .‬فسألني‬ ‫قائل‪" ,‬ما هذه الشياء الغريبة؟" فقلت له‪" ,‬سو ف أبدين لك‪ ,‬ولكن أرجو أل تقلق‪ ,‬فهما سيصدران صوتا مزعجا وعاليا جدا‪".‬‬ ‫‪11. I fired both guns into the air. The noise made his soldiers fall onto the ground in fear, and even the‬‬ ‫‪brave King looked very nervous. I then put the guns on the ground next to my sword. "Here are my‬‬ ‫‪guns, but please be very careful with them." Finally I showed him my watch, which puzzled the King‬‬ ‫‪greatly. "What's this strange machine for," he asked, "and why does it make that continuous noise?" I‬‬


tried to explain that it was used to measure time. The King asked his soldiers to take these things back to his palace where his experts could examine them. ‫ أطلق س‬ .‫ وحتى الملك الشجاع بدا متوترا جدا‬.‫ي جعل جنود الملك يسقطون على الرض من الخو ف‬ ‫ الدو د‬.‫ت كل المسدسين في الهواء‬ ‫وضع س‬ ‫" وأخيرا‬.‫ ولكن أرجو أن تكون في غاية الحذر منها‬,‫ "ها هي مسدساتي‬,‫ت المسدسين حينئذ على الرض بجوار سيفي وقلت للملك‬ ‫ "ما الغرض من هذه اللة الغريبة ولماذا تسبب هذا الضجيج المتواصل؟" حاول س‬,‫ والتي سببت له حيرة كبيرة وسألني‬,‫أريته ساعتي‬ ‫ت أن‬ ‫ طلب الملك من جنوده أن يأخذوا هذه الشياء إلى قصره حيث يستطيع خبراؤه أن يقوموا بفحصها‬.‫أشرح له أنها تستخدم لقياس الزمن‬ .‫هناك‬ 12. The King's people now understood that I was not a dangerous person and those who came to see me were no longer afraid of me. Sometimes I lay down and let five or six people climb up to dance in my hand. Children played games around me too. ‫ كنت أحيانا أستلقي على‬.‫ كما لم يسعد الشخاص الذين يأتون لرؤيتي خائفين مني‬,‫ الن أدرك رجال الملك أنني شخص ل أمدثل خطورة‬ .‫ كما كان الطفال يلعبون ألعابهم من حولي أيضا‬.‫الرض وأسمح لخمسة أو ستة أشخاص أن يتسلقوا لعلى ليرقصوا على يدي‬ 13. I began to hope that soon I would be set free and did everything I could to please the King. This seemed to be successful, as the King soon invited me to some important events. First, I was invited to watch some of the country's best athletes. Two men held the ends of a long pole and the athletes took turns to jump over the pole. After each successful jump, the pole was raised higher and higher. The person who jumped the highest was given a blue coloured ribbon by the King, the person who was second got a red ribbon, and the person who was third got a green ribbon. The winners were very proud of these ribbons and I sometimes saw the athletes wearing them pinned to their ordinary clothes as they walked around the city. ‫ حيث قام‬,‫ وبدا أن جهودي قد كللت بالنجاح‬.‫ وبذلت كل ما في وسعي لرضاء الملك‬,‫ بدأ يحدوني المل أن يتم اطلق سراحي قريبا‬ ‫ وق ف رجلن يمسكان‬.‫ في البداية سدعيت لمشاهدة بعض من أفضل الرياضيين بالدولة‬.‫الملك بدعوتي لحضور بعض المناسبات المهمة‬ .‫ بعد كل قفزة ناجحة يتم رفع العصا إلى موضع أعلى وأعلى‬.‫بطرفي عصا طويلة ويقوم الرياضيون بالقفز من فوق العصا بالتناوب‬ ‫ وكان يحصل صاحب المركز الثاني على شريط أحمر‬,‫وكان الملك يمنح الشخص الذي يسجل أعلى قفزة شريطا ملونا أزرق اللون‬ ‫ كان الفائزون فخورين جدا بهذه الشرطة وكنت أرى أحيانا أن الرياضيون يرتدونها‬.‫ويحصل صاحب المركز الثالث على شريط أخضر‬ .‫مثبتة بدبوس في ملبسهم العادية أثناء سيرهم حول المدينة‬ 14. When I stood up, the King said my legs were taller than the highest gate in the city. So on another day, he ordered three thousand of his soldiers to ride their horses in a line between my legs while I stood without moving, to show me how big his army was. Then the King wanted his soldiers to show me what expert riders they were, too. He asked me to hold out my arm a few centimetres from the ground, and the soldiers took it in turn to jump over it. The people watching loved this and everyone clapped. ‫ عندما وقف س‬ ‫ أعطى أوامره بأن ثلثمائة من جنوده‬,‫ في يوم آخر‬,‫ لذلك‬.‫ قال الملك أن ساقدي كانتا أطول من أعلى بوابة في المدينة‬,‫ت‬ ‫ بعد ذلك أراد الملك‬.‫ لكي سيظهر لي مدى حجم جيشه‬,‫يمتطون خيولهم ويسيرون في صفو ف من بين ساقدي بينما أكون أنا واقفا بل حركة‬ ‫ فطلب مني أن أمد يدي بارتفاع سنتيمترات قليلة عن الرض ثم يتناوب‬.‫من جنوده أن يظهروا لي كم كانوا خبراء في ركوب الخيل أيضا‬ .‫ الناس المشاهدون أعجبوا بهذا وصفق الجميع‬.‫الجنود القفز من فوقها‬ 15. I had now asked the King almost every day if I could be unchained. However, the King had one adviser called Skyresh Bolgolam who neither liked nor trusted me and did all he could to stop me from being free. ‫ كان هناك مستشارا للملك سيدعى‬,‫ ومع ذلك‬.‫ كنت الن قد سألت الملك تقريبا بشكل يومي إذا كان من الممكن أن يتم فك قيودي‬ .‫سكايريش بولجولم الذي لم يكن يحبني ول يثق في كذلك وفعل كل ما في استطاعته لكي يمنع إطلق سراحي‬ 16. When the King's other advisers suggested that my freedom was possible, Skyresh Bolgolam only agreed if I made a number of promises. These promises he read out to me in an important voice: "You must promise not to enter the city unless you are asked, and if you do enter, we must warn the people that you are coming for their safety. You must promise not to step on any of the people of Lilliput and pick them up without their permission. You must walk along roads and not lie down in any fields in case you damage our crops. You must agree not to leave the country without a licence. Finally, you must promise to fight for the King if there is ever a war with Blefuscu, the country next to ours." ‫ عندما اقترح مستشارو الملك الخرون أن حصولي على حريتي كان ممكنا وافق سكايريش بولجولم فقط في حالة أن أقطع عددا من‬ ‫ وإذا دخلت بالفعل‬,‫ "يجب أن تعد أل تدخل المدينة إل إذا سطلب منك ذلك‬:‫ وقام بقراءة هذه الوعود علدي بصوت مهيب‬.‫الوعود على نفسي‬


‫ ويجب أن تعد أل تطأ بقدميك على أي من شعب ليليبوت وكذلك ل تلتقط أي منهم‬.‫يجب أن نحذر الناس أنك قادم وذلك من أجل سلمتهم‬ ‫ يجب أن توافق أل تغادر البلد‬.‫ يجب عليك أن تسير بطول الطرق وأل تستلقي في أي حقل خشية أن تدمر محاصيلنا‬.‫بدون إذن منهم‬ ,‫ وأخيرا يجب أن تعد بأن تقاتل دفاعا عن الملك إذا ما نشبت حربا في أي وقت مع الدولة المجاورة لبلدنا‬.‫بدون الحصول على إذن‬ ".‫بليفوسكو‬ 17. I agreed to all of this happily and the chains around my legs were finally unlocked. I was free at last. When I next saw the King, I bowed down to him. "Your Highness, I want to thank you for removing my chains," I said. "You're welcome," replied the King. "I'm sure you'll be a useful servant to me and prove that I've been right to feed you and give you clothes." "I promise I will do my best to please you," I said, "but perhaps you can also do something for me. Can I visit your great capital city, Mildendo?" "Yes, I can allow this," said the King, "but you must be very careful not to damage any of the buildings or hurt any of the people." ,‫ عندما رأيت الملك بعد ذلك انحنيت له وقلت‬.‫ أخيرا أصبحت سحدرا‬.‫ وتم أخيرا فك الغلل التي حول ساقدي‬,‫ وافقت على كل ذلك بترحاب‬ ‫ أنا متأكد أنك ستكون خادما مفيدا لي وأنك ستثبت أنني‬.‫ "نحن نرحب بك‬,‫" فقال لي‬.‫ أريد أن أشكرك على فك قيودي‬,‫"يا صاحب السمو‬ ‫ ولكن لي أطلب منك أن‬,‫ "أعدك أنني سو ف أبذل قصارى جهدي لسعادك‬,‫" فقلت له‬.‫كنت على صواب أن أطعمك وأن أقدم لك الملبس‬ ‫ ولكن يجب‬,‫ "نعم أستطيع أن أسمح بذلك‬,‫ هل تسمح لي بزيارة عاصمتكم العظيمة مدينة ميلديندو؟" فقال الملك‬.‫تفعل شيئا آخر من أجلي‬ ".‫أن تكون حذرا جدا حتى ل تددمر أيا من المباني أو تؤذي أيا من الناس‬ 18. After I had agreed to his demands, the King asked his men to put up a notice warning the people about my visit and told them all to stay indoors. I stepped over the western gate into the city and walked slowly down the main city street. I needed to be careful that my coat did not damage the roofs of the small houses, which all had four or five floors. It was a busy crowded city with many shops and little markets and in the centre of the city stood one of its largest buildings, the King's palace. ‫ طلب الملك من رجاله أن يضعوا تنبيها ا يحدذر الناس من زيارتي وأمرهم جميعا بالبقاء في‬,‫ بعد أن وافقت على كل طلبات الملك‬ ‫ كان علدي أن أكون حذراا‬.‫ت ببطء في الشارع الرئيسي للمدينة‬ ‫ت بقدمي من فوق البوابة الغربية إلى داخل المدينة ومشي س‬ ‫ تخطي س‬.‫منازلهم‬ ‫ كانت مدينة تعج بالحياة ومزدحمة‬.‫حتى ل يدمر معطفي أسق ف المنازل الصغيرة التي كانت تتكون جميعها من أربعة أو خمسة طوابق‬ .‫ وفي منتص ف المدينة كان يق ف واحدا من أكبر مبانيها وهو قصر الملك‬,‫وبها الكثير من المتاجر والسواق الصغيرة‬ 19. I stepped over the wall around the palace into a big open square to look at the beautiful building, which stood almost two metres high. The King wanted me to see inside, but I could not climb over the palace walls into a central square without damaging them, and the windows in this part of the palace were too small to see inside. ‫ تخطي س‬ ‫ت السور الذي حوول القصر ودخلت إلى ميدان كبير مفتوح حتى ألقي نظرة على المبنى الجميل الذي كان يق ف على ارتفاع مترين‬ ‫ ولكن كان من الصعب أن أتسلق فوق أسوار القصر إلى داخل ميدان رئيسي بدون أن‬,‫ كان الملك يريدني أن أنظر داخل المبنى‬.‫تقريبا‬ .‫ كما أن النوافذ في هذا الجزء من القصر كانت صغيرة جدا لدرجة أنني ل يمكن أن أرى ما بالداخل‬,‫أحطم هذه السوار‬ 20. So I visited the King's park, which was nearby, and cut down some of the largest trees I could find. I used a knife to make the trees into two wooden stools. These I carried back to the palace. I stood on one of them and passed the other over the roof of the palace. I was now able to step over the palace without damaging any walls, and I was now inside the small central square. Now I could lie down and look inside the larger windows of the palace and see the King's rooms. I was very pleased to see the beautiful furniture and the King's servants at work. The Queen was also there and she waved at me with a smile. ‫ استخدم س‬.‫ وقطعت بعضا من أكبر الشجار التي وجدتها‬,‫ لذلك قمت بزيارة متنزه الملك الذي كان في مكان قريب‬ ‫ت سكينا لصنع من‬ ‫ وقفت على أحدهما ومرر س‬.‫ وحملتهما عائدا إلى القصر‬,‫الشجار كرسيين خشبيين بدون ظهر‬ ‫ كنت الن‬.‫ت الخر من فوق سق ف القصر‬ ‫ استطعت الن أن أستلقي وأنظر داخل‬.‫ وكنت الن بداخل الميدان الرئيسي الصغير‬,‫أستطيع أن أخطو فوق القصر بدون تحطيم أي أسوار‬ ‫ كانت الملكة هناك أيضا‬.‫ كنت مسرورا جدا برؤية الثاث الجميل وخدم الملك وهم يعملون‬.‫النوافذ الكبر حجما وأرى حجرات الملك‬ .‫ولدوحت لي بيدها وهي تبتسم‬ 21. About two weeks later, after I had explored the capital city, I was visited by Reldresal, an important official who worked for the King. "I have something important to tell you," he said. "Very well," I answered. "Would you like me to lie down so you can speak to me easily?" "Perhaps it would be easier if I stand in your hand instead?" he


suggested. So I picked him up and he began to tell me the latest news. "We are all pleased that you are now free, but you must understand that this is only because of the difficult situation in Lilliput," he said. ,‫ وهو مسئول مهم يعمل لدى الملك وقال لي‬,‫ بعد ذلك بأسبوعين تقريبا بعد أن قمت باستكشا ف مدينة العاصمة زارني ريلدريسال‬ ‫ "لعله‬,‫ هل تحب أن أضطجع حتى تتمكن من التحدث معي بسهولة؟" فاقترح قائل‬,‫ "حسنا جدا‬,‫ فقلت‬."‫"عندي شيئ مهم لخبرك به‬ ,‫ "إننا في غاية السعادة لنك الن سحر‬,‫ قال‬.‫يكون من السهل أن أق ف على يديك بدل من ذلك؟" لذلك التقطته وبدأ يقول لي آخر الخبار‬ ".‫ولكنك يجب أن تفهم أن ذلك فقط بسبب الموق ف العصيب الذي تواجهه ليليبوت‬ 22. "You see, there are two problems in our country at this time. The first problem is inside the country," Reldresal explained. "There has been a great argument between the two main political groups. One group, the Tramecksan, believe that people should wear high heels on their shoes because this is the country's tradition. The other group, the Slamecksan, believe that you should wear low heels because this is more modern. The King wants to wear low heels and has told all his men to do the same, although his son the Prince likes to wear high heels." ‫ لقد كان هناك نزاعا كبيرا بين‬.‫ المشكلة الولى داخل الدولة‬.‫ "هناك مشكلتان في بلدنا في الوقت الحالي‬,‫ شرح ريلدريسال قائل‬ ‫ إحدى المجموعتين وهم الترامكسان يعتقدون أنه ينبغي على الناس أن يرتدوا الحذية ذات الكعوب‬.‫المجموعتين السياسيتين الرئيسيتين‬ ‫ أما المجموعة الخرى وهم السلمكسان يعتقدون أنه يجب ارتداء الكعوب المنخفضة لن ذلك أكثر‬.‫العالية لن هذه هي تقاليد الدولة‬ ‫ الملك يريد أن يرتدي الكعوب المنخفضة وأعطى الوامر لجميع رجاله بأن يفعلوا نفس الشيئ على الرغم أن ابنه المير يحب‬.‫حداثة‬ ".‫ارتداء الكعوب العالية‬ 23. "So what has happened?" I asked. "Well, now the two political groups refuse to talk to each other," he said. "There are more people in the Tramecksan group, but the King's group, the Slamecksan, is more powerful." "I see," I said. ‫ سأل س‬ ‫ هناك عدد‬.‫ الن ترفض المجموعتان السياسيتان أن يتحدثا إلى بعضهما البعض‬,‫ "حسنا‬,‫ "إذاا ماذا حدث؟" فقال‬,‫ت ريلدريسال‬ .‫" فقلت له أنني فهمت المر‬.‫ هي القوى‬,‫ السلمكسان‬,‫ ولكن مجموعة الملك‬,‫أكبر من الناس في مجموعة الترامكسان‬ 24. "The other problem's outside the country," Reldresal continued. "The King is worried that Lilliput will be attacked by our enemies from Blefuscu. This island was nearly as large and as powerful as Lilliput, and the countries have been fighting each other for many years." ‫ هذه‬.‫ يخشى الملك أن تتعرض بلده للهجوم من ققبل أعدائنا في بليفوسكو‬.‫ "المشكلة الخرى خارج الدولة‬,‫ استطرد ريلدريسال قائل‬ ".‫ والدولتان حاربتا بعضهما البعض على مدار سنوات طويلة‬,‫الجزيرة تقريبا متساوية في الحجم والقوة مع ليليبوت‬ 25. He then explained how the war began. "The traditional way to break an egg before you eat it in Lilliput is to break it at the larger end. However, the King's grandfather, when he was a boy, cut his finger when opening an egg in this way. So he introduced a law that said that everyone should break their eggs at the smaller end. People who opened an egg at the larger end would be punished. "Of course," I said, thinking to myself that this sounded ridiculous. .‫ "إن الطريقة التقليدية لكسر البيضة قبل أكلها في ليليبوت هي كسرها من الطر ف الكبر للبيضة‬,‫ بعد ذلك شرح لي كي ف بدأت الحرب‬ ‫ لذلك سدن قانونا يقول أن على الجميع أن يكسروا‬.‫ جرح إصبعه أثناء كسر بيضة بهذه الطريقة‬,‫ عندما كان ولدا صغيرا‬,‫ جدد الملك‬,‫ولكن‬ ‫" فقل س‬.‫ والناس الذين سيفتحون البيضة من طرفها الكبر سيتعرضون للعقاب‬,‫البيض من الطر ف الصغر‬ ‫ "بالطبع" ولكني فكرت‬,‫ت له‬ .‫بيني وبين نفسي أن هذا الكلم يبدو مثيرا للسخرية‬ 26. "This law is not at all popular," he continued, "and there were many rebellions because of it. The rebellions were never successful, and the people who took part in them always ran away to Blefuscu, where they were welcomed as friends. Because of this, a war began between the two countries." ,‫ لم تنجح هذه الثورات مطلقا‬.‫ "هذا القانون لم يلق استحسانا شعبيا على الطلق وكانت هناك الكثير من الثورات بسببه‬,‫ استمر قائل‬ ‫ وبسبب ذلك بدأت حربا بين‬.‫وكان الناس الذين يشاركون فيها دائما ما يهربون إلى بليفوسكو حيث يتم الترحيب بهم هناك كأصدقاء‬ ".‫البلدين‬ 27. "Lilliput has lost at least forty ships and around thirty thousand soldiers. Although Blefuscu has lost a similar number of people, it seems likely that they are planning to attack Lilliput any day soon." "That's not good news," I said. "For this reason, the King asked me to tell you about our problem, because he wants you to help us," Reldresal said. "I understand," I said. "Well, I'm certainly ready to help to defend your country from any coming attack." "Good," Reldresal said. "I'm very pleased to hear this. I'll inform the King at once."


‫‪ ‬قال ريلدريسال‪" ,‬فقدت ليليبوت أربعين سفينة على القل وحوالي ثلثين أل ف جندي‪ .‬وبالرغم من أن بليفوسكو خسرت عددا مماثل‬ ‫من الشخاص‪ ,‬إل أنه يبدو محتمل أنهم يخططون للهجوم على ليليبوت في أحد اليام قريبا‪ ".‬فقلت‪" ,‬هذه ليست أخبارا جيدة‪ ".‬فقال‬ ‫ريلدريسال‪" ,‬ولهذا السبب‪ ,‬طلب مني الملك أن أخبرك بمشكلتنا لنه يريد منك مساعدتنا‪ ".‬فقلت له‪" ,‬أنا فهمت المر‪ ,‬وبالتأكيد أنا على‬ ‫استعداد للمساعدة في الدفاع عن بلدكم ضد أي هجوم قادم‪ ".‬فقال ريلدريسال‪" ,‬حسنا‪ ,‬أنا سعيد جدا لسماع ذلك‪ ,‬وسو ف أبلغ الملك به‬ ‫على الفور‪".‬‬ ‫‪28. When he had left, I sat down and thought about what I had promised. Had I done the right thing? I‬‬ ‫‪did not want to hurt anyone, but it seemed the time for fighting was near.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬بعد أن غادر‪ ,‬جلست وفكرت في الوعد الذي أعطيته‪ .‬هل ما فعلته هو الصواب؟ أنا لم أكن أريد أن أؤذي أي شخص‪ ,‬ولكن كان يبدو أن‬ ‫وقت الحرب قد اقترب‪.‬‬ ‫‪Questions with Model Answers‬‬ ‫?‪1. Why did the little man's fright turn to surprise when Gulliver moved the knife towards his hands‬‬ ‫لماذا تحول خو ف القزم الي دهشة عندما حرك جليفر السكبن جول يديه‬ ‫لن جليفر استخدم ‪*Because Gulliver used the knife to cut the ropes round his hands and then let him free‬‬ ‫السكين ليقطع الحبال حول يديه وبعد ذلك أطلق سراحه‬ ‫? ‪2. What was the result of Gulliver's kindness with the little people‬‬ ‫ما نتيجة رحمة جليفر في التعامل مع القزام ؟‬ ‫طلب الملك من العمال أن يركبوا ‪*The King asked the workmen to fix six hundreds bed for Gulliver to sleep‬‬ ‫ستمائة سرير معا ل لجليفر كي ينام عليها‬ ‫لماذا ?‪3. Why did the King become worried when people came from all over the land to see Gulliver‬‬ ‫قلق الملك عندما أتي الناس من جميع أنحاء البلد كي يروا جليفر ؟‬ ‫‪*Because some of the villages became empty and there were not enough people to work in the fields.‬‬ ‫لن بعض القرياصبحت خالي من الناس ولم يكن هناك أحد يعمل فيالحقول‬ ‫‪ the number of people who came from all over the land to see‬يحد من ‪4. What did the King do to limit‬‬ ‫?‪Gulliver‬‬ ‫ماذا فعل الملك ليحد من عدد الناس اللذين ياتون ليوا جليفر من جميع أنحاء البلد ؟‬ ‫‪*He made a new law that no one could see Gulliver without a licence‬‬ ‫عمل قانون جديد أنه ل أحد يري جليفر بدون رخصة‬ ‫?‪5. Why did the King have many meetings with his advisers‬‬ ‫لماذا عقد الملك كثير من المؤتمرات مع مستشاريه ؟‬ ‫‪*The King asked his advisers what would happen if Gulliver escaped and if they could afford to keep‬‬ ‫‪him.‬‬ ‫كان الملك قلق عن ماذا سيحدث لو هرب جليفر وهل ستحملون نفقات إقامته ؟‬ ‫?‪6. What did the King decide that the people should do to help feed Gulliver‬‬ ‫ماذا قرر الملك انه يجب علي الناس أن يفعلوا كي يساعدوا في إطعام جليفر ؟‬ ‫‪*All the people living near the city should supply sixty cows, forty sheep, bread and fruit every morning‬‬ ‫كل الناس اللذين يعيشون بجوارلمدينة يجب أن يقدموا ستون بقرة واربعون من الغنم وخبز وفواكه كل صباح‬ ‫?‪7. How many people would be paid to look after Gulliver? Where could they live‬‬ ‫كم عدد الناس اللذين سؤجرون لحماية جليفر؟ وأين سيعيشون ؟‬ ‫‪*Six hundred people and they could live in tents near his home.‬‬ ‫ستمائة أجير وسيعيشون قرب منزلة‬ ‫?‪8. How many people would be employed to make Gulliver's clothes‬‬ ‫كم عدد الناس اللذين سيوظفون لصناعة ملبس جليفر ؟‬ ‫‪* Three hundred people.‬‬ ‫?‪9. Who taught Gulliver the language of Lilliput‬‬ ‫من علم جليفر لغة القزتم ؟‬ ‫‪*Six of the King's best advisers.‬‬ ‫ستة من أفضل مستشاري الملك ٍ‬ ‫‪10.‬‬ ‫?‪How long did Gulliver take to speak the language of Lilliput well‬‬ ‫كم المدة التي استغرقها جليفر ليتحدث لغةالقزام ؟‬


* He took about three weeks ‫ثلث أسابيع‬


How did the King himself help Gulliver to learn their language more? ‫كي ف الملك نفسة ساعد جليفر أن يتعلم لغتهم افضل ؟‬ *The King often visited Gulliver and talked to him ‫كان الملك غالبا ل ما يزور جليفر ويتحدث معه‬ 12. Why did the King ask Gulliver to be patient? ‫لماذا طلب الملك منجليفر أن يكون صبوراا ؟‬ * Because Gulliver wanted every day to be set free ‫لن جليفر كان يريد أن يطلق سراحة‬ 13. Why did the King ask Gulliver to allow two of his soldiers to get into his pockets? ‫لماذا طلب الملك من جليفرأن يسمح له بجنديين يدخل جيبة ؟‬ *To search Gulliver's clothes for any dangerous weapons. ‫كي يفتشوا جيوب جليفر من أي اسلحة خطيرة‬ 14. What did the King say they would do with whatever they found in Gulliver's pockets? ‫ماذا قال الملك انهم سيفعلوا بأي شيء يجدونه في جيوب جليفر ؟‬ * That they would keep it till Gulliver left the twon ‫أنهم سيحتفظوا بها اليأن يغادر جليفر البلد‬ 15. What did the two soldiers find when they searched Gulliver's clothes? ‫وماذا وجد الجنديين في عندما فتشول جليفر ؟‬ * They found a handkerchief, a letter to his wife, a watch, a wallet, two guns and a sword. ‫ محفظة وبندقيتين وسيف‬, ‫ ساعة‬, ‫ خطاب لزوجته‬, ‫وجوا منديل‬ 16. Why did the two soldiers fail to find everything inside Gulliver's clothes? ‫ولماذا فشل الجنديين فيان يجدوا كل شيء في جيب جليفر‬ * Because Gulliver had kept some things in a secret pocket. ‫لن جليفر أحتفظ ببعض الشياء في جيب سري خاص‬ 17. Why were the King's men shocked when Gulliver picked up his sword? ‫لماذا رجال الملك صدموا عندما أمسك جليفر بالسي ف ؟‬  They were shocked by its size and cried out in surprise. ‫صدموا من حجمه وصرخوا في دهشة‬ 18. What happened when Gulliver showed the King and his men his two guns? ‫ماذا حدث عندما عرض جليفر علي الملك ورجالة بنادقة في الهواء ؟‬ * the noise made the men fall onto the ground in fear, and even the King looked very nervous. ‫وقع الرجال علي الرض من الخوف وبدي علي الملك التوتر‬ 19. What did Gulliver warn the King of Lilliput of? ‫من ماذا حذر جليفر الملك ؟‬ *He warned him of his guns when he put them on the ground. ‫قد حذر الملك من بنادقه وهو يضعه عليالرض‬ 20. What did Gulliver show the King that puzzled him greatly? Why? ‫ماذا الذي عرضعه جليفر علي الملك ادهشه ولماذا ؟‬ *Gulliver showed the King his watch the king did not understand why it made a continuous noise ‫جليفر عرض علي الملك ساعته فأدهش الملك صوت دق الثواني‬ 21. What did the King do with the things they took from Gulliver? ‫ماذا فعل الملك بالشياء التي أخذها من جليفر ؟‬ *The King asked his soldiers to take them to his palace to be examined ‫أمر جنودها أن ياخذوها الي القصر لكي يفحصها الخبراء هناك‬ 22. What did the people who came to see Gulliver do when they were no longer afraid of him? ‫ماذا فعل الناس الذين اتوا ليروا جليفر عندما لم يعد أحد من يخشاه ؟‬


*They danced in Gulliver's hand and children played games around him ‫كانوا يرقصون علي يديه والطفال يلعبون حوله‬ 23. Why did Gulliver do everything he could to please the King? What was the result of this? ‫لماذا اجتهد جليفر في أن يرضي الملك وماذا كانت النتيجة ؟‬ * to set him free. the King invited him to some important events. ‫كي يطلق سراحة والنتيجة أن بدأ يدعوه الملك الي بعض المناسبات‬ 24. What did Gulliver see when he was invited to watch some of the country's best athletes? ‫ماذا راي جليفر عندما دعي كي يشاهد بعض من أفضل اللعاب الرياضية في البلدة ؟‬  Some athletes took turns to jump over a long pole and the first three winners were given coloured ribbons by the King. ‫بعض الرياضيين تناوبوا الدور في أن يقفزوا فوق حمام سباحة كبير وأول ثلث فائزين أخذوا ملونة من الملك‬ 25. Describe the parade ‫ العرض العسكري‬that Gulliver attended in Lilliput. ‫ص ف العرض العسكري الذي شهده جليفر في ليليبوت‬ *Three thousand soldiers rode their horses in a line between Gulliver's legs ‫ثلث الف جندي ركبوا خيولهم في عرض عسكري بين ارجل جليفر‬ 26. Why did the King order three thousand soldiers to ride their horses in a line between Gulliver's legs? ‫ولماذا أمر الملك ثلث ال ف جندي في أن يركبوا خيولهم في عرض بين ارجل جليفر ؟‬ *To show Gulliver that his army was very big ‫كي يبين لجليفر أن جيشه كبير جدال‬ 27. How did the King show Gulliver that his soldiers were expert riders? ‫كي ف بين الملك لجليفر أن جنوده خيالة مهرة ؟‬  He asked Gulliver to hold out his hand a few centimetres from the ground, and the soldiers jump over it. ‫طلب من جليفر أن يفرد يده فوق الرض بسنتيمترات واخذ الجنود يقفزون من عليها‬ 28. What did Gulliver ask the king almost every day? ‫ماذا كان يطلب جليرمن الملك كل يوم ؟‬ * To set him free ‫أن يطلق سراحة‬ 29. What did the king's advisers suggest ? Who was the only one that objected to ‫اعترض على‬ this? ‫ما القتراح الذي اقترحوه مستشاري الملك ومن اعترشض علي ذلك‬ *They suggested to set Gulliver free. Skyresh Bolgolam objected to this. ‫اعترض علي ذلك‬ ‫ و‬. ‫أقترحوا أن يطلقوا سراح جليفر‬ 30. Why did Bolgolam do all he could to stop Gulliver from being free? ‫ولماذا بذل بلقلم قصاري جهده كي يمنع اطلق سراح جليفر‬ * Because he neither liked nor trusted Gulliver. ‫لنه لم يكن يحب أو يثق في جليفر‬ 31. Mention some of the promises Skyresh Bolgolam read out to Gulliver? ‫أذكر بعض الوعود التي طلبعا بولقولم من جليفر ؟‬ *Gulliver must promise not to enter the city unless he was asked. ‫يجب علي جليفر أن يعد أل يدخل المدينة إل إذا طلب منه ذلك‬ *He must promise not to step on any of the people of Lilliput. ‫وأل يدهس أي من أهل ليليبوت‬ *He must walk along roads. He must not lie down in any fields. ‫يجب أن يمشي علي مداد الطريق وال ينام في الحقول‬ *He must agree not to leave the country without a licence. ‫وأل يغادر البلد بدون رخصة‬ *He must fight for the King if there was a war with Blefuscu.


‫ويجب أن يحارب مع الملك لو قامت الحرب مع بلفسكو‬ 32. When were the chains around Gulliver's legs finally unlocked? ‫متي تم فك السلسل من حول ارجل جليفر ظ‬ *When he agreed to all the promises ‫عندما وافق علي كل التعهدات التي قرات عليه‬ 33. Why did Gulliver bow down to the King of Lilliput? ‫لما إنحني جليفر لملك القزام ؟‬ *To show his thanks after he was set free at last. ‫كنوع من الشكر بعدما أطلق سراحه‬ 34. What did the King ask Gulliver to do before he allowed him to see his great city, Mildendo? ‫ماذا طلب الملك من جليفر قبل أن يري المدينة العظيمة ميليندو ؟‬ * to be careful not to damage any of the buildings or hurt any of the people. ‫أن يكون حريص كي ل يدمر أي من مبانيها أو يؤذي ا ل‬ ‫ي من أهلها‬ 35. What did the King warn the people of Mildendo about? ‫مم حذر الملك أهل مدينة ميليدندو؟‬ * He warned the people about Gilliver's visit and sked them to stay at home ‫قد حذر الناس من زيارة جليفر وطلب منهم أن يبقوا في بيوتهم‬ 36. When Gulliver stepped into the city of Mildendo, what was the problem of his coat ? ‫ ما المشكلة التي كان سيسببها معطفه ؟‬, ‫عندما زار جليفر مدينة ملديندوا‬ * His coat was about to damage the roofs of the small houses ‫كان معطفه علي وشك أن يدمر اسقف تلك‬ 37. Why could not Gulliver first see inside the King's palace ? ‫لماذا لم يستطع جليفر في البداية أن يري ما بداخل قصر الملك ؟‬ * The windows were too small to see inside ‫لن الشبابيك كانت صغير جدال علي أن يري ما بداخلها‬ 38. Why did Gulliver visit the King's park and cut down some of the largest trees? ‫لماذا دخل جليفر حديقة الملك وقطع مجموعة من الشجار الضخمة ؟‬  To make two wooden stools and step over the palace without damaging any walls. ‫كي يصنع كرسيين خشب كي يقف عليهما ويخطوا من فوق قصر الملك دون أن يهدم الجدران‬ 39. What did Gulliver see when he looked inside the larger windows of the King's palace? ‫ماذا راي جليفر عندما نظر من شباك القصر الضخم ؟‬  He saw the beautiful furniture and the King's servants at work. He saw the queesn and she gave him a smile ‫قد رأي الثاث الجميل وخدام الملط يعملون وراي الملكه وابتسمت له‬ 40. Who was Reldresal? Why did he visit Gulliver? ‫من كان ريلدرسيل ؟ ولماذا زار جليفر ؟‬  He was an important official. To tell him about their problems ‫كان ضابط هام وزارجليفر ليخبره عن مشكلتهم‬ 41. What was the problem inside the country which Reldresal told Gulliver about? ‫ما هي المشكلة التي أخبره بها ؟‬  The two political groups, the Tramecksan and the Slamecksan argued about whether ‫ سواء‬people should wear high heels or low heels ‫أن الحزبين السياسيين الترمكسات والسلمكسان تجادل بشأن هل يرتدي الناس أحذية بكعوب عالية أم كعوب منخفضة‬ 42. What did the two main political groups in Lilliput argue about? ‫تنازعا بشأنه‬ ‫عن ماذا تجادل الحزبين السياسيين في ليليبوت ؟‬ *The Tramecksan believed that people should wear high heels because this was the country's tradition. The Slamecksan believed low heels were more modern.


‫إعتقد الترمكسان أن الناس يجب أن يرتدو أحذية ذات كعوب عالية لن هذا هو تقاليد البلد أم السلمسكان أعتقد أن الحذية ذات الكعوب‬ ‫المنخفضة أكثر تحضرال‬ 43. How were the King and his son, the Prince, poles apart? ‫على طرفي نقيض‬ ‫كي ف كان موق ف الملك وأبنه من طرفي النقيد‬  The King wanted to wear low heels , but his son the Prince liked to wear high heels. ‫الملك كان يحب أن يرتدي نعل منخفض ولكن إبنه كان يفضل الحذاء ذو النعل العالي‬ 44. Which political group had more people and which one was more powerful? ‫أي حزب سياسي يمتلك العدد الكبير من الناس وأيهما كان أكثر قوة ؟‬ * the Tramecksan had more people , but the King's group, the Slamecksan, was more powerful. ‫كلن حزب الترامكسان يمتلك العدد الكبر ولكن حزب الملك وبلطه السلممكسان كان أكثر قوة‬ 45. What was Gulliver's opinion when he heard that people who opened an egg at the larger end would be punished? ‫ماذا كان رأي جليفر في عقاب الناس الذين قشروا البيضة من الناحية العريضة ؟‬ *He thought that this sounded ridiculous. ‫أعتقد أن هذا أمر سخيف‬ 46. Why had Lilliput and Blefuscu been fighting each other for many years? ‫لماذا يتحارب البلدين ليليبوت والبلفسكو من مدة سنون طويلة ؟‬ *The rebels ‫ المتمردون‬against the egg law always ran away to Blefuscu, and welcomed there as friends ‫بسبب أن المتمردون علي قانون البيض ) أن الجميع يجب أن يكسر البيضة من الناحية الضيقة ( كانوا يفرون الي البلفسكون وهناك يستقبلونهم‬ ‫كأصدقاء‬ 47. Why did the King's grandfather introduce a law that said that everyone should break an egg at the smaller end? ‫ولماذا أصلا أبو الملك أخرج هذا القاتنون وهو أنه يجب علي الجميع أن يكسر البيضة من الناحية الضيقة ؟‬ *Because when he was a boy, he cut his finger while opening an egg at the larger end . ‫ فلأخرج هذا القانون‬, ‫لنه وهو ولد صغير جرحت يده وهو يكسر البيضة من الناحية العريضة‬ 48. What was the result of Blefuscu's housing ‫ إيواء‬the rebels from Lilliput? ‫ماذا كانت نتيجة إيواء البلفسكو للمتمردين علي قانون البيض في ليليبوت ؟‬ * A war began between the two countries. ‫نشبت الحرب بين البلدين‬ 49. To what extent ‫ لي مدى‬did the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu have devastating consequences? (‫عواقب وخيمة )مددمرة‬ ‫لي مدي كانت الحرب بين البلدين له عواقب وخيمة ؟‬ * Lilliput lost at least forty ships and around thirty thousand soldiers and Blefuscu lost a similar number of people. ‫فقدت ليليبوت علي القل أربعون سفينة وما يقرب عن ثلثون ألف جندي وفقدت بلفسكو نفس العدد من الجنود‬ 50. What were the people of Blefuscu planning to do in spite of ‫ بالرغم من‬the disastrous ‫الكارثية‬ result of the war against Lilliput? ‫ماذا كان يخطط أهل البلفسكو بالرغم من العواقب الوخيمة لهذة احرب ؟‬  They were planning to attack Lilliput any day soon. ‫أن يهجموا علي ليليبوت في أي يوم عاجلل‬ 51. How did Gulliver reassure ‫ طمأن‬Reldresal that he would keep ‫ يفي بـ‬his promise to fight for the King? ‫كي ف طمأن جليفر ريلدريسل بأنه سيحفظ في الحرب مع الملك ؟‬ *That he would defend Liliiput against any coming attack ‫أنه سيدافح عن مدينة ليليبوت ضد أي هجوم قادم‬ 52. When did Gulliver think he had one the wrong thing? Why? ‫متي اعتقد جليفر أن فعل شيء خطأ ولماذا‬ *When he promised he would defend Lilliput against any attack. Because he didn't want to hurt anyone. ‫ لنه ل يريد أن يأذيأو يضر أحد‬. ‫عندما وعد أنه سيدافع عن مدينة ليليبوت ضد أي هجوم‬


Quotations with Model Answers "Off you go." (A)Who said this? To whom? *Gulliver, to one of the six little men. (B)Why was the addressed person tied up before the speaker set him free? *Because he had shot arrows at Gulliver, so the soldiers tied him up. (C)Who else did the speaker set free? *The little man's friends, the five little men. "You know that I won't hurt your people, so please, can you set me free?" (A)Who said this? To whom? *Gulliver, to the King of Lilliput. (B)How did the addressed person know that the speaker wouldn't hurt his people? *When Gulliver didn't hurt the six little men who shot arrows at him. (C)What was the addressed person's instant reply ‫ الرد الفوري‬to this request? *He said that setting Gulliver free would take time and asked him to be patient. "I'm happy to be searched." (D)Who said this? To whom? *Gulliver, to the King of Lilliput. (E)Why would the speaker be searched? *To find any weapons that could be a danger to the people of Lilliput. (F)What things were found when the speaker was searched? *A handkerchief, a letter, a watch, a wallet, two guns and a sword. "I promise we'll return your things to you when you leave our country, or we'll pay for whatever we do not return." (A)Who said this? To whom? *The King of Lilliput, to Gulliver. (B)How did these people find the addressed person's things? *Two soldiers got into Gulliver's pockets and searched them. (C)Did they really return that person's things to him? Why / Why not? *No, they didn't. Because he ran away from Lilliput when he knew that they decided to punish him. (ch. "Your sword looks extremely dangerous. Please put it down on the ground." (D)Who said this? To whom? *The King of Lilliput, to Gulliver. (E)Why did the addressed person's sword look dangerous to the speaker? *Because it was very big to them as they were very little people. (F)What did the speaker do with the sword and the addressed person's things? *He took them to his palace where his experts could examine them. "What are these strange things?" (G)Who said these words? To whom? *The King of Lilliput, to Gulliver. (H)What things was the speaker asking about? *The two guns of Gulliver. (I)Why did the speaker not know anything about these things? *Because they used bows and arrows only as weapons.

15-"I'll show you, but please, don't be worried. They'll make a very loud noise." (A)Who said these words? To whom?


*Gulliver, to the King of Lilliput. (B)What was the speaker going to show the other person? *Gulliver was going to show him his two guns. (C)What was the reaction ‫ رد فعل‬of the addressed person and the other men on hearing that noise? *The noise made the men fall onto the ground in fear, and even the brave King looked very nervous.

16-"What's this strange machine for and why does it make that continuous noise?" (A)Who said this? To whom? *The King of Lilliput, to Gulliver. (B)What machine was the speaker referring to? *Gulliver's watch. (C)Mention some of the other things that amazed the speaker and his men. *The two guns, the wallet, the comb, the handkerchief and the sword.

17-"You must promise not to enter the city unless you are asked."

(A)Who said these words? To whom? *Skyresh Bolgolam, to Gulliver. (B)Mention two other promises the speaker asked the other person to make. *Gulliver must promise not to step on any of the people of Lilliput. *Gulliver must walk along roads. (C)Did the addressed person agree to these promises? Why / Why not? *Yes, he agreed to these promises to be set free.

18-"Finally, you must promise to fight for the King if there is ever a war with Blefuscu." (A)Who said these words? To whom? *Skyresh Bolgolam, to Gulliver. (B)Which king must the speaker promise to fight for? *The King of Lilliput. (C)Why could there be a coming war with Blefuscu? *Because the people of Blefuscu were planning to attack Lilliput soon.

19-"Your Highness, I want to thank you for removing my chains."

(A)Who said these words? To whom? *Gulliver, to the King of Lilliput. (B)What did the speaker agree to that helped the decision of removing his chains ? *He agreed to all the promises that Skyresh Bolgolam read out to him. (C)What was the first thing the speaker asked to do after being set free? *He asked to visit their great capital city, Mildendo.

20-"I'm sure you will be a useful servant to me."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?  The King of Lilliput, to Gulliver. (B)What favours did the speaker do to the other person that made him say so?  The King set Gulliver free, fed him and gave him clothes. (C)In which field did the speaker want the other person to be useful to him?  The King wanted Gulliver to help him in their war against Blefuscu.

21-"I promise I'll do my best to please you."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?  Gulliver, to the King of Lilliput. (B)What did the addressed person want the speaker to do?  He wanted him to help him in their war against Blefuscu. (C)What good turn ‫ المعرو ف‬did the addressed person do to the speaker first?


The King set Gulliver free, fed him and gave him clothes.

22-"But perhaps you can also do something for me."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?  Gulliver, to the King of Lilliput. (B)What did the speaker ask the addressed person to do?  He asked him to let him visit their great capital city, Mildendo. (C)What did the other person ask the speaker to do to before he agreed to his request?  The King asked Gulliver to be very careful not to damage any of the buildings or hurt any of the people.

23-"Yes, I can allow this, but you must be very careful not to damage any of the buildings or hurt any of the people." (A)Who said these words? To whom?  The King of Lilliput, to Gulliver. (B)What did the speaker give the other person permission ‫ إذن‬to do?  He allowed him to visit their great capital city, Mildendo. (C)Why was the speaker worried that the other person could damage buildings or hurt people?  Because the people of Lilliput were only about 15 centimetres tall and Gulliver was a giant ‫ عملق‬to them.

24-"I have something important to tell you."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?  Reldresal, an important official, to Gulliver. (B)What was that important thing the speaker talked about?  He wanted to tell Gulliver about the problems inside and outside their country, Lilliput. (C)Why did the speaker tell the other person that important thing?  Because they wanted Gulliver to help them in the war against Blefusco.

25-"Perhaps it would be easier if I stood in your hand instead."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?  Reldresal, to Gulliver. (B)What was the listener's suggestion that made the speaker say so?  Gulliver suggested to lie down so they could speak easily. (C)Why could the speaker stand in the other person's hand?  Because Reldresal was a tiny man, only about 15 centimetres tall.

26-"We are all pleased that you are now free, but you must understand that this is only because of the difficult situation in Lilliput." (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Reldresal, to Gulliver. (B)What was that difficult situation in Lilliput?  There were problems inside and outside the country. (C)How could the addressed person be useful in that difficult situation?  Gulliver could help the people of Lilliput in the fight against Blefuscu.

27-"There are two problems in our country at this time. The first problem is inside the country." (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Reldresal, to Gulliver. (B)What was the first problem that the speaker referred to?


The two political groups, the Tramecksan and the Slamecksan argued about whether people should wear high heels or low heels. As a result, the two groups refused to talk to each other. (C)Did the speaker ask the addressed person to help solve the first problem?  No, he didn't.

28-"One group, the Tramecksan, believe that people should wear high heels on their shoes because this is the country's tradition." (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Reldresal, to Gulliver. (B)Which country was the speaker talking about?  Lilliput. (C)Which group opposed this view ‫ ?عارضت هذا الرأي‬What was their own view?  The Slamecksan. They believed that you should wear low heels because this was more modern.

29-"The other problem is outside the country."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?  Reldresal, to Gulliver. (B)What was that problem?  His country would be attacked by their enemies from Blefuscu. (C)How could the addressed person help the speaker's country?  Gulliver could help the people of Lilliput in the fight against Blefuscu.

30-"The traditional way to break an egg in Lilliput is to break it at the larger end." (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Reldresal, to Gulliver. (B)What had happened that caused this way of breaking an egg to change?  Because the King's grandfather, when he was a boy, cut his finger when opening an egg at the larger end, so he introduced a law that said that everyone should break an egg at the smaller end. (C)What was the result of changing the traditional way of breaking an egg?  There were many rebellions because of that law.

31-"The King's grandfather, when he was a boy, cut his finger when opening an egg in this way." (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Reldresal, to Gulliver. (B)Which way did the King's grandfather open the egg in when he was a boy?  He opened the egg at the larger end. (C)What was the result of that accident?  He introduced a law that said that everyone should break an egg at the smaller end.

32-"This rule was not at all popular and there were many rebellions because of it."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?  Reldresal, to Gulliver. (B)Which rule was the speaker talking about?  The rule which the King's grandfather introduced that said that everyone should break an egg at the smaller end. (C)Were these rebellions successful? What happened to the people who took part in them?  The rebellions were never successful. The people who took part in them ran away to Blefuscu, where they were welcomed as friends.

33-"The rebellions were never successful and the people who took part in them always ran away to Blefusco."


(A)Who said these words? To whom?  Reldresal, to Gulliver. (B)Why were there rebellions in the speaker's country?  Because of the law that said that everyone should break an egg at the smaller end. (C)How were the rebellions who ran away to Blefusco treated? What was the result of this?  The rebellions were welcomed as friends in Blefusco. As a result, a war began between the two countries.

34-"That's not good news."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?  Gulliver, to Reldresal. (B)What bad news did the speaker hear then?  The people of Blefuscu were planning to attack Lilliput any day soon. (C)What message did the addressed person carry to the speaker as a result?  He carried a message from the King asking Gulliver to help them.

35-"For this reason, the King has asked me to tell you about our problem, because he wants you to help us." (A)Who said these words? To whom?  Reldresal, to Gulliver. (B)Which problem did the speaker mean?  The people of Blefuscu were planning to attack Lilliput any day soon. (C)What part could the addressed person play in solving this problem?  He could help the people of Lilliput in their fight against Blefuscu. (A) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences: 1-The little man's fright turned to anger when Gulliver used the knife to cut the ropes that had tied his hands together. 2-The guards told the King about Gulliver's cruelty to the people who had tried to hurt him. 3-The King asked workmen to fit together six hundred beds which Gulliver could sleep on and his nights became more uncomfortable. 4-The King became worried because some of the villages were now so empty that there were not enough people to work in the factories. 5-The King made a new law saying that no one could see Gulliver without a ticket, which people had to pay for. 6-The King had many meetings with his servants to ask them what would happen if Gulliver escaped and if they could afford to keep him. 7-It was decided that all the people living near the city should supply sixty chickens, forty sheep, bread and fruit every morning to help feed Gulliver. 8-The King said that six hundred people would be paid to look after Gulliver and that they could live in hotels close to his home. 9-Six of the King's best advisers would become Gulliver's teachers, helping him to learn their tradition. 10- Within about two weeks, Gulliver had already begun to speak their language quite well. 11- When Gulliver asked the King if he could set him free, the King told him he had to be impatient. 12- The King wanted two of his soldiers to search Gulliver's clothes for any tools that might be a danger to them. 13- The King said that whatever they found in Gulliver's home, they would keep but return to him when he left their country. 14- Gulliver picked up two soldiers and put them in his pockets. They noted down everything they saw and showed the menu to the King.


15- The King did not realise that the soldiers had not found a sword and some other things that he had kept in a secret pocket. 16- The King read that Gulliver had a handkerchief, a pair of glasses, a wallet, a watch, a comb and two guns. 17- When Gulliver picked up his sword, the King's men were shocked by its colour and cried out in surprise. 18- The noise of the two guns made the soldiers fall onto the ground in fear, and the brave King looked very confident. 19- Gulliver showed the King his watch, which pleased the King greatly. 20- The King did not understand what the watch was for or why it made a continuous music. 21- The King asked his soldiers to take Gulliver's things back to his palace where his experts could sell them. 22- Sometimes Gulliver lay down and let five or six people climb up to sing in his hand. Children played games around him, too. 23- Gulliver began to hope that soon he would be set free and did everything he could to annoy the King. 24- Gulliver was invited by the King to some important events. First, he was invited to watch some of the country's best scientists. 25- Two men held the ends of a long rope and the athletes took turns to jump over it. 26- The person who jumped the highest was given a red coloured ribbon 27- Three thousand soldiers rode their horses in a line between Gulliver's legs. The people watching loved this and everyone jumped. 28- Gulliver asked the King almost every day if he could be set free, and finally his advisers suggested that it was impossible. 29- Skyresh Bolgolam did not want Gulliver to be free and only agreed after he made a number of deals. 30- Gulliver must promise to walk across roads and not lie down in any fields. 31- Gulliver must agree not to leave the country without a bill. 32- Gulliver must promise to fight against the King if there was ever a war with Blefuscu. 33- Gulliver agreed to all the promises happily and the chains around his legs were finally locked. 34- When Gulliver saw the King, he crept down to him to show his thanks. 35- The King said he was sure Gulliver would be a useful adviser to him. 36- Gulliver asked the King if he could see their great capital city, Blefusco. 37- The King asked Gulliver to be very careful not to damage any of the fields or hurt any of the people. 38- The King put up a notice warning the people about Gulliver's visit and told them all to stay outdoors. 39- Gulliver needed to be careful that his shirt did not damage the roofs of the small houses. 40- Gulliver stepped on the wall around the palace into a big open square to look at the beautiful building. 41- The King wanted Gulliver to see inside, but the windows in this part of the palace were too large to see inside. 42- Gulliver cut down some of the largest trees in the King's park. He used a knife to make the trees into two wooden stalls. 43- Gulliver stood on one of the stools and passed the other over the roof of the palace. He was able to step over the palace without damaging any trees. 44- Gulliver was very pleased to see the beautiful furniture and the King's servants at leisure. 45- When Gulliver looked inside the palace, he saw the Queen there and she shouted at Gulliver with a smile. 46- Gulliver was visited by Reldresal, an important officer who worked for the King.


47- Gulliver offered to lie down so Reldresal could speak to him easily, but Reldresal suggested that he stood in his head instead. 48- Reldresal said they were all very pleased that Gulliver was free because of the difficult situation in Blefuscu. 49- Reldresal said that there was a great argument between the two main social groups in Lilliput. 50- The Slamecksan believed that people should wear high heels on their shoes because this was the country's tradition. 51- The Tramecksan believed that you should wear low heels because this is more modern. 52- The King wanted to wear high heels and had told all his men to do the same. 53- The King's son the Prince liked to wear low heels. 54- There were less people in the Tramecksan group, but the King's group, the Slamecksan, is more powerful. 55- The King was worried that his country would be attacked by their friends from Blefuscu. 56- Reldresal said that Blefuscu was larger than Lilliput. 57- Reldresal said that the traditional way to break an egg before you eat it was to break it at the smaller end. 58- The King's grandfather, when he was a boy, cut his finger when eating an egg in the traditional way. 59- The King's grandfather introduced a law that said that everyone should break an egg at the larger end. 60- He ordered that people who opened an egg at the larger end should be rewarded. 61- There were many celebrations because of the law that said that everyone should break an egg at the smaller end . 62- The rebellions were never successful, and the people who took part in them always ran away to Blefuscu, where they were treated as invaders. 63- Lilliput lost at least fourteen ships and around thirty thousand soldiers in its war against Blefuscu. 64- The King asked Reldresal to tell Gulliver about their problem because he wanted Gulliver to lead them. 65- Gulliver said he was ready to help to defend Lilliput from any coming storm. 66- Skyresh Bolgolam would inform the King that Gulliver was ready to help to defend Lilliput.




Ch (3) Blefuscu was an island about 800 metres to the northeast of Lilliput. I had not yet seen the island and, after Reldresal had told me about a possible attack, I decided not to go to that side of the island in case I was seen by the enemies of Lilliput. I heard that there was no communication between the two countries, so they did not yet know anything about me. One day, I told the King that I had an idea. ‫ وبعد ما أخبرني به‬.‫ لم أكن قد رأيت الجزيرة بعد‬.‫ متر من شمال شرق ليليبوت‬800 ‫بليفوسكو كانت جزيرة على بعد حولي‬ ‫ سمعت أنه ل يوجد‬.‫ قررت أل أذهب إلى هذا الجانب من المدينة في حتى ل يراني أعداء ليليبوت‬,‫ريلدرسال عن الهجمة المحتملة‬ .‫ في يوم ما أخبرت الملك أن لدي فكرة‬.‫ لذلك هم لم يعرفوا عني أي شيء‬.‫اتصال بين الدولتين‬ "If it can help us, then I want to hear it," he said. "Your spies tell me that Blefuscu's fleet ‫ أسطول بحرى‬of ships is prepared to attack us," I said. "That's right," said the King. "Well, my plan is that I can easily take all of Blefuscu's ships away from them. " The King liked this idea very much and called in his advisers. I asked one of the King's best sailors how deep the water was between the two islands. "It's about two metres deep at most," he said. ."‫ فأحب أن أسمعها‬,‫فقال "إن كانت ستساعدنا‬ ."‫ "إن جواسيسكم أخبرتني أن أسطول سفن بليفوسكو جاهز لمهاجمتنا‬:‫قلت‬ "‫فقال الملك "هذا صحيح‬ ."‫ خطتي هي أنني يمكنني بسهولة أخذ كل سفن بليفوسكو منهم‬,‫"حسنا‬ .‫ سألت واحد من أفضل بحارة الملك كم عمق الماء بين الجزيرتين‬.‫أعجب الملك بهذه الفكرة جدا و طلب مستشاريه‬ "‫فقال "حوالي المترين على الكثر‬ That afternoon, I walked to the northeast of Lilliput and lay down on some fields next to the coast so that I could not be seen from Blefuscu. I used my pocket telescope to look at the island next to ours. I could see about fifty ships, together with some smaller boats, in a small harbour. .‫ مشيت إلى الشمال الشرقي لليليبوت و رقدت على بعض الحقول بالقرب من الساحل لكي ل يراني من في بليفوسكو‬,‫بعد الظهيرة‬ ‫ سفينة و معهم بعض القوارب‬50 ‫ استطعت أن أرى حوالي‬.‫استخدمت نظارة الجيب المعظمة لكي أنظر إلى الجزيرة المجاورة‬ .‫الصغر في مرسى صغير‬ I returned to the city and asked for some strong chains and fifty metal poles. I shaped the poles into large hooks and fastened these onto the chains before returning to the northeast coast. Now I was ready to carry out my plan. ‫ شكلت القضبان على شكل خطاطيف كبيرة و ربطهم‬.‫عدت إلى المدينة و طلبت بعض السلسل القوية و خمسون قضيب حديدي‬ .‫ و في ذالك الوقت كنت جاهز أن أنفذ خطتي‬.‫بالسلسل قبل عودتي إلى الساحل الشمال شرقي‬ I then took off my shoes and socks and walked into the cold sea, carrying the chains and hooks. Because the sea was not very deep, I could walk for most of the way, although I had to swim a little where it was deepest, before arriving in Blefuscu' s harbour about half an hour later.


‫ استطعت أن‬,‫ و لن البحر لم يكن عميق جدا‬.‫ حامل السلسل و الخطاطيف‬,‫ ثم قلعت حذائي و جواربي و مشيت في البحر البارد‬. ‫ بالرغم من أنه كان علي أن أعوم قليل حيث كانت المياه أعمق قبل أن أصل إلى بليفوسكو بعد حوالي نصف‬,‫أمشي معظم الطريق‬ .‫ساعة‬ When the people of Blefuscu saw me, they were terrified. Sailors jumped from the ships and swam as fast as they could to the shore. Meanwhile, I fastened the metal hooks onto each ship in the harbour and tied the chains together. While I was doing this, Blefuscu's soldiers started to shoot arrows at me from the shore. The arrows hit my arms and hands, but my main worry was for my eyes, so I put on the glasses which were hidden in my pocket. These protected my eyes from any arrows while I began to pull the chains. ,‫ في نفس الوقت‬.‫ و قفز البحارة من المراكب بأقصى سرعة ممكنة إلى الشاطئ‬.‫ كانوا مرعوبين‬,‫عندما رآني الناس في بليفوسكو‬ ‫ بدأ جنود بليفوسكو‬,‫ و بينما كنت أفعل ذلك‬.‫ربطت الخطاطيف الحديدية في كل السفن التى في الميناء و ربطت السلسل الحديدية معا‬ ‫ لذلك ارتديت نظارتي التي‬.‫ و لكن قلقي الكبر كان على عيني‬,‫ أصابت السهام زراعي و يدي‬.‫بتصويب السهام نحوي من الشاطئ‬ .‫ و هذا حمي عيني من أي سهام بينما بدأت أسحب السلسل‬.‫كنت قد خبأتها في جيبي‬ At first, the ships would not move and I realised that they were all tied up to the harbour wall. So I took out a knife and cut all the ropes. More arrows were hitting my hands now, but although this hurt, they did not stop me. Using the hooks and chains, I was able to pull all fifty boats away from the harbour. The soldiers suddenly stopped shooting and watched in great surprise when they realised what was happening. I heard little cries behind me, but they could do nothing. Soon, I was back in deep water. I removed some of the arrows from my hands and prepared to swim back to Lilliput. ‫ سهام أكثر كانت‬.‫ لذا أخذت سكينا و قطعت كل الحبال‬.‫في البداية لم تتحرك السفن و ادركت أنهم كانوا مربوطين بأسوار المرسى‬ ‫ كنت قادر على سحب كل الخمسون سفينة‬,‫ باستخدام الخطاطيف و السلسل‬.‫ لم يوقفني هذا‬,‫ لكن بالرغم من أن هذا مؤلم‬,‫تصيب يدي‬ ‫ سمعت صرخات قليلة‬.‫ توقف الجنود فجأة عن التصويب و شاهدوني بدهشة كبيرة عندما أدركوا ما كان يحدث‬.‫بعيدا عن المرسي‬ ‫ أزلت بعض السهام من يدي و تحضرت للسباحة عائدا إلى‬.‫ بعدها بقليل كنت عائدا في المياه العميقة‬.‫ لكن هذا لم يفعل شيء‬,‫خلفي‬ .‫ليليبوت‬ The King later told me that back in Lilliput, he was waiting nervously with his men on the northeast coast. A soldier called out, "I can see some ships! But there's no sign of Gulliver." ‫ و صاح جندي " أنا‬.‫أخبرني الملك فيما بعد عند عودتي إلى ليليبوت أنه و رجاله كانوا ينتظرون بتوتر على الشاطئ الشمال شرقي‬ ."‫أستطيع رؤية بعض السفن! و لكن ل يوجد أي أشارة من جلفر‬ "Surely the enemy fleet is attacking," one of his advisers told him. "Gulliver's plan has not succeeded." "‫ خطة جلفر لم تنجح‬.‫قال أحد مستشاريه "بالتأكيد أسطول العدو يهاجمنا‬ "I fear you are right," said the King. "Perhaps Gulliver has drowned." ".‫ ربما غرق جلفر‬.‫قال الملك "أخشى أنك على حق‬ At that moment, however, my feet touched the bottom of the sea and I was able to stand up. I shouted, "Long live the King of Lilliput!" "‫و لكن في هذه اللحظة لمست قدمي قاع البحر و وقفت و صرخت "عاش ملك ليليبوت‬ Now the King could see me, he laughed loudly. "My hero!" he cried. "For what you've done, you'll get the most important medal in the land." .‫لن يراني الملك و ضحك بصوت عالي‬ ."‫ ستنال أهم ميدالية في هذه الرض لما قمت به‬.‫قال الملك "يا بطل‬ That evening, it became clear that after my success, the King had more plans for me. " Listen," he told me. "With your help, we could easily take control of all of Blefuscu and put all of my enemies in prison, including the people from Lilliput who still want to open their eggs at the larger end." .‫ أصبح من الواضح بعد نجاحي أن الملك كان لديه خطط أكثر لي‬,‫تلك الليلة‬


‫ بما فيهم الذين يريدون‬,‫ بمساعدتك نستطيع بسهولة السيطرة على كل بليفوسكو و وضع كل أعدائي في السجن‬,‫قال لي الملك "أستمع‬ .‫كسر البيض من الطرف الكبر‬ However, I told him that I did not want the free people of Blefuscu to become prisoners. "I'm sorry," I said. "I can't help you with these ambitions." The King did not look pleased. I was surprised how quickly the King's opinion of me changed. When he asked to see me the next day, he was not friendly at all. ‫ ل أستطيع مساعدتك في طموحك‬,‫ و قلت له "آسف‬.‫مع ذلك أخبرت الملك أنني ل أريد أن يوضع ناس بليفوسكو الحرار في السجن‬ .‫ و لم يبدو على الملك السعادة‬."‫هذا‬ .‫ لم يكن ودودا على الطلق‬,‫ عندما طلب أن يراني في اليوم التالي‬.‫كنت مندهشا كم تغير رأي الملك في بسرعة‬ ‫ أنا آسف أن أقول لك أن حياتك‬.‫ لن تكون بطل في ليليبوت بعد الن‬,‫ لكن إن لم تساعدنا‬,‫قال لي "ل أستطيع أن أجعلك تهاجم بليفوسكو‬ ."‫لن تكون سهلة من اليوم‬ "I cannot make you attack Blefuscu," he said. "But if you won't help, you'll no longer be a hero in Lilliput. I'm sorry to say that your life won't be so easy from today ." He was right. I soon found out that, although some of his advisers agreed with my opinions, I also had many enemies. Despite my brave visit to Blefuscu, my situation in Lilliput had become more dangerous. Around three weeks later, a group of six officials from Blefuscu came to meet the King. They asked what they could do to end the war peacefully and they also asked if they could meet the enormous man who had taken their ships. When they saw me, they did not seem frightened but bowed down before me. "We would like to thank you for not hurting any of our people when you came to Blefuscu," one of them said. "We can see how strong and brave you've been. Would it be possible for you to meet our own King? We'd very much like you to visit our country again, but this time as a guest." ‫ بالرغم من‬.‫ إل أنني كان لي الكثير من العداء‬,‫ فبعدها اكتشفت أنه بالرغم من أن بعض مستشاريه يوافقوني الرأي‬.‫و قد كان محقا‬ ‫ جاء مجموعة من‬,‫ بعد ذلك بحوالي ثلثة أسابيع‬.‫ إل أن موقفي في ليليبوت أصبح أكثر خطرا‬,"‫زيارتي الشجاعة لـ "بليفوسكو‬ ‫ و سألوا ماذا يمكن أن يفعلوه لينهوا الحرب بين البلدين بسلم و طلبوا أيضا أن يقبلوا‬.‫الموظفين الرسميين من بليفوسكو لمقابلة الملك‬ .‫ لم يبدو عليهم الخوف لكن انحنوا أمامي‬,‫ عندما رأوني‬.‫الرجل الضخم الذي أخذ سفنهم‬ ‫ هل من‬.‫ نحن نرى كم كنت قوي و شجاع‬.‫قال أحدهم "نود أن نشكرك لنك لم تؤذي أي من شعبنا عندما أتيت إلى بليفوسكو‬ ."‫ لكن هذه المرة كضيف‬.‫الممكن أن تقابل ملكنا؟ نحن نود جدا أن تزور بلدنا مرة أخرى‬ I told them that I would be happy to do this. I did not realise that my promise would later create many problems for me. One night, an adviser to the King visited me without warning with some important news. He told me what many of the King's other advisers were suggesting, and it did not sound very promising. "Flimnap, the treasurer, has told the King that you're costing too much money, and it would be better if they removed you from the land, " he told me. "Flimnap's not the I only person who has a problem with you, either. An important officer in the navy is angry with you because, now that Blefuscu doesn't have a fleet of ships, his job is no longer important. And Skyresh Bolgolam, who I'm afraid has never liked you, says that you haven't kept many of the promises you agreed to when they set you free ." "I see," I replied nervously. .‫ لم أدرك أن هذا الوعد قد يخلق لي العديد من المشاكل فيما بعد‬.‫و قلت لهم أني سأكون سعيدا بهذا‬ ‫ أخبرني بما اقترحه العديد من مستشاري الملك‬.‫ زارني أحد مستشاري الملك بدون إنذار و معه بعض الخبار الهامة‬,‫ذات ليلية‬ ‫ و لم يبدوا هذا واعدا جدا‬,‫الخرون‬ ‫ فليمناب ليس‬.‫قال لي "الخازن "فليمناب" أخبر الملك أنك تكلفهم الكثير جدا من المال و أنه من الفضل أن يخرجونك من المدينة‬ ‫ رجل مهم في البحرية غاضبا منيك لن بليفوسكو لم يعد لديها أسطول من السفن و وظيفته لم‬,‫الشخص الوحيد الذي لديه مشكلة معك‬ ‫ و سكايريش بولجومان الذي لم يحبنك أبدا قال أنك لم تحافظ على العديد من الوعود التي وافقت عليها عندما أطلق‬.‫تعد مهمة‬ ."‫سراحك‬ "‫أجبته بتوتر"فهمت‬


"I'm sorry to say there's a bigger problem. Many of the King's advisers have told him that you're planning to work with the King of Blefuscu against Lilliput. Because of this, they want to punish you." ‫ العديد من مستشاري الملك أخبروه أنك تخطط للعمل مع ملك بليفوسكو ضد‬.‫"و أخشى أن أقول أنه هناك مشكلة أكبر‬ ."‫ هم يريدون أن يعاقبوك‬,‫ و بسبب هذا‬.‫ليليبوت‬ I was extremely worried when I heard what they were planning to do to punish me. Some of my enemies said I should be shot with poisonous arrows, others suggested that it would be easier if they set fire to my house, with me inside. ‫ و‬,‫ قال بعض أعدائي أني يجب أن يطلق علي أسهم سامة‬.‫لقد كنت قلقا للغاية عندما سمعت ما يخططون لفعله لمعاقبتي‬ .‫اقترح آخرون أنه من السهل أضرام النار في منزلي و أنا بداخله‬ "You are lucky," the adviser continued. "The King doesn't want you to die, so it was agreed that you'll be made blind. In this way, you'll still be strong enough to help the King if necessary, but you'll no longer be a danger. However, the treasurer, Flirnnap, said that if you were blind, you would still need to be given food and clothes, and this would cost too much. So it was finally agreed that after you are made blind, you'll no longer be given any food, as this will save the King money." ‫ بهذه الطريقة ستظل قوي‬.‫ لذا أتفقوا أنهم سوف يجعلونك أعمى‬.‫ الملك ل يريدك أن تموت‬.‫أكمل المستشار "أنت محظوظ‬ ‫ الخازن فليمان قال كونك أعمي سيجعلك‬,‫ و مع ذلك‬.‫لكن لن تمثل خطرا‬,‫بشكل يكفي لمساعد الملك لو هناك ضرورة‬ ‫ يجب عدم‬,‫ لذا أتفقوا في النهاية أنه بعد جعلك أعمى‬.‫لزالت في حاجة إلى الطعام و الملبس و هذا يكلف الكثير جدا‬ .‫ لن هذا يوفر مال الملك‬,‫أعطائك أي طعام‬ "You said the King doesn't want me to die!" I told my visitor. "But if I'm not given any food, I'll soon die of hunger." ."‫ سوف أموت سريعا من الجوع‬,‫ لكن إن لم يعطوني أي طعام‬.‫قلت لزائري "قلت أن الملك ل يريدني أن أموت‬ "I think you're right," he said. "I'm sorry. But at least I've told you what's planned for you. It's best if you're prepared for what's to come." "‫ من الفضل أن تستعد لما هو آت‬.‫ لكن على القل فقد أخبرتك بما خططوه لك‬.‫ و أنا آسف جدا‬,‫فقال " أعتقد أنك محق‬ I thanked him for warning me and thought of my options. I could easily fight the King and his men; if I threw a few stones at the city, I could quickly destroy it. But I remembered the ordinary people who lived there and also the fact that the King had been kind to me when I first arrived. So I made a different plan. I sat down and wrote a letter to the King, and then quickly walked to the other side of the island before it got light. There, I took one of the largest ships I could find, took off my clothes and put them inside the ship. I then swam across to Blefuscu, pulling the ship behind me. Then, when I arrived at Blefuscu, I put on my dry clothes again before finding my way to their capital city. ‫ لو ألقيت القليل من الحجارة على‬:‫ كنت أستطيع بسهولة محاربة الملك و رجاله‬.‫شكرته على تحذيره لي و فكر في الختيارات المتاحة‬ ‫ و أيضا حقيقة أن الملك كان عطوفا معي في بداية‬,‫ لكني تذكرت الناس العادية الذين يعيشون هناك‬.‫ استطيع بسهولة تدميرها‬,‫المدينة‬ ‫ و هناك‬.‫ و بسرعة ذهبت إلى الجانب الخر للمدينة قبل بزوغ الضوء‬,‫ جلست و كتبت رسالة للملك‬.‫ لذا صنعت خطة مختلفة‬.‫وصولي‬ ‫ و عندما‬.‫ ثم سبحت بأتجاه بليفوسكو ساحبا السفينة خلفي‬. ‫ خلعت ملبسي و وضعتهم في السفينة‬.‫أخذت أحد اكبر السفن التي وجدتها‬ .‫ أرتديت ملبسي الجافة مرة أخرى و وجدت طريقي إلى عاصمتهم‬,‫وصلت إلى بليفوسكو‬ The King of Blefuscu was called by his guards and about an hour later, he came out to welcome me with his family and advisers. I was surprised that none of his family seemed at all frightened of me. I told him that I was very pleased to meet him and would happily help him in any way I could. I said nothing of the problems I had left behind me in Lilli put. That night, I had an uncomfortable night on the hard ground because there was no building as large as the one that was my home in Lilliput.


‫ كنت مندهشا أنه لم يبدوا‬.‫نادى حراس بليفوسكوعلى ملكهم و بعد حوالي الساعة جاء ليرحب بي مع عائلته و مستشاريه‬ ‫ أخبته أنني كنت سعيد جدا بلقائه و أننا سأساعده بكل سعادة بأي طريقة‬.‫على أي من عائلته الخوف مني‬ .‫ لم أقل شيء عن مشكلتي التي تركتها خلفي في ليليبوت‬.‫أستطيعها‬ During the next few days, I explored the small island, which was not very different from Lilliput. ‫ خلل اليام القليلة‬.‫تلك اليلة كانت غير مريحة على الرض الصلبة لنه لم يكن يوجد مبنى بأتساع منزلي في ليليبوت‬ .‫التالية استكشفت الجزيرة الصغيرة و التي لم تكن مختلفة كثيرا عن ليليبوت‬ One morning, I was walking along the northeast coast of the island when I saw something in the sea. I looked carefully and suddenly felt excited: it was a real boat, big enough for me to go in! However, a storm had turned the boat over and it was floating some way off the coast. ‫ لقد‬. ‫ نظرت بحرص و شعرت فجأة بالفرح‬.‫ كنت أمشي بطول شاطئ الجزيرة عندما رأيت شيء ما في البحر‬,‫ذات صباح‬ ‫ كبير بما يكفي لي للذهاب فيه! و مع ذلك عاصفة ما قلبت القارب و كان يطفو على بعد من الساحل‬,‫كان قارب حقيقي‬ I hurried back to the city and asked the King if I could borrow some of his ships. Of course I had taken most of his ships to Lilliput, but he found twenty other ships, which his best sailors agreed to sail around the coast. I walked back to where I had seen the boat, which was now closer to the island. The King's ships sailed as close as they could to the boat, then I swam into the water and succeeded in carrying several ropes from the ships to the front of the boat. I tied the ropes to the boat and called for the ships to try and pull the boat towards the coast. I helped by pushing the boat in the water as I swam. The wind helped us, and soon the boat was pushed onto a long beach. With the help of one thousand men and many ropes, we turned the boat over and I examined it carefully. I could see there was little damage. ‫لكنه وجد‬. ‫ بالطبع كنت قد أخذت معظم سفنه إلى ليليبوت‬.‫عدت مسرعا إلى المدينة و طلبت من الملك أن أستعير بعض من سفنه‬ ‫ مشيت عائدا إلى حيث رأيت القارب و الذي كان‬.‫و التي وافق أفضل البحارة أن يبحروا بهم حول الساحل‬,‫عشرون سفينة أخرى‬ ‫ ثم سبحت أنا في الماء و نجحت في حمل العديد‬,‫ سفن الملك أبحرت بالقرب من القارب على قدر المكان‬.‫وقتها أقرب إلى الجزيرة‬ .‫ ثم ربطت الحبال للى القارب و ناديت على السفن أن تحاول سحب القارب نحو الشاطئ‬.‫من الحبال من السفن للى مقدمة القارب‬ ‫ و‬.‫ و في وقت قريب كان القارب دفع به إلى شاطئ طويل‬,‫ و الراح ساعدتنا‬.‫و ساعدتهم بدفع القارب في الماء بينما كنت أعوم‬ .‫ و كنت أرى أن به القليل من التلف‬.‫ قلبنا القارب و فحصته بعناية‬,‫بمساعدة ألف رجل و الكثير من الحبال‬ I spent the next few days repairing the boat and making new oars ‫ مجاديف‬from the island's biggest trees. It was not easy work, but soon I was ready to row the boat round to the city. A crowd of amazed people came to see me arrive in my new boat. When it was safely tied up near the palace, I went to see the King. ‫ ثم أصبحت جاهزا للتجديف بالقارب حول‬,‫قضيت اليام القليلة التالية في إصلح القارب و صنع مجاديف جديدة من أكبر أشجار الجزيرة‬ ‫ ذهبت لرؤية الملك‬,‫ و عندما تم ربطة جيدا بالقرب من القصر‬.‫ جاء حشد من الناس ليروني أصل في قاربي الجديد‬.‫المدينة‬. "As you have heard, I've found a boat," I told him. "This is exactly what I need to return to the country where I was born. If you could help me to find some materials, I'll soon be able to leave." ‫ لو أنك تستطيع مساعدتي‬.‫ هذا القارب هو ما أحتاجه لعود إلى البلد التي ولدت فيها‬,‫ "كما سمعت فقد وجدت قاربا‬:‫قلت له‬ ."‫ سوف أكون قادرا على المغادرة قريبا‬, ‫في إيجاد بعض المواد الخام‬ "I'm pleased for you," said the King. "I'll do what I can to help." ."‫ سأفعل ما أستطيع لمساعدتك‬.‫ "أنا سعيد من أجلك‬:‫قال الملك‬ The next day, however, I found that the King of Blefuscu was less certain about what to do with me. He had just received a letter from the King of Lilliput, in which he wrote that I had escaped punishment and should be sent back. He added that if I was not tied up and returned to Lilli put at once, the war between the two countries would begin again. ‫ لقد وصله للتو رسالة من ملك ليليبوت كتب فيها‬.‫و مع ذلك في اليوم التالي وجدت ملك بليفوسكو أقل تأكدا فيما يفعله معي‬ ,‫ و أضاف أنني إن لم أقيد و يتم إعادتي إلى ليليبوت في الحال‬.‫أنني هربت من العقاب و يجب أن يتم إرسالي مرة أخرى‬ .‫ستبدأ الحرب بين البلدين مرة أخرى‬


The King of Blefuscu spoke for some time with his advisers. Finally, he wrote a letter to the King ofLilliput saying that it was impossible for him to send me back. Although I had taken a fleet of his ships, I had helped to stop the fighting between the two countries and had hurt no one. He also explained that now I had found a boat, I would soon be gone and would no longer be a problem for either country. ‫ و في النهاية كتب رسالة إلى ملك ليليبوت يقول أنه من المستحيل عليه‬.‫تحدث ملك بليفوسكو إلى مستشاريه لبعض الوقت‬ .‫ إل أنني ساعدت في إيقاف الحرب بين البلدين و لم أؤذي أي شخص‬.‫ فبالرغم من أنني أخذت أسطول من سفنه‬.‫أن يرسلني‬ .‫ و قريبا سأرحل و لن أكون مشكلة لي من البلدين بعد الن‬,‫و أيضا شرح أنني وجدت قاربا‬ After he had sent this letter, he promised to protect me if Iwould continue to help him, yet I no longer felt sure it was a good idea to help either of the Kings. ‫ و مع ذلك لم أشعر بأنها فكرة جيدة أن أساعد أي‬.‫بعد أن أرسل هذا الخطاب وعدني بالحماية لو أنني سأستمر في مساعدته‬ ‫من الملكين‬ "Thank you for your offer," I said. "However, I think it would be best for me and your country if I left. Will you allow this?" "‫ هل ستسمح لي يهذا؟‬.‫ لكني أعتقد أنه من الفضل لي و لبدلك أن أغادر‬,‫قلت"شكرا على عرضك‬ He thought for a minute and then agreed with a smile. "I'll ask my men to help you to prepare your boat," he said. Five hundred of them were employed to make new sails using hundreds of sheets, and a huge stone was found that could be used as an anchor ‫المثبت‬. After about a month, the boat was ready. ‫ خمسمائة منهم تم تشغيلهم‬."‫ "سأطلب من رجالي مساعدتك في تجهيز قاربك‬:‫فكر الملك لمدة دقيقة ثم وافق و قال مبتسما‬ ‫ و بعد حوالي‬.‫ و عثر على صخرة كبيرة و التي يمكن أن تستخدم كهلب‬,‫لصناعة أشرع جديدة باستخدام مئات الملءات‬ .‫ كان القارب جاهزا‬,‫شهر‬ One morning, the King came down to the beach with his family to say goodbye to me. Before I left, he gave me a painting of himself. It was extremely small, so I put it inside my glove to stop it from getting wet during the journey. He also gave me some tiny cows and sheep to supply me with enough food and drink for several weeks at sea, and I finally left Blefuscu on 24th September l70l at six in the morning. ‫لذا‬,‫ و كانت صغيرة جدا‬.‫ و قبل مغادرتي أعطاني صورة مرسومة له‬.‫ذات يوم أتى الملك مع عائلته إلى الشاطئ ليودعوني‬ ‫ و أيضا أعطاني بعض البقرات و الخراف الصغيرة جدا لكي يمدني بالطعام‬.‫وضعتها في قفازي لكي ل تبتل خلل الرحلة‬ .‫ في السادسة صباحا‬1701 ‫ سبتمبر عم‬24 ‫ و أخيرا تركت بليفوسكو يوم‬.‫الكافي و الشراب لسابيع عدة في البحر‬ The wind took me north and I passed a small island. The first night was clear and I slept well before another day's sailing in the same direction. I planned to sail to some islands that I believed lay to the northeast of where my ship sank all those months ago. The next day I saw no land at all, but the day after that I saw another boat not far from me. I tried for some time to catch up with the boat and after many hours, it finally saw my sails. As I got closer, I was happy to see the boat had an English flag, and it was not a tiny ship but the correct size. I was safe! ‫ كانت الليلة الولى صافية و نمت جيدا قبل يوم جديد من البحار في‬.‫أخذتني الرياح إلى الشمال و مررت بجزيرة صغيرة‬ ‫ خطط أن أبحر إلى بعض الجرز التي أعتقدت أنها تقع شمال شرق المكان الذي غرقت فيه سفينتي منذ عدة‬.‫نفس التجاه‬ ‫حاولت‬.‫ لكن اليوم التالي رأيت قارب آخر ليس بعيدا عني‬,‫ لم أرى أي أرض في اليوم التالي على الطلق‬.‫شهور مضت‬ ‫ و عندما اقتربت كنت سعيدا أن أرى‬.‫ و بعد عدة ساعات رأوا أخيرا شراعي‬,‫لبعض الوقت أن أسرع للحق بالقارب‬ .‫ لقد أصبحت بأمان‬.‫ لكنكان في الحجم الطبيعي‬.‫ و لم يكن قارب صغير‬.‫القارب عليه العلم النجليزي‬ I sailed my boat next to the English boat, put my cows and sheep in my pocket, and climbed onto the larger boat. Soon the captain came to welcome me. I found the boat belonged to a trader called John Biddel, who was travelling back to London from Japan. He had around fifty sailors, and they were very kind to me when I got onto their boat. John Biddel then asked me where I had been, so I told him about my adventures. I could see that he thought I was


completely mad, so I showed him the tiny cows and sheep that I had in my pocket and the painting inside my glove. He was amazed. ‫ كان القارب ملك لتاجر‬.‫ و تسلقت إلى القارب الكبير‬,‫ وضعت بقراتي و خرفاني في جيبي‬,‫أبحرت بقاربي بجوار القارب النجليزي‬ ‫ و كانوا ودودين جدا نحوي عندما‬,‫ من البحارة‬50 ‫ كان لديه حوالي‬.‫ و الذي كان يسافر عائدا إلى لندن من اليابان‬,"‫يسمى "جون بيدل‬ ‫ لذا عرضت عليه‬.‫ رأيت أنه ظن أنني مجنون تماما‬.‫ لذا أخبرته عن مغامراتي‬,‫ ثم سألني "جون بيدل" أين كنت‬.‫صعدت على قاربهم‬ .‫ كان مذهول‬.‫البقرات و الخراف الصغار جدا و التي كانت معي في جيبي و الرسم الذي كان في قفازي‬ "If you hadn't shown me these things," he said, "I would have thought it impossible." ."‫ لقلت أن ذلك مستحيل‬,‫و قال "لو لم تريني هذه الشياء‬ "I can understand that," I said. "But look, keep the little sheep. Give them to your children when you get home. They'll love them." ".‫ سوف يحبونهم‬.‫ و أعطهم لولدك عندما تعود للوطن‬.‫ أحتفظ بهذه الخرفان‬.‫ "أنا أتفهم هذا‬:‫فقلت له‬ He was very pleased by this, and every day from then on during our journey, I saw him feed the sheep on his best sea biscuits. .‫ و منذ ذلك اليوم و طوال الرحلة رأيته يطعم الخرفان بأفضل قطع البسكويت البحرية لديه‬,‫كان سعيدا جدا بهذا‬ It was a long journey back to England, but a good one. On 13th April 1702, we finally arrived back in England and I was so very happy to see my wife and family again. How tall my children had become! I sold my small animals for a lot of money (although I lost one of the cows, which was eaten by a rat) and soon I was able to help my family to move to a larger house in an expensive part of the town. ‫ عدنا إلى إنجلترا و كنت سعيدا جدا برؤية زوجتي‬1702 ‫ أبريل عام‬13 ‫ في‬.‫ لكنها كانت رحلة جيدة‬,‫كانت رحلة طويلة للعودة لنجلترا‬ ‫ و كيف ازداد أبنائي طول! بعت حيواناتي الصغيرة بأموال كثيرة )بالرغم من أني فقدت إحدى البقرات و التي‬.‫و عائلتي مرة أخرى‬ .‫أكلها فأر كبير( و في القريب أصبحت قادرا على مساعدة أسرتي للنتقال إلى منزل أوسع في جزء غالي الثمن في المدينة‬ My son, Johnny, was now at a good school, and my daughter, Betty, had a good job making clothes. My family were comfortable and happy, but I found life in the city difficult and work was hard to find. Once again, I began to think it would be better if l took another job as a ship's surgeon. So after just two and a half months back in England, I was offered a new job on a ship called The Adventure. I accepted the job and prepared for another journey. ‫ و لكني‬,‫ كانت أسرتي مرتاحة و سعيدة‬.‫ و أبنتي "بيتي" ليدها عمل جيد في صناعة الملبس‬.‫أبني "جوني" أصبح في مدرسة جيدة‬ ‫و مرة أخرى بدأت أفكر في أنه من الفضل الحصول على وظيفة‬.‫وجدت الحياة في المدينة صعبة و من الصعوبة الحصول على عمل‬ ‫ عرض عليي وظيفة جديدة على مركب أسمها "ذا أدفنتشر" أو‬,‫ لذا بعد شهرين ونصف فقط من عودتي إلى إنجلترا‬.‫كجراح على سفينة‬ .‫ قبلت الوظيفة و تحضرت لرحلة أخرى‬."‫"المغامرة‬ I felt tears in my eyes when I said goodbye to my wife and children yet again and stepped onto the The Adventure. It was a good name for my ship, too, because I was about to have an even bigger adventure on the seas. ‫ لني كنت على‬,‫ كان أسما جيدا لسفينتي‬."‫شعرت بالدموع في عيني و أنا أودع زوجتي و أولدي مرة أخرى و خطوت إلى "ذا أدفنتشر‬ .‫وشك الحصول على مغامرة أكبر في البحر‬ Questions and answers 1. How did Gulliver get to Blefuscu? How far away was it? ‫كي ف وصل جليفر الي بلفسكو ؟ وكم كان بعدها ؟‬ * He walked and swam in the deepest place in the sea .It was an island about 800 metres to the Lilliput . ‫ كيلومتر من ليليبوت‬800 ‫ كانت جزيرة علي بعد‬. ‫أخذ يمشي ويعوم في البحر‬ 2 - Why didn't the people of Blefuscu Know about Gulliver? ‫لما ل يعر ف شعب البلفسكو شيء عن جليفر ؟‬ *Because there was no communication between the two islands. ‫لنه لم يكن هناك اتصال بين الجزيرتين‬ 3 - What was the Gulliver's plan to help the king of Lilliput and defend ‫ يدافع عن‬Lilliput ?


‫ماذا كانت خطة جليفر في مساعدة ملك ليليبوت وفي أن يدافع عن ليليبوت ؟‬ *He planned to take Blefuscu's fleet of ships. ‫خطط أن يأخذ أسطولهم البحري‬ 4 - How deep was the sea? ‫كم عمق البحر ؟‬ *It was about two meters deep. ‫عمق مترين‬ 7 - What did he see when he used the telescope? ‫ماذا رأي جليفر عندما استخدم التليسكوب ؟‬ *He saw fifty (50) ships and smaller boats. ‫راي خمسون سفينة وقوارب صغيرة‬ 10 - What did the sailors of Blefuscu do when they saw Gulliver? ‫ماذا فعل بحارة بلفسكو عندما رأو جليفر ؟‬ * They were afraid and jumbed from their ships to the sohre ‫كانوا خائفين وقفزوا من سفنهم الي الشط‬ 11 - What did Gulliver do with the ships? ‫وماذا فعل جليفر بالسفن ؟‬ *He fastened ‫ربط‬the hooks onto the ships and pulled them. ‫ربط الخطا ف في السفن وقام بسحبهم‬ 12 - How did the soldiers of Blefuscu defend themselves? ‫كي ف حاول البلفسكوا أن يدافعوا عن أنسهم ؟‬ *They shot Gulliver with arrows. ‫أطلقوا عليه السهام ؟‬ 13 - How did Gulliver protect his eyes from the arrows? ‫كي ف حمي جليفر عينيه من السهام ؟‬ *He put on his glasses ‫لبس النضارة‬ 14- Why didn't the ships move at first?What prevented ‫ يمنع‬Gulliver from pulling the ships at first? ‫ما الذي منع جليفر من سحب السفن في البداية ؟‬ *Because the ships were tied up to ‫مربوطة فى‬the harbour wall. ‫انها كانت مربوطة في جدار المرسي‬ 15 - What did Gulliver do to untie ‫ يفك السفن‬the ships? ‫وماذا فعل جليفر كي يفك السفن ؟‬ *He used his knife and cut all the ropes. ‫استخدم السكين وقطع كل الحبال‬ 18 - What did Gulliver say when he came carrying the ships? ‫وماذا قال جليفر عندما ليليبوت حاملا السفن ؟‬ *He shouted " LONG LIVE THE KING OF LILLIPUT". ‫أخذ يهت ف ويقول يعيش ملك ليلبوت‬ 19 - How did the people of Lilliput welcome Gulliver Back and how did the king reward ‫يكافئ‬him? ‫كي ف استقبل شعب ليليبوت جليفر وكي ف كافأة الملك‬ *They welcomed him like a hero and the king gave him a medal. ‫استقبلوه كبطل وقد اعطاه الملك ميدالية‬ 20 - What did the king want to do with his enemies?/How did he want to revenge ‫?ينتقم؟‬ ‫ماذا أراد ان يفعل الملك بأعدائة أوكي ف أراد أن ينتقم ؟‬ *He wanted to put his enemies and the people who opened the eggs at the larger end in prison


‫أراد أن يضع أعداءه وهؤلء اللذين يقشرون ويطقشون البيضة منالناحية العريضة في السجن‬ 21 - Did Gulliver accept ?Show that Gulliver was a man of principles . ‫وهل وافق جليفر * بين أن جليفر كان رجل المبادئ‬ *No, as he refused to help the king control Blefuscu and put his enemies in prison ‫ل رفض أن يساعد الملك في أن يسيطر علي بلفسكوا أو أن يضع أعداءه في السجن‬ 22 - What was the king's opinion of Gulliver after refusing to help him? ‫ماذا كان رأي الملك في جليفر بعد أن رفض مساعدته ؟‬ *He was angry, and said that Gulliver was no longer a hero. ‫غضب الملك وقال أن جليفر لم يعد بطلا‬ 23 - What were the bad news did Gulliver know from the advisor? ‫ما هي الخبار التي تلقاهل جليفر من مستشار الملك ؟‬ * that Flimnap , the treasur,said that Gulliver cost too much money and it was better to remove him from the land. ‫أن فلمناب وزير المالية قال ان جليفر كلفهم كثيراا وأن من ألفضل أن يطردوه من المدينة‬ 24- Why was the top person in the navy against Gulliver? ‫لماذا كان قائد الجيش البحري ضد جليفر‬ * as his job was no longer important as Blefuscu didn't have a fleet of ships ‫لن وظيفته لم تعد مهمة لنه لم يعد لبلفسكو أسطول بحري‬ 25 – Give an example to show that Skyresh was wicked and bad? ‫بين أن سكايرش كان شريراا‬ *He asked the king not to give Gulliver any food to save money and Gulliver would die of hunger . ‫طلب من الملك ال يعطي جليفر أي طعام كي يوفر المال وكي يموت جليفر من الجوع‬ 26-Why did the king want to punish Gulliver? ‫لماذا اراد الملك ان يعاقب جليفر ؟‬ * (1) Because some of his advisors told him that Gulliver was planning to work for the king of Blefusco ‫لن بعض من مستشاريه أخبره أن جليفر ينوي أن يعمل عند ملك بلفسكو‬ (2) he refused to help the king control Blefuscu and put his enemies in prison ‫لنه رفض أن يساعد الملك في أن يسيطر علي بلفسكو ويضع أعداءه في السجن‬ 27- What did Skyresh accuse ‫ يتهم‬Gulliver of ? ‫بما اتهم سكاريش جليفر ؟‬ *He accused ‫ يتهم‬Gulliver of not keeping many of his promises when they set him free ‫بأنه لم يحفظ كثيراا من عهوده بعدما أطلق سراحه‬ 28 - Why did a group of six officials from Blefuscu come to meet the king of Lilliput? ‫لماذ حضر وفد من ستة ضباط من بلفسكو لمقابلة ملك ليليبوت ؟‬ *To ask him to end the war and to meet the big man (Gulliver). ‫كي يطلبوا منه أن يوق ف الحرب وان يقابلوا الرجل الضخم‬ 29 - Why did the delegation ‫ الوفد‬from Blefuscu thank Gulliver? ‫لماذا شكر وفد بلفسكوا جليفر ؟‬ *Because he didn't hurt or kill anyone. ‫لنه لم ياذي أو يقتل منهم احد‬ 31 - What was Gulliver's biggest problem? ‫ماذا كانت مشكلة جليفر الكبيرة ؟‬ *Some people told the king that Gulliver was planning to work with king of Blefuscu against Lilliput. ‫أن بعض الناس قالوا أن جليفر ينوي العمل مع ملك بلفسكو ضد جليفر‬ 32 - What were the suggested plans to punish Gulliver? ‫ماذا كانت الخطط المقترحة لعقاب جليفر ؟‬


 - shooting him with poisonous arrows. ‫حتفه بالسهم السامة‬  - setting fire to his house. ‫إشعال النار في منزله‬  -Making him blind. ‫محاولة ك ف بصرة‬  - giving him no food to die of hunger ‫منعه من الطعام كي يموت جوعا ا‬ 33 - Did the king agreed to kill him? ‫هل وافق الملك في أن يقتل جليفر ؟‬

*No, but he decided to make him blind.

‫ل ولكن قرر أن يك ف بصره‬

34- Why did the king want to punish Gulliver by making him blind? ‫لماذا اختار ألملك أن يعاقب جليفر بك ف بصرة ؟‬ * Because in this way , he would help the king and he wouldn't be dangerous. ‫لن بهذه الطريقة سيساعد الملك ولن يكون خطيراا‬ 35 - What did they decide to do to punish Gulliver finally? ‫ماذا قرروا أن يفعلوا في النهاية ؟‬ *They decided not to give him any food to save the king's money. ‫قرروا أل يعطوه طعاما ا وأن يوفروا فلوس الملك‬ 36 – Show that Gulliver was kind and grateful ‫? معتر ف بالجميل‬ ‫بين أن جليفر كان عطوفا ا ومعتر ف بالجميل‬ *As it was easy to fight the king and destroy the city by throwing stones at the city but he didn't because ‫كان من السهل أن أن يحارب الملك ويدمر المدينة بإلقاء الحجارة عليها ولكنه لم يفعل بسبب‬ (1) the ordinary people didn't do anything wrong to him . ‫الناس العاديين لم يضروه بشيئ‬ (2)the king was kind to him when he arrived in Lilliput ‫أن الملك كان عطوفا ا معه عندما وصل الي ليليبوت‬ 38 - Who welcomed Gulliver at Blefuscu? ‫من استقبل جليفر في بليفسكو ؟‬ *The King , his family and advisers. ‫الملك ومأسرته ومستشاريه‬ 39 - Did Gulliver tell the king of Blefuscu about his problems in Lilliput? ‫هل جليفر أخبر ملك بليفسكو عن مشكلته في ليليبوت‬ *No, he didn't tell him anything. ‫ل لم يخبرهم بشيئ‬ 40 - Why couldn't Gulliver sleep comfortably in Blefuscu? ‫لما لم يستطع جليفر أن ينام مستريحا ا في بليفسكو ؟‬ *Because he slept on hard ground ‫لنه كان ينام علي أرض صلبة‬ 42- How did the king of Lilliput threaten ‫ يهدد‬the king of Blefuscu? ‫كي ف هدد ملك لييليبوت ملك بليفسكو ؟‬ * He threaten to start the war again if he didn't send Gulliver back to Lilliput. ‫هدد بأن يبدا الحرب مرة أخري إذا لم يسلمه جليفر‬ 43- Was the king of Blefuscu brave? Why? ‫هل كان ملك بليفسكو شجاع ؟ ولماذا ؟‬ * Yes, as he wasn't afraid of the threats ‫ تهديد‬and helped Gulliver to return to his country ‫نعم كان شجاعا ا لنه لم يخا ف من التهديدات بل وساعد جليفر في أن يعود الي بلده‬ 45 - What did The king of Blefuscu give Gulliver while he was leaving? ‫ماذا أعطي ملك بليفسكو لجليفر وهو يغادر البلد ؟‬ *He gave him a painting of himself , some tiny cows , sheep , food and water. ‫أعطاه صورة لنفسه بعض البقر الصغير والخرا ف وطعام وماء‬


46- Where did Gulliver keep the painting of the king?Why? ‫أين احتفظ جليفر بصورة الملك ولماذا ؟‬ *In his gloves because he didn't want it to get wet during the voyage ‫في الجورب لنه لم يرد أن تبتل‬ 48 - Who owned the ship that saw Gulliver in the sea?Where was it going? ‫من هو صاحب السفينة التي رات جليفر في البحر وأين كانت ذاهبة‬ *It belonged to a trader called John Biddel . it was going to London from Japan ‫كانت تخص تاجر يسمي جون بديل وكانت متجه الي اليابان‬ 49 - What did John think of Gulliver when he told him his story? ‫ماذا اعتقد جون في جليفر عندما أخبره بقصته ؟‬ *He thought he was a mad man. ‫إعتقد أنه رجل مجنون‬ 50 - How did Gulliver prove that his story was true and he was not mad? ‫كي ف أثبت له جليفر أن قصته حقيقية وأنه ليس مجنون ؟‬ *He showed him the tiny cows, the sheep and the painting of the king. ‫قد عرض عليه البقر الصغير والخرا ف وكذلك صورة الملك‬ 51 – How could Gulliver make his family happy ? ‫كي ف اسعد جليفر أسرته أو كي ف استفاد جليفر ماديا ا من رحلته في بلد القزام‬ *After returnig home , he sold the small animals for a lot of money and bought a larger house in an expensive part of the town ‫بعد رجوعه للبيت قد باع الحيونات الصغيرة بأموال كثيرة واشتري بيت أكبر في مكان قخم في المدينة‬ More Questions 53- Show that the king and the people of Blefusco was tolerant ‫?متسامح‬ ‫بين أن ملك وشعب البلفسكو كانوا متسامحين مع جليفر‬ * (1)Although Gulliver took their ships , they were kind to him , give him food ……… Quotations and answers 1 – " If it can help us , then I want to hear it." 1 – Who said this and to whom? The king to Gulliver. 2 – When did the king say this? When Gulliver told him that he had an idea about attacking Blefuscu . 3 – What was Gulliver's idea or plan? He wanted to take all Blefuscu's ships away. 2 – " Your spies ‫ جواسيس‬tell me that Blefuscu's fleet of ships is prepared to attack." 1 – Who said these words and to whom? Gulliver to the king. 2 – What was the king's answer? He said yes. 3 – What did Gulliver suggest about this problem? He suggested taking all Blefuscu's ships away. *3 – " It's about two meters deep at most" 1 – Who said these words and To whom? One of the best sailorsTo Gulliver 2 – What did Gulliver intend ‫ ينوى‬to do? He intended to cross the sea to Blefuscu and take all Blefuscu's ships away. 4- ""Well, my plan is that I can easily take all of Blefuscu 's ships away from them" 1 – Who said these words and To whom? Gulliver to the king of Lilliput


2- Did the speaker succeed in his plan?Give the reason?  Yes. As Gulliver take all of Blefuscu 's ships to Lilliput 5– " I can see some ships, but there is no sign of Gulliver." 1 – Who said these words and To whom? One of the soldiers to the king. 2 – What did these ships belong to ? To the fleet of Blefuscu. 3 – What did they think at this moment? They thought the enemy fleet was attacking and Gulliver drowned ‫غرق‬ 6 – " Gulliver's plan has not succeeded. " 1 – Who was the speaker and To whom? One of the advisers. To the king. 7-" I fear you are right, perhaps Gulliver has drowned" 1 – Who was the speaker and To whom?  The king to the soldiers and the advisers 2- Why did The king think that Gulliver has drowned  As they saw the enemy's ships without Gulliver 8 – " 2 - " Long live the king of Lilliput." 1 - Who said this? Gulliver. 2 - When did he say this? When he came out of the sea. 3 - How did the king and people welcome him? They welcomed him like a hero and the king gave him a medal. 9 – " My hero, for what you have done , you will get" 1 – Who said these words? The king to Gulliver. 2 – Why did he call him a hero? Because he took the fleet of Blefuscu away . 3 – How did he reward ‫ يكافئ‬him? He gave him the most important medal in land. 10 – " With your help we could easily take control of Blefuscu ." 1 – Who said these words and to whom? The king to Gulliver. 2 – What did the king want to do with his enemies? He wanted to put them in prison . 3 – What was Gulliver reaction ‫?رد فعلة‬ He refused and told the king that he didn't want free people to become prisoners. 11– " "I am sorry, I can't help you with your ambitions ‫طموح‬." 1 - who said this and to whom? Gulliver to the king. 2 - What were these ambitions? The king wanted to take control of Blefuscu and put them in prison. 3 - What was the king's reaction? He changed his mind of Gulliver and said that he was no longer a hero


12 – " I can't make ‫ يجعل‬you attack Blefuscu , But if you won't help , you will no longer be a hero in Lilliput." 1 – Who said this and to whom? The king to Gulliver. 2 – Why do you think the king couldn't make Gulliver attack Blefuscu? Because he was giant and strong. 3 – What did the king threaten ‫ يهدد‬Gulliver of? He told him that his life wouldn't be easy . 13" If you can help me find some materials, I will soon be able to leave" 1 – Who said this and to whom?  Gulliver to the king of Blefuscu 2-where did the speaker want to go?  To his country , England 3- Did the addressed person ‫ الشخص المستمع‬agree to the speaker's request? Yes . And he helped him to return To his country , England 14- " this boat is exactly what I need to return to my country" 1 – Who said this and to whom?  Gulliver to the king of Blefuscu 2- What boat did the speaker talk about ?  The real boat that he found in the sea by chance ‫ بالصدفة‬as it was big enough for him to sail with 15 – " We would like to thank you for not hurting any of our people." 1 – Who said these to whom? The(6) people from Blefuscu. 2 – Why did they come to Lilliput?/ What did they offer him? To end the war between the two countries peacefully and to meet Gulliver and offered him to visit Blefuscu and meet the king. 16 – " Flimnap , the treasurer has told the king that you are costing too much money." 1 – Who said these words? To whom? One of the king's advisers. To Gulliver. 2 – What did Flimnap suggest about that? He suggested removing ‫ يزيل‬Gulliver from the country. 17 – Flimnap was not the only person who has a problem with you, either." 1 – Who was the speaker and to whom? The adviser to Gulliver. 2 – Who were other people? An important officer in the navy, and Skyresh Bolgolam. 3 – Why was the important officer in the navy angry with Gulliver? Because his job was no longer important as Gulliver took the fleet of Blefusu. 18– " But if I am not given any food, I will soon die of hunger." 1 - Who said this and to whom? Gulliver to his visitor(the king's adviser) 2 - Why did they decide not to give him any food? To save the king's money. 3 - Who suggested preventing him from food?


The treasurer Flimnap. 19 – " I have told you what is planned for you." 1 – Who said these words and to Whom? One of the advisers to Gulliver. 2 – What did Gulliver think of after he knew the punishment of the king to him? He thought of destroying the city. 3 – What prevented him from doing that? He remembered the ordinary people and how the king was kind with him at first. 20 – If you hadn't shown me these things, I would have thought it impossible." 1 – Who said these words? The ship owner (John Biddel )to Gulliver. 2 – What were these things? The tiny cows, the sheep and the painting of the king. 3 – What did The man think of Gulliver? He thought he was a mad man. Find the mistakes and correct the sentences 1 - Blefuscu was about 80 meters from Lilliput. 800 2 - The people of Blefuscu Knew about Gulliver. Didn't know 3 - Gulliver had an idea to take all the people of Blefuscu. Fleet 4 - The sea between the two islands was twenty meters deep. two 5 - Gulliver used a camera to look at the island of Blefuscu. Telescope 6 - The fleet of Blefuscu consisted of ‫ يتكون من‬Fifteen ships. fifty 7 - Gulliver used horns to pull the ships. hooks 8 - to protect his eyes against the arrows Gulliver used his umbrella. Glasses 9 - When Gulliver appeared with the ships he called " short live the king." Long 10 - The People of Lilliput welcomed Gulliver as a heroine. hero 11 - The king gave Gulliver the most important ring in the land. medal 12 - Gulliver agreed to help the king punish his enemies. Didn't 13 - The people from Blefuscu blamed ‫ يلوم‬Gulliver for not hurting anyone. Thanked 14-Gulliver would be awarded because he was planning to work with the King of Blefuscu. punished 15 - The king of Blefuscu gave Gulliver a painting and huge animals. small 16 – Gulliver was happy when he left his family again. Sad 17-Gulliver didn't approve of the idea of throwing stones at the King, and his men because he didn't want to hurt soldiers. ordinary people 18-The King of Blefuscu and his family were frightened of Gulliver. were not 19-Gulliver used metal for making new oars. wood 20-The King of Lilliput wrote an e-mail to the King of Blefuscu. a letter 21- Gulliver then put on ‫ يرتدى‬his shoes and socks and walked into the cold sea. Took off 22- Gulliver stood up and shouted, "Long live the king of Blefuscu!" Lilliput 23- the advisor gave Gulliver the most important medal in the land. king 24- Gulliver wanted to destroy Mildendo ‫ العاصمة‬. didn'twant 25- Gulliver was surprised that all the king's family were frightened of me. none of 26- . Gulliver told the king about the problems he had left behind him in Lilliput. said nothing


27- Gulliver took Blefuscu's ships and destroyed them. but did not 28- The King of Lilliput treated ‫ يعامل‬Gulliver badly when he came back with Blefuscu's ships. well/ kindly 29-Gulliver agreed to do anything against ‫ ضد‬the people of Blefuscu. Didn't agree 30- Skyrish said that it cost too much money to keep Gulliver. flimnap 31- Gulliver was planning to work with the King of Blefuscu against Lilliput. Wasn't 32- The King and his advisers agreed to make Gulliver blind and feed him. not feed 33-The King's adviser came to Gulliver to help him stay in Lilliput. Escape from 34- The King of Blefuscu didn't want to welcome Gulliver. welcomed 35-Gulliver showed the ship's owner some huge plants to prove his story was true. Tiny animals 36-At first, the ships would not move as they were all tied up to the harbour wool. wall 37- flimnap, has never liked Gulliver, says that he hasn't kept many of the promises. Skyresh Bolgolam 38- The King wanted Gulliver to die, so it was agreed that he'll be made blind. didn't want 39- it was finally agreed that after Gulliver was made blind, he'd no longer be given any food, as this would Waste the King money. save 40- Gulliver spent the next few days making the boat and making new oars ‫ مجادي ف‬from the island's biggest trees. repairing 41-- Gulliver felt sure it was a good idea to help either of the Kings. no felt sure longer 42- The king of Blefuscu promised to protect Gulliver if he went back to Lilliput. would continue to help him 43- When Gulliver showed Biddel the tiny cows and sheep that he had in his pocket and the painting inside his glove,he was afraid. amazed 44- Gulliver gave Biddel the sheep to give them to his children and Biddel fed the sheep on grass . his best sea biscuits 45- Gulliver's family were comfortable and happy, but he found life in the city easy and work was hard to find. Difficult 46-Gulliver fastened the metal hooks onto each sailor and tied the chains together. Ship 47-The ships did not move because they were heavy. tied up to the harbour wall 48-The Blefuscu's soldiers stopped shooting because they were terrified. ! surprised 49-As soon as Gulliver could touch the bottom of the sea, he sank. stood up and shouted The king of Blefuscu welcomed Gulliver back like a hero. Lilliput -50 51-- A delegation from Blefuscu went to Lilliput to kill the king. Meet and end the war peacefully 52-Flimnap was a trader in king's government Adventure was a bad name for the ship . good in Lilliput. Treasure 53-The king of Blefuscu gave Gulliver a painting of the island to take with him. Himself 54-Gulliver put the painting of the king in his glove so as not to be seen. get wet 55-The sailors on Biddel's boat disliked Gulliver when he got into their boat. were kind to him 56-Gulliver made a little money from his animals as they were rare. Much


57-After his return, Gulliver decided to settle down ‫ يستقر‬in England. to find a new job on a ship 58- Gulliver saw the


1. On 20 June 1702, I left England once again on the Adventure under the ship's captain, Captain John Nicholas. We were planning to go to India and at first; the winds were kind to us: we easily reached the south of Africa, where we stopped for fresh water. There we discovered that the ship had a hole in its side which had to be repaired, and soon after this the captain fell ill. Because of this, we stayed in the south of Africa for most of the winter until the captain had recovered and the ship was ready for the seas once more. ‫ تركت إنجلترا مرة أخرى على سفينة "ذا أدفنتشر" تحت قيادة كابتن السفينة‬,1702 ‫ يونيو عام‬20 ‫في يوم‬ ‫ و وصلنا بسهولة إلى‬,‫ كنا نخطط للذهاب إلى الهند و في البداية؛ كانت الرياح طيبة معنا‬,‫"كابتن جون نيكولس‬ ‫ هناك اكتشفنا أن السفينة كان بها ثقب في جانبها الذي كان يجب‬.‫ حيث وقفنا للتزود بالماء العزب‬,‫جنوب أفريقيا‬ ‫ مكثنا في جنوب أفريقيا لمعظم الشتاء‬,‫ و بسبب ذلك‬.‫ و قريبا بعد ذلك شعر الكابتن بالمرض‬,.‫أن يتم أصلحه‬ .‫حتى شفي الكابتن و أصبحت السفينة جاهزة للبحار مرة أخرى‬ 2. In March, we set off again, first headed east, passing the island of Madagascar. We continued to the north of the island, when the wind began to get stronger, so it was a difficult journey. For twenty days we sailed against the winds, moving slowly until finally the wind and the sea became calm. ‫ و‬,‫ أستمرينا إلى شمال الجزيرة‬.‫ مارين بجزيرة مدغشقر‬.‫ في البداية توجهنا شرقنا‬,‫في مارس انطلقنا مرة أخرى‬ ‫ بمشي ببطء حتى هدأ البحر و‬.‫ يوما أبحرنا ضد الرياح‬20 ‫ لمدة‬.‫ لذا كانت رحلة صعبة‬,‫عندها بدأت الرياح تقوى‬ .‫الرياح في النهاية‬ "I'm pleased the winds have stopped," I said to the captain one morning. ."‫" أنا سعيد بأن الرياح قد توقفت‬:‫قلت للكابتن ذات صباح‬ The captain said nothing for a moment and looked hard at the sky. "Enjoy this while you can," he said. "We need to prepare for a great storm."


‫ علينا أن نحضر أنفسنا‬.‫لم يقل الكابتن شيئا دقيقة نظر بشدة إلى السماء و قال "أستمتع بهذا حيثما تستطيع‬ .‫لعاصفة كبيرة‬ "How do you know?" I asked. ‫"سألته "كيف عرفت؟‬ "I've experienced conditions like this before," he said. "It's the calm before the storm." ‫ أنه الهدوء الذي يسبق العاصفة‬,‫" لقد مررت بظروف مثل هذا من قبل‬:‫"فقال‬. 3. The captain was right. Two days later we were indeed hit by a great wind which flew up from the south. We took down some of the sails and did all that we could to control the ship, but the storm drove us northeast, until even our most experienced sailors did not know where we were. Luckily, our ship was strong after its repairs, and we had good supplies of food. Our only problem was that we did not have much fresh water. We decided to continue in the direction the wind had taken us, rather than try to find our way back to our planned route. ‫ أنزلنا بعض من الشرعة‬.‫ فبعدها بيومين ضربتنا بالفعل عاصفة كبيرة و التي أتت من الجنوب‬.‫كان الكابتن محقا‬ ‫ حتى أن أكثر البحارة خبرة لم‬,‫ لكن العاصفة قادتنا إلى الشمال الشرقي‬,‫و فعلنا كل ما نستطيع للتحكم في السفينة‬ ‫ مشكلتنا‬.‫ و أمدادنا من الطعام كان جيدا‬,‫ لحسن الحظ أن سفينتنا كانت قوية بعد التصليحات‬.‫يعرفوا أين كنا‬ ‫ قررنا أن نستمر في التجاه الذي أخذتنا إليه الرياح أفضل‬.‫الوحيدة كانت أننا لم يكن معنا الكثير من الماء العذب‬ .‫من أن نحاول إيجاد طريقنا في المسار المخطط له‬ 4. On 16 June 1703, a sailor called out to say that he could see land some distance away. A day later, we were much closer and we could all see a great island or continent in the distance (we did not know it). As we got even nearer, we saw a narrow bay, but the captain did not think it was deep enough to take our ship, so we put down the anchor near the coast. Our captain ordered twelve men to go towards the shore in a small boat with containers to try to get some fresh water. Once we had this, we would be ready to continue on our journey. ‫ بعدها بيوم كنا أقرب كثيرا و كنا جميعا نرى جزيرة‬.‫ نادى بحار قائل أنه رأى اليابسة عن بعد‬,‫ يونيو‬16 ‫في يوم‬ ‫ لكن الكابتن لم يعتقد أنه كان‬,‫ رأينا خليج ضيق‬,‫و عندما أصبحنا أكثر قربا‬.(‫كبيرة أو قارة عن بعد )لم نعرفها‬ ‫ رجل ليذهبوا للشاطئ في قارب‬12 ‫ و أمر الكابتن‬.‫ لذا أنزلنا المرساة بالقرب من الساحل‬,‫عميقا بما يكفي لسفينتنا‬ .‫ سنستكمل رحلتنا في الحال‬,‫ و إذا حصلنا عليه‬.‫صغير و معهم حاويات ليحاولوا إيجاد بعض الماء العذب‬ 5. "Captain," I said, as the men prepared their boat. "I like to visit different countries on my travels and I'm not busy today. Can I have your permission to go with the men?" ‫ و أنا لست مشغول‬,‫بينما كان الرجال يحضرون القارب قلت للكابتن" أنا أحي زيارة البلدان المختلفة في رحلتي‬ "‫فهل أستطيع الحصول على أذنك أن أذهب مع الرجال‬.‫اليوم‬ 6. "Of course," the Captain said. ‫"فقال الكابتن"بالطبع‬ arrived on a long, sandy beach, but we could not see any people, nor any fresh water. So the sailors decided to walk along the beach to look for a stream or a spring. While they did this, I walked alone for about a kilometre away from the beach. This side of the land did not look very interesting: it had no trees and was mostly dry and full of rocks. Because there was not very much to see, I decided to return to the beach. ‫ لذا قرر البحارة أن يمشوا‬.‫ لكننا لم نرى أي أشخاص أو مياه عذبة‬,‫وصلنا في القريب إلى شاطئ رملي طويل‬ ‫ مشيت بمفردي حوالي مسافة كيلومتر بعيدا‬,‫ و بينما هم يفعلون ذلك‬.‫بطول الشاطئ بحثا عن نهر صغير أو ينبوع‬ ‫ و‬.‫ هذا الجانب من الرض لم يبدو ممتعا؛ لم يكن به أي أشجار وكان تقريبا جاف و مليء بالصخور‬.‫عن الشاطئ‬ .‫ فقررت العودة للشاطئ‬,‫لنه لم يكن هناك الكثير لكي أراه‬ 7. As I got near to the beach again, I realised the sailors were already in the small boat, rowing back towards the ship. Why were they leaving? Could they have forgotten me? I was going to call out to them, when suddenly I saw


something that I could not believe! A huge giant was walking into the sea towards the small boat as fast as he could. The boat was some way ahead of the giant, who was taking great steps, although the water only went up as high as his knees. Then he seemed to stop, realising that there were many rocks between where he stood and the boat, and I believed our boat would escape. .‫ يجدفون عائدون إلى السفينة‬,‫ رأيت البحارة بالفعل في قارب صغير‬,‫و بينما كنت أقترب من الشاطئ مرة أخرى‬ ‫لماذا كانوا يغادرون؟ هل من الممكن أن يكونوا قد نسوني؟ كنت على وشك أن أناديهم عندما رأيت فجأة شيء ما‬ ‫ كان القارب‬.‫لم استطع تصديقه! عملق ضخم كان يمشي في البحر نحو القارب الصغير بأقصى سرعة يستطيعها‬ ‫ ثم توقف‬.‫ بينما كانت المياه تصل إلى ركبتيه‬,‫ و الذي كان يمشي آخذا خطوات عملقة‬.‫بعيدا لحد ما أمام العملق‬ ‫ و أعتقدت أن القارب استطاع‬,‫مدركا إنه هناك العديد من الصخور بين المكان حيث كان يقف و بين القارب‬ .‫الهرب‬ 8. I did not wait to see what happened to them, but ran away from the beach, worried that the giant would tum round and see me. I climbed a small hill as quickly as I could, and when I reached the top, I sat down and looked to see what I could find. Behind me, the beach was empty and I could not see the giant or the boat. In front of me, I was surprised to see many fields, but the grass in the fields was very long, perhaps three or four metres high. ‫ و تسلقت تل صغير‬.‫ لكني هربت من الشاطئ خائفا أن يلتفت العملق و يراني‬,‫لم أنتظر لرى ماذا حدث لهم‬ ‫ و‬,‫ كان الشاطئ خلفي فارغا‬.‫جلست و نظرت لرى ما أستطيع اكتشافه‬, ‫ و عندما وصلت لقمته‬,‫بقدر ما استطعت‬ ‫ ربما‬,‫ لكن الحشائش كانت طويلة جدا‬,‫ كنت مندهشا أن أرى أمامي حقول عديدة‬.‫لم أرى ل العملق و ل القارب‬ .‫كان طولها ثلثة أو أربعة أمتار‬ 9. I walked down the hill to a wide, rough road which went through fields filled with wheat which was about seven metres high. The wheat was so tall that I could see nothing beyond it, so I decided it was safest if I continued down the road through one of the fields. After about an hour, I finally reached the end of this enormous field. The road stopped at a wall that was at least forty metres tall, with trees behind it that were even taller. There were steps over the wall but it was impossible for me to use them because every step was two metres high. ‫نزلت من التل و مشيت في طريق واسع و خشن و الذي كان عابر لحقول مليئة بالقمح الذي كان طوله حوالي‬ ‫ لذا قررت أن أنه من الكثر أمنا أن أستمر في‬,‫كان القمح كويل جدا لدرجة أنني لم أري شيئا خلفه‬.‫سبعة أمتار‬ ‫ انتهى‬,‫ وصلت أخيرا إلى نهاية هذا الحقل الضخم‬,‫ و بعد حوالي ساعة‬.‫المضي قس الطريق خلل أحد الخقول‬ ‫ كان هناك عتبات على الحائط و‬.‫ و خلفه أشجار كانت أطول من ذلك‬,‫ مترا‬40 ‫الحقل إلى حائط كان طوله حوالي‬ .‫لكن كان من المحال بالنسبة لي أن أستخدمهم لن كل عتبة كان ارتفاعها متران‬ 10. I was looking for a way through this enormous wall when I saw another giant, of the same size as the person on the beach. This person was quickly walking up the road towards the place where I stood. I was terrified and ran into the field of wheat to hide. I watched as he easily climbed the steps onto the top of the wall, where he stopped. He said something in a voice which was as loud as thunder, and soon seven more giants appeared, each carrying enormous scythes. Their clothes were less well made than the first giant's, and I understood the men to be his workers. The first giant gave them an order and they began to cut the wheat in the field where I was hiding. I tried to get away from them through the field, but it was difficult to walk quickly or far as the plants were very close together. ‫ من نفس حجم الشخص على‬،‫كنت أبحث عن طريق من خلل هذا الجدار الهائل عندما رأيت عملق آخر‬ ‫ شعرت بالرعب وركضت في‬.‫كان هذا الشخص يمشي بسرعة على الطريق نحو المكان حيث وقفت‬.‫الشاطئ‬ ‫ وقال شيء‬.‫ حيث توقف‬،‫ شاهدته و هو يصعد العتبات بسهولة إلى الجزء العلوي من الجدار‬.‫حقل القمح للختباء‬ ‫ وملبسهم‬.‫ كل يحمل مناجل ضخمة‬،‫ و سرعان ما ظهر سبع عمالقة آخرون‬،‫ما بصوت مرتفع كان مثل الرعد‬


‫ أعطاهم العملق الول أمر فبدئوا‬.‫ وفهمت أن الرجال كانوا يعملون لديه‬،‫كانت أدنى من ملبس العملق الول‬ ‫ ولكن كان من الصعب على المشي‬،‫ حاولت البتعاد عنهم في الحقل‬.‫في قطع القمح في الحقل حيث كنت أختبئ‬ .‫بسرعة أو بعيدا لن النباتات كانت قريبة جدا من بعض‬ 11. Eventually, I found myself in a part of the field where the wind or rain had pushed the plants flat. I realised there was nowhere for me to go without being seen, but I could hear the giants with their scythes moving closer and closer. Each cut they made to the wheat made a terrible noise, followed by another as the wheat fell to the ground. With each plant that fell, there was one less place where I could hide. I lay down exhausted and thought about my poor family who would soon be without a father and husband. Why had I come on this voyage? Some of my friends had told me not to go. I remembered Lilliput, a place where I had thought I was so strong and important. And now I would perhaps be food for enormous giants. I realised that nothing is big or small unless you compare it with something else. Perhaps there is another land where even these giants may feel small and unimportant. . ‫ وجدت نفسي في جزء من الحقل حيث الرياح أو المطر قد دفعت النباتات بشكل مسطح‬، ‫و في النهاية‬ ‫ ولكن كنت أسمع العمالقة بالمناجل يتحركون أقرب‬،‫أدركت أنه ليس هناك مكان للذهاب إليه دون ان يروني‬ ‫ مع كل نبات‬.‫ يله أخرى بينما القمح يسقط على الرض‬،‫ كل قطع على القمح كان يصنع ضوضاء رهيبة‬.‫وأقرب‬ ‫ رقدت منهكا وفكرت في عائلتي المساكين الذين سيكونوا قريبا من‬.‫ كان هناك مكان أقل يمكنني أن أختبئ‬،‫يسقط‬ ‫ وهو المكان‬،‫ تذكرت يليبوت‬.‫ لماذا أتيت في هذه الرحلة؟ بعض أصدقائي قالوا لي ل تذهب‬.‫دون أب و زوج‬ ‫ أدركت أن ليس هناك ما هو‬.‫ والن قد أكون ربما طعاما لعملق هائل‬.‫الذي اعتقدت فيه أني كنت قويا جدا ومهما‬ ‫ ربما هناك أرض أخرى حيث أن هذه العمالقة قد يشعروا بأنهم‬.‫كبير أو صغير إل إذا قارنته مع شيء آخر‬ .‫صغار وغير مهمين‬ 12. Suddenly I saw that one of the giants was walking towards me. He had not seen me, which I thought was good news until I was worried that he would surely stand on me at any moment, so I called out as loudly as I could: "Look where you're going!" ‫ اعتقدت أنه شيء جيد حتى خفت انه بالتأكيد سيقف علي‬,‫ و لم يرني‬.‫فجأة رأيت أن أحد العمالقة يسير نحوي‬ "‫ "! انظر أين أنت ذاهب‬:‫ لذلك ناديت بصوت عال قدر استطاعتي‬،‫في أي لحظة‬ 13. The giant stopped and looked first up, then around, before he looked down and saw me. His eyes grew large with surprise, but he did not do anything at first. He seemed to be thinking about what to do, as I have done when I have seen a small, dangerous animal in front of me. Then he decided to carefully pick me up with his fingers to look at me closely. ‫ لكنه في‬،‫ اتسعت عينيه بدهشة كبيرة‬, ‫ قبل أن ينظر إلى أسفل ويراني‬،‫ ثم حوله‬،‫توقف العملق ونظر أول لعلى‬ ‫ قرر‬.‫ كما فعلت عندما رأيت حيوان صغير و خطيرأمامي‬،‫ بدا أنه يفكر فيما يجب فعله‬.‫البداية لم يفعل أي شيء‬ .‫بعد ذلك أن يلتقطني بعناية بأصابعه لينظر لي عن كثب‬ 14. I thought quickly and decided the safest thing for me to do was to not move, although his fingers hurt my back and I realised I was twenty metres above the ground. Then I looked up at the sky and began to pray, worried that he would throw me onto the ground: "Please, keep me safe and do not let him drop me!" ,‫ على الرغم من أن أصابعه تؤلم ظهري‬،‫فكرت بسرعة وقررت أن أسلم شيء بالنسبة لي هو أن ل اتحرك‬ ‫ قلق من‬،‫ ثم نظرت الى السماء وبدأت أصلي‬.‫وأدركت أنني كنت على ارتفاع عشرين مترا فوق سطح الرض‬ "!‫ أبقني آمن ول تدعه يسقطني‬،‫انه سوف يلقي بي على الرض "من فضلك‬ 15. Luckily the giant seemed pleased and also amazed that I was talking, although he clearly did not understand what I was saying.


‫ بالرغم من أنه بدا واضحا أنه ل يفهم ما‬,‫لحسن الحظ أن العملق بدا عليه الساعة و الدهشة أيضا أنني أتحدث‬ .‫قلته‬ 16. "You're hurting my back: if you must hold me, hold me gently!" I cried, and pointed to my back and he seemed to understand. He carefully put me in his pocket and ran off to find his master, the farmer who I had seen earlier. The pocket was dark and warm, and luckily it was not uncomfortable. .‫ أمسكني بلطف!" وأشارت إلى ظهري وبدا أنه فهم‬،‫ إذا كان يجب أن تمسكني‬:‫" أنت تؤلم ظهري‬:‫صرخت قائل‬ ‫ كان الجيب‬.‫ والمزارع الذي كنت قد رأيته في وقت سابق‬،‫وضعني بعناية في جيبه وجرى للعثور على سيده‬ .‫ ومن حسن الحظ أنه لم يكن غير مريح‬،‫مظلم ودافئ‬ 17. When the giant stopped, I saw a great big pair of eyes looking down at me. The farmer was looking at me inside the man's pocket and waved for the other workers to look at me too. He seemed to be asking them what I was. Next, the giant took me out of his pocket and put me on the ground and they all watched me in amazement as I walked up and down to show that I was not going to run away. I took off my hat and bowed to the farmer. ‫ كان المزارع ينظر إلي داخل جيب الرجل‬.‫ رأيت زوج من العيون الكبيرة جدا تنظر إلي‬,‫عندما توقفت العملق‬ ‫ أخذي العملق من جيبه وضعني على‬،‫ بعد ذلك‬.‫ بدا أنه سألهم ماذا أكون‬.‫ولوح للعمال الخرين للنظر إلى أيضا‬ ‫ خلعت قبعتي وانحنىت إلى‬.‫الرض و شاهدوني جميع في ذهول وأنا أمشي ذهابا و إيابا لريهم أني لن أهرب‬ .‫المزارع‬ "I'm pleased to meet you, kind sir," I said, taking a bag of gold coins from my pocket. "I can offer you some of these coins if you'll keep me safe." ‫ "أستطيع أن أعرض‬.‫قلت "أنا سعيد برؤيتك يا سيدي الطيب" و أخذت حقيبة من العملت الذهبية من جيبي‬ ."‫عليك بعضا من هذه العملت إذا كنت ستحافظ علي آمنا‬ 18. The farmer emptied the bag and looked at the tiny coins in his hand, but did not seem very interested, and through signs he told me to put the coins back. He also spoke to me, but his voice was so loud that it hurt my ears. I tried to answer him in as loud a voice as I could manage, but although I spoke in many different languages, we could not understand each other. Finally, the farmer told his workers to go back to work and he took an enormous handkerchief from his pocket. He then picked me up, put me inside the soft handkerchief and used it to carry me home to show his wife. ‫ ومن خلل الشارات‬،‫ ولكنه لم يبدو مهتما جدا‬،‫أفرغ المزارع الحقيبة ونظر إلى العملت الصغيرة في يده‬ ‫حاولت‬.‫ ولكن صوته كان مدويا لدرجة أنه آلم أذني‬،‫ تحدث ايضا إلي‬.‫أخبرني أن أعيد القطع النقدية مرة أخرى‬ ‫ لكن لم‬،‫ ولكن على الرغم من أنني تحدثت بالعديد من اللغات المختلفة‬،‫الجابة بصوت عال بقدر الستطاعة‬ .‫ قال المزارع للعاملين لديه أن يعودوا للعمل وأخذ من جيبه منديل هائل‬،‫ وأخيرا‬.‫نستطع أن نفهم بعضنا البعض‬ .‫ثم ألتقطني و وضعني داخل المنديل الناعم و استخدمه في حملي للمنزل ليريني لزوجته‬ 19. It was not a long journey, for in a short time I felt the giant open the handkerchief so that his wife could see me, but she immediately screamed like a child who has seen a big spider. Her husband laughed and showed her that I could stand up and talk and was nothing to be frightened of, and slowly his wife looked at me with interest. ‫ لكنها صرخت‬،‫ ففي وقت قصير شعرت العملقة يفتح المنديل لكي يمكن لزوجته أن تراني‬،‫لم تكن الرحلة طويلة‬ ‫ ضحك زوجها وأظهر لها أنني يمكنني الوقوف والتحدث وأنه‬.‫على الفور مثل الطفل الذي رأى عنكبوت كبير‬ .‫ فنظرت زوجته لي ببطء باهتمام‬،‫ليس هناك شيئا تخاف منه‬ 20. Later that day, a servant arrived with plates of food to feed the giant and his family: his wife, his three children and their grandmother. The farmer put me next to him on the table, but I was very worried I would fall because the table was at least ten metres high. The wife then put some bread and meat on a plate for me.


Luckily I had my own knife and fork in my pocket and I took these out to eat the food, which greatly pleased the children. ‫ أولده الثلثة‬،‫ زوجته‬:‫ وصل خادم يحمل أطباق من الطعام لطعام عائلة العملق‬،‫في وقت لحق من ذلك اليوم‬ ‫ ولكني كنت قلقا جدا أن أقع لن ارتفاع الطاولة كان ل يقل عن‬،‫ وضعني المزارع بجانبه على الطاولة‬.‫وجدتهم‬ ‫ لحسن الحظ كان معي سكيني وشوكتي في‬.‫ ثم وضعت لي الزوجة بعض الخبز واللحوم على طبق‬.‫عشرة أمتار‬ .‫ و فرح الطفال جدا بهذا‬،‫جيبي وأخذتهم لتناول الطعام‬ They then gave me some water in a cup, which was so big that I found it difficult to lift it. .‫ثم أعطوني بعض الماء في كأس كان كبيرا جدا لدرجة أنني وجدت صعوبة في رفعة‬ "Thank you, I was very thirsty and your water's very good to drink," I shouted, in as loud a voice as I could. When they heard me talking, they laughed so loudly that it hurt my ears. Then I fell over a piece of bread, which made them laugh even more. ."،‫ فقد كنت عطشان جدا و ماءكم جيد جدا للشرب‬،‫صرخت قائل بصوت عال قدر ما استطعت "شكرا لكم‬ ‫ مما جعلهم يضحكون‬،‫ ثم سقطت على قطعة من الخبز‬.‫فضحكوا عندما سمعوني أتحدث بصوت عال آلم أذني‬ .‫أكثر‬ 21. The farmer's son, who was about ten years old, seemed very interested in me. He picked me up and held me by my legs so high in the air that I was terrified I would fall. His father quickly took me from his son and put me back on the table, saying something angrily to the boy. I was worried that the son would not like me after this, so through signs I tried to tell the farmer not to punish him but to be kind. The farmer seemed to understand and smiled at his son. ‫ فالتقطني وأمسكوا بي من ساقي عاليا جدا‬.‫ مهتما جدا بي‬،‫ الذي كان عمره نحو عشرة سنوات‬،‫بدا أبن المزارع‬ ،‫ لكن والده سرعان ما أخذني من ابنه و وضعني مرة أخرى على الطاولة‬.‫في الهواء و فشعرت بالرعب أن أقع‬ ‫ لذلك و من خلل الشارات حاولت أن أقول‬،‫ خفت من أن ابنه لن يحبني بعد هذا‬.‫قائل شيء ما بغضب للصبي‬ .‫ويبدو أن المزارع فهم وابتسم لبنه‬.‫للمزارع أل يعاقبه و أن يكون ودود معه‬ 22. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me that sounded like a strange machine. A cat appeared, which was three times the size of a cow. Usually I like animals, and I understood that they do not usually attack you unless you show you are afraid of them, so I watched it carefully and then walked up and down in front of it. I was right. It did not seem interested in me at all and soon walked away. ‫ عادة أنا أحب‬.‫ الذي كانت ثلثة أضعاف حجم البقرة‬،‫ ظهرت قطة‬.‫فجأة سمعت صوتا خلفي كأنه آلة غريبة‬ ‫ لذلك شاهدتها بعناية ثم مشيت أمامها ذهابا و‬،‫ وأعرف أنهم عادة ل يهجموا إل إذا كنت خائفا منهم‬،‫الحيوانات‬ .‫و سرعان ما مشيت بعيدا‬،‫ فلم تبدو مهتمة بي على الطلق‬.‫ وقد كنت على حق‬.‫إيابا‬ 23. More worrying for me was when I saw a young woman carry a baby girl into the room. The baby was far bigger than an elephant, and as soon as she saw me, she pointed at me and clearly wanted to play with me, perhaps thinking I was a small toy. The mother picked me up and held me near the baby, who quickly took me in her hand. ‫ وكانت الطفلة أكبر‬.‫وكان أكثر مدعاة للقلق بالنسبة لي عندما رأيت امرأة شابة تحمل طفلة رضيعة في الغرفة‬ .‫ ربما كانت تعتقد أني لعبة صغيرة‬،‫ أشارت إلي وأرادت بوضوح أن تلعب بي‬، ‫ وحالما شاهدتني‬،‫بكثير من فيل‬ .‫التقطتني الم وأمسكتني بالقرب من الطفلة و التي أخذتني بسرعة في يدها‬ 24. I had been with the giant's family for a few hours and was pleased that I had not been hurt by adult giants or by a ten year- old boy giant, and even a giant cat had not been interested in me. But the baby giant filled me with fear because I did not know what it would do next. I quickly found out that I was right to worry because I could see that the baby was about to put me in her enormous mouth.


‫لقد كنت مع عائلة العملق لبضع ساعات وكان من دواعي سروري أنني لم أتضرر بسبب العمالقة البالغين أو من‬ ‫قبل صبي عملق عمره عشر سنوات ‪ ،‬وحتى القطة العملقة لم تهتم بي‪ ,‬ولكن ملئني الخوف من العملق‬ ‫الرضيع لنني لم أكن أعرف ما سوف تفعل بعد‪ .‬لقد وجدت بسرعة أنني كنت على حق في قلقي لني رأيت‬ ‫الطفلة على وشك أن تضعني في فمها الهائل‪.‬‬ ‫‪"Don't put me in your mouth, please!" I cried out as loudly as I could, but this‬‬ ‫‪was not a very good idea. The baby was so surprised to hear me shout that she‬‬ ‫‪dropped me as if I were a hot rock.‬‬ ‫صرخت بأعلى صوتي "ل تضعيني في فمك أرجوكي"‪ ,‬لكن هذه لم تكن فكرة جيدة‪ .‬كانت الرضيعة مندهشة جدا‬ ‫لسماعي أصرخ لدرجة أنها أسقطتني كما لو كنت صخرة ساخنة‬ ‫‪I was at least ten metres from the ground and I began to fall fast towards the‬‬ ‫‪hard floor of the house.‬‬ ‫لقد كنت على أرتفاع ل يقل عن ‪ 10‬أمتار من الرض و بدأت أسقط سريعا باتجاه أرضية المنزل الصلبة‪.‬‬

‫?‪1- What did the sailors discover when they reached South Africa‬‬ ‫ماذا اكتش ف البحارة عندما وصلوا جنوب أفريقيا‬ ‫‪* that the ship had a hole in its side and‬‬ ‫ان السفينة بها خرق في جنبها‬ ‫?‪2- Why did they stay most of the winter in South Africa‬‬ ‫لما قضوا معظم الشتاء في جنوب أفريقيا ؟‬ ‫‪* To repair the ship and the captain was ill.‬‬ ‫كي يصلحوا السفينة وكان الكابتن مريضا ل‬ ‫?‪3- What was their problem during the storm‬‬ ‫ماذا كانت مشكلتهم أثناء العاصفة ؟‬ ‫‪*They didn't have much fresh water.‬‬ ‫لم يكن معهم ماء نقي‬ ‫?‪4- What did they men find on the bay‬‬ ‫ماذا وجد البحارة في الخليج ؟‬ ‫‪*They didn't find water nor people.‬‬ ‫لم يجدوا ماء ول ناس‬ ‫?‪5- Why did the men decide to walk on the shore‬‬ ‫لماذا قرر البحارة أن يمشوا علي الشاطئ‬ ‫‪*To look for a stream or spring.‬‬ ‫كي يبحثوا عن مجري مائ أو ينبوع‬ ‫?‪6- What happened when Gulliver began to call out to the men‬‬ ‫ماذا حدث عندما أخذ جليفر ينادي علي البحارة ؟‬ ‫‪*He saw a huge giant walking towards the boat.‬‬ ‫رأي عملق يمشي تجاه المركب‬ ‫‪7- What did Gulliver do when he saw the giant going towards the‬‬ ‫?‪boat‬‬ ‫ماذا فعل جليفر عندما راي العملق يخطوا نحوا المركب‬ ‫‪*He turned round , ran away and climbed a small hill.‬‬ ‫استدار وأخذ يجري ثم تسلق التل‬ ‫?‪8- What surprised him when he climbed the hill‬‬ ‫ماذا أدهشه عندما تسلق الجبل ؟‬ ‫‪*He saw fields with long grass.‬‬


‫راي حقول ذات حشائش طويلة‬ 9- What were the seven giants carrying?

*They were carrying enormous scythes.

‫ماذا كان يحمل العمالقة الربعة ؟‬ ‫مناجل ضخمة‬

10- What did the men use the scythes for? ‫فيما كانوا يستخدمون تلك المناجل ؟‬

*They used them to cut the wheat.

‫لقطع القمح‬ 11- What did the man do when he heard Gulliver shouting ? ‫ماذا فعل الرجل ) العملق ( عندما راي جليفر يصيح ؟‬ * He picked him up with his fingers. ‫التقطه بأصبعية‬ 12- How far was Gulliver from the ground when the man lifted him ? ‫كم كان يبعد جليفر عن الرض عندما رفعه العملق ؟‬ *He was twenty meters above the ground. ‫كان يبعد عشرون متر عن الرض‬ 13- Why was he worried when he was between the man's fingers? ‫لماذ كان جليفر قلق عندما كان بين أصابع الرجل ؟‬ *He was worried that the man might throw him onto the ground. ‫كان قلق أنه قد يلقي به الي الرض‬ 14- What did the man do after that? ‫وماذا فعل الرجل بجليفر ؟‬ *He put Gulliver in his pocket carefully. ‫وضعه في جيبه بحرص‬ 15- Why did the man put Gulliver in The soft handkerchief? ‫لماذ وضع الرجل جليفر في في منديل ناعم ؟‬ *To take him home and show him his wife. ‫كي يأخذه البيت ويعرضه علي زوجته‬ 16- What did the man's wife do when she saw Gulliver? ‫وماذا فعلت زوجته عندما رأت جليفر‬ * She screamed like a child. . ‫أخذت تصيح كالطفل‬ 17- What did the young baby think of Gulliver? ‫ماذا اعتقد الطفل الرضيع في جليفر ؟‬

*She thought he was a toy. ‫أفتكره لعبة‬ 18- What did the baby want to do with Gulliver?

* She wanted to put him in her mouth.

‫ماذا أراد أن يفعل الطفله بجليفر ؟‬

‫أرادت أن تضعه في فمها‬ 19- What did the baby do when she heard Gulliver shouting? ‫وماذا فعل الطفل عندما راي جليفر يصيح ؟‬ *She dropped him and he began to fall down fast. ‫أسقطته وأخذ يسقط علي الرض سريعا ل‬


" I am pleased the winds have stopped. " 1 – Who said these words and to Whom?  Gulliver to the captain (John Nicholas) 2 – What did the captain expect?  He expected a great storm. 3 – How did he know about that storm?  By experience. 2– " I have experienced conditioned like this before, it is the calm before the storm… " 1 – Who said these words?  The captain to Gulliver. 2 – Was the captain right?  Yes , as there was a big storm after two days. 3 – What was their only problem on this storm?  They didn't have much fresh water. 3– " I like to visit different countries , can I have your permission to go with the men? " 1 – Who was the speaker?  Gulliver to the captain. 2 – Where were the men going ?  They were going to get fresh water from the bay. 3 – Did the captain agree?  Yes, he let Gulliver go with the men. 4– " While they did this, I walked alone . " 1 - Who said this?  Gulliver. 2 - What do " they " refer to?  They refer to the twelve men or sailors. 3 - What were they doing?  They were looking for a stream or a spring. 5– " Could they have forgotten me? " 1 - About whom was Gulliver talking?  He was talking about the men in the boat. 2 - Why did he say this?  Because they left him on the island and went. 3 - What happened to them after that?  A huge giant attacked them. 6- " Seven more giants appeared each carrying enormous scythes. " 1 - Who said this ?  Gulliver. 2 - What did they use The scythes for?  They used them to cut wheat. 3 - Who were these giants ?  They were farmers who came to harvest the wheat. 7– " Look where you are going ! " 1 – Who said these words ?  Gulliver . 2 - To Whom?


 To the giant man. 3 – What did the man do ?  He looked at him in surprise and picked Gulliver Up. 8– " You are hurting my back. " 1 - Who said this and to whom?  Gulliver to the giant man. 2 - Why did Gulliver say this?  Because the man picked him up with his fingers and this was hurting him. 3 - What did the man do when he heard that?  He carefully put him in his pocket and ran to tell his master. 9– " I am pleased to meet you , kind sir. " 1 – Who said these words?  Gulliver to the Giant Master. 2 – What did Gulliver Offer him?  He offered him some gold coins. 3 – Why did he offer the man gold coins?  To keep him safe. 10– " Thank you , I was very thirsty and your water is very good to drink. " 1 - Who said this and to whom?  Gulliver to the young children. 2 - Why did he thank them for?  Because they gave him some water in a cup. 3 - Could he carry the cup of water?  No, as it was so big. 11– " Don't put me in your mouth, please. " 1 – Who was the speaker?  Gulliver . 2 – To whom was he speaking?  To the young baby. 3 – What happened when the girl heard his voice?  She dropped him and he began to fall down. 12-" I've experienced conditions like this before. It's the calm before the storm. " 1-Who said this? To whom?  Captain John Nicholas said this to Gulliver. 2-Why did the speaker say this sentence?  He said it because Gulliver asked him how he knew about the coming storm. 3-Was the speaker right when he said it's the calm before the storm?  Yes, he was. Two days later they were hit by a great wind. 13- " Captain," I said, as the men prepared their boat. "Like to visit different countries on my travels and I'm not busy today. Can I have your permission to go with the men? " 1-Who said this? To whom?  Gulliver to captain Nicholas. (The captain) . 2-Where were the men going?


 They were going to the land they saw after the wind had taken them away from their route. 3-Why were they going to that place?  To bring fresh water from there. 14- " Please, keep me safe and don't let him drop me! " 1-Who said this? To whom?  Gulliver said this praying to God to keep him safe. 2-What does "him" refer to?  "him" refers to the giant who was, carrying Gulliver. 3-Why was the speaker horrified?  Gulliver was horrified because he thought if the giant dropped him, he'd be killed. 15- " I can otter you some of these coins if you'll keep me safe. " 1-Who said this? To whom?  Gulliver said this to the giant farmer. 2-Was the listener interested in that offer?  No, he wasn't. 3-Why wasn'tthe listener interested in the speaker's coins, do you think?  Perhaps those people didn't use coins in their country.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it : 1-  They took down all of the sails during the storm.  They took down some the sails during the storm. 2-  The ship was strong after its damage.  The ship was strong after its repairs. 3-  They were unlucky during the storm.  They were lucky during the storm. 4-  Their problem during the great wind was food.  Their problem during the great wind was fresh water. 5-  They sailed in their planned route during the storm.  They sailed in the wind direction during the storm. 6-  A storm blew The Adventure on its planned route.  A storm blew The Adventure off its planned route. 7-  The stornr drove the ship southwest.  The stornr drove the ship northeast. 8-  On June 16 (1803), a sailor called out to say that he could see land some distance away.  On June 16 (1703), a sailor called out to say that he could see land some distance away. 9-  Gulliver disliked visiting different countries on his travels.  Gulliver liked visiting different countries on his travels. 10-  When the men arrived on the beach, they found some people or fresh water.  When the men arrived on the beach, they found no people or fresh water.


11-  Gulliver walked with other men for about a kilometre away from the beach.  Gulliver walked with alone for about a kilometre away from the beach. 12-  Gulliver decided to stay because there was not very much to see.  Gulliver decided to return because there was not very much to see. 13-  When Gulliver saw the giant he was happy.  When Gulliver saw the giant he was surprised. 14-  The boat escaped from the giant although there were many rocks separating him from the boat.  The boat escaped from the giant because there were many rocks separating him from the boat. 15-  The grass was very long perhaps three or four metres long.  The grass was very long perhaps three or four metres high. 16-  Gulliver hid in a cotton field.  Gulliver hid in a wheat field. 17-  The wheat was about five metres high.  The wheat was about seven metres high. 18-  After about an hour, Gulliver reached the beginning of an enormous field.  After about an hour, Gulliver reached the end of an enormous field. 19-  The road stopped at a tree that was at least forty metres tall.  The road stopped at a wall that was at least forty metres tall.


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