7 minute read
GEnEral Information
ViSion StatEmEnt Go beyond the expected! MiSSion StatEmEnt To provide safe and innovative parks and recreational opportunities.
AdminiStrativE Staff
Executive Director - Ben Curcio
Director of Business Services - Brad Sholes
Director of Leisure Services - Tiffany Greene
Director of Marketing & Communications - Kelly Carbon
Director of Parks and Planning - Mark Kosbab
General Manager of Fox Run Golf Links - Alex Gelabert
Human Resources & Benefits Manager - Christy King
Superintendent of I.T. - Dustin Sneath
Superintendent of Parks - Brian Kimbrough
Superintendent of Recreation Facilities - Jeff Collier
Superintendent of Recreation Programs - Doug Sieder
Risk Manager - Becky Cooper
Marketing & Communications Manager - Alison Geary
• Business Owner Rates
• Residency Requirements
• Creating a New User Household Account
• Waitlist Confirmations
• Withdrawal & Refund Policy
• Brochure Changes
The Elk Grove Parks Foundation is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization created to support parks and recreation activities within Elk Grove Village. The Foundation provides funding to programs and activities not typically supported by property taxes. Parks and recreation is an important asset to the community. It is well documented that communities with an excellent park district have lower adolescent crime rates and increased property values. Individuals and corporations are invited to support the Foundation through monetary donations or in-kind gifts. Your donation of any amount is gladly accepted at our customer services desks at the Pavilion & Hattendorf Center. You can mail your check to: Elk Grove Parks Foundation, 499 Biesterfield Road, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007. Please contact Kelly Carbon at 847.228.3548 for more information.
Photo/VidEo DiSclaimEr
Elk Grove Park District reserves the right to photograph videotape and stream participants in Park District programs, facilities or parks for the District’s promotional materials and marketing efforts. Photo coverage is provided in part by Park District Staff.
HouSEhold Account
This account consists of up to two adults and dependent children, less than 26 years of age who reside at the same address. If there are two or more families living at the same address, where there are more than two adults over the age of 26, then two or more accounts must exist.
BuSinESS OwnEr RatE
Elk Grove Business owners, who reside outside the Elk Grove Park District, but who pay Elk Grove Park District taxes, are eligible to receive a discounted business rate on Park District programs. The business owner rate is annual and equivalent to the listed resident rate, and business owners may register during the resident registration period. However, the participant is still considered a non-resident in terms of residency status. Business owners must prove ownership prior to registration.
WaivEr and RElEaSE Form
A Waiver and Release of All Claims Form must be signed when registering yourself or your minor child for Elk Grove Park District programs. Your registration is not valid without a signed waiver. To ensure enrollment, please use our online or in person registration options.
All Elk Grove Village residents may not be residents of the Elk Grove Park District. Residents that support Elk Grove Park District through property taxes are defined as Elk Grove Park District residents. The Elk Grove Park District is not a part of the Village of Elk Grove Government. The Elk Grove Park District is a stand-alone tax supported agency. You may have an Elk Grove Village address, but not pay taxes to the Elk Grove Park District. The quickest way to determine your Park District resident status is to check your resident tax bill. The park district you pay taxes to will be listed. If you reside in Elk Grove Village, but do not pay taxes to the Elk Grove Park District, you are eligible for the Non-Resident Household Membership. (See definition below) District residents will have priority registration as the dates of registration are listed in the seasonal brochures. Resident and non-resident fees are listed with the program information. When establishing a new household account with the Elk Grove Park District, and including an online account, each resident is required to prove residency in person. This is a matter of data verification to make sure we have the most updated information in our new system. Once completed, we will activate the online portion.
Please bring one of the following items for each household member with you to set up your account:
Adults (Over 18) Dependent Children under 26
SpEcial NEEdS & ADA compliancE
We invite any resident with a special need to contact our staff, or our Special Recreation Association staff, upon registration, so that a smooth inclusion may occur.
In addition to the programs listed within our brochure, our district also provides specialized services for people with disabilities through the Northwest Special Recreation Association.
Non-RESidEnt HouSEhold MEmbErShip
Elk Grove Village residents living in Elk Grove Village but outside the Elk Grove Park District boundaries (Bluejay, Cardinal, Cutter, Dierking, Doral, Fox Run Drive, Galleon, Gibson Drive #15001571, Greensboro Court, Hawk, Inverness, Lee, Longboat, Oriole, Pebble Beach Circle, Red Fox, Richard, Roppolo, Sara Court, Schooner, Sell, University, Vera, Vermont Drive 4 digit numbers, and Yale) and employees of Elk Grove businesses have the opportunity to receive resident rates. *Proof is required. The annual membership is $70 per family. To register for the NonResident Household Membership, please visit the customer service desk at the Pavilion or the Al Hattendorf Center.
REgiStration DEadlinE
Don’t let a good class cancel! A good class might be canceled if you wait until the last minute to sign up. At some point we must make a decision as to whether a program or activity will take place. If that class has not registered a minimum number of participants it will be canceled. So remember, save a class and register by the program registration deadline. Please refer to the Elk Grove Park District brochure for program registration deadlines.
For a full description of the following policies and procedures please go to elkgroveparks.org.
• Staff Directory
• Facility Rules
• No Smoking Ordinance
• Observers Behavior
• Reporting Vandalism
• Background Checks
• Chemical usage in Parks
• Cooperative Agreements
• Services for Individuals with Disabilities
Warning of RiSk
Recreational activities/programs are intended to challenge and engage the physical, mental, and emotional resources of each participant. Despite careful and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning, and equipment, there is still a risk of serious injury when participating in any recreational activity/ program. Understandably, not all hazards and dangers can be foreseen. Depending on the particular activity, participants must understand that certain risks, dangers, and injuries due to inclement weather, slipping, falling, poor skill level or conditioning, carelessness, horseplay, unsportsmanlike conduct, premises defects, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision, instruction or officiating, and all other circumstances inherent to indoor and outdoor recreational activities/programs exist. In this regard, it must be recognized that it is impossible for the Elk Grove Park District to guarantee absolute safety. A Waiver and Release of All Claims Form must be signed when registering yourself or your minor child for Elk Grove Park District programs.
AccidEnt InSurancE
The Park District does not carry medical or accident insurance for program participants. Participants should review their personal insurance before registering for Park District programs to be certain of adequate coverage.
codE of conduct
Users shall abide by all rules and regulations and shall conduct themselves in a safe, considerate, and reasonable manner so as not to cause disturbance or to damage equipment or property. Users will display respect, consideration and courtesy to all members, participants, staff, and Park District property. The Park District reserves the right to discontinue an individual’s use or membership because of disruptive or unsafe behavior.
Lightning and Severe Weather Alert System
A solid tone horn and strobe lights indicate you should seek shelter. Three short horns and no strobe indicate weather threat has subsided.
NorthwESt SpEcial REcrEation ASSociation
The Elk Grove Park District is a member of a 17 park district cooperative which forms the Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA). The NWSRA team of full-time Therapeutic Recreation professionals and trained part-time staff offer quality year-round recreation for individuals of all ages with disabilities. NWSRA activities provide opportunities for children and adults with disabilities to have fun, make friends, be included, learn new things, go new places and celebrate their lives. After school, evening and weekend programs feature sports, games, arts and crafts, fitness, cooking, drama and more. Camps, trips and special events are planned throughout the year.
IncluSion ASSiStancE
NWSRA provides assistance to individuals who wish to participate in their local park district programs. Indicate on the registration form if any accommodations are needed to successfully participate in the program. The Park District staff will contact NWSRA for assistance.
LEarn MorE about NWSRA
For more information on NWSRA programs and to register online, visit nwsra.org. Brochures containing information on NWSRA programs are available at the Administration Centeror from NWSRA at Park Central, 3000 W. Central Road, Rolling Meadows. Contact NWSRA at 847.392.2848 (voice); 847.392.2855 (TTY); or 847.392.2870 (FAX).
NWSRA is looking for energetic individuals looking to enrich the lives of NWSRA participants. If you are interested in working with NWSRA, please call 847.392.2848 or visit nwsra.org/jobs. To volunteer, visit nwsra.org/volunteer.
For a complEtE liSting of parkS and facilitiES, download our mobilE app
Administration Office 499 Biesterfield Rd. 847.690.1190
Mon-Fri ● 8:30am-5pm
Al Hattendorf Office 225 E. Elk Grove Blvd. 847.364.7224
Mon-Fri ● 9am-4pm
Audubon Skate Park 300 E. Elk Grove Blvd. 847.427.8195
Elk Grove Historical Museum 399 Biesterfield Rd. 847.439.3994
Fox Run Golf Links 333 Plum Grove Rd. 847.228.3544
Garden Terrace 1000 Wellington Ave. 847.228.3524
Pavilion Aquatics Center 1000 Wellington Ave. 847.593.6248
Pavilion Fitness 1000 Wellington Ave. 847.228.3494
*Pavilion Office 1000 Wellington Ave. 847.437.9494
Mon-Fri ● 9am-6pm Sat ● 9am-1pm
Pirates’ Cove Theme Park 901 Leicester Rd. 847.439.2683
Preschool Office 225 E Elk Grove Blvd. 847.690.1138
Rainbow Falls Waterpark 180 Lions Dr. 847.228.2860
Sheila Ray Adult Center 225 E Elk Grove Blvd. 847.228.3842
* Questions regarding registration call 847.437.9494
Parks & Facilities
Pavilion Office (41)
1000 Wellington Ave. 847.437.9494
Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Sat 9am-1pm
Al Hattendorf Office (3)
225 E. Elk Grove Blvd. 847.364.7224
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm
Audubon Skate Park (6)
300 E. Elk Grove Blvd. 847.228.2891
Elk Grove
Historical Museum (16) 399 Biesterfield Rd 847.439.3994
Fox Run Golf Links (20) 333 Plum Grove Rd. 847.228.3544
Fox Run
Driving Range (19)
Meacham Rd. (between Nerge and Schaumburg Rds.) 847.228.3542
Garden Terrace (41)
1000 Wellington Ave. 847.228.3524
Pavilion Aquatics Center (41)
1000 Wellington Ave. 847.593.6248
Pavilion Fitness (41) 1000 Wellington Ave. 847.228.3494
Pirates’ Cove
Theme Park (42) 901 Leicester Rd. 847.439.2683
Group/Party Rentals
Information 847.228.3529
Rainbow Falls
Waterpark (30)
200 Rev. Morrison Blvd. 847.228.2860
Administration Office (2)
499 Biesterfield Rd. 847.690.1190
Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm