1 minute read
President's Letter
What’s the Buzz...
The Sheila Ray Adult Center is once again buzzing with activities. Now that the weather is changing, we have more energy and desire to be with friends. I hope you were able to have the opportunity to participate in the activities. Attendance for The King and I at Drury Lane and White Fence Farm with Denny Diamond were both sold out. The Spring Bazaar had our members showing off their talent. The Derby Day Luncheon was a big hit with the ladies wearing the latest well - crafted hats. What a sight it was! The Sheila Ray center is buzzing with activities. Come and participate or observe! You may find something that triggers your interest.
Don’t forget to sign up for upcoming events: The Ambassadors concert and luncheon, the walking club at the Hattendorf Park & the July luncheon.
Barbara Burke, President
Remembering Barbara Burke fondly, this was her last President's letter written before her passing in late May. She will be missed by everyone here at the Sheila Ray Adult Center.
Sheila Ray Advisory Board
Elk Grove Park District Board of Commissioners
Tom Cooke, President Bob Biedke, Vice President Scott Carlson, Secretary John Walz, Treasurer Bill O’Malley, Commissioner
Adult Program Supervisor
Gina Acino (847) 228-3842
Adult Program Assistant
Cece Trausch (847) 228-3616
Adult Advisory Board
Barbara Burke, President Donna Tognocchi, Vice President Barbara Brenke, Past President Nancy Hartwig, Membership Doris Jordan, Secretary Rod Marino, Treasurer Kitty Folk, Phone Reassurance
The Adult Advisory Board is comprised of Adult Center members who act as the representatives for the entire membership. Each selected appointee is sworn into office by the Park District Board of Commissioners each term.
Advisory Board Meetings
Held in SRAC Room #1 Tue, Jul 19 10:00am Tue, Aug 16 10:00am Tue, Sep 20 10:00am
SRAC Mission Statement:
Our mission is to provide a safe, social environment where seniors engage in innovative and enriching programs.