Things To Consider When Elk Hunting Elk are among the most majestic of the big game animals, plus some of the most fun to hunt. The elk meat is going to be amazing, tender, and sweeter than beef, on top of being very lean. Successful hunts yield big rewards but anticipating the excitement of a kill makes it even more disappointing when your efforts are fruitless. If you'd like to avoid the letdown of an unproductive hunt, take steps to avoid these common mistakes: When Determining Cover, Failing To Plan If you are hunting with a bow and arrow, this can be an especially large blunder, it can also impact the rifle hunter. Be sure you have room to maneuver when it's time to take a shot, when looking for a place to conceal yourself. Don’t believe that the elk will follow the direction that seems most obvious, either. It’s just as likely that they’ll approach from the direction or angle you never would have expected. Spend some time to be sure that you are able to ready yourself for shots in various directions, once you've decided where to stop. If you’re wedged into too tight an area or covered in one direction but exposed from another, you may squander your one chance of a successful shot. Letting the Elk Know You’re There This might seem like an absolute no-brainer, but taking too much for granted or losing focus in the heat of the moment may cause you to alert your target to your presence, ruining the odds for success. You have to keep in mind that the elk will use their sight and smell to figure out when to take off, so it is important to take both into account. You will need to do things to cover your scent, like different products on the market for this purpose and a couple minutes to prepare can result in big payoffs later. Once your prize is in sight, don’t move if there’s a chance it will be looking your way. Be patient, wait for the elk’s attention to wander, and then act quickly. It's going to be too late, once he realizes you are there. Aiming at the Wrong Area Even a great shot can miss the mark. Elk are big, strong animals and if they were easy to shoot, everyone’s elk hunts will be successful! A wounded bull can cover lots of ground and if you wound but don’t kill, it’s not likely you’ll ever see him again. To be able to drop it on the first shot, know the animal's body structure and where you need to hit it, since you're likely only to get one shot. Sending Mixed Signals A good way to get a bull elk in your sights is to convince him that you’re the love interest he’s looking for - or the competitor he’s looking to challenge. A bugle can bring a bull in close in the rut season, but might not do you much good at any other time. A cow call can be used pretty much any time, on the flip side. There seems to be general agreement that bulls approach cow calls more carefully than they do bugle calls, so if you’re using a cow call you’ll want to be especially careful to conceal yourself. Experience is the best teacher, with regards to hunting - however there's no need to learn by Elk Mountain Outfitters
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Things To Consider When Elk Hunting experimenting. Take heed of the errors that others have commonly made and you’ll realize that your elk hunts are more likely to end in success. Elk are among the most majestic of the big game animals, plus some of the most fun to hunt. The elk meat is going to be ...
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Elk Mountain Outfitters
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