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Mujeres! It’s Time To ROCK THIS by Lucia Moreno


Written by Lucia Moreno


Cuando mi compañera de trabajo murió, me sentí devastada. Había tanto que no sabía sobre ELLA, a pesar de haber convivido codo a codo por al menos 6 meses. Sentí que quizás, todo hubiese sido diferente si yo hubiese prestado más atención a su soledad. We are not alone, but it’s not enough just knowing it.

Sabernos poderosas como mujeres nos corresponde a las mujeres; I think it isn’t necessary to make a line between women and men to embrace ourselves. Even though, algunas veces me miro al espejo, justo cuando estoy a punto de emitir una crítica o juicio a otra mujer me detengo y me digo a mi misma: change starts with me.

Las mujeres por naturaleza somos intuitivas, sensibles, femeninas, apasionadas. But, what if we don’t feel that way from time to time? Do we still have to live up to the expectations of society? Not anymore. Disney is telling us: SOMOS VALIOSAS. Si eres o no una princesa, si provienes o no de una familia adinerada, si eres nativa americana o hija de inmigrantes? Whatever your background, you are VALUABLE. The movie ‘Brave’ taught us about following our dreams before getting married. Isn’t that a complete feeling of freedom? A few years ago my abuela would have said: ‘Aprovecha que estás joven para casarte’ but not anymore. My dreams and my value come first.

At this point our priorities should be what we think is best for us and to value ourselves. It’s super hard to break a cycle of traditions (like rushing into marriage) and fight with your own family to pursue your own goals. But it’s our time to do it.

¿Pero, cómo?

1. Feel Your Own Power

Yes darling, we are all poderosas. CREE EN TI MISMA.

2. Reconoce El Valor de Otra

When you see another woman improving herself, pursuing her dream, fighting for her rights, achieving her goals, APPLAUD her.

3. Ofrece Ayuda

Use whatever you have to offer to support other women. Take the initiative.

4. Better Together

Team up with a group of females with similar goal paths.

5. Sé el Ejemplo

Conviértete en mentora de alguna mujer que apenas se estrene en el área donde te desarrollas. Do you remember how hard it was when you started your journey? Did you have anyone helping you, showing you el camino? Life is better with a mentor.

6. Invest in Self-Care

This is will vary for everyone. It could be wearing makeup, meditation, working out, reading, napping, or painting; anything that will embrace your inner peace. No lo olvides.

7. Work Hard!

No te preocupes, because if you do number 6 you will be ready to ROCK without burning yourself out. Above all always follow your passion!

Lucia Moreno for ELLA Inspires Magazine


Lucia Moreno is Venezuelan and a passionate Digital Strategist. She is the mother of a 10-year-old vegetarian girl and co-founder of Boss Ladies Rocking; a community for Latina entrepreneurs. She is an enthusiastic Spanglish content creator.

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