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from Sharing Stories
DECEMBER 2020 Animation made by the children which was part of the first Christmas screenings in the cinema which is now a much loved annual event.
JANUARY - APRIL 2021 Exercises in confidence speaking and presenting online with Vanessa Collingridge; history of film, film analysis and making one-minute films with Alasdair Satchel; study of Anthony Farquhar-Smith’s work including ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ followed by special screening in the cinema.
MAY 2021 Study of Victoria Watson’s animation including ‘Ladder to You’ and pupils made own stop-motion films inspired by her work featuring shoes and wellie boots.
DECEMBER 2021 Christmas screenings for all the primary school pupils.
JANUARY -FEBRUARY 2022 Study of silhouette animation and pioneer filmmaker Lotte Reiniger with animator Eleanor Stewart. Pupils made own film ‘The Mermaid’ inspired by the Hugh Miller story.
MAY 2022 Special screenings at the cinema of children’s film ‘The Mermaid’ plus display of storyboards and other artwork produced by the pupils.
SEPTEMBER 2022 Manga drawing sessions with artist Emily Katagiri. Pupils learned about different techniques over several sessions and for varying ages including S1/2 Fortrose Academy pupils.
NOVEMBER 2022 Origami workshops with Eleanor Stewart to create a butterfly installation as part the cinema’s special Japan season.
DECEMBER 2022 Christmas screenings for all primary pupils.
MARCH 2023 Special screening for the whole school in the Screen Machine, marking the launch of Cromarty Film Festival 2023.