Acing the police test I wanted to talk to you about acing the police test. There are a lot of people that go into this test completely unprepared for what they're about to take. They assume it is like a task they would have taken while in high school, but is much more difficult than you can imagine. The reason it is if the cold is that work recruiters are not interested in your aptitude. They're not looking for smart people because that doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to be able to do the job properly. All they are looking for is someone that can do the job. This is why I'm going to help you with acing the police test. The questions on this test are more oriented to what you'll be doing on the job. In a normal test you normally tested on generic information that may or may not be that relevant to a job. In high school they are only interested in seeing what you know. Recruiters are interested in no waiting that you can do the job, not necessarily your IQ. This means the questions on the test are going to be oriented over specific job tasks. You'll need to know how to identify people, question people, approach people, do paperwork, etc. Acing the police test requires a specific type studying technique. You're going to learn about the rules and regulations that govern police officers. You have to be always thinking about what you're going to be doing in specific situations with this knowledge. That's how you have to study if you want to ace the test. Click here to learn how to Pass the Police Exam