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The LAPD Recruitment Exam I wanted to talk to you about the LAPD recruitment exam that you’ll face when you apply for a job in the Los Angeles police department. There are a lot of people that dream of becoming an officer of the law ever since they were a child, but I’ve seen these dreams destroyed by this exam. I think a lot of people think of the word exam and they get ideas of what they would have taken in high school. This is the main reason that people fail because this exam is like nothing that you would have taken in high school or college. I’m going to talk to you about the LAPD recruitment exam. The first thing you need to understand is that 7 out of 10 people will end up failing this exam. The reason that is so is due to basic logistics. The recruiters have hundreds and sometimes thousands of applicants and simply don’t need that many people. They give a test that is hard and designed to produce the wrong answers. For that very reason it is much different than what you would have had in high school. At least in high school your teacher was being objective. The LAPD recruitment exam is going to be a very application oriented question, which means that the questions will revolve around what you’ll actually do. For example, on the job you’ll have to be able to identify people from a simple mug shot. Guess what? There is a question that has you do that. Anything you do on the job, you will probably have to demonstrate on the exam. Click Here to Pass the Police Exam

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