Police Officer Test I wanted to talk to you about the police officer test. This is something that you’re going to have to take if you want to get a job in the police force. There are hundreds and sometimes thousands of people that end up taking this test for a single job offered by a police department. What is sad, is that the vast majority of people end up failing the test due to how hard it is. I think a lot of people get too caught up on the word test. They assume that this is an objective measurement of aptitude, but it isn’t. The police recruiters don’t care how smart you are. All they care about is how you’ll do the job and that is inevitably what they’re looking for with the police officer test. The questions are application oriented, which means that they’re going to be very direct and related to what you’ll do on the job. One of the most common questions you’ll face is one involving a mug shot. They’ll show you a shot of someone and another 4 photos of people that look identical. There will be slight differences like a fatter face or longer hair, but the person will look the same in all of them. You have to identify which one is in the mug shot. The police officer test will also mark you on things that they don’t tell you about. A big part of an officer’s job is doing paper work and writing reports. There needs to be a high standard with the reports because they’ll be used in the court rooms. Pay attention to your writing skills while you’re on the exam. Click here to learn how to Pass the Police Exam