Tricks to Stop Snoring I wanted to share with you some tricks to stop snoring. There are a lot of people that snore, but don’t have the first clue on what they need to do. I think the real issue with snoring is that you’re not the victim if you do it. You’re sound asleep when you’re snoring and you don’t have to listen to the problem. It is the people around you that have to put up with it. It’s your spouse in the bed next to you or the roommate in the other room that is awake at 3am listening to the sounds. It’s time to show a little empathy and put some of these tricks to stop snoring into practice. The first thing you need to recognize is that people who typically snore are lying on their backs with their mouth wide open. Lying on your back causes a specific type of condition. You have loose tissue in the back of your throat that is pulled down by gravity into the airway. This is what leads to the vibration that is known as snoring. Rolling onto your side causes the tissue to fall to the side and the snoring stops. Sewing a tennis ball into the back of your shirt will prevent you from rolling onto your back while you sleep and you won’t snore. Another one of the tricks to stop snoring addresses the issue with your mouth being open. When your mouth is open, you put pressure on the throat. It causes it to get narrow, which leads to faster air speeds and more violent vibrations. A snoring chin strap is just a simple headband. It wraps around your chin and the top of your head. It holds your mouth closed while you sleep and it becomes next to impossible to snore. Click here to learn how to stop snoring