Police Exam Study Help I wanted to provide to you a little police exam study help. There are a lot of people that take this exam every time there is a new job posted, but the fact is the vast majority of people that take it will fail. It is estimated that 7 out of 10 people will fail it. That’s a lot of people to fail. I think people get the wrong idea in their head when they think of an exam. This isn’t like something you would have taken in high school. The exam is hard and they’re not here to objectively measure your aptitude. They want the best of the best and it is as simple as that. I’m going to give you a little police exam study help. The first thing you should know about the studying process is that you have to understand something enough to apply it to real world situations. They don’t have any desire to measure your memorization skills. Anyone can memorize, but it’s another thing to truly understand it. While you’re studying, always focus on the application of the information you learn. How would you apply it to real situations? If you think like this you’ll be far ahead of everyone else. I wanted to provide more police exam study help by telling you to focus on your writing skills. Take some time to work on your spelling and grammar. The fact is your writing skills will be marked because you’re going to have to write reports as an officer. All of the reports will be used in a court room, so there is a standard you have to achieve with it. Click here to learn how to pass the police exam