The Real Snoring Solution There are a lot of people out there that have no idea how to solve this problem. They never learned about the real snoring solution from their parents, or in school. It’s an odd thing. There is no conventional wisdom when it comes to snoring problems and that is precisely why it’s a problem. People know how to lose weight, even if they don’t do it. Ask the average person what they have to do to stop their snoring problem and they wouldn’t have the first clue. That is really sad in a way, but the fact is that it isn’t that hard to fix. I’m going to talk to you about the real snoring solution, so you can use that to be successful. Snoring is caused by loose tissue in your throat vibrating and naturally they assume that is the problem. The reality is that you don’t snore when you’re awake. The loose tissue is in the back of your throat regardless, so if the loose tissue was really the problem you’d snore while awake. What happens is that when you’re asleep, your muscles go loose. This causes your mouth to fall open. When your mouth is open, your throat constricts. It’s something that happens for eating purposes. A thin throat causes air to go at a much faster pace and you get a more violent form of vibration. The real snoring solution to this problem is closing your mouth. They have a snoring chin strap available that will close your mouth while you sleep, so you can get a good night of sleep. When the mouth is closed, your throat expands and it is impossible for you to snore. Click here to learn about the Snoring Chin Strap