Police Jobs and Exams I wanted to talk to you about police jobs and exams. There are a lot of new jobs available to people that want to work in the law enforcement. A big reason for this is that governments are spending more to help stimulate the economy. This is their way of keeping people working and they provide one of the best jobs that are available to people. Being a police officer can be one of the most gratifying jobs that you can have. The benefits are very good and a lot of people want to get one. This is why there is a police exam given to new applicants to help filter out most of the people. This is why am going to talk to you about police jobs and exams. The first thing you have to understand about this exam is it is designed to measure a few different things. The most obvious item is your ability to handle the job. That means questions are going to be oriented around things on the job. They are not concerned about asking you to memorize things, they just want to see that you can do the job properly. Another part of the examination is going to be based on logic. That means they're going to give you a lot of questions that are related to math and problem solving. Police jobs and exams also require you to be able to read and write properly. As an officer of the law deal be expected to write reports on just about everything you do. These reports end up being used in a court of law, so you have to be able to properly write. Click here to Pass the Police Exam