What Can You Do about Snoring? I want to talk to you about what you can do about snoring. There seems to be more and more people that end up with this problem. We once had to listen to her parents do it, but now we do it ourselves. It is sad to think that people can go their entire lives doing this and never actually seek out any form of treatment. I suppose the reason for this is that most people think that they're going to have to invest a lot of time and energy into fixing the problem. This simply isn't the case. It is actually a lot easier than you would think. I'm going to show you what you can do about snoring. The reason that you snore is that your muscles go to sleep when you go to sleep. They let go of all their attention and this causes a lot of the tissue in your throat to build up in the air ways. This creates the perfect conditions that lead to snoring. This tissue starts to vibrate and it creates noise. Fixing this problem is done by opening up your throat enough for air to travel through it. What you can do about snoring that will help you open up your throat for air is a snoring headband. It's basically a headband that wraps around your chin to the top of your head. It is about as simple as it gets to a solution and it works the first night you apply it. That's the main reason that I like it. Click here to Learn How to Stop Snoring