Ellena Barron
N0299529 Fashion Communication & Promotion FASH30002
APARTAMENTO, 2013. About us. Apartamento [online], (10 Apr 2013) Available at: http:// www.apartamentomagazine.com/about.php [Accessed: 10 April 2013]. ARFIN, L., 2010. The selby is in your place. 1st ed. United States: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. BURGESS, H., 2013. Marketing Assistant: Interview with Ellena Barron, London, 16 April 2013. CHAPMAN, I., 2013. High School Student: Interview with Harley Chapman, London, 20 April 2013. DORAN, D A., 2013. They live! The Good Times [online], (14 Mar 2013) Available via: cessed: 12 April 2013]. EADY, E., 2013. Student: Interview with Ellena Barron, London, 6 April 2013. [online], (17 Mar 2013) Available at: http://www.inpublishing.co.uk/kb/articles/how_to_sur FISCHE, G N., 1997. Individuals and Environment: A Psychosocial Approach to Workspace. Reprint ed. France: Walter de Gruyter & Co. GOODMAN, W., 2010. The Rich and Boring Need Not Apply. New York Times. [online], l?pagewanted=all&_r=1& [Accessed: 12 April 2013].
HARDING, S., 2013. Retired: Interview with Ellena Barron, London, 10 April 2013. KALINS, D., 1967. Who’s looking at you? New York Times [online]., (3 Mar 1969) Available at: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=DOECAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA4&d
MCKENNA, C., 2013. Insight into personal space. 12 April. Email to: Ellena Barron and Harley Chapman (ellena.barron@gmail.com). PETTENGELL, T., 2013. Spiritual healer: Interview with Harley Chapman, London, 8 April 2013. SMITH, G., 2013. Business Owner: Interview with Harley Chapman, London, 7 April 2013.
TATE MODERN, 2010. Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera. Tate Modern [online], (9 May 2010) Available at: http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-modern/exhibition/ exposed [Accessed: 21 March 2013]. THE CENTER FOR FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY, 2013. Leon Alesi, Personal Space project. Fine Art Photography. [online], (4 Jan 2013) Available at:http://www.c4fap.org/exhibitions/leon-alesi-pesonal-space-project/ [Accessed: 11 April 2013]. WATSON, S., 2013. Founder of Stack: Telephone Conversation with Ellena Barron and Harley Chapman, Nottingham, 29 April 2013. WORTHINGHTON, J., 2012. Magazines-UK-June 2012. [online]. Available via: Mintel [Accessed: 10 March 2013].
Fig 1: Hollie Fernando, Available at: http://www.holliefernandophotography.com Fig 2: Hollie Fernando, Available at: http://www.holliefernandophotography.com Fig 3: Hollie Fernando, Available at: http://www.holliefernandophotography.com Fig 4: Hollie Fernando, Available at: http://www.holliefernandophotography.com Fig 5: Hollie Fernando, Available at: http://www.holliefernandophotography.com Fig 6: Hollie Fernando, Available at: http://www.holliefernandophotography.com Fig 7: Apartamento Issues, Available at: http://www.apartamentomagazine.com/current.php Fig 8: Todd Selby, Pinterest, http://pinterest.com/pin/57913545179693034/ Fig 9: Erin Wasson, Pinterest, http://pinterest.com/pin/88594317640738577/ Fig 10: Nest, Flickr, http://www.flickr.com/photos/ouno/sets/72157613824355055/ Fig 11: George Clarkes Amazing Spaces, Google, http://media-cache-ec3.pinterest. com/192x/54/d8/d6/54d8d6a517615f751b54ad1229d96199.jpg Fig 12, George Clarkes Amazing Spaces, Google, http://www.luminair.co.uk/news3enlarge.jpg Fig 13, Ostrich Pillow, http://hypebeast.com/2012/9/take-a-nap-anywhere-with-the-ostrichpillow?_locale=en Fig 14, Ostrich Pillow, http://hypebeast.com/2012/9/take-a-nap-anywhere-with-the-ostrichpillow?_locale=en Fig 15, Leon Alesi, http://www.leonalesi.com/#/Portfolio/Portfolio/1/ Fig 16 Hollie Fernando, http://www.holliefernandophotography.com Fig 17: Hollie Fernando, http://www.holliefernandophotography.com Fig 18-37: Magazines, 25 April 2013: own photographs Fig 38 & 39: Ryan Mcginley, http://ryanmcginley.com/photographs/ Fig 40 & 41, Lukasz Wierzbowski, http://www.flickr.com/people/neon_tambourine/ Fig 42 & 43, Harley Weir, http://www.harleyweir.com
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