Ellena Wong GSD MLA I AP 2023 Portfolio

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Seeing how opacity controls circulation

master plan 1:6000



2 “SOUND OF CONTINUITY” 生生不息 Sai Kung land art installation 香港西贡大地艺术节
CONCEPT PLANTING DENSITY PRIVACY & ZONING HIERACHY OF CONNECTIONS 50m 200m STUDY AREA N 11 10 8 Sensory Garden 感官花園 自由坐 羅馬廣場 創意樂園 充電站 可移動平台 動能發電板 市集 自由坐 智能欄杆 Smart Railing Game for elderly to guess the planting names cognitive skill Facilitating rehabilitation and place to monitor heart rate Seating Mound space for playing and free seating Seating Mound space for playing and free seating Market Space Shaded space for special events Kinetic Board Utilizing kinetic energy to generate electricity Charging Station Movable Platform space to observe and charge your phone Central Plaza Additional shading for the exposed site Movable furniture adjustable shading Creative Space Place for improvisations for age mixing Feeler Zone Judger Zone Thinker Zone Perceiver Zone Thinker Zone Perceiver Zone 齡活空間 Play Space ALIVE 鳥瞰圖 Bird eye view B’ B 跨代共融遊樂空間設計比賽 駿發花園 Intergenerational Play Space Design Competition HKHS Prosperous Garden P105 Smart Railing 智能欄杆 2. Market Space 市集廣場 3. Creative Space 創意樂園 4. Main Corridor 主要通道 5. Fast Track 快速通道 6. Slow Track 慢速通道 7. Kinetic Board 動能發電板 8. Movable Platform 可移動平台 9. Charging Station 充電站 10. Rolling Ball Sculpture 滾球裝置 11. Sensory Garden 感官花園 05 03 07 02 Acushnet Valley AllianceThe Fusion Menu New Bedford, MA, USA Regional Planning | Individual Competitions HKILA Post Covid [ ] Space Non Architecture LA+ Interruption Sewing the landscape Urban Design for Oi Man Public Housing Estate Public Space Design | Individual The Realm of Opacity Shanghai Post-Expo Site Master-Planning, Shanghai Masterplanning | Individual 齡活空間 Play Space ALIVE Playscape Design | Group Breathing Pavilion: Conversation of the light Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong Urban Design | Individual A Moment in Continuity Land Art Installation p.9 p.33 p.20 p.14 p.18 p.28 p.32 04 09 08 Land Art | Group 01 Acushnet Valley AllianceThe Fusion Menu New Bedford, MA, USA Regional Planning | Individual p.3 06 Future Directions of Hong Kong Public Housing Redevelopment Academic Exhibition | Collaboration p.25

Flowscapes: Iceland Bathhouse - Crystallizing body as flow

Instructors: James A. Lord, Roderick Wyllie | Individual work

Geothermal Landscapes of Energy and Rejuvenation | Harvard GSD Studio 2022

Situated next to a melting glacier in Iceland, the project features a pilgrimage of disappearing glacier to experience the flow of water. Visitors are guided by light, the flow of rivers, subtle water level changes as well as water temperature changes in the rock plunges. It is an journey of the fragile sublime.

Do you flow like glacier Do you flow like water

Human, rock, a tiny drip, converge, diverge overcome, overflow with stamina, with friction.

Crystallize this moment free your spirit flow as water body as flow

Memory of the site - receding glacier Memory of the site - receding glacier Flow of glacier
Crystal Droplets River flow Convergence Rock Flow Crystal Air Pocket Droplets River flow Convergence Rock Flow
10. Glacier Lookout 9. Temple of Glacier 8. Walk of Faith 6.Underground Crystal Tunnel 7. Rock Plunges 3.Basalt Columns Pool 2.Changing Rooms 1.Entrance 4.Outdoor Infinity Pool 11. Aurora Sleep Lounge 5. Sauna House Arrival guided by small waterway Basalt Columns Pool Walk of faith to the temple of glacier

Rock Plunges in the natural lake - an experience of the hot and cold water

Glacier Lookout Aurora Sleep Lounge

Acushnet Valley AllianceThe Fusion Menu

Instructor: Rosalea Monacella | Individual work

From Off-Shoring to Near Shore: Littoral

Landscapes at Work | Harvard GSD Studio


cooking island - solidarity of the livings

12 and modifies acidity and surface temperature 0 1 2 3m 0 1 2 3m 0 1 2 3m Year 0 Year 1-3 Year 4-5 Formation of reef habitat Clam for harvesting during low tide Sedimentation: Shell Wall traps sediment Wall construction with oyster shells (from nearby restaurants) during low tide Intertidal zone Optimal clam habitat Marshland Walk Hurricane Barrier Urban Development Beach Nourishment Clam Garden Oyster Spat Nursery Aqua-units Oyster + Kelp Farming High Tide Low Tide Oyster Shell Cleaning Nearby Restaurants Sedimentation and Construction of Shell Garden Marshland Section Shell Recycling Waste Debris from De-industrialized Land Recycled Shell Wall Reef Construction Spat Nursery Recycled Building Waste Abandoned Factory Oyster and Kelp Farms Floating Marshland Floating Working Station Restaurants
Rock Fill Existing Sea Wall Structure Nourishment using material from spices garden site Nourishment Original Land-form Marshland to protect the shoreline and construct novel ecologies Transplanting clams

The Realm of Opacity

Shanghai Post-Expo Site MasterPlanning, Shanghai, China

Shanghai Master Planning Studio

2018 Fall | Instructor: Tiger Lin

Individual Work

After the legend of Shanghai Expo, the site is left with vast empty land surrounded by barriers. These boundaries have different materialities and opacities, thereby changing our perceptions of space, in particularly the ownership of space. Through observations, boundaries of the site are catergorized into temporal, soft and hard boundaries and they have various opacities.

While concrete barrier has higher opacity which implies privacy ,wire fence has higher permeability and hence gives the idea of semi-public. Even public space has

boundaries for maintenance reason, soft landscape elements will usually be applied. Boundaries are closely related to land use. Thus, it has different functions at work, they could be for directional guide,showing ownership and territory of land,for practical maintenance and for safety purpose. another problem of the site is the monotonic nature of programs due to unreasonably large extend of land (around 200-400m). This problem is made worse by the barriers. Although boundaries are useful for the land owner, they limit our interactions with the site as it only includes visual experience for the pedestrians.

14 03


Seeing how opacity controls circulation master plan 1:6000



15 10m 5m 20m

/The realm of Opacity/ /Hide and Seek/


齡活空間 Play Space ALIVE

齡活空間 Play Space ALIVE HKHS Prosperous Garden | Team members: Anson Wong, May Chan, Ellena Wong Role: Graphic Representation, Circulation Design, Device Design

跨代共融遊樂空間設計比賽 駿發花園

Intergenerational Play Space Design Competition

Intergenerational Play Space Design Competition 1st Runner-up

HKHS Prosperous Garden | P105

1. Smart Railing 智能欄杆

2. Market Space 市集廣場

3. Creative Space 創意樂園

4. Main Corridor 主要通道

5. Fast Track 快速通道

6. Slow Track 慢速通道

7. Kinetic Board 動能發電板

8. Movable Platform 可移動平台

9. Charging Station 充電站

10. Rolling Ball Sculpture 滾球裝置

11. Sensory Garden 感官花園

11 10 1 3 2 7 6 5 4 8 9 Sensory Garden 感官花園 自由坐 羅馬廣場 創意樂園 充電站 可移動平台 動能發電板 市集 自由坐 智能欄杆 Smart Railing Game for elderly to guess the planting names and enhance cognitive skill Facilitating rehabilitation and a place to monitor heart rate Seating Mound A space for playing and free seating Seating Mound A space for playing and free seating Market Space Shaded space for special events Kinetic Board Utilizing kinetic energy to generate electricity Charging Station Movable Platform A space to observe and charge your phone Central Plaza Additional shading for the exposed site Movable furniture & adjustable shading Creative Space A Place for improvisations for age mixing Feeler s Zone Judger s Zone Thinker’s Zone Perceiver s Zone Thinker s Zone Perceiver s Zone
鳥瞰圖 Bird’s eye view A B’ B A A’
A’ B B’ 04

After the ball the boy chased, I sit back and watch, Inhale a grasp of Osmanthus fragrance.

遊樂設備設計總覽 Play Equipment Design Catalogue

On the tiles we jumped. Chasing across the cascades of sunlight, Those are the songs of laughters.

滾球裝置系統 Rolling Ball Sculpture System

多用途籃子和輕便球 Basket & Light-weight Ball

自由組合遊戲 Open-ended Game Combinations

可移動玻璃纖維平台 及折合式彩色帆布傘 Movable Glassfibre Platform with foldable horizontal canvas

智能多功能欄杆 Smart Multifunctional Railing


public space reconfigurated!


blem: Uneasy navigation

Oi Man Estate, a public housing estate built on a site with promi- nent topography change, is facing the challenge of aging population. Difficult navigation within the two phases of the estate causes segregation within one estate and inconvenience for the occupants.

The urban design aspires to improve the connection of the two phases through redesigning the topography while providing open community space, as social space for the elderly as well as plays-cape for the children.

Design solutions

2 Reconnect

1 Reprogramme

05 Sewing the landscape: Urban Design for Oi Man Public Housing Estate

Instructor: Natalia Echeverri , Bin Jiang

2017 Spring | Urban Design Studio

Individual work

3 Re-infiltrate

Site Context

Constructed in 1975, Oi Man Estate’s facilities are dilapidated. The main users of public spaces include the elderly, housewife as well as children.

Main challenges of the site includes difficult topography, segregating phase 1 and phase 2 buildings. However, programmes mainly concentrate in phase 1. Meanwhile, the site is vehicle oriented, truncating public space in the estate.


Uneasy navigation between phases for elderly

Uneven distribution of programmes


1. Reconnect

To ensure connection between phase 1 and phase 2 residential buildings. Land form is redesigned by replacing the existing tunnel with a gentle slope to ease navigations.

2. Reprogramme

As most existing programmes, such as markets are concentrated in phase 1, more programmes will be introduced to phase 2, featuring an underground shopping street.

3. Re-infiltrate

With limited residential space in Hong Kong, public Space is especially important for public housing estate. Greening spaces are also truncated in Oi Man Estate. Hence, infiltrating landscape greening could ensure the public space are comfortable for community activities.

Open Space for multipurpose Original Landform New Gentle Slope New Lookout New Multipurpose Open community Space Gentle Slope for reconnection Infiltrating greening Community Space
24 /Re-infiltrate/ /Reconnect/

Future Directions of Hong Kong Public Housing Redevelopment

Public Engagement Exhibition

22-23 June 2019, Cattle Depot, Hong Kong

Project lead by Vincci Mak | Academic | Collaboration Work

Individual Role: Research of public space, Interactive game design, liasion

A White Paper on Long Term Housing Strategy in Hong Kong (1998) indicates that 566 public housing buildings built before 1973 have to be redeveloped. This exhibition, Future Directions of Hong Kong Public Housing Redevelopment, in the light of redevelopment, aims to explore current Hong Kong public housing redevelopment projects, and incubate discussions to inspire future development directions with the aid of an interactive game. The aim is to find out how the general public think about public housing estate redevelopment and the usage of public space through a

public interactive game. The engagements were mostly framed to be about how the everyday space of a public housing resident’s daily experience may be impacted by housing estate redevelopment. Approximately 100 people participated in the engagement. An exhibition was held between June 21-23, 2019 at the Cattle Depot. The exhibition consists of 3 parts:

1. Introduction to redevelopment

2. Comparisons of three public housing estates and respective public space

3. Interactive Game

25 06

The interactive game begins with a comparison of diagrams examining public space before and after redevelopment in the three public estates.

These key spaces of residents are then categorized and colorcoded into game cards, carrying different spatial characteristics for participants to construct their ideal public housing estates.

At the interactive components of exhibition and public workshop, we post the question of “what is your ideal public housing


Their responses are collected through a sticker wall. Respective color refers to various public housing elements.

Categories of Discussion

• Environment density

• Entrance landscape

• Greening

• Accessibility (Transitional Space)

• Greening

• Accessibility (Transitional space)

• Sports facilities

• Play-scapes

• Heritage

• Shops

Entrance landscape of Pak Tin Estate Research comparing different categories of components in public housing under redevelopment scheme

The game board will be the spaces available for participants to redevelop the public housing estate. As you walk through the exhibition panels, you will be introduced to various landscape typologies, which are fundamental and essential elements of a public housing estate. Participants could choose up to 18

cards for your imaginary estate. Some elements occupy more spaces than others. While a suggested route is provided, you could also design your own journey to home.

What is your ideal public housing estate?

這個遊戲將帶您走過公共屋邨居民的日常生 活空間,經過不同屋邨每個代表性空間時, 您可以選擇您比較重視的空間品質,這些選 擇將構建成您的“理想公共屋邨”!


I want a Low-density community!

This game takes you through the everyday spaces that a public housing resident experience in their daily life. At each critical spatial moment of this imaginary journey through the public housing estate, you get to choose the spatial quality you aspire. Collectively, your selections will compose your “ideal public housing estate”!



Let’s farm at the community garden when have spare time

翻屋企前可以同其 他街坊聚下 can chat with my neighbours before go home in this big plaza

有個瓦遮頭落雨 唔駛擔遮 can go anywhere without an umbrella

我想有個草地 可以訓下

Let’s relax on the lawn!

如果籃球場可以用 作其他用途就好啦

I wish the court is not only used for playing basketball


It’s cool to stay under the tree shade!


Taking an elevator is efficient and convenient

重建之後見翻以前 啲集體回憶好有家 的感覺

Great to see heritage from the old estate! Full of memories!

行天橋都唔錯啊! 直接又安全
好開心重建之後還 保留以前啲習俗 So glad to preserve the intangible heritage! 樓下就有商場,買 餸冇難度!
dinner is easy here
you have a shopping mall
阿媽!其實游樂場 可以自由啲 A corridor could be our playground too!
direct route to go home!
Participants playing the game Public workshop teaching participants to play the game

Breathing Pavilion: Conversation of the light

Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong

Instructors: Mathew Robert Pryor, Gavin Scott Coates

2017 Fall | Biophysics Studio

Individual work

In the hustle and bustle of Queen’s Road East, priority of street use is given to vehicles. This gives rise to challenges and problems such as roadside heat, pollutants and limited pedestrian space.

Breathing Pavilion aims to increase green coverage for evapotranspiration and slow down traffic. By inducing dancing light patterns on to the ground, the design hopes to improve streetscapes for pedestrians.





1:100 Model of the Breathing Pavilion Night Scene Dancing Sunlight

Public Space and Art Related Work HKU-HULU Culture Sharp Island Land Art Competition - Champion

2016 Jan | Collaboration

Role: Concept design and construction

Winning the Land Art Competition, our team have the unprecedented chance to build our design in the coast of Sai Kung. My role in the project is concept design and construction of the installation.

Amazed by the instantaneous force of nature. The design involves an orchestra of bamboo music device to capture the sound of wind. The bamboos are oriented in different height in a half moon shape to witness simultaneous tidal changes.

Visitors could walk inside the bamboo orchestra to interact with the music and the sea.


Kung land art installation


Submerged in sand

SCALE 1:50 BEACH m 2.4 m m HIGH TIDE: 2.3 M LOW TIDE: 0.4 M SEA NOON TIME TIDAL HEIGHT (M) 0 2.5 m 1.4 m 1.6 m 0.5 m 1.7 m 2.0 m 0:00 24:00 Tidal Changes In Sharp Island Within A Day (From HK Observatory) EFFECT OF TIDAL CHANGE ON THE SHAPE OF THE INSTALLATION CAPTURING A MOMENT OF NATURE TOP VIEW SECTION OF THE BEACH Tuning pin Fishing net as string Holes Leaf node S E C T O N O F T H E N A T U R A L N S T R U M E N T: Sea breeze as performer Sound is produced when wind triggers whole ‘bamboo harp’ - Act as whistle, space in leaf note vibrate and give resonance under wind - Produce low frequency humming sound - Thinner string virbrates more - Produce higher frequency sound - Determine pitch of the string CONCRETE FOUNDATION 16 CM 16 CM BAMBOO 1.0 - 2.4M 2 CM Tuning pin: can be out-of-tuned Holes: drilled on each leaf note 1.5 CM String: Tied tightly 2 CM Nails: Secure the string Bamboo N S T A L L A T O N * Bamboo lower than 1.6M will not be equipped with the string system Submerged in sand VARIATION OF ‘MOON SHAPE’ DUE TO TIDAL CHANGE ITEMS PRICE ($) No. Amount Tuning pins 280 1120 Bamboo String (~3m) 33 1320 coils 960 Screw (125 screws in pack) bags 50 Concrete Shipping 500 TOTAL 0.164 m 234 4184 SCALE 1:50 BEACH 1 m 2.4 m 8 m HIGH TIDE: 2.3 M LOW TIDE: 0.4 M SEA NOON TIME TIDAL HEIGHT (M) 0 2.5 m 1.4 m 1.6 m 0.5 m 1.7 m 2.0 m 0:00 24:00 Tidal Changes In Sharp Island Within A Day (From HK Observatory) EFFECT OF TIDAL CHANGE ON THE SHAPE OF THE INSTALLATION CAPTURING A MOMENT OF NATURE TOP VIEW SECTION OF THE BEACH Tuning pin Fishing net as string Holes Leaf node S E C T O N O F T H E N A T U R A L I N S T R U M E N T: Sea breeze as performer Sound is produced when wind triggers whole ‘bamboo harp’ - Act as whistle, space in leaf note vibrate and give resonance under wind - Produce low frequency humming sound - Thinner string virbrates more - Produce higher frequency sound - Determine pitch of the string CONCRETE FOUNDATION 16 CM 16 CM BAMBOO 1.0 2.4M CM Tuning pin: can be out-of-tuned Holes: drilled on each leaf note 1.5 CM String: Tied tightly CM Nails: Secure the string Bamboo N S T A L L A T O N * Bamboo lower than 1.6M will not be equipped with the string system Submerged in sand VARIATION OF ‘MOON SHAPE’ DUE TO TIDAL CHANGE ITEMS PRICE ($) No. Amount Tuning pins 280 1120 Bamboo String (~3m) 33 1320 8 coils 960 Screw (125 screws pack) 3 bags 50 Concrete Shipping 500 TOTAL 0.164 m 234 4184 NOON TIME 1.4 m 1.6 m 2.0 m 24:00 when CONCRETE FOUNDATION 16 CM 16 CM BAMBOO 1.0 - 2.4M 2 CM Tuning pin: can be out-of-tuned Holes: drilled on each leaf note 1.5 CM String: Tied tightly 2 CM Nails: Secure the string I N S T A L L A T I O N : * Bamboo lower than 1.6M will not be equipped with the string system

Post-Covid Healing Space

The Urban Oasis


Cherry Street Amenity Imaginary: The Urban Oasis

Team members: Ellena Wong, Tim Chan, Richard Tang Role: Modeling, Module design, rendering

HKIA Post Covid Space compeition 3rd Prize

Cherry Street Amenity Plot

In light of limited available public spaces and its increasing ognition in the post covid era, open spaces must extendeyond its traditional spatial understanding into the esidual, le over spaces

This proposal highlights the public space underneath flyovers in Hong Kong a typology of the interstitial le over space for its characteristic abundance in the city and underutilized possibilities.


With Covid dramatically changing our everyday life, public open spaces have become more critical than ever as a refuge for socializing and a pla orm for numerous activities in presence of pandemic risks in indoor, enclosed spaces. In response to Covid, post-Covid, open spaces serve for us to adapt and cope in this new era, but more importantly, they should become much-needed sanctuaries for healing and recovery.

With Covid dramatically changing our everyday life, public open spaces have become more critical than ever as a refuge for socializing and a pla orm for numerous activities in presence of pandemic risks in indoor, enclosed spaces. In response to Covid, post-Covid, open spaces serve for us to adapt and cope in this new era, but more importantly, they should become much-needed sanctuaries for healing and recovery.

Post-Covid Healing Space is an exemplary prototype of what public spaces need to become - a place for recovery. This proposal demonstrates how public spaces can o er beyond what they can currently do under the particular typology of residual public spaces under the flyover to illustrate the design philosophy’s and strategic approach’s substantial potential.

Post-Covid Healing Space is an exemplary prototype of what public spaces need to become - a place for recovery. This proposal demonstrates how public spaces can o er beyond what they can currently do under the particular typology of residual public spaces under the flyover to illustrate the design philosophy’s and strategic approach’s substantial potential.

Design Plan

A hidden dimension free from the stress of post-Covid era and the fast-paced lifestyle of the city.

A flexible and safe space for recharge, meditate, gather, interact and isolate at the same time

A mystic and tranquil sanctuary.

In the post covid era, public spaces are critical asset for the communities to engage in social activities, play, learn, and relieve stress Rethinking of open spaces under post covid era revolves around the concept of “healing” which is supported by the following 4 key building blocks.

In the post covid era, public spaces are critical asset for the communities to engage in social activities, play, learn, and relieve stress Rethinking of open spaces under post covid era revolves around the concept of “healing” which is supported by following 4 key building blocks.

Healing Strategy

A plot of 10m by 10m at the entrance to the Cherry Street Amenity Plot in Tai Kok Tsui of the Yau Tsim Mong District is selected as the site for design demonstration as the surrounding area has a super high population density with very little available public spaces per person.

Healing Components

panels + curtain Urban Station pop-up pieces planters + paving public space s residual public spaces underneath the flyover. Hexagonal geometry is derived from triangulation for spatial usage e ciency + variability vertical elements horizontal elements: Diverse components for place-making and versatility of experiences & opportunities In light of limited available public spaces and its increasing ognition in the post covid era, open spaces must extendeyond its traditional spatial understanding into the This proposal highlights the Hong Kong as a typology of the interstitial le over space for its characteristic abundance 0 0.1 0.2 Yau Tsim Mong District, Tai Kok Tsui Neighborhood Healing Space follow the below design principles: Vertical elements Open Space (m /person) Cherry Constituency Area Demographics 21,868 Total population Age distribution: Low income (<$6,000/month) working population: Yau Tsim Mong District Tai Kok Tsui Neighborhood 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 Functional (many uses) Sensorial (many sensations) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Multi Experiential (many experiences) Dimensional (many pla orms) Dynamical (many combinations) Relational (many connections) Healing Smart Tech & Innovation Adaptability & Sustainability Accessibility & Interactability Place-making & Customizability Cherry Constituency Area Olympic MTR Station Vertical + Horizontal Horizontal elements Movable Panels *units in mm 2 3 5 6
Site of Demonstration
Design Philosophy
Removable for interaction + place-making Kinetic Illuminating Paving Recycled pallet Wood 0
panels + curtain Urban Station pop-up pieces + planters
foundational prototype
Hexagonal geometry is derived from triangulation for spatial usage e ciency + variability vertical elements + horizontal elements: Diverse components for place-making and versatility of experiences &
paving A
is derived for modulation and further development in accordance with the particular typology of public space s residual public spaces underneath the flyover.
0.1 0.2 Yau Tsim Mong District, Tai Kok Tsui Neighborhood Healing Space follow the below design principles: Vertical elements Open Space (m /person) Cherry Constituency Area Demographics Parameter of Design Area Hong Kong ~2.7m2 21,868 Total population 53% Age 20-49 Young adults and working class 119,432/km Population density Age distribution: Low income (<$6,000/month) working population: 16.9% ~1.9m ~1.6m2 Yau Tsim Mong District Tai Kok Tsui Neighborhood 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 Functional (many uses) Sensorial (many sensations) 2 3 4 5 6 Multi Experiential (many experiences) Dimensional (many pla orms) Dynamical (many combinations) Relational (many connections) Healing Smart Tech & Innovation Adaptability & Sustainability Accessibility & Interactability Place-making & Customizability 0.3 Cherry Constituency Area Olympic MTR Station Target open space: Cherry Street Amenity Plot Design boundary 10m by 10m Design boundary ~4.4m West Kowloon Corridor West km Cherry Street Amenity Plot Vertical + Horizontal Horizontal elements Movable Panels *units in mm 2 3 5 6 POST-COVID HEALING SPACE Cherry Street Amenity Plot Site of Demonstration Healing Design Philosophy Cherry Street Amenity Imaginary: The Urban Oasis Healing Components
Strategy Hexagonal urban stations Plug-in Seating Panel Acrylic Panel Acrylic Panel Interactive Display Screen Removable for interaction place-making Displaying caring message from mobile devices Movable Seating Pavilion Glow in the dark pigment Recycled pallet Wood Stainless Steel Charging Station Adjustable translucent curtain for enclosure For event display and night show at night For event display and night show at night Starry Curtain Urban Station Kinetic Illuminating Paving Recycled Wood Planter Stainless Steel Terrarium Recycled Plastic Light Cube Retractable Seating Movable Seating Projector Mural Recycled pallet Wood Stainless Steel Stainless Steel LED Screen dynamical combinations for placemaking a Seating-out area and a playscape Shade-tolerant Plants 1200 2500 1000 2500 1800 1250 1200 2500 500 500 500 600 450 1000 Plug-in Seating Panel Interactive Display Screen Starry Curtains Projector Urban Station Mural Kinetic Illuminating Paving Recycled Wood Planter Stainless Steel Terrarium Recycled Plastic Light Cube Retractable / Movable Seating Table 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 10 10 10 0 2 5m Flyover Edge 10m 10m Extent Design Plan A hidden dimension free from the stress of post-Covid era and the fast-paced lifestyle of the city. A flexible and safe space for recharge, meditate, gather, interact and isolate at the same time A mystic and tranquil sanctuary. 09

Sectional Understanding

Sectional Understanding

Proposal Potentials Across Scales & Applications

Proposal Potentials Across Scales & Applications

34 Cultural Activities Social Gathering Playscape F Music Performance Tai Chi And Yoga Community Meeting Workshops Topographic Exploration Heal by Eating - Weekdays 12pm Heal by Place-making - Weekdays 3:30pm Existing planter Urban station River of lights Topographic corner Applications Tung Hei Rd, under Island East Corridor, next to Newton Habour View, Shau Kei Wan Sassoon Road Yen Chow Street, under West Kowloon Corridor, Shum Shui Po Starry Curtain Mural Wall Recycled Plastic Light Cube Retractable Seating Movable Seating Terrarium Urban Station Playscape E F Solitary Time Community Meeting Workshops Performance Space Private Space Jenga Space Topographic Exploration C D River Of Lights Kinetic Illuminating Paving 6 1 Healing components: Heal by Eating - Weekdays 12pm Heal by Place-making - Weekdays 3:30pm Heal by Socializing - Weekends 2pm Heal by Sensing - Weekends 8pm Mural wall Interactive screen display Terrarium island Existing planter Urban station River of lights Topographic corner 0 1 2 3 4 5 m
Chatham Rd N, near Kiang Hsi St, To Kwa Wan Yen Chow Street, under West Kowloon Corridor, Shum Shui Po Interactive Display Screen Plug-in Seating Panel Urban Station Starry Curtain Mural Wall Recycled Plastic Light Cube Retractable Seating Movable Seating Terrarium Performance Space Private Space Jenga Space Topographic Exploration C D Heal by Place-making - Weekdays Heal by Socializing - Weekends Heal by Sensing - Weekends 8pm Mural wall Interactive screen display Terrarium island Existing planter Urban station River of lights Topographic corner 0 1 2 3 4 5 m
Tung Hei Rd, under Island East Corridor, next to Newton Habour View, Shau Kei Wan Sassoon Road Nam Cheong Street Sitting-out Area Chatham Rd N, near Kiang Hsi St, To Kwa Wan Yen Chow Street, under West Kowloon Corridor, Shum Shui Po Interactive Display Screen Plug-in Seating Panel Urban Station Starry Curtain Mural Wall Recycled Plastic Light Cube Retractable Seating Movable Seating Terrarium Performance Space Private Space Jenga Space Topographic Exploration B D E Activities: C D Activities: Heal by Place-making - Weekdays 3:30pm Heal by Socializing - Weekends 2pm Heal by Sensing - Weekends 8pm

Root City

LA+ INTERRUPTION 2022 Competition Honorable Mention

Group members: Ellena Wong, Lillian Chung, Kai Zicheng Zhao

Role: Concept development, Collage

To grow up, a city must root down. Imagining the city as a tree, while it thrives for economic growth, it needs nutrients and resources. Infrastructure construction and resource extraction has always been a top-down controlled operation. As the city has always been conventionally growing skyward, what if its roots can also grow organically and spontaneously downward?

The Vegas Times

“To grow up, a city must root down.”
"All the News at's Fit to Print" LAS VEGAS, SUNDAY, JULY 27, 2025 60 CENTS VOL. CXLVII No. 50,967 Las Vegas: Today sunny. High 103F. Winds SSW 15 to 25 mph. Tomorrow mainly sunny sky. High 99F. Winds 10 to 20 mph. Yesterday, mostly sunny skies. High near 105F. Winds SSW to 10 mph. Late Edition VEGAS INITIATING ITS GRAND VISION OF ROOT CITY Record-breaking weekend temperatures part of Southwest heat wave ‘I’m not a bad person,’ homelessness on the Strip has tourists fearful ere’s Actually A Whole Civilization Of ‘Mole People’ Living Beneath Las Vegas BY DAVID N. JONES BY ANNA BROWN project o ers residences and jobs for homeless, and is expected to relieve water resource disparity in the city, said an o cial. We live here because we can, and we’re not bothered by anyone. You know, it’s lot of out-of-sight, out-of-mind.” More than 42 million tourists traveled to Las Vegas in 2018 see the shows, the entertainers, and the gambling halls that make the city one of the nation’s most popular travel destinations. Las Vegas valley is also the home of more than 2.25 million residents, easily the most densely populated region in the state of Nevada. What the tourists and the residents do not see, however, unique vision for the future that is being implemented underneath the famous Las Vegas Strip. at’s where the Southern Nevada Water Authority is building organic root city as gigantic “pumping station”, $650-million, een-year project that plans open in 2040. project is critical to ensuring the region’s water supply. When it’s completed, will have the capacity to produce more than 900 million gallons of water each day from hundreds feet below the surface. underground city is sophisticated, complex, and expensive safety net that addresses the consequences climate change. A drought that started in 2002 has caused elevation in Lake Mead fall more than 130 feet. “It will take many years of incredible snowpack for Lake Mead, Lake Powell, and other reservoirs to recover from this long-standing drought and the consequences of climate change,’’ said Erika Moonin, SNWA project manager. Indar pumps consist of multistage centrifugal pumps directly coupled to submersible electric motor in an inverted con guration and are designed for permanent submersible operation of clean water. pumps are set with 13,800-volt motors that range from 3,150 HP to 5,200 HP. “It’s really an unsung project, but it’s important for the Las Vegas community to guarantee their water supply,’’ said Tyler Askin, project engineer for Barnard. Due to the public-private partnership nature of the project, government aims to er jobs opportunities and residences for increasing homeless population in the city. enrollment details will be announced later September. is will be win-win situation for multiple skateholders the city, residents and homeless people. It help addresses our water crisis worsen by cliamte change, as well as an alternative way for re-engaging sini cant marginalized population in our society,” said by an cial during the construction inauguration. Pipeline construction waork has been inaugurated last ursday, indicating milestone in the city’s development of Las Vegas. BY BROWN Phoenix, Las Vegas, Denver and California’s Death Valley all posted record temperatures on Saturday, as dangerous heat swept across the American Southwest. National Weather Service in Phoenix reported temperature of 114 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius), tying the record high for the date set back 1918. Las Vegas tied record for the day set 1956, with temperatures soaring 109 (43 C). National Weather Service said there was chance the high temperatures both cities could rise even more. rst heatwave of the year has numerous climate sites threatening daily record highs and record warm lows," added the Las Vegas National Weather Service. In Colorado, Denver hit 100 (38 C), tying record set 2013 for both the high temperature and the earliest calendar calendar ay to reach 100 Temperatures in several inland areas California have reached triple digits by the the ernoon, with record high for June 11 122 (50 C) reached in Death Valley. Excessive heat warnings and heat advisories were issued for parts Northern California through the Central Valley and down the southeastern deserts. High pressure will create heat dome over the Western US. dome will trap any escaping radiation and send it back the ground, while the sun's rays continue to penetrate through. is, combined with arid soils from an extensive and long-term drought, will allow temperatures rise record levels over parts of California and the Southwest, with high temperatures from the upper 90s to over 110 degrees on Friday, the Weather Prediction Center said. Times have been tough for some people and shows around the valley. Even along the Las Vegas Strip, where the homeless have become more prevalent. As one of the most popular streets in the world, Las Vegas Boulevard ers an opportunity for some homeless to eke out living. “Not everyone wants to be homeless out here,” said Chamber King, musician who spends much of his time on the Strip. “I’m not bad person, I’m an honest person, I’m hardworking person and just want be treated as such, that’s all.” King moved to Las Vegas from Kentucky with his girlfriend, but when the relationship came to an end, he found himself with nowhere to live. Some tourists, however, can feel uncomfortable with the large homeless presence on the Strip. But, Steven Campbell, social media uencer said “the homeless are people like anyone else. lot of them have severe problems that we don’t know about.” In response the issue of homelessness in Las Vegas, LVMPD has created the Homeless Outreach Team, with the goal address the problem and bring bring resources those need. Renner, Thomas. “New Project Keeps Water Running To Las Vegas.” Water Online, accessed June 29, 2022. https://www.wateronline.com/doc/new-project-keeps-wa ter-running-to-las-vegas-0001 Partlow, Joshua. “Vomiting. The loss of strength: Southwest heat drives health fears.” The Washington Post. June 15, 2022. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2022/06/13/extreme-heat-las-vegas/ Jones, Judson. “A 'dangerous and deadly heat wave' the way, the weather service warns.” CNN. June 2022. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/08/weather/heat-forecast-southwest-wednesday/index.html The Associated Press. “Phoenix, Vegas, Denver post record temps amid Southwest heat wave.” June 12, 2022. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/phoenix-vegas-denver-post-records-southwest-heat-wave-rcna33161 Hembleton, Brittany. “There’s Actually Whole Civilization Of ‘Mole People’ Living Beneath Las Vegas.” The Premier Daily. April 1, 2021. https://thepremierdaily.com/mole-people-las-vegas/ Provo, Brandon. “Together we can make difference our community.” Las Vegas Sun. 26 June, 2022. https://lasvegassun.com/news/2022/jun/26/together-we-can-make-a-difference-in-our-community/ Las Vegas has one the worst rates of urban homelessness the entire United States. ere are approximately 500 homeless people in the city, but only two thousand shelter beds available. In November 2019, the city Las Vegas made illegal to camp or sleep on certain streets when there are shelter beds available. Violators will either receive ne of one thousand dollars or face six months jail. Despite the dangers, many the mole people do not see themselves leaving the tunnels anytime soon. Not, at least, until the city can address some its housing problems. Until then, the dangers of living in an unpatrolled, dark, and hazardous underground world are preferable whatever waits for them above. Sources: 1500 3000 ft A TALE OF TWO CITIES “Symbiosis of Above & Underground”


REVIVING MINES Shandong Park competition | Finalist

Team Members : Lillian Chung, Carmen Kwok and Ellena Wong

Role: Rendering, Representation

Mining is an on-going process, shifting the meaning of land from time to time. In our proposal, the term “post mines” does not exist, instead, it is a shift from mining non-renewable resources to “mining” sustainable future that fosters landscape restoration and community resiliency. Regarding existing and potential mine sites in Zibo, there should not be only one single defined solution to their future.

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