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The best diet for acne is one that is rich in fruits and vegetables; omega-3 oils; vitamins and minerals, and low in fat. Studies have shown that while there may not be a direct link between diet and acne, it doesn't hurt to maintain a healthy diet to prevent the condition. Moreover, if you have acne, a diet rich in vegetables and fruit; no sugar or fried foods; no Trans fat or dairy products; can certainly increase the chances you will not develop acne. Foods containing healthy omega-3 oils such as ground flaxseeds and sardines should be incorporated into your diet, while drinking 8 glasses of water a day and increasing fiber intake is beneficial. While vitamin A may help to reduce sebum production, it is warned that high doses of vitamin A can carry a risk of decreased bone density, headache, and muscle and joint pain. If your diet consists of vitamin E, zinc, and beta-carotene to your diet, then vitamin A may not be necessary. Zinc, especially in the form of zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate, can help prevent acne. Zinc helps heal blemishes, reduces inflammation, and reduces hormonal effects on the skin. According to two studies which compared zinc to tetracycline, it was found that zinc was as effective as tetracycline. The other study found zinc had a definite effect on acne. So too, vitamin B6 may help premenstrual acne. Because acne may appear during the menstrual cycle, vitamin B6 stabilizes the metabolism and you would be less likely to develop acne. While the food we consume has an overall effect on our health, it seems likely then, that it would have an effect on our skin as well. Recent research suggests that high insulin levels due to excess sugar in the body led to a release of higher levels of androgens (male hormones) in the system. Androgen triggers excess sebum production which can lead to acne. Therefore reducing insulin levels can help acne and oily skin. Sugar is found in processed carbohydrates such as white bread, crackers, and any white flour products. The best thing you can do is switch to whole grain carbohydrates as these do not effect the insulin levels in the same way the white flour products do. A diet including whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats will not only help your skin look better, but you will also be contributing to the healthy of your body as well. A proper nutritional diet is the best diet for acne. While we all love chocolate, the rule of thumb is everything in moderation. Acne comes and goes. It is unpredictable. However, to decrease the chances of it occurring, the best form of action to take is a preventative one.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Breyen_Rhodes
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