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One of the big controversies about fat burning versus calorie burning is which direction should you take to get results. Cardio burns lots of calories; in many cases burning calories doesn't necessarily translate into burning a lot of fat. Cardiovascular exercises can strip you of badly needed muscle tone when done to excess. Many people who run on treadmills for hours on end can get "skinny fat". That means they lose a lot of weight but not necessarily a proportional amount of fat. Muscle loss can usually be seen very clearly when you put your finger into somebody's arm or leg and instead of getting resistance, the muscle sinks like a pillow case full of feathers. This is counterproductive and will cost you muscle tone. If you're overweight because your fat percentage is over 20%, you need to switch to fat burning workouts to get in shape. Instead of aimlessly running on the treadmill, try the jump rope workout and vary your intensity. By varying your intensity every 60 seconds or so you can go from 60% of maximum all the way up to 90% of maximum for a short time and back down again. This variable intensity workout concept allows your body to slip to anaerobic workout for short period of time. The key here is to increase your metabolism and switch your body for a third of time into fat burning mode rather than burning sugar. You don't have to exert yourself to the point of exhaustion to accomplish this feat. What you'll find when you are working out for fat burning is an increase in body temperature throughout the day for at least an hour or two. One of the best exercises I've found for getting your fat burning workout going is the Burpee. You can work out for 10 or 15 minutes in a low impact routine and your body will benefit for the entire day. Squat thrusts aren't excellent overall body exercise that can get you pumped and keep your muscles in shape while you burn fat. Once you get good at the Burpee, you can vary your moves to increase resistance you can even slow the sequences down for even greater contraction.
Stand erect with your legs shoulder width apart. I see in a squatting position with your hands shoulder width apart Kick both feet back as you assume the push-up position Bring your feet back in return to the squat position as before Stand up with your shoulders back and arms at your side Do not waste time; you'll want your next rep immediately
Maintain proper form throughout the exercise to ensure its effectiveness. At the end of the workout, it's time to stretch your body to maintain flexibility The birth be done only burn fat, it helps you maintain lean muscle mass. You can use this routine to get a firm, gained strength and develop stamina. Burke these are old-school, and definitely good for you. This is one of the essential fat burning routines that got me from 47% body fat to 20. Fat Burning Workouts can be long or short: Not everyone likes the workout; they may not want to go through the arduous process of building muscle. If you find that you're not ready for Burpees at this point, start with walking. A walking program will burn fat though a lot more slowly than a full low impact workout. If you're able to use a stair climber or elliptical machine, these are another fantastic way to burn fat and build muscle. Simply vary the intensity over 15 to 20 minute. You should go from low to moderate to extremely high and back again. This will get you up to the fat burning zone quickly and keep your body burning for the rest of the day. Best fat burning workouts - Burpees, walking and the jump rope The general population is ignorant about the differences between burning calories and burning fat but don't let that stop you from achieving your goals. You can change tactics throughout the week; you can focus on calorie deficit and burn calories through your exercise program or increasing your activity level throughout the day. You can then place special emphasis on fat burning workouts at other times during the week to maintain and it or increase your metabolism. Strength training is a great way to keep your metabolic rate high and build muscle at the same time. You can create a pretty potent fat burning using a jump rope workout, Burpee use and walking for cool down. These three exercises can give you a powerful fat burning routine in 40 minutes or less.
Regardless of the exercise you choose to perform, taking a progressive approach in which you improve your skill incrementally is a safe way to approach the issue and ensures that you will stick with it. If you do have the time for lengthy exercise or you find an hour of walking a day to help both body and mind, that's great. If you have a hectic lifestyle and you simply want to accomplish fat burning and strength training in 15 to 20 minute intervals now you have a shot at getting what you want. Get working on your body today by getting your activity level up and start a strength training program and you will see a significant difference in a short period of time. You can lose the fat and gain your strength and endurance if you follow these simple rules. Get my free manual on trimming the fat and feeling great and getting fit. Go to => http://www.fatburningworkoutafter40.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Francis
==== ==== Great Fat Burning Tips and a Free Ebook. This Product is Rated as One of The Best! http://tinyurl.com/7n24owo ==== ====